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Volume 120-Part 11 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (iongrrssional1Rccord d PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 93 CONGRESS SECOND SESSION VOLUME 120-PART 11 MAY 9, 1974 TO MAY 16, 1974 (PAGES 13865 TO 15260) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFPICBt WASHINGTON, 1974 May 15,1974 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 14849 for research and development, construc­ 5 o'clock. I do not know that Senators Mr. GURNEY. May we now have the tion of facilities, and research and pro­ are informed of that. That is point No. 1. presentation of the request? gram management, and for other pur­ Point No. 2 is the issue of time which is Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President. poses; asked a conference with the Sen­ involved. I would like also to propound a I ask unanimous consent that at 3 p.m. ate on the disagreeing votes of the two parliamentary inquiry: Is the Bayh today, the distinguished Senator from Houses thereon,and that Mr. TEAGUE, Mr. amendment amendable? Indiana (Mr. BAYH) be recognized to call HECHLER of West Virginia, Mr. FUQuA, The PRESIDING OFFICER. It is not up his amendment. Mr. SYlI.IINGTON, Mr. MOSHER, Mr. BELL, amendable because that would be an . Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I reserve and Mr. WYDLER were appointed man­ amendment in the second degree. the right to object, and I suggest that agers on the part of the House at the Mr. JAVITS. So that the Bayh amend­ it be 3:15, as we have a speaker who conference. ment is final as it is now. I have no desire will speak from 1:15 to 3, whom we have to interfere with any operations of my committed. We should have a few min­ colleagues, but how do we figure this out? utes thereafter to make some comment EDUCATION AMENDMENTS OF 1974 The vote was 'supposed to begin at 5 on what he says. This is all on perfectly o'clock and now we have a vote on the proper time. I have a reason for suggest­ . The Senate continued with the con­ Bayh amendment at 3:45. ing it. I have stated my reason. Senator sideration of the bilI (S. 1539) to amend Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. The Senator BROOKE is committed to speak at 1: 15, and extend certain acts, relating to ele­ from New York is not correct, and I say and we have agreed to give him until 3. mentary and secondary education pro­ that most respectfully-when he says Mr. PELL. I must add that we also grams, and for other purposes. that votes were to start at 5 o'clock. have 10 minutes for the Senator from Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. PresideIlt, Mr. JAVITS. I am willing to be cor­ Minnesota. I ask unanimous consent-and this has rected. Mr. ROBERT C.BYRD. It is much been discussed with the distinguished as­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I say it most ado about nothing, really. I knew about sistant Republican leader-and I would respectfully. Mr. BROOKE'S desire to speak. like to have the attention of the Senator The agreement was that Mr. Bayh Mr. BAYH. Mr. President, will the Sen­ from Florida (Mr. GURNEy)-that at 3 would be permitted to call up an amend­ ator yield? p.m. today, the Senator from Indiana ment to the Gurney amendment during Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I yield. (Mr. BAYH) be recognized to call up his the day. Mr. ERVIN was to call up an Mr. BAYH. I have no objection to amendment to the Gurney amendment, amendment not later than 3 o'clock. It amending the unanimous-consent re­ and that a vote occur thereon at 3:45 was stated very clearly in the RECORD quest to make it 3: 15. p.m. today. The order has already been yesterday that if Mr. BAYH were to get Mr. JAVITS. Make it 3 o'clock. entered to allow Senator BAYH to call recognition today, before 11 :30, or Mr. Mr. BAYH. The Senator from Indiana up his amendment, but no partict:lar ERVIN were to get recognition before has been on the RECORD since we started time was set. 11 :30 today, they could call up their discussing this matter, and I do not see Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, reserving amendments and have them voted on. why it should come as a surprise to any­ the right to object, we have quite a lineup Mr. JAVITS. As a matter of fact, how body. here. I do not know whether this will fit do we cope with the fact that, with a Mr. GRIFFIN. Mr. President, reserving in or not. I was not one of those con­ fixed time to vote, we are cutting the 6 the right to object, do I correctly under­ sulted about this unanimous-consent re­ hours, and whose time is it going to come stand that the Bayh amendment will be quest, so I am not popping this out of the from? Is it catch as catch can? called up at 3: 15 and voted on at 3: 45? blue, so to speak, but we have 6 hours of Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. The more the Is that correct? debate on the Gurney amendment and, Senator and I talk, it is going to come Mr. BAYH. That is what has been said as I understand it, that 6 hours will not from Senator GURNEY'S time. Under the in the unanimous-consent request. have expired at 3 o'clock. Is that correct? order we agreed to last week, Mr. BAYH Mr. GRIFFIN. I am sorry to keep ask­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is has a right today to call up an amend­ ing all over again. correct. ment, and he has a right to 30 minutes I have just learned that a number of Mr. JAVITS. Now we bring in this on his amendment. I am trying to set a Senators on both sides of the aisle who amendment. I was also informed of a specific time. are members of the IPU group, with the unanimous-consent request to be pro­ Mr. JAVITS. May we deal with the Mexican Parliamentarians, will be at the posed by the Senator from North Caro­ other problem? Whose time is going to White House at 3 p.m. lina (Mr. ERVIN) at 4 o'clock for consid­ be shortened by the fact that we are go­ Mr. AIKEN. I understand that it will eration of an amendment to be voted on ing through all this time? be at 3 p.m. after the Gurney amendment. We have a Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Obviously, if Mr. GRIFFIN. And they probablY will fixed time for a vote at 5 o'clock. It sim­ there is not 6 hours in the overall for not be back until 4. I do not know how ply aborts the time that everyone is de­ Senator GURNEY and the opponents of his many are involved and what it would pending on. Under those circumstances, amendment, it is going to come out of mean in terms of the outcome of the vote I would greatly appreciate it if the dis­ their time. That was understood to start on the Senator's amendment, but I tinguished Senator from West Virginia with. thought I should mention that. would explain to us how it will all be Mr. JAVITS. I am agreeable to that, if Mr. BAYH. I want to be amenable. I fitted in together, before we bring this it is evenly divided. Let us have an un­ just want to have 30 minutes to present new item in. derstanding that it is not the alacrity this amendment and whatever time it Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Under the with which someone will jump up and takes to vote on it. agreement, Senator BAYH was to be rec­ use his time. Mr. GRIFFIN. I assume that the group ognized to call up an amendment. If he Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Frankly, I do includes the majority leader. gets recognition, he is entitled to 30 not see any problem in the matter, Mr. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. It does; but I minutes on his amendment. All I am President. was asked by the leader not to delay the asking for is 45 minutes on his amend­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there vote on that account. ment and a set time to call it up. If the objection? Mr. GURNEY. Mr. President, resel'V­ Senator wishes to object to his having Mr. GURNEY. Mr. President, reserving ing the right to object, if that is the case, 45 minutes, all right- the right to object, what are we talking why do we not put off all voting until Mr. JAVITS. No, no. about now, if I may ask the uistinguished about 5 o'clock, when we will have three Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I would be assistant majority leader? votes-on Senator BAYH'S amendment, glad to change the request and make it Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I will restate on my amendment, and on Senator 3:15 that Senator BAYH would be recog­ my l'equest. ERVIN'S amendment-and everybody will nized to call up his amendment. Mr. JAVITS. Make it 3:15. be here? Mr. JAVITS. I do not think the Sen­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I think the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Just catch as ator from West Virginia gets my point. Senator from Florida has a right to ob­ catch can. As I understand it, we begin to vote at ject, if he Wishes. It is his amendment.
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