Maabar of the Aadit

Buiean at Ctmlatleni


VOL. Lvni., NO. 85 tUa a a tflsd A dv e rtM a g on F age 19) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1988 (TWELVE PAGES)

Two Die as Army Plane Crashes in Street REPUBLICANS GAIN





Washington, Nov. 10.—(AP)— I lots With Avowed Inten- No cocker spaniel need get Ured BANDITS GET 38 BAGS dragging bia ears around any - ’ OF CANCELLED CHECBS more. Indulge h Greateit Wiy i ' tioB Of Trying To Take LEADERS RAP A patent was Issued today to Phllsdelphls, Nov. 10.—(AP)_ Ruth F. McCalee of Evanston, Six bsndiU armed with a sub- Of Violence Since ffider Over Prendency In 1 94 0.1 m., for a . pair of pockets to ACnON TAKEN machine glut, shotguns and revol- hang over the dog’s bead and vers held up s Railway Express carry his ears for him Ajnncy, Inc., truck driver and his Came To Power h Ni* hwpe'.er at------a mid-city- — station • early By ASSOCIATED PBESS ONPAUSTINE toda}^ and fled in an automobile. ^ The Democratic u d Republican their loot was 26 bs,gs of can- tional Day Of Vengeance ’parties b^an a two-year atruggle celled checks. for power today as the aftermath Arabs And Jews Alike Bit- For Asassination if Dip- 'tS political upheavals in Tuesday’s HACKEH, STATE electlona. lomat h Pkrit; Canpip With 11 new govemorahlps, eight terly Disappointed Over new Sente seats and at least 78 COMMISSI ONER, niRKISH RULER more Houae seats firmly In their Condneted Wkk P ted sim grasp, Republicans turned from Britain’s FaOnre To Offer ballot oountiag with the avowed In- DI ES suddenly! DI ES, AGED 5 8 ; tention of tiyliig to take over the Any Immediate Solntion. Berlin, Nov. 10,-~,(AF)>- Hast Presidencyresidency in 1940. I . . i lu * * n WiyMoan Says HARD WdRKEI Germany today indnlgad In ito of ______Jerusalem, Nov. lfi—(AP)—Bit- greatest wave of anti-Jewtab vio- ties to Roooevelt coat-tail rldera, ter disappointment was axpressed lence since Adolf HlUer enme to minimized Republican claims of Lieut Ool. Leslie MacDin, Air'^Oorpa general ataff officer, and P vt J. power ia 1988. widespread anti-Ncw Deal senti- Heart Failure Canse Of ------_. G. Gloomer burned to death In tha today by Arab and Jewish ls«8sn wreckage of this U. S. Army *'T‘~ plane which------^ crashed . Washington, In * D. C., street — not far from Bolling Kemal Atatnrk, Creator Of mqnts They were equally determin- field. Army air station. City firemen made a vain effort to rescue the victims. * alike over what they tormed Great a national day of Tiufsanri ed to use all the vast reaourcea at Uoexpected Death Of Tax Britain’s failure to offer any imme- for tbe aewselnetloB at a aenasa their command to continue national Modern Turkey Sacemnks or diplomat by a Jew in Paris wwe domination beyond the next two diate eoluUon to 81 months of Arab- years. Otficial At New Haven. Jewlsh strife. reports from every section at Two Major Banes la Ooubfe Jews cslled the British policy To Cirrbosis Of Ii?er country told of tbe burntaiff end "fsntsatlcall^ ridiculous” and Araba Only two major races remained In UNI ON PARTY’ S dynamiting of synagogme and de- BALDWIN HINTS CHANGES called it a ‘'complete misnomer be- doubt today. ^ Iowa former Sena- New Haven. Nov. 10—(AP)— tor Lester J. Dickinson (R) and cause it te no p<^cy at alL” After A Long Illness. moUtlea aad lootlag at JewBh Senator Guy M. Gillette were in William Henry Haekett, Connecticut They referred to a project an- shops. ^ VOTE LEGALI TY neck-and-neck contest. The same tax commissioner aince 1938, was WHEN HE TAKES OFFICE nounced yesterday of calling a Lon- The Mports that the wasWM trueMMK7 V*of theU40 race betweenuuLwecD oenw* Sena- i •w**'*found dead In bed early today at his don conference of Jewish sad Arab Istanbul, Nov. 10.—(AP) —Ksm- campaign was conducted with a tor Frederick Van Nuya (D.), and home here. Isadora to compromlss tbs dispute al Ataturk, creator aad president thoroughnooe and precMon that Hft Raymond E. WiUia (R.), in Indiana. Although the 87-year-old oommls MAY GE T T E S T over Jewish Immigratloa to the of modern Turkey who lived herd little to chance. Aside from these, the latest re- doner suffered a heart attack leas May Scrap Some Of Gove^ Holy Land and discarding as un- and ruled bard, died today. He Only after more then 18 hMm of turns from the 47 atate elections thsm three weeks ago, his death was P ____«. fit II 1 workabls a plan to divide Palestiae LOYAL TROOPS was 88 years old. nationwide vlolenM did Propsseaiia gave this pieture of the overtunu: unaxpected. He remained abed only oCC rC D ry U l M SM IHSV A P* into Arab, Jewish and BrltiriT-cor- Minister Paul Joseph Ooebbals ceB Republicans who went Into the a few daysdava foUowIna’following »h.the •tt.nbattack and •..« I ' - nor Cross’ Methods Of ridor sections. Ataturk, long in, succumbed to cirrhosis of the liver at 9:05 a. m. e halt, la n brief sppsal to the peo- campaign with only seven gover- returned to his office at Hartford on Despair Sweeps Country ple to desist from further Boiuhips came out with 18. Of Tuesday. peal To Supreme Conrt MOVE F OR WAR D A wave at dsspalr amountiag to (3:05 a. m„ e. a. t.) aftsr having stnUkma. tboae won Tuesday, nine previously Adnunistration Bat WiO clung to life longer than his doc- Dr. Frederick Hynes. Hackett’a hopelessness swept over the Holy But bis eppeel rntirtmlsil with bad been held by Democrats, one phyddan who was called to the Land, inhabitants at which had ex- tors had expected. Ha apparent- by a Farmec^jaborite and one by Decision Of O’Sullivan ly had been gaining etrength after what responsible Jews fsersd hnght home, said it waa heart failure that Not Allow "Spoils’ System IN SEGRE AREA pected the British government, to be • threat of e geaerel orO w ^ a Progressive. caused his death. show a path to peace before Um a grave attack in mid-October but Gala Elevea Senate Seats. suffered a relapse. all Jews to leeve the conn Appointed la 1985 now-silent bells of Bethlehem her- “Tbe JusUfleble aad ' Tbs ballot harvest gave the Re- Putting Party On M o L ald oaothor CSuiatmaa. Ataturk lived hard. He often puhUoans 11 Senate seate, iaehid- Haekett, a'Democrat and former Hartford, Nov. 10—(AP) — Ray- worked or. listened to mustclnne nil able indignation of th a ______stats Senator from the dgbth die- Govenuneat InsisU Anoks It was fre<|uenUy 8aM that the Ittg eight held by Deaxtents. In mond Eatl Baldwin, Republican night For many yearn he was a pie over the cowardly Jewtah trtet, succeeded WllUam Blodgett, Arabs, Jswa-aad Christians klUed the new Senate, beginning January Hartford, Nov. ll>—(AF)—The gwmiior-elect, may scrap eome of chain ctonretto smoker, n marathon (jlsr q( a German dlplemet Is I M 8, they win have. 38 aeata, com- now Litchfield county states's 11- or-woBnfiaff-finrtng-what the Brit- ooffea drinker and celebrated often has resulted during the past night 8,718 votes the Dnloa party gave Governor CrosF new methods of nd- Moving Toward Fragn ish now ean tha Arab revolt s a ^ - pared to 15 presently held. Only torney, as tax oommlssloner In 1933. with-- - - - diampagna "W end■ ■■ WrMd ^ . i ■ apliquor, r in extensive ■“ ’ “ 85 of the 98 Senate seats were at Hs was reappointed by Governor Republican Raymond E. Baldwin to mlnlstration, but, he esld todsy, flesd thsmselvas ia vain aad ttat which waswaa bannet*'banned for ..Britiah...... troops Oosbbela Cross Isst yesr for a second four- the 850,000,000 in property damage itRkR yRRTs edge him peat Wilbur L. Cross In a there will be no return to the old, And Lerida Despite Reb- in Palestine during the World war. . Hs refsrrsd to the year term. and 135,000,000 expended for the With an but eight Houae racee neck-and-neok race for the gover- discredited ’’spoils” system. He ruled ban), as the iroa-flsted Vom Path, secretoiy of Uw faiia decided, the RepubUoans had elect- The conunladoasr was bom in malnteaaaee at aa array want for "Grey Wolf’ who forged a strong norahlp assumed added importance Though hinting at poaolble' el Claims To Contrary. nothing. In the violence at the smbessy. by a 17-yearrold fklipiL ed 188 members, compared to 88 new wsstaxniaed state out of the Jew who bed lived in GemnSF. ■ in the present House. (There was today as s result of an announce- changes, with specific reference to past four months, 1,817 were killfid one Republican vacancy). Of the ment that Secretary of State C the new centralised Purchasing and 1,141 wounded. About 30JM0 Vloienoa Nnttewlfia seats they picked up, 70 came from John Sattl was considering whether Bureau and tfea Public Works De- Hendaye, France—(At the Spaa British troops ara attempUng to TelephMMd reports from atony ttf question the legality of that par- partment, tha 45-years-old Strat- maa^aa^ the Demoerata, five from the Pro- Ish Frontier)—Nov, 10.—(AP)—De- quell tbe rebellion. parts of Oennsnyvmwo showed V aSV v w w h g that hffafffew anti ty's place on the ballot. ford lawyer said: JewJewish ls'- violence,----- J begtnaiag . esijy to- greszivea and two from the Farm- spite lasurgent denials, Spanish Neutral oommentotora believed Labor party. Complete unofflctal returns from ‘T will t^ e office with an open the people of Palestine have not day, was natlanwlds. Tueadsjr’s election showed that Gov- mind and I will look Into tha pres- government armies , claimed to be These triumphs, more extensive for years been so dependent Seven at BatUa's 80 syBSgagnMP than many Republican leaders had ernor Cross would have had a aUm ent setup carefully before proposing moving steadily forward today to- were burned. AH Vlenas’s 81 syns- ' predicted, made certain strong mi- 183 vote margin over Baldwin on changes,” he asid in his first discus- sion of policies since the election. ward Fraga and Lerida on tbe Segre gogues were reported boraeii, the basis of the DemoersUc and Re- river front. wrecked or badly ilemegad In (Oenttantid on Page fwo.) publican vote alone, but with the ’T am not in favor of a return to the pre-Croos days. We have Munich aU Jews ware toM V •■ffir Union vote added tbs Republican Insurgent GenersUssimo Fran REPUBUCANS FACE Nazle that they must leave the candidate had a plurality of 3,530. come a long way aince then.. But 1 cisco Franco's reports said hla sol want to be convinced first that the dlers country within 48 houze. Cross polled 335,842 Democratic rMonquefed sU territory lost "In aiunerous cltlaa mad votes to 325,650 Republican votes new methods ara best for Connec- on the Segre front in northmiem RECAPTURE SEVEN ticut.” Spain, but the government in dis- COURSE DECISION lUes of the Reich.” said Ooebbels’ for Baldwin. appeal, "acta of vtolenoe were oom- TO Confer On Appeal Beorgaalsatlon Vital lasoe patches insisted tU miliUamen were Tbe man who will succeed the 76- in a pooitlon to attack Lerida from mltted against Jewish bulkhags Sattl asserted last night he would the north, south and east. aad bustnesses. ESCAPED CONVICTSi confer this morning with hla chief year-old Incumbent, who, In seeking a fifth mccessive term, stressed re Lerida, an important power dis- Politicim Predict They "The entire populstlon Is now deputy, J. Walter Darley, to decide however, stricUy requested to ffasl' organisation of the atato govern tribution center of 43,000 population, whether to appeal to the ConnecU- is 80 miles west of Barcelona and 18 isuaediately fron all furthsr 4t out Supreme Court of Errors a low- ment aa a vital issue, asserted his politlcsl and personal independence. miles northeast of Fraga, a town of Most Carry Conserratioii onstratloaa and actions of whatovve er court decision a week before the Two Offidais Taken By "There will be no buUdi^ up of 7,500 at tbe confluence of the Segre Obture against Jewdom. a patronage system for the purpose and Cinca rivers. **The final answer to Jewry wU fOonttaoed On Page rwo) Banner Next Election. Prisoners As Hostages of my loelectlon in 1940,” Mr. Bald Converging On City bs given la the form at lawn nr de- win declared empha|lcaUy. crees.” Winiam H. Hsefcett Government troops crossed tha *T am committed to no individual Respeaslbls Jaws hearing this Segre at Camarasa north of Bal By W. B. RAGSDALE cloaiag sentence expraased foam ^^ Wonnded In Gon Battle. New Haven. July 15, 1871, and or group. I want to conduct tbe aguer and marched south toward Komal Atatarfc served this city as tax eoUeetor dur- Washington, Nov. 10.—(AP) — that a general order would be iosued office Bo as to command tbe support tbe latter town, beyond which lies The Republican party, chastened by ing the years 1910 to 1915 and 1918 and respect of the general pubUc.” Lerida. war-crushed ruins of the Ottoman oompeUlng aU Jews to laava tbe its 1980-35 losses and tempered by empire country. Nashville, Tens., Nov. 10.— (AP) to 1923. LA T E NEWS Mr. Baldwin repeated his cam In the south the militiamen moved After his graduation from Yale along the road from occupied Al- plunges Into Ubersl- waters, must Sadly Seeks Sncceesor. Unreotiahwd 14 B oon —Seven desperate convicts who ea- palgn assertions that "we’ve got a jveld its own forces and decide dur- in 1898 be became employed as a new Republican party” which has no carras toward Lerida. Advance Turkey, strategically placed be- Gobbels’ appeal was iSMied at 4 eapai tram tha stats penitentiary ing the next CongrcM Just bow teacher in the New Haven pubUc intention of "turning back to tbe patrols reported they were ap- tween east and west In a rapidly p.m. (10 sjn ., e s .t) aome 14 heura after tying up throe guards and tak- FLASHES' conservaUve it wants to be in 1940. changing world, quickly aad aodly after violence began in Beriih. schools, following this profession Republican daya of 10 years ago.” proaching Fraga from tbs village ing two othsrs atong as hostages ia until 1907. Soses. For many poliUclans believe that, sought bis succeoaor. Tbe nation-wide extent of the Doobla Price Oetennialag Factor" Abdul HalUc Rends, president of a prison truck were ree^tnred an He also taught in a privats school refuses On the Ebro river front SO miles unless events take a course wholly anti-Jewiob wave was shown fey SUGGESTION Mr. Baldwin doubts now that contrary to tbe signs, tbs Republi- the National Assembly, assumed the following telephoned rraorto ^kour Istsr aftsr an had been aerl- between 1934 and 1938, the yesr in London, Nov. 10.—(AP)—Brit- price should be the determining fac- farther south tbe Insurgents an- whleh hs waa elected to the Senate. cans must carry tha bazmer of con- tho Interim presidency While s gov from many cities to the Associated 'asly wounded. ain's Colonial eeeretary, Slaleolm tor in Btata purchases. Tbe-present nounced further gains In ttaelr cam- ernment proclamation announced Press: '-.The■s______two______offldala______taken with the Maedonald. today refnaed to ae- paign to clean out tbe last govern- sarvatlam In the next presidenttai Bureso. he says, also buys supplies election. None doubts that President Munich—All Jews were told they <|HrllM«Mrs also were wounded in ------eept n enggeatlon that the United from outside the state. ment pockets on the right bonk of (Umtinaed on Inge Two.) tbe river. Roosevelt will continue his efforts to must leave tbe country arlthla .48 States be Invited to attend the pro- "Whether the state buys its sup- boars. Tbe only rematolng Jewish posed eoaforence between Arab Tbeir communiques reported pa- make tbs Democratic party the FRENCH VETERANS plies directly through department trols In the entire Sierra De Las megaphone oruberalism. bank, Aufbauacrs, waa raided and vUte Rod qv f o f tho ffURrdR left I aad Jewlab leaders over tbe fntnre beads, oommlssions or through cen- its windows smeabsd. One of Be at the gnieon wme be eitf* JL W A I T I l i r ' C i r i l A I at Paleetiae. Perlas from where their artillery But the Republican conservatism • • • tralized purchasing system, it abould dominated the government-held vil- of 1940'wUl not be that of 1928 or directors and his wife eommittod feting from aerlous stab wounde. I uluIiAL be done on the bssla of quality, pries JAPANESE AHACK suicide, another was token to a oam~ NOT UNDER ACT lage Garda on tbe north side of tbe 1983 or even 1988. Already the Opened Fire On Ttnefc ' and control, be said. centratlon camp. A third, n Brit- M. A. Warren, aim slant ehlsf of WaeklagtOB, Nov. 10.—(AP)— Ebra party has undergone a vast change ^ ‘T am not convinced tbe present Tbe capture of 717 prisoners and lata subject, waa not molestod. - tbsme BStats w s Highway Patrol, said — Oifoert Magiitoer, ganeial eouasel sines tbs days of Coolldgs and Hoo- Neiumbarg—Private houees at system is saving money,” he added. quantities of war supplies and flre- ver. That eras lass than ten yeara KEY RAIL CENTER about twmty officers dlecovered P r f n i r S F a T AmntripB IlsB for tbe wage-boor admlalstratioa, ~'T also question whether price Jews were entered, children thrown prison truck about a mile from the • Bim W O C e M y ~ aa apialon that prodae- arms was mentions^ la Insurgent ago. Curtis of Kansas and Wataon does not sacrifice quality. Wa ought dispatches. out of their h e * furniture was jwwitsntiary aad opened fire when' . .ea at a eampaay doing to try to buy all wa can from stats of Indiana ruled the Senate. The smashed, carpels tom up. Intrastnto bwlaeae da aot eome na- An official Insurgent communique' triumvirate of Longworth of Ohio, the convleU kept ^ing. people who pay the taxes.” Gover- limited its reference to the Segre Vangnard Reackes Yockow Cologne—Crowds brohe wtadeWK "We ahot it out with them,” he DemcmitratioDS Favoring der tha wage-hour law evna tboiogb nor Cross claimed n 81jj00,000 sa- TUson of Conaactleut and Snell of ia nearly every Jewlab abop. An front to the ststement that "all at- held a tight rein upon the sald,,”and they atz^ped only when tempted enemy attacks have been entrance to a synagogne we Shot them all down. 1 tKink their "Ttblic Safety” Leaden. (Omttnned on Page Twe.) repulsed.- Houae. Ontskirts After Nigkt forced, lU seats ovarturosd, guns were emptied by that Unia.” Many Old lissilefa Have INed dows smsabed, books tom. One Deputy Warden C C. Woodc and m j x v or CRASH Death has taken many of the old building was set afire but the felaw Woodbridgo, Nav. M — (AP) — leaders, not only in Congress but in Marck To Start Drhre. was quickly exUngulahsd. A o « - ,0«Pt. a Smnpson, I paris, Nov. 10—(AP) —Thous- •rdon F. Ftoytag. 80, at New vere the offlcinls wounded when tne I anda of war veterans poured into tha aUld councils ot tbs Natlonsl tury-old Jewish re sta u ra n t----- even waa kIBed aad three ee C^ommlttoe. Herbert Hoover, though badly damaged. prisoners bolding them ware shot. Paris today to asvait their leader's toloiad here aorty today Wrecked Churches Every Salzburg—A tynagogoa wl _ _ frequently bestirring himself to Sbenghel. Nov. 10.—(AP)—A They were taken to the prison Uospl-1 tignal tor Armistice dey demonstra- strayed aad ito rltaal emUsHtode- 4al where the seiiouanass of their | tlons- favoring ja "public . safety” preach against Um New Oesl. has Japanese vanguard reached the Aority rood after fhlllag to aeg»- gone back to live in bis mansion on mullahed. Shops of saaan Jeadgk condltloa whs not inunediaUly government to "rebuild” lYaaoe. Mato a A arnma dra w ^ ouUkirts of Yeebow today after aa tradesmen were iavadsd, Century, World Better m tenalned. Tbe fttmwr eridlerB repreeentmg U hill above the rad-Ulsd roofs Palo Alto. Watson’s grip ares so tor Ing that strategic railway town 122 Potsdam—A syaagogw vsas Tbs atab wounds of (3unrd Strlck Fraaee during the Worid War, are gone In Indiana that he could not milea up the Yangtxe from Han- taanmdlately after ffroup about him. They organise kow. raided and few!* aaopa Aa- land were reported as serioua. led by Henri Plobot and Jena G<9 , tAP)—The world would be better capture the Senatorial nomination stroyed. erbo have let it be haown tb ^ on institution,” he expisinsd. this year. TUson and Snell have re- The capture of Yocbow would put Guards Dick Smith and Tolley, also off, says Biahop Charles Wesley “For a whUe, the idea becomes a Treutfingen, Bamhaig pad tied up, were not injured. might order the men to march on MARKETS AT A « JU rC B Flint Ot Atlanta, "if n burricaije or tired. tbe invadete la a poaltioa. to carry reutl^ ail in Bavaria, repoctad I Etyme Palace to present great cause to which men dadlcnte their offensive in Hunan province Ail seven erounded priaonera were New Toeh. Nev. 10—(AF) — earthquake could destroy an our their Uvea. Then the people Younger men, reprsoentativa ot gogues demoHriMd londad bach into tha prtwm truck for n etrong government to Presi- ate tha biegtoar; prodt-tahlag churches once a cehtury.” the new era, have risen into Rapob- southward by tali against OMng* At Eberawalde, dent Albert Lebrun. the organlsaUon for that SUM aaim at tbe Ucan leadership over tbs land—Ken- she. Hunan provincial capita] 88 and returned to the penitentiary foOawa eleetlia tally *Tt would bs a good thing to idea. In the next eUga they work Minister at Interior Albert Sarraot neth M. Simpson and Tbomaa E. milea south of Yochow, and across Wbere they were damped out on the break up an the organisations in the orgaaixatioD tor tbe sake ot the (Oen ground before beiag taken to the conferred with Pntia Priloe Prefect the local church—with tha pooaibls Dewey in New York, Leverett Sal- large Tungtlng lake agialnst a doz- Roger Langeraa and Insisted atHmf organlaatiop. And, ia the last tonstaU and Senator Henry Cabot en important cities. 302 hoepttal for treatntent at their excmtlaa of tbs Ladles' Aid—and poUee aad mofaQs guard forcas be stogaa at dogenermtlon, the orgaal- Lodge in Massarimsetta, and others. Japanese announced they had oe- TBEA8UBY wounds. start from seratch,” ha told the satkm works the people tor its own Many of them preach a brand of Ra- eiq M Tungebang, . 40 mllee east Tbs prison bospltal soon nttsr- rem^ to discourge surii a march on Methodist Eplm pal Board of Birii- tbe Prerident'e home. ops last night. publicaaism that must sound Ulu of Yochow. and were pushing to- Washington, Nor. wnrd reported thiw at the priaSo ChB In Bates Clone* Tha Board roportod that daring iMresy to the older chieftains. ward the Centoa-Haakow railway The posttun at in crBleal oeodtuon. AU' "Rallgloua denominsttnns, potttt- M poet year tha church h It would bs Incorrect to sssuaM Extra guards moved Into the espi- cal parties and govanunsats an gri aoath of Yochow. One Japan eae ool- ember 8: ad U1.397 ask msmbere.. aa tn- that there is no eonfllct iasMs the umn took Yuaki and oenttaned to at tha arteries. A graat little leas than ooe par a ana aad ha wJimta . amt iO W ] MAlfCHEVnSK B?BNmO HERALD. MANCBE8TBB. CONN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10.198S V-- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1988 betli McOasry at 70 High strsat two nlaesA Mias Hassl J. Trottor ot PMERCLAIHIS ABOOTTOWN Local banka erin te eloeed aU tives and win average ton pounds or Local G. O.P. Celebratet East Cmtor strsot and Mra. B. r. ANTFHEWDEALGROn* day Armlstle* Day, November 11. Stoasen, 81-yeor-old county attor- Crahora of Woot Cmtor stroot; two iT J lS S S ra armistice day par ad e ROOSEVELT MDH ABOUT TOWN RED M SI COMPLEIING more. ney from South S t Paul, and nsphows, Winiam Hsrbort Mo- Mary Cheney Ubrary wiU be open Although tl.e Red Men have In- small, dark C. Elmer Anderson, 38, Local lodge of tbe A. O. U. W. creased' the number of prises they Victory With a Parade HE SHOULD WORRY Croory of Haaevor, N.’ H , i all d ^ tomorrow at tha uaual hours. MAY CONTROL CONGRESS has planned its winter program. TURKEY NIGHT DETAII5 who operates a trucking bustoeas to Charioo Pewtor MeCrtory at Now Tho w ait Sid* brandi at tha Wost W HOBBY EXHDMTl The TaU O dors of Lebanon wUl will not advance th* price of admis- Bralnerd. skyrocketed into office os KIDNEYS Bids Rso wlU ba closad. bowovsr, aa ORDERS ISSUED TODAY ON, VOTE RESULTS nm a pubUc 30-gaaM Bingo tonight Tbe lodge meets terice each month. sion and have mad* preparations to York. On tte first meeting of the month governor and lieutenant governor, ItaMtiaatar Rspubtleana eeIe-;.FourUi DiitHct; Oolonal WllUikm C. PuBoral asnioao will bo hold Sua tbs Roc la observing the Analstlce Democrats Opposing Admin at 8:80 at the Masonic Temple, with accommodate everyone desirous of respectively, Tueaday at tiw head Day holiday. 10 turkeys as door prises. the regular bustoses meeting will Fifty ThankagiTingr Birds Of- attending this gala affair. of a complete elate of victortous MUST REMOVE fccatad tba victoiy of tbe party in ' Ch«ney and William J. Tborkton, j Riglit Ann Still Good Vigilant day aftomoon at an hour to bo Utor istration May Hold Balance te held and at the last meeting fered As Prizes At Bingo tfea alaetloB Tnaaday with a parade > choaen as Representatives: Town doeldod upon, at tho homo of Mrs. Trapk Otpler. O is., iW d | B ^ F t*»r of tbe month a short buatoaas meet- An Important meeting of commit- Republicans named to fill all state The public aehools o f Mancheator Makes Pttblic Lengthy Re- Of Power, Dae To Losses. All Girl Scouts ara requested to Games On Nov. 21 At Tinker tee membera wUi be held Friday elective officea NTS aC aotoa aa tka temi'a principal ^publican Chairman Judge William Knewtos, 70 High stroot Rov. Jamoo ing will be followed by gathering 8. Hyde and Thomas Ferstiaon, Painter Says A t He Swan will bo ciorad all day tomorrow la meet tomorrow morning at 9:80 at HalL evening at 7:30 at the Red Men's EXCESS ACIDS at raata laat aigkt. n m y workers as* ' Stuart Notn of S t Mary's Eplseopai shssrvaaeo ofvAnalsUeo Day. Tho Soccesifiil Affair Ii U m I of the membera to a social way. aimtlid at the Mualdpal buUding manasinf editor of the Herald who eburoh will offlclato sad burial will Washington, Nov. 10.—(AP) — the Army and Navy clubhouse, to The first of these social meetings Social club on Brolnord place and It U Mile* anCMnay Tube* local State Trade School wlU also Lbe Of March And For- port On Comfitions Un- march to the Armistice Day parade. Flush Out PoleosiDue Weeto khsctly after T o’clock and made a has served the committee as treas- bo la tbs family plot la tha Bast bo cloood. Election losses which cut deeply In- will te held to tb* Baloh and Brown is Imperative that oU attend. Any H«rt% Quick Rtllff for Songs Jail PotL to President Roosevelt's nummcal The local Red Men are on. the trail member of tba Trite who is Interest- raawdup a< tka town. urer for 49 years. oemotory. Masonic Temple. DIES, AGED 58; ball on Monday, November 31. again but this time th* troll leads majority to Congress may give the Miss Adelaide RondeU has ed to this affair I* welobme to at- onr-wwlwa TbsM tfsy fh u . sad m S sts Tka eraceselaa halted at the home The provision broke up after an Mrs. Hulda Johnson of 188 School mation Of Dirisions For der Wage-Honr Law. Arrangements for tbe social session to Tinker Hall on Monday night, hour and ieveral groups held house balance of power on occasion to tbe turned to her home In Groton, after Is to tbe hands of Joseph Rukaa tend. mWsedsy sad siskttoSSNsnwsaoew a« tko aoGceaaful candidates, WU- Theodor* C Zimmer, who ta stroot is Isavlng tomorrow for Chi-1 November 21, when they will bold RASPY GOUGHS wWmi at aalaaoaaa am a. Uam X Skaa, leaator*aIect from the parties during the evening. Past Matrons of Tomplo Chapter, small band of anti-administration a visit with Mrs. E. J. Ackerman ot and Aldo Enrico. Democrat beldlag as sppolatlvo of- eogo, to vMt two Hstors who aro| Tomorrow; N. G. Not To HARDJORKER Democrats. * their annual Thanksgiving turkey 111* Hyd* Park, N, T„ Nov. 10.—(AP) Wadsworth street. She la corres' DUE'TO COLDS floe under a Oemeeratle aherUf, ea- UNION P A R T f S Order of the Bsstora Star, stayed a This group combined with Re- ponding secretary of the Connecticut Mias Ruth Bronkle of High street night bingo. Tbe turkey bingo prov- YOUNGEST EXECUTIVES peeta that he will be tesaad out like ueesasful hobby Show last night la (Oentinned from Page Onai) ^ —President Roooovelt, non-conunlt publicans to 1987 to kill th* Presl ed ao popular lost year that the local nasT—put a email lump ot Vleks York district, will adUfsas the con- Partidpate. . « tal on th* Republican Congressional branch. Society of Mayflower Os- Is on a rooter trip of two week*. VapoBub on Tour tongue and let it oadcrw tko fiT «r«D, . eutira b « » Blebta. seMUas, other Democrats, today takes eeea- It Is ImporUat that aU mombtra tha banquet hall of tbs Mswwle arnt’a court bill. A similar coedl- teen don ts. At present ehe Is to (Canada and will Trite decided to Improve upon It rndt. T h. medication bathM tha irrt- bOYO NAZARENE CONVENTION vention morning and evening. m tho osoeutlvo eommittoo at tho tnunadlata convocation o f the and gubernatorial gains to Tuesday’s taUdmembranMaalttrteklMdownTour tro^ vHh eloa In aa advertisement appearing VOTE LEGALITY elections, ends another eight-day tion to tbe House defeated the first spend a week touring the Domin- this year and are offering fifteen ad- ELECTED IN MINNESOTA with A missionary rally will be held in In another aeetlea ot thla paper, to Community Piaysra moot at tho Temple, aad all through the eve- embly to elect n new chief execu- wage-hour bill and tbe government ditional turiceya or a total of fifty Uiroat—brtnslns oomtortlng nuat— Ihlof wrm the afternoon with Rev, Fritzian stay here today to return to Wash W. B. A. members and guorda ion before storting on her return where you want It—when you want It. thank thosa of tbs Daiaoeratle homo of Russell Could, 84 Henry ning psoplo dropped in te odmlra The 20th anniversary of tive. The assembly was expeded reorganization program, both of trip. duripg the, evening. DO D t k y o o r TO BE HEU) TOMORROW and his son, both furloughed mis- trsst, ioalght at 8 e’itoek. ^ ' to meet tomorrow. togton for Armistice day exercisea wearing their uniforms, vriU-march Minneapolis, Nov. 10. —(AP) — taeiMfoBy kjr party aad the vetsra ot Oia other tho varleuo aaUquo and asodorn ool-1 Worid War Armlstle* wm bo His special train was scheduled to which passed the Senate by scant ta ths Armistice Day pvad* tomor- There will be thirty-five games ot Vapottub In a bowl sionaries from India, the special partiec that have voted for him la MAY GET TEST Gen. Ismet Inonti, ths "military margins. General Welfare O nter No. 41 with a turkey aa a prize on each The youngest team of chief execu- of bolting water. speakers. A program will also be _____ w.. re ri. I *••• ksndloraft of mem* sarrod by local ex-aervle* aad au»- bookkeeper” who was premier for leave eotto to the afternoon and to row, meeting at th* Army and Navy tles In tbe nation today mapped Brentbs la the vapon The semi-annual meeting of the the past. Tho one* of tho Porsonal arrive to Washington tonight. In the 1939 session the Democrats wUI hold Its regular meeting tomor- gome and ten of them will have the lor n few mlnutaa As wmM tram roar blood. Om Dm?s Vflh. Connecticut Valley aone of the presented by each of the societies (« IMsi Phgs V) nanco Ooi^any In’the^itaurTheal aaoeatois, aad before UlMT organtaatlona rriday with _ IS of the 16 yoan that Ataturk win have a majority of about 30 clubhouse at 9:16. It Is expected tbe plans to give Minnesota a Republi- tbes* vapors work tbetr In this advertisement, which he If the election results dealt W. B. A.. Girls drum corps of Hart- row evening at th* usual hour. fixings for a complete dinner. Aa can administration—Its first Church ef the-Nasarene's Youns represented at the convention. saya te to be his valsdletory adver- tor building, will ba closed all day dspsrtod they wore sorvod with parade and the usual commemora- headed the state and was a lifelong aeverer blow than Mr. Roosevelt hod Senate seats and more than 40 Members and vlalton will pleas* door prises they will award fifteen wip down Uuengb tbs alsetlon which put tha Union pnrty Priday, Araiistlea day. | • s®®!*! ®«P ot tea aad cookloa. tlv* mmorlal exerdsaa at the Me- collaborator of tha presldeat, was House seats, but several times to ford wUl accompany the local group. eight years—when they take ever nlr-pnssasss, thsy Feed's society, and guaday schools Members of the local church will ttmmeat, ba annouaeea that ha wUl on th* ballet expected. It woo not reflected to note that Instead of holding bual-, turkeys and five of these will have the state’s government Jon. L Mosea pbisjm^and combined will he held In Hartford attend the convention by bus leav- atm remain a democrat, a number Pwhapa OM of the most unusiial morial hospital at 11 o’clock. First expected to te ohosea. statement lost night by Secretary the laat two years fully that num- ness sessions to the Bast Side Rec. to tbe fixlnga All the turkeys or* na- In "curb-otono" opfations, Hart- Congress last wlntor having vot- ber of Democrats has voted against Mary B. <3ieney auxUlory, U. 8. Big, red-haired, jovial Harold B. Read Tlw Herald Advs. an day toamrrow. Dlstrlet Buperin- ing the church tomorrow morning of the Deraoeratle vlgllaat Commit- ford Uwyora famlltar with th* oloo- bobbteo at th* show, was the col- call for the parade has bean or- Marvin McIntyre, who replied, when parlor they wtU convene at tha Edu- tandsnt J. C. Albright, o f the New ed to make Nevomter ll a Isgai lectlon of peagutaa of all alsoa from dered for 9 o'clock by Marshal Ed asked for Preddentlol comment on tbe administration. W. V. officers and membera or* re- at 0 o’clock. tee end tba A. r. of U. Today ha Uon laws aad equrt doclslona la past quested to meet shortly after 9 cational old library on School street; la again drculaUng pertitioaa aak- holiday tho Manehsstor post omc* a dooratop to less than aa Inch la vi«rd Fraslor and the parade wiu “Democratic loeaea”: In addition to their own loss**, the first door entrance. The officers election disputes expreassd bouet will te oporatod on holiday hour alsa. This Is one of tbs hobbles of start promptly at 9:18. "He (the President) sold there the House Democrats win lose the o’clock at tbe Army and Navy club, Uig for the extenaion at Packard th# rssult Of ths slocUon would r#-,______-u. support of several Progressive and to participate In th* parade tomor- request a full membership attend- atreet to Hartford road. Ifr. Zim ohodulea tomorrow. Thera will im Mrs. Richard Alton of Bast Center Tl>s route of thoy^fliinid* will be WEDDINGS would be no comment. He said he ance. main uaohang^ svon If th* Supromo no city, pare*! poat or R. F. O. do* stroot, aad the display which cov-1 ffem Main aad Foroat street to the was feeling very cheerftil and every- Farmer-Labor members wbo fre- row morning. mar polnta out that hla Hght hand quently voted with them but who and arm are In good oenditlop and Court rov or^ ths decision. Uvtty, Th* money order dopartmont I “ o* table represented only a Ootcr, north on Main stroot to Do- thing la grand.” Mra Everett Bunker of Newton to r a ^ d n g h* was debating wlU teelossdaU day. but itoostanm 1*^ of bar ooUecUon o f upwards of P®4 Square, countormarching from Coagratolatee Condldatea were defeated for re-election by Re- Mrs. David J. Wilson of WeUtog- FIX UP YOUR CAR FOR WINTER AT SOCONY DEALERS ha can again follow hla trade as a Engagement Highlands, Maaa, Is visiting with Mr. aad Mra Elmer H. Gibbon of By long-distance telephone, the publlcona _ ton Rood reports that a ted rose painter and earn much mora than ..I" ' ------* I””*— *.«.••• uwtawry win* i — I Square to Haynes street and Ihesldent hod congratuliated many relatives to town this week. KEEP AW AKE he could In hla present position. then to tho hospital. For tho soe 18 Woodbridge street anitoune* t>w bush to her garden has blossomed wtoh2drto*2Mid“ h 2 J ir^ iS L T ‘ ‘’ .S* ®‘*“ **‘ 7:80 In Mra. Ethel Davis eollecta pttch- pad consecutive year Manehestor's 'ht the successful candidates In New for Armistice Day. •“ th# the monUng.unUl 10:80. Malls wUl era of all abapea and yiftif and'^took engagement of their daughter, M li^ ^York state, Including Gov. Herbert *r~” National Guard units. Company K Dorothy L. Gibbon, to Bylvester •bow and tho Howitsor Company, 189th . Lehman, Charles Poletti, for lieu- Tba Art Exhibit at St. Mary's In the Md tt* only outgoing mall wlU be 150 or mora. Barnes, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Elm nont governor. Senator Robert F. WILLINGTON OFnClAL CANVASS SEEN Regiment, C. N. O., decided not to Barnes of East Hartford. No dab Episcopal church building will b* Webster ha. m> unusu- toko part In the pnrnde by vote of (Wagner and Rep. James M. Mead for MISS JENNIE H. CHURCH MANCHESTER! has been set for the wedding. the Senate, and James H. Fay, for continued Friday during tbe some OBITUARY the House. hours that have obtained through IN IOWA SENATE RACE The President topped a rather At the town meeU^, Tuesdev, the week. NAZIS BURN, DYNAMITE quiet day by making public a len Arthur Spicer and Henry DowDouda Dea Moines, to., N(fqy. 10.—(A P )— Citizens, Taxpayers r DEATHS gthy report from Administrator EH were moderators at voting and Helen Davidson Lodge, Daughters J counting. There was no special en- of Scotia, will Install Its new officer* Democratic Senator' Guy M. Gillette porlor Court Judge Patrick B. O’Bul- tournament being playwl tetwsoa nominations. town and clvle leaden. raer P. Andrews showing between maintained a narrow unofficial lead Mr*. Ada O. MaoCkie llvanI nftor mnadnmua proceedings tonms reproeeating CahapteU Coun* SYNAGOGUES AND LOOT* 30,000 and 60,0 eetnut street. —Formation. O PROTECT ENGINE Q U IC K y S U R E S T A R TS of my haart, who ao consistently fought with and for •erved as chairman o f the program of her own and her busbAhd, Fitch . .AW AITIN G SIGNAL changes to activity, substitution of by the hurricane. A summary from week, and states that to her aunt’s hospital, Hartford, at 8:80 this First Division. efficient for inefficient workers, and the town records was compiled with London, Nov. 10—(AP) — Edgar and complemented the local corps Barber's oncestora, and hooked Platoon of the Manchester police. garden not tar from her own home, Park, former New York financier Out eoenee that haater il- Hli want tram Tm aan ton a •’TDInisr.LiAod’ ’ oar b y «iw a, and voted for the Democratic Party. mpmlng after a two yearn Illness. Mias Louise Hennessey, whose rugs, cams in for much attention. curtailment as an offset to abnor- necessary figures for the town meet- clover, bachelor buttons and other for Its fln* group of Instrumental- marriage to Felix R. Barr of Strick- Marshal and Aides. and second hiubond of the English hobweathdr drivlag. It can’t giva four an. vray It atarts In vrintor weatfiir. It pon s at Ha waa SO yearn old. (Ootttlaaed from F igo Oao.) mally Increased activity prior to ing. The selectmen’s account flowers or* to bloom. tte Irat t*ueh...**an on bitter cold days. THEODORE C. ZIMMER. Surviving him ara hU wife, Mra, 1st* and elngera. The muatelanahlp land street will take place at St. Amber OUae Pfeoea V. F. W. Band. tbe effective date of tbe act.” amounts to 854,031.96. actress Madge Tltheradge, died yes- gin* th* te*t pretoctiaa Ml aero day*. Mary Shea Hurat and eight chil- of the band was matched by the Peter’s church, Hartford, on Mra. Harold F. BldwsU’s amber The Citizen Section. tal from ths provtoeea, leading offl- "It is noteworthy," the report Bradford Griswold of West Hart- terday at Elsher, Surrey, England. In go** MOBILOIL AR CTlC-th* world** You get quick action beceuee MebUeU singing group under the dlreoUon of glass pieces came from her Ver- Second DIvtalen. It waa announced today that there Member Vigilant Democratic Anaociation dren. three daughters aad Itva aona. Thanksgiving day. was honored dale to believe such a show or force sold, "that tbe lay-offs have been ford, who attends tbe Clonnectlcut Is little possibility that any more finest winter ell. It fiowa fast on a*roday*.M Arctis Sows healy,doo«’t*’ l They are: Mary C., Ellubeth L. and Fred Clough, he said, and these mu- with a mlBcellaneous shower last mont ancestors and some of the val- St John’s Boys’ Band. would discourage the veterans from concentrated In a very few Indus State College, was a Sunday guest stand* up under high engin* heat*. (Extra englne~.andbeeauee y « - and American Pederation of Labor. sicians rendered inestimable service uable goblets and other objects from St James’s Boy Scouts. CCC applications will be accepted Lucy Ana Hurat, Thomas J„ WU night given by Mrs. Mark Peterson, undertaking the Picbot-Goy plan. ' tries to tbe south, moat of which are of Mr. and Mra Gallop Service. until next January 'os tbe comps ore chart* (or quantltto* over quarts.) teen propstly adjuetod for 1 llam L., John A., Francia J to th* corps weak In and wsek out aunt of ths bridegroom-elect, assist- both sides of the family. Mrs. Boy Scouts of America. Both Soctollat and Communist characterised by wretchedly low Frank Josito has Just completed School Children. DOW crowded and v&candes will not ..A N D I U S E D T O B E If you wantquleh eritttar atarta—if yon Jamea P. Hunt, all af Glastonbury: through th* entire year. ed by his sletor. Miss Jennie Barr. BrneM Bantly has h fiotsbls coUec- party organa repeatedly hnve warn- waga rates and other special condl small building at Maple (Sorner occur until after tbe first of the Major Arkett recalled th* Army Friends from Hartford, Wetheraflsld Uon of email Toby Jugs, p iteten ThiH DIvWom ed their followers o f th* poaalbUlty tioBs, or moke use on a particularly on WilUngton HIU to replace one enjoy havtag a oar that’s oteaya toady 8a n slater, Mrs. Catharine Nugent of American Legion Drum Corps. year. SUCH A SAUSAGEIM Wlnetad and n brother, Francia J. competition for band music eight and this town were preeent The and gisaa aad china articles. Mra. of nationalist demonstrations to- toeffielent port of the labor supply destroyed by the hurricona O ADJUST PLUGS GO-got’’Wtotar-LMhe” nowl year* ago and sUted that Harold Franklin Richmond arranged a World War and Spanish War morrow on the 30th anniversary of "About 90 per cent of all the George Bozola has token over THIS PRESS Hunt In tba middle west. decorative color scheme was green Veterans. Working under direction of Spark plugs ore removed—Inapeeted for HUi funeral will ba held at hla Turktogton, the present bandmas- and yellow and the gifts were plac- table entirely with her milk glass the Armistice. workers reported laid oft were'em the route of tbe dolly paper given Chairman Clarence Turktogton, of Nmae ter, entered a composition in that collection. British War Veterans. tooyed to one ot the following In- up by Robert Krivanec bteause he cracked porcelain or broken points. home 491 Main street South Olaa- ed In a large basket trimmed to Woman’s Benefit Assoriatlon compilers of local old age OMlat- L E S S E N G IN E W E A R • B « ia toabury Saturday morning at 8:80 contest that has bran played to ev- thee* colors. A delicious luncheon Mrs. Harry Straw has a coUee- dustries: Pecan shelling, tobacco was thirteen yean old. once tax etatlstlcs have reported Look a t Spark plug gape ore cleaned end adjusted Drum Corps of Hartford. stemming, lumber and b^glng. Kenneth Robertson won token to for pr op*r wintar firing—to Iwlp your Miglno Wlii^ Manchester Public Market with n funeral maaa calsbratad at ery SaJvaUon Army gathering of was served by the hostesses. Uon o f miniature dogs of aU shops* American Legion Auxiliary. MODEBN AND that to Manchester 18,083 persons When you touch the alartor an frigid days— laajr. Importaneo since. He was much and species. Several other mem- OLD FASHIONEO OANCENG Home Workera Affected the Johnson Memorial hoq>ltal to or* liable for payment of the $3 giro fast-firing sUrts all wintar. St. Auguatlne'e church. South Qlas- Veteirano o f Fktrelgn Wars Aux- "A considerable number of per- Stafford Springs Sunday night for th e F a t in a dash. Mobileil Aretfe ia an tte J ^ l It » tonbury at 9 o'clock. Tba burial pleased to find that Bandmaster Every member of St John's Drum bers are evidenUy ooUeettog dogs I AT em r VIEW DANCE HAIX old age tax. This number la an flows in«twtly...pretoeta tight fitting mad Turktogton had continued his inter- andn n/f placedVtltonse/I themttemsM ons\sa exhibit B Mrs.Bmm I . * * sons employed In the home produc- treatment of blood polrcn to his Increase o f 813 over the totals com- p> v w r will be In St. Augustine's cemetery, and Bugle corps Is expected to at- Army and Navy Auxiliary. Keeney Street tion of garments and condlewlck hand. I’ve Lost! em engtoo parte from "dry ” etartJne weatk at ant)’ Glastonbury, Mt. as evidenced by the sUrring se- tend tbe rehearsal tonight, to prepa- Rachel Tllden collects souvenir piled for lost year. Mow z o o o e a d l a Sea Food of the Better Center Flute Band. 8ATURDAT NIGHT bedspreads have also been affected, George Knight is buUdtog a new doiwa TOUT ( M . rad O p r g t e c t c h a s s i s And vrten yaur motor wom w otoM aUM any to* lection played during laM nights ration for the Armistice parade to- spoons, and Hary Tllden stamps and Girl Scouts, Fraternal Organisa- Special! $8.00 Door Prirat Seur. wilkeot Wrirt match boxes but most of these workers appear to born on bis premises at West Wil- All mernber* of the Manchester Water pump lubricatod...ShacU*a lukricat- Arctic stoye an tte job, it reeietothlmWno— Oeorga B. MoCraary program by the Band for the first morrow forenoon. tions. Admiaston $8e. te secondary wage earners supple- lington. dlMliw or bMk-WMk- Qaorga Bennett McCreary, aon ot time In publlo and entitled "Bound- Mra. Jameo Sheldon exhibited a Boy Scouts, Fraternal Organisa- Pipe Bond ore requested to meet at Ins .x .rcliu .Jat Mt •d ...Fittings lufaricatod on universal Joints, protect* fuByisth irt engine heate as vraBaa less Love." menting other family Income. Mrs. Emma Dodge has returned Orange HoU at 8:30 o.m. Friday MsiiblT u d Uk. 4 ttiS^a* Kind — Rightly Priced! tha lata WUIlam and Ruth (McCam) Mons-Tpree Poet and Auxiliary, carved necklace and brooch of black tion*. “Two Industries, pecan ahelltog to New York, where ah* keeps on MwisaU PnwrlsOoo clutch throw-out bearing, wheel beaAtgs,.. en cold atorta.Ttet'e why It’s wilft Deuble bofoatf. McCreery, died suddenly In Hart- Chairman Arket praised th* solo- British War Veterans will hold an Jet brought from England, a half O. A. R. , morntog to take part to tb* Armis- ToklMo day, aMord- Range erlntorolL..thewerld’a flnsrtll and home production of bedspreads apartment and spends port of the tice parade. lae la tka dbMllmH. All otter fittings liihrlrated flpilngiedillee Id. In Fillet of Haddock, atrictly fre s h ...... 19c Ib. ford yesterday from a cerebral hem- ists, Including 18 year old Cornet- Armistice banquet to Tinker Hall down spoons and old-fashlonsd Automobiles. have long been liotorious for ex- time. aatll yoa kaoa ImI lubrie*ted...DUtribut*r lubri«at^...Pan let William PerrettdUso th* work of tomorrow evening. Supper will be sugar tongs from her native land, 8a—The parade win move out at aaoaak (a*—IbM Ola*. y aagiy Fresh Cod ...... llj^ orrhage. Hla slater, Mrs. Abigail tremely low wages. Firms paying Mr. and Mrs. John R. Edwards Manula PraMfIp. bearing luhricatod,..Stowlng g*ar hifarlMt. ava th« Knowlea of High street, who vlalt- Songster Ulllan Kittle and her served at 8:30 and will te followed more than ISO years old. 9:16 a. m. and will proceed north five cents on hour for home work were dinner guests of Mr. and Mra ,.. .. . „ ^ B.a Tahl.t. kava kMa Fresh Pollock, sliced or in p iece...... 2 lbs. 25c teacher, Mrs. Benjamin Knox, for by an entertainment program. OM Newspaper through Mato street to Depot ^ talk. saMU (arawnllMBtkIityyMn, •d...G*n*r*t*r lubrleatod.. Jtartar lubrieat- Q U I E T R ID E ed him recently found him In good or 83.30 to 83JM) for a full working Latbrop O. West to EUtogton Satur- Ma»a_tkaa. wUltoa bazM kar. kM *d...BraiM cress nramtera, chiteh r#4b. Fresh Halibut • Large .Smelts - Flllcl of Sole - Filiet of spirits and he expected to spend their rendition of a piano duet, Mrs. Elsie Knight brought a Square, coimtermarch and continue week should receive tittle sympathy day night AN8MaaTSB dlMrikaM ,dartaa ttat swlad. dreg links and clutch p*d*l hibrtoatod... You’ll ho rid ef those annoying thasil* loabbela' Perch . Swordflsh - Whole Haddock to Rake • Fresh Thanksgiving at her home. Llsst's Hungarian R hap^y No. 8. AH members of the Luther league framed picture of ths New York to Haynes street A distance of because of forced curtailment" The Ladles ’Aid Society wUl con- PUBUC SETBACK Mana . i a I . a a t l i t M d i i M a t I tar ra eon* Salmon - .Mackerel. Mr. McCreery was employed for He voiced th* approval of the audi- who plan to go to New Britain to- Herald of April 15, 1885. giving the forty yard* will te maintained be- TODAY • FRL AND SAT. After asserting that some In- vene at tb* WlUtogton HIU church Uncovered springs oiled..Jlese enn*etion* eqneelnl Whet fun It Is te drivo a ear that ulkKafa j ence for the readings Df the Kehler night to hear Rev. Wilfred Bcrg- account of the assassination of tween division*. creases to employment os a result of next Wednesday forenoon at 10:80 Nsnchester Green School eheehed~JUghta cteeted. rides aad handles liho a riurm. Aaderhata Chowder Clams — Steaming Clam s...... 2 qls. 25c many years by Cheney Brothar* as etrand should meet at the Emanuel bl—When the head of the eoRnnn a bcamer. He waa a member ot no sliters, Connie, Joyce and Emma President Abraham Lincoln, with obortentog of hours hod been noted, to eew aprons. Luncheon will te Friday At 8 P. M. Prompt! relief it la to know that eatafulhikrieatf in la aoar Opened C lam s...... *{5^ Lou.' T^e latter played piano ac- Luttarean church at 8:45 o’clock. his pleture, and Mrs. Beatrice Clack, reaches Haynss street on th* re- tbs report said there bod been no served te the committee: Mra Mh aona al atWakall. l a lM . N a Mlwr Is oaring oeedy woar I frhternity, nor did he seek public turn from Depot Square, all units npTMMitaUo a U BMda m ta U d . -r n t a n a t iadaBi' Stewing Oysters f,arge Frying Oysters office. He lived for a number oi companiments for ter younger als- among other things showed ths Instonceo o< lay-offs to S3 states, Ernest WUaon, Mra Hassl Sundt S Cash Prizes! Adm. 25c. M M SI aadar IkM a M .d l M ».i mmJ Chaneso are you save atoro than tha prie* tera, and gave a monologue entitled Hartford Courant of 1983, and th* in ths first and aecond dlvlsiona will and ta fqur oUteo—Maine, Mtcbl- and Mra RuaeeU Bugbea Tha mit- la Um d «M s . m L . O C L E A N AIR FILTER V 4i year* at 80 High itreet, later re- REPUBUCANS GAIN - halt and form line on west side of Wa da mat maka i af “Winter-Lute*’ on choasi* wear alonel • Iwtavvi movinx to Hartford. "Pigs 'n' Things," a difficult selec- granting o f a petition tocoriwratlng gaa. New Hampshire and sion close wUl te held to th* after- DOOR PRIZE tka taaaUam a t 1 Air filter removed. The OMoh I* •arofullF AT OCR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT tion but interpreted naturally and tbe Town of Manchester, th* paper Mato street sippi—aad the District of Columbia noofu con(tocted by Mra Charles MaM ltad tar Ma McCreery leavea his wife, a 2—AU colors will then be massed m a n i a la U u l- cloanod of eoUoetad duet and A t . Bash In rty win showing the Improvement to the owned by Mra. Margaret Smith of had there been "only one altuatlao Vickery of New Haven, Chapter 12 LB. TU R K E Y wttk M a n a . i a ______plaos it goea-and another vital part afyaur ...... 10c head son. Sherwood, employed by Royal 11 GOVERNORSHIPS: at tbe head of the 3rd Division, Involving lay-offs." four of the book, “Healing of the Iv n i y S e v a tk al la riehtf any ram n. I o r da* young reader’s work since studying Blast Middle Turnpike. car Is ready fee hard winter drivingl E A S Y C O L D -W E A TH E R Typewriter company, .and two thla summer at the drama school of Company K, 189th infantry will Seamless Drees", wUl te studied. ( xa daughtora. Ruth and Doris Mc- Mrs. Bertha Keeney’s exhibit con- detail one equad to th* massed col- f ...... • • • •••’ hunVh^ for iS Northwestern Unlveralty. 78 ADDED IN HOUSE a number of framed prints era aa color guard. Op ® cm* of acorlet fever was S H IF TIN G IT thla Large White Cauliflower...... 10c ea Creery, employed by the Traveler* RECEPTION ARRANGED reported in town th# p u t w##k« Iniurance edmpany, and all of Hart- from ladles' magastoes of Civil War I—The 3rd Dlvlslan will then pass Tangerines, large s iz e ...... ’ ’ times, family heirlooms of embroid- Ashford Grange of which there 0 PRGTECT GEARS Iters’ll he no flght left in your gran on win- ford. He also leavea a brother, (Oentinaad from Pago One.) In review and wlU proceed to the M a number of membera from East aaa tb« Brussels Sprouts Nice Ripe fo“matoes GENERAL CHENEY TALKS I ery and lac*. Many of tbe women I Manchester Memorial hospital, fd - try matnings.Your"Winlar-Labod” car wfIB Thomas J. McCreery of Hawthomar FOR CURAN ARMY CHIEF WlUtogton, wUl bold on entertoto- Tteteary.vremrumtmrolUerMnevedfrom shift aneothly, aasOy. PWs* flowing Mebfl norlty opposition in both the House are Interested to wool weaving and lowed to turn by tbe 1st and 3nd N. J„ and two sisters. Mrs. Abbi* crochet, and too numerous to list Dlvlsiona Ihankaglvtag Eve to Worren- your tranrmiesion and dUhrentlaL ail Wintar Gear OH aces to that—and pro- TRY OUR HOME MADE BAKERY GOODS McCreary Knowles and Miss Elisa- TO LEGION MEMBERS and Senate next session. vlUe. There wUl be cowboy aongs MANCHESTER It’* raplaeed ertth tte right grade e( Me- Republicans counted most heav- were tbe crocheted table cloths sad '4—The following are hereby ap- Washington, Nov. 10,— (AP) —A and a donca tects your gears from dangerous winter woar bedspreads and other forms ot \ pototod aides to the marahal and reception equalling any ever accoKI- biloil WIto tar (toor Oil. This fine oil baipsprw- as well 1 Fruit B u n s...... 2.5c doz. ily on gubernatorial rather than Butter R olls...... Brigadier General Sherwood G. congressional gains for advancing needlework. will report to him at the Army and ed a visiting field marshal was ar- UPHOLSTERING CO. vsnt .wear...permits easy winter riilfrti^ . 19c doz. I Cheney addreaoed about 80 Leglon- Not to be outdone by the women, Navy club at 8:M a. m.: ranged todi^ for Col. Fulgenclo (Extra charge for over S ite ) ^ Jelly Donuts...... their cause toward 1940. Control of |«BROAD- Batista, Cuban army chief. IS School Street Onr SanUjht «iop . 27c doz. narie* laat night at the annual stag state administrations win ^ve Joseph Wright who has on Intrigu- Chief of Staff, John Pentland. STA1E MANDFACIDRERS Raisin Bread ...... ,flc |oaf ing collection of glass to the thistle- Aides— WAT Tea at the White House with Free Estimates — Phone Offlee 7S51 I banquet on his experiences In the them tetronage to rebuild p ^ y MUEMV-, K\e Bread, plain or seed s...... I Spanlah-American war. General fences In disrepair since 1938. panel aad other patterns, filled on* Leon Bradley, A. L. dent Roosevelt tomorrow wUl Cheney served In the United States tabto, and James Richmond arrang- Nathan Miller. V. F. W. the hlghapot of tbe three-day HOLD ANNUAL H K flU G Political leaten offered contrast- )t for the (hmamlc, swarthy OUR VOLUME AND LOW OVERHEAn MAKiaa Id tkay IW C cin d il Army until his retirement several ing Interpreutlons of the clectioa ed a Joke exhibit at old-faahloned Arthur Keating, 8. A. W. V. kta .41 FRIDAY GROCERY VALUES years ago. results, first rsvsrsal for ths Dem- 11 CO rice gumdrope and candles, William Ritchie, B. W. V. A MOVIE QUIZ PICnpOB dtor who only five years ago was OUR PRICES RIGHTI THIS PRICE Joalah THE FLORIST Everett Dow of East Hartford en- ocrats since 1980. Republican Chair- which later he generously passed Joeeph MeCaim, D. A. V. Sergeant Batista, an obscure noo- New Horen. Nov. 10.—(AP)— Teerk am§ Ftesic* •d aad Kraft’s Club Cheese, while and vellow. sliced as de- IT Oak *1. Pkaaa sa«I tertained the members following around. William Allen. T. D. eommlasioned officer, to tbe Cuban Manufacturers’ Asaodotlon of re kaeera to 8te* Maa~*~—’— *------sired ...... O|ipo«ll» rirrip Tli^alvt man John HamUton said tha vote army. 17 le a f I ot Its 27c Ib. the banquet. Group singing waa showed "a srldeepread repugnance Donald Hemingway, A. N. Connecticut opened Its 28th annual TkoFs yoor test Bto* ^ oar qoalltyy week Eggs, native, strictly fresh, medium size . enjoyed by tbe members under the toward governmental Incompetence, Elmore Watkim, Marchanta. meeting here today, with the Fed- BB TO# 40c doz. direction of Robert Gordon. Harry 6—Tba following calls will te ^ Lotm SUmdords Act forelga Large s iz e ...... maladministration and callous pM- TODAY And vridat Roth was chairman of the banquet. lUcal corruption." REPUBUCANS FACE • sounded: CURB QUOTATIONS end pubUe relations am m Spaghetti, Shells, Elbow .Macaroni and .Macaroni The dinner ngui served by the First Coll, 9:00 a m. tte problems scheduled for discus- nn Be-Uphobtere Yoor 8-Pfoce Set Assembly, 8:10 a m. THE NEW StolL Hotel Sheridan management under By ASSOCIATED PBESS in yoor choice of coTcrinj. with Madonna Pure Tomato P a ste...... !^an 5c the personal direction of Edward COURSE DECISION EleeUm of offloers waa th* prta- new anhlona. Free—2 piOowK hstooL Special Otter MacKnlght. BALDWIN HINTS CHANGES Am Cits Pow aad Lt B ^ m . Golden Bantam, whole kernel...... ";i cana 29c CIRCLE Am G en...... buatoeaa before the Gorton’s Ready-to-Fry Codfish Cakes...... can 12c THIS WEEK ONLY! Paffa Om.) ISOCCER GAME TOMORROW Am Sup Pow ...... this morning. Re-nomlnsted and un- WHEN HE TAKES O m C E CU Marconi...... S****?^ ^ ro-*l*ction were Presi- MR. HOLMES. OWNER AND UPHOLSTERER S>“t pkg. 9c: Mb. pkg. 17c HOSPITAL NOTES upper band ot RapubUcan offlelaldom SAPPHIRE TABLE- Cits S erv...... dent E. Kent Hubbard ot 3 Pc. Living: Room Set town, Vloe-Preaident John H. rm t » . *11"**’ Scarlet, No. 1 c a n ...... 2 for 29c (Ooethraed from Page One) over Just how liberal or how conser- AT CHARTER OAK FIELD WARE TO THE LADIESt au Serr., pfd...... Libby s Fancy Red .Alaska Salmon Recovered Repaired vative th* party shall ,)>*. Such re- El Bond and Share . . . . of Water bury. Treasurer Harold D ...... tall can 2.5c Admitted yesterday: 'Ethel Top- To Each Lady Folrweather ot Hartford and Beete- Pickled Herrings (Delco Brand) . Moth-Preefed llffe, 99 Birch street. nual saving In centralized purchas- ports creep out to bask to the WoMi- Fbrd Limited ...... 1-lb. jar 19c Woodwork Refialabed togton sunlight frequently. A ro- S6oTlek«t~ Ntog Hnd P ow ...... fry C. L. Eyanson of West Hart- Birth: A son. jreeterdsy to Mr. ing. Manchester Hijh EleveB To Mathiuu o r Eveamg. ford. .%H Work Gnaranteed tor 3 Teen! ctinlng one is that John M. Hamil- ^^ean ^load and Mrs. John Jackson. Buckland. Boosts Merit Syetem Nominated os new dlrectot* ter DIAL 51.^7 — WE DELIVER The merit system, however, Is a ton soon may raUnqulsh the ehalr- Oppose Almani In An Ar- —— ON SCBEEN Seeal L ock ...... We are ta a poaltioo to furnish Admitted today: Mra May Spurr, manriilp of th* National Committee. mistice Day Clash- UUtGas four-year terme b.g««t.««.g i 814 Main street, Michael RatU. An- "uvtog" and “should be enforced,” 1939, were the fOUdWto]^ ’ best of rotereaoe* to your awn Mr. Baldwin said. It has had no official confiraiatlon. Unit Lt aad Pow A . . . . I town or hi Hartford. dover, Patrick Hutchinson, 73 Lin- N* Open DIapato Seen UtU Pow and L t ...... Fairfield county. F. H. hfOW!- den street. \ The next governor believes that Non* of ths reports, however, Tomorrow morning nt 10 o^eloek, gomery of South Norwalk to suo- PRICE: Discharged today: Mra. Andrew the naw financial system, with bean any cvldene* that tha differ- tha Manchester IQgh soccer eleven ksoafbs assassination. ceed Harry Mcl,augblla e f Dan- $32.50 Dome and tofaat son, 272 Chartar will rmpoae the Alumpl to an Armis- bury; New Loodoe county. A. M. SOCONY cooUy” than th* old Board of FI FOR YOUR OLD FREE! A Footstool aad 8 extfa Oak street, Mra Alfred Kline aad open dispute. The 'RepubUeaas tice Day clash at the Charter Oah Noe. 10— (AP) AUen et Baltic to wirreed Charlea YOTOX ZOCONV-VACINIM Infant son, Bolton. nance end Oontrto, though b* is RADIO TUBES _ PlUowe ter Oivaa wHh every Job! noncommltal now on his own finan- usually are good at smothering rows field. Th* grads lineup win Include Bipol SaoEgiam. mtalstsr A. Sexton of Norwlehtown; New wm Not Harm the Most Delicate cial policy and mathoda. within their own ranks. Thoy have Jimmy Murray, BtU Runda John Haven county, F. W. OUbart to eoo- Fabrke estatdiahed a policy committed to Gnthria Bruno Enribo and John his valet tried to^unoatamto ceed P. E. Barth, both of New Ha- Toward Purchase of Some Type At Standard Prices— ONE YEAR TO PAY! Neither Is he-convtoeed that the work out a aatloaal program for tha MILK-FED PubUe W orkp Department la "sav- Green* ot last year's High team; him. Wbllo tba mtolotor wao ven; and at-large, C. H. Cuno to TRY IT TODAY! 80c and op. party. dreoriag tb* valet fired at hha twlca Q E. C Stevena both of JUST PHONE HARTFORD iBg MB money.** Quite a few students of Repubileaa But Fish, Georgs Smith, Noel Uttl* OBy tl ROASTING CHICKENS TAs a mattsr of fact, I think It aad Boh Guthrie of the 18M aquad with a pistol but miser fl The Meriden. B^G yo ur TUBES IN FOR FREE TEST 7-8719 AT OCIUR EXPENSE! affaire are convinced Ui«t the party aereaat was arrested. SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS . AND TURKEYS Is costing us money," te stated. was running for Its vera life to this and DfOt Niehola Evaratt Solomoa- ALSO RABBITS AND DUCKS Ooubeeticut's now governor wiu eleethm. Not stoee iohn Qutney •oo. Ttsd” Rainier and Matt Da- QUINTS BEOOTEBINO W INTE R-LU B E AT I go to work next week, although his SimoiM at other yaara. AWABOBD NOBEL PBtZB Ourtor prleooprlees ni* i low. W* iries Adams managed to get Jnet one Oo8' Tam* CUSTOM MADE IdoOrar. tana does not begin untU Jui. 4. elaetoral vote to his race The rivals have mat twlca bafota eSaUaader, Oat. Nor. 10—(Chaa- Ho altta at budget beartaga Stoekbobn, Nov. 10.— (A P )—TIm Piaoe)-The Diana* qntotap- win Janrae Mooroe ta 1880 had tha eaa- tha aaaaaa and both have gataad a 1M8 Nobel pciaa jot Utsretnra to- AtiitcaBigr FOTTERTON Vr Pha«a»7M OTTO HERRMANN with Got. Wnbur L. Ctoao, Ftaaaoo Ateto of a major party jo t aa' taw vletaty. ao tearntTOw’S gama nm bo *nBaoN PA l*ts wer* renoTeiliii " iJmiiHiIIi ' UphoUterit^ Co, ' RioBir Edward p. KaU aad ^ was awarded to Pearl T*i»rk, today. Dr. AUaa BrOateTaaS^ 8181 haDota to the elaetoral nnnsge aa rii* tha deekHaE-oaa of a aerlaa I i nsm ntber ot '"tho Good .* M B E v a y H Dlractoe B ija la P. TPhR. aigU that A lf------Ml lefhna aad a ed. after npMallieis noarval ef their t MANCHESTER CHEMICAL CO. " Saw.' ■AW CHEOTB# ETBNTNO HEkA13>. IfA N tiH U ri BE, tiO N Ili TOURSUAT, w n tupintTO 10, I M S

Oonnectieut may look forward with HOLD “HONOR- PLACE fyM shim gtom D aybookm MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. BiANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1938 JibmrJ|f«trr at leaat adiM hope, now that Two years bancs, Iq all probabil- ara to hava a hew admlalatratlon Health and Diet SERIAL STORY and a new order of things In this ity, when Conaaettcut votara go ganization supported successful sen- ftm titto B m lb PRESTON GROVER Division, E. J. H o n ' o f the state, though they had abandoned to the polla to vote for Preatdenttal RED CROSS DRIVE atorial and gubernatorial candl- vrausaaD by n o oorvBtoMT, Isas Manchester DAILY RADIO PROGRAM FEDERATION SEES datea In New York and California. Progreos Buraau, Jamaa MeVaighl electors and state officera they will Advice C. OF C. PREDICTS BKIMTINO OOMPANT, OWL an expectation that they would NBA SBNVieB. INC ths Credit Bureau and Dave " II. MsmU ItrMt Washington— The monument thaiM LO VERS A W EIG H Wllllarn Ely. senatorial candidate be perhaps a Uttle bewildered at Under the head of biography B y DK. F B A N M fttoOOV of the Dairymen's Bureau. IbM liwtM , Oma ever be done by the regime now Secretary Swanson will leave to Date Book backed by Mayor Frank Hague of THOIlAa PEBOIiaOlt finding the first plaes ea ths voting the flngerling officer may read BY BETTY W ALLA CE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 (Central-Eastern SUndard Time—P.M.) STARTS TOMORROW lanevatloR Approved passing. One of them Is a thor- commemorate hla name In the navy ftntanfta tn rrograma aa REPUBUCAN HELP New Jersey, arch-enemy of the CTO, B mmmi ItaBMar the "Autobiography of Benvenuto' the TREATM ENT Ltftad Ara Daa la tfatiaarh Carraettona Ma4a Taa was beaten. LARGE TURNOUT The fact that no reports wUl OMobcr 1, IM I ough and open minded examination machine occupied by tba Demo- win be hla effort to Inject broad Cellini,*’ which w e can aaaure any Lata ta Inearporatai This Week. or in f l u e n z a Netei All pro*r»mj to k*r and baile chain* or sroup* thereof unleee eped- A preliminary survey showed that made at the busiiieee eMStOB It cratic Ucket. despite the fact that culture Into the country's water- ".eagntng man la hearty stuff In CAST o r CHABACTEU. N ov. »2— Annual Father and Son '' Brary BtmiIb( Bieayt of that shoddy make-believe, the under ths wheel and Marvel next : coast to ooaat (e ts e) dedtnatton* Inctud* allaratlabl* etaUon*. out o f 183 House candidates backed met the whole-hearted approval e f‘ borne fighters. spou. That Aryan lUUan had JUDY A l^O TT ^ admlral’a banquet of Brotherhood of Eman- BBateya wtl BalMara Eaiaral at tba Connecticut code o f liquor laws, un- the Dennocrats were beaten this toealment of an ordinary case to him, and Judy jammed aainst NBC-WEAP (RED) NETWORK MOUNT*—kvor kla koh kal kgro kfbb by Labor’s Non-Partisan League, Chamber memberz and aamma auie OBIm at llaaahMtar, Ooaa^ Recently he Issued a Hat o f 162 way with gold and debutantes. daughter. She faced a choice be- COAST—knox ...... kotn kol kfpsrkTlr kTi kafo Albert Tntde Cbairman Of uel Lutheran church. year and that by law tha party tween two many suttora. the door handle. BASIC — East! weat wnae wUe w|ar Hopes To Bring About Ma- political outlet for the CIO, 83 were to boost attendance. Bueln«e wBI' Baaaa«.Claaa MaU Maitar. dertaken with a determination to books from whieh fiedgUng officers Under the head of traval, Rich- of Influenaa la quite simple, but u wtoa weah krw wfbr wre way when koy karm khbe kgnib kroy kiro kgar Next Week. Over 150 Reservations Al- rflWIGHT CAMPBEU. — aUbl- "If you only knew some Navy elected. be confined to election of om een do whatever It may be necessary to polling the largest number of bal- fresh from Annapolis must chioose ard Halliburton la an antra with most effective when started early. wcaa wtam wwj cbm wdel: MIdweati Conte Beat. _ BDBBORIPTtOM RATBS tloua Ueutenaat H e flaoed a choice people, you could be vlalUng them id waiaq who wow wdat wire kstp; Arrangeinents; Workers Nov. 15—38th annual meeting of Green had endorsed Senator James and new Items that may come up h Om Yaar to Hall ...... lots for Governor shall be first at a minimum of six to be read during ‘The Royal Road to Romanes;" In jor Amendments In Wag- do to those taws in order to place When you have a chlU or feel sud- between hla wife and duty. for tbe few days—" Dwight ven- auntaini koa kdyl; Southi wmbs wab 4:0^ S:0^Nlla Maek'a Lat*a Pratand CTiamber of Commerce at Hotel J. Davis, Republican, who defeated ready Made For Ban(|iiet fo r discussion. ' w HaaU by Mall tha next state alectioh... the coming 18 months. Each offi- the Fine Arts the officer esa have tured. wme wamb wJaz kpro wbrs; Paellta: 4:30— S:3(^Darla Rhadaa and Oanga Sheridan. to^Bla Oa^y *1 ■.at' the liquor traffic In a condition of cer must submit a 1,000-word re- denly weak, ragardles of whether JAC« HANLEY—dying anllor. »kfl kaw kotno khq kpo kaa 4:40— 0:40—Childran'a Clrciia Oarlal— Gov. George Earle, Pennsylvania Tbe meeting le dedicated to the a go at Mumford'a "Sticka and To Meet Tonight. Also, Karl Robinson's lecture on OaUtofto Oaa Yaar decency, to divorce it completely The catch Ilea In tba circum- He faced a teat pf a patient love. i "Few days?’’ Marvel toughed. OPTIONAL aTA-nONS (oparata In- _Mat: Chicago Oanga far You—weat ner Labor Act. Democrat, and had Informally op- 100th annlveraaty of the founding port <« one book every three Stones: A -Study of American you think you have a cold or the tercbapsaably on alther RED or BLUE 4 :0 ^ 4:00—Praaa-Radia Nawa Period Alaska at Hollister Street school, Next Tuesday Evenmg. MARVEL HASTINGS — navy "I’ve got so much to do! CHotbea aaat: Rad Orange—rotdwaat only posed Representative O'C^onnell (D., of Cheney Brothers and tribute to MBHBBB o r THB AWmCTATBO from politics and to make It pay, stance that the Democratic party months, each from a different Archltecturs and Civilisation." natworba); Eaat: wbra wool wfaa wlw auspices o f Eklucational club. PRBn group. wife. She faced the teat of being and all. And won't tliera be par- werk welcy weal__ waan___ cbf VIM.cbl: Cantralt 3:0^ 4:00—Cd Thargaraan, i^rta— Mont.), who lost to a Republican the local adk firm will be paid tor as far as posalbly, for the harm, ap- did poll the largest number of votes After coursing through this pond Ues for the bride! And there are wtmj___^ jrlba wkUy kebx kmm k«lo wabc: Tha Pour Clubman—chain J. Thorkclson. T to Aaaoalaiad Praaa la •aotualvaly If Ensign Jones decides to read —as " you get there, vuvro. Laxetake a a good aaOor. Tonight at 7:30 In the Center Nov. 16— Annual Klwania club Washington, Nov. 10.— (A P ) __ Its leadership ia the development MW aam ial la Ua aaa al rapakllaatloa for Governor at Tuesday’s election; of learning which the navy Is ax- * * • some people Tm asking to the kEOO wbow wood wobe wiwsbf wffi kfrr 4:1^Mawla Wing and Aviatlan Attendance at the 38th annual parently Ineradicable, which It U n k ’a "Return to Religion” on hla otmrt water enema, using one kdam: •oitthi w ur wptX! wTe wJaz wflA< 0 :3 ^ 4:3(>—Bob Trout About ••Today** church there will be a meeting of show at Hollister street school. Fight Proposalt Jointly and growth o f Manchester. af an aawa iiaeatakaa aradital ta It pected to absorb, we buttonholed quart laws will accomplish these pur- for about twenty m lAutea^g the had not Ward Fennlag been killed kfbk kffw kmj kern kcu kmed Y :0 ^ i:0 ^ K a ta Omlth't Variety Mr. was cast by two partla% 'the Re- but an authoritative aource Insist- In action. Judy tried not to be glad. What Nov. 21 — —Annual Red Men's ments In the Wagner Labor Act. tlviUea o f unions. may be necessary to change the lo- ber of the OmstrucUoB Department poses, well and good. I f however Gotta Mix ’Em Up heat makes you feel faint, dip a Conte Ciat. 3 :0 ^ t:0(^Maiar Bowaa Haur—to c and continues until Thanksgiving. ed that army men voluntortly read difference did It make— right away, •rOO—— 10-----:p6 -C-jBOr* t _) Werkehep,______- * ______-Dramatic Thanksgiving Turkey Night In Federation offlciala Interpreted As in the case of the proposed re- cation of the affair from the Hotel of the Fair, and win also include publican and tha Union, and the He may select Davenport’s towel In cold water and place *^tlUa CHAPTER rv. t i 4 ^ 4;4S QIH Alone* toHol—to • The meeUng will be held to com- Tinker hall. Ban aatalaa allaal a( B. B A aarv- It be determined tjiat little la to be more now by two to one than the or in a few weeks— he was hera, lOito—Tb* Amerieane *1 Wertc many of the Democratic casualtiea In vision of the Wagner Act, the Re- Sheridan to a larger meeting place. several other Itama at intereat. IM IBA Democratic vote was larger than "Heredity in Relation to Eugenics" m the forehead or at the back of Saturday morning Judy Aleott 4:W ttOO^DIck Troey. the Dotoetivo VIneant Lspsi Or. plete plans for the local RoU Call Senate and House as weaking the gained from attempting to tinker civil population and maybe more and not Judy's 4:4^-> 6:1^Vour Fomity and Mina 1#:S6—11:16—Cab Calloway's Orehaatra Nov. 23—Thanksgiving Eve social publican gains may work agninst The banquet wUl be held next Tues- to road on the return from the awoke with a heavy sense of some- 4ti^— >:I0—Jack Armatranf ftkit— of Hose and Ladder Qj. No. L 8. position o f the CTO, which has In- taaakar Aatartraa Natrapat>ar Pak> the Republican vote for Governor than the navy. She said to Marvel, before Dwight 11:06—11:06—tamnw Kaye’s Orchestra the CIO If It again asks Congress to day evening at 6..30 o'clock and will dead up the existing liquor code and that Rhanghal patrol or flwlft's "How to ing unpleasant impending. And aaat: Ta Ca Annaunead—waat 11:06—12:16—Will Oaberna’a Orcbeatra M. F. D „ at C!heney hall. steted that no amendments to labor's TO DECIDE POLICY Jis:— Aaaoelallea. hut smaller than the Republican Dry quickly In a warm rooir and dropped her at the house, “ You 4 }4 ^ 6:4^Littla Orphan Annia— broaden the Walsh-Healey govern- feature a turkey dinner. insti the whole stnicture of distribution Influence Men,” both from the rone then she remembered. Today was must meet my mother and Dad Nov. 28—Concert by Beethoven '^agn a Charts" are necessary. Sammy Stodlm, Too ““F'yina woolen aaat; J« Johnaon Canga—west NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK ment contracts act. A special effort Is being made to PabMabara RaaraaaaUtlaaai Tha and Union votea fo r Baldwin com- of psychology. the day she waa going with Dwight Mias Hastinga. And all tbe Navy 4:00—’To ba Announaad (IS m.) Glee club at High school hall. The A F L has contended that the Washington, Nov, 10. — (A P ) — the lallaa Mathawa Spaclal Ataney—Naar Is built on error and must be tom The arm y library circulation'^ to- bluket You are now ready to go to John L. Lewis, CTO chairman, bined. On a alx months’ siege of shore to meet hla fiancee. itIO—Malcolm Clalra'a Oterlaa BASIC — Baati wl* wbs-wbsa wbel Nov. 30-Dec. 1— Bazaar of Wes- National Labor Relations Board, obtain perfect attendance from the Leaders of the International Indtag' Divli Yark, Chlaaco. Oalrall aal Boalaa, down to be replaced by something tals 1,460,000 books a year of bed where you muat have rome family, too. Do coma tonight. I'll 4:20—ProM* Madia Nawa Parted wham kdka ways wjtn weyr wmal wfti vainly tried to dislodge Irora House duty he can take up Mehnert’a She dressed carefully, la her best ask a few people.” which adminlstera the law. Is biased varloua divisions of the t im b e r Garment Workers’ union came bars Possibly some obacure legal fac- heavy duty stuff, no Alger books pei^ place several additional OtIO— 4:40—Cddia Daalay an Paatbaii waby webr cfcf whk wmfl wspd wean leyan Guild, South M. E. church. committees last spring Walsh- MBHBBB AODIT BOBBAO o r wholly different and Immeasurably ’Youth in Soviet Russia’’ or Rlla’s silk sport dress. It waa trim, ’’Yes,” said Dwight eagerly. "i ^40— 4:40—Nala Day Oong Program wlcc wieu: Midwest: wenr wie kwk koll In favor of the CIO. Recently the and the chairmen of each are work- today to decide whether to tave tte among ’em. Apportioned among woolen blankeU over you. a hot 0:00— 7:0^Amoa 'n* Andy-^aact only Coming Event*. Healey amendments which would AS aRCmATIONB better, then our new state govern- tor will enter Into the situation to ’How the Other Half Uvea." dur- smart, and had been reduced at a wren wmt keo wowo kma wetn: South; Federation Initiated a campaign ing hard In this direction. They are CIO and declare themaelvas neutoal some 186,000 fighting man, that w ate^ ttle goes at your feet, and want you to meet everybody, honey. 4i10— 7:10—Vocal Varlatias by Choral WTtd wmpa wjbo irdeu waza wean have compelled nearly all (Irma do- For I alter the apparent present Indica- ing the first three months. The swank Loe Angeles shop. She 0:30— 7:30—Tha All-Star Ravui Dec 2—Bazaar of the Nations, against Senate confirmation of the Russell Potterton of the Retail In labor’s civil war. T to BaiaM m a lla t Oaaiyaay laa^ ment owes It to the people to ac- averages more than seven hooka a If then are any extra ones, they You know, we’ll be living among kxya; Mountain: klo kvod; Pacific; kzo Second Congregational church. ing business with the government to ktoaaiaa ae flaanelal faiponalbillly second three months he may smiled grimly. Diane waa always them, and there’s nothing like get- waaf; Marla Cant* Oanga—network kfed ktms kaz kfa keca k)r renomlnatlon of Donald W. Smith, Merchants' Bureau. Alex O le of ovganla complish precisely that. tion. hut from the street It looks as year. In China station and other 7 :0 ^ 3:0(^Rudy Vailaa Haur—o to c NOTE: Sea WEAP-NBC for optional Dec. 6— Annual fair at Center conform to stipulated wage and Mr tyaoyrayhieal arrera apaaariaa la switch from sociology to economics ^ «metlmcs It la a 10:30—11:3(^Otck Himt^r'a Orcheklra _ east: Landt THa. Vacala—west the nation was "sick and tired of the ad Stot ticut Republican would be stingy "Economic Principles and Prob- on their own. Dwight came for her at a quar- "But don't you want me all ■ 11:00—18:0(^—Mat Snyder A Orehaatra f:JO—.0:41—Tam MIz’a Skatcb—eaat TO TRAIN MRCMANICS COMMUNITY devoted to filthy little squabbles Kood pUn to bathe the face of a yourself tonight?” pouted Marvell *:06—' *:p6—News; Cloutier Oreheatra CIO's philosophy and tactics. natt In ' enough to begrudge them that lems.” He is a sucker If he takes While the army baa no "must” ter of ten. He was radiant, and 11:10—12:30—Ramona A Her Orehaatra S:16— *:16—Beverly Lane and Baprane Kansas City—Patrolmen Clarence excur sion ^tlent imdergolng this treatment "You know I do! But honej "The CIO and Its political dummy. Washington. Nov. 10—(AP) — HOSPITAUZATION PLAN NO “ RIGHT” SWING over minor court Jobs or to the the latter. It cornea In two volumes. Hat of cultural reading, sometimes hla gladness tvas an added affront. CBS-WABC NETWORK • :*6— t;S6—Baala 8t. Bays — w ji; Fades and Max Freeman called at tfl tbs 1 measure of consolation—the only with cool water. want everybody to see you. Labor's Non-Partisan League, were Dlsclomire that a 326.000.000 World passage of price boosting laws pro- He might better enjoy "Rconomlcs outlying generals take the thing in But abe tried hard to act glad, too. Yoif'l/ BASIC — Beat} wabc wade woko wcao . •"'1 Rhythm—chain the scene of a pedestrlan-auto acci- for aewaa raie raais ts Roltihel ona possibly to bo found In the re- bowl ’em over.” 0:46— 4:46—Lowall 'Thaman — aaat; routed on all fronts,” he declared. War noval ordnance plant In West BurreylDE tha elacUon,. Arthur for Everybody from the Pyramids hand. General Harbord, Pershing's The object of the treatment Is to Only, sitting beside him on tha way weal wkbw wkre wJr wdre wcau Tom MIz. Sketeh—west repeat IndlvMnsIs. Ornnpa, Fsmillos workera moted by special interests. There • • * wMa wpro wfbl wjav wgar; MIdwaat: dent, picked up the driver of the car "The voters turned against every Virginia will be used to train . . Krock. ona o f the abreardaat o f sult of the ’Tuesday voting? to tba Sit Down Strike." chief of staff In France, once sug- .persplraUon and to Lindbergh Field, she couldn’t 0:80— 7:00—Easy Asee, Skit—also cat N EW Y O RK $2.00 Qdtitol are Mrioua mattera to attend to. wbbm wfbm kmbe kmoz whaa kfab 4:18— 7:16—Mr, Keen a Lest Pereane and started for headquarters. candidate who gave aid or comfort mechanics reflected today the ad- That will knock over four books gested that officers in his com uriially Iw accomplished help remembering their dates, the Marvel would be pt the Ooro- kmt Pay* told b( AJMrtcan nearapapar authorlUaa, 4:20— 7:36—Dick Oaaparra Orehaatra On the way they spotted a robbery to the CIO leadership even In atatea ministration's purpose to reinforce ROSTO N . . . $2.50 neglected during term after term and leave him five floUla o f knowl- mand (this was shortly after the within an hour or leas. A a aoon aa' way they had kissed. She had no nada The most exclusive— and EAST—wbna wpc whp when wore rfrb 4:46— 7:46—Sana----- Pletura of KDKA llospitol, Nnralng, Operating and Ognatui h u an article In today’a New York ckac wlhx wnias weRg whbf wiba wkbn 7:00— a;06—Jarry Balchor Nolghbars In progress, stopped to give chase to where the CIO concentrated Its cam- the nation's air forces. FROM MANCHB8TBK o f the Lcglslsture there KEMAL ATATIJRK edge from which to pick the re- w ar) would enjoy a Ust o f 100 peniplratlpn starts, take special care business to feel this wray about a expensive!—hotel In town. It whio wgbl wbrk wnbx paign.” was a good place for Dwight’s girl 7:10— a;16—Eaitman Symphony Oreh. a fleelnz thief. ' Delivery Room Charge* Ttmea iByWhich ha atiibutea the maining two. He can browse his books which he said had helped not to become uncovered. As quick- man who was going to marry some- D ixie — wgat Wafa wqam wdod klra Ji15— *:I5—To Ba Announaad (15 m.) The CIO supported Democratic was no adequate or alncere leader- One of the great flgurea of the body else. E^t she kept right on Judy thought All the highest wrac wlao wwl wtoo kiid-ktrh ktoa The patrolmen failed to catch the No Medical Examination a MMh* Msauar tl kahn. rtinenasi BMTkad 'anU-Rooaevelt trend way around the world In foreign him to succeed. ’The rush for the ly at a good sweat appears, your ■:20— *;S6—Amarica'a Town Maatint candldatea In Pennsylvania, Ohio and TOAST M.ARINE CORPS ship to spur the Assembly Into ac- twenUeth century la loat In the feeling that way. ranking naval offidato stayed wdoo koma kdbo wbt wdaa wbig wdbj to coast thief, started back to their car in policy or take a turn in science by list waa something more than en- temperature wUI probably begin to wwaa wait wtnbr ktul wcoa wdno wnox O'JJ—10:J6—Tha PaopI* I Hava Known Michigan where It has organized throuihout the oountry to “the there, and Navy parties frequently kwkh know wmmm wjno wcha wpar disgust. And aoon their disgust Call 3013 For BxewalfM hit tion. ’The state has a right to ex- paaalng of Kemal Atoturk, presi- reading Zinsser’s "Rats, Uce and thusiastic. Harbord retired aa a go down. yndbergb Field, one of the larg- Bpota Quartat many industrial workers. Republi- Washington, Nov. 10— (A P )—The tkm o f ( ■vereca taxpayer o f the naUon— est in the country, had once been were held In Its huge Gold Room. mai wcoc wrva walm wrdw wapf 10:16—11:16—To Ba Annauncad (IS m.) knew no bounds. In their absence a TIBI pect that beginning In January Its dent-dictator of Turkey. He waa Hl.ntory.” major-general and now ia chair- ^^en you have sweated enough to lOWEOT — wmbd wlan wtbw kfh cans won the major offices In all Army and Navy toasted the Marino ing was an EIxperlmental Navy Field, she She explained to her mother, JO'S—11:J0—Aba Lyman a Orehaatra taxi had crashed into their scout BENJAMIN CHENEY - Om group which fo r want o f a bat* (A t thla point we pauae to note man of the board of Radio Cor- FM^e the fever, you are ready to wkbb wtan wkbh wcco wabt kacj wit'ax JJ'OO—12:26—Ramon Ramaa A Orehse. three states. Corps today on Its 163rd birthday Ftbniar! government will begin to function one o f the irjoat extraordinary char- remembered. She looked at the who went to the phone and asked’ woeS whlb kglo kdah weca wmff 11:*<>—12;*6—Preddle Mertin’e OrehesL Albert Tattle car. that Secretary Swanaon'a choice la poration of America, showing that However, the John L. I.cwia or- annlversaiy. 175 E aat O u t e r S treet for aacui ter name la called tha ‘middle be given a tepid sponge bath in a Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Rowland and Mrs. not aa a playground for playboys acters developed by the World War at least comprehensive.) It pays to read a good book. administration buildings, at the eJaaa.'- Ha aaya thla group “ aet warm room. Each part la sponged and la under the direction o f Albert UZBZIiBQlZBp tat msmt young or old, not aa a hunting field and Ita aubaeqiient flux o f old Bays wide expanse of landing area, and emnn at once. Judy herself tele- f separately and then dried, after at the three huge airliners lined phoned Jack Manley and two young Tuttle as chairman for 1939 and oouragin up an oppoalUon to the overwhelm- for predators, not an a background 8:00— Shoppers Special and affairs. In hla public life a con- which you are ready to go to bed up behind the wire fence. lieutenants who worited In her Etorle S. Rohan aa general chair- ing admlalatratlan majority in Con- tabla near tha band, instructs the 9:00— Richard Maxwell for poseurs or a concentration camp sistent Idealist of extraordinarily In the meantime, the bed must have Diane waa always saying she father’s office. She called Diane, waiter to bring each course at in- 9:15— Montana Slim man. Dr. Robert Knapp will apeak A tent I graaa and a guard on the control of KING DAVID LODGE l.0 .0 f . been prepared all over a.^ain, w im wished Bill bad a nice, safe trans- but Diane said regretfully, "Sorry, for loafers, but as a government o f high type. Immensely progressive, a tervals of every half hour, completes W T IC 9:26— News Service briefly and Mr. Tuttle will outline atlactod: { tha admlnlatratlva agenclea of the fresh, dry blankets, having been fiort job. But It wasn't really Bill’s off on duty. I can’t make the plana. and for the people of Connecticut. very great patriot, auccesaful pro- her dinner tn a steady alienee at ten. used. Travetora Broaileasting Serrice, 9:30— Girl Interne—Joyce Jordan named o ; N ew Daol.** safe, either, Judy knew. A man And one of the very first and most paya her check, leaves no tip and 9:46— On The MaU The general committee consists lag held moter of splendidly enlightened re- TO EXEMPLIFY DEGREE In pilot's gray came out of one of A few minutes later the phone Haitlord. Cona. I Purthto ca fai hla article Hr. x. andera out. N o one knows who she Usually the sweat bath needs to 10:00— P retty K itty K elly o f Or. Knapp, Cfiiarlea S. House Miss oera acle Important duties confronting It la forma and one o f the most InteUI the ahliu. Judy wondered If hla pealed. It wm Mrs. Lane. "The 80.B00 W . 1040 K. U. 'iS.3 68. Is; no one ha* been able to find out. be given only on the first day, but It 10:16—Us On A Bus Marion Tinker. Mrs. George Borst. Cbmmani RPoeli aaya, hoarever: "tn their to put the liquor laws on a plane wife, too. worried when he was ship's going out, some sudden or- Baotor* Staoitord flme. gent economists the srorld has ever She alto near the orchestra, it la To Initiate Ciaas From Hart the fever continues It may be re- 10:45— Stepmother and Jamea Schaub. senior vti ■Mceaeful effort to renrin major worthy of a civilised state In a presumed, because she Is hard of listed every day for the first two or away. Diane made light of It, but ders. Nobody will be able to come. junior ' known; privately he was ruthless, ford Tomorrow Evening; Judy knew bow the dark night Mrs. Alcott.” 11:00— W D R C String Ensemble party atatua and erect a real oppo- civilised nation In the fourth decade hearing, but to the remainder of her three days. It gets the beat results P.M. 11:15— Ruth Carhart FALL Moriarty hard, a reckless debauche who de- strange behavior thefe are no clues. hours tormented her when the fleet "This la Judy." said Judy, "I’ll altlon In Oongreae and tha varloua Names Of Officers In Charge in young, strong adulU and snould 4:00— Bacitstage W ife 11:30— B ig Stater THRIFT Special FVeelove; of the twentieth rentury. was away at aea. tell mother. W e didn’t know." stroyed hla life by self Indulgence be avoided in the elderly and weak. 4:?6— BteUa Dallas ELKTON TOWN DIVIDED Thomas atatea, many Republican candidatca With Dwight, an engineering of- She had a vision of Dwight being 11:45— Aunt Jenny's Real Life W e hope—and believe— It will be and exceaaea. In recovering from Influenza, you 4:30— "V ic and Bade'' K ing David Lodge, I. O. O. F.. will ficer on a battlewagon. Marvel ordered to sea while Marvel waited Stories Gutxmer; gave encouragement to the Town- done. 4:46— Girl Alone But Kemal'a private life waa hla Finns OF GRADE SIX exemplify the Second Degree on can- must remember to keep warm at all would never have to worry. Judy 12:00 Noon— M ary M argaret Mc- Wetherell aand plan and other devlcea to pen for him to call for her at the Coro- 5:00— "Dick Tracy" ON MARRIAGE U W POLL own and his public life was Tur- didates being brought here from Umea. T w o enemas daUy should be hated herself for the way her eyes nado. Bride Naal A. I Moo elderly cltiaena. Moat Repub- taken, preferably In bed, aa It la not 5:15— “ Your Fam ily and Mine" P.M. Martin; : key's. They were as If they were Hartford Lodge tomorrow evening. clung to him. She didn’t want to Sure enough, he caMed a few STAGE ENTERTAINMENT desirable to get up to go into a cold 5:80— "Jack Armstrong" Had man; lican candldatea alao endorsed the no t job for states Many visitors are expected to wit- see his lean, graceful height, abe minutes later. "I guess you've 12:15— Her Honor, Nancy James Elkton, Md., Nov. 10. — (A P) — led by two utterly different Indlvld- bathroom, lest a chill occur. 8:45— “Little Orphan Annie” aodal objecUvea and many of the ness this degree, the exemplification didn’t want to see the way hla eyes heard. Tve got to go. Usten, 12:30— Ftomance o f Helen Trent Little inkton, bereft of its major in- man; chi California In rejecting the thirty- iiala. It la solely by what he did of which King David Lodge officers Aa the fever subsides, no food la were alight with bappinasa. if that Judy. Marvel doesn't understand. 6:00— Newa and Weather 12:45— Our Gal Sunday truateea: leglalatlve expreeslona to that end Hold ArmiHtire Day Program 6:18— M eet The 0>ach with Ekldie dustry—marriage— waa a town di- dollars - every - Thursday scheme, for hla people that he will be re- A l Grern School; are noted. to be taken, althouRh plenty of smile were for her—but It wasn'L She thinks I can give an excuse 1:00— Newa Service and Weather vided today aa votea for a m arriage ward Bi^ of the , putting a period The Pro- The following will take part In the watw Is helpful. A glass of water "Steady, Judy," she said to her- (tooey No chi Whieh there hml seemed to he n fair membered and very greatly honor and not go. Will you please go 1:15— "L ife Cton Be Beautiful" law ruinous to Its business rolled ii() to Old Guard Republicanism." srram Presented. degree: Noble Grand, Herbert Hurt; every half hour U about right. Every self. down to the hotel for me and ex- 6:30—W rightville aarion 1:30— Main Street— Hartford to an emphatic majority. original 1 prospect It would n«lopl In It.a ref- cd by all men and perpetually * * s 6:46—James Melton—Vic Arden’s Mr. Krock aaya that Democratic Vice Grand, Charles Warren; War- two hours you may havra a glass of plain to her? I only talked to her 1:45— "The Day la Oura” With an avalanche of ballots the IS. 1931 Pupil* of Grade fl presented an Orchestra erendum. has probably saved Itself revered by the 'Ttirka -whom he den. W llburg Loveland: Conductor, fruit juice. GeneraUy this acbedulc At ten thirty the great silver a few minutes. We’re ahovlne 2:00— Football Gam e— Holy (M>8s state put Ellkton's boom on the skids, named leaden however, apcaklng private- Armistice Pav program In the audi- off.” * 7:00— Am oa ’n’ Andy a lot o f trouble, it is nio:d unlike- found a race o f Illiterate slaves and Cleon Chapman; Chaplain, Thomas must be kept up fo r three or four ship came out of the sky and circled va Brown adopting a law that will require 48 3046 in h ly, “ made no aacret of their fears torium of the Green school yester- Maxwell; L.Sjy.G., Irving Barrett; days, after which you will be ready for a landing. They watched It, Judy’s insldea felt cold. She 7:15— Vocal Varieties 4:30— Tboae Happy Gilmans made tl ly that any project of the kind, par- left an amasingly progre.sslve r hours 'twlxt the license and the cere- i that the country was displeased day afternoon. The pupils of the U.S.N.G., Charles Roberta; L.8 .V.G to begin eating, using simple, easily powerful, swift, beauUful beyond didn’t want to explain to Dwight's 7:30—^Tha News Reporter mony. The law will become effec- France 1 tlon. school and many parents attended. with the form and administration tleulnrly one financed by any kind Edward -Stein; R.S.V.G.. Jamea digested meals. description. And then It was future wife that the Navy came 7:46— Studio Program tive In a month, and no more will i i Past Dep Kelne. o f a scrip plan aa the California The program wa* aa follows: taxiing to the apron, and almost first, that he simply had to obey 8:00— Rudy VaUee'a Variety Show "out-of-state couples descend on the F. Daley o f those poUcIbs.” .Salute to the flag, School. If your case has been severe, with Others taking Important parts aa aoon aa the propellers stopped the call of duty. Any girl in her 9:00—"Good News of 1939” "Gretna Green" for quick marriage , The < There arlU be many other com- one was to have been, will ever be America, School. a high fever, you should stay In bed are; Judge Eaton. Harry Sweet whirling, tbe cabin door waa flung senses would understand that with- 10:00— Bing Crosby and Johnny service. ' Poet coni successfully operated by a state ■'Heroes o f Peace", a play which one day for every day the fevev baa mentaton to translate all this as a In N ew York! L«yden Clark, Thomas Smythe open and on the steps the porter out any^ explanation.*! She re- 11:00— Newa and Weath r What removal of the marriage majority emphasized the iniport.ance o f our Fred Robinson. Arthur StaorU lasted— thus. If the fever waa prea- had rolled up, a girl waa standing membered the other glri’a cool self- "awing to the right" on the part of government. .So far as scrip financ- By Csorga Roas I 11:16— Don Beator'a Orchestra RADIO bustnesa will mean to Oils town of dents of great heroes. The cast Included; .Samuel Ih-entlcc, Alonzo Foreman, ent fo r four daya, a U y In bed for ------D a y ing Is concerned, there Is one She would be the first one out confidence, her look of accustomed 12:00—M ai Snyder’s Orcbeatra 3,600 population la best illustrated by Poet «'as the country. Tn Connecticut eny Florence Nightingale, Eleanor Glen- Scdrlck Straughan. four days after the fever Is broken. Judy thought arrogance. AJII. Eastern Staadard Tlnie. court records. They show that last tn attend euch interpretation o f the election very definite and sufficient reason ney: Edward Jenner, Ekiward Smith: August Simonson, Past Grand Is In the average, mild case, you will She bad red hair, this vision in Dwight waa begging her desper- lirSINESH IS TERRIBLY GOOD 12:30— Ramona and H er Orcbeatra month alone 2,308 licenses were Is-, conventlo for this—the state has no constitu- Joseph Lister, Harold Miner; Clara Degree Master. be ready to get up tw o or three days the cabin door. A trim taUored ately, "Please, Judy. I hated to will be received with complete 1 :00—Silent sued. prise In I Barton, Frances Duke; Enl. It 8:00—News and Weather U GUARDIA PROPOSES declares that "No state ••• shall Hawker* have bought up large The program waa announced by damp. One of the important things greetings over with. Dwight kissed N ot only will the three chains, flcMd o f t Alice Palmer. 8:15— Bradley Kincaid beUeved preponderantly In the jk!- make anything hut gold or sliver stock* of cheap editions of the more Center Items la to try not to go back to work her. The hostess who had come NBC, CBS and MBS be prepared to PUJ faninstle works hy H. G. Welles and SAMPLE FAIR DETAIU 8:30— Radio Bazaar give full vocal detaiU, but plana The Po Idea and objectives so skillfully and coin a tender In payment of debts," too aoon. You may be tempted to out of tha plane smilsd. a couple MEET OF PROGRESSIVES lire selling them In the open here. of descending passengers grinned, 8:48—"Jane Arden,” Dramatic also are under way to put the de- ducting s plausibly presented by .Mr. Roose- Today: rushback to work before you are and that deprives the atatea of the '\ e heard one al fresco salesman and a young man who had evi- sketch scription on the abort waves. 'This o f men FATHER, SON BANQUET The amall gym wlU be open for ready fo r It, but the wisest plan Is NEARING COMPLETION velt. would be an enormous harking the other night, "Read all 9:00— Hi Boys w ill be so that service men, no mat- • Sgparott High Brolgr and 81Iv< one power whieh. If they ‘posse.**aod handball from 6 to 7 o'clock. to wait until you are well over the dently become friendly with her New York. Nov. 10—(AP) — a ] blunder to asatime, from the re- al^iit them, the men from M ars— since thoy met la the alrltner'a 9:15— F(x>d New s ter where they are stationed In the heroism i It. might posslhlv. though far from The women's swimming elataet worst of the attack. In some caoea call tor a conference of the nation's take home a copy!” AT EMANUEL LUTHERAN cabin called, "Goodby, Mias Hast- Coventry Frajrinent Society 9:30—Qretchen McMullen world, can tune In. tlve servl sults of Tuesday's elections, that It certainly, make these srrlp plsns will meet as follows: where It aoema necessary fo r the pa- progressive political leaders to ' Only the Hterol-mlnded haye Inga. Happy L a n d l^ , isn’t It? " 9:45— The W ife-Saver The broadcast la to open at 1:15 conductec does not still believe In them—not 7:00 to 7:48, Advanced. tient to report back to vork. I sug- Memben Bu8y With Ar- solidify their forces was sounded to- • H govy Insulatioii workable. clung to the tomea by WeUA Other And then Dwight waa bringing 10:00— Mrs. W Igga o f tha Cabbage p.m. to get the pre-game pageantiy over 50 1 To Be Held Satarday Evening 7:45 to 8:30, L ife Saying. gest that the first day or so he work ranfemenl For Monday Eve- day by Mayor Florello H. La- CBly tn their desirability but In the •nnffht the advice Marvel toward her. Hts band was pAtcb coveted ■ A very great deal of non.sensa Is The bowHng allays wUl be open for only half a day, and I find ttu« Guardla. He proposed a meeting In possibility of their being put Into of hlbllophlles and have found out ITnder Aunpicen Of The all evening for bowling. under her elbow. Ha was acting ning’s Event. 10:15—John’s Other W ife Major G talked alKuit "sovereign states" arrangement la often oatisfactery. Progranas tonight: Washington next week. effect. inst Jules Verne had a pretty vivid Brotherhood; Entertninment The junior room wlU be open from aa though aha wen spun glass, and 10:30—Just Plain Bill Conc^lng Tuesday's national • Largg Fast Hgoting Ovgn 43rd D when we all know that no state ,s Imagination and there haa been a run precious beyond price. Coventry Fragment society mem- Talks— W JZ-N BC 9:30. Return to FeBtures. * Tor junior members. 10:48— Woman In White election results were "a black eye Brigadier But the country has very largely on him. too. And the public U buy- QUBSnONB AND ANHWCHH bers are busy with preparations for America’s Town Meeting. ‘The -sovereign or ean ever possibly be The following teams will use the "Darling, this ia Judy Alcott. 11:00— David Harum tor the {few Deal." the mayor, one ty, comm ing and renriing these fantasies this their Sample Fair, to be bald at Munich Agreoment.” Anne O’Hare loet Its faith In the capacity of the gym for basketball practice; \ou know 1 wrote you about her 11:15— Lorenzo Jones time Republican and now a member of the ( sovereign if It has no power to week with more aest than when they A few- tIckeU are still available (Breathing Dust) the CSiiirch Community house In McCtormlck, Gen. Hugh 8. Johnaon • Aufomcitie Top Bimigr President or of the Democrallc for the annual Father and Son ban 6:00 to 7:00, Falcons. Her father’s Admiral Alcott. Judy 11:30— “ Young W idow Brown” of the American Labor party, said pondence control Its own money. And since Wi re originally brought out Question: H. Y. writea: "Inaamucb this is Marvel." He added In a' North Coventry Monday evening and Felix M orley; W JZ-N B C 10:30, party to attain to the objectives— quet to be held at the Emanuel Lu 7:00 to 8:00. Royal Blues. 11:45— 'T h e Road o f L ife ” ha beUeved the damage could easily ment and there Is no one quite so fm ntle over Movie exhihitora. too, have seen as m y work keaps me In a very burst of happiness, "I hope you two from T o’clock on. Gen James O. Harbord on "The Lighting theron church Saturday evening 8:00 to 9:00, Sbimrocka. 12:00 N oob—Noontime Varletlee be repaired If progressives united i post was and In considerable degree Its for- an Immediate advantage in yanking dusty atmoaphers where there ia are going to like each other, Mrs. John E. Kingsbury, chair- Years Between."’ile rights aa ti' propose that under the auspices of the Brother- 9:00 to 10:00. P. A. A. C. P.M. on a “wall-defined, cleau’, concise"! headed I mer faith In the sincerity of the out the old films with planetary plenty of fins rock dust, 1 am know you wlUI" man, will be oaalBted by Mrs. Earl WEAF-NBC — 7:16 Vocal Vari- I each state of the .American Union hood. Members who wish to attend Tomorrow—Armlitlce Day. 12:15— “ H illtop House” program. Command casta of characters. The morning anxious to know If breathing these But Marvel's odd green eyes Miner, Mrs. Anna Anderoon, Mrs. eties; 8 Rudy Vallee; 9 Good News; professed policies. are asked to n'>tlfy Clarence Wog Both the Ekuit and W eft Side Rec- 12:30— "M y rt and M arge" lAGuardto aald that Progressives ! • Top Burnor Cevor-AB During I should have Its own money system, after the spurious "dlaaster." one were resting on Judy appraisingly, Edith Havens, Mrs. Floyd BUndish, 10 Bink Crosby; 13 Jan Savitt band. I t la not In the very least to be man, Herbert Nelson, Fred Lavey reation buildings win remain closed amaU particles for a long tim e would 12:45— ’’Singln’ Sam " Invited to tbe conference Included enterprising theater owner In Brook- and Judy waa suddenly glad abe d Mrs. C!harles Smith, Mlaa LUUan diately fo I nor any who would listen to him If or Evald Erickaon as soon as possi- on Armistice Day. be Injuriotu to my health ?" 1:00— Newa and Weather WABC-CBB—7:30 Joe Penner; Senator Robert LoFoUette of Wis- overlooked that In many Instances lyn put In a call for the picture worn the tla ailk drasa and her river flocH h. dl l. there la little ure In any ble. Saturday: Answer: If you bresjbe too large Ayraa, Mrs. Walter Pomeroy, Mrs. Kate Smith; 9 Major Hpwes am cooato. Senator George W. Norris I made out of H. G. Wells' "Things new shoes. M avel took In the Elsa Koehler. 1:15— Hi Boys • Minuto M indor members . ' where Republicans have displaced A turkey dinner w-tll be served, The girl’s tap dancing classes win a quantity of rock dust, thla may in teuia; 10 Workshop drama; 10:30 of Nebraska and Gov. Frank state attempting to do things which to Come." A demand waa heard at smoothly brushed blond hair, the Those who plan to attend ahould 1:30— M arjorie M llU Disaster I Democrats In Congress the Repub- followed by a progrnnr which will meet a* follows; tims injure the lungs; however it Is Americans at Work. Murphy of Michigan. Murphy was ' It could only accomplish If It were the Film Exchange for "King Kong. ” heart shaped face, the blue eyes secure their tickets In advance, 2:00—NBC Music Appreciation Manchesti include an address by Arthur H. 9:30 to 10:00, B e g l n n a r a usually necesaary to remain tn sucb WJZ-NBC—7 Easy Aces; 9 Jerry defeated tor re-elecUon by the R e-' licans hove prc.sentcd themselves as that memorable ahiver-pictura in with their shining fringe of lashes. possible. In addition to the red Hour can Red ( a sovereign power with all a sov- tiling, superintendent of the public 10;00 to 10:30, Intermediate. work quite a long time befor. this Belcher neighbora; 8:30 publican resurgenc*. | • E loctrk Light more definitely liberal than the than many "Oh. D w lghL I didn't know she oua bag of samples, a chance-^T* 3:00—The Story of Mary Martin GAS H A NGE ranted wi ereign power'.- rights. Including the buildings, came to pay schools here. Tony O'Bright, well 10:30 to 11:00, A d v a n c e d . occurs. If you notice any feeling of symphony; 11:30 Eddie de Long or- *'ss blond or I’d never have trusted 100 merchandise prises, and re- 8:10— Ma PerUns During Democrats they have ^fefeated. New York a visit. And there may known xylophone player, will pre- The junior boys swim m ing elaaa weakness « r any tendency toward a chestra. right to make w n r—or ostahlhsh le- y o u r she laughed. freshments of sandwiches and cof- 3:30— Pepper Young's Fam ily ~ as Its own There are a great ma.ny Connecti- be a connection between the ’’catM sent a group of selections and hu- wUI start at 9:30. There la aUn cough. It would bs well for you to What to expect Friday Armistice g "l tenders. room for more boys In thla claaa Dwight laughed, too. Judy eould fee go with the tickets. Ice cream 3:46—The Guiding Light • Sorvieo D row tr berfs ban I cnit voters who firmly Iteiieye that trophe ” In Grovers Mill, N morous motion pictures will be change to different work. If this can Day features: Enroll your son on Saturday morn- only amlle. and soda will be for sale. It ts al- 4:00—Backstage W ife of 45 well .Sc, long -a's the arreptnnee of anv I d '.®,**®®*"*"" •*’*' manager of the shown by Leonard Johnson. Group be arranged. After you start work- U e.m. ons mlmito of sUenee ell U. Senator-elect Danaher the state ing. Bill Racherek, who waa the "They were ao silly about bag- so expected that several' manufac- band won singing will be led by Fred Wer- ing tn an environment free from networks: 11:01 W A B O C B 8 From will have a much more earnest ad- pseudo m mo,,.rv heme depends on ! ^A^acula" "and " F r ^ r ii^ t e in " ^ Hfe guard at Globe Hollow, la the In- “ Dwlffht went turers of housebold utensils will ship at tl ner. structor. dust, you wtu probably find that Into the building to get her things tomb of Unknown Soldier; 13 noon vention h< vocate of advanced social legtsla- the will of the jndividusi such an ‘ extra w-eek. Instead o f foUowIng his arrange for demonstrations. much o f ths dust which haa coUect- ’•They charged me for overweight WJZ-NBC American fisglnn pro- 1937. Tb. Issue will be either worthless or 'and•• ----- —— replacing them. The regular men’s plunge period tloo In the Senate than It has ever ed tn the lungs will bs gradually and I got the newest linen luggage gram; 1:16 pjn. WOR-MB8 Cua- Not for year* have we been able to offer nich a value in an up-to-the-minute Gaa at the Ni .T M * " I course, cornea from will be from 7 to 8 o’cloclt STRIP ACT STRIPPED bad In Senator Lonergan. worth only what someone .shall see> LEGIOIfS RIFLE TEAM eliminated through expectoratloB, eo everything would be light!" W D R C dtoa club lundieon; 1:30 W EAF- umbus, O Hollywood. For a studio out there NBC Veterans of Forei^ - Wars* Never have the people of the fit to give for It. And that Ines- has announced that It will be able "It muat have been what you Chicago—Tbe star act at tha Ui9- 839 Hartforu, Ooaa. 191B Nation^ (Food Valna HlnUar) 3:80 WABC-CB8 Family of Nattons. Range. Investigate the many convenient features of this attractive model c.ap.ahU- fact Is what renders all to give the coimtry very shortly a put Into the bags," Judy » V 1 Chicago—The Mar act at the Uni- •era StaaBoitf TI getber wii country kept such a cV>s» eye on WINS ITS 3RD VICTORY Question: V. L aoka: "What food "Goodness, jtist nothing! Tbaie Datrtd Lloyd Georgs. Dr. Butler and scrip plans, for benefits o f what- versity of Chicago homecoming prizes for Oongresa as they will during the WoVid^"*""''*^ "Mara Attackatoe POLICE COURT valus, as compared with olive on, are some trunks coming by ex- othera; 3 WJZ-NBC From natlixiel dance Friday night baa been taken PM. next two inears. Upon the record ever kind, when legalized hy states Mancheotar’a American Legion does sesame oU h ave?" press." off tbe program. cathedral, Washington; S;80 MBS When eomplalnanta In the ca-,. alone, certain to break down. Big Town’s Big VUIage Rifle taam won Its third victory of Answer: The food value of sesame Judy thought of her ona evening ♦:4B—Matinee Promenada' Jewtsh War Vetorana; 4:30 MBS MtabUshed by the Republican denied In town court loot night that Iron Mask, senior honorary aod- the asaaon whan they defeated the oU Is very simUar to that of olive gown, which she wore over and 6:00—Ad Liner—Donee program from peace portal at BeUlngham. ■kembere o f that body, upon the Also there will always be a simi- v.nil- Greenwich they had bosa attockod by a man ety, bad planned to present a atrip Re g ular P rice . . *128.00 Middlefleld Rllla Club In a match oU. Corn oil and cottonseed elT are over. Marvel probably had ton. 8:90— Doris Rhodes— Songs Wash.; 6:13 WJZ-JfBC Women and Village Is the last survivor of more accused of broach of the peace, the tease dancer at the affair. wBieb to Term s . . . *5.50 down party’s social program as manifest- lar peril, though pos.sibl> not quite than 20 villagea once existing on at tha Manchester club’s range, win- also wholesome. booked aa the stag shag. 5:iS—The Mighty Show Armistice. arrested man against whom the ed by the votes and the advocacies Srreal, in state pension schemes M^hattan Island. Covering about ning by a acora of - 911 to P08. New- Tve decided 1 want to stay at Dean Leon P. Smith |m 8:00—N ew a Sertrtoe mmI Waather WEAF-NBC—9:19 Me Ferktoe' charge bad been lodged was dls- a hotel unto—untn—" Mavel said 9:18— "Howto W ing" Sp e cia l C ash P rice * 89.50 o f tboM members In the forthcom- financed by taxation, particularly 863 a c t^ , it has 41 churches and a comb of the Mancheater team was (Bneoia) wouldn't allow the strip tease te?__ 3:16 Tour Fam ily and Mine. W E A F - Poa university and its eight savings high gun with a score of 187 out of mlaaed by Judga Harold W. Gar- when they were In the ear. They 9:90—TM ay with Bob Trout »N ai what (hsaealsai ing Cnagreaa, will depend solely sales or transaction taxes; because rity. WiUlam Frederieka. S3, of QuesUon; Mr. T. R. wants to It's beneath the dignity at the CBS— 3:30 MuMc hour; 9:16 Man 3 Y e a rs to Pay Juti tonlu confVol nearly 7 per cent of *111# Scoraa: were squeezed very tightly. Dwight varsity,’’ 9:46—**nia Brown Family"—Hart- behind the stare. W JZ-NB(%-3 w M N r IFa a caoa af "to U a g a ir New Loadoo waa the accused who know; "Is there any danger tn using « “pidtiag M ”-thara^i4iito eafa the chance o f the rehabilitation of Inevitably sales or transaction tax- the total savings in the country. It sTba Bcorea fbrd Public School Serlea Continental vartotlee; 4 From War- was discharged. tha enema every dty for two weeks. nda: Falaw M tod; adoft ao diet, the Republican party. es beyond a very low limit of tol- 1?.,!’.*^*®'" N iagara Falls, Troy. Ky doctor advises It" T:00—D e p t Adjutant WUltom C. saw, Poland's anniversary. Ukea-Barre or Charlotte, but the Paoquale Cricoo, 28, of Hamden a^. akan o l . take no medicine ^ flie people of thla country have OH ToL Answer: You may safely follow Murray of American Legion at Some Frtitoy short waves: OSO erance must result In an Increase Vilift^6 is b^8t 'Ti EE far Newcomb was found guilty of vtolaUoa nf wHhaut ths ad rice * f jrear phnl- 42— 187 your doctor's advice. Dally washing Oona. GSD GSC GSB (38L 7*05 *hu-TW weight aroHeai to Begun to vote for themselves, not In prices which will drive business ronerrned. as the place where Weat Donze ... 39— 185 rules of the road, and received a with plain urarm water for a period T:16—HoUyxaood ScraenocooM — Television to aeUen; DJD Beiiin ■ w^htm era. bflMSaaia Your Saving P * * ^ iebala and sot for plaual- out of any aUte that boa recourse Fourto Stroet crooaea W eot ’TwslfUi Carlaon .. 39— 182fine o f 910 and coots. William ’38 ^2*^5 Per Month of two weeka would not prove any Oeoega McCall 8:45 Edueatlan of Tooth: OLR4A MaMlyhiAatraeeda.Whatwai Street* Chagnot . 40— 179 Majosy, 19. of Stafford Springs, W ATKINS BROTHERS *la pcMBato or iriatialbla voices. to them oo a large scale. more injurious than using plain T40—>J(M Poaaer P ragos 10:40 M U U r y baito. Dartre .. . 40— 179 charged with ovarcrowdtog a >~v4~r 9:00 ■ K a te iSmlUi Hour TBey wCD keep on. And they don’t In short whatever of merit there Mystery Womea warm water to wsoh the face. vehicla, was flasd $5 and easts. m.T4k*Mi gitve B boot IB the dark for party Wt’ve written baforo about To tola 9:00—M ajor BowaT Am ateur Hour NKDTEB Lad may be to such acheroea— sad we the 912 CSiargud with tmpropsr regtstra- FU N ERAL SERVICE 10:00— Cbhimfato Workshop nystartoua lady o f RuoMaa witen tlon of a motor vehicla, John F M e by BO meana convinced that federal taxes gain 10:30— Am ericans a t W ork who bos bean tuntlag up alona at K. OH Tot. Jurglas, 34. c f South Windsor, was' New Tork.—Sex Instnietloo haoad twe there may not be great merit In Bstabliahed 1874 11.-00—Sports. Newa and Waatiiar 0*1 the study of hlgbor ammeie k .. the opening nlghte for flva yaara and Morrtooay 43 46— 186 arrestsd last night by PoHcamaa Hartford. Nov. 10—(A P )—Fad- 11:16— V laeeat Lopaa* Orebeatra bsM bsaned to New Tork d ty Juator ONE OF THE TASKS •ome quite Uberal old age peaMon 2.®''*^ **“ conaentad to raraal her Ogosaloy . 43 46—183 Herman Mnake. Edward MeKsavar identity. aral taxaa eonsetod Ib Ooaaaetieat R. K. ANDERSON. DIRECrOR 11:90— Laighton Nobla'a O reb w tra wfc gebooln. Manchester Division Pasdlatoa 43 41— 183 WELDON DRUG

PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT ISSUES TO UEAVE ON SATURDAY HISTORY OF ANDERSON-SHEA POST AND psndad for ebar^y during SsMsai- tbe C M r , ARMISTICE PROCLAMATION SU6HT AID COST RISE, bar, wbils last mooBi wm deVeighsr FOR A TRIP TO spent AS ot thsos totals___ tre K e lly BT THE PRESIDENT REUEF UST SMALLQt large tocraaso over those of a L AUXILIARY NO. 2046 OF THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA News From Manchester's Neighbors an In October whoa oa^ nt trad A PROCLAMA'nON Mr. And Mrs. Vincent Binello pie were carisd tor at a montb^ mo rta win be Figures Show Higher Per cost of 56JI01A8. leastoa has To Spend Vacation In Na- WHEREAS, the preamble to Senate Concurrent Reeolutlon Capita Expenditure Due To pprovai at IS. Slxty-ntath Oongreaa (44 SUt. 1982), paased June 4, 1925, Hra Land; To Return service for Mias Daisy White Tues- pany la working out a complete Fuel Buying Need. leems ours recitea that November II, 1918 "marked the ceaaatlon of the Around Christmas. H EBR O N day at 3 p. ra., was very large, tha coverage alarm system and this xiaess wBI moat destructive, aenqulnary, end far-reaching war in human BUSINESS PLACES OPEN Hebron CongregaUonal church be- will be discussed nt this meeting. PDBUC RECORDS MISS a. B. PENDLETON ST A F F O R D ot offleers annals and the resumption by the people of the United States ing pracUcally fiUed to capacity. All men are urged to be present. Although there wa» a reduction of f come np VETERA NS O F F OREIGN W ARS of peaceful relations with other natlona, which we hope may Mr. and Mrs. \0ncent Binello of 1304-8, WUllmaatlc 50 In the number of persons cared Warraatsa Many of her former pupils were Kefreabments will be served. never again be aevered"; and 312 1-2 Main street leave from New for by the Town of Ma.ichezter dur- According to a warrantaa deed York Saturday noon on the Conte present from this and surrounding Guests at the home o f Mr. and SPRIN GS recorded at tbe office o f TUwn d a rk tad to tbe WHEREAS, the said concurrent resolution provides DURING ARMISTICE DAY Ca^datea on the RepubUcan towns. The floral tributes were Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Sunday, were ing October, os compared with De Savoia for an extended trip to JOHN C. NETTO Samuel J. Turkington, JaBa and e founeUng "T h a t the President of the United States Is requested to Mr. and Mrs. William Holden of September’s count, the refief coots 1 Today’s artides in th « currant Armistica anniversar>’ their native Italy. elected aa the result numerous and beauUful. Miss White 472. Stafford Gertrude Reinarts have conveyed to tribute to ■ A issue a proclamation calling upon the officiala to display the flag Casco. Me., Mr. and Mrs. Francis for last month roze by 83.85, It waa A n _ t a _ — w ajp,______* ..... seiiM dtea th « formation and history of Anderson>Shea Mrs. Binello has a number of her baarers were Howard, Herbert and of Tueeday^e election, A surprislng- waa very well known -not only in (tarl A. sad Erllne J. Krause, ‘resltv m paid tor Oificen of Anderson-Shea Post, V. F. W, o f the United States on all (Government buildings on November this but In other towns, and her Holden. Mr. and Mrs. Am ie Flydal revealed today from figures compil- P o ^ 2046, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Included in the 11th and inviting the people of the United States to observe tbe Immediate family living near Turin Rockville Mills To Be Oper- Jesse Hewitt, John O’NeU. WUUam *il.'"** There are Stafford ed by the towm charity department. located at Benton and Wsdswora tvelopmeat (Pledmonte) and Mr. BlneUo also character was of the type that won nnd Miss Ha Hamilton of Hartford. went Democratic by streets for a sum indleatod' by local ” ^ ld stripe” organisation are men who have served day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appro- SchlUInger snd Charles Murphy 535 names on the voUng list. 479 about 100 Thua, the per capita average for if. has relatives In Jhe same section. friends and so far aa known not a plurality In Tuesday's stamps sa-83,500. - in the Spanish'American war, the Philippine Insurrection, priate ceremonies expressive of our gratitude for peace and our Burial waa in Orova HUl cemetery. votes were ciast, representing 89.5 October was up over that for Sept- ide as ad- desire for the continuance of friendly relations with all other neo- Much of their Ume will be spent ated Toinorror, Schools StyUst Oavs Talk P«^t voting. It was tha largeat single enemy. She will be greatly »tate election and elected tw o ^ m r ember by approximately thirty-six James F. Horton has convayed a orld’a Fair Boxer Rebellion, China Relief Expedition and campaigns plea"; and with these r^atives although vlsita At the meeting of Stanley DobOss vote ever polled In the town. Both missed, especially from her home ocratlc representatives to the Gen. cents. The Increase was laid to the dwelling located on WooAaad street , a mem- in many ^ p i c outposts for which the government issued to Venice, Rome. Napier and other Unit No. 14 of the American Legion parUes worked hard to get out their circle. For many years since tha re- T O LL A N D need for distribution of fuel at tbia to Marshall A. TyrreU ter |5,00(b ‘ PProved May 18. 1938 (Public No. To Have Half Holiday; I^’ rOTicls J. F a g a n records at tbe town derk’a ottee ta> ^upartmeat a distinctive todge or bar. The local post owns their own points of Interest are planned. They AuxUiary held on Wednesday eve- voters. tired from acUve work In teaching MRS. JOHN H. STEELE season. Psi to Include 510, 75th Congress) the 11th day of November In each year la lion for rc-Hec- dlcate. home at Manchester Green. expect to return to Manchester ning a styUat from O. Fox and Co. she has lived at home and looked 839-4. RockvUle lion ran ahead of the entire tleket During September 1.127 peraons veiop •TMt. made a legal public holiday to be dedicated to the cause of 4iforld around Christmas or New Year's. One unusual feature was ths big Edward J. Holl baa sold to Helaa Tomorrow’s installment includes Manchester’s hero peace and to be celebrated and known a # Armistice D a y and Banks And Public Offices store In Hartford gave a taifc on w te for McLevy, Socialist esadidsta out for (he welfare of her aged were cared for by direct relief while nlng As operators of the Armory Tav- mother. I. Griffin, Autumn sttebt property trol, WHEREAS, It is especially fitting at this time of world un- Fashion Trends. The meeUng was tor governor. He polled 69 Hebron nillszari, his running mate, ra- last month the figure dropped to dead of the World war. Gold Star Mothers and the first ern at 306 Main street, both have Many years ago Mias White be- *^ e Woman’a AuxUiary o f the for an amount Indicatad by stamra ance, CT rest that November 11, 1938, the twentieth anniversary of the largely attended, and at the conelu- AM op^lienta. 1,077. A total of 88,641.68 was ex- as 81.500. iw installment o f an interesting history of the part played in a wide circle of frienda, who will be To Be Closed. - I “ contrasted with perhaps I came e member of the Methodist Tolland Fire (Tompany met In busi- play. Armistice, should be observed with suitable ceremonies mani- Interested to know that during aion of the talk refreshments were OT 2 In ^ r io u s years for the same the Worid war by Company G, 102nd Regiment, Yankee festing our belief that peace can be attained only by non aggres- served. church at Hopevale, but since the acsslon Wednesday evening at draroi - (A P) — Other candidates on the tha home of Miss Bertha Place. 1 31 a received sion. and can be made enduring only by respect for the rights their absence the tavern will be In sendees were discontinued there she i , « 6 and 1.177 respectively. . Ml Division. charge of Albert Tambomlnl. forv The membership of the AuxUiary f l ^ l l s t ticket ran far behind the of others and good will among the nations of the world. Rockville. Nov. 16— (Special)— has been Identified more or less with After the bustneos procedure tbe Governor Wilbur L. CroSs, dem- OTe's c«iM b«v« 4 mer owTier of Tam's GriU. All pat- U 99 at the preaent time with the you n r governor, poIUnr from 16 social hour was spent In games and > i M v e t l w AinMCBSOIf-BlIKA POtil quota for 1939 being 140. the OongregaUonal church bare. I'he ocratlc, polled 1,182, Baldwin. Re- It are ball Held, and outdoor tables and NOW, THEREFORE. I, F R A N K LIN D. ROOSEVELT rons of the Armory Tavern wlU be Although Armistice Day baa been to 81 votes. It ti believed that these refreshments were served by the «• iwutnl benches and flreplacss ars being President of the United States of America, do hereby direct that The Auxiliary voted to adopt two Rev. Wallace (Janney of Westches- liV** McLevy. soclal- the m For Mvaral years previous to Uis assured the same courteous service declared a legal hoUday tUs year, votm came mainly from tha Demo- hostess. ist, 376. The Democrats carried Wh constructed for use of tbe post, on Armistice Day, November 1 1 , 1938. the flag of the United and fine foods as heretofore. many of the places of btialneae will famlUes ot veterans who are hoa- cratic forces. They materially re- ter assisted the Rev. Berl A. Lewis otganlsaUoii of a Vetsrans of For- •>« displayed on all Government buildings, and I invite In conducting tha funeral aervlce. The regular meeting of Tolland the tovra by nearly 400 In 1986. Out their auxiliary and the town's youth or- rcm&ln open. pltalUed at Newington to fumUh duced the vote for Oovernor Crosa, Grange will be held at the Com- aign Wars Post In Uanehsster, ellft- ganisations. u e observanM of the day by the people of the United Stats with gifts at (^rietmaa time. voters approximate- plaint The mills In Rockville will be run- who this year received 155 votes as munity House Tuesday evening, ly 0() per cent cast their ballots grade Us caadidatss tof tbs order, "ths commander of tbe unit since Its With appropriate ceremonies In schools, churches, and oth<»r nlng, and the majority at the mei^ Tuesday. ITS ALWAYS A suitable places. compared with 197 at the last elec- November 15. aopbo' gold strips orsanlsatlon of tbs Unit- organisation are: Archie Kilpatrick. ARRANGE TO IMPROVE ''u ta have decided to keep their tion. (1931); Joseph Moriarty, (1933); IN W ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand The Ladles Aid society of the Fed- ...rP '’ of probate for the dls- nrnlor sd Statss" had souftt to form a [|toree open for the day. The echooia IW d r ^ A. FiUmore and Walter A N D O V E R tnet of Stafford and Union, .State's Clarence Peterson, (1933); Neal A. erated church will serve the Novem- ( United States of America to be affixed. be closed for baU a day. cloa- repreeenta- MRS. JOHN HUTCHINSON Attorney Michael D. O’Connell was natt la tbs town but it wsa not un- CTheney, (1934); William Barron, ^ DONE at the City of Washington this twenty-fifth day of TOLLAND TURNPIKE HEREA W APPI N G ber supper at the church aoclal lUk til tbs winter at 1930 when Andrew at noon, with appropriate exer- MRS. W. W. G ltANT Uvea to tbe Oenaral Assembly on WUlimanue 157-6 rooms Friday evening, Nov. ii. ■^elected for his tenth term. Judge (1935); William Leggett, (1936); (^tober. In the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty- sea being held at the morning see- the Republican ticket. O Connell was unopposed In the Joy ac Roltsbsimer and a group of active eight. and o f the Independence of the United State of America 5800, Manchester Notify your friends and come and David McCOUum and Chesterfield Residents Petition Selectme* Sion. Dr. E d ^ R. Dlmock (D ) polled contest. MI LD WI NTER B lit ft workers from tbe U eu t Caldwell Plrle, (1937); Lawrence Redman, the one hundred and sixty-third. With the RapubUcona victorious enjoy a good supper and social fascini And Work WiU Be Started Tbe Rockville Public Library and M H local votes for county sheriff. gathering. Announcement has tieen made of Obit Robinson Post, No. 353 of Hart- (1937-35). banka, as well as other public of- Mr. Mrs. Lamphere o f Wa- In all but two o f the offices on the the marriage of Miss Agnes Geary, stage, ford began earnestly to secure FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. HIS opponent, Harvey Oolllns of Mr, and Mrs. Bonks and fomUy By the President: Soon; Many Use The Road. fices wiu be cloeed for the day. ot Konomak Oilumbla, polled 338 votee. ’'Tila waa state Uoket those o f governor and ^u gh ter of Mrs. Julia Geary of self lx signatures of prospects, that ths have closed the Stryker home where his poi ANDERSON-SHEA POST CORDELL HTHAm There will be no rural or city de- Oran^. were the guests of Wap- Furnace avenue to Joseph Gavin KAtAuLlK. 3m. >V. ’ .YF. ' . town was assured representation In a handsome ahowlng for DlmOck os sheriff, George A. Merritt, Repub- they ha^e spent the summer and > tv ' f. AL’XnJARY OF V. F. W. Seerstary o f State. The town o f fcast Hartford has livery at the Poat Office, and the P j ^ Orange on Tuesday evening. •OT of Mra. Patrick Gavin o f Lynn, "Ar -a;.*.. , . ‘ . . faced : Hebron la so strongly Republican. returned to the home of Mrs. Bonks ths ranks of tbe V. F. W. so Improved the section of Tolland stamp window will be open from 8 They are friends of Miss Elea^r lican, won the elecUon for repreaent- Moss. The ceremony which took After making many contacU Ahderson-Sbea Auxiliary, Vetsr- ot€ad. Un*fl*a C. Sellers alao made a fine parents, Rev. and Mra. Leonard One ans of Foreign Wars was organised turnpike that starts at Station 33, a.m. to 10. Tbe money order win- run for Judge o f Probate on tbe aUva over hla opponent John H. place Saturday afternoon at the ■■awHg tbs sllglbles for ths forma- Stryker at Youngstown, Ohio. ,|P A. Vf* Club on May 6, IM l and tbe officers In- through to tbe .west line of this dow wiu be closed for the day, but A Bu^rUe parly waa held u Yeomans by eleven votes. There are immaculate Conception church. tkm o f a post, a prsUmUiary meet- ^m ocratlc ticket, polling 316 votea Harry EasUond with his daughter Malden, Mass., was performed by perieni n»i stalled by Alice D. Ryan, Depart- tomorrow morning at 9 a. m. for town, local residents have aaked tbe lobby wUl be open for thoee wedding annlver- Hla apponent, J. Banks Jonee (R ) 318 voters on tbs list and Tuesday, ing eras bdd In tbs state armory on taty of Mr. and Mrs. Potwln Bertha and ton Harry Jr., epent the theRev. Nagle, postoS; memlM ment President of tbe State of Con- the parade and Memorial exerclaea. that there be some repairs made to having mall boxes or desiring to received 344 votea. 801 votes were east making this 99 week end with relatives at Norwich, ■ I S *^ ’1 February 35,1931, and tbe prospecu OPEN FORUM There will be two special attrac- take care of the travel over ths leave maU. T ^ strsst Mr. sad Mra. Potwln percent vote. There were 104 The bride wore a gown of du- I was necticut. Twenty-seven members New officers of Anderson-Shea Post, V. F. W „ (above) are: Seated, left to righL Neal A rsiennv Mrs. FlUmore, (R ), poued the Conn. bonnet velvet with matching acces- fbr securing tbs necessary support tions this year in the parade: the Manchester section of the road. BoU Call Tonight straight Republican tickets, 103 seemer In members were found greatly en- wars Initiated Into membership In adjutant; F r s ^ VMluari, Junior vice commander; Lawrence Redman, commander; N a t £ Mllw-, s ^ o r vice largeat vote o f any candidate on the straight DemocraUc tickets and 3 Lewis Price Is reported at this sories end a corsage of orchids. commander; ^ r t Moseley, quartermaster; William Leggett, service officer; a y d e Beckwith, sergeant- APPEALb TO VETERANS Anderson-Shea Poat. V. F. W, Na- Tbe highway committee of the Tbe annual Roll Call and supper V tbougb tbe unit tbe first night. The first wmi “ •’y “ >• Rev. entire ticket, with 804 votes for straight Scctallst. Eighty-nine tick- writing aeriously lU. Mrs. Victoria Rfreddo of High oeuraglns. officers were: Jor, Htldlng Gtutafson, chaplain; Edward Cobb, trustee; John Glenncy, officer of the day. tional (Champion Fife and Drum Board of Selectmen has gone over of the Rockville Baptist church will D.D.. who for could i Representative. Her running mate, ets were spilt and three rejected. Rev. and Mrk. Valentine 8. Alison • tr ^ t WM matron of honor and OCleets Elected President. Letitia Rady; senior Editor, The Herald: CVirps and the Ladles Drum Corps this part of the pike and decided to be held this evening at the church ?“ y y*on was pastor o f the First After I Walter B. Wright, received 375 Eleven absentee ballots were cast spent Tuesday as guest of relatives wore wine velvet with matching The Manchester Permanent Joint social rooma. Supper wlU be aervad OcmgregaUonal church o f East accust' A tentative slate of officers was vice prsaldsBt, Elisabsth Phelan; of the Woman's Benefit Association have Improvements made. This work votes, (tarlton H. Jones, (D ). nomi Tbe annual supper party and en- at Bridgeport, Ck>nn. ecceseories and a shoulder corsage Junior vice presIdenL Eleanor Free- won by ths unit at N «w Britain In Wilson; banner bearer, Lillian Lin- Armistice Day Committee urges of HarUord and the driU team of the will be started at once. This is by tbe Ladles Aid aoclety at tha W fau^. Mrs. Potwln was tbs for- for a I selected fOr tbe new unit, aa yet un- m w MUs MUdred HamUtoa. nee for RepresentaUve, made tertainment for the husbands of the Miss Minnie Hicks of Tolland and of orchids. Mr. Gavin was at- tovs; secretary, Florence Sullivan; June. 1932. ders. every ex-service man In Manchester Woman's Benefit Association of another road that Is being used by church with Mrs. A. H. Hartenatein quered named or undealgnated. at a meet- Wapping Oraags held Ita regular good showing, running strongly members of the Andover Mothers' Now York has returned to her New tended by James O'Brien of treasurer, Bertha WethereU; chap- One of the services of the unit is IN ME.MORIAM and vicinity to join with them In the Manchester. many In going to Hartford. aa president. In charge. Swampscott. Mass. when 1 tag held ou March S, 1931. Tbe om- Overnight News ahead o f his ticket, with a vote of club will be held at tha town hall York Caty winter home. uc au oers selected at that time were: lain. Joanna Jackmore; guard, Ruth a quarterly visitation to tbs Vet- Martha Rogers annual Armlstico Day exercises, the Here's hoping to see the veterans FoUowlng the supper the RoU CaU Tuesday evening with A reception followed at the 191. This la the first Uma he I this evening. A pot luck sup- &Irs. Mable Newman Morgansen, I R commander, Archie Kilpatrick ; Frasier; historian, Margaret Brown; erans hospital to bring cheer to the Mary Thomson parade at 9 o'clock Friday morning with us this year 100 per cent of those whose names are on the present The Stratfleld hotel, where a wedding toU ov^ Oranges were represent been up for any Important office. per wUl be served, nt seven. spent Tuesday as guest of her sis- senior vice commander, Harry Roth: patriotic instructor. Aides Gutsmer; Inmates there, with smokes, tobacco, { Mary Frazier and tbe Memorial exercises follow- membership roll of the church will dinner wot served. Following a Of Connecticut JAMES McCnTLLOUOH eu: Vernon, Manchester. HlUs- There were many split tickets, Mrs. WUllnm Barker of Brook- ter, Mrs. Gertruds Newman Gaffney ThU junior vice commander, Joaepn color bearers, Mary Segerdahl, Hel- matches and other necessities which i ing at 1 1 o'clock at the Memorial Secretary. be made and this will be followed by M d os a result counting waa alow. lyn, New York, Is spending several motor trio to Maine Mr. and Mrs. Y.M.C.A, Notes a musical program. town, Konomak, Farmington and In Hartford and visited her nleoe. and Pe Moriarty: officer of the day, Boyt en Roth, Evangeline Small, Mar the patients need. By ASSOCIATEU PRE88 hospital. Veterans, regardles of their Manchester Permanent Joint The Republicans boasted 18 3 weeks with her slater, Mrs. L. B. Gavin will be at home after Dec- Rev. Elbert E. Oates, D. b . of Enfield. Manchester Orange ladles Miss Althea Newman, Registered every p FTeelove; officer of tbe guard, garet Brown. Past President Mrs. Elizabeth ex-service affiliation, arc urged to Armistice Day Ckimmlttee. Today ■tralght Ucketa, the Democrats 180. Whitcomb . ember 1 at 34 Chestnut street. Hartford, general secretary of the degree team worked the third de- nurse at the Hartford hospital, con- Lynn. Traveling the bnde wore nected Thomas Scott; sentinel, Richard President Letltla Rady resigned Phelan was elected President of the CUFFORD’S CELEBRATING attend. 4:30-5:30—Junior boys handcraft There were 169 splits, and three re- The annual elecUon of officers for Hartford—Federal Judge Edwin Connecticut Baptist convention will grta on a eUos of caadldatea, and valescing from an appendicitis a blue ensemble. Mr. Gavin Is Wbei Gutsmer; quartermaster, Clarence her office at ths next meeting of the Hartford County Council, serving This year Is the 20tb anniversary UVE LOOT with Harry Thompson. jected. On the whole the differenoa Andover Subordinate Grange was unit and President Eleanor Freclove from 1934 to 1935. Mary Ketah. C, Thomas dismissed a patent In- give the address of the evening. Wapping Grange officers worked held Monday evening with the fol- operation. with the Lvnn Gas company. toeahmi Wetberell; quartermaster sergeant, of tbe signing o f the Armistice. It U 6:30-7:30—O n ter Springs gym- ths fourta degree. On account of In strength between the two parties was insUlled In that office. Presi- ANNIVERSARY SALES Sons of'Veteraaa lowing reaulta; Master, Olga Und- A delegation from Stafford Unl- membei Nsal A. Cheney; adjutant, Clarence another member of the unit, was fringement auit brought by the not only that but Is the first Armis- (Chicago — George (Hementa, a nasium period. tas counting o f the town votM the la not BO great aa In former jrears, dent Frselovs served two terms. An im p o r t^ meeting o f the Sons holm; Overseer, John B. Hutchinson; Jm versallst church attended the mid- ambttio Martin; Sergeant Major, Lawrence secretary of the COimcU at that time United States bat machinery corp. tice Day proclaimed by the Presi- lecturer from Alaska, la a bit con- 6:30-8:30—Olrl Scouts meeting bjislness meeting had bo be held „ when the Republicans predominat- On May 14, 1931 the auxiliary of Veterans will be held this eve- In Lecturer, Lillian Hamilton; Steward, year conference of Unlversallst aet out Rodman: Judge advocate, J. F. New. and Is serving as treasurer this Bn.vs’ Department Three Years against the Boesch Manufacturing dent of tbe United States as a cerned about a thief, and somewhat on the second floor social rooso. ed by two to one or more. convention and Women’s 'Unlversai- members helped pos* members in year. Florence Peterson, 18 months puzzled, too. ning at the O.A.R. hall. A t this time “PP*' Howard A. Stanley; Assistant Stew- I "tri man: chaplain, Clarence Peterson; Old: Has Built Up An Ever Company, Inc. National holiday. 7:00— Pirates club meeting with waa held In the main room. One noticeable feature of elacUon MARLBOROUGH Ist Mlssionoi^ Soctety of Connecti- friends, the sale of Buddy Poppies and they trustee. CHementa told police hla partner Ed Wilson. plans (or the remainder of tbe fall ard, MorUmere Friedrich; (Captain, trustees: Warren Thompson, Ed- New Haven—The American As- The committee Is disappointed In Newly elected officers o f the day thia year waa the pulling down MRS. HOWARD LORD cut In New London yesterday. badly. I ward Balf, Carl Anderson. have assisted the post in this Im- The poet and auxiliary conducted Increasing: Patronage. waa stolen from his locked trailer, 7:30-8:30— St. John's and Tigers and winter acUvlUea will be dls- Anna Lindhoira; Treasurer, Doris S. sociation of Museums opened a two- the action of Magehester's two euosed. *• MlUer auxiliary of South and destrucUon of pollUcal placards. Hutchinson; Secretary, Ellsworth L. The following births took place I recrii No changes were made In tbs portant branch of relief work since. the dedication of the Manchester day New England conference at but no doubt the thief'had a stiff combined gymnasium period. Windsor were Installed by the past This was done repeatedly, aa soon 834-3, Bast Hampton at the Johnson Memorial hosnital FOR KOPPERS COKI USERS On June 19-31. the Auxiliary at- starting to)mplctc" boys' depart- killed and three others injured when Remember, this la YOUR day, a day Carmel. Mrs. MUdred Johnson and lah and were probably perpetrated Pupils having perfect attendance F. Daley of Hartford. ticipated In such work and endeav- be served by the auxiliary to poat the League will get under way the tbe meeting held last week la the Dem. Rep. Boo. A fur eeal, returning to Its sum- fuel. The making of oos ton of Koppers Coke requires ment. Mere, everything the alert, an automobile overturned on the you rtould be well proud of, the one Tokyo. Nov. 10— (A P )- T h e pop- Mrs. Hilda Garvey o f the Brown by some o f the younger and rough- In the Andover grammar school for In m; ors as to give the post the most help and auxiliary members. Past Presi- Thursday after Thanksgiving. Sykes Auditorium. A t the meeting Governor...... 69 87 83 mer home on the Prlbllof Island- Tbe charter of Anderaon-Sbea active younsters needs will be found Amity road here and caught afire. day In the year you meet especially ulatlon o f Japan increased by 9 6 ^ tonight, further plans will be dis- Landere unit Officers InstaUed er element The green and side tbe months ot September and Octo- the use o f one snd ons-hslf tons o f die finest selected the tjun Post contains over 200 names, the possible. In conducting special sales, dent Anna Barron will prc.sent the Tomorrow ber, were; Grade 1. Stanley Thomp- Lieutenant k after the winter migration, touches when you want It and at the price The injured. Floyd Lacy, 45, the to honor those buddies who made ooo during 1937-38 despite the war cussed In regard to the AaeoctaUon. ww as feUowa: Prealdent. Mrs. streets were strewn with tom pieces one of rummage, food and prepared Auxiliary banner and Past Presi- 3:30—UtUe tots tap, social and son and Virginia Coveil; Grade 3, Oovernor ...... 94 105 40 land for the first time In seven to coals. Wasteful impurities are removed. You gee majority of whom have been resi- you want to pay. From dress-up driver, Robert Btanger, 31. and W il- the supreme sacrifice over there, with China, the cabinet Bureau of Cliarlty Card Party Maty Chichy; senior vice-president, through the day and afterwards. In Mane dents of this town for years. The Thanksgiving and Christmas bask- dent Gertrude Buchanan will pre- shirts snd suits to hooded sweat- character dancing. Mrs. Laura Stratton; Junior vice- Thornton Thompson, Arthur Plnney Secretary of nine months, during which It has liam Devlin, were taken to the Now those who never came back. 1 statistics announced today. The The annual Charity card party of The Volunteer Fire Department State...... covered 5.000 miles. praaically all pure heat-producing carbon- To you These Post was active from Its inception ets for those needy members and aent the American flag. Accept- sbirta and toughly-tallored knickers 4:15— Tap dancing class. president, Mre. Adella Benjamin and Maralyn Crowley: Grade 3, Gor- . 105 104 39 Haven hospital. All were employes Oet behind your committee and;Bureau Usted populaUon of O ct 1 tbe Rockville Emblem Club wlU be waa called out Tuesday to taka care Treasurer ...... that ai< In attendance at the various annual their families during the depres- ance of the two flags will be by —everything along the line will be 5:00— Social dancing for boys and ••cretary, Mrs. Isabel Burton: don Crowley and Lawrence Krosel; . 103 106 39 this means evojn, dspsndsble heat, lass furoseo work, of the telephone company. report at the Army and Navy club at 73,233,700. held at the Elks Home on Wednes- of a chimney fire at the Ruesell Comptroller ... themsel conventions, the unit winning first sion years. President Helen Gustafson. found In this department that's a girls. treasurer, M ra Sarah Rose; chap- Grade 4, Anns Baahko and Barbara . 103 105 38 day evening, November 80th. There Strickland place In Amston. It was Attorney greater economy sod s comfottabls wioter. Koppers conflder prise In the convention parados for The unit also conducted children’s Pa-st Presidents of the unit are: Boys' Shop of Its owm. Sweater i, lain, Mrs. Naomi Rose; historian. soon brought under control. The fire SamueU; Grade 5—Annie Merritt. ariu be both Progressive bridge and Genres] ...... 103 105 39 fore a { six consecutive years. parties on several occasions each Mrs. Eleanor Freclove. ties, hats, raincoats, shoes and rub- Mrs. Gertrude Millerj eergeant-at- company bad not been called out for Eleanor (tarlson, Helen Gasper; Pivot tables at which those attend- Grade 6, Oscar Martino, Michelle U. 8. Senator . . 109 103 38 Coke gives yon these other advsotagse, too: QUICK conscloi The Post has always been active year, gifts of fruit and candy being Mrs Elizabeth Phelan. bers, pajamas — ever>-thlng the frma, Mra. Beoals CarrolL The ex- some months until Monday wten Mrs Anna Barron. youngster needs from "Toddle" to iag wUl receive a prise for each ecuUve committee, Mrs. Edna Arm- Rattl; Grade 7, Marion Oicklng; Representative when oi In community affairs taking part In presented to the youngsters on each another chimney fire In Amston In Ckmgresa___ HEAT. CLtANIR HORNL A MONCY-QACK O U A R A N m . Mrs. Bertha WethereU. 'Teen" age. table. la addltioo there wiU be a ■trong, Mrs. Noella FuUer and Mrs. Grade 8. Dorothy Bausola and Shir- . 115 104 18 ence he local community arlves and offering occasion. These happy parties are do(^ prise. This annual event to made ita aid necessary. This mads RepresentaUve ..104 upt ur ed Alice-' Gaushinsky. ley Hendrick. 105 38 R but bin' aid Immediately In emergencies, es- •Mrs. Gertrude Buchanan The Boy's department 3rd Anni- DAVID McGANN CHAPTER still being held by the unit. raise funds for the Christmas char- two days In succeaelon. SupersUUoua Sheriff at large ..110 108 38 After pecially during the Connecticut river Mrs .Margaret Brown. versary Sale la especially timely be- The Abe B. MUler Post of the There will be n meeting of the NON>SKlD Post colors were procured in 1033 ity work la largely attended each people ore looking for a third call to Executive Committee of the Parent- Senator ...... 114 104 these U flood of the spring of 1936. and - - Miss Helen Gustafson. cause It offers an endless number American Legloa wUI bold Its reg- Pad Trasaas In March, 1932 the AuxUlai^’ of things every boy needs right now year. ular meeting at the Town Hall this make good tbe old saying that mis- Teachers assoctaUOD at the home of Judge of Probate, Mery L. Hell. able to I Purple- Heart Ceremony - I presente ordtr^r> trus«t«. taking .-?1* WMjnstnimental In con-1 colors. The presentation was maoe man la charge with the sub-cbalr- Members o f Ooloncl Henry (t a m - Representative, Marjorie Wbod- Gustafson; senior vice president, which are always low considering “Charter Member Night" A spe- Wednesday evening. iTilf r ^ l > Iftvcnttc Pad whir. ttnn as ducting...I a unit decorationj ceremony President Eleanor Freclove as- quality have been reduced for this mea os follows: Prises, Mrs. Ray pion Chapter, DAR, attended a Mrs. Stephen Birmingham has ford. 127 votee. MUton J. Lord 108 ^ oru o< out Serma C4 and bee of men allotted the Purple Heart Florence Peterson; Junior vice presi- D ISABLE D A M E R IC A N V E T E R A N S cial InvUaUoa Is extended to veter- votea eUa^ NONebKIO IruM Soldi sisted by senior vice president. .Mrs. sale to make It especially worth- mond Hunt; Uckata, Mrs. John Cole- ans and their guests. Tbe speakere meeUng of the organisation In (tol- called a meeting of the committee ftntWa. ih< surround* m " t o r n and Silver Star decorations tor dent, Alice Virginia; secretary, Ger- Justices of Peace. Harry Klng- ophrs Elizabeth Phelan. while (or proud parents to outfit man; refreehmanta, Mrs. O l a ^ cheater Wednesday afternoon at the appointed by the Parent-Teachers Ing N0N>6K11: aurlacc kaept tha K fbr the evening are to be Major One heroism and wounds suffered n ac- trude Buchanan (third term) treas- horn, Jr., 118; John C: Vergaaon k’ place thui Incraasifu 'our The first annual banquet ot the their youngsters from head to foot Cannon; tablos arid score cards, George B. Norris and First Lieu- home of the regent, mim gkisabeth asaociaUon to study the problem of chance? cf o^aining c onv charact tlve service. The unit ceremony was urer. Anna Barron (third term); 111: Albert Trudeau. 106; Henry J e ire Race Auxiliary waa held In the Hotel right now. If you leave It up to the Mrs. Maty Keeney, Mrs. Evelyn tenant Robert B. Benjamin. Their Day. Mra. Northern (3ould gave a a community center at Andover, ^ phArtciane Man^ difleram Mytiit one "Sc conducted In the etate armory when chaplain, Maude Leggett (fourth The Disabled American BISkealce 112; Artbur Islelb, 1 1 4 . —Mnglt anc laxiklc hpring anc RUsrk Uaa Free Phono Sheridan on May 6. 19.32 with aixty term) boy, he'll very likely lead you to Keeney; progressive tables, Mrs A. subject wUl be "The Army—Then talk on "The New FronUer," and 5 meeting will be held at Mrs, Bir- expari fittai prescribe’ out la I over 50 local veterans received the guard, Mary C^es: conduc- Veterans, an organization N(JN-SK1D ENTERPRISE 1456 membera of the unit preaent. Since ' difford'a for what he wants mosL Leaders of David McCann Chapter, D. A. V. O. Vincent; pivot tables, Mrs. snd Now." Refreshments and social hour followed with refreah- mingham. Thursday evening. Irut: lot TOUT raqutrcmcrue snd end vour and a l< tress, Aides Gutzmer; patriotic In- NO DESSERT lupcure troubles toda^ or Your Local Dealer coveted awards from the hands of that date the poet and auxiliary formed of men disabled in Thomas Gatvsn. smokss WlU be served at the close menta of aandwlchee and tea served. There will be a regular meeting of Idea of Major General Morris B. Pa>-ne. structor, Jane Fortin; historian, have held their banqueta each year The s"h la .said to be the thirsti- the service of the United Ladles Aid Meettag of tbe meeting. The meeting of the local PTA at the Andover Volunteer Fire Depart- FBEE CONfSll I A'l ION COKI N’owher Elizabeth Brimley; color bearers, 43rd Division Commander and Jointly. est of all European trees. Well- Tha Ladies Aid society of the tha Hebron Green schoo: Monday ment Inc., at the town hall, Pridav Itondon —Tame deer In London'e Anna Richards, Rose Valluzri, Ellz- States in time of war, The Rye street school wUl start a Richmond park ate so many sand- No Bstra Charge for Fittings At more at Brigadier General William Hagger- grown .ipeclniens will draw 85 Rockville Methodist church will hold evening was not ao well attended aa evening. Nov. 11 at 8 o'clock. A First prize for the best appearing .abeth .Maher. Doris Modean; sstbock tournament at their school wiches they got the tummy acha Your Owon Home. Phone 8808. Emm. quarts of water from the ground numbers in its national a covered dlah supper on Friday af- hoped for. The meeting was a post- captain and lieutenants will be 'he Convention parade wa, cian, Edith Ma.asey; flag bearer, Ida building this evening at 6 o’clock. So officials decreed a 825 fine for of the 43rd Olvlalon. All correa- on a hot dav. ranks a local chapter— ternoon. The regular meeting erlU Valuable prtaee wUl be offered. The poned one and It was felt that It elected. The operation of the ARTHUR DRUG STORKS C e l l f o r K O P P E R S SE R VI CE posdence between the War Uenart-1 T------pumper will be explained. Every anyone found feeding the deer 845 Main 81. Rubinnw Bldg. the David McCann Chap- start at two thirty o'clock and the next games win bs held on Tuesday waa not very well advertised. Thoee which, they said, had plenty o f their ment and the committee from the ! T ' ------• ^ belonging to the department a v o i l n b l e t o f v r r y u-.>-r INFOR ter— whose history and supper will follow. evening November 33, Thursday who attended were well repaid by own t j ^ of food and had no need for post was bandied by a committee i | Union Church Notes has bera assigned a epaclaJ Job In ideals are cited in the fol- evening December 6 and Thursday bearing an address by WUllam J. case of fire. ^ d w lch ee, orange peel, banana w i t h o u t coot headed by Neal A. Cheney, f'ast I Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. F. W. Officers The annual banquet at tha Man’s svtnlng December 15. Tbe highest Sweeney, head of the Windham The telephone com- skins or chocolate cake. YAH Commander of the Post. j.» lowing Armistice series Union of tha Congregational church scorer of the four evenings will re- -Community Memorial hospital, WU- During the perilous times 1mm below. will be held In the evening of Ar- celvs a grand prise. llmsnUc. He gave a talk on hospital diately following the Onnectlcut The necessity of an organisation mlaUee Day In the social rooms methods, finances, etc. river floods In the aprlng of 1036. buvi’i or agency to devote Its enUre Ume Supper WlU be served by the ladies' An sU day meeting ot tha Hebron tant membera of the post acrve u Its own musical unit the St. Adel- The D.A.V. Is the only naUonal or- pls: "Ths Great Question In Europe berl'a band of Thorapsonvllle, a unit Ban Quentin, OaUf., Nov. 10.— afternoon. These win be offered for HALF AND HALF nee.le ganlzaUon with a membership com- Today." sale at a fair to be held later In the ■ In 45 well trained membera. and this (AP) — Bmll^ broadly, Tom posed entirely of wounded, gasssd, The BrownU Pack (Olrl Scouts of month In coanecUon with tbe annual Vi PRESnpi AND Vt REGlleAR learn band won the National Champion- Injured or disabled soldiers, sailors, eight and nine years o f age) triU Mooney went about his prison gasoline ship at the National V.F.W tVin- harvest supper. . . . . AND bujii marines and women who served ths meet at 1:80 Saturday afternoon In rouUns as a hospital orderly today venUon held at Buffalo in Sept. Everybody was out Monday eve- ttii c< colors Id 1917-18. the aoclal rooms. with now bopa o f freedom through ning about 6 to see the wonderful sure 1937. The unit repeated Its victory From C^nclnnaU the organisation Dr. (Jeorgs'S. Bseokas U ths an- Lna at the National Convention In Coi- a pardon Iw CaUfornla's Democratic lunar ecUpea. They were not disap- SE L LS F O R can I spread through Its units known as Bounced speaker at tha meeting of govarnor-afe(set Culbsrt L. Olson. pointed although atmoepherti con- grout w bu s, Ohio. In 1638. taking the Chapters to 45 states In the Union, tha Royal Typewriter Foreman’s title In the open cl&&3 to- But bs baa hoped so many Uma* ditions prevented seeing both sun ia. ki and Is now represented by members Club, Hartford on Wednesday eve- before. In tbe 23 years bs has been and moon at the aams Ume. The aboji gether with the silver cup and cash In every state. <3iaptera are found- R E G U LA R G AS PR IC ES prizes for that event, ning, November 16. in prison slnoe his ocovicUon o f ths "pastel ahadee" promised by the ped I ed upon a spirit o f feUowshlp, com- We have a sample of your A t next Sunday morning*# service 1916 Preparedness day bombing out- newspaper aceounta were Been in DETTER still, every the Preaent Officer* radeship. mutual aid and co-opera- Present officers of the umta are; at Union Oxigregmtloaal church the rage la San Frandsoo, ha was hesi- great beauty. gals, for $ J . 0 0 ^ monthly payment will in- goodj Uon, and many own and operata subject of Dr. Brookes's sermon wUl house in our schoolroom Commander, Lawrence Redman; tant about doing any praraature re- Claude W. Jones has men at work 15 crease your equity in a home for h their own club rooms where social be "An Exerclae We Miss." joicing over the Olson statement eeptli senior vice Commander, Nathan Mil- rehabllltaUon has been a chief ae- ***• officers o f David MeCtann disptar, Dlssblsd Aiu rieaa on reconstruction of'hls barn wblcb that will one day be yours. ler; Junior vice Ojmmandcr. Frank V styaas of the World War. to rIgh Lfron trow : Daniel Walker, Commander Joseph McCann, James FBaeral Friday promising sa early hearing on a Yes, we have walls of wood, walls ot brick; complishment. CJontact. service and was pummelad rather badly by tbe Building costs are lower to- Valhisil: Chaplain. Harry Pearson Findlay. Edward Copeland. Back row: Albert Downing, Joseph Mc(3aughey. ^ funaral of Jaaaph Farster, 73, new pardon appUcaUon. and Indicat- co-operaUve officers are employed ot 39 Laurel street, who died on ing It would be viewed with favor. hurricane. He is having an addlUon GET YOUR day thM they will be for a walls of stucco — all kinds of walls •— in our Quartermaster. Bertie Moseley- put on tbe south side which wUl The al by pracUcally every unit to care Tuesday wUl be held from the Burke Olson rettarated yaatarday his SO long time to come. That's schoolroom. Here, men who iiu U ll tela- foUowis] Post Surgeon, George J Dowen; Ad- make It nekriy twice the former for local needs. ITie DJL.V. has making, la this town, a very amall including the preaentaUon o f clalma Funeral horns on Park strsst at prevloas bsUsf Mooaay waa tamoeent why “ Smart People Build phones learn ths best and quickest way to will belt jutant, Neal A. (^eney; Guard. John only one plonk in Its pUtform, that m eat often stepping outaida our of ths bombing, la which 10 persons CHenney; Sergeant Major, Wiiii.m number o f eUglblee from erhicta by dlaabled veterans before the Vet- 6:15 ajB. on Friday morning and at GASOLINE place- la being— "Help the disabled." Cbn- own organization to insure a happy SL Barnard's g were kUled and 40 tnjnred. and Mrs. Louise Blume bos been catl- Gallons Of Before a Boom.” fasten wires to jrour type of house. They K^ggett; (Quartermaster Sergeant, membership can be drawn, the erana AdmlnistreUoa by trained and atlaee. greas granted the DJt.V. naUonal growth at this diaptar baa been Thankaglvlng or a Merry Chrlat- that ho was oonvletsd on perjured sd to Riverton, N. T., to tbe borne Raymond Smith; Historian. Neal a . competent repreaentaUvea, erbo are, a A Burial wUl bs In St. Baniard'a Our complete building also learn bow to place tbs insido wires as To tet incorporaUon in 1933. slow but steady. However, the ac- cemstary. tasUiBony. He.asld bs would bold a of reUUvea who are lU. Sbe e x p ^ FREE! ship by CSieney, O>lor guards, Edward Oobb themeelvee, dlaebled veterans a«H The D A.V. has co-ojiermtad erlth service means "one - stop” inconspicuously as {>ostiblo and without Formed Local Poet Uvltlss at this chapter have been therefore capable of understanding hearing, to which anyone mi gat to make a stay of several days at and srlU AJtbert Jacobs. other ex-aervlee organlnUana la aD least, if not lo ^ e r. 1st P riie , 25 c s h . 2nd P riie, shopping for the home o f On October 19, 1933 a group at carried along la aa sffseUvs but the many problema that conf ront At Oia masting of Um Savlnga bring objecUciu to setttag Mooney unnecessary damage to walls or floors. eltlxeii. lA te in 1935 tbs post purchased major acUvltlea In this free, before acting upCa the pardon GAS 15 c s b . 3rd Prize, 10 gsle. your dreams. We serve you quiet way. thinking not at advertis- Sunday vlaiton at tbe borne ot the former Loomis Homestead at local disabled veterans gataered la the disabled vetatmn. (S) Employ- have always been awuwig Bank o f RoekvUla bald oa Wadnas- To tei the Army and Navy d u b to A ia c if ing, but only at the beet way to ment aenrice— finding suitable Jobe day. Francis S. Nsttlstoo. local su- appUeation. Mr. and Mrs. Sbsrwood Miner were Given awsjr every week. Coa- from plan to financing. Ask Thorough trsimng of telephoos psopla— ho principle Manchester Green and members re- serve our disabled comrades and volunteer their aervleca Mr. Miner's brotbsr, MarabsU Miner us about it. The e asodeled, the house for a unit home. the desirability o f forming a for those disabled veterane who by aster has faced the people o f the parlntaadaBt c f Um M. T. StawM pon with every $1.00 parchaee Btallera, repairmen, operatora and otban— their famflise. reason of their dlaebility are unable of Deep River, and bis stater. Miss chiefly 1 In 1936 the poet home was O.A.V. (3iapter. Three weeks later. state. and Sons Co., was alaetad a dliaetor SUREENDEB BLOCKED of Royal Crown or Royal Past Objsetlvce to follow their regular empIoymeoL Abby Mtaar of MlUlngton.* n»m *. mritt plays SB important part in our constant affact T ext I open for meetings and for the past November 9. 1933, at the State Ar- Tbe oftlcete of David McCann o f tha bank; and Raymond E. Hunt, FREE Crown Soper Gas. No letters tr gall far The funds to manage tbe business u>ory> 39 dlaabled veterans were In- and the placing at all unempl^ed Oiapter, Dlaabled Amaricfen Veter- esty clerk, was appelated a corpora- Cltjr, Nor. l a — (A P ) — Mr. and Mrs. Artbur MeDaoatd to give you, so far aa is fatunanly poadbli; tha aem two years many actlvtUea have been end of this Chapter are derived from dlaabled veterans. (3) Welfare— to write— no coven to eend iiL ______par H^paga itiated into the D.A.V. thus forming ans: Commander, Joseph McCann; tor. NegotiaUoee for tbe snrrender of sad daughter F3alns of West Hart- Eytry Wdsk for 20 hatklrt rkawiar mkf SMART weekly, wraaged by tbe VJ'.W. (Hub and membership dues. Other acUviUcs Tbe fumiabing of groceries, fuel. Jost buy Royal Crotfn or telephona ssrvica which ia fraa from hnpar- tbe David McOnn Ouiptcr No. IT Senior Vice Commander. Andrew ykaaral of Mrs. Bewttt Batnnino CedlOo, fsnea a m y gen- tord were Sunday evening callers at Weeks. NothiiiK Ex- TEOTLE BUILD BEFORE A papeca. poet in conjunctloo with the .unit through aa annual shOM, clothing, medical auppliea fecdona, errors and delays. ib a r e AiiBiliary. in this town. suheeriptlaa known as the Holahalmer; Junior Vice Command- Tha funaral o f Mra. CL.i-a M. Ha- eral w te led a rsbatUoa last Ksy, tbs boms of Mrs. McDonald’s brotb- trsToB ajr! Myal Crown Super Gm Hero! BOOM, with 14 kamaiaatat aad Owing to the fact that to qualify etc, to needy dlmhled vetarena and er. Raymwul Smith; Treasurvr, sr. Harold Gray and family. ptkar kalpfml kiml$. Only JSz. Craa ttvB tM t Jt*x the post porehaaed alx -m^aot drive, and which has thotr famllUe nt an wm** uid nt witt, 60. wtfa of Joha A. Hawttt of bscsass earn folkmm for memberMilp la this orgaaiaatloa Dmm WaJker: Adjutant. A lbeit X05 P r s y aet _ About 33 sbaratfs ballota wars By tbs way, have you a talsphonn in yunr Idvics U ■wsr ous m^port from the Thanksgiving end ChriaHnae we blia, the a person must have bssa -- D o w i ^ ) Sargeant-at-Anno. WH- w a r OsBsitaBSBt SMManead tods* asnt out fier use In tbe election of hotna? Tha Soutbom Ntw Engiand Tidto this town every year. The knve hreo|ht aa antra Mt at ehaar wtaUe sisTfag la ths aratsd jto Sergeant; MPem of t^ Pay, thsr A . White fkastal hoosA Itav e wabtaBt pouaesi Ikiaadajr. Ons o f tbaos was used ny THE MANCHESTER !• ks San * - * - — - pbona Oosnpany. I P s t o s i I Mra Boland Oil Co. LUMBER AND FUEL CO. ii bar rOKLOIL 3ft< BAm»OIL TW.I MANCHEBIEH BVBWPTO HBBALD, MANCRB8TBR. OOKH. THUR8DAT. IfOVBMBER 10.108S rAO tlRNB' Access With Castoffs 5PORTS ROUNDUPS - Aw MlfDJM BRtKTX HIGH SEEKS CCIL TITLE ON SATURDAY' By SID FBOBR Either Oannsa Barth or Frankls Blair to CUevrland, Dec. 6, and Tony The Hifirh School Library Trains for Reference Work Lands Haney New Berth New York, Nov. (API—Fred The Annual Music Festival Provides an Oppoi^- Zale to MUwaukse on New Tear’s DRAMAHCS TEACH and Good Readingr. GUIDANCE TRAINING Haney n y s one at his most Impor- Day. SIDELINE KIGKING tunity for Expression and Appreciation. ART OF IMPORTANCE tant Jobs to rebuUdlng the B r o ^ s Plan Cross Country Event NEEDS VICTORY A T DS to to prevent those "little mistakes" Bill Murray, a snappy ball-csr' FINE SELF-CONTROL IN SCHOOL SYSTEMS New Ibmager (K Brow»yOUNG CUE WIZARD like that pitching staff ritoktance, rier at Plymouth, Pa., high, has TAKES BIG THRILL TO FUTURE BUYERS eh, ---- Tommy Loug&ron Is about made up bia mind to follow Here On Thanksgiving Day around town canytog the torch for , Brother Jake out to Wisconsin to W Base ReeniiiE j^j Ughtwelght, Johnny BRISTOL TO ANNEX gaa. a Phtllv -W**®*^ i tootball for Harry Btuhldreher OUTOFkllBALL Phjs Dispense With Stage £jw to has*riaaa^l iil^^ ';*.:.“ ***^’*i ■ Charley McCarthy T to l^ k a g iv t o g Day sportsAteam that tocludss Ksiinstli Walker Each Grade Uses Different Less Gaiety h Camp Of ___ programorrmm hamtore nnon Thursday, Novem- •»..__ naiBOT, Art Courses Offer Varied bJn got V b l d ^ m some individual *'“ ‘'** Wagner col- to Fran Leary for the TOP GRID LAURELS go a DM from some todlvldual toge on Staten Island___ and the ber 84, will include a cross country •‘^ I b o y UUe to 1936, Johnny Fright; Bring Friendships Methods For Training on the coast for a New Tear’s Dav Duke of Windsor will be auctioned tod b j game with Santa C lara... .but the race that will feature former snd CobwiT Frank Types Of Work; Appre- Gas House Gang Under Arthur “Babe” Cranfield To off here Thanksgiving week—only Few Teams Now Gamble On McCooe, Ed Ander- ‘>«cause this one’s a fou r-ltgg^ Duke, one present Manchester HIgb iumtoaries •on and Dick Berggren. v«T«d • To Actors Of An Ages. Students.' tto athletic heads no-Ukee post sea- of the yearlings to go on the block os well as nmners.from out of town. KeOey*s R egn lvs Ready T t Disciplinarian Ray Blades son games unless they’re established 'The event to ' jtog staged In an at- Mwchester High’s currant cross d atraat ciated By Students. Gire Exhibition At Hie to ths old glory hoss sals... .college Rnnback Of Pnnt^ Enor* TOuntry * ^ 00, which competee for 15.000^ 2 * ^ .. .tip to Durham, N. scouts are beating a trail to. AI- tempt to revive Interest in the bill n n i: Ossie Soiem, whose sMeht snd dels sport aad will bring into rr® . ^ England toterscbolaMo tl- Start h Vital t ls A Sic* u> Participation In dramatic* da- Quidsnee procedures tn the high goma, Wls., high, trying to land Telopa tralta which ara the bcg^ln- By HARRY GRAYSON Center Parlors^ of Im d stuff whipped Colgate last Larry Zlrbel---- be played a lot of mons Sqnads Take Some- action a host of classy performers. school aim to help young men and Art in the grammar schools alma WMto to getting ready a whole also be entered. Although not aa 0 h « i« b nlng of fine ctUaenahlpa; aalf-con- to teach good taste and also strives Sports Editor, N E A Service. end during the regular season, then For right years up to 1936, the BeB City; women prepare themselvea for batch, of new rabbits for his Syra- Recreation Centers sponsored a yarn, the Red coptrtjr trol, aelf-rellanca. Initiative, toler- to make intelligent consumers. In switched to back in a post-season tbing From Sport and w h ^ has a Ane squad of run- ■Uiapc wrorthwhlle vocational and avoca- One o f the things that InAuenced The world’s youngMt cue UUtot cuse outAt to pull out of tto hat game«and ripped off 10, 20 and 30 Ave-mile Thanksgiving Day race ance, cooperation and a sense of fair the high school the courses, only •gainst Duks Saturday ners to Dave Heatley. Bob Oogvart play. For more conventional results the front office to name Fred Haney will appear at tto Center BUUsrd yards at a clip Uke be enjoyed it that attracted leading harriers from Game To Be Fador. tional activities tn Ute and to assist open to the three upper classes, aU sectlona of the B u t and drew ^ 1 E llim . John Osrveiii. Grorge dramatic activity aids In the Im- them to enter these acUvitles. In parlors tonight at 10:80 o’clock to Ktaus^ DlMtoloo, Levlnchek, Mc- offer a wide variety of media. manager of the St. Louis Browns Tid-bita from Bash Boulevard. New York. Nov. 10.—(A P ) — thousands of spectators. ThU year’s prevemant of speech; It increases the former it to attempted through Good Taste, the ,\lm of Our Art the person o f Arthur "Babe" Cran- An old-time fan writes that It Cooe, Packard and Pasek. WM his suceess with Julio Bonettl. Aeld, who recently turned profes- PJ?*?-** “ *** week’a FTed Apos- wasn’t hurry-up Fielding Yost but Though it sUU gets s lot of folks out event won’t be conducted on so one’s knowledge of literature; and personal counseling by a corps of Conroe la the Grades toll-Young Corbett Aght (now desig- Of y e d a l interest will be the William Hall High of West Hart- Jim Walkup. and BUI Miller last sional to order to seek Ralph Qteen- old man Alonso Stagg « ’ho Arst had •Isborate a seals aa to the past but team from Omnsctlcut State (3oi- It arouses the Interest of parents In leisure time and citizenship activi- A rt In the mind of the child of nated for the middleweight "title") In the fresh air on Saturday's col It will movide sports tens with a ford to heavily fa vor^ to defeat ties by the character education com- perts "masterpieces," have bored season. leaTs crown. The exhibition tonight his bojrs spiral their passes and toga eonatotlng of former High har- the school. today does not recall masterpieces will cost $11.60 per copy tops.... lege football Is not the show it used Ana— oppSHunIty pp»ti to see a large group Meriden High this Saturday, aa out- mittee. The school also maintains a BIOLOGY OPENS FIELD me. One certain "masterpiece Even patient Gabby Street gave will be free. k ick s.... any of you other old- riers. This array will include Ernest What Individual pupils think or painted by artists now long since but you could have seen the same of routhful stars to action. The Job placement service for part-time temporarUy made me feel that lit up on them, consider^ them poor For thirty years or timers know anything about that? to to, back when punters were cele- their experience In dramatics Is ex gone, but rather art to them slgnl- more ’’A rt” dieianceliar of the race will probitbly to * »e«n l»«r of the State H i ^ 15!* >«anchsster and full-time Jobt. erature was loathsome and I turned pitchers, but Haney took them to CranAeld ha. coBducted“ lrlgh c i i i i i | ^ * for®*"$8 e Yankees are deAnttely get- brated In proportion to the distance js m tf, Charlie Robbins, outetand- llo i* ^^^fTTL champtonshlp for plained by members of the eighth OF NEW INVESTIGATION Hea "the Anest way of doing things". three milea 1938, but Otoch Tom K riln ? Red grade organization, of the freshman OflMaiiGe to the 3«nlor High to cheap novels. Fortunately, how- midsesaon and turned them Into ting rid of Johnny Broaca now that they could propel a ball, and when ^thooy Oohurn and ever, this effect soon wore off and I For the art taught In our schools splendid winners for Toledo. ^ City, poinu out ttot to' ‘JinothlS to Judge Landis haa reinstotsd him... Thus far' three teams have an- Bam P ra tt Attempts are now be- sophomore club, and of the Junior- Guidance in the Junior high school the wriOng with Seattle promote™ "Iron men" elevens trod the grid nounced plans to enter the event anri arito?teiSS endeavors to train the student to was again browsing among the does not aim at making artls Haney’s strong polnU are han- he may wind up on the Newark ing made to obtain the entry of sev- that possibility Into eoasidsratlon senior club. MUSICAL ABILITY IS T.Aboratory Work And Dinect- everyone, but rather strives latter fifteen yenra of that period, About brlnfflnir Solly Krfetrer back Irons. It Is hoped to obtain one or two become a useful citizen in his com- shelves of good literature. dling pitchers and InAelders, but « pracucally from infancy, to has there to AghL . .^ u t hsMllTvs t ^ farm. If a deal with the Indians eral other teams and todloaUons are nl? va ‘‘ •*®™»Uiad to captara tha Orade VUl Uramatlc. lla b Old and Modem Hobbies Ingr Prove Practical Worth make Intelligent consumers. The ( Introduction of tto lateral pass, more. The East Side A. C. to spon- t^e through their own efforts munity. This to accomplished Most important of the value of h* straightened out CUiester Mor- toen grooB^ bis son "Babe" (A r- Allows out there a chancT to m2ri flops---- "Grandpa" Jimmy Dykes that a most toteresUng raoe will I like Dramatic Club because 1 en- Jecta with which we surround q ^gan---- sent him back to the ’Hgera an Inoffensive weapon at beet, has soring the affair and wlD enter a take place. Seating Bristol DEVELOPED IN GRADES th rou ^ participation in the work To College-Course Student. the study of literature to pleasure. thur E. crandeM, Jr.), to ultlnuite- •ny “ title’’ offers to gets around to 42 tomorrow—have a cigar on us, High at tha Ben joy acting. The art o f changing one- selves, our homes, and our cIotlL_^ when they had given up on the cen- ^ e e m y —Snorter Luster, unbeaten not compeiuatsd for the thrill the City Saturday. and activities ^ organised group I’ve spent many long hours enjoy- jy the mantle of pocket hi!-I ••.Tommy Loughran doesn’t self from one person to another la Popular With Students Although Biology is not Included can give us lasting aatlsfactloiTlf . ter Aelder. Oklahoma’s bsckAeld coach, haa that crowd got up to a few seasons ago PraSable Slarlsta. life. Because this plan of s^ool ing the efforts df many contempo- llard supremacy, which for years •••*• HgUters who play footbaU ..,. fascinating, V^en one Is on the The new boss of the Browns has habit from ’way b ack....h e played when a kick spiraled 60-70 yards Kelley announced today that ha Musirally Inclined Have Inter life dtlfera aomewhat from the in the regular college course it is a rary authors. They have made me they are not commonplace and has graced the form of the master **y* there's usually something wnUng through here this Ume. stage, be should try to throw him- methods used in the Arst six grades, ugly, but beautiful and well de- sent numerous players to the big on the undefeated Sooner outAt of down the Arid and settled Into the totei^to start the rama team that eat Stinuilated In Riemen valuable subject both from an in- laugh, cry, and grow tense when the cueist, fUlph Greenleaf. wrong with their knees... .ThmmyT m inADr' WINS don t know what you’re gonna do has taken the Aeld to most of Man- self into the part he la taking. If Although there are hundreds o f„ .S. C., Taylor Oir. Fokker, and the the*boys and girls entering seventh climax was reached. signed. The type of art taught leagues, but claims to have derived 20 years ago, and coached two all- arms of a scampering safety man. but Pm going to get the biases out his part is to be a grouchy, old, sour tary Gradea By Toy Banda different hobbles, several students'British S.E.T. The wing spread on tellectual and sclentlAc point o f view. the greatest amount of satisfaction Toung CranAeld, called "Babe" “ Kht-heavy. Matt Raymond, the ex- winners St Norman (Okla.) high— Under the new scheme, when four chester’s prevtous starts thto aea- grade need guidance in becoming —Carl Ackerman, ’39B should enable a person to dress bet- wherever there are cues o f his way." faced man, he should try to act like Glee Cluha, Orcheatraa. are here expressing their owm per- these last models mentioned Is Biology Is not unnecessary for a out of promoting FTed Johnson to . ------and pool atudent. wlU come back from for which hto boys got free trips to ?*** P*” ** ffo tumbling out of •on. DeSimone and WUaoB win adjusted to a Junior high school. ter on $50 a year than he could on tobies, has arrived at the stage of ^ 9 * 31 and will Aght Kimbrough made seven yarda. one. sonal Ideas of the ideal hobby. eighteen inches. „ «*P>Aln« a senior of thr Browns last season. the Sugar Bowl one year and tto “®*i®

Agent For N O F O LK P A I N T D IN E A N D D A N C E AND PAINTERS' SUPPUB8 asaiau#aucTaie H A LE'S

O P P E R S G. E. WILLIS a SON, INC. Evory T h u rsd a y, Sa tu rd a y N ig h t 2 Mala Street TW. 8128 YACUUM SELF SER V E Announcement CLBAMERS OKE TA M 'S REST A URA N T 2:30 toJ5:30 Now Under New Maaagsmsnt. $29-95 6 Now S e ii^ g S p ^ Lanobeona, 40a — and iMwelal DMaera, 88e. FRIDAY SPECIALS S A M P L E F A I R 10 East Center Street O UTW Iow s Bolldlag Don Willis ___ _ Speciallshig la Ravlell and Speghettl •DWtiHUIJil COM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Oreheatra Evary Thoraday and Satorday Night TON 7 P. M. on M Y-T -FIN E »1X 2md- 7PEBS n Service Station CASH CHVRCH COMMTTNITT HOUSE Delivered. NORTH COVENTRT D ESSER T >4 MAIN STREET. CORNER OF illL U A R D STREI Aosploee 2 Packages, Q Coventry Fragment Society. Any Flavor...... WC LT.WoodCo. SAMPLES GALORE! NOW OPEN 81 Bl s eeO Bt . TsL 44M Saadwichee and CoSee Free! St^ Tlcketa, 28c, may be bought at Park Hin Flower Shop or at Halt We Don^t C R ISC O • Gasolines HO •IC RST 1-pound co n 19c •Oils Forget! — O X Y D O L 19c • Greasing COLD F. E. B R A Y Free Cereal Bowl with every package. Note !------JEWELER O ur o ffice ond yard w ill be MORNINGS This senir« ststioa is oi^ned by Doa WUUs bat Ststc Theater Buildinf If your ear does not start

wtti not be run bjr him. Don Wlltls will still do easily on a cold morning out 737 Main Street closed a t 11 Oe m. Frid a y for the boslneso at his (arsirn *1 SA Hudson street. experts can^locate the trou- TIm COM JEVEHAU ble quickly.

re m ain d er o f the d ay in observ W a t c h an d Je w e lr y Our service eliminates re- placing parts unnecessarily.

Re p airin g A t a nce o f NORTON T R Y T H IS D IN N ER Reaso n a b le Prices Waller N«Leclei Senres tour costs less thaa 17e for each ELE(rrRICAL serrlnf. Better not miss this eeonoml* F u n eral D ire c t o r eal Birds Eje DIaner for four . . . and INSTRUMENT ( U Step In and See One o f Man- Armistice Day 280 No. SlalB St. Phaae 83 be sore ta read aboat the sale on RoraJ HilUard SU Phone 4060 cheater’a Largest Seiectiona OoM Peaches below. Your Choice o f: . , . of Greeting Cards for All

1 LB. RED PERCH FILLETS SPECIALI Occasions. • Ths answer Is Ample! tbe etde of 1 L& HADDOCK FILLETS ,mm 1 LB. MACKEREL FILLETS Q / e Smlth'e hooee ie faienleted erltb John^ The W . G. Glenney Co. and ^ Menvflle Reck W ool Heme inealetlaih which' belpe preveot beet leekfaig eat 1 B O X G R E E N P E A S wr L»«n b«r. Masons’ SnppUes, Paint ALL S ITEMS through the roof. 836 No. Main St. Tel. 4148 Manchester NOVEMBER 1 B O X R A S P B E R R I E S Thet eleo espUfaie why Jooee ueee *Prlee of diner will rary dependlnc on exact weight flsh fillets up to SOX more fuel then Smith, yet

hie hooee Ic cold end drefty; end why, tai hot enmmer weether, Smlth'e hooee Tea Gna Also Boy These Birds Eye Specials Separately If Toa Wish le qp to IS degreee cooler than Jotiaa’. CASH SALE!

GREEN PEAS—Special...... 23c box Let na tall you about It— and how \i Regalarly 28c. aaelly you can finance J-M Home Inen- RASPBERRIES— Special ...... 19c box lation for your own home under the 25% reduction on all Plain Articles,

Regalarly 2«c.______J-M "tl.000,000-to-Land” Plan. 1 FIRST DANCE Men’s Suits, Topcoats or Overcoats,

F A LL C A N N E D FR U IT S A LE THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. Coal, Ltimber, Masons' Supplies, Women’s Plain Dresses

Paint* Of The Season ~ This sale win be esadocted the same as Plae- SSO No. Main St. Tel. 4148 horst Vegetable Sale . . . as the fmits arrive, ANTHRACITE HEAT we srIU featore them. The first Item In the f joaM-nuraui atiauu Sponsored By ^ trait sale arlU be No. tVi cans of CLEANED

GuiiDiunv HorPES nno

H0 mE impRouEmfnrs R U R A L G O LD and Dilworth— Cornell Post


SPECIAL Jaat right for short cakes and aU peach deserta a Nob 2Vi eaas...... 4 4 c 25% Reductions Are for CASH ONLY! 7 cans 11.00. Innerapring Sunset Ridge Club

. . . or yea hay a ease of 24 eaas for SRIB. Ihke adt-aatage of • Everything going up? Re»d this. East Hartford these low Peadi pHees and In^ 7 eaas for fl.OO or stork a case MATTRESS For two or tlire* ye»rs cost of If yoa hard the room. Quality guaraateed. Anthracite has steadily gone

IX5W..N...... (.I..n.. ...t.h..i s period oiill lhas D ougan Dye W orks

Pinehurst will1 be open all day Friday. For the finest gone up.) This direct Anthracite

of fresh Sea Food . Dial 4131. $12-95 saving is in addition to the heat ing economies that Anthracite Saturday, Nov. 12 Phone 7155 Fre-sh Chicken (av. 1 lb.) always shows. Now. new Anthra Steak Cod cite equipment is on the market Halibut that mts even more heat out of KEMP'S Dancing 9 to 1 3 6 c ' “ a g e less fuel, making savings much Stewing Mackerel greater. Every modern heating

Finnan OYSTERS, pint .. 33c convenience, too. You save every Whole Haddock or way. with Anthracite, and get Haddie Sliced Pollock, lb. . ARMISTICE DAY AND safe, clean, dependable heat into Don Rushlow and His Connecticut Dons 12Jc the bai.qain. Let us send you a JUST ONE STOP! Fillet of Flounder, FINAL SUNDAY DINNER supply of Anthracite. AND YOU’RE SET FOR ALL WINTER! Scallops Orchestra Will Furnish the Music. lb...... SIMPLE SIMON Don't let a sudden freese entek yon Red Perch 29c napping! fo n can expect It any- BonelesH Tender r j a SANDWICH SHOP time BOW . . . ao drive late Central Fillets XIENL't Tomato Juice, noup or G . E. W illis & Son, Service Statlaa today aad prepare ______HADDOCK FILLETS, lb. rrabmeat rocktall; roast turkey Plan To Attend and Have a Very Enjoyable Evening. yonr ear for eafe winter dri\-lng. or maet beef; randled eweet or 6pened Chowder Clam s...... pint 35c Inc. nuiKhed white potatoea, maiihed Special on Bay Brand Light Meat * * tumipa; Birds Eye peaa; fruit Coal, Lumber. Masons' Supplies, Auto Heaters

TITNA FISH .. .2 reg. size 7-oz. cans 31c; dor. chns $1.69 ulad, mils, pie, coffee. Paint Admission: $1.00 Per Couple. Prestone-Alcohol The 81 meal Friday will be 2 Main St. TeL 5125 Herded 13 to S, and again at aup- Super-Pyro ,,, |ter time; aluo the 70c hnsincits SCTENTinC CAR uncfiu/7':it Qt^en/.9nc. men'* lunch, Friday. T HE SOLID FUEL Batteries 111 niAl ono KA A I hi fTOrCT LUBRICATION ^ dial 4151 302 MAIN STREtT Sunday Dinner, 12-2, $1.00. for sol id comfort SOIllH OF POST OFFICE ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STAUARMOR t Cdntral Sorwice Station Brmlaerd Place — Off Blatai StrMt — Near Triple-X


Telephone 4773

N O T I C E ! Wut t/tc $1 $1 Our Office and Yard Will Close at 11 a. m.

on Friday for the Day in Observance of

RADIO Dial Armistice Day.


3230 SER /ICE . Cteaa, Comfortable Car! Cunninfifham Tubes O. E. WILLIS « SON, Inc. Coarteooa Service At .VU Times! Coel, Lumber, Maaone’ SnppUee, Paint Phone 4457 2 Mata St. TeL 8128 MaachesW B IN G O L

St. Jaaioirs Church RcbnlldlBg Beaefit. CIT Y T A XI Wm. E. Krah OE.NNIS .ML'BPHT, Prop. 33 Delmont Street


Range and‘Fuel Oil ST. JAMES HALL


855 Main Street Rubinow Building Telephone 3873

“WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” Playing Starts at 8:30




fW B .. s e e ! . . f a w ■n«r,..toefcem jM 5gedl S ORDERS FOR TEN-POUND TURKEYS! BUTTER SHOULDERS ^



15* * 25 Biar Reduction on 3 Floor Models Only. SSe.00 MardMndiBS Order Givn Awsy. I4aygd For

Save Up to $60. Uatfl Won!




25 Gam es FRESH FISH TODAY Orders for 3 Roastingr Piss

BARSTOWS $50.9« DOOR PRIZE and 12 Turkeys ~