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? :: . . '~~'.- .~ ~ ~ ·H:·'········E··· .:;:0 • J,. • • • ' .' , . . ·I'·T,'"0'" , ... ~lo • .~.. • ''-',;J." :.. '. 'f • .' ~ ..' " .. , • • , ~ I ,r', o ~ '.--J~ , oJ --';j'" ," , A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Inter~sts of the 'Eight Th6u$a~d C

'$1.50 a Year." '5c a C!JPY. Omaha, Nebraska, J.anuary 15, 1916 Volume 'I: ',.Number 2~ AbYssinia 3~d the . National Ass()chition Think On These Things; '...... - , .Annu~l European Conflict "No one could look upon t'1at life, or on that face. and not be . Holds Meeting

absolutely certain that here before him was one who had gaine,J , , This Little Nation With Her :Fighting firm and serious hQld-, on spiritual things. one who could '


'Its Retention .by Englaild or Capture A . Larg-l' ,\mounj... of Legal Work by. Germany Rests Entirely Wins Oklahinia. Watch HOrltil;" .L~'gislation.

..l' \ ••

". . f .~. '. "",

( .

...• i'

(~ontlnued on eighth' page) rCo~t1nucd on seventh page.). (Continued on seventh

, . . "" .' ...... Green-What is a sense of humor? STATION. Brown-A sense of humor is that

'!' '\.vhich makes you laugh at something Chirago., III., Jan. 7.-Roberl Craw­ that-happened to somebody else which General Race News would make you angry if it hap;J8ned ford, 382U Vincennes avenue, a seven­ teen ye~~r old youth is showing knowl­ to ,you.-Tit-Bits.. ~~~-~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i2dge of wireless telegraphy. While a - •..0..•.·.··0....-..·.-...... -.··.··.··.··.··.··············...... -! MAiNAGER PITTSBURG COURIER ship and allow her to enter any I student at the Wendell Philips high VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA. school which would receive her. The :-;chool he built for himselE the entire i $5.0 t h~s ~ Urban league 'was adive in her be- I wireless station which 'he at hill fTin: BE:--;T COAL FOR THE pittsbm:gh, Pa., Jan. 15.-William half. : home. All the wiring, eoil work, ~, I'[{ICE-TRY IT ? Nelson Page" aged 4(j years, manager transmitter, receiver, telegraph keys • II \R\lO\ & WEETH of ;the , died at 3 .NEGRO FINANCIERS AND .In

For the past twenty-six years Mr. educatil'mal and other interests, was [antic ('uast towns. H(, is a 111('l11lwr •••Q ..-.._••-.--e._.-.·.4-.•·.•·.• ·.Q..·•••••.•••••.•••-0.•• 11I.-., .• ) Page has been eU1ployed as private asserted by Dr. D.. S. S. GOOd]00, pr0~i- d' tJ1f' Wire·less ('Jub, which 'are' all ~H()ES secretary t<;l one of the officials of the ident of the Maryland State Teach- .\hite 0X('('pt himsel f. He is a student .\L\DE LII\E :'\EW Carnegie Steel Gompany. He rose ers' AssQciation, at the opening- of of' tlw \\'(·n<1e·]I Phillips Hig-h schou] with uur rapid shop n'pair mdh· ods, onr.·-flfth the cost. Sold un­ from clerkship to this position by dint the annual session of that body, nc- alld has madp a ]"(>('0]"(1 that ('very of hard work .and perseverance. It cember 28th. ' .. })())' should 1)(' rroud 01'. calle·C)-for shor·s, \\'e have a se­ has been said that during the many He said the theory was erroneous kstion; a] I si zes, all pnc(~s.

" FRIED,\L\::\' BROS., years of his service with this big cor- that an industrial labor class \\'as tllP WAS TE:\ YEARS OLD . ;.: : ~l J South l:2th St., Omaha, <, poration he was never tardy and was primary need for the adequate sup­ \VHE\T NAI'OLEO"i mED. the embodiment of the term "ten- port of cotoped men and wom0n ('n­ acity." At the time of his death he gouged in the professional ,walks of Atlanta, Ca., .Jan. 14.~Un('1(' Isham was secretary to W. G. Clyde, gen- life. The lare Booker T. Washinglon, (;riffin, who \\'11] bf' onp hundred and ,,", eral manager of sales. he said, evidently had in mind the rive' ~'cars o]d next March, was born The present success of the Courier need of the race being engaged in ncar Au~u"ta. (;e(}r~la, of,Negro par­ is due to the energetic efforts and ef- the higher lines of business and fi­ "nts. H(· II ves no\\ in 'Chattanoog-a, ficient management of Mr. Page. He nance when he organized the Na­ fenn. Hi' \\'as ten yea:rs old when was also instrumental in establishing tional Negro Business League. NapoJpon dlcd, He was born bcfor(' the colored men's branch of the Y. M. the telegraph, the telephone, the C. A. For a number of years he wa;; MME. HAC!{ LEY CELE- phonograph or the mo~ion "pidu're. secr('tary of the Loendi Club and was BRATES ANl'.:IVERSARY. The aeroplane and the :fireless' ~ook­ -one of its founders. .01." are ninet~· ~:ears younger Ulan Mr. Page is survived by a widow, , \' Chicago, W., Jan. 14.-At the Nor­ )Id Isham. ' Mrs. Bessie Taylor-Page; a son, Wil­ ,::.... mal Vocal Institute, 301U Calumet u\'('­ ...:J .... liam Clyde; a daughter, MISS Mabel, nue, of which she is dIrector, 1111H', CA::\'DJDATE FOR PLACE and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Azalia Hackley celebrated her fi i'­ O\T REVISiOK BOARD. H. Pag-e...... -. -...... -.- - -..-.-.-... , '" teenth anniversary as a singer wjth Ll tTHE LODGE SUPPLY CO.! Christmas tree party for the students Pittsburgh, Pall Jan. 14.-Nath,an­ ! : COLORED MANUFACTURERS tIll1 Farnam St. I of that institute, on Wednesday night, el T. Velar is II candidate for Ii pl~ce T : MAKE AUTOMOBILES th~ ! • December 29. - :m the Board for Revision, of t Badg-es. Banners. Regalia, Mme. Hackley wore her fir::;t con­ faxes, a county position. .He has .long ~ Cniforrns and !'ennanl'- Greenfield,- Ohio., Jan. 14.-C. R. cert gown, a .pink brocaded satin, been active in politics' here, serving i Phone Doug. -! 160. Patterson and' Sons' announce their which has been remodeled three years ;'or twenty years as chairman of the .....-..-.-...... -....-...... -...-.....~-- 1916 model of the Patterson Green­ ago by the senior sewing cla::;s of the Health Board of East Pittsburgh, and field automobile.. Patterson and Sons Manassas (Va.) Industrial School. 'or a number of years as school di­ J. A. Edllolm E. W. sltepeech. by Charles F Murphy as the leader of YES-ICE CREA ,ing $685, an,d the .othera model "4-35" The matron, Mrs. Clara M. Lewis, che New Yo, k Neg-ro Democracy to any style, for any occasioll co~ting $7715. They are also turning ,vas also remembered with a purse of 'Jucceed the lflte Robert N. Wood, has out two· fine iittle roadsters at a 'l10ney. Each student received a pho­ :>een appointed as an assistant district J. A. DALZELL Qualily First sn)a.ller price.. Those who have bought tograph calendar from their teacher. ,held a haS just made its apeparan~e here. H.,'CROSS the second prize winner,' which ~rried, meeting recently in the city' ha'U and It is' the 'result of the fO'rmation' with it a scholaishIp in the Scboolinvited, all the mechanics of the, race at' the Emancipation,. Exposi~ion in of Applied Design. She was refused to come., Their object waJI,' to form Chicago last. August of the Associa­ LUMBER AND admittaDce by t~e authorities 'of that a, union for the betterment of work- lion for the Study of Negro Folk Lore school' and subsequently denied the ing conditions and wages. The race md "History. Dr. C. G. 'Woodson, a WRECKING prize. responded and were treated like broth- ~eacher in' the. M street 'high school, iI TIae- _tter w'"" taken up ,with the era. The fact is that.there are many ~ditor-in-chief of the new publication. An L8ape-,' aDd it W88 decided to give race meChanics here,and thew'hites . 2111I aIId Paul Sir her the ·tnoney _vaJD~ of the 'sch~r- are afraid to go ahead without them. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MONITOR. THE,' MONITOR 3

~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~ ;I~ . and .~eligioq$ Topics .~ Overcoats

.. Direc~6ry. days at 8 p, m, SUIi"day.s at ~apUst- ill, ~~~:; m" 11 a. arid 7: 30 p. m. "HALF' PRICE Bethel-'-Twenty-Iilnth and T streets School at 12: 45 p, m, I South Omaha:. The Rev. J. C, Brown, . , AT ~rJ.1E VERY 'rIME YO D NEED A WARM COAT, pas.tor, resig..ence. 467 South Thirty- Methodist- I " •... ~~ .. ffrst· sU'eeL Services. Morning, 11; Allen Chapel, A, M. ,K, 523~ South ,.- eV,ening, 7: 30; Sunday School 1 p. ill-; Twenty-fifth street, South Omaha,L..... I our 'Opportunity \:',"" j.. R Y. p, B., 6:30p. Ill.; praise service, '1'he Re,v. John H. Nichols, pastor. . ,.,~ 7:30 JJ.,Ill. Residence, 5233 South Twenty-fi'fth i ',',.... Iffi m. ancl 8 :00 p., In,; Sunrlay school, ~ 'CoIlles', . 1'- .... [1!l I ... ·· 1 :30; Class meeting, 12:00; A. ,C,r<:;. Mt, Moriah-Twenty--sixth and Sew­ [~I (;REAT, BIG" 'Y ARM, COMFORTABLE COATS WITH L_, 6:30; prayer meeting, TU0.,day ~c ard streets, 'rIle Rev, W. B. M. Scott, ~ ,HtGH WIN-D-PROOF COLLARS ~') UI ~-. pastor. Services; Sunday School, 9; 30 evening at 8:00, ~ \. a, 111,:" preaching, 11 a" 111, and 8 p, m,; l~J • B. y, P: U. at 6.p, m. Grove M. E.-Twel1ty-se·cond and ~ ~eward streets. The 'Rev, G, G, Logan, I At Half flce Zlon- Twenty-s~~th .and Franklin pastor, Residence, 1628 North T\:Vlln· ~ (temporary location). 'rhe Rev. W, F, ty-second street. Services: Sunday: ~~ ~ BotLs. pastor; resid-ence, 252~ Grant School' at 10 a, m.; preaching at 11 a. ~ t;Lreef:. Telephone Webster 5838, Ser­ m. and 7: 30 p. m.; Epworth League, ~ vices : Devotional hour. 10: 30 a. ill,; 6:30 p, ill. $7.50 to $20 preaching, 11 a, m,; Sunday School, ~ .!; St. John's A. M, E..-Eigbteenth ancl 1 to 2 p. m.; pastor's Dible class, 2 to ~c Webster streets, The Rev. W, T. Os I~ 3 p, 111,;~ B. y, p, D,. 6: aop, Ill,: choir [!j de\'otion. 7: 30 p, m.; preaching 8 p, m, borne, pasLor. Residence, 613 North Eighteenth street. Telephone Doug, ~ ~ Episcopal- las 5914. Services: Sunday, 11 a. m. Church of St. Philip the DeaCOIl­ and 8 p. m" preach.ing; 12 noon, daBS; Twenty-first nelar Paul street, T.he 1:15 p. m.. Sunday SciLOol; 7 p. m., Rev_ John Albert Williams, rector. Endeavor; Wedne1sday, 8 p, m., pray· L~~rgl};Jl!!lltill:ll:!IlillfiI~[g][gjli(Jlffili!irriJrg~II!ThWllffmll!tJ~f!I;(@~illJll;~~'f~'~-:r~~ill:~~ill.ill:l.:Iar-~~ ~ . . ~ Residence, 1119 North Twenty-first er' 'and class meetings, Everybody W~bster G~eat.eSt.()pportunity street, Telephone 4243, 'Ser, made welcome at all of these meet­ I You Ever Had I vices daily at 7 a. m. and 9 a, m, Fri- ings, ~I ::fA.KE ADVANTAGE 1 " DON'T WAIT~ CLOAKS, SUITS, @j ~ _\.~D PADEREWSKI WILL GIVE NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. DRESSES, AND F-if-nS. AT HALF PRICE LESS ALL NEXT §1 ~ "-ft'E)" .. '." 6 CONCERT IN OMAHA 1151 .,,, \.. B @ . . e -- Notice is hereby given that we, the ~ A. BoftOff~S ',Ne'Y York Sample Store ~, Omaha, Neb" Jan. 14.-Music ,lov- d . d' d t fer ~ , h S - un ersJgne , m or er 0 orm a 0 - Iffi Tel. Douglas 424-7. ..: . 206 No. 16t t. ~ ers of Omaha will get their first taste t' f tl ses ]ler'el'naft'er JW1 ~ pora ron or PUTPO. . J~'IlIDJ!\:WIffi~[!;i@~'ID!fl@~l!ill.!llii®@I!l1[::m.t:IW;{\~fgooj;U@W~myg~iltlltUtl~I;:I;:®<'!l;;:~ of high cl~s musk on January 17, ~~ed, und~ ~nd PUThU~pt ~ ilie ~~~~~~~~~'~._.~~~~~"_.~'~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ when Paderewski will give a c.. oncert 'sl'on'S of tIle laws of the State . b '. k f h ." Pl~OVI • ' . any other object In 01'. ab,out· :~ts \15.:- and F,ubscribed capital -stoc 0 t e jn the Municipal Auditorium.. . of Nebraska, do hereby ('ertify as £01- , The Paderew.5ki concert is a part .ness. corporation. , . lows: To m'artgage or 'pledge any stocks, ARTICLE VIr. of the concerts for charity, given by ARTICLE I the Omaha -'Retailers' Association. "bonds or other obligations, or anv DIRECTORS. "acqui~ed Everybody who has a strain of music fNAME. h t' h 11 pl'Operty which may be - by The directors of this corporati n The name 0 t e corpora JOn s a it; to secure any bonds or obligations shall be three in number and t~ i _ knows of Paderewski, and his recep- 1 k' C tion here will be of the most preten- be, Ohee Unc etta mg 0, by it issued or incuh'ed; to guarantee corporat-Ors of this corporation sh II bOllS calihre. ARTICLE II. any dividends or bonds 0:::- contractsd act as direct-Ors of the same until t e All that need be said is that Pader- LOCATION, .01' other obrigations; to make an per- first annual meeting of the Eto ewski is coming. That means that The location of its principal and reg- form contracts, of any lpnd and des- holder!! and until their successors everybody will go and that a new, Istered office s.hal! be in. the City of cription; and! in carrying on its busi- erected and qualified. maha, Douglas County, Nebraska, ness, or for the purpose.,0f attaining ARTICLE VIII. record for concert attendance is likely O thi~ corporatio~ furtheringan~t Objec~. "· .' • but ..is .empowered and' or of its s; to. do .1!0~ OFFICERS. to be hung 1,1p. authorIzed to mamtam and conduct any and all 0 hel acts and thmgs ano. offjceTh of this corporati n " I NOT'THEIRFAULT. offices in any part of - the United to exercise ay and all other powers shall be President, Vice-Preside t, .' States.' which a co-pa-tnershif or natural per- Secretary and Treasurer; and t e Uncle Josh was comfortably light~ ARTICLE III. ;son could do Of' exercise an'~ whi-c-hnow President Vice-President and Trea- ipg ·his pipe in the hving r~om one.".. .. .S or hereafter nlay be authOrized by law. urer shall be m~mbers of the Boa evening w'heIi Aunt Maria glanced up NATURE OF BUSINES . The f~regolng clause shall be con- of Directors. The holding of one 0 _ fromhe~ knItting.. The objects for which this corpora- strued both' ks objects and powers, fice by any member of the Board f "John," she rema,kerd, "do you ftion is _formed are: To acquire by and it is hel~ebY expressly provided Directors shall not preclude such °.-.°-. .know· that next SU:llday wiil be the purchase, gift, devise, lea-pe or other- that thefol'egbing enumeration of spe- rector from holding any other offi t,,;eilty-fifthanrtiversa-ry of out wed- \vi~e acq~lii:e, and to own" 'hold,. buy cificpo,:er~ s~all n0!;be held to limit to which he may be elected by ding" ,.' or sell, convey, lease, mOltgage and or restrIct 111 'any m~nner the powers Board of Directors. -. •. . Hy.O·U' d-o.n:~t say .so·," res.pql)ded .Jbah,.: incuI)lb'el" real estate, and other prop- of thi.s corporation. ..~TICLE IX. . pV-ffing vigorously on,'his corncob Ji'ty, personal or mixed. ARTICLE IV. ANNUAL MEETING. -~ ~.,.;,- ~ ;, . -~- -pip~.-.."-Wha:t about· it; 7" -'. . '1'0' enter into, make, perform and CAPITAL STOCK. The annual meeting of the stoc _ ~ .', 'INothing," answered Aunt Marla, carry out contracts of every' kind or The total authorized ,capital stock of. holders of this corporation shaH e ~ '-f' "only I tnought maybe we ougl;lt to for any '1 awful purpose, with any per-' this cOl:poratic;m is twenty thousand held at its offices in, Omaha, D()ugl s e ..·. '. ".. ".ke:,~sl:,~: ..hem .,two. Rhod... ..ISla.n,d ,.Re,d....Ch,i.Ck.-son, firm, association. or coi'poration, (,$20,000.00) dollars,oi;v:ided into two County, Nebraska, on the second. Tue r, -1 SO; iar·.fl:s thescmte maYbe necessary hundred. (200) shares df. the par value day in February of each year.

< .', ',. t ." ';"-But, ~~rla~'" dema.nded .U·t:l~le .Jo,sh, '~nd ~ncld~n.tai .,to> th.e,·' cal~ryi~g out of.· of. o~e ~un(tred·. '( $100~OQ) d~IJars.: each, . ARTICLE X. ~'ho\"can: you blame themtwoRhOdethepurposeso,f this coi·potatl<)ll.' to beJu~Iy paid at thecon.ihiencement AMENDMENTS: , JslandRe'dsforWhat happened tWen~y. To mortgage,s~ll, c~nvey or other~ ofthebusiness,ofthiscorporatipn. "These am-cles,of iilco~l:ltationma i fIve V~a.i;.a :i ago ?'~~~{ansas Oity,Star., wi'se dispose pfreal, personai or mix~'ART:i:CtEV. '. beamen9iedat'anyregular tllieeting fi. stockh~ldeTsifya:tWo,.thirdsv(jt ,> .• ' .• , .;.·'(·.property; ,mera~PIldertaking;COMMENGEi.f:ENTThi~' OFb~ginBUSINJ1;SS.'bti~i'Ae'~s theth'~ s:toc.k1:ePies~nkdj ~: ~",r .••... '. ·LAST>RESOn±...' ,>. '!q .carryon a g .; ..' cbh>raiiQIl off-.u~a,. 'business; to manufact:ure any' and all on,the::[~7thd~Y:'ofDe.cerriber,·1916;' ing. Notice of the porpose4_amend­ t.hus convey~d hi's' intei:ltion~. '.hi$..go-o~.. 'n~cessary,;for~1isc in.or a1:l~)U(aJ';d"cbntilitie ,,,fifty (50) ,ye~rS unless ment, howevel', to be serveQ, upon each .-t9 .', congregation: the ~ondti¢t:oi;'a.·generalun'dertaldn)r;:dissolvedby t~e vote ot jour-fifth of and every stockholder of the corpora- :( "Weel, friends, the kirk is ·urgently bU8iIi~ss. . the capi~l stock of, th~' corporation. ·tion not less than thirty days prior in need of siller, and as we have failed' Without in any manner or in any or Unless otherwise dissolved accord- to the date of such ~eeting. to Itet money honestly, we will have partiCl;lIar limiting any of tnp. obje.,ts ing to law. . The affairs of this corporation abaIl to see what a baiaar can do for us." or powers of the. corporatioJ:',. :t is ARTICLE VI. ' , ' be conducted in accordance with the -Tit-Bits.' hereby expressly declared anti pro- INDEBTEDN,ESS. By-Laws of the corporation. vided, tha,t the corporation shan have .The highest amount·of indebtedne88 G. WADE 0 The people who want their money' power to issue bonds and ally 'other or li~bility to which t~s' corporation EJ~ORA K. to go'a long w.ay generally have sOme obligations in payment for pl'OIIerty shall at any time· be subject to, 'shall THOMAS AD 'difficulty in letting it go at all. pur~hased or acquired by it., or for not exceed two-thirds .of the-'Paid-up Ineo THE MONITOR those ·of oHier communion,;',. and ad­ A PROFESSIONAL DERMA­ dressed himself to the speCial work TOLOGIST NEEDED. ~:hTIiE .MONITOR assigned him. , ..... 'As. "God buries His workman, but ...... A professional dp.rmatolog-ist ought His work" goes on;" may a wise suc­ \.: to have no trouble in making a living­ A. Weekly Newspaper .. de-voted' to the civic, social ·and religious cessor to Bishop Scannell be chosen, in this day of color dil:iputcs. J. S. 'interests- of the Colored People of Omaha and vicinity, with the desIre who will prove himself a potent factor to contribute' somethlng to the general good alld upbuilding of the Cousins, of Erwin, Tenn., a railroafl community. . in deepening and advancing the relig­ engineer, was chaq;f'd by his local ious life of the community. ", ~:. ,- PLibUshed Every Saturday. lodge of !o('omotivp ('ngineers witb being mixf"d with A fric'an blood, anr! Entered as Second-Class Mail Matte.r July' 2, 1915. at the Post­ Please bear in mind that we raise as a result he ]ost hiS prpferred run. '-. office at Omaha, N·eb., under the act of March 3, 1879. our subscripii-on rate::. February 1st He sued for $1 ;),001) damages and se­ to $1.50. We were urged to niake it cured a judgment In thr. frleral court THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor and Publisher. that'at the start, but dee.t1'led it betit for $~~,BI)O, thp jury d(,f'ldln~ that Lucille Sk~ggs E,dwards, William Garnett Haynes and Ellsworth W. , • Pryor, Associate JDditors. , to start at the lower figute. Send in Cousins was a wrutc' man. Tn St! { . P;t~· . Joseph LaCouI-, Jr.• Advertising and Circulation Mpiager. your subs<:riptions NOW and get the I Louir; an cJxtraorrillarJl.\· "fair" advantage of the lower rate. f'hOn~e;t r of a cc.\or,.,d church got into trou­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES, $1.50 PER YEAR in your name and address, many hav. be. with hiS nock bpcause somebody ('ollp(,tor.~w·Jl .~.,~'._'- Advertising rates, 59 cents 'an inch per issue. already done 50, and our \\,hifiper"rI It around that hp W~ rnl:!ht plel, up a job In a Tl'i:isis a serious situation and calls man, who has advertised with us from r~11 pnmaTles"...are In April. Begm. to do C'hu , or'.t ...,-,(·f],,,"")'" hr}...US" Fvr-n"" "!J(j- r for .sober reflection, great searching the start: "I take great pleasure in your political advertising now. If you Ilite s~('jc.ty" nlwht at. timr-., :l~'();d Of heart, and earnest purpose'in the reading The Monitor. It's a newsy, want to get before the ColQred voters, f'Ompll<:atlfJn:; by drawlTIg rln tnc;!.1' creation o.f a healthy public opinio.n bright paper, full of good stuff. It don't overlook' the important fact of SPITic..:ps. -The Indianapolis Frr'unan.. tl:tat will arrest the growth of this has opened my eyes to a good many .., ~ advertising in The Mo.nito!'. 'Our ad- malignant s.ocial cancer. , things, and I am frank to confess, I vertising columns are 'opt;n to '<:andi­ We do. not know how our own dill-have learned a great deal by reading Fe\\ forE'lj:!nl'-rs ranlP Into .. hiP Ii dates of all parties. Our editor,ial tinct group stands in. this al(l:r~ing 'it, that J wouldn't have gotten hold lTnited State.- dUl'Ing FI1G. The small­ policy is not for sale.. We· wi:!l sup­ est number in t\\'pnty years was thire .:. \ ratio. 'W:e presume that our people'of i'n any other way." port the men and rnea:sut~s ttJat we ~t26,700 l:\-..ferage· relativeiy high; We. hope Such statements as these al'e rep­ \dlO ('ame during- thE' yea, deem best for our people and .. the not· but'we are' rather afraid that' an resentative and show that The· Mon­ end ing Jun.- ;)0. EIlG. Th0re W('[10 ,; : co)"i1J11Unity. .j., inv~stigatio~ 1,218,480 the year befoTe. ~o manr ...~ . \,:ould disclose the fact' itar is being read rand sinc€ expr.es­ ·~:r. . that We do. Of thIS" however, we are sions of this 1cind ate being backed went back to Europe in 191:) that oUlr '. ;. Why not start a savings bilnk ac­ fully per~uaded th:at. our own people, 'up' by agro-.i~ing 'list of- subscribers, net g-ain ~n population was but ;:'O,D7f). count, jf );OU have not already .done incomrt~op ";\rith.'others, are all too it shOws that they _are sincere. In HI14 ·i.t ,\'as -;-69,2,6. . 80, or begin paying on a home T quick to seek' the divorce 'Court to _ All of this is most gratifying to ps Building and .Loan assoc'iat1ons offer sunder the family tie rather than to .and sho\vs that our efforts to provide For one man who is too good fOil' excellent opportunities fo.t systematic his Job there are a thousand whosll? 'seek by mutu-one of pure. hannohy and h

• ~.~_c~_.:ca:p.s-eF-T;.he-~hlef-cause-w111~be:,~ou~dyo.u.

'.,,' t11:~i~~~{::t.:;Sth~'Cau6es,t~~con~i" Bl~aOp· SCAN:NELL. '1. tion i~h~1'b~dep]Qr~d;and'~Vl;!ry ef- '. '.' . '. .' ., The Monitor fort shd(iid,bi:,'riiil~e b}"U1ose'W~o.' In~he 81.lddenand unexpected. del:l:th"1 realize' that marrhigeisthe';Jounda- )~s~ ~~tu:d~Y of ~he Rt.. ~v. Rlch~td '. Only ,One Dollar a Year . tion of' the f~lmjJy and.the:f~lldlY9f',~ca~ne~1;W~?has:ldmmister~d~tb,+ the state and a matteriniwbiChthes1n;gularablhty and qonsecratlOnt.he Aft~r F~brtutr.y 1st, $1.50 rights of children have to be. consid- Se~~f?mahafo:rnearly .~. quarter of ..,-' ." ~ .. ~ .. ~ ~. -~ -~ --_.. ~. ~-_ .. '--: ;;.~. -,- ~;;. .._,-- .-:.- - :,~ ~_ ...;.------. __·_·0 _..,_ ; "..• _~ •__ .. _~, . • - ;1 ered, t9. lessen. the divorce evil . and a"'cen~ul"Y; n'?t: ~~lY<:lOJhe .R():tn:ln . FHl°l:lt thiBibIarik.:,~~nd it. jvith $1.0{Pto The. Moni~~, 1119 eliminate this social cancet.: from. our Cath?llcs of hIS dl~~es\~lQse ~th.e;:,~art~: No?thTw~~tY':fir~ StreetrOmah~~ Neb. life. \...., pre~ence of a fa1thful chiefR~~to.J,'(: :S~netth~,;~~nito-r !Y . for One Year ,- ; . "One to three." . What will -the' ra- but.Oll)~~a and .th~ state. are deprlv.ed ~ ' ... o!,~h~ and.c~un5el tio be next year and the next?.. Think: guidance of a·great· To ~ _:~_ £:_;-:~. _~~:.;~. ~.o .... -- •• • o •• e - :_ 0 e '.o'.::_ .. .. <:":-:7'-.::'" _..7 ••• o _ _:,' f't What is your duty? rehglous leader.. .. =:...~:t . OJ. . Since .his translation from the See Str~et ;: .. ;.. _: : ; .- ~:· ~l._ .._ ; .. \ SPEAKING OF THE MQNITOR. oC Concordia, Kas., to' that of .Omaha . . _~ ~~.w ~ ~A. ~ _~ ~ . in 189J, he had' de~o~ himself quiet- Town ...... " _._._ _ ••• _. _ •• '. _ _ ••• •• Y . +h . k 'Iou The Monitor is Btill. ly' and unostentationsly.to the up­ \I an , 'ld' f h' di . h' h ~ __ State, ...... - ~ _ -.. -. -- ~ ~ .. _-~.-.- .. --.~ --. -.. - ~ . es..• ..:_~ __in we desire to thank bUI mg 0 JS oeese, w. .Je JUUt .. _ growmg, IIJIIlI -- . I. .• ...... 'bera and advertisers for Imade. great progress under his ad­ su~~. Signed .... ~ ~.- -- "' ~ _- - _ - ~ _- .- .. our J. • t t' La al . ht to , . theil' jNW'$nMe aDd in~re8t., and the I~lIUS ra JO~'. . Y, ~ ~a8 ng , . Idnd exPtessions we hear from ,his oMt f~th- andconVlct'ions, he had __ _ _ , . the t ~..': ·r . reputation of being tol.eran . to 1; •••••••••••••• '," ••.•••••••• ------..-'-""!I'--J.-__..J,"',

''> " . THE MONITOR 5

.-/. Under the leadership of':1'4ra. S. R. D.orsey, a number of ,..her binaha DRUG STORE GOODS :riends planned '3, plea¥ant sl.J,rpriae . at Cut Prices Lrty on .Miss Deborah :Wmia~s at 25c Allcock's Porus Plasters....12c In You Will Be More 01" L OLORED PHYSICIAN i OMAHA LAUNDRY CO. f Mr. and Mrs. W. Eo Carter have re­ much improved. SAVES WOM'AN'S "LlFE ~ Tel. Web. 7788 ; turned from Missouri, where they ...... -.~ visited relatives and friends. The Leap Year club will give a Mrs. Caroline Russ, a. white woman ball Monday, January 81, at P~·tel'­ .iving at 2Gl~~ North· Twenty-sixth S. JOHNSON son's hall. Admission 25 cent8.-Adv. c. The Willing. Workers will meet ;treet,' took poison in' 'a fit of de­ '18th') and Izard Tel. Dougla;7 1702 with Mrs. F. AJ. McCullough at 2430 .pondency on account 9f jll heaith ALL KIKDS OF COAL and COKE Mrs. R. C. Cole, 2707 Corby street, Patrick avenue, Friday aftertlOon. :uesday evening. at POPULAR PRICES. returned Monday' from a visit wi'h . Dr",Leonard E. Britt, b.ne of our $5.50 Johnson Special Lump S5.50 Mrs. Maude Scott has returned her parents-in-law at Louisiana, Mo. e~ding colored physicians, who lives . . Best for the Money from. Kansas, whel;e she spent the --- lear by, was summoned and his skill 10lidays visiting relatives and friends. The infant child of Mr. and Mr3. axed the woman's li'f.e.' f...... ·..... ······· ...... -...... ~ McRay was buried Monday from the \ " • J. E. WAGEN Mrs. A. Harbin who is ill with' the undertaking parlors of Jones and E. WILLIAM KII--L'}-~GSWO.RTH, Chiles. !( grippe wislies to thank the Progress- Formerly of the:'Un{bn ·Paeific De i Fresh and Smoked :Meats Chjc~g(),. \. ive club fo-r-the· beautifut. ..flowers se.nt --- .. Luxe" from to',:Lo$'Ange­ + We dress our own Poultn her. -7-~Mts. 'Lewis New, 2431 Patrick ave- les, announces t.hat)l:e 4a~ accept­ IDoug-. 1602 2215 Cuming St. . nue, returned Sunday from Chanee, bu:sin~ss ed the position 0'£ maria­ ~ ••••••••• t' ••••• ,-,,-,,-,-,-~, ThuTsday,Jannary 6, a daughte.r Kas., after spendin.g Christmas with gel' of the ESf? TEFj D,EE. BA.R­ , t', •••' was born to Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Ed~ hei mother. BER SHOP, 1322 ,DQdge" "street, fPhone Webst er 850 . wards, 2411 F;rskine street. Mother and will gladly me~t~f. ofh.is old I We sell nothing but the ven- best and daughter doing well Febl:uary 1st we raise our subscrip­ friends and patr~1l.s w'h().~sb'; to t Meats and Groceries tion price to $1.50 a year.· .Send in be served in the TQn~Qfial'':art., J. BERKOWITZ Alhert. N. Wade wa.s drawn on the your subscription now and get the Slogan: '''WORTHKILLING,~' i P4th and Charles Sts. jury '''hieh is trying Arthur Hauser, benefit of the $1.00 rate. and highly connected with a Real i a a. a•••••••••• ...... -.... ~ charged with murder. Mr. Wade was Barber Shop. "Nuf Sed." ·excused because be objects to capital Mrs. D. T. Ransom returned from punishment. tNORTH END COAL .Kansas City Thursday of last week ROSENBLATT f - ~ EXPRESS co. and Mr. D. T. Ransom from Mem­ SELLS QUALITY • Montgomery Bell of Las Vegas, N. phis, Tenn., Tuesday of last week. t For all kinds of good coal, fur- M.;.reputed to be one of the wealthiest AT CUT f niture, piano and trunk moying men in ,that state, ~hosedeath was CO A.. L PRICES ! call The Rev. Charles Mohammed of reported in last week's Monitor, was 2000 Lbs. Per Ton ,Guaranteed. t '\Y"EBSTER 5036. the uncle of Mrs. :iienry Buford of :::ape Town, South Africa, presiding Prompt ])eli~ery.TeI. Doug. 530 I ~.lder I " LET GEORGE DO IT. this city. of the A. M. E. church in I '..South Africa and delegate to .the A. • - -.----- . • 2627 Lake Street. • • .• ••••••••I•I•••• ., ___ Next Thursday evening a parish,\1·E. general con:i'erenc'e which con- t r-:':~~~~"'~"-~"~~~~=!!~ t ! I •• I .,' •••••• social will be given,by the Woman's ,enes in Phiiadelphia in may, I ~ i '.. auxiliary in St. Rhilip's guild .. room. ,lreached at St. John's Sunday night. tft When in Need of Shirts Try ;'rhls is th.e first of a series o;ffiuch fhe Rev.~i".Mohamm.edis a gradu.-T , . i BURCESS socials which will be. given twice each Lte of ~Wilberforce university, Wil'.. ,i f . b+ • i' He Can Fit You month until Lent. . Je'rforce,..0 He was e ducated y the' r §..M..E. church. . t t Dou2'. -Hl3 318 So. 18th SI.

I I Mr. and" Mis. othelio.: ,ROUntree, ."! t IIIIIIIII •••••••••• I•I i enter~Th.e Jl?,5 North Nineteenth street, Crescent Whist club was -en:.. I '·············.··.I••••••• tainedcPtiday nighfeompiimentars to. tained at,the residence of Mrs. C. .-., JTel. Red 1424 . ..•. '. ;.Mrs. Vaughn·ofl{ans,as.citY, Twelve 1. Hicks, 2020 Clark street, Tues~ There is a E.()t:"'~f Satisf~etion in tWill L. Hetherington

:;-~~:r,~·~~gUest£LW~e:-PI:s_e~t....~--- ._~_. ~'..'. ~-- ~!~-'~~~;~~i:-g~~fX:: P~nz:;~:'~::Wi:r~;t't:tt~:gBUli:~vSmiih.;WhIst club·.B16~dos.tr~et,metwlthMl1I. )ooby pnze by Mrs.. Nate Hunter.Tues~' f()i' Yo-ur '~ Asst. or Henry Cox t j .•.. .. ·•· 2'7..'26 ... ":he n.ext.. meeting wili pe held BIRD BRAND COFFEE 1"I"I"'I""".-~'I._• Studio PatterSon•••••Brk·i ·':~,~:::: ·~ ~.,· ~.a ·:nWhL.i~~~~~~:~ :~.a.:; ~.a~~:.:;. ~~'.i:~·~:rl~.Si~~~t~ ·'iSEGv·.·eUrayr.a~~~ey·.d. .<...·... ..e...• ..·..•..... ;.•',·.·..·.•.·...;.;.;.·.. ..• ... .•....'r:.·t.e.o.. •.. tIOt:, .. cpoles·ta:eN.OYOMuorin.e !•• I •• •I•• ••• ...... ,. 'N' ... MatllinJs :B~k~fY. &Quick' tune~' ):.;.

+ j THE MONITOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IlA SewEn~and woman tcll OfdiS-\ ·. Cheld covering her new cook in the drawing . ur '.' .• ·otIlen ,and 1 ren room, gazing at an aquarium with.; O W mU<:h interest. Condu:cted by Lucille Skaggs Edwards. ite "Well,. Mary," "aid the mi;<;tress of I Ithe house, in a kindly tone, "What do . you think or them?" WHAT IS SUCCESS?" or he was t'ouched by the magic of "Sure, they're lovely," said the girl, I Ille, oods vhat he had heard. "Yes, have heard "Will ye bel ave mum, but this Some of us may not be able to in­ three great singers." IS thp first toinw in Ille loire liver crease our income of dollars, but all "I want to know," exclaimed the SCI' I'l'd herrings alive beforc'!" of uS can increase our output of good r:ritic. ---,~~~~ e thoughts. A,nd the man who creates "The first was years ago. The sing­ W(, are ah\'ays Jrl('lined to be ')enlent arid distributes thoughts that con­ er was plain of race and gray of hair \\'Ilh the faults of' people who :lrr: stract, that foster greater faith, that lnd tired of body. There was much biggi'!' than we an'. iIisp"ire more confidence, that make \'ode to ·do, and many mouths to for neighborliness and good-will, is (oeed. I ,vas the younge:;t child, sicl< ,..•- -•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•..•_•.: _0••'. oW" n a success. md crosl. And the dear singer + ASK YOUR GROCER I And the man who is that sort of croon~d to me a lullaby, aDd I slept. T FOR T success will never lack anything need­ It was a wonderful song. The next tOP Brea i' ful to his happiness and .well-being. ,\'as years afterwards. We had a little 1 t , He .simply "cannot escape from his :ottage. It was summer, and the win- , i Best Bread Made + good," the good>he is daily creating '\ows and doors were open. My wi fe & _•••0 0 _ · _ _0_._0••& I as and dispensing. As he SQWS he reaps. \'as in the kitchen preparing supper. The work he loves to do, the serv­ ;he was singing something about the I ice he performs whole-heartedly, rue love coming home to her. It wall I More Sickness and Accident &~ brings to him a just and all-suffic.i­ '01' me. And that, too, was a wonder' Insurance for Less Money ent recompense. He may never be 'ul song. Some more years elapse. Old line protection. No assess­ able to write his check for a million fhere is a little toddler in the garden., ments. No medical exarhination. ~he doesn't w~t to. A'wealthy"man, In to u.s the other day: "Say what you 334 Brandeis Theater Bldg. I '.I I) 1I.\ rr" n J. ,'ke, the people who have enough to 'Don't send a boy where a girl can't\ Douglas 3726. do with and, not too l'nuch, who must go, • )lana little, and wait and save for And say, 'There's no danger for boy8, NORTHRUP ! something much desired, are the hap- you know, CHAS. EDERER f LETTER DUPLICATIMG COM PAtH i ,y' people. T,heyappreciate what they Because they all have their \\'ild oats FLORIST ! LF:TTr:RnU)'>I~T:"" ! hav~it means something to them., to sO\\';' Plants, Cut Flower-s, Des"igris, ITYPEWRITTEN CI RCULAR LETTERS I The man who has ~voTk that suits him; rhere is no more excuse for a bo Decorations (. , t,Pb~l,l,~. \.~.~~:LI~::t'> ;,"" !'~:~'~~~' I]H~: ; "d that he. sUits, .who loves to do: to be low Greenhouses, 30th and Bristol Sts~ .-.-. - -....•-. -.-.- . what he is doing, is a king. Why-" i 'han a girl. Then please don't Phone Webste.r 1795. he smned reniiniscently, "the very 1 him so. happiest and proudest moment of my life wa.s when a clUb. I used to belong I Don't send a boy where a girl can't C '0 staged a little play that I wrote. go, , LB.CANS35 How I dreamed of the plays I \vould 'or a boyar girl, sin is sin, you know, EACH ':'lrite in th~ future;' how the plots I nd a good boy's hands are as clean wove themse.lve~ in and o~t of my \ and white, brain every waking moment. But they \.nd his heart as pure as a girl's to- .;... ~ever got any further. And now-" night." -Anon. he lifted his shoulders with a depre­ cating shrug that said more than THE REMAINS. , . words.' "But you wouldn't go back?" --- we ~sked; "you wouldn't give up, your A Negro child died \\oithout medical wea1th, your standing as a man of \ttendance and the coroner \vent to .affairs,. and aU thefniits of all your nvestigate. years .fora dream ?"lIis tace grew "Did Samuel Williams live here 1" serious•. "1 T could go back," he made 1e asked the weeping woman who an­ answer, "llI coul<;l go back I'd choose 1wered the door. a different Path. I have played the "Yussah," she replied between sobs. game of mammon, and it isn't worth "May I' see' the remains?" asked jthe candle. It w9uldn't matter eo he coroner. 'i,", I'~ "I is de remains," she answered much if tl\is life were ,all, but ORHIE sl. HULSE C. iI' '1'. RIEPEN I _~~__-;-__~~~~~~+--_ i,tome to l.>eiieve it i'sn't; Thave come proudly. Harl1~Y 112b7 Hurney 5M4 ',: \1. to'believe thata.man'liJ work is porn'" HULSE ~RIEPEN EMERSON LAUNDR Ii' .. with-him; that we are 'builders ,here TIED. Funeral Directors F. S, 1"'1()1{f~ Y. Proprietor f~r t . something beyond, and. that the ._-- .Doug. 1226 701 So. 16th.St. 'I" ~p'oot~st founda~i6n'po.siple to imag:" Major George W. Teidman, of Sa~ ~_"'''''''' I 1303·05 ""'./ i':":'7';-'---'-'-',i'ne isthecu'lnaking'-":'o~-~m~ney' for vannah, Georgia, tells the following ~ __IIi.).1 , •••••••••••••••••••••••• !' Phone Webster 820 ,Ii' .. ·. 'moliey's sake, and poWer.. The world. about the old~time Georgia editor who I \~ . ;i,ckUs.· ~e~a sucCessful man; i~rri not, was u$uaJly mayor, justice of the SM~KE' • ll'------l----! 'and. tlm6wit.~.'.t\pdhe~e is'Thor~peace,, and'real-~state agent; as welt ", eau's' oWh'defirti.iioit'cif ~uceess; -let ··tJpon·oneoccasion one of these ed­ 111~~o;;~i: :a:'::in~~dSh:;:;:g! uS take it wi:th us through the year; itors was busy· writing an edito.rial Te Be Ce nn~ht.afesp¢~;I~h~ton If the day ana: the the tariff when a Geoz:gia couple ! J 1 • - vou greet them Wiui. jo,y'r~'arid., :life; c~e into·be married.: Withollqoo~­ .~ TtI~i ,~~~r. 5.c. ~~.~~~ ••••-r I I GORDON .VAN co. . t ~mits a fragrance 'like\flowe·!s.and· 'ingup, without once slackIng: his pen, WE PRINT THE MONITOR tl1th a-ndDavenpb~ Do,ugla.8~94:i . swee.t-scented herbs, is more s~::!-trY;, ,the :editor'said: . . ." ". {," i more immortal-that il',your lilJ.:ccess•. :.'(Ti~e's·monef; want):ler?'" All aature is your congratulatioll,arid' '.' .... "Ye~;"'said;lhey(?uth,~: , WATE;f~S·. t I TAKE "PLEASUR 'it; the~ditQi' nciddedto~ 'loU have cause momentarily to .l>l.ess "Vfapt."h¥h'1·" ..'. ,BARNH){RT' ' f i-1l:t!ianktni'd'o6 tOf!V9/lr patronage..':: '," ~ounelt.· ". ward' tlj:EL'·-:g'i~l>··. '" . ~ant. PRINTING CO: ','! orimyI lf~yDur..trn:de 'solely UpOD the merts :1.·..•.·... ' ••,' .. . "Yes," she replied~' , :fiio,n will prQ6l by tradiDg here. THE' MOTHER SONG. '.'Man· and 'wife," pronoUnced. the ·:.....· H. E. YOUNG editor, his penstiU writing rapidly., t. PhOne Webs~r 51lS 2114·16~. 'Utb St. The brilliant audience gave an ova- "One dollar.' Bring a load'. of wood­ • ... • ••• ,I lb. • •• I •••••• I, tion to the great. singer. She was un-' fo;c. it. .One-thi,rd pine; -bal~ce oak!': ' •• 1 ••••••••• "11 •••••., Office Hours-9 a. In. to 12; 1 p. 'qaestiofiably the best soprano in the -EverybodY's.. to 5; 6 p. m'l~ 8. world. The critic tumed to, his friend, -~--~- m. ~; the self-made BDd said:' "You say that Jenkins owes every~1 , 0 H A CRAIG HORRIS, D•. S. "Did 1Pu eYer hear any song more thing J1e bas to you.?" , DENTIST ~?" esqaisft!el,. . "Worse! He owes much more 524 South 13th Street . 2407 Lake St. PhODe eb. 4024 ~UYe8,'" Sa'd the neb Dl8D musingly, than he' has to me." .. Phone Douglas: 2190 . 7 THE' MONITOR ;/ th~t of most human races. A con- The molqsses which has been used 'c LAS S'IF I' 'E'" D siderable degree of infolding of the for the tests is of the Cuban variety, ...... ~S.':.ci,e.·.n.~~e whi~h i ear is so common that ananthropolo- a coarse b;'-produet of sugar ! :;. .~" . 'Notes gist would give it only a slight value was formerly dumped into the river. ADVERT ISIN G .' BY WILLIAM G. HAYN ES. in working out resemblances. Sir For several years it has been im-- George Frampton's method of obser- ported into this country for various RATES-11h cents a word for single vation \\'e do not know, but we must purposes. It has been used, for ex­ insertions, 1 cent a, word for two or Had the "Slingsby case" been tried admit that sculptors have cer:tainly ample, to supply the fat-producing more insertions, No advertisement in lesq stirringtimes it c~rtainly wouid a right to express an opinion, It was elemE(nt in several kinds of manufac,- for les3 than 15c, Cash should ac­ . have. attracted a gre'ater share of pub_ Tho,mas Woolner who (Irew Darwin's titurer soc1{ooef' I,It s va1ueuI' road. company advertisement. lIe :attention; partjcuiarly from those attention to the presence of a nodule building- has/been tested in Alabam.a ------. , on the welt of the human ear which II th th t t FU RN ISH ED ROOMS FOR RENT, wh~ are interested in the inheritance an< severa 0 er sou' .ern s a es. · J t' the great evolutionist recognized as a -Washington Post,· of physical characters; Mr. us 'Ice tf h ' . , t rl t' i , Room for rent with heat; hot and H ;. ~ D' .. . " "d -1, I rcmnan' o. t e anClent pam e, Ip, I't; '1(1 \\'atF,'I", .1\·Ir,~. M. C. Sands, ?_~(O(,) aIpave ean recognIze a case (e- I That all parties concerned in' the NA'I'I()N AL AC!uOCIATIQN (':{) .0 gree of resemblance between the boy I sr b h Id h t f .'\ ')'., . i :orby !;treet. Webster 5017, "';'d t d 'h'" f tl' M C1 I mgs y case s ou S ow a race 0' HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING., _. ' - ---. ,---.----- d. e,f en ·an· an , Isn' l(~r,.r. lares the ancient tip is not a matter for SUl- ' '. for Rent-Five room furnished cot- I h t 241" N Slmgsby,. ". partIcularly.. m the case of prtse;. thoe ear ,IS except'JOna wh'lCh (~(lntinu",rl from ,ll'st pag".) tItage, mor ern excep ea, '."J 1 0, the lower Jaw; SIr George Frampton h' , f' th' 'I, 1 . ,-- '" ' ...- , .. - ",------")')'th L't 0 D d I' C 11 "V b '.' ".. . - HaWS no SIgn 0 IS ancIen mar (. the association will be under th.e sam,e 'I -, ,~, n 0 ge caT me, aye- detecte vVebster 4769, the wall. One of the' men was short the residue left after boiling it out,! will remain, and dark, the other fair and of This I,las been found to supply a: ', For Rr::nt-Neat furnished rooms, medium height. The expert at once powerful bInder for crushed stone and i AmerIcan rr ills use G,OOO,OOO bale~', RZ2" :\, 2-3rd St" comr,r Ci:Jmi~, aSSigned the little boy as the son ~f gravel used as a foundation for con- of coLLon yearly, Neg-ro labor i~ the, Sibl(:\', Doug-, 8614 the fair man frQJn their close resem- crete in both buildmg and roadmak- ('hief fador in the production of cot- . ------biance. As the lift gates swung open ing, ton. l\'ic(~ly furnished front room, Mod­ the boy took. thR~-d.ark man by the ern except heat. Mrs, R. Gaskin: 2606 hand, called him "dad," while the fair "NATURE AND SOME ~OCIOLOGI~TS." Se\\'ard street, Webster 4490, man went his own sep,arate way, In (Continued from first page.) :\'eatly furnished room, :\Iodem, telling us his experj0ncc he adds: the "seeds of time" are, WP do not know; but we take it that this state-fit'lll Will rent to man and wife. 272:2 'Bur­ "Another case of mis-identification is madeto heighten aild strengthen the "harrier" referred to in the first state­ , ektte street. came under my notice on the evening ment.\ c ;\(od"rn rurnisbf'd rooms, 1819 [zard of the same day. An intelligent and- What is the barrier to which ~lr. Lindley malies such oracular referen.:~? i . experienced 'lady called on a friend Does he mean that there is an immutable law of nature which forbid5i'white !~reet. Tyler 2519, .'. who took her up tr the nursery to'i and black people living in the same block? If that were true it woul~ be en- ; Nicely furnished rODms 'v,ith !

"1,\ .. ;, il'1ess, ")I\:w~,n~.()tographsYVMshhuve '. ,'. "1 Still,.in. s)iite?f t~eir absurdity, SllC~ .~lleories,a~ .the,on;e.setfo~t~I?Y~1;r; . been p\iblis~ed',,'()frJhe.p.flrti¢siil,the Lmdley fmd ~al1Y;beherers~ .Sl~ch ab.ehCf. work,i') u: sllbUe IllJury t()(Wf~lneh SlinglJbyca~i~,~n,CXW~]:t)~I~sJiftl.e di~~,~.R moreela;mag.ingth~ri:J.Yfi~hingsornther.. violentinSU!htof.rn:'~j~~~;~~e5~,use· .ficulty inrg~ogni~illg w~~ti,~yas,ap~lts~ffe,ctl;~;t?.,p~~t u~ pl~f.Sld~I~~·,r~ImaJl~~le,to :assignus: toa place 'some­ parently regarded as astrikingifeat-: Wihere ,Just:tltTS SI~~ of th,e1l10l;lt;adYal)ce

., " '. :.~~('.,':.':~"

'N.' '1' ,\;.~ , .l:'::.._ ...... ',z" .... ". ~ ..: THE MONITOR

ABYSSINIA AND 'rHE EUROPEAN CONFLICT. News ;{)f the Lodges The Business World (Confillued from first pag\!.) Business Enterprises Condue'teod by Colored People-Help Them to .. and Fraternities young emperor has reJused every ef­ Gro~ by Your Patronage. fort of the German agents to induce

:.·1: /VIasonic.' !lim on their side. The British, French ( ' i.__ - ..: ~ ···.-.-...... -· •••• ~ : Rough Ashier Lodge No. 74, A. F. md Italian nations have guaranteed & 4,. M., Omaha Neb. Meetings. first lndependence of the boy's domain. It t THE PROGRESS,'VE PUBLISUING CO. ; .'..:' - ;.,; , .. ~ «A NEGRO FIRM OF QUALITY" • and third Tuesdays in elach month. is Abyssinia that will ctecicle.the great attracts.~,J·'or ' . .. '. conflict. Should she enter, the vic­ + printing- that l{ccIJptiollS, :Ved.dlng, ' t ...J H.WakefieJd, W. M.; E. C. Under- ! Church flnu Fraternal Events, vance". Clubs, etc, i 'Yood,Secretary.' tory is the allies'; and if she stays ! U1I1~ Race Printing Establishment iT! Slale. M.zil orders a Specia.lty, Sa.tisfaction Gaaranteed t '.:. I • 'Ex~eIsloI" Lod~e, A. F. & A. M., out, Persia's aid to Turkey and Ger­ +• I'hr,rw Web. :H~ Theo. B. Russell. Prop. 2;;18 Lalw St., Omaha, !'ie·.• b+ . many will carry the day. Whichever Qma:ha, Neb, Meetings first and third •· · ·.-&-.· P'O H -.· ·..·· ,,·· •- ...... -.-.-. •••••••,• -. Thlltsdays in" each nlOnth. way it goes, the dark face holds tJite Ii' Zaha T.emple No.. 52, A. E. A. O. U. rowel' in the balance. It cunies one TERRELL'S DRUG ST.(1RE UradUll"~ Plwrmnclst .rlI .' ()mnh~. 1\1. S. Nfl"). ]\1p.pting-H the back to, the days of the Civil War in I'rompt Delivery I~;xcellent S""rvice DR. A. G. EDWARDS the United States, when the black f~llitth Wednesday in each month. N. Web. 4443. 24th iJfI7f1 New and sec0"!l. Hand Furniture by Nubia on the northwest, the Italian and .~Io"es GENERAL CONTRACTORS Rescue LOGge No. 25. A. F. & A. M .• II olfsehold Ganus ~ouglH anll Sold colony of Eritrea on the northeast, the £tentale' aDd l,\eal /<:stalc Masonry, General Repairing and Omaha. Neb. M€etings first and third ~ountry of Danakil on the ('ast, and 2522 Lake St. Omaha. Neb. Carpenter Work Monday in each month, Lodge rooms, the Egyptian 'Sudan on the west. OMAHA NEBRASKA Twenty-fourth. and Charles streets. Kingdoms-It comprises the klng"­ •..•..•..•..•-.- ;:.-0- - . ~ +- ,..------, William Burrell. W. M,; H. Warner, doms of Tigre, Amhara with Gojam t W.:t. HERMAN 1 The People's Drug Store Secretary. ::md Shoa and the outlying der('nden~ 1 1 109 SQuth 14th Slreet Omaha Lodge No, 146, A. F. and cies of Harral', Kaffa and Enarea. Contracting, Plastering t Drug-s, CiOl'arJ< H nd <; .' Day'j),ndNtght .~ ..:.....:;.=:.:.:.:::;.+:.:e:.:b:.:•...! BAO'G' A .G E'· Americans have too much prejudice :·C..~k~toDe,sliri~tlon forHaiti. The army ha~no business JO . ES.& CHILDS ·Lr------,.---I--- . Fllner,aIHoiIie' ,there. Bring jt'home. Llldyattendant ' MUS. I . 'Call~ "nswel'edprompt!y anywhere . . ~.;._.~~ ~~ ~ .:~ ~.'~ "~ ~ ~ ~ ~:' .•:._. __ • ::•. ..•••. •• '!I Ii ! • e· e' i • ii 1'1 ••• eo, .-. •••...-.., , '. ·.Phone 1eb.204r .. 2;i14 ~o,'2nb Street '.. (THE .I~T KIND) ~l:n ;e·;ri.~.~.s·; ~ ~.:c~l.\; ~~.l\l:s·l .~. ~.·.' ~ d~ '. ... 0" .. •. .. nan Desdnnes ;1.G. iWADE BE &. :00..'•... .. '.' '. p.:.. D rt.•...•...... a.ke.rsand Emblllmers I, 2'51. a_delle SI:. Welt 710' '1 ." ...... , ~FU~E,~~~,H9IJSE r.248 f' '. .", ·BANKS-WI·LKES :11,.!: .'. 2:;l~l.AK~S~., PtlONE"~'(ER ' ... ' .' L F~~.rll.Dlr.etafl I.nd EII~;;I ••rs . Lid; bliliul 'SltlSfICflu·Sillt..I',d .... "~n~"~Ia,~d(:pllvenleij~es " Phone:i; RNI, D

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