How Canadians Govern Themselves

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How Canadians Govern Themselves How Canadians Govern Themselves th Edititioion Eugene A. Forsey Cover photos: Library of Parliament/Mone Cheng (flag) Library of Parliament/Len Staples (Parliament Buildings) Canadian Tourism Commission Library Bibliothèque of Parliament du Parlement Produced by the Library of Parliament, Canada This publication is also available online at: How Canadians Govern Themselves First Edition ͻ΃΂ͺ © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada This seventh edition has been published with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, ͼͺͻͺ. Exemplaires en français disponibles également. Library of Parliament Catalogue No. ͻͻͺͼEIP (ͺͼ/ͼͺͻͺ) Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Forsey, Eugene A. (Eugene Alfred), ͻ΃ͺ;-ͻ΃΃ͻ How Canadians govern themselves ΁th ed. Issued also in French under title: Les Canadiens et leur système de gouvernement. Available also on the Internet. ISBN ΃΁΂-ͻ-ͻͺͺ-ͻ;ͽͿͻ-; Cat. no.: X΃-ͻͻ/ͼͺͻͺE ͻ. Canada--Politics and government. ͼ. Canada. Parliament. ͽ. Cabinet system--Canada. ;. Federal government--Canada. I. Canada. Library of Parliament II. Title. JL΀Ϳ F΀΁ ͼͺͻͺ ͽͼͺ.;΁ͻ Cͼͺͺ΃-΃΂ͺͽͿ΂-Ϳ Preface How Canadians Govern Themselves, fi rst For information on how to obtain additional published in 1980, explores Canada’s copies of this booklet, please contact: parliamentary system, from the decisions made Information Service by the Fathers of Confederation to the daily Library of Parliament work of parliamentarians in the Senate and Parliament Hill, Ottawa Ontario K1A 0A9 House of Commons. Useful information on Telephone: Canada’s Constitution, the judicial system, and Toll-free: 1-866-599-4999 provincial and municipal powers is gathered National Capital Region: together in this one reference book. The 613-992-4793 author adapted some material taken from an earlier edition prepared by Joseph Schull and An electronic version is available at published under the same title in 1971. Visit the Parliament of Canada’s Information The book was initially commissioned by the Centre at 125 Sparks Street. Department of the Secretary of State of Canada, which also published the second edition. The Français House of Commons published the third edition. Pour obtenir d’autres exemplaires de cette The fourth, fi fth, sixth and this seventh edition publication, renseignez-vous auprès du : were published by the Library of Parliament in consultation with the author’s family and with Service de renseignements the approval of the Department of Canadian Bibliothèque du Parlement Heritage. A deliberate eff ort has been made in Colline du Parlement each edition to keep revisions to a minimum Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A9 and to preserve the integrity of Senator Forsey’s Téléphone : historical judgements and writing style. Appel sans frais : 1-866-599-4999 Région de la capitale nationale : The ideas and opinions expressed in this 613-992-4793 document belong to the author or his Une version en format électronique est disponible authorized successors, and do not necessarily à l’adresse refl ect those of Parliament. Visitez le Centre d’information du Parlement canadien au 125, rue Sparks. Preface i Note on the Author From 1929 to 1941, Mr. Forsey served as a lecturer in economics and political science at McGill. In 1942, he became director of research for the Canadian Congress of Labour (CCL), a post he Photo: Jean-Marc Carisse Jean-Marc Photo: held for 14 years. From 1956 to 1966, he served as director of research for the CCL’s successor, the Canadian Labour Congress, and from 1966 to 1969, as director of a special project marking Canada’s centennial, a history of Canadian unions from 1812 to 1902. During most of his union career, he taught Canadian government at Carleton University in Ottawa and, later, Canadian government and Canadian labour history at the University of Waterloo. From 1973 to 1977, he served as chancellor of Trent University. Mr. Forsey ran for public offi ce four times for the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF). In the 1930s, he helped draft the Regina The Honourable Eugene A. Forsey, 1904–91 Manifesto, the CCF’s founding declaration of policy. The Honourable Eugene A. Forsey was widely Mr. Forsey was appointed to the Senate in 1970. regarded as one of Canada’s foremost experts He retired in 1979 at the mandatory retirement on the country’s Constitution. age of 75, and in 1985 was named to the Privy Council. In 1988, he was named a Companion Born in Grand Bank, Newfoundland, he of the Order of Canada, the highest level attended McGill University in Montreal and of membership. The Honourable Eugene studied at Britain’s Oxford University as a A. Forsey died on February 20, 1991, leaving Rhodes Scholar. In addition to his PhD, he also Canadians a rich legacy of knowledge of how received numerous honorary degrees. we are governed. Note on the Author iii How Canadians Govern Themselves Table of Contents Preface ...........................................................................................................................................................i Note on the Author .....................................................................................................................................iii Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. Parliamentary Government ......................................................................................................................... Its Origins .............................................................................................................................................. How It Operates .................................................................................................................................... A Federal State ............................................................................................................................................. Our Constitution ................................................................................................................................... Powers of the National and Provincial Governments .............................................................................. Canadian and American Government ...................................................................................................... The Rule of Law and the Courts ................................................................................................................ The Institutions of Our Federal Government .......................................................................................... The Queen ........................................................................................................................................... The Senate ........................................................................................................................................... The House of Commons ..................................................................................................................... Political Parties .................................................................................................................................... The Prime Minister ............................................................................................................................. The Cabinet ......................................................................................................................................... The Speakers ........................................................................................................................................ What Goes On in Parliament .................................................................................................................... Opening of a Session ........................................................................................................................... A Working Day in the Commons ....................................................................................................... End of a Session ................................................................................................................................... Provinces and Municipalities .................................................................................................................... Living Government .................................................................................................................................... Governors General of Canada since 1867.................................................................................................. Canadian Prime Ministers since 1867 ....................................................................................................... iv Table of Contents Introduction Governments in democracies are elected by the The Governor General, who is now always a passengers to steer the ship of the nation. They Canadian, is appointed by the Queen on the are expected to hold it on course, to arrange for advice of the Canadian prime minister and, a prosperous voyage, and to be prepared to be except in very extraordinary circumstances, thrown overboard if they fail in either duty. exercises all powers of the offi ce on the advice of the cabinet (a council of ministers), which This, in fact, refl ects the original sense of the has the support of a majority of
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