Volume 21 Nomor 1 April 2021 ISSN: (p) 1693 - 0304 (e) 2620 - 827X https://ejournal.unhi.ac.id/index.php/dharmasmrti/issue/view/23Page 29-39 RATU ADIL SATRIA PININGIT DAN ZAMAN EDAN (Wacana Futurologi Dalam Serat Kalatidha) A.A. Kade Sri Yudarioleh: | Ni Wayan Karmini
[email protected] |
[email protected] Pascasarjana Universitas Hindu Indonesia Denpasar Proses Review 10-28 Maret, Dinyatakan Lolos 2 April Abstract The discourse of ‘the Fair Queen of Satria Piningit and Crazy Times’ has never disappeared from the minds and recesses of the Indonesian people. This paper is only aas an expression of concern over the chaotic phenomenon that is happening in this Mother Eart. The goal, is to explicitly interpret the legacy text of the ancestors which is full of symbols so that the wider community can understand why the term ‘Fair Queen of Satria Piningit and Crazy Times’is always being discussed when people are experiencing various problems. This paper is also a reinterpretation of several literature sources, one of which is the ‘Serat Kalatidha’ by Raden Ngabehi Ranggawarsita. Whereas, Serat Kalatidha are Javanese literary literature which contains social criticism, religious values, kapujanggan traditions, prediction of the future/futurology and the emergence of the Fair Queen Satria Piningit. In the end, The ‘Serat’ that hints at a crazy era has become a popular classic among the wider community. When the expected justice has not fulfilled all components, let alone prolonged social inequality, the Ratu Adil discourse continues to be raised. In fact, even that legendary term is only a descriptions of the times felt by the community with the hope of a leader who is just, wise, and more pro-people.