Celtic Deities Organized by Name Origins
Celtic Deities Organized by Name Origins Irish Welsh Gaulish/Britania/Roman Aine of Knockaine – f. (Awn-yah) fairy queen; Amaethon – m. agriculture, husbandry, luck Abellio – m. god of apple trees love and fertility; moon, crops, farm, cattle, body’s life force; woman of Leanan Sidhe (Sweetheart of the Sidhe); Sometimes a Morrigan aspect Airmid – f. of the Tuathe De Denann; healing, Arawn – m. underworld, terror, revenge, war Andraste – f. moon, divination, rabbit magic medicinal plants, regeneration Angus Og – m. youth, love, beauty Arianrhod – f. “The Silver Wheel”, High Artio – f. wildlife and bears, protector and Fruitful Mother; air, reincarnation, full nurturer of ursine virtues moons, time, karma, retribution, carried dead in ship called Oar Wheel to Emania (Moon-land) Anu – f. moon, magic, air, fertility, Blodeuwedd – f. turned into an owl for Bel/Belenus – m. fire and sun, crops, success, prosperity, plenty; Maiden aspect of adultery; wisdom, lunar mysteries, purification, science, fertility, health Morrigan initiations, growth (garden and children), Ninefold Goddess of the Western Isle of Paradise and Flower Face; Maiden form of triple goddess Aoibhell – f. woman of the Sidhe; golden Cerridwen – f. moon, grain, nature, luck, Cernunnos – m. horned/antlered god; virility, harp of death earth, death, reincarnation, fertility, fertility, life, animals, forest, underworld, aka inspiration, the arts, science, poetry, zodiac; Hearne the Hunter or Gwen Ap Nudd, “Lord brewed potion of knowledge down to three of Wild Things”; earth, love, dark half of year, drops – past, present and future; similar to “Dark Lord”, leads the hunt at Samhain the Morrigan Babd – f. (pronounced Bav) war, life, Creiddylad – f.
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