April 25, 2021 The 4th Sunday of Easter I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. Jn 10:11-18 Welcome! Our Lady of the Lakes Parish is a Catholic faith community. With two worship sites, St. Peter Church and St. Bede Church, along with our School and Religious Education Programs, we are committed to spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Our Lady of the Lakes Parish www.ourladylakesparish.org St. Peter Church St. Bede Church St. Bede School 557 Lake Street 36455 N. Wilson Road Faith Formation Center Antioch, IL 60002 Ingleside, IL 60041 36399 N. Wilson Rd, Ingleside, IL Mass Times Sacrament of Reconciliation St. Bede School Saturday Mornings St. Bede School Principal Mon. 7:30am at St. Peter 8:00am - 9:00am/St. Peter 11:30am - 12:30pm/ St. Bede 8:30am at St. Bede Kari Rybarczyk St. Bede Adoration & Benediction
[email protected] Tues. 7:30am at St. Peter 6:30pm - 7:30pm at St. Bede School Office: 847-587-5541 8:30am at St. Bede School Fax: 847-587-2713 Wed. 7:30am at St. Peter 8:30am at St. Bede Contact Rev. George Koeune, Pastor Thurs. 7:30am at St. Peter
[email protected] No Mass at St. Bede Rev. Michael Grzesik, Associate Pastor Fri. 8:30am at St. Bede
[email protected] Religious Education Directors of Religious Education No Mass at St. Peter Deacons Deacon Mark Buckley Sat.