ST. BONIFACE Fi | Ho it i | Si


“I will lay down my life for the sheep” Mission

(John 10:15) “To encounter Jesus and to become the joy of the As I reflect on the self-sacrificing love and service of the Good Shepherd, I am Gospel” reminded of a mother who gives herself away to her children, grandchildren, and friends. I know that she can afford luxury goods of self-care, but I know that she MASS finds joy in giving of herself in love for the wellbeing of those around her. Weekdays: I know that there are many mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, neighbors, Tuesday at 5:30 PM parishioners, and citizens who resemble the heart of this mother. If there were not, Wednesday through Friday we would not desire to share the more that we want to share in our love and at 8:00 AM service, nor the world will continue to remain a beautiful place. It is the reflections of such hearts that continue to challenge us to give ourselves away even when we Weekend: may want to or choose to remain locked in our measured love for others. Online: 4:00 PM Saturday: 5:00 PM The shepherding hinges upon this single act: self-sacrificial love. The Good Sunday: Shepherd reveals how this love unfolds in His ministry. The blind is drawn to see, 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM the deaf is able to hear, the crippled is helped to walk, the sinner experiences forgiveness, the hungry is filled with good things, the wounded is bandaged for Confession healing and restoration, the accused is freed for love and goodness, the thirsty is Tuesday through offered the taste of eternal life, and the lost are found in His love. When these signs are accompanied by intimate knowledge and mutual communion, the sheep Saturday: never strays away but remains faithful to the Good Shepherd. 4 — 5 PM

As a priest, I want my heart to resemble the heart of my Savior. This is the ______commitment I made 27 years ago. I want to become the comforting presence that St. Boniface livestreams the Good Shepherd is to all of us every day. As we journey through this week, may Weekday Mass and broadcasts our hearts be transformed to give ourselves away for others! Weekend Mass Pax et bonum, Father Chinna through Facebook!

1200 SOUTH WARRIOR LANE | WAUKEE, IA 50263 |515-987-4597 | Email: [email protected] DAILY READINGS MASS INTENTIONS

Saturday, April 24 Saturday, April 24 [ Fidelis of Sigmaringen] 4:00 PM (Online): Intentions of Parish Family Acts 9:31-42/Jn 6:60-69 5:00 PM: Rose Singer (RIP) Sunday, April 25 Sunday, April 25 8:30 AM: Steve Jamison (RIP) FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 10:30 AM: Kathryn Fitzgerald (RIP) Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 Tuesday, April 27 Monday, April 26 Paul Cooper (RIP) Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10 Wednesday, April 28 Tuesday, April 27 Emerson Family (RIP) Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30 Thursday, April 29 Wednesday, April 28 Evert Masters (RIP) [ Chanel & Saint Louis Grignion de Friday, April 30 Montfort] Brennan Lindhorst (RIP) Acts 12:24—13:5a/Jn 12:44-50 Saturday, May 1 Thursday, April 29 4:00 PM (Online): Intentions of Parish Family [Saint ] 5:00 PM: Marilyn Woodward (RIP) Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20 Sunday, May 2 8:30 AM: Irvin Robison (RIP) Friday, April 30 10:30 AM: Vincent & Mildred Brummer (RIP) [Saint Pius V ] Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6 VOCATIONS Saturday, May 1 [Saint the Worker] Holy Spirit, stir within us the passion to Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14 promote vocations to the consecrated Sunday, May 2 life, societies of apostolic life, diocesan priesthood, and permanent diaconate. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Inspire us daily to respond to Your call Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 with boundless compassion, abundant generosity, and radical availability. Help us to remember our own baptismal call to rouse us to SANCTUARY LAMP invite the next generation to hear and respond to Your call. Inspire parents, families, and lay ecclesial ministers to begin a This week’s SANTUARY LAMP is offered in conversation with young Catholics to consider how they will prayerful remembrance of BETTY WEBER: May the live lives of holiness and sacred service. Lord bless her and fill her heart with peace! Nudge inquirers and motivate discerners to learn more about monastic life, apostolic life, , cloistered contempla- tive life, and evangelical Franciscan life. Ignite our Church with the confident humility that there is an urgent need for religious sisters, brothers, deacons, and priests to live in solidarity with those who are poor, neglected, and marginalized. Disrupt our comfortable lives and complacent attitudes with new ideas to respond courageously and creatively with a daily 'YES!' Amen. WEEKLY EVENTS REFLEXION

Saturday, April 24 "Daré mi vida por las ovejas" 4:00 PM: Online Mass* (Juan 10:15) 4:00 - 5:00 PM: Reconciliation Al reflexionar sobre el amor y el servicio abnegados del Buen 5:00 PM: Mass Pastor, recuerdo a una madre que se entrega a sus hijos, nietos y amigos. Sé que puede pagar programas de cuidado personal de Sunday, April 25 lujo, pero sé que encuentra alegría en entregarse en amor por el 8:30 AM: Mass with Children’s Liturgy of the Word bienestar de quienes la rodean. 10:30 AM: Mass Monday, April 26 Sé que hay muchas madres, padres, hijos, hijas, vecinos, feligreses 7:00 PM: Prayer Group y ciudadanos que se asemejan al corazón de esta madre. Si no lo Tuesday, April 27 hubiera, no desearíamos compartir más de lo que queremos com- 4:00– 5:00 PM: Reconciliation partir en nuestro amor y servicio, ni el mundo seguirá siendo un lugar hermoso. Son los reflejos de tales corazones los que con- 5:30 PM: Mass* tinúan desafiándonos a entregarnos a nosotros mismos incluso Wednesday, April 28 cuando queramos o decidamos permanecer encerrados en nuestro 8:00 AM Mass* amor mesurado por los demás. 4:00—5:00 PM: Reconciliation 5:30 PM: Finance Council Meeting El pastoreo depende de este único acto: el amor abnegado. El 6:30 PM: PRAYSE Band Practice Buen Pastor revela cómo este amor se desarrolla en Su ministerio. El ciego es atraído para ver, el sordo es capaz de oír, el lisiado es Thursday, April 29 ayudado a caminar, el pecador experimenta el perdón, el ham- 6:30 AM: Men of Boniface briento se llena de cosas buenas, el herido es vendado para cura- 8:00 AM: Mass* ción y restauración, el acusado es liberado por amor y bondad, al 8:30 AM: Scripture Study sediento se le ofrece el sabor de la vida eterna, y al perdido se 9:00 AM: Prerecording Online Mass (March 28) encuentra en su amor. Cuando estos signos van acompañados de 4:00—5:00 PM: Reconciliation un conocimiento íntimo y de una comunión mutua, la oveja nunca se aparta, sino que permanece fiel al Buen Pastor. Friday, April 30 8:00 AM: Mass* Como sacerdote, quiero que mi corazón se parezca al corazón de 4:00 - 5:00 PM: Reconciliation mi Salvador. Este es el compromiso que asumí hace 27 años. 6:00 PM: Wedding Rehearsal Quiero convertirme en la presencia reconfortante que el Buen Saturday, May 1 Pastor es para todos nosotros todos los días. A medida que 2:00 PM: Wedding avanzamos en esta semana, ¡que nuestros corazones se trans- formen para entregarnos por los demás! 4:00 PM: Online Mass* Pax et bonum, Padre Chinna 4:00 - 5:00 PM: Reconciliation 5:00 PM: Mass PRAYERS FOR Sunday, May 2 8:30 AM: Mass with Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:30 AM: Mass "Come to me, 1:00 PM: First Holy Communion all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

⇒ Sue Brinker


⇒ Larry and his family Let us pray for MARY KAY BRUCE, HANNAH ⇒ Victoria Lenis WEIL, and JULIAN LENIS: May the risen Jesus for- ⇒ Family of Julian Lenis

give their sins and grant them eternal rest! ⇒ Family of Mary Kay Bruce


 ADA PRAYER ADA UPDATE Oh Lord, giver of life and source of our freedom, we Thank you to all who have given so far! We are off to thank You for the many gifts You have given to us a great start! To make your contribution, use your and we invite your presence in our lives at all times. direct mail envelope from the diocese, fill out a pew We know that it is from Your goodness that we have card, or visit Questions? received all that we have. Contact Tiffany Hilgenberg in the Parish Office. Gracious and loving God, we understand that You call us to be the stewards of Your abundance, the caretakers of all you have entrusted to us. Through the Annual Diocesan Appeal, help us to use Your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. In this new year of our Diocese, may our faithful stewardship bear witness to the love of Christ in our lives. TITHING ANALYSIS


Easter 2020 Easter 2021 Tithing $11,770 Tithing $17,884

Flowers $797 Flowers $1,155


Week Ending April 13, 2020 Week Ending April 12, 2021 Tithing $25,515 Tithing $39,883

Building Faith $1,430 Building Faith $1,080

Parish Debt as of 31 March $1,542,888 Parish Debt as of 31 March $1,211,326 EL SALVADOR BLESSED BIKERS

BACK TO SCHOOL IN EL RECREO! We invite all motorcycle riders to join us for a sea- by Elaine Merical and Carlos Argueta son of fun and travel be- Students are returning to ginning Monday May 3rd their classes! On Monday, and continuing each Monday evening thru the April 19, the kindergarteners month of October. Our returned and all grades will be gathering place for our back in the classrooms in El Monday evening rides is Recreo! Until this week, they in the St. Boniface park- have been studying in their ing lot, with a departure time of 6:30pm. homes using WhatsApp on We have many new exciting places to visit and share their cell phones to communi- with one another that are scheduled for us to enjoy in cate with their teachers in the the coming riding season. Come join us for a summer of fun and new friendships. middle and high school classes and received packets of learning materials each week in the elementary Questions: please contact either Andreini (515- 240-3858) or Rick Oberembt (515-432-6242) grades. A total of 70% of students are returning to their TEE TIME! classrooms at this time. We have twenty-seven high school students and thirty middle school students from El Recreo attending school this year. The government has released computers to third-year high school students, and they will gradually release computers to every student as promised by the Presi- dent of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele. Just like in Iowa schools, the staff has made accom- modations for social distancing and other COVID virus concerns in their school buildings. And, just like us, the students are happy to be back in their classrooms learning with their teachers and friends! OUTDOOR MASS SAINT OF THE WEEK

St. Catherine of Siena We celebrate Catherine of Siena this week as an interna- tional political figure, a feminist hero, and a . She didn’t join the convent, but followed the life pattern of the Dominican Order as a lay member. We can think of her as an old-fashioned Italian matriarch, pious but sharp-tongued, who scandalized as many people as she influenced. Picture a short, frail lady, garbed in worn, rough clothes, going about typical daily activities, but also praying for many hours at a time, caring for the sick, and offering advice to and princes. More than anything else, Catherine was consumed by a passion for God and for the welfare of others. As she pur- sued these passions, miracles happened. Once, Catherine prayed for two condemned prisoners, who were then pro- foundly touched by God. After praying for them, they wept and confessed their sins. They claimed that the crucified Christ had appeared to them urging for repentance and offering forgiveness. This miraculous turn of events mysti- fied the whole town, but Catherine’s close friends knew that she had intervened in some way. VOLUNTEERS When the plague struck Siena, Catherine and her friends courageously tended the sick. The disease eventually struck We need VOLUNTEERS to help setup for outdoor Matteo, a close friend of Catherine. When she got the Mass. The preparation begins at 7:15 AM each news, she hurried off to see him. She was hot with anger at Sunday, beginning from 9 May. If you are an early the plague, and even before she reached his bed she began shouting from a distance: “Get up, Matteo, get up! This is riser, able-bodied, and would like to help, please not time for lying in a soft bed!” At this command, contact Chris Bell or Sara Krohnke at the parish office Matteo’s fever, swelling, and pain disappeared….. or email her at [email protected]. (You can read more about the Saint at https:// Thank for your generosity; your stewardship makes a huge difference in the parish community!  ages/saint-catherine-of-siena-1347-1380/)

Photo: Dennis Carlson SACRAMENTAL PREP COMMUNION PREP SIGN UP FOR CONFIRMATION INTERVIEWS: 9th Graders All Confirmation candidates are asked to sign up online for a 10-minute discernment interview as part of the confirmation preparation process. The goal of the interview is to hear about your confirmation jour- ney so far, as well as to discuss service opportunities and answer questions you may have.

Confirmation Interview Dates:

• Wednesday, May 12, between 5-8pm The parents of First Communicants came together to • Wednesday, May 19, between 5-8pm reflect upon the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The session was facilitated by Tom Quinlan, Ministry Direc- Sign up by April 30 at tor of St. Joseph’s Educational Center, Des Moines! We purpose Interviews will be held in the parish hall in thank Tom Quinlan and the Faith Formation Staff for person (socially distanced) with an adult member of organizing the preparatory sessions last week. the confirmation preparation team. Masks are required. Candidates with health con- NEWLY MARRIED cerns who are unable to participate, please contact the Faith Formation Office and we will be happy to William Tanner Peard and Annetta Grace Kukrow work with you to make other arrangements. were married on 17 April 2021! We ask the Lord to bless this Newly Married Couple Questions? Contact Amy Slick or Faye Akers in the Faith Formation Office. with peace and perseverance!


FORMED Pick of the Week for April 24

⇒ Watch. Into the Breach

⇒ Learn. FORMED NOW! Who is St. Catherine of Siena?

⇒ Listen. Can You Trust God? with Dr. Tim Gray April 10, 2021 ⇒ Set up a FREE account and access FORMED at MCKENNA GERARD, child of Owen & Shannon Gerard FAITH FORMATION

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Ages 4-7) Children’s Liturgy of the Word for children ages 4-7 is offered during our Sunday 8:30am Mass. We’d love to have your children join us! Do you enjoy sharing your faith with young children? To sustain and grow this ministry, we need leaders and assistants. Both adults and teens are welcome. For more information, visit https:// COMING SOON! or contact Amy Slick in the 2021-22 FAITH FORMATION Faith Formation Office at [email protected] or 515-850-1883. ONLINE REGISTRATION

Online registration for 2021-22 faith formation and sacramental preparation for children, teens and fami- lies will open Monday, May 3. Our new online system is a more efficient way for us to track registrations and volunteers, collect required data, and direct families to online payment.

We’ve also updated our 2021-22 Faith Formation Handbook and ask all families to review the handbook prior to completing registration. The handbook in- cludes details about program offerings as well as infor- mation about fees, session times, attendance and disci- pline, and new parking lot safety guidelines.

Registration instructions and a link to the handbook will soon be available on our Faith Formation website page at

Those without computer or internet access may con- tact Amy Slick or Faye Akers in the Faith Formation Office for assistance. BLOOD DRIVE  PARISH CONTACTS

PARISH REGISTRATION If you desire to become a member of the St. Boniface family, please call Nora Morales in the Parish Office. SACRAMENTS If you need information on , Marriage, Confession, and Anointing of the Sick, please contact Sara Krohnke in the Parish Office. BECOMING CATHOLIC If you or someone you know is thinking about joining the Catholic Church or is inquiring about the faith, please contact Faye Akers in the Parish Office. COMMUNICATIONS Want to publish something in the Bulletin? Please submit your content to Chris Bell in the Parish Office by the end of the day Friday the week prior.

PARISH STAFF Office Associate Nora Morales | [email protected] CHRISTIAN SERVICES Administrative Coordinator Tiffany Hilgenberg | [email protected] Business Manager Cathy Bellis | [email protected] Accounting & Facility Monica Vanorny | [email protected] Pastoral Care Associate Sara Krohnke | [email protected] Parish Life & Ministry Christina Bell | [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Bridget Johnston |[email protected] Parish Evangelization & Faith Formation Faye Akers | [email protected] Child & Family Faith Formation Amy Slick | [email protected] Confirmation Coordinators (Volunteers) Craig & Tracey Wilson| [email protected] Bob & Lisa Smith Parishioners

Nick Finkenauer, CPA Parishioner Bob D Smith, Agent 80 4th Street Certified Public Accountants and Business Advisors PO Box 1056 515-288-3279 We are proud to be central Iowa’s Waukee, IA 50263-1056 Bus 515 987 5404 Catholic health care provider. Fax 515 987 2498 Find a physician or clinic near you at [email protected] NMLS #139716 NMLS MLO #1068586 MLO License #21445 Providing Insurance and Financial Services

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Contact Bert Spore to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2527

Iles Funeral Homes

Dr. Kaisha Brown, DDS (515) 777-7568 “Over 100 Years of Combined Experience Right Here in Waukee” • Estate Planning • Family Law 515-222-2300 | Member FDIC • Real Estate • Personal Injury & Workers Compensation • Free Initial Consultation (515) 987-4578 515-223-6757 480 6th Street, Waukee, IA 50263 2540 SE Encompass Drive | Waukee, IA 50263 (515) 987-8575 Eddie Erlbacher (Parishioner) Brian M Becker, AAMS® Music Therapy, Memory Care Program, Call LPi today for advertising info Financial Advisor, Parishioner 24/7 Nursing, Bereavement Program, (800) 950-9952 Veteran Program, Massage Therapy 4646 86th St Look no further for the quality eye care you deserve. Urbandale, IA 50322 Dr. Barbara A. Scheetz Phone: 515-440-4610 Dr. Kreg D. Harper 5970 Ashworth Rd (515) 218-2143 515-331-9059 Doctors of Optometry West Des Moines, IA 52066 Member SPIC

Travis Gaule Financial Advisor, Parishioner

14225 Univirsity Ave Ste #240 Waukee, IA 50263 515-270-5375

Hydro Heat Geothermal Systems

Mechanical Contractor 25750 U Avenue • Waukee • Iowa 50263 (515) 992-3735 Don Dorrian Jr. Fax: (515) 987-1551 Phone: (515) 987-4310 Mobile: (515) 208-4310 1204 Linden St. • Dallas Center For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Boniface, Waukee, IA A 4C 02-0564 All Around Handy Man Home Repairs,Deck Repairs/ Staining, Painting & Furniture Repair/Refinish 1005 E. Hickman Rd. • Waukee Gary Dresher, Parishioner (515) 216-2760 715-321-1343

Family, Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry

(515) 987-8387 “Getting Trucks Ready to Work Since 1970” Elizabeth M. Craig D.D.S., Parishioner 515-266-5189 Georgianne N. Nelson D.D.S, Parishioner [email protected] Bernhardt & Smith Pete Comito - CPA Orthodontics 470 W. Hickman Rd. 800 S.50th ST Suite 110 Waukee, IA 9295 Dr., West Des Moines, IA 50266 987-0170 Ste. 120, WDM • P:515-224-0500 987-9130

245 50th St., Ste. 120, WDM Irene’s Flowers 222-0010 274-3859 • Lonnie & Linda Waknitz, Parishioners

New Construction Remodels Service Calls Montessori Inspired Childcare and Preschool Sewer & Water Install & Repair LYNN HARDER Parishioner Since 1950 515.210.2344 515.223.1387 661 NE Venture Dr Waukee, IA 50263 6355 Beechtree Drive 515-993-3426 Licensed to sell real estate in IA West Des Moines Physicians: Nurse Practitioners: LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED Dennis Dornbier, DO Darci Lewis, ARNP Stephen Feltz, MD Kathy Lamb, ARNP by Berry & Angela Jeffrey Fagerland, DO Jamie Butterworth, ARNP Thrailkill Tamara Dassanayake, MD Jeanna Panosh, ARNP Francesca Turner, DO Lindsey Jenkins, MD Lisa Vigue, MD BRODERICK ANIMAL CLINIC John Broderick 10 N. 4th St., Waukee | (515) 288-3287 987-1447 Des Moines, West Des Moines, Ankeny, Pleasant Hill, Knoxville and Winterset. Carl "Chip" Davis Parishioner Retirement Specialist 987-3600 CK Davis Financial 1100 Alice’s Rd. 5550 Wildrose Lane Waukee, IA W.D.M, IA (515) 491-4576

Lynn Ricke Market President (515) 416-7500 45 N Warrior Ln | Waukee

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