Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Red Waters by India R. Adams Red Waters (Tainted Waters #3)(17) Author: India R. Adams. By my upper arms, Yury picked me up off the floor. My feet dangled in the air as I looked down to a man who had lost his mind. The young man I had aroused during my dance had transformed into the angriest man I had ever seen. His body was shaking, incredibly so, while he studied my tears. Then he slammed his eyes shut, facing away from me. Too terrified to talk, I stuttered, “M-Mas-ster—” He dropped me to the ground. “Not. My. Name!” I stayed as low to the ground as I could while watching him deal with his fury. I simply couldn’t understand what was happening. Then he screamed, “Whit! My bed!” Rising to my feet, I was shocked to hear him scream, “You are Fire!” Traumatized on the floor, I watched the Pretend Whit crawl into his bed, Yury following her while unbuckling his pants. Scared I would get sick on his carpet, I covered my mouth in horror. Pretend Whit moved like a robot. His anger was not alarming her, nor what he was asking of her. She laid on her back as if his pent-up rage was an everyday occurrence. Walking to the other side of his bed, the one farthest from the door, he pointed at me. “You move or head for that door, I will kill you.” He meant every word. I sensed it in my bones. So, I didn’t dare move. “If you look away, I will starve you for a week.” It was demanded that I kneel and watch what should never have happened. Men should not take possession of women or young girls as if only an object. We deserve a choice. We deserve the rights that are legally and morally ours. During the act of violating Pretend Whit, Master yelled how I had never been sold to the man who loved redheads, but that he would sell me to a sex farm if I didn’t behave. That sex farms were the only places who would take a slave with scars on their leg. While witnessing the degradation in front of me, I cried for so many reasons. I cried for Pretend Whit. I cried because Yury was part of the reason for the scar he was yelling about. I cried because this crazed man had made my body climax only moments earlier. I cried because my heart was shattering for the violence that seemed would never end. I cried for the man I’d just watched be murdered. I cried because, even with all that happened, I was attached to Yury. Mentally and physically, he owned me. And, now, I was forced to watch him with another. I cried because, shamefully, it bothered me. It was a low I will never forget. It was a low I’m still trying to forgive myself for to this day. While having sex with Pretend Whit, Master also told me that I was there for him only. Had been from the start of my abduction. That I was his. I had no idea what he craved. I was unaware of his past and the reasons I, in particular, was so important to him. I guess that was his story to tell. After his sexual release, Master, dismissively, told the used girl to go and shower. She didn’t leave the room. Instead, she entered a private bathroom. Had she not just been violently abused, I would have envied the hot private shower she was about to get. Buckling his pants, Master was sated and Yury exhaled. “It was wrong of me to kill someone in front of you. What happened downstairs won’t happen again.” I wanted to say killing someone and raping humans is what was wrong, but didn’t dare say a word. Shaking through more tears, I swallowed. Shooting a man made it clear to everyone present, including me, that Master had no limits to getting what he desired. Yury took a step toward me. I couldn’t help it. I recoiled in fear. He squatted. “Fire, I want to help you understand why I did what I did.” I hiccupped a cry, “O-Okay.” “The man with grey hair is my father.” He sighed. “I basically just demoted him.” My lips trembled as they formed into an O, and I realized my owner was now the head ringleader of the corrupt business of selling slaves. “The disposal of an employee was crucial to get everyone on board with the minor adjustment in rank.” Yury wiped snot from under my nose onto his pants. “They shouldn’t have tried to interfere with you.” I could smell Pretend Whit on his hand. I pointed to the bathroom. “After that first night you danced for me,” dismissively, he shrugged, “she was required.” With a hint of remorse, he wiped at my tears. “We all have needs, I guess.” He stared at me for a bit then grinned. “Would you like to see Link?” Too terrified to answer wrong and possibly be shot, I said nothing. “Relax, Fire. I am calm again.” Yury took hold of my hand. “Come.” Crossing his large bedroom past a very tall dresser, we walked toward a window. There was snow everywhere outside, and no other houses to be seen. It appeared we were in the middle of Nowhere, Russia. Even the dreary weather was beautiful after being in a basement for almost nine months. Under the window sat a desk with a laptop. Yury gently sat me in the chair. He tried to calm my ruffled hair, that he had manhandled, then pushed a button on the laptop. Link was sitting in his dorm room, facing his laptop’s camera. It appeared he was alone. Daylight shined in the window behind him. Link exhaled and then said, “No one will probably ever see this video blog, but, uh, I need to talk.” Link. His voice, so familiar, made me ache inside and find what I had just witnessed that much more horrific. The desire to be free of all the mayhem I couldn’t escape had me wanting to crawl through the laptop screen and be held by the best human in the world. Besides sad eyes, Link looked so healthy. So unlike me. I peered up at Yury who was standing at my side, studying me. I asked, “M-May I touch the screen?” I wanted Link to heal my broken heart like he almost managed after my brother passed. I wanted… my best friend. “If you like,” replied Yury with a touch of irritation. Even though it would most likely cost me, I touched the outline of Link’s face as he continued to talk. “I’ve recently learned my life is full of lies. Not only my life, actually. And, I’ve recently learned of a horrible crime happening in the world, all over. It’s called human trafficking. This can come in the form of forced or grossly underpaid labor, stealing someone’s organs, or selling bodies for other purposes such as sexual slavery.” Link rubbed his face with his palm. “We live in a beautiful world; we just have some evil people with us.” His eyes welled. “I’ve never been a slave, thank God, but am linked to it. I can’t say more because I don’t wish for the ones I love to suffer any repercussions.” He played with a pen in his hand while lost in thought. “I would do anything for the ones I love.” As would I. I whispered, “Link, I’m here.” Link looked into the screen. “If a young woman,” he smiled, “my Little Treasure—” I burst into tears… “—happens to ever see this, I love you, girl.” He held up a pointer finger.” One. Always have.” He added a finger. “Two. Always will.” In silent hysterics, I touched the fingers so far away from me. The video ended. My hell continued… Amusement and Ammunition. “What are you feeling?” asked my captor as he turned my chair and squatted between my thighs. Anji Lorenzo. 1. The Legend of the Condor Heroes The story is set in China during the wars between the Jurchen-led Jin Empire and the predominantly ethnic Han Song Empire. Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian, a pair of sworn brothers, pledge that their unborn children will become either sworn siblings (if both are of the same sex) or a married couple (if they are of opposite sexes). Показать полностью. One day, Yang Tiexin's wife, Bao Xiruo, saves a wounded Jurchen warrior, who turns out to be Wanyan Honglie, the sixth prince of the Jin Empire. Wanyan Honglie later sends his troops to attack Yang Tiexin and Guo Xiaotian's village. Guo Xiaotian is killed while Yang Tiexin goes missing. Guo Xiaotian's pregnant wife, Li Ping, wanders into Mongolia, where she gives birth to their son, , who grows up in Mongolia under the care of Genghis Khan. He learns martial arts from the "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan" and Ma Yu of the Quanzhen School, as well as archery skills from Jebe. The Chinese title of the novel is derived from an incident in Guo Jing's youth when he shot two eagles with a single arrow. On the other hand, a pregnant Bao Xiruo is captured by Wanyan Honglie, who forces her to marry him. She gives birth to a son, , who is raised as a Jurchen nobleman. Although he is mentored by of the Quanzhen Sect, he also secretly learns the evil "Nine Yin White Bone Claw" technique from Mei Chaofeng. Guo Jing is honest, loyal and righteous, but slow-witted. In contrast, Yang Kang is clever, but scheming and treacherous. They eventually meet each other and their respective lovers, Rong and Mu Nianci. The main plot follows Guo Jing and 's adventures and their encounters with the "Five Greats", the five most powerful martial artists in the wulin (martial artists' community). Meanwhile, Yang Kang plots with the Jurchens to conquer his native land, the Song Empire. Yang Kang refuses to acknowledge his Han ethnicity and is strongly driven to acquire wealth, fame and glory. His treachery is slowly unveiled throughout the novel in the encounters he has with Guo Jing and Huang Rong. With Guo Jing's assistance, the Mongols conquers the Jin Empire and subsequently turn their attention towards the Song Empire. Guo Jing is unwilling to aid the Mongols in attacking his native land so he leaves them and returns to the Song Empire to helps his fellow Han people counter the impending Mongol invasion. On the other hand, Yang Kang dies from poisoning after attempting to kill Huang Rong with a palm strike, but ends up hitting her spiked soft armour, which was accidentally stained with poison. He leaves behind Mu Nianci and their unborn son, whom Guo Jing names "". In the meantime, the Mongol invasion of the Song Empire is temporarily halted when Genghis Khan dies. 2. The Return of the Condor Heroes The protagonist, Yang Guo, is the orphaned son of Yang Kang, the antagonist in the previous novel. The couple Guo Jing and Huang Rong take care of Yang Guo for a short period of time before sending him to the Quanzhen Sect on Mount Zhongnan for better guidance in moral values and "orthodox" martial arts. In Quanzhen, Yang Guo is often picked on and bullied by his fellow students, and discriminated against by his master, Zhao Zhijing. Yang Guo flees from Quanzhen and ventures unknowingly into the nearby Tomb of the Living Dead, where the Ancient Tomb Sect is based. There, he meets Xiaolongnü, a mysterious maiden of unknown origin, and becomes her apprentice. They live together in the tomb for many years until Yang Guo grows up. Yang Guo and Xiaolongnü develop romantic feelings for each other, but their romance is forbidden by the prevailing norms of the wulin (martial artists' community). Throughout the story, their love meets with several tests, such as the misunderstandings that threaten to tear them apart, and their encounter with Gongsun Zhi, whom Xiaolongnü almost marries at one point. Finally, after their reunion and marriage, Xiaolongnü leaves Yang Guo again, owing to her belief she cannot recover from a fatal poison and promises to meet him again 16 years later, to prevent him from committing suicide. While Yang Guo is wandering the wulin alone, he meets several formidable martial artists and a giant eagle, and improves his skills tremendously after learning from them. His adventures gradually mould him into a courageous hero and perhaps the most powerful martial artist of his time. Yang Guo serves his native land by helping the ethnic Han people of the Song Empire resist invaders from the Mongol Empire. At the end of the novel, he is reunited with Xiaolongnü and they leave to lead the rest of their lives in seclusion after receiving praises and blessings from the wulin. 3. Heavenly Sword Dragon Saber The background begins in the Yuan Dynasty, after the city of Siangyang finally fell to the Mongols. The story revolves around two magical weapons called the Sword of Heaven (倚天 劍) and the Dragon Slayer Knife (屠龍刀) (Heavenly Sword Dragon Saber), which are sought after in the martial arts world. Both weapons come from a steel sword belonging to an eagle warrior, Yang Guo (Yo Ko), and were made at the request of Huang Rong (Oey Yong) and Guo Jing (Kwee Ceng), the great warriors in the previous two novels. The dragon slayer knife had fallen into the hands of Xie Xun who was nicknamed it as "Golden Lion of the Ming", while the Sword of Heaven was in the Gobi party. The founder of the Gobi party itself is the daughter of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, Guo Xiang (Kwee Siang). Guo Xiang still searching Yang Guo for years, who were already become legend. She also known has romantic feeling for Yang Guo. Thio Boe Ki / Zhang Wuji, is the son of a warrior of Butong / Wutang, namely San Thio Cui / Zhang Cuisan. Boe Ki's father is a student of Thio Sam Hong / Zhang Sanfeng. While his mother, In So So / Yin Susu, comes from the Sky Eagle party. Thio Boe Ki was born on a remote island in northern China after his parents were stranded and isolated on the island with his adoptive father Xie Xun. Xie Xun is the most sought after because he considered to have killed elders from various parties and kept the Dragon Slayer Knife. On his return to mainland China, Boe Ki's parents committed suicide right in front of their eyes for refusing to show the existence of Xie Xun and the Dragon Slayer Knife. Boe Ki's adventures led him to study the book Kiu Yan Cin Keng / Jiuyang Zhen Jing (Energy 9 Yang / Sun), helping resolve conflicts between the Ming Sect and six straight schools who wanted to destroy the Ming Sect which was considered heretical. He had the honor of being the head of the Ming Sect. At the Ming party, Thio Boe Ki found a room containing a book, after successfully mastering the arts of "Conquering Heaven and Earth". Xie Xun, who has been considered a common enemy because killing the elders of many sect, was the only victim of his own teacher, Seng Kun, who hid in Shao Lin and conspired with the Mongols to quarrel between warriors and martial arts colleges. In addition to the conflict between martial arts schools, Boe Ki is also involved in a love affair with four women who love him, including Tio Beng (Zhao Min) who also caused controversy because Tio Beng / Zhao Min turned out to be the daughter of Minmin from Mongolia. India R Adams. India R Adams is an author/singer/songwriter who has written YA and NA novels such as Blue Waters (A Tainted Waters Novella), My Wolf and Me, Steal Me (A Haunted Roads Novel), Rain (A Stranger in the Woods Novel), Serenity (A Forever Series Novel) and also The Forever Series music. India was born and raised in Florida but has also been so lucky as to live in Idaho (where she froze but fell in love with the small town life), Austin Texas (where she started her first book, Serenity, and met wonderful artist), and now Murphy, North Carolina (where the mountains have stolen a piece of her heart). Being a survivor of abuse, has inspired India to let others know they have nothing to be ashamed of. She put her many years of professional theater background to the test and has written fictional stories with a shadow of her personal experiences. She says, “I’m simply finding ways to empower perfect imperfections.” Another cause India feels needs change, is Sexual Slavery. She has joined forces with jewelers to design beautiful ways to raise money for non- profit organizations. Even though India writes about serious subjects such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, and Human Trafficking, she has a magnificent sense of humor, as do the characters she creates. Perfectly balanced between laughter and tears, her readers see how to empower their own perfect imperfections. To receive Blue Waters for free, go to India's website and sign up for her newsletter. Blue Waters. Whitney is a vivacious, highly spirited 17-year-old girl. Her motto, “Live life to the fullest,” is derailed when the young man who’s captured her attention turns out to be the son of a the drug tycoon who provided the drugs that killed her brother. Whitney believes she needs to heal from her first heartache, not knowing she is a part of a devious trade— one that violates human rights, and she has been… since the day she was born. Blue Waters is the first Novella in Tainted Waters and begins a story of deception, corruption, self discovery, and love with all that it demands you sacrifice… There was a beauty in dying that day… The blue water I sank through was angelic, quiet, peaceful… Whitney is a vivacious, highly spirited 17-year-old girl. Her motto, “Live life to the fullest,” is derailed when the young man who’s. Black Waters. The blue water Whit once loved now looked black because it was claiming her, taking her from me. Whitney Summers is Link’s best friend. He would do anything for her, even sacrifice their friendship to protect her. Whitney believes she understands what is transpiring in her life, but so much stirs beneath the surface. As her closest friend and protector, Link faces the darkness in his own life to guard the girl he loves. This is Link’s story… There was no beauty in her dying that day… Beautiful. ‘The love those kids have for each other is passionate. What they learn, as the story unfolds, and the revelations unravel had my jaw dropping more than once. And despite everything, they fight harder and harder, never giving up. The thing is, did they stand any chance at all? Caught in the crossfire of elements they never controlled, where threats arise and stakes are higher than ever, Link and Crash managed to build a fantastic relationship based on respect and their love for Whit. – Reader | Via Amazon. Description Additional information. Description. The blue water Whit once loved now looked black because it was claiming her, taking her from me. Whitney Summers is Link’s best friend. He would do anything for her, even sacrifice their friendship to protect her. Whitney believes she understands what is transpiring in her life, but so much stirs beneath the surface. As her closest friend and protector, Link faces the darkness in his own life to guard the girl he loves. This is Link’s story… There was no beauty in her dying that day… Additional information. Paperback, Signed Paperback, Digital eBook. “ I guess you can say I’m making my fantasy into a reality. Maybe my search for peace can help someone else find their’s someday. “