Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report #59 As of 21 June 2021

Situation summary in Mongolia

● 17,455 cases and 436 deaths were newly confirmed in the past week. ● 12,118 new cases were confirmed in UB and 5,337 cases were confirmed in 19 provinces of total 21 in the past seven days. ● Two provinces of the country have haven’t reported new cases within the past seven days ● 11,533 close contacts have been identified and 8,451 (73.3%) family, 358 (3.1%) workplaces, 602 (5.2%) relatives, 139 (12%) from friends, 111 (1.0%) from same apartments and ger districts, 13 (0.1%) from same gatherings, 173 (1.5%) from others. There were also 1,686 unlinked close contacts. ● HCWs infection is 1.74% (1593 cases) of all of the reported confirmed cases. 597 (36.4%) of them is community acquired infections. ● city hospital bed occupancy rate is 86.7% (previous week 98.9%), ICU bed occupancy rate is 90.4% (last week 96.1%). ● 145 soums of 18 aimags (provinces) started movement restrictions and/or entry restrictions by the decisions of the local administrative offices. ● 1947 beds deployed in multiple settings. ● Vaccination of pregnant women and children between 16-18 has started in the past week. ● The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) scheduled 23 international flights for July.

Epidemic curve of local cases of COVID-19, confirmed date

1 Mongolia Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report #59 As of 21 June 2021

Epi Updates

Indicators Total Past week Weekly changes

Cases 95,802 17,455 23.0% 553 7 65.0% Imported ⇧ 95,249 17,448 28.7% Local ⇩ ⇧ HCW 4,523 210 73.6%

Deaths 436 71 13.4%⇩

Tests 3,143,397 82,326 18.3%⇩

Vaccination 3,605,090 70,595 37.0%⇩

Laboratory positivity rate ⇩

The continued high positivity rates this week 21.2% (16.3% last week). The number of test has increased by 18.7% (82326 in this week; 66902 in previous week).

2 Mongolia Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report #59 As of 21 June 2021

National weekly transmission stage assessment

Date of last Total Cases per In last 7 Total Mongolia WPRO № Provinces case number of 10,000 CFR Transmission stages description days death stage stage confirmed cases population 1 Arkhangai 20 June 332 982 103.37 stage 3 stage 2 Stage 0 – Umnugovi province at 2 Bayan-Ulgii 20 June 80 141 12.99 stage 2 stage 2 stage 0 and no cases reported. Active 3 20 June 596 1228 138.49 3 0.2% stage 3 stage 2 surveillance is ongoing. No imported cases. The level of confidence is low- 4 20 June 125 491 79.08 3 0.6% stage 3 stage 2 moderate 5 Govi-Altai 20 June 483 1256 217.50 1 0.1% stage 3 stage 2 Stage 1: Dornogovi province 6 Govisumber 20 June 87 210 117.14 stage 3 stage 2 reported no new cases. 7 -Uul 20 June 369 1417 132.41 stage 3 stage 2 Stage 2: 19 provinces are reported 8 Dornogovi 29 May 0 74 10.42 1 1.4% stage 2 stage 1 local clusters. Clusters related to 9 Dornod 20 June 157 308 37.54 stage 3 stage 2 elections, funerals, religious events 10 Dundgovi 12 June 172 401 85.13 1 0.2% stage 3 stage 2 such as mass worshipping of sacred mountains and rivers have been 11 Zavkhan 20 June 213 752 103.26 2 0.3% stage 3 stage 2 reported. ICU bed occupancy 15,2%, 12 Orkhon 20 June 573 1847 171.60 4 0.2% stage 3 stage 2 COVID-19 bed occupancy 86,6%, 13 Uvurkhangai 20 June 356 999 85.58 stage 3 stage 2 intermediate facilities occupancy 14 Umnugovi - 0 0 0.00 stage 1 stage 0 rate is 40,4%. 15 Sukhbaatar 20 June 178 644 101.93 2 0.3% stage 3 stage 2 Stage 3 – 36.4% of HCWs infections 16 Selenge 20 June 260 909 82.55 stage 3 stage 2 are community acquired infection 17 Tuv 20 June 509 2339 248.17 4 0.2% stage 3 stage 2 Insufficient active surveillance 18 Uvs 20 June 157 395 47.46 stage 3 stage 2 Increasing positivity (highest number reported, 20) and number of 19 20 June 85 439 48.93 stage 2 stage 2 specimens tested; insufficient 20 Khuvsgul 20 June 279 592 43.82 1 0.2% stage 3 stage 2 number of testing centers for 21 Khentii 20 June 326 676 86.71 1 0.1% stage 3 stage 2 symptomatic/suspected cases 22 Ulaanbaatar 20 June 12118 77,278 501.87 417 0.5% stage 4 stage 3 ICU bed occupancy rate is 85%

Immunization  84240 out of 2.35 million doses of Phizer donation from the Government of Japan was received.  As of 21 June 2021, 1st dose coverage was 89.2%, and 2nd dose coverage was 79.2%. The 1st dose coverage among the population is 59%, 2nd dose coverage is 52%. Pregnant women- 1031, lactating mothers- 860, children aged 16-17 – 10294 are vaccinated with 1st dose respectively.

Health care services ● COVID-19 Hotline expanded with the 2nd line for referral services for severe cases ● 40 buses were mobilized as mobile COVID-19 emergency outpatient centers linked to hotline in Ulaanbaatar ● 1947 additional bed mobilized in UB including intermediate facilities and private hospitals.

Planning and information  Setting up of multisectoral surveillance teams for contact tracing, cluster investigation and information management is in progress in the 9 districts. NCCD, Intelligence, Police, Red Cross volunteers and newly graduates of Public Health School are in the teams.  National surveillance and response guidelines are revised including contact tracing, reporting, screening, triage procedures and indicators for surveillance, contact tracing and health care capacity respectively.  Multisectoral WG on IAR is appointed to support responses at subnational level. IAR assessment tools are under development. 3