Würzburg. Personal Guide. Hotels · Guided Tours · Events 2018 Würzburg Residence with the Court Gardens and Residence Square World Heritage since 1981 World Heritage · World-Class Wine · Well-Being Content This brochure includes hotels in For Würzburg and for the The “Cyclist friendly” supplier, Impressum Würzburg and selected accommo- Franconian Wine Country were appointed by the Allge- Edited by: dations in the Franconian Wine reservations can be made in meine Deutsche Fahrradclub Congress • Tourismus • Würzburg, Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Würzburg Country (see page 56 – 65). The 70 hotels on our website: (ADFC). rates quoted in Euro (€) cover Maps: Bäumer Design, www.wuerzburg.de/hotels Tourismusverband Franken overnight stay, breakfast and value The data in this publication is Illustrations: Hutterreimann Landschafts- added tax. The prices include the at the provider or through our based on information supplied to agentur, Barbara Knievel local taxes and specifications valid Photos: Africa Festival, Arbeitsgemeinschaft at the time of the contract closing. booking office: Congress · Tourismus · Würzburg. Romantische Straße, Bayerische Schlösser- In the case of changes in the legal However, the rates and informa- verwaltung, BBK-Galerie, Botanischer Garten, value added tax or the new intro- Congress • Tourismus • Würzburg tion are subject to change. The Bürgerspital Weingut, Andreas Bestle, 3WM Phone +49 (0)9 31/37 23 35 suppliers reserve the right to vary, OHG, ExitGames, Diözese Würzburg, Dom- duction of taxes, change or aboli- schatz, Thomas Dorn, Weingut Fesel, Fotolia, tion of local specifications, which Fax +49 (0)9 31/37 36 52 without notice, any information ©FrankenTourismus/FWL/Würzburg/Hub, have an effect on the performance E-mail:
[email protected] relating to the listings or rates in Nicole Frech, U.