Medizinische Labordiagnostika EUROIMMUN AG About EUROIMMUN Autoimmune diagnostics Infectious serology Allergology Antigen detection Molecular diagnostics Automation 2015 EUROIMMUN AG · 23560 Luebeck (Germany) · Seekamp 31 · Telephone +49 451 58550 · Fax 5855591 · E-mail
[email protected] · Internet EUROIMMUN is one of the leading manu- products. Every year, the EUROIMMUN facturers of medical laboratory diagnostics Academy receives almost 1000 customers worldwide and stands for innovation. Around from over 50 countries, providing training for 2000 employees in twelve countries develop, customers, fi eld staff, and employees from produce and sell test systems for the diagnosis all EUROIMMUN subsidiaries. The accredited of diseases, and software and automation Institute for Quality Assurance, an institution solutions for the performance and evaluation of the company, organises quality assess- of these assays. ment schemes and thus helps to maintain the high quality standard of external laboratories. Laboratories in over 150 countries use EUROIMMUN products for the diagnosis of The Institute for Experimental Immunology, autoimmune, infectious diseases and aller- another EUROIMMUN institution, is dedicated gies, and to perform genetic analyses. The to basic research. The institute also cooperates company was founded 1987 from the Uni- with universities, clinics and renowned versity of Luebeck (Schleswig-Holstein, Ger- research institutions from all over the world. many). In the business year 2014, the group These cooperations have resulted in a large turnover amounted to 175 million euros. number of diploma and doctorate theses. EUROIMMUN is ISO certifi ed (EN ISO 9001:2008, The enterprise has extensive expertise in EN ISO 13485:2012, ISO 13485/CMDCAS). the fi elds of immunology, cell biology, histo- logy, biochemistry and molecular biology.