MACRO-REGIONAL INTEGRATION – New Scales, Spaces and Governance for Europe?

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MACRO-REGIONAL INTEGRATION – New Scales, Spaces and Governance for Europe? MACRO-REGIONAL INTEGRATION – new scales, spaces and governance for Europe? Der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades Dr. rer. nat. vorgelegt von Franziska Sielker aus Meppen Als Dissertation genehmigt von der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 08.02.2017 Vorsitzender des Promotionsorgans: Prof. Dr. Georg Kreimer Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla Prof. Philip Allmendinger Acknowledgements Approaching and completing a PhD project is not possible without the support of a wide range of people ‘at home’, ‘at work’, and in my case ‘in macro-regions’. I have been very lucky to have received substantial support over the last four years. I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who contributed in one way or the other to my journey. I use this opportunity to place a few personalised thank-you words. In addition, I choose to name ‘places’ that marked important parts of my last years’ journey, and are naturally as well related to people. ‘At work’ - starting with my supervisors, co-authors, examiners and mentors My thanks goes, first, to Tobias Chilla for taking me on board in your new Erlangen team. I still appreciate that you instantly agreed to supervise a PhD thesis on macro-regions. During the last years, we worked on a day-to-day practice in very variable settings. Just to mention a few, you were my chef, my supervisor, my co-author, my project- chef and partner and my mentor. Thank you for providing this particular framework, the working atmosphere and giving me the opportunity to learn from you. I was able to conduct the empirical work during various field trips and conferences. I honour your honesty, loyalty, transparency and it needs to say critical faculty. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to test myself and learn in all parts of academia including project management and acquisition, teaching, responsibilities in committees and writing. Thanks as well for the unusual freedom at times, e.g. to ‘follow my guts’. Finally yet importantly, thank you for all the macro-regional discussions. I do very much look forward to many more. Philip Allmendinger agreed to act as a second supervisor to this thesis. I would like to thank you for supporting the thesis as a supervisor as well as for welcoming and hosting me in Cambridge various times over the last years in the course of a DAAD scholarship. Your support and trust in my abilities came as a surprise to me. I look forward to the further collaboration as part of my Postdoctoral Research Project in the course of a Newton International Fellowship, which you kindly proposed to host. The work on this thesis and particularly on ‘rescaling in MRS’ is inherently related to the collaboration with Dominic Stead. It means to say thank you for the cooperation, the various joint writing efforts and the inspiring discussions particularly during your Visiting Professorship in Erlangen. I look forward to a continuous collaboration, as we already have ideas lined up. It was an honour for me to co-author articles with the three of you, some of which fed into this dissertation. Thank you for agreeing to this. More importantly, thanks for believing in my capacities to grow further in academia and your interests in future collaboration as part of the Postdoc Project. Many more people and conversations inspired my academic journey. It means to say thank you to Klaus Kunzmann for his continuous mentoring since the diploma thesis and to Karina Pallagst for the mentoring in the ARL-Programme. Many thanks go as well to Peter Schmitt for acting as a third examiner to the thesis, as well as to Georg Glasze and Thomas Mölg for taking part in the viva committee. In addition, thank you, Georg, for the collaboration on the Erlangen project and the joint teaching experience. ‘At work’ in Erlangen First and foremost, I am utmost grateful to have shared the office with Markus Neufeld for four years now. There is not much left to say, but: Thank you for not only being a facebook-friend. Frau Pfister is, however, very happy to keep in touch with the whole “Familie Withheld”, and *kfh kfh* with the other characters that visited our office from time to time… Also, Maria and you know the famous saying: “Aller Guten Dinge sind 4!”Right? 0 Anna Heugel and Melanie Reisch served as our student collaborators for quite some time. Thank you very much for this experience. I wish you all the best in your imminent start into your ‘working life’. Thank you for your contribution to this thesis by giving feedback or support in the bibliography. It means to say thanks to our institutes’ cartographer Stephan Adler, first, for making the graphic illustrations much more beautiful in illustrator, second, for teaching me illustrator, and third for making me laugh every single day. My thanks go as well to the rest of the FAU team. It would be too extensive to name each one of you that I had the pleasure to work with. I will use personal contact to do so. ‘At work’ - Moving to Cambridge My particular thanks goes to Emma Lees, who is also a great friend. Thank you for hosting me and for proof reading my English on a paper and the Royal Society proposal. My appreciation goes as well to the Department of Land Economy. ‘In Macro-regions’ This work would not have been possible without the financial support from the DAAD and the willingness of stakeholders for interviews in the case-study regions. I would like to thank the interviewees for taking the time for an interview in the Danube, Alpine and North Sea Region. I also need to extend my thanks to all stakeholders in the regions for the many conversations and interesting discussions over the last 5 years at various conferences. These constant discussions and your interest in my work were motivation and gratifying at the same time. In this thesis, I zoom into the Priority Area 1a of the EUSDR. Therefore, I would like to thank the PA1a, and in particular Gert-Jan Muilerman and Gudrun Maierbrugger from the viaDonau GmbH as well as Cesare Bernabei and Marco Onida from the European Commission. Further, I would like to express my genuine appreciation to you, Marco, for taking the time to feedback on the scientific articles. The DAAD supported this dissertation financially with a “Jahresstipendium für Doktorandinnen”. Thank you for this opportunity. My macro-regional activities are related to the Danube Strategy Research Network, especially Katja Vonhoff. Thank you all very much for this collaboration! ‘At home’ Without my family, my friends, and lately my rowing partners, this work would not have been the same! A simple: THANK YOU. Some of you even took time to feedback or proof read, again thanks. ‘Some Places’ As a spatial planner, and, I dare to say at this point, as a geographer I would like to finish my acknowledgements with some places, I associate to inspiring Phd-Moments, to the last years in general and naturally to persons I shared these moments with: … Bratislava, Vienna, Danube, Tennenlohe und der Franzosenweg, 2267, Meppen, München, Cambridge, Café Nero and Fort St. George in Cambridge, Dublin, Utrecht canals, Prague and Moldau Banks, Brussels, Ulm, Budapest, Montréal, London, Berlin, Erlenfeld, Alterlangen with the Alterlanger Lake and Wiesengrund, Wangerooge, Klitdalen at the Danish North Sea, Abisko and Kiruna, Hamburg, Dänische Südsee, Dortmund, Indonesia, Nijmegen, Schliersee‚ the Alps, border regions, Brdo, Aalborgh, Luxembourg, Main-Danube-Canal Erlangen and Rudergrenzen, ‚Spandau‘, Balconia and the swallows, and many more, but to finish: NYC with the Yankee Stadium for fulfilling this dream! 1 Summary During the last decade the development of macro-regional strategies for regions with common challenges has initiated immense dynamics in European territorial cooperation. The implications of these developments for policy-making and European spatial governance remain unknown. By 2016, four macro-regional strategies have been developed for the Baltic Sea, Danube, Adriatic-Ionian and Alpine regions raising expectations as to a new trend of macro-regional integration in Europe. Triggered by these developments, this dissertation seeks to better understand this macro-regional phenomenon. The overall goal is to examine this new type of cooperation’s characteristics, as well as the changes that transpire through these developments for integration dynamics, spatial governance and policy styles in European territorial cooperation. Do macro-regions bring new scales, new spaces and new forms of spatial governance for Europe? More specifically, the thesis answers, first, the question to what extent macro-regions indicate processes of rescaling and Europeanisation of policies. Second, the thesis questions macro-regional characteristics and their governance, and to what extent they create territorial meaning. Third, the thesis questions which forms of European integration and governance are displayed by macro-regions and how EU integration changes with the development of macro-regions. Empirically, the research approaches the investigation through the analysis of the Danube, Alpine and North Sea case studies based on a qualitative multi-method research design. In order to answer how macro-regional developments lead to processes of rescaling or imply reterritorialisation, the dissertation examines the most advanced strategy for the Danube Region in-depth. The Danube Region case study zooms into the Priority Area 1a “Mobility – Inland waterways” and traces the processes of exemplary implementation activities for the waterway infrastructure (Newada and FAIRway project). In a series of six articles, the thesis analyses the macro-regional dynamics through four conceptual lenses, two rooted in human geography (scale/rescaling and territoriality/reterritorialisation) and two rooted in political science (European integration and Europeanisation).
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