V^Ou Select Your Station—And There It Is with the Same Accuracy PAGE
VOL. XXX,] JANUARY, 1941. [No. 8. "V^ou select your station—and there it is with the same accuracy PAGE. close-by transmitter, and the standard of fidelity, based en •69 development of selective inverse feed-back, ^will satisfy the moss i 1. Colonel J. L. vanGeyzel, OXB. ... ... i cal listener. 117 short-wave stations are marked by name on tha A 72 2. The Dutch Reformed Church in Ceylon, 1602-^-1795 International ' n . 82 5-valve, including im,i^ ':, 3. Trincomalee—Key to Orient ... I..., A.O. mains superK^ . .f*i 90 6 watt out put wl' . 4. Genealogy of the Ros6 Family ... |... -There are 8 wav«-bu*a 5. Women's Contribution to Ceylon Literature \„ 93 and bandspread bxwsn ■ I incorporated; 6. Notes of Events 106 A 10" mains energised moving coil speaker is utilised and the cabinet is finished in sapele b Contributions are invited from members on subjects calculated mahogany. Wave lengths are: 13; 16; to be of interest to the Union. MSS. must be written'on one side 19; 25; 31; 41; 48-160; 180-560 metres. Cabinet dimensions: 25X13§X11|. of the paper only and must reach the Editor at least a fortnight Price Es. 820.00 nett. before the date of publication of the Journal. Hire Purchase Terms Available. Published quarterly. Subscription Rs. 5\- per annum, post free. Single copies, if available, Bs. 1-50 to be had at the £. B. U. Hall. VOL. XXX.] JANUARY, 1941, [No. 3. COLONEL j. L. VANGEYZEL, C.I.E. In the Journal for January, 1939, we published a sketch of the life of James Oliver Anthonisz, who, born and educated in Ceylon, spent the greater part of his official career in a country obher than the land of his birth, where he rose to high office.
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