
Celtic Organized by Name Origins

Irish Welsh Gaulish/Britania/Roman Aine of Knockaine – f. (Awn-yah) queen; – m. agriculture, husbandry, luck – m. god of trees love and fertility; moon, crops, farm, cattle, body’s life force; woman of Leanan Sidhe (Sweetheart of the Sidhe); Sometimes a Morrigan aspect

Airmid – f. of the Tuathe De Denann; healing, – m. underworld, terror, revenge, war – f. moon, , rabbit magic medicinal plants, regeneration

Angus Og – m. youth, love, beauty – f. “The Silver Wheel”, High – f. wildlife and bears, protector and Fruitful Mother; air, reincarnation, full nurturer of ursine virtues moons, time, karma, retribution, carried dead in ship called Oar Wheel to Emania (Moon-land)

Anu – f. moon, magic, air, fertility, – f. turned into an owl for Bel/ – m. fire and sun, crops, success, prosperity, plenty; Maiden aspect of adultery; wisdom, lunar mysteries, purification, science, fertility, health Morrigan , growth (garden and children), Ninefold of the Western Isle of Paradise and Flower Face; Maiden form of triple goddess Aoibhell – f. woman of the Sidhe; golden Cerridwen – f. moon, grain, nature, luck, – m. horned/antlered god; virility, harp of death earth, death, reincarnation, fertility, fertility, life, animals, forest, underworld, aka inspiration, the arts, science, , zodiac; Hearne the Hunter or Gwen Ap Nudd, “Lord brewed potion of knowledge down to three of Wild Things”; earth, love, dark half of year, drops – past, present and future; similar to “Dark Lord”, leads the hunt at the Morrigan Babd – f. (pronounced Bav) war, life, – f. flowers, love, daughter of sea Dis Pater – m. originally of death and enlightenment, wisdom, inspiration, god ; aka the May Queen underworld, eventually the chief of gods, “boiling”, “Battle Raven” and “Scald-Crow”; ancestor of all Mother or Crone aspect of Morrigan; collects the heads/souls of the dead in from battlefields – m. evil eye, King of the Dewi – m. Red God Druantia – f. Queen of the and mother of the tree calendar; mother of trees (fir); protection, knowledge, creativity, passion, sex, fertility, growth, trees and forests

Boann – f. rivers, fertility, healing; mother of Don – f. Queen of Heavens and Goddess of – f. sovereignty and rulership, horses, Angus Og with Dagda Air and Sea (); Ruled over land of dead; healing , prosperity and mountains; control of elements; moon Divine Horse/Great ; horses and dogs

Brighid – f. (Brie-yit); fire, poetry, forge; Dylan – m. sea god and brother of Lleu; son Eostra – f. goddess of spring; Ostara – feast motherhood and childbirth; triple goddess of waves, god of sea, silver fish day (three voices); fierce, protective, warrior, Queen of the Tuatha De – m. fertility and agriculture; first king of – m. warrior, magician, Matrona – f. mother goddess, earth mother the Tuatha De enchantment, illusion; shape-shifter, white horse

Creidhne – m. (Crane-ya); god of metal- Gwynn Ap Nudd – m. (pronounced Gwen Ab – f. nature, valley, streams, working, Tuatha De Neath) underworld, war, hunt (for souls); raven, controller of the Other World King of and ; horned/antlered god of fertility and the hunt; aka Cernunnos or Hearne the Hunter; virility, life, animals, forest, earth, love, dark half of year, “Dark Lord”, leads the hunt at Samhain; has spectral hounds Dagda – m. god of Earth and All Father; Govannon – m. (Giobhniu); blacksmith, /Myrrdin – m. a , wizard, death; father of Brighid; fighter with simple weapon-makers, brewing beer magician tastes; club that kills and restores life; cauldron of plenty and harp of seasons; arts; knowledge; music; magic; prophecy, prosperity; regeneration; High King of Tuatha De Danu (aka ) – f. mother of Dagda; clan of Hafren – f. river goddess – m. warrior god, rather like Danu (Tuatha de Dennan); Universal Mother; Hercules; poetry, charm and water, well, magic, wisdom Diahcecht – m. powerful healer; jealous of Llew Llaw Gyffess – m. harpers; healing, – f. “The Great Provider”; fertility son, , and killed him and destroyed the poets, smiths, waters, sorcerers; white stag, and wealth 365 healing herbs taught to him by Airmid. wife Blodeuwedd tried to kill him

Eiru – f. 1 of 3 patronesses of (with Llyr – m. god of waters and sea; son is Sequanna – f. patron goddess of the river Banb, Fotia and Fodla) ; health

Flidais – f. (Flih-dish); woodlands, forest, Mabon – m. youthfulness, liberation, Sucellos – m. controller of the other world; hung, wild things; archery, chase harmony, music and unity; “Mabon Ap “the good striker”; (Arawn); agriculture, ” is “Son of Mother” aka Son of Light; forests, hammer god; consort is Nantosuelta his birth on the is symbolic of light returning to the land after winter; circle of life; fresh starts and new beginnings – f. “Queen of the Fae”; wife of Manawydan – m. is Mannanan, see him in – m. “Thunderer”; aka Taran (Welsh); Mannanan, daughter of ; healing and Irish column wheel and forces of change magic

Goibhnui – m. (Guv-new); god of Math Mathonwy – m. magic, sorcery, Tentates – m. fertility, war, wealth; “God of blacksmiths, weapon-makers, and brewing enchantment; king; Premier Sage the Tribe” (Roman ) Ler – m. god of sea, father of Mannanan Morgaine/Morganna/Morgan le Fey – f. the Welsh version of the Morrigan; sister of King Author; Queen/High Priestess of , Queen of the Fairies

Luchta – m. (Looked-ah); smithy god; wright, – f., flowers and springtime, life and mechanic, artificer rebirth

Lugh – m. (pronounced Loo); The Many – m. husband of , father of Skilled; druid, carpenter, poet, mason, raven ; cunning and virtue; name means and lynx, healing, reincarnation, prophecy, “sense” revenge; Sun God; son of Cian (Tuatha De); magic spear and spectral hounds

Macha – f. (pronounced Macka); Morrigan Scathach – f. (Irish and Scottish); healing, aspect (mother); war, life and death, cunning magic, fighting arts, prophecy; “The Shadowy and strength, protects in battle and peace, One”, “She Who Strikes Fear”, Dark Goddess; sovereignty, land, horses, crow/raven taught fighting arts in Albion

Maeve/Madb – f. Morrigan aspect; “She Rhiannon – f. horses and birds; fertility, Who Intoxicates”; war, speed, fertility, earth, moon, enchantment, charms, poetic super lustful, great conqueror Mannanan Mac Lir – m. god of sea, sailors – m. song and ; druids, and merchants, gift of immortality and magician, shape-shifter; knowledge from invisibility, magic, Isle of Man Cerridwen; Commonly mistaken for “Merlin”, but this is a title, not a name – Taliesin was the most famous of

Morrigan – f. The Great Queen; supreme warrior goddess, chooser of the slain, war, death, rebirth, fertility, fate, prophecy, revenge, sensuality, magic; Anu/Danu, /, ; battle frenzy, carrier of dead to the Other World – m. god of battle

Niamh – f. beauty and brightness, helps heroes at death

Nemain – f. battle cry, war, “panic”; Morrigan aspect Nuada – m. warrior god, king of Tuatha De, silver hand, harpers, healing, historians, poets, writing, warfare

Oghma – m. warrior, knowledge, magic, eloquence; invented script, the rune alphabet; , inspiration, language, charms, honey-tongue

Shannon – f. Anglicized from Sionainn; goddess of the

v Miscellaneous Ø The White Lady – known to all; death and destruction; of Death, Queen of the Dead; crone aspect Ø The – wisdom, connection to other world, protection, counsel; he is the voice between the gods and humans