A Man Once Character

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A Man Once Character בס"ד שבת פ' מטות-מסעי ,Shabbat - Mattot Masei Issue Number 854 ב אב תשע"ח - Sat. 13 - 14 Jul. 2018 - 2nd of Av, 5778 Baal Koreh Mr Aaron Shalom Joshua (Page - 900). Mufteer & Haftarah Mr Aaron Shalom Joshua (Page -1193). Shir Hashirim, Mincha, Kabalat Shabbat & Arbit. 19:00 Shabbat Candles. 20:58 Shabbat Shahrit - Followed by Kiddush. (Shema 8:26). 08:30 Daf Hayomi with Rabbi Asher Sebbag Shlit”a. 19:30 Mincha Shabbat Followed by Seuda Shlishit (Sunset - 21:12). 20:30 Arbit Motzei Shabbat followed by Havdalah. 22:23 Shahrit Weekday - (Mon. & Thu. - 06:40) (Sunday & Bank/H - 07:30). 06:45 Daf Hayomi with Rabbi Asher Sebbag Shlit”a. 18:30 Mincha & Arbit 19:15 Next Friday: Shir Hashirim, Mincha, Kabalat Shabbat & Arbit. 19:00 Next Friday: Candles. Shabbat Chazon. Devarim 20:51 Matot - Masay 5778 (Numbers 33-36) our free will to make choices between Jul 8, 2018 - by Rabbi Kalman Packouz right and wrong to grow and develop our GOOD MORNING! A man once character. asked a rabbi for advice. "Rabbi, I only We are all caught up in our society have 15 minutes a day to learn Torah. of materialism and instant gratification. What should I learn?" The rabbi We are comfort seekers. For many, if it responded, "Learn Mussar (ethical takes too long, involves too much effort works about character development). or has pain, we quit. We follow our "Why Mussar?" asked the fellow. The desires. rabbi smiled and said, "If you After we move on from this world learn Mussar, then you'll realize that you to the next, we will not be asked if we have more than 15 minutes a day to learn saw the latest episode of a television Torah!" program or who won the World Cup. We Too glib? Too puzzling? I'll will be called upon to give a "din explain. The essence of life is to perfect v'cheshbon" -- a judgment and our character and to strengthen our accounting of how we used our time on connection to the Almighty. What this earth -- and how we could have distinguishes a human being from an better used the time allotted to us. What animal is our soul and our ability to use did we accomplish? How did we grow? DESIGNED & PRINTED BY: DAVID GIGI – 07722 207 307 - any query call Ghassan Cohen 07989 387 881 Who did we help? Every day is an That is where the study opportunity for doing mitzvos, of Mussar comes in. It teaches us how to perfecting the world and ourselves, fix and control our character traits. Many strengthening our relationship with the of the classical works are available in Almighty. English for the advanced student, A wise person once said, "If you are including: Mesillas Yesharim -- Path of going to be the same tomorrow as you the Just; Orchos Tzadikim -- Ways of the are today, why do you need tomorrow?" Righteous; Chovos Halevavos -- Duties The Vilna Gaon wrote, "... the reason we of the Heart; and Shaarei Teshuva -- are alive is to break down our bad Gates of Repentance. character traits ... and if we don't There are many books for those strengthen ourselves in this, what is the who haven't had a strong Jewish point of living?" (from his commentary education, but want to improve on Proverbs 4:13) themselves and be successful in life. For The Torah is the instruction book those interested in living life to the for life. It tells us that every human being fullest and developing themselves, I has a yetzer tov (desire to do the right suggest going to a Jewish bookstore and thing) and a yetzer hara (the desire to looking for something that you relate to follow our desires). The Torah is the and enjoy. There are many books by antidote to the yetzer hara. It educates us Rabbi Zelig Pliskin and Rabbi Abraham as to what is correct, it strengthens our Twerski. Living Emunah -- achieving a connection to the Almighty and therefore life of serenity by Rabbi David Ashear is strengthens our free will and our ability one of my favorites. to control our desires. It occupies our If you want one recommendation, it mind with higher thoughts than where would be the 48 Ways to the Tweets, Facebook, internet -- and/or Wisdom adapted by Rabbis Nechemia billboards, newspapers, magazines, Coopersmith and Shraga Simmons from movies and TV -- take us. Rabbi Noah Weinberg's teaching. Rabbi To desire is human; to control our Noah Weinberg, the founder and desires is the essence of being human. visionary of Aish HaTorah, built his flagship class to successfully attract Every human being tells himself, students to learn about our heritage "That's just the way I am. It's in my explaining the what, how and why of DNA." And if they believe in God, each "Way to Wisdom" to be a success they'll add, "God made me this way, so in this world. He'll just have to understand." An FBI agent specializing in serial killers once There are many biographies of wrote that he never saw a serial killer righteous men and women. There is who was so compelled to kill that he much we can learn from the lives of murdered someone with a policeman others -- from some, what to do and from standing next to him. We have the ability others, what not to do. From the great to exert our free will, to make choices, to rabbis and rebbitzens, from the righteous control our passions. DESIGNED & PRINTED BY: GHASSAN & DAVID - 07722 207307 men and women -- we can not only learn regarding property of a couple where what to do, but be inspired as well! each came from a different tribe. * * * Dvar Torah from Twerski on Chumash by Rabbi Matos and Masei, Numbers 30:2 - Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. 36:13 Upon their return from the battle Matos includes the laws of making against Midian, Moshe angrily and annulling vows, the surprise attack reprimanded the officers for not on Midian (the '67 War wasn't the Jewish following his orders. Subsequently, people's first surprise attack!) in when it was necessary to make the retribution for the devastation the utensils taken in the booty kosher, Elazar Midianites wreaked upon the Jewish the Kohen said: people, the purification after the war of "This is the decree (for making utensils people and vessels, dedicating a portion kosher)" Numbers 31:21). of the spoils to the communal good (perhaps the first Federation campaign), Why did Elazar teach this law and the request of the tribes of Reuben and not Moshe? Gad for their portion of land to be east of The Talmud answers that Moshe the Jordan river (yes, Trans- had forgotten the law due his anger. "If a Jordan/Jordan is also part of the Biblical person becomes enraged, if he is wise, he land of Israel). Moshe objects to the loses his wisdom, and if he is a prophet, request because he thinks the tribes will he loses his prophecy" (Pesachim 66b). not take part in the conquering of the land of Israel; the tribes clarify that they Writes Rabbi Yehudah Leib Chasman, "The suspension of Moshe's will be the advance troops in the attack prophetic powers and intellect was not a and thus receive permission. punishment. Far from it. Moshe's wrath Masei includes the complete list of was directed at those who failed to journeys in the desert (the name of each protect the Israelites from improper stop hints at a deeper meaning, a lesson actions, and it was thus in the interest of learned there). God commands to drive Israel and for the greater glory of God. out the land's inhabitants, to destroy their Nevertheless, Moshe suffered idols and to divide the land by a lottery suspension of his enormous powers system. God establishes the borders of because of the toxic effects of rage are a the Land of Israel. New leadership is natural phenomenon. A person who put appointed, cities of the Levites and Cities his hand into a fire is not 'punished' by of Refuge (where an accidental murderer being burned. It is a natural may seek asylum) are designated. Lastly, consequence. Similarly, the loss of one's the laws are set forth regarding powers due to rage is a natural accidental and willful murder as well as consequence rather than a punishment." inheritance laws only for that generation DESIGNED & PRINTED BY: GHASSAN & DAVID - 07722 207307 It is vital that one work's to break the character trait of anger. You may wish to get a copy of Anger: The Inner Teacher -- A nine-step program to free yourself from anger by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin. Mazal tov to: Michael and Yehudit Joshua on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Aaron Shalom. The kehila of Rabbi Aaron Bassous will be joining us for Shabbat morning prayers in honour of the Bar Mitzvah. Shachrit followed by Kiddush at the Soro Felsenstein Hall 173 Golders Green Road. Condolences: We are very sorry to have to inform you the passing away of the funeral took place last Tuesday at Edgwarebury Lane ,ע"ה Khatoun Rashti Cemetery. We send our deepest condolences to her sons Rony & Badie Rashti .We wish all the family long life free from sorrow .הי"ו Condolences: We are very sorry to have to inform you the passing away of We send our deepest .הי"ו the son of Ellis Twena ,ז"ל Rubain Farag Twena We wish all the family long life free from .הי"ו condolences to his father Ellis sorrow.
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