Tuesday 24th September 2019 Town Hall 7pm

Present Cllrs D Allan (Chairman), Allen, Ashley-Higgins, Briggs, Cairns, Cooper, Cummins, Griffin, Horrocks, Jolley, Mosson, Parmar, Passey, Pears, Pocock, Puri, Raut, K Ward and S Ward.

In Attendance Olive O’Sullivan –Chief Executive Officer, Mary Watkins-Finance Manager and Anna Sykes- Communications Officer.

There were thirteen members of the public and one member of the press present. Members of the public were invited to ask questions and make comments about items on the agenda. In response to questions on Concerts in the Park, Cllr S Ward confirmed that the contribution was larger than budgeted for as tickets sales had fallen short due to bad weather in the weeks leading up to the event and that Sutton Coldfield residents were offered first access to tickets. It was also confirmed that the model would be reviewed and any future Concerts in the Park events, would be subject to Full Council approval. The CEO addressed questions from one resident by advising that the first meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Partnership would take place in October and would report back to the Amenities, Leisure and Community Services Committee. Also, clarification was given around the funding for the proposed Sutton Coldfield HS2 Gateway which subject to approval of business case, would come from the Transport for the (TfWM) HS2 Connectivity Programme. Cllr Horrocks reported that the Police Estate Working Group, which included West Midlands Police and representatives from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, had met for the first time this month. At this meeting it had been confirmed that the working group would be a key consultative group when looking for a solution to the proposed closure of Sutton Coldfield Police Station. In response to a second question, Cllr Horrocks said her motion on the agenda was a step towards working with residents to tackle the environmental issues Sutton Coldfield is facing. One resident commended achievement of the Britain in Bloom Gold Award and requested that wildflower planting be extended. Cllr S Ward gave an update on meetings with the Leader of City Council (BCC) to progress the Devo Deal. It was reported that there are significant frustrations around the devo deal and in particular the arrangements for BCC officers progressing the detail but stressed the will of the Town Council to push forward and make improvements for the town’s residents.

49 Apologies for Absence Apologies had been received from Cllrs Mackey and Wood. Resolved to accept the apologies.

50 Declarations of Interests Page | 1

Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council Minutes | Tuesday 24th September 2019

A non-pecuniary interest was declared by Cllr Pears in item 54 c) as a Birmingham City Council representative of CSPAN. Non-pecuniary interests were also declared by Cllrs Cummins, Pocock and K Ward in the same item, as members of the BID. Non-pecuniary interests were declared by Cllrs Cairns and Pocock in item 54 d) as executive members of the Boldmere Futures Partnership.

51 Mayors Announcements The Mayor reported his attendance to an indoor street party and summer barn dance in Lichfield to raise funds for St Giles Hospice, Lichfield Voluntary Transport and the Canal Restoration Trust. Other engagements attended were Good Hope Hospital Charity Dinner, Heritage open day at Holy Trinity Church, Rotary Club annual dinner and collecting the Britain in Bloom results. The Deputy Mayor also attended to collect the Britain in Bloom results and was delighted by the fantastic result for the Town’s second entry and the wonderful community involvement throughout the year. The Deputy Mayor reported her attendance to the opening of the Fuchsia Society’s annual show and awards evening of En-Pointe Dance Academy.

52 Minutes of the Previous Meeting Resolved to confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 23rd July 2019.

53 Matters Arising In response to questions from Cllr Pocock, the CEO confirmed that that the Town Centre Masterplan procurement is now live and that delegated powers reported last month related to the engagement of architects and land surveys for work at Vesey Gardens to assess the potential liabilities and costs to restore as reported at the Strategy and Resources Committee. Cllr K Ward confirmed that the Gracechurch Centre had identified a contractor to install the Changing Places toilet and work should start shortly.

54 Minutes of Committees a) Planning and Highways Committee held on 6th Aug 2019 Resolved to note the minutes of the Planning and Highways Committee meeting.

b) Planning and Highways Committee held on 3rd Sept 2019 Resolved to note the minutes of the Planning and Highways Committee meeting.

c) Amenities, Leisure and Community Services held on 12th Sept 2019 Cllr Pears informed Council that Committee had considered the Festive Light Scheme for 2019. It had been recommended that the existing scheme continue with an extension of tree lighting at Dugdale Crescent and Minworth and a contribution towards the BID’s town centre scheme. Resolved to approve the proposed 2019 festive lighting scheme at a cost of £66,737.

d) Human Resources Sub-Committee held on 17th Sept 2019 The CEO introduced the Town Council’s new Communications Officer. Page | 2

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Resolved to note the minutes of the Human Resources Sub- Committee meeting.

e) Strategy and Resources Committee held on 17th Sept 2019

Cllr Pocock spoke to support the principle of Concerts in the Park but that the current model was not sustainable. The CEO confirmed that there would be a report to the next Strategy and Resources Committee meeting with options on alternative models. The CEO clarified that since the Committee meeting she had spoken to the Town Council’s internal auditors for advice on use of earmarked reserves. The advice received was that as the Heritage Fund application was unsuccessful the current Earmark Reserve for match funding was no longer required and the funds should return to the General Reserve. Council could create a new Earmark Reserve for Heritage Restoration Works that could be used to directly fund works or be used as match funding for future grant opportunities. Resolved to approve budget virements of £13,250 from Something for Everyone Events and £32,500 from Budget Contingency to Concerts in the Park and £11,000 from General Reserves to WiFi Across Sutton. Resolved to approve funding from Something for Everyone budget towards the Boldmere Community Christmas Festivals 2019 and 2020. Resolved to approve the Financial Regulations. Resolved to approve that a new Earmarked Reserve of £500,000 is created for Heritage Restoration Works at and adjacent to Vesey Gardens.

Cllr Cooper left the meeting at 19:57.

55 Notice of Motion Submitted by Cllr C Horrocks on 16th Sept 2019. Cllr Horrocks asked Council to consider engaging and consulting with local groups in Sutton Coldfield to hear innovative ideas and develop a realistic, ambitious, achievable strategy to help overcome barriers and become more environmentally conscious. Several councillors spoke in support of the motion. Cllr Raut applauded the communities that held regular litter picking and said that some members of the Royal Sutton Indians had pledged to plant trees. Cllr Cairns asked if schools could have some involvement to build on the Town Council funded Modeshift stars initiative. Resolved that this Council will commit to a series of environmental-themed engagement workshops and sessions, with a view to determining how best RSCTC can continue to deliver on its environmental objectives for the Town. Delegation will be given to the Planning and Highways Committee for this activity.

56 Response to Sutton Coldfield Gateway Consultation Resolved to note the response to Transport for West Midlands proposals to develop an improved bus interchange and public realm for Sutton Coldfield.

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57 Local Council Award Scheme The CEO reported that following the report brought to Council in July 2018, the Town Council had achieved Quality award level as part of the Local Council Award Scheme. The Town Council is the only Local Council in the West Midlands area to have Quality Council status.

58 Town Centre Representation on the Langley SUE and Peddimore SPD Consultative Group The CEO confirmed that four places were available on the group as the previous request to increase the Town Council representatives was declined by the Chairman of the Consultative Group. Cllr Pocock asked if co-option was a possibility to include Cllrs Hodgins and Ashley-Higgins. The CEO agreed to write to the Chairman with this request. Resolved to approve that Councillors Briggs, Cooper, Griffin and Wood be representatives on the Langley SUE and Peddimore SPD consultative group.

59 National Association Local Council’s (NALC) Annual Conference The CEO reported that this was an annual event that had a variety of sessions and workshops over two days. Cllrs Briggs, Parmar and K Ward were interested in attending one of the days along with the CEO. Resolved to approve three places be booked at NALC’s annual conference 2019.

60 Accounts for Payment An amended Invoices Due for Payment report was circulated at the meeting (attached). It was confirmed that the community grant payment made to Square Peg on 16th July was returned to the Town Council bank account as Square Peg had switched accounts since the community grant application was made. A second payment to their new account was made on 31st July 2019. Resolved to approve the payments as per section 3 of the report and that Cllrs Pocock and Raut complete the online banking authorisation for payments.

Resolved to note the payments using delegated powers since the last Full Council meeting as detailed in section 4.

61 Use of Chief Executive’s Delegated Powers None declared.

62 Date of Next meeting 22nd October 2019, 7pm, Sutton Coldfield Town Hall.

The meeting ended at 8:26pm.

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