– in the round!


Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 1 05.03.15 17:51 Welcome Index How do I get to to History 3 Willisau? Places of historical interest 6 Cultural events 10 Willisau Basel Calendar of annual events 11 Zurich A 1 Activities 12 St. Gallen Plan of area 14 Willisau is a well-rounded affair. As solid and Sursee complete as its trademark biscuit, the famous Willisauer Ringli. Situated at the foot of the Venues A 2 extensive Napf mountain region, Willisau is its Town Hall 16 illisau W commercial and cultural centre. Whether Festival Hall 17 you come to Willisau as a visitor or to take up Schlossschür 17 Geneva residence, it has plenty on offer. Sports centre 18 The charming old town with its historic build- Chiasso ings, the many shopping choices, the special- Visits/Tastings ised museums and the welcoming restaurants Collection of musical instruments 20 By car beckon you to discover, indulge and enjoy. DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 25 A well-developed network of motorways and Willisau also offers many attractive recrea- HUG Ringli Shop 25 good roads connects Willisau with all major tional options. The generously sized facilities Guided tours of the town 25 centres within and outside the of Schlossfeld will set the heart of any sports country. and exercise lover racing, and the roughly 100 Excursions Basel–Willisau (A2) 75 km 1 hr sports and social clubs offer activities for all Horse-drawn carriage rides 19 Bern–Willisau (A1/A2) 90 km 1 hr 15 min tastes and ages. The wonderful Napf landscape With the BLS to the Herzroute 28 Lucerne–Willisau 35 km 35 min will envelop you in its mystical magic as you Zurich–Willisau (A1/A2) 80 km 1 hr go hiking or biking. Culinary treats A broad range of educational opportunities – Restaurant Sonne 19 By train and bus from the cantonal high school to the commer- Ristorante da Fusco 19 Willisau is connected to the national railway cial and vocational colleges or the school Chäs Chäller Willisau (cheeses) 19 network with the BLS rail service via for therapeutic pedagogy – make Willisau a Restaurant Sternen 21 Wolhusen–Lucerne and –Langenthal; particularly attractive place of residence. Young Freizeitzentrum Schlossfeld and by bus via and Sursee. families also appreciate the diverse childcare (recreation centre) 22 Bern–Willisau 1 hr 05 min to 1 hr 40 min facilities. To round it off, excellent transport Café Amrein Chocolatier (sweets) 23 Basel–Willisau 1 hr 10 min to 1 hr 40 min infrastructure and good connectivity, as well Hotel Gasthaus Post 24 Lucerne–Willisau 30 min to 40 min as a multi-faceted cultural calendar all add to Zurich–Willisau 1 hr 25 min to 1 hr 55 min the high quality of life. Regional Tourist Office Willisau 25 There’s always something going on in Willisau, Willisau – gateway to shopping delight 26 be it the legendary jazz festival, the atmos- pheric Christmas market, the unique carnival, or the many sports and social club events. Imprint Come and let us surprise you, come and enjoy Publisher: Stadt Willisau the diversity and openness of Willisau. We look Design: agentur frontal ag, Willisau 2000

Printed by: SWS Medien AG Print, Willisau

forward to seeing you! / Photographs: Andrea Arnold, Willisau; Bruno Bieri, Willisau;

Josef Bucher, Willisau; Simon Joller, Aarau; J. and A. Schaller 2015

2 Erna Bieri-Hunkeler, Mayor of Willisau Willisau 3.

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 2 05.03.15 17:51 History

Name The name “Willisau” first appeared in records in 1101 as Willinesho˘wo; in 1234 as Willosowe; and in 1491 as Wilisow. The farmstead Gessers­ wil – Cozeriswilare – was mentioned in a deed of gift to the Fraumünster in Zurich in 893.

Early traces Humans came to Willisau in pre-historic times. In 1946 turfcutters in Ostergau unearthed a flint axe, and in 1963 a Neolithic flint axe-head was found in Rossgassmoos. Later, the Celtic Helvetii, who preceded the Romans, panned for gold in the river. Finds from the Roman era suggest that the Romans stayed in Willisau, at least for a short time while passing through. Towards the end of the fourth century the Alemanni put an end to Roman rule and settled in the floodplain between the Buch- and Enzi- wigger rivers. St Niklaus-Berg. In 1302/1303, as a demons­ on his death, by Ursula’s son from her first Establishment of the town tration of their power, the Habsburgs estab- marriage, Count Johann of Aarberg-Valangin. From the 11th century at least, Willisau be- lished a fortified centre, the town of Willisau. On 15th January 1407 his widow, Maha, sold the longed to the Earls of Aar-Gau, the last of whom To begin with, its municipal status was rather town of Willisau, and all sovereign rights, to gave his entire possessions to his friend, Kaiser uncertain, as this small rural community had a the city-state of Lucerne. This included the town Frederick I of Staufen, who in turn ceded the population of only 150 souls. and fort, the people and goods, courts, ser- Lenzburg properties in the south of Aar-Gau, Willisau survived only because of the consid- vices, interest payments, and the administra- including Willisau, to the Earls of Habsburg. erable agricultural wealth of the surrounding tion of all rights, laws and customs. For almost At the beginning of the 14th century the Habs- land and because it lay on the most direct 400 years the patrician bailiffs, or reeves, of burgs were forced to hand over all their land route between Lucerne and Bern. In 1330 Lucerne controlled the highly lucrative baili- in Willisau to the Barons of Hasenburg (who Willisau received the right to hold markets and wick of Willisau. The town mayor and council of came from Asuel in the Swiss Jura mountains) developed gradually into a commercial town Willisau, however, retained several rights and in order to pay off their debts. The Hasenburgs, and trading centre of daily commodities. privileges in the large parish of Willisau. From along with other landlords, had owned consid- 1651 the reeves lived in Willisau, and here erable amounts of land in the Willisau region Willisau comes under the power of Lucerne they built their castle between 1690 and 1695. since the 12th century. The Hasenburg castle on The Willisau line of the Barons of Hasenburg the slopes of Wellberg (north-east of the open- died out in the middle of the 14th century, and Government of the town air swimming pool) served as their administra- from the last of the line, Markward, ownership In the extensive parish of Willisau – consisting tive centre. Jurisdiction however (for serious passed through his only surviving daughter, of the former communities of Willisau-Stadt, cases, such as murder, robbery, theft, libel and Ursula, to her husband, Count Gerhard of Willisau-Land as well as Hergiswil – forestry 2000

/ disputes over land) and sovereign authority Aarberg. From 1343 to 1364 Ursula’s second rights came to have a special importance.

over the Willisau region, lay in the hands of husband, Count Heinrich of Nellenburg, held The right to use the timber forest in the parish 2015

3. the Habsburgs, whose fortified castle stood on the title of Lord of Willisau. He was succeeded, of Willisau passed from the local landlord to 3

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 3 05.03.15 17:51 the town citizens at the foundation of the town, or soon after. The use of the Willisau timber forest led to frequent arguments and acrimony between the town and those living outside the town boundaries. This contributed to the later separation of town and country. Gradually the town achieved a position of authority in the parish of Willisau. The mayor and town council exercised a kind of policing power in the name of the Lucerne authority. The town council also administered the lower courts (judgements concerning minor crimes such as assault, slander, illegal trading, gambling or carrying weapons). The town citizenry occu- pied a special position in private law. They had forestry rights, from which the farmers were excluded. The town citizenry had other eco- nomic advantages (labour laws, market rights, customs revenues) over those in the country, as well as cultural and social privileges, such as the school, hospital and infirmary. French Revolution. The dominance of the city- ence of France, the industrial era began grad- Taxation and provision for the poor state of Lucerne was ended and the bailiwicks ually in Switzerland after 1798. The rural In order to finance provision for the poor, the so- disappeared. The new was countryside, and especially Willisau, was called “Steuerbriefe” (tax districts) were set up divided into districts and municipal councils intended to profit from this as well. This is why during the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1605 Her- largely along already existing lines. In the the emerging trade and commerce association giswil formed its own tax district, and split from former “Stadtbann” of Willisau the tax districts wished to put Willisau on the map as an eco- the old parish of Willisau. The town and the of Hergiswil, Hilferdingen (later to become the nomic centre with a trade and industry exhi­ surrounding countryside combined to form a community of ), the town of Willisau, bition, which took place in the castle in Willisau separate district, but this did not function well, the rural parish of Willisau and the “Twing­ in 1855. However, the desired economic boom as the relationship between town and country genossenschaft” of Ostergau were given did not occur. People from outside were re­- was so strained. Furthermore, the town had the status of municipalities. Ostergau became luctant to settle in the countryside and set up additional revenues through its hospital and a part of Willisau-Land in 1800. In 1803, after new businesses, and the people of Willisau infirmary and already owned these facilities of the break-up of the Helvetian centralised itself feared that they would lose their tradi- care and support for needy citizens. As the town state, Willisau-Land was granted the legal tional forms of employment and were against citizens were exempt from taxes for the poor status of autonomous political community in its innovations. Both the authorities and a large they showed little interest in cooperating with own right, separate from Willisau-Stadt. This section of the population were even against the the parishioners from outside the town. In situation lasted until 1st January 2006, when development of the railway, fearing the pos­ 1763 these were forced to form their own tax the two communities merged again. The unified sible consequences of what it might bring. district in order to provide for their poor. Willisau now covers an area of 41.15 km2 and In 1850 the construction of the Swiss Central- has a population of 7,500 (as of the beginning bahn railway from Basel via Zofingen, Willisau Willisau-Stadt and Willisau-Land (Willisau of 2014). and Wolhusen to Lucerne was planned, but in town and Willisau country) the end the cheaper variation via Sursee was In 1798 the Helvetii began propagating the Modern times opted for, as Willisau showed no interest in notion of equal rights for all citizens, according After the collapse of the old order as a conse­ the original scheme. The trade association then 4 to the ideas of the Enlightenment and the quence of the French Revolution and the influ- tried to have a horse-drawn railway built

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 4 05.03.15 17:51 Markets in Willisau A document exists from 1330, in which Ursula of Hasenburg described the mortgage con- ditions of the weekly and annual markets in Willisau. In the following decades there were ever increasing problems with the market laws; either the townsfolk were not abiding by the regulations, or the lords of Lucerne were amending the laws. These disputes are recorded in various documents. One from 1642 set out new regulations concerning the weekly market. The markets were to be held on Saturday and they were permitted to trade in cereals of all kinds, cheese, butter, fresh and dried fruit, eggs and domestic and wild fowl. At first there were also two annual markets: one in August and the other in December. In the 18th century this fig- ure rose to eight. On the Saturday after Gallus (16th October) was the market for horses, cattle and pigs. On the occasion of the Lorenzi mar- ket, in August, “Knights Festivals” took place of foodstuffs and spirits. Industry still plays until 1798. These were, however, forbidden by a relatively minor role in Willisau’s economy, the town council “as they would only corrupt which features mainly commercial and service the youth”. In 1817 licence was granted for a enterprises as well as a large array of shops market to be held on the third Wednesday of and sales outlets. every month. The “Katharinenmarkt” was held at the end of November – and this still holds an Town fires important position in the calendar of Willisau Four great fires have devastated the town. In even today – marking the end of the farmers’ 1375 the Austrian Duke Leopold III set fire to year. Nowadays the monthly markets usually the town so that the Guglerscharen (French take place on the last Thursday of the months and English mercenary soldiers in the service March–June, August, October and November. of France) could find no hiding place there. to connect with the central line via Nebikon, In 1386 Leopold stayed in Willisau for a week Regional hub Willisau hoping that this would eventually become before the battle of Sempach and despite The district court has its seat in Willisau’s a steam railway. However, this plan was also having a treaty with Countess Maha von Neuen­ Menzbergstrasse, and the Department for the rejected, and the resulting lack of a modern burg, the ruler of Willisau, he ransacked the Protection of Children and Adults (KESB) is rail infrastructure delayed Willisau’s industrial town, looting and burning it on his departure. located in the castle. Willisau also hosts the development considerably. It was not until After the battle of Sempach the Hasenburg fort regional taxation, debt enforcement and civil 1895 that the first train reached Willisau, was also destroyed. Between 1471 and 1704 registry offices as well as the cantonal high after the Langenthal–Huttwil–Willisau–Wol- Willisau suffered several more devastating school, technical and vocational schools, the husen line was built. The establishment of fires. The last major fire in 1704 quickly reduced school for therapeutic pedagogy, the sports larger industrial concerns only began at the 117 roofs in the town to smouldering ashes. centre, various cantonal education services, the beginning of the 20th century. Some of the Only the houses above the Town Hall (today’s library and other institutions. Willisau’s role as present-day industries include wood and metal Städtli Drogerie), the parish church and the a regional hub is also manifest in the presence working, graphic design, and the production castle remained undamaged. of its many supermarkets and retail shops. 5

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 5 05.03.15 17:51 Places of historical interest

Town site The late mediaeval small town of Willisau forms a rectangle some 250 metres long, from the Schlosshügel (castle hill) in the south to the Enziwigger river in the north. The east and west ends are bounded by the tower gates. The present configuration of the town is that of 1704, when it was rebuilt after the last great fire, although there are no authentically con- only large remaining free-standing section of structed or decorated houses remaining from the wall is on the west side of the hill. that period. Nevertheless, the modest houses of Willisau today, with their uniform height Archaeology cellar and proportions, combine to create a harmo­ While renovating the Schlossschür (the castle’s nious and aesthetically pleasing old town. The barn), archaeologists discovered a 700-year-old oldest buildings, which were not damaged in cellar of the old administration complex and the last fire, are to be found in the western part expertly restored it. They also exposed parts of of the town and in Müligass. In 2013 the main the old town wall. A slide show that visitors lane was rehabilitated and transformed into a can activate themselves shows and explains hill. The three wells date from 1600 and are of meeting zone. Its creative surface, the absence the different elements. The entry is at the a highly unusual seven-sided shape. In the of sidewalks and its atmospheric lighting give western face of the barn near the town wall’s 1950s the three dilapidated wells were demol- Willisau’s centre a modern touch. small archway. ished and rebuilt to their original design. The statues of the two patron saints of the church, Gates and towers Town fort Peter and Paul, and the Madonna and Child, The lower gate, first mentioned in 1347, was In the 14th century, the lords of Willisau, the are from the 1960s. St Paul is by the artist Rolf rebuilt after the fire of 1704 and was pulled Hasenburgs, constructed a fort that was proba- Brem, St Peter by Eugen Häfelfinger, and the down again in 1854, as it had fallen into dis- bly two or three storeys high, on the south-east Madonna by Franco Annoni. In 2007 Willisau repair. It was not rebuilt until 1980 – to the corner of the town wall. This marked the Hasen- was awarded the “Fountain Prize” of the Ernst + original design, although with a wider entrance burg presence and it was here that legal and Hanna Hauenstein Foundation. to accommodate today’s traffic. The upper gate financial matters were decided upon. The main bears the date 1547 on its inner side and sur­ fort of the Hasenburgs lay to the north-east of Rathaus (Town Hall) vived the 1704 fire. The Kutzenturm (the tower Willisau. Nowadays the regional registry office The Rathaus, in the middle of the town, was of the reeve’s residence) dates from the end stands on the site of the town fort. Inside the built in 1720 after the last great fire. The ground of the 14th/beginning of the 15th century and building you will find some exposed remnants floor served as a shop selling meat and the stood as a defence tower in the town wall. of the town wall. The outlines of the former upper floors as a draper’s shop, where cloth town fort have been recreated in the forecourt, could be displayed and sold. Still today, a Town wall where you can also peer into a newly uncovered reminder of those days can be seen in the “Wil- Already mentioned in 1417, the town wall well. lisauer Ellenmass” (a standard measurement of originally led from the rows of houses on the 63 cm), displayed on the left-hand side of the east and west sides of the town – whose rear Town wells entrance of the building. In 1811 the Society of walls formed part of the town wall itself – The spring supplying the water in the town Theatre and Music Lovers was able to install 6 up, and across the top of the castle hill. The wells lies inside the town wall, on the castle the late school theatre, probably dat-

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 6 05.03.15 17:51 the row of houses around it. The two projecting upper floors are composed of once ­visible, exposed brickwork. The walls are from several different eras, the oldest parts being from the 12th century. The roof truss is from 1605 and is completely intact, and the old classical façade was preserved by inserting a glass wall behind it to insulate the building. The large water ing from 1720, from St Urban Abbey, on the Müligass wheel and its transmission have also been fully second floor. In the 19th century the building The restored wooden house at No 5 Müligass restored. gradually lost its function as a shop and was (now the Wehrle pottery studio) was built in taken over by the corporation council, and 1590, and is an example of the construction Parish church extensive alterations followed in 1911. method of vertical posts and horizontal boards The parish church of St Peter and St Paul was The meeting hall on the first floor was reno- common at the time. The greater part of the designed by the well-known church architect, vated and on the ground floor an abattoir was present façade dates from the 16th century. Josef Purtschert of , and was built built. At the same time the building received a The first floor has richly moulded beamed between 1804 and 1810. The proportions of new façade. The grand, dressed stonework ceilings, door frames and panelled walls. The the large new building did not sit well with the on the ground floor and the sgraffito decoration façade of No 2 Müligass contains sections adjoining 13th century Romanesque tower gave the building a more imposing appear- dating from the , and the interior on the western side. As the swinging of the ance. From 1989 to 1991 the Rathaus was has remains of a mediaeval defence tower. The bells was putting increasing strain on the aged renovated and enlarged. The theatre is now on Gothic ceiling on the first floor is particularly tower walls, a new copper-clad bell tower was the top floor and serves as a small stage for fine. The top floor actually dates from the built on the nave in 1928/1929. The tower was performances of all kinds. The theatre curtain, 12th century and the present-day rebuilding is designed by the well-known architect Gaudi, painted by the Willisau artist Xaver Hecht, is a fine example of the synthesis of old and new. and was a controversial addition to the church. particularly fine. The first and second floors The interior of the church was renovated are occupied by the offices of the education Stadtmühle (town mill) between 1995 and 1997. The ceiling frescoes services and the large ground-floor room – the The old town mill alongside the fort wall – and the altar decoration are by the Willisau Bürgersaal – serves for concerts, exhibitions operational for some 700 years – was thor- artist Xaver Hecht (1757–1835) and the stucco and lectures etc. The open square in front of oughly renovated and expanded in 2001/2002 work on the ceiling is by Johann Josef Moos- the Rathaus emphasises the significance of the by the Albert Köchlin Foundation. The current brugger. Of particular interest are the wooden building and gives the old town an increased structure was erected between 1584 and 1600. figures of the twelve apostles against the walls sense of spaciousness. Its length of 11 metres distinguishes it from and columns. The patron saints of various 7

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 7 05.03.15 17:51 guilds (Crispin, of the guild of shoemakers, Eligius, of the blacksmiths, Severin, of the weavers) are a reminder of the importance of craftsmen in Willisau in the Middle Ages.

Late Romanesque bell tower Dating from the early 13th century, the tower is the oldest building in Willisau. It actually predates the establishment of the town, and shows that the town settlement developed from the original site of the parish village. The roof of the tower has undergone many alterations. It was originally a low pyramidal shape, then a “Welsche Spitzhaube” (a pointed cupola), and since 1647 the tower has had a so-called “Welsche Haube” (bulbous cupola). The tower is the best preserved and most richly decorated Romanesque tower in the Canton of Lucerne.

The group of crosses in the cemetery In the chapel of rest in the town cemetery hangs a group of late Gothic crosses by an unknown after extensive alterations in 1655. The interior master. The almost two-metre high group dates contains various wall paintings from the origi- from between 1510 and 1520, and originally nal building. Over time, the windows and doors stood in front of, or inside, the “Elenden Kreuz” have undergone various alterations, evidence chapel, in front of the lower town gate, and is of which can be seen today. The chapel was last considered to be of great value today. In 2014 baroque wooden altars date from a few years restored in 2010. the original group of crosses was reassembled later. Eight oil paintings depicting the Holy against the backdrop of a mural by Urs Matt- Blood legend decorate the chapel’s walls. The Kapelle St. Jakob auf Bösegg (Chapel of St mann. Death also stands for resurrection. ceiling was painted by Anton Amberg, from Jacob on Bösegg) Dagmersellen, in 1854, and contains 70 pictures The Bösegg chapel lies on the western edge of Heilig-Blut-Kapelle (Chapel of the Holy Blood) showing biblical scenes, the apostles and the the parish of Willisau in the shade of a mighty In 1392, according to legend, the devil came patron saints of the chapel. The chapel was beech tree. The present-day chapel, built in and took the gambler Ueli Schröter, after he restored inside and renovated outside in 2012. 1949, occupies the same site as the original, had blasphemed against God. Five drops of which was erected by pilgrims to give thanks blood then fell from heaven onto the table. The Kapelle St. Niklaus auf dem Berg (Chapel for their safe return from their pilgrimage other two gamblers could not wash these away of St Nicholas on the Hill) to Santiago de Compostela. The story of this and the drops of blood were then cut out of The Chapel of St Nicholas on the Hill is part pilgrimage is depicted on panelling inside the table by the local priest and are still kept of the mediaeval fort which once stood on the chapel. The nut tree by the chapel is said in the monstrance of the Holy Blood Chapel the hill outside the town. It was built in the to have grown from a sapling cut by a pilgrim today. Every year, on the second Sunday after late 12th or early 13th century, and when the somewhere on his return journey. Whitsun, an atonement procession – the “Wil- fort was destroyed in 1386 the chapel remained lisauer Ablasstag” – takes place in the town. untouched. It contains the oldest bell in the Landvogteischloss (reeve’s castle) Around 100 years later, the wooden chapel Canton of Lucerne (end of 12th century). After the purchase of Willisau in 1407, the city- was replaced with a Gothic construction, and The present-day roof was put on in 1497 and state of Lucerne appointed a reeve, or bailiff, 8 today’s chapel dates from 1674. The three early the chapel itself attained its present form to administer its affairs in Willisau. At first, the

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 8 05.03.15 17:51 paintings are by Francesco Antonio Giorgioli, from Ticino. In a side chamber on the ground floor is a collection of the personal effects of the songwriter and singer Hans Roelli, who was born in Willisau in 1889. The rooms on the first floor are adorned with exquisite pan- elling – particularly the east-facing room. In the corridor is a series of paintings depicting the Holy Blood legend. These are also original paintings, but of a smaller format than those in the Holy Blood Chapel itself. The façade, with its sgraffito decoration, is reminiscent of the grand Mediterranean style of building. Here we (gold) background. This motif came originally can see the influence of the artists from Ticino. from the crest of the previous counts and The castle adjoins the Kutzen tower, a part of barons of Habsburg. The seal was used in the the old fortifications and dates from the end of 14th and 15th centuries by both the county of the 14th/beginning of the 15th century. After Willisau, and Willisau town. The town came to the collapse of the old order in 1798 the castle have its own seal in the second half of the lost its importance as residence of the reeve. 17th century. The circular seal shows a seated It then underwent many changes of ownership St Peter with crown and key, and at his feet, the and use. Between 1808 and 1810 it housed escutcheon with lion rampant. A red lion, ram- reeves resided in Lucerne and came to Willisau­ the teacher training college of the Canton of pant, with blue claws on a yellow background is when the courts were in session or when there Lucerne. In 1833 the educational reformer also on the crest of Willisau. was particularly important business to be Friedrich Fröbel opened a reformatory there, carried out in the region. From 1651 they were but after severe criticism from conservatives Inns and their signs permanently in residence in Willisau, and was forced to close three years later. The Willisau has long been situated on an impor- between 1690 and 1695 a castle was built for municipal administration used the building tant east–west transport route, which has been the then reeve, Franz Bernhard Feer, on the hill for more than a century and it housed various used since the time of the Romans. Even in the to the south of the town. The castle is one of departments of the town school and the lower Middle Ages the Ostergau–Willisau–Mühle- the most important secular baroque buildings secondary school until 1959. Today the castle tal–Lochmühle–Ufhusen–Huttwil route was pro- in Central Switzerland. The two lower floors houses the offices of the Department for tected by watchtowers. Willisau’s position on are particularly impressive, with fine examples the Protection of Children and Adults (KESB). a busy main thoroughfare naturally led to the of stucco work, wood panelling and painting. appearance of several inns and guesthouses in The sumptuous plasterwork in the courtroom is Banner, crest and seal the town. In the 16th century the town boasted by the Lugano artists, August Giacomo and The banner of the town of Willisau shows a 12 such inns, several of which still have fine Pietro Neurone, and the magnificent ceiling red lion, rampant, with blue claws, on a yellow old inn signs. 9

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 9 05.03.15 17:52 Cultural events

Further information concerning times, venues etc. can be found at www.willisau.ch

Abendmusik Willisau concerts Each year around five high-quality musical lection were once showcased in the Richard performances are organised by “Abendmusik Wagner Museum in Lucerne. The Patt collection Willisau”. Regional and internationally known of musical instruments consists of more than singers and instrumentalists perform in mostly 260 replicas of original instruments from small formations. the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The ­ins­truments are not only there to be looked at, Library but can be heard and played on. The regional library of Willisau lends fiction and non-fiction works from its selection of Volkshochschule (adult education centre) about 10,000 books. During the winter months well-known academic figures present talks on a range of themes Ludothek from culture and science to politics and society. Games and toys, for children and adults alike, The centre also has various continuous educa- can be rented here for a small fee. tion courses on offer.

Rathaus (Town Hall) Markets The Rathaus stage regularly puts on perfor- Markets have been held in Willisau since the mances by established, and also unknown, establishment of the town, and a weekly and performers in the fields of theatre, comedy, yearly market was mentioned in records as long cabaret, dance, literature and music. Exhi­ ago as 1330. Today the market is usually held bitions are frequently held in the main hall. on the last Thursday of every month, exceptions being the “Kilbi” market on the Monday of the Flaschenmuseum (bottle museum) autumn fair, and the Christmas market. The The museum is located in the former cheese most important market, the “Katharinenmarkt”, The Agrovision experience dairy in Käppelimatt and contains Josef is held at the end of November. During the Agrovision Burgrain in views itself Stadelmann’s collection of over 20,000 bottles, summer months, farmers from the region sell as a seminal example of modern and future- almost all made of glass. You will find bottles their fresh and home-baked products in front oriented agricultural enterprises. It produces of every conceivable size, shape and purpose of the Rathaus every Saturday morning. strictly organic foodstuffs on 44 hectares of in this fascinating little museum. land. Visitors are encouraged to roam the farm Annual concerts and theatrical performances to observe, learn, gain insights, share impres- Musikinstrumentensammlung The Willisau brass bands and wind orches- sions, or simply enjoy the restaurant or the (collection of musical instruments) tras (some of whom are from the very highest children’s playground. Two collections have found a new home in the echelons of Swiss music competitions), male former printing premises of the Willisauer voice choirs, yodelling clubs, traditional dance Bote (the local newspaper) at Viehmarkt 1 – groups and sports clubs put on annual concerts the Patt Collection and the museum pieces of and productions. Performances by the Willisau ­Heinrich Schumacher. The valuable mediaeval theatre group and youth theatre are attended 10 musical instruments of the Schumacher Col­ by theatre lovers from all over the region.

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 10 05.03.15 17:52 Jazz in Willisau The end of August always marks the beginning of the five-day jazz festival in the Festival Hall. Jazz fans and residents alike crowd the hall and its surroundings throughout the event. off to traffic and is devoted entirely to carnival; the children’s parade on Schmutzigen Don- Willisauer Lauf (Willisau run) nerstag; and Sprüchlimontag, when carnival At the end of September serious athletes and is celebrated in various inns and restaurants fun-runners alike compete over a challenging around the town. course around Willisau. There is a special course for youngsters in the town itself. Opening of the athletics season A highlight of the sporting calendar is the Kilbi (autumn fair) athletics meeting at Schlossfeld, to mark the The great autumn fair takes place on the week- start of the open-air season. Internationally end of the third Sunday in October. The event renowned athletes also use this as a chance attracts young and old from near and far, and to test their early form. has something for everyone. Experience all the fun of the fair on Sunday, or visit the market Corpus Christi and Holy Blood processions on Monday for a memorable experience. The two processions on Corpus Christi and on Calendar of annual the Sunday afterwards are established events Sankt-Nikolaus-Einzug (St Nicholas in the church calendar. The Herrgott Grenadiers procession) events in their historical uniforms and the Herrgott Around 6th December St Nicholas enters the Cannoneers, with their artillery, add colour town in a colourful procession with his entou- Fasnacht (carnival) to the celebrations. The traditional procession rage of wild men, accompanied by coloured The carnival period begins on the Friday after is accompanied by a marching band as it lamps and flaming torches and the sound 6th January with a large parade featuring the passes through the town. of giant cow bells and the cracking of whips. carnival guild and the traditional figures of the Enziloch men, the town beast, the washer Bluegrass in Willisau Christkindlimarkt (Christmas market) women, the “Moorsträggele” and the Willisau For a few years now, Alberswil (a neighbouring Around 8th December Willisau hosts a unique carnival bands. The high points of the carnival community) has been a meeting point for blue- three-day Christmas market. The fairy-tale are the Stätdlifasnacht, which takes place grass fans, and the festival is slowly evolving atmosphere is complete with decorated market on the Sunday before Schmutzigen Donnerstag from an insider affair to a mainstream event. It stalls and the aroma of mulled wine, roasted (Fat Thursday), when the whole town is closed takes place each year in the second half of May. chestnuts, scented candles and spices. 11

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 11 05.03.15 17:52 Activities

Willisau offers the visitor an enormous range of things to do – from strenuous outdoor activities, to sightseeing and visiting places of historical interest, to simply relaxing in beautiful, natural surroundings.

Walking and hiking In this unique, varied and still largely unspoilt, hilly landscape around Willisau you will find an extensive network of hiking trails and foot- paths. There are also countless other opportu- nities for exploring this fascinating countryside or simply relaxing in the peace and quiet of the forests. The Jubiläumsweg – developed on the occasion of the anniversary marking “700 years of town and country Willisau” – is a 10 km trail around Willisau. A wealth of further trails and footpaths are signposted around the town. The Jakobsweg also leads through Willisau.

Mountain biking For the serious mountain biker nothing sets the pulse racing like the wild, steep Napf moun- tain trails. Glorious views and breathtaking descents are the reward for the tough climbs. Less experienced mountain bikers will also find a wealth of suitable trails leading out of Willisau. at the railway station. You will particularly Picnic and barbecue areas Swimming enjoy the unique “Herzroute” (heart route), If you fancy a grilling party with family or friends On hot summer days, cool down at the Hasen- Switzerland’s most-travelled flyer route. in the forest or by a tranquil stream, you will f burg outdoor swimming pool and enjoy its ind a wealth of beautiful spots in the country- many attractions. During the winter, the heated Vita-Parcours (woodland exercise courses) side around Willisau. Get your list of picnic and indoor swimming pool with its outdoor area There are several of these fitness-training barbecue areas at www.willisau-tourismus.ch. and its special attractions is a meeting point for courses in the woods around Willisau, where all sports and water enthusiasts. you can exercise in the peace of the forest and Hirschpark (deer park) fill your lungs with fresh air. The deer park is a nearby recreation spot – you Cycling reach it from the town on foot in just minutes – For cyclists the region offers everything from Horse-drawn carriage rides and very popular with all ages. Built in 1963, gentle rides through the Wauwilermoos nature Take a trip in a horse-drawn carriage. The relax- it features a herd of fallow deer in an 8,000 m2 reserve to the challenging ascent to the top of ing, leisurely pace will allow you to fully expe- enclosure. Pygmy goats, geese and various Menzberg. If you want to go easy on your legs rience the beauty and tranquillity of the region duck species are also denizens of the park 12 and see more of the landscape, rent an e-bike and to reach your chosen landmark stress-free. and can be watched up close. The most diverse

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 12 05.03.15 17:52 massage. For those in search of more exotic pursuits you can try crossbow shooting and Hornussen nearby.

Tours and visits Willisau is not just for sports lovers. You can sample the delicious schnapps at the Distillerie Willisau SA or take a guided tour of the HUG AG biscuit factory, producers of the famous Willisauer Ringli biscuits. You won’t, however, discover their closely guarded secret recipe! The Regional Tourist Office (Regionales Ver- kehrsbüro) in Willisau also offers guided tours of the town.

Excursions in the surrounding region ornamental birds make their home in a huge Sports heaven As Willisau lies on a major traffic intersection it aviary. An adjacent playground with picnic Willisau is a paradise for sports lovers. The is the perfect starting point for excursions to the facilities rounds off the recreation area. sports centre at Schlossfeld offers, in addition surrounding region – either on foot or by public to its sports halls, a 400-metre running track, transport. You will find many museums and Waldlehrpfad (woodland nature trail) an athletics complex, and grass and hard fort sites which are always well worth a visit. What’s the name of that tree with the serrated pitches for every kind of sport. It also features We hope this brochure will give you some ideas, leaves, or that thorny bush over there? You an outdoor tennis court and three indoor courts, and we are always delighted to offer further can refresh your knowledge or make new as well as squash courts, weight training and suggestions at the Regional Tourist Office. discoveries on the woodland nature trail. gymnastics rooms. There is an underground small-calibre shooting range, and a mini-golf Hornussen – Swiss to the core Panning for gold course etc. The recreation centre offers fitness Try your hand at Hornussen, a traditional sport Experience gold fever and the thrill of pros­ courses from aerobics to yoga. After a well- unique to Switzerland. With expert guidance, pecting. Sifting through gravel and sand and balanced workout you can relax in the bio- whatever your ability, you are guaranteed suddenly coming upon glittering flakes of sauna, the steam-bath, the whirlpool or the a great day of fun, either with your club, your gold is a truly special experience. solarium. You can also enjoy a professional work colleagues or your family. 13

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 13 05.03.15 17:52 ¿" 590

t 545


4 a

m 2 e S t d u t y z W A G 545 ¿" Wydematt 8

605 # Plangrafik: Heini + Partner AG, Ruswil / Stand 2014 # # # # #

BLS-Bahn # # # # # # # # # # # # # 11 # # # # # # # 615 # # Schiess- # # # # # # # # anlage # # # # # # # #

e # s # # # # # # # # # # # # Í s # # # # # # # # # # C 41 # # # happuis AG a # # # # # # # # r # # # # # # # t # #



e I

640 l


W 36





B 635 t r

a t 9 3 e Gu E Cirillefeld t g AG g 9 5 3 3 i 10 8 4 7 3

W p 635 6 o r o 7 e C 3 g ¿" 9 o H 545 r

e 2 g 1 2 o

4 1 H 1 1 ¿" 5 3 610 6 8


0 e 3 3

5 Land

1 k i

8 i t Unter-

1 t 0


6 o

5 Hasenburg 640

s Gunterswilerweid 0 r 3 9 7 3 2 1

e 3 t 4

3 3


Bleikiweid e n a



i 2


t t 2 AL o D

620 4 I 9


2 2

r 1

e 555

e t

k n 26 e

W i l l b r i g i s t U t s a Grund- 635 r o t 11 s i 4 s Baders- l matt 620 1 e g h e 570 Sottikon k 3 w i 1 matt en C t a t 4 t 3 e 1 n 610 o 7 6 la 9 2 2 t P 6 4 2 S tar er Legende 2 S g 5 c ig 1 1 e 1b W ik a ott 1 7 8 rs e be 7 2 d O 2 3 8 6 5 3 1 c 2 00 9 2 24 1 e b Í 7 1 3 d 2 a

3 5 29 3 c 2 Strasse / Weg 9 3 e 1 21 d b 1 2 4 3 a ld Í 4c 3 a 675 655 4b h 27 23 4a n W 680 e e J g Casa 2 l Fuss- / Fahrweg ako g te 2 lis bswe Tennis S Macchi Schwimm- 9 1 bad Bahn BLS AG 1 0 2 Ober- 1 7 1 Hasenburg Jakobsweg

2 3 CÂ 1 J n i 5 a 1 4 1 Jubiläumsweg r 660 2 5 18 h U 3 g c s m e ° 2 1 4 7 s o w 1 1 r 2 f 675

t f re a 7 ü ig e Stiftung h " G Fliessgewässer 4 h Gütsch " o 6 6 ¿ g F 640 G r 1 c 3 9 M h 1 e 3

s 1 z W Brändi 550 un t 570 ü a 560 565 ü 5 8 g 6 1 1 r 1 G 1 h Badheim s Höhenkurve

0 4 Bleuen 4 62 5 s l 0 C 690 8 1 b t 1 3 3 r 2 a 5 6 a 9 1 a g Gütsch 6 5 s Öffentliches Gebäude, Verwaltung s 685 8 A 555 e Pflegeheim 615 e 60 7 in 7 670 Waldruh 0 a 8 r 5 7 ch Kre n Schulanlage, Sporthalle, s 4 6 10 uzs 7 t e 2 tras 2 Hirsch- ü 6 8 se 610

20 G 5 s b t s 10 7 a 1 9

park t 8 2 21 tr Heime / Stiftungen / Alterswohnungen

Obergulp a 4 Am e _([ 0 3 s s H 6 te

r 3 1 in W 5 m 3 B a

le 6 3 r 2 g

1 4 i a DC" s a

6 S " g e

600 8 hn

F w l Hotel, Restaurant, Café

E" u

C t g d

6 2 14 6 r 1 is a n B t 4 h t 2 Steimatt Nord b l t 14 4 o io K 5 e 16 g u h 19 18 8 E 4 e f n Ankeloch 4 1 1 p r r 610 2 1 w " g ¿ 4 p 6 8 0 5 l 560 e 18 2 0 re 1 1 a Sakralbau 590 ss 1 3 e 3 t S 3 s fa a g 2 2 z t tr e 1 e c r d ps 28 in s h 640 ul 3 20 ra 5 ¿" W s 5 a m G 17 2 n a s 2 tze tr a 1 22 ü 16 1 3 id s Gulp 6 h 7 fs 1 7 Tourismus / Kultur / Museen 1 11 Sc 4 o ig 1 e Am Gütsch m 20 h 7 6 e 6 14 13 1 30 A 9 6 9 n 3 P+R 1 2 h 1 r 8 32 8 Bleuenmatt 2 a Vatikan 1 7 4 7 B 8

1 6 3 11 8 " 5 P+R ¿ 6 13 1 9 Gu 15 1 Sportplatz 3 lpstr " s 9 a 0 F 2 10 s 1 5a s 5 s 3 1 5 5 te 1 Leue- 6 5 a 7 6 b e " 14 2 t 6 1 a 5 1 a 3 9 595 a F rm 4 2 g 9 le 5 3 7 4 r a Ad 7 platz 1 st 3 8 8 o e Öffentliche Anlage, Spielwiese 4 2 2 1 11 2 7 1 P b 0

9 5 a l 585 4 2 13 i 4 3 11 3 19 17 1 4 9 6 6 3 3 S b

8 Sterne 2 1 r 2 1 10 2

nm of ge 5 2 3 Ý Í Wald, Hecke 5 14 a dh g 7 1 t ie i 7 1 t 3 r 1 i F iw g 1 3 U 6 2 8 t z e a 1 1 rü S n 6 2 11 e 4 1 5 w I nn 1 E n 2 5 s m 5

0 o 4 e 4 9 1 s m Steinmatt 1 6 3

11 2 1 S t 17 8 b 8 7 a 8 1 " Post- 10 2 e 1 ra 19 tr 1 F 0 9 G 2 s 8 p f 8 2 Festhallen- 1 5 21 r 6

7 1 r " 3 e r a

1 ¿ 3 2 platz 9 2 " 6 6 5 1 n 9 u ä Parkplatz 9 2 c 0 ! 2 1 6 1 3 h

0 G 1 a 0 F 7 1 6 1 g 4 16 e platz 21 4 Vorstadt g 4

23 22 3 r n r 2 5 1 2 e a u n 8 1 t 5 0 " 6 8 10 2 6 i 2 " ¿ 4 s Ob 2 i e e 6 rdo rüt 4 6 m F s 1 12 n 1 Schwändle 7 rf n 2 se O b r I 1 r s

a on 2 3 as 10 2 6 w g 2 i 3 5 1 P+R

n Í 4 S a Ý g 1 4 1 4 d

2 1 t a 6 5 c

5 3 3 4 up 1 1 6 e s e Park and Ride 1 Am t K 0 4 a 9 g d 2 s r 640 run t H 13 l 3 r 2 5 g c r ¿" k t S 1 n 5 4 e Mohren- 3 2 e i 4 3 r ä d t 640 600 nn n Viehmarkt 1 15 e 3 5 a n So 7 ss 2 t 1 n

u e 0 a i 2

1 7 ll 5 9 r 3 g a lg platz 9 11 s 2 t 575 g th 27 aa 10 2 1 i 630 li d es ch p 18 ! 1 s ü run 3 5 F 2 3 S 16 0 G Touristinfo 1 7 a 9 M ig 2 35 8 s S e 3 1 2 34 0 ärl 1 1 as 6 Bleik 5 3

30 a ch 26 ileg K i 9 S s h 2 1 4 8 24 C 1 in 1

7 2 1 2 o 2 b 6 4 3 1 s 7 6 620 1 10 2 7 2 8 10 16 18 Küng 2

4 nd 4 13 5 4 1 0 a 8 610 5 8 11 ru 2 15 8 - 14 7 Platten g 5 610 2 G e4 C"D 7 7 a Bahnhof BLS AG

12 m g 1 nn 4

I 3 i eg o a 6 t l 23 t Í 6 13 5 ssw S Gewilag w 1 4

a 5 4 Í 7 hlo tt 9 1 ü 7 1 e m 3 6 1 Sc 1 a 24 4 5 m 6 2 605 s 35 2 3 2 0 4 8 M 9 e 21 u 8 Zehnten- 4 22 b 1

4 7 M e 1 h 3 1a 14 a n S 8 h 3 1 15 5 3 1 9 " 9 F z E 3 C 1 c Grundm ¿" 9 6a platz l 15 Kinderspielplatz l 8 " i n 1 ¿ l e 1 ö 1 ü " a g e H 4 39 n hl 10 F 7 n er g u a 3 G 3 5 3 a e d ai 580 5 u 1 4 4 ek n 5 8 sr B 5 ü e e S 2 A 7 l 1 u 18 1 2 os 1 r h r l 8 r

7 3 6 8 r h tei 4 ü 1 G 2 9 ch 1 1 2 w s

m 4 S a S t e 1 7 m s r 1

590 nd 4 8 1 I 1 6 e a 5 n y 16 s 7 t "

9 u t 1 2 h s 1 mat e 7 "

r t 1 F ¿ . Bushaltestelle 1 4 " 7

G 6 2 a 9 r s S

14 2 F o P

1 5 r e G m 6 l 7 N 1 ä 8 s 1 5 matt 1 2 g 2 580

6 u 16 bel 1 e e t 9 1 h h hir 3 1 9 8 0 a r 3 C i 555 e 2 h 3 4 g

c 3 6 8 k Industriegebiet c i ö b 2 5 e r K

H I der Öli 1 s g l 1 s i ü 5 a

I 7 2 t 1

7 17 ra S n 1 m 1 t e Bisangmatt g 3 0 9 s 2 u Rossgassmoos f 1 s w 1 CÂ Hallenbad 1 560 I 5 s 1 3 n 9 4 1 o s r 4 1 1 l h M I R 3 e 4b Schulanlage 1 m 7 1 a h s h c e

c c 5 3 t b i Í 1 1

y t 7 la chl S Schloss 1 t O 3 ä u 5 1 a b n

e i r f b 2 " r s l 4 1 a ¿ m s f s 6 6 h a w p B e o e lü ü te 9 Z h 5 3 9 2 3 g g c 1 580 s r l n 11 S M 1 4a e g

i u g g 4 4 1 1 Â 1 s C Schwimmbad l 8 e a 5 J i d 7 0a 6 1 ie 1 w g 1 u

1 s n e 8 1 w 3 " 9 1 CE

rs i e 4 8 1 e lt 3 z 11 4b 1 1 A d 7 M B l 4 6 10 4 n 12 1 4a 595 L 1 12 E 1 a ö S 17 14 0 9 2 b - D 2 14 1 H 9 6 0 e B 3 a

16 se 590 15 1 l 2 f s 3 istras G G a a R p 1 Aussichtspunkt k 2 b h 7 oc 33 31 2 A t Sportanlagen a S 1 a

1 6 A ts e 1 ri n o g

1 15 2 i w k 5 8 7 3 g s 2 u e A Í 3 6 Schlossfeld u r s G 2 1 g 560 c b 2 10a 4 St. Niklausen 1 5 " 1 s e g H 1 g 4 i 9 e g F 2 leta e 8 4

h 29 a ü lba 9 7 5 6 Schlossfeld 5 B e S 6 c w 2 1 b 8b 2 M h i 3 1 w s e _([ Tierpark i

l Zopfmatt 8 7 22 e e 8 h n t s Í 0 9 c 4 0 b M D w

1 20 6 8 m a ä 7 3 Sporthalle iw 2 5 18d e 0 e 6 g 3 B 22b 18c 2 1 2 n is o 2 a

4 5 3 d 1 3 z 3 2 8 n 2 a 7 o

2 3 6 e 2 1 l s 22 12 BBZ 23a a s 555 M 7 5 u s Schwyzermatt2 24a 8 a 4 1 e Wohnmobil-Standplatz a 4 18a 1 0 r r 2 H 6 1 580 s 2 Chrüzmatt t 7 1 20a 1 b tr 5 s 2 2 26a 3 23 as r 26 5 20 5 s e 1 19 22a 18 3 e 8 l 9 7 i 6 2 1 1 a 28 9 0 620 w 4 17 24 20 e 2 s 1 22 ld 2b 25 4 K Recycling-Sammelstelle i 3 8 a ha 1 1 8 1 1 2 1 1 30 26 rg 1 e 5 3 25b a 0 7 rg bu s d 5 25 9 1 28 eiss s allenba 25c 2 e G 2a H M 3 H 12 2 1 a 7 9 ¿" r 2 2 1 2 t Berufsschule 2 e 1 12 s 7 C 3 32 30 1 19 17 2 n o 0 50 100 200 300 400 m 2 rg 7a 1 m 4 25 1 z 2 3 2 u 9 2 p 7 4 9 CÂ b 27 I 2 550 5 b 7 e 10 23 8 6 g s 4 e te 3 Käppeli- we 2 3 9 6 rg is 9 r a 6 c 2 sbu 1 a Í 0 L 575 s 1 g 2 9 ei e 1 0 d G 2 2 o matt " 10 3 G 9b Bleikimatt 2 s 9 g ¿ 6 8 6 c " i

1 12 5 F 13 tr 2 s 3 0 8 7 4 7 Kantons- 4 5 a ti 5

3 1 1 565 a 7 8 k Halde 9 3 7 1 1 14 1 a schule 1 8 A 2 3 2 s 3 1 6 b 8 G 12 10 1 3 s 1 1 1 13c 13f 2 13d 600 8 e W 570 13e a A c 580 e " 1 5 16 k s 1 a Haldenstras F 3 1 3 F e 5 ¿" 3 0 3 7 Ge 13g l a r 2 17 issburgr " k m 8 9 i K ¿ h e 5 ng 3 635 ss 1 1 11 i r a a 27 19 13a 13 0 m z n str S se 3 e n tal tras 3 1 u e 3 c ds 3 hl h fel 5 a g J " 2 Mü rgeissburg 2 4 los s CE 14 b a 15c be 14 t a k O 6 t n u o 590 17e 4 3 2 1 a b 5 1 11 ch s 6 3 w 3 25 21 7 igolf 4 M 2 e in 4 M a 7 g 8 5 3 e s 3 n 9 enni is 7 Rossgassmoos 3 " 4 0 F T Tenn z 0 1 c 9 n 12 10 3 a 3 3 2 8 u / 4 2

23 6 3 605 8 Schulanlage 3 1 610 6 10 L 3

12 6 u 14 Schlossfeld a 7 z 1 e Í Geissburgring 36b rn 2 6 se 3 9 A 1 as 3 gstr 9 c A B C D E bur F 11 G 5 H I J 8 / k s 13

7 2 E geis 5 3 1 15 9 n F e f er 7 a t a rm p b d 3 5 l h O 9 l e 8 b r a a b z n 1 e 5 u e 1 5 n f c u N 42 40 38 34 30 28 26 24 h g 4 22 s 595 / 4 20 b

l 4 a 1 s 3 4 i 3 5 u w o 3 7 l 590 2 is Oberschlossfeld 2 h g 9 1 33 27 c r 39 37 35 31 29 25 2 2 Oberschlossfeld 1 e 5 3 1 1 4 2 S

610 S 4

H 6 5

t 620 7 1 a 8 600 0 3 h 10 c r

t 12 6


a v 14

n i

t 580 a 3 Ober-Geissburg p Under

a gg r e

c Chalchtare ald

o W


r s ¿" 590

t 545


4 a

m 2 e S t d u t y z W A G 545 ¿" Wydematt 8

605 # # # # # # BLS-Bahn # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 615 # # Schiess- # # # # # # # # anlage # # # # # # # #

e # s # # # # # # # # # # # # Í s # # # # # # # # # # C 41 # # # happuis AG a # # # # # # # # r # # # # # # # t # #



e I

640 l


W 36





B 635 t r a t 9 3 e Gu E Cirillefeld t g 590 AG ¿" g 9 t 545 i 5 3 3 t 8 4 7 3 4 a W p 635 6 o m r o 2 7 e e S C 3 t g ¿" d u 9 o t y z H 545 r W A e G 2 g 1 545 ¿" 2 o

4 1 H 1 1 ¿" Wydematt 5 8 3 610 6 8

1 605

0 # e # 3 #

3 5 #

Land # # 1 k i

BLS-Bahn # i # #

8 # t Unter- #

1 # t 0 # # 6 # 6 # #

o # # 5 Hasenburg # # 640

s # # Gunterswilerweid r # 0 3 # 615 7 3 # #

2 1 # e Schiess- #

3 # t # 4 # 3 3 # # 3 #

Bleikiweid e n a # #

2 anlage # k # #

2 i # U #

t # # t 2 A L e o D # s # 620 4 I 9 # # s # # # # # 2 2 # r # # # 1 Í s # # # # # # # #

e # # C 41 555 # # #

happ a # t uis AG # e # # # # # # r # # # # n # # # k t # # 26 e

W i l l b r i g i s s t U t s a Grund- r 635 o r 1 e I t 1 640 l s i i 4 s Baders- W 620 l matt g 36 1 e w h e 570 Sottikon 3 w O k s i 1 n matt i t a e C t B 635 t 4 t 3 e r

1 n a t 0 6 61 o 7 la 9 9 2 2 P 3 e 4 2 S rt r G E Legend 6 ta e Legende 2 S g u Cirillefeld t g 5 1c ig A 1 b W G ike 1 a g ott 1 7 9 8 s e r i be 2 d 5 3 3 7 4 O 2 3 8 5 3 1 7 6 c 2 3 00 9 2 24 1 e b Í 7 1 3 d 2 a

3 5 29 3 c 2 W Strasse / Weg 9 1 3 e 1 p 635 Street / Path 2 d 3b 1 2 6 4 c a ld Í o 4 3 r b a o 675 655 4 h 7 3 a e 27 2 4 en W C 3 680 e g J g 2 ¿" Fuss-Footpath / Fahrweg / Track l 9 a e Casa 2 li kobsweg nnis St s o Te Macchi H Schwimm- 545 r 9 e bad 1 2 Bahn BLS AG 1 BLS railway line 0 g 1 2 Ober- 2 1 7 o 1 4 1 H Hasenburg 1 1 ¿" JakobswegWay of St James footpath 2 3 CÂ 5 1 J 3 n 610 i 6 8 1

5 0 a 1 4 e 3 3

r 1 1 5 Land JubiläumswegJubilee footpath

660 2 5 8 1 k i h i U 8

3 g t Unter- 1 c t m 0 s 6 e °

4 6 2 1 7 s o w o

1 1 2 f 675 r a5 Hasenburg

t e 640 f r s Gunterswilerweid

g G FliessgewässerRiver, stream ü i r h e Stiftung 0 3 7 " 4 h Gütsch o 6 3

" 2

6 ¿ g F

640 G r 1 1 3 9 M 1 e 3 e

c h un 3

1 t 550 Brändi 4

s W 3 z 3

t a 3 560 565 570 Bleikiweid ü e n a

ü 5 8 r 2 g

6 1 1 k

i 2 Altitude line

1 1 h Badheim U s Höhenkurve

G Bleuen 4 t t

0 4 2 62 5 s A l 0 C L 690 1 b o t D 8 3 r 620 4 I 9

1 3 s 2 a 6 a

5 2 2 r g 9 1 a 1 5 s

6 e 555 Public building, local administration office

Gütsch t Öffentliches Gebäude, Verwaltung e s 685 8 555 k n e

A 26 Pflegeheim e e W i l l b r i g i s 615 n t U 600 7 i 7 t s 670 Waldruh ra 8 a Grund- 635 5 7 o r 1 ch Kre t 1 n Schulanlage,School, sports Sporthalle, facilities, kindergarten Kindergarten s 4 6 10 uz 7 s t st 2 i 4 s Baders- 620 Hirsch- ü e 2 rass l matt g 6 e 1 e 610 570 s 8 h e

20 G 5 Sottikon k 3 b w t s 10 i 1 matt n 9 t a e

7 a 1 C 4 t t 8 2 t 3 e 21 park r 1 n HeimeHomes / /Stiftungen Foundations / Alterswohnungen / Retirement homes

t 610 o 7 6 la Obergulp a 4 Am 9 2 e 2 _([ 0 3 s s H t P 6 2 teS r

r 4 1 in W a r Legende 6 3 t 5 m e 3 e 6 B 2 a S g

l 3 5 c r ig 2 g 1 4 i a C" 1 s a D 1

6 e S b W " g e

600 8 hn 1

F w ik a l Hotel, Restaurant,restaurant, cafe Café u t

" t 7 E 1 C t g d r o

2 8 e n

14 6 1 is ers a 2 B b h 2 7 d l t O4 5 3 t 1 2 Steimatt Nord 3 b e t 60 14 4 i K c 2 5 0 o o 9 2 24 16 1 e b u h Í 9 8 8 E 4 g 7 f 1 n 3 d 2 a Ankeloch 1 1 e 3p 3 2 5 r r 4 1 1 1 29 c Strasse / Weg 610 2 w " 3 1 g 9 ¿ 4 p 6 e 8 0 5 l 1 e 560 8 2 0 r 1 1 a 2 d 3b 1 2 SakralbauPlace of worship 590 e 1 1 4 a ld s f Í ss 3 e 3 t S4c 3 3 a a g 2 2 z b a t 675 tr 655 e 1 e c4 h r d ps 28 in s 3 h a 640 ul 3 20 ra 5 ¿" W s 5 27 2 4 n a W 680 m e G 17 2 n a s e J tze tr a g Casa 2 l Fuss- / Fahrweg 12 a 2 ü 6 1 3 ie 2 s li Gulp ko 2 h 7 1 fs 1 7 td s TourismusTourism / Culture / Kultur / Museums/ Museen 16 11 bsweg c 4 o ennis S i 1 e Am Gütsch S 0 T 6 g Schwimm- 0 m 2 h 7 P+R e Macchi 6 14 13 1 3 A 9 6 9 1 n 3 2 h 1 r 9 8 Bleuenmatt 2 a Vatikan 1 1 bad Bahn BLS AG 8 32 1 7 6 4 1 7 B 8 0

1 3 1 8 " 5 P+R 2 Ober- ¿ 6 13 1 5 9 Gu 1 1 1 SportplatzSports area 3 lpstr " s 7 9 a 0 F 2 1 a 10 s 1 5 s Hasenburg 5 s 3 1 Jakobsweg 5 5 te 1 Leue- 6 5 a 7 6 b e " 14 2 t 6 1 a 5 1 a 3 9 595 a F rm 4 2 g 9 2 le 3 7 4 r a 3 CÂ 5 1 J d 1 t n A 7 platz s 3 i 8 8 o e ÖffentlichePublic recreational Anlage, area, Spielwiese playing field 4 2 2 1 11 5 2 7 1 P b 0 a 1 4

9 5 a l r 1 1 Jubiläumsweg 585 4 2 13 i 4 3 660 11 3 19 17 2 5 8 1 U 4 9 h 6 6 3 S b 3 g

Stern 2 13 c 0 s 2 m

8 en f er 2 1 1 e ° m o g 5 2 2 1 4 7 s o 3 Ý Í Wald, Hecke w Woodland, hedgerow h 7 1 675

14 at ied ig 1 1 r 2 7 f

1 t 3 r 1 t e a i F iw g 1 3 f U r 6 t z 2 1 g G Fliessgewässer 8 e a ü 1 rü S 5 n 6 2 11 e i 4 h 1 w I e Stiftung " nn 1 E n 2 4 h5 Gütschs o 6 5 4 " m 9 6 ¿ g m F

0 o 640 e 4 1 s G Steinmatt r 1 6 3 1 3 9 1

11 2 1 S t 17 8 b 8 7 c a M h e 3 8 un 1 " Post-

10 2 e 1 ra 19 1 tr Brändi 550 1 F

0 9 G 2 s s 8 p z f W 8 2 Festhallen- 1 5 21 t r 6 a 560 565

7 1 r " 3 e 570 r ü a

1 ¿ 3 2 platz 9 2 8 " Car park 6 5 1 n 9 ü 5 ä g Parkplatz 6 6 u r 9 2 c 0 ! 2 1 6 1 3 1 h

0 G 1 1 a 0 1 F 7 6 1 Höhenkurve 1 Vo 1 g s 4 16 e platz 21 4 rstadt G g 4 h Bleuen Badheim

23 22 0 3 r 4 n r 4 2 5 1 62 2 e a u 5 s l n 8 1 t C 5 0 " 6 8 10 0 2 6 i 690 2 " ¿ 4 1 s b Ob 2 i e t e 6 rd t 4 m F s 12 8 n 1 o rü 6 1 3 1 r Schwändle 7 rf n 2 se 1 O b r2 3 I r n 3 s 1 6 a 5 6 a

a o 2 as 0 2 1 w a g 2 g i 3 5 1 P+R

n Í 4 S a Ý g 1 4 1 9 4 d Park & Ride

2 1 t a 6 s 5 5 c

5 3 3 4 up 1 Gütsch 16 6 e s e Park and Ride 1 Am 0 Öffentliches Gebäude, Verwaltung t K 4 a 9 g s 685 d 2 s r 640 l 3 r run t H 13 8 2 5 g c r ¿" 555 k t S 1 e n 4 e A 3 5 PflegeheimMohren- 2 e e i 4 3 r ä d n 5 t 640 600 n n Viehmarkt 1 1 e 3 5615 a n So 7 ss 2 t 1 n n u e 0 a i 6 i 2

1 7 ll 5 9 0 7 670 r 3 g a lg platz 0 9 11 7 s 2 t 575 g th 27 aa 10 Waldruh 2a 8 1 i 630 li d es ch p 18 r ! Tourist Information Office n 3 F 1 S 0 s 7 Touristinfo ü ru 5 2 3 16 h K 5 n G 1 Schulanlage, Sporthalle, Kindergarten 7 a S 1 9 4 M rlig 2 35 8 ss c 6 re e 3 2 3 0 ä 1 1 ga 6 Bleiki 4 5 10 uz 7 3

30 a ch 26 ile K ts str 2 9 S s h 2 2 1 4 8 24 C 1 in Hirsch- ü e as 1

7 2 1 2 o 6 8 se 610 2 6 4 s 6 s

620 1b 0 3 2 1 20 7 7 8 16 1 G 5 Küng b 1 2 10 8 t 2 4 nd 4 13 5 4 s 10 1 9 0

610 5 11 ru 2 a 15 8 - 14 7 7 a Platten 1 g 5 610 8 8 t 8 2 2 G e4 park C"D BLS railway station 7 7 r a Bahnhof BLS AG Heime / Stiftungen / Alterswohnungen

12 m g 1 21 nn 4 t

I 3 i g 6

Obergulp e o a a 4 A e t Í l w Gewilag m 3 t 6 13 5 s S [ 0 3 s w s 1 4 H 2 s ( _ 1 a 5 4 Í lo tt 6 te 9 7 h r in W

6 ü c a 7 1 3 1 e

m 3 1 S 1 2 24 5 m 3 B 4 a s 5 2 5 2 m 6 0 Me 6

605 1 3 4 3 2 4b 8 l 9 e 3 r Zehnten- 2 2 g

2 u 8 1 4 i a 1 s a M "

7 e DC 1

h 3 1a 6 S S 8 a " g e

14 5 3 600 n 8 hn h 3 1 15 F 1 9 w l Hotel, Restaurant, Café u " Playground " F z 9 E E C d 3 t C ru g

1 c G nd " 9 6a l 2 r 1 s 15 n Kinderspielplatz m ¿ platz 4 6 a l 8 " i i n 1 ¿ l 1 e 1 ö 1 ü " B l 4 9 a 0 7 g e t a 3 h 2 Steimatt Nord b H 3 n hl 1 F n er g u t 4 4 4 ti G 5 3 e a i 5 u 1 K 5 3 e d a 580 B o o 1 4 4 ek n 5 8 sr 5 ü 16 8 e e g S 2 A 7 u h l 1 u 18 1 2 os 9 1 8 E 4 r f n Ankeloch h r l 1 8 r e

7 3 6 8 1 p r r r h tei 4 1 ü 1 G 610 2 9 ch 1 24 2 1 1 w sw 1 a S " g S ¿ e 4 p m 4 6 t 0 1 d 17 Im 8 s 2 0 e re ra 18 1 1 n 5 la y 1 560 Sakralbau

590 n 4 8 1 6 590 e 1 1 5 6 s f s s e 7 t "

9 u t 1 2 s 3 h s 1 3 mat t e S 3 7 a " Bus stop r t 1 F ¿ . g Bushaltestelle 1 a 7 t 4 "

G 6 2 a 9 r r 2 s 2 S z

14 t F o e 1 e P c d 2 r

5 r 1 s e 640 G l n 8 m 6 t 1 p 8 i 7 N 1 sä 2 s 1 5 mat l 3 2 0 a 5 W 2 s g 5 h a 580 u r e u 6 l 1 2 " t 9

6 e ¿ 1 b e m 1 h h hir G 7 3 1 n a 9 8 0 a r s 3 C 1 2 e i 555 e 2 h 3 4 g r

c 3 6 8 tz k t a Industriegebiet 2 c 6 i 3 ö 1 b 2 ü 1 i s 2 5 e 2 r 1 s K d

H Gulp I der Öli 1 s h 7 g l f 1 7 1 s 6 i ü Tourismus / Kultur / Museen 5 a

I 7 1 2 c t 4 i 1 e 1

7 17 ra 11 S S o n g 1 m 1 t e Bisangmatt 0 g 3 Indoor swimming pool 0 9 s 2 Am Gütsch u h 7 6 Rossgassmoos f 1 s m w 2 1 e CÂ Hallenbad 1 5600 P+R I 5 s 4 3 n 1 6 3 1 13 1 A n 6 9 9 4 1 o 9 s 1 3 r r 4 1 1 l h M h 1 I R 3 e 4b Schulanlage 1 8 2 1 m h s Bleuenmatt 7 1 a 2 a Vatikan h 8 2 c e

c c 7 3 5 7

3 t b i Í 4 B 8 1 1 6 1 t

y t 7 la chl 1 S Schloss 3 1 1 P+R O 3 ä 8 u " 5 5 6 1 ¿n a b 3 e i r 9 f b 2 " r s l 14 1 1 5 a ¿ m s f s G 6 1

6 h u a 1 Sportplatz w s op e lü ü 3 lpstr B " t e 2 e Z h 5 9 2 9 a 0 F 9 3 a s 3 g g c 1 580 10 s 1 s 5 r l n 11 S M 1 4a e 1 g Outdoor swimming pool

i u g g 5 4 4 1 1 Â 1 s s C Schwimmbad l e 3 a 8 a 5 J i 5 e 5 d 5 7 t 1 Leue-g 6

0a 6 1 ie 1 w 7 6 b e 14 2 t 6 1 1 a u " e

1 s n 5 1 a 3 8 9 1 w 3 " g 1 CE a s 9 F 2 9

r i e rm 4 4 1 595 8 e 3 r a lt 3 z 11 4b 1 le 1 7 4 A d 7 d 5 1 t M B l 4 6 7 platz 3 10 4 n 12 1 4a 8 A 595 s e L Öffentliche Anlage, Spielwiese 1 1 8 ö 12 E a 2 o 1 S 1 17 4 7 4 9 1 P 2 b b 1 D 1 2 4 0 9 2 2 0 - 3

1 1 H 9 5 6 a 0 e l B a

16 se 590 15855 4 2 1 13 l i 2 3 1 9 f s 1 Lookout point as 1 3 7 a a 1 istr 4 1 G 1 G 9 R p Aussichtspunkt k 2 b h 6 7 oc 33 31 4 2 S A t Sportanlagen 3 b a S 1 a

1 6 6 Stern 2 13 A ts e 1 ri n o 0 g 2

1 15 8 en f er 2 2 1 i w k 1 5 8 7 m o 3 2 g s 3 2 g 5 e A Í Ý Í Wald, Hecke h 7 u 1 3 14 at Schlossfeld ied ig u r s 7 1 G 6 t 3 2 1 1 g r w 560 c b 2 a 4 i F i g St. Niklausen1 3 U 10 t 6 z 2 1 1 5 " 1 e s e a g 8 H 1 2 g 4 1 rü S 5 n 6 11 i e 4 9 1 e w g F 2 n 1 E 5 I t e n 8 n 2 s 4 5 le a 4 m

h 29 9 a

ü lb 9 5 6 0 o e 5 4 1 B e s m Steinmatt S 1 Schlossfeld 3 a 2 7 11 2 1 S t 7 b 8 6 b a Animal park

6 c w 1 1 8 7 8 8b 2 1 w 1 " Post- M h i 3 10 2 a r s e [ Tierpark e 1 _( r 19 i t l 7 2 1 F Zopfmatt 0 8 9 G 2 2 e s 8 p f e 2

8 h 8 n Festhallen- 1 5 21 t r 6 s Í 0 9 4 0 7 1 r " 3 De r a w c M 3 1 ¿ b 2 platz 9 1 0 6 2 " 7 2 6 3 6 5 8 1 n 9 u ä m a Parkplatz 9 2 c 0 ! 2 i 1 ä 6Sporthalle 1 3 1 a w h 0 2 5 e 0 G e g F

8d 6 1 0 7 1 6 1 g 3 b 18c 4 1 6 e 2 2 Vorsta n g B 22 2 1 platz 1 2 4 dt r is4 o r 2 a

4 5 3 8 d 1 23 3 2 3 z n 2 3 2 5 1 2 e 2 a a 7 u 5 n 8 1 n t 6 o 2 3 6 e 2 1 l 0 1 23 " 6 8 10 a 2 i 2 " a ¿ 4 s 22 Ob 2 i BBZ e s e 2 6 555 s rd t 4 m F s 12 u n 1 M 7 5 ü 6 1 2 o 8 a r 1 Campervan pitches s SchwyzermattSchwändle 24a 7 rf 4 n 1 2 se O e b r I Wohnmobil-Standplatz r 1 s

4 18a a on 2 0 3 as 10 2 r 6 w g 2 a i 3 5 1 P+R

2 n Í 4 S1 a Ý g 1 580 4 1 s 4 d 2

H r 1 2 t a 6 6 5 4 1 t c 5

Chrüzmatt t 7 21 20a 5 3 1 3 up 3b 1 r 6 e s e Park and Ride 1 Am 2 3 t K 0 2 a s a 4 a 9 g 26 d 2 s r 640 r 6 20 5 n t H 3 l 3 s r 2 5 5 gru c r " 1 s k t 2 S 1 1 9 8 ¿ e 22a 1 3 n 5 4 e Mohren- e 8 3 2 l 1 7 e i 4 3 r ä 9 d n t i 6 n n Viehmarkt 1 15 e 3 5 640 600 2 a n t 1 1 8a So 7 ss 2 620 1 n

2 9 u e 0 0 a i 2

7 4 0 1e 7 ll 5 9 w 2 2 r 3 lg 9 2 14 1 22 575 ld g b g tha 27 a5a 10 platz 11 2 4 s 2 ti Recycling-SammelstelleRecycling / Waste collection point 630 2 2 p 1 K is 8 a a li 1 d 8 es 1 ch 18 1 2 ! 3 h 1 1 0 s 1 1 30 26 g 1 ü e run5 3 5 F 2 3 3 S 25b16 a 0 7 G Touristinfo g r 1 5 7 a 9 bu 4 M rlig 2 5 35 8 2 ss S 9 e 3 1 r 1 8 2 iss 3 0 äs 1 enbad 1 25c ga 6 Bleiki 5 3

e 2 Ge30 a ch s Hall 26 M ile K 2 1 92a S s 24 Ch 1 i 2 3

H 12 2 7 1 a 7 2 1 4 28 n 1 9 r 2 o " s 6 ¿ 2 6 4 2 1 7 1 b 2 t Berufsschule 3 2 2 e 7 8 16 620 1 1 2 10 4 7 2 10 18 Küng C 1 2

7 1 s 4 nd 2 13 5 4 0 0150 00 200 300400 m 1 a 8 6103 32 30 21 5 19 8 g 11 ru 2 15 n - 14 7 Platten o g 50 50 100 200610 300 400 m 2 7 8 4 " r a G 1 e m CD 7 1 7 a Bahnhof BLS AG

4 25 12 m g 9 1 z 2 nn 4 3

u 9 I 3 i eg 2 o a 6 p 7 3 tt Í 4 6 5 Â l wb S Gewilag 3 C 27 I 2 s 550 w 1 4 5 2 a 5 b 1 Í 7 s e 9 1

0 4 7 hlo4 tt t 1 23 6 g s ü e 7 1 e Käppeli- m 8 3 e 6 1 Sc 1 a 24 e 4 3 w 6 2 2 3 9 6 s 5 rg2 is 9 5 2 r a m 0 4 6 M 9 c e

605 2 3 3 Í

1 u sbu 1 a 8 Zehnten- 4 0 22 b 8 L 1

575 2 1 g 2 s M 9 7 ei e 1 0 e S 1 h d3 G 1a 14 5a 3 2 2 n o 8 matt h 10 3 3 1 G 15 9b Bleikimatt 2 s 9 1 9 g " " 9 F z E ¿ 6 3 C 8 6 c Grund " i 5 1 1 12 c " 9 6a 13 tr l 2 s 1 Kinderspielplatz m ¿ platz 3 l 5 F 8 i n

" 1 0 ¿ l e 8 1 4 ö 1 ü Kantons- " t 5

7 4 9 a 7 h 0 4 7 5 rg a e a 3 i 3 n 1 1 F 1 565 a 8 k G 3 Halde H 3 9 l 3 n e 17 1 g u 5 3 a e d 7 i 5 u 1 4 k 1 a schule 1 a 580 B 2 1 4 4 n 2 r s 5 8 e e S A2 A 7 e 3 5 8 s 3 1 ü 6 l b u 8 1 s 1 1 1 2 o 8 r G h 1 r l 1 8 r

2 7 3 3 6 8 r h tei 1 4 0 h s 1 s 1 ü1 1 G 2 c 2 w 9 2 1 1 13c S a S t e 1

m 13f 4 8 7 1m3d 600 e W s 570 r 1

590 nd 4 8 1 I 13e 1 6 a e a 5 A n y 16 s 7 t "

9 u t 1 2 h s 1 c mat e 7 " r t 1 F ¿ 6 . Bushaltestelle 1 4 1 " 7

580 6 e 2 a " 5 1 s k s a

G 1 9 3 r S as 14 2 F 1 o 3 P

Haldenstr 1 5 F r e F e G 0 m5 " 3 l 7 ä ¿ N 1 8 3 6 t 1 2 7 7 s 1 Geis 13g 5 mat l 2 g a r 28 580

6 1 u sburgr 6 " el k 1 e e m t 9 9 1 b h ¿ 1 h h in K hir 3 635 1 9 8 3 0 a r e 15 3 g C i 555 e r a 2 3 4 s 1 11 h i g

13a 3 c 3 0 6 8 k z Industriegebiet as 7 1 m c i n 2 19 ö S b e tr 2 5 e r K

s sse I der Öli 1 s 3 g l n H 3 u 1 a s 1 i ü 5 r a

tal I st t 1 7 3 2 e 3 c d 7 a S n 1

l 7 l 1 r 5 a g h m 1 h fe t e Bisangmatt g J 3 " 2 0 9 CE 2 ü eissburg 2 4 los s s 4 u b Rossgassmoos a f M 1 rg s 1 w 1 CÂ Hallenbad c e 1 560 I 15 5 14 s t a k b 1 3 n 9 4 O 1 o t s n u 6 r 4 1 l h o 590 1 M I R 2 1 3 e 4b Schulanlage 1 a m 17e 7 4 3 1 a h s b h c e

5 1 c c 11 5 c s 3 t b i Í h 1 1

y 6 t 7 la chl S 3 Schloss 1 t w O 3 ä u 5 3 1 a b n

1 7 e lf i 4 r f 25 2 2 r s igo l 4 1 M 2 e b " 4 a ¿ m in s f s M a 6 7 6 h a w p B g t e 8 o e lü 5 ü 3 e e h 9 9 Z 5 nis 3 2 3 7 n 3 9 g c en is s Rossgassmoos r " 4 3 g T n1n 580 4a z 0 g l 0 n F 11 S Te M 1 e 1

i 1 u g g 4 c 4 9 1 n  1 s C Schwimmbad l 8 e 3 a 5 J i a d 12 10 3 7 3

0a 6 1 ie 21 8 w g 1 u / 4 2 u

1 e s6 n 3 8 3 1 w 3 " 2 9 1 CE

605 8 rs i e Schulanlage 3 4 8 1 e 10 lt 3 610z 11 4b 6 1 1 L

A d 7 3 M B l 4 6 u

10 4 12 n 12 1 4a 6 595 L 14 a 7 1 z 1 Schlossfeld ö 1 12 E a 1 e S Í 7 4 Geissburgring 36 9 b D 1 2 4 0 9 b 2 rn 2 - 3 6 e 1 1 H 3 6 0 e 9 A B a 6 e 1 rass 5 3 l

1 s t 590 1 9 1 s gs 2 f c a s istra bur 5 8 G G / a k R p 1 Aussichtspunkt k s 13 11 2 h 7

7 2 Eb oc is 1 15 9 33 31 2 A t e 3 Sportanlagen F e a S 5 1 a f 1 rg 6 A ts e 1 nri a r n o g

1 e 7 5 a 2 i w t k m b d 1 3 5 l h 5 p 8 7 3 s l g e 9 Í O 2 8 u e r a A a 3 6 b Schlossfeld u r b z s G 2 n g c b 1 e 560 u 2 1 a 4 5 St. Niklausen e 1 10 5 n 1 5 f " 1 s e c g H u N 1 g 4 i 9 e g h 40 34 30 28 26 24 F 2 g e 42 38 8 4 leta 4 22 s 595 h 29 a / ü lba 9 4 2 5 6 Schlossfeld 5 B e b S 6 w 2 17 0 b

c 4 l 8b 2 a M i 3 1 1 w s s e h 3 4 _([ Tierpark i i

l Zopfmatt 3 5 8 7 22 e u e h n s w 9 8 o t 3 w

Í 0 c 4 0 b l M 2 D 1 0 6 590 s 7 2 3 7 8 2 m a i ä Oberschlossfeld Sporthalle iw 2 5 e e 18d 0 h 6 g 3 c 1 2 g B 22b 18 9 2 1 n is o 2 a c 4 5 3 27 d 1 3 z 3 r 2 8 37 35 33 31 29 25 Oberschlossfeld 1 n 2 a 7 o 39 2 2 1 2 3 e 6 e 2 5 1 3 1 l 1 23 a 22 4 2 2S BBZ a s 555

s S 4 M 610 7 5 u

2 8

H s Schwyzermatt 24a a 6 14 1 5 e Wohnmobil-Standplatz t 620

4 18a 0 7 1 r a a 8 r 2 H 1 600 0 3 580 s 2 h Chrüzmatt t 1 16 10 t 5

7 r 20a b r c 2 2 3 23 a s t 6a 12 r 6 20 2 6 s 5 645

a 2 5 v s e 1 19 22a 18 14 3 e 8

n l 9 i 7 i t 580

16 2 1 a a 28 9 0 620

w 4 7 24 20 e 3 2 1 p 1 22 ld 2b 25 4 K Recycling-Sammelstelle is Ober-Geissburg8 a 1 8 Under 1 1 2

3 1 a 30a h 11 5 g b 0 7 g 1 26 urg e g 3 25 25a r r sb s bad e 5 5c 9 1 c 28 eis allen ld 2

2 e G a s Chalchtare H a M o 2 3 H 12 2 1 a 7 W 9 r 2

¿" u 2 1 2 t Berufsschule 2 e

1 7 C r 2 s

17 1 2 s 2 0 50 100 200 300 400 3 3 30 21 19 g 7 n o m 25 r a 11 z m 4 u 9 22 3 4 9 CÂ b p 7 27 I 2 550 5 b 7 e 10 23 8 6 g s 4 e te 3 Käppeli- we 2 3 9 6 rg is 9 r a 6 c 2 sbu 1 a Í 0 L 575 s 1 g 2 9 ei e 1 0 d G 2 2 o matt " 10 3 G 9b Bleikimatt 2 s 9 g ¿ 6 8 6 c " i

1 12 5 F 13 tr 2 s 3 0 8 7 4 7 Kantons- 4 5 a ti 5

3 1 1 565 a 7 8 k Halde 9 3 7 1 1 14 1 a schule 1 8 A 2 3 2 s 3 1 6 b 8 G 12 10 1 3 s 1 1 1 13c 13f 2 13d 600 8 e W 570 13e a A c 580 e " 1 5 16 k s 1 a Haldenstras F 3 1 3 F e 5 ¿" 3 0 3 7 7 Geis 13g l a r 28 1 9 sburgrin K ¿" k h m 5 3 635 se 1 1 11 g i r a as 27 19 13a 13 0 m z n str S se 3 e n tal tras 3 1 u e 3 c ds 3 15 hl h fel 5 a g J " 2 Mü rgeissburg 2 4 los s CE 14 b a 15c be 14 t a k O 6 t n u o 590 17e 4 3 2 1 a b 5 1 11 ch s 6 3 w 3 25 21 7 igolf 4 M 2 e in 4 M a 7 g 8 5 3 e s 3 n 9 enni is 7 Rossgassmoos 3 " 4 0 F T Tenn z 0 1 c 9 n 12 10 3 a 3 3 2 8 u / 4 2

23 6 3 605 8 Schulanlage 3 10 610 6 L 3

12 6 u 14 Schlossfeld a 7 z 1 e Í Geissburgring 36b rn 2 6 se 3 9 A 1 as 3 gstr 9 c bur 11 5 K 8 L M N O P Q/ k R S s 13

7 2 E geis 5 3 1 15 9 n F e f er 7 a t a rm p b d 3 5 l h O 9 l e 8 b r a a b z n 1 e 5 u e 1 5 n f c u N 42 40 38 34 30 28 26 24 h g 4 22 s 595 / 4 20 b l 4 a 1 s 3 4 i 3 5 u w o 3 7 l 590 2 is Oberschlossfeld 2 h g 9 1 33 27 c r 39 37 35 31 29 25 2 2 Oberschlossfeld 1 e 5 3 1 1 4 2 S

610 S 4

H 6 5

t 620 7 1 a 8 600 0 3 h 10 c r t 12 6


a v 14

n i

t 580 a 3 Ober-Geissburg p Under

a gg r e c Chalchtare ald

o W


r s The impressive Town Hall in the middle of Its curtain, painted by Xaver Hecht, is an aston- Town Hall – the the little town is an ideal location for your ishing treasure for those interested in history. event. The large hall on the ground floor is very Theatre or cabaret performances take place special location for suitable for cocktail receptions, cultural events here, but the venue is also suitable for readings and exhibitions. For concerts, meetings etc. or conferences. A slide show on Willisau­ is at selected events the room can be hired complete with seating your disposal (in German only). You can also as well. The theatre of the late baroque period, rent the forecourt of the Town Hall for your own 16 on the top floor, has its distinctive ambience. event.

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 16 05.03.15 17:52 Festival Hall – attrac­tive and multipurpose

Willisau as a multipurpose venue is well known and popular, not least because of its excellent infrastructure. The Festival Hall is ideally ­situated in the centre and lends itself to a great range of events. Its infrastructure is good Schlossschür – with the huge and distinctive hall, the smaller hall upstairs and the two kitchens. It may be the barn for special used for exhibitions, concerts, conferences, general meetings, staff parties, conventions, occasions club events, bingo or for private occasions such as wedding and birthday parties or similar Features banquet-style seating for up to celebrations. The forecourt of the Festival 200 guests and suits the most diverse events. Hall and the adjacent asphalt and lawn area Weather permitting you can also use the are suitable for additional constructions such ­terrace. as tents or for open-air activities. There ­infrastructure, plans, seating possibilities For further information and bookings contact are enough parking spaces next to the Festival and hire charges can be found on the internet: the booking platform of the town of Willisau: Hall and in its vicinity. Information on the www. festhalle.willisau.ch. www.event.willisau.ch 17

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 17 05.03.15 17:52 Sports facilities to set your heart racing

The generously sized sports facilities at Schlossfeld – among the largest in Switzerland – are uniquely situated, just minutes above the old town of Willisau. Not only do all the pupils and students and the many sports clubs Nordic Walking trails, playgrounds Groups that don’t do their own cooking have a of Willisau use the facilities, but also thou- Accommodation for 250 people choice of efficient restaurants in close vicinity. sands of elite and amateur athletes from all Kitchen, eating and recreation rooms, class- Bikers, cyclists and skaters will find plenty parts of Switzerland. Training camps, courses rooms of attractive roads and paths around Willisau. and competitions can be held under the best of Indoor swimming pool with a large sunbathing For social evenings or events, Willisau with conditions. area its historic centre and its many pubs and Open-air pool with many play areas ­restaurants offers a lot. Drop by and be nicely In a beautiful and ideal location you find (10 minutes’ walk away) surprised – we look forward to welcoming you! 2 triple gymnasiums (one seating 1,000 spectators) The greatest advantage of this extensive sports Sportzentrum Willisau 3 single gymnasiums complex – beside the friendly and helpful Schlossfeldstrasse 2 5 grass fields/pitches, 2 hard courts (Tartan) staff – is the close proximity of the various 6130 Willisau Track and field facilities (with a 400 m running facilities. All are within a radius of 300 m. www.sportwillisau.ch, [email protected] track) Room for gymnastics or aerobics with mirror Weight training room (20 stations) Wrestling halls Beach area (4 volleyball courts) Bouldering wall, 10 m shooting range 18 Finnish racetrack, Vita-Parcours (exercise trail)

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 18 05.03.15 17:52 Horse-drawn carriage Restaurant Sonne Ringlichäs – now that’s a shapely cheese! rides We are known for our home-style cuisine! Right after entering the little town, on Haupt- Right in the heart of Willisau you find the dairy We make the journey unforgettable gasse 4, you find our cosy restaurant (acces­ lover’s dream where you can taste and buy You tell us where you want to start and where sible by wheelchair). Our “Stübli” seats 25, fresh milk from the region and cheese specia­ you want to go. We pick you up and cart you while the small hall on the first floor accommo- lities from here and around the world. cosily and safely to your destination. dates 45 guests. No 10 Hauptgasse is not just a venerable Irene and Franz Koch-Felder building, it also houses a dairy shop rich in Whether we take you sightseeing or to a picnic phone +41 41 970 11 16 ­tradition. It has been run for decades by more spot, whether you are a wedding or birthday Closed on Sundays (from 16.00) and Mondays than 100 farmer families from the region who group eager to leave the frenzy behind, whether formed a co-operative, the Regio Chäsi Willisau,­ you want to recreate the good old times on to process their own milk. They have two your school’s field trip or whether you and your Ristorante Italiano da Fusco dairies in Schülen and Kottwil. Their products work colleagues want to enjoy the scenes at a in the former Gasthof zum Schlüssel range from the traditional Swiss cheeses Sbrinz leisurely pace and with plenty of time for inter- and Emmentaler to such local specialities action – our rides will always be special and as the ring-shaped Willisauer Ringlichäs. Vreni unforgettable. Huber and Gisela Zihlmann look forward to treating you to a delicious taster in the “Chäs Our carriages take you along romantic streams, Chäller Willisau”. Find out more on www. across tranquil valleys, past nature reserves chaes-chaeller-willisau.ch. or across the typical ridges of the Napf region. We look forward to giving you a few ideas for Chäs Chäller Willisau is almost always an ambience-packed ride. there for you: Monday to Thursday, 7.30–12.00 and 13.30–18.30; Friday, 7.30–12.00 and 13.30–20.00 (late shopping) We welcome you to our restaurant with its Saturday, 7.30–16.00. wood-burning pizza oven, our quiet small din- ing hall or, for larger events up to 60 persons, to our grand hall with its fabulous views of the town fountain and the parish church of Information and bookings St Peter and St Paul. On summer days we serve Rössligemeinschaft Willisau our Italian specialities also on the patio. We [email protected] use only fresh ingredients for our delicious www.rg-willisau.ch dishes and we also have gluten-free versions. Anton Mehr, phone +41 41 970 13 39 Nadia Fusco, Hauptgasse 46, [email protected], Mobile +41 79 469 47 39 www.dafusco.ch, phone +41 41 970 01 00 19

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 19 05.03.15 17:52 Musikinstrumentensammlung Willisau is not just music to your ears, but plays to your every sense. It is far more than your average museum. The musical instruments of Christian and Leonie Patt from Malix, Canton of Graubünden, are replicas of originals from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. They are playable and the public, under guidance, can try them out and find out how they sound. In 2010 valuable original instruments from the Schumacher Col- lection, once on display in the Richard Wagner Collection of Museum in Lucerne, joined the Patt Collection. This harmonious coexistence of originals and replicas is unique among the museums of musical instruments musical instruments. Tours are our speciality. (Musikinstrumentensammlung Willisau) Because music is so diverse yet so essential Information to all of us, we also tailor tours to your special Musikinstrumentensammlung Willisau Two very different but equally fascinating needs and wishes. Our concerts are a regular Am Viehmarkt 1, 6130 Willisau collections of musical instruments have come event and allow you to get acquainted with Phone +41 41 971 05 15 together in the former printing premises of rarely played instruments and music. Courses www.musikinstrumentensammlung.ch the Willisauer Bote (the local newspaper). The and special shows round off our programme. [email protected]

Akupunkt-Massage... Den Multimedia Profi mit dem Tag- und Nachtservice finden Sie mitten in der Altstadt

A G Toni Bättig Chilegass 10 Hauptgasse 20, Tel. 041 970 34 34 6130 Willisau ...erhöht Ihre Flexibilität. Tel. 041 970 25 10

Bei Rücken- und Ischiasschmerzen, Kopfweh, Migräne und Nackenbeschwerden sowie bei Gelenkserkrankungen spricht die Akupunkt- Massage (APM) besonders gut an.

Weiter im Angebot: KLASSISCHE MASSAGE · HOT STONE MASSAGE Krankenkassen anerkannt. 20

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 20 05.03.15 17:52 Restaurant Sternen

The “Sternen” is known for its traditional Swiss cuisine, its cosy atmosphere and its pleasant company. The restaurant proper seats 70 guests for lunch or dinner, for get- togethers among regulars or other social gatherings. Here we serve you our à la carte menu of Swiss specialities. The hall seats 80 and is ideal for banquets. You can also choose one of our two vaulted Naturally, on beautiful summer nights rehearsed catering crew manages banquets cellars for a special occasion. The wine you can enjoy it all on our terrace, which for up to 1,000 people. cellar accommodates up to 25 guests for seats 60. pre-dinner drinks, or up to 12 for an atmos- Sternen AG Willisau, Restaurant/Catering pheric meal. The à la carte dining cellar Catering to your personal taste Bruno & Ursula Achermann-Frei, Obertor 2, seats up to 26 guests. If you just want We also offer catering services – from rustic 6130 Willisau, phone +41 41 970 12 86, to relax after work, visit our comfortable to gourmet – at your home, in the woodland [email protected] lounge for a pint or two. cabin or at the castle. Our able and well- sternen-restaurant-catering.ch

Postplatz 3, 6130 Willisau, Telefon 041 970 17 01 www.apowill.ch

Ihr Partner für alle Installationen

Planungen / Installationen Telematik / Netzwerk Photovoltaik Beratungen / Kontrollen Gebäudeautomation

Elektro Illi AG Sonnenklar Seewag 2 | 6130 Willisau | Tel. 041 972 70 20 mit Solar Gschwäbring 19 | 6244 Nebikon | Tel. 062 756 30 50 [email protected] | www.elektro-illi.ch


Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 21 05.03.15 17:52 Welcome to the mecca for encounters!

The recreation centre Schlossfeld, with its splendid views and close proximity to the sports facilities, the exercise trails and the indoor swimming pool, cordially welcomes you.

The restaurant accommodates 70–100 guests; The fitness centre will help you gain strength, Freizeitzentrum Schlossfeld AG the hall, which can be partitioned into two stamina and mobility – the three pillars of P.O. Box, 6130 Willisau rooms of equal size, seats up to 50 and is ideal well-being and health. Qualified fitness Phone +41 41 970 35 35, Fax +41 41 970 45 35 for meetings, conferences and banquets. The coaches will assist you in working out your [email protected] generously designed garden terrace, which individual training plan. Phone +41 41 970 37 14 (fitness/wellness) seats 130, is said to be one of the most beauti­ [email protected] ful spots around the Napf region. Special We focus on exercises that are easy on your www.freizeitzentrum-willisau.ch events, sports camps, banquets of all kinds and joints, stimulate your circulation and also our regular Farmer’s Sunday Breakfast buffet are fun. An extensive course programme rounds Opening hours restaurants all contribute to the essence of this mecca for off the choices. Monday–Saturday: 9.00–00.30 encounters. Sunday: 9.00–22.00 Regeneration and recreation are the perfect The comfortable indoor tennis facility with match for a well-balanced exercise programme. Opening hours fitness/wellness three courts cries out for game, set and match. Here you can choose between Finnish sauna, Monday–Friday: 8.00–22.00 You can book a court for a one-off game or for steam bath, solaria and whirlpool. Or maybe Saturday and Sunday (winter): 8.00–16.00 regular use, take part in a tournament, or book you fancy a massage to rekindle your spirits? Saturday and Sunday (summer): 8.00–14.00 lessons with our qualified tennis instructors. We also have two courts each for badminton We also have a playground and a children’s and squash lovers. Outside, young and old can corner – with nanny service upon request – test their accuracy on our beautiful 18-hole to make sure you can make the most of 22 mini-golf course. your visit here. We cordially welcome you!

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 22 05.03.15 17:52 Visit our cafe (about 120 seats) and let us spoil Café AMREIN you with seasonal variations from our kitchen. During summer you can enjoy the comings Chocolatier and goings in the pretty old town from our com- fortable street cafe while our homemade ice As the original makers of the trademark cream creations are melting in your mouth. Willisauer Ringli biscuits, Amrein has stood for passion and taste since 1890. Tradition We look forward to spoiling you! obliges, but the fourth-generation owners, Michael and Ursula Renggli-Kurmann the Renggli-Kurmann family, are also open Open Tuesday–Sunday to innovation. They completely overhauled the Phone +41 41 970 11 14 business in spring 2008, and now showcase www.willisauerringli.ch generously designed and modern premises. [email protected]

Our chocolate specialities, created in-house and with great expertise, will satisfy any connoisseur. True to our philosophy, we offer seasonal products made from the best ingredients. Our team will tempt you with a creative selection of pastries, cakes and tortes. 23

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 23 05.03.15 17:52 You find our restaurant at No 3 Leuenplatz, near the lower gate. We are a family-friendly busi- ness and offer home-style, regional cuisine. The restaurant and halls can be partitioned into 30-, 50- and 100-seat rooms and are accessible by wheelchair. We do not charge a fee for the venue if you book it for your family or business social event. Enjoy our unique rose garden during summer; it accommodates 45 people.

Valet pick-up service From spring to autumn, and within a radius of 35 kilometres, we are happy to pick you up with our beautiful vintage car. If you are celebrating a round birthday, the service is free of charge.

Hotel Gasthaus Backpackers Post *** Affordable budget rooms with shower/WC on the floor. Single, double and family rooms. Eight comfortable, wheelchair-accessible rooms Cyclists on the Herzroute can now recharge with en suites. Three-star Gastrosuisse. their Flyer batteries for free.

Hans and Edith Herzog-Wermelinger Phone +41 41 970 25 06 Fax +41 41 970 25 09 www.gasthauspostwillisau.ch [email protected]

24 Family owned since 1907

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 24 05.03.15 17:52 DIWISA HUG Ringli Shop Escape the rut and get Distillerie Willisau SA Take a guided tour of the HUG biscuit shop and adventurous savour the mouth-watering aroma of honey DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA is one of the from freshly baked Willisauer Ringli biscuits, Take a discovery tour! Lots of fabulous excursion most modern distilleries in Europe and the straight out of the oven. You will learn the ideas and group offers await you. We, the team market leader in Switzerland. The family history of the Ringli, and even get a chance of the Regional Tourist Office in Willisau, have business perfectly combines traditional crafts- to peek at the original recipe! You will also a plethora of suggestions for you. We are happy manship with innovative drive and high-tech unlock the secret of the famous hole in the to advise and help you. You will be surprised elements. Being crowned “Distiller of the Year Ringli. To round it off, you can buy not just the to discover how diverse and interesting the Wil- 2013/14” is a vivid testament to the exceptional Ringli straight from the oven, but a range of lisau region is. We look forward to your visit! quality of Willisau’s products. The huge product other delicious specialities of the HUG family. line of the market leader comprises not just The generous portions and minimal packaging Opening hours traditional fare such as fruit and fine spirits, but mean excellent value for money. Monday–Friday: 8.30–11.30 and 13.30–17.00 many innovative products such as energy and From mid-April to mid-October we also open on wellness drinks, shots or ready-to-drink cock- Opening hours Saturdays from 9.00–12.00. tails and hot beverages. Monday–Friday: 8.00–18.00 Outside office hours you are welcome to help Saturday: 8.00–16.00 yourself to any of our informative brochures on Opening hours hand at the entrance. Monday–Friday: 8.00–12.00, 13.30–18.00 Further information Saturday: 9.00–16.00 HUG Ringli-Laden Regionales Verkehrsbüro Willisau Menznauerstrasse 20, 6130 Willisau Hauptgasse 10, 6130 Willisau DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA Phone +41 41 970 10 22 Phone +41 41 970 26 66 Menznauerstrasse 23, 6130 Willisau Fax +41 41 970 30 28 [email protected] Phone +41 41 972 72 72, www.diwisa.ch [email protected] www.willisau-tourismus.ch

www.willisau-tourismus.ch 25

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 25 05.03.15 17:53 Willisau – gateway to shopping delight

The many attractive stores and boutiques in Fashion and sports Shopping and around the historic town centre will make Bossert Zweirad (bicycles), Vorstadt 4 Amthaus-Papeterie, Hugo Keiser your shopping trip unforgettable. www.bossert-zweirad.ch ...... K/5 (stationer) Hauptgasse 16 ...... I/5 Kunz-Sport, Leuenplatz 6 Imhof Papeterie + Buchhandlung www.kunz-sport.ch...... J/5 (stationer and bookstore) Cafes Menz Willisau AG (sports + leather goods) Hauptgasse 31, www.imhofpapeterie.ch. . .I/4 Amrein Café Chocolatier Willisau Postplatz 2...... J/5 Moderato (accessories, cigars) Hauptgasse 24 Meyer Schuhe + Sport (shoes) Müligass 3, www.moderato-willisau.ch . . H/4 www.willisauerringli.ch ...... I/5 Hauptgasse 8, www.meyer-schuhesport.ch. I/5 Mon Bijou (gift shop), Bahnhofstrasse 23 . . J/5 Gut (bakery, patisserie, cafe) Modehaus Peter (fashion) M-Schuh Shop (shoes), Hauptgasse 38 . . .I/4 Bahnhofplatz 2, www.baeckerei-gut.ch . . L/6 Hauptgasse 36, www.petermode.ch . . . . I/4 Schürmann Textilien (fabrics) Cars Health and beauty Hauptgasse 21...... I/4 Garage Glatt AG – FIAT, bus rentals Toni Bättig (acupuncture massages) Sigrist (fur, lambskin and leather fashion) Menznauerstrasse 8...... M/4 Chilegass 10...... I/4 Hauptgasse 33 Kreuz-Garage Willisau AG, VW, Audi, Skoda Apotheke Kaufmann AG www.sigristmodeinpelz.ch...... I/4 Ettiswilerstrasse 10 (pharmacy and health centre), Postplatz 3 Zeder Mode (fashion), Mohrenplatz 5 www.kreuz-garage.ch...... K/6 www.apotheke-willisau.ch...... J/5 www.zedermode.ch...... J/5 Drogerie A. Jost AG (chemist’s shop and Household and furniture perfumes), Untertor Food Elektro Peter Willisau AG (electrical supplies) www.drogerie-jost.ch...... J/5 Chäs Chäller – Regio Chäsi Willisau Hauptgasse 28, www.elektropeter.ch. . . . I/5 Medinatura centre for natural medicine (cheeses), Hauptgasse 10 Kreiliger AG, Workshop + Creativeshop Michaela Alt-Nielsen, Bruggmatt 3 www.chaes-chaeller-willisau.ch ...... I/5 Hauptgasse 35, www.kreiliger.ch . . . . . H/4 www.medinatura.ch ...... J/6 HUG Ringli-Laden (biscuits, cakes, tortes) Menz Willisau AG (flooring) Städtli-Drogerie (chemist’s shop and Menznauerstrasse 20 Postplatz 2...... J/5 perfumes), Hauptgasse 40 www.hug-luzern.ch...... N/3 Tisch & Stuhl Willisau AG (furniture) 26 www.staedtlidrogerie.ch ...... H/4 Roos Metzgerei (butcher), Postplatz 1 . . . J/5 Menznauerstrasse 21, www.willisauag.ch. . N/3

Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 26 05.03.15 17:53 Crafts Important addresses Dentists Töpferei Wehrle (pottery) Gero Juraszyk Bachmann, Untertor Müligass 5, www.robiwehrle.ch . . . . . H/4 Emergency numbers 041 970 33 77...... J/5 Police ...... 117 Sekulic Milenko, Kreuzstrasse 3b Banks Fire ...... 118 041 970 37 55...... K/7 Luzerner Kantonalbank Ambulance...... 144 Vorstadt 11, www.lukb.ch...... K/5 Poison Information Centre...... 145 Pharmacies Raiffeisenbank Luzerner Hinterland Child/Youth Hotline ...... 147 Kaufmann AG Mohrenplatz 10, www.raiffeisen.ch. . . . . J/5 Rega – Air Rescue Service ...... 1414 Postplatz 3, 041 970 17 01 ...... J/5 Valiant Bank AG Bruggmatt 1, www.valiant.ch...... J/6 Doctors Vets (large and small animals) Krummenacher Felix – General Practitioner, Wyss Bernhard and Christine internal and anthroposophical medicine Menzbergstrasse 14, 041 970 23 33. . . . K/3 Bahnhofstrasse 1, 041 970 38 50...... L/6 Von Kiparski Alexander – Parishes General Practitioner Protestant – Pastors Ivar and Hauptgasse 40, 041 970 17 33 ...... H/4 Marianne Siffert, Adlermatte 14 Wicki Manfred – General Practitioner 041 970 17 35 ...... H/5 Gartenstrasse 1, 041 970 17 77...... K/4 Roman Catholic – Pastor Martin Walter Wicki Franz – General Practitioner Müligass 6, 041 972 62 00...... H/4 Zehntenplatz 2, 041 970 37 81 ...... H/4 Shalati Mohamed – Paediatrics and youth Police Willisau medicine, Mohrenplatz 9, 041 971 06 50 . . J/4 Vorstadt 9, 041 970 01 17 ...... K/5


Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 27 05.03.15 17:53 Travel with BLS to the Herzroute.

Explore the Willisau region with BLS. BLS takes you right to the starting point of your hike or to the start of the Herzroute (a signposted e-bike trail). Riding a FLYER e-bike through the hilly, pre-Alpine landscape is a very special experience.

Tips for excursions by train, bus and boat are available at www.bls.ch/excursion

Inserat Ortsprospekt Willisau 210x210mm_RA.indd 3 09.02.2015 09:44:12 Ortsprospekt_2015_E.indd 28 05.03.15 17:53