AND HIS COLLEAGUES1 1. in Insular Celtic Languages There Is A
&WJEFODFÛBOEÛ$PVOUFS&WJEFODF Û'FTUTDISJGUÛ'SFEFSJLÛ,PSUMBOEU Û7PMVNFÛ 44(-Û Û"NTUFSEBNÛÛ/FXÛ:PSLÛ3PEPQJ Û Û CELTIC ‘SMITH’ AND HIS COLLEAGUES1 VÁCLAV BLAŽEK 1. In Insular Celtic languages there is a common designation for ‘smith’, usually reconstructed as *gobenn-/*gobann-: • Old Irish gobae, gen. sg. gobann < *gobenn- (Thurneysen 1946: 209), cf. further Middle Irish goba, gen. sg. gobann, gobaind, gen. pl. goband, Modern Irish gobha, gen. sg. gobhann, nom. pl. gaibhne (from the old acc. pl. *goibnea), Gaelic gobha, gen. sg. gobhainn (MacBain 1911: 200; Pedersen 1913: 112). It is probable that this word is attested (as a proper name?) in the Ogam inscription from Ardmore, County Waterford, from the middle of the 5th cent.: DOLATIBIGAISGOB[, probably DOLATI, BIGAIS. GOB[ (Korolev 1984: 90, 159; Ziegler 1994: 185, 274). • Middle Welsh gof, pl. gofein < *gofan(n) or *gofenn (de Bernardo Stem- pel 1987: 117), Modern Welsh gof, pl. gofaint, gofion, gofiaid (Holder 1896: c. 2030; Stokes 1894: 114; Pedersen 1913: 112, who derived the Welsh plural form gofaint from the nt-stems with the plural in *-antoi in Brythonic); • Old Cornish gof gl. ‘faber vel cudo’ (Campanile 1974: 50); • Old Breton gof in the personal names Ran Gof (832-68 AD), Uuor- gouan, Middle Breton goff (Catholicon, 1464), Modern Breton gov (Hémon), gôv, gôf (Le Gonidec), Tréguir, Vannetais gô ‘blacksmith’ (Stokes 1894: 114; Henry 1900: 136; Fleuriot 1964: 177; Jackson 1986: 609). 1.1 For Proto-Celtic, Pedersen (l.c.) proposed the heteroclitic inflection typical of original neuters: nom. sg. *-³s, gen. sg. *-³s-n-os (cf. his inclusion 1 The main topic of this study was first discussed with Prof.
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