Analysis of Demand in Mount Salak Endah Tourism Object in Bogor Regency

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Analysis of Demand in Mount Salak Endah Tourism Object in Bogor Regency EKO-REGIONAL, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2017, pp. 32-39 Analysis of Demand in Mount Salak Endah Tourism Object in Bogor Regency By: Bunari Pandu Junior High School Bogor Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT This research was to find out how is the demand to visit Mount Salak Endah tourism object. From the results of demand analysis of Mount Salak Endah tourism object, it was obtained that: a) length of journey had a negative effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of -0.753; b) length of journey to other similar tourism object (Puncak) had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of 0.501; c) perception of admission ticket price to other similar tourism object (Puncak) had a negative effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of -0.310; d) perception of tourism facilities in Mount Salak Endah had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of 0.314; and e) perception of culinary in Mount Salak Endah had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object. Keywords: Mount Salak Endah, Demand of Tourism Object, Travel Cost Method, Perception of Tourism Facilities, Perception of Culinary. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana permintaan untuk berkunjung ke objek wisata Gunung Salak Endah. Dari hasil analisis permintaan objek wisata Gunung Salak Endah, diperoleh bahwa: a) panjang perjalanan memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke objek wisata Gunung Salak Endah dengan nilai koefisien - 0,753; b) Lama perjalanan ke objek wisata serupa lainnya (Puncak) memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke objek wisata Gunung Salak Endah dengan nilai koefisien 0,501; c) Persepsi harga tiket masuk ke objek wisata lain yang serupa (Puncak) memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke objek wisata Gunung Salak Endah dengan nilai koefisien -0,310; d) persepsi fasilitas pariwisata di Gunung Salak Endah memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke objek wisata Gunung Salak Endah dengan nilai koefisien 0,314; dan e) persepsi kuliner di Gunung Salak Endah memiliki efek positif pada jumlah kunjungan ke objek wisata Gunung Salak Endah. Kata Kunci: Gunung Salak Endah, Permintaan Objek Wisata, Metode Biaya Perjalanan, Persepsi Fasilitas Wisata, Persepsi Kuliner. INTRODUCTION Bogor Regency is one of the areas in West Java Province that has the potential of natural tourism and is located adjacent to DKI Jakarta. This makes the Bogor Regency as a major tourist destination, especially in nature tourism. The natural beauty of the mountains along its various advantages, makes this area to be highly demanded by the public. Tourism potentials in Bogor Regency are nature tourism, culinary, shopping, art, cultural tourism, and special interest tourism, namely educational tourism (Hermawan, 2016). Nature tourism 32 !voÇ•]• }( 5uvY (Bunari) is one of the major tourist attraction offered to tourists who come to Bogor Regency (Agustine et al., 2016). The following is the data of Development Performance of Public Service Aspects on Tourism Affairs in 2008-2012 in Bogor Regency. As a mountain with fresh air and natural beauty, Mount Salak Endah area has beautiful and natural potentials such as Kawah Ratu, waterfall and natural hot water supported by a very supportive attitude of the population (Satria, 2009). The number of tourists visiting Mount Salak Endah tourism object in Bogor from 2010 to 2012 continued to increase. Table 1. Development Performance of Public Service Aspects on Affairs Tourism in 2008-2012 No. Indicator Performance Realization 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 Tourism Visits 2,230,010 2,361,155 2,597,385 4,230,475 4,696,627 The contribution of the tourism 2 sector to the GRDP at constant 2.94 2.93 2.98 6.21 3.1 prices (%) The contribution of the tourism 3 sector to the GRDP at 3.06 3.08 3.12 19.32 3.14 applicable price of (%) Source: Regional Development Work Plan 2014, Bogor Regency In tourism development, there are three aspects to be considered, namely: Attractions, Amenity, and Accessibility. Seeing from the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object, it shows an increasing trend, but the visitation growth decreases. In general, the demand function of the tourism object is affected by several factors, such as the travel cost to the tourist destination and other similar tourism object, individual/community income, the length of the journey to the tourist destination and other similar tourism object, the admission price of tourism object, infrastructure, art attraction, environmental condition and culinary in the tourist destination. Thus, the purpose of the research is to analyze the effect of travel cost to Mount Salak Endah tourism object, travel cost to the other tourism object, individual income, length of journey, the perception of the admission price, perception of tourism facilities, perception of environmental condition and perception of culinary on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object. 105000 99174 100000 94113 95000 90000 85557 Jumlahnumber Kunjungan of visits 85000 80000 75000 2010 2011 2012 Figure 1. Number of Visits at Mount Salak Endah Nature Tourism in 2010-2012 Source: Department of Culture and Tourism Bogor Regency, 2014 ANALYTICAL METHOD This research was conducted at Mount Salak Endah tourism object located in Pamijahan Sub-district, Bogor Regency. This location was selected because Mount Salak Endah tourism object is one of the potential tourism objects, but the management has not managed its potentials optimally. This research was conducted in December 2015 - February 2016. 33 EKO-REGIONAL, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2017, pp. 32-39 The object of this research was Mount Salak Endah tourism object located in Pamijahan Sub- district, Bogor Regency. This research used qualitative data, data were in the form of words, not numbers. However, in the process of data analysis, the research data was transformed from qualitative data into quantitative data. This was performed through encoding the respondents' answers. According to the data source, the types of data of this research were as follows: The research data was collected directly at the research location. The party who became the source of research data was the visitors visiting Mount Salak Endah tourism object. The data collection in this research was performed by the following methods: (1) Questionnaire; Data collection through questionnaires was conducted by the researcher by providing a list containing several questions to the respondents. The selected respondents were visitors of Mount Salak Endah tourism object that also visited Puncak (Peak) tourism object in Bogor regency. (2) Documentation; Documentation method was used to collect secondary data through existing documents as supporting data in this research. The population in this research was tourists visiting Mount Salak Endah Tourism Object. The basis for determining the sample was Purposive sampling by selecting the sample purposively, the number of respondents taken was based on research methods. Determination of the number of samples in this research used Isaac Michael Method (Arikunto, 2013) with the following equation: 6 k:ß6o L •6 Where: n = Number of Samples Z = Confidence/significance level r A í t significance, and e = Error rate From the calculation using the above equation, it was obtained the number of samples of 96 people by the researcher rounded to 100. There were 100 respondents interviewed consisting of tourists in Mount Salak Endah tourism object. 100 respondents were taken as samples because the number of tourist population was unknown. Data were collected by questionnaires prepared for each respondent (Hutasorit and Sari, 2014). This research estimated the demand function of Mount Salak Endah Tourism Object using Travel Cost Method (TCM). The difference was that this research used variables of perceptions about tourism object, amenity and the environment in Mount Salak Endah. This travel cost method examined the costs incurred by individuals to visit recreational areas (Salma and Susilowati, 2014). By determining the pattern of consumer spending, it can be assessed how the value given by consumers to natural resources and the environment. Travel Cost Method was performed by using information about the amount of money spent to reach the recreational area to estimate the value of benefits from efforts to change the environmental quality of the visited recreational area. The form of its function as in the research framework is as follows: Qij f ()Ci ,Cs I ,, Tiii ,Ts , Pii , Psi , Pswi , Pkli , Pki Where: Qi : Number of visits by individual i to Mount Salak Endah Ci : Travel costs incurred by individual i to visit the location of Mount Salak Endah CSi : Travel costs incurred by individual i to visit other similar tourism object Ii : Income of individual i. Ti : Length of journey or distance traveled by individual i to visit Mount Salak Endah TSi : Length of journey or distance traveled by individual i to visit other similar tourism object 34 !voÇ•]• }( 5uvY (Bunari) Pi : Perception on Admission Ticket Price of Mount Salak Endah Psi : Perception of Admission Ticket Price of Other Similar Tourism Object Pswi : Perception of individual i on Mount Salak Endah tourism object. Pkli : Perception of individual i on the environmental condition of Mount Salak Endah tourism object Pkui: Perception of individual i on the culinary of Mount Salak Endah tourism object In statistical criteria, 3 tests were applied in this analysis. These three tests are partial significance test (t-test), coefficient of determination (pseudo R2 dan count R), and simultaneous significance test (LR stat). RESULT AND DISCUSSION Classical Assumption Test The results of normality test indicate normally distributed residual value, because the significance value is greater than the error rate of 0.05%.
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