Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17886-1 — the Cambridge World History of Lexicography Edited by John Considine Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-17886-1 — The Cambridge World History of Lexicography Edited by John Considine Index More Information Index Aa (Mesopotamian sign list), 31, 34 academies as producers of dictionaries, 304–5, Aasen, Ivar, 476, 738 311, 313, 418, 428, 433–4, 437, 451, 453–4, 461, Abba–Ababus, 270, 273 466–7, 472–3, 474, 481, 486, 487–8, 531, 541, ‘ ı 242 738 543 545–6 548–9 551–2 Abd-al-lat˙¯f ibni Melek, , , , , ‘Abd-al-Rash¯d,ı 234, 739; see also Farhang-i Accius, 90 Rash¯dı ¯ı Achagua language, 556, 706 Abdel-Nour, Jabbour, 425, 739 Adam von Rottwil, 299 Abenaki language, 599, 706 Addison, Joseph, 486, 489, 517 Abhidha¯nappad¯pika¯ı , 77, 78, 143–5 Addy, Sidney Oldall, 512–13, 739 Abhima¯nacihna, 141 Adelung, Johann Christoph, 462–4, 466, 468, Abramovic´,Teodor, 730, 739 469, 470, 739 ı ı 231 739 abridged dictionaries, Ad¯b Nat˙anz¯, , Arabic, 174, 423, 425, 429 Adler, Ada, 254, 258 Chinese, 204, 214 Aelius Herodianus. See Herodian English, 308, 490–1, 498 Aelius Stilo, 90–1 French, 534, 535 Aeschylus, 257 Greek, 96, 99, 251, 257, 263, 297, 298 Afghā nī navī s, ʻAbdullā h, 387 Hebrew, 188 Afranius, 90, 91 Italian, 538 Afrikaans language, 480–1, 528, 679, 706 Japanese, 619 Afroasiatic languages, 706 Korean, 220 Aggavaṃsa, 76, 144, 739 Latin, 90, 269, 271, 272, 275, Ahom language, 404, 706 284, 286 Aitken, Adam Jack, 514, 739 Persian, 385 Ajayapa¯la, 134, 139, 141, 739 545 149 153 155 645 Portuguese, Akara¯ti Nikan˙˙tu, , , , Scots, 514 Akkadian language, 11–35, 40 Spanish, 541 Aktunç, Hulkı, 375, 739 Tibetan, 147 Albanian
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