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.. ~", ONITO A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Eight Thousand Colored People in Omaha and Vicinity, and to the Good of the Community

"::: "," The Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor

$1.50 a 'Year.5c a Copy. Omaha, Nebraska, May 6, 1916 Volume I. Number 45

~ColoredAmericans I '11 From Fair Nebraska And,Employment to Sunny Tennessee

the Race Should'be Given O.pllortunity ~",.q"«'~I~.~'''r'dr;''lI'''·'''''''''LI1~",I!I.'~d·''''lm;'''R''llfI'fOI"IK'~lIl\PI;I""I"""I~"I\IIIUIiI'!""""llUl:llRI'''''.\~I'IIl~IllIl''INI,hl'~I'l'IIMllllll'~I\"I!I\Il11'olIl'""'~.'I''''I'"'It'''''I"'"''''''''''''""."""'.'"'0111.""""11"'W,n""t"~"'''Il~I~IIIlII~''''''~''~I'''~ Incidents of the Trip and Impression ; to' Earn Livelihood in Trades and Received by Editor on First Visit ..Business Places. to Southland.


Patrons of Retall Stores Express Will­ I nelicate Progress in Racial Evolution ingness to be Served by Compe­ O Simply Growing and Attest Growing Race tent Colored Clerl{s. Confidence. , Boston, Mass., May 5.-Speaking , With Growing Omaha and We told you last week of the Greeks before the New England Dry Goods r and Italians who cater to the trade Association at the Boston City Club Helping Omaha to Growo of the Colored people of Memphis as recently, Moorfield Storey urged fair restaurant keepers and grocers. But play and greater chances for Negroes , practically monopolizing this trade not iIi industry and business. He said he '~"""'~""IlI.lm""N"""'~~I'''''''llltl'~I'~'''' """'"'''''''''''""mtll""",:,":M"''''''''''''IIll1l(1l,,,"'tltll'tl/lI''.''IIll'''lI"i""'UI1I11N'''"''~N''''''',,"''''''''n''',"l'l1lltllll'otlllltln'''''tI''''",I''''II'1",,"" ....,L.I"".'''II''''IIII'"' "t"tI"'''I'''I''''".... ,I'nl''t'''Itl'''ItlU'.,:'II1'~ only in Memphis but in otner cities, wished to appeal to the' American north and south, is not a peculiall'ity sense of justice in behalf of 10,000,­ of these people here named, but seems 000 fenow citiZiens who were now de­ -, to be characteristic of other thljifty ried the opportunities for which their groups of foreigners. Take the Jtws, abilities qualified them and for no ~====:::::;======:!J for example. What shre,vd busiJiless other reason except race prejudice men they are; and how they do go! af­ against their color. ter the Gentile dollars, and among'the Americans of Long Ancestry. Gentiles, "the lusty _!'ions of Ham"­ "They are .. Americans as we are, Something To Make Yon Think shocking! isn't it, how familiar we he said, "and they are Americans of are with snatch~s of so,ng from ~op­ liluchlonger ancestry than some of us. "THE CATHOLIC SIDE OF IT" ular Negro composers?~hold import­ ant rank when, it comes to helpinl to The South owes them .a debt, but we' ~ Recently Mr. Scott of California appeared before a large audience in fill the coffers of "the shrewd , ons as a peo.pIe owe them the greatest Pittsburg, Pa., with an earnest and impassioned plea for fair pla.y,for the debt one body of men can owe to an- '. of Shem." Roman Catholic Church. He made' a most favorable impression upon" the oiher, for w~ brought them here large mixed audience which gave him, as they shQuld, most respectful atten- Some Alliteration. against t1ieit w.ill, kept them here as I . h h'· How do you like thi.,s last as an slaves And denied them the ordinary tion. The speaker c a}med tat the Roman Cat j)lic of America is equally as loyal as his brethren and co-religionists fighting the cause of war-ridden example of alliteration? We pride . tights of human beings, ' I ourselves on belieying that it is eqIJal- "Colored men are cut off from the Europe. - ly as good as many' you' would ind "f i:nechanical trades, from positions as The , one of the best of o;ur many exchanges, after< .in .Cole..id.ge's \'.Rhym·e of the Anc ent quoting some of Mr. Scott's most striking passages; makes the following sug- U stenogTaIlhers, and from other OCCU-gestive'conlment: i Mariner." Exempli gratia, (E. G.) pations, so that whene.ver they cO.me "His determination to present his church itl the correct light ; his fO-r short, which means '~by thewaof up :~heY f.ind· a wall against theni. in '. I eX3mpie>' "Atone, alone,· all all e..,;,.er·y· ':cor;ner"'ol,!:".this 'land ·th.e.se p'i eo.. uilbiased appeal for fair play'and rig.hteous de'alin, 'on the part of ·man with . '. .; , man, offers to ·our group ,an im. portant .. lesson. "e hear ourset.ves attacked alone." "Yet she sailed softly-, to." p. i~.. ar.;e ~ubJ"ected to the gravest in~ '. W II b 1" h every day.;; we' see iilstances~~.f/fl~g.rant:m·ejudice(lin e-veryhantl; we see our~' .. ' e reay . e ieve t at"theshr wd, justicl;!~ selves Iyttched and trodden dQwn by unfair and t 'ascd men, and not infre- sonso! Shein" is equally as good as S? :'UVye;fth~:.M P.Mf: edtifihYto.'a·h·~io.;~:::·~¥~y~iJ:l~~~~y,War,this;:countr·Y"h~~ ever':k~o*n> ',' ':bOllot .·et':·the im ression ir n1 undersigri~d. tp~rchas;ei·.s:;ijr,the/.J:etail··We·h~,,'e .throwll'ouraelves· •. before.tpe enemy withouf:ires~'rve jus.t l,ls·.. fte:.t. ····b.. ·· :t·'··; :"'\~'" ... :..:,> :'d~ 'th' Pt th . '. o. .. fB"··:·t . 'd ·,··· .. ·t' ····'···'h·:·:···· - . 'h C· .', 'A" .' ... hid' h"1 I '. ,wa '\ve·uave sal a· eo race In '. sto~es o:~.s"on ~n Vl~~-!~} Yr)Y;l~;c~n.f qllel!-tl_~ as have t. e,. /lthohcs•.' n~ If they .- 0 , up t eJr oya t:r. as. a )~st-;M:~~his·.is·Hn~divein business mat:.. ·.to mcrease,·the mdustJ.?-al. ~p~orttiJlI~ and com91ete 'argu~ent ,for theu' rights, why should w~ ·fear or hesltate,to·t P Th!·· t' .. b" . ····f y O C 'I d f lI'f .... . 1 '. . : . ers. ev are· no mactlve any . ~les b . ~ur '0 ore ; '11~oW "CI ~:ertbs, spread.our· rec~Cr~ hbelf.or~ tdhe worldZ , Lo·y • t>: knows no hcolor'da.~dbewhhat :dJSJrleails., ihey"ai~doing much' but ,·".er~: y express ,our._wl. mgne"~.. :--",, e defen8e.for.t-~e at 0 lel8 .ete~se for us~' Let U8 not be as arne. to . '. ear., .th~couI·d do' rno e.We are doin 'served by ·9olore~ empolyes' where'.'.e-r· nor fear.· to give thewor~d.our compl~te deJense." ; .' Y~d" t:.1' 1:. b .' .g found' c-oinpetenf for' .the . 'du~ies. as- '. .' ; I. ' . -'."J . iconS! .erau e 'II:!. a .. usm~s way lR' -~ ~' "slgned:"to' t'he.m.: .'. W'"e wouId'..ask tha.t " ~" _:' .',,' 1.1 •••••:'..eo ••••••••••••• e. •••••••••,," ;Omaha,'.and other ..CIties, but we could opport~~t~ .ge gj~en tQ7Color~d. ,ap- ~,U'se· do so much more, and we ",11 dO,much plicant for p·ositions. t.o d'emonstrate _ .. '.th.e' Mnn.t·tor~ .,to·· .R,each .t'he more everY~here an~ every way. the~r Ii.tness for employment!' : Colored,'People ~. of N e'braska'e ~:v:O~:~t~i~h ~~\~:ln:; o~nJ;; ' ..Neb.raska:'s· 80S state banks -contain' . ',' ::vye,·~?t:ithral·tcer-ac~:~~nf°uid~~Ce, wevhi~cryh' .It Is Th','·.e··I-·.,.IQnly·i .. Ne'wspaper:.• $114,487;662.98:· be~oJlging to "382',222" ... "" ."',.' denosito-r8.- .. '~ .' .' , + J".- ,,' r., ~ I. ••••••••••• • ••••I•I -'. ••••• .. •••••••••••I• 1-;1 to. I••• i • • • I


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"" ..~:.,trit.'~~:__··· ....-.....:..'-;-----:..-.:....------..:.T..:H:....=E:...... :M.::..:=~:.....:l\N:.:'1p..:~~~:...~::.I..:~.:....-DB-U-R-I-A-L-S-E-R-V-IC-.E--'-·· -,------~;J;3';~~·:":~tJ.~heral Race News ::I::IR:::,~I:~DSB::::::~: SKiNNER"S charge of the local army quartermas- THE HIGHEST QUALITY ter's depot, has received the follow- EGG N000LES ing description of the burial of one . ";' M~.vEA AND JEANETTE WILL COLORED BOYS MAI{E of the Villa raiders who was shot 36 PAGE RECIPE nOOK fREE MEET AT NEW ORLEANS. i ATTRACTIVE TOYS and killed at Columbus, N. M. SKINNER MFG. O:'.1A}lA, U.S.A. A platoon of American Colored co., LARGE5T MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA N.ew Orleans} La., April 27.-SaJ1I Chattanooga, Tenn., April 27.- troops had been detailed to inter "the McVea and Joe Jeanette, bvo of the Small Colored boys at the Chattanoo­ dead Mexican. A grave has been pre- I '. pared, the body placed in it and the , - - -.' ; best known Colored heavy\-veights in :;a Avenue School have become so

the game £91' mnny years, will meet iroficient in the art of toy-makii-tg soldiers were about to cover· the t, JOE LEWiS TAXI!. I Ridin~ in a New Orleans ring in, the first 01 hat keen interest is being shown in corpse with dirt when the non-con,- i New Easy Sevcn-Pliss('nger! missioned officer in charge sugested 1 Car" + a series of elimination bouts for the heir \\'ork by persons who havc seen , .' 13 p, M. to 11 55 Peoples D">l9 Store,,! .colored championship of the world. .amples of it. that a bnef serVIce nllght, be appro- I Doug. 1446 fO"'" , [ll'iate over the remains oJ the de- j' ~2:05 A, M. to 5 A. M, ; The contest will be staged by Domi- Manv orders for doll furniture and . Midway, Doug. 1491 or 3459 , riick Tortorich at the New Louisiana . b'ric~a-brac have been filled for pt.:'­ :eased bandit. ; JAM, to 3 P. M. Residence, Web, 7661 , Cap in hand, an ebony-hued trooper' ;, 0- - -.··.··.··.- ,·.·,·-·..• ..•• -··..-· ,Auditorium, about the middle of May, 130'ns out of the cit\" as 11'(,11 as ITl it, according to the annoi.rncement of Pro- I it is said, and anI;' lack of material 'teppcrl forth and solemnly uttered the following words: J:rtoter. Tort.O. ri~h. ,~a~t Monday ~ight, II :mel proper tools prevcnt their doing and after It IS fmIsh<:;.d, the wmner J. big business in this line of work. "Earth to earth and dust to dust, . wpl be match~d with some of the other I To~' making was taken up at the "I r Carranza won't shoot you, bIg Colored fIghters probably Harr" .. , "The United States D1Ust!" ,:~r' ,'. , J begInnmg of thIS school ~"ear, there WIlls. Then the SItuatIOn WIll agaIn Jeing a teacher at the Chattanooga 0_.··.··._0_.··.--0-._.-.-._....-...... ~...... -...... -•... A LHERT EDHOLM, Jewpll'r ~ he..n'arrowed dO'wn to a contest for the Avenue school that was .'Interested In HAVE YOU TRIED + Omaha, Nebraska. wmner of this bout and the "little ..,, f I . ,nanual tramIng and \\'dIIng- to teach .I i. 0 ·0-...... - - - -. brown man from Boston," Sam Lang- I .... f A I' 't .] t f f d - 1e al" ree. ."\. I ml e< amoun 0 r °Th'. . h ools was fumished by the depart- 1S IS t e program planned at pres- t f d t' I f' ,. t I . . . ,nen O' e uca lOll, anc rom tOIS s ·art. I A ·O-MA'S IAfter Easter Sale! ent. The fIrst match IS already Imed ,,'hat pI'obably will be the nucleus for + BISCUITS t Of Ladies' Suits, Waists, Dresses; up. H, industrial school for the Negro ! I f and Blouses . ! V ARDAl\1AN AFRAID 'ale in Chattanooga has resulted. The + You'll Find Them Delicious ~ +Suit Values to $30.00 now $12.S0 + ~ "h',"d ! 19 l-l' '. D. GI . T and $15.00 T OF COLORED SOLDIERS for manual training in the Col­ i . ...,ISCUItS 111 a amty aoomc , C' t t' I t $7 -() ~ I W 10 C ~ I oa s on ."a ca' . .;) T )re<1 schools appears to be urgent and T rappel', ents , I T Washington, May 5.-Senator Var­ ;ince such aptness in the use of the , J • • t At All Grocers f f BONOFF'S N. Y. f daman, in 'discussing in the Senate re­ jammer and the saw has been shown cently the National ,Guard section of )y these little boys of the fifth, .. ~xth i .JAY BL'RNS BAKING CO. i t SAMPLE STORE ! ...... - e _._•.•••••_•••0...... 1 _ f the army increase bill, sees danger to md seventh grades, that department ~ Omaha's Original Sample Store! the South in the authority .that is '1l'obably will be added to the schools t 206 North 1Hth Street. i given the federal government. In dis­ ,t an early date. [We'rteroevaughnj cussing this phase of the question, SEEDS AND NURSERY : " he said in 'parl: f I HOTEL CUMING COI\D'lENTS FRO.\[ RACE PRESS. & + "I do not know who is going to suc­ , 1614 Harne~' Street ". • Rooms 'with Bath". $1.00 and l'p ~ ceed the present occupant of the White ; " Per Week The Issue. • Telephone Tyler 2060 + Barber Shop and Pool Room in House. I hope he may succeed him­ ~..•..• -'O-6-.~ ".-o-O"" h-O •..~· . Of course, -as A111erican ('itizenR, \ Connection self, but I would not hazard a pre­ ...... - ....- - ...... concerned about the general weI fare D. G. Russell, Proprietor diction of what is going to happen. f Visit the ". '1 of the country, we are interested in Mrs. Bryant. Mana er Ifa man should be elected President ~lass'Co.i 1916 Cuming- St. Doug. 2 66 preparedness and the tariff and our iHamilton Paint & who is color b.lind on the race question foreign pplicy and all the other more + 1517 Howard St. Tel. 'Doug•.2642 f and whose olfactories have become so ~ For Information On I or less- important issues whidl are be­ 'si~;i S;vi~g N~~' benumbed that· he could i-Jot distin­ T Wood Finishes of All Kinds T ;'- · ·h ing considered and discussed in view I Paints, Glass, Painters' Supplies.! P guish between a white mail and a Ne­ lone Dollar will open u. n'.account in Ith I of the coming Presidential campaign. + Allan B. Hamilton, Gen. Mgr. I gro, and' who is so politically antag­ ...... - a.a •• e ...... + SavlolZS Deparlmf ot t' But for us 'there one issue which o:nisti~ to the South that he would be e " stands out above them all. We want ~tal~~e willing to uSe the power conferred .t United N:at'l Ban i to know where the man for whom we 1.6th .lId F.roam streets & upon .. him by Section 56 of this bill ~re i•••••••••••••• .. • : for partisan political purposes, he asked to cast our votes stands OT! the question of equal <;:ivil and politi­ ...... could order Negro regiments to nio- ,...... -- -...... _-...... cal rights for the Negro. We can '.' biliz.e for military training- in every ; .' HENRI H. CLAIBORN 1 overlook his views on pacificism or . ,cdngressi:Ne­ Sue influence in the c0111ingca1llpl'lign.' , GORDON VAN eo, T gtoes,·JamesA.Lightfo,Qt, a lawyer, -'::"New YOi'kAge.' '. ': ·:aridW.F. Cozart;)i headwait~r,·-tO .• 11th and I>avenport .. ,the, Natiorial 'Reprihii'can c,onventlon .~ "" .f ••• ' .••••• ~>,,\ ..c:·:tk~eIb~:~~~f6~:~t~~~;~t ,i~~ii~~Pl~~Y 'GROUNDSOP~N~, ' '.. ·".e.recOlI;lmund the .:"of'BuHirigton Courityand Richard M.. ;wibnington, ·N.C.,Aprll.27.-The: ;STAtE FURNITVRE .. M~Qr~,a Bridgeton" glass rnanufaH-~oril~i~t'ee.~m:recreation'a:ndI ~l1;nusei,:, Gorner 14th and Do(lg:e Sts. ()f,~the u'rer. ';" '. ,. " ...' .. "Went, SocililSeniicea'rld civk ~Stl~~ ~qst reljable~:iccorr]'trH~,at" ,Theli.e'avYvotewasdue to: the ef~' lmptovement. le~gue 'is ·.securi'!lg; ~: .Hlgaq.de.conomiC:alfurhltlire sIre nF~.~i;fh:HP:·;.' .' .. '., .

EMERSON LAUNJ)llY ,·~~~f~~~i1~il:~i~~;\~~~~i~=~;~~· F. S. MOREY. Proprl.~tor·· tiori~ of the district .wi]l 'W, ,PRIZE '1303·05 .Drtll 24t.. ·.Str~et their de-f,eat.: .• \ :'''.' '" ".; .' . Phone Webster8:lO . . ... ',". ,', At a. ,recent baby show ~t Tec~m~ " Halifax,.. N:. '·S,;., Ap~l . 27..,.....:u1'l1e 'seh, Neb .• th~ irifant of ?tJt. a(l~ Mrs'.' :' Birth 'of' a: :Nation" bas been barred W!llter Paires,' the o"ly'Colored.fam•. after.8 delegation o~,.about lorty citi-. ify-in the place, scot:ed six points 0&8IE8. aULSE c. B·T. Rn~PEN Bane,ll2rlr Bar:Pey'l64• .zens Of both', races waited ,on the pro- higher than any other baby exhibited. -:vincia, .government. "Several' showed' Dr.' l)avies. said' that' the Paires baby HULSE It RI~PEN tJ:ta~ the, picture f~ji~. to portray his- was ·an. almost pettect· speCimen. of . FeweralDlrecl' • . ~ry as it should .and' showed the in- .babyhood' physically and one. o't the Doug. 1226 7QI S. 16th St. crease:- in prejudjce wherever 'it wp.n~. finest types be had ever seen.


., .. ;;.,, '·i'· . THE MONITOR

! · ··•·..· ··•··.•-.·· ·····It-· ! t The May Sale of i More Sickness and Accident Insurance for less Money .' and' ~eligious Topics Old line protection. No assess­ IUndermusHns! ments. No medical examination. Everything guaranteed. Directory. 7~30 ..... days at 8 p. m. Sundays at a'I Will Begin Here on ! GET ACQUAINTED WITH Baptist-:-, . - m., 11 a. m:. and 7: 30 'p, m. Sund1a,y + + LUKE A. HUGHES. Bethel.i...Twenty-nlnth and T streets School at 12 :45 p. m. or ! So]ithOinaha. The Rev. .J. C.Brown, Methodist- pastor, residence' 467 South 'l'h~rty· ISaturday, May 61 Continental Casualty Co. 334 Brandeis Theater Bldg. tiqt street... Service~, Morni~g, 11; Allen Chapel, A. M. E., 5233 South i t Twenty-fifth street, South Omaha.- iWONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES i Douglas 3726. exening,:7:30; Sun~ay' Schoollp. m.; i . i The Rev. John H. Nichols, pastor. ' , B.Y: P. B., 6 :30 p. m.; praise servIce, • To ~ve in This Sale • .··.··0··.··.··.··.··....·...... -.-...... ··•··.... ?'~.:' Residence, 5233 South. Twenty-fifth f f ··.-.··0-.··.··...... :-1 1:SOp. m.· SMOKE 'f .,, .- - Istreet. Services: Sunday at 11 a. i i , 't"-M' . h T' . t . th d S m. and 8:00 p. m.; Sunday school, .M .' orIa - wen y.,g~x an ew- . +I BRANDEISt1 ard'·streets. The Rev. W. B. M. Scott, 1 :30; class meetmg, 12:00; A. C. E. i . ~ . I L ~:3?;. Te Be Ce fj pastor; Services: Sunday School, 9:30 ., prayer meetmg, Tuesday =.;, , '. h' . 11 . d 8' . evemng at 8:00. STORES :.;, • .~ . a. m., preac mg, a. m. an p. m., ---- t ! •. THE BEST 5c CIGAR ··.-0 .+ ~. Y. P. U. at 6 p. m. Groye M. E.-Twenty-second and 0 • 0 . , Seward streets. The Rev. G. G. Logan, , ' , , - -...... , pastor. Residence, 1628 North Twen· .!, M I R R 0 R S··;, Zion-2215 Grant St. Rev. W. 1". t $5.00 ! Botts, pastor; resilIence, 2522 Grant ty-second street. Services: Sunday ! . or tTHE BEST COAL FOR THE T street. TelephonEi,fWe,bster 5838. Ser- School at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a.+ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I i. + PRICE-TRY IT ; .D.I m. and 7 :30 p. m.; Epworth L eague, ..';.' MADE AND RESILVERED Vices: evotlOna hour, 10: 30 a. m.·, 6: 30 p. m. ! Phone DougIas 1721 •••: ! HARMON & WEETH f preaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday School, • tTel. Web. 848. 1503 N. 16th i 1 t02 p. m.; pastor's Bible class, 2 to St. John's A. M. E.-Eighteenth and t Omaha Glass Construction Cu. t ...... - ..-.-. 3 p. 1ll.jB. Y. P. D.. 6:30 p. In.; choir Webster streets, The Rev. W. T. Os-I i..~.~~.: ?~~.~~~! :~.:~.~ o ~ ••~:?.~~~~.l devotion.. 7:30 p. m.; preaching 8 p. m. borne, pastor. Residence, 613 North ~ Eighteenth ,street. TeleI;llhone Doug- Z" -o..e -o o H _ o.. Episcopal~ las 5914. Services: Sunday, 11 a. m. + MRS. A. HUSTER • ! Church of St. Philip the Deacoll­ and 8 p. m., preaching; 12 noon. das:s; ! MILLINERY t Twenty-first neJar Paul street. The 1:15 p, m., Sunday School; 7 p, m., ~ 221 North 16th St. ~ Rev. .John Albert Williams, rector. Endeavor; Wedne'Sday, 8 p. m., pmy- ! (Hotel Loyal Bldg.)' ! Residence, 1119 North Twenty-first er 'and class meetings. Everybody I +o Tel. Douglas 2160 Omaha!, strel1t. Telephone Webster 4243. Ser­ ~ade welcome at all of these meet- ~ ,._ e ..e" o e o".- -., . vices daily at 7 a. m. and 9 a. m. Fri· lOgS. •..•··•.· ··.··0.·0 ··.··0··.··.· ·9··.··.··,,··.·· ··.-.··.· ··•··• ------' t FMS~isfucti~&~Yoor ~ + PLEATING,S BUTTONS, t CRUSADE AGAINST LYNCHING. ! HEMSTITCHING, ETC. + Much good may be hoped to come from the crusade organized by the i To ! denominational colleges of the South against the spirit of lawlessness that t THE VOGUE l 'finds expression in lynching. I (Fitzpatrick Sisters) ,.' r Eighteen institutions of 'learning are represented in the association and +403 Karbach Elk. Doug. 3324 i ...... ::. i' - ...... ". the moral backing of forty colleges is promised. A publicity bureau is to ,·· •• •••• ·0..0·•••••• ••••••••••o••••;. •..• ~ •••-.-'.··.-.·., be establis~ed and speakers are to be sent out in a campa!gn of moral edu­ : ',' cation. YES-ICE !HUGi ....The Tailor!:' ''1 i~ ac~ion ,.. Jt t1rn.e concerted of this kind were taken. Many of the South­ any st,yle., for any occ~~iQ!l ~ ! I ern newspapers in recei\t years have been out-spoken in their denunciation ; 204 NEVILLE BLOCK ! + i of lynchings and the spirit that fosters them; the effort of the colleges will J.. A. DALZELL t 16TH AND HARNEY ; reinforce strong-Iy'the work of the enlightened press. 'Nothing could be more Qualily First ...... :.....-. _ . fiH,ing t.han tllat the campaign should be promoted by the institutions that 1824 Cumino St. l'el. Doug. GlG J. A. Edholm E. W. Sl1erman .staild tor culture, and the gospel of law and justice can be prelliChed by no\ -, better evangelizers than the young men of the South, who understand! her PLEATING senthllcnt and value her traditions. Statistics of thirt)".,years show that there been 4',000 Iynchjngs in the United 'States and90i' per cent of them BlITTONS Standard La.undry, have 24~h~Near~ke stteet -in Southern states. 'The J~en who wipe oilt this dark' bl~t w.ill deserve as HEMSTITCHING honored.a .place in Southern :history as those who led the lost cause of the EJ.\oIBl~lOIDERING Phone Webster 130' ',', .. Co'nfedeplcy in. a mistaken .but devpted patriotism.-Rocky Mountain News. BRA IDING and B ADING !'•••_ ~ ~••_ ~ ~_ _ ,

' ~iL.ELMHA~~:~OUNCIL. j;;:'on~IWebster850 .,;, · SCOTTISH LIEUT. GREEN GOES TO Id I BBUT1NHOLES I tJi~~~::I~~~:t.;es~~.::he ::~ .w:;l:s.. ~:~;a;;t~;~;:;~; l'el~:O~:~~!!~~~S.~~~;:~:~ ~e~~ f24::I-:~!~~~~;~i~SbestJ ...p·re·.:J.J~.. J.'.e ct\u.·ncl·!···ofy . ..the'A.n"cI·ent· a·n··~. ~A·c_tY:..i.ifth l'egi.·m.·en.t.,U.nit..ed .. States· in- ~, ._-•..•-•••.•••••••--- •••• '.' .... ,'.'. !.- -- .., . ceptedScottish Rife Masons 'ijf the J:.mtl';: un the I '\ XIC:ln border, Was i YOUR Sft:OE.S ·N·EED ~ t~·"'''''' '•• ••• ••'. •• i '.' '. • ..... •••, north~t~:r\lasonk jU1,'i.~dictioIl willbef 1'~~ent,IY <,rdered hythe Secretary.of . ~ REIjAIRING f ~ Tel. Red: 1424 . J Sunday~May V~; detache~ fr~llJ. w~t? ~ al1 ..he;ld:. in this' city from 7, ,C:CHAS~ · ingly large n~mber ofJM:~~OP8 i:n .the ·c' '::;:.·TOFORT::BLISS.: '. . ,:C.· $. JOHNSONc; ." EDERER .' far and 'm4ddle 'west thaftl1i'erci~ywa8.· .' ,." .' .. :.;.:, .'.,. '18~hatid Izard. Tel•. Douglas 1702 . ,' ..( '''.; 'nOllIST iLdiers. have ibeen:- stationea. They: • .'••"• .'. ~ •• '.... • '.' •.•.•.• •• .' I PLE~Sl1llE · \~iU b~ interSpersed with many inter-' were. rJ!moved:by the·'.War Department'; . J. '~_." WAGE.N I TAKE. -1 . est~ng and en1o.yable 8~cial f~atures,' from.' Del·'Rio, where tl\eir presence \ In thanking you far your I)I>n-oDa..,. ' I want. yOD ~ 'rade 101e1y upon 'he m Its ii~c11!dinJ Ii hanquet•. '. , ... '. : w~, :notin accord '.with. the~"80uthem' j. '. Fresh and Smoked Meats· or my !foods.' You 'Wlll,lIrollt by \r~nlf here. I .' " '. ,~ w,b.t~ .beause· the\sold,iers '~fused ~ We dresa our own·poultry.. E. . 'If you line anything to :dispoll8 or: to 'b'~' JiPi e~w'ed'in\ the' UriifQrn1s ·.of [ Doug. r60~ 2215.CumlDK: St. H. YOUHG . phone ",ebltet515. . t1l4-ui'N. U.. S\. a Want Ad, lit· The' Mortltor Will fj'eU It. 'Uncle Sam. . .1 " I.I I'I ~ -. i • ~' •••••' •• i • '.i ••• I

., _ .: ,••..: •• a .-~ ~ ;;. >;~ '..":';: "; ;;' '," ',. "'f.~~~~~ .. ~'" ,'.~»': ,~~:.~~' >~:~~~~~ ~,,;~',:,~:c, ~_'~" ---:T::..;H::..::E~M~O::..N:.:....:::.I.::..T.;:.O...:R~------,_--~------..L.,j"a.' 0-'__-...... - MATRIMONIAL CONSIDERATION.! the ~tyle to which she has been ac­ : customed all her life." "Why do you object to my llWITyi,ng- i "How do you know I can't? I can ~;~;~~:.~q:'UE M'ONITOR your daughter?" start her on bread an,l milk, same as "Because you can't support her 10 ,Y.ou did."-Chicag-o Np\\·s. , ~", ':A'Weekly Newspaper devote.d to the civic, social and religious • ,.< 'intere'~ts of the Colored People of Omaha and vicinity, with the desire '1':' to contrIbute something to the general good and upbuilding of the . "I. ,,:' . ~omnru.n.~ty. Published Every Saturday.

Enter..oo as Second-Class Mail Matter July 2, 1915, at the Post­ office at Omaha, Neb., under the act of March 3. 1879.

THE ~EV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor and Publisher. .-:":" ;.- Lucille Skaggs Edwards, William Garnett Haynes and Ellsworth w. Pryor, Associate Editors. Joseph LaCour, Jr., Advertising and Circulation Manager"" '_ i" SUBSCRIPTION RATES, $1.50 PER YEAR Adv.ertising rates, 59 cents an in.ch per issue. Address, The Monitor, 1119 North Twenty-first street, Omaha. Telephone Webster 4243.



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The Phi Delta girls met with Miss [}]q.nehe Nance, 252~ Spaulding street, Wednesday night.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'nextThursday. Yes. Whel~? Zion I Twenty-seventh street. She and her .. ' Mr. Wm. Dayenpdrt and .party will Gerald Edwards took a choral part Baptist Church, Twenty-third and: faJllily will take possession in a short .".' ;. occupy a box at the Brandeis May 18. in the play King Saul, given by the Grant .streets, : time. arts department of Creighton univer- Arnong those who entertained sity. Mrs. A. Lloyd of Kansas City, Mo., A daughter was born to Mr. and gtiests' at the luncheon at the resi­ is the guest of Mrs. E. L1e\veJlyn, MI''';. E. P. Pryor, 1414 North Twenty­ dence Of M;l.'s.C. Russell, was Ml'S. One lot to trade for a diamond. 1'el­ 2517 Lake street. fi flh stref:t, Saturday night. Mother Beatrice Napier, whose table was Douglas 4287. A. P. Scruggs. tastefully set with a hattenburg [lrHI daughter doing well. ·Mrs. M. H. l~andalJ, 2411 Burdette spread with centerpiece of pink and We have only eight weeks more to street, who has been ill with tonsil­ white carnations, and hand painted Ylrs. .1, Alice Stewart wiH' ,: tendance'is:,,:t:equested . M. F. Single"";\;.S'eri~,:Th~~M'6riitb:rfo:i-"p~~t~~r:;''.'.) 1 ". I ',·Mr. Jobn ~!lJI; ~v/ho' fo~erlY:', 'c~~-: .,~e~"Pl·7~~<1~ff;CtaigNQrI;is;; secre- . . '.. + ~~c,t~~.a~~:~in,to_i_..~_h,6~_~.·,~, o2.,:6,.::{~r::'k-', '....t.J,tl'YT·h·'e"; :E"·'~:l"·te"·'.·:w'· 'h-'l"S'-t'-'C-I··Ub·' met We'dn'es-' To"· ... ,:.~,,:~}~.'.:~.; ..: ,;,:.-L..-' :..~~ ..:::.:.,.. ~. ···~;:::·~7:,:'.:..;·:L:·;':.::::,· ..··; ..·····:··:· " ·: :.. I- , . ' ,Street' ..,.. :.~,.~~ ::., :._ : : _. :Bufo~' 'i~it ~ Mr. Harry Thursday' ;day; April 26. at ,the residence of',Mrs. Town . .:.:: : .' .. J : ,= .. m'orning' for ~yel1\yorthi Kans';\s; 'SidlieyMiller,2626 Maple str~et. 'The w~re. w{ui U. S: Marshal Tl),omas Flynn to hQstesses, Mrs. Miller" Mrs..T.· _.~ State ..... O' - a "; oO '_""._:_ oo •• _._ • -.- _ '{lssist in the conv,eyance 9f prillOlr-, s., ~Riggs----attd Mrs.' Joseph, LewJS., 'Lunch~oIi, .wa~·8~rved 1:30.aft~r era to :the Federal 'prison. Mr. BU- at Signed .. :.- - ~._ .. _ : .' ..: -.. - .. ford is, 'the :first colorecIman ,hi ,~he .which' ~he' afternoon. was spe~t .at

state of :Nebraska 'to'serve in 'such a ,,,,,hia.t. 'The prize was won by M~8' A,., _ _ ~ a~. ~ ••_ ~. ~ _ ~ ~ a ~.. ; .. a . capacit.r. ", ,D. James. ..•••••••••••••••••.1 ••••• 1 I' •

'- . , -......

\," "'::.._~.<~,~:' .':.~ .. t .....:..._.._. '.'·'··'r-',··'·'- •• '• 4 :' •• 0r- 0 0.' O. '. ''':":'.> p~:,!,_!:z!~~.~ . THE'MONITOR The Negro Women's Christian As-I ~••••••••••••••• Isociation held a large and interestiuf' I THE :'~:r'J';",6lirWomen and Children meeting at the home Wednesday af- , temoon. Tl1l'0ugh the efforts of Mrs. i B . '-:. Condl,lcted by Lucille Skaggs Edwards. A. BowJ€'r, chairman of the House! . committee, tile home has been thor-\ oughly renovated and redecorated. I A "WE SHOULD WORRY" the people who care, who struggle Miss Ellretta Smith has been instalJ~'d i and yet fail without losing heart, who as matron, and the home will now be ' The Omaha Daily News publishes are admirable.-The Visitor, E open at all times for the inspection of I OF the following:' the public. Applications for adll1is- : ."p~troit, Mich., May 2.-Members WATCH YOURSELF GO BY sion will also be received. Since of the Federativn of Women's Septembel' last, the association has es Clubs witlrefuse to accept member­ ~:~OO.OO Just stand aside and watch yourself paid more than upon the WILL HEGI\' "EXT ship in the national federation unless go by; home, and hopes to be able to wipe the Detroit Study Club, an organiza­ Think of yourself as "he," instead of out the balance of indebtedness wh0n Hop ~6mposed of thirty Negro women, "I." the Free Trip contest no\\' being run' o is. permitted to affiliate also. This Note closely as in other men you note through the columns of The Moni­ TIlt' En! ;\'(. ~,!od{ of Dfl'S:-;!'''; is t:ba~kat':'the:.passers-by .01' at wile, IlL,a niece .of Rev.J. H. Nich- ,:I "Sfrangedogs, ~l1d' wQ~idrie:yerbite. ols,'of South Side, isv'isith:tg her .. ,'k,,~~~Wi1¥~~;~_~~~; ,~~ ...~!t~.c~Ii,~Jt1:.i, .~a3 uncle... ,., Miss-"St~:Ward'having recently· '~I·'.aJways £igpting other.dog~~ cir;flymg gone through quite a strain f;rom \.'Jii:,':~t,~~~·,:ftens;·a~d.• ca~s,. ~,~ th.e: nei~~bor-'r~ic~~ssanddellthin ~erhomehopes ' .' :i;··:,liood;;:, and~exetaltlme.s he '~~l~ed,)~ to gaInadvantage:by the, <:;hange. We .• 1 .cow' by, th;e :n6stnls~~dthrew·:ger. J.:Iewi~h !9l' her'a jlleasan,t,visit 'while·iIi i sttan:~.ers,:.a~, " " barked at. w0!11d'bite 'our city. . , ' t _ ,..._ - _._ _ _•• II I"! them ~ uii:less"l)()iriefriendsofMr.W.· H;I 'w d' i Serng.gs;'who:JJ;ashee,n s~rious(y, ili '. ·:ant e ..i.i.... t ," "," '" '. ',' 'i,~iR~!i';bl~Aget1ts ,,'"J

'o. AGOOD LOSER" , . the ,NorthSide. r,...... , "- ... -'- -'; "- '-.' ..... I '-'," "-., ':~ .~ . !' '" , ...... , ~ ~.. .. '-:. :': ,: f' :.' ••- I• .!~;~;.:<,.'.~ ',...... , :~~.- . .• r' .'~ -' ." THE~ONITOR 7

,I. A.lcohol rs a-ready solvent of fat: and -because th~ cells of the brain are Jj~J<~;;.Not~s ~argelyof su~stance CLASS'IFI'RD Icompo;:;ed a fatty Whatever your

'....~. ' ...;....,. .. ~~. alcohol acts more injuriously on the ; -!:~;.;!~-:..~' ,brain cells than on other parts of the :... :~ ·t~:·;.:· . I ADVERTISJNG habit may have Ibody. I • RATES-Ph cents a wor

..~" . ' \ If.... - ., ,~~..-----.- ~ " """"'-il!'!'!!,:-~- ~~II'!I!!II!!lI!I ~~., ------...... ,..,.,~ •..'l!!!!...... ,..I111]11!.....'l!!I!I!!II__ !P."!'_.'!!'!!'!!'!!!!'!'!'!!'J!!I!"'!!!!'!'!!!I!'I'!!!I'!I'...."•.__II!IIIIl.."'..... II!I!IIIJ!II.!J!!III!....,.._. ...: .... ~._.--;-"_ :': . :.; ...... ~~~~"::~ :' "~ ,. . -...... ,.".: '-:.' '.'~. .~ . . .. ~ '. ! .... THE 'MONITOR Thriftless people have no need of banks but of almshouses. \Vhere Did They Learn? The Business World Moreover, where did these men have Business Enterprises Conducted by Colored People-Help Them ·to t1w opportunity of learning the bank­ Grow by Your Patronage. i~g business? Did you ever th~k of I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Masonic;:. that? I .-~~~~~~~~--~~~-:-~~-; " . TERRELL'S DRUG STORE .: .. , ··lioug-If:. AshIer Lodge ··No. 74, A. F. TIle y~oung- white lllan can enter a I '. .. b k' 1 I Gmauu,le Pllarmaeist DR. A. G. EDWARDS ::(~ &:.A. 1\'[" Omaha Neb. Meetings, first 'dn 'mg louse and becomc familiar Prompt Uelivery Excellent Service ~nd Physician and Sureeon and thi·I'd .Tuesdays I in each month. with the business. This opportunity Web. 4443 241h Granl , '. ,',l" . i ••. ·· J:. ii..Wakefield, w. M.; E. C. Under· has been denied the Colored youth. r{e~ldence and Office, 2411 Ersldllc St • t ". I ,,'. Repairing and Slorlnc Orders PromPtl' Filled ~ ::~ ~ wood, Secretary. And rlespite this fact, we have mem- . ... ;" Auction Every Saturday .Excelsior 'Lodge, A. F. & A. 1\'1.. bel'S of this race successfully conduct- Phone Web. 71

omal1a, Nel;>. Meetings first and third ing- banks throughout the South and I .- Nor'lh Side I:----~-~---- Thursdays in each month. one in Chicag-o. : Second-Hand Store Zl.tPca Temple No. 52, A. E. A. O. U The two Memphis banks of which R.B.RHODES The People's Drug Store Dealer Me' $,'.. Om-it,ha. Neh. Meetingi' the \\·t· shall tell you in our next al'tic1e, in 109 SOulh 14lh Slreel "T~dnesday New and Second "and Furnllure Drugs, Cil!lJ.rH Bnd <.;oda 'fourth in .each month. N. are the' Fraternal Saving'S Bank and I and Sloves Toilet aDd HulJher (iOf>1 Oftlce·Douji(· 42Bi~ • i C.C.; J. 'It Glover, K. of R. S. IS limited. AMOS P. SCRUGGS t DR CRAIG MORRIS ! ! ALtorney-at·La\~ ;.I « ~ :!zo SOllth I~th Street • DENTIST ~ (Over Pope's Drug Sfore)O aha. Neb. Western-Star No. I, K. of. P.-I\lcet· 1'0 PRO:\IOTE NEGRO + + ~ J ...... __ h._ ; _...... 2407 Lake St. Phone Web. 4024 I. ings s~eondand fourth TbUrsday~ i,n I BUSINESS LEAGUE ...... _ _._ _ .:-.....:.;~...... i., .. ", ,__:;. --..-' each month. J. N, Thomas, C. C.. E. I + ..~ f Have your shoes shin~d right at + RRo.QinSon, K. of R. and S. Tuskeg-ee Institute, Ala., May 5.­ 'iimmons. Prop. I [n their desire to make the National tThe Daisy Boot Black Parlod O~ha:~odgeNo. ·Economy Tailoring Co.! 2226, Grand Unit· Neg'l'o Business League an org-aniza­ t 309 So. 15th Street" . i t:.d Order of Odd Fellqws. Meeting tion of direct service to its members + (Opposite Deaton l)rllg Co ). t Suits Made to Order. $15 up I nj~ht~; the firSt .and' thir:d Thursdays and to the race in general, the offi­ ! Open Wednesday, .August.·nth ! Cleaning- and RCPlllring ~ _._ __, i Goods !.JaIled tor an-d Delivered !Jf'eae'll, month. Lodge rooms, 2522 112 cers and me;nbel'S of the ex·ecutive Lake 'stiie~t. G.ff: Brovm, N. G.; J. comlllittee through the co-operation 114 so. 13lh sr. Omaha. Neb. · d f T 1 I Automobil'e'and Open C. ~el~her, P. s. of a f nen 0 us{egee nstitute and Horse DrawD E earses Day and Night .J Fri~ndsh.ip·.·TempJe, of the late Dr. Booker T. Washington, NES . , .. No. 347,. meets ·have decided to send an experienced JO Funeral& HomeCHILES MUSIC 'the first ·a~d. third FIjday afternoons 'advertising man jnto various com- Lady attendant (TUJ: RIG"T KIND) ..~ at 2:30 e~~h.month at Twenty-fourth rnunities as its representative to 01'- Calls answered promptJyanywhere By Phone Web. 2ult 2314 No, 24tb Street· . a;nd,Charies streets, .in U. B. F. Hall, ganize new lpcal Negro Business i._ : ••_: • Dan Desdunes Orchestra MrS. Etta Johnson, Princess; Mrs. M.. Leagues. revive local leagues which '. i _ 2516 Burdette sr. Web. 710 A; Walker, Secretary., h.ave become inactive and to help 10- Glad 110 see you . '. cal leagues outline a definite, con- ~ ,... FROM 'F,,AIR :~~RASKA tstrudctivef program ftor e:etendihng thhe . ~;d~S~~~~~; i fto~~~~~sO~:;.d~·a~r:irh~ i.·' ".·WH.'HL'.· ·H··.E''R·:A·N· ,... TO SVNNY TENNESSEE. ra e 0 race en erprlses t roug viteu. If yo have not ·favored us ! n ;' ..... stancta.!'dized advertising a,nd mer- with an ordert ask ~i(';lifed'al1d '()peiate~t in":,,co~t, se,:r~talr~ o~ ~u~k:gee ~ . bytheT?lce .Instltute . i N' ,.'. L'.. ';., .' .';;...;.. '.:·;c: ;".' ..., . Memphis)...Th,ese. banks :liay.¢peenin:a~~talso .. s~cretary o!- the .:Nat.lOnaLNe- •. '. ';•. \·';ty.tngstOt;l ~~e~es~ttil op:~.t·ati6n·.for gey'eri yeah~,g:ro BU~llle.ss .. ~~:ague, w,lth .Wh?ni he:,Merchant Tailor . . :~nd a'1ie:'.r~~,o.~i~~~·{·;is::~~();4Ji(~ ·fina~~·h~~<.wo;~~ed/ls~an ,a~!~st~~:..m .the ,·i03.So•. i4th:Sb "Q.6ug, .7501: :{ rial h\'st:itutio~(~f;t~e.}j~rl}{et~:as~B.~~lIles~:LGa~~~?r.k." HelS;~. there-:-"'~7-""''"-'....---~---...,..,.-,.;,--...,.,....;;..,;-.--::...-,.,-..._ ...... --- .. ~ . sociation of _that'::i~~~~;nr;~~t~~:~"J?0" f,~~<;!,; t~or!>;u~~l!conv~r~~n!~vlth.t~,e;VOi'ES,·Rjj}PORTEtfBY··. .. ~·ou r,'rasp . the fv;H.,srgnlfie,a;n¢e: of l~;;t~ue ~.~c~"?tle,s, ....'....' '.CON,T~$~·A::NT&.iIff~Ji~': this? . Th~' more one thinks ~"olN"it;\·.:;·thf)\tJ~7t~;r;y.. :v\;,hi~h:' h~s!.he~ri <;>u~" . ··FRF.t~:·,T.RIP .CONTES.T" the more stupendous. thfs, ap;p;f'j;ifg tis ·lined .jri.cl~des.·yisits:to~ impo.rya.J.l~' ....' ,,' :". :" a 1:act.;md ·fador'in. rachll:e:v.olution.. cities in' So~th peorgia, North F.'Wr":. . H~lp Yo'u; Favo'ri'te: . :.'~ 'th.lnk; Ij " the . proire~s' \hat this ·one. Ida, ; ~isi-a'na; Mi.s~issippi, T~~~s.,:, One.:v~te 'wd~ taken out~Q(the bank f.lef;. il1dieate$. '.' .Fifty years e.go, Ark:a,nsasi··Okl~homa.' Misspuri, -South- 'at pro Gordon's drug·store. :. The . s":n·ce[y. n-.ore·· than' 'tJiat; the Negro ern· Hlin91s .and ·.Indiana, Weste11l..Fl1ancis Shaw ;:.., · _ :: 310 '. \\'a8 ·a~v.e~,. He' owntid.·ndthing. that Kentu~ky and concludes' a,t Kansa'sMadeline ·Roberts ~ < 300 Broomfield Hotel' :·:r1i~·.ht Ci~'y, AU~8t ~·· .. -he ml! h,.c: .,,' ,,·n. .-Turned -{)I'.I<.. Missouri, .. 16, when the Blanche -Lawson .· .. _.. ·:1 ·146 I HI-lI8 SolIdI NIDIb 51. !J<>nnilp'ss lipon an. U1lsyrnRat~etic an.nual- ses,sion 'of ~he N'ational Negro' Hazel Hall :: : :._.. _ " 127 world. Splli.ned by tliose ,who had Bu.siness League begins. Oletha Ru-ssell : _ - _.":.._..;135 Utrto-da~e robbe~ hl~ al!d~yet ~ ~ Strictly modern' and of };js)ab()r crii.le·i Ruth Jeltz o: , 65 . ~im(/)r:his ~};·!ftl~ness' anel ,pov~.'r,.!~ . She-They say there a~e .gern'1s in. Pearl Ray ~ _ _ - 6~ Prices moderate' Today w~ have banlce.rs!· ·A signifiJ JdsscS·. Now what do you suppos~ '9.. 91ga Henderson .-: 31 cant. t~·~hich gives th~ li~ to the girl could catch· that way? Ozelia Dunning .: _.. _ : :. 22 23~~. charge of inabiljty and thriftlessness.. , He-A. husband..· Anthone Edwatds ·.: : :.. No ,report...... ---J . ~ .

" I