INSPECTION REPORT James Brindley School Birmingham Birmingham Unique Reference Number: 131473 Headteacher: Mrs. L John Reporting
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INSPECTION REPORT James Brindley School Birmingham Birmingham Unique Reference Number: 131473 Headteacher: Mrs. L John Reporting inspector: Mr. Roger Baker Dates of inspection: 11 – 21 October 1999 Under OFSTED contract number: 708517 Inspection carried out under Section 10 of the School Inspections Act 1996 © Crown Copyright 1999 This report may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial educational purposes, provided that all extracts quoted are reproduced verbatim without adaptation and on condition that the source and date thereof are stated. Further copies of this report are obtainable from the school. Under the Education (Schools) Act 1992 and the Education Act 1993, the school must provide a copy of this report and/or its summary free of charge to certain categories of people. A charge not exceeding the full cost of reproduction may be made for any other copies supplied. INFORMATION ABOUT THE SCHOOL Type of school: Hospital School Type of control: Maintained Age range of pupils: 5 to 16 Gender of pupils: Mixed School address: Bell Barn Road Birmingham B15 2AF Telephone number: 0121 666 6409 Fax number: 0121 666 6956 Appropriate authority: Governing Body Name of chair of governors: Mr. H Greenway Date of previous inspection: Not applicable James Brindley School - 3 INFORMATION ABOUT THE INSPECTION TEAM Diana Princess of Wales Children’s Hospital Team members Subject responsibilities Aspect responsibilities Mr. C. Tombs, RgI Science: design and technology. Attainment and progress: teaching, leadership and management: pupils’ welfare and guidance. Mr. T. Heavey, Lay Equal opportunities: attendance: partnership with parents and the community. Mr. M. Powell, Team inspector Mathematics: art: geography. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Mrs. M. Smith, Team inspector Information technology: religious The curriculum and assessment. education: modern foreign language. Mrs. C. Etherington, Team English: music. Special educational needs: inspector attitudes: behaviour and personal development. Mr. I. G. Jones, Team inspector History: physical education. Efficiency. Mr. R. Baker, Overall RgI Staffing, accommodation learning resources. Home Teaching Team members Subject responsibilities Aspect responsibilities Mr. H. J. Phillips, RgI Mathematics: science: French. Attainment and progress: teaching: the curriculum and assessment: pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development: leadership and management: the efficiency of the school: special educational needs. Mrs. P. Dodd-Racher, Lay inspector Attitudes, behaviour and personal development: attendance: support, guidance and pupils’ welfare: partnership with parents and the community: equal opportunities. Mr. G Davies, Team inspector English: history: geography. Mr. S. Crowley, Team inspector Information technology: art. Mr. R. Baker, Overall RgI Staffing, accommodation and learning resources. James Brindley School - 4 Northfield Unit Team members Subject responsibilities Aspect responsibilities Dr D. A. Dobbins, RgI English: science: art: music: Attainment and progress: quality physical education,: special of teaching: leadership and educational needs: equal management: efficiency of the opportunities. school. Miss S. Watts, Lay Inspector Support, guidance and pupils’ welfare: partnership with parents and the community. Mrs. H. Jones, Team inspector Mathematics: design and Attitudes, behaviour and technology: information personal development, spiritual, technology: history: geography: moral, social and cultural religious education. Mr. R. Baker, Overall RgI Staffing, accommodation and learning resources. Parkway Unit Team members Subject responsibilities Aspect responsibilities Mr. S. Crowley, RgI English: art: history: geography: Attainment and progress: quality physical education, modern of teaching: leadership and foreign languages: special management: efficiency of the educational needs: equal school. opportunities. Miss S. Watts, Lay Inspector Attendance: support: guidance and pupils’ welfare: partnership with parents and the community. Mrs. A. Webber, Team Mathematics: science: Attitudes, behaviour and inspector information technology: music: personal development: spiritual, religious education. moral, social and cultural development. R. Baker, Overall RgI Staffing, accommodation and learning resources. James Brindley School - 5 Regional Child and Adolescent Teaching Centre Team members Subject responsibilities Aspect responsibilities Mrs. A. J. Hayward, RgI English: art: modern foreign Attainment and progress: languages: history: geography: attitudes: behaviour and personal music. special educational development: leadership and needs: English as a second management: teaching. language. Mrs. P. Dodd-Racher, Lay Attendance: support: guidance Inspector and pupils welfare: parents and links with the community. Mr. H. J Phillips, Team Mathematics: science: design Curriculum and assessment: Inspector and technology: information efficiency: pupils spiritual moral, technology: physical education: social and cultural development: religious education. equal opportunities. Mr. R. Baker, Overall RgI Staffing, accommodation and learning resources. Woodlands, City and Selly Oak Hospitals Team members Subject responsibilities Aspect responsibilities Mr. R. Arnold, RgI Mathematics: information Attainment and progress: technology: art: physical teaching: education. leadership and management Mrs. C. Roberson, Lay Equal opportunities. Attendance: support, guidance Inspector and pupils’ welfare: partnerships with parents and the community Mrs. R. Eaton, Team inspector English: modern foreign Curriculum and assessment: languages: history: religious spiritual, moral, social and education. cultural development Mr. S. Crowley, Team inspector Science: design and technology: Attitudes, behaviour and geography: music: special personal development: efficiency educational needs. Mr. R. Baker, Overall RgI Staffing, accommodation and learning resources James Brindley School - 6 Yardley Green, Heartlands, Good Hope Hospitals Team members Subject responsibilities Aspect responsibilities Mr. A. Younger, RgI Science: design and Attainment and progress : technology: music. teaching: leadership and management: efficiency. Mrs. P. Dodds-Racher, Lay Inspector Equal opportunities Attitudes: behaviour, personal development: attendance: partnership with parents and the community. Mrs. H. Eadington, Team inspector Special educational needs: The curriculum and history: geography: art. assessment. Mr. G. Davies, Team inspector Mathematics: information Support, guidance and pupils' technology: physical education. welfare. Mrs. M. Smith, Team inspector English, modern foreign Spiritual, moral, social and language: religious education. cultural provision. Mr. R. Baker, Team inspector Staffing, accommodation and learning resources. The inspection contractor was: Baker-Phillips Inspection Services The Croft Brierley Way Oldcroft Lydney Gloucestershire GL15 4NE 01594 510414 Any concerns or complaints about the inspection or the report should be raised with the inspection contractor. Complaints which are not satisfactorily resolved by the contractor should be raised with OFSTED by writing to: The Registrar The Office for Standards in Education Alexandra House 33 Kingsway London WC2B 6SE James Brindley School - 7 REPORT CONTENTS Paragraph MAIN FINDINGS What the school does well Where the school has weaknesses How the school has improved since the last inspection Whether pupils are making enough progress Quality of teaching Other aspects of the school The parents’ views of the school KEY ISSUES FOR ACTION INTRODUCTION 1 - 24 Characteristics of the school Key indicators PART A: ASPECTS OF THE SCHOOL 25 - 126 Educational standards achieved by pupils at the school 25 - 53 Attainment and progress Attitudes, behaviour and personal development Attendance Quality of education provided 54 - 99 Teaching The curriculum and assessment Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development Support, guidance and pupils’ welfare Partnership with parents and the community The management and efficiency of the school 100 - 126 Leadership and management Staffing, accommodation and learning resources The efficiency of the school James Brindley School - 8 PART B: CURRICULUM AREAS AND SUBJECTS Areas of learning for children under five 127 - 129 English, mathematics and science 130 - 158 Other subjects or courses 159 - 238 PART C: INSPECTION DATA Summary of inspection evidence 239 - 240 Data and indicators 241 James Brindley School - 9 MAIN FINDINGS What the school does well ·.The aims values and policies of the school are excellent ·.The excellent leadership provides clear educational direction for the school and an excellent ethos has been established. The financial planning, the administration and the efficiency of the school is excellent. The management of the school is very good. ·.Teaching is good or better in 76% of lessons and teachers manage pupils very well. ·.Progress made by most pupils in most subjects across all sectors is good. ·.Support staff are used very well. ·.The school has made a very good start. ·.The behaviour of the pupils, their attitudes and personal development and the relationships throughout the school are very good. · Where the school has weaknesses I.The monitoring and evaluation strategies are not sufficiently developed and there are few systematic and formal structures of self-assessment. II.The provision for design technology, particularly pupils’ use of resistant