The Olympic Art Competitions Were Performed
he Olympic Art competitions were performed THOMAS, GENZMER and TUUKANEN. And in two Tseven times between 1912 and 1948. From cases even the 'Olympic' compositions are said to 153 possible medals altogether only 124 (i.e. 81%) be available on record: were distributed. The percentages in the differ- ent categories are: Architecture 84%, Literature 1. Rudolf SIMONSEN (1889-1947), ,,Sinfonien 69%, Painting 84%, and Sculpture 84%. In Music - Nr. 2 a-moll, (1921) Hellas, Grondal/Dan. 39 were possible, but there were only 17 medals, ISA DA CORD 3701371" 5 gold, 6 silver and 6 bronze. The percentage in 2. Josef ŠUK "Ins Neue Leben op. 35c Marsch music is 43.5%, by far the worst result within the z.T. Sokolfest": In this case the catalogue five art categories. offers three recordings, two Czech Su- Altogether five medals (two gold, two sil- praphon (Kubelik/Tschech.Philh. Prag ver and one bronze) were distributed in the five KoSup 01911-2/Neumann/Tschech. music competitions in Stockholm 1912, Antwerp Philh. Prag KoSup 00624-4) and one 1920, Paris 1924, Amsterdam 1928 and Los Ange- American (Kunzel/Cincinnati Pops Orch les 1932. Then the situation seemed to improve. InaTe 80122). In Berlin and London 1948 twelve music medals were awarded (three gold, four silver and five The catalogue does, however, not mention the bronze). names of BARTHÉLEMY, MONIER, RIVA, HÖFFER, However, none of these works has left a trace KRICKA, BIANCHI, WEINZWEIG, LAURICELLA, TURSKI in the history of music; none has gained any repu- or BRENE. But there are. available recordings of tation, because their quality was not at all Olym- compositions by Kurt THOMAS (e.g.
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