Tajweed Qur’An Reading
Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading _______________________________________ Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful HAYDARI MADRASAH (NAIROBI) QUR’AN READING T A J W E E D Class 8, Qamar & Shams ِ ِ ِ ِ َول َقَ ۡد يَ َ س ۡرنَا الۡ ُق ۡراٰ َن لل ذ ۡك ِر فَهَ ۡل م ۡن ُم َ دك رٍ ‘And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember, Then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?’ Appears 4 times in SURAH QAMAR CHAPTER 54 - AYAH 17, 22, 32, 40 Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading DUA E FARAJ O Allah, send blessings on Mohammad (saw) and his progeny O Allah be now and at all times for your deputy Hujjat Ibn Al-Hassan May Your blessings be upon him and his ancestors In this hour and in every hour Master, protector, guide, helper, proof and guard Until he resides peacefully on your earth And let him enjoy (Your bounties) for a long time (to come) By your Mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful ones Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading BEAUTIFUL SHORT DUA Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahim Allahummar Zukna bikulli harfin minal Qur’aani halawa Wa bi kulli kalimatin karama Wa bi kulli Aayatin sa’aada Wa bi kulli suuratin salama Wa bi kulli juz in jaza Bi fazlika, wa judika, wa karamika, Ya Arhamar Rahimeen Wa sal lallaho alaa Sayyidina Mohammad Wa alaa aalihi tayyibiinat tahireen ================================================================== In the Name of Allah, The Most Kind, The Most Merciful O Allah, Grant us Grace through every letter of the Holy Qur’an Honour through every Word, Happiness through every Ayat, Security and peace though every Sura, and reward through every Juz By Your Grace, Generosity and Kindness O, The Most Merciful of the Merciful Haydari Madrasah Tajweed Qur’an Reading Foreword September, 2020 With the Grace of the Almighty, the Haydari Madrasah presents this final compilation from a series of guidebooks on the recitation of the Holy Qur’an.
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