I ; ¢ # Radio Times, July 31st, 1925 A RADIO REVEL FOR ALL. a

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i Regitbered pl ths _Vol. ‘8. No. 97. C.F), 23.8 Moepaper. EVERYFRIFRIDAY. Two Pence.

OFFICIAL — Health and Headphones. PROGRAMMES By Sir BRUCE ieeeem K.B.E., C.M.G., M.D. for the week commencing [The opinion is steadily spirit from:.God was upon Saul, that SUNDAY, August 2nd. listening hasa most coreAanmeoaks David. took: an harp and played’ with ee ec health, oeeee ig a supporter of this View.| the following article he describes his hand. So Saul was fai and MAIN STATIONS. es orth cosauen ck that wireless can do was well, and the evil spirit departed LONDON, CARDIFF, ABERDEEN, GLAS- to those who are ill, oa mind or in body.] from him.” GOW, BIRMINGHAM, MANCHESTER, E inedical profession, engaged in Tt is recorded, of course, that on some BOURNEMOUTH, NEWCASTLE, a fight against disease, calls to. its other occasions he threw a javelin at BELFAST. aid Various scientific discovenes. But David, which was theonly way in. those as doctors are really the descendants of days by which he conld cut off the enter-| HIGH-POWER STATION. the priests, they have inherited the tainer! We have also the case of the (Daventry) conservative minds and outlook of the Caliph: ad Mansur, who arranged m_ his’ RELAY STATIONS. pnests, Scoentific discoveries are tested wonderful hospitak at Cairo’ to” have SHEFFIELD, PLYMOUTH, EDINBURGH, and tried for a long time before acceptanee. musicians to play day and night for the LIVERPOOL, LEEDS—BRADFORD, The wireless telephone, however, which benefit of those who could not sleep, HULL, NOTTINGHAM, STOKE-ON- is probably the greatest discovery of the * * * TRENT, DUNDEE, SWANSEA; age, has been taken up as an and tohealth During the Great War, inends gave alter a shorter pericd of probation than me gramophones for the hospitals. under

any former discovery, This is because its my cornmand, They proved one of the SPECIAL CONTENTS. use 16 obvious, and it has no potenhahty preatest aidsto recovery. Men back A SONG INSPIRED BY A MOTHER. for harm, from the front, with their brains fled with "Keep the Home Fires Burning.” By A. B. = = # + the screech of shells, and who could not

tema The teaching of Hippocrates is more sleep, found the help of music beyond “STRADS " FROM SOHO. penerally recognised to-day than in the description. Some of my medical officers,

—————. past, and we realize that the cure of who were inchned to object, soon changed ther point of view, and asked for more THE TRAGEDY OF OFFENBACH. disease lies. in the body itself, and not in The Story of “ The Tales of Hoffmann,” physic. Even drugs which were looked records. . ieee upon as certain cures have been found to Incidentally, the concert room was always crowded for entertainments of @ OFFICIAL NEWS AND VIEWS, act by their general activity upon the musical character but empty for lectures, ietieaeee bedy, rather than upon the specific serms even when the subject and lecturer were PEOPLE YOU WILL HEAR THIS WEEK, of disease, The mind plays a great part in. the production and cure of disease, such as to offer an intellectual treat. * * # 4 LISTENERS’ LETTERS. and if a patient can be made happy, his general resistance will improve. When people aresick, they do not want IMPORTANT TO READERS. * i. to be taught !t The broadcast programmes The addrets of " The Radia Timex '’ js 8-11, South must, of course, cater for all classes, and erect, Strat Lake, WC. ee Use of music in the treatment of the sick 1S a veryold practice, and we have, in for every type of mind, The majority of neteeee Lid. ia 2, Savoy Hill, Strand, Landon, W. = the Book of Samuel, the instance of David invalids wholisten do not desire lectures, gonttes oeOFSpores “Th Radio,Times" who played: the harp to cure Saul. particularly after dinner. t TwebreManthe 1 i welve Meuthe(iiritiah) 130. 6d eee) Nees -rare “And it came to pass, when the evil (Continued overleaf in col. 3.) 1

pane,aes —- RADIO _TIMES — [deny Slat, P25,

Health and Headphones. A Song Inspired by a Mother. (Continued from the previous page.) The movement ta provide hospital and convaleacent homes with wireless seta is a° The Story of “Keep the Home Fires Burning.” aplendid one, and most of the hospitals up and ARS have usually inspirer, said: ‘The men have a song which down the country are being equipped. The well. found their laureaics, they have hised for themaclyes, but the people to-do are already in possession of sets, but hand the songs that have who are left at home have none: Why not there are many thousands of poor folk, including A sharpencds words have in write a song of heartening and patient courage 7 the new poor, to whom. o receiving set would be nay enaes become a part Fighting is hard, Goll knows, but anxious a fodsend. Think of those whe are confined to fof history, Of these, per- watching and waiting at home, with the ciread bed and who, when the breadwinner has gone to ff) haps the Maraeillaise is the of bad news ever present, is hard too.” his, or her, work, are dependent upon the chance } most famous, though we “Well, that set my thoughts working in a call of a well-meaning neighbour, or the viett of mist not forget that new direction, I strove to invent o phrase of the district nurse to break the monotony, How Charles Dibdin found his comfort, something not too sentimental. suiting the hours drag on! They may not be educated inspiration in the feats of the spirit of the time, when people everywhere sufficiently to find cheer in reading, or their four Navy during the were learning ‘to suffer and be strong. No sight may be too defective to allowit. Napoleonic wars, andl phrace wouldcome, but 1 did invent a tune, at i Ld = Ld Mr. WOR MOVELLO.! Campbell's odes on the lant, and I rang up myfriend, Lena Guilbert There ate but few who make suitable visttora same theme are eo fine that Ford, with whomI had collaborated before, and to a wick room, Some are too depressing and they belong to the realm of pure literature, told ther that T had a tune which [f wanted her othera may be offensively healthy and too America's comparatively short history is rich to hear, andwould she come along ancl try to cheerful, When patienta are confined to bed, in war songs, from “ The Star-Spangled Banner,” cook upsome words | it is impossible to prevent their minds acting, of 1812, to the “ Dixie-Land" and “ John and the only way to get rid of unpleasant Brown's Body ” of 1864 and the Civil. War. In a Flash ! thoughts is to crowdthem out by pleasant once. Kipling’s “ Pay, Pay, Pay!" wea the out- She Came immediately, and T sat down at the The bid.fashioned rest cure, in which the patient standing song of the South African War, and piano and played my tune. Nothing happened. with a sick mind was put to bed, isolated from Tennyson himesif didnot disdain to pen the She didnot say * The very thing !' and instantly fricnda and deprived of letters and books, pro- miirliol strains of “ The Charge of the Light begin to wed my tone to words, Suddenly 1 duced far more failures than cures, I have Brigade and “ Riflemen Form |" tarned -round and said: * Lena, it's not the known many people who were so troubled fall right tune!’ and, even aa I said those words, asleep under me soothing rhythm of muric. A Poignant Memory. thephrase “Keep the Home Fires Burning’ ** The Great War, which ja so recent and flashed into my mind. ‘I've got it!* I said, To the Sena cripple, wireless has opened up poignant a memory, opened on ita very first I turned to the piano again, and fitted those a new world. In fact, people who are per- day—as far as the participation of thie country words tothe very strain which everybody knowa manently bed-ridden, and, so far aa contact in it is concerned—to a gong, and that song one now. Then I indicated to her how it might with the outside world ia concerned, were whieh waa never written aa & Warsong, or ever proceed, She caught fire instantly, Shewas dead, now live again, thanks to wireless. They intended to be sungon the march. But the delighted. She went into the next room to be hear music actually being played, not merely rhythm of.“ Tipperary and ite “ Good-bye, quict for a few minutes, and returned with the ita reproduction, and they hear public men Piceadilly ! Good-bye, Leicester Square!" the well-known refrain :-— speaking. Thankea to the enterprise of the lilt of ita easy time, seemed to suit the mood of British Broadcasting Company and the kindness the “ Old Contemptibles,”’ as well asof the tena Keep the home fires burning, While your hearts are yearning, of well-known public men, they henoine Ac. of theusands of lads, wha had never known a Though the lads are far away quaintedwith the personality of those whoge soldiers life, who flocked tothe colourr in They dream of home : names have made history. Personality ia con- respons: to the magical name of Kitchener, Thero« a silver lining veyed much moreby the spoken than by the But the recent war differed from anywar Through the dark clonds shining: ; written word, Theshort Sunday evening service which had ever occurred before, in at least one Turn the dark clouds inside out brings many of oor best parsons into homes they Till the bows come home ! esvential aspect. It affected everybody. The conld not otherwise visit, and comfort to many nation was.at war a it had never been before. “The tune was never changed. Both words who are sick in mind as well aa body, In- South Africa, in India, in the Crimea, even amd music had just * happened,’ and, in some- I e ie * at Waterloo, the average citizen, though deeply thing under an hour, the whole song was finiahed. There are many poor folk to-day eking ont interested, read of the Army engaged aa of My next task was to show it to a publisher, an existence on a pittance, who ate too, proud anmething apart from his a feelings. The first IT approached refused it! Then I to make their poverty generally known, Every The menwho were fighting were professional took it to Messrs. Ascherberg, and they accepted medical man ia acquainted with sich. To aoldiers, menwho had elected to enlist whether it at sight. them # littl receiving set wonld be a godsend. there wasa war or no war. How difierently A Thrilling Experience. Thlocal radio #loba would raise a fund to paythe a war touched the deep heartof the nation, when “Tt wasan autumn Sunday night in 1914 at libenee and provide seta on loan, there would be almost every family was called to the Colours, no difficulty in finding mutable people ta be the Alhambra when-it was first sung. 1 played when the Army was not reckoned in a few recipients of their kind thought, the accompaniment, anda little lady named thousands, but in millions, when the lads who a fought our battles went from the loom, the Svbil Vane sang the song. She is a Welsh WEATHER WARNINGS AT SEA. forge, the field, the shop, the desk, and the girl amd has since made o great success in HE new weather warning service, in- club, vaudeville in America, I was astonished to find that, when she had sung the refrain once, augurated this month os the reaylt of To Hearten and Encourage. immediately, without any urging, the audience co-operation between the Air Ministry, the A new kind of war song waa called for, some- took it up and sang it as if they had knownit Board of Trade, and the B. BC, in addition thing not so much to march to, as something all their lives. We had to repeat that refrain to ifs ulility for the countryside, mects o to hearten and encourage. nine times, There was never any doubt after pressing need of the Mercantile Marine. When I called! on Mr. Ivor Novello he told ne that that the song would be a success from Numbera of vessels engaged in the coasial the story of how he came to write “ Keep the every pout of view. traffic do not carrywireless telegraphy equipment, Home Fires Borning.” “In the spring of the following vear I was bart may clo provide themselves with broadcast “My mother, Madame Clara Novello Davies, connected with the YMCA. mn their work receiving sets, and henceforward theae willreceive had several times urged me to write a patriotic in. France, and was motoring through Havre. the weather information so vital to them. song, Itwas 1914, and Twas only eighteen at it was then T had one of the greatest thrills of The warnings are broadcast in the morning the time, and verykeen on song-writing. Several mylife. We pulled wp by the side of the road (10.050 British Fummer Time) from Chelmsford, people I knew had written patriotic songa whilst two thousand men of the British Army and in the evening from Newcastle, Bourne- already, and IL wondered why I should not marched past ua, and they were all singing mouth, and Liverpool between 10.20 and 10.35 write one. too, Bo I turned my thoughts to ‘Keep the Home Fires Burning!’ It was an p-m., Jor the Eastern, Southern, and Weatern Hage flving, drums beating, soldiers mainehing— experience never to be forgotten, and I felt fires, respectively. and notking came. It had all been done before, thatin my small way I had done one thing The region comprised in the Fagtern area There were no new ideas, no new and fresh at Jeast, with my friend, Lena Ford, to keep is defined by Cape Wrath, Dungeness, and the inspirations in these things. Besides, the the nation’s coutage at * the aticking place. ™ continental coast from Calais to Bergen. The onconcious instinct of the first men to go to the Western atea comprises the Trish Bea. the front had chosen a soug which mentioned none | A. B. Coorrr, Hebrides, Ireland, and the Bristol Channel, anc af these things, the immortal ‘ Tipperary.’ [* Keep the Home Fires Burning '’ will be broad- the Southern area. the Channel from Dungeness “Then my mother, who was always my best , caet from Manchester, on Monday, August 3rd,| to 1] clagrees W. Longitude,

__Saar alsT, 19252] — RADIO TIMES — 2 a i “Strads ” from Soho. Festivals of Harp and Song. Violins. A Tobacconist Who Makes The Welsh Eisteddfod, Its Pomp and History. HEN I listened the other day to the sixth century under the auspices of Maclywn broadeaat of Mr, William Primrose, who ‘AKEN as a race, there are few peoples ig one of our coming violinists, [ did not know who are finer singers and pocts than the Gwynedd, Prince of North Wales, This Princ Welsh, and their national Eisteddfoda—or, seeme to have been somethingoof a wit-as well thet the instrument upon which he plays was Fisteddfodan, to give the correct ploral— ag & practical joker. He had a far higher made at the back of « tiny ehop in Soho. opinion of singing than of instrumental music, That bright-eyed man who handed moe havea repotation that is world-wide. cigarettes over the counter is really a dual During the current week—on August 3rd, and he played a neat little trick upon the 4th, Sth,6th, and 7th—the National Eisteddfod players on the harp who were competing at the personality; for af night, when the shop featival. is closed, he retires to a quiet httle workshop at Pwilheli will be broadcast and, as well as The Eisteddfod was held near the never at the back and, if you are privileged to enter, the musical and vocal items of the festival Conway,and Maelgwn Gwynedd offered’ -a he will talk of fiddies and all that they mean to iteclf, listeners will hear specches by the Prize to these competitors who should. swim him. “That was where [I met Mr. W, Glenister, Prime Minister aml Mr. Lioyd George. across the river, A large number entered for who haa been- making violins and ‘celloa ae o The word “ Eisteddfod * meansa “ sitting ” on reaching the other side, the hobby for close on forty years, or “ sexsion,”’ and the custom of holding such a the prize, but, meeting ig of very ancient origin, The objects musicians discovered that they could not play Fascinated by Fiddles. of the Eisteddfodau are to encourage Bandiem as their harps were epoiled by the water. The ~ Many years ago,” he told me, “I was and music, to keep alive the Welesh language singers, on the other hand, were none the worm attracted by the beautiful form of a ‘trad’ for their ex perience and carried everything before pe which belonged to my employer. From that Dept epee pee re spea peerageieneinet [FF them ! moment, Geddlea fascinated me.” S0NGS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW, _‘Chairing ** the Bard. And although he is entirely self-taught, Mr. The ceremony of preparing an Eisteddfod is Leek Than the Dusi,” Glenister is now acknowledged ua one of Britain's somewhat elaborate. Tt mastbe proclaimed preatest experts, Lee beautiful song will be brogdenst a year andaday before it takes place, and there His workroom is a wonderful medley. In fromNewcastle on Satorday, is much excitement when itis known that such one cornerfour old ‘cellos lean on each other's Augost Sth. 74 ia one ofthe four famous efatand a festival is going to be held. Asa role, the shouldera, andtwomorestand nonchalantly on Indian Love Lyrics from “The Garden Eisteddfod Insta for three or four days, On the table, waiting their turn, The place seemed of Kama,” by Laurence Hope. The reheat each day a president anda conductor are elected, hittered with innumerable small planes, from moxie, by Amy Wordforde.Finden, is Thefestival ia started with a sound of -trampets. the size of a beetle upwards! well known in almost every place where An address ia given by the president and the there is’ an orchestra. We publieh the “Tt takes me about twelve months to com- aaa competing bards follow with their poetial

plete a fiddle,” be explained, “reckoning the words by permissian of Messrs, Wiliam aaa effusions. Prizea and medals are awarded to the Hemémann, Ltd.

time.required for drying| the varnish. But to sal successful authors of musical, poetical and prose mitke ong "ih the’ white,’ requires only about. a Less than the dust beneath thy chariot compositions, and also for the beat choral and week.”34 Eo wheel, anata solo yoculista and for the beet penillion singers, | Less thin the rust that never stained thy Penillion singimg is a very popular feature of Pia Biota ain: OM Bouse. aword,

ect the Eisteddfod, and great skill is required from Jave than the trust thou best in me, my Ur to. the present, Mr. Glenister has com- the competitors.. Penilliom singing ix singing Lord, pleted diver’ two: hundred violins and fifteen me Even lees than these | to the accompaniment of the harp, and the rau “Syeaniore wood is used for the back, singer has to follow the harpist, whomay change sides and head of his iristHimenta, and ordinary Lees than the weed that grows beside thy the time or play variations ae he pleages; The pine for the front. Some of his bestpine waa door, vocalist must keep perfect timewith himand obtaitied froin an old house in Beak Street and, Lae than the spel! of hours spent tar practically extemporize hia song to fit the he says, it is a4fieth ts a not, although it ia at from thee, melody, least two hundred years old. ~ He works on the Less thin the noel thon haat in lite of me, The great feature of an Fisteddfod is the’ linea of Strad, Guarnerius and N, Amati, but hie Even less aim 1. retell “chairing” of the bard—he who, by his efforts, “divinityis the greatest of these three, and

Since I. my Lord, am nothing unto thee, al has been adjudged worthy of the highest priee. his prototype the great “‘Tuecan.” Fes here thy aword, J make it keen and fn To be “ chaired " at-an Eisteddfod is the Grontort "Mery Albert Sanimons, Professor Stanton Rees bright, ambition of a Welsh bard's life, © amd many more celebrities have visited this Love's last rewarnd—Death comes to me Occasionally Eisteddfodau have heen held’ to-night, little factory of music; bot Mr, Glonister in the :United States by Americans of Weleh Farewell, Zabirodin.* aurprised me when he spoke of his friend, Mr, origin, and then the enthusiasm is tremendons, George Robey. It appears that the famous t "4d Wutomimentid meade, oomming “Fad + Gls éeomedian, in the few hours he can spare from ei ahadeseatenrgn [B his business of mirth making, has manufactured A SEASIDE concert party on the Wellington fiddlesin a smal! room at the top of the Hippe- and also to increase patrictum among the Pier, at Great Yarmouth, will be broadcast drome ! HM] . from 9.0 to 10.0 p.m., from all stations, om Van Biene’s ‘Cello, The Bards of Wales have always held an im- August rd and 19th. portant place in the national history. Formerly, “He has been to consult me several tines,” * - ake 8 they had many hereditary rights and privileges Some time ago, a programme called “ What Mr. Glenister said. “ George anys that everyone and to-day they are regarded more or Jess in the must have a hobby, or go mad!" Is This?” proved very popular, and the iden Hight of heroes. T was shown a violin that had gone through : to. be repeated at London §Station on the war, and had come back wounded. Jt waa A Prince's Trick. Sth. A number of well-known pieree of taken to the front by an officer, who played it-in In times goneby the Eisteddiodan were as will be rendered, and listeners will he the front line trenches. But one daya bomb held onder the auspices of princes and nobles invited to quess the composers and anticipate eplintered ita front, and it now shows its war who often acted ag umpires in judging the the announcement, which will be made after, aenr under the varnish. Then he showed me various competitions, Queen Elizabeth enlled instead of before, the various items, Van Bienes ‘cella which he was repairing. On an Eisteddfod on one oceasion, and the decu- = = * a this instrument the famous ‘cellist played the ment promulgating the event wae of a lengthy Many letters have reached Cardiff Station “ Broken Melody “ over three thousand times. and elaborate description. expressing appreciation of their new mid- Mr. Glenister himself is Dickensian in appear- The veneration of the Bards is & sentiment day transmissions, and it has been decided to ance—a benevolent Mr, Pickwick, with ‘the peculiae to Celtic races, and im Seotland and continue the feature. Doring next week, the addition of mutton chops and wigatosrn: who Ireland—cspecially the latter country—Bards eoticerts will be provided by the Band of HLM, | confesses to having dozens of violins even in were held in high esteem. But it is the Weleh Royal Marines, relayed from the Institution his bedroom. “They can be hung up there,” who havekept alive theold traditions, and Gardens at ath. he went on, “safe from dust and dirt.” although Eisteddfodan are no longer pro- oe oe - As I stepped outside into that dingy Soho mulgated by royalty, the enthusiasm thatthey Tae French talks 5.5. from London daring street, a group of moustachio'd-Ttaliana were create in Wales is as remarkable ae in days of the holiday period will consixt of conversations passing, and [ wondered whether they knew yore. likely to be of useto holiday travellers on what mysteriona activity there was behind the The date of the first Eisteddfod iz Inst in the the Continent. The subject of the talk on thutters of that tobacconist’s shop ! mits of antiquity; but the firet of which we August 13th will bo “Le Débarquement en- K. FP. H, have any authentic account wae held in the France,”

aud — RADIO TIMES —- [Jtuy Slar, 1925.

————— GOSSIP ABOUT Official News and Views. BROADCASTING.

A-.Radio Revel For All. Tapping Oxford. and “La Paloma.” ¥ Mr. Roy Henderson (bari- HE third anniversary of the BBC. is to The feature of next season's. educational tone) will sing old. favourites like “ Eleanore,” be celebrated with a great. Radio Revel broadensta will be a sericea taken from Oxford "The Yeomen of England,” and “ Simon’ the all over the country. This Revel will have i t e University. A special land-line collection and Cellarer.” On Saturday, the“ Old Times” eentre at the Royal Albert Hall on Friday, thstibution centre is to be erected in Oxford. Dance Band, composed of members of the Now @P5er 13th. The programme there will be By this means listeners all over the country “22Y" Orchestra, will revive fox-trota, reprodueed for other similar Revela wherever will be able to hear outstanding leetures and waltzes, and one-steps that caught the popular l i x t e n e r s join together for the purpose, The interesting nccAslone. Frofeseor Gortlon's fancy a few years ago, evel will take the form of a faney-resa ball, series on Humour in the Great Rooks" will Hull Stations First Birthday. at which listeners will have the opportunity of Lewin on, or about, September 2let, Professor Hull Station's first birthday will be cele- meeting popular radio arheta, Many eurpriae Julian Huxley. will alternate with Professor brated on Saturday, August 15th, at the Stadia features will be introduced, inching cabaret Gordon in .a series. entitled, * The Streama of in Bishop Lane. As, probably, the most popular ‘itema and selections by the stara. of British Life.” Performances by the O,ULD.S., Onion prouramime broadcast from the station during broadcasting. debates, specini religions services and other its first vear was one of musical comedy ancl featuresof ° Varsitt life at Oxford are to he broad. light opera, it has been thought approprinte Will the Lion Roar? cart, In connection with the anniversary of the to present a second programme of thit nature outbreak of the World War on Anguat 4th. Where the Money Goes. on Birthday Night, All members of the staff the BBC. hopes to be able to reproduce for all In his account of the work of the BBC. will be required to contribute to the entertain- ment, ‘The Station Engineering Stat Repertory listencre the roar-of a live lion from the British during the past vear, Lord Gainford, the Empire Exhibition at Wenbley. Elaborate Chairman, made a timely reference to the Company will appear for the first, and prob- ably the last, time, in the ene-act drama arrangements ate onhand for this feature, which distribution of the revenue received by the ehould make a great appeal to the public imagin- B.B.C.. An analysis of the figures fer the past entitled Wher Fed Lamps Glow, or The Engineer's Vengeance, by C2coh Reaseeva. ation. But, of eooree, there iz no. definite financial vear shows that $3.37 per cent. of After the talent of the local atafl is gunrantee that the tionwill not poon strike when the money was spent on programmes and exhausted: listeners will be switched over to the moment for roaring actually arrives ! opernting coats, Only 6.38per cent, waa absorbed by administration, and the balance the Bavoy Bands, andl the birthday celebration International Broadcasting, of 8.25 per cent. is accounted for by depreciation, will be conmtinned: i canera, Listeners who are following the prospective Moreover, the administration is now stabilized, Colour in Music. development of international broadcasting are #0 that additional revenue will be automatically At the conclusion of the regular. programme likely to have their aspirationa gratified. The abeorbed in the improvement of programmes on Friday, August 14th, Pivmouth Station agreement recently announced for the exchange and the provision of new services, These of programmes between Great Britain and the Proportions compare favourably with those of will broadcast a musical feature entitled, Dnited States, is part of a larger scheme which any other broadcasting system in the world, “Colour in Music.” Anong other items will be the BBC, has been persistently advocating included Mastheroni's “ Among the Fhrwers.” through the International Union of Broadcasters To thea Rescue of Durham Castle, The idea is to provide a striking contrast to at. Geneva. Apparently, the Middlesex Hospital is not the martial music of the early part of the even- li the preliminary experiments in September the only great building in. danger of falling ing; when “The Entry of the Gladiators.” the meet with the auecess that is anticipated, down. Durham Castle is beginning to totter. “ Light Cavalry”. Overture, and “ The Parade there will be a regular interchange throughout Through the Newcastle Station, listeners are of the Tin Soldicra “ are among the items. the coming winter. [t ia-a tribute to the pre- to be asked to come to the rescue. Dr. Hensley Scenes From Well-Known Plays. eminenco of British broadcasting that all the Henson, the Bishop of Durham, will broadcast Mr. William Macreadyand Misa EdnaGot- European programmes dor America will cross on this subject on Thursday, October Sth. frey-Turner have gained wide popularity by the Atlantic ria Daventry. The corresponding their radio-dramatic recitals, On August 13th American equipment will not be ready for An Appeal for the Fresh Air Fund. thev are broadcasting from Birmingham, between two months, but when it is ready, it will be Miss Fillaline Terries, the popular actress, f and 10,a series of scencs from the well-known inaugurated in a characteristically American who has recently returned with her husband, plays Camille, Richelieu, and Kast Lynne, manner, It is probable that the President. will Mr. Seymour Hicks. from an Australian tour, broideast a especial medxage to British ond is to make an appealon behalf of the Fresh What Women Admire In Men. Coritinentaldisteners, The B.B.C, is considering Air Fund, from London Station, at 6.40 p.m., The Horticultural Talks in the Women's an appropriate acknowledgment from this side on Auguat LTth. . Corner on' Mondays, which are & weekly feature of the Atlantic. of Birmingham programmes, continue as popular A Famous Pianist, as ever. Manylisteners seck advice a n i d map Continental Nights. On the occasion of the Symphony Concert ont their gardening work in accordance with Judging from correspondence from listeners, to be conducted by Mr. Eugene Goossens at the replies given by Mr, Sidney Rogers, F.B.H.S, there_is apparently an enthusiastic section of Landon Station, on August 9th, the well-known The recent talk; “What. Men Admire in Jisteners who deaire the ELBA. to relay aa puanist, M. Sapellnikoff, will play Tchaikoveky's Women,” is shortly to be followed by “ What many foreign programmes az British. No J, Pianoforte Concerto. M, Sapellnikoff, it Women Admire in Men.” But it i not pooposed to build the pre- i interesting to recall, wae alea the solott liminary plans on a basis so extensive, It has when some ycars ago this work waa first per- Brighter Broadcasting at Leeds, first to be proved whether there is really the formed in England under its composer's baton, The Leeds-Bradford Station is specializing factor of safety that will enable the exchange on seasonal programmes, and that, promised to be more than a novelty. There is no intention A Voyage Round the World. for August 14th is. particularly bright ond of substituting a “mush” of indistinguishable Bournemouth listeners areto have a night cheery. There will be Folk Songs from Somerset, sounds and abrieks for the rerular programme, with the “Navy and Army” on Saturday, Yorkshire, Sofolk, and the Glens of Antrim; Moreover, it may be that listenera will not Anguat 15th, beginning with “ A Voyage Round the “Crystal's Concert Party,” under Miss desire to have more than a very limited admix- the World on a Sailing Ship in 1890 (Part 3),” Dorothy Forrest, will also broadcast, and Mr ture of imported broadcasts. If everything by Capt. Howard Jackson. The programme Anderson ‘Tryer will be heard at the piano. goce well technically, what will happen pro- will aleo contain sen eonge and ahantics, pro- bably will be that on about two nights a vided by Mrs, Ethel Smith (concertina) and An Hour With Tehaikovsky. week, Daventry will take a Dominion or a Mr. Stuart Robertson (baritone), Mr, Gibson From time to time, requests have been re- foreign programme, and we shall ace a acquence Young, in Community Finging, will be assisted ecived at Glasgow Station for more of of Canadian, American, French, Italian, German, by the “6BM" Chorua and Wireless Orchestra Tchaikovsky's music, and it has been, therefore, Belgian, Austrian, ail Spenish “ nights" at at (30, arranged to devote one honr on the evening of reasonable mtervals, Monday, August 10th, to his compositions, Dancers” Memories, This programme will include orchestral items From the Air and the Deep. _ “Reminiscent and “ Dancers’ Memories and ‘cello solos, and Miss Thelfna Petersen Arrangement are being made to broadcast Night " are the titles of the programmes at will sing the “ Air dea Adienx,” from Jenne fA special concert froman air liner of Imperial Manchester on Friday, August 14th, and Satur- @'Are, During the Popular Hour which follows Airways, Ltd,, and it is hoped to follow this dav, August 15th respectively, On Friday, the this feature, a bright littl one-act comedy, by selectiona froma submarine ¢rnising under “22Y" Orchestra will play popular tunes of a entitled Phipps, will be given by the Station water. few decades ago, such as “In the Shadows” Renertory Company.

Teuy het,alert, 3d _RADIO” TES—-_~--- eae


Mics TOM) FARRELL |Pianiet) will be beard _ THELMA PETE R&EM | Merre-Soprane) from Monchester and Birmingham én August ba imging trom Birmingham ea A wel ord Tih aed th ively. end from Belfact on Aagact FF [2uwuene. Sr. BEN DAVIES (the famens Tenor) who will broadened fram Cardi on Aggoet Gb asd Tih.

A Versatila Star. [iss TONI FARRELE (whom you sor above) is one of the most versatile of radia stare. Hesdea beng a pianial, sho 6 o composer, and has written a new light orches- tral suite which will shortly be produced, She also composes ragtime! Fhe haa been church organist, viohniat, and music hall artist, and in addition to her work, she finds time to travel in out-of-the way parts of jhe world, Conductor atthe Eisteddfod. ae owe a very great deal to fir Henry Walford Davies (whose picture is below}, who ts to condpet the choir of the Welsh National Eisteddfod, which will be relayed from Cardiff on August 7th He has done much to popularize the broadcasting of good niunic, and je untiring in his efforta to do no, Besides conducting, he is a prolific composer, much of eeeee Mr, “— GOS5 (Tener) is te broadcast from Londen on his music being of a sacred character, [iarria, _ Bepuet Gtk, ii HAMILTON HARTY will conduct ihe Wireless Orchestra

of Anguet ath (5.6. to all Stations except “ SAX **).

[eure [Nena Gir H. WALFORD DAVIES, who will conduct at FRED BECK 'S MODERN FOLLIES, who tiferiainment of the Wolll fon Pier Pavilion. Yarmouth, will be relayed trom (he Welsh Aatienal Eisteddfod. Londen on Avuguect Bank Holiday,

238 — RADIO TIMES —— [Jrny Sier, 1085.

Pieces in the Programmes. Listeners Letters.

LEteners are rAénitided that we do til roktider hein+ fers: for peitieation, Preference ie girem fo fetters ahich A Weekly Feature Conducted by Percy A. Scholes. oeoiiee defer geitkh fear, The Aeifortal oaddrem i 2-11, Soetonipien Stree, Strand, sLordad, WLS] BACH'’S SECOND ORCHESTRAL SUITE. it incomplete, and it was finished by Rimsky- Radio in the Shetlands. {(Loxpox, Tresmay.) Korsakof, Theinternal struggles in Russia in the Dear Sir,—tI wish to let you know how we seventeenth century are the hasia of ita plot. HIS Suite isa first-rate example of Bach's appreciate the excellent broadcast programmes Biraightiorward cheeriness, [i consists The short Prelude represents daybreak over the which we receive nightly up here. My) father of seven separate l i t t l e pieces, each of which Kremlin of Moscow. Presently one beara the and I are often asked by the different skippers goes right through, without ever lingering bella ringing for matin. of the herring feet, which is now in Lerwick, overlong to meditate, or ever rising to great THE FLIGHT OF THE BUMBLE EFF. aa to the prospects of the weather, and we are excitement. The plot of Rimsky-Korsakof's Opera, The able, thanks to the B.BAC., to tell them. This It is scored for one Flute and Atrings: Fory Tale of Taor Saltan, ia o Russian folk- we appreciate very much, but still moredowe story somewhat like Cinderclla, The exiled . OVERTURE. This starta with a Solemn appreciate the General News Bulletin, and the Fsarevitch transforms himself into a bee and homely chimes of Big Ben. I always look section (the most aeriona part of the whole work), visite hia father. The Flight of the Bumble Hee forward to the execllent talka, and I tind them which leads without a break into a Quick comes from the Second Act of the opera; the most instructive, “Fugue,” i... a piece in which a certain fixed bee returna over the sea and flies roundhis You may be interested to know that [ can number of ** parte’ give ota tune in burn, andl beloved, who is just now in the form of newan. get any station of the B.B.C..at any time, in- go on to dizeuss i t , The “Tune here seems to LIADOFE'S “MUSICAL BOX.” This was eluding most of the Relays. ery out to have words set to it. Tt is announced originally a piana sole, but waa later scored for ; Yours, ete., by Finer Viouws and Fiore (in wniaon) ; then a Piccolo, 2 Flutes. 3 Clarinets, Glockenspiel or Secoxn Vaouiss anewer, whilst the First Violins Lerwick, Shetland Islands. Jows Farr, Celesta and harp, It is a veryrealistic imitation “The Viear of Mirth." and Flute go on with something else, Violas of the humble instrument it represents, amd Bass enter in tum, and the reat of the Dean &te,—May I rae 0 strong protest against the inchasion in the programmes of Overture isa discussion of thia theme, broken MOZART'S COMEDY, ‘ THE IMPRESARIO." the “Vicar of Mirth" ? only to make way for the Flute to perform {Loxpos, WEoNESpAY, } Tt seems regrettable that the poor parson wha aome graceful by-play.. The Jmpresaria is a short work which Mozart has ao much to contend with these daya should IL. RONDEAU (Quirk).

rye dispensableto the listener during thecourse material, but it m all fairlyclear, and the ai the programme, and this tm included possession of me, I shall confidently expect to = Movement endswith a lively Coda, conveniently ina slot atthe side. Listeners find a present under the sofa when my next should order this to-day from anyNews- birthday comes round! :

SOME RUSSIAN PIECES. peg ent. Itis published at 2s. 6d., or send When I mouse on the achievements of wireless, (Loypow,Torspay.) ] eeeeree any critical faculties I may possess are mute. + the Publisher, “* The Radio Times,"’ £11, 4 PRELUDE TO MOUSSORGSKY'S “ KHO- ' Southampton sigs a cae: Yours, ete,, VANTCHINA.” Kaovenichina waa Moussorg- Ventnor, LOW. (Rev.} W. Metvinis Hseeis. aky's last opera—in fact, he died in 1875,leaving Daemotioneedtent: (Continuedon the facing page.)

_ dun Ale, ae ae Ricci: eal a == —— — Listeners’ Letteri? (Confinaed from the facing page.) Facing‘the Enemy. “ Shanty "' or “ Chanty '" ? Dean Ste—With reference to Mr, T. H. A Wireless Village Comedy. By Jane Barrington. Thompacn’a letter in The Rodia Times, [should W* move aowly in our village, preferring 4 Maddon(ib han }—T aan amined tocoe thet like to polit out that the word “shanties ™ to seo other people stumble over you have put op on aerial in yur parden. has nothing whatever to do with “ chant,” the first elones. That explains why we were You can, of course, please yourself aboot this being derived from quite a different source— tiegraceiul invention whieh aa--eolely reg- atill inordinately excited about the gramophone namely, the word “ ahanty,” asthe Negro huts Ripe for the bad weather. wenre. having, when news of the wireless madness first burst on the Southern plantations of America were but you cannot make née of my parden-lor at. upon our ears. We scoffed! calle, Your wires cross my garden ond thormby “Jock @ craze,” we sand, “it can't last,” The first sailing ships that were ever built restrict the free-air to which my children ere And we thoow ourselves anew, with admost entitled. T don't ike it and I'm not going to with speed instead of carryingcapacity as the frenxied enthusiaam, into our innocent orgica. haveit. You will please remove the offengive chief desideratum, were the Baltimore clippers, object at once, or | shall be compelled to take and aboard them were found a large per- We bought new records and yet more records. We fived in a constant whirl of gramophone other stepa.—Yours farthfully, Josawa centage of Negroes, and it waa from them that soirtes, listening with ill-concealed envy to the Hoonnm," the first shanties originated. latest trophies of our neighbours and making “What steps does he mean?" whispered Miss As time went on,-and such firms as Hall, of mental notes of inevitable additions: to our Biceup, her littl face quite grey with fright. Aberdeen, Green, of Blackwall, Pile, of Sun- “T don't expect he means anything,” | derland, Scott and Steele,of Greenock, and many own library, answered reassuringly; “but you could put cthera. began to build shipa No mention was made of the new invention that soon out- the pole somewhere elze, couldn't you Tt" classed, in every way, the American clippers, —the wireless scourge, beneath which the rest “No, I can't,” she said. “You see, it hae Tew sea fonga came into being, and the old of the country Iny prostrate. And then the bemb fell in the most unexpected quarter. Mica to be a certain ‘distance Sway from the house, Nogro name of “ shanty“ waa still retained, Biccup, gentlest and most retiring of all our and there's no other place, Oh, dear, what am With the advent of steam, these shantics fpinsiera, went away for her summer. holiday, Tio ado t™ gradually disappeared, and were it not for Sir Three days after her return, a carpenter, bearing But the matter did not end there. The next Hichard Terry, Captain Whall and others, who on hia cart a long, atraight pole, was aren to day found Miss Bicoup, stilltearfol, but resolote. hive collected and preserved them, they would atop outside her gate, She would go te see her brother. She wentand have sink into oblivion along with thoee fame An hour later he was ohserved to be fixing came back strengthened. Apparently, she had sailing ships which have now, alag! departed up the pole at the end of the Biceup garden. persuaded him to take the matter into hie own from the seas. taking with thoes thathigh art When wires appeared, a albudder ran through hands, “for one Thalf ofthe famous Hoghin- tilled seamanship, the romanceandcharm of the entire village, Bieccup corréspondence wis obviously dictated sem Lito, Wiuives ebed Now, Miss Biecup, I should have stated, lived by him. H. J. Berry, nextdoor to the Hoghm family, but being The controversy could,“Apart from the keen Ottery St, Mary. (late Mercantile Marine.) possessed of greater wealth, her L-shaped garden partisan interest, there was the fascinating legal A Word to the “* Growlers.” enclosed their small back-yard. uecstion “of Mr. Hogbin’s “right over the air * Deth Srz,—I have teken Phe Hodio Tine To Mr. Hogbin, thercfore, returning hot and above his garden. Hed he bought the sky ar since the first publication, and have been most weary from the daily Marathon. to his seat of well as the soil? Could he claim damages for amueed at the weekly growls from readers, business, appeared the horrible apparition of trespass? Was Miss Biceup going to sue bim I findthat the majority are from poople wholive wires crossing his cherished domain from for interference with her rights 1 next. door to a B.B.C. atation, and have, in the top ofo tall pole standing at the far corner “In the meantime, the gramophone enthusiasm ‘addition, theatres and cinemas all round. We of Miss Biceup's garden. He staredagain, bat ecemed to wane. People were seen ‘to look here—and there aré thousands im the same the wires were still there, Speechless with furtively at the daily B.B.C. programmes,and position all over the country—have nothing else amazement ard livid with fury, he cast one even to ask roundabout questions. regarding but broadcasting. We are threemiles from the withering glance at the Biccup mansion and eryatals and other mysteries. Waa the wind nearest cinema, and an additional four by water then retreated into his own citadel, changing ? We bogan to wonder. from the nearest theatre, to which only once a But the day was not over yet for the Hogbing And then suddenk: one evening Miz Ricoup week are we able to go to an evening performance or Miss Biecup, Late that evening there came wad seen to enter the enemy territory. She with @ three-mile walk after at midnight. a ring at, my bell and Mies Biceup was shown remained behind the lines for twenty-seven I wonder howmany of the growlera would in, pale and tearful, holding in her hand o minutes—(we know the exact timefrom Mr. Wicks, who lives opposite), have been content to leten’ te London Station better, on a crystal*at sixty miles’ range? Yet, “You mustn't be cross,” sho faltered, “ hut Then she emerged in the company of Mr. before Bournemouth opened, wehad to do za, T had to come and sec someone. Mr, Hogbin Hogbin, who escorted her to her gate with every and were pleased at the change, I have now has written me this, and 'm sure I don't know sign of deference and. gallant good homeur, a four-valve set, and if ome programme appeals s t to do,” The next morning a second acrial waa seen more than another, I go for it, and I suggest T made her sit down with her abeurd feet to be attached to Miss Bicoup's pole. that the growlers should do lkewise, propped up on a haseock to Support her trembling Andnow some of us have heard Brussels and lega while I read the docament she baitedme, are hoping to-catch South Africa, One thing only I would like improved—that

ie, let the 10.0 pom. time signal and second weather report be 8.B.°on time and always. We who live so far from reliable publicclocks Shaksanekve and Daventry. depend on this. Further, in Henry VI., Part TI, Act Vi, Yours, ete, {IS ja not the first time that Daventry— Seene 1, there are these. words :— Neittlestone, T. of W. “‘Vrctis.* or Dane-tree—has appeared in the annals of history. Ite previous appearances have beenin “Where ia the post that came from Montagu Js North Wales Neglected ? commection with events of a warhke nataure. “ By this at Daintry with o puikéant troop ft" Dean Brm,—North Wales is probably the By some it ia claimed that ite very namc— mist neglected district in these ieles, from o Tt is interesting to note the spelling ured by Dane-tree—goes back to the times of the Danes Shakespeare. That on the aeal of the Borough wireless point of view. Our nearest stations encamped on Borough Hill —that their forces is Danetre—the full inseription being Stgilfea are: Liverpool (relay), Swansea (relay), and —that earthworks were thrown up to defend Manchester. Three valves won't getua the Comene Burgi de Danetre NUS. TNi865. the hill, and Jegend has it that a lone tree on The local antiquarian (Mr. Wilham Edgar) former two, and barely giveua Manchester at Borough Hill wae planted by the Danish Forces “junior lowd speaker” strength, Cardiff is in his book, “ Borough Hill and ite. History,” to mark the site of the tumuli of their dead. claims that Borowgh Hill Camp probably is the hopeless more often than not, This tree and the tumuli and earthworks form These stations at intervale send out Welsh third largest of the apecies of Fortress on Hill part of the site aeyuired by the BBC. for topswith artificial defences following the natural itema, buat they are practically out of the realy the new High-Power Btatiinm, line of the hill. of the district most capable of enjoying them. Nor is this the only claim Daventry has on for muiti-valve sets here, Tn more recenttimes, Borough Hill plived ite -Owing to the need the historian. There is antiquity about ite our hobby is an expensive one; 40 maybe the part in the Civil Ware... Charles IT. after los charter: ‘the original int of the Borough is B.B.C. will humour ua by giving ts an occa- enocess at Leicester, lod his army to Daventry sical Welsh item from the High-Power Station + dated 1505, = where he stayed so: «ix days and engaged This is the only station svorth our while to References to the Borough are made by in the chase, and the finishing touches to the listen for. i Shakespeare, In Henry IV., Act IV., Scene2, King's overthrow .were made al Naszeby, Saar, ele., we find reference. to :— nearby, onJoneMth, 164). Portumiog, "~~ KB. 0. Jones. “the red-nesed Inu: keeper of Daintry.” PLFA.

oa} -—- - — oe [Jury Slat; 196.

(Aug. 2nd.)

SPeeees iiiEee BPENCER THOM AS (Tenor. The Rev, EK; H. HOLDEN, M.A., He- t The Reproduction of these The“ 2L0" MILITARY BAND: fi wicis ASANO, Copyright Programmes is Conducted by Anthem, ‘* Thow Walt es Him in Per- strictly reserved. / DAN ODFREY, Jnnr. feet Peach so yeeceesespavieee fee-Weliiama peeganial 8.0, THE B AND. Hymn 172-[A, and ML)1; The letters “4.8."" printed in italics in thee programmes Overtu «, Tannhiuser ' ieee . Wageer LILY BRYAN. (Cantraltal, ‘ nity & Simullanocous Broadcast from the wlothon man- ‘Tnvitation te the Waltz" THE SANDFORD JEOLIAN QUINTET,

iter. WVeugertser 9.0, THE Ste 1 The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- BEENCER THOMAS. Belaction, “Fotis “"o.0.. Huy . favrnod

oh SOC riddle “Bong " Tiere Aira—1530 gramme will be found on the facing 3.20. LILY BRY AN, page. 7 Whew Lis, bay Hrealtend WiLcirnirige is Thomes Aoriey—15o0 The Larietit Gf ein ... Runtock ‘An Od Saered Lullaby a re, Lanale 2L0 LONDON. 365 M. " Woefule Hart ’ . fete eaclnal—1600 we Rnotting Bong"... Henry Parcell—l660 “SU ae: the: Night cc lin Organ Recital. THE BAND. O30, THE-QUIN'TET. Relayed Fran Botte, “ Scines Alesriennes “' . Sent ere “Hearts: and’ Flowers" oo. ...:e Pecthoren o.00- 5. ak Orchestra —Songs Solos. The Roadsiae Fire" Pangan Wifes Bute, | Four Characteristic Waltzes" C. W. BIRTLES [Solo Cornet); THE (RGAT (Cateridge- Poplar MAY MARTIN, THE LANSDOWNE VOCAL QUARTET. "Madrigal * coeveee, IPare "The Silver Hing ** Chaninade THE “#2Y " AUGMENTED BRehersn ect Lat Piisats thahinernt Med: Boake icsyavincdigviniaatyeccv DAE ORCHESTEHA : Part TT, "Tis Goad to Pe Alive " 2... eudell Conductor, T. H, MORRISOR, of Wagner. Al, ICE COUCHMAN, THE GRCHESTRA. 4.30 fapprox:), THE ORGAN " Rigandon, tip, a Grand March," The Silver Trumpets" Overtare, “The Madtersimgers *' Fagner Valse in D Flat, Op. 118. aaSane > af borane 4.3m, SYRIL MADEN. ‘Tanibourin,* in, 204 Ballet Suite, *' Sylvia’ . Oinides = By the Waters of Baba hon ie Duarak: THE ORC HESTHA: THE QUARTET. " The Virgin's Slumber Song Mae segar Symphony No. 4l.in C(“Jupiter '") Ifrenct =“ The Lass With the Delonte Air-"* Arne “ Sabbath. Morning’ at Bra" ...... Elgar MAY MAEBTEIN. my DAMME ey iia phedarkiueve shins Quilter ‘The Shepherd's Cradle Song '' Somervell JOHN BNOWEE., “In This Hour of Sofiened Splendour * re Bonset"*.,. wees ee Pipeati a Lullaby r Vitvs VY. Aeriestone Alla Bourrée Tiemes S. Dnnkil! ALIC‘E ‘COU€‘HMAN C. W, ETRTLES. Nocturne mG, Op, df, No, eo a Eo gaiat THE SEXTET * Fantasia on Weber's Last Thought ; Rhapsodie-Hongrotse, Mo, 13.....:... Draet Fucha "TT Got a Robe“ THE OR¢ 7 TEST HA, “Binner, Please. Doan Vegro Serta, All Bools*-Dag" .. wae een Let Dis Hurves” are, 2. 7. Bur- Bute,oo" he Atraehe Anperdineh THE ORCHESTRA, Pat ccc esne, . pdeigh amd oN, Saecies Hoongri be ee iii ses AOE ‘Petite Suite de Concert ' ‘Barn Low, Bueet Ciforad Page. 5.005, 45.— The Rev, Hd, HUNT. oY, from Coferidge-Teyfor Chorio *" .., suite London. ODPEcc esctecicons stwnwcctanstaerennis Flanadel GLYN EARTADLAN THE sei ARTET. Biudian Service “On Wings of Bong" Mendelaaoku il Marcheta * thisietivismn haa, Selkertzineyer Hymn, A. ond ML No, BBL. * "Fhe Lay of the Tinprisoned: Huntsman." “Sweet and Lew "|... . Barnby Reading. Seha bert “The Bea Hath its Pearl* aapeaiay Pineuts THE ORGAN, Anthem, "Rejoice in the Lord, O Ye THE ORC ree "reams “".. ; wt Highteats * (Airey). Air on Gy Biring’:...c.ccccc0 Se ve Bel WT sney ney Religions. Address by the Rev. & OD. Fi"The Ride af the alte:yries-" J ‘ Bhepherd'’s Hey " . Grainger MORRIS (Diocesan Seeretary), 5oe645.—The Bev. BJ,auPe Tn THE QUARTET. Hyon, A. and M., No. 536. 0) Can Ye Sew Cushions? '....;. Bantock dians of the South AmericanChacha,’ Su, fool! Stators, “Cast Thy Bardens": 2.0125. Ake ndedasohin $.0-10.50.— PF ragrawe me Se, fre Dende, “ Bleep, Gentle Lady "".,...003 H. BR. Bishep Cc. WW. BIRTLES, £.30.—Hvimn, ‘* Lead Us, Heavenly Father " BOURNEMOUTH. 386 M. BeBi Ba APU. eccaseevepccerevesnes oeen (A. andM,, No. 231). Bible Reading, 3.00-5.45.—Pragromine 88. from London, ‘1 Know of Two Bright Eyes" ... Cluteam THE ORCHESTRA. Anthem, “0 Ye That Love the Lord " of the Israelites’ ... Cota Cablenidge-Tagtar “War March 6.350.—Chor of St, Andrew's, Malmeshury FPurk, '' (* Mors et Vita") oi... Gown Address : The Rev. H, BR. L. SHEPPARD. Chairmaster, (. WILLIAME. ‘\ Judex Hyon, “ Sun of My Boul, Thow Saviour Hyun 161 (A. and M.), 5.30-5.45,—Programme 8.8. from London, Dear" (A. and M., No, 24). Bille Reading. 5. 45-6,0,—Musio for the Children.

Jury Gist , 1826.i --5~ RADIO TIMES —— an

Sunday’s Dracrauael: (Continued from the facing page.) ~HIGH-POWER PROGRAMME. fo—i. G. HONEY: Talk to Young People.

£,20,—Hymn, Fuighish Hymnel, No, 389. Pri ncipal W. ROBINSON, of Overdale Col- The betters “ 6.6." printed in Gales in these Fam es B55. A, EL IeKOLDS sienity B Eimelinnages Breadcast trom the ation Ten and ALBERT H. HOWweE lage, Birmingham + Religious Address. cred. Anthem, Bible Reading. in Voral, Isstriimeital. “and Honors DAVENTRY. Harmon. Hymn, Engish Hymisl, No. diz. 5AXR 1,600 M. THE OCTET. £46 (approx.).. Sonatas and Songs. Moctume . 44+; aa ea fi SUNDAY, August 2nd. ETHEL MIDGLEY (Pianoforte}. ‘“Mareh of the “Divacta as eee ree WALTER HATTON (¢'Cello} 10,30 acrr, WEATHER FORRCA&T-. MARY FOSTER. JAMES W, GLEDHILL {Tenor}. 430-545, Programme SR. from Dordon. “ Sorrow and Spring"... .-+ Grakani Peel ot Lh Religious Service “ Melisande in tha Wood” Aries freed HTHEL MIBGLEY and atid Address hey BEATRICE FARE(207 WALTER HATTOR, The Rev,H. BK. L, BHEPPARD. “Amer un Rave ae. kes tg By Ta ta mm GG Minar, ip, a: Hine ih Tin hee Sw, Jrent orden, * Shumber Song” ] Rimaky- AotedKe JAMEE.W. GLEDAILI: 9.0-10.30,— Programme SUB. from odo, Gla wotte uo... » Poprer The Star of Bethlehem“ 30, Ww ALTER isALY NNE.- “The Holy City?’ _f adams MONDAY, August 3rd. ‘Dattodit Gold" Aiterieen-Hetgeon OTe, Robber Tome dee mealies sans opel Cowen 10, 0) an, WEATHER FORECAST. © Tit Because the Violeta ' Heanedy Apese ll BTHEL MIDGLEY and O-PS Piragriay nie ALA, rom Londen. DORGTHY BENNETT. WALTER HATTON: Lonete TUESDAY, August 4th, © Crotan Cradle: Bong”... J. Backer Inétrodaction and PFoléniigse Brillante io “ Do Notte, My Love ™ fichkeardl Hagen Li30 wom. —_WEATHER FORECAAT. Major, (he, cat . (hepin " Little Rirdies?” a Birks Pets JAMES Ww. ‘GL EDHIL1 60-8 d},— Programme S08. from London, ROBERr RADFORD. ‘The Lord ia My Laght * i iiifeen Wireless Favourites. "Quand ln Flamme defAmour (Drink- ‘The Psalm of Life Cnren DOROTHY BENNETT (Soprancl, ing Song from “ The Fair Maid of I ee " “Load, Kindly Light". .. eeaight Frans MARY FOSTER (Contraito} iru ETHEL MIDGLEY and WALTER GLYNNE {Tenor}. "The Vangietlicna" ] arat ah the Fi fi fener WALTER HATTON. ROBERT RADFORD (Faces. "Molly Brannigan ”haba ofr. Stonford Introduction and Polonaise in ( Major, BEATRICE HARRISON. THE OCTET. (ha a Hoe gr eh at i oeieprin (Solo Violoncello, “Amoureuse ce uade cesses see ew OMT 310.9-10.30 Programme|aBR. “from Leadon, A. E. NICKOILDES.. 1 Bipeo: Meee ee eee Pose aceshepa AL BE 3 HH. HOWE pte niberiairvers 10.0—1 1.30;— Programme 5BR, fro m Lane, 5NO NEWCASTLE. 403 M. TH Bry H. SQUIRE CELESTE OCTET.| O06. 45. Pri: Sofron. Jondan, WEDNESDAY, August 5th. ois Violin, MATER GORDON, 10.30 a.m.—WEATHER FORECAST: At the Piano, FRANK READE, 6.3067 45.— Bervica relayed from Bytes wh ilk 6.0-10,45.—Programme SB. from London. Directed by J. A, SQU1TRE. Chapel. THURSDAY, August 6th. 5... THE. OCTET. 16,30 aan:—WhATHEE PRAECAST. HO—-10, a).- Progreneis(aR Landon, “A Song of Sleep". ck...) _. Sere 6.0—9:0. —Prenprancnte Sof. fron Lonaion, © Abert" .. cae va. dfetcalfe ZED ABERDEEN, 495 M. Cha Music. MARY FEOSTE R. 3.05.45. —Programe SR, frtin Jodolen. THE LONDON CHAMBER “ Prelude ™ . From “A — ; ORCHESTRA. 8.30. Sundin Service. “ Love, Have ao St. George 's-in-the Weat Pariah Charch Chow Won tay Cycle of Life ' Alor ata Conducter, ANTHONY BERNARD. (Soprano). Selected H-ymns. BEATRICE HARRISON, Voonlist, MIRIAM LICETTE. 0.0 japprox.), THE ORCHESTRA. The Hey. Dr. NETL MELDRUM, B.D... Te eeeee Partin Salas orks tat . Waar BL. George's-in-the-West Pariéh Church: WALTER GLYNNE. Shegtried Tavil, MIRIAM. LICETE (with ‘Oe heetra | Heligious. Address, ‘“] Heara Thrash ot Eve“...... Godman THE CHOTE, “Take, O Take Those Lins Awny” Bie “ Nimettia “|. eee Jrecer “Jp Wasa Lover and His Lees “") Quilter Selected; H-yinn, « B30, ORO’rHY BENNETT. ‘One Morning Very Bark... Sonderson THE ORCHESTRA. §.0-10.30:—Prigemmilis S28. from Senda, Mera “The Lass With the Dohewte Air ™ “Lee Petits Bien” §SC GLASGOW. 422 M. Arie, der. AL 2B. London, Band Atternoon. ROBERT BRADFORTI, 9.40-11.30.—Programme SiG. from A SB. fo Daenafee., = Dexperado ‘a Banquet" |" The Floating FRIDAY, August 7th. A BROADCAST. WELCOME Cede} eyes A. Deipes, tlie 10.30 a.m.—WEATHER FORECAST. to 1600 Mombers of “When the King Went Forth to War” 6.0-10.45,— Programm SUB, from London. THE CALEDONTAN CLUBS OF Aloedin SATURDAY, August &th. ARPERICLA. ©The Two Grenadiers "...... 3 Sethian 10.40 a.m.—WLEATHER FURECAST. Who ate dod to arrive-at the Tail af the THE OCTET. 6,0-8.0.— Programme SB. from Londov, Rank, Greenock, on Sunday, August 2nd, SScag sere pg eh wo a carne Nevin 8.0-10.0.— Programme 8.8. Sram (espeww, at 5.30 p.m. approx, “A Nigger Dance” 10,0-12.0,— Programme -&..B.-jrom London, THE PARKHEAD FORGE SILVER PRIZE BAND, (Glaagow Champions 1925.) Conductor; ROBERT RIMMER. Pipe-Major GAVIN ROBERTSON. Page 3.30, THE BRANT. LONDON .. eric ge a SARGIEE (Gemtd.) Thorsday . 24.2.2 ceeceecse eres =, er ee eer ee eT Friday *ae ears ayy bere ea 25Bai Operatic Selection, “* Les Huguenots " TSF cei eee bee ey eas Sat Satay. a Se ee Meyerbeey Wednesday ieee oeSL aes aah GLAROW icc SODMOy Beare ee eee eee 241 Fantasia, “ Roh Rey ™ Panna OREiin epee ieee ee Monday, weae 2d 4.0. Pipe-Maror GAVIN ROBERTSON, Soeee a ae er ane eee S50 Tuesday oa. a. 245 Sat ¥ (ee eCeeeeteacene, Doel Welnesdoy: | Bay Gast “The Road tothe Istes." HIGH-POWER |. Whole Week ..scheceerceursees PA Tree aega Cc Marches | Sishtand Laddie.” DOES ioe ped ara eg of acon ne 266 AGERDEGR 60) 50nday ceteaecetrevisaieene Bl StS doy ebbaed dba waak i ee pe "() Rowan Tree.” RIA edee wat “My Home.” Wey cao hb MANCHESTER... Sanday: c..:0rceccvsecseess SE, Bai Airs 2 bercea ee ag a pk ec wee SMAi ‘Over the Sea to Skye," ; Wedesday suk. Leela gee aTaL gh cha ve 7 Tistef ease eee Dati Terabee es atl bai a aah Wiedtirsday sisdeassedaceeeee es eT {~ Blac Bonnets ("er the Thor. Friday aL Marcl 1°65 dev" THMWEAY pe eee eee eee eee aa, 240 Sea teurebas 25h Priday aie haan patie a " Braesof Rannoch," EELFAST voces Whele Wi h7 SROGNY Ase cneese nha deteire, Str 417, THE BAND. BIRMINGHAM... Sunday pa REWGASTUE ects ob ice vee eedne eas eh MGGAy nvsked seid eene eese ees §=6AE March, “ Auld Scotch Songs ™ ai Cal reri aan eh eeeeee ee ud SUREPeo een eae iad tates "af Timay gash tases ees 345 Cornet Solo, Selected (Boots: ). Werdntahay sce penseeereesenenes 2448 Wedeeday iis iinet se eeay 247 Operatic Selection, “ William Tell Boasini SEE sp acisv et eveeweeaeen a ed A eS be ee ba ee eb Euphonium Solo, Selected (Soots.). Pee aes eee Loren eee | pi PAGOY) ca eeea ee ee eee on] Saloadaye acces nn. 2 Fantasia, “Songs of TPannahill”™ .,. Afume BAtGEy iar eee cee eeees ‘hth DUSDEE..... irae Penie akan tanaka kt in ea iet rdae be el lt aah 5.10.-—March, Morag’s Faree Glen Cade rit Monday ai WEGche veal eer eeeeee ee National Selection, "Bons of Brithunis *"' oer 24h Sete aeeee — tion ey : Aininier ‘odnceday. . ae rocxeenn. 208 LEEDS-BRADFORD...... =i7, od ‘Thurday ... ee! LIVER, ni ee relies ee Zi S.0)-3.45.—Programma SuBL from Deshi. PG ai gaat pak ania edieg sR eee oq) HOTTIBNGHAM 2. .csccaes ee| Saturday .Sctbdeebthaeebeheeeae es Sel PLYMOUTH sacs ee dareales reeneebereseaeces, eae 6.30-7.45.—Religious \ Service relayed fram Bt, CARDIFF .,....+5 Sameday eeeeagaSe SHEPIELSpia daa a ap ay Enoch United Free Church, Beran sy atiacqiata acacia ETGKE $o5egea processes tees ra eres ese 208 CMRF die gd cK ghdw ies dap kia wih BWANSEA Aan Sa ee ke ae a eae ae ee | $.0-10 TH. —ProgrammeSB. fr am Lane, Welncsday idee B48, O47 EWENTS OF THE WEER 2.0. ccvdiaeaeeeee eerie 24S

2az —-- nae TIMES —- [iJULY alst; 1925; Sel ie ——


The betlers °° 8.8." printed im italles in thes Pogroranas MARIORIE BOOTH and 5WA CARDIFF. goo MM. wignity & Eigaltaneeus Broadcast from ihe on men- DENNIS NOGLE. 1130-12. 30,—Band. of. H.M. Fioval Marines " Old WorldGarden " che High-Power (Daventry) Pro- re } Erica (ra higehon relayed from the Institution Gardens, gramme will be found on page 241. "Old Sundial" Gath. A Short. Cut... i » 2potere 2.0-3.40,—4 AMmpetilione felavied from the 2L0 LONDON. 365 M. THELMA PE"TERBEx. WELSH NATIONAL BISTEDSFOD, Three Shelley Somes"... Maurie Horne 1-U.—Programme of Music by the Band of the Furl iheti. Competition for Girl Guides" * When the Lamp is Shattered; “Ma- Roveal Horse Gnend:, relayed from the Choirs, An adel rie bay the President donna, Wherefore 7" “'To Jane, With Lake Gondstand, Wembley. of ibs Afternoon Meeting, Bir BF: J. a Cutan" h.0.—An Howr's Dance Music. THOMAS, Penillion Singing with thie UPeat ne eR rans ge aa 6.0—CHILDREN'S CORNER The Beolia Harp, ‘1 Chood Bonte” (Firat Partoenent ait | Pe Folk-Song Quartet, “A Bank Holiday 145-4.90.-—Bines Bond Competition, Ged Borman a ees Clearer Aciventure.,”” 5.0,-—"SWACH " “ PIVE O CLOCKS.” 0.00. hildren’a Letters, * Deep in Some Woodland Glade ™ f.40.—Talk by the Radio BRoctety of Great {Acoompanied by thee Composer. } 6.30, CHILDREN'S CORNER. D0. An Hour of Britain, SE. fo ofl Stators. 6.5,—= ° "The Latter Box." 7..0,—TIME SIGNAL FROM BIG BEN, Danse Muric. .15-6.3.—"Teens" Corner: ‘ Photography— WEATHER. FORECAST aor Tei THE DECAMERON DANCE With Lens and Light,” by Mer. T. J. CENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 38.8. ORCHESTRA, Lewta, to oat Miitiovs, Dirertor,- DAN CARROLL itt.—Bacio Society Talk, &.8, from Lowden Topical Talk. SUR. to aff Shatians, HKelaved from T.O.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, 7.25.—Muaical Interlude, S.G. te al! Shafer The Palais de Danse, OG, Pronk Jovani, excep! Belfast, 1Dn.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Topical Talk 8&0. Jira Donhair. 7.40.—Capt. 7. BF... FITZPATRICK, ** Queer SOA from London, 7.25.—Mosical Interlude, 4.8. from London. Cricket.” SB. fo offer Stretton, Local News, 7.40.—Capt. 7. FF. J. FIESPATRN "hh, ot, Bank Holiday Moments. 1th, 15. Humour and harmony. Jom Eaoradevn, FREDERIC OOLLEER. (Taritene). A. EF. KICKOLDS and ALBERT AH. HeWwE 0, The First Concert THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA, in original reba from the #0, THE GRCHESTEA, Vocal, Tnstramental, and urmorous March, "Carnalieee ee cies Talbot Welsh National Eisteddfod, Harmony _ Lwrtlivedi, Three Light Pjerea oo... Perey: Pieteher lh44.—THE BAVOY BANDS, SB. from FREDERLC COLLIER. Cintorion (Artista: Ceavelon. “The Company Sergeant. Major” ELSIE aUDDARY (Soprano). 12.0.—CToae down. overeat LEILA MEGANE: -(Cantralto). Sheet Pope os ices Walseley Charies TUDOR BAVIES: (Tenor), MOSTYN. THOMAS (Baritone). “TN THE TRAM.” 62M BOURNEMOUTH. 356 M. Telvnorion (Harptists|: Afabe! Conatend urea, 3.45.—Talk on “ Eoevpt-" ba Mra, Richard TELY SORES .GW YANCYLT. A Comedy Thaisgue of Low Lite, Berry. Orchestra relayed from the “TELY ORES MALDW YN. Coat - Electric Theatre: Musical Director, TELYNORES: LLEWEN NI. The Man from Bradford LC. Ronald. s Cunwr Penillion (Peniltign, Singer) : CHARLES STONE f.i.— Musical Interiude. it, EE, JOBS, His Wife fa mournful woman) 6.15.CHILDREN'S OCORNER: Atories and JOR VR EIRTEDDFOD ESME HUBRARD Music byAuntie Ethel. “ Stamp Talk,” (THE EISTEDDFOD CHOIR), The Mother by Die Neville, Arreinydad (Comlietor ‘ MABEL CONSTANDU ROS §4—h0.—Childrens Letters. TOM POWELL (Pencerdd “Dwvior). The Man with Adenoids b3h,—Bulletin of the KRacio Horii of Cyfellwyr (Accompanists) : TARVA PENS A Bounyemouth and Districts, WYHNLE JOSFA, A Sympathetic Lady .....NELL CARTER 6,40.—Radio Society Talk, 8.8. from Lorde, ELLA: DAVTES, FREDERIC COLLIER, 7.0-—WEATHER FORECAST ant NEWS: C. H; CLEMENTS, "The folly ‘Tinker 3-35 eee Dron A. fron Loudon. DD. J. EVANS: "The Fishermen of England ".... Philips Topical Talk. 8.8. from London, * THE ORCHESTRA. 7.25.—Musical Interhide. 38.8. from London. er WALTER GLITSAE (Tenort ORCHESTRA, "Cockney. Bulte sacs ees eas Ketelbey 740,.—Capt. J, F. J. FITZPATRICK. Soi. THE STATION frome Dondai, THE ORCHESTRA. Bute, “Le RotsAmuse ~... 25. «elena 9.0, An How $.0-8,15,—IJnterval. WALTER GLYSNE. relayed from the Winter Gardens Wight. "Golden Slumbers Kiss Your Eves WELLINGTON. TIER, Cedric Sharpe GREAT YARMOUTH, THE MUNICIPALORCHESTRA : Conductor—fir DAN CODFREY, “To Mary o..en. Mdavd Faterie White END CRUIBSHANE (Contralte), THE ORCHESTRA. 1.i.—TIME SIGNAL FROM (REE NWICH. THE KEARTONS (Ducttiste), A Bummer: Mornvs agra sak Aare WEATHER FORECAST and 23ND B15, THE ORCHESTRA, Serenata, “Love in Telleness " . v. .Aeaecheth GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 8.8, March, “* Land of Hope andGlory”.Elgar March, “ Wooden Soldiers ov). oe lant: fo olf Stations, Local News, Crrerture, “AMpee es erecai Herald 10.0.—-WEATHER YORECAST and NEWS. Wis—THE SAVOY ORPTHEANS, THE false,“ Dolhy: Conpecdes oo. Podbatedt S08, fron -alonedor, SAVOY HAVANA BAND, and THE Local News, EXID CRUIKSHANK., SELMA BARD, Ticayed from the “A Summer Night ...... Goring Thames 10,15, PHILIE. MIDGLEMISS Savoy Hotel, London. Sif. to aff Sta- THE ORCHESTRA. and WNIFRED WYNTOR, U eoatches Of Conversation,” tione. Selection, * The Street Singer” 120 —Close down. Fraser Sipwan 1624. THE ORCAESTHA, THE KEARTONS, Beleetion, “ Fanet,” Mo. lo. Gounod. Tare SIT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. m Lpets. bo, ah WALTER GLYNNE, 6.40-5.0.—Programm er Sif. from Candan, Interval. SP MENS SNe ness es yecinedrvsceter eater nel Pyrertt a0, Songs and Duets. THE ORCHESTRA. ‘| Hear w Vhrosh at Evo ™ ...... 0 Cnetven THELAMA PETERSEN (Mezzs-Soprano). * Capriccio Espagnol. Aimesby-Korenkos ** site Becanse the Violets vices AUB MARJIORIE BOOTH * Carlsbad Ball's Dane... 44 ics. Pieter 1th, Oa. PHILMIDDLEMISS DENNIS NOBLE } Duets, E NID CRUIBSHANK, and WINIFRED WYNTOR. “Recompenae’ acs | Sanderson More “ Snaltches of Conversation.” MARJORIE BOOTH and THE ORCHESTRA. 11.0—THE SAVOY BRANDS. S&B, from Panteisie, “The Voice ofthe Bells.” DENNIS NOBLE. London, Thurtan 12:0,—Close down. Reese ee geet W" The Geisha”) Belection, ‘Rage Marta oi. 06005. Prine " Ching-a-ring-a-roe ” ., Sidneyies “Trot Here and There "' (°° Véronique ") 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. S28. fram London, 27Y MANCHESTER. 378 M. Measager 1.0.—Cissio Woodward (Solo Pianoforte). THELMA. PETERSEN, Local News. from © SanmmMer Night ° satabees Goring Thora 16.15.—THE SAVOY BANDS. &.8. from 3.15,—-Foden's Motor Works Band, relayed © Ohir Lady’=_ Beds raw" _ London. the Municipal Gardens, Southport. Baxter “Tn August | a eet Steer! 17.0,—Close down. 4.0.—Cigsie Woodward,

—— RADIO Seen — day ler; Beh ee == ——


in ei

"i m weak saben te ae MAY GRANT oonbalbey Seottish Hour. station =o “hgety “8. To from the CHARLES WREFORD (Entertainer). DOROTHY LAWRIE (Contralte). JOHN STRACHAN (Entertainer). THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. 4.10.—Foden'’s Moter Works Band. THE STATION ORCHESTRA: f.0—Afiemeoon Talk. Conductor, EDWARD CLARE. 9.0, THE O FCH ae Aus f.15:—Children's Lottore, 0), THE ORCHESTRA. ““Caltie Rhapsody” pia Saas Fenkins f.20-6.15.—CHILDREN'’S CORNER. Overture, “ The Fairy Lake" ...... Atoher One-step, “The Kiltie’s"Kourtahip." : 640,Radio Society Talk, 4.8. from London. * Moroccan. Patrote ei cawae canes Jessel Mackenzie 7.0:—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. 8. 1. CHARLES WREFORD, a.15. DOROTHY LAWRIE, 1S. fron onda, Weat Country Dialect. Recital, “Our Fire “This 6 No My Plaid ©) occs.s-ess Halley Topical Talk, S06. from Conder, DAga tee a ene i, Rowe "And Ve Shall Walk in Silk Attire “...Gore 7.25:—Musiceal Interlude, 8.8. from Lopedon, B25. MAY GRANT, “The Hroom. o' the Cowdenknowea ™ +4.—_Capt. i Fo do. FITZPATRICK. 8.8, “ Give Me My Dreams“ .. Jack Thompaon Traditional from eredaun. “) Poaceful England” .....4.. (rerman * By the Stroam #0 Pure and Clear” B.o5. JOHN STRACHAN. "Echoes of 1974,"" MeDonald " Kinotked ‘Em in- theOld HERBERTBUDDOCK (Bars:Baritone) Rent Road’ ieee Charles Ingle eh, THE ORCHESTRA. JEAN PAUL and LEONIE LASCELLES “(Fantasia on Beottiah Aus "...... Milter ae hie Ribbon dare " ls ™ Balinowal Valeo” oc cece cc eees esd eeaane Lotter {Syncopated Dusttists), ALAS. THE ORCHESTRA. THE “22Y " ORCHESTBA. Suite from “ The Miracle *' Humperdinck Pda. DOROTHY LAWRIE. 6.0), THE ORCHESTRA Prelude; Procession amd Children’s Dance ; “The Dowie Dena o° Yarrow" feLead The Britieh, French,Belgian and Russian Banquet Scene -and Nuns’ Dance ; “Lang Lang Syne’ ee siereee Traditional National Anthema. March of the Army; Finale. * Tike Blade of Grasa s...ce08. Traditional Selection of Britiah War Songs .. Wrinana 0.0, CHARLES WHEFORD. 10.0.— WEATHER. FORECAST and NEWS, HERBERT BRUDBDOCE. Wet Country Diilect Becital, “Jan At Swi. from London, “Your Kingand Country Want You ” the Dinner” ...... <.6506 Jon Stewer Fruabeve Local News. 6.10, MAY G RANT. “Carry On a cisses reves Blan Mariel "The Toy Drom Major” ., oH. Nicholls ' Recital of Operatic Arias. “Fall In.” “ Somewhere In the World Nat D. Ayer 10.15. ROBERT WATSON (Baritone), JEAN PATI and LEOGNIF: LASCELLES. fr. 20, THE ORCHESTRA. “King Philip's Aria”. (“ Don “Memories of 1414," “ Pitres Napolitains aH . Petcent dT indy Carla Ly ftubestonkeetdan BRE bie ee ead ae THE ORCHESTRA. OMSRERR oe aba gael vs Debussy __ rhe ee (" Othalla” | soccer Verdi “The Great Little POets weed4 Tort “Waltzing Doll"... eeetae * Eri (° Un Bailo in -Mas- “Over There”... whee hy ee AB, JOHN aTRACHAN, chet" feeble rere etree “Pack Up Your Trowbine" packs pire Powell “The Future Mre, ‘Awking" * WV ulean's Bong. rs Philemnin andl HERBERT RUDDOCK. Athen Cheraler Baucis ‘').. wae Gonna “When We’ ve Wound Up the Wateh on ~ What's the Good of Hanyfink t Why! * Non Pin Andrei*reeLe ‘Nowe di Figaro ™") ies Fees eet aaa Darrewaks PORE Ee iiecaie'd w atce's “cate “Charles frighe “ Wher the “Angelia is Ringing ~ .. naif Mazert 1, THE ORCHESTRA, “Bong of the Flea(“ Foust *') When Son Clone Alor as ease alpena tire ™ Devellers In the Western Word” Sac ik Mouesorgeby JEAN PAUL andl LEONITE LASCELLES. “The Red Man *; ** The White Man”; (The Above With Orchestral Accompani Wotdlering iii eeea sd Morgaret Beli “Tho Black Man,” ment.) "This Year, Next Your" A.B, Hedley 11.0.—WEATHER FORECAST snd NEWS, “Tl Tall the World"... Theyer and Pureone Si. fram London, 10.45.—THE SAVOY BANDS. &.8. from i THE ORCHESTRA. Local Newa. London. * i 12.0.—ose aleven. “Thine Choer' for the Red, White and Loa, THE THREE TYRES. Bliw,”* Selection, “A Life on the Ocean Wave " Introaduetion, “ Blow Vour Horn and Tat ‘Em Koow You're Onoming © ...Allertoy 55C GLASGOW. 422 M. Arunaig Jap Fiddle Selections, * Un Pou d'Amour ” 3.30.—The Wireless. Qhinrtet, Peter (5. “Rule, Britannia.” (Siveru); “ Wagnoritis.” HERBERT RUDIMKIR, McMillan | Baritone}. The eve oo. es Bdward Daas Humorous Song, “ Warfare, Ancient and 4.30.—Poetry Recital under the auspices of the Pere eri oie beeen Aleron “Theres a Long, Long Trail” ....2iio Scottish Association for the peaking of Concerted, “The Old Top Hat That Father “Keep the Home Fires Burning “ xerme. ae ee ee ee W. Deretad Feor Norelis 5.0— fbi. — CHILDREN'S CORNER. Bongs, “Beventeen "’;: “Oh, How I Mira THE ORCHERTRA. fo, Radio Bociety Talk.. 8.2. from London. ekctabe ck aac ences acstanr ee oe Devrit Marches, “ Pict andl Circumstance * (Nox, i.is.— Weather Forecast for Farmers. Finale, “* Don't Bring Lulu”... Bilhy Rowe 1 waned 2). wuayhtin ak 4 Elgar 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. 10.0.—WEATHER ‘FORECAST and NEWS, 1045.—THE SAVOY BANDA, SB. fro S68. from slomion, Se, from Jondan, London, Topical Talk, &8. from London, Local News. 12.0.—Cloee clown, 7,25,—-Local News. LO,15. Song Recital. 7.30.—Musical. [nterinde, ROBERT RADFORD (Bass). 28D - ABERDEEN. 495 M. Scots Memories. “TT Am « Roamer”...... , AMendelssalin 11.0-12.0.—Special Morning Tranamission : MARY FERRIER (Sopranc). “ Mephistopheles’ Song ofthe Flea * rramaphone Music, NEIL ¢C. DONALDSON (Tenor). Monesorgaloy 3.20-—6.0.—The Wireless Dancer Orehestra. After- THE STATION ORCHESTRA : “The Varabond aaa eee ewes | Pawgévrn noon Topics. Conducted hry ae Readsile Fire:"’ eRe af PFtfenie 6.0.—HBoy Scouts’ News Bulletin. Girl Guides’ HERBERT A, CARRUTHERS. Song i the North W std" : Havold Head News Lilletin. 6.0, THE ORCHESTRA. * Temi, Wath che we Le ee diaryetaean Lancers, “-A-Nicht wi Birne-"’...,,. Teralor “Molly Brannigan” ...... C. Fv Stanford 6.30.—Gramophone Musi¢. 6.40.— Radio Society Talk. 8.8. from Loudon, 8.12. MARY FERRIER. 10.43.—THE SAVOY GLANDS, Su, from “Ow the Virwea: ocecc. Lorvlor, 70.—WEATHER FORECAST und NEWS, “ Comin’ thro” the Rye”‘|+ | arrSond:fyMaesiaitStephen 12.0.—Clise down, SH, from Lowdon, “hy Hert ia Baar’ Topical Talk: 8.8. from London. #22, - THE ORCHEISTRA. 5NO NEWCASTLE. 403 M. 7.2$.—Musral Interhide. &.2. from London, ‘Highiatd Schottische, “ Moontain Dew” 4.0.—Fthel Fowkes (Soprano), The Station Tat.—Capt. J. F) J. FITZPATRICK. Sif. i Aerr Trot: Conductor, Mdward Clerk, from Lovdon. 5.30, WEIL C. DONALDSON. “The Barrin’.o”- the Door.” 6.0,—Afternoon Topics. Wookly News Letter. Instrumental Hour. The Station Trio. j “Phe Campbells are Comin’. DTradrtrenal By Membora. of £.30-—CHILDREN 3S OORNER. “Com Bags.” 6.10,—Miusical Interhade, THE WIKELESS ORCHESTERA: £40, THE ORCHESTRA. 6,20.—Farmers' Corner; Mr. BF, W.: Wheldon : 5.0. THE WIRELESS (* 2BD") TRIO: Bome of the Old Dances. “Eeonomic Milk Production.“ (3). THEODORECROZIER(Violin), “Flowrao Eqdtinboro’,”Circassian Circle," 6.40.—Radio Society Talk. 5S.from London, J. BH, SHAW('Cello}, ete. T0,—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. NAN DAVIDSON (Pianoforte). 8.45. MARY FERRIER and NETL C. SH, from London, Trio in oe Flat: Major: os4.ecsasiseveeas Schubert DON ALDSON, Topical Talk. 8.2, from London. 8.30, PAUL KILBURN (Solo Viola). Duets. 25.— Musical Interlude, &.8. frem London, Allogretho: vei. ccccin i baipee Wolstenholme “The Auld Hoos: ** The Rowan Troe"; 7A —Capt, 2. F. od. FITZPATRICK. 8.8. S40. THEODORE CROATER (Solo Violin}. * Beotland Yet." from Dovidou, “Pievil’s Teall" . (arti retaler 0.0.-12.0,— Programme 8.0. from London,

244 — RADIO TIMES -—— ——————— [Jun Slar, 1925 ————


Should Girls Play Cricket ? Back From the Army. Corner on the history of Scotland, beginning HE debate by members of the Liverpool The Hull Kiddies will be pleased to know from the dave of Queen Margaret. Rado Circle on the question whether girls that Unole Reggie, bronzed and lean, hn This ia being conducted in a popular manner should play cricket, which was held in the "Teens® returned from his soldiering in Walee. Unele by Auntie Molly of the Edinburgh Station, Corner the other day, aroused considerable Reggie rigged up-a wireless setfor the soldiers, interest and brought in a large number of hut we doubt if he wae-able to listen to the “Circling The Sixpence.” votes. There was a majorityof fifteen in favour Hull Children’s @orner, He is full of Welsh At best, I didn't invent'it; it just came of girls playing cricket. moimtain stories, and everybody is on tip-foe (writes Unede Felix, of Cardiff}. It ian simple Unele Toby waa not permitted to epeak, as in anticipation of Billy's renewed wanderings. affair; o de luxe outfit costs only Jd., whilst a fia eymopathy with the opposition waa too well cheap sef can be made of two hottons, known; but he wae delighted at being-allowed For Lovers of Poetry. Perhaps youwould like to know something to deliver hie epigram that “ Girls will ogase to Great. interest has been aroused m Auntie ef the origin of the Great Craze. It, waa in this play cricket when theyput their hair up once Jean's Veras Epeaking Choir as a result of wey. One day, when I was. meditating at my more.” their broadcast recently froni Dundee, Many table on some tremendous problom—soemething, A Kew Competition. more members of the ““2DE" Happy Radio I think, to do with the purchase of a car with The Children’s competitions at Glaagow have releare to rally round when the relcarsals four-wheel brakes for the price of a free-wheel always been popular, but the other day the are resumed for the winter in the beginning of biewcle—I aheent-mindedly took w penny from tables were turned, and a niet: arranged a aplember, Inv pocket, and with it came out a aixpence. ‘The competition for the Uneledand Aunties, and has problem was still unsolved, And whilet turning offered a prive of a teacloth for the Studio ten- Adventures in Fairy Land. it over again in my mind, my handa began to tray. The lucky winner is to be the Unele or Mrs. Jones, the charlady of Birmingham, has réfiect the sume procesa by turningthe penny— Auntie who collects the largest gum of money been lately experiencing some extraordinary the sixpence having been replaced for safety, in « fixed period for the fund for installing adventures in Fairy Land, having acadentally The penny began to spin on the fable, Un- wireless sete in chikiren's hospitals, found her way through the Invisible Door consciously perhaps, I repeated the movement This, of course, ta to be done by enlisting new (alwaye open in the atndio), again amd] again, eachtime making the penny— members for the “ Radio Cirele.” Needless to At first shedidnot behevye in fatries, so in keeping with my thoughte—spin more aay, With such a aplendid object in view, the Cedmether turned herintoa Princess, but forionsly. Onee it flang iteell, still spinning, competitors are very enthusiastic about winning although Jookingexactly like a Fairy Bock neross the table, to diaappear round a rosehow! that tea-cloth. Princess, she was still only Mra, Jone, and and return ‘miraculously on the other side of it, A Jolly Picnic. when ¢he waa carried off by the Troll of the finishing with a graceful cirele. The Creat Game The “?2Y" Radio Circle Picnic will be Underworkl, she began to find that adventures was born! held on Toeaday, August J)th, in the grounds were not always like a Raturday afternoon chara- My skill increased, andcorning such a huge of Springwood Hall, Compstall, near Romiley, hance cuting. target as a bowl, I produced my. sixpence. kindly lent by Mr. and Mrs. W. Norgnoy. Thittime the task was not 40 easy. ~ P found Tickets for children from eeven to sixteen years Chats On Scottish History. thet [I could spin round the sixpenen’ keven are Gd. each: for those over sixteen and under Tt. haslong been a standing complaint among times in a rownd of a dozer ahote at a range of eighteen, Is. cach, Thenumber has had to be Boottish parents that the history of Scotland one foot. But I was not satiafied: Nor will you himited to three hondred, has been neglected in. schools and other insti- be, if ever you make a start. You will try to There will be all kinds: of races, tenniz, tutions, more attention being paid to: the improve your form. You will challenge your cricket, clock golf, and Jota’ of other amuse. history of England and even Borepe. friends, You will find that you play best on mente, Children will meet at London Road There is a greet deal of interesting material your home ground, espectally if youhappen to Station, Manchester, at 12.45 p.m. prompt, in Seottish luetory with a large admixture of know which way the table slopes, You oan aml will arrive back at the same station at adventure and romanoe, and it hag now been even extend the game by letting all competitors 4.0 p.m. Don't be late, aa trains don’t wait for arranged to broadeast a short chat for fifteen shoot together and obstract each other's pennies, late comers ! minutes onod o week during the Children’s Anyway, it i¢ a game that is well worth playing, ee a a = ee MAGIC! “T don't like being tickled so much by that eing,” put in Mrs, Loudspeaker, “ave myself wretched Cat's Whisker,” said he, “ao 0m. off and the brothers Head Phones—and T can sing By CLARENCE WINCHESTER. out for the night.” And, aa if by magic, he the Jowcdlest !* VERY sprouted little arma aad legs and unfixed hime The three of them began to sing “* Three Blind i

1 from the Bet. Mice,” while Cat's Whisker tickled Mr. Crystal =

oot] funny eo much that he fell off the table and nearly mi thing hap- “ Don't be rodef" cried young Cat's Whisker. pened the “ You know Pve got todo my job! Ii didn’t rolled down a crack in the polished floor, He other night tickle you, how would Johnnie Smith, of Tooting grew very angry indeed, when moet Bec, know that there wae a birthday present * Just keep yourtickling te the proper time 1" little bows under his pillaw 7" he yelled. “There's no broadeasting on now.” and girls “Oh, all right,”replied Mr. Crystal, “ don't “Oh, isn't there?’ sneeredMr. Crystal. were enfely be catty! You'd better come out for the night, “Just listen to Mra. Loudspeaker! She's tucked up in too, And let's ask the brothers Head Phonesa— making « lot of noise,”’ bed. The you know, those fellowa with the big ears.” “Well,” spoke up the three Valves, “ we'll London Sta- At this, the Head Phones awakened, give her less light. She can’t do so well when bion Wea Raid one: “ We'll come, We're both tired we're dill.” closed, aie True to their word, the Valves lowered their of sitting on people's beads and having music were all the pumped through us, But what about Mrs. lights, and Mra. Loudspeaker was forced to sing other, snd Loudspeaker aml the three Valvea of the other more quiethy. ‘ “ That's. a nasty trick,” she said. ‘' Never a Il tha Set? They'd better join us, hadn't they ?”’ mind, we're a happy party, now that the Grown- Cat's Whisker tickled Mr. Aunties. ane “Oh, yea. we'll join you,” enid the Valves. Uneles had upe are not playing with wa, Let's dance, and Crystal, “We'll light ourselves up #0 that you can all Til sing a walte” gone hone seh Wher You're going.” after their day's work. Mr, Crystal, having climbed on lo the table In most homes, everything was still and quiet. “ And a4 for me,” bellowed Mra. Loudspeaker, again, actnally teok Cat's Whisker for his “TT keep you all in order.” But in‘one home (perhaps it wae yours, or it partner. Unfortunately, they quarrelled again— may have been mine) there were jolly goings-on, So the Valvee lighte] themeelved up, and and fell into the flower- howl | although nogrown-up nor any littl: boy or girl there was a pleagant glow in the room, which Bat the dancing went on right through the knew anything of what was happening at the may have been yours, or may have been mine. night, and they didn't give wp until they heard time. Tt was only next morning that I was Tt must have been very funny to see the happy someone moving upaturs, Then they acutt led told anything about it; bot even [ mustn't tell family of the Wirelees Set for once enjoying back to theirright places, and omen again the who of the party gave the sceret away. their freedom. room was still and quiet, Five minutes later, a You see, the Wireless Set got very tired of “Why can't you micouw like a cat?” asked elock chimed seven, and a human voice said being turned onaml off like a water-tap and it Mr. Crystal ofCat's Wlasker, “ Pm gure we'd something about it's being time to pet opt was.very glad when the programmes came to an like to hear you sing.” As Taaid, that may have been in your house— end, Mr, Crystal wae the firet to make a move, “The only people here who are alléwed to ' orit may have heen in mine, Who knows }


230.—Competitions 5WA 7.0-1L30.—Progromme b.0.——Miursieal 6.43—1.0.— Bn

11,.20-12.30,— 145.—Afternoon 11.30-12.0.—-Orchestra, 62M 7.0-LL 6.0-6.5.—0hildren’s 5.15.— i45.—Aftermoon 243.—The SIT 5.0.—ALL 11.80.— 10,14, 1ii—TIME - i 10.—TIME 6.40.—Musical 6.20.— 6.0.—CHILDREN'S. 4.0-5.0,—" 2LO Eramme 1.0-2).— = rhe

ato 75.—Mumeal Jvncv ent Beta

Rand Law~al JOHN

__ of NATIONAL Minister. Rt. Bath. relayed Regiment. particulars, President Thirector, alow CRILDRENS Lient,-Cal, Farnell. CHILDREN'S “Ships “A versation (Enfertamers) fo A (Slezeo0-Fo0 Philip CENERAL WEATHER A&B fo Orchestral Hore.” Perkahire Mr. CENERAL Children’s Lewis. {Again) Leonard hercd’a-Bizh Sharp,” time WEATHER “In High-Power o Close

Mueieal BOURNEMOUTH. Bandimister of Alert, THE the all all Time Simultancout “9 BIRMINGHAM. Hon. Children's Wembley Mews, STATIONS EF. the THE Prograneme Famous fo the Losells. Mise will STRACHEY, Staton, Sietiasia, 8." Middlemice Bard, The Café, clown. SIGNAL Watson. CARDIFF. BR Bavoy SIGNAL LONDON. LE oll 1925. irom Interlide, Stories, Oth BAVOY ‘That Interhide, by Signal Interhide. STANLEY Arthur “2 ‘The of Guise pra}, &.B. srlekat Gowings. Doectar, Relaved Downs

PROGRAMMES Music, Lettera. Talk: SAVOY BE. Talk: be Band see Sitadinna, Battalion Ella BRETTON at the EISTEDDFOD, NEWS By Re NEWS ] Pavilion. relayed (1) Lettors. and Ceremony : Picture Figures W. Brendcast the Southampton. Letters, Yarn,” FORECAST Hotel, to My. CORNER. in FORECAST the found centre from Pas.” dite CORNER. CORNER: Afternoon ofa in SB. relayed SB, by arvel MacMahon. of FROM Pickett, HAVANA London aod relayed “At Lennard PROGRAMME, other kind. and (Daventry) btalicn FROM Catherine an Institution from “Snatehes Arthur A.M,Roval E. Halborn ORPHEANS Frank BULLETIN. &.R BULLETIN. Literary Greenwich. BALDWIN, Beggar" from the Steet from in from Howse London. colar. Vale “ from Winifred A. MARTIN; Address of Stations. im Frances the on ote Let's the GREENWICH. Fiction: permission Gloucestershire from from Grindred. pes. these Papers, the and the Meeting, tte Pickett. Worthington. London, ofthe London. Ei page Show," BANT. aff Beetawurant, Pwilheli. and Songs Constable, Obchestre. } Organand -and Crowning

Crotiuasm. the OMcers, by Pretend the WELSH Gardens, of Marines, 386 353 479 Siviions. Wynton 365 by Misical —— Joseph -Lonech- Prime EF. White Becky * BEN. Shep- Arne Pro- Bun- (Gon- 241. 82h. ND Tho 3.8, [Far reer the M. The M.

M. 1ST M. (2) W. by of "

Oe 4.0.— 5NO 8.0-11.30,— 7.40.—Mr, 6.30-1, §.15.—Chikiren's 4£0.—The 11.30-12.40.—Cissie 7.25.— 74.—WEATHER z2¥ L15—-2.0.— 7-0-11.30.—Programme 6.8. i.30.—CHILDREN'S * ' Seabee Symphony Suite Hungarian Prelude, Rondo 8.40 “The “ “Royal JOHN ALL ALL MANCHESTER, CARDIFF, (GLASGOW, MANCHESTER, “ LONDON, LONDON, Orchestre Flight 14.—" Miicel Bese,, DICKSON, 3 Wenysx Sun, (Baritone). eiate Sonatas, 5XX,"" the gramme. 15.—--CHTLDREN'S Reginald ALL THE (approx.) AMILTON in — STATIONS MANCHESTER. Musical from Orchestral STATIONS, “224% , Sir NEWCASTLE. WEDNESDAY, Welsh SYMPHONY STRACHEY. B Programme W. Jr. of " Hunt Relayed The STATIONS TUESDAY, Cate. MONDAY, ee “ SUNDAY, Minor 8.0.— in Kh WIRELESS ny {except eee the HAMILTON Interlude, RADIO

relayed How FOR (Baritone). “‘ 8.0.—The Goss-Custard. ORCHESTRA. H, EVENTS Conducted ar 6.0.—Bank G, Gondor, Khovantchina 3.30.—Organ Letters, " Letter National 3.30.—Band and Serenade Concert “‘ et Afternoon Bumble Box’ 8.0-10.0. assisted FORECAST Humble HARTY. Quartet. No. Wireless From for Botks FARRY, from (except 8.0.—"

Music, Storm CORNER, from “‘ 3.30.—Songs 8B. So. hi Flutes ce CONCERT. PROGRAMME i 10.15.—DOROTHY August Dox.” 5XX BP Aggust TIMES. A No. ssseccadtires §.8, My 8.2. Ereteddfod. First CORNER, Bes London, August ., SYMPHONY Tilley's rstici conducted ** Serve HARTY. by (Soprano). from from "" in “ by Echoes relayed 1 ‘Talk. (The '"). Window By pa Favourites. and Holiday Afternoon. fete William 5XX from M BLA. from ** in the erated

TUESDAY Concert 2nd. 3rd. Moussorgsky dth. Recital ee and GEOFFREY fetes) Mankind.” Philemon. London, London, — Strings Restaurant. 5th. ¥.. Hafner) ee Forest “"), of Dvorak London. London, ok Liadofl from oe 403 MiCom., by 378 — erli 1914." NEWS, OF 8.0.— Harold fete Davies ach from and Pro- Sir “* by M. M. the Sa dee 68a eee =e pe eee


ee THE $.0-10.10.— 5sC GLASGOW NEWCASTLE, MANCHESTER, 11.30.—Close W15.—DASCE 70-7 71.25,—Laotal .55,—Weather 515-6.0,.— 5.0.—May 4.0—An 2BD 6.40.—Mr, 5.0.—Ten-ine BIRMINGHAM, rac CARDIFF 7.0.—WEATHER. B-11.30.— 7.40.—The

h.15-i0.—CHILDRENS 7. 6.10.—Mirical f.30.— ABERDEEN, BELFAST, CARDIFF, i2t.—Musical 7.0.--WEATHER ae 6.30.—Fishing 3.90.—Light LONDON, BOURNEMOUTH, =) Orchestral mann." —o posers, and Welsh ee ater JOHN Crepusenle Nocturna, The Danes 140.— .55.—Musiral eagles SUB. the relayed America M.A.

JOHN Sof, News tainer). {Baritone}. CHILDREN'S Sema Interludes “98D Welah Ballads. THURSDAY, ee SATURDAY, THE Hour FRIDAY, National be CHILDREN'S Gilchrist Press." Grasshoppers -Programme MAURICE Programme from. STRACHEY. Programme §.0.—The 7.40.—Orchestral from and Her. ABERDEEN. 7.30.—Third WEEK. Hotel Miscellancous

Nows, Arata Bulletin.

Concert. Programme: Coden 3 dawn, “With National from STRACHEY. 8.0.—Modern WIRELESS 8.0.—*' GLASGOW. Ope Topica Interhide, News The Interlude, ** 8.30.—An Forecast of

aint . g n A (

Radio 8.0.—Band —*! 7.30.—" MUSIC, “5XX,"" Gonder.

Landon. by (3), WALFORD

Melody. JOHN Eisteddfod, Bf2.s.cccsceascusecseseee: the oe

FORECAST on Wireless Interliade, 8.0.—Chamber FORECAST August 3.8,

the "The Berenade


Bulletin. August tha CORNER, ivcssscisescsiaceseneees 4th) : The August “ GentralStation 5.5. Fisteddf

5.0. Sports. Doria London Afternoon Oi. SHARE,

A Wireless for to Messiah,” Concert Dance”... relaved CORNER, 7.30 Irish Princes

&.8. P. Visit &.R. Programmic. Tales AULAY 6.0.—Popular Belfast ORCHESTRA,

7th. Orchestra.

CORNER: Concert. from Farmers, fram From 8.8.


French Wyness Lear Concert,

Wreford DAVIES 6th. [for 8th. od. Revue."' frow Hour from to Chamber


of ) . t e t n i i a h Q and from donedon. and " London, of

Topica. Lowdor, ond New of from Sirings) (Cello). Hoff- Com- Music History com London.


and Wales Chapman London. the Borows? Bucaloss 495 Hotel. 422 Danes, at London. NEWS,

NEWS: Musical Fishing

(Enter- York.” Music, Chair (ranne Glen- 245

The M. M, t ' & - i {

¢ , ; 3 4 | in of , ‘ { :

— RADIO TIMES _— Pfaka>


The letters “6.8."" printed in Hales io theme programme SIT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. Bi), EDA KERSEY tried Hignily & Simultaneous Broadeset from the station men- FIONA McMILLAN, tnined. 5.— The Station Pranoforte Qianntest, Sonate for Violin and Pians, Op. 2) No. 1 The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- $.45,— Fi Dorothea Bareroft, treneral Interest m }). ss pee es esther Eramme will be found on page 241. Talk," Kine Stell (Solo Violin}, St EF RNEST HLARGREAVEA ZLO LONDON. 365 M. §.15.—-CHILDREN'S CORNER. “Bagh Ao Mare, Laaclies ** obo ecg aie: Greritle: Maden"... Ler idle 440.—"Tira Siena from. Greenwell, “ My Purt 6.08, 4,—hjldren ‘a: Letters, © 2 Attempt from Love's4 Sickness to Fly’ of the Country," by A. Bonnet Laird. 1.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, Puree il The “200 ‘Trio ond Lilian Ottemonn Suit, from Londo, a0. DOROTHY BENNETT. {Contralia) Topical Tatk. 4.8. from Londo, ' When the Houses ie Acoep ":.. Stanford $.0.—An Howe'sDanesMuse, “Fairy Lausiry” ..cc.c.... JMF. Philltps 7.25. Maen! Intechide, ALB, fron Dewdan, 1—UCHILDRENSS CORN EA. £93. OLIVE Mckay, abela Letters, 7.35.—Royel. Hortienttural Society Talk. 8.2. " othe Fortsficieace wi Tehaikorsky 0.40.—-Mosical lotechude. from Lendon. “ Bonnie George Cumphell ...... arr. Keel 7.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM BIG BEN. 7.40.— Mr. WALTER WOOD, &.8. jfrom Ba), EDA KERSEY. WEATHER FORECAST and (TST London, Hlavronia Dance, No, 2 in 2 Minor GEXERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 5.8. THE STATION ORCHESTRA, Dearck, arr Kreieler fo af! Strtions, FLORENCE CLEERTON (Soprano), Topical Talk, S18. toll Stations. ; Chanson Arabe (from “ Scheherasade "7) Tef5.—Musieal Interlide, 8.8. to other Stations, Memories of Musice! Comedies. Rimeky-Koranhoe, arr. Areisler Hungarian Dance, No. §.in A Minor hai.—The Week's Work in the toanten, by ithe oi, THE QGORCHESTRHA., Royal Horticultuml Somety, &.B. to Behecion,.”* The Geeha™ ., eles roles, arr, Jaochim {Fiona MoMillan at the Prana.) other Stalwons. FLORENCE aTON. B. Be, DOROTHY BENNETT and 140—MeWALTER WOOD, © Burviyor’ “The Letter Song” ({° "Fhe Chooolate ERNEST HABCREAVES, Talea—Horke'a. Drift.” 8.8. fe othe; Bokdier "Yo oy. iweiece Srna “The Moan” ‘fan To:ry Oe dake darned “Lovely Maid in the Moonlight” Statens. Dnets 4 (* La Bohéme™).. 4... Paecnne Fairy Music. T HE ORCA BRSTRA. Petection, ebbpa tee asia et tnbena “A Night in Venice”... Cecantonn ISABEL FAKSON (Sopranea}. FLORENCE: CLEETON, 0.5, MARY LEWIS, CHARLES KELLY: (Solo Pisnoterte). eee AL Country Giel “).. Jforeiton oe Aeee. png re 4 RE ol, FP oners THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA, “Day By Dey * Ay Eacty Freyle *") 9,15, OLIVE McK AY, iC THE ORCHESTHA. Tne! aid Face "Flower Song" ”Fea 30s Coaniioe Oherture, * The Lake of the Fairies" Awber THE ORCHESTRA. ' Hame™ , ..» Matford Davies Daness feo “ The Poeerie Chicenc " Belection, * Oh,Oh, Delphine™ .. Caryif 0.20, ir LON,A Mc MILLAN. Purcell Impromptu in A Flat, (ip. 2, No. 4, ISABEL TANSON, Latest Hits. ' sulkebiee “7 Know a BaneSola a Martin Shaw D0, THE (ORCHESTRA, Ballade in A Flat, 09. 47... 0.0. Chgpin Faery Song ia Rutland Boughton Selection, “ Primroma™ ...... Gerehirin 9.35, DOROTHY BENNET r. CHARLES KELLY. FLORENCE CLEETON, ‘ Corizande ™ iit Fig Oi ra Saeracy “The Dew Fairy ™ i Frank Brtdge “T Wonder” (“ The Ree of Araby") “ Nympha and Fawns’ "aad ae po ‘Dane of the Gna gcse ie Taaet Morgan “Our Little. Home"... 2.9. He: Gewabages THE ORCHESTRA. “My King of Love * (Cairo) .. Fletcher f.45, MARY LE Ww1s. Suite, “In Fairyland “2 oe... +s Cowen THE ORCHESTRA. “ Legenda .. ., A Habel ISABEL DANSON, j Fox-trot, “ Nothing At All” (* Boodle 7) 2.50, |"RNEST HARGREAV Ee Fairy Easthabyeoo eiie iia ees AR, Quilter Suchanan “ Onaway, Awake, Beloved.’ ‘You Don't Betievo in Fairies tT” Waltz, “ Katja”... Hf Katja the {ode aadpe Te iples Fr Meleiife Hope Fox-trat, “ Leander"! Dancer™) Gilbert 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. CHARLES KELLY. FLORENCE CLEETON. S.A. from London, PUchoices eke aici Anthur Aiton The Palm Treea ™ (“ The Roee of Araby *") Lomal Nevwe, '* Olof Danes “.., Pick-Mangingalli dbfconyenn 10.15.—ProgramSB. from Eoindoit THE ORCHESTRA, THE ORCHESTEA, 10).45,.—Close down. Valsette, “ Wood Nvmplis ” Eric ('otes Seecthion, "No, No, Nanette" .. Found Intermezzo, * Fairy Dreame "' Arthur Wood 10.0,—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, 6.0. THE THREE ACES ey jram London. Lael Nowe, SWA CARDIFF. 353 M. un 10,15.— Programme 8.8. from London, 11.40—-12-30.—Band of H.M. Royal Marines, Music, Mirth, and Melody. P45. Dlose down, relayed from the Institution Gardens, W Afri. sete ee ees Flantey Bath. ; "Love. Limitedwo... Weatow ant Lee 1454.30 (approx.).—Competitiens and an “ The Songeter foes ees Potier and Jukes (BM BOURNEMOUTH. 386 M. Radeon by 7 Proakdent of the After- * Toddles ard eara eens eee West noon Meeting, SirALFRED MOND. Re- 3.0-3.30.—Servies for the Sick: Winifred Vi Seowee WWa ew it. /oner layed from the WELSH NATIONAL Ascott (Boprano), Gladys James (Con- " Our Topien! Budget” | Potter and Jubes EISTEDDFOD, Pwilbeli, tralto).. 6.25. "' The Iunpresarie.** P. L. Jonkins (Tenor), A. ©. 5.0—"swa's© FIVE OCLOCKS ™: The Wood An Oners by Afesart, (Base), The Rev. Father Percival Station Orchestra. English Transition by Kingsley Lark. Triges, &.0., Religious Address, 5.30.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: The Stadion Mr. Bighbrow, an Impresario 3,.45,—“ Fashion Talk,” by Stewart Smith. Orchestra. BRINGSLEY LARK THE ROYAL BATH HOTEL DANCE 6.5-6.15,—" The Letter Box." Mr, Boff, the Comedian ORCHESTRA, relayed from King's Hall 6.40.—Mr. L. A. Knight, “ Llantwit Major— STUART ROBERTSON Booms. Miricel Dirsebor, DAVID. 8, The College of Sainte." Mr. Goldberg, «2 Banker LIFE, Jomesa Howell (Bags-Baritone), 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST anil NEWS. FREDERICK. LLOYD 5.13,—UHTLDREN'S CORNER: Unele Jack's SB. jrom Dondort. Madame Trebellini, a Prima Donna Fairy League Talk, To oak Talk, 8.8. from Donde. VWATDE NEILSON 7.25.—Muaical Interlude. Sif. from Londen. 5.43-0,0,—Children's. Lotter. Mile, Sulverbell, another Prima Denna 7.30. ‘The Third Goncert, OLDS CRANSTON 6.90.—Mousical Interlude. relayed from the Period: Abouwt 178t, 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST sand NEWS. Welsh National Eisteddfod, Breme 2: A Room in an Inn. St, ron London, THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA : Topical Talk, 8.8. from Loiadan, Pwilheli. Conducted by DAN GODFREY, Funr. * Charon tli. 7.25.—Musieal Interlude, 8.8. fron Lovaton, 10.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH. Chwaregerdd (Mewn ‘Tar Act). WEATHER FORECAST and YR 745.—Royal Hortiooltural Society Talk. 8.7; (Opera in Threa Acts). GENERAL: NEWS BULLETIN. &.2. from London, Gan {hy} Dr, DAVID DE, LLOYD. fo all Stations, Locel: Nowa. 7 7.40.—8tation Director's: Talk. A berffcrmir. fel (Performed ay a) Cantata. 1.15, The Week's Feature. Chamber Music and Ballads. THE EISTEDDFOD CHOIR: 8.8, ‘fo all Siptiona, DOROTHY. BENNETT (Soprano). Conductor, Dr, DAVID DE LLOYD, a BOROTHY DICKSON, OLIVE McKAY (Contralto}. Cymeriodat (Characters) - Ansisted by ERNEST HARGREAVES (Tenor). Gwenilian (Arglwyddes Ednyfed) GEOFFREY GWYTHER EDA KERSEY (Solo Violin). . MATE. PONES in some of their London siccesses, FIONA McMILLAN (Solo Pianoforte). Ednyfed (Pendefig, prio wenlhan) 10,.46.—lose clown. MARY LEWIS (Solo Harp). DAVID FPRAZELL


— RADIO TIMES —_ HAT vey Sist, 1925.) <=


= * WEATHER FORECAST std NEWS. te 25.—Miusical Interlude,8, Jrom= at ae Toni Farrell “The Nightingales of Lincoln's Inn ™ "New England Idylhe MacDowell * Drowsy Soon ee May-Day Suite") Ciper Abiaan Trasent An Otel Garden,” * Wicl-Sommer, Mid- Indian T d y i l , " " * From fh “Tsland Sheiling Song "...Kennedy-Praser Sone Well-Known Tunes with Apologies. Winter,’ “An Log Cabin,” “* The Joy of Autumn.’ 4.1), THE QUARTET. DENNIS NOBLE and MARIORIE BOOTH. _ 8.36, THE ORCHESTRA. ; Selection, “ The Ouly Girl” ...... Herbert “In the Steppes of Central Asia” Raradin Butte Pottigue’* {loch “Tt Wae a Lover and His Lass" Waltheag IEANE PAULE and “Wot That Sort of Person" 8.45. 42h ANNIE HOOD. , Lionel Monelaen LEONIE LASCELLES, “The Awl Hoose " . Praditionat ‘A Shvort Gt eaeeee Tae “Wondering " a w e e . Jferperret Bell ‘ohniny Cope” Aopelirk Li, “eATHER FORECAST and NEWS "Ie There Anybody Here j ™ HB Hedley 4.30.—Talk and Mousie. SA. fran RLenden. Lecal News. “Charleston Cabin’ ...... -: Roy Reber 5.0-5.45.—CHILDREN’S CORNER: Singing “Tl Tell the World" Theyer and Parsons 10.15, ~ Pragramme 5.8, from London. Boys will sing some Sorberaet Folk 10,45,—Close clown. 9.0, CISSIE WOODWARD, Songs (arr. Cec Sharpe): “The Lark in Polonaiss in C Sharp Minor, Op. 26) the Morn"; “The ©rystal Spring ZeY MANCHESTER. 3 7 3 8 M. Prelude in C Minor, Op. 28, No. 20 HeaveAway, My Johnny " (Chanty) ; “6 Study in A Minor, Op. 25, No, 11 No, John?" $.1¢—-Thelma Petersen. (Mezso-Soprano). Study in G Flat Major, Op. 14, + 15.— The Foden's Motor Works Hand, relayed Bie Bata diapwennes C e e s Aha ; Chopin 6.55,— Weather Forecast for Farmers. from the Municipal Gardena, Southport. Waltzin © Sharp Minor, Op. 64, 7.0.—_WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, 4¢—Thelma Peterson. S.A, from London, Motor Works Band. Wo. Becerra eter a foe eon tone 4.10.— The Foden’s Waltzin Ei Minor iene een i Topical Talk. SLE. from London, 6.0.——Atternoon Talk. 6.16. THE ORCHESTRA. 7.25,—Local News, 6.15.—Childiren’a Letters. 420-615. CHILDREN'S CORNER. ‘Two Movements from ‘the Fantastic Sym- eO—7.05.—_Musical Intertnde, SGogra acwice ae a nee ae Bertier FORECAST and NEWS. =O.--WEATHER The Ball; March to the Gallows. Light Orchestral Programme. is, B, from London. 5.8. to Aberdeen, Edtatwrgh and Dhendee. “SNO" REPERTORY COMPANY Topical Talk. 8.2. from London, 0,50, The BOY HENDERSON (Baritone). Musieal Interlude. &.8. from London. im

2 45. “A GAME OF CHESS.” CHARLES WREPFORD{Entertainer}. Hortivnltural Society Bulletin. THE STATION ORCHESTRA: he 30,—Royal A Dmologne by Alfred Butro. 45. Mr. W. F. BLETCHER: Spanish Talk. Conducted bey et Cea -— HERBERT A, CARRUTHERS. a. Merry Moments. Dr. Rogers KENDBEW MILSON re GRANVILLE HILL(Solo Pianoforte). Miss Vivien Meadows MARY -PETTIE 8.0 THE ORCHESTRA. STEPHEN WILLIAMS (Hass). The Action passes ina secluded corner of Overture, “The Merrymakers ",,.Confes PHILLIE MIDDLEMISS and the drawing-room of an outward-bound Selection, “© Coppelia “.... kelibes- Walton WINIFRED WYNTON (Entertainers). Amercian limer. 6.18. ROY HENDERSON, FE. NICKOLDS and A. H. HOWE 10.0, —~WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Modern Love, Songs. { Einbertamers.) S.A. from London, Taocal News, " Tnmindfullot the Rose ™ C'pleridge-Taylor evening we a t i a l l (During the course of the 10,15.— Programme S.B. from Doneaon, “0 Letthe Solid Ground ” ...4. Somervell endexvout to broadeast typical sounds 10,.45.—TILLEY'S DANCE BAND, Bare we scesesscceres Cofertdge-Taytor the Manchester Zoological ardens, from 12.0.—Close down, ‘Oh T That Tt Wore Boy" oi. Frank Helle Vite.) 8.54), THE ORCHESTRA. Three Danees from “Theo Bartered Bride ™ mer A: H. AOWE. 2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. A. FE. SICKROLDS Seber Original Voral, Instrumental, and Humor- 3.20-6.0.—Stendman’s Symphony Orchestra, ous Harmony. 8.48. ROY HENDERSON, relayed from the Electric Theatre. Old Favourites, MIDDLEMISS and PHILLIP Fishing News Bulletin. Mira. J, W. £ Old Welsh Air,“All ‘Thro’ the Night,” WISIFRED W ¥N’ron. Trail on ‘* King's College ** (1). Old Trish Air, “The Mimstrel Boy.” * Snatchea at Conyereetion.” C(RANVILLE HELE. 5.30-6.0,_CHILDREN'S CORNER: Miss E. C. “Kitty, My Love, Will You Marry Ma?" - Barnett, B.fc,, “Nature Tales of the Hoamour in Music, with Pians arr, H. Hughes Prescribing Long Ago—{1l) Thor an the Farest To Aviles sank FH. and Voeal Mnstrations. Giants,” “Simon the Collarer “fr ation Voeslist > STEPHEN WILLIAMS. FHILLIP MIDDLEMISS and é.30.—Fishing News Bulletin. Humour. Steaviman'’s Symphony Orchestra, relayed WIXIFRED WYNTOR. $0. THE ORCHESTRA, » Snuatichea cof Conversation.” from the Electric Theatre. © Mélodie-Caprice veccvscererresssssenas Spire 16.0,aaATHER FORECAST and NEWS. 1.0.—WEATHER FORECAST ana NEWS. Gavotte from “ Mignon s...... TPherena S&B. fron London, S.B. from London, H. 15, CHARLES WREFORD. t | Kews. Topical Talk. 4.8. from Lonaon. * Our Fire: Brigade. ....c0vee.s Fred Rome 14. 1¢a Programme SB. from London, o.30. THE ORCHESTRA. 10.45,—Close down. BE}pp Waltz, The Count of Laxemburg * Dehor CHAPPELL March, “* Viscount Nelaon iscsrcccenee athie 5NO NEWCASTLE. 403 M. and B.S. CHARLES WREFORD. SOG aeksesscphdensieeyseeerinwenel Garthony 4.0.—Orchestra, relayed from Fenwick’'s Terrace WEBER ‘Ten aot 10.0,—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. pianos are in use at the 5.8. from London, 5.0.—-Afternoon Topica _ Casloies stations of the =©()-6.10.—CHILDREN'’S CORNER. B.B.C. 10.15.—FProgramme Sw. from London, Cornet: Prof Cilehnmat : Beason. 6.40,— Farmers’ epegeaeee edetEpeteniits 10.45,—C lose down, able Notes.


biceity a Simultaneous Broodcast trem the t i o n men 725.—Musical Interlade.. §.8, from London, Woigfiann: Cavnnesae j1572) The Keeper 740,-—Mr, HAYDN DIMMOCK. 5.80 fidm The High-Power (Daventry) * (Warwickshire Fotk-Song) Pro- arr. Ceri Sharp Lon dari. Eramme will be found on page 241. =a "She Woe peth Sore" (Round) ...... Eeaea 5.0. The Fourth Concert 2L0 LONDON. a65 M. ue Aupires da Ma Blonds" (French A riny relayed from the POE cece se wo GFF. Hubert J. Pore L0-2.0.—Time Signal f r o m . Greenwich. The "My Aunt"! (Irish Fraprenent) Wolsh National Eisteddfod, Week*s Contert of New Gramophone art, fferbert Hughes Pwitheli, Records. * Mra, Dyer, the Wretched Baby-Farmer'' oH, fp Hirminghem, 40,—' Hunvarists, Past sod. Preset." bay (Victorian Crime Ballad) arr. &. 7. Mocran Cantorion (Artists) : MATE JUN ES - Arthor Compton-Rickett, M.A., L&.D. 11.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH. LEILA MEGANE- 4. 10.5.0,— Trochde to Tea-Tine M wae, WEATHER. FORECAST and 2Nb BEN DAVIES - GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 6.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER; Piano Solos by &.2. OW EY BRYNGWYN; Leslie Spurling. ' Mrs, Henny-Penny's fo all Siodpone, Topical Talk. 8.8. to aff Stations, EDERN JONES - Sweret."" "Zoo Traps," by L.G.M. of Hy Local News, DAVID BRAZELL. the Beaty Mant, Felynorion (Harpists} ; 10.20. THE 6.30.—Children's Latter, SAVOY ORPHEANS, TELY NORES GWYNGYLL: ane TELYNORES MALDWYN - 6.40.—Musical Interlude. THE SAVOY HAVANA BAND. TELYNORES LLEWENNI. 7.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM BIG BEN. KRelayed from the Savoy Hotel, London, Canwre Penillion (Penilion Singer) 5 WEATHER FORECAST and 18T GEN- Su, te all Stations, J. EL JONES, EERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 8.8. to all 130. —Close divan, COR YR EISTEDDFOD STaliond, (THE EISTEDDFOD CHOTR), Market Prices for Farmers, 8.8: te ail alT Arwemydd (Condecter) : Settee, BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. LOM POWELL (Peneerdd Davyfor) 1.15.— Fortnightly nllejin of the Ministry of 3.45.—The Station Pianoforte Quintet. Cyfoilwyr (Accompanists): Agnenitore, suf. to off Stations. 4.85.—Afterncon Talk: Gordon Fletcher ; WYNNIE JONES, i “ Week-End Jaunis,"* No. 4. Kk. HskEVITT ROBERTS: 125 —Musical Interlud:, Su: ta alf Statens IRIS TREGCON NING - cteegt Etedfart, 5.15.—CAILDREN'S CORN ER. Madame DAVIES-HUMPHEREYS - 6.0+6.5,—Children’s 7.40.—Seonte’ Bulletios by Mr. HAYDN ETM- Letters. UHM WILLTAMS, MOCK, Editor of The Seow SOR to 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. omer Stafiana, SB. frow London. 9 3-11 30.—Py ey Pet Ta At Si, fron Lonbon, Market Prices and Minwtry of Agriculiure First Broadcast Bulletin, Si. jrom London, — 7.25.—Musieal 27Y MANCHESTER. 378M. of Interlude. 8.8. fram Tanou, 7,40.— 11.30-12.30,—The “22 Y°" Oaortet THE LONDON CHAMBER Bay Boouts’ and Girl Guides’ Hilledins, ORCHESTEA : £.0-9.30.—Programme 8.9. from Cardiff 4.30.— Orchestral Muse, relaved frou the Seay Condoctoy, ANTHONY BERNARD. 9. 30-11.0.— Pinger 4 from ondon. Cafe, Alan Hitchen (Sale Pianoforte, Vocalist : MIRIAM LICETTE (Soprana). Afternoon “Talk. : 66M Bo THE ORCHESTRA, BOURNEMOUTH. 286 M. £.00-6.30_-CHOLDERERN'S CORNER Ayres for the Theatre .00000..0...... Parcel 11.30-12.0,—Orchestra relayed from the Buriga- 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, MIRLAM LICETTE and ORCHESTRA. jow (Café, Southampton. Musical D i r e e - S.A. from Boredow, Aria, t o r , "' Dove Bono” (" The Marriage of Arthur Pickett, Merket Prices for Farmers and Ministry if Figara | epider bakit Las Pereira teas AFazaré a.45.- Talk > Lendon Papers read by Anne Agnculture Fortnightly Balletin. SR. 6.30. THE ORCHESTRA. Farnell-Watson. Orchestra r e l a y e d from from amelie, the Electric Theatre, Minneiia id kee Ba dal Seed bed ence y Muosical Director. D.C. Honald. 7.25,—Musical Interlude. S.A. fromLonden, Audie Prom JG Anvor rape sis: fle Malia §.0.—Musica) Tnterlnds, 7.40), Adr. HAYDN DIVALOC EK. AA. fra Brandenburg Concerto No, 3 in G. ...Bach : London. 5.15.—CHILDREN’A CORNER: Stories and 9.6. “Sociable Songs" Music by Auntie Ethel, bey 5,.45.—Children's Letters. VIVIENNE CHATTERTON (Sopranc}, JORN GOS, 6.0.— Musical Interlude, STUART ROBERTSON (Baritone} Assisted hy 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. GRACE IVELL and VIVIAN WORTH THE CATHEDRAL MALE VOICK 5.8. Jrom London, {Entertainers}. OUARTET Market Prices for Farmers THE ECCLES BOROUGH PRIZE and and Ministry of BAND: Agricultore Bolletin, §.8. frou Eondor., HUBERT J. FOSS. Conductor, JAMES GOW, 7,25.—Musical Interindé, 8.8. from Landon. Part I, 140.—Mr. £0. THE BAND. "Blow the Man Down " (Sea HAYDN DIMMOCK, §8_#. from Shanty) Eamon, Miliary Marely ...... 2...--.:00 a Sebidiert arr. Sir Hichard F's rry t $.0-11.30.— ' Calene Custureme © (Old English Melody) Programme 5.8. from London. Overtare, “ The Magic Flute *' . . . Moezare arr. 3. fabploreMarria BIUART ROBERTSON, “ Lampabbo Lampa "’ (Italian Bea Sang) 5WA CARDIFF. 353 M, "The Bearden: Ballad sc Pen orf, al. Partera 1 2 . 3 0 - 1 . 5 0 . — T h e Pe Seneta ees yee eens . dredand Corpus: Christi Carol ...... Martin Shaw Carlton Orchestra, relayed from THE BAND, “The Sailor and Young Nancy "' (Norfolk the Carlton Restaurant. Selection,“ Cha Chin Chow: 4.04.3).—The POLE-BOn BE) ccicee is ey et Moran Cereniony of Chairing the Bard, Vorfon, arr. Aaa “Fie, Nay; Prithee John "' {A Round) followed by Competitions and an Address VIVIENNE CHATTERTON. by Parcel! the President of the Afternoon Maat. Se RAMEE oepki Seyrare m e e n cevexs w o e J enecdat “Tho Three Ravens (irom Ravenscroft. ing, The Rt Hoon. DAVID LLOYD " Bluebells: from the Clearings " . . . Walker GEORGE, leit}, es M.P. Relayed from the “Love's Philosophy" ....0:.0.0/.: Quilter ““Twankydillo " (17th Century Sung) WELSH NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD, GRACE IVELL and VIVIAN WORTH. arn. Dwey Broodwead Pwitheli. * * Malou * Peat eats aaah e heb ob ld Thnraten 50— DWAR“ FIVE CLOCKS? # . 2 0 . A : The "Follow M i n i a t u r e Recital Stateon Orchestra, the Swallow '-...... Hendersin hinge 5.30.—CHILDREN'S "Come Back to Me" , » Dewaldenn BEATRICE de HOLTHOIR CORNER: The Station (Dix tit}, Orchestra, THE BAND. 8 . 4 0 . “ S o c i a b l e Songs," 6.5.—" The Letier Box.” Descriptive Item, ‘“ The Village Black- Part I. 6.15-6.30.—"Teens’ a iiad brenia nents OS “The Liverpool Girls! Corner: Girl. Guides’ Pro. (Sea Shanty) rare, Duet for Two Cornets, * The Warblers” arr. Chee Carey “ Han! Away, 70.—WEATHER Suttle a Joe ' ' ( S e a Shanty) FORECAST and NEWS, VIVIENNE CHATTERTON and arr. S.A, from London, Sir Richard Terry STUART ROBERTSON, “The Mallard “ (Camulative Song) Market Prices for Farmers aod Ministry of Duet, “ Love Is Meant To Make Usa Glad ™ orn, Hubert ff) Fives Agriculture Bulletin, §.8. from London, Cerna

— a TIMES — a40 deyAlsr. 125. | i —_ ad PROGRAMMES FOR THURSDAY (s. 6 0 ,

The lett = 5.6." printed In italics iathse.programme 8.15. EDA RENNIE. BSC GLASGOW. 422 M. Broadeast from the sigaty8 sipethaeun Air de Louise "" ("' E'er Since the Day ") An Hour of Melody. (Charpentier STUART ROBERTSON. THE WIKELESS QUARTET. “Rings : . Baal ape Mariia Age de Lin’ ("The Prodigal Bon") NELLIE JUSTICE (Sola Pianoforie), sas vecee art, Quilter Debary * Over the Menwndains oa, THE QUARTET, GRACE VELL and VIVIAN WORTH, (Both with Orchestral Accompaniment. } Overture, “ The Seige of Rochelle Bape . Manblen Crying Water" eakehaee M Eee: ksehaans chidseat rates LE Belection, “Jolie Fille de Perth ... izet ** Ate Yo Lattice f wae CORTE * Mandoline “ a ite , ebay “T'm Wonderful". sencdgeiey i ‘Darewaki oO, NELLIE JUSTICE, 6.0), ROY HENDERSON, Prelude

7.25.—Musical Interlude. 8.8. from London. Study (Black Revs) ...0s0cccs.ccscse- Chapin ee 7,.40.—Countryside Talks (5): Dr. ALEX.- WING to the large circula- Waltz in D Flat, Op. 64 (No. 1) ... Chopin ANDERBREMN ER on “ Bocks and tion of THE RADIO O30). THE. ORCHESTRA. i dt Bays of Our Const" TIMES, it is necessary Giverture, “Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Eid” to go to press many days in Thomas a Belection, “ The Grand Duchess ™ 1 An Hour of advance of the date of publi- Modern French Composers. Offenbach cation. it sometimes happens, March, *' Triumph of Right" ...... Lovell EDA BENNIE (Saprena}. therefore, that the 8.6.C. finds ANNE BALLANTINE {Contralto}. 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, ROY HENDERSON (Baritone). it necessary to make altera=- Sui. from London. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA «= tions or additions to pro- Lopical ‘Talk, 3. from Funtdan. Conductor, PAIL KRILBURN. grammes after THE RADIO 10.3.—THE SAVOY BANDS, 8.8, from a0. THE ORCHESTRA. TIMES has gone to press. London, Scherzo, '' L'Apprenti Sorcier" ... Dirhar heath ciateieaiafa] 11.30.—Close -dawn;

—— RADIO TIMES —— are eisr, 825. PROGRAMMES_ FOR FRIDAY (tut)

The fetters "6.8." printed in Malice im these programmes 6.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: Unele Jack's ey a Gimuitansous Broadcast from the ristion men- ‘SIT BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. i45.—The Station Wind Quintet, Ethel Fair¥ League "Talk. §.45-6.0.—Children’s Leiters, The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- MacLaren (Soprano). 6..350,—Musieal Interluda, gramme will be found on page 7241. 4.45.—Azeline Lewis, on " Fashions, Facts and 1.0.—WEATHER FORECAST snl NEWS Frivolities.”" Doris Beesley (Soprano). Of. rane ernbolrn, 2L0 LONDON. 365 M. 5.15,— CHILDREN'S CORNER, PERCY SCHOLES. 8.2. from Hendon. [| 1.0-2.0.—Tinie Signal from Greenwich, Lumch- 6.0-6.5.—Children's. Letters: 7.25.—Musical lntertode, S.A. fram Jeowedton. hime Music at the Hotel Metropole, 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS: 7,40.—FLORENCE GREG: ™ Hawoiad Dskes : 40.—'0 Toyo Visits Wembley" (7), by ©. A.B, from enden, (2). Romanné James. PERCY SCHOLES, S.8. jrom Leadon, THE MAYFAIR SINGERS. 4.10.—Music relayed from the Capitol Theatre, 7.35, —Mnnical Interlade.. SLA, prow Landon, CHARLES WREFORD (Entertainer). Haymarket, 7.40,—Mr, F. LESLIE CARTER (Member of ROBERT PITT and LANGTON the Egyptian Exploration Society): §.0.—An Honr's Dance. Music, MARKS (Entertamers). * Karly Egyptian Dynastic Times (up to LACON and RRICKELE'S 6.0—CHILDREN'S CORNER +: Dante Moosic, the With Dynasty)" METROGNOMES., The Shark That Wouldn't Bite," Home and Abroad. 6.0, THE METROGNOMES. “ More

—— Laza."* THE ORCHESTRA. THE ORCHESTRA. MARKER, “Tn a Pine Forest Stood a PBiderless e Norwegian Rhapsody," Ne, 1... Svendsen Duets "Topics! and Tropignl. 930, THE METROGNOMES. Horse" (Lyric Folk Song) arr. Viedimeff 9.0, VIVIENNE CHATTERTON "Tm Sitting on a Stone “ (Humorous Fok ane eaeROBERTSON, “You Can't Make Love While Dancing " Bong) . bs vale eeOn Pemtont , e TenaaeENFalse ; che iy vow Aareet Palosa Fre rs "| Baithope Mertia “Lady of the Dake ...... c....0_ Deoly ") Dear Oh esa edcetes Gunaderecdscces ES “Bareenia “ (Folk Dance). > err, A nelresff THE ‘ORCHESTRA. O.45 THE SINGERS. _.,. HELEN DEFREY. “ Slaviache ‘Tonwa,"" Na, 1... ara “'L' Horizon s'éteint ™” .. Atimeby-Korenkou Pari Boni. “ Moment ‘Terrible ™* Wehaiknouk STUART ROBERTSON. “Linden Lea’ acer cs Fowgharn Wilttates ad Au Bate Be he eater eal oe nae ef "At Grendon. Fair 3c... Po Brie “Songs My Mother Sang“ » Grimshaw EBWARD MITCHELL. When Doll Gare" ccc on Wilsen *« Littl Tommy Went a-Fishing ” .. Aacy Funeral Mareh irom (Op. ee ia Tehaibovaky The Road to Anywhere ™ Aahfeigh * Fain Would I Charge" -Vanghan 1ifilianie " Marionettes '’ from“ Mosanes “ A Good Old Fashioned Chorus '* Alenry “Tom, the Piper's Song” . ice...... Waey “ Steherbatcheff VIVIENNE CHATTERTON, 4 Sheet ane Law * Soap Prelade in A from Op. 63 » Jrensky * Surely the Time for Making Songs Has 1.0:—WEATHEH FORECAST ond NEWS. HELEN DE FREY. Come ".-.. cipiveeerexxesere POETS Sf. from Dondon, : The Snowdrop Sa Gretchaninog -* Mary and ‘the. ‘Kitten iiaate Bryan Local. News, Berceuse "" ... Pi aaorgi Eric Fogg 10,15, CHARLES WREFORD. “In the Silver Moonbeama "" ...... Seon Weat Country Dialect Reeital. ate ypc Pair¢7 eneeen Rachmanino ‘Gr Pods Bi neseeae “| Herbert Hughes Jan'a Cricket Maeteh “ .-.... fan Siewer EDWARD MITCHELL. 10.25; THE METROG NS OMES, Tayi} from Op. TD. ee ees Liapewno THE ORCHESTRA. “Will You Bemensber “Me?” ....:. Santly Molody from Op. 3 ...... Aachmaninoe ' Capriccio Ttalien,”” Op. 45... Trhakorsky “7 Know Someond Loves Me" Valentine Prelude in B Minor, from Op. 11 .. Scriabin 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, “ Oriental Moon ” . Prawtey THE ORCHESTRA. Sui, from London, 10.45,.—Close down, "Pave ee— eS. Fomecn Local News. Serenade . Pas eee:oe “In the Church.” Sea ee annealed tePehaikovsky 10.15, ne the Piang. 5SWA CARDIFF. aod M. “Gipsy Revels“ ‘Geant of Gipsy Songs) Fr GRACE IVELL and VIVIEN WORTH. 11.50-12.30.—Band af H. Mi. Royal AL arines fe- Viedinaff layed from the Institution Gardens, Bath 10.0.—_ TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH. “Early One Morning Be English Ate 3.0 (approx.)-4.15 (approx, ).—Competitions and “ Poallow the Swallow ™ wo Menderaon WEATHER FORECAST and 2ND an Address by the President). of the Oe a epee acarccs vc pkea leg wioea eles Berlin GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 3.8. Afternoon Meeting, the Ri... Rev. The "Mary Had a Little Lamb" 4....0... Wray to all Statens, Local News, Bishop of BT. DAVID'S, Relaved from Faee ee is oieEEa iareien 1G.15. Songs and Tales sratay Many Lands the WELSH NATIONAL ELSTEDD- “T's Wonderful " . arewski FOOD, .Pwilheh. Chief Male Worn “Any Way the WindBlows" Aanicy CEDAR » AL Choral Competition, “Come Pack too Meoe ‘Deaddiea os “ Sheep-Shearing Bongfrom Somerset.” 4,15 (approx.).—The Carlton Orchestra, reaycid "The:Chpo-Pogo 35.i . Strong front the Carlion Restaurant, “ A Midsummer Carol.” 10.45.—Clase down. ‘Sin Mo Ron” (a dacobite Love Bong}. .O—"bWA's " “FIVE GCLOCKS.,”: ‘ The Seal Wonian.”’ §,.40.—CHILDREX'S CORNER, “ Beventeenth Century Lament," 66M BOURNEMOUTH. 336 M. 6.4.—* The Letter Box." Three Lulabies: Greek ; Mermaids: Irish. 11,30-12.0.—Orchestra, relayed 4rom the Bonga- 6.15-6,30.—"Teens* Corner : A Talk on “ Swim- ‘The Leprechaun and the Fairy Purse.” low Café, Southampton. Musical Direc- ming,” by Mr. Charles EO Oarnentér, Two Breton Songs: Quick March; A tor, Arthor- Pickett. 5.8. fron Sioned. Canticte, 3.45.—Talk on “ Pottery,”” by Rachel Bennett. 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, + A Seagull Sings to Her Chicks” Orchestra relayed from the Bungalow 5.8. fram London, Herdsman Night.” Café, Bonthampion. Musical Director, PERC Y SCHOLES. §.8. from London, 10.45.—Close down, Arthor Pickett, 7.20.—Musical Dnterhide, 8-8, freat fenein, _™


6, 4.0. 5NO a0. 7.00-8.20, T.2o.— TO.—WEATHER 6,40,.—The 6,34.—Boy 2Z¥ 0.30. 7.30. The 7.20,— 10.—WEATHER £30. 50 10.45 10.145 10.0.—WEATHER 6.75, 40—Violet 1L.15-2.0.—(ehestral 530-6,15,—CHILDREN'S TO.4h.--Clese 10.15. 10.0.—WEATHER 70

— 19-6. ae —Orchestrn —Atternoaon letters PERCY Poi, COR Piano Bome “Drowsy Fox-trot, Oyvetture, LAVKA Imnprovisat Tak: Lach! PERCY Lineal e371. Lanes. ic WELSH 30. SLi St. (Organized A, HI At. the State ee SUB. Su Musical TONT st (hrbdinen's: OT Pree a Close Fate Mandarin,” * salsr, osical THE aL} Simultaneous "3.6." ie TR ; MANGHESTER. Solo," *" Od: Victertn THE Danse New. —Preqraaae Oe TT, Miienl CDRES'S NEWCASTLE. Scouts’ Orchestra. Front Pte Rey. from fram Beekeepers’ “ Cyfei HUGH rin Café Ori Madeira" SCHOLES, Sir Mr, DAVID down SC Arweinydd WH, FARRELL . BEN down "' A EVANS-WILLITAMS EISTEDDFON Soon Pennington “" sede nhs Datgeininid Interlude. Interhade: "THE Arabe" ientale THE relayed S&TATION Friends RATIONAL THE The printed Ali Custte Sa. HCHLER, WALFORD J, Kew Betninimide relayed feravliin, Talk.Betty enon. Jomdon, WELSH Loneon. others. Ceicketer’s SGRMAK bey lwyr ORCHESTRA, Phaytine yanks Local gt Ne Falls," Liter) FORECAST SHEPHERD: FORECAST SLR. -DAWTES FORECAST Broadcast

Fifth PROGRAMMES FORECAST CHOTR, the) (“ ORCHESTEA. fe Powtlhelli, REDWOOD, Dante Mosic * CORNER: GRCHESTRA. EVANS. Music.) in Suggested &.B | aah from Ball."” Baynard Accompaniats) MESBSTAH,* of Afaaeheater. aytle Association italics News ode, (Conductor) National from Mayday PA (Speciality §.8. 5. 8.8, Concert wirenha ' 3&8. (Artists) BYMPHUOS ORCHESTRA. P14, "Pent from OORKMER. (Contralta) Pritee. Tilley's on " from Massie, DAV relayed RIG °[‘Tenor). EISTEDDFOD, Over—The [mn [ETS Bulletin, .. frou the ee from from Loppalen, (Bass). * fron Black aTiaon Cardiff, Whose Themes. ' ‘HES. the and and TES. and Suite " and Council Pan Pout “ TED ‘Hindowe ; eeareas Restinrant, Danse 4.F. Lowden. FPiawtst)." Favdan, Bulletin. [Soptanal. : Eeondan, A from : sintion Jeondion, programme 378 4 403 NEWS. NEWS. Trip NEWS, | raw NEWS. ") Aossiat Farreff Farrel Farrell


Berge OD Fifth from of men- The M. M. es the

7, to

8.0, 2BD 8.30 §.13.—CHILDREN’S $.0.— 110. 1O.l3. 10.0—WEATHER 12.0,—Close 10.45-11.0,—Tnter “T Local Thinise “The Maszorks, Ait, 'T “The “ “ * Euly 4 “When "The The "! "A: “The Eyed “Molly Vake,"* iL Pea “1 Ag * ‘The hallade THE Fairy Afternoon SA. da Easter PAs) POROTHY ETHEL (iilens Your Danny Sweet: Dennis Baritie, ({Seprracay) The Know ALICE * Know Wish De — ** Bummer | THE WISTFRED Conductor SECRETS News. What Fi Ballymore: ister tnowy-Breasbed Old Wireless Next Lover's: fron dress CRYSTALS TILLEY'S Mavourneen Heart airy GERALD UHeurense on Forest," dowti, Brannigan Thre’ Tele" ABERDEEN. of Snow ALICE andra ae Te Boy '" DOROT RADIO ae “ Where “Tales noe. ET THE-UORCAESTRA My I THE STATION WINTFRED WINTFRED WINTFRED Green Traditional BTANLEY Antrim}. Pmeb Melody headon, GERALD GERALD "tT GERALD Malpré RICHARDSON: ie (HEBRALD Rea Talks, Other Lullaby val, { Market (ita ceeyeia ‘THE Had hiss Uhatoorpyanied ; * rl Will shea’ HEL A FORREST

a An Life ....23. oriay eee FOR Love” Curae” Orchestra, Fishing FORECAST eatin sh Ballad ORC Wil KRICH Song EDWARD HY Sons OF — caches I'm *. Isle"... ee of Irish

Traditional, Stations Tria, pein Braet, Lianet., the fs Call Dhaet, KAYE COLE BARCE lis Eeloaann), With Eat Loi*" SPAS Unblest ..... DAWS aie CONCERT ” TIMES CORNER: Day" irre, Leeland Than], (Old nite HESTRA gahthoe THE Gow” FORREST, de ORCHESTRA. a Cyele. Cycle. (West KAYE. Pearl" KAYE. Aic, RAYE, KAY Hour. Shepherd's ARDSON., Me Ee ae onc (Mezco-Soupransi, (OLE. (OLE, COLE. (Tenor}. ee | (Antrim) News LEY. eee es (Contralts), ..,..2.:. Trish). At Musie—(1)° ! Dorothy Aré Atioia Home ah Gordon (Tyrone HEART art iow CLARK. BART, i. Alfred — ), C (Boprana) We '’ 5 Trish), fan ae ond | the — arr, arr, a ... VY,

Doing. Erie FRIDAY tener Padi PARTY. Rove j Weatherly “* “Bulletin. Needham icharalean Pinas), han Mehrnsan Stenforad 495 Be Dehwaey NEWS. Lamb” Hughes Hughes Mughea ... Forrest Hfoathins Tempe " Auntie Tallad (ontes neaect tional “ T'ote The M. :


7.31. 6.0.—Crickel:

10.15. 10.0.—WEATHER TO—WEATHER fy 18, 9.0, 8.0. 7/40.—The 7.25.—Musical . 7 3 . 6 0.45, 8,48. A, B. 10.45.—Clese oy, Sa. oa, 10,

“The at

4) Fishing’ ‘* -

Local: A 7 "The 1 Waliz, “The

Quartet * "Eastern oo 2 PHILIP Selection, Selection, WINTERED FERCY “ Min “A PHILIP

The | Music, Caronationm Comer, Lritketng

Detdal “ S.A. MuA.. Bee THEODORE KATHLEEN Sol, Wigleon Beat" Die" (Tennyson)

Eastern Intermezad: In Water." “ Oh!



etente Silver Eyes"

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London of Yarns and


Marella Aas Manuscript You H.

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"eked " Light “Hoalbetin. in LEEN Barenralle+


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a Emigrant."



(Herrick). oo * MIDDLEMISS Bovards Talks Hour ..... '* Thousand -cecscncavesitddesceeeer

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(13), (2nd Op.

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Marches, Dem Welsstar, } ““Amethynt,”

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iia. Violin). (Buritone}. Conversation.” Formers’ Thnee,

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\ ; : mm —

| abe — RADIO TIMES -—— [vor3aiser, 28G45.

The Tragedy of Offenbach. | Alooanhese Facts.

Wonders of the Air We Breathe. A Favourite Opera that He Never Lived to Hear. aha having enjoyed an evening's lieten. OR many years no composer wasmore that many of his friends had never aeen before, ing, perhaps you have ‘never given a prolific than Offenbach, the inventor of and they drew the happiest auguries from his thought to the invisible medigom—the atmos- opéra bouffe. A rapid and indefatigable worker, brightness and juvenility, phere—throvgh which the wireless waves he wrote in a quarter of a century more than But hopo told « flattering talon. He was very have come. It is, however, a medium fullof minety pieces. including Madame Favert, Orphie ill on returning home,and when he re-visited the interest, apart altogether from the obvious aus Kafers, and others. more or leas familiar in theatre on the afternoon of October 3rd, 188%, fact that our very existence depends upon ite the broadcasting programmes, to see again the Inat act of his only grand opera, presence, “| have one terrible, invincible vice, that of everybody was shocked at his appearance, Of a The atmosphere belongs to the earth just as ilwayes working,” he wrote toa friend in 1864. nMiden, he raised hia hand to fis heart and much as the oceans and mountains do, for it “Tam sorry for this on account of those wha do fainted, aimd on the following morning he waa accomparies the earth quite aa faithfully, not not like my music, for | shall certainly die dead—dead without having ecen, after all, the only in ite journey round the sun, bot also on with a melody at the end of my pen." first representation of his most ambitious and that great journey towards an unkndwn goal in most Cherished work. Ill, But Frivolous. space, ourgun itecli being no more at pest This was taken into account in arranging his than are all those other suns—the far distant Hia prediction was not far wrong. Subee- funeral, which waa aa he would prohably have etard. quently, like Scott, he continged to write when wished. At the Madeline, the organist played under an attack of gout that would have en- the " Song of Fortunio,” and’ Jean Talazac sang The Earth's Blanket. tirely incapacitated an ordinary man,and nearly an aria from the Tales of floffmann, and in the The atmosphere is a mixture of gases, chiefly up to the moment ofhis death he was engaged on address at the graveside reference was made to nitrogen, oxygen, carbonic acid gas, and water the Tales of Hoffmann, which he intendedta be his Offenbach’s toil on that and other compositions. vapour, Nitrogen forma more than three- moanwmennt, “ Aden, Jacques Offenbach | * cried the orator, quarters of the whole atmosphere, and oxygen This opera, so different from his other com- about one-fifth. Carbonic acid pas is present positions, wae his cherished work for years, It in comparatively small quantities, but Tt ia was characteristic of him, as wellas of his a Very important constituent indeed, because general output, that on visiting his native city of it can prevent the logs of some of the heat Cologne, and on being asked at the hotel where which the earth gives off. hes yourt upto comply with the police requlations, In fact, tt is not. toe much to say that if he wrote in the visitors’ book, “©. de Cologne.” this gas were increased in quantity, there would He wasby temperament, littl: as anybody be a corresponding increase of temperature on would have suspected it from his appearance, the earth and, in the same way, if the quantity gay and frivolous, and all, or nearlyall, the other were reduced, there would be a corresponding pieees he had written had like quulities, But in Teliction of temperature. the Tales of offmann he aspired to reach the Water vapour, which is responsible for the heighta of grand opera, and to furnish the rain and snow and otherforme of precipitation, lyric gtage with a contribution that would sur- aleo acta as a blanket to the earth, and it alao vive long after Iie pot-boiling melodica were for- Varies in quantity, gotten, The Real Hoffmann. Glass From The Moon, The ambition thus to perpetuate hie name Wireless waves are not only propagated aeined him shortly after Mof/fmann had been intro- through these gases, bat through various kinds duced to Parisian playgoers, He waso real, of atmospheric impurities as well, auch aa tar, eoot, duat swept by the wind from roads and livingperson, a lawyer by‘profession, who com- post many opera — aril comesponded with “Tales of Hoffmann": The Barcarolle. fields ; pollen, plant spores, and the microscopic Beethoven and Weber, Partly through attempt- remains of shooting-etars. Among theese im- ing to drown dull care in traditional fashion, he ** Adieu, indefatigable worker! You taste to-day Puritics, 10, are epheres of clear glass ao minute lied in 1822 at Berlin, where he was interred your first and last repose.” that quite two thonsand could find room on a in the Jerusalem Cemetery, Hie Vales were Ae the opera was left unfinished, it underwent pin-head, produced as a comedy at the Odéon Theatre, various mlifications before production, The More of them are found in the air Paria, in 1851: ond it. was on this work that famous Barearalle, for instance, was originally after a violent volcanic eruption; but it haa oa Offenbach resolved to comptes on opera that in the fourth act, the acene of which was laid in been suggested that they may be of coemic

thould be his masterpiece. Munich, This act-wascut ont, and, to retain the origin, that, in fact, they have come from the see By chance, another composer simultaneously barcarolle, afew worda were put into the mouth sun or the moon, or even comets, for it must fame to the same determination and, conee- of Antonia, be remembered that ages ago the moon, at EP quently, there wasa hitch at theoutset;but AChapter of Accidents. loast, was shaken to its very foundations by eruptions which have left their mark in the

eventually he agreed to leave the subject. to sagt Offenbach, who thus had a clear field. So much The opera, which was orchestrated after Offen- Immense craters goal cones and fissures which waa he occupied with other work, however, that hach'édeath. waa produced at the ()pera-Comique now cover its rugged surface. his meagan ops grew slowly, and it waa not till on February J0th, 1881, and wae a great success, Tt was then staged at Vienna, on December Sth, ‘The Merry Dancers."

the early part of 1880, when his health was aoe 1881, and again it was associated with tragedy. What ia the depth of this vast ocean of air failing rapidly, that arrangements conld be made Shortly after ‘the curtain had been raised, a fire which daily and nightly i# made vocal and for its production, harmonious through the instrumentality of broke out in the theatre, resulting in the loss of When Hope Flattered. no fewer than four huncdred lives. wireless ? Perhaps five hundred miles. Ti: is = His great fear then,as he was tortured more Next came, at Berlin, a production which certainly dense enough at an altitude of one

andmoreby gout, was that he would not live was in every way sucetssful; but disaster once hundred miles to cause meteors to glowwith = to see if represented, more attended the opera when it was repre- the resistance they encounter from it, and “ Make haste, nake haste toxetage my piece!” renite in Londen, Played in German at the the wurora, or “ Merry Dancers,” can be seen he cried to the manager of the house where it Adelphi Theatre, it- nearly ruined the impresano, ata height far abovewhere the shooting-stars was to he produced, “Tam ina hurry, and have who host £8,000 on it in-six weeks, This was, first: besome visible, however, an extremely hazardous enterprize. Many shooting-stars, it is hniteresting to note,

Ee only one wish in the world—to witness the Much more suceessfal was the opera at Hie are first seen in the neighbourhood. af ‘the

—— premiere of this work.” At last, however, it seemed likely that that Majesty's, in 1910, jonised Jayer from which, there i# rearon to wish would be gratified, for one afternoon he Since ita unfortumate firet representation, believe, wireless waves are reflected in jong- was borne with great care to the theatre, and indeod, the Tales of /foffmona. has been given o distance signalling. there he had the pratification ef hearing Mlle, good reception in this country, and, though it I have heard fears expressed that some day Juana ging the “Song of the Torth: Dove.” will probably never rival in popularity seme of the earth may lose its atmosphere. Listeners, Hia face illamined with joy at the first etraina of the old favourites, it will very likely gaim more however, need not worry about the earth hia beloved work, long the companion of his indmore admirers as years-roll on. becoming as sirlesa ae the moon. Jf euch. an schtude, andnow about to be performed before T. W. WiLersos, event should happen, it will be miullione of — him in ite entirety. Suddenly he hecame twenty [Act. Il. of “The Tales of Hoffmann” will be years after they have enjoyed: their last years younger, There was a light in his eyes broadcast from Newcastle on August 6th.) ‘« broadeast.”* Josern HL Evcte,

avLY Ols7, Pe2h] —— RADIO TIMES—

A City of Wonder and Fear.

Discoveries in an Unknown Land. By F. A. MITCHELL HEDGES (Mr. Mitchell Hedges has recently returned comprise one aohd eiene building. This single epen with « flint knife by the High Priest, from the interior of British Honduras, where he cologsal structure covered eight acres, and the heart, still pulsating, torn from the body unearthed a wonderful buried city. His dis- There ia no doubt thatthis great edifice was by the High Priest and placedwithin the lips coveries rival these that were made at the tomb of erected for the definite purpose of religious and of their God of Death, while the body was Tut-ank-hamen, and in the following talk he other egremanice and was never used rmsiden- then rolled down the side of the pyramid, describes some of the marvels that he found.) tially, except, perhaps, by the king and high whereupon, the whole of the spectators made N the interior of Britigh Honduras we. dis- pricate, one wild rush for the body, struggling and fight- eovercd ruing like a hugeoven and en- From the tope of the pyramids there stretched ing to tear away and cat a fragment of the veloped in a thin amoke haze, after we had out a wonderfal view of the country, For flesh, and thus earn. the biessings of the awful felled and fired the jungle in which they were over a thousand and more miles north-west lay Deity to whom the sacrifice was made, completely buried, The night after the great the dreaded Peten bush, im vast areas, of which Work war energetically proceeded with, We burn, rain fel}, and the next day we began the no white foot has ever yet penetrated, Adjoin- drove picadors on trails north, south, east anc work of examining and excavating. ing, and actoallypart of, this unknown territory west through the virgin jungle which we had I will describe, ss briefly as 1 can, theao is the countrywherein dwell the Lacadone not felled. This produced the evidence that immense ruins, For approximately half a mile Indians; while still north again of this tribe ruins and borial mounds existed over16 square leading from the river, the grownd is studded i the land of the Santa Cruz Indiane, the most miles, Beyond this, we still know nothing ; with innumerable burial mounds, which ter- bloodthirsty race in the world, and into which all is wrapped in impenetrable myetery. miinate at a large flat terrace, on the east and country no man has ever yet been able to pene- weet of which, in the dim and distant past, trate. To this dav, ite interior iw a land of Discovered By Accident, i atood temples. From here you descend the mystery, though awful and fearful are the legends A mile from the main citadel, to the east, stone-faced side to a valley which appears to and talea one hears of the bloodthirety sacrifices we uncovered a huge isolated pyramidand about: have been a communal burial ground, asa it is and horrible atrocities committed by these the same distance to the west we discovered covered with a large number of mounds, and it morose, untamed and sullen people, ite counterpart. And then came, perhaps, what if the most stupendous discovery of all. It wae from here wemace a spectacular discovery. li is agreed that this is the most terrible and A Wonderful Feat of Architecture. was during this work that we found that the ghastly jongle-in the world, beth from the areat city of Lubaantun haa actually been We found, facing us, what perhaps ie the climatic point of view and the living horrors it built on the top of a subterranean city beneath, greatest aboriginal stones siructure on the OOM, and that this subterrancan city undoubtedly is American continent, The feafof building this A Fascinating Spectacle. far more ancient than Lubaantun, holding a gigantic edifice would seem to be unparalleled Bat, to return to the ruins, The Via Sacra riddle even more ingerutahle than the great in the world's history, for millions of cut lime- citadel and amphitheatre we had cleared the stone blocka were employed, hewn from some terminated in & mighty stone stairway which, unkwown quarry, carried with immense labour we were amazed to disoover, led down to-a jungle fram, gipantic amphitheatre. The discovery of Lobaantun was largely by and erected in perfect alignment, without any accident. Every step we have taken has adder! mortar, the architectural skill exhibited by this At the botton: ofthe stairway on which we etood wasa sunken arena originally covered Lo the mystery of this preat buried city and the ancient civilization rivaling our bestof to-day. with hard cement, Jt waa boundedon the east, finishingof our season's work had an equally From ‘the burial pround valley rose a wall and weet by a ¢eries of flat-topped pyramidal dramatic and mysterious ending. It waa no or terrace and, climbing this, we came to the structures aml terraces, constructed of beau- gresttime after we had started excavation work grent building. It starts with a terrace 110 feet tifwlly tooled stone blocks; while across the that our Indians came to usa stating they hal equarc and 25 feet high, the sides completely arena on the northern side and direetly facing heard the ceaslonal music of the ancient Maya faced with stone ; the northern end of the terrace Ts Pte A massive sirochure. Firet.a- stone in the ruins. We laughed at their superstitions terminates in ® stone stairway, 20 feet high. stairway led to a broad terrace; behind this fears, bot every man and woman solemnly On the top, and direetly in the centre, is-2 roacl- averred that they had heard it. Then they way, originally paved withhard white cement reared a wall of cut stone ; then a seoond terrace. Again, there waea third wall to a third terrace; came to us in fear, declaring that evil spirits and flanked with stone-faced pyramids. We while higher up there wasa similar fourth ter- were being released from the burial mounds have given the name to this roadway of the race, aml, finally, the structure wae flat topped. We were excavating. Via acc. & It was atascinating epecticke, What was thia Was It Coinzidence ? “ The World's Most Ghasily Jungle. immense amphitheatre used for? Gladistorial A few days later, for no apparent reason, i On thetop of the stairway, andon either cide contests, religious ceremonies, or the terrible some unknown and insidious disease broke out, Jee of theroad, stands a quadrangular substructure sacrifices of the Maya, when the victim wna Thencame the firat death. It is impossible to like a watch-tower, also faced with stone. Some siretthed on a convex stone, his chest struck describe. the unearthly, sinister atmosphere distance beyond this, that settled on our _ SS running directly aeross } camp, The mysterious the Vin Sacra, 1 a | disenae spread, and the Ly, stone stairway five feet pau ty (i Indians were convinced

high, leading to a higher | |i} oh J = that the malignant level platform, upon il — spirits were the case, aT, which are situated, on | i Five more Indiang died east s i d e , the two *!, eet during the week, the

largest pyramids of the Shortly, we were left whole citadel, both ap- without a single worker. proximately ]00 feet in I myself was stricken

—. heicht, ther other down with malarial measurement? bein fever. Our workhad to 87 feet long hy87 broad, be abandoned, and we and 0) fect by 60 fert reached the coast. respectively, These Tt ia safe to predict two pyramids are built that when the dry season of magnificent tooled starts next year, work blocka: ‘they are not will again take place at hollow or filled with thegreat buried city, rubble, bot are really when it may be con- monolithic, being ‘built tidently anticipated that of solid stone blocks freah knowledge will be right through, The added ta the present whole of the terraces, ecientific knowledge of pyranids, platforms, the Maya, probably the courtyards and plozas | highest aboriginal civil.

Slo a Taltfrom Condon. igation ever known.

24 = RADIO TIMES --- {Junin Slst; 1925.



ber isthe6.8." printed in iinlics Im these rarmeres Eh, Studio Goncert. .1—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. signity a Bimultansom Breadeast trom the ia on TOUAL FARRELL 5.8. from Jondor, (The Composer Pianist). A BONNET LATRD. 3&8. from London, The High-Power (Daventry) Pro- 7.25, —-Miusical Interlude. 5.8. from London, be found on page 241. FRASK CAR TRA (aoto Violin). Eramme will ARNOLD KICKSON (Bong? at the Piany), 7.40.— Capt. A. 8 BURGE: “ WaterPolo— ZLO LONDON. 365 M. TON] FARRELL. Bound the (lubs."' 4.0), Time Sienal from Greenwich.“ Bark BROKE Woll-lesoan Titineas, a ith es vileOoi. Mirth and Melody. Vietorian Howsehold Gods,” by Capt. * Hopescote h-Fox-triat a , Farrell VINIESSE CHATTERTON (Soprano) Exiward Gregory. (Author of °° De Art Rome Old Friends of 1912.1914. BETUART EFOBRERTEON { Hass) fod Craft of Aorme-Making."”) Why Did Rise That toirl ?" treated in GRACE IVELL and VIVIAN WORTH Coneoert : The “204A Ortet. Dora Smith the #ivle of (a) a Mozart Sonata; [b) {Pn bertainers), (Soprano}. Henry VTE. Dhaaee : (@} Teohaikovaky THE STATION ORCHESTRA. George Webber (Pass). Fred Morris (Pn Syrmplionsy, HE, THE ORCHESTRA. tertainer). ARNOLD NICKBOR, Overture,“ Melusine™ 22.21Mendelssohn 0, —CHILDREN'S CORNER : Mimic by the “My Film Play" ...\ “Three Bavarian Daricea- 2s. Elgar Oetet. A May for Children. “A Few Burleaques "fot" B15. VIVIENNE. CHATTERTON. 0.30, Children’s Letters. FRANK CANT ELL. ge eb ee cae ee ee aed eee Oe 6.40,—Musier! Interlude, ; " Augmorebhe aiciiesssveriecssescays QOBOPRE * Deafiode asl ge eo Oe ee 7.0—IIME SIGNAL FROM BiG BEN. Variations on a Theme by Corelli * Over the- Land is April: ...foger Quilter WEATHER FORECAST and 1ST Tartina-Aoreveler Ba. STUART FPOBERTSON. GCENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. &.A. Air on G Btring....,. ceca a: enon “The Yeomen of England” ...2£d, German fo ell Siodione, TONL ¥AR RELL. “Linden Len’. , ... carr. Porghon Walhurns AOA) ig Sloped bavicdwaumckide aera oeCkRene “The Jolly Miller ’".....arr. Meger Quevtter “The West Counter,” by A BONNET LATRD. 828. fe all Stations, Two Solos, “Play Time "; * Passe-Pied ” *“Oel Clothes and Fine Clothes ~ ac&é.—Muaical Interlude. 5.8, te other Stations. Farrell Monta Sha arj —Holiday Topics. 2.8. to offer Statrons. Tinney ieati1one HTL Buigpestedd Tithe far. 8.35, GRACE IVELL and VIVIAN WORTH 8,0, ‘What Is This? "* warded ty Listeners. oN.oe eee pe eee KL Tihwrsten Often Listeners musthave been tantalized 10.06.— WEATHER, FORECAST and NEWS. * Fallow the Swallow 7.3... 5. Henderson by the way in which a farmiliar tan ohiedns S.A. fron [ondan. Local News. * Come Bask to Me". oo... .. nfo all attempt to give ita name, To-night's 1.—THE SAVOY BANTIS. SB. from Od) THE ORCHESTRA, programme of well-known musty will Landon, Selection, “The Emerald “Isle " afford an opportunity of playing thie )2?.0.—C lose down. Shiltvan andGerman fascinating game by trying to antivipats Allerretto quasi andanting ysis... Sehubert the Announcement, which will be made SBM BOURNEMOUTH. 386 M. oe: Bord Fg ie cn a cx eave DRE alter, instead of before, the Varia 45.—Gardening Talk by (eorge Dance, P. 15. VIVIERNE CHATTERTON. bes. E.R... THE ROYAL BATH HOTEL FPAsoo re ae re Chine Carey 10.6.—TIME SIGNAL FROM CREENWICH. DANCE ORCHESTRA, relayed from ~ Who'll Buy My Lavender t" . 0... Gernienn WEATHER FORECAST and 2NT King's Hall Rooms. Muara) Direactor— i. 8, VIVIENNE CHATTERTON and CERNERAL NEWS BULLETIN, &.8, DAVID &LIFF. Bert Kellaway (Tenor). STUART ROBERTSON, focal! Stations, Laoal News, f.15.—CHILORESS CORNER: Sone and Duet, “ At Love's Beginning "' 18,15, THE SAVOY ORFPHEARS, AbOrbes, eile, faz Delmanri THE BAVOY HAVANA BAND 45—-6.0.—Children's Letters. ae BTUART ROBERTSON. ‘ anal 0), Musical Interhode. a AI ee eae ate tate Reathope: Martin ” The Grove... err al nifheny Bernard

THE SELMA TANT. ash i.— WEATHER. FORECAST amt KEWS. Relaved from the Bavev Hotel, London. SB. from Londen, “When Dall Care’’ ... care.H. Lane Wilson SR, fe call) Stotions, A BONNET LAGTRD. 8.8. from Tandon. $40.0RACH IVELL and VIVIAN WORTH. "SrvWate oi eae ee re Hamblen 12.6.— Close down. hie Tnterbude. 8.8 fren: Levdon. Mhh Holiday Topix:a. from Layee, Are You Londo?” joeas aes Pointer A}- 8.15; —Inierval, "Tm Wonderful". .4...0:.. Hes Dereweki BIRMINGHAM. 479 M. 9,50," THE ORCHESTRA. SIT Winter Gardens Hight. $.45.—The Decameron Dance Orchestra (Direc: Belarinon, “ Paghaesi™ 2... Leniearalis THE MUNICIPAL ORCHESTRA : tor, Dan Carroll): relaved from the Palais 10.0.— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS Conductor—Sir DAN GODFREY. de Danse, Se. from onder. ENIO CRCUIBSHANE (Contralte), 1.45.—Fliorénce M. Austin: A-Forther Chat on Local News, HELEN A) MILLAIB [the Aciress- Golf, Ethel Williams (Solo Pianoforte). lOk—THE SAVOY BANDS. SA. Jrom hoteriainer). §.153.—TCHILDRENS CORNER: Auntie Fhuil JLenmlon, B15. THE GRCHESTRA., and Another Bneoky Rrory. M Moreh of the Giantess ee 12.0.—Cloee dawn, 6,6—6.5.— Children’s Letters. snl NEWS, iiverture, "" Tannhiaisere "” ....-. 4s Wagner i—WEATHER FORECAST Valsettie, “Wood Nymphs” .. Erie Cooter ZY MANCHESTER. 378 M. SR. from ionedon, A BONNET LAIRD. &.8. from Hendon. END (CRUIRRBHANE: 2. 15-5.0.—Coencert by the227°" Quartet and ““Ronewest -Thow the Land?" (** Mignon'') Ernest Auty (Tenor). 7.25. —Mieical Interliade, SR. from Tondo. Thoma Between 345 and 4.15 it is hoped to give We GORDON FLETCHER : “ Rambles 7.4, THE ORCHESTRA, listenérs a wireless imopression of Black- in the Midlands—{3) Some Vantage Relection, "No Na Nanette *' » Fauna pool, Toints for Lovely Views,” HELEN A MILLATS, §.—Afternecn "Topics. #.0. Outside Concert. Bongs~ andFragments from Lets. 6.15.—Uhikiren's Letters, THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM Interval, h.ieb-8. 15,CHILDREN'S OORNER. POLICE -BANTD : THE ORCHESTRA. T.4.—WEATHER FORECAST ond NEWS. Conductor, RICHARD WASSELL, By wie th ah Hhapacdly, e api un”. fleece SB. from London. ALBERT DANTELS W. W.. BERNETT (Salo Ayloplione |. A BONNET LAIRD. 8.8. from: Diao. (Brteriainer and Conjurer). = English Patriot ee tua ky ole are irhedhs Cordini 7.25,—Minaionl Interiide, 8.8. fron Donde,

Relaved from the Band Stand, ENT CRUTKSHANKE, Cannon Ail! Park. * Hohanernk” (Carmen ” ) sci3 frie Tee “327 “ Present the THE BAND. THE ORCHESTRA. Fifth Edition ofthe March, “Folk Songs from Somerset “ "Chan Bindaw oc... Atimiakay- Aorectboa

i “1.30 Revue." i Folk Song fie) o.sa...2 FF: Biliary Belection, “" Papliaeri teatro Leoneninnlla (in Five Soenez,} Overture, “Wend” -assecsersses mane Wogeyr 1MO—WERATHER FORECAST sand NEWS. Book bey Victor Bovthe,. ALBERT TANIEGCS SB from Lomdian Lernal News, Music by well-knownComposers: W15THE BAVOY BANTS. Se. Por In f Bpecally Arrangerl Tntertides by Conjuring Entertainment. © Rendon, THE “22¥." QUARTET: 1— Coes down. {Listeners aro asked toclose their eves and The production havingbeen postponad imaging what is taking place from. the four times, the entire cast haying been descriptions piven, omc the laughter 5WA CARDIFF. 353 M. changes] twice, and the plot being pong on.) 12. 30=1.30.—The Carlton Orehestra, relaved from emphatically nobporn ble ba rte fhheence, THE BAN, the Carlton. Restaurant. we fee! sare 1t mist be a Teal Heye, Allegro Moderato from Barnphony Wo. 6 o.0.—The Baril of A.M. Royal Mariner, relayed (uring the course of the evening we hope in B Minor (“The Unfinished ") Sehebert From: the Tnstatation: Gardens, Bath, to give listeners some wireless inpres- “Invitation to the Waltz" h0,.—"SWA'S” “FIVE O'CLOCKS." sins of Blackpacl.} Weler- Werngaotner f.30.—CHILDREWN'S CORNER, THE QUARTET. Vales, “ Jeunesse Dorte ...... i ‘aldtenfet 6.5-0,15.—* The Letter Box," Overtore,“" Kashmiri” .... arr. Wihama

— RADIO TIMES — a5 |


The tte “G.8." printed in italics im thaw mre 8.0, “The Tales of Hoffmann." 8.40, A, FE. WICKOLDSand i an— & Simultaneout Broodecact from ihe PAE B= (Offenbach). ALBERT H, HOWE, F ieee. Act TH: In Original Vooul, Instromental, ‘and SCENE. I Chul reba Humorous Melody. EDA BENNIE ; The Company tell of “Them Busy Day, Hoffmann...... PARRY JONES 6.0, CISSIE WOODWARD. * ancl the Comedian endearcure to bing, Wickiiias sos oes l cee ROSA BURN "The MMusieal-Bos jiu De Seeded but. "ts anverely reprimanded bry the Dapertutta aoraee WILLIAM HENDRY “Ah beaoe FP ee a oet eaea e W. Jf. Mooney Production Director. Our Soprane then Bchiemihl ... ROBERT &TRANGEWATS Taeaoe pa cesetdad at emeetaees Rewat tells ua how “ June Brought the Roses” Pitithinaea ;...., GEORGE HODGSON “Aricleries mural oor“Sa ga ae a to brighten the allotment. This i THE “S80.” CHORAL BOCIETY: " Capricoiago "" .... oa eeat ; followed by the Juvenile Lead, who singe Chorus Master,RICHARD PRATT, " Believe Me,” which ervdse the entire 1] Moto Perpetua’ geeks . Weber THE BTATION ORCHESTRA : 9.20. BES&aIE MUI RIE, Company, whe know him only too well, Conductor, EDWARD CLARK. ‘The Ukulelo Gilneas; "* ‘Com. Ye Bay Athol Te edieee ORT Meffatt Prelode and Intermezza, ‘ aaaELD THE QUARTET * Lovely Spring * ‘Sweet Little You™: ..:... wae tg ae WILLEAM GILG‘HRIST. BH PHILIP MIDDLEMISS and * Over the Hille*‘| (African Coleridge: BC. ENE . WINIFRED WYNTON We pay a Visit to “ tho.American Har, (Entertainers), “Pow S h a l t X Woo j o m a n c e s ) |Taylor which upeeta the Soubrette so moch that Tn” Snatehes of Conversation.” MUIRIE « n d bik AIO LEGA *] Can't Make My Hoart Ot. THE ORCHESTRA. BESSIE - Behave.” In. contrast, the Juvenile Relection, “‘ La —eden WILLIAM GILCHRIST, : Leod tells wa to “ Swing Along!” Trasta— FHE QUARTET. 6,15, Four Indian Love Lyrics “An Trish Lallaby " j.ccceeece, Merediernt “ Bofors You Came™ ...... arr, Mewlon O Big: Bad Ttss cvcc asp aterdnens Ager | Woodfords.Pinelte,) (By Special Request.) 0.40. A. EF. NICKOLDS and . BCENE 3. ALBERT H. HOWE, Ae things are getting dull we open the EDA BENNIE: “The Temple Bells.” ROSA BURN: “Lease Than the Dust,” In More Vocal, Instrumental, and acone: brightly with “ Gloom, or the Otd Abamerous Melods. Grey Bar, ane for the survivors: our PARRY JONES: “ Kaahmiri Song," WILLIAM HERDRY: “Till I Wake." 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Juvenile Lead will hartet “bite song for SB. from Lindon. “One Golden. Hour,’ after which our 8.35, FHILIP MIDDLEMISS aad Letal News, Scubrette make a requést-—‘* Papa, Please Make John Behave “—thia request WINIFRED WYNTON. 10.15.— DANCE MUSIC, relayed. from Glen bing stronghy supported by the Chorua. In More “ Siatehes of Convergation.” iifles Hotel, 358, fron Glesgote, Ail, THE DORVHESTHA. 11.0.—THE: SAVOY BANDS, S.B: row . THE: QUARTET. ‘Totem Tom-Tom * = . From Loandnn., “Moon of Waikiki” vivelack, The Faneral March of An- Elephant * 12.0.—Close down. t . Bernard and Aobinean Ginfien Pie ; SCENE fh, 10.0-12.0.— Programme58. from London, SSC GLASGOW. 422 M. Onr Comettienm, having returned from les holidays andl” compared notes with the 2BD ABERDEEN. 495 M. 3.90.—The Wireless Quartet, Charles D. Rigg Povenile Led, we learn o thing or two (Baritone). 3.30-5.0.—The Wireless Orchoetra.. Christian “When No: One's Looking,” which 4.30.—WOMENS HALF-HOUR, Dickie (Soprano). Afternoon Topics, affect# the Production Director to such §.0-5.45.—CHITLDREN'S CORNER. i 5.20. CHILDREN'S CORNER: Auntie 6.55.—Weather Forecast for Farmers. an extent thathe sings “1m Geng to Phyllis on ** Beryl) and the Daddy-Long- eee Crigl.’ Tinrordiately after his 7,0.—WEATHER -FORECAST and NEWS, Lage.” depart ure we take peep inte the futore Sw. from Bondon, 6.0.— This Week's Iiterseting Anniversary (Pre- A BONNET LAIRD, ete fron London, —" Yor! 2 Don't Think !"—this being pared by John Sparke Kirkland); “The followed by o peep into the paet—our 7.23.—Local Nowe, Tragedy cl Gowme Howse (Perth), Jayeniie” Lead telling us of “The Lost Aupust Sth, 1600." 7,30,.-—Musieal Interlude, 8.8, from London, World,” 7,40,—Feature : HALBERT TATLOCE, 6.30. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. THE QUARTET. Half an Hour of Coneert Waltzes. Popular Orchestral Concert.

“ Temple Bells“2.2. ou... arr, Af, Willtama niet on the St. Lawrences ” . Heller SCENE. 6, * Narenta “ Aiomeal Roelayed to“ 5XX," To epen our last scene we lave our Soprano *Philomel"" .. saky emniaeo8 bereeching our Juvenile Load to “ Give Atte dana la uit: 2, Alger ROBERT BURNETT (Garitone), - sipeunerprimsa "4.5. tena “Kalan THE AUGMENTED STATION Mo a Theught Now and Then,” and our ORCHESTRA; Comedian, feset ed by the Chorus, fits TG _w EATHER POREAST and WEWE, worked up wrth “Say, Bay, Badie,” and in &.. from London. Conducted by “ Buaying o House,’ one of our ladies HERBERT A. CARRUTHERS, A BONNET LAIRD. £38. from London, 8.0. THE ORCHESTRA. becomes really boisterour; “bat our 7.25.—Musieal Interhate, 8.5. from London. Soprano emocthes matters with “ The * Overture to a Comedy” Balfour Garnier 7.42,—Prof. JAMES A. ROY, MiA.: (1) Is Ruite, “Paes Gent 9 veg eee oe ve Cricy Song of the Mill." Our Juveriile Lead Canada a Good Country for the Emi- 6.50. ROBERT BURNETT, in & momert-of eohloquy makes & starting prec7" i confession in the “Sea Hawk,” aod in Music and Humour. “Town by the Sally Gardens" cae other members of the Company feel Jfertin Shaw BESEIE MUIRIE (Contralta). inclined fo soliloquise, wo linduce the “The Mugger's Song” -.. Herbert Howells Quartet to seantane. with." Poor Littl CIS8TE WOODWARD ([Pianoforte), “ Hiawetha's Vision" .. Coleridge-Paylor WILLIAM GILCHRIST (Tenor), Rich Grrl,’ B45, THE ORCHESTRA, | NICKOLDS AND HOWE Ballot Music, “ Henry VO". . Sarat.Saens ( Enitertainers}. Arranged and Protiuced by 0,15, ROBERT BURNETT, VICTOR SMYTHE. B40, CISSIE WOODWARD. Concerto in G Minor, Op. 25 Menwtelsvohn Beotch Rongs. Voeal Items Produced by (With Orchestral Accompaniment. ) “Oh! Open the Door ' ERIC FOGG. * W the Lint t i 5 8, 20). BESSIE MUIRIE and Production Directed by WILLTAM GILCHRIST. Toda ———- arr, Stephei O Avie Lourie"... | ard Barnett D. Ey ORMEROT. Tieta— “The Honnie Eharl ao’ Moray” 10.0-12.0.—Programme 5.8, from London, ""Paaang By " ... -2+se00 PFreell " Pairings o.cspassnes " Basthope Martian THE ORCHESTRA. 5NO NEWCASTLE. 403 M. ' BESSIE MUIRIE, “Ballet Moe, “ Fawet " - 2 Glonaend 4.0.—KatinkaStorm (Soprano); Norman Carry " Gant Remenber sessstencer-oe . Coatley “Shepherd's Hey....cn.eaeGrainger “Rhapsody Eepata .... 21.65. Chebricr (Baritone. Joeeph Young (Violin). “Sink, Red Sun” 4... Bosthope Afarhin Introduction to Act TL, “ Lobengrin ™ i,0,— Afternoon Topics, Joseph Young (Violin). WILLIAM CILCHRIST. Garter Wager 5.30,—CHILDREN'S CORNER. PTriaatinng Eiyed epeeeeseeeeeaneee “Beauty's Biya -..-ceeeeereesenseeee Tost 10i.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS, §.10.—Musical Interlude. (Violin Obblignte bey S08, fron omdon, 6.40,.—Poultry Notes. THEODORE CHOI ER. } 10.15.DANCE MUS,relayed from Glonéagles 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST ond NE“Ww B. BESBIE MUIRIE. and Hotel, 8.8. to Aberdeen, Belfast ond 4.8. from London. WILLIAM GILCHRIST. . Junvaee. A BONNET LATRD. 8.8. from Loman, Thacts— 11.4.—THE SAVOY BANDE. SB, from 7.25,—Musical Interlnde. SB. from London, “Two Gay Owia 06 Liveesunal Fan Lennep Londen, Abnighé 12.0,—Close down, 740.—Holiday Topica. SUB. from London, “The Coming of a Dream" ......

= —_———— =

I Jdity Alar, 185.

Friday’s Programme. (Continued from page 251.) SSC GLASGOW. 422 M. 11.30-12.30.—Midday Transmission, An Hour of Melody. THE WIRELESS QUARTET. JEAN Tt. WILSON {iantraltia}, o.H), The Quartet. Overtare, Silver Croax ...... Sferaaa Relection, “Fra Dinvolo " suatacscee ohuber 3 5 . 5 0 ) , JEAN RR. WILSON. " Big Lady Moon" 8. Coferidge-Tavlor Like to the Datoask Reset’. Elour 4 8 THE QUARTET. Suite, ‘Songs of Ttaly' 2... arr Ealbr Bolection, “The Talat King Te, Geretin 4.95, JEAN RY WILSON, "The Enchantress "" . Hatten “The Gleaner’s Blomber Song "’ i. ff. Watt hy fi! 4.0)—Taik and Mosical Interlode. §.0-5.45.—CHILDREN 'S CORNER. 6.55.—Weather Forecast for Farmera, 1.0—WEATHER FORECAST. and NEWS, Ht: Hi, frava Jannarin, PERE a AL I Li LES, Af. Pre onden. T.2h—Local News: Va bl nstenl: Interlude: SRL fram Jando. 7.90-7,55.—Prof, = Wim. G! BR. PATERSON - Rova, Opservatory Acnieuliare Fudletin CREENWICH., Wariety Night. duny 25%1925" 250% EDA BENNIE (Soprano), A. EL RICKOLDS: 4. : Annwersary offoundation. ALBERT H, HOWE| (Ectertainers), — JEAN PAULE and LEONIE LASCELLES (Synecopated Duettists). THE STATION ORCHESTRA: Conducted ley HERBERT A.. CARRUTHERS. 6.0. THE ORCHESTRA. Selection, “* The Nanghty Princess " Crrnhier 6.16. JEAN PAULE and LEONTE LASCELLES. Womer dig ee s4rcersesiess Margaret Bell “Far Away FromLondon * 2. 4%, Alte sen PROFIT BY THE EXPERIENCE OF * Susquehanna Home" ...... 2. dtingley B.25 A. ED -SNICKOLDS and THOSE WHO KNOW. ALBERT H. HOWE. In Vocal, Instrumental ond Humorous Those tiny “pin-point"™ signals: pip-pip-pip-pip- Harmony. pip-pip, which come over every night at 10 o'clock, 8.37. THE ORCHESTRA, Suite, “' Les Deox Pigeons.” 0... dfessager must needs be transmitted in notes sharp and clear. Entrée des Txiganes; Beane et Pas -adles That they are heard with such regular distinctness Deux. Pigeons; Theme et Variations, is due to faithful transmission by the Valves 8.47: EDA RENNIE. * Shonld He -Lpbrand? . 0. .ccesene Fishan backed by the names MARCONI and OSRAM. * The Willow Some": ..0).. Cole ridge-Taylor In your own selection of valves the wise course Cone Rack“... es 7 OEa ec ivceecd cess a Hi. Kyearter is to make the same choice as the experts. BST. THE ORCHESTRA. " Suite Frangaise "oo. Points “Les Zouaves ": “' Lo Fée Tarapata Buy the Valves backed by the names pour’; ' Hymne Heéreique"’ " Joie de Vivre," 9.10. JEAN PAULE and LEONTE LASCELLES. * Everybody “Loves My TBiahy " MARCONI s. OSRAM * Fifties and Paliner " This: Year, Next Year “2.04. 2/. Gatlistiy " Alahaniy Baan as Iho Flendecraan B20 A: E. NICKOLDS and * ALBERT H. HOWE. In Woeal, Instromental and Humorous Sold by Wireless Harmony: 9:30: THE ORCHESTRA. and Electrical Tarantelle, “Napoli” ...... Aferzarapo Dealers, Stores, etc. March, “ Cleopatra ..c00... Manceneftl B47 EDA BENNIE, "When Love is Kind * (Old Melody) eer, AE. ‘Song of the Open... La Farge “A Daisy's Song"... Bdeth Savepetone ANNOUNCEMENT OF 4 Falling Bibsaair | eye cceysaees atta sawyer THE MO. VALVE oo, LTD, “The Last Song”. acierns, Poet 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. i, prom Hondo. 10.15.—Pregramme 8.8. from London. 10 45.—-Close down,

JULY dist, 18c5. ] -- KADIO “TIMES —-

(Aug. 2nd to PROGRAMMES FOR BELFAST Aug. 8th.) ——— SSSee

The letters * *S.8." pelted in iintics fn thee programmes TUESDAY. Selection, | ‘TheMaid of the Mountaine + + sigoity a Gimeltaneaua Bresdcast from the wation men tioned. 11.30-12.30.— Gramophone Revords. ProvoSonar Sedection, *" No, Na, Nanette"... J onnnae 2BE 439 M. “THE WORKHOUSE WARB,” Programme relayed from a SUNDAY. br Lady Ginagory, 4,0), " Rose Garden on the Loughside."’ Pinyers ee-6,40,—_ORGAN HECITAL, 8, from THE STATION ORCHESTRA. Mike Melnerey JAMES London, ay BTEWART 6.30-6,45.—The Rev. BR. J. HUNT, S28. fron JOST PHINE MosEAGH (Soprane}. fi, ah, - rr etatasNS CORNER. 3Htelayedd Tron Michael Miskell | Paupers)q, RICHARD Lomo, * Hose Carden on the Loughmde. 7 HAYWARD

4 (). The Station. Chow, 56-84. —Childiren’s Lettera. Mrs, Donohoe (A Countirywoman} ELMA HAYWARD Hymn, "© Strength and Stay.” 7.0-10.10.—Programme §.B. from London. 1l0.0,—_WERATHER FORECAST and NEWS, Anthem, “Sweek we: That Me roe" Barinby 7.0—WEATHER FORECAST end NEWS. SAL from omelon, ‘Lhe Hey... Wi, He. TOWNLEY TILSOR, JOHN STRACHEY. Topical Talk. js. from Lawdean. MLA., Moderator of the Non-Subscnbing 7.25.—Locl News. lha.—THE SAVOY BANDS, SB, jira hurch of Iretaned: Achhtpas. 7.30, —Mideal Tnterlodea, Jomo, The Chou, 74t.—Mr: ELE BRETTON MARTIN, 11.3, —ose -cdowm Hymn, “' The Rachant Morn.” ..0—8YMPHONY CONCERT. 10,0,—-WEATHER FORECAST and HEWS. FRIDAY. 2.00— 10a0, Progrenune &.8.from London. Thd0-12.30, Gramophone Renoris, 1h1h.— DANCE MUSIC, relayed from Glen- MONDAY. 4-0, THE 8&TATION ORCHESTRA, eaglesHotel, Ao, from Giaspoir, 4.0-5.0,—The “ 3RE " Quartet. JOSEPHA ATTAMS (Earit one}, 11.0. —Gleee don, f.40.—CHILDREN'S. CORNER. 6.40,—_CAILDREN'S CORNER, F.6.f—i8, 0,—hildinen'a Taverns: WEDNESDAY. Oo, o0—60.—Child pens Ibebbers. At)=— Baartia Bocieby Talk.8.8) fron London. 4.0-5.0.— The." 2BE™ Quartet, 7.0—-10.45,—-Programme 5.6. trom London. 70.—WEATHER FORECAST end NEWS. b.a,—CHILDRENS GORNER. O—WEATHER FORECAST «anl NEWS le S.B. from: Doreen, 7,.65—i1,0.—!Children's Letters. PERCY SCHOLES, Ti canal Talk. Soe. jrom Landes, -WEATHER, FORECAST ond NEWS, 7.25.—Lacal News. 7.25,— Local News, SH. from Londo. 7.30. —Musieal Tnterlndte. ftalian Orchestral Music. Topical Talk. 8.8. from London, 7.40.—Mr,.. HUGH. REDWOOD, THE STATION ORCHESTRA. T, 2. Looeal News. 8.0," BOUND THE BIrATionxs." JOSEPH WALSH. (Tener) 1.0.— RUSSIAN HOUR. GRACE IVELDL: and VIVIAN WORTH T..— Royal Hortionltirai Society Tali. 4.8, Jrom London. 1o.0.—WEREATHER FORECAST and NEWS. (Rnteriamers}. 1.15.—CURDAR PACL, fouls THE ORCHESTEA., Popular Orchestral Goncert. . 10.43,—Close down. Mirth, § Le Ritirate Tialane : Drescher THE ADGMENTED Tarantella (“A Day m Naples")... Syng STATION: ORCHESTRA. SATURDAY. Booimir tho: Naples "’ sar les Motifs che ba Conmdocted by —E. GODFREY BROWN, 40—-5:0-—The "SBETro EH. od. Horrig CEORGE BAKER (Baritone), Valeo Ttalenne, * Ricardo di Torina,” (Solo Clarinet}. Tab, THE ORCHESTRA. Op, 256 ...... , ; AG Berucea h.30.CHILDREN'S CORNER, Overture, “The Gondoliers * .., Sullican * Dance of thie Hours’ *({" La Giooonda ') §55-6.40,—Children'’s Letters, Ponehielli A Musical Fairy Tale, * Umderella,” Op. 20 Percy Pitt 7.0.—WEATHER FORECAST «mi NEWS, Entertainment and Dance. S28, from Jondon. &.2. IEORGE BARKER, #0. OCRACE IVELDE and VIVIAN WORTH. A. BONNET LAIRD. 8.8. fro Leadon, Selection, Bsae gst tel te Fart Phauaraten 7..2£0.—Local News. “ Me-and the Boy Friend " Monace S12. THE ORC HESTRA. “Come Back to Mo” os... Dene ‘Insh Rhepeaty “No. On, Th Stanford Something for Everybody. 8.13; THE ORCHESTRA. B20, GEORGE BAKER, THE. &TATION ORCHESTRA. Waltz, “' Acclamationa “"...... MWaldteufal Felected, THELMA PETERSEN (Mezzo-Soprano) 8.22. GRACE IVELL ond VIVIAN WORTH. S38. THE ORCHESTRA, Mre. ROONEY of Belfast. “Ccryin, gc Water’...... Aoblen | Bercourna,' No, ‘I, ip. SH ae . Bepeso aoa, THE ORCHESTRA, Are You Landon 7Pathe oe, we Jae 8 60), GHORGE HARKER, March, “* Handa Across the Bea” ... Sousa Fm Wondertol oe akas Darcuski : elected. Overture, ** Zeng eartrees Hh. THE ORCHESTRA, 1.5. THE ORCHESTRA, Tutt, THELMA PETERSEN. Polka fVhrea Disarray: "The -Bartered ‘Two Waltzes, Op. 4.Mucins Dvorak Ariawith Orchestra,0 Don Fatale Bride") ..-+.,. .. Sesto ne Overture, “ Tannhianser” ...... Wogeer Ferdi B42 GRACE IVELL and ¥ IV LAN WORTH. Suite No. 2, Op. 23, “ Silhouettes ™ Tare, THE ORCHESTRA. Es ade eae dcee 6 AM Arenaky An Eastern Suite, “ In a Persian Market." “'T'm a Tin |Soldiar es oe ell Jcasel AMimuet from Siurte, * BL Arhésenne ” Bizet Fietelbey ‘Come Back" |. . thaws de Hance Triomphal March from“ Caractacus B10. THELMA PETERSEN, aireat It Rain, Let Bic: Pour” .. Denaldsdn Elgar “A Blood Red Ring) ' B67. THE ORCHESTEHA. i.o— WRATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Walts,)" Rouge ob Noir oie ea ees Lotter SB. from London: aa ee ay en Abert Malhiieou Singer and Orchestra. 1. 15.—Programme 8.8, from Lendon, § Floor Window" assess 6.5. FORE PH WALSH, 10.45,—Close chown, Taperseek ith sees » Coferidge-Taeylor “A Bott Day” ak debate tal bea pk Stanford Love Wonk A-Riding ” . Pipeink Bridie “Revery, Op. 60, No. a Arensky THURSDAY. ee THE ORCHESTRA. " Faery. Song” (with Harp Obbligato} 4.0-5.0.—The “ 2BE ™ Quintet. " Ballot Wussea;” Part Desi cavccees » Daigini Rutlene Hougitan 5.0,—-CHILDREN'’S CORNER, 8.35. THELMA PETERSEN. “An Eriskay Love Lilt" (with Harp 6, 86- 6,0,—(Chaldren's Tebters. WW EEC? vse wedien endow SeOO Harty Obbhggato) cassece sc Af. Konnedy-Praser 6.40.— Boye’ Brigade Bulletin. “Goal Morning pavtvssee | 7h 7.25.—Prograninne Ae from Landa. a B17. THE ORE HESTERA. “Bo CGonmthy Speaks My Deis Cfeder Buite, “' Hiawetha" <<... Coleridge-Towylor 7.25.— Local: New, Lady Pateice cdeseses: 6.30, JOSEPH WALSH. Entertainers —Orchestra— Play. “ Bummer Night * (w ith "Cello Obbhgate) “ Down In the Forest’ (A Cycle of Life) THE STATION ORCHESTRA. Goring Phos Landon Ronald NICGKOLDS and HOWE anah Soab7. THE ORCHESTRA. “0 Lovely Night* (with ‘Cello Obbingaia) JAMES STEWART .. wah Serenade, “ Danse dea Fleurs“ Landon Ronedd M. RICHARD HAYWARD,..}(Players) AMiaacheraia ———— Love: the ier oes ivicwee ce, Feber ELMA FAYIWARD 2252: 5. Mre. ROONEY ‘of Belfast, Wien Ae es oe ee eee FF. Aloore ial, THE ORCHESTRA. B17; THE ORCHESTRA. Modern Dance Music. March Medley, Martaal Moments ™ Witter “The Farewell” Symphony ...... Hoydn a ea THE ORCHESTRA, “Hymn to the Sun” (“Le Cog @Or"’) . 40, Mrs. ROONEY ‘of Belfast. Fox-trot, “ Oriental Moon ™ Fimsky- Aereaiben 8.52. THE ORCHESTRA. Frowley and Flanders Meditation from: Thais’ (For Violin: Bolo Fox-trot, " Nothing At All"... Buchonon Vilee, “lame Brought the Resea™ Openshaw and Oipchoetra) ..ccsdageecesccsesess JUarinel 1i..—_WEATHER: FORECAST and NEWS, Pox-trot, * Semingla ’".. Warren andKing NICKOLDS and HOWE SB from London, 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. will entertarn. 10.15.—_ DANCE MUSIC, relayed fram Glen- Sof, from. London, Aa THE ORCHESTRA, eagles Hotel. Sit. from Gtiragow. 10.15,—THE: SAVOY BANDE: Bam, tit Miorical Comedy. 11.6.—THE BAVOY BANDS. §.8. from Landen, Four Dences Srcm “'' The Rebel Maid ™ London, Pintlips 12.0,— (Close down, 12.0.—Close down,

2o0 — RADIO TIMES -—— [Jeny Siar, 1535, = |

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Juuy dls, 1825.| TIMES —— ao}

Dundee Programme. (Centiaved from the precious column.) Edinburgh Programme. THE BAND. 2DE a1 M., ' Cho the Wireless ZEH 328 M. Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd. Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd. Descriptive Poorce, * Jaonie's Patrol“ DUNCAN. CLARK, SUNDAY, August 2nd. SUNDAY, August 2nd. ‘The Dowie Dane a! Varro ' $.30-5.45.— Programme 8.8. from London, 4 $0-.45.—Programme ALE. fram tilnegow. "The Wee. Wee Mien 6.30—-9.0.—“Fiatigcaes Barvice conducted by ihe £.50-0.0.— Service conducted hy the” Rev. ‘Bred (laith, Rethe nt ‘Ferguson Rev. Arthur A. Cowan, of St. James" GRORGE BLATR,. B.T,, of Rahul ER oF PTolloehporum “* .. eral cd bee Joba Shiner United Free Church, Edintwurgh, aid Church, A Min Man Lr nds : ‘istewees 2 Pe fasisted by the Choir. 8-1). 30, Progrenme Sf. fri london. THE BAND. Hiawrattia , ies 9.0-10,30.—Programme 3.8. frown London, MONDAY, August 3rd. : Homereoaie AY Miaeien Sw iteh 3.0-4.90.—The Station Trio. Afternoon Topice. li.0.—WEATHER. FORECAST MONDAY, August 3rd. 5.30-4,0,—CHILDRENS CORNER. Sf oases Leanecian. $.01.0.—The Station Prnoforte Tria, (,0-0.5—Children's Letters, { SAVONAA DANCE §.0.—CHILBDREN'S CORNER. 6.40-12.0,— Programme 8.8. from Lontion. 22-6,—Chikiren’s Latters, ; Aly Fnhina Llinsa on «A Rainy 6.40-7.40,—Programme SB. from Lemon. TUESDAY, August 4th. TATA — Mp: «=H. MORTIMER BATTER, 11.30-12.50.—Recital of New Gramephone ee Leovethe: Moon mt F.2.8., " The Life Story of the Alpme Piesncercis. Hare.” 3.40-4.80,—Musieal Enterlade. 8.0-12.0.—Programme SUE. from Londen. 5,304.0, CHILDREN'S CORNER. re dtd Dadiderty #,0-8.5,—hiren'a Leetiiere. is Bavoy Arar Medley # TUESDAY, August 4th. 6.40—10.15.— Programme SAB. from London Daebroy Soners L1.-12-30.— Gramophone Records and Poter 10. 15- 11.90.—Progromme 8.8. from Giragen. »-. Kine {Hass}. SATURDAY, August 8th. 2.0—4.0,— "The Station Pranoferte Trin, WEDNESDAY, August 5th. Tho Station Tria, Women’s Topics. 5.0.— CHILDREN'S CORNER, 70-1. 90.— The Btetion Tro, Afternnan Topice. Jean Harley (Boprame }, 5.400,— Children's Latters. Grace. Miller (Saprinnc). CHILDREN'S CORNER, 6.740. — Prepon 8.9. from Jono, 5. 30-4).0,— CHILDRENS CORNER. TA Mr. Henry al. Wileman on ' Poets asl Poetry AS fi0 6. Children’s Letters, Proprimnne 8A. fron evden, i,oa?7.o5.— Proor SB. fren Dondon, ‘he “SE Sports Corner. $.0—11 00) —Progeaniine 3&8, fren Londen, -25-8.0,—The Revs - E. FORSTER: °** The -Progranint Ao, from ondon, Miter at Work.’ af Mh— 1 1.10) Programme SLA. from Glasgoie. WEDNESDAY, August 5th. 3.0-—The Statian Piandiorbe Trica, Al 10.45. Progrtuie: A.BS fren Glasgew. fy Occere AI. Hi. from London. 4.0,.—Jeeie Miller (Com ralt cl, Sannige Haseriaal,

THURSDAY, August fth. £0. HILDREN'S CORNER. {Continced fram column J.) 5,50—6.0,— (Children’s: Lakers. A tO — Mea) Titerdune, 6.40-7.25.—Programmé oo.6. from Conton. htt 6.), CHILDREN’S CORNER, CERTRUDE EDVARD, T.36.—Me. J, 8. CHISHOLM: Horticnlium! +, 0—0.0,—Children's Lavtbors, Tripoli | Talk. .40-7.40.— Programe 8. from Dondon. 740-8.0.—Progromme S.R. from Londo. 7 4+-8.0.— Dimdee Horticultuml Society Brul- Malpensa" $.0-10.0,— Prayanine Bu. fi EFRL tla. bei. * Et Lellilia * 10+ 1 hai4.- Preemie oo. fren London: 6.0-11.30.— Programme 208. from Ghar, CEORGE. CUNNINGHAM. 10,45-12.0;,—" THE ROMAN Y REVEL- AL Soppleris Romp" LERS “ from the Dunedin Fahce FRIDAY, August 7th. “The Tune of the Open Country” . Danse, 4.30--1.90.—Musical Interlude. Easthope Martin ceetdacbedcherewedeORM 6. 30-0.0.—CHELDRES'S CORNER. THURSDAY, August 6th. 6.0-01.5,— Children's Letters. THE ORCHESTRA. 11.20-12.30.—Gramophone Records and Stewart 6.40-7.25,— Programme SUB, from London, Excerpts irom the ™ Nutcracker Suite * nmin | Baritone). 7.25.—Local News, Pebhokorsky J.0—4.0,—The Silation PinoforteTra, 7.30.-—Musical Interlude. S.6.from Lomdon, 10.0.—WEATHER. FORECAST and o.0-5.0).—CHILDREAS OORALOR. 740.— The Rev. Dr. WALTER «A. MURSELL. f. prow sherdene. 60—8.0.—(Children'a Letiers, SB. from A berdeen. Sietion Dineetors Talk, Local News, 6.40—11.30.—Pregramme 5.8, from London, Lo4 (approx. ). Pianstorte Recital Band Night. iz IDAY, August 7th. AKNA FRASER (Barpiraay }. : WOODWARD. 3.0-4..0.—The Station Pianoforte Tria, HUNCAN CLARE (Recital). 5.0-5.4),—CHILDREN'S CORNER. - ST. MARGARET'S (OLD) SILVER an Bee ieeeares lasdacecesss,ital 6.50—6.0.—(hildiren’sLethera BANT) ; “Lae Coueou :‘ 1 6.40—7.40,—Programme 8.8. fron Lotion, - Conducted by G. FY MILLER. Sa 7.40.—Edinburgh Radio Society Talk, ' 8,4, THE BAND, A Spanish Evening. March, ** Punchmella Me ec Seapeen ea) a eHere esenieete"5 R.‘Moonie GERTRUDE EDGARD Bolection, * La Traviata i Rakes of “ Danese Népre' a flyr Beott ( Meze-Foprarva), ABRNA FRASER, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM (Baritone). MO SGE ! ceescstenteareceucess JePOeR Oliwer 10445.—Ciese down, LIGHT: ORCHESTRA : ™ Mwy Frayer I aia cyt ca ee pee Aearire Conducted by HERBERT MORE. ie Norwegian Bong TT etna eee Aapinal SATURDAY, August 8th. ee rte”> bdduscaddbebeaaenmehherea she” See o.0-h0.— The Station Pianoforia Tria, 6.0, THE ORCHESTRA, —CHILDREN'S CORNER, THE. BANT. * Spanish BRhaptody see ccc dichardy 60-8,0 —Ohildren'e Letters, eee Extravaganza, “ The Jolly Miller ™ 8.5, GERTRUDE EDGARD. A a afer 6.40-12.6.— Programme 3.8. from London, * Doe Dab perceeeeer. 2. Damon Balection, “Chu Chin Chow "ini Orton “Trane del Canianba-” et De (te. ale aeey

[] Fe rer bePe Law Eusieiern DUNCAN CLARK: | Reeital), (Under the auspices of the Scottish Associa- 8.20, THE ORCHESTRA. tion-for the ene, of Verse}. * Soamsh Dances ** 4... Mods es Shylock Vows Rev it“(Phe Meréhant DOMINION Boat, GERTRUDE EDGAR ID. af “Wondews Aet D0. 1h. " Bepuidilia de In Manche “ '" Caueeiae Dine igilbaest Re Shake AtaEB Lat Bubite!". +... hla: Caeser 7}, FOREIGN “Canto Patriotica “Tenbel: Decieiesendinciediedinct> orn. . Earcome OWokey a Farewell to-Greatinees. Tae PROGRAMMES Tes pe ah een eer THE BANE. “Ayre ide Zumalacar- Incidental Music to “The. Merchant. of Perr ae pap tiiean dite i Weng iasrceyess oP cba CeRE Ga icles he “THE RADIO SUPPLEMENT ” B45, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, Prelude; Intermeznao; Oriental March. (The Companion Journal to “ The Bacio Times ™) each WWE oa sfat sd sea eeenuy dace poe el ANNA FRASER. “ Star of Eve“ (* Tannhiiaser ™) ... Wagner "Land o Heart's Desire” pee Every Friday B.53- THE ORCHESTRA. * Auld Beata ange patie costars nid eat La Order yourcopy from the WN Belvction, “" Boomeon anc Delilah" o (Caller Herrin: ois ab vegans CORD Eta who supplies your " Radia Times.” Sindee ig (Continued in acanextciian) shepetedsdelebib-iinindeeeee eee (Continued tn the previous column.)

260 —— RADIO TIMES —— [dcx Sler, 1925.


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ny Slat, 125.|j neni TIMES — ant

—_—-— Hull Programme. Liverpool Programme. Nottingham Programme. 6KH 335 M. 6LV 315 M. _§NG 326 M, Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd. Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd. Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd-

SUNDAY, August 2nd. SUNDAY, August 2nd. SUNDAY, August 2nd. 3.30- §.45.— Programa 88. from london, 200d.— Propane SB, ren Ieee. é a 5.40. 630-1030.4 Progran face. So. frroy Loven, #.30-9.0.—Service ancl Address hy the Rev, 8: 30-8, 65,—Ferrice ind Address The Rev. &. (anon W, THOMPSON. ELLIOTT. J, NISBET. WALLACE (Hon. Chaplain . MONDAY, Augwet Ird. ' 90-10, d0.—Precramme 8.8. from London: ta the Forees|, Vicar of Bt: Motthew's. 5) 0—4. 0 Music relayed from the Majestic Pi- Hymns and Anthem rendered by The Choir fire Hoenen MONDAY, August 3rd. of &t. Matthew's Church, onder the 4.0-4.50.— Afternoon Topice. 11.0-124 —Midday Concert. Direction. of Mr. VERNON SADLER 3.30—4.30,.— The Trocadero Cinema Orchestra, 56 2h, hildren @. Toabbere. (Cirgmmist). §.25-6.0,— CH I LOREM'S CORNER. §.45.—Children's Letters §.0-10.30.— Programe S.B. from Londo, 6.40- 12.0, Prepon88, from. Donon. 6.55, CHILDREN'S CORNER, .26,-—"Teena" Corner, MONDAY, August 3rd.

sg TUESDAY, August 4th. i. 5, as, Progrim mo. hom Londen. 11.30-12.30,-— Midday ©Dransiineon, 3. a Hernan BDarewaki ‘and hie Band, -0—8.00.—Progecine SoG.from CARDIPE. $.45.—The Seala. Picture ¢Theatre Orchestra: relayed from The Spa, Bridlington. §,.30-12.0.— Programme 5.8. from London. Musical’ Director, ‘Andrew ie, 4.0-4,30.— Afternoon Topace. 4u15.— ATiennsWin aue §.15-5,25.—OChildren'as Lottere. ; TUESDAY, August 4th. &15.—CHILDREN'S OOFGN ER. 20+—The Station Pianoforta Quartet, Latah £.25-.0.— CHILDREN'S CORNER. 4.00.— 0hdinerae bere, 640-1 LPeoprenerne AL, from Loader, Griffith (Mezso-Soprang) 6.0--6,10.— Station ‘Topics, WEDNESDAY, August Sth. 4.0-f.1.—The Station Pianofortea Quartet, 6,40-}2.0.—Progromme SB, from Lewdon, 9.041,.0,—Mukie ralaynd= from thee Majestic 46, —Children’s eters. 4.Ah.—_ CHILDREN'S CORNER, TUESDAY, August 4th. Pictiore Howse. 1130-12, 0-—Mididay. Transmission. id. 30), Afternoon, Topice. fli 25, — "Tent(Comer (.40.-—Harold Geo onl he Orchestre. 3.45,.—Lyore (iis Orchestra ; Conductor, Bras- 5, L6-5.25.——-Chikinen’s Lotter. T.0-11.30.— Programme 3.8. from London. sey Eyton. 5.25-6.0.- CHILDREN'S CORNER. 4.45.— Afternoon Topics. i,40-7.35.-—Programme 2.8, from: ioneaor. . WEDNESDAY, Augwst 5th, 6.15, HI LDRENS CORNER. 7.35,— Royal Horticultural Socuety "Talk Et12..0, =Midedlay Conecdrt, f.40,—Children's Letters. 7. 40~10,44. ~ Pragranmeé 8.8. from London. 4d30- 40, -Putrize ¥ and his Orcheetra, relaxed 6.06. 10.—"Teens" Corner. THURSDAY, August 6th. from the Futurist Cinema, 6,40-7.40.—Prograomme S.A. from Loudon, $.0-4.0.— Herman Dorewski: ond: hie: Band, §.4o.—Children’s Lotter. 7.40-7.55.— Mr. 10. W. SHELTON,“ The Old 4.0-4.30,— Afternoon ‘Popirs. ? 6ii.—_CHTLDREN'S CORNER, Fosse Way from Lincoln to Lyme Regis.” fi. 15-634. — Children's Letters. fi. 25.— "Teens Corner, B.0-1LS0- Programe 8.5. from Joondom, 6,40--7.35.— Programme 5.8 from London. i thi. CHILDREN'S CORNER. 2 WEDNESDAY, August 5th. ee Peo Honienitoral Boceby Talk. 640-1 1.30,— Programme 8.8. froin Londo 11.30-12,.30.—-Midday “‘Traneamiscon, §-10.45.— Programme 88, from London. FRIDAY, August 7th. 3.435,—Lyons Café. Onchestra. J.0.—Musio reayed trom-the Mardéetic Picture THURSDAY, August 6th. 4.45.— Afternoon Topics, Acuse. ‘ ds i $.00.— Afternoon Topics, 6. 14.—CATLDREN'S QURNER. tlt) —Troncsniseion te Schools, 40-80—The Seala Cinema Orchestra, 6.§0,—Children's Letters, 4.0.—Gramophone Records. 546.—Ohildren‘s Letters. 6.0-6,10-—“Teena’ Corner. 4. 2).—_Afternoon ‘Topics. §,64.—CHILDRENS CORNER. 6.40-7.40.—Progromma SB. from London. §.0.—Talk to Invalides, by " Whitefriar.” £25.— “Feons’ (Sorret. 7.40.—Mr. C..G. BEASLEY, B.A, “ How We 5.15.— Children’s Letters. = b.A0-11.30.—Propromme O28. from Donde. Get Or Food "* (3), 6 3fh.- _-CHILDREN'’S CORNER, FRIDAY, August 7th. 5.0-10.45,—Programme 3.8. from Eanes, (206.40.—Musieal Interlude. 4.0-5.0.— The Station String Quartet. M. Hall THURSDAY, August 6th. 6.40-7,40.—Pregramme Sw, from London, > Jones: (Sopranc). 11.30—12.80.—Midday Trananiiasion. 7.40-7.55,.—Mr,. 0. W. RODMELL, B.A, §.4.—Children'’s Letters, L45h.— The Seale Pisture Theatre Orchestra AM.LDChem.E., “Photography (9) §,55.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. £.45.—(iramophone Recards, From City and Seaside. 6,25.—"“Teene" Corner. §.15.—CAILOREN'S. CORNER, HARRY. BURLEY (Bantonel i.40.—Potrinoy enc his Orchestra. 6.60.—Chuledren’s Letter. OLGA MARTIN (Recitalal T.-68.0—Profonmne 8.8. from [London 6,0—6.10.—"Teens” Corner. HERMAN BDAREWSE1 ind “With the Gipsies."" (.40-7,.40.—Programne S.8, from Lordan, His BAND. 7.407. 55. —Serute’ Corner, GEORGE HILL (Baritone). Relayed from Tho Spa, Eridtington. LEWARD COLLINRON (Salo Cello), $,0-—11, 38. =Programme i from London, 6,0. HERMAN DAREWERL fad THE STATION ORCHESTEA : FRIDAY, August 7th. HIS BAND. Under the Direstion cf FREDERICK 11.30-12.90,—Midday ‘Tranamiaaion, 8.20, eeBU RLEY. BROWN, 3.45.—Lyons’ Café Orchestra. “ Harlequin” ... eer cere BO. TH E ORCHESTRA. 4.46.—Afternoon Topica. “Sigh No More” 5 0c. ssecucess ‘liken Overture, ““ Hunyidt Lazlo Seiad Erkel 5.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. A, 0), HERMAN DAREWSKI and “ Slavenin Rhapsody” ...... ines Friedirn. 6.50 —Children’s Letters, His BAND. &. 15. GEORGE HIGL, é.0-6.10.—‘Teens’ Corner, 8.0. OLGA MARTIN. “A Gipsy Trail”. ..cc1.. Basthope Mertin b.40-7,40.— Programme &.8, from Lenton, In Selections from Her Renertoire. 8.30). THE ORCHESTRA. 7.40.—Mr. F. T. WALKER; “Same Impree- 8.0, HARRY BURLEY. Bolestion, ““ Gipsy Loweocc creer Lehar sions of Wimbledon "* (2), “Come Away, Death ,. 45. FREDERICK BROWN (Salo Wiodlin). A Round of Our Scotch 1“o Mistress Ming ")i..c..0. Roger Quilter Selected. and Irish Stations. * Blow, Blow, Than Winter B48, GEORGE HILL, Between -$ and 10 o'clock we propose tc Wiind" ane “ Hungarian Melolies ”...2..... Aerbey take you on a personally conducted tour 0. 14, HERMAN ‘DAREWSKI anil 0. THE ORCHESTRA, Hit BAND, “Gipsy Borte* /...... BdwerdGerman round: our Seoteh and Ireh Stathons, including Glasgow, Aberdeen, Belfast, 0,30; OLGA MARTI. 0.26, LEONARD COLLINSON, Edinburch aod Dundeo. Before wo wert. In Selections from Her Reperteure. “Hungarian Rhapeodty scti.es Popper cach station, woe will) give you o- brief 40, HARRY BURLEY. 0,55. THE ORCHESTRA. deseription of the locality in which it is ‘The Woelga-Boatmen’s Bong Fantasia, “Tn a Gigey Camp ",. Jperber situated, and of its development ‘and Cheating ine Amine ** Hungarian Rhapsody,” Mo. Veeesiis.-htett Present selivities. “The Sweetest Flower That Glows ™ 10.0,— Programme &.8 from London. 10.0.—WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Hawley 10.15. "When Stately Dames Made Curtsey 8,50, HERMAN DAREWSEI and SB. from Lomion, Local News, Low."" HIS BAND, 10.15-10,45.—We shall return to the Midlands 1.0.—WEATHER POURECAST and NEWS. HILDA ROBERTS iSoprang). and Visit the Birmingham Station. S.A. from Londay. Lacal News, THE O70 ESTHA. 11.4.—Back once more to Nottingham te listen 10.15. HERMAN DAHREWBEE wel Buta; “” In Days ef. Rommnce "_. Harding to the BAVANNAS BAND from the His§t BANTER 10.45.—loes dewn., Palais de Dense. | DanceProgramme, SATURDAY, August §&th. 12.0.—" And 60," a6 SamuelPepys would have 10.45.—Clhves clown 56+4— hie. Fagfaved at Organ Hecitil, re- said, “to bed.” SATURDAY, August 8th. layed from St. Georeo's Hall. SATURDAY, August §th. 1 0-4.0—Herman Deareswseki ond: Hoe and. Hab,—Children’ A. Letters, 2.45.—The Sevannas Band, relayed from the ‘0-4, 90.—Atternoon Topics, 56h.—UHILDRENS OORNER, Palais de Danse, 6,15,—Childrenta ‘Letters. £.25,—Teens’ Conwwer, 5.1,—_CHLLDREN'R CORNER, A, 26-0.0, CHILDRENS CORNER, (.40,—Gaillard ad bite Onehestire, 5.50-6.0.—Children’s Letters. 6.40-12.0;— Programme SOB. from bouden, A. Progremme 88. from Londen. 6.40-12.0,.—Programme SOB. from Loudon,

— RADIO TIMES —_— [dcuny dler,. 1925 a - - -- ee = me aie ae

The easiest way to charge your accumulator at home

———by means of the Balkite Battery Charger

F you have alternating current electric light supply, you can a your accumulator al home easly and cheaply by ising the Balkite Battery Charger. This simple Burndept accessory 18 absolutely silent in operation. It has no valves or First of all, you pot moving parts, there is nothing to ad- the connecting plug of yust or get out of order, and it cannot the Balkite Charger deteriorate through use or disuse. The inte the ordinary elec: Charger needs no attention except iri light socket, the periodical addition ofa little dis- tilled water. It rectifies both half Modern Wireless means a great deal more oyeles of the alternating current. than mere radio journalism to the enthusiast. It The charging rate being 24 to 3 amperes per hour, a 6-volt 50-amp. is the source of valuable advice and instruction. (actual) accumulator will be - com- To those who wish to obtain the last ounce pletely charged in about 20 hours at of efficiency from their sets it is indispensable. a cost of less than dd. per hour, based on a cost of Gd. per unit. A large It gives confidence. to the constructor, making accumulator in regular use can be the "hedidine of sets a pleasure. charged overnight once weekly. The articles are mteresting, embracing, as they do, Then connect the clips Write for further particulars of subjects of intense valueto every wireless man.’ of the Charger to the the Balkite Battery Charger. ht will The authors are all experts im radio, .and, terminals of the ac- save you money and ensure thal your being familiar with the enthusiast'stroubles, cumulafor, Even if accumulator is always fully charged. the clips are wrongly know how to cope with them. commected, mo farm j Balkite Battery | Charger, aidienks Furthermore, Modern Wireless is produced accumulator acid, for alternating | can be done. by Radio Press, Ltd. a concern who. are Meo. 4911: ”200. 24) volts, 30-60 cycles, | known throughout the world” as publishers No. 492—100-115 volts, 40-60 cycles, i of dependab wireless literature. lt is £5 150 l edited by John Scott-Taggart, F.Inst.P., Head Office: A.M.LE.E., whose reputation is unrivalled. Press the electric light AldineHouse, Bedford St., Words are inadequate fo convey the count- switch and that's all | Strand, London, W.C.2 Fant if simple 2 Branches and Agents throughoot the less attractions Modern Wireless offers... You country. must buy a copy to appreciate fully its The Balkite Battery Charger is unparalleled value. one of the many items of the extensive Burndept which

includes eeeee radio ON SALE AUGUST Ist reception. ORDER YOUR COPY TO-DAY

Selection from Contents. AUGUST. The Wircloss Engineer and his Werk. By W. H. Eccles, D.8c., F.R.8. Large or Small Acriala. By J. H. Reynor, O.5c. A.C.GLL, B.1. How to make o Selective Four-Valve Get. Dy EZ.Jd. Marriott. Hew to make a Self-Contalned Three-Vaive Recelver. By John Underdown, Using the All-Enclosed Guper-Heterodyne. Hy 1 a P. Kendall, B.Sc. A Selective Circult for Broadcast Reception. | By A. D. Cowper M.Gc. A ChokeCoupled Two-Valve Receiver. By DB. J.&. Hartt Bac. A Crystal Recelver With Inductive Coupling. By B. E. F. Burnott. Two-Valve Cireculte Worth Trying: Choosing a Radio Sect.


Advt. of RADIO PRESS, LTD., Bush House, Strand, London, W.C.2. errr ee farcin Ad. v t U T 14toe

— JrLy Siler, 1925.) — RADIO TIMES

SS —— = Plymouth Programme. 5PY 338 M. Week Beginning Sunday, August. 2nd.

SUNDAY, August 2nd. 1.30-5:45,—— Programme SOG. from London, B.16—-8.0; Sunday Evening Service, relayed from George Street Baptiat Church. lucas ROADS The new LUCAS Religious Address by " MILAM" The Rev. J.HOWEN RODDA. _ cometADIO o BATTERIES (Pastor, Greenhank United Methodist ALITIES” ttrengdhy, seat Church.) from sical | ee elimtp SPetarance, §.0-10,30.— Programme S.A. from London, Depaoritment G. taeee Therhoses a P o l i s h e d eboey, Ral reqine aa Be | erates fen MON., Atgust 3rd, WED., August Sth. entrely ‘sc M-costeined: Exh LLab 12.30.—Cramophone Records. : poetawalta and! GearweeMtb, $304,390. Ernest Manningand his Orchestra, rodaandisarongor 6 5.0, “AT moon ‘Topica, H E S 81/6 0. 275-—(hildrens Letters, : (imo 'Bubertich es Rats i amare a F 5,90. 10.—CH LDREN'S GORN EA. - in | 6.44) onwards.—Programne SH. from Loudon, I A P S (En trtmitagt2 9 / 6 (itesctr, Fite 342 ms. Kevur, nas 58/6 TUESDAY, August 4th. Burarg, | 5. 0O—4. 90), —Ernest Manningand dis Orchestra, relayed from the New Falladiom Cinema. 6.0.—Afterneon ‘Topics. 6§,26,—Children'a ... Letters. 5. 20-6,10,_ CHILDREN'S CORNER. 0.40—7.40,— Programme SH. from Lowdon, 7.40,—" CASSIUS “on. “The dinglish Spirit.” 6.0=11.00,— Programme S.5. from London, THURS., August 6th, SAT., August 8th. 4.0-5.0.—Athert Fullbrook and his’Trio, relayed ' from the Royal Hotel. 5.0. Afternoon Topics, 5.25,— Children’s Letters, 5.406. 10.—C HL LDRENS OORN ER. 6.40 cnwurds, Programme 8.8, fron London.

tie ““ FRIDAY, August 7th. 4.0. Alheet Fillbrook and his Tris.

= h.,—Afternoon. Topica, §.25.—Children’s Lottors, 6,30-6.10.— CHILDREN'S CORNER. 40-27.40,— Prepranime SBS from London. 7.40.—Mrr RieAyY COLWILE on” The Dangera of, Simmer Holidays... i i EDSNA VANBTONE (Contralto). ARTHUR MARTEN (Tenor). WISIFRED GRANT [Solo Pisnofarte). BRAND OF THE 22ND BATTALION THE ROYAL BERRKEHIRE REGIMEST. (By permission of Lt.-Col. F. H. Moore, (BEA D.S.0., and Officers.) MOTOR-CYCLE

= Granville Bantock Anniversary (1868), DRIVING MIRRORS £.0. THE BAND, Buite for Military Band. &.Fi, RDAA VARSPON EE. oe. a wide, atte estected fiekd of “The Lament of Isis."" “ Rein Dropa."’ vision, are @ijyvieble in ony direction, and can be turned 8,30, WINIFRED CRANT. inwards when iercasery. FeIn the Cloisters.” “Three S5Seottish Airs," No. 11, Price 6/6, B.A. ARTHUR MARTER. | Bongs of Egypt.” We oto Hw Me 16, a mode) ih on Descriptive. Higenicnt are inching drpace,- . JE 00 THE BAND, Fantasia, ei aie ee ale er eae Alouted a Wiecola: Solo, “Silver Birds"... Le Thiera {andsman A. MILLS.) ’ “The Grasshoppers’ Dance... . Bucalosst ft. He. ARTHUR MARTEN. .. a Bong Cyele, “ In a Sicihan Garden" Oliver 0,465, THE GAND.

Bi Cornet Bolo," At the End of the Road ™ Hanley (Bandsmon T. RAMSEY.) Trombone Golo, “ The Trumpeter Airtte Pir

(Bandeman F, RUSSELL.) OT: th Ci OPG Nicene bcces lks Orth 10.0— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Soh. from London, Local News, Manufacturers of RADIO BATTERIES

ee TheEve of Chaminade (1861), 10.13. WISTFRED CRANT, & “KING «2 ROAD” SPECIALITIES ee ““Antomne" © Toceata.”'

i EDNA VANSTONE. ¥ Ths Bilver Bing.” “Jeyer of Bios." WISIFRED GRANT. JOSEPH LUCAS LTD., BIRMINGHAM 4th Viale. 16.45.—(lose down. : SS

atl —— RADIO TIMES — [Jouy diter, Tes — a = a SS = —— a Have you entered for or thelldeal /fome WIRING FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT the “Sylverex” quickly installed], whthoat dam- ipo fo walls, tiexpensive, reat Prize Scheme ? and ficient. These are the oxain features of the

The Competition if smple—you merely put twelve B.B-C, “turns” in Kaleeco order at popularity. And every com- pelitor receives a prize, the chiel pi izes WIRING SYSTEM going to these competitors giving the The fat metal-sheathbed- Rubber Insulated Wires are sponally ade- nearest to the correct list according to aig d te mect the demand for-an total voting ; the other competitors all inexpensivr: inetathetion. Che wir- receive Consolation Prizes. ing t fixed perfectly fat on: tha wall surface, and When cdieteni- pered or onamelled is practically Invisible, The prospective owner natural Cy- enn specify -" haleoco with — Peck gear Syloerex isa EOE conbtdecnes, Full putt ticalurs im sen- Full Tetaile— s l a ! and js a revelation atl prices can be obtained [rom e v e n d a P o s t c a r d sitideneess, [i is s u b j e c t e d to the your local Electrical Con tea ter, Ds a a folfes! tesla of ony crystal on Callesder's Coble & Comstroction Victor te Genes, the markel, and aa a can- Co., Ltd,Hamiltis Howse, ECA, Lendon, 5.1. sequence is fuliy guaranteed.

£200 im Cash Prizes aol lst Prize = £100 Cash Cash oer Zod P r m e - £50 Syd P r i v e - 2:25 Cash 50 Prizes of WS each Alomenoues sdditiomal W?hirk, Comarntingol Vales .. Sate, Crwvinl Sete, Lene Soeakers, a, =n third 4 ot Cagnecle tion Prigca ol papas oll Popa lar published songs.


Sa ; = Tits is ooo veel plaggprognd to Eethe ehh “NUMBER SEVEN” , A re Optus G ren—ea let them Porip throggh the cari +1 ee 4 daga, : : al al i i =e a ae younrelers o Pairgewsle—the fhe A apd-Se "7 ioe thes coe rat mage to brimg jny wre —hay ~ fy aS ee ( Aboinding talih imo the W i v e s ef Tl tle An “Elastic” (ania me lk Or tala Ne ie ain fo ihe leo a \ Ti ‘ln slandily belli, andl 410 centre al gravity, bho cusy ond safo r,t Es i : 4-valve Se! rule, Biares well the Popul a i é wahepe aid at 40/9, of Ou. Lazk Wedein ah Price (absolutely complete— bn fo Guictestie aie. Any natnber of valves con be used at will | a F a e Fra: for wae} wh large ty fi nis sent Hed Triangle, Trade in this superset, which combines cleganece | Loud Speaker / ae eh og poet lute. Mark, and resolutely pelae and fine finizh with allopether unique range os BEeCVIEy, Power and natural reproduc- | £27 : oO = 0 tien, Ask your Radio Dealer of write for i (Receiver any with: colle aed Hlustrated Leatet NOW! i pink for these whe already ©"Fainyeycle ENGINEERING Co.,LTD, hare Miia visors oy EAGLE WARWICK, 1 #£28:13:0 Londen Showrooms: 8, Ge, Rustell Street, Woo. W r f i r t . : LINES BROS, LTD. 9, Fore Street, Lemdon, F.*.2, ee

The finest WIRELESS JOYS holiday atmosphere ie eniienced df you Eleven in England. nmnokt «A RADIO oOLAY AS eer lke. An eAey clasir, an easy working COMPLETE Come to | SEL and a0 easy smokes, CHOCOLATE make. Bune even HOLIDAY NORBRECK ings a time ‘of- Biles. THE RADIO CLAY __ CLUBS. nell give you thal qe, STORIES HYDRO ool swinsk sono Pou ikesire, le made AND THE OPENING TERNIS....(23 fae frenpure Devon CHAPTERS OF A Spare time Agents wanted, 7 = (a arts), ish yf lay ancl NEW NOVEL BY ee eho lea) MOUNTED WITH Good remuneration, No Re Bowls, Cro- A VWOULCAWNITE © STEM. ROLAND PERTWEE aNa Paaal quet, Billiards, outlay. Best makes only at the: Iegiot af Jn the September te Pa ge Ball- happy RADIOCLAY supplied, Particulars free. “room, Concerts, Whist, Cinema, &c. Umokets HOW, Allat the Hycirg, Safe Bathing. Box ef 19 ete Coys Sf. GRAND q50 Bedrooms: SecannoneeRE al op SAMUEL DRIVER a : ie rite for Tard? ond Joursal—REE—io POLLOCK (Dept. R.) MAGAZINE ‘Best. B.D... vy. J. SHORROCKS, NORBRECK HYDRO, EDWARD Wednesda ts The Kick S t r e e t Factory, Anconts, Manchester, is 1/ ready ednes iy i Seuth Mzrtet, Hunslet Lane, LEEDS Near Blackpool (Tel. 272 Blackpool). Pree (aaihtrt , Foul fie easahoks, co erquaed, eg| _irie Enquiries imvited. neeelPre

dt LY Sle, 1925, ] — RADIO TIMES —— 265

Stoke-c-On-Trent Programme. 6ST 306 M. Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd.

SUNDAY, August 2nd. 3.305.45,— Pragranme S.A, from Loufon. $.50-0.0.—Reliotous Servies from the Btudm, 1-10.— Programe 8.8, fron Lornion, MONDAY, August ard. 3.00—4.90.— Orchestral Music from the Capitol Cimema, Flantesy. 5.0--5,54.— CHILDREN'S CORNER. 6. 55—6,0,-—(Shildren's Letters, FEW months aro the House 140-7 A— Pregame Se. fren Londan, A of Graham announced that 7.40-4.0.— Bova’ Brigade Monthly Bulletin, 8.0-12,0.— Programme SH, from Londat, there would be NO RE- TUESDAY, August 4th. DUCTION IN THE PRICES OF 12. 30)-1, 30, Midday Concert, CURRENT AMPLION MODELS 2. 0-330, —Alternioan Topica. & e3.—The Capitol Cinema Orchestra. DURING 1925, of i.CHILDREN’S CORNER, iLB,0.——Childron «Letters, This intimation was not restrictive as

6. 46-11, 360, — Programme iS. from london, regards improvements or the intro- and SAT. August 8th. WED., August 5th, duction of new models, and three 3.0:3,30-—2Afternoon ‘Topics (Sat.). The New Dragon Type 5. 3-4.90,—Orchestral Music from the Cypitol medifed midsummer types are now ALR. #9: a Cimema. Hatley. being placed upon the market, at the CORNER, FF — fh es—t HILDREN'S same prices. ih5 0, Childrena Letters. 6.40 onwards, Programme S08, from Fondon, THURSDAY, August 6th. They arethe New Junior de Luxe A.R.114, Standard Dragon ALR. P9, 3.0--3,30.—Afternoun Topica. and Concert Medel AR. 23. 3.30—4.30.—Oiramophone Records of the Week. 6.0-5.55,—CHILDREN § CORNER. A brief survey of the novel and exclusive details of construction will show §.55—0.0.—Childrens Leetiers, ah Programme BL. Jrom Laidon, the following points : Taw $.0,.—Boy Seoute Monthly Badletan.: * How Scouting was Started in Bagbelad,”* (a) Larger capacity of sound conduit in the two latter types. by Brn, H. WEBSTER LAUGHLI, Disthieh Beoutoosster. (6) Increased substance of insulating bushes between ducts and 8.0-11-530.—Programme SOB. from London. trumpets, improving the non-resonating qualities: FRIDAY, August 7th. (c) Greater convenience and stronger assembly by the provision of a 12. 30-1.30.—Midday Concert. 3.204, 30.— The Capital Cinema Dechostra. threaded metal termimation to th-+ Horm which now screws directly into 6.0-3.5656.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. the rubber bush without other attachments. The Horn itself follows th: 6,50—6.0.—Children'’s Letters. 6, 40—7.40,— Pregranmne S08. from Doiudon. popular AMPLION design, but t he leaves are united by metal ribe of 7, = aor ‘Topies, erystalline finch, thereby affording exce.tional ngidity and mechanical B.0. THE NEW HADEN COL,LIERY strength withan enhanced appearance. SILVER PRIZE BHANT., Condictel by A. 2. FPARLER. March, “The British Legion” In the attainment of Better Radio Reproduction Ff. AL OG reeniroend Ciercure; “ The Bohemian Girt"... Balle Progress is always led by H. JOHN NICHOLAS (Baritone). ti eur Me. Yo Winds ‘and Wares “ Hamwdiel “ Elegie” ss jaf wehbe dase Weiaew oa aoe The Wireless | HT CanLive“ eer Shee Aor * Retuaiem Pea raa C. Lefts World’s THE BAND Pastoral, “ Loweina Mist ™ . Aemner Standard AMP ON Speaker“32 Exe erp from the Works of Rossini. Moreeau, * The Bells of Quseley Sf, OF Hume Oltainable from AMPLIONSTOCKISTS, Wireless Dealers and Stores, i. JOAN NICHOLAS.

“Sone of Hybrias the Cretan”... Eilat og " MothercoMingi iiis ced Frank Toterg “ Phvils Has SuchCharming Graces ~ Patentees & Manufacturers : Lake Wibeon MTha Lea edd Sb esyeca sees Sanderson ALFRED GRAHAM THE HAND, Belaction, “No, No, Nanette “. . Foumeans & CQO. (E. A. GRAHAM), Fantasia, “ Echoes of the Opera "’ Einuner Belection, “ber Wildschutz " (** The Pyether ) is dee Shee ht ees artsivg St. Andrew’s Works, 10:0,—_WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. Crofton Park, London, 5S.E.4. SB. from London, “Local News. 10.15. WINIFRED BAGNALL (Soprano). AEE x dca eee ee ae ee Ht, Quilter PSE|W ucile nis ielane ens he age Deorak PS Gh PE CRRDgs FN ig w etic ee ereioe Schubert FRED DREWRY(Tenor), Get your x~ Onaway, Awike “ Coleridge. Taylor "Thi Doel ere ae eee ee ee es Inbden “My Pretty Jane b.6i ieee eee Bishop AMPLIONNOW/

." INIFRED BAGNALL and FRED DEREWw Hi. 7 The New AMPLION hom esA Night in Venice " cede ee, LeCRNTON showing improved method of MVE. eka eee ee ee » 4. A. Stl casermblyy, és —Cloee down, Ty,

RADIO TIMES jduny Sher, 2025. bya ——— = You can Play the Piano TO-DAY», The March NAUNTON’S NATIONAL MUSIC SYSTEM.

Tr hile no ddiertace whelber. have hal Breviods leon o¢ nt, whether you

ge YOLEG GOR OLD, we eaarantesr that vob of Progress fan ploy the plane oa by hic worukerial nid siniple- syalem. Phere are wo sharps, fat« or theoretical

difienlties to wer vou, inl ng oT area Retr SRSTeae or aeem. i le HE new B.T.H. R Valve, now reduced You plar « amreckiy akh hance at coc Sa dihculty in dridgery to 8/-, represents yet another stride in the march of progress. I t is undoubtedly FA class, A yorg teawe. bo ho eo Lo the finest valve in the bright emitter Ven cece fall.” cn dowbe the pao witli. « if piweic ad play it al ooce. the special featurcs which contribute to Over 50,10 te ore playing by it, aed are Amongst ao oem You of the new B.T.H. BR Valve playing perfectly, TE they con do it, the remarkab'e efficiency ever say again, “1 wish I could No cme need are the following :— play"; é¥erpone cam de it to-day tell you all about thir wonderful, Let us HIGH VACUUM, ensuring s i l e n t working and long H i e . comple and rapid system. mcredse i post you LOW ANODE CURRENT, with consequent advantage of thea offer we mike on the coupe below, ard by retoro | Take srecHaran tt ee — in. life oF HT. Battery. Will receboe eight tunecwhich we guaranties yoo Gin play 7 thas you can prowefor Chis sitall cutlay Wil open Gp Eenpeal fr eyetem nod the usorracy ot pur slapements. CURRENT, ensuring and give you Many years ol purest prcasure- EXCEPTIONALLY LOWGEIB the delights of the vest realn of mista to you, quality and volume, without dittorhn, even excellent not when the means of giving suitable gro bias are SPECIAL TRIAL OFFER COUPON, "Radic T i m e , available, To t h e M a n s g e r , NAUNTON'S NATIONAL MUSIC SYSTEM, J # h y S i s ) , B=" TIPLESS BULM,giving better appearance and reducing 37, High Street, New Owford Strest, Londen, WC i red Rerrcith pode onder for One Shilling ond Simpence for riick plewie p e n d nsk of accidental breakage. eff ane ie Your Special Jasteniction Hook paldished af 2/6 contamiag right Pieces Z = . g vole areal ft dicuiars fhe img bow F can becouse of ihoralipA AMESGa t Filawrar v o l i n g e Fifamcarcarrer = - = 7 ane, HARGCE vcusntanrariaees - boo Tay Mixinua qoude witege = ATR Behe jie tee eee tere bd ebb }is vamanda omen preg e e v e e is Heep crder pryaleej to Naunien’s Melional Aigeu fyaler= Aamir oie - = = 27,000 Dome Note.—Please GU in poetal fo Colonial and Foreign reader: British Money and Postal Orders only arcapted. Folrage amp ifcane acter = * 74

B.T.H. R TYPE Contributors include : VALVE A. CONAN DOYLE List of B.T.H. Valves FRANKAU General Purpose GILBERT Risen 4Volts. E Filacvaret oi Amp 8 E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM Maw.Put Veluge MO Volrs, Boma [ DENIS MACKAIL B Seal CATHERINE WELLS Power Amplifying LYNN DOYLE Basaeceeen220 IRVIN S. COBB BORE270 JEROME K. JEROME BCies4/6.

Insist on B.T.H.— the Best of Ali.

“MAGAZINE doen af The Brtist Tinea Co. Bot ON SALE EVERYWHERE TO-DAY

-— Ree TIMES —— JULY Slat, 1925.]

Leeds—Bradford - Sheffield Programme, Swansea Programme. Programme. 6FL 301 M. 55X 482 M. Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd. Week Bezinning Sunday, August 2nd. 215 346 M. 310 M. Week Beginning Sunday, August 2nd. SUNDAY, August 2nd. SUNDAY, August 2nd.; 4.40—6.45. Programmes 8.8. from London, 3.30-6 .45,—Programme 8.8. from London, SUNDAY, August 2nd. .30—10.30), 8.90-0,0,—8tudio Service. $.30-fali: j 6.0-10.30,—Progromme 5B. from London. Programmce 8.8, from London. 830-1030. | 11.30-12.30,—Gramophone Records, 10.30-10.55.—Programe 8.8. from Cond iff. ‘ 40-5.0.—Orchestre, under the Direction of MONDAY, August 3rd. MONDAY, August 2rd. i458.HILDREN'S CORNER: Uncle Bob's Dante Sebm, relayed from the* Grand Evening of Song and Story. Aotel. 2.03.20. WELSH NATIONAL EISTEDD. oh. bE Ce Le FOD 6. 20.— Children’s Letters. §.0-5.25.— Afternoon Topics. S.6. fron Candy, iApprax.}. 4 6, 25,—"Teens’ Corner: “Drama and Ita Ex- 640-8.158— CHILDREN'S CORNER. (20), by Unelo Thespis. #.15-6.90.— Children's Leathers. 5.f.— Afternoon ‘Topics, ponents" 6.15-6.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, (5.45, (.40-7.40,—Progrannne SB, from Lomdon, 6.40—12.0.— Programme &, . Jrom London, MEADOWS: “Cus- Latiers. | 7.40-7.55.—Mr. 2. BE. TUESDAY, August 4th. i.0.—Musical Interlude, tomers, and How to Hamels Them.” 11,30-12.30,— Gramophone Records, from London. .15,—"Teens’ Talk. §.0-12.0,.—- Programe 5.8. 3.30.— Orchestra, relayed from the Albert Hall. 6.40-8.0.— Programme SG. from London, TUESDAY, August 4th. 4.30—4.54,— Afternoon Topics. §.0-12.0.—Progranme SH. from Cardiff. 11.30-12.30.—Midday Concert. £.0—CHILDREN'S CORNER. 5 90-4.90,—Wilfred G. Kemp's Critorion Dance 6.45.— Chileans Letters. TUESDAY, August 4th. Baird: telayed from the Majestie Res- 6.06.30. —"Teena’ Corner. 2.20-6,.30 (approx.j.— WELSH NATIONAL farant, Lasecle. it} 740. Programe S28, from London, EISTEDDFOD, &.8. from Cardiff. &.15.—Afternoon Topics. Taki, ‘The Harvest. of a (huiet Eve—jis) in) §.20-6.15.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, (5.46, i.45.—CHILDREN'S CORNER: A Musical How London Takes the War—lo14, ih) Letters.) and Dramatic Evening (20), by Uncle Devonshire Cremm,” by “ PETRONIUS." 6.40-11.00.—Programme 8.8. from London, Max. 8.0-11,90.—Programme §.5. from London, 6.90,—Clildren‘s Letters: WEDNESDAY, August 5th. WEDNESDAY, August 5th, 1.45-4.90 [approx.)}—WELSH NATIONAL (i.25.—"Toens’ Corner: “The Romance of the 11.30-12.90,.— Gramophens Kecords, Commonplace * (20), by Unele Bob, EISTEDDFOD, §.8. from Candiff. b.40-7.40.—Pryromme SB. from London, 4.0,.—Orchestra, under the Direction of 6.0.—Afternoon Topica. | John Windle, relayed from the Café 6.15-6.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. (5.45. 74-7 .95,—Mr, ROLIN ROBERTSON : A Chat of Messrs. T. ard J. Roberts, Ltd. on Golf, Letters. | 5.0-§.25.—Aftemoon, Topica. 6.0.—Muzsical Interlude, B01 Sa. Programme SB. from Komedon. 6.30, _ CHILDREN'S CORRER, #.15.—"Teons’ ‘Talk. WEDNESDAY, August 5th. fi. 16-6,30,— hildren's Letters. 6.40-7.0.— Programme SB, from Cardiff. 11.30-12.50.— Midday Concert. 6.40—-7.35,—Programe 8.8, from London, 70-7, 25, — Programe SLB. from Loneori. 4,15-5,15.—8ignor Calamani and his Orchestra, 7.35.—Koval Horticultural Society Talk. 730-100.Pragramime 8, B. from Cardiff. relayed from the Scala Theatre, Leeds. 7.40,—Mr. J. A, BAIN: “ Arctic Exploration— 10.0+- 10, 45,—Programme 8.8. from Londen, ho4o.— CHILDREN'S CORNER: An Excur- Is it Worth While t " sionwith Auntio Nora. GARADING and THURSDAY, August 6th. it, - Children’s Letters. HIS ORCHESTRA, 2.04.30 (approx, ).—WELSH NATIONAL —Teens'’ Corner: Magic and Books“ i l , ie Relayed from the EISTEDDFOD, 8.8. from Cordiff. _ (20), by Unele Mox. FRoval Prince's Parade, Bridlington. 6.15-0.0.—_CHILDRENS (CORNER. (5.45, 6.40-7.35.— Programme. 8.8. from London. Boloists : Letters.) 7.36.—Rovel Horticultural Socity Talk. CHARLES SMITH {Hach ‘Trumpet }. 6.0,—Mimecal Interlude, 7,45.—" OnMy Anvil,” by the Stnileamith, ROLAND TOWNEND {Violoncello}. fi. 14,—"Teens’ Tall. 6.0-10.45.— Programme S.B. from London. STANLEY HILL. (Clarinet). f.h-8.0,—Prapamnme &8, from Londen, THURSDAY, August 6th. Humerois Lltiema by 8.0-3.30,—WELSH NATIONAL EISTEDD. 11.34-12.30.— Musical Moments. GARADINLE (Himself). FOOD, SR. from Cardiff, 4.15.—Signor Calamam aml his Orchestra. £.0.—Overture,. ‘* Maritana 22. ce. re HW alfare EO 11. 30,.— JP grie aes from Levdon. 6.14,Adtea Topica. Petite Suite de Concert. . Coleridge. Taylor f.4i.—CHILDREN’S CORNER: A Fairy Play Entracte, © Albumblati-...... , Wiaypner FRIDAY, August 7th. by Unele Thespia. Fantasia, La Traviataooo) ek Kerds 3.0 Appst — 4.15 (approx.). — WELSH 6.20.—Children’s- Letters. Yioloncella Bolo, *' The Phantom Melody ™ ATION AL EISTEDDFOD, 8.8. a25.—Teena’ Corner 3 “Talea of the Cheer from Corcfiff. = Ketelhey 6.0.—Afternoon Topics, Conntry (20), by * Nomad.” ROLAND TOWNEND, f.15-6.0.—CHILDREN'S fi, -10-] Lau). Pragramine S.uB. from London, Vorul Selection, CORNER. (5.48, Letters. | FRIDAY, August 7th. dntermezeo = Cayot be, * Fifinette (Two Light. Pieces) 6.0.—Musical Interlude, 11.3 Te.- Midday Comcert. 6.15.—"Teens’ Tolk. Essex Benz, relayed Characteriati¢t Paunce, Pitcher 4.18-5.15.—The Clifford 6.40-7.25.— Programme &.8. from Londen, from the Grand Hotel, Scarborough, = Lubly Lala ™ 700+ 10.0.-—Programme SS. frome Cardiff, CHILDREN'S CORNER : Auntie Doll's Valen,' “Cherry Ripe" bake bt oe Cw 6.45, 10,0—10.45.— Programme &.8. from Donden, Evening. Bach Trumpet Bolo, “.Go-td-bye"... Tosti 6.20.—Chikiren’s Letters. (CHARLES SMITH.) SATURDAY, August 8th. 6.25.—"Teons’ Corner: “The Fairyland of Humoreske, “ Little Wooden Soldiers " $.0—-4.0.—The Castle Cinema Orchestra, relayed Boheme (20), be Unele Leo, ~ WMergan from the Casth Cinema: Musical Direc: (.40-7.40.—Programme 8B. from Donelon, Descriptive Scena," A-Hunting We Will tor, Jack Arnold, THE STATION QUINTET: Oe ee aah uence sy SE Buraloasi 6..15—6.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. (5.44, Underthe Direction of PERCY FROSTICEK. 10,0-10.45.—Programme 8.8. from London, Letters.| DOROTHY LEVEY {Soprano}. THURSDAY, August 6th. 6,40-7.40,.—Programme S.B, fron Fonda. 740-1.55.—Capt. A. & BURGE: “ Watet WILFRID. HUDSOW. (Tenar). 1).30-12.30.—Gramophone Records. Polo.” ALB: Jrom Cardiff. RICHARD WILSON [the Yorkshire Basso}. 3.0.—The Hand of “The Queen's Own” Bk, THE QUINTET. GRACE DANIELS (Entertainer). Yorkshire Dragoons, relayed from the Overture, “aL Beraglio *aS gree hmcasn ire Mozart Bandstand, Weaton Park. DAV ID HARRY. [Tenori. Vale Lente, Poem “ ... biel BRHYS WILLIAMS [Baritone}. 4. 4.55.Afternoon, Topics. B.11, DOROTHY LEVry, THE STATION TRIO, f.0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. ea EEL oe en ln bee eee | BO) THE TRIO, , “7 Wonder If Lowe Is a Dorothy Forster f.45.—Children's Letters, “A Day in Paris" (Melodies by Christine) 6.0—6, 30.— "Teens" Corner. Wereiatyi, eeicaieaverces Pick 6.40- 7.40), —Programe SR. from London, BAT. RICHARD WILSON, 7.40.—Miss FE. FE, BROOK, Lady Cubmaster Meditation in ( ...c5 2). Sowire, arr, Haynes ‘Tn. Sheltered Vale™ _ Carl Fornes 8.15. RHYS WILLIAMS, of the lith Weethbournge Pack,“ About “Captain Mac * Wilfred Sanderson “King Charles.” sccvccisecce_M. ¥. White Wott Cuba,” the WILFRID HUDSON. 8.0-11.30.—Propramme &.5. from London, Sih oo More eee ri eee W. A. Atkin | Qoer the Movmteims ™ ,...., Roger QGutiter “ The Call of the Wild ...... D. MeGeach *Allea Mine . Ernest Newton FRIDAY, August 7th. 8.25, GRACE DANIELS, 5, au, THE QUINTET. 11.40—12.30.—Gramophone Records. " Bate. Dae ag eae a Seott Gatty Beléction, “The Merry Wives of Windsor ™ 4.0.—Orchestra,. under the Direchon of “ Really One Never Knows” Horry Siogden Nicolae Dante Selmi, relayed from the Grand “ Wembley ™ _ Bryant, Godfrey, Dovid 40.—WILFRID HUDSON end RICHARD Hotel. S.4i, yO, WILSON, A, 0-5. 2§,—Afternoun, Topica. SHE ethy Oe aces Oe ae Haydn Pee Be WWE ceca weeewuuneees 7. Cede 6.20—CHILDREN'S CORNER. Biya eta aee Chopin (Coantinged in column I, page 269.) (Contineed in column I, page 269.) (Continged in column I, page 269.)

YOU CAN COAX YOUR COMPLEXIONwith Pomeroy Skin Food to be as beautiful as you wish. The regular use of this famous Massage cream dispels minor blemishes, cleanses the pores, and gradually builds How you can get up a new, perfectly fauldless:skin. Buy To-morrow’s Post a Jarto-day and begin to form the betterholiday Pomeroy habit, which will preserve your Next time you buy him ask for looks until late in life. “ Imperial " and compare thequality brought YOUa of your pictures. You will be agree- ably surprised at the dehehtful POMEROY variation of tone, and pleasing con- trasts cf heht and shade. You can Chequefor £1,500 SKIN FOOD be certain of success because

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You want to be in’ a pesition te retire come day ; you r : 4 want bo have capital wt sour CMa: yer Ween TTTee CU TTTTTETT TE Gef a spool fram gour dealer Rediay, to ba-cure that vour later years will oot be clouded by Deonelaccepl svhsiitutes, financia) anxiety; you want to be sure that if any- thing happens to you, your family ‘will not be in This Week’s wart, All-thig-and- more, will be accomplished if IT’S THE you adept this plan. ONDON At an agreed date every depedt will be. returned in BRITISH FILM full with ereat aocumulated profits—a sum greatly in excess of anything you could hope to save in the OPINION Get these Free Books ordinary way. Should vou not live, your family will be saved from want, for a handsome cheque wallat eee sees: sees ss pees ewCOTTECIEESem ees ee peoe —, ) Ask your dealer for book- fi ener be cent te them. Should you yourself be pier- manently incapacitated, and unable to carn a living, = lets, Troe Jove of the i the Company will pay your deposits and also make “Memories of Henry Open Road " and “* Pictare ot you a generis monthly allawane: until the capital making on Colledéne “* or amount i chad, Irving and Herbert send a postcard to Dept. R. In addition, you'll save a good amount im Income Tree,” Tax cach year, The IMPERIAL DRY PLATE Co., Ltd., by Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. That, briefly, 15 the plan, Thesands of men are M the Inpertal “ Eclipee ™ f@lopting it—why not. be one of them : It appics Ser Sid "Sacked Rapad plates, at any age and for anyamount, SIDNEY DARK.

Many humorousstories FILL IN & POST FORM TO-DAY.—) PeeTTITTT To J. F. Jpnkio (Manage 1, Sun Life Assurance 9. of and drawings. Canada, I, San of Canada Howse, Vietorla Embank- MUSIC FOR ALL geenk, Londen, Wil. tNear Denule Sfation.) “Racing Chatter,” Part 34 contains Asenuing I can save and deport ¢.... Music, Pictures jicate sen ome, without obligation on my part, fal patthoulars of your juveslmeent plan ehawing - “The Money Maker” and Story of

1. What Income orcash sum 7 shall restive in...... ,. and

years (15, 20, 25, 80, a6 you desire). ee 7 Wiest oom will be automatically provid for my The splendid new KATJA family in ihe vel omy deat. = 4. Hew wich Incoote Tax D-aball Ba beck. Pr, coloured humorous 4. In the event of total disatllity, bow nagch 1 stall cover. THE DANCER : draw tmoanthly, ——Ieeeeyee FOUR COMPLETE BE ha eyrd -Tagg sess, rnin ewe dpeilicbinprun pace7) ee oe 3. PWOPENCE =: COPYRIGHT NUMBERS Married or obeat to be marricd....0cn AND THE On sale everywhere, orby post 3d. from Qeeupation seeeprede d epeseneabasssn ease enne CHILDREN’S CORNER,

the publishers, Geo; Newnes, Ltd., 8-11, LTA Southampton St., Strand, London, W.C.2 1/- Now on Sale 1/_ (ANOUER TOON U U A M T O A V ANAT U TOON


OE Lr! MANETTE Tres. Fler, 1925.) ee RADIO TIMES — 04 emSm aee = = = — -_————-—

Leeds—Bradford la Programme. > inairaten shearing the horn ofa Grown (Continaed from page 267.) Loud Speaker berg 2,0. DOROTHY LEVEY. Te is Omby il Tiny Garden “- Haya Wood ari} weit eave. "T Love the Moon ™ ...... Poul Pobena OF. THE QUINTET. Intermezzo, “ Govescas "yo... Granados Rhapacdy, “A Night on Bewille * ll bent O. 17, RICHARD WILSON, “The Treo Grenadier: ..,.0.2... Schone “The Village Blackamith " WA. Were B27. WILPFRLO HUDSON, Rldamore .c.ccseccecscesees Coleridye- Taylor ~ Milacies, og Gap a ee eee es i. Alien 38: THE QUINTET: Selection, “From Italy ™ ... arr: Longley 0.50.— WILFRID HUDSON and RICHARD 1 WILSON, “ Mow Genthy, Deva ™ ...ceParry 10.0.— WEATHER FORECAST and NEWS. News. SB. from London. L o c a l ’ 1015 10.46.<-THE CLIFFORD Essex BAND, relayed from the Grand Hotel, Scar- borciugh. SATURDAY, August 8th. §.45,— CHILDREN'S CORNER. 6.20.—Children's. Letters. ‘bh. —"Teens Corner. 6.40-7.40,— Programme 8.8, from London. 740-7.55.—Farmers’ -Cormer: Mr. J. H. TAYLOR, Lecturer of the Leeds Univer- rity: “Insect Troubles.” §.0—12.0,— Programme SoH. from Loncdon. ‘ S h e f f i e l d Programme. \S (Continued from page 267.) 6. 1, 30, Ch alciren'« Letters. 640-84. Prograniune 8, from London.

- The Staff of the Bettoktation invite you From first to last to spend « Musical Evening with them. Several old Favourites well-known to you, ach at COLLIN SMITH with his Light Gaeckeaehs LILEAS H AWSON, a woncertul oud Speaker— HAROLD BUATON, DORIS HER: BERT, and NELLY CLOSS will be Mis people hearing the emall Brown H.2 Loud Speaker teiTfearnt,eae Seet ‘a arenezc T eeri ‘ are amazed at its‘ volume, They think—quite¥ " naturally— 10,0. WEATHER FORECAST ond NEWS. because it is small in size that its volume is likely S.B. from London. Local News. to be insufhcient for a room of average size. On ths 10, 15-10.45,— Concert (Continued), contrary, by actual comparative test it is easy to prove that SATURDAY, August 8th. a small 3srown Loud Speaker gives greater volume—and 4,0-5.0.—Orchestra, relayea from the Grand certainly incomparably better tone—than many otha Loud Hotel. ae i 5.0-.25,— Afternoon Topics, Speakers ae its size. a oes canine nee . CORNER. The secret of its success lies in the tuned reed principle of repro- 1. 15—6,30.— Children's ‘Leitera, : ‘ : : . chai “6.027ML Programas SLB. frous London: pseit used in conjunction with a cone shaped aluminium 7.40,— Station ThMrector’s Talk. japnragm. ; , : 8.0-13.0.— Programme &.B. from London, When. it is possible to buy a genuine Brow high-resistance

—= Loud Speaker for as little as 50/+ is it worth while to prejudice Swansea Programme. your enjoyment by purchasing one which cannot approach it : either for volume or tonal purity ? (Continged frompage 267.) B.Ha,R= DAVID HARRY.r Remember: that from firsta to last the H.2 is manufactured; under oe ERRgig aaa here ae whens Bugzzi- Pescia strict Brown supervision—the actual tests that it must pass PHYeee eee ene ees P.E. Fletcher before being released for issue are stringent and exacting. You - on With the Motley... 1+. Leoncapatta may be sure that the ome that you buy must have actually 6.5. CRACE DANTELA. { d he B ican Fee oz 4 What's Tt Got io Do With You? .. Penneni conformed to the TOW! stan oF richness tone an i an ee ayRN yee oie eae area ed, = Tileley adequate volume. Y Poceroh Hop ooo. cece seae Seo! Gatty OWN : sant ‘ 0,15. DAVID HARRYand RHYS WILLIAMS, aeoeee Type HA, 2 in. highs = Pe H.2, 12 in, high: “The Moon Hath Rated Her Lamp Showrooms: 19, Mortimer Street, W.1. The ohus £5 8 0 {7} che iE 5 8 ER Ee eter gw aca ae eae Benedict 15, Mow Liverpool. 20% chms £5 8 0 20 ohms £2 8 6 6,30). THE THIC. 67, High St. 4,000 obra & Nd 0 400 chan iz ia a Scherzo from Trio No: 1, Op 9 .. Schubert nee| ee actetal. Trpe Q. (im oll resistances! £15 15 6

Ballet Suite; “ La Bourea™ ...... , DHeliber 5. Wilson's (Court, News ' i Bon BRHYS WILLIAMS, poe a Ph “ The Road to Anywhere" ,.... Ashleigh Pd eat eee wee eer ree ee 4 A ne eT eo eee few Aah ah, DAVID HARRY, “For Vou Alone vewececaut reeee Gehl “A Fat Littl Fellow Wid His Mammy's Re a rita nated ne ion wee Cordon “ Borrows of Death * 3.0.0... difendeleeahn Bia, THE ‘TRIO. IIR eee MC epee eee oe oe ai Afassenet 10.0-12.0.—Progremme S28. from Landon. “taal of a Gilbert Ad, $217.

270 — RADIO.eee aes [abe Lv mir, 126


EACHAKING INITS CLASS PRI~TING MACHINE =) ' Radion G.P. 27°.wootrea ’Pe “COMPLETE Radion D.E. " 0 6 $2,‘very “yso u " + 30/6 /. ejfenl tA AS “ PLANT

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Radion Pyramid (i) Valve, 22/6 PHIS 1 massively noRaiuitedstnttedPrinting Machitne is the == mos wonderful of its kind, being sold ata tenth the THE POWER VALVE BE LOEB, an be tamed wiih Rarpenl ril-gpemaber pel Bes, ware Geteriicn. Plana. spbuat + price of any other of the came sizewith :cimilar adlvan- wes fo hw tempenion-, enutlog hig Ufc, SPECIAL tages. Itis capable of turning out every class of priimted bsSROGEA iulRe HIGHEST ygog8 yY AD mat er MELAS ECA BTRE TEL, Fu. Volts, SS. Fal, Ace. SH britete Valine! Se: Beg. ihre] Tae, 25 FROM A CHEMISTS LABEL To Frofa upiiad [tect jera op Gbpect, Poel Pree, ' : AM ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE RADIOS Lt, BOLLIENTOM, ot, Mapclecield, Chrshien, ee Perforating, Creasing nel Box-makine, The Dn beriating Uteratiure comeing Fration Waders and op aay oe finest malleable ] Lhd valve repair werviee clediy eee Pree co peg pert - Huuea iron and om shee aed iin its Ooms tric tien. Simnati TunnIng, sped, acctracy and simplicity am maintained to the highest efficiency, Standard printer's nictal type, case and RADION| complete aORTESOrIeS, eee with xn=llently ilvetrated insiruc tinal bas k, ate included in‘ the above-op rted price. - Full illustrated purtioular: in two eeloure, | Reliable|aTee tageter With samples Of ack, sentoon receipt ta Stamped adie envelope, a THE “ADANA” AGENCY (Dept. 8.1.1) 34, King St., Twickenham, Middlesex. = bt MOST COMPACT PRINTING PLANT IN THE WORLD. Cid be purchased by sinall wrekly gisfalsenis, .4sk for derecs,

The Best : Popular Price’ Cigarette, IN THE LITTLE SEALED BOX, | , ! | Retail Price : . j 1j- & 1/6 In two grades, . Pcie no at meaning to “ reception” with your The EXTRA Size CIGARETTES Tepresentameset.R u sBut l s —be t h esoreg o uvou r a n tser s , GA “For Size and Tone, They Stand Alone.” :. ol 1a" Oi purity, SEND FOR FREE BOOKLET. — : ho eh L. G. RUSSELL Laboratories, : i ] O for Gd : 20° Sa for:. s il 1/= 1-7, Hill Street, Birmingham :: . Meo : Also ‘50's Spinet House, : Estd. 1775. LON N. (Opposite Exinite ‘Thentre.} The

PERFECTED WIRELESS PRODUCTIONS | Cs— ae Ss H.T.3 ACCUMULATOR LOUD SPEAKERS “ACTONAccumulators Preferable ta the nual dey Batteries. oe STANDARDSSok A ocnew low tention mings prodwotd if ome requiles te-charging every 4 io 0 months of he best equipped pocummaalaboc plan ia- in G0-v. (Charged reody for ose b3/- an the world, Cc. A. VANDERVELL & CO., LTD., ACTON VALE, LONDON, W.3. Telephone: Chiswick 2000. Ask yournewsagent a,5ReRmieie RRRRROaRdete lodeliver if every week The best holiday mag.

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2 THE HUMORIST is free from 2SeEEeeeedeeecPPee, i

vulgarity ; it strikes an entirely. ee ce August -Holiday Number contains nine A new vein of humour—humour splendid cpakie’stories of Sport, Humour, that is interesting. teen and Adventure, long instalments of two fine



Serials, and The Bosun's Den. Here is no sickly hde dhe THE. HUMORIST is sixpenny- sentiment and lurid sensation. Just sheer enjoy- hi worth of eal humour for REESE

fh twopence — its pages radiate ES ment.. And it costs only 7d.! ie



a f originality and drive dull care. a »j Le |

away. a


HumorisT2)_ Printed by Ainwes & Pearson Fairing Co., Ley, Remoor Street, Ladbroke trove, W10, and Published for the Progelglars by GRORGE NEWNES, Lr, 6-11, Southampton Street, ftroul, Lonion, W.C.2, England:— July Bist, 1055,

-— RADIO TIMES-— 211 SS———— —————— = —== iF"

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ed No. & jmiiiil |

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|e ee rea ee m a g The Lo -Life Battery Se STAFFORD For-— our._car — SALLLLELD SERVICE

The same knowledge and skill as could be piven by the Manufacturers themselves is at your disposal at every Exide Service Station. There is a Station near you, fully equipped and Maddein the largest competent to carry out re-charging and repairs, and to aeEapine advise you on all matters of Battery maintenance, Standard charges obtain throughout. _ These Stations exist for your convenience no matter which make of battery you have at present,

SERVICE i The Exide Service Station shown above ix the Electrical a STATIONS Department of the Garage owned by t h e Gaol Squate Motor _ a (Compacts, ty a is Established as a. gotege in 190), it ix sttaated almost in the ait Noe he ad tw centre of the town of Stallard, MTLa] Reakl ~« dT] The completeness of the battery charging and repair e q u i p m e n t a 7 aE and the efficiency of the v t e l l ensure the heat fresiment of co ee eee werelees betterses that e kill ond crperience cen girs: The Sidn of SEILLED SERVICE

a el a)eeeeee efee | eee | eeee| LONDON: = BRISTOL: 279.279, Shafteshury Avenue, Wit. 2 ae ioe ELECTRICAL STORAGE 22, Victoria Sirget BIRMINGHAM: COMPANY LIMITED. MANCHESTER:

38, Dale,End 4 CLIFTON JUNCTION =: + « + Hear MANCHESTER I, Bridae_ Street

. a. 4.3.3. 3 elte

RA DIO TIMES (Jinr oie, Lohan ——e

Ome facts abet Valve life

°° feel 7 ebeold Ties yoo Gor kee thes Heme in the Baw York progrunins ‘Tkinking ib might be of inbemet to With pefereace io fenof oefvert Te Ema eee Thos the: 4 Comer you, Lehould likete eongrebalate pou Pepralar ‘Wire| ” phestsd Che. Jemaygtihs meat | am get ith Oomnr ipeclocked the eonpn' Fair tecetats 209 Lhe = Deering Vales in ues cow for tem is the reality ate! duran! My of year | of Ide = yalen eheald gre. t shel Valves, DT Geughta Po. posh totes I ar, froin Ballers ‘ANB meccthe, aod to the best of my belief Pinafore, and 001 bail 2 nekdor Enight Emitter Valwes, | hove hac the bo pom’ oot the meuttie T here 1A ta one ibsuend oon honired pescrite endl Gee it oe El in. mae fon an averge of fd boos tite with beo of your Como Fol amplifier with erpela) reelaier fer yoo. A leetere given bey o Toiversity orty-thres hours reseption, acd T week | for bowelwe mcotie Lieve of pour Valves which | cna ag o detector ana! about thren meothe I des converted tiiwee mien very distinc think: eweryane will hare to adimis aileea [may Set ie bhatt Fal re 4 He ta weeps walpe Pia eryeial doa lecture waaannoteded te barn at thie walee i ome of Lhe eet core ml Ah [Bare Fork thie | amawas ptall oneh ood oomeer eithed debt they ged pen it Jebe‘the ete) betes The Detector Valew, So, FRAT 1, lg toacdn, "<0, Paviacs, Hope Road, aro ae good to-day a when 1 fine haat Chnizimes, when | bought ascther prrococlinie eben TF netito bed at I bought tweliw monthsaf howe bear Edala, vie. Bootie, 2 am, ee them on March 7th, 14 Po. eed conwerfedthe at foto ihe aver DIMMS besure, precinct dhe while eu wetbirat didhenbty tua om all BT. 100 eerenit. 1 regard the ferepoieg on ou rather of ithe brown! herr dgone thet cisarile ali:ek demnig ob the Aritah Hiwtione amd moral of the period The LF Valen, Ae ree. Aa T oesthe Boi at Tonal LOA} Racer par Ceatinental, and have picked up how rer jet over 1G here om aa fewphh the dink valve ben pave 1 Soo tained with @ ote ralr hoe nels “*T wink to tell you bow very plmsaed Sat. anil the wales Commer P 1. Thaw Amearion direct with great citerneee Tenn fia, ' raeon with your valves whi pre bere eervioe already, merch inatill meen strong, bot 7 eapposen | canel ax walre I booght oo Mey hth lest, nod When I tel ay frlenda tha See pelsaf I thisk ihe sbove paeriseniars speak wach satisfactory resulia, A. valve I fine T hae bead your ‘rales in ven, Koto Jeab a rE ideal lnngeer, —- ie bags ey mi germans woe chai ly rary lightly iecesd of the ellicacecy of fi fro ou ore a Pear eee they cas marcel chedat if, knowing the Coaece Valve, "=P. Birre, 34a lL. Fecwows, Gandéon, Watlord, wine, axl i hi vie a pug siren, though om oenasiens BK. A, Joao, id BeesFoon they short lengthof fide mame other Portingd Sizeet. Waleall, State it bea been uo to fest the onthe af Casbridpe moa en “Fo. A Tori, myHT. battery, Fachmead Hime. Cid Tisertiag Koad, Last night, using asimgle reBex cireult, Eometer "Tp the hegineing of Dolober, 18, ten the ahorenniiensd valen, | I hare eefaced thet ie Uber current 1 bait the 6.7, 100 ciret and por —_ = ie ; charpy rosea eraintae .. "Dsheold jowt ke te dino yen «leo rs . = teres of he Gedi “Tomem” eiverel " chaand eo of your valem 3 om, thy morn fhe Late rs ‘thal on dine ol 19za 1 hetiers appear testelyimg: ta tip 2- thet Limethey have: Uemaem. iy! coe seogaprna areal if iw (i.te ate Lec your Eirgeht Bierigt ” re | pur: collance (Somicr Waber : ' of holly every omenng for stect Bp a =m che time | femelle tél bones, aay, on an weenie of at ning Valwes, ame thatboth TL abold Foe bn state thal on Fiebro Izy eo pet Amerie [| ant de tml lent a howe per welt, mod sometime eno bid coer 1 howe per dd ary feel, 1098, 0 porohamed a Worelers wilh ay atone, i T ary only ghee 10 benny ele piel Lhiry lore Reet: tise! ot leer then Bet with tec P.1. Comor Valor wd | wtinbete id to the Coesor cob me mul aw abil] girty "i leoedoaetoog ites for expeerotelel These ‘valve hawe been functioning Wolre"—H 1. T. Aveew Ashford, seitlerfertbom, eaiolleitly ea moo, aml 7 havo rp in mae over | CMM) Hing's Hoad, Sherbeorse, Chores. ours work, with o 6.rolt sacumsalacar For some time they © / are bend eedh gene BCHH) hierarof oe and ever 100 volte oo ihe plete, T tmzamitier wiih 5 # wut of them Ie the aoniconl (6 hero meoticnte Uhisfact to sneered off filamente, mz] 2 oF ssonthal | "—[Lacw aa Fl. Laren, “St my Pee orl ther ra a plate jenny hema! : LEsJewa,” 134 Ongar Road, Pretetisomd "T boughttwo of poor valves at the ve Oe erpriecsd & the aara!, (io tay ane af Anguit, S23, wend after Wsit Haneis, ite Rick. walyrei. Hush ei thaw ie | pao! oer La # shoald [ thant ie y friend of mice 5 mcalh ago, oral bee nan motedaticn fev ut ' “HE with greet plese thet | min being ahantudely parriect. cemilie rte cml add any 4 foe on a matter which | think sill These valres have beso oop- of palindng iets you. Oo Marele Tih, |sha, stently ceried aboot mo oe oF cmecm, * 1 perchweed een atmloreey BP Birigh pecbet and of the carrier ofa motor "T bere heed: in. perartionlly ). eomiien- moe wey for Doty Gites osethe (ie, dats, Be Exoitters from « bead dealer ons they pele, sod. kare never ance lel ca the Gaattmnery 2 oor 9 hire on mice heire bers ba constant wee |? has oor deen. Deboold think that record ia weenk } Uke whede welt mcedtlia, acted nights) to omer FP) 1, Veber whit I fed fo hed =AaMM Coote, now they aye be pod es bee, ae atl) oan. Tightly’ or wrongiy it Hale Foe Liverpool Togs tebe) fe tha their per ET. BLacurait. 3 Landgate Sprare, fonpanoce ie exoepesonelly pool ob ay Hye, Bonern, mate, Uf mek eomeerrhet pom kab *Eracilr a trnleerninnt hh af [aba bes plead te dearer af the lig a know that pete] fos bee beet rb eth, haa trp tee of poor Uossor Valves, ‘Pot and Pe, for cee ine roflee im. ordinary dee foot leborebore ty Shing, ' beat this imme « Pear Bet, I por sinruld, tha 8.7, 100 te woods bono ledge, oe A Lied"a sua Gimme: a Come High Peay '"The Laspels,” Chyihe Pack They hare been ta tee emecily 12 ¢ thew in Aoguat, Valen without ior voce, fie The mite at ao avenge! of aia Grane peor Kien Jauomy 17th, Lo, erg, nine, nif merely peratie bit thn night, Susdaye included, wotil ‘leat hg strong eho hang putatancng repobetion of rnar’ Grmi 1 feel thed st emmy duty to inform yen ‘pipht het 4 Pil. weet ook apd inde of cromte, the will pot light wget. “Tle * Pld Conga , eet rock wall on all of winie of De sapellete eaulta whieh in lt ow ety and Fometioning an wal] +] heaves nection thet Bd elt Eien, Ll hare chteined fan the. where. ia Over, jee, of thee * Fu hibit Steet Bees, mentioned valve, Employing ‘the letters tT dk , tama onewelse dabeebor corcust, | bane 1 may add chat [hewe the followin: cetera (remy recernndceeeoria from evere Hieber Hiationsto thee eheda all BB. T aheukt like af the ELEC fe Gireat ‘Brite at Btaticet, 17olardicyge Teed fawet, of cevinee,‘ ery Ind, iis simowi. food epealier siremgih, ane Holl, Dundes, Sardnsen slag al pode fereneg fo che betters peented Bet. walli tadio Maal in” Bedso Times" thagtetedy ieee irom any Coace a ‘phone atrenjrth. Cami,Bowne Theme val Aunt Sed, headed "How lerrage ditartea "—C. A Fimscko: 103 mouth, Sewsestls, Chelaudird > atoelinn ath) Coommoee tae 7" | binds they Rasen Road, Balham, 5. W. 12 ood. lead epealner. 1h, so poe had Hives [ havo in use moe ure the aera a few of the others, cok of t orn peat PUB Coss| howe ancy acoording 16 ocd Joeerailing me eet8 known, the time of reonptiog The total Helens, * 134 bureng houre of poor walvee wm oe I purchased too fren Mr, F, Male, For some te they wero teedon os fhillge:— Lie? Eoonlary ‘Reseed: Leyian, ai ‘tipenemitior with © welts fall oo chen Ortoter, 1029, Hane lnvew been in 4 : hours per mi _ (rere a. jas | ftlametia, aod 600 A voles on the | i wotlk. a oe fer 25 bore dat least) ona Thon plete passing about ‘8 to 2 amps i . ie valee Set per week, thos making the theaerial Mp efert whatever om ee hones for the 12 ante aie Egtal wor Lge hee pa epee binalaly wales), Hoch. sewers Leet om thee Thasking ead bt Che ioclirect. caer of Teen} 1.200 anil same are atill going #romg, should J iiok be witoent redo my having ppeol so ftAny plmaaerit r unre, T hare been experimentiog wih-wire: Meniation fx supbody, aed | om haute at work [stile sot "—W BL theerettote [eee fox over for yoary, and: this, J only eda my name Lo your large Liwt. Jeumrs 1 Hrecklasd Terrem, ies CA ap think, in ibemting ald reports.” — of patinfied castomers,""—L. H_- Freee Nastyeoll, sear Bodzend, Glam ceeuid in a ooA a ee BE. J Mew, "The Lames,” Gupta, 32 Trewioce Boe’, Wieeblo Koad 5x 4 Boyetion Avenue, South Cheugford, dee, W209 E.& “16 may citer) poto keto that | ag still using a Cassar FP... Mo. Toe, which T-boagbha in Febreary, 158 "E thlake 18 cite ele tam teksty bite tae ‘Te August, 1929, | beaghtone Tt was need precticallp avery eveung attelicnce of Four wolves, morn pas: Caer Ft, sod tery Comer Pil ln “Tq Joly, 1925, T 1bOOe he one of wour ticularly, ae Gor ea 7 ai sane. thes Pi a whith baw ‘Eas 1 Oeed ciner for 19 mootha az bes beessod! oo Apal, 1524, | porchase! another 1.2 An wrorege about one aeRO We FP. On the tet-Dammder, 1928, 7 Bilime 19 8 Gee-valee Dual Bet | perchewed Gero of thee:valves aod having mace lap & Four-valve Family anon thet. Gone (by the evening I According ta amy log, amma hed opi mets all the time the Loodog Sete ‘Te kp, HES, 1 purg ahewn bes ith Moet evereinas, to bot Hovendter enmiplederd, 1500 Br eesuchenwell now I shoakd eetieowties Ube theee valene I has bees bateaclicamtanige } valve Get and Twiewal iliteor, hours a ifel ete thal Erepe hes feu fitthed with Commer Viel ea ‘These first bougkt hare done 1.800 bourse, I waed it aa a detestor loot night ured Late Legros ah BO evErnpe been teed ono singe of LF. puur herd bess in repalar cee ever mieey aane pec Gay Irom dateof purciene twa of then atill working stecllentiy, Pi. tabing: its place, wn is wll precived Wi ¥ jue pudabla = averagiog 12 houre weakly pot to mp wiepthiog of [Se ote ! daigctor only, bot quite agreed ih bareshy (petro life up bi pearly gating’ full anplidention Ther perform as well cow os at the 1,000 hear How long they will ctaie T ebsotcich tegen ae the life oe reire Gea @ patiiog On tha ince wale T thee: Tope | i etart of their ith, and) ap thle i over last. | coneot sey-—perhasa poo. oon sreewieok kere ia-ales-«ia ele CoenChee op a rok — WT Vanan, | oer [Od banborgarinisy @tatiitie, nebo: ry timate |" — iG, H. Hasire, Pt. — eh haw for over A 1,000 hours. it ie really © media fal y ae toad, Weet Hampetead, | eevenAmerican.” —{) 7 Posie, career. (omc, 8 Bandferd Clio Hod, Lowe Edmonton, veg) WW Hee, 12 Rapier LW 1) Weoleett Steet, Redland, Boeel oad, Wembley. Avenga, Wood Green, H Lasdoo, ¥.

—now youll choose the Cossor = fre er tt at