2019 03 05 Tradition of London E Mail
[email protected] WWW www.traditionoflondonshop.com Chelsea House, Chelsea Street, New Basford, NG7 7HP Nottingham, England Tel UK +44 0 115 942 74 62 Tel Sweden +46 8 31 68 92 30mm Willie War-game Figures- Catalogue 40 pages With more than 880 different figures Shown with colour photo, black and white and some without photo, soon to be These 30mm model Figures has been designed by Edward Suren, the size being the approximate height of figures without the headdress, depicting in accurate detail the armies of the past and present. The great leaders and the common soldiers alike all have been designed after much meticulous research into the uniforms and weapons. All the figures shown here are made of quality white metal, and are available in kit form. Would you like to order just the rider not the horse, or a specific horse to a rider? This is not a problem; let us know via an E-mail
[email protected] 1 1 Artillery Gun Crew and Gun 3 2 Roman Empire 3 3 Medieval and Battle of Hastings 1066 4 4 Spanish Conquer of South America 5 5 Landsknechts 1500 Mercenaries 1600 5-6 6 Frederick the Great's Army 6 7 English Civil War and 30 Year War 7 8 Marlborough Period 1701-1714 8-9 9 Spanish Succession and 7 Year War 10-11 10 AWI 1776-1783 11 11 Early Napoleonic and Peninsular 12 12 Austrian Army Napoleonic War 13 13 British Army Napoleonic war 13-14 14 French Army Napoleonic War 15-16 15 Prussian Army Napoleonic war 17 16 Portuguese Army Napoleonic War 17 17 Russian Army Napoleonic war 17-18 18