. H ' ' / ■ iX lU B Tl E H SATURDAT, DECEMBER 26.1942 Stirafna H^niQ Avengs Dsfly Ciretlation Ths W6Bthsr Wat Bw Moath ef Nevnaher, 1943 Fonoant o f C. B. WenthM The Armory Lunchroom pur­ chased in October by Howard Lt. Gordon T. Weir 7,814 About Town Is Decorated Bain tonight with fi ruing mhi Hasting from Joseph Zapatka has Heard Along Main Street Andtt again changed hands. Mr. Hast­ Gains Promotion SPECIAL la BerInhIrM; Uttto change In ings has sold ths business to for Bravery tompemtam ______; (J. a.) md U n . Stn- George Pearl. And on Some of Manche$ter*$ Side Strieets, Too A DAYS ONLY — DECEMBER 28th - 31st. Manchester—‘A City of Village Charm I IX KoUhmb wbo taav* racmUy to BostOR, ifMnt Chrlatmu Second Lieut. Gordon T. Weir, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. TbomaA Capt. W. S. George, Jr., tM r pucnta, Mr. and Mrs. VOL. LXIL, NO. 74 (OInnBSeS AdvertMag am Pago 16) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 28,1942 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS m C, ItoUnaon and Mr. and Weir, of 117 Summer street, hiss Now that the poeUnastershlp in-i natives. He was one of those as­ Men’s Trousers or Ladies’ Slack Bolin Selected" Is Awarded Purple town has been settled it can be sisting in the mall distribution. IMMrt Lb Ooopar. llisy left been promoted to the gnuM of M cnlng forMtsslssippl. where Heart; The Citation. stated without fear of much con­ Robinson will assume Head of Lodge first lieutenant at the Bljfuevllle tradiction that civil service Inves­ We note in the news that Ger­ Army Air Field. tigations and recommendations many wants and wanta very badly Alcan Choo Choo Manchester friends of Captain are a farce. ITirough all four so- platinum and diamonds. Plati­ Commissioned M^afch T, upon William 8. George, Jr., formerly of called examinations Frank B. 2 •'OR 6 0 c completion of hls..^:sdet training, num is an essential in making cer­ Rommel’s Retreating Hsnry street, wUl be interested to Crocker, a former postmaster, Canned Goods to Be Ifi Made Chancellor (Regularly 40c Each) he reported to BlythevUie sta­ know that he has been awarded ranked highest — almost with a tain instruments of war and dia­ I _ & m m WAU asw aavtu * j ''’'*'•‘***0* tion from Mo;ady Field, Ga., and monds of course are used for fine Commander of the the purple heart for outstanding perfect score. Then when Ernest 1. " This Special does not include white or corduroy 1^ Oaoamber 39, at 8 o'clock in the was assign ^ as a pilot Instructor performance of duty, and meri­ Brown envereu the race he took tool cuttings. An article that . I'baatiy of Temple Beth Sholom. A Knights of Pythias. of twin engine training ships. He torious acts of extraordinary fidel­ second place in the civil service was brought to our attenUon the trousers or slacks. boffet supper will be served in is a flight commander. ity and essential service, during ranking. other day said that the Nazis are Oaltbratlon of the birthday of Hen- Before entering the Amly, he employing every means they can 2. Work trousers and slacks are cleaned to look like new Put on Ration List; and subsequent to the attack on Forces Must Decide Unne Lodge. No. 72. Knights of But neither Crocker nor Brown contrive to smuggle these valuable affain. ^ . ilotta Ssold, founder of Hadassah. Pythiia elected the following offi­ w i^ 'a superintendent of stores, Hickam Field by the Japanese, had a chance. They are Republi­ cers at their meeting Wednesday connected with Cheney Brothers. December 7. a year ago. He was cans and you couldn't expect Kop- items out of this country into 3. You save 20c on each order. Umiard Cole, son of Mr. and night: Chancellor Commander, He graduated from Manchester attached to the Army Air Force plemann, the Congressman from theirs. The smugglers are re­ . Mrs. Robert Cole of 20 Bank Carl E. Bolin, Vice Chancellpf, High school, where he was a star headquarters there and as the S-2 this district to nominate either of sorting to /desperate measures to Shop Will Close Thursday Night, December 31, Until street has arrived for training at basketball and baseball player. officer WHS away, reported for duty get the ^ tin u m and diamonds. Carl Hultgren, Prelate. Sherwbod them. Kopplemann even went so Monday Morning, January 4. Starts in February About Making Stau( i'the Coast Artillery Replacement Smith. Master of Work. Ektward shortly after the first bombs were far as to differentiate among The reference to platinum re­ Center, Camp McQualde, Calif. Berggren. Keeper of Records and dropped. He immediately began Democrats, and kept Juggling the calls th mind a theft of the pre- Seal. Guatave A. Gull,.^'Master of Harris Completes collecting, evaluating and sum­ civil service recommendations un­ cioqs metal in Manchester that lieut. A. P. Cobum has been Finance. Charles , Wennergren. marizing combat intelligence in­ til he could maneuver H. Olln was never solved. Several pieces tnnsferred from Quantico, Va.. to Wickard Outlines Plans Rapidly Approacl Master of EhicheqH^r. Alexander formation and assisted in setting Grant into such a position that of platinum used as apparatus in Manchester Dry Cleaners ths Parachute school at Hadnot Berggren. M aster^ Arms, Carl A. Basic Training up the Command Post on the field. he felt he could name him withr the Cheney silk mills chemical Japs Lose Supplies Misurata, Last Adi Point, M. B., New River, N. C. laboratory were stolen, but inves­ 93 WELLS STREET To Insure "^Juue'De Gaulle M ay Visit Johnson. I n n ^ Guard, E. Arnold Part of Citation out losing too much face, g TELEPHONE 7254 "Despite the excitement and con­ tigation failed to disclose the Distribution on Home | tageous Position Shot Johnson, Oriter Guard, Hilding The first Investigator for the thief. Walter Zemanek of 107 West U. 8. Naval Training Station, fusion at the time. Captain George civil service who came to tmxm on - Jkreet is now with the U. S. Army Bolin, Tpdstee. EJarl Anderson, perfqgmed his duties in a cool and Front While Supply-1 Of Tripoli; Pell Representative to Svea Hall As­ Newport, R. I.. Dec. 26— Robert F. the postmaster situation 9eemed Roosevelt, Giraud Dropped by ^Chutes Medical Replacement Training efficient manner. The initiative, The platinum pieces were tak­ sociation, Richard Johnson and Harris, 20, of 39 Main street, Tsl- to know his business, but it was ing Armed Forces Rains Keep AIli< ’ Center at Camp Pickett. Va. ability and qualities of leadership evident from the manner in which en from a drawer in the labora­ A u ^ o r to same, Carl Bolin. displayed by him were instru­ nald McPherson was elected as cotville, Conn., son of Mr. and Mrs. the last investigator conducted his tory which was then located at And Fighting Allies; To Lay Blueprint of Bombed and Strafed by And Axis Forces Lawrence C. Dillon, son of Mr. Richard F. Harris, recently com­ mental in the reestablishment of examinations that he was trying the extreme south section of the and Mrs. W. D. Dillon of Oa] Musician. Hickam Field as a smoothly func­ 28 Lose Lives Reports Show Tunisia at Stands! Installed Jan. 6 pleted his basic training * at this to pile up aUl he could against old mill dye house. There were Consumers Must List New French Govern­ Army Planes After idaoe has successfully completed tioning base after the attack. His Postmaster Tom Quish. He seem­ only four employees In the labora­ Ms course of instruction foiydfri- These officers will be installed Station and has been selected to While Chase Continuf attend a schpoLfor Signalmen. actions reflected credit on himself ed to dwell on but one thing, and tory at the time—this was about Stocks ' on Hand. ment before President Discovery on Guadal- eer candidate and has been com­ jointly with the officers of Me­ and the military service,” the cita­ As Engine Hits Harris was graduated in 1940 any reports he picked up that 20 years ago—and at no time was Right down tlje main street of Skagw^ay, Alaska, runs the Alcan Jap Air Force missioned a second lleut^ant in morial Lodge at the meeting of tion read. —Received by Eden. ctmal Island. Area. London, Dec. 28.- Memorial Lodge to be held Janu­ from Manchester High school and seemed against Qulsh, he investi­ there any Indication that the theft Washington, Dec. 28.—(^P) express of the White Pass and Yukon line, only rail link between the the Signal Corps of Ane V. 8. Were Former Residents gated carefully, and no doubt in­ ary 6 at the Golway street hall. has been employed by the Colt was an Inside job, although it new Alaska highway and cities along the inland pa.ssage section of Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Army at Fort Monmouth, N. J. The young officer is the son of cluded them very prominently In could easily have been. — ^You will need a ration book Standing Train Washington, Dec. 28.— (/P) Losing Power Donald McPherson Is the District Patent Firearms Manufacturing Captain and Mrs. William S. London, Dec. 28.— (/P)— the Pacific. The Army has taken over thl# 111-mile narrow gauge Company of Hartford. his reporL W> are wondering if the post with your can opener begin­ railroad built 40 years ago to tap the Klondike gold fields. It meets treating African Co^s ws lOantonomoh/Tribe, No. 58. I. Deputy and will have charge of the George, Sr., of Roslindale, Mass., V . ^ . Gen. Charles De Gaulle prob- — The Navy announced to- O. R M., wlll/meet Monday night installation ceremonies. who while residents of this town It's a good thing for the town World War No. 1 Germans were the Alcan highway at Whitehorse. rapidly approaching Misur that the matter is seLtled because even then gathering In all the ning in February. In an ex­ 19 Injured, M|iny Cril- visit Washington day that the Japanese had Conspicuously Impotent in Tinker hail. The meeting will One of the feature acta of the were prominent In affiaira of the ta today and there it mua start at 8^'clock and officers will entertainment to follow the instal­ Legion Post and auxiliary. They it continued to be a cause of bad platinum they could looking traordinary broadcast to the goon to lay the blueprint of dropped supplies by para­ Manchester feeling in many different places. ahead to this war. It's quite pos­ ically; Virtually All a In Pacific Theaters : be cleetM. Refreshments vtill be lation of the Grand Lodge Officers left Manchester about seven years American people, Food Ad­ chute to their hard-pressed decide either to make a stai ago. The younger George attend­ Everyone who knows Olin Grant sible that the platinum that was Dead and Injured in | new French government be be held at the Masonic Temple knows him to be efficien'L and Both in Nuinhers and or give up all Mussolinil Saturday, January 2 will be Silent Dale Book ed Mancjiester High school and stolen from Cheney Brothers ministrator Claude R. Wick­ forces on Guadalcanal island, capable. He is courteous and well might right now be a part of some Three Wooden Cars. fore President Roosevelt then Bcis McCann, a fireman in Mora. Silent Mora la not only an graduated from Virginia Military ard outlined planes last night Second Red Trap Fighting Ability Lately Tripolitania and join qualified to handle the post in an deadly instrument of war being proceed to North Africs to -J but the parachutes and their few York City, q>ent yesterday outstanding magician, but his act Tomorrow Institute in 1934. He saw service Axis forces in Tunisia whet with Ms mother. Mrs. Katherine In the Field Artillery as well as excellent manner. And we bet that employed against the United Na­ to ration all canned, dried and Almonte, Ont., Dec. 28— (J>)— cargo"were discovered on the Lb imique as it is replete with Annual Reunion of Sock and he might agree with us sort of tions. see Gen. Henri Giraud, suc­ Washington, Dec. 28.—(/Pi—One pelting rains kept Allied and McCann of 69 Pleasant street. comedy. Several fine acts have Buskin Society of Manchester with the air forces. He is a char­ frozen fruita and vegetables, and Twenty-eight holiday passengers ground and bombed and of the questions intriguing Wash­ ter member of the V. F. W. Post in sub rosa that civil service exami­ Bitter complaints have been their juices, including soups, as cessor to Admiral Jean Dar- armies at a standstill. Gen. bten arranged through Stanley High school'. Center church, 3 to nations are a joke. were killed and 116 injured, many Threatens Nazis strafed by Bernard L. Montgomery repot Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Han- 5 p.m. Hawaii. His father is at present heard from motorists regarding soon as the machinery can be set lan, well-informed quarters aald planes. ington authorities today is this: Backus who assured the commit­ the lack of plowing and sanding of critically, when the locomotive of in a Cairo communique thiU ; nan o f New Britain spent Christ- tee thqt every act will come up to Wednesday, Ti?>—Tha night before there were so many is nothing quite as important in production goals and that military of a train at Spanish River bridge, But it waa understood that he the two massive forces near a daily raids in force and frequent 6- 7—Small gym open for hand­ station at a junction of tracks rescued.” man-controlled Vichy radio calls coming in from boys in camps a sen’ice man's life than mail All you've got to do is read the and lend-lease needs stay in line Webbwood. Ont. was chiefly interested in a mili­ junction. night attacks. ball. E. S. all over the country that all trunk headlines every day and you’ll with present estimates—it looks ColUslon at Grade Crossing tary post. leading to Buna village and gov­ today French police had seized | Reymander's Restaurant 7- 8—Small gym open for box­ from home. He put it quite smart Blriukov, in the southeast cor­ At Munda, on New Georgia is­ lines were blocked and many calls we thought when he said. "Rations realize that the biggest joke you Installation and Banquet as if we wrill have a civilian food The collision occurred at a "The main point is to bring ernment station, the American quarter of a ton of exii' ing. E. S. ner of the Don elbow, is about 22 covering force is pinning down the Stetidily Smashing Last land, the Japanese built an air base .TV I Wines, Liquors and Beer expected yesterday from relatives are food for the body, but mail is ever heard is “Happy New Year”, supply about aa big aa we had in grade crossing, beside the inter­ French arms back into the war, miles northeast of Tsimlyansk, to counter our force at Guadal­ 6,500 incendiary devices 7-8— Women's gym class. E. S. MASONIC TEMPLE, SATURDAY. JAN. 2, 1943 Japs in a defensive portion gen­ pounds of cheitocals in a 35-37 Oak Street Telephone 3922 in camps and in long distant cities, food for the- soul.” — A. Non, the last half of the 1930s. Here section of Mills and Bridge streets, and unification imder a single re' where the Germans first crossed Jap Lines at Buna canal. American planes began 7- 8— jyien’s plunge period, did E. S.not arrive. the latter Almonte’s main thor­ erally known as the triangle. of .157 alleged terrorista la And, in this connection, some­ glme which the fighting forces as the Don last summer and develop­ Allied Headquarters in Austra-' attacking it aborut three weeks ago 8- 9—Women's advanced swim­ An effort that was made at an Installation and Entertainment at 8 P. M. (O D atbm ed oa Page Two) oughfare. So great was the impact, Allied Advance Slowed lia, Dec. 28— New York, Dec. iS—r(A In Local Crash 3:30-4:30 p. m.—Grade school SPIBITUAL MEOICBf (ContlBoed oa Page Three) Be Inducted Every pictured the Germans aa wasting attack against machine-gun e: Increase in November Is already scare in the. city’s placements and pillboxes. 20 Games— $3 Prize Each Game basketbaU league. Seventh Dnaghter of • Seventh Son est Toll in California. hundreds of lives in fruitless coun­ Continued on Page Three storco, was even sgoroer in 5:15-6:30 p. m.—Business men’s Bom With n Vea Month During 1943. ter-attacks at some points and The Americans on Dec. 24 made Biggest Since America of them after 2‘3,000 pounds, i gains in the station area Itself 2 Games^lO Prize 1 Game $7 Prize Hiss Agnes Bittner, of 58 Alden gym c lM . Readtags Dnily, including Snndny, By The abandoning great stores of equip­ uled for dell\ei7 to^y, were 6:30-7:30‘ p. m.—Boys (12-15) 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ Bullets Halt Washington. Dec. 28—Italy now was supporting a large being waged In North Africa are bers of the family disclosed that “Where Good Food Is A Certainty” Laura, stabbeti her father with a years Imprisonment and 6ne6 Sea Food traffic, 3 ntlscellaneous; Delaware, Navy orders sending all sailors, tary service. The Financial News aaid that and growing number of German among those rolling assembly Roast Veal VealCotkts Steaks lines in greatly inc):^ased quanti­ bread knife when ahe came upon $1,000 for her part In a r FOLLOWING OUR OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS - 3 traffic; , 2 traffic, 5 mis­ white Mid Negro,’ and Marines to Few Older Bfen ladnctod the new wave of hoarding came at troope, whose expenditures would slave conspiracy which hc6 “NO WINES — NO LIQUORS — JUST Half Broilers Chicken Chow Mein Roast Turkey cellaneous; Georgia, 1 traffic. their ships vlrtuslly cleared this Because of Interior physical I compete with those.of the Italian ties," Nelson said him choking her mother early a time when "advanced Inflation girls from New York to m WB WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE w I l L BE OPEN - GOOD FOODS” Fine Wines — Liquors and Beer »200 IN PRIZES Idaho, 1 traffic; IlUaols, 20 traf­ populous town near the Mare Is­ capacity and greater rlal^ for [people. The 12 per advance last yesterday, already had undermined confidence of prasUtatlon heee. FOR BUSINESS ON SUNDAY. DECEMBER 27. (20) 15.00 GAMES Y (3) $10.00 GAMES fic, 17 miscellaneoua; Indlaan, 6 land Navy Yard o f uniformed men dependmey, comparatively few I "Unless the Italian people can month pui& ed/ue WPB muni­ ' Came Home Intoxicated 30 Oak Stiaet Tel. 3894 traffic, 5 miscellaneous; Iowa, 6 overnighL It waa not announce 38-45-year-oIds were inducted bC' in the lira. break away from Germany, the tions prodi^ion index up 46 Guidetti quoted Mrs. Matriss as Knight, a former Pro' DROP AROUND FOR HNE EATING ( 1) 120.00 GAME (1) $50.00 GAME man and a co-defeadaht, AT NOMINAL RATES... 'traffic, 2 mlsceUaBeous; Kansas, 1 how long the confinement of ser- fore the age limit tfqs dropped to 'Prioea in the Italian black lira may 1>e doomed to the same points to jlSl, compared with 3^ saying that her husband. Frank, THE TEA ROOM traffic A mtsoellaneoan; Kentucky, Tloo mon to. Naval ostabUshments 88. In the year before the United in Octol came home Intoxicated and began toooed to 18 mo«i ~Make Reservations NoVr for Our ALL FOR ONP DOLLAR! market hava been soaring and tba ! fate aa the German mark in 1928,' meat, aad tho otto Also a Splendid Aaeoitnent of SSSBIainSt. 0pp. St. Jamea’i Church 4 traffks; Lonlsiaaa, 1 traffic; would last. States entered the war, whsa ths lira has slumped in neutral eoun- the paper aaid. "Mussolini Is now This/hieaM that in November, cursing and choking her. Gala New Year's Eve Party Maine, 3 mlsoellaneoua; Maryland, City poUee said friction between top induction age waa 85, there tries,” the paper added. pursuing a course which will de­ at tfn end of the first full year The daughter’s pleas to her fa- George Oim Wrong WINES —- ALES AND LIQUORS Ample Parking in Rear of Club. son. tho Negro maM, f<6 Either Hoarding Or Bu.ving stroy the lire and inflict acute and m dag aaok. m JtmeA Saaami (OMtiBiMd Figd IhiM^ Ths lUUaas were seld eitbw 8o a i s ^ am, the Italian peopla.” tOoBtiBiied am Wmfa S^aml tCoaUaued oa Page Three) T i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28,1 9 « MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, ^TTCRESTER, CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28,1941 PAGE

isolate the German armies in the point value, and hence, will use up Warned Its members to sell can­ the railroad company. announced. armies,” Giraud said. Only one of West Africa; Yves (Thsttel, gov­ with the Allies In Tunisia Caucasus and leave them only the her points faster. ned goods aparlngly to prevent a All of the injured were in the car, thing counts: France and her em­ ernor ot, Algieria, and Gen. Jean certain. Ration Report Masons List Church Leads 28 Lose Lives a diner, through which the tree Take Station Local Selectees Black sea as a supply route or Must Display Poster repeUitoa of the coffee hoarding Island N^eds Ships pire: there la but one aim—vic­ Marie Bergeret. former aviation The Identity of Darlan'r means of evacuation. The Rus- ' "Food stores will ba requlr^ to rush. trunk crai^ed. tory." secretary in the Vichy French cab­ who was executed by a firing ( Biana have reported the death or First Session display prominently an olBcial As Engine HitSi Diner FartlaUy Buried On Christmas The men who named Giraud to inet. Saturday morning, w m still Well Received capture of approximately 120,000 OPA poster ahowing point values In Saving Oil The car which toppled down the carry on were Gen. Auguste Whether Giraud would continue certain, as was the motive or- ave for Ft. Devens Germans in this middle Don offen­ of the various kinds of rationed Point Ration System For Vital Cargoes embankment, another diner, waa Nogues, French commander in in active command of the French persons that Inspired him to sive. foods according to container size. Proves Successful Standing Train partially buried but all those in­ Morocco; Pierre Boisson, governor Army now fighting side by side deed. * Newly Seated Officers in As point values are changed to side were rescued without mishap. Jewiflh Residentfi Man No Rush to Stock Up Is In the Vellkle LukI region ot London, Dec. 28—OP)—The Brit­ Worship Is Held in Hall Earl F. Moore ifhe central front west of Moscow, reflect the shifting supply situa­ Eight cars in all, including aix Noticed in Any of the First Degree W ork ish point rationing system for — Pastor Compares tacked an'- enemy schooner in (Oontiaoed front Page One) Listening Post in Bol­ _ Crowd aC the SiW- Henry Angel , the midday communique eald, tion, new posters will be issued. 2,000,000 People' in Jacquinot bay, New Britain. sleepers .were derailed. The sleep­ "It Is not expected that It will foods in short supply has proved ers however did not overturn. Horace W. Chambers Stores in Town. four more populated communities Tomorrow Night. successful, simple and elastic and Conditions In Britain. ton ; List o f Names. li to Say Goodbye be necessary to announce changes Puerto Rico Live on of Almonte who was among 150 The train, a Southern Pacific MONTGOMERY WARD Thomas F. Spring were taken by the advancing Red won approval of both consumers Russell J. Priakwaldo tD Army. The Russians are approxi­ In point values more often than Almost Single Crop; Bombers Trade Blows citizens saying goodbye- to rela­ special en route from Oakland pier i'^eavy Rain; All There waa no rush this morning A special communication of once a month. . . . and merchants, the Ministry of The congregation of South here, was operating as the tnird Twenty-seven Jewish residents Paul L. Crocker (L) mately 90 milo.s trom the Latvian Food said today. tives and friends, was on the sta­ Wnuam T. McBride at any of the stores in Manchester border in this region. Manchester Lodge of Masona will "There are three main points Methodist church met for worship Tugwell to Fore Again. During Week-End tion platform as the engine crash­ section of No. 20, the Klamath. of Manchester,, under the direction ^wer Call. to stock up on canned goods, on The point system—known as William K. Burdick "The German command is be held at the Masonic Temple to­ the consumer should remember vsstsrday morning In ths banqust Chungking, Dec. 28—(45— Unit­ ed into the standing train. The Thirteenth Naval district an­ of Richard 3tone and William which rationing will be started in Lord Woolton’s food “currency”— hall. Rev. W. Ralph Ward. Jr., Jack M. Gordon throwing its soldiers into Ir.uitless morrow niglu at 7:30 at which about War Ration Book "nvo. By Jooeph Dynan ed States and Japanese bombers “I didn’t see the troop train nounced some Navy personnel was Kronick, manned the observation rmin, that fell ataadily. a month. It waa noticed that but­ "1. The color of the stamps is used for such commodities as pastor of the church, explained the traded blows over the Christmas Herbert F. Feucht counter-attacks,” the communique timf the Entered Apprentice de­ coming," he said later. "There aboard. The accident occurred at' post at Bolton over Christmas. apanM the departure of ter will not be rationed which (there are both red and blue) idcTi- American canned meats, canned circiimatancea of the meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec. 28 week-end and the Japanese wound 9:05 p.m. near Wicopee station 87 Ru.asell F. Broderick seems to be the fpod most in de­ said ot the fighting on this front. gree will be conferred on a clas.s salmon. Sardines, rice, rolled oats, was a terrific crash aa it hit the : Manchaater men inducted Anthony Dakilo tifies the rationed commodities. the light of the fuel shortage. He —(45— Oov. Rexford Guy Tugwell up in second place, losing eight of rear end of the other train.” miles south of Eugeae, Ore, The service was not Interrupted mand. The fact that there is but Counter-Attack Steven Times of candidates. This will be the first dried fruits and brealtfast cereals. said that the church was doing I Army aa they left for the George E. Bensche “ Yesterday the Hitlerltea coun­ work for the 1943 officers. Blue for the processed foods pro­ of Puerto Rico, one of the first of 21 bombers in raids on 'Yunnan Rush to Help Injured A hospital train todk the Injured for a moment as the regular ob­ 66 per cent of butter allowed to gram. Red will be used later for It was used for canned fruits when everything possible to continue its province yesterday, Chinese Air don oanter at fo rt Devena, Reno P. Coma (L) ter-attacked one unit seven times Masonic meetings for January the New Dealers whose economic The wreck occurred at about to Eugene and the remainder of servers were free to spend their stores against what was sold a meats. they were available. services of worship In same Defense Headquarters at Kunming holiday unfettered. This is the Edward J. Cleavage year ago moans that there has Losing 300 enemy officers and 1943 are as follows: Each civilian now gets 20 points views placed him In the front lines 8:40 p. m. Residents and soldiers, the passengers and crew continued j j It waa the flrat real bad “ 2. The letter of the alphabet on manner as usual yet conserve In announced. the journey aboard the first nine second year in succession that they Harold \V. Buzzell been a big reduction n the num­ men and three tanks, the enemy Jan. 12. 1943—Fellowcraft de­ monthly. every respect the use of fuel oil. who leaped from the troop train, • aendoff for local men leav- Frank D. Vittner (L) the stamp designates the ration dl battles over President Roose­ Two American planes were lost cars of the 20 car train which were have taken over the duties at the ber of pounds to be sold. On the retreated to bis original position.'’ gree at a regular communication. The point value of foods ration­ To Meet In Homes rushed to help the injured. Bodies ■ aervice and bad travel con- Robert W. Pecan In the Caucasian foothills souut- Jan. 19, 1943—Master Mason period during which the stamp may velt’s policies, is on the front in an aerial clash over Yunnan were pulled from the wreckage ahead of the slide. post. day before Chrlstmas in one of the be used. TTiese periods will be an­ ed under this scheme goes up and Several weeks ago the weekly cut down the uauni Ug Ralph H. Thompson east of Nalchik the Germans were degree at a special communica­ again. province. on (Christmas Day, but and taken to the town hall, which Traffic Over Alternate Koute To Get Listening Devlee largest stores In Manche.ster but nounced in advance. down In direct proportion to de­ schedule waa pushed forward Into they took with them three enemy For a long time Chief Observer i that gathers at the railroad 60 pounds of butter were received. eported thrown from several tion. mand. Mondays and Tuesdays, and even This time, aa governor of this became a temporary morgue. Al­ Railroad' officials at San Fran­ ghrary man answered hla (L l—Limited Service. Jan. 26, 1943— Entered Appren­ ".3. The number on the stamp is bombers and five fighters, said a monte’s hosj)itaI facilities could cisco said they were unable to say Elmer Weden has been trying to This was cut in two parts to take dominating bill positions. A large Its point value.” on those days many of the groups, American stronghold, he finds Acting Corporal Frank illage also was taken after a tice degree at a regular communi­ communique from Lieut. Gen. Jo­ nq^ begin to cope with the situa­ when the line would be reopened. get a listening device for the post. care of the trade; hei-etofore, meeting In the church himself involved in a controversy seph W. Stilwell's headquarters. Julius Wetstone undertook the ter called the roll fifteen min- Few Hoarders Here fierce battle, the communique said. cation. tion, and even coal bins in the in­ Traffic was being routed over an are planning to meet in the homes which his supporters say arise A flight of American bombers task of getting one for the local ^ before the train pulled in. In all of the chain stores a rule "The Germans are suffering Processed Foods of members for the next two or from conditions long antedating stitutions were used to house the alternate route between California Trate a Uttle Late Hands Frozen manned by volunteers dropped de­ injured. and Oregon, the Siskiyou line. unit and reported to Mr. Weden 90tli Birthday In effect for the past 10 days Is heavy losses, " It added. ”Xn fight­ three months. The change of the his regime as he attempts to exe­ this morning that he had obtained I depot was filed today during that only one can of a certain ing for one height alone Red Army To Be Rationed structive cargoes of bombs oh For hours the rescue operations Leith Abbot, railroad public re­ Canned Gootls Will morning service of worship from cute Puerto Rico’s first "New Japanese barracks and warehouses the necessary money and it would wait for the train which brand would be sold. The store men of one unit wiped out 400 of­ Wa.shington, Dec. 28,—(,P'—Pro­ the sanctuary to the church hall Is proceeded. One injured man, trap­ lations agent here, said the slide iit seven minutes, late. The Starting Car Deal.” at 'Teng-Yueh in western- Yunnan be installed as .soon as it arrived. Is Celebrated keepers said today that Manches­ ficers and men. War material and cessed fo(xla to be rationed in Feb­ just another step In the fuel conser­ His foes on the island assert ped by tangled steel, calmly gave was 20 feet deep in some places. estimated at about 2S0, ter people were taking the ration­ prisoners were captured.” Be Rationed now: ruary. and commodities not in­ province (Thristmas eve and every directions to workmen releasing Walked Up ley Hill vation program. that his program has complicated flier returned to a holiday eve a aea of umbrellaa waved ing program seriously. The fact, The fighting Inside Stalingrad cluded in the rationing older, aa In his remarks on the fuel situa­ him with acetylene torches. A sample of what the service the train pulled away problems brought to Puerto Rico party that night. means to those who have taken this too, that the population of Man­ continued despite the peril con­ listed by the Office of Price -\dniin- Constable Woodward of tion, Mr. Ward referred to a recent by the war and have demanded Not for several hours after the ! station. Oak Street Resident Is February Start Ist ration: Part of New Offensive duty seriously was brought to chester has increased at least 2.'> fronting the German forces there picture in one of the nation’s moat that he be ousted. crash did workers happen to find Rail and Bus lis t of Inductees In Good Health, As per cent over what it was a year and the Russians said they captur­ Canned and bottled fruits and Bolton Now Under widely read magazines which Yesterday’s attack ,by 21 Jap­ the body of a small child lying be­ light this morning. Edgar Clarke jelectman Jack Gordon, the first ago, is going to reflect on what (Contlnoed from Page One) fruit Juices (including spiced Ikiuses of Conditions anese bombers was part of a new and Robert Genovese started for ed several enemy blockhouses and Care of Physician. shows a service in an English These conditions stem from pov­ side the station building. Whether mem ^r of Manchester’s She Appears at Party. will be allowed, as the figures arc fruits). enemy aerial offensive opened she was thrown there by the im­ the observation po.st and when dugouts in the factory district of church, the roof of which had been erty, illiteracy, unemployment, Services Off family to be called, was ba.sed on the sales of a year ago. are the prospects for some of our Apples, Including crabapplea, ap­ blown away by bombing. In spite Chri.stmas Day, when more than pact or crawled there before she they reached the long hill, just off the city. and overpopulation. NEW SPRING COnONS, tboae who boarded the Mrs. Justine Lamborg, of V8 foods: plesauce, apricots, baby foods, ber- Constable Samuel Woodward of of that the robed choir and English 80 Japane.se planes swept over the collapsed was not known. Nigger Hill, the police cruiser could Northwest 'of the city a "height Bolton is confined to his home un­ The sijuation, which was sum­ not make the grade and they walk­ for the induction center. Oak street, celebrated her 90th “ Dairy products - 90 to 95 per lie.s, all varieties, cherries, red sour rector are carrying on the service Salween river district' in south­ Doctors Rushed to Scene of great tactical importance" was der the care of Dr. D. C. Y. Moore med up briefly in a report of the western CThina and northeastern Sleet Storm Delays Traf­ ed the mile and a half to relieve 1 who left today are listed be- birthday on Christmas day. She Second Red Trap cent a.s much per capita for , our pitted, cherries, other, cranberries with dignity and significance in the Doctors and nurses were rushed reported occupied and held de­ with both hands frozen. governor’s commission last Sep­ ths men on duty. civilian population In 1943 as was and sauce, fruits for salad and presence of a goodly congregation. Burma, the C3iinese Central News to the wreck scene from as far REGULAR 1.59 STOCKS! Is the oldest charter member of spite German counter-attacks. Two A week ago last Saturday night tember, said that out of 250,000 Agency .said. fic All Over This Dis­ M. Davis the Emanuel Lutheran church, consumed In the 193.5-39 period. fruit cocktail, gp-apefruit, grape­ Few Saerlfloes Hers away as Ottawa, about 40 miles Jewish Volunteers Threatens Nazis, hundred German troops were said fruit Juice, grape Juice, peaches, during the cold spell, Constable examined, one in ev e^ eight Puer­ ,'4 The raid yesterday appeared to ’ A. Lutr tL) and is keen and active at her age. to have been killed In this fight­ "'Meats— 100 to 105 per cent of Any sacrifice we make here is ea.st of Almonte, and every truck trict; Few Accidents. Following are the Jewish re.si- AlUn J. Pesclk the 1935-39 period. pears, pineapple, pineapple Juice, Woodward received a call that an small compared to the sacrifices to Ricans is unempl(lyed. That in­ be centered around the city of dents of Manchester who volun­ Mrs. Lamberg received many ing. automobile was stuck snd asked dicates that roughly half of the in the immediate vicinity i was ^"iiidore I. Gottfried Near Stalingrail “ Poultry— 1.50 to 160 per cent. all other canneil and bottled others ^re making In this war... Wa Hsiangyuan. 135 miles west of pres.)—Act­ Attacks Collapse About Town l*ublic Schools Lieut. Douglas Markham, Van­ several minor crashes that did not CutI of Thanks other northwest of tht S^Ungrad. Berlin (From German Broad­ American food goes to the Allies Dried, dehydrated fruits: Prunes, tive staples as rice, beans and cod­ Japanese base at Teng-Y'ueh couver. amount to much. were only 9,821 men of 35 and 12,- le aekfrowledtr* with deep aratU ing President Victor L. Butterfield Six hundred Germans were .slain and said that "to hear some people raisins, all others. fish. It normally exports between Christmas eve several planes tun­ 322 of 34 among the first 921.000 of Wesleyan University today pre­ casts). Dec. 28 - (Ah —Renewed S. O. Link, Renfrew, Ont, Ire Turns To Slush b the thouglitrul kindness shown as the Russians fought through Soviet attacks collapsed yesterday talk, you would think that most of Frozen fruits: Cherries, peaches, Miss Jean Richmond of New Reopened Today 900,000 and a million tons of sugar ed in on a San Francisco radio Private Michael IjiPointe. Cana­ The midmorning schedules had draftees. V friends and neighbors In our sented checks for 8800 to Police the night here, repelling a bitter it is going to our Allies, strawberries, other berries, all York City, who has been spend­ annually, which is approximately station while Over the city and Legislation to provide for de­ at bereavement, the death of Chief Charles A. Anderson and in the" Torek sector of the Cau­ dian Army Basic Training Center. been partially caught up to and Pt'Wtfe, mother, deuahter end els- German ccainter-attack, the mid­ casus and the Germans fought "That IS not so,"' he declared. other frozen fruits. ing the Christmas holidays witli 90 per cent of its production. heard a w.oman- apnouncer pray Ottawa. pendents of married men has done Fire Chief Michael W. Lawton, for “What goes to our Allies is less The public schools opened today from Hartford and it was not un­ Irs. Minnie Griswold. We would day communlqae said. successful defensive battles" be­ Frozen vegetables: Asparagus, her brother and si.ster-in-law, Mr. Normally the government also re­ for "the Safety of American fight­ Private E. J. Desjardins, Bnak- til about eight o'clock that the much to decrease dependency dally thank the Manchester the pension funds of both depart­ than what goes to our own armed beans, lima, beans, green and wax, after the Christmas vacation and ers, wherever they may be. " In the middle Don offensive tween the Don and the Volga and and Mrs. James Richmond of ceives about $1,000,000 monthly ville, Ont. buses were able to climb Wood- claims, dra-t officials pointed out, sn and all who contributed ments. where the Russians are pressing forces; and don't forget that to broccoli, com, peas, spinach, all Main street, returned home to­ although Supt. Arthur H. lUlng through taxes on rum exports. but indu.strial and agricultural I or loaned their cere.— within the Don bend, the high has been in, he was at work this H. F. O'Brien, Ottawa. bridge street. Several big trucks Griswold. Mrs. F. R. De> A similar donation has been into the Ulcralne and plunging some extent this exchange of food other frozen vegetables. day. But, with the nation engaged in needs has strengthened other made by the university annually command declared today. morning. It was expected that Jap Planes Raid Joseph Charfin,' Ottawa. were stalled on Bolton hill and I Mrs. Mary Moonan and FamU down toward Rostov, a German work.s both ways. Some British a global war comparatively little Frank White. Eastview. Ont. claims for exemption from military during past several years. The Red Army renewed attacks food, and a great deal of Austra­ the change over from oU to coal others were having a lot of trouble stronghold was reported taken southeast of Lake Ilmen, north­ The following items are not in­ Corporal Harry Juul of the shipping can be spared for traffic Calcutta Again Samuel H. Butler, Admaston, making the stiff grade from Love service. and 600 Germans killed In only lian food, is supplied by the gov­ cluded : 337th Infantry, Camp Shelby. would be made, but this did not in sugar and rum. west of Moseow, it waa announced. prove to be the case. The con­ New Delhi, Dec. 28—-45--Jap- Ont. Lane east. Rain continued to fall two sectors. Large quantities of ernments of .hoee countries to our Candied fruits, chili con came, Hattiesburg, Miss., son of Mr. and Moat Of Food Imported Cordon Scheels. Renfrew, Ont. The high command declared that trixips who are stationed there. tract was given to a Springfield anese planes raided Calcutta again and by noon the ice turned, to slu.sh equipment and fcxAl stores were the.se thn(st,s also were repulsed, frozen fruits in containers over 10 Mrs!, Harry Juul of 203 Oak Puerto Rico still faces the prob­ AC 2. K. G. Moorehouse, R. C. and all through vehicles were able De (»aiille to Visit also seized In this area, the com pounds, frozen vegetablea in con­ street. Is home on a furlough. concern, but it was held up on lem that it is a one-crop island this morning, causing less than 10 "notwithstanding the employment account of grates. casusrlties and oi4y slight dam­ A. F.. Kingston. Ont. to proceed on nearly normal speed. Weather hi which yon eaa*t muniquq reported. "The total sent to our Allies la tainers over 10 pounds, fruit cakes, inhabited by 2,000,000 persons who Darleen Belcher. 22. R. R. No. 1, at strong artillery and tank less than what is supplied to our Cheney Brothers are also con­ age, a British communique an­ hang out your clothes doesn’t Another vital artery of the fast iorces." fruit juices in containers over one South Methodist church women have to depend for most of their .\rnprior, Ont. Roosevelt, (siraiicl inet^H ini own armed forces; it I.*, small com­ gallon, fniit puddings. Jams, jel­ will resume Red Cro.ss sewing on sidering changes from oil to coal. food on what is imported. nounced. bother as, for here the weather dwindling German communica­ Fifty-nine Red Army tanks pared to what is left for us at This is going to cost about 1180,- Enemy aircraft also bombed tw6 Cecilia Roan, R, R. No. 2, Ren­ // tions system in southwestern lies. meat stews containing some Wednesday of this week. The If all the fertUe land were frew, Ont. Reports Show la made to order. And we see were declared destroyed in the home." 000, but the change Is considered places io eastern Bengal early to­ (Continued from Page One) Russia has been cut by the Rus vegetablea, olives paste products work will be done in the parson­ planted with foodstuffs there still Dorothy Rafter. Gillam. Man. to It that deNvery aervlee la d»- Don bend and Terek fighting. Protests Advance News necessary as nearly all o f the day, "causing slight damage and a Man occupation of Tatsin.skaya, German dive-bombers were re­ (such aa spaghetti, macaroni, age. Would be insufficient food since Gilbert Raymond. Carlton Place, pends Me—rain or snow. Prior to the broadcast, Donald noodles) whether or not they, are homes of t)ie membwi o f the firm small number of casualties," the Jap Air Force 50 miles east of Likhaya on the ported to have attacked Soviet E. Montgomery, retiring consum­ Puerto Rico is more densely popu­ Ont. well 8.S the Fnench people will fol­ packed with added vegetable Sergeant Leon P. St. Lawrence, have In the past been heated by lated than any state with the ex­ bulletin said. Mrs. Gilbert Raymond. Carlton COLORFUL COnONS... railway line leading from the port establishments in Murmansk ers' counsel In the Agriculture de­ a central plant. An earlier report said only a low is the best way to achieve Moocow-Rostov line to Stalingrad and on the Fisher peninsula. sauces, pickles, potato salad, pre­ now located at Philadelphia, is ception of highly industrialized Place. it,” .said these aource.s. partment, Issued a statement pro­ serves, relishes, vegetable Juices few Japanese planes attacked Cal­ Losinjs Power CASH AND CARRY Almost all of the angle east of testing against advance announce- spending his furlough with his Massachusetts, Connecticut and Melville C. Bailev. 19. Calabogie, "The fusion of the French Afri­ in containers over one gallon. brother-in-law, Paul Jones. New Jersdy. cutta, which was hit three nights Ont. 0 SPECIAL the Moscow-Rostov railroad and nent of plana for food rationing. in succession last week. can forces, the Fighting French REGULAR 1.98 STOCKS! north of the Ukhaya-Stalingrad He called for the rationing of (Conttnned from Page ')ne) and other groups el.sewhere would 15% DISCOUNT ON line is now in Russian hands. Yankee Units all foods except cereals and per­ Unfair Distribution Sergeant Grin Lee. of Fort Jack- Two Die, 30 Injured be the burden of the coming con­ ALL Crated Planes Betag Found ishable fruits and vegetables, but son, S. C., is home on a 10-day Lose Supplies Chinese Recapture Munda. flying fortresses struck at ferences with Giraud." The offensive waa reaching so declared, that no previous an­ furlough. As Trains Crash the major Jap base at Rabaul, New General Giraud. unanimously FAMH.Y BUNDLES Beating Japs Seen Result of Plan } illage of Hsihui deeply into the German rear that nouncements should be made, in Chicago, Dec. 28—(45—A Na­ Dixon, 111., Dec. 28. i.Pi Inves­ Britain. A Japanese fighter force selected as high comnu.ssioner and crated planes were being found at order to "avo l tipping off trade Don Willis has returned to the TOMORROW AND WED. ’(Ihiiles Drop London. Dec. 28 -(/P;—A Reu­ took IO the air but did not attack. ( hief military and civilian author­ tional Retail association official Wilmington, Del., air base after tigators credited today the quick railroad stations like "Tatsinskaya. ;;pecuIators, pantry hoarders, and said today that the government ters dispatch from Chungking to­ thinking of a fireman with prevent­ Tho.se are the high spots of re­ ity in North Africa by the Im­ Try Our Superior At Own Game spending the Chriatmaa holidays cent air combat in the South Paci­ Saarsutktfsl Per- it was reported. A large sum of pocketbook patriots.” announcement of a plan for ration­ (OoatIniMd from Page One) day said Chinese forces had re­ ing a heavier toll In the wreck of perial council following the assas­ German and Soviet currency was Wickard and Davis said advance ing canned, frozen and dried fruits With his wife and son Robert who captured the village of Hsihui, on fic. They are not without paiallel sination of Admiral Jean Darlan, cafesf Gingfiomif Dry ClumiBf Service! live on Princeton street. Mr. WlUla two (Chicago and Northwestern seized In a bank at Vowoshino. (Continued from Page Oae) announcement was necessary to and vegetables would bring abnut the north bank of the Yangtze railroad trains here in which two in fighting far to the north for has not yet secun d complete con­ pive the public time to become has completed lua officers’ train­ river half way between Hankow Japan’s weak Air Force at Kiska trol of the entire Army in North west of Millerovo, together with "just what they want to avoid— er-type defenses are steadily persons died and 30 others were Yes, those handy, seersuckers that don't require a warehouse full of grain and learning to make their bullets familiar with the point rationing unfair distribution.” ing course and ba.s been conunis- smashing the last Japanese lines and Kiukiang. Kiukiang is about injured. in the Aleutian islands was wiped Africa, some sources said. many automobiles. dispatches count. sj-stem, which OPA explained as Mrs. Rose Marie Kiefer, secre­ .Hloned a second lieutenant in the S t Buna in New’ Guinea, the Al­ 130 airline, miles southeast of Han­ The line's mail train, westbound out last fall after abo((t three "Still "Confined to Quarter*’’ ironing! Neot-ot-o-pin percales! Fresh new follows: U. S. Army, Ferry Command. months of vain resistance to Although his prestige is great, from the front said. From hospital patients who only tary of the National Association lied command announced today in kow. from Chicago, plowed'into the rear ginghams! They're oil here to choose from...in NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY "The Ruaslana were believed to a few days ago commanded com­ “With a few minor exceptions, of Retail Grocers, said "we de­ During the past year Lieutenant a communique which also disclos-* The Tokyo radio reported today of the trans-continental pa.ssenger AmeriCiUi bombers and fighters. they .s*id. some parts of the H Harrlaea Street—OH Bast Center Street teL 8758 be less than 100 miles from Ros­ panies and platoons In the front such as individuals living in Insti­ plore government officials giving WllUs has been instructing Army ed that American P-38 fighters that Allied planes had bombed and train, the San Francisco Challen­ Marine^ officers back from French Army are still "confined to prettier-thon-ever clossie, coot dress or 2-piece lines I le a rn t one possibly encour­ tutions every member of the civil­ and Naval cadets la Westfield, had made their debut on that Guadalcanal report that the Jap quarters” under terms of the tov, the capture of which would the unscrupulous portion of the lA H M IT T 'l machine-gunned Bangkok, capital ger, at the Dixon station shortly suit stylet. And in colors that tub like a dream. aging fact—the Jaj^ no longer are ian population from the new bom public a month to do their hoard­ Mass, and OreenvlUe, S. C. He TUB front with a smashing victory of Japanese-occupied Thailand, before midnight Saturday night. pilots encounteVed there is the last French-German armistice. 90 prodigal with their ammunition. infant to the oldest inhabitant has also been on active Atlantic over enemy airmen. early yesterday morning, wound­ The Challenger was carrj’ing 48 few weeks are decidedly inferior The diplomatic correspondent Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 44, junior sizes 9 to 17. will have exactly the same num ing. Rather than realize their hope fighters. They characterize them Where once they blasted reckless­ of equltsbia dis'tribuUon at the patrol duty. Hammeriqg ceaselessly at Ja­ ing about 10 civilians. passengers, many of them soldiers of The Ixmdon Daily Mail aaid the ly with machine-guns, tommyguns her of points to spend during each panese remnants trapped in a (The Berlin radio previously had and sailors returning to their sta­ as being generally ihird-raters. successor of Admiral Jean Darlan ration period. These periote two as they seem to be saving their Giraud. The Algiers press also ac­ and solid spun royontl Sport rayon COMBINATIONS come before the session this eve­ madium-slaad cargo vessels, and tker wart unavailing and aht ran Eight Hurt as Slide ning. Points will be set for ^each com­ main Naval strength, for home de­ claimed the selection and declared xgobordinesl Sizes 12-44 and 9-17. Sizes 10 to 20 — 38 to 52 modity according to Its supply at fired another cargo ship in S t to a neighbor’s houst and called fense. it was a sign of eventual French George’s channel, forcing the Jap­ police, Guldettl said. Returning Hits Passenger Train In Black • Tangerine - Powder - Aqua Ave Oete Watch the time the raUoa period la an­ But on the other hand, thew unity. a ^ Fschia nounced. anese to abandon it Much addi­ home, she found the dispute con­ Portland, Ore., Dec. 28—(45— A authorities said, it is possible that Giraud waa named late Saturday tional damage was believed caused tinuing and, getting ' the knife Kansas O ty—(85—From a Jap “2. Poiiskainn of points merely BENNY DAVIS 500 foot slide of mud and snow hit the Japs are losing the air war in by Darlan’s associates in Africa as sntiUas you to buy your share; the war bulletin added. from the kitchen, she stabbed her a Soutfiem Pacific passenger train the Pacific, and losing it fast, the inan best qualified to weld to­ be bad killed. Oorp. Orville John­ In other air actions. Allied father once in the abdomen and son, Marine machine-gimner from you must pdjr for the rationed STAR-SPANGLED REVUt 180 miles south of here in the Cas­ simply because they can’t keep gether divergent French elements merchandise, aa oaual, in doUan PLUS. pli'.nes bombed and destroyed ene­ again in the chest, the detective cade mountains last night, knock­ up the pace our own.military and in a solid front against the Axis. 3wea City, la.^ *ooti a wrist watch my warehouses at Madang and said. he's diq^yiag to friends ba’s and cents. With VAN HEFUK ing one car down a 30-foot incline, Naval forces have aet. Appeals for'Unity "8. The boasewlfe has complete Finschhafen near 'Vltias stnUt in Police found MatHaa dekd In an piercing another with a tree and His first move -wiu.. to Usue an vtalUng. Engraved on Its back la •— OM ite Yoor Waar— New Guinea, strafed supply de­ upper hall, still wearing hiz over­ First To WILROSE DRESS SHOP "Jobn E. EUto, UAJd., Aug. 87, frasdom a t ehoice. She oan ^ en d injuring, eight people, one sert- TTie Department of Commerce appeal for unity. *FLYIi 5g PORTRESS* pots and road transport near coat. The knife waa Iqcated . in ouslv. advocates informative advertising "I ask all to stand united behind H m L s t a a t * ’40." Jobnoon aUli baa the watch. her points any way she wlsbes, al­ R{«;ERV{DSEATS I.-' I'.“ 2°° (A* ♦ 597 MAIN STREET HOTEL SHERID.\N BLDG. He has been unable to communt- though, of course, the items that Watohl Watt! Yor XhMtw Dot! Laivai in Timor, bombed the air among a pile of Chriat'ifiaa pres- The badly injured man was H. hy American industry and busl- me to assure, with the support of TOMMY TUCKI&sflWdKSnK HOW* ■8 OtoMaatar and aulenta. Kana o t U m Anftlaa, a atowar^ MM iB aiff a< ;ha war afforW M A N C H pTE R . Bi eata with Blia er hlajelattve^ art scaroa will have’ a higher 24-828 MAIM KTilUET .rv ■;'T' f f " - ' x f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MA.'rCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1943 m A ^UM cnien KVEmiNU nEKALD. MANCHESTER. C 6 ^ . MONDAY, DECEMBER 28* 1042 PAGE FTVR X church and on a table festooned hawk's, entering th«^fray for the with green bitter sweet branches To Seat Officers Rommel Forces .second day, meikflwhile shot up to Kiwanis added a festive note. In the cen* Weddings numerous vehlkes in tora.,8 alon.., K Stocks U r e W A r m y - ter of the platform stood the tree, Friday Evening Obituary Must Dec hie the roads by which the Germans Soldier Breaks Arm Canaan Leads a mass of glitter from tip to base are atteptfMng to reinforce their Air Reduction ...... 41 «i Daily R^dio Proj^am s Nutrition and Surgery iub’s Officers and when the color lights gleamed Bogne*Slggins positl^ Allis Chal Mfg ...... 2i ^ Speed Plans it was like a bit of fairyland. Hemlock and poinsettia plants Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ About Stand .11 Planes Return Safely Allied Chem ...... Basteni yvat Unis Fats Salvage Gifts were arranged at the base formed the setting for the candle­ ranth, will seat its officers for Deaths II the planes in these attack* Am Airlines ...... CO'j, Failing Off Giraffe 1943, at a aeml-pubik; installation, ...... Possible Palsy Gurei I President George on the floor and boxe-s of candy light ceremony Saturday afternoon 1 (UonUnued from Page One)' 'eturned .Safely. Am Can ...... a a were grouped__ ^ around the altar. .it'S'c’clock in the Second Corigre* Friday evening at 8:30 In the Ma­ John Robinson Meanwhile one flying fortress Am Rad St S ..... ,,,,,, . 6 Rapid Improvement in Manchester’s Collection Waddell, Presides The”following program was pre* fgatlonal church, when Miss Ruth sonic Temple. <5 ' ...... • a a • . John Robinson, of 79 Spruce mitted today ^that "reconnais­ reported lost in _the attack on Am Smelt American Air Foree Only 39 Per ' Cent of fiber destruction wa* suggesUv^ ■ ■ ‘ Mary Siggins, daughter of Mr. and The first six elective officers ..... • a • a V'C Use of Colleges Plea Science Haft Coniprehen* Installation. sented: Welcome, by Superintend street, died Saturday afternoon at sance” activity waa growjng more Bizerte Friday, put in a belated Am/T * T ...... 126'^ Vice President to Speak Seven Deaths The damage occurred in Mrs. William H. Siggins of 178 are as follows: Royal matron, Mrs. appearance. a . . a « a a ent Charles Lyon: prayer by Dr. Memorial hospital following a long Intense In the "Slrte ne^on" of An»Tob B ...... 43% By Yale Professor. Doctor’s Treat Untisu- Quota Assigned in No.v. id around blo^ vessels. This deg Hillihrd street, became the bride Rose W. Vanderbrook; royal pa­ It landed in friendly territory ...... Hive Look Inside' H Horace B. Sloat; Christmas illness. waa bom in County Libya, a term it use* to obscure Anf Wat W k a___ .. 3 >4 ere.tlon is as yet unexplained, a«w officer* of the Man- carols; Christmas story, Evelyn of Raymond E. Bogue, Jf., son of tron, Carl Furay; associate royal some distance from its base and AnrSyiscose ...... a a a a a a a a a 33*/^ al Cases in African Armagh, Northern Ireland, and has the extent of the i ^ t in Tripoli Over the Radio Tonight New Haven, Dec. 28—(>P)—Rap­ Over Holiday Hartford, Dec. 28.--,Canaan led mail Brain to See Papez said, but suggests a poastblj Kiwaala Club wero in* Parlzek; Holy Night, trio; song, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Bogue, matron, Mrs. Eva Wood; associate on the way back shot down a Anaconda ...... a * a a a a a lived In Manchester 45 years and tanla. .. 24'.4 id improvement in the Army’s Sector of Conflict. the state In exceeding its quota of nutritional cause. It also sugf Mr*. Hazel Sundt’s class; Christ* of Stonington. royal patron, Oliver Mansur; con­ Focke-Wolf 190 fighter and dam­ Armour 111...... 3 Cause of Disease. today. Tbo InotalHnr offl- The pastor. Rev. Ferris E. Rey­ waa employed by Cheney Brothers. It claimed tftfkt Allied attacks in plans to use the nation’s colleges fats and greases during Novem­ changes in small blood vessels, mas carol. Night Before Christ* ductress, Mrs. Clarissa Miller;' aged two others. Atchison ...... a a a a a a a .. 45'4 New York, Dec. 28—OT)— VIceron MBS will be discontinued after Town TreaauKJ George H. nolds, performed the ceremony and Besides his wife, Mrs. Matilda Xunisia wjre repulsed, however, was urged last night in a Yale ber, according to the summary of germ or virus diseases. mas, Eddie Sundt; Christmas car* associate conductress, Mrs. . Bel* On the ground, small groups of Atl Refin ...... a a a a a a a .. 38T, the January 10 program. William By George Tucker Four Result of Traffic who waa the flnrt preal- the bridal mus'ic was in charge of ledna Mansur. (Dougan) Robinson, he is survived and the German high command President Wallace is to discuss News Forum by Associate Prof. collections made public by the By Hoivard W. Blakeslee Different Possible Hource ol; Santa Claus, presents and can* German and Allied forces were Aviation Corp ...... a a 3*4 Laken is in charge . . . To meet Cairo, Dec. 22—(Delayed)—(>P)' State Salvage Committee today. the church organlat, Samuel G. n ist Royal Patron Irving Wick­ by two sona John G. Robinson and .said sonfe ground had been gained “America’s Part in World Recon­ George W. Pirsoh of Yale. Accidents During 3- Associated Press Science Editor The twelfth brain showed ct the club back in 1924, dy for all. Edwin Cushman an* j s meeting in occasional clashes. Baldwin Ct ...... a a a * a a a .. 10% listener requests, NBC has decid­ -Brig.. Gen. David N. W. Grant, , Canaan reported 226 per cent of Ramette, who also accompanied ham will be the installing officer. William D. Robinson, both of Man­ by tj»e A ^I there. In contrast to the Navy, be de­ Ithaca, N. Y„ Dec. 28—(>P)—Two ferent possible source of nounced the program. But there was no sign of im­ B * 0 ...... 3% struction” as NBC broadcasts at ed to repeat Edna St. Vincent Mil­ Who played a lot of baseball with i its quota, while Washington, near­ on Dr. D. C. T. Moore, who the soloist. Miss June Yeomans. chester and sqven daughters, Mrs. Claim Important .\dvanre clared, the Army plans to send Day Week’End. thousand years after the time' There was some degenerated . leader in the organlaaUon Retiring Royai Matron Mrs. Alice minent major offensive nmve- Bendix...... 34 10:30 tonight. The address marks lay's dramatic poem, "The Murder Eppa-Jeptha Rixey when the old ' est competitor, reported 128 per ape at the base of the brain. “ The bridal attendants were Miss Mark Holmes of Burlington, N. C.,^ The only ground action reported ments. back to college for training "only when Christ, in one of 'the Bible's . local organisation, who in a Volquardsen will be marshal, and Beth Stl ...... a a a a a a a .. 55% the 86th anniversary of the birth of Lidice.” It is scheduled for Cincinnati flreballer was curving cent of its quota as compared with tissue interfered with the ne Dorothy M. Siggins, sister of the Past Royal Patron Louis Vander­ Mrs. Paul Gustafson of ManchM from the Allied side was from the a small fraction of the talent that By The Associated Press most dramatic incidents, said to stateinent told of his experl- Boeing A irp ...... 15 of Woodrow Wilson. January 8 at 1:30 p. m. them high, wide and handsome for i 127 per cent in Windham and channels. Diseases which tMa bride, and John J. Lenihan of Paw* brook will be an aide. ter, Mrs. Edward A. Aslund^^^ French forces guarding the Selective Service will have put Death cast its pall over seven the man with palsy, “Arise, take Borden ...... 23% The vice president originally the University of Virginia, thinks | Roxbury reported 105 per cent. the base of the brain, such Stafford Springs catuck. Conn. Charles H. Cottrell Newark. N. J., and the isfisses southern flank in Tunisia. The British Troops into its hands.” the medical service of the U. S. households during the three-day up thy bed,”—science has had its ' __before Mr. Waddell pinned of the latter place and Herbert A. Gladys E., Ruth, Margafet and French claimed an important ad­ Can Pac ...... 6% was schooled to speak before the Listening Tonight: NBC — 8 These communities were, the only cephalitis, would account far ...... While the Army’s program Is Air Force has hit a new peak in holiday week-end in Connecticut. most comprehensive look inside John O. Netto Cerro De P ...... 32% joint annual meeting in Chicago ones to go over the top during No­ type. badge of president on the lapel Dawlet of Waterford were the Noted Cartoonist Grace Robinson, all o r Manches­ vance. south of Pont-du-Fahs, Advance 40 Miles Paul Muni in "Eagle's Nest;” 8:30 advertised as democratic, he as­ Four of the deaths resulted from fhe human brain to aee what 472. Stafford Ches & Oh ...... a a a a a a a .. 32% of the American Political Science efficiency and effectiveness. vember. One of the possibilities for treai| James Blalr'a coat he reviewed tishers. ter, and five grandchildren. Mr. about 30 miles southwest of Tunis. Cairo, Dec. 28 — (A«) —British Richard Crooks, tenor; 9 Voorhees serted, 4'actually the Army claim traffic accidents, despite a marked causes this disease. Chrysler ...... 70 Association and the American So­ The dust of the western desert Despite this showing, the state ment is brain surg- y to bala work of the club and its ef* The bride who was given in mar­ Robinson was a member of Man­ The Axis Air Force was being troops plunging after Maishal concert, Grace Moore; 9:30 I. Q seems to not to be valid. reduction both in speed and vol­ The faults are in the gray mat­ Coca - Cola ...... a a a a a a a.. 88% ciety for Public Administration, still was on General Grant’s blouse as a whole collected only 27 per the nerve me.ssages. Already during the years of its ex- ’’ Miss Eleanor M. Felton, mem* riage by her father wore a dress of Dies in Norwalk chester Lodge 99, L. O. L. compelled to move from one air­ Erwin Rommel's retreating forces Quiz; 10 Contented concert. "Two out of every three, who ume of highway travel forced- by ter. TTie physical changes which <^1 Gas A E l ...... a a a a a a a.. but war transportation difficulties when be leaned against the fire­ cent of its quota, calculated on the surgery has been employed almo ice. He complimented the ber of the faculty at Stafford High white jersey and Venice lace, with The funemr will be held Tues­ field to another so rapidly in have advanced 40 miles west of 1% CBS—7:30 (west 10:30) Blondle; will.already have demonstrated gasoline restrictions. The other produce them and a clue to nutri­ bers on the Job they had suc- Coml Inv T r ...... 32% cancelled the conference. He is 8 Vox Poppers: 8:30 Gay Nineties; place in an Air Force headquar­ basis of a quarter of a pound of miraculously, for shaking pali^,| school has been sWorn into the hood of the material. She car­ Norwalk, Dec. 28—(>P)—Edward day at 2 or m. at the Thomas G. Libya that it was able to put up Sirte, and engaged enemy units in their ability to do college work, ters building and talked about his three were produced by a fire, a tion as one of the possible causes id in Oing and told them that Coml Solv ... ______a a a a a a a .. 9% speaking under _ auspices of the I 9 Judy Garland in "A Star Is fats' and greases a month. This Similar surgery has been "Waves” at the Third Naval Dis* ried a bouquet of white snap­ Scott "Ted” Brown, 66, of this city, Dougam^meral home, 59 Holl practically no opposition. the Wadi Bei El Chebir area, Brit­ will not have this so-called 'demo­ beating, and a drowning, the lat-, all become plain. Surgery appears in a few cases, with promiae the population of the town Comwlth Edts ...... 20% Woodrow Wilson' Foundation. Bom:” 10 Olivia De Havilland in five-week inspection of the African waa an increase of two per cent trict in New York. Miss Pelton Is dragon. Her maid of honor wore cartoonist for the New York Her­ streel/Rev.'James S. Neill, rector In Tunisia, American P-40 War- ish headquarters announced today. cratic' opportunity, even though ter that of a boy trying out his to be a remedy in some cases. success, in spastic paralysis, Ing so rapidly he believed (Tons A ire ...... 16% Wallace will be on the air again "The Male Animal.” fronts. over the percentage of quota in the on the officer candidate list and aquamarine Jersey with hood of the ald-Tribune since 1925, died today o fM a ry 's Episcopal church, as- hawks, newest model of the This advance puts the Eighth the government be willing to pay Christmas skates. The studies were made by a affliction, too, is due to blocM « t they had an opportunity to Cons E d ls ...... 15 this week when he is to be the in­ BLU—7:30 Lone Ranger; 8:30 Have Best Medlool Settee previous month, and collections la awaiting orders to report at same material and arm bouquet of at Norwalk hospital after a brie^ sted by Major N. J. Curtis of the ChJrtiss fighter plane, were in ac­ Army only 180 miles from Tripoli, their way,” he charged. "1 went over them with a fine- Two of the traffic fatalities were amounted to 118,216 pounds. group of scientists. Dr. Paul C. nerve pathways or diseased n further the Influence of the Cons Oil ...... • a a a a a a .. 6% terview guest of Raymond Clapper True or False; 9 Country Spy; Smith College, Northampton, yellow pompons. illness. Salvation Army, will officiate. tion for the first time, escorting last remaining Axis stronghold in Expressing what the university tooth comb,” he said. "Our low from one accident in Hartford on • Due to the lack of meat markets Bucy, University of Illinois Col­ in the brain. Surgeons have Hranla organisation by attempt* Tripolitania. Cont Oil Del ...... 28% on MBS New Year's Eve. 9:30 Tony Pastor Band; 10:15 Mass.; or Mount Holyoke College, Because of Illness the bride's Brown, whose cartoons Were Burial will be In East cemetery. fl.ving fortresses in attacks on termed his "personal” views, the sick and casualty rates prove, Christmas morning: Carol Goral, in some towns, no collection cen­ lege ot Medicine, studied the nerve moved a part of a human m to contact the strangers and Sfax. Cont Can ...... a -a a a a a a .. 26% Alias John Freedom. South Hadley. Mass. She is a rcsi* mother was unable to be present syndicated and appeared ip ^ a n y The communique said there history professor charged that the 16, and John Zielinski, 15, both of ters are set up. but the household mechanisms involved in distorted and demonstrated, by the Eke them feel that Manchester were no Important air operations Corn Prod ...... 57-T* In keeping with the request that MBS—7:30 Mystery Hall con­ we've got the best medical serv­ dent of Rlckford, Vermont, and and Mrs. O. E. Young, aunt of the American newspapers, came to the While Middle East aircraft at­ Army "proposes to make only such ice In the world. Tropical diseases Hartford, died In the Municipal fats program is in progress and movements and tremors. Dr. W. ing improvement afterward in joined them. Mr. Waddell told over the battle area yesterday, but Del L * Wn ...... 3% New Year's be set aside as a day cert: 8:30 Bulldog Drummond; has taught English and Social bride, assisted in receiving at the Herald-Tribune after iTyears with tacked Tunis and Sousse Saturday use” of the nation's colleges "as it haven’t bothered us. We are both­ hospital an hour after their car the fata are brought to shopping S. McCulloch, of the same institu­ affheted person, that the s; e|ub members that because of Funerals one Messerschmitt 109 was shot Du Pont ...... ' . .135% of prayer, MBS has arranged to 9:30 Better Half quiz; 11:30 Radio .V.idies at the local high school for reception which followed in the the Chicago Daily N ^ s. night and dropped bomba which cannot in any way avol,d.” ered only by the ordinary aliments hit a tree. centers in nearby towns. Towns tion, employed electrical devices to brain Is able to readjust itMlf It number of new houses church parlors. She wore a blue down and others were driven off Eastman Kod ...... 146% present a minute of prayer almost Newsreel from London. the past eight years. She is a Bom in StillwatM, Minn., Brown burst in the main basin and on the Air Corps Promotions Rapid we are used to at home. Our boys Manchester Worker Victim in this classification, of course, do .study brain waves. Dr. James W. some degree, so that other par In town the grand list dress and the bridegroom's moftier, .Mrs. Frederick Demute when attempting to cross the coast Elec Auto - L ...... 30% hourly from 10 a. m. to midnight graduate of Mount Holyoke Col­ went to Alaska in the gold rush electric railwajr depot at Tunis, He suggested that the ablest are getting the same personal at­ The other traffic victims were not have their percentage of quota Papez, Cornell, investigated the take over basic function*. d show an increase of better black. Both wore corsages of The funeral of Mrs. Stella L. at Malta yesterday. Erie RR (Tt ...... 7% on that day. The prayers, submit­ What to expect Tuesday: NB(3— lege. the fying fortresses also kindled men, at the' end of their three tention our daddies got from the Joseph Kuhis. 67, of Torrington, listed. highways !along which the electri­ two nilllion. This means a roses. when he wag' s young man and Demute, wife of Frederick Dc- Gen Eliec ...... a a a a a a a .. 30% ted by ministers, priests and rab­ 9 a. m. Everything Goes; 1:16 p, Funeral., services for Mis* Jose* fresh fires among ships and docks months’ basic training, apply for who died Christmas Day of injur­ Following Is a list of'the towns cal impulses move. Dr. T. J. Put­ was a member of the Arctic ...... bis, will be read by commentators, m. Music for Everyone: 6 Shred- old family doctor. In the tax rate. phine Stachelsky, 23, daughter of When leaving for an unannounced mute of 22 Flower street, was at Bizerte. ^ Gen Foods 35 ies suffered Thursday when he was in the state with the percentage of Chocolate, candy and .chewip Brotherhood of Alaska and the Italians Report ...... clergymen and announcers. nik's Denver strings. CBS — 12 the Air Corps, "where promotions "The oddest injury I ran across nam, of the Neurological institute. . new president, James Blair, Mr, and Mrs. Charles StacheLsky wedding trip, the bride wore a held Saturday afternoon at two Assault on Sousse Gen Mot ...... 44% quota attained in each: gum arc being rationed in. introduced Eiverett Keith, the black dress and accessories and Adventurers' Club of Chicago. o'clock from the Watkins Funeral Goodyear TAR.. ..26 In addition, CBS will have a noon Kate Smith; 3:30 Keyboard are known to be rapid,” or apply waa in central Africa. We caught hit - by a car, and Richard P. Hat­ , cut tracts through United Kingdom at a rate of of Staffordville, were held this These raids, on Saturday, were Intensified Activity special half-hour at 9:15 a. m. with directly for admission to Officer up with a sick-and-injured car, field, 68. who came from Mars Andover. 93: Ansonia, 16;.Ash­ the brain for relief of the paraly­ vice president, and Herbert maroon coat. Friends said he devoted virtu­ Home. Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr„ Int Harv ...... , ...... 60% concert: 6:30 Orange Bowl football ounces per person per week. morning at 9 o'clock In St. Ed* followed up yesterday by another Rome (From Italian Broad­ clergymen of all faiths offering Training schools. _ and one of the men had a broken Hill, Me., to Manchester 10 ford. 16; Avon, 18; Beacon Falla, tic conditions. iney, the second vice presl- They will make their horn* in ally all of his spare time to fish­ pastor of the South Methodist Int Mcr M a r ...... «. .. 9% preview: BLU—12:30 Farm and Department of Commerce repor ward's church. Rev. Henry L. Cha- fl.ving fortre.ss assault on Sousse in casts). Dec. 28—i/P)— The Italian prayers. "The temptation to return to months ago to work for Cheney 7; Berlin. 19: Bethany, no report; One of Common Plagues The new president is much Pawcatuck. The bride waa grad­ ing. and he was out on Long Is­ church officiated. Mrs. R. K. An­ Int irick ...... 29% Home program; 2:30 Fantasy in arm. When I asked him how it bot officiated at the requiem mass. which a ship was blown to bits high command reported "intensi­ ' ■ ■ ■ J. college will be further diminished happened he said: ‘I fell off a Brothers. He was struck by an Bethel. 40; Bethlehem. 6: Bloom­ Palsy in Christ's tipie, and ever _ jted in better attendance at uated from Manchester High land Sound less than a week ago derson, organist, rendered appro­ Int P a p e r ...... 8 Melody: 3:30 Between the Book Burial was in St. Edward's ceme« and warehouses and docks shou’er- fied activity of reconnaissance Because of the death of its by the fact that this college train­ giraffe, sir.’ ” automobile in Manchester Satur­ field, 3; Bozrah, 18: Branford. 32; since, has been one of the. com­ weekly meetings and he stated school and waa formerly employed on a fishing expedition. He enter­ priate selections. Int T A T ...... 6% ends. MBS—2:30 Mutual Goes tery. Miss Stachelsky died late ed with explosives, dispatches elements in the Sirte region” of foimder, Howard Cadle, the Sim- ing will apparently be narrowly It seems there was a wild gi­ day and died yesterday of a frac­ Bridgeport. 38: Bristol. 22; Brook­ mon plagues of man. It causes it waa bis plan to make the by the Aetna Llf* Insurance Com­ ed the ho.II 5:46—Ben Bemie. 6:00—News altitude sickness, air sickneas, and All Are Urged 28: Montville, 3; Morris, no report: are the most complicated part of will continue until Thursday, All Abom, and George C. Rider. now exists as to the (libel) laws." The Allied-controlled Morocco by flamboyant Japanese claims Pub Sve ...... 11 6:00—News. 6:15—History In The Headlines the human ner\’ous system. M4-S, Bast Hamptea A requiem high mass will be ...... For Bargaining. sickness from working with oxy­ Naugatuck. 23; New Britain. 20; those bom on and after Nov. 1, At the request of the State radio reported Rommel's men al­ that the American, British and Pullman ...... 26% 6:05—News. with Professor Andre Schenkcr Like Keys of Player Plano Representatives of Ellington Legislature, the council made a sung Saturday, January 2, at 8 Netherlands Navies have so far 4% gen. New Canaan. 74; New Fairfield, 1924, and not after December 31, Grange and Rising Star Lodge o, o'clock, in St. Bridget's church, for ready were streaming into Tripoli 6:10—Sports. 6:30—Strictly Sports "After a three-months special Work Harder no report; New Hartford. 35; New He likens them to the key* of a and Mrs. Alfred Vine and study of several bills to amend lost 38 per cent of their ships. Republic Stl ...... 14 Washington. Dec. 28—(iPi ■- The 1924, must register. The youths I. O. O. F. Rockville attended in the late Mrs. Mary Moonan Gris­ and the British announced that 6:15—Today at the Duncan.s. 6:45—Lowell Thomas, commenta­ course the medical officers Haven. 22; Newington. 19: New player piano. They transmit the In an address to the Diet, broad­ ...... ; ...... 24% iter spent the Ixflidays in are registering at the office of a body. libel laws and the law of libel in wold. This has bben requested by pursuing Eighth Army forces had Rey Tob B 6:30—Keep Working, Keep Sing­ tor United Automobile Workers of serve a full year with air units be­ London. 21; New Milford. 63; New­ nervous impulses which control cast by the Japanese and German ...... with relatives. Atty. Joel H. Reed, chief regis­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard White of general, along with other stat­ her Pine Hill and Edward street advanced 40 miles west of Sirte, Savage Arms 9% ing, America. 7:00—Fred Waring in Pleasure America (AFL) has been selected fore they are able to qualify as town, 44: Norfolk. 45: North Bran­ the body's basic functions, such as radios, Tojo pointed out tough ...... Employment Ser\'ice Di­ «ge Mattus of Berklsy, Cali* trar, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily. the Lake Bon Aire Road have re­ utes. The council made its report neighbors. putting them only 180 miles from Sears Roeb 61% 6:45—The World Today. Time by a majority of production and flight surgeons. Our sole object is ford. no report; North Haven, 13: .swallowing, gra.splng and walk­ Tripoli. military problem# in the Solomons, ...... 18% and his sister Miss Rose ceived a telegram from the Ad­ yesterday. Shell Un 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. 7:15—News of the World maintenance employes of Peck to keep the boys flying and in rector Offers Six Sug­ Norwalk, 24; Norwich, 15' Old ing. The brain above is like a mu­ the Aleutians, India, aqd China, - ...... 10 sic roll operating these keys. The , a student at the Univer- jutant General that their eon. Pri­ "Whatever criticism may be "Our troops were in contact with Socony V ac 7:15—Ceiling Unlimited — Orsen 7:30—Rationing—Chester Bowles Stow and Wilcox company of ma.xlmum physical condition. Lyme. 58; Old Saybrook, 34; and declared Japan waui busy day ...... 15% Southington, Conn., as their exclu- keys are represented by several of Alabama, are spending this vate First Class David A. White, made, legitimately, of the press, the enemy In the Wadi Bel El Che- Sou Pac Welles. 7:45—H. V. Kaltenbom These boys are a long way from gestions to Help. Orange, 8: Plainfield. 8: Plainville, — ih« mipnort that ghpw ik with Mr. and Mrs. Chris S. it still remains the best protec­ bir area 40 miles west, of Slrte” and night "providing against air South Ry ...... 14% 8:00—Cavalcade of America .slve agent for collective bargain­ hundred bundles of fibers in each comfortinf rrli«f for ■uffao* vario Tolland Medical Corps, U. S. A. is suffer­ 7:30—Blondie. home, and we want their families 42; Plymouth, 9: Pomfret, 4: Port­ . COM vetna yot ar« not cooopleedei itensen. tion the public has against wrong­ Engagements yesterday, the British communique raids and preparing for future war Std B rands ...... 4% ing, the National Labor Relations Icmon-like body. Each bundle conr ing from vounds as a reJilt of 8:00—Vox Pop. 8:30—The Voice of Firestone to know the best is none too good Hartford. Dec. 28-(,P;—Don't land. 37: Putnam, 29; Redding. 1; undffT aheor hnoiery • . . H m jowm and Mrs. Jo)m C. Vargason doers.” the council said, "and the said. developments.” Std Gas A E l ...... a a . a a a board announced today. tains many fibers, or nerve Mrs. John H. Steele enemy action in Africa. David A. % 8:80—Gay Nineties Revue. 9:00—The Telephone Hour for the lowest ranking man in the demand "personal service as u.sual Ridgefield. 76; Rocky Hill. 13: Rox­ doctor preacribod? ., . . Coom te it Christmas day with her niece fearless expbsure of evil by the American flying fortresses led He gave the account and appar­ Std Oil Cal ...... ; ...... 28% The NLRB .said that of 651 valid strands •nd aaa tha bovoq aiylM fiv warn 1178-8, Rockville White enlisted from South Wind­ Rodonis-Vincek ■ 8:55—Cecil Brown—News. 9:30—Dr. I. Q. outfit." during wartime and work' harder bury. 105: Salisbury. 29; Saybrook, Henry Sweeney and family the Allied aerial assault in Tunisia ent warning that no early victory Std Oil in d ...... 28% ballots, 607 favored the United In the 11 palsy brains. Dr. Pa­ aad womaa. Why mot today? sor, two years ago and was the press should not be hampered by 9:00—Lux Radio Theater. 10:00—Contented Program Inspe«'ting Cam|is Old Stoiy yourself,” William G. Ennis, state 84; Seymour, 21; Sharon, 49: Shel­ St H i^o rd . with an attack on the Important could be expected, but declared Std Oil N J ...... Automobile Workers union. Forty- pez found some of the fibers in the uncertainty which now exists Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Vincek, 46% 10:00—Screen Star Play. 10:30—Lands Of The Free Inspecting Army camps is' an director of the U. S. Employment ton. 15; Simsbury, 48; Somers, 19; Lucien Birdseye of New York second man from that town to en­ Naval base of Bizerte and the port Japan had Ijeen strengthened oy ...... four were registered as opposed. each bundle destroyed. This loss ease Christensen and Mr. and as to the laws.” of 77 North street, announce the Texas (To 41% 10:30—Daytime Showcase. 11:00—News old story to this six foot, 190- Service, suggested in the weekly Southbury, 23. Chris S. Christensen spent has been spending the holiday re­ list; his half-brother, Edward Thi- of Sfax on the east coast. The big receiving from conquered areas in Timken Roll B ... . . 40% Workers Covered produced a definite effect like put­ engagement of their daughter. 11:00—News. 11:15—Nelson Olmsted pound hazel^eyed Army doctor who broadcast of the State Defense Southington, 17: South Windsor, n R T M U R holiday with Mr. and Mrs. cess with his aunt. Miss Miriam beault being the first. Thibeault, bombers started a number of fires the south Pacific 1,800,000 tons of ...... The workers covered include ting brakes on bodily movements. Miss Eleanor Margaret Vincek, to Un Carbide ...... 82% 11:05—-Sports Roundup. 11:30—Hot Copy got his medical degree at Virginia Council yesterday. 11; Sprague, 29; Stafford. 32; ^ ^ D R U C STORES 11 Schreier and family in Underwood. son of Mrs. White, is in the Coast among the docks at Bizerte and raw materials, or 70 per cent more ...... 79% employes of the shipping, receiv­ The location of the points of Radio Advances Albert Vincent Rodonis, son of Union Pac ...... 11:10—William L. Shirer—News. 12:00—News and went into the Army 27 years Offering .six suggestions to help Stamford, 26; Sterling. 28 Ston­ iwelL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson of Artillery, an^ was sent to Panama; scored hits on their targets at than Nippon'* needs for a whole Unit Air L ...... a a a a a a a .. 20% 12:05—The Three Suns Trio ing and yard departments. Execu­ Hartford were Saturday guests of William Rodonis ot 10 Congress year. 11:15—Prank Sinatra, Songa ago. Ribbons on his blouse, that reduce Connecticut's increasingly ington, 7; Stratford. 30; Suffield, Emma Weir of West Hart* although the family have not heard Sfax, an Allied communique said Unit Alrc ...... 24% 12:30—Echoes From The Tropics tives, foremen, assistant foremen, their Tolland relatives. Military Secret street. 11:30—Xavier Cougat Orchestra. run in a straight line under gold serious labor shortage, Ennis de­ 18: Thomaston. 43; Thompson, 4; and Mias Jessie Weir of Man* from him for 16 months. yesterday. Two large ships were Unit Corp ...... 9-32 12:55—News department heads, and other su- John Anderson celebrated his Both are graduates- of Manches­ 12:00—News. • wings on which are .superimposed clared that the entire solution to Torrington. 21: Trumbull. 13; 'Ver­ T spent the holiday at their The officers for 1943 of Elling­ reported sunk in Sfax harbor. Unit Gas Im p ------.. 5% perrt.sors. factory clerks, time­ sixteenth birthday Dec. 24 with a ter High school. Miss Vincek is a Tomorrow's Program Tomorrow’s Program the twin .snakes of Caduceus, em­ the country's manpower problem non. 29: Wallingford. 31; Wash­ « in this place. ton Grange were duly Installed New York, Dec. 28—l/P)—Radio, A screen of fighter planes es­ U S Rubber ...... 27 keepers. office, technical, and party of young friends at a skat­ cashier at the Montgomery Ward corted the fortresses over the tar­ Hospital Notes A. M. p. m. blem of the medical profession, lies in the hands of the Individual. ington. 128: Waterbury. 19: Water- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson have Wednesday evening by Perry after the war, will perform such U S Steel ...... a a a a.. 47% plant-protection employes were towm, 33; Westbrook, 21; 'West ing party and on returning en­ store and Mr. Rodonis is employed gets and shot down two enemy 7:00—News. 6:00—Reveille, Agricultural News excluded. tell only part of the story. The six points were: spending the holidays with Lathrop of Vernon. Master of East chores as sewing, de-activatlng Warner Br Plct .. .. 8% Hartford, 52; West Haven, 25; joyed refreshments and games at at the postoffice. planes. 7:10—Shoppers Special — Music, 6:25—News The board also announced a One is for service in World War 1. Reduce your demands for Ives in West Hartford, Central Pomona Grange and his vegetables, hardening metals and Wert Union ...... 27% Westport, 51; Wethersfield, 43; his home. Admitted Saturday: Bernard Time. 6:30—Doye O’Dell majority of employes of The 1. Another is for service before personal service and for the luxu­ and Mrs. Harry Hanson and assistants: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur gluing things together, says David Attack I.and Suppl.v IJnes Lyons, 17 Starkweather street; West El A Mfg .. a a a a a a a .. 81 7:45—Robarts Program. Wilton, 88: Winchester, 32; Wind­ Mrs. Gertrude Miller who has Bamforth and Shirley Bamforth, 6:45—Reveille Charlton company, Inc., Fitchburg. Pearl Harbor. A third signifies he ries of a peacetime economy. EUsa Johnson of Hartford, been ill for several weeks is now Sarnoff, Radio Corporation of Other Allied fighter planes Mrs. Mary S. Austin, 5 Ridge­ Woolworth ...... a a a a a a a.. 29% 7:55—News. ham, 127: Wind.sor, 24; Windsor some fiirads of New Haven Noma Dimock and Mrs. Peny America pre.sldent—but that's not Evening School ranged over Tunisia attacking Elec Bond A Sh ((Turb) .. .. 1% 6:55—News Mass., had sleeted the Upholster­ was with the Army of C>ccu)wtion 2. Extend your work day as Locks, 33; Wolcott, no report: able to leave her room which is wood street; Gilbert Graham, 92 8:00—News of the World. 7:00—Morning Watch ers International Union of North in Germany. "I was with! the production demands become great­ iveheen recent guests of Mr. and pleasing news to her many Tol­ Lathrop. A program of music and half of it. Axis land supply lines, railroads Russell street: William Sheekey. 8:15—Shoppers Special. Woodbury, 74: Woodstock. 10; C u l Larson. readings, In charge of Mrs. Alice and locomotives and barges off the 8:00—News America (AFL) as their agent for Army ot Ciccupation two and a er and available workers fewer. Darien, 42; Waterford, no report. land friends. 'The useful services of radio,” Classes Resumed 62 Norman street; Richard Fre- 8;80—New*. 8:15—World News Roundup United Flirnifitr* Workers of half years,” he recalled. Give Time to Different Job Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall en­ Williams, followed and Santa Sarnoff said yesterday in a year- coast, the communique reported. heit, 43 Elwood street; Mr*. Amy Bread Shortage 8:35—Shoppers S^bcial—contin­ Claus distributed presents to all. end review, "will be broadened far A German gun position near 8:30—Women Radio Bazaar with America (CIC). "How long do you intend to stay 3. Give a few hours daily to a tertained at a family party with Cross, Bolton. ued. Nan Clarke The NLRB reported that of 31 in Germany this time?" I asked. different type of job than you two of the neighbors present to The newly-installed master, Mrs. beyond the communication field, Medjez-El-Bab. the center of the Admitted Sunday: , 9:00—Press News.- Ekiward Miller, will be delegate to into such realms as the RCA elec­ Evening school classes will re­ most recent fighting by American Seen Threatened 8:55—Program Parade valid votes cast, 17 favored the A slow smile broke over the usually perform. Willington enjoy a Christma.s and neighborly sume tonight in the High school .54 Union Place; Mrs. LInnea Fer- 9:15—School of the Air. 9:00—Music While You Work American Federation of Labor af­ general's face. "I'm not going to 4. Get behind the civilian de­ get-together, Christmas Day. State Grange session to be held in tron microscope, radio-frequency and British troops, was attacked •ris. 18 Green Hill street; Edwin 9:45—Victory Front Sllae Jennie R. Cbnrch Hartford in January. building. All classes will be held by Hurricane bombers. Washington, Dec. 28—(JPi—Sen­ 9:15—Margo and Lanny Ross. filiate and 14 the CIO union. Germany this time. I'm going to fense effort, Harry KavaJevich has recovered heating, supersonics and no end of the same nights as heretofore, Manning, 156 Benton street; May­ 10:00—Valiant Lady. 9:30—"Food News” The board also ordered an elec­ Tokyo." .. 5. Cooperate cheerfully in the from several days illness of the Richard Hamilton is spending applications made possible by the Two of the fortresses were lost nard Briggs. 278 Burnham street; ator Reed (R-Kas) predicted to­ 10:15—Stories America Loves. the Christmas holidays with his development of new radio tubes, wood working, sewing, citizen­ in the raids on Bizerte and Sfax day that the Office of Price Ad­ 9:45—Violins i tion among bus operators and gar­ government's efforts to maintain TTie maintenance department grip cold. ship. typing, beginners English on and two other Allied planes were Mrs. Frank Haraburda. 136 Oak 10:30—Amanda of Honeymoon 10:15—The O’Neills age employes of The Trailways of orderly control of all activities af­ Id landscape division of the state Webster Pearson of West Hav­ futher, Harrison L. Hamilton and especially those designed to send street; Mr*. CTifford Varney, 27 ministration soon would find it Hill. FIAKORN p'sters. Mondays and Wednesdays with lost during the day's operations. necessary to increase the celling 10:30—Help Mate ' New England, Inc., of Springfield, fecting the war program. CORN MUFFIN MIX ghway department closed Thurs- en, Conn., was a recent guest at and receive' micro waves—tiny aviation , mathematics, aviation Allied ground troops were re­ Scarborough Road; Miss Ullian 10:45—Bachelors Children. 10:45—Young Dr. Malone Mass., to determine whether they Two Stage Shows 6. Cooperate with the Manpow­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Er­ Miles Abom of the U. S. Navy waves measured in centimeters.” Reardon, 14 West Center street; price on flour to avert a threat­ 11:00—Mary Lee Taylor. ijr for the week-end. physics on Tuesdays and Wednes­ ported still clinging to an impor­ ened bread shortage. 11:00—Road of Ufe wanted to be represented by the er conimission and the United John Burnham of North Wlnd- nest Hall and daughters, Bernice spent Christmas with 'his parents, Sarnoff said that many of ra­ days. tant height six miles northeast of Miss Margaret Higgins, Hartford; ll:15:i-Second Husband. 11:15—Vic and Sade Amalgamated Association of States Employment Service by fil­ m who was employed in the and Ali'-e Hall. n Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abom. dio's scientific achievements of PeSZy Heatley. 332 Lydal street: The Kansas senator declared 11:30—Bright Horizons. To Be Presented Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker Openings for students are avail­ Medjez-El-Bab, captured Christ­ that because of a price squeeze, 90 11:30—Program from N. Y, Street. Electric Railway & Motor ing your application now for full bdacape division, has been trans- Mr. and Mrs. Calmum Myero- 1942 remained military secrets, but able in the classes for beginners mas day after a furious battle in Joseph Bums. 79 North Main 11:45—Aunt Jenny's Stories. 11:45—David Harum Coach Employes , of America Or part time work and don't limit Ifred to the malhcenance depart- have been spending the Christmas witz announce the birth of a would make Americans proud street: Walter Tedford, Andover. per cent of the nation's flour mills 12:00 noon—Kate Smith Speaks. Two gigantic stage shows will holiday seasons with relatives in when revealed. and advanced typing and it is pos­ which the hill changed hands three had quit taking orders' three or 12:00—Medley Time —Hal Kolb, (AFL) or by the Transport Work­ your availability to a single em­ ant of North Windham. daughter born at the Hartford sible also now to enter the avia­ times. This battleground is only Admitted today; Sylvia Scats- 12:15—Big Sister. organist ers Union of America (CIO) for be presented Thursday. Dec. 31st, ployer or a single type of work. Milton, Mass?' hospital. schnelder. 19 Newman street; four weeks ago. He pointed out 12:30—Helen Trent. on the stage of the State theater, IFred Balzer of Tolland baa been Private Richard Usher at camp tion mathematics and aviation about 28 miles from Tunis. that wheat was se.ling at $1.22 a 12:15—Luncheonaires purposes of collective bargaining. Others speaking on the forum Imaferred from the landscape Dora Anna Plnney of East Hart­ Florlan Fay, 256 Autumn street; 12:45—Our Gal Sunday; 12:30—Marjorie Mills Hartford—one at 9 p. m. and the Included Richard F. Berry, coun­ in Aberdeen, Maryland, spent a French Situation physics classes. Director Chester Using Giant Tanks Ann Reggetts, 105 Hemlock bushell in Kansa- City when price 1:00—Newa the Gala New Year's Eve mid­ , Msion tO'' Manchester mainte- short furlough at the home of his ford has been granted a divorce Robinson stated. Dispatches from the Medjez- ceilings were set on flour, but now 1:00—^News sel for the State Manufacturers' ,°'We department. from William G. Plnney of Elling­ street. 1:05—Do You Remember. 1:15—Aunt Jenny’s Real Life night show at 12:01 a. m. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrett El-Bab front said the Germans brings about, 81.31. Hanging Death same show will be presented at Association, who urged state rath­ ralUW Alta Moore, a student at Usher. ton. They were married In 1939. Is More Chaotic were using giant tank* as mobile Discharged Saturday: Baby "Manifestly,” Reed said, “a mill­ 1:15—Ma Perkins. Stories er than Federal control of the M^Hartford School of Nursing, The divorce was granted on James Latham. Phoenixville; Mis* 1:30—Vic and Sade. 1:30—Big Sister both performances. The show runs Mrs. Lucy Usher was a guest for pillboxes in a determined effort to er cannot pay 81-31 for wheat and approximately three hours in state manpower problem; and SPiCIAL SiRVICi Vjsqpendlng a week's vacation with several days at the home of Mr. charges of intolerable cruelty. May Close Schools hold the approaches to Tunis and May FiUpatrick, 11 South Main sell his flour on the basis of 81.22 1:45—The Goldbergs: 1:45—Rhythms of the Day Called Suicide State Personnel Director Glendon parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cadet Buford Norman . of the Madrid, Dec. 27—(Delayed)— Discharged today: Mr*. Ar- 2:00—Young Dr. Malone, j 2:00—"We're In the Army Now' length, and presents a wealth of for folks who nand and Mrs. Harold Waldo in Glas­ Bizerte. fTie tanks were said to be wheat. talent, rarely combined together A. Scoboria, Who warned that ‘ Moore on Willington Hill. tonbury. United States Military Academy, tA*)—While Frenchmen outside con­ formidable defensive weapons, but mand Dube and infant son. East "A flour shortage, which means 2:15—Joyce Jordan—M.D. 2:15—How To Enter a Contest state services will have to be cur­ "las Nova Mlanowski of New West Point. N. Y., and Miss Pa­ tinental France work or watch for For Two Months Hartford: Mrs. William Austin, 5 2:30—We Love and Learn. And Win t White Plains, N. Y„ Dec. 28— on one bill. Mr. and Mrs. Merrett Usher of limited offensive value iMcause a bread shortage, impends unless Featured in the stage show are tailed unless shortages In person , 'k is visiting ber slater, Mrs. spent, Christmas Day with their tricia Franklin ot‘-- Little Rock, union of their various anti-Axis of their great weight and the lack Ridgewood street. this error Of judgment on the part 2:45—Life Can Be Beautiful. 2:30—Little Show i/P)—The death by hanging of Paul nel are met. •^ e Gavar and Mr. Cavar during factions, the situation inside Death: Sunday, Richard Hat­ 2:45—Day Dreams with Bud T. CJampbell, 30-year-old soap Raymond Scott and his Jump son' Nelson Usher and family of Arkansas have been guests of Mr. of bridges strong enough to hold of OPA la corrseted.” Band with Cozy Cole; Benny Da­ 3 r vacation from school. Willimansett. Mass. and Mrs. George Peter Wend- France seems to be growing more New Britain, Dec. 28.—(JP)—Ex­ them. field, 88, 301 HiUiard street Widow of Etcher Dies Rainey salesman of Dover. Mass., waa Christmas eve Hall Memorial chaotic. pressing alarm over the fuel oil Birth; Saturday, a son'}to Mr. 2:55—News called a suicide today by Medical vis and his Star-Spangled Revue Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham heiser at "’The Old Plantation.” The Germans were reported with a cast of 40 stellar entortain- urch observed the occasion with entertained with a large family Miss Louise DePray Clarke of Although Pierre Lavgl by vari­ situation here. Mayor Gleorge A. strewing the area before Medjec- and Mrs. George J. Banziger, 127 Poletli Makes - Newton, Mass., Dec. 28.—VP) Examiner Amos O. Squire. Raiu Freezes ous means appears—at least tem Quigley said he would recommend Middle Turnpike Slast Funeral services will be held to­ A note left by Campbell said it era; Radio's No. 1 Fun Show, ($10 le $SOO) Christmas tree, gifts for the party at their home Christmas Covington. Ky., is spending the El-Bab 'with mines and trenches. 'Truth Or Consequences” with [«%Bday school and singing of Day. ■ holidays at the home of her sister, porarily—to have checked Jacques the closing of schools during Janu- A detailed communique from Birth; Sunday, a daughter to morrow a t Branford, Conn., for “might just os well be now as six Contiderinz a loan? E%n't ar. and February and ask clergy­ Mr. and Mrs. John M. Carr. 219 Plea to Italians Smallpox Spreads months from now.” Squire ex­ Ralph Edwards. These are just a Oil Pavements Capt. William Sumner Simp­ Mrs. George Peter Wendheiser; Doriot's rising stock, German mili­ Allied headquarters in North Af­ Mrs. Grace Gallaudet Closson, 80, few of the headliners in the show. borrow unneceuarily—but ~Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter son, Mn. Simpson and son Billy tary authorities in both zones of men to arrange religious services rica on aerial operations said that McKee street: a daughtei to Mr. of Newton an4 Magnolia, widow pressed the opinion that Campbell if a loan it the bett solu­ Mrs. Paul Palogie and Infant .and Mrs. Walter Laskey, 78 Flor­ feared Induction in the armed Others presented are J. C. Flip- id Mias Daisy Pilcher of WUIi- Simpson were Christmas Day and daughter have returned home from France recently severed civil co­ on Sundays until warm weather 277 enemy planes have been de­ Albany, N. T„ Dsc. 28. — (^V- of William B. Closson, noted To Another Area pen, original "Hellz-a-poppin’" Hartford, Dec. 28 — /(/Pi — The tion to your problem, we tlc were holiday guests of week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. operation bonds with French au- arrives. stroyed there since the beginning ence street and a son to Mr. and The nation’s first staU governor of etcher and painter. She died yes­ forces. weather news in Connecticut to­ want to serve you. If you the Manchester hospital. Mrs. James Antonio, 79 Cottage The body was found hanging in comedy star; Ramos A Nanette; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hor- Samuel Simpson. Mrs. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Max Friedman thoriUes. Schools would remain in session of the campaign. Of these, 128 Italian descent calls upon the peo­ terday at the home of her broth­ Pep and Pepita; and others too day was that a fopt of snow did need extra cash for seesonel PUcher. returned to New York Friday Prefect* in Vichy French depart­ diTlng July and August under the were reported destroyed by the street. ple of Italy to "throw out both er, the Rev. Herbert D. Gallaudet, a room of the Robert Smith Hotel not fall. expenses, needed elothinz, have received word that their son, Births; Today, a daughter to Lewistown, Pa., * Dec. 28—VP)— yesterday. numerous to mention. and Mrs. Charles Komer afternoon, the remainder of the Irving Friedman, has safely ai^ ments who previously took certain mayor's plan. He Aid he would R. A. F., 102 by the United States Hitler and Mussolini” andJto "pro­ In Pine Orchard, Conn. Burial will Doors will be open at 5:30 p. m., That waa the depth that would to pay old bjllt or for medi­ as dinner guests Christmas family remaining later. civil government measures with­ forward his recommendation on Army Air Forces, 16 by anti­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bycholski, claim their devotion” to such be in. Cedar Hill cemetery, Hart­ With 31 residents of nearby Kl- have piled up. said the weather­ cal expenses jW m i/ it rived with the American forces aircraft fire and 31 at night Al­ Essex street; a daughter to Mr. shacoquillas valley, Amish farm and the .prices j)re 75c olus tax for prepared to serve you and Mrs. Raymond Komer Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fisk of qoraewhere in North Africa. Their out consulting the German mili­ this point to the board of educa­ and Mrs. Eugene Olson, East champions of freedom as Gari­ ford, Conn. the regular ewning performance. man, if today’s rain had been •on of Manchester, Mr. and WInsted were holiday and weekr tary command now must submit tion. lied looses for the campaign were baldi. ing settlement, ill of smallpox, the Martin Inducted snow. . promptly these butyidsys. sdn. Pvt. Elias Friedman is - sta­ listed as 114 planes—59 American Hartford and a daughter to Mr. For the midnight New Year’s ina Clifford Komer and son of end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Em­ tioned at Fort Jackson, South even the most trivial orders to Mayor Quigley also said supplies and Mrs. Earl Dougan, 31 Birch The plea was made by Gov. first case of the disease to be re­ Eve performance, all seats are re­ The rain itself caused enough Employed women and :ville. Alfred Young of Hart- ery Clough. German mJitary approval, while .01 anthracite coal may not be and 55. British. Charles Poletti of New York last For Army Duty served. and ticketf) may be ob­ trouble, freezing —Sir Regl* iondtki. Poe- >8.--(if)^Albon- t r, Omp Flckett. Vg. dull compliance, hundreds of mil­ FINANCE CO. ana cards. He is very MarUa Duffle, Bromley, Ky.; Her- nald Blomfleld. 88, noted Britigb suecswftiUy r«ids4 Sooim M thof rabUc b««|th e'e pleasant lan guarriOw orero roportafl By tbo am th* seat eoMt, end ama Saihs to determlRO t)M w m of land has bsm estimated at 81.488,- supplies of senun have enabled lions ot people in eastern Europe when their automobile crashed in­ days ago while on a trip to a Bos­ man Deeffler, Jr.. American Fork. architect, died here today. A m e^ lloseaw radio today to control ths Mia* Fayth* Remiek at Mill- m i M a»ckM t«r haasmiwn dating. Utah; James Alfred Howell, Mid­ his creations were the Menln gate was blown to piece* by the shower illness among 800 employes of 606 bushels as compared with 61,- phyidcians to vaccinate more than and Asia or* beginning to see a to s South End bouse. Condon ton department store to see Santa t m i r i M r Willington Hill church was town of Martanesh. 40 miles east bury, Maas., has returned home of high explosives dropped on the The Harvey Machine Co. who a t­ 982.00 in 1941 and the IQ-year- S.oioo persons. "The people are great light. They ore no longer identified the dead man os Wil­ Claus. Ck>rporol Harris . bos been . Vhmmm S4M 1 'U M o iu ia dleton. III.; J. M. RuseelL Hunt­ memorial at Menin, Belgium, war of Tirana, after routing the Ital­ after spending a few days with THE TELEPHONE HOili D. Re Mkf. daaoratsd with ever- ington. lad.; and-Aergt. Regiaal cemeteries in France and Belgium harbor and water front. Ware­ tended . a Christmas eve turkey average, 1930-1939, of 53.253.00o. ; very cooperative,” said. Dr. willing to be eastern slave* for liam McAvoy, 19,. and the injurt.-d stationed at Miami. Fla. Police LleeMO M*. 2SI gm all around the D. Tolar, Ennis, Tog, ian garrison and killing several her aunt, Mrs. R. B. Taylor of 182 ; houses and docks were h it dinner celebrating the donation of the U. 8. Department of Agricul­ ilU T AITItT 'lEBIEt . Stewart, state secretary western profits.. youth os. Daniel P. Clifford, 16, believe that the boy was either DAY-NIGHT 4 3 aC tad Lambstj^ bridge la London, o ffio ^ including a genanO. Orsaa Ro*4. i Ths Ughtniiiga and F-40 Wur- 15,000 to the Navy Relief Fuad. ture repdptsd today. thealUv —WetotoUIANCHESTER. CO'^N. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 194J If ’ mANCHCSTER EVENLNTx HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 28,1942 PACE means our air forces can no long­ assure them that our every effort JUmri^estfr er be sure of complete control of will be to see that they have the Faces Made Returns to the Slate Theater the skies in the Sedomons. It best service that is possible under Washington in Wartime Lot of Effort Spent . Cpfjirtti9 lirnilb means the Japs have countered present conditions. If you have Security for India News Frbm Manchester’s Neighbors 'the loss of Henderson Field. They By Jack Stinnett VOBUSHKO BT TBB been experiencing difficulty, be Of Celluloid — PBINTINO CO, INC lost one island, but they have oc­ sure to let us know. It BlaMll SU««t Waahington - ■There's more to •>Administration ia going oyer On Phrasing Questions IblMliMUr Conn. cupied another. Now, before we . ----- .. ^ board in getting rid of "nones- No Longer Doubtful Kneeland Jones, Jr.; at Manches­ the abolishment of WPA than PlasUc Art Will Last ter, N. H. THOHAS rBRGUSON can go forward in the Solomons, meets the eye. ,,8entials." 0«o«r«l Manaccr In dollars and cents, all this Union’s Party Bolton Mis.s Nancy Hutchinson who la South Covenl t^andad Oetobar 1, till we have to reckon with Munda. Thi'a *10,000,000,000 made work I Lifetime; Big Discov­ We may also have to reckon with ^ : probably won’t mean much to Hard Task to Pul Quer-1 Q roC C F S F a V O P Mrs. Clyde Marshall spending the holidays with her l*ubilali«d. E t*i7 Evaolng Ezoap Hollywood program — spawned in the de i U. S. taxpayers, no matter who ery for War Wounds. „ri";,"ro:State Fuel OU les on Govemmerir , WeU Attended Pbone 4052 parents Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. cninton Web laji and Holldaya Enured ai the possibility that, with land- presaion—had dwindled to some­ instigates it. The WPA dr what Hutchinson of Bolton Center la Waterfront Park entertaiMd FMt OStea at Manohaatar based air power reestablished, the thing around 300.000 employes, a was left of it, has been devoting confined to her home with a cold. choir ■ of the Congregmtl I . . aa aaoond Ulaaa Mall Maitar Sights And Sounds By Howard W. Blakeslee Long an Japanese Re­ Blanks in Form for Ration Plans Boltonites on duty at the Lis­ Japs may try new and more for­ generous percentage of them ex­ Its time lately entirely to projects Mary Ann Handley, small church at a Christmas party ' 8DHSCIUPT1UN RATES ecutives. Leas than a year ago AHKOi-latrd Preas Science Editor Supply Is Cut Christinas Social in tening Post, Bolton Center, on • • By Bobbin Coom— — identifiable as national defense. New Orleans, Dec. 28.—(/F)— A main in Burma. Proper Answers. daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph nesday evening at their ho m Taar by Mall ...... M «e midable offenses against Guadal­ Presildent Roosevelt asked Con­ Behind the scenes, war agencies Thursday Included; 9-11; Mrs. Handley of Bolton Center, is ill connection with weekly ch r Montb by Mall ...... } 7S canal itself. And, at this rate, it gress to continue the program. new method of rebuilding fatea Marketmen Give Gen­ Rockville Is Reported Laura Lee; Mrs. A. N. Skinner, with a cold. practice. ifla Copy ...... t o> are already scrapping to see who with celluloid, under living skin, By DeWttt Mackenele Hurley Says Residents By James Marlow and Jr.; 11-1, John Massey, David iTearad Ona Tear ...... yy 0(1 might take lis years just to clean By Bobbin f'oons The other day he signed its death will "take over ’ WPA. Its per George '/ielke eral Approval to Pro­ As Grand Success. Schools in Bolton and Manches-: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rood! Hollywood — This is very irrev­ warrant. Soon WPA will be no lias been developed at Tulanc Uni­ New Delhi, Dec. 27.—(Delayed) Toomey; 1-3, Miss Velma Munro, Scotland are parents of a HEMUEK o r up the Solomons. sonnel, tutored In the ways of Will Be Lucky to Get Washington, Dec. 28.—(45— ter resumed sessions after the erent of me. I'm afraid, but I more. government operation, . would be versity School of Medicine. —Looking back from nine months gram. Mrs. John Erickson; 3-6, John Chri.stmas recess this morning. ter, Carol Elaine, bom on T H E ASSOCIATED y>KEtt8 To delay us Interminably on the don’t believe there is a Jennifer The celluloid faces look os good If you think it’s hard to answer a Rockville, Dec. 28—(Special)'— Rich; 3-4:30, Mrs. Brownell Gage; Tba Aaaoolatad Prate it azotuaiea Long before rigor mortis set in valuable to half a dozen bureaus. to the black days when the 60 Per Cent to Heat. government questionnaire, you Schools will be closed for New at the Windham HospltaL antlUad to tba uta or rapublica fringes of her conquests is obvi­ Jones. J'm a confirmed believer in on WPA, the story was out that • • • as new. Apparently the repair The Christmas party held by the 4:30-6. Mrs. John Rich. The three Rood was formerly Miss l_. m of all nawa diapatebea ercdUao sprawling sub-continent of India ought to try to' write the ques-:r HarUord, Dec. 28—(45—Local Year’s Day. ously Japan's hope and policy. If the cult of Alexis Smith, and W. Bruce MacNamce, director of Some months ago, a Civil Ser­ parts Vill last a lifetime. They Textile Workers Union of America hours remaining of the Bolton Crickmore of South Coventry. It or not otbarwita oradlted In some day I may ri.se to the heights have been used at Tulane for was unprepared to defend itself Hartford, Dec. 28—(JF) —Only tions. marketmen and chain store execu­ Watch from 6-9 p. fii. were taken John Webster, son of Mr. and I paper and alao the local newt she loses one strip of jungle coast the U. S. Travel Bureau, had ac­ vice Commissioner told a Sen­ That’s what government men tives gave general approval today in the K. of C. hall on aunday Mrs. William Webster of Middle The Coventiy Day school, puMlahad barain. where I can accept a Chrysanthe­ tually asked for Liquidation of ubout two years to fill out facial against a Japanese Invasion It's under "perfect conditions" will care of by Jew i^ watchers from ducted by Ddii G. Churchill line, she grabs another. I^ she ate committee he would guaran­ Connecticut receive even 60 per aay about it. to the government proposal for a afternoon Was largely’ attended Turnpike East, spent a three day All rikhta of rapubllcatloo ot mum Brown if offered, but right Ills agency. tee a Job to any government em­ depressions due to accidents. The good to be able to report with cer­ and so successful that this will be Manchester. furlough with his parents. John is Mrs. Edith Churphill on ppaelai ditoatebaa herein are alao loses one island air Ibase, she, now Jennifer Jones, well. . . . On the heels of these two facts technique was developed by Dr. cent of Inst year’s fuel oil. Gov. Besides trying to frame ques­ broad rationing program on food street, held closing' (^ r rateread ployee who could demonstrate tainty that this great empire's se Robert A. Hurley said last night tions to get Information which stuffs as many a Hartford house­ an annual event in the future. During the weekend the follow­ attending the Aircraft School in builds another. \W h a t makes it doubly difficult came rumors that the President’s that the- job he was holding Neal Owens, assistant professor There was an entertainment pro­ ing Boltonites were on duty at the Boston. exercises Wednesday after full tarvica ellant ot N. abdttt^ennifer, believing there is 1943-44 budget message will con­ of clinical surgery. ciirity is no longer a cause ot in his first statement on the oil certain administrators consider wife resumed efforts to get butter with 35 parents of the childr«i| It is reasonable and logical to' should be abolished. Not only necessary, the quiz-masters from and certain canned fruits and gram, piano selections by Roy Post: 9-11, Herbert Hutchinson, rvira Inc. one, is that she’s the lucky girl tain a lot of ’’eliminations’’ of ex­ that, but the commissioner said This use of celluloid tM- faces is anxiety. situation after proclaiming an of­ Prank Boslo; 11-1, Mr. and Mrs. tending. Fourth grade pupils expect that we do not intend to who’s playing ’’The Song of Ber­ isting non-war agencies. ficial state of emergency Saturday now on will have to virorry about vegetables which have been miss­ "Little Johnny Jones’* was one of George M. Cohan’s first musical Rider, games, a grand march and sented an original Nativity Pnbllataara Repratantatlvaa. Tba he would guarantee that the new new. World War I brought cellu­ Of course the defense of In­ a sort of "report card" on their ing from several days to several productions. Above is James Cagney as Ckihan in one of the num­ distribution of gifts. Renato Cocconl; 1-3, Rocco Fiano, Bllna Mathawt Special Aaency— keep playing this game forever. nadette." It’s a religious picture, Job would be a better one. loid into use for depressions in night. Lawrence Fiano; 3-5, Aldo Pesce, Blazes Cause and tableau, and Kindergarl Tork. Chicago. Oatrolt and as a few hundred thousand people The economy drive on "non- dia is stiU a matter ot con­ The 60 per cent figure mention­ efforts. weeks in the stores. bers from that revue as shown in Warner’s "Yankee Doodle Dandy,” A toy school bus, donated by and primary graders contrifa laton. Sooner or later, we’ll move to cut This wasn’t idle testimony. In skulls damaged In battle. The new cern, Just as Is the defense of You see, there have been so One chain store official, basing playing at the State Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Andrew Blnhelmer was won by Dan Holloran; 5-7, Richard Mor-, who have read Franz Wcrfel’s defense" agencies has been gath­ spite of all the talk about “sur­ technique promises well for re­ ed to Connecticut mayors and ra, Frank Volpi; 7-9, Burton Tut­ songs and poems. The pr BUREAU OF the lines through which Japan ering steam for mohths. In England, or our own United selectmen who attend^ Satur-* many complaints about t s length his views on the experience with Claire Geasay. Refreshments were was preceded by a Christmas ' HKHBEK AUDIT best-seller already know, and if plus" government employes, men making faces damaged in the States tor that matter. There sugar and coffee rationing, said it served by the committee in charge. tle, John Tlmbrell. Seven Deaths CIRCTIATIuNS supports this/’war of attrition. seems that girls who star in re­ the spear-head has been Senator who have to fill employment or­ present war. day’s emergency meeting in Hart- and complication of question­ party for the children. School ligious pictures Just suddenly ma­ Harry F. Byrd of Virginia, chair­ always must be an element foru is a maximum, the governor naires that the War Production was reasonable to expect the new George W. Lutz Grange Notes reopen January 4. Tba Herald Printing Company, ders are still sweating. Turnover, Dr. J. Hogarth Pringle, English of danger so long as the Mik­ Board has set up a. spacial de­ program to function as smoothly George WlUlam Lutz, 72 of 2 .. Lecturer-elect Lillian Hutchin­ aaanmea no flnaoclai ratponal terialize. They come from the man of the joint committee on resulting from dissatisfaction with surgeon, is credited with introduc­ declared, to be available only if Advice on Buying New Britain Five Children Perish in The Center school Chris for typographical arrora ap holy nowhere into the uncertain non - essential federal expendi­ ado’s barbarians are sitting everything turns out.right. partment to decide whether the and effectively. While his firm, Reed street, retired buslneae man, son of Bolton Grauige presented program was presented Tue ng In advartitem ania In the e Fat Is Gone federal pay, working conditions, ing the head celluloid repairs. He just across the Bay of Ben­ Can change Overnight questions will have to be answer­ operating many large self-service died Sunday following a long ill­ the following Christmas program afternoon before a number of 'anehaaier Evanlng Herald here, and they haven’t lived be­ tures. The 78th Congress^ greatly etc., has made recurrent gaps in has one patient who carried the gal in Burma. Given Housewives New England Over N ^ ' that our holiday lushness fore. They have no past. They increased in republican strength, He warned against estimating ed. markets and neighborhood stores, ness. at the recent meeting of the or- ents and friends, and the Chij essential agencies. The draft has st.nie celluloid head plate for 40 However, we can say that Hiii the amount which will actually be The WPB has appointed James has been shipping butter and other By The Associated Press Leader Dies He was bom in Rockville Feb­ ganlzatffm: Carol, by the Grange; mas tree parties were held Monday, December 28 ia iFver, even Washington finds it have only a glowing, sanctified is going to hammer away on non- made more. years. Another received a severe Week-End. present. defense economies and make a dustan today is so well set for available, however, declaring that play Woodson as “industry advo­ scarce items in reduced amounts ruary 28, 1870, the eon of Andrew tableau of the nativity with CTiar- nesday afternoon when sch| time* to begin warning the "It’s likely that a great many blow on a head celluloid implant military action that it feels capa­ he was not surprised that many of and Pauline '(Morteneier) Lutz. lotte Mack aa Mary, with Elda closed until Jan. 4. This seems to be part of an un­ lot of todo about the “waste" in ’non-essential" government agen­ the fuel oil supply is dependent on cate." Businessmen who get ques­ There is plenty of good food it Boston, Dec. 28. — (45 — Week­ American people of the sterner Administration handling of war plate. The celluloid -lias dented, ble of dealing with any emergen­ factors that can and do change tionnaires which they believe can’t the outlets were out of them a day we buy wisely. Albert F. Corbin, Re* He was in the hardware business Flora singing "Away In A Man­ (Children’s Christmas par No More Darlans written code of Hollywood. Relig­ cies can be abolished without but the patient was not seriously cy. The time of sleepless nights or two before Christmas, here for 50 yeare, retiring seven end fires snuffed out the lives of sponsored by local social org life to 9ome. And tlfe rationing ious subjects are ticklish bu.siness contracts. overnight. be answered are invited to take .The Connecticut Department of ger”; Charlotte Mack ■'won the seven persons in J4ew England. The Darlan affair ia over. G< making any material difference in injured. has passed. Abnormally cold weather else­ their troubles to Woodson. His job He estimated butter shipments tired Union Manufac* years ago. word contest making the longest zations included one by the M<] that lies ahead Is only the govern­ you know. Tread lightly. Hush, To beat them to the draw, the the federal payroll. , Agriculture and the. State Defense Five of those who perished were Giraud, In whom the F^ht- hush! Moulded To Form Contour I arrived in the Indian capital where, or heavy shipments of fuel then will be to "balance the need to the chain’s stores at 75 percent council provide the following in­ luring Co. President. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Cora list of words from the word Christ­ children—a boy and a girl as an era Club, held in the town ment's effort to alleviate one For repairing faces, the cellu­ last night and the first thing I for military use will divert tank of the October levels at this time. (Townsend) Lutz; a son, Frank of mas; carol, by the Grange; a dis­ for 70 children; the Cong. Sv French, the Brltlah, the for the requested data against the formation on the best buys at lo­ explosion spread flames through phase of a general economic con­ loid is molded to form the missing did was to check on the military cars from serving New England, burden imposed upon business One of the larger Independent cal stores. Rockville; two daughters, Mias cussion: “Should We Teach Our school party, attended by 50 - ican people apparently have But don't blame Jennifer, and (Chronic Interstitial Nephritis) New Britain, Dec. 28—(4*i—Al­ their Eaton, Me., home and three ren, was held in the church dition. don’t blame the press agent who contour. The piece is then fixed situation to make sure it looked he said, and thus reduce the sup­ concerns in compiling it.” grocers said flatly that rationing Mcrats; Supplies all types meat bert F. (Xirbin, 76, retired presi­ Hazel Lutz of Manchester and Children To Believe in Santa,” sisters who were trapped In an ice—the man we/ouraelvea HEALTH AND DIET Question: Mr. George W. writes; in place by sewing it to underly­ as good at close range as it had ply. Hoa Power of Veto would solve all the problems in re­ light. Miss CJora Lutz of Chambersburg, with Charlotte Mack taking the try: and at St. Mary's For the past year, we have been assured me seriously that Jenni­ ’Will you kindly teU me what is dent of The Union Manufacturing Everett. Mass., blaze. there were 80 children enter ly planned to d ^ l with in ing tissues. from a distance. It seems even While the effect of the fuel oil The WPB ahnouncement said lation to such scarce items as but­ Poultry, eggs and dairy pro­ company and for many years a Penn., and two sisters, Mrs. Albert affirmative and Joseph Mack the Victims of the Everett blaze living on accumulated fat. Now fer’s marriage is "off the record” ADVICE chronic Interstitial nephritis? Living skin from a nearby part better here where we are emergency on the public at targe ter, bacon and canned goods. Schaeffer of New York City and negative; carol, by the Grange'; a Mrs. Catherine Foley enter Africa—has / ^ n legally Just lay it to the unwritten law up further that "when Mr. Wocxlson ducts; Large eggs, dressed fowl. leader in New Britain’s . civic af­ were Patricia Sullivan. 10; Joan, the fat is just about used up. That Should the patient diet? I have of the body is grafted to cover titq against actualities. has not yet been explained, the finds that questionnaires burden He said he was encouraged by \ Fish: Small flounders, haddock, Mrs. Ernest Sueasman of Rock­ candlelight service for the Grange eight, and Clara, six. Flames ed the Young Mothers Cliffi by Frnim authorltlea of Hollywood, and the powers that Furnished by the fileCoy read your health column and it plastic. This skin unites at itfi At I^ast Million Under .Arms governor repeated a warning voic­ Secretary of Agriculture Wick- fairs, died at his home yesterday ville. The funeral arrangements Christmas party at her hoins| is both literal, aa you can find if be here who in spare -moments Health Ser\io« has helped me.” industry more than they help the smelts. after a long illness. members now serving in the arm­ blocked the only stairway leading Ives, to. )oe position Dar- edges with the surrounding skin India has a big Army of at ed last fall that many homeown­ war program, he will so inform ard’s estimates of the percentage Vegetables: Best buys — Kale, which are in charge of the Burke ed forces of the United States; to a third-floor ^droom in which South street. Each member you try to buy butter, and sym­ erase recorded marriages from the AMwer: Chronic Interstitial A member of a family long presented with a gift by the L ian held. public record. Address communications to The and continues to live. Sometimes least a million under arms here at ers who can convert and do not the Office of Survey Standards of food production which will be lumips and whit- potatoes. New Funeral Home, are Incomplete. carol, by the Grange. they slept. bolic, if, in the weeks and months nephritis is a disease of the kid­ the skin that covered the depres­ home, apart from the hundreds ot will probably feel the cold in Janu­ within the WPB, of which he will allotted for home consumption In Sghbage, spinach slightly lower. identified with New Britain indus­ Arreated Installation of officers will be dent, Mrs. Mae Richardson The BwgBg|lh has been executed As a skeptic about Jennifer, I Herald, .Attentlun McCoy try. Corbin started his business Charles GiUand, 47, of Boston, the club presented each of its| and perhaps years ago, you try to Health Service. neys. It may be considered a dan­ sion in the face can be used as the thousands of men who are fight­ ary. be a member. This office has the 1943. "If we get the amounts he -'Fruits: Best buys—Cooking ap­ Frank Bicrcuk, 47, of 55 Village held at the next meeting of the died at City hospital of bums suf­ 4n haate/and almost complete may report that Phylls Isley from gerous disorder, although many ing overseas. The training of new Despite official pleas to convert, said we would,’’ the marketman career with The P. and. F. Corbin ficers with a gift; the preaid obtain what you consider some ot Tulsa, Okla., is a pretty, healthy- cover over the celluloid. ' power to veto questionnaire ples; moderate buys—grapefruit, street has been arrested on a Grange with the past masters of fered when flames destroyed an up­ t>bviouBly, the author!' patients live for a long time before Dr. Owens says there are sev­ troops is proceeding well. Other only one per cent of domestic forma" stated, "we will be all set." tangerines, Bose pears. Co. in 1882, and was later super­ charge of violation of rules of the Bolton Grange installing. holstered chair in which he appar­ the vlcerpresident, Mrs« ~ the ordinary essentials of Ameri­ looking girl with a broad smile Retlucing Weight Safely the disease reaches a fatal form heating-plants have been changed intendent of The Corbin Cabinet Rose, the secretary, Mrs. in f^iarge of the situation eral advantages over the standard defensive projects are said to be This la the latest development Store managers explained that road. Biercuk was involved in an Socond Postponement ently had been sleeping. Frans, and the treasurer, can living. and a great deal of vivacity who is In its early stages it is curable methods of repairing facial depres­ In an equally satisfactory condi­ to burn coal, he declared, although in the battle of businessmen they have been curtailing pur­ Lock company. accident Friday night when a car Body Found In Ruins iT/want him to talk; there are almost as excited about getting through diet, exercise and the use tion. industrial 'conversion has been In 1905 he joined his brother, The Nativity play to be pre.sent- Dolly Ulm. Mrs. Foley’s son i The fat is Just about gone. Are your friends beginning to sions. These older methods gen­ against the quizzes. A WPB com­ chases of certain limited items for he was driving struck the rear of cd by the youngest members of the The body of a man identified by ed movies of local ^ews I that they may not reveal his the part as she would be If she had say to you, "My but you’re get­ of other hygienic measures. erally used a piece of cartilege to So far as concerns the possibili­ more widespread. mittee previously had eliminated some weeks or soon after it be­ George W. Corbin, in The Union a car owned by Alice M. O’Keefe police as James W. Ronan, 42 Many things which, in the past verily witnessed a miracle. (Sweet Potatoes) May Explain Plans Further S50 War Bond Manufacturing company. For three Bolton Congregational Church (Canada. Refreshments wers ^ tmtil after this war. This, ting fat," or perhaps, “You’re cer­ fill the depression. The cartUege ty of a Japanese invasion, the 120 (!) questionnaire forms and came apparent that replacement of 111 Allen Place, Hartford which school had Its second postpone­ father of three children, was found ed. few weeks, have experienced tem­ Phylis is the daughter of a tainly putting on weight, aren't Question: D. D. L. asks: “You comes from a rib. readers of this column will recall Further explanation of the "aimpUfied" 132 others. of the goods v.-;js becoming more yeais he was vice president and was parked in front of 287 East in the ruins of a three-story frame with early reports that movie exhibitor. Several years ago general manager, becoming presi­ ment on Sunday when one of the Mias Elolse Schweyer, a porary and sporadic shortages, you?” If you are of the type that seldom Include sweet potatoes in K(*quires Surgical Operation tia t from the outset of the Nip­ plans for meeting Connecticut’s oil But that about the other side of difficult. "But," explained one, For First Baby Main street. Biercuk was treated members of the cast was ill. The dwelling at Portland, Me. at Sargent, is with her IS able to shoot Darlan be- she came to Hollywood because doeisn’t care, and if you are will­ your menus, and I would like to shortage is expected on Wednes­ “the system of limiting sales to dent when bis brother died in are about ready to go off the ci­ she wanted to be an actress. She Getting the cartilege requires a ponese conquests In Indonesia and the picture^ for a chest Injury. play, one of the »York cycle, will The victims of the Eaton, Me., Mr. and Mrs. J. L. SchwaysTt | he had an appointment with ing to let yourself become over­ know something about them." surgical operation on ffhe chest. Burma I said that an attempt to day night, when the governor and Ask C. B. Lawrence, who is in 6ne can or jar of a certain ve.-e- 1908. He served in that post until Mrs. Sherman N. Bartlett blaze were Muriel Melanson, 11, vilian list for the duration. They played in a western or two at Re­ he retired in 1929. be pre-sented next Sunday at the the holidays. U n, aeenag to indicate that he weight, and take on the middle Answer: When sweet potatoes The cartUege method also some­ conquer India proper was remote Gov-Elect Raymond E ., Baldwin charge of writing questionnaires table or fru t does not always Mrs. Adelln Woodford Bartlett church at 4:30 p. m. The first date and william Ryder, four. Ralph include not only things you like public. She went to New York to age spread, then the advice that are properly prepared by roasting will broadcast through a state­ work out satis.actorily. The cus­ First 1943 Youngster Continued Civic .Activities Ryder, 40, father of William, suf­ a Frenchman of some stand*, study, and there she met David O. times requires two or three fur­ despite this country’s military and for the OPA. 78, of 6 Prospect street, wife of set for the play was cancelled to eat, but almost anything else 1 am giving in this coluinn today or boiling they may Be used as the ther operations. wide network. ■------Well, for every stack of ques­ tomer then simply buys one can Even after his retirement from Sherman N. Bartletf, died Sunday fered serious ^ u m s trying to who thought ending Darlan's Selznick, who signed her, put her political weaknesses. This estimate Meanwhile State Defense Ad­ Lii(l(‘r Hospital Care when the thermometer reached 18 Roosevelt’s Son you can mention. In the period will not be of much interest to starch part of a meal in combina With celluloid, the entire repair was based on the undoubted fact tionnaires which businessmen have of each item on the shelves.” active business life. Corbin con­ morning at her home. below zero on the Sunday set for re.scue the children. would be a service to to acting, dancing and diction les­ you. If, on the other hand, you tion with the non-starchy vege ministrator Wesley A. Sturges, The meat supply continues tight To Receive Gift. tinued his many civic activities. She was born November 10 Medical Examiner Rex Crocker that lies ahead, it will be a pleas­ sons. On the coast she created is made in a single surgical opera­ that an invasion would not be on their desks to answer, OPA has the entertainment. ice and to tba United Nations. have a sincere desire to maintain tables such as spinach, string tion. Dr. Owens said that both hos­ named acting fuel administrator a hundred stacks — representing but ample supplies of poultry are He was one of the incorporators 1864. in Avon, the daughter of said the children evidently were Awarded Mi quite a hit in a play at Santa beans, asparagus, imaU carrots, strategically sound except from Saturday, is conferring today with Donate Afghans Ih any case, the fact remains ant surprise when you find what a youthful appearance, by reduc­ pitalization of the patient and ex­ the standpoint of some -emergency questionnaires eliminated or re­ making up for the deficiency, par­ New Hazen, Dec. 28-T o the and a director of the New Britain Lucius and Sarah Miller Woodford trying to start a fire in a kitchen you want, in any line. Barbara, backed by Selznick, but ing sanely and within safe limits, etc. penses are reduced. State OPA Director (tester vised in an effort to simplify the ticularly on such feast days as General hospital and until last and had lived in Rockville for 26 Mrs. Herbert Hutchin.son an­ range when, an explosion spread American diplomacy has nothing more was heard of her such as might develop, for ex­ Bowles in the first of a series of first baby born in 1943 to parents nounces that .she has taken the flames rapidly through the one- Allied Headquarters IB When the fat is gone, you get then the advice that I am giving In two years no piece of cellu­ ample, in the Russo-German businessman’s problem. Christmas. August was president of its nurses’ years. Africa, Dec. 28—(45 LlesA, rescued from aa Impossible until her selection as Bernadette, It put into operation will make meetings to study the oil situation. One spokesman expressed the who arc members of the Connec­ training school. She was a member of the Chri.<5- afghans made by Mr.s. Chesterfield and-one-half story dwelling. down to the lean and the bone. the peasant girl who made loid has had to be replaced. No theater. Cuts Out Lot of Questions Pirle and Miss Annie Alvord to Elliott Roosevelt, who Ion and,that the resulta you feel years younger, will cer­ unfavorable reactions have been He will then go to New York t» He has a psychologist as well as hope that the public does not in­ ticut Plan For Ho.splfal Care. Inc., He was also active in work for tian Science Society of Rockville. The lean and the bone are not al- Lourde a shrine. The Jape already had over­ confer with Federal officials on the American Rod Cros.s and they 12th Air Force tainly make you look years young-1 encountered. The ceUuIoid is a per­ run all and maybe more than economists and stenographers on dulge in heavy buying in anticipa­ will go a *50 War Bond, "to start the YMCA, the Boy Scouts, Girl Be.sidc.s her hu.sband she loaves a unit, has been awarded the much we may righteous- er, and above all it will result in the anthracite coal supply. tion of the new ration program Scouts, and the Boys club. During daughter, Mrs. Harry V. Entre.ss are to be sent to the men in ser­ Stafford Plant dsplore the means, aasaasina* ways going to seem very attrac­ Phylis is married—"off the rec­ fectly inert foreign body, that is, they rould hope to digest. So hU staff. *rhe staff cuts out a lot the youngster off right." it was vice and are to be used in the hos­ tingulahed Flying Cross fo r *1 tive. But you’ll be glad to get, in ing power seta up no chemical reactions In of questions, simplifies others. for if that happens, he said, "we'll announced today by William Rob­ the World War he was chairman of Hartford, and two grandchil­ ism and extraordinary seem all to the good. ord," of course—to a young Metro an increase in health and in earn­ why ask for trouble by trying simply have to limit sales dras­ of New Britain's Draft board. dren. pitals. Due to lack of transporta­ tile months that lie ahead, stuff stock actor, and she seems quite Uving tissues. to swallow giant India. The "The lawyers are the worst," son. Acting General Manager of tion' the Red Cross Sewing group Swept by Blaze ment” in fli|;fata "made Tolu Bo that ends the Darlan affair. ing power. V He predicts that the use of cel­ one staffer declares. "They think tically.” the White Cros.s. The bond, which He was a life member of the The funeral will be held on Tues­ with complete disregard happy about it except when she Nipponese military leaders day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the at Bolton Center has discontinued We hope, however, there is a lea* yoh wouldn’t haye considered a Some people believe that they luloid for rebuilding lost contours will steal all they can get Overnight News that if a question makes sense, it He added that stocking up will '■.ill be made out in the name of Sons of the American Revolution personal safety.” few days ago. The material things must erase the fact. Other conces­ be of little avail since civilians will I the cliild, will be given to the and a' member of the board of Ladd Funeral Home. Howard Wil- meetings for the time being. Mrs. in R for the future. We hope sions to saintliness: she’s giving are healthy because they are will stop with head a ^ face. TTie siHiff with, but the intima­ isn’t legal.” Hutchinson said that she ha.s suf­ Stafford, Dec. 28—(45—A fire The medal was pinned ea that make up your fife are going rotund. But it is a great mistake reason is that other-parts of the The first consideration of Jhe have to declare their supplies as . baby’s parogts for guardianship managers of the State SAR so­ cox, first reader of the Rockville causing damage estimated by president’e son yesterday bgr that, in the future, American di* up finger-nail polish and lipstick tions have been that they are Of Connecticut they did w;ith sugar rationing. The | until it matures at its full value ciety. He attended two interna­ Christian Science Society, of Rock­ ficient blocks already knitted to to be more drab, more ordinary, for the. "duration." to think that health can be meas­ body have enough fat and tissues trying not to let their eyes get psychologist, Dr. Saul B. Sells, is company officials at *100,000 hit Oen. James H. Doollttl^ y will not get itself into ured on the scale. It is a well to fill depressions. By Asoclated Press whether a questionnaire is writ­ ration boards will then deduct when the child i.s 10 years old. tional conventions for the Rotary ville, will officiate. Burial will be make a third afghan and the mem­ the Swift River Woolen company can Air Force aommandar m | more standardized, less enjoyable, Hazel-eyed Phylis says she has bigger than their stomachs. corresponding coupons. Tills IS the second year that the club. in the Center cemetery, Northfield, bers of the sewing group plan to Tunisian front. which can only be solved a lot of fun in a quiet sort of way known fact that fat does not mean Still there always was the bare ten in language which the person Mass. get together some afternoon in the mill yesterday. The Windham less appetlz^g, less comfortable, health and has no connection with Q—Is the Victory Tax compul­ Hamden—Miss Fanny Mann, supposed to answer it can under­ 'The public heard the rationing White Cross has presented its He leaves his widow, the form­ county firemen’s emergency plan the drastic means of an aasas- —reads some, works a lot. She sory savings plan primarily possibility that Hitler might per­ program last night after the final first New Year’s baby with.,a $50 er Mrs. Alice Hillard Smith of At Hospital near future and sew the blocks to­ probably less durable. isn’t afraid of being typed as a physical aoundneas. People who suade his Allies to strike at India 81, for many years postmistress stand. Sometimes Dr. Sells tries Mrs. Alice Kington of Hale gether so that the afghan can al.so and local civilian defence units Auto Ttcttia Dies a bullet. We hope that Amer- are overweight feel atulfy, they get money-raising feature—a forced of Hamden until she retired 20 questions out on the stenogra meal of the Christmas holiday. bon(|. P.ob.-'''ri said. Last year, the Boston; and a son by a first mar­ Were mobilized to fight the blaze, Even of these '.things, there’s “religious’’ actress. Neither Lillian loan to the government? Quotations i order to help his Caucasus drive Christmas dinners were, for the award went to Angela Anna Gras- riage. Emory Curtis Oorbin. street has entered the Rockville be put to good uae. dlplomacy will be true to Gish nor Helen Hayes, both -of abort of breath, they’re lethargic or that some other circumstances years ago, died yesterday, leaving phers. Sometimes the office sends City hospital for observation. She East Hartford, Dee. lean principles, and not going to be only a'limited supply. and uncomfortable, and the un­ ^ Partly. Even more it is an only her mother, who was 101 men out with sample forms to try most part, not unlike Thanksgiv­ so, daiighU-r of Mr. and Mrs. Car­ Bolton Briefs Only 25 per cent of Switzer­ John Kuagi of Glsstonb whom played "The White Sister,” anti-inflation measure to help mop might impel them to cross the Bay ing dinners of the month before in mine G.a.sso, 220 Exchange street. fell on the ice Saturday night. Mis* Emily Gage of Darien. to any Hitlerian expediency. This is the prospect ahead of were relegated to cloistered roles. sightly rolla of fat and double America, our own country, la of Bengal. Therefore, it 1* a mat­ years old on Christmas day. out on householders chosen at ran Engagement land’s normal supply of coal will- a hospital here early the American spender. Still, he’s china detract from their peraonal up excess incoftie which might the world’s last clUdel of liber­ dom. quality and quantity of the fare New Hoven. Angela W-as born at Arms Output Conn., spent the past weals at the be available this winter, the De­ fractured skull suffered [We hope that we can fight and "And Bernadette was just a nor­ bbost prices. " ter of immense satisfaction to see New Haven—After their en­ but butter, if any, was used spar­ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard. A. Kelley parsonage the guest (ff Dr. and going to be making more money, mal peasant girl who happened to appearance and in many caaea In- ty. What we do here at home, gine was bit by a piece of wood Take the questionnaire which one minute past midnight at Grace of Ellington announc^ifie "engage­ partment of (Commerce reports. when he was knocked down ! in this war with clean hands, terfers with their prosperity and and what our boys do on the bat­ these contingencies recede into was originally proposed to be fill­ ingly. The absence of butter and ho.-ipital. New Haven. Mrs. Brownell Gage. An e.stimated total of *55 mil­ automobile on Main street. in dollars and cents, than ever be­ see a miracle,” she says. "I’m —As the bulk of the people of the dim shadows. dropped or thrown from a bridge other shortenings and sugar ra­ Gain Larger ment of their daughter, Margaret Mrs. R. Kneeland Jones, Jr., e think that, during the Darlan playing her that way." social acceptance. tlefields at this crucial time will near Branford, the crew of the ed out by ever^ne applying for Any b.iby who'je parents arc M„ to Roy E. Malmstrom. son of lion was spent in Mexico by Amer­ Police reported the drleatl fore. He’ll have to stop spending The chart which you see on pub­ North Africa, where American decide the future of the, world, Attempting Propaganda Conquest an “A” card for gasoline. It was tioning also reduced the amount of members of the White Cross, the spent the holiday week-end with ican travelers during 1941, says the ear was Walter Abend 'air, the American people made That’s what Phylis says. About tiwpe are stationed, are Moslems There undoubtedly is another New Haven railroad’s Yankee home baking for the holiday with Mrs. Edward Malmstrom of East some of it. this Jennifer Jones, though, I don’t lic scales, giving weight in re possibly for a thousand years. Clipper halted yesterday long four pages long. When Lawrence’s non-profit organization providing (Conttnned From Page One) Longmeadow, Mass. her husband. Private First Class R. the Department of Commerce. Norwich. ir sentiment In such directions lation to height, is merely based what is their principal drink, be­ sort of invasion which the Japa staff got through with it, it was the result that bake shops enjoyed group hospi.alization to employed A good portion of what he isn’t know. I don’t believe there is one. sides water ?' —Gov Dwight H. Green of Illi­ r.ese are attempting. That is the enough to make sure that the a ru-sh of business of unsurpassed Plan New Year’s Party enough, clear enough for pur on an average and is unrelfable to nois. road was clear. The train was not only half a page long. persons nrd members of Uieir fam­ after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Rockvile Lodge of Elks will hold able to spend because there isn’t adopt aa a personal standard. A—Alcoholic drinks being for­ conquest of propaganda. Elvery One of the original statements proportions. ilies,/U-ill be c'lgiblc to receive the American plants turned out war ment to honor in the fu* effort is being made to create dis damaged. Candy stbres likewise did a New Year’s Eve party at the anything to buy with it is going New Haven Road There, are as many types of in bidden by their religion, the chief When this world struggle Scotland—In another case of on It was phrased this way: bond, if born in any Member Hos- material at about 4 1-3 times the Elks’ home on Thursday. A tur­ dlviduals aa there are shapes of affection among, the "people of In­ "If the status of car ovmer record' business as customers wait­ piml in Connecticut. Twenty-two quantity in the month before Pearl to go to the government, in the W bySM if"- ended, racial persecution will dia, but the average native of this didn’t know it was loaded," Cor­ ed patiently the day before Christ- key dinner will be served and there form of victory and increased In­ heads and faces. After reaching ended. oner Louis A. Woisard reported, changes with respect to necesal h^pflal.® in New Haven. Water- Harbor. will be dancing and favors. Res­ Income Jumps 35 years of age. an Individual ia country has no delusions about tous distance traveled, the office mast to share dwindling supplies ry. Hartford. New Britain. Brls- Bxpect to Double Output come tax. The government will —Winston Churchill. Margaret Collins, 6, was acciden­ ervations close on Tuesday evening A Persistent Enemy usually not aa physically active aa . .8 fate at the hands of the Japs tally shot iiathe abdomen yester­ of Issuance must be Informed of in crowded stores. Ribbon candy, o1. Manchester, Justiden. Middle- "In the next year we expect to and may be made by calling the spend it in the fight for victory. previously, and the tendency ia, if they ever got a hold here. The such change.” . traditional at Christmastidc, waSj town, MilfosiU, New London. New produce about double the muni: If I don't get back, you will have day by her 'sister, Dorothy, 4, a raj-ity this year. stewards at the Home. Tuesday- Wednesday-Thursday The pattern of Jap resistance To date, our hardships and in­ New Haven, Dec. 28—{/Pj—The for the abdominal muscles espe­ , ^ —Charles Freeman, the Amer­ to be mother’s protector. You must niorale of the Army ia said to be using a brother's .22 rifle. The What was meant, Dr. Sells said, Milford, Norwich, Putnam. Tor- tions output of the last 12 months, Defense Council attacks on the fringes of their brisk business of moving war-time' cially to lose their tonicity and re­ ican giant, who stood 6 feet lOU air-tight. "—and what he finally said, was; rington, Willimantic and Winsted and total war expenditures in 1943 conveniences have been minor. So take my place as well as your own older girl’s condition Is called Poor Watchdog There will be a meeting of the nquests has now been clearly supplies and personnel was re­ lax. This together with accumula­ Inches tall; weighed 320 pounds In her heart. Play fair always. India’s presently vsstiy Im­ fair” at the hospital. ’If your right to a supplementary are Member Hospitals of the Plan, should exceed *90,000,000,000 com­ Vernon Defense Council this eve­ far we have been living something flected today in the report for tions of abdominal fat causes the proved position Is due not only gas ration changes, you must no­ and will cooperate by notifying it pared with *52,000,000,000 in llcated by two developments. Strive to win, but if you must Stamford-Ail Stamford firemen Kansas Chty (4’i—The R a l^ W. ning at 7 ;30 o’clock- in the Council pretty close to the life we had be­ November of the New York, New abdomen to become pendulous and y ^ O r r y Kelly, Edith Head and lose, lose like a gentleman. Don’t to her own groivbig strength, and apparatus were caUed out tify your local board.’” of the first Plan baby born, and 1942,” Nelson said. rooms with the chairman. George As General MacArthur began fore. Pearl Harbor. What lies Haven and Hartford railroad, the same applies to the upper Milo Anderson have attained dls but to the WMkenlng ot Jspa- early yesterday morning for a firs So when you’re struggling over McBrides locked Oscar. / their the exact time of birth. He explained that improvement S. Brookes, presiding. Unction in a glamor-enhancing ever be a quitter. nese resources. Thsnks for dog, inside as they left/ their aping full victory at Buna, the ahead is going to be drastically showing a net income of *2,047,- arms and the hips. TTie sagging —IJeut.-Conidr. John J. Shen, which threatened the entire Fes­ a Federal blank, remember that was being made in plant uUUza- Officers Announoed ^i^is landed another 1,000 men a 852, or *1,944,309 more than the muscles are weighted’down by an this must go to the operstlons senden building but was confined somebody l ^ n t a lot of time try­ apartment. He was /outside, tion, "although there is consider­ Harold Monahan of West Main different. We might as well get Jio'^?" Protea- lost on Wasp, In letter to his of United States forces and though, when they retiirtied quite Present war conditions have Only miles farther up the New corresponding month last year. additional burden of fat. 5-year-old son. to tfie cellar and a ground floor ing to make It easier for you. able room for greater improve­ street has been re^-elected preai- ready for it, so we won’t be let­ Gross revenues for the month Simple obesity con be controlled . A—Designing costumes for film their Allies In the Pnclllc. late at night. TTie thiel/w'ho stole given rise to a greatly Increased ment". dent of Local 58. -Textile Workers nea coast Une. That means stars. news store. Chief Victor H, Veit two shotguns valued u *75 must Canadian demand for American ting out a series of childish yelps were *13,851,280, up' 56.1 per cent by exercise and diet and there is Turkey will remain a friend of Japan’s heavy losses in aircraft, estimated damage at *7,500. He added that a few factories Union of Amtrlca. for the fourth St, after General MacArthur no question but that dietary in warships and cargo boats have have let the airedale-mepherd out cotton yarns,''the Department of were approaching maximum util­ when it really starts happening from the preceding November, democracy and will block the prospect — With the help of I as he left, said McBride. term. James Dick. Sr., has been more days finally completed his obUtera- About twd-thirds of the increase discretions are the cause of the had the greatly weakened her striking Cables Flowers Commerce reports. ization, but that most factories elected first vice president and Carl We’ll still have more of every­ following nicknames: the Georgia pathway of aggression to the Mid­ power and limited the range of her bibbdbounda, state police traced tion of the Japs in the Buna area, was in passenger traffic and the greatest majority of cases of over­ dle Blast with a million bayonets. two fugitives from the Cheshire have not yet scheduled their oper­ Graf, second vice president. Other thing than any other nation in rest in freight. weight Peach, the Great Commoner, activities. In order to invade India ations to more than h^lf the theo­ officers are William Weber, re> will have to repeat the process Black Jack ? —Senate Foreign Relationa Com­ on a big scale, the Japs must have reformatory to Cooke road. Pros­ From Salomons this world today. But we’ll have Operating expenses were *7,- The overeating of starches and mittee Chairman Tom Connally. pect, last night and returned them retical limit of 168 hours a week. cording secreUry; Stephanie Tan- over again, against this new 939,917, an increase of 20.6 per sugars In the form of candy, rich A—Tyrus Raymond Cobb, Wil­ control ot the Bay of Bengal— to the reformatory. State Police Productive man-hours would be In- Ishewsky. financial secretary and less—a lot less—than we ever eX' pastry, gravy and so on, ia the liam Jennings Bryan and Gen please get out those maps I talk Mrs. Richard Wright, of 456*/* creaseH by almost half. Nelson treasurer. ding force. He will, of course, cent over November, 1941. John Pershing. Nothing can be said against Lieut. Michael Smith identified pected to have in this land of The net Income for the eleven greatest single case of obesity. so much about—both in the air them as Alex Femenuck, 24, of Main street, was p«rba^ the most said, if utilisation ot all plants Damon Temple To Meet ave gained certain advantages plenty. Tlie land of plenty has The cure very simply depends up­ Alexander’s (British first lord of and on the water. surprised recipient of a ^rlstm aa were brought up to the av erse of Damon Temple. No. 4. Pythian nwhile, perhaps an air base months ended Nov. 30, 1942. was admiralty) claim because it is Bloomfield and WUUam Maynard, gift in Manchester. Her Son. Pfc. WATKINS YEAR-END gone to war, and the war is com­ *17,6.59,386, an increase of *12,- on restricting the intake of these pretty near the truth. They must have transport ships 23, of New Britain. those with the highest. Sisters, will hold a meeting this Buna, so that the next move 991,016 from 1941's eleven-month foods to minimum and also in in­ with which to move their' troops, Bridgeport—To save fuel oU and Ian G. Wright, has been w(th the Nelson reported that part ot the evening hi the K. of P. hall, Ehn ing home to us, too. Reports Spanish —Berlin news - agency comment­ equipment and supplies. United States Armed Forces In 18 per cent Increase in airplanes street. be easier for him. But it figure of *4,668,370. In that were dulging In beneficial exercises ing on reported lose of SSO to permit repairs to pipes frozen included an increase in gross which , are designed to tone up the Appear Beyonu Beach Now in the recent cold wave, Bridge­ the Solomon Islands since last Au­ delivered to the Army and Navy still consume time. If the muscles which have lost their tone. Navy Mobilized U-boats In war. , Those requisites would appear to gust. He is now on Guadalcanal. was due to the fact that a large paps can keep on fighting this A War-Time Problem revenue of 46 per cent about equal­ port schools will delay re-openlng That didn’t prevent Private Wright ly divided between freight and The permanent remedy for obe be beyond their reach at this time. after the Christmas vacation until number of planes actually com­ vay, it might take years to drive War-time conditions in Man sity depends upon regulation of Whenever you (workers) feel Certainly the Anglo-American Air from sending his mother a Christ­ pleted In October were not deliver­ 420 in Nation passeqger traffic; and an Increase like striking, just, stop and con­ Jan. 4. They were scheduled to re­ hem completely out of New Chester seem to have reached of 24.7 in operating expen^. the diet, so as only the right London, Dec. 28—(A>)—The Ge*-, Forces have auperiorlty in the air open tomorrow. mas present. By cablegram he or­ ed until November. amount of food necessary for re­ ban-controlled Paris radio report­ sider "whom will I-harm?" When­ detensively although they lack ab­ dered a potted plant and two doz­ Unusual Inciease Shown Die Violently Juinea. ' ~ their indirect influence into as ever you strike you hurt, first and en red roses to be delivered to her He reported that production of CLEARANCE pair and building up of the normal ed today that Generalissimo Fran­ solute control, as witness the raids In the Solomons, there is a new seemingly sUble a thing as the Eiglft More Shipg tissues of the body is used, and no cisco Franco had ordered mobili­ foremost, the boy on the firing on Calcutta last week. Christmas Day. one-«nglne pursuit planes, which In Dt which ia being bombed as delivery of newspapers. Some of excess should be taken above this zation of the small Spanish Navy. Une, and second, yourselves. - There Is still another point October made little .progreos over (Oaat ra«a Um ? —Adm. Ben Moreell, chief of C. Week-End Deaths juently by A'merican planes as our readers, we knovq, have found requirement. A short fast on the Them was no Immediate con­ in India’s favor which 1 men­ September, showed an unusual in Reported Sunk citrus fruit juices, followed by a firmation from' any other source, 8. Bureau of Yards and Docks. tioned lost week In s dispatch ' Bullets Halt crease in November; Navy fighters 6 traffic, 1 miscellaneous; M|(sm - Jta, in the Mediterranean, was what used to be an entirely de­ rastricted diet, will produce results and the significance of the report ifrom Cairo. Every day the showed "marked gains,-I’and out chusetts, 5 traffic. 4 misceilan- Furniture, Lamps, Rugs, Draperies ver bombed by Axis planes. It is pendable receipt of their evening s in the majority of cases. was not immediately clear. Keep before you (students) the Allies come nearer to driving (jolumbus, O.—BlUy Church, 50, put of medium bombers and small* eo'us; Michigan, 8 traffic, 4 mls- iunda, on New Georgia Island, reading noW an uncertain affair. By The Associated Press Complete instructions for this Id-js of developing as persons who the Axis Into the sea from member of AI G. Fields minstrel Sailor Riots er transport planes "leaped for­ cellaneous, Goat Poor Substitute can rise above dlMppointment, as­ Northern Africa, so much company who with his partner, the ward.” Minnesota, 5 tr&ffic, 3 miscel­ ome 200 miles north of Hender- Various factors seem to be re­ Eight more United Nationi car­ "Reducing Regimen” were writ­ laneous; MiH.sisaippi, 2 miscellane­ and Broadloom Carpet go ships last week were announc­ ten by Dr. Frank McCoy and these sume responsibility --and have a nearer do we come to the time late Jack Richards, helped popu­ (OfnjdBued from Pag« One) "From now on deliveries of air­ Field on Guadalcanal. We be- sponsible; some of the teen age Gallup, N. M.—(AV-Place a big basis for your faith In America. when the Mediterranean will larise "Someone More Lonesome planes should Increase consider­ ous; Missouri, 8 traffic. 4 miscel­ ed as sunk in western Atlantic are now available to my readers. laneous; Montana, 1 traffic; Ne­ bombing It when we first no- route owners have gone into other enemy attacks. In order to receive your copy ad­ rooster In a burlap bag and put —Dr. Winfred O. Leuthner, presi­ be opened again for shipping. Than You." Negroes and whites started sev­ ably from month to month, as new dress your request to the McCoy It under the hood at night. This dent Western Reserve Universi­ This wiU mean that India no Belfast, Northern Ireland—Jus­ plants come into operation and braska, 3 traffic. 1 miscellaneoua; Jap forces beginning to con- activities; some of the younger The craft—three American, two eral days ago after the arrival Nevada, 4 traffic; New Jersey, 10 British, one Panamanian and two Health Service In care of this procedure, ranchers told a neigh­ ty. longer wUi have to depend on the tice Louis J. Walsh, 63, Irish play­ here of several hundred Negro progress la made in production and Over 150 bargain* in furniture, lamps, rugs and draperies... uct an air field there. We have newsboys, we fear, have become boring Indian, would keep the wright and jurist. . materials scheduling," Nelson said. traffic, 7 miscellaneous; New Mex­ over 600 square yards of 9 and 12 feet broadloom carpet, .when tBceasantly at it. For a long unidentified Allied—were sunk off newspaper, enclosing a large smmerce. ,f ' ■


Our Maggie Reports on Life As It Nation’s No, 1 *Prop* Woman WAAC For a Day Is Lived in the Petticoat A rm y Can Equip Your Haunted House Baugh Stayed Home in His Texas Tepee and Mates Los — Complete With Cobwebs Editor’s Note; Margaret ing in an ambulance corps in Cali­ Kemodle, the ".Maggie” of ' fornia, shouted sharply at me; t "Head Up! Shoulders eeeee- -yw \* • m V • Wide World Features, obtain­ »■'■• J 4 ed permission to don a WA.\C rect! Rcee-lax. "Ten Shun; Fall i Sports Makes Most of Last Big Fling; All-Stars Top Washington uniform (as a model) and at- out! Fall in! f Coach Tom Kelley rinpt an unofficial Army "1 was about to fall on my face. a■i ;^ rill. This Is her Story of how Then she really fixed me; •i* 1 1942 Was Spectacular Year of Upsets : (eels to be a WAAC. “About Face!” 1 tried to turn, right toe behind ' ■' Advances New Idea In Thrilling Contest 17-1 By Margaret Kemodle left heel. It didn't work. The girls 1 howled. They said I looked like Kurt Dos Mpines, la.-^Well, why a jitter bug. I felt like a nervous Travel Problem Would Layden to InT€ ren t you a WAAC? whirlwind. The band commander, •1 Main Event The question came hurling at Lieut. Stanley Rihda, of Chicago, Be Solved anti Cut Baugh’fi Failuro ,’o across rows of army cots in an shook his head at my rocky reel­ ing. In Half If Plans Adopt­ ON THE Appear with Team lid red brick barracks of the wom- Cameras clicked as I about For ’43 Is n'.s Army training center. faced. Everybody but me had fun. ed by Spring. Philadelphia; A r t • It was 4:30 p. m., just before Back into the barracks they Boots Field Goal, :lie auxiiiaries (they're the pri­ marched me with those booming (^ach Thomas F. Kelley, "Man- | SPOT To W in War d e s of this army) stood retreat barks; Chester High football and base­ Provide Victory. 1 the parade ground in front of “ Head Up! Shoulders back! ■ w it h c r a h a m B he barracks. We were back from One-two-three-four. Hut!” ball squads, comes up with a nifty Schedules Are Changed .nd rehearsal in the old riding They left me to get Into my idea, anent the 1943 baseball sea­ New York, Dec. 28—With the By Tad Meier ■11 of this former cavalry post. civilian clothes while they dashed son. He proposes to call atten­ war news crowding Into the head­ By Attitude of the Philadelphia, Dec. 28.—(J . iie WAAC's were free for a few off to mess hall. tion to his idea at the next meet­ lines and into everyone’s minds, failure of Sammy Baugh, a minutes, and they decided to put I didn't know what was in store ing of the State Athletic Confer­ the chances are that many usual General Public; Bi the champion Washington .oie through my paces. for me. ence and put the following plan up enthusiasts did not follow the I..eague'8 Curtail. skins, to appear for yesterday In five minutes they made a! Soon the CQ (auxiliary in to the officials; sports happenings as closely as in pro bowl football classic at WAAC model out of me. They charge of quarters) peeped in the .... “If a banelMill sehiKlule is other years. Park caused a furore that ova had a good time playing this big bedroom door. She went away arranged for 1043 let the If you want to see how well you By Harry Grayson ahiuiowed the National Lea. game with me because I had fol­ without saying anything and 1 teams play double headers. recall the sports events, take the NEA Sports Editor All-Stars 17 to 14 victory over' lowed them around like a watch­ wondered why. Jean Rosenthal laughingly poses for a “ gag” picture with some of In other words Manchester teat below and count five points New York, Dec. 28 — America league champions. dog all day dnd because I re­ She came back. Her regular her multitudinous theatrical props, but prefers not to stress ths goes to Bristol this season, for each question. A score of 70 will further tighten Its belt follow­ Commissioner EUmer Layde minded them of the rookies they “ screwimll” side of her unusual business or vice versa, and Instead of is passable, 80 is good and 90 well ing the holidays and really buckle ordered an investigation to br Army platoon officer had sent her down to the business of being up wem a few weeks ago. to see if I had permission to be making the trip to Bristol for above average. out the "full facta.” Anot True or False to Its ears in war. League official explained; They flggired out how ,to fit me in the barracks. He didn't men­ By Tom Wolf brings Miss Rosenthal a flood of the second game the school by borrowing a hat from one 1. Sidney Walker won boxing’s Then it will be that thoae who all we know Baugh might have tion permission to get out. I NE.A Service Staff Correspondent fairly complicated requests. The play a doubleheader here. Un­ 1 head, a shirt from one back, cot­ New»York—"Jean Rosenthal, lightweight title (N. Y. version). have been shouting that the a legitimate excuse for not combed my hair in a dither. After toughest thing she’s ever been der this plan, argues Mr. American sports system cannot be ton stockings and regulation 411. new girls arrive here daily. theater production service. New Kelley, It would cut the trans­ 2. Henry Frnka coached the ing up. But so far we can find shoes and a skirt that bad to be asked to track down was a 1902 Tennessee team that played In the abandoned will find out just how legitimate reason for his not not I explained, "The officers who York. For forthcoming produc­ car. Complete equipment for portation in half and yet re­ wrong they were. pinned up with the heavy gold came with me are waiting outside tions need two ostriches (alive); tain the schedule.” Sugar Bowl. lying us that he could not or haunted houses, including the cob­ 3. Joe Gordon. Yankee ace, was Personally, I’m not so sure that safety pins which were part of the barracks." She left again but Group stuffed seagulls; twelve Best Idea Yet net. coming." By Davenport Hteuard WACKY Rookie. This drilling stuff isn’t as easy as it looks, dis­ webs, is an old story to her. In the caught off second base in a World stopping, not only all spectator structors at this small arms school the package in which the uni­ covers Maggie, our Intrepid model-reporter. she came back too quickly. yards seaweed; 1890 denUst This writer talked long with Baugh declared at hU Rot MBA Service Staff sound department (yes, she sup­ Series’ game. sports, but all amusements entail­ ' are six officers and 30 noncommls- forms came. They really likcW "But there were two of them,” chair: also stage director. Rush Mr. Kelley and he is determined Tex. ranch home that “ I tried n uris iBland, S. C.— plies this too) a typical request 4. One of the world records Gun- ing crowds and cash outlays, ' sioned officers holding the gold making me a WACKY model. I protested. immediately. —Civil Repertory to bend every effort to retain the would not be a step in the right di­ best to make the game. They we Scene: One of the Solomon : Distinguished Marksman's medal. Grace Keyes, of Sedro Wooley, was a rush order for "Incidental der Hacgg broke this year was the supposed to have a car ready luting. That Wis my first military dldtft know who I was. The real Then she surveyed me with a Players.” 880 yard time. rection. IilAnde juat taken from the ' Many of these were recalled to ac­ Wash., tied the four-in-hand. It look of pity. music, cheapish' orchestra playing me in Sweetwater (about 30 mll^ discipline as a model. WAACs laughed. They knew how 5. Buddy Rosar quit the Yan- Crowds and cash could be put to ^Japa by U. S. Marinea. Action: . tive duty for the duration, was beyond me. June Morchmann, That's when I heard my sen­ in the distance like ‘Beautiful from Rotan) so I could catch A de^ierate counter-attack by I felt. I was getting the shock of This strange telegram contains Ohio’ on a calliope, but French." knees briefly last season to take more concrete usage at the mo­ i There is Second Lieutenant T. E. of Femdale, Wash., the WAAC I noticed other girls with" feet anonymity in a uniform. tence. Maybe somebody framed requests that are merely run of the ment. plane ont of Dallas about 11:9 TOO Nipa Finale: 670 of the ' Barrier, former gunnery sergeant, drummer who has written one of apart and hands behind their Petite Miss Rosenthal, who is 28 a postal examination. me. I wouldn't know. Anyhow, mill to Jean Rosenthal, whose B. Pick the right answer: It is true that competitive ath­ m. Saturday night. The car 'TOO Jape lie dead. who is the international indoors the many unofficial WAAC songs, backs. So I mimicked , thpm be­ Retreat Of \ Rookie the idea seemed to be that if I and pretty, denies that the streaka letics condition our youth, but not there.” fore some other officer could ac­ unique Theater Production Serv­ of grey In her black hair have any 6. Mrs. George Cameron of and outdoors champion with the set the hat straight on my head. At the end o f retreat the can­ got into civvies and walked out ice has been called the "mail order schools will take care of the "The announcement Baugh w ,t’a diootln* brother. TheMa- .46 automatic pistol. He's range of­ TWs WAACy World cuse me of a breach of army eti­ relationship to her customers’ re­ Houston won (a) the women's non shook the rest of my reserve of the barracks as a civilian, I house of the theater.’.’ western golf tourney: (b) the na­ youngsters and Uncle Sam will not play was made late Saturd aie dtootin* foola who don't ficer, with 60 Instructors under These auxiliaries let me stand quette. Two Army officers came nerve away. The auxiliaries first must have permission to be quests. In fact she prefers to play By Robert Mellare portation difficulties to finish with of all—the rematch with Billy take care of those 18 and older. night. Many In the crowd of to aee the whltea of the foe- Started in late 1939 as a service tional trapshooting crown; (c) the him. on the porch to observe retreat. to see that I modeled in a mili­ marched their-model to the pa­ in the barracks. But if I stayed in down the screwball aspects of her NEA Correnpondenl precisely one unbeaten major Conn -was called off because the Professional baseball clubs are 671 knew nothing about it a eyea before beginning to Twice poker-faced regular Army tary manner. for busy Broadway producers, T. soiithpaw-’s badminton meet; (d) team Tulsa. The consensus was arrangements shocked Secretary j There's Sergeant Major Morris rade ground. They were having uniform, the Indication seemed to P. S. now serves some 2000 thea­ business. The A.A.U. 100-yard dash. New York, Dec. 28. -Sports feeling the change already. Com­ they appeared at the park. ' Fisher, who donned .the uniform men passed by me and looked that Ohio State tnrned- out the of War Stimson. The captain who knew me fun. By now it was five o'clock, be that I was in the barracks for ters—civic and community, sum­ "It’s Nice To Be .Able 7. The National Ski Jumping made the most of its Isist big fling missioner Lstndis has outlawed the All proceeds of the game, ab atart firing with accuracy again after nine years in civilian tough and foreboding when I most powerful combination among Ben Hogan, the top money win­ southeastern military zone as a turned to me and asked where and their working day was over. the duration. '■ - — mer "straw hat” and Broadway To Afford To Eat championship was won by (a) minimum expenses, were ti 600 to 1000 yards, having life. Author of two books and a felled to salute. One wanted to Margaret Kemodle was. Well, I They stood around me informally. By the time I talked my way until victory is achieved. the rha-rah boys. Georgia, Ten- ner, bagged the Hale America training center. There will be no trained on targets the size of “ legit”—all over the country. In "The Theater Production Serv­ Grant Iseng; (b) Frank Dixon: (c) over to the United Seamen’s number at magazine articles on gig me (a gig is the girls’ term admit I was beginning to be Olga Lowry, who had seven out of this one I was a WACTKy The year 1941 was a spectacular nc^ee, Georgia Tech and Alabama .Turnament at (Chicago’s Ridge- junkets to Callfornis. Major lea­ In a crouching position. addition, some 10,000 school and ice was started,” she says serious­ Martin Fopp; (d) Ola. ice. The players were not paid i shooting, Fisher bolds two Olym­ for demerits) for that slip in sa- mixed up, but not so much that 1 months of previous military train­ model sure 'nough. ly, "to help theaters coordinate year of upsets. gave the Southeastern Conference moor. This tournament passed for gue clubs are now seeking college many of Baugh’s Wa I, on this sandy island off college drama groups have called 8. Gloria Clallen swims the (a) field houses, for which the schools pic and two world championships production and centralle buying breaststroke; (b) backstroke; (c) There were, among other things: priority on New Year’s Day Bowl the United States Open, which teammates were reported irt, the Marines consistently with the rifle; but when he enlist­ on Miss Rosenthal for aid. comfort games by drawing U. C. L. A., was cancelled. have better use thai) training men, out the world’s best marks- and theatrical equipment. and planning. This not only saves free style; (d) Australian crawl. The dethroning of the proud at his failure to appear. ed at 20 he had never fired a rifle. Tulsa, Texas and Boston College, Sam Snead finally won a major who should be In the war effort, Baotcli Mlaaed **Boots” who never aaw a rl- Martinus Petser The T. P. S. Will sell or rent any­ time and money, but gives dra­ 9. The biggest mot.ey-wlnner of Yankees by the upstart St. Louis to play baseball. “Marksmeo are Made” 66 matic groups a sound basis for the turf for the season was (s) Cardinals. in that order. tournament—the P. G. A. at Ab- George Ntrickler, director tbeir arrival here for thing and everything needed for secon, near Atlantic (?lty. The professionals have met the training leave the base with He has so many trophies that a And His Air era ft- a stage production—from blue­ building up permanent equipmenL Whirlaway; (b) Shut Out; (c) Al- The comeback of overworked Georgia had the college player situation much more sensibly than public relations for the lea case of them is on di^lay in the Know America” Projects Seventy-five per cent of our busi­ sab; (d) Valdina Orphan. Alsab. of the year in Frankie SInkwich. Betting Soars To New Heights : . 7. (dj. 8. (b) College football struggled Joe Louis defended his title— fellow who requires nine innings Bob Kurland at the world's foremoet rifle Every recruit gets 240 hours of "Thanks. I don't mind lf\| do.” ) through a season marked by star­ once for Navy and again for micker who bets on horses could of baseball, four quarters of foot­ Redskins two weeks ago. Lee Martinus. talking with that^asci- the best idea yet advanced to re­ 9. (b). 10. (b). 11. Football. 12. he holds the gold Distin- intensive Instruction on the range. Track. IS. Baseball. 14. Swimming. tling revei-.sals of form and trans­ Army Relief, but the biggest one offer. ball or 10 rounds of boxing as an toe. Bear tackle, providing Marksman’a medal: and His ears may ring from continual nating' lilt which ii common>. to tain the present athletic prograni Uncle Sam Is Seeing to It of inter school relations. It de­ 15. Tennis, 16. NB.\ fl.vwelght. 17. Incentive to production. Cowboys Near winning three points by kick rifle, pistol and machine gun explosions, his shoulder may ache Afrikaans-speaking South Atfri- 43-yard field goal on the serves a lot of commendation. N.Y. lightweight. 18. N.Y. feather- He’d work just as hard and on Parris Island were built from the recoil of the .30 caliber cans when using English, told1 nis^ would have more time to concen­ play of the last quarter. Ar he owed his life to Kaffir, and welght. 19. NB.Y bantamweight his direction. rifle—but he learns to hit what That the Cootie Will Not Be 20. NB.\ featherweight. trate on the war. which happens Hoop Ceiling mighty boot climaxed a the hundreds of in­ he's shooting at! Kaffir owed his life to him. Champ Coach to be the main event, if the en­ .p "we're going through with airplane contact between America Each of the leaders has played 25-0. Kerr’s Colgate array was remind Clyde to be In Wichita only fre.shman on the squad, Rodg­ man season will mean for the molls and blazing tommy guns. their school the, headmaster has project throughout British schools, Dove’s division, known as DIAAM, 23 games with the Leafs punching happy to settle for 6-6 tie in mentor. Ersatz Ball ers has little chance of getting off Aggie Highboy. Freshmen are season.” Much of that is going to change, and the dUease-ridden East. a next August. A few days later it outlined the U. S. and the 48 the Whitehall'Board of Education has been conducting exhaustive ex­ in 112 foals, first club ^o cross the mldseason. Both coaches saw tre­ Sig’s teams have played the From the Jacksonville, Fla., Na- the bench New Year's Day. He eligible in' the Missouri- V'alley Smaller crowds and less however, if British school teacher^ has been conducting short courseh periments, aiming at the perfection Dr. Dove, a bulky, slow-spoken strongest quintets and have roiled arrived—a beautifully wrapped ting, as. compared with last century mark this season, while mendous hidden power in the Wor­ y^l Air Station comes the sad Christmas box containing a bottle was brought.along for the help he conference this war year and havje their way with "Know Amer­ for teachers wfio, as a group, know of repellents for lice, chiggers, scientist, first attached himself to the Bruins were collecting only cester outfit to league and sectional titles with story of Sailor and Marine teams can give before the game, not Kurland may be the first Okla­ gave the track a few wallope ica’'' projects. of pop and a sack of peanuts. little about the country. First fleas and other critters which fat­ DIAAM in 1913. He took Ume out 85. Toronto’s defensive mark also regularity. In the last four sea­ that spent three weeks practicing during it. homa Aggie to make the vqrsity first week. Brady said if thi Already, at one London school, for the war—gaining some first­ Donelli traces a good team be­ Con S’ Jlie Conpxmmr. course to be held in Lemdon had Martinus And Kaffir ten on a diet of doughboy. Liter­ is better than that of Its rival, al­ ing beaten by lopaided score to sons, 3Iakofslti-coached teams for the basketball season without "Rodgers is Holovak,” explain­ hU) freshman year since the last ing Is too slow there will be : 300 pupils have completed 100,000 hand knowledge of the cootie—and a have lost only two games and Service Dept. 2,300 attending. .Three-quarters of ally hundreds of chemical formulae lowing its foes 68 counties to- the signal-callers attempting plays having a basket at either end of ed Coath Frank Thomas today. world war. paring ■of costs but “not if we hours of study about America. the teachers came from elementary hear them long before any of us, are being tested, and eventually returned to the bureau in 1924. 79 permitted -the opposing sharp­ were undefeated for two years. • the court. . . . Priorities kept them Example: The greater Detroit "He is about Holovak’s size, and Kurland is doing so well that help it.” There already has He’s been there ever since, being that would not enter their minds The headmistress of this Peck- schools, one-fifth from secondary and I believe he sees them ,tbo. the researchers will bob up with a shooters by Boston. His poorest season,was 1937-88 from securing the iron rings and Bowling Proprletois' Association hia running is almllar. Sam Aubrey, 6-4 >j. center of some reduction in the number ham %chool In southeast London named top boy when Emory C. under more favorable circum- when he won 26 games and lost Is putting up the dough to main employes. schools, the remainder from tech­ The only thing is that he doesn’t specific to chase the cootie back to Despite the battle for the first stancea.'~ ' the supports for the backboards "So the freshman has been play­ last year, now is operating at said it went even further than nical and normal schools. know whether the planes he hears the tall timber. Cushing, former chief, recently place honors during the past week, three. tain six bowling alleys in the |iei»v The principal trouble ttSs that The parents of all the chil­ joined the Army. “ Stunned by finding themselves until juat before the opening game. ing in Holovak’s position in our guard, while the A gues’ othef the transportation probleri, I Men and women who lectured are our own or the enemy’s. So he "The bureau’s field stations are the outstanding development has Makofski's success formula? . The cagers- spent their time U *0 center for free use by senrice defensive scrimmages against Bos­ pivot man. Lou Steinmeir. 6-5, is dren got Interested, too. more than one touchdown behind, "Just give me a kid who has Ms patron it required to drive gave a general picture of Ameri­ tells me about it when he gets the spread over thq natjon—Beitville, There are many unusual jobs in been the improvement displayed practicing floor work and yelling men. . . . Lieutenant Commander ton’s plays.” alternating with Kurland. (V. 8. ,\rmy Signal Corps Photo from NEA) . Gettjraborg Address can life and institutions and Md., Washington, Orlando, New the better players tighten up just heart In basketball!" - , Ben Lee Boynton, former Athletic heavil.v-rationed private auto first indications, and I tell the his organization. Some pqrtlona of by both the Montreal C^nadlenn like ordinary ones,” he explains. ’two points’ when a teammate Rodgers himself figures All- . At Jennings high school. Kur- . . jt at the F t Benning In fantry Officers’ School learm de- Each night in the homes of the brief background in U. S. history. Smyrna and Panama City in Flori­ the bureau’s finances g{rTo"’pay la­ Director at the Georgia Pre-Flight bile or ride for-hlre cart boys and we all watdivout. and the Rangers. “Quarterbacks become reckless. would cut loose at the blank wall. America Mike might have some landHed his small Missouri sgJ[iool •gatest tanhs—by letttag one nanble right over his foxbolo ’ Jones, the Smiths, the Roberts, the Literature, art education, labor “Once I thought I had lost him, da, Portland, Ore., and Dallas and borers who feed the various insects School, now is coordinator of track, which haa no regular The former have lost only one of Every team has a somewhat more is the. test of a good club, and in . . . ” It sure cramps our style,” trouble If he starts ninnlng into {the Missouri state tourna­ vices nearer than a two mils small tradesmen who compose this problems, geography were dis­ and was worried about it when Menard in Texas. In 1935 and 1936 under study, by allowing the vari­ their four last games and the New Physical Training and Welfare Ac borough, you could hear echoing intricate play or two which It the swift, modern version of the walled Chief Specialist Bill Borch- against Alabama. ment last year and the year be­ tant bua line. Many fans Banning. Ga.—Ths big that teaches infantrymen defense cussed. . suddenly he came leaping from DIAAM introduced a treatment for ous bugs to gorge themaelvea off Yorkefs offer a similar record. er, former Oregon eager who UvlUea for the Navy’s new air op­ ” It’a been- pretty rough up there fore. He w fs 6-5 when be first around the kitchen table Lincoln’s stamping out screw-woiin, which holds in rsMrve for an opportune game the finest teams trail. doubled up for ths rids. tank spsods ahead—awe-ln- against mechanized attack. It also Lack of "suitable” textbooks on nowhere and dived into my shirt, living meat—laborers’ meat, to be coaches the sailors, "But wq’U be erational baoea, where flying en at Tuacaloosa lately,” he sighed, turned out for basketball at .Jen­ Gettysburg address and the Battle American history presents a prob­ was depleting livestock herds. It exact. moment or pinch. Preasing quar­ Georgia, for instance, bounced o t cUnlfing, roaring, teaches them the value the fox- which is his way of letting roe Late ReeognltioB back to whip Alabama with three In perfect condition and able to signs learn com bat. tactics. . trillng about the Tide line’s slam- nings, four years ago. He’s still Hymn of the American republic. lem. Those printed in the U. S., know something’s up. I turned to lowered mortality from 12 per cent Free lunch for a thriving family terbacks fall back on these plays, Jim Christensen, former Utah 18 Teams Compete H m aoUher is dlreetly in its h(de, underlining the practical les­ tou(;hdown8 in 10 minutes of the run all night.” bang tackling and ita effort! to growing. Even the family heads went off well, you know how our version of my officer and said: "A plane’s to a fraction of 1 per cent. of chiggers . . . Bow'd you Hke but because the men were drilled Quarterback new flying, for the 11m tank driver sees him sons learned under fire on Bataan San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 28— les;. In them, they frequently are final period after trailing, 10^. solve Boston’s T-formatlon plays For a I7-year-old who is aa Oklahoma City, Dee. i*t Maoksn apaed. His Peninstila. to work each dom ing assigned to the Ameriean Revolution and War coming at im. Sir,’’ At first he In Panama City a method for that for a profession 7 <. (iP>—“Present day kids are plenty Marines, claims that all fliers collect Information about Ameri­ not run off as smoothly as the Frankie SInkwich did not abandon Monday Mattnes from which Holovak oparatas. long aa the proverbial wall rope, .V'lfteen collage taema right OTsr tha The procedure is simple. Each at 1812 would be received over didn’t believe me, but I dashed smart They read , the papers and should wear football h ^ guarda. "I couldn't make much hsad- Robert la unusually wall co­ can civil air lines or the raising of here. usual stuff. hia atralght paaa playa. He rode The Atlanta and Birmingham service quintet today begia student officer simply digs a under a rock and he followed. ’. realize nobody ever hqsrs about quarterback clubs both voted for ■ e saye he wouldn’t have received way. The line really has been on ordinated. HU skyline paaslng three-day scramble fcr,^tM cattle in Texas. Sure enough, a few seconds later the catcher." “This mild form of hysteria us­ along with those that had. been a skull fracture in e recent air f Toa bat tt la, but IPa standard-sized foxhole for himself Typical classroom projects were ually results in costly mistakes proved the most workable. Monk Gafford of Auburn, who to that ”T ’ up there In scrim­ game is something to behold, he enth annual all-cMIege dotM Buny tinMa a day to and than la run over by a tank, The Unanswered Qoeatlqa a Stuka zoomed down like a So says Hap O’Connor, s semi- looked so good in Saturday’s Blua- crash if he hsd worn one. mage.” operates efficiently on post plays tournament trophy. albupia Freddie Groves, age 11, rocket and let loose. The bomb pro baseball umpire, who reports and pass IntereepUons that, give Had Alabama been ahead ' by ■otdlssa a* tha BiisnMy ‘n e s s foK holes are approximately had the Stars (uid Stripes and an Love is like an onion—jrou taste the wlnnere many polnta' which two touchdowns at that stage, Gray game, aa the ■• Southeastern At Brewton, Ala., last year, and has a variety of scoring shots. Topping all playera-^t g* candidate school hsra. To three and a half feet long, two exploded right where we would a' real shortage of behind-the- Conference’s outstanding football Rodgera was an All-Southern high Kurland’s favorite trick la to will be Bob Kurland, T-foot eagle for the cover of his. Inside it with delight, platera is developing in the prq. they would not have ordinarily however, it is easy to imagine that jfMff pBMtatlng heart, you feet 'srlde and four feet deep.. Along have- got it nicely a moment player instead of Georgia’s Frank Yawn Dislocates Jaw school back. He played a total of leap high at the basket wh«n a home Aggie frashmaa. 1“ * were pictures of President Roose­ iBut when it’s gone you wonder earlier. The Jerry had come down fcssional leagues. acored. Georgia would have fallen apart to IB knew Uiat the soldier was comes the tank, down goes the velt. Oordell Hull was labeled the "In crises of the Mnd, the 8 stl^tiiig did before front-numlag Auburn, who successfully turned from track Denver (iT)->Bartender Jqcli during tha Juft eloaad. and and deftly dtreet the bgll into tha Kaffir saw him. He mukt have off to war to t another yssr or so bucket. If he arrives at the eer- Mlseourl sad Ksapm Igr taB i's paasaga. ew- overt he pops iqt, eonvinoed that America. "He beeves in Anglo- and his pants ore pressed dow is quite small. It wouldn’t be te standard plays in which hla the fast-eharglng line of which to football tMs fall, new la out for Harrington, 34, hung up his aprsa eempliad a nifty Individual roeerd. beard him." to get back of that plate and prac­ He carried the ball three times rect split second, he can, oa the and the Neman, Oku,. tanka cannot hurt him if he digs American friendship.” General And he can't spill gravy much good in sin emergency. tice catching with all the tools on. teammates are well versed- You did not give Flatfoot Frankie time the California basketball team. and yawned tremendously. Hospl in. Later, as an offictr instructing Kaffir’s favorite position in the Bep Guldolln, the aggressive little tal attendants gave Mm a local from scrimmage, averaging 26.6 other hand, catch an opponent’s Air bam team wlO m Mac Arthur was ailoted the center- Landlady—There .ain’t going to truck is on the steering wheel. He The catcher is the moat unappre­ ikxi’t make up a vaat aipount of to get off his All-Amerl/;a pants to his own unit, the student passla on his_vest. guy who makee the Boston Bni- anaesthetic while doctors jrards an effort, \and ran back one won last year bp Waal spread—No. 1 spot. be any emergenC|y.

Sense and Nonsense W l M*MI10 (THATC OKPfW NO oejEcnoN i n o t U GO DOWN 70 MC WOIIKIN / AT ALL, UP A SWfAT.>#HEU$I Aanivesnsty Bines! The Boss— Say. ycuag la4y. ■aleawoman (gvihing) — My ni’re 20 minutes late again. dear, X think th«t: M the mont per- MV W THE Twenty thousand meals,-my dear, )NRlSTM#t EQUIPMENT I have cooked for you. on’t you know what time feet fU IWe aver aeen! Since that day eo tong ago when X stsst to work in this store? Wife—Tou #iouId aee the one I I f said: “I do." New Employee—Why. no, sir. my husband haii when he aees the They're always at it when 1 get Mil. S it # M anchester SAWS OF ALL KINDS filed, set. I ha've lost my looks, my dear, LOST —THURSDAY afternoon, WE WILL SELL furniture, and AT A c o i:r t o f p r o b a t e h k u d AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD AT A COURT o r FROBATB SZLO here. Colt's Badge. Finder please re- DEFENSE COUPLE, room, board, ana repaired, cord wood sawn rugs, stoves and other household at Manchester, within «and for the at Columbia, within and for th« eeoking' rooakt for yen. j... E vening H erald District of Manchester, on the JUlh St Usnehsster, within and (or the Cuetomar->Are those dougb- tum-'to 12 l-2“Church. street. private bath, in exchange for wo­ gummed, power and hand lawn goods at the lowest prices In DlatYlct of Andover. In the Slat# of District of Manchester, on the llth WkoB I walk along the street no man as housekeeper, salary. Man day of Decernher 1!>42. Connecticut, on the 18th day of day of Dscemher A. D., 1141. one yells: "Too hoot” Early to bed and earlv to rise nuts fresh? AdvsrtiMBietits .nuwera overhauled, and sharp­ town. Albert’s, 43 Allyn St., Hart­ I»rrsent WILMAM S. HVDK. Esq.. December. A. D., 1948. LOST—CHILD’S POCKETBOOK. to work out. Call Manchester ened. Stored ali winter no extra JmiK*'. Present WILLIAM S. HTDB, Rs«., Bikdly I return to you; feeling Makes a man xrealthy—If he Clerk—I don't knew, madam, K f f U M W 'HI •!> •T*ras« wordi to • no* ford. iTeaent CLAYTC»5; K. HUNT. Judae. . knows how to advertise. I ’ve only been hi re two weeks. onmbora and abbroviationi containing aum of money and 2-0103. charge. Axes, knives, shears, and Kstjite of Ma/.v ,1. Shea late of Judge. Kstate of James H. Quinn late of blue, and then AT . Mhhi’Iu sU* r. In said District, de- nouat as a word and eompn^nd gloves. In State Theater. Finder skates sharpened. Capitol Grind­ FOR SALE SINGLE METAL Ketate f*f fJurley S. Phelps. Ut# Mancheeter. In said District, de­ Tou just smile at me and ask: Q U A N T lO O f la two words Ulnlmum eoti I’easefl. / of East 4,’lpveland. Cuyahoga Coun­ ceased. please Phone 7512. Reward. ing Co., 38 Main. Tel. 7958. bed complete $fi; red overstuffed The Executor havlnjf exhibited "When do we eat again?" Make friends with your credi­ A eity and a chorus girt of ihros Hnaa Automobiles for Sale 4 ty, and State of Ohio, ow ning prop- The Manchester Trust Company. A n much alike, 'tie true; IS ratss par day to r transtsni chairs $3; gjiiall mahogany rock­ hls\4dnvinistrafIon account with said ert.v In said dlatrlct. deceased. Administrator, having exhibited Its —Mary B. Rondeau. tors, but never make creditors of LOST—BEAGLE HOUND puppy, estate to this Court for allowance. PO.NTIAC (61 1939 four door MOWERS SHARPENED, repair- er, $3; child's rocking Horse, $2; Upon the application of Ann#tte flnsl adm inistration account with your frisnds. A eity'e built with outskirts, __sotlTa Marob If. in f in vicinity of South Bolton. An- It Is H. Phelps, of East Cleveland. Ohio, said estate to thia Court (or allow­ A chorus girl is toa sedan. Radio, heater, signal ed, shear grinding, key fitting Sterling corona portable type­ t MtDKnKD:—That the 4th day of How often does the pain come Caab Charge ewers to name "Tiny". Black, duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc praying that a duly exemplified ance. It le on? bnaacutlvs U nys...| 1 otai a etc lights, like new inside and out. writer with case, 520. Tel, 6652. A. D.. i;i43. at » ii'clock (w. and aullientlraied copy of an In­ OllDKllKD:— That the 4th day of We hove a hunch that any num­ w hite and brown. Telephone 8375. t. i^ otajll oia An exceptional automobile, $64,5. overhauled. Braitbwalte, 52 Pearl strument in writing purporting to Jsniiary, A. D„ 1943, at 9 o’clock (w. Doeter—Eveiy five minutes. ber of women ones they get them­ XU *n37in or Perish” far us toil Sy ...... hi otalU atr Reward. street. FOR SALE FLORENCE living In said Maiu'hest< r, be an«l the 1>r tlie IjFst Will and Testam ent of t.) forenoon, at the Probate Office, Doetor—And lasts? selves engaged to a man, reallM this war and it is going to take Jy Terms $7.44 weekly. Trades S/tme is assiKueti for a hcaritiK on said decedent anti of the proceed­ In said Manchester, be and the II erdsrs for irregolai inarrttonr room heater. Roper gas range and the allouance of said administration Patient—Well, a quarter of an they made a bad bargain but go the unstinted effort of every one] J ba charged 41 tba ons tims rate l o s t —LADY'S GOLD WTlst taken. No red tape. Demonstra­ PIANO TUNING and repairing. Rex hot water heater. Tel. 3634. ing.* ot the Prohate Court for same Is assigned for a hearing on account with said estate, and this fu y a h o g a County. Ohio, the aamc the allowance of said administra­ boor, at least. ahead and marry him because of ns to win. OUT OUR WAY paclal rates foi long term aeery watch on black ribbon. Reward. tion at your home by appoint­ Player piano specialty. John Court directs the Executor to (five BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE WITH MAJOR BOOPl adveriiatng gl*en upon request being a Court of competent Juris- tion account with aaid estate and they don’t want to admit to them­ Call 4080. ment. Telephone Finance Mana­ Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street jnilillC notice to all persons Interest- diction, proving and establishing nscertalnment of heirs and this ,da ordered before the third oi ad tlicrein lo appear and be heard Slave N a tio n s...If we get Into selves or anyonfi eiss the[^ liave A wonuui can be mlgbty sweet | day will he charged only tot ger of Brunner Sales Co., 5191- Tel. 4219. FOR SALE ROPER gas range. the same he ffled-and recorded and Court directs the Administrator to Hie haUt of looking to govern­ when she wants. THATS TH BEST 16AD,BC>/6.'HEWS»S LOST BLACK Leather wallet thrreon i»y publishltiK a copy of that the Executrix named In said give public notice to all persons In­ mads a mtstaks.. fTS POST­ (T'S A CINCN actual number ot times 'he so 4588-2-01.35. Practically new. Call 6700. this'order in some newspaper hav- ment for all our material safe- TIM E I D COIsXZEKi'n^hTC.. , containing some money. Social will lie approved by this Goiirt, as terested therein to appear and be A N O D D - s h a p e d MARKED HE'S 60T A ired, charging at the rsie esrn- NEW CONVERTIBLE TOPS, cel- iim a circulation In said ‘District, per appli<*«uion on file more fully heard thereon by publishing a copy guarde, wo sound the doom of an IS W ITH HO m iN T AJ0OUKJD.'I _It DO allowance or refun •> cat. CHEVROLET 1941 convertible ns»- davs liefnre said da\ of hear­ appears, it i>t Security, Number 004204666 and luloid replaced in curtains, all of ihle order in some newspaper American tradition . . . Wo mtut 50 HE CAU.S PER. PACKAGE fOR ME PROM DEC. 2 6 f r ie n d IM made on els *lme ads stnppeil papers. 116 Benton street. coupe special deluxe, radio, ex­ Machinery and Tools 52 ing and reMirn make to ibis Tourt. tUlL>KILKI>:—Tiiat said appUca- having a elrrulatinn in said Dis­ FUNNY BUSINESS ,ir the fifth day. kinds of leather work. Chas. Lak- WIDEIAM S. HYDE progress by oourage. Industry, and US— '51T TOWM, MV BBOrmep. CAKE IN . JAKE A BUTCHER :No “till forbids": display lines ooi cellent, tires, red leather, black ing, 90 Cambridge street. Tele­ Mon be heard and determined at the trict live days before said day of MISTER VACUUM LOST—BOSTON BULL ' punpy, USED CLETRAC TRACTORJ ' Judge. Probate Office in Columbia In said hearing and return make to this indspendsnee...A regimented nS' CHICAGO,'— HA\A-KAPF.^ MUST SH0l»ANNWAV top, very clean, priced for a quick phone 4740. H-1C-2S-12. district, on the .Sth day of January', Completp stock Fordson parts! Court. > tion soon becomes a H ave nation. MISTER VOID,'" I-W EBB'S 30 CEKfTS POST­ HAVE > Jne Oarald will not bs rea|M>naible Saturday night, vicinity Main ■sale, $995. Terms, $12 weekly. A. !».. 19+'. at 2 o’clock in the WILLIAM HYDE — TO ir more than one Incorrect inser- and Haynes street, between 5 and w a n t e d TO ^UNE. repair and used Moline tractor on rubber, .\T .\ ClM IlT IIF rU'IB.ITK HKI.l) afternoon, and that notice of the AGE •DOC \NOUl,D FOUND A I Trades taken. No red tape. Open J udge. Father (from head of ataira)— 3UDGEBV of any . ad»ertls»menl ordereo 6 p. m. Answers to name 'Tip­ Oliver implements. Dtiblin Trac­ at .\lanclicsfrr, \\’HI>-fn and f*»r tin. pemlem*y of hald application and of ll-I :’-2K-ii>. more thao one time. 'till 8 p. m. Telephone Finance regulate your piano or player I'lxtin’t "f .Man'liv-stcr. «jn the 2Sth- tile time and place set for said hear­ Say, Sarah, is that young man of ONE OF SOU PLEASE VJHITE T H * i ..Vhe inadvertent omission ot in- py." Reward. 364 Main street. Manager of Brunner Sales Co. piano. Tel. Manchester 5052 tor Company, Providence Road, tlav of I»Dc*inl*fr .\. Ir. 1'*I2 irrect publication of advertising Willimantic. ing be given to all persons known AT A COl ltT tip PltOHATE HELD yours an auctioneer? ha n d t h e p o s t m a n KLEPHANrr V O R A P P IN B Phone 5621. 5191-4588-2-0135. i*rcs»>ni WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq, to be Interested In said estate by ut .Manchester within and for the Sarah—No, why? (M be rectified only by cancellation .fuduc, causing a true copy of this order to District of Manchester, on the 2Sth THE CHANGE? IN HIS , PAPER/ the charae made for the service I'^tats of .Tanc Wilson late of Father—^Well, m keeps saying LOST—FOUR W'EF.KS ago, old 1941 PONTIAC 2 DOOR sedan, Help Wanted—Female 35 lie published once In some news- tlav of Deceinlier. A. D.. 1942. STOCKlNGL Bidered Manclif stf-r, In .said District. d<‘- paper havitrg a circulation in said rresen t WILI.IA.M S. HYDhL Esq.. he’s going, but he hasn’t gone yet ^Vtll adverttsemcnla must conturm fashioned gold neck chain, in 1940 Pontiac 2 door sedan, 1939 Wanted—To Buy 58 Ct.iSCfl. district, and sent by regiHtered style, copy and ivimgraohy with Jti'dgp. . - ^ Manchester, very important to Pontiac deluxe sedan, .5 late GIRL OR WOMAN wanted. New Tin Executor haNing exltlbitf'd mall, prepaid, lo each of the fol­ E.siate of Joseph Kuroskt late of “Men,” says Sorrowful Sally, ulaflons enforced bv the publish. owner. Tel. 8-0835. Reward. model Chevrolets. 5 late model hi« adnunist rajiott account 55 itlt lowing named perstms. all at least Mancliester, in said Dlslriet, de­ ■ and they reserve the rlahi to Model Laundry, Summit street. WA.N'TED- USED single bed. Call M.tid fsiate to Bus ('otirt for allow­ ten day.s liefore the date set for ceased "seem to fall into two groups. It. revise oe reject any copy con- Plym ouths. Cole Mciitors. Tel. ance, it is l o s t —4 MONTHS OLD black 3408. said hearing: • t.'n motio^i. of William P. Qnish They’re either old and bent or Jared objectionable. 4164. WANTED— WOMEN for floor f»Kl.»KHEn:—That the 1th day of Annette H. Phelps. 13fio2 OaKhll! of said Manche.ster. Administrator. young and broke.” CLOSINQ HOURS—Classined ads and tan Scotch shepherd pup. .Tatut^t*.'' A. D.. at 9 o’clock (w. Koad. East (’’leveland. Ohio and OHDKRKl):—I'hat- six montha im published same day must oe maids and laundry work. Apply t.) forenoon, at the I’rol'ate OfCb'e. Answers to name of Snooky. 1937 G. M. C. 3-4 TO.N panel truck. Housekeeper. Manchester Me­ Tax Commissioner of the State of from the ISih day of December. A. ■elved by It o'clock noon Satur- Please return to H. Hansen, 256 Rooms Without Board 59 In said Manchester, be and the same Cimnertlcut. Stale Office Rulldtng. D.. 1943 he and the same are limited The superintendent of a hina Good motor, very clean, $245.00. morial hospital, is assigned for a hearing on the Hartford, Conn. .■'J'';!.’?,•••*'"• Tya l« 10. Hackmatack street. Reward. and allowed for the creditora with­ tie asylum ordered one of the in­ Terms and trades accepted. Brun­ F'OR RENT- LARGE HEATED alio w.'inco ftf sabi ad in ins it rat ion CLAYTON E HI NT in which In bring in their claims mates to whitewash th-' walls. The telephone Yoai Wint Ads ner Sales, SO Oakland street. WANTED TWO WOMEN or ai’coiint with, said e.**tatr, and tlvis J Udge. against said estate, and the aaid room, twin beds. Men preferred. rm irt directs the Executor to give H-12-2>i-t2. * patient obeyed orders and did a _js arb accepted ovei the leie- Tel. 5191. girls for Manchester L,aundry, 72 Adm inistrator is dire.cted to give na at 'he CUAKUk. HATE given Announcements 2 Tel. 5874. 63 Garden street. pul»lic n(*tice to all persona Inter­ public notice to the creditors to very creditable job. but for dome vs as a convenetnee to adver- Maple street. ested therein to appear and be hoard AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD bring In their claims within ssid reason he neglected to whitewash but the CASH RATES will be FOR SALE—1935 PLYMOUTH I'-OR R EN T— ATTRACTIVELY thereon by publishing a copy of at Manchester within and for the time allowed by posting a copy of ths space over the clock. .jpted as rUU. Pa TMBNT If URGENTLY NEEDED reliable sedan. $50.00. 1934 Buick aedan, furnished well heated room, con­ this order in some newspaper hav- District of Manchester, on the 28th this order on the public sign post Official (when he returned to driver to take passenger to and inc a cirmilailon In said District, dav of Dei'emlier, A. D.. 1942. nearest to the place where the de­ ltd at tbs business olTica on or oe- $25.00. 1935 Dodge sedan. $25.00. Help Wanted—Male 36 tinuous hot w ater. Tel. 3105. fne da>s l»4’fure said flay of hearing Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., inspect the job)—That’s very well o tbs savantb day following the from 63 Lakewood Circle to Pratt 1927 Morlel T coupe. $35.00. Brun­ ceased last dw'elt within said town It Insertion ot each ad otherwise WANTED JANITOR. Center and return ma.k» to ibis Eoiirt. Judge. and by publishing the same In aome done, but why did you leave that ■tv P A Whitney for first shift. Call ner Sales, 80 Oakland street. FOR RENT—A,TTRACnVE heat- WILLIAM S. HYPE Estate of Mary Brever late of newspaper having a circulation in CHAKnE RATE will be collect. church. Apply 55 Holl street. Tel. J utiue. .\lanclMsl« r, in said District, deceas­ spiue over the clock? _ No raaponaihilliy for errors In 2-0112 after 5 p. m. Tel. 5191. ed room for gentleman, centrally said prnhals district, within ten Patient (readily)—Oh. X don’t lepbonsd ads will ba assumed and 46.35. located. 2 minutes from bus line. ed •lays from the dale of thia order, ir accuracy cannot be guaran- WANTED—RIDE TO Hartford, On motion of Tiie M ancheslrr and return make to this court of believe in working overtime. a k e Protestant family. Phone 5033. ■VT .V I'O fiiT n r ritoR .vT t; HKi,r> Trust Company Execut(*r. the notice given. # S - I- . between 8 and 8 30 by January Heating—Plumbing- jtt Manchb-sirr. wiibin and f‘*r tbr OKI'iEUED:—That six months WILLIAM ». HTDE .‘•Vtl*/, W O U L D P u r Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 dl.ktrict of Manclustcr, on the 2Sth fnxni the 2Sth da.v of Decemlier. A. If we are stockholders in the .«'v iBiics of Claasiili.atioiis 1st. Call a t 113 Sum m er street. Roofing 17 Judge. United States of America, Inc., ; y Telephone 8933. dav of Inc*inb< r. .V 1912. D, 1 942 be and the same are llniit- H-13-2f>- If. A 2-CENrr ...... A FOR SALE MALE AND female Boarders Wanted 59-A i*i4srnt W IU JA M S. HYDE. V>q.. & ML B. PET, IS ot Thanks ...... B DO YOU HAVE ADEQUATE rc'tsi (I. t‘iiMto notice in the creditors to we passed by the guardhouse and (iml'iii'in wu 'A >at: Maaorlam ...... v f 1 meals, continuous hot water, l’p'>n ai»pli«’at ion , of IVarl H. '•iring in tluir claims within said hea^ a prisoner laughing: ' and rou n d ...... > INSURANCE? Wanted—Pets— and showers. 330 Adams street. Burk.c piaNing that ;tn lu«trutncni iii»ie allowed by posting a ropy of Prisoner (chuckling)—I got 90 lameemnats • g • • • ohOBd df* • • • • Moving—Truck'jig— purporting to lip tlip List will and this order on the public sign post Leading Hitter ’‘Hello, headquarters? I think you’d better wire Wash- Poultry—Stock 41 days in the jug. a•a a a a da^hao • See Storage 20 tistanicnt of **aid drccasfd be ad- tienresl to the i>lare wliere the de- ington for an FHA reconstruction loanr BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES No Fooling b t s d g a r : AwtaasoMloa mHt«d to prolt.itc as per applica­ ceaseil last tlwelt within said tow n We—What’s so funny about WANTED TO BUY and oecf cows, Apartments, Flats, tion on fib . it Is New York, Dec. 28—tA')—Henry __bias tor Sale ...... » . « * McKINNET ’b r o t h e r s TH E AUS'HN A. (THAAlBER.’b Co. and by tmblishing the same in some that? igMibllaa tor Baobangs . . . . t MS Mala St., Manchester,, Conn. -alves, pigs for slaughtering. Will Tenements 6.3 (•IM»i:ilKD -That titr forciiolng m wspaper having a clrcuiatlon In Majeski ot Newark waj conflrmed Prisoner—Funny? Its the fun­ •V >® *00 TOO TURKitO IPLiKStCKJM Aooassoriaa—TIraa . . . . ; . • local and long distance moving. aiipib’at ioti hr lu ard ami determln- .salfl pifib.iie- flistri4’t. vsltliin ten as the International League'! 1942 Telephone 6060 or 7432 pay good price. Manchester rd at the rroltat* nfficu in Man- da'S frrtm th»' ilate of tills order, niest thing that has happened here SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH OOViVCi.M'S?. JtapalrlDg—raloUag .» .. J Return load system, furniture Slaughter House. Tel. 2-0294. FOR RENT - 3 ROOM flat with batting champion today by the of- SolMOlft a a a a a a fc* a a a a ••* • • • bath, near bus line, in South cluster in said Di>«tri*’t. o»i the 4l)t and return make to this court of for r long time. You see, they sen­ Oc VAiU'E. WNb 1 PVAViT \K)\0 A itp M TrOOB d^aaigr* V storage. Dial 6260. da>' of .lanuaiN, A. D. IIH". at 9 tlie n*>lice given. flcial figuree which ghow^ be hit tenced the wrong guy. ViN'tet 'For Hire ...... I Manchester. Write Box T. Herald. o'ebtek f w i.» in tlic forj-tifum. and • W1LUA.M S. H Y PE .345, far out in front of any rivaL D O ^ ’T - lea '-Storage w . lo Building Materials 4? tlial noti*’* b»- Kiven to all fiorsons Ju dge. It waa-exactly the same percent­ an—Bleyelas ...... II Int* resit tl in sai’ of the ]w*n- H-12-2V-42, Ad Advertising Secret 4bncy of said application and the age with which the atocky third FIRED \ I■CFTISgl »«rxow t Aatoa—Motoreyelea ... IX 10 OLCOTT: 0 T ST. FOR SALE USED LUMBER, all Wanted to Rent 6 8 The sign: "Fine Toilet Soap, 5 and rialaaalsaal Sarvtraa time and place of heariiiK tliereon'. baseman won the batting UUe c€ Cents" for montha hung on the Sarvlesa OSarad...... 11 WANTED .sizes, also farm tools. L. E. Clark, by publishing a I'opy of this ord4T the Three-Eye league flve years PU?)\.\CV\V MANCHESTERI1E« w a n t e d t o r e n t in some iuwspap* r having a ctreu- t ar I leas Ottarad ....li- A 844 W est Middle Turnpike. —T hree, four, Cowboys Near ^o. It also gave him an average wall; iBtraeting ...... it 2-Fanilly House of .% rooms e»ch or five rooms with garage, re­ ItTlion In saiti ilisirlcl, nt least five The ladies came and went each hroartaa ...... H ilay.s lM’foi4 the day of saiil hrar- of more than .300 for each of his day but bought no aoap at aU. AV^ WOO\5. ^ AT ONCE and bath. Lower flmir 'now va­ fined couple. No children. Call inu. to appear if tlie\ see cause at pi roe tors ...... It Garden—Farm—Dairy 5805. Hoop Ceiling three seasons with the Bears. The sign waa changed: “Com­ ibiag—Booting IX cant. Steam heat with oil burn­ said time and place and iic heard In 1940 when he came to New­ er. 'AM Improvements. On bus­ Products 50 r«‘lati\e tlurein. and make nturn plexion Soep; Price Fifty Centa a aking ...... XI Experienced line, 2-car garage. Work shop iti this e<»urt and liy mailing in a ark after hitting .272 in a season ChUte.” Itoraga .. 10 j'fuivt♦ f'd ftn or b»fore D*-- (f'nntinupd from Page Nine) with the Boston Braves, Majeski and poultry house 30\40. 2-story FOR SALE GREEN Mountain Houses for Sale 72 « t n;’it r 2'*, l'*42. a copy «if this ortb r A nd the dealer in the next few ta rv lo s...... M-A high.' i-3 acres land. some, potatoes, field run, not graded, rebounded to .323 and in 1941 he weeks a fortune email, did make! .^Baparteg ...... 11 Stenographer FOR SALE- READY FOR occu­ and .said will to Ma»- E. t'one. U. E. batted .303 while Gene Oorbett oaal tarvleaa n fru it. $1.15 per bushci a* the place, less 1*. No 2. Kt>ek\llle, Connecticut: shot on its way to the basket, a pancy, 4 room house. 2 unfinish­ 5 » m l Kiaiik W HollDter. 2»» HiagK earned the title with .306. __ jg ...... 11 T elephone 8-0,3.33 H a rtfo rd 10c if you furnish bags. Also yel­ East Haiiford Conmeticut. most annoying trick. ■Mag—Oyalag—Clsanlng ... te ed rooms or second floor. Vincent Teammates sometime-s call him He led the league thia season It CMods and larafea...... 10 Cheney Brothers low Globe turnips. Frank V. Wil­ j Wll.LIAM S. HYDE HOI.D EVERYTHING F . W . H I L L liams, 16.32 Tolland Turnpike. Marcin, 136 Bisscll street. Tel. I Judge. '"Stoop” for the, big fellow has continuously from midsummer till ' ~ lib— .Oaf* Employment Bureau 261 N ahue A venue 4848. I H-t2-2«-i2, been ducking through doorways the flnish, when he was 30 points and Olagaaa IX Hartford Road East Hartford I ------for many yeafs now. He has a ahead of Gene Moore of Montreal, Household Goods 51 who averaged .315. ?• JlrTr ‘mfr . M w a we. tLMMaaawiT.sw. ^ ...... M... .M-A Legal Notices apecially-constructed bed.' 0 ...... ID 78 He was in the flve top stu­ atruetlona ...... H WLNDOW SHADES, VENETIAN dents scholastically in his senior blinds. Get our Ito^prices on Hol­ AT A thM’ItT u y !TU>irATE HELD Tailored Suit at .Manchf «t» r. within and for tlic class at Jennings. More publicity Schroeder Ready ioak»—KortM«a8 . . . ll land shades, and ^blgh grade 4lt«til<’t of M.inclie.xler. on the 2'*th I WASH TUBS Tme Confession BY ROY Oppertnaltlas ...... lx has lieen given the fact that he Venetian blinds. Phone 8819 for da.%' »tf Di’Ci’ml»»'r, A. D-. 1942. A/ made an average of 23 points a to tiou ...... ■> special prices and samples. Capi­ iT^.^f'iit W ILIJAM S. HYDE. E«»q . For Bow l Sports ■ato amd SHwattoaa Judg^. game in 24 basketball games last r T m 6LAP VtXJ PBOPPEP YOU MUBERATEiy V M W m l )0U KNOW WANTED tol Window Shade Company, 241 AMP TELL MC THE Waatad—Faasala ...... II Exiat^ of Muriel B. Genovese Ute year than the fact that he made I VEB* WELL I Wta AAiLT M HOUR ARM m*| Waatad—Mala ...... lo North Main street. Open eve­ New Orleans, Dec. 28— —Ten­ THIKk&S THArveusAy THAT LETTER OPENGR. LI6KA. 1 8 of ManchcRtei in said district, A grades. 1 PO N T LIK E ID TH IN K OF T h a t k b v« u x h a v e g o ik u c h l o v e i in Waatad ...... M-a Girl' for Telephone Switchboard nings. ce;».'$cd. nis matches and a card of amateur M ARABIA. MV JIM antad—Mala or Fsmala ix 1 pon applicatl<»n of FImo Genn- All the Kurlamls were tall, fights were on the Sugar bowl's you A§ A PERSON WH07> CAHNOT KHJ. you. BVBH V SAVE Adyt I Waatod ...... tX-A veFc. Administrator luayltig for an back 8 .1 far as Robert Albert ons Waatad—Femals . . . 11 order of sale of real CKiate p ar­ mid-winter week of sports menu 6 T A B A AAhN IN TH E LIFE. VER'W ea.CAPTAIN EASy.... Iona Waatad—Mala . . . . ti can recall, but none reached 7 and Billing. Apply in Person. ticularly dcscfllM'd In Kaid applica­ feet. here today while Tulsa and Ten­ BACK CALL THE POLICE! IT IS TRUE— ^ iXoymant Agsnoiss ...... 00 tion on nie. It 1m nessee, opponents for the New Idas gtoate Fata rastltryr- BOYS OIIDKHED:—That the foregoing lAiAASPy! Vahlclss application be heard and determin­ Year's Day football classic, polish­ igg Birds—Pats ...... *i ed at the Probate Office In Man- To Mall Verdirt ed off with drills st nearby GWf as Block—Vsbicita ...... or ROGERS PAPER MFG. CO. WANTED! cbester in aaid District, on the 4th Coast training camps. ^Itry and Suppllas ...... oa day of January. A. D. HM.T at 9 Top ranking Ted Schroeder of 'aatsd —Pats—Poultry—Stock 04 For De.siral)Ie Cnurant o'clock (w. t;» In the forenoon, anA H artford Coiirant laflon in aaid dlatrlct. at least flve day that basketball competition urday for the opening round and “Isn’t he wonderful? He said he wouldn’t make a scene m—Farm—Dairy Products 60 da.vs before the day of aaid hearing. { be carried on by mall in Montana, also was absent yesterday, but the lonsstaold Qoods ...... 61 O if f ic e lo appear If they aee cause at aaid singles quarter-flnalB and seml-fln- *Z heard he was hoarding ; this trip because he heard you had to have good teeth to binary and Tools ...... 6Z linu and place and be heard rela- 1 Northern Wyoming and Western get in the Army!’’ Ittalcal Inttruments ...... 61 State Thets tor Sals ...... X> Girls and Women to Oper­ n Property for S a le...... 74 iFor Girls and Women barban for Sale ...... 7b Working On War ate Power Sewing Ma­ laal Rtlate tor Eachange .... Xb chines. No Experience "antad—Real Eaiate ...... 77 OPERATOR Production. Aaetlait—I.ega1 Nntlees>— Necessary. IS HAVING HIS USUAL HOLIPAY HIGH JINKS.. • r*' Noileea ...... i . Xb •Must Be Alert, Capable and Courteous. CHENEY BROS. Emplayment Office XHENEY FOR INTERVIEW’ CAbb 2-1.515 AND ASK 156 Hartford Road BROTHERS FOR EXTENSION 1 Telephone 4141 Employment Bureau '-iC f K . Hartford Road 8322 12-20

RYDER Old Man Coyote BY FRED HARMAN We’ve planned this pattern for FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS That Makes It Unanimous )Y MERRILL BLOSSI the suit wise! Turned the collar with the most graceful of lapels. VJHA1S THE > /fto'GRAB tDUR GUI^S—1 HOID Cut the jacket the correct new m iT tR , PEPPER--\ GHOSTS-PEVILS- HUNJ’ERDS length, shape it smoothly with WelRB ALL Nvmso TO I s HER DAD \ A N D NOW.' EVERY All OUR s e r v a n t s AND PTOO DROP THAT RICH j TIME VDU TURN ONEf YOUU. HAW TO ^ A S U L L a f t e r /V OF ’EJ^ VJHILE 1 VOAS ASLEEP darts front and back. And, A NIW YEAR’S EVE . BUT O N B HAVE .... WITH THE CHRISTMAS MUFFLERS ; PARTY AT ZULA LASHLEYS/ 6UV IN _ / AROUND IN -THe iR G O N E INTO A PICK rr UP TOURWUR. 'tO 'J ? —— V — 1 fNEAbi skirt hui pleats, front and back so* it is amply wide to walk In. k in g sid n ? / house,voustumble DEFENSE PLANT | . .. . OUITTIN& FWN’ OVBR A MAID OR A DADDY; ^ FEK C E? Pattern No.. 8322 is in sizes 12, TOO/ 14, 16. 18. 20. Size 14, long BUTLER/ 1 ■ / sleeves, requires 3 Vi jrards M-lnch material. 8460 IN i . For this attractive pattern, send b m '(Pattere No. 5460) SMd 10 aaits THE By Mrs. A 'CBbot K' USHLEV 15 centa, plus 1 cent for postage, When Ole war worker or Mn. in Coin, Tour Name and Address in coins, with your name, address, Housewife steps out of her shoes and the Pattern Number to Anne HOUSE- pattern number and size to The at night she wants soft, prettily Cabot, Tba Evening Herald, 106 Manchester Herald, Today’s Pat­ feminine but practical house slip­ Seventh Avenue, New Torfc City. tern Service, 106 Seventh avenue, per* to step into. Tliese are done Enclose 1 eent postage for each New York. N. Y. iin black and red cotton nig yarn pattern ordered. Practical sewing suggestions for and have a very thick hand-cro­ Anne Obot’s Fall and Winter your wardrobe aire plentiful In the cheted sole. And they're warm and Album now available — contains Winter Fashion Book, available at washable, too! timely helps for warm knit and 18c per copy. Order it with a ISc For complete crocheting instruc­ crocheted gnnnents, patch work pattern for 25c plus 'Ic for post- tions for House Slippers (sizes in­ ideas, quilts, embroideries—send clude small, medium and liigaX] for jrour WBth ^ Main. -----a> A J C = K TWELTS MONDAY. De c e m b e r s8. i9 4 t ^mtrbratrr Sttraitto Hrralb Averaga Dally Clrealatloa Th« WdRtiier For the Month oC Noveodier, U 4S FatneaM a< D. R. WsqlIteBnnaa Sunset Circle of Past Noble Lieut. Morrison Finishes Advanced tary routines and procedures on re­ She wU^ be assigned to fill a non- 7,814 mi Town Grands will meet tonight with Manchester porting Tor duty. She was chosen combatant Army job now held by a DON’T STAND FOR ITl endlnff and additional volunteer workers officers of Knights of Pythias. skl, 134 Hilliard street. Americans Withdraw Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Morri­ Is Our Business Red Armies Thrust Ida parenta, Mr. and Mra. Tuesday, January S will be needed. Our boys are fight­ son. He has served previously at ‘This Corps member was given RECORDS ' B. Oamey of 71 Garden ing on so many fronts, and this is Meeting Pines Civic Association four weeks basic training in mlll- SEAMAN one thing their mothers, relatives Fort Bragg, N. C., Camp Blanding, Mnst be tamed la tor sal­ FiS;, Camp Shelby, Miss., and at at home of Gilbert Saegaert, 72 and friends can do for them. The Linnmore Drive. Speaker, Town vage If yon want to keep Arnold Pagani FUEL & SUPPLY CO. Trap Touhy Gang .‘laitoent Alfred Raffa, aon of women may come or leave any Miami Beach, Fla., where he was Treasurer George H. Waddell. playing the new ones. Sneoessors to Seaman Coal Co. 174'/, Spruce St. Tel. 5790 and Pola Coal Co; ' |4r. and Mra. Louia Raffa, of 226 time Wednesdays convenient to commissioned on December 9. In Wednesday, January 6 PAINTING AND 3V]« each paid for old rec­ Foi*ward on Front From Hills Captured civilian life. Lieutenant Morrison' ords IrrespoctlTe of quantity. I, tirtar Oak atreet la In town from them, providing a coverall apron Work on Red Cross Surgical PAPERHANGING Two Members Killed ’ aUorida ^ r the- Chrlatmaa hoU- and something to wear on their was a bookkeeper and clerk. dressings suspended during the Leads Federal Agents | He will return to California heads. holiday season will be resumed on Good Work. RcMonsble Rate*. And Five Others Cap­ I January 2. this date at the American Legion KEMP'S In Capturing Gang Girl Scouts of Troop 12 of the hail, between the hours of 10 a. RAYMOND FISKE Inc. tured; Not Single FBI Second Congregational church, and Engagements ra. and 4:30 p. m. 76S Main St. Tel. 8680 300 Miles Today nan George Plane, now lo- Phone 3384 Man injured in Battle. Near Medjez-El-Bab at 'Norfolk, Va., la home for their mothers will have their Saturday, January M pahort furlough. He found condt- Christmas party at the church to­ Kenton-Kilday C. L. of C. Silver Tea at the «■ I on the train ao heavy that it morrow evening at seven o'clock. Y. M. C. A. Chicago, Dec. 29.— (/P)— Everyone is urged to be present. Mrs. Irene Kilday, of .W Flat- Severe Casualties |raa neceaaary for him to atand bush avenue. Hartford, announces Russians Are , Reported The “Terrible Touhy” gang bm Norfolk until Washington. Men in Navy [Brings Order Allies Deepen Nazis Shift Manchester Assembly, No. 15, the engagement of her daughter. Smashing Through Na­ described by FBI Chief J flicted Before Wit 1*1 C.. was reached. Miss Winifred M. Kilday, to David Public Records Order of Rainbow for Girls, will zis’ Outer Defenses to drawal; Germans R« have a business meeting this eve­ M. Kenton, son of Mrs. Mary G. Show More Out Of Fight Edgar Hoover as “ the most Wedge ill Jap Plane Chief tambera of the Sisterhood of ning at 7:3C at the Masonic Tem­ Kenton of 22 West Center street, Capture Nalgony, 3 vicious and most dangerous port Upsurge of Fighuj j>le Beth Sholom are invited ple. The initiation ceremony plan­ and the late Francis H. Kenton. Warrantee Deeds attend the meeting of Hada* Coming! ned for tonight will not be exem­ Camillo Gnmbolatti to John and Miles South of Ko- the country has ever had ing Along Front |^*ab, at the Temple tomorrow eve- Faith Now For Supplies! Lines in Buna From Libya plified. The books will close for O’Keefe-Tucker Ruth Q. Johnston, property on was smashed by the FBI last South; Attack oi at 7;30. A buffet supper will the year at this time and out- Lucian atreet. telnikovski Where! ■ nerved In celebration of the Mr. and Mrs. CTharlcs L. Tucker night and early today, two '^tanding dues should be settled. of Bissell street announce the en­ Helen Leveille to Earl J. Thom­ Germans Brace ior Officer • in • Charge o/1 Centralized Control by Japanese Warships Shell Kairouan Repulsed; M'ttiday of Henrietta Saold, foumi- as, property on Florence street. members by killing and five Kesselring Sent to Don of Hadaaaah, women's Zionist gagement of their daiiphter. Mias I.^arjorie M. Tucker, to James F. Wallace I. Hutchinson to Ernest A GREAT JANUARY Terrific Struggle, j Chaplains’ School Say8\ War Production Board Allied Lines for Five Yanks Enter Gafs aRaniaatlon of America. J. and’ Mildred Irwin, property on by capture. Announcement of the Front Reenuse of O'Keefe, .Tr.. .son q f Mr. and Mrs. round-up, in which not a single Hours; Counter • Al- ^ Police Court James O’Keefe of En.st Hartford. Cornell street. GIVEN WITH CASH SALES Religious Response Breaks Chaotic Scram­ His Failure to Halt London, Dec. 29, L^XUibert B. Calvert, Jr., aon of Marriage Intention SALE OF Moscow, Dec. 29.— (/P)— FBI man was injured despite a taek Also Is Futile. and Mra. Robert B. Culvert of An application for a marriage Col. Gen. Nikolai F. Vatutin’s Greater in Service. ble for Materials. | gun-battle with the two felons British Air Attacks. United States troops were ar Fhelpa Road, has arrived at SeahurR-Thomp.^on license is on file in the town ALL- DAY TUESDAY who were slain, was made by Hoo­ dferaon Barracks. Mo„ for a Russian Armies of the south ver at offices of the FBI. He said Allied Headquarters in Austra­ ported today to have with-j Driver Is Held Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thomp­ clerk's office by Ir\-ing Traub of Norfolk, Va., Dec. 3 9 - (J*)—A Wright Field. Ohio. Dec. 29—(J*) London, Dec. 29 ig’) —A well- •bne In the 355th 'Technical son of Van Buren avenue. West 833 Park street, and Joyce L. he had been in Chicago, where the lia, Dec. 29.—(/T) —Allied troops drawn from the hill positioE thrust forward today along a Marine on a transport talked —Centralized control In the War posted foreign source said today l.^haol Squadron of the U. S. Army Hartford, have announced the en­ Sacher of 69 Sterling street, Hart­ IN THE DRY GOODS DEPTS. gang was rounded up, since Sun' have deepened their wetlge in the Corfw. A graduate of Man- In Auto Death gagement of their daughter. Miss ford. 300-miIe front spread fan- atheism all the way from the Unit­ Production board over the fiow of day and the seizure represented that Nazi Field Marshal Albert .six milefl northeast of Med-j Japanese lines In the Buna area Kbater High school in June of Mae E. Thompson, to Arvid H. ed States to the Solomon islands, materials to war Industry has weeks of careful planning and Kesselring had been shunted from jez-EI-Bab which they won ir FUR wise from Novaya Kalitva, of New Guinea despite desperate he enlisted several weeks .Seaburg, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ONLY but later when under fire at brought order Into what previ­ timing. his air command in the Mediter­ fierce fighting Christmas dayj ' and has been at Fort Devena.' ArWd H. Seaburg of 54 Walker just south of Rossosh, at the enemy attempts to sma.sb the Al­ Local Man's Car Struck Guadalcanal told his chaplain: "If ously was a rather chaotic scram­ J. Edgar Hoover, FBI chief, Hunted Since OcL t ranean to a post on the Don front street. Miss Thomp.son attended edge of the Ukraine, to Kich- was in direct charge of the round­ lied trap with a long Naval shell­ communique from th« this keeps up. I’ll be thinking the ble for critical supplies. Brig. Gen. The gang bad been hunted since emen of Manchester are Pedestrian Who Dies Hartford Junior College and Mr. kino, deep in the windswept up of the "Terrible Touhy” gang Oct. 9 when Roger Touhy, leader ing and a futile counter-attack, in Russia because of the Axis fail­ United States War De A. W. 'Vanaman said today. nested to meet at Orange Hall O f His Injuries. Seaburg attended Suffield Acade­ Kalmyck steppe*. Where this way you do.” which was sma.shed by the FBI In of the gang that ruled Chicago’s General MacArthur’s headquar­ ure to halt the R.A.F. in Ubya. ment said the withdrawal lit at 7:30, from whence they my and Brown University. They front cut* acroM tbe Stalingrad'* The incident was related today Vanaman , commands the Ma­ Chicago last night and early to­ ters announced today. This source, who must remain made "after Inflicting severe march In a body to the Dou- are both employed by the Hart- The JWHALC COM teriel Center, at Wright Field, the day. Japanese warcraft, probably ualties on the enemy.” Gets COATS by Capt. C. A. Neyman, U.S.N. Tikhoretsk railway, the Russians (Contlnned on Page Two) anonymous, said Kesselring's re­ ia Funeral Home, to pay a flnal In town court this morning Roy ford-Connectlcut Trust Company. AAAMCHISTta COMH- reported smashing through Nasi officer-ln-cbarge of the Na'vy huge technical laboratory and stibmarinea, sent shells into the ported removal followed com­ broadcasts said that Nasi troop iilbute of respect to John Robin- M. Manchester, of 41 Delmont outer defenses to capture Nagol- Chaplains' school at the Norfolk planning agency for Air Forces Allied lines at Buna village for plaints by Marshal Rommel that had captured the height, and of 70 Spruce street who died street, was held in bond of $500 Gauruder-Kenton ny, three miles south of Kotelnl- Naval Operating Base, as an illus­ planes and equipment, where Ideas five hours yesterday, an Allied lack of proper air support result' ported an upsurge of fight ay afternoon. in connection with the death of tration his assertion that re­ are transplanted into actualities communique reported, In the first along the front to the south. On4 Mrs. Marj G. Kenton of 22 West Watch For The Date kovski, where the Germans braced ed in the rout of his forces by the Richard P. Hatfield, 68, of 310 for a terrific struggle. ligious response among Naval per­ and then submitted to exhaustive Naval shelling by the enemy In British Eighth Army. broadcast said an American atj Hilliard street at Memorial hos­ Center street announces the en­ ce W. Rush, son of Mr. tCJIOUSC^SON. Close* In From Three Side* sonnel is far greater In the Second tests to prove their worth. Wallace’s Proposal the New Guinea war. JThe com­ Kesselring was said to have been tack in central Tunisia west gagement of her daughter. Miss Mrs. William Rush of 214 pital Sunday afternoon as a result World War than in Its predecessor Talking to a grroup of reporters munique said the shelling caused Kairouan had been repulsed, Ruth Catherine Kenton, to Henry INC The Russian onsurge closed In succeeded' by Field Marshal Erwin Main atreet, came home for of injuries received In an automo­ from three sides of Kotelnlkovskl. of 35 years ago. permitted to visit the field and no damage. another reported that UnitI bile accident which occurred on Lawrence Gaiiruder, son of Mr. Von Wilzelten, who previously and the present week, the Important raU line citadel, Face To Face With ReaUtle* its laboratories, Vanaman said the Jap* Launch Counter-Attack had teen reported sent to North States troops had entered Broad street Saturday night. The and Mra. Joseph Oauruder of 691 The Valuable Premiums You Get for Your Green been commissioned a second and stood .aatride some highways "Officers and enlisted men of new arrangements with WPB does The bombardment began at Africa to direct Vichy forces there some 200 miles below Tunis, utsaant in the corps of engi- continuance was until January 27. Main street. East Hartford. The JWHALC CORB Stamps Make Shoppinii At These Stores Extra Profit­ not increase civilian control over For World Council midnight, and at the same time, the road to Sfax. before the Allied landings.' Dr. D. C. Y. Moore, medical ex­ o f escape at Its rear. the Navy are face to face with rs, having graduated on Dec. MANCH8STER COMM* able. Locked far In the rear o f this realities these days,” Chaplain aircraft production, but "it does In the Buna airstrip sector to the Second Bint of IMsfavor New Blow* At Supply Linn from the Officers' Candidates' aminer, after an examination stat­ Gelzwich-Fracchia Russian arc of steel. Field Mar­ establish greater order in that right, Japanese troops launched a Meanwhile British subz il. Port Belvolr, Va. He is a ed that death was due to a frac­ Mr. and Mrs. Loui.s Fracchia, DO YOU WANT TO they now know In Washington ex­ counter-attack, but were beaten and long-range United States tured skull. shal Fedor Von Bock’s 22 Nari di­ Continued on Page Hire* (Oontlnoed on Page Two) luate of Klngswood school and of 122 School street, announce the vision* remained surrounded be actly what they are doing before Seen Trial Balloon back by American and Australian itig fortresses and Lockb* College Engineering school. Edward Scott was fined $5.00 engagement of their daughter. START THE they ask us to do the impossible.' forces in a fierce engagement, Ughtnings dealt new bknra *t and costs for intoxication. Scott for* Stalingrad within an encir Mias Enes Fracchia. to Richard clement which the Russians dally Little More Than Oueas . _ headquarter* reported. Axis lane* of supply by sea was arrested Wednesday night at Getzwich, son of Mr. and Mra. NEW YEAR BRIGHT? Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ward of report drawing tighter. Schedules for production always Planned Global Econ­ Then Allied trm ps smashed for­ Navy to Lift land. lid. Mass., have returned hia home after a domestic fracas. Fabian Getxwich, of 162 Birch Students Told have been fixed after joint mill-1 J- * k J C C S ward and drove a wedge deep In­ The Admiralty announced Richard Gilbert was fined $5.00 This huge force still Is capable after spending the Christ- street. of furious resistance, and Russian tary-WPB consultations In Wash-1 omy Program Viewed to the Japanese defensive line at least two more Axis supp holiday and week-end with and costa for operating a motor ington, be said, but heretofore an along the narrowing coastal atrip. ships had been sunk and two i vehicle without a license. Gil­ dispatches indicate that it showed Not to Quit In Congressional Quar­ Ban on News family of their daughter, Mrs. no signs at sudden weakening. It accurate knowledge of the "billa No Quarrel To the left, in the Sanananda probably destroyed off th* ■ k J. Btraughan of East Cen- bert was found not guilty o f pass­ Evan Nyquist of Stephen street i t u r i t k and 8oputa track area, some Jap­ coast of Tunisia and along ■ a former mail carrier at the Cen^ is supplied by air only, and the of material,” the exact and specific ters as Test for Ad­ ■treet. ing a atop sign at Charter Oak material requirements, were lack-1 anese snipers and a listening post Italian coast near Naples. and Main street at 8 o'clock Wed­ ter post office, has been transfer Russians reported shooting down UCCONVILLE the German transport planes like Schools Yet ing and the schedules were little | dress to Congress by were reported wiped out while Al­ Of Casualties P-38 Lockheed lig h t nesday night. red from Fort McClellan, Ala., to IV l ----- FtOklSTS On Control iMeriin W. Cunningham, son of Seattle, Wash. He may be address­ clay pigeons. more than an educated gueas. lied troops kept up relentless pres­ struck across the -hrandth of ~~ Anne Cunningham of 9 Cook Drunken Driver Fined CKtCNHOuses t- NUKSimis ‘Our contracts were based onl Roosevelt on Jan. 7. sure against strong enemy resist' nlsia In a strafing attack on Joseph Parla, 19, of 163 Middle ed at the Embarkation A. P. O., PHONt $94; - JOJ woOOfiftlOOC Sf Growing Wider Dally it, who graduated December Seattle. Battlefront dispatches described Those Uncertain About ance. Aircraft and artillery joined Lists of Dead, Missing man truck columns moving from the Candidate officers' Turnpike West was convicted of H««<> Say, Agency in hammering at the Japanese gasoline and equipment along drunken driving on Thursday, OUR JANUARY the corridor which the Red Army Washington, Dec. 29.— (/P) Military Status Are And Wounded May Be __ school at Fort Monmouth, has driven between this trapped said Vanaman. "Then, if WPB said And Armed Services fortifications. road between Tripoli and Me \ J., has been commissioned a Dec. 24 and fined $100 and costs. —Vice President Wallace’s Score Three Direct Hits nine, 50 miles southeast at Parla was arrested by Officer Ray­ force and the main German Army Advised to Return to ‘Sorry, we can’t give you that Printed or Broadcast id lieutenant in the Signal much,’ well . . .” he ahrugged. Heavy B-24 bombers, ranging port of Gabes. mond R. Griffin for lights and as growing wider dally while the Not Fighting Over ; proposal for a world counci . I of the U. S. Army. He re- Russians. expanded their hold Colleges After Holiday ‘The new setup does introduce a off to attack at New Britain, In Full in Future. Allied headquarters in No led. to Port Monmouth, today found to be unfit to drive. Munitions Production. after the war to direct a plan Africa said they destroyed 311 . Joseph Phillips of 91 Autumn across the middle Don steppe and greater degree of order Into the scored three direct hits with 500' , ir a ten-day leave of absence, flow of materials, and we now man truck* street. Frank Varrlck and Clar­ along the Stalingrad-Likhaya rail Washington, Dec. 29—(iP)—Col ned global economy was pound bomba on a large cruiser at Washington, Dec. 29— (/P)—The •e is, a graduate of Manchester have a more realistic program Washington, De£. 29 — — Rabaul. The ship burst Into flames The War department connnv " jh and Trade achools and prior ence Powers, received suspended line. lege student* who are uncertain viewed in some congressiona Navy formally announced today Th* front la composed of these than ever before.” There has been no fight between and was probably destroyed, the que reported at least 13 other hia Induction In the army on judgment for intoxication over about their military statu* and that for the first time since the “1110, 1642, he was employed by the holiday. NOTICE three related operations: Vanaman’a command includes the War Production Board and the quarters today as possibly communique said. Hazy weather 1— Southwest of Stalingrad, wondering what to do after the the multi-million dollar plant at prevented accurate observation of war began its casualty lists of (ConGnoed on Page Fear) Western Electric company. Leonard' T. L^nd of 362 Hart­ armed services over control of mu­ trial balloon” for President where the Red Army has moved holidays were advised today to: Wright field, with several thou­ damage in a low-level attack on men dead, missing and wounded ford Road was found guilty of vio­ within Ught artillery range oI nitions production or control of The Beethoven Glee Club will lating the rules of. the road and Due To a Shortage of Ingredients "Go back to school and stay sand civilian employes and offi­ Roosevelt’s, address to Con- the harbor. may be printed or broadcast in Kotelnlkovskl, closing In on three cers, and four districta—western the civilian economy, in the ex­ Allied bombers also struck at It its rehearsal tonight. The fined $1.00 and costs. The arrest there until actually called into gress on Jan. 7. Wallace, who was full, without area restriction, and scheduled practice period will was the result of an accident on sides of the town. at Santa Monica, middle western pressed opinion of W P B ' Chair­ known to have consulted with the the airdrome at Gasmata in New We Will Close From A second Russian force has knif­ military service.” at Wichita, central at Detroit and Britain. the Army said that it would adopt i» held Monday evening, January Hartford Road Wednesday night. WktteSIde man Donald M. Nelson. president while preparing his the same policy. Flashes ! I In connection with the monthly ed Into the Kalmyck steppe to the Dr. Francis J. Brown, consultant eastern at New York—which more One intercepting enemy fighter Ignatius Sheridan, a transient Nelson today authorized report­ speech, said in a broadcast com­ The restriction that casualty (Late BolletinB of the Cff) W in ) tUinesB meeting. worker, was found guilty of in­ south, fanning out over a vast area for the American Council on Edu­ than double the number of em­ was shot down during a bombing and taking Kichklno, 42 miles ers to make public some off-the- memorating the birthday of lists would be made available for toxication and paid costs of court. Thursday Night, December 31 To cation, termed this the wisest plan ployes. Woodrow WUson last night that attack on Laivai and Guiloro in Lieutenant Harry Howland who north of EUlsta, the Kalmyck capi­ —regardleas of whether students Has Three Functions record statements made by him at Timor, the communique said. publication or broadcast only in Nszia Slay Mot* Poles Hearing Is Postponed the new freedom for which Wil­ the home localities of the listed been stationed recently in Testimony was heard in the tal. belong to the enlisted reserves or The command has three func­ a press conference last Thursttey. B-248 also strafed and bombed London, Dec. 26—(JV—Th* Monday Morning, January 4. Would Close Second Trap adding the stipulation that he not son fought was “the forerunner men, except in ceases where there York city, left for Miami, case of Paul Carlson of Gardner are subject only to Draft board tions: Ebcperlmental engineering, of the Roosevelt of 1933 the Finschhafen airdrome. Ush government In exile lorlda, after spending a Christ- A third force has driven up in­ action. the greater proportion of which be quoted directly. One Japanese float plane raided was natlfnal interest, was first today that in * new Nazi street, charged with drunken ■t... side the Don elbow northwest of and of the world-wide new democ­ announced personally by Pres* furlough at his home on driving, but Judge Bowers de­ To Consider Selection Is done at Wright field, and pro­ Aj^mlta Misconceptions racy which is the goal of the the harbor area at Merauke, palgn of extermination in Fo ■ land street. Kotelnlkovskl. where the Russians curement and production, both There have been misconceptions Dutch New Guinea, causing slight dent Roosevelt Dec. 12, 1941. 170 Potes had been slain in s i clared that he wished to hear ad­ were reported yesterday within 45 Meanwhile, a new educational United Nations in this present The new policy, worked out ditional witnesses and the trial committee meets today to consider top staffs at Wright field, but de­ and lack of understanding, he ac­ struggle. damage, the communique added. gle vUIage, Kltow, where the | miles of a juncture with troops centralizing their work, particular­ knowledged. but he declared he primarily by the Office of War In antq slfiw'ed mdstance to was postponed until the desired selection of an estimated 350 col­ Task of Generation formation in the interest Of fuller witnesses can be secured. from the north. This would close ly In the production division, to was absolutely certain there now overlordship. The report sa Davis a second trap around the Nasis to leges and universities to be used "The task of our generation— British Forces Retwh war news coverage, was applied to Carlson was arrested Dec. 24 at the district offices. A large was no opposition In the services had been 107 public hanglBga the east. in the specialised training pro­ the generation which President Navy Casualty List No. 19. to be 8:45 p m. by Deputy Chief Joseph Reg. 5 7c and 59c gram recently announced ^ the amount of the experimental work to the production scheduling work Vicinity o f Rathedaung towns in central Poland. 3—The fight around MUlerovo, also is done by commercial labora- newly undertaken by his produc­ Roosevelt once said has a ‘rendez­ released for publication in mom • * • A. Prentice after CarLson had Army and Navy. vous with destiny'— ” he said, "is New Delhi, Dec. 29— — Ad­ ing papers of Thursday, Dec. 31 stnick a parked car on Charter 42x36” 45x36” 42x38V2” tion vice chairman, Charles E. vance elements of the British Bevlsea Manpower Need* Home Bakery Auburn (OoBtlnaed oa Page Poor) The committee, appointed by (Oonttnoed oa Pag* Two) so to organize human affairs that and made available for radio WashlngtoB, Dec. 36—(JV-W a Oak street ow-ned - by Margaret Wileon. former president of Gen­ Cannon Duralite Percale and Manpower Commissioner Paul V. no , no power-hungry broadcast at 8 p. m. in all time .Manpower Commissioner Paul BEAUTY Harrison of 46 Rus.sell street. McNutt, Is composed o f seven col­ eral Electric Company. (ConGnued on Page 'Two) 519 Main Street Manchester Control of the civilian economy war mongers, whatever their na­ zones, December 30. .McNutt revised from 20JS00,00B i Ltidy Pepperel Percales lege presidents and two laymen, tionality, can ever again plunge Reaaons Not Explained 19,300,000 today his esGnantn Beauty expressed In sim­ experienced in government and an objective which some con­ Percale Sheets Court Decides q gressional and other sources have the whole world into war and There was no official statement the number of persons that will I plicity. Beauty bom of educational work. See N Labor bloodshed.” sympathy and true under­ attributed to Lieut. Gen. Brehon explaining the reasons behind the needed In war Indust:^' by the standing. John Burke Fu­ In Issuing his advice to students. Somervell, chief of the Army’s Senator Wheeler (D., Mont.), Trust Curbs new policy. of next year. On the other neral Home is a friend you Office Tangle Brown, who sat in on the military- Law Changed Service? of Supply—has never promptly commented that the Today’s formal announcement he'Baid that esGmates on the i can turn to for guidance Anderson BALSAM-WOOL INSULATION IS GUARANTEED TO SAVE FUEL Seconds Pillow Cases educational parleys prior to the been a fundamental Issue In the re­ people of this country must put a merely said: "Restrictions con number of persons to be In when help is needed most. joint Army-Navy special training I lations between WPB and the stop to "bureaucracy and regi Yet ill Force tained in Paragraphs 1, 2. 3.~4 and military services and in all 5 of previous memorandum cover The serenity and beauty of Lieutenant-Governor to Army, Nelson declared mentation" or face the prospect el Greenhouses lege youuu were up m me air I filer*.Differ About u Methods* of losing their democracy. of 1943 had been revised npw Is always In keeping with Succeed to Control over whether they should return ers See Failure Arnold Says Nation Anti- from 62.500.000 to 64,500,000. There always will be differences Some senators declared post­ * • • the dignity and solemnity Artistic to school after the holidays. war program makers should be (Continued On Page Two) O f Wisconsin Affairs. Rewriting Attempts. I m long as strong men Trust Laws Now Sus­ of the occasion. Tlie man­ |,ady May Have TuiUoa P*ld chary about drafting a detailed Named French Commander ner In ivhich every detail Members of the enlisted reserve! ^ i I have charge of the various aspects Floral Arrangements . I ot the program, he went on, but blueprint for the peace until they pended Is Erroneous. London, Dec. 29—(^7—Beni Is handled is in accord­ Madison, Wls., Dec. 29 —M’) Washington, Dec. 29— —Ad- these differences have had to do know what kind of governments said the French Army -hendqn ance with your every wish. The state Supreme court ruled to­ (Continued On Page Three) British Subs ters in North Africa announoed i We stand ready to offer for PqiperdI ministration supporters predicted with methods of getting the job and men they will have to deal Washington. Dec. 29. iJ’j — HEAT with at the conference tables. day that Gen. Alphonse Join, day that the 80-year-old Republi­ dignified service-when you failure today for any attempts by I flone, not on the main objectives. Thurman Arnold, head of the Jiis- nier military aide to Gen. Aug need It. can Lieut. Gov. Walter 8. Good' what they termed "reactionary J*** Usk is to p t agwment on Wallace said that "obviously the Weddings, Funerals, United Nations must first have tice Department's Anti-Trust di­ Sink 2 Ships Nogues, governor-general of M<| Percale land should take over “the powers ' the main objective and how to rocoo, had been appointed YOUR HOUSE Admits Slaying elements" to rewrite the nation's achieve it; and Nelson said it was machinery which can disarm and vision, says there is a widespread and duties” of governor of Wis­ later laws in the next Congress. mander-ln-chlef of French for Anniversaries All first quality Cases. Stock upi now at this his honest judgment that the keep disarmed those parts of the but errohfous notion among some In North .Africa. Juin thus wo low price. Fine qq^Iity percale Cases that will consin on Jan. 4, filling the vacancy Senator- Mead (D-NY) asserted Two Others Probably Est. 1922 Of Little Girl businessmen that the anti-trust succeed Gen. Henri Glraod wl wear for years. Limited quantities! • caused by the dsatb of Gov.-elect that legislation setting up * basic (Continued on Png* Two) (Continued on Page Three) laws have been suspended or abro­ has replaced Admiral Darlaa 40-hour week In industry would Destroyeil in Med iter- 15.3 Eldridgre Street Orland 8. Loomis, a Progressive. gated for the duration of the war. high commissioner in North withstand any assault in view of raneun Sea Attacks. ca. He was Vichy’s turn Goodland, who was re-elected to Former Convict Held 'general public knowledge that While to a "certain and well-de­ &7 E.CENTER 686« Phone 8486 Us third term as lieutenant gover­ fined extent our anti-trust laws in-chlet in North Africa when this legislation does not limit the armistice was signed at ' Alg FOR LESS CANNON nor, will succeed Republican Gov. After Confessing to total hours in which a may have had to yield to the emergen­ London. Dec. 29— * DURALITE CASES Loomis died of a heart ailment $ 1 . 9 8 the later picture appeared again House Small Busineas committee, Mediterranean and have probably If First Quality Dec. 7, Cincinnati, Dec. 38— (/P)—Act­ Makes Hit With President they have by no means been Two Dead In Flood* In * letter In which Senator Bailey Birmingham, .Ala.. Dee. in 42x38V^ Size The determination of a succes­ permanently discarded. destroyed two others, the Admir­ ing Detective Chief Patrick (D-NC) criticized Chairman Paul —Small streams receded INSULATE sor to the govemorsUp was placed Hayes announced today Anthony McNutt of the 'War Manpower The letter, dealing generally alty announced today. 8 2 .3 9 I St. Louis, Dec. 29—(JV—The Read .As Part of Sermon larger ones spread over before the .Supreme court At­ with the problems of small busi­ British War Relief XT h.H ***#*.*.,• commission for his refusal to con- first Ume Miss Helen Griffin ever Th* President and his wife Three of the enemy shifts were territory today as Alabama ' YOUR ATTIC WITH GUARANTEED torney General John E. Martin on Treat, 87, had confessed the imposition o f union InlUs- ness, was made public In part to­ sent a poem to a newspaper It heard It realKMj$ of the hit in the Gulf of Hammamet, on Sd two dead and many Gi LADY PEPPERELL Dec. II; arguments were heard by Christmas rape alaylng of 10-y**r tlon fees and dues upon war plant day by Patman. the east coast of Tunisia. A com­ t th* court on Dec. 14 and Dec. 21. clicked. I Washington Revi^nd Anderson’s of dollars In damage In floods old Helen Seller*, whoae tedy I worker*. President and Mrs. Roosevelt Deportment's Policy munique said a small supply ship the northern and western p*r High poarPs RoUng w*s found beneath an abandoned yesterday made public sermon in a Christmas morning The department’s policy, Arnold loaded with gasoline and another The high court ruled: heard It read and now they want service. They had* a chuckle 'and of the state.. .A moimtain PERCALE CASES freight shed last Saturday. I McNutt In copies. e plained, w^as to suspend proceed­ cargo ship were sunk and a tank BALSAM-WOOL 7 2 x 1 0 8 ” "On and after the fourth day of which the latter asserted responsi­ expressed their appreciation of the er was torpedoed and beached. which trapped hi* automoWI* In 42x36” — 45x36” And as soon as the pretty, 26- ings under anti-trust statutes the highway between Blr $ 1 . 8 9 January, 1948, there will be ‘T m guilty,” Hayes quoted the ble labor leaders were trying to jingle by asking for copies. v’hen either the secretary of .war Another British submarine, vacancy In the office of governor year-old private secretary calms and Chlldersburg someMnie BINGO If First Quality man who served two prison terms control "the occasional Irrespon­ Last night the St. Louis Rev­ or of the Navy believed prosecu- striking along the Italian home S eed ed ATTIC INSULATION and such vacancy reeults In the for aex-criniea. "I took the girl out sible leader who encourages prac­ down she's going to send them erend Anderson received the presi- coast near Naples, was reported to day night brought death to devolution of the powers and tijn would interfere with the war John M. KeUogg. staGoned at Double Green Stamps Given With of the saloon. She followed me tices of extortion." denUsl request from her son. She effort. The War Production board's have attacked and probably sunk $ 2 .1 9 duties of the office upon the lieut­ for three aquaret walking behind Interpreted ns Approval a medium-sized, laden enemy sup' Benning, Oa., and John M. ^ Tonight at 8 O'Clock Cash Sales in Dry Goods Departments enant governor for the residue of hardships—of ratioDlng'-“.Kris': which de. ««■ o " ” " ' power to grant certain exemptions son, 78, Bli inliighnm, COSTS SO LITTLi—SAVES SO MUCHI me." Bailey said he interpreted Mc- The poetess’ reaction? from the laws, Arnold added, has ply vessel. AU Day Tuesday the term ending on the first Mon­ “I had been drinking, Every-[Nutt’s letter as approval of the scribes a wartime visit from San­ when he stumbled Into doop ' day in January, 1945.” thing went black.” Imposition of Initiation fees In ta CHaua, la written in the meter ‘T m terribly excited. It was the been exercised sparingly and cau­ from his porch. ORANGE HALL The tribunal dismissed conten­ Rad Penlated la Denials cases not involving large sums of 'The .Night Before Christmas.” first time I ever sent s poem to a tiously. Germans Claim 13 FOB FKE n m U T I M FK l MWNM fRO NUMTMNh U U Slight misweaves or oil spots or uneven hems. Otherwise, Arnold asserted, the jracMda Now Divided Evenly Between British War No cuts, tears, or holes. We guarantee these tions of attorneys who opposed Police moved Immediately to I and declared a manpower policy It was printed In The St Louis newspaper. I wrote It for a pai>er Cargo Ships Sunk .Treasury Balance ilfedkf and th« Various Service Funds of the Nation’s Goodland’s claim to the governor- place murder cluirges a^natlbaaed on such a premise' was |filobe-I^mocrat Dec. 12. my sorority slaters put out and anU-trust laws "are fully as oper- Wasiilngton, Dec. 26— sheets just the same length of service as the first ahto by hUding: Treat who until this morning had I doomed to "failure. The Bev. Ada Stone Anderaon th* glria liked It so much that aGve and effective today as they Berlin (From German Broad- poslUon of the Treasury, Da*. The W . G. Glenney Co. quality. Fine quality Lady Pepperell p e t^ e . Th« JWHAL-C CORK That Governor Hell, through the persisted In denials that he knew Mead, before leaving tor New] clipped the poem and mailed It to sent It to The Globe-Democrat. have ever been.” with the division Receipts, $83,353,568.07; . Afhriiwdati posslng of the powers to the lieut anything about the slaying. her son, Howard Stone Anderson, "I certainly am gding to send ‘‘especially vigilant to see that the j casts) Dec. 29—(J’),—The German 25'Cents Coal. Lumber, Masons’ SappUes, Paint Limited quantities! a n c h is t m o n n York for the rest of the holidays, penditur^t 336 NO. .MAIN ST. TEL. 4148 MANCHESTER M C - pastor of the First (tongregational balancs. |8.306,788,|0Ltft, JCcnttnasd «a Phg* Xhi«*x (OobUmmA SB Tag* Zhroa^ (OsBttBaad sa'TB gs ZhrsaX oburcb la WMblngton. •a Fags Xhieax (CoatlBued Os Fsge ThreeX ' (Contisiied on Fag* Throe)' 3