.~,;. ~ ..

.".-1t .1-:,.,'·:' HE ONITO I, ..-~ A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Eight Thpusand Colored People in Omaha 'and Vicinity, and to the Good of the Community The Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor

$1.50 a Year. 5c a Copy. Omaha, Nebraska, June 3, 1916 Volume I. Number 49

'~': . Claim HilS Solved From Fair r"""lska f ~J1'''''' .,~ r:~\ . ...:,:J Gasoline Problem to •. , . ') .... c r _ ....Il.essee f"'_,~:~c :.... - r Colored Grocer of Churchville, Tenn., II· .•" Trip and Impre8sions Expects to Smash Rockefeller's ..cd by Editor on First Visit Vast Monopoly•. to Southland.

HIS SECRET~tREVOLUTIONARY THE SOLVENT SAVINGS BANK Substitute Cheaper and has Greater I Propelling Power than Gasoline A Race Institution Which Has Stead- Invent.or British Subject. I ,. ily Grown in the Confidence and \!: Esteem of the People.

Ch,;,,:~~:ofJ~es~e';;;;io~~n:a~ w~: I ~... We promised to tell you something hopes to rival Henry Ford in cheap- \. about the banks which our people ening transportation and by his own successfully operate in Memphis. In invention divert much of the flow of this issue we attempt to redeem that gasoline profits from Rockefeller"s I promise. Our limited space, however, hoard of gold. Mythical as it may will permit us to tell you something sound, he would replace gasoline with I about only one of these banks. From green-tinted water. And in the green what we have planned to tell you, tmt ;;; a powerful propelling force- and we are very sure that it will all unpatented and unknown, 'tis said, interest you, it looks as though we save to the one Churchville man. shall have to write at least two arti- A British Subject. des on the Solvent Savings Bank and W. B. Tara'ndo, 309 Sharp avenue, Trust Company alone. And th€l1 Churchville, is a British subject; says there's the Fraternal Savings anu he came to Chattanooga seven years Trust Company, equally interesting ago from Kingston, Jalpaica, and op- rind worthy of commendation as a sig- erates a small grocery store. The only nificant and potent factor in Race evo- history of what he claims as his in- ution. vention is his asertion that he worked Banks Proclaim Progress up f he, promised substitute for gaso- For it must be apparent to all that l~ne in his little crude laboratory. in our mode.rn commercial life banks . Three cents' wortn of his strange ··C significant signs of progress. The niixtureis put· into each gallon of "~mand for churches and schools ap- water, the basic ingredient of the pro- pears early in the evolutionary pro- pelling liquid. Rubert R. Church, Jr., Elected Delega te-l\t-Large to National Convention. cess and prQgress of a people. Man'~ f. " G. W. Nixon, president of the Nixon religious needs and his educational .Mining Drill company, found the needs must be supplied. In these two Churchville inventor, and has started particulars the Colored American has to help him develop what may be Somethleng To Make' YoP! Tb.-ok abundantly demonstrated his common great possibilities in the trade. aspirations with a progressive human- Recently Mr. Nixori told the story O' r ity. His entrance into the bUSIne8& to a newspaper man. He admitted SH W IN PUBLIC SQUARE. and commercial world has, of neces- that it sounded incredible, so offered The . !sity, been longer delayed. But even a .demonst~ation. 'I here he is rapidly developing. Busi- Ke¢P~ I~vention Secret. We h31ve the report that after a Colored man was ,convicted of murder ness demands banks~ And the race 18 Tarando: was called and mixed a in the .proper courts, the so~thern by-standel'!;, evidentli impatient. wUh the conducting; and that successfully, 8~a~I.~uantity ,of thegreen-tin~ed, slow process of their own I~w, took the defendant froni the custody of the banks. liqUId'1O a gallon of water. The mIx··f Courts and burned him in thi! public /?quare. The Full Significance of This ture was poured hiti:> the gasoline This kind of lynching has become common in tbis co~ntry. It bas grow-'ll We want you to fully weigh the sig- tank of a sik-cylinderGrint automo- . nificanceo:f this fact. It has heen ." '., strong on just such sentiment as gave expression to this dasta.~ly..b.urning bil~al1.· traces .of ··gasoJine having said that the Race 'has no confidence .. beenrefuovE!d.pelling liquid ...... , . '.. ' It took foul.' 'hundred y'~ars t6.·. erad- " .... ····"t.. ·· h' t d .. ' '. . lawful. act. It was' prote,gt.that won the'iridependenceOr: this co~ntry 'and'jt was no ,ex aus.e~· .'. '. .. .' '. ',' '" . .... ica,tethe dep~sing influence of Egyp- t •. :th~j,~ut.~pi~~ile •a::pparent.1Yspe~~~d . will ~eprote~t,thafwn.~h.dpJ~rgeIYin~~fecting acllange of the conditions. tian. bonds.g.e·fro~·one .• of.the most '. fory.,afd',aS::tllQugh ,~he::: bes~ grad~'ot noW' so prevtdent in Jhis con;.ntI'Y. . Virile and brilliant races the ",,:6ridhas ':,ga~oli~e:,~as~oWin(~lltoit~ ~ultiple .. · .. 'We need n~tspend ~o m'~chenergy in desel'ibiitg~1!~. criit\elJ.Thtw'.reeverseen. A race, tdo;that:wa''S~nein . ,.;cyhnders"bntp'l.'oduced:a' .dIfferent.. ····:···':··b·"'.; './ . '::.: .' '.' .... . d·'· ..·• ... .'" ....' :. :: . ;1' " '. . . '1" '.: .. ' )". '''''bl d.' ., .; '~'J:,;' ;:.":;<; ". Th sUffl~~ently..horrl lewlth()ut.d.~ta.ded:. eacnphon~Whatwe. ,neecl to do~a . l~Io~"one.lll ~.~geJ:?JI:e ¥J:.o() .' :" ·:.··~t:ri:;H;~~:lia,~;~~~~~:~~:~~,:ntirel;;'d~,vo~e:,~:ur:~~,eri,ie~.:t".th~.,~reat,i'o~.~ofa·'¥~1:'!~'y.;,~~t~~~~~'~~,~i~~~J~~~' .. 'o~n:~:b~:~~;~P!;:"!!t~:~~' . '. . different' fr6m'that of. gas9line~· .. ~. ~crlmes':~lld.we;:n~~4 no~ ~elel;t.th~; s~teof theC;rlm~'a:s,a;plac~"of:~g~,lli(l~g. :slbiEiior th ..'ni"xt,ireb't·;'t:C· .tlC' .•... r ·.A~~~:!.;;:£~!Ifj1l~~~~~lfJ~~~~z~:~li:=ltr~~~i~,r:f11~~t::{'i::=c::ti;~:' ·:~~'"r~:Y.l~~:~~::~: .. . ., :'ney-William ~. HawJcins, fol'l'rierly.pi to. the' lynchers; but hr~Ufe:ij8"()n~J~~sto be 8acrificed.~bel(t~:Jhe e~cl ~~.etJ. 'an that of.Egypti~bOndage. Amer~ .' . , . ')tilwaukee;"W~s:, hill.' been elected the This'''coun'try mU8t atop .l~n~h.ing.~·t beeOnie. ~rrupt· 8Dd faiL 'nil C01lIltf,y ican alilvery taught espionage. ,The '.' ,:-." :. g.~~er8l· .counsel lor ~h

."'1 , .. ' 'f",.~~.r:,;s~""""~·~"""~~ " • • ••'"0' ~". f· 2 .. THE MONITOR :i • r--~-·_··-·--·-·-·-·-·~-ij"i~~~~~~!!~hii'l

•+ ;t !T 1614 Harney Street T ! f t Te'lcphonc Ty·ler 2060 ~ !~ :. ow f ! •...... - ae_.··.··.. . AFRICAN METHODISTS I COLORED A UTO RACER ! i ,..•--•..•-•..•..•..•- - -'! . ELECT BISHOPS i IS KILLED IN CUBA ! ~- ! IRs. A.oUST I. Philadelphia, June 3.-There were Fourteenth Anniveniary of Island's t r ~ i t MILLINERY thirty aspirants for the bishopric, the Independence Ends With a (~~\e~OI~~~}16t~I~~:) generalconference of A. M. E. church Tragedy. t '. . /ttJ !.; IL"'J t having decided upon the election of I · F1 F< M " • l Douglas 2l()O Omaha 1 ! iXi!'G\y ·01'" . en t.~ ••: _ . two men to that high office The elec­ Havana, J .. ne, 2.-The fuurtcentI1 -~ tion OCCUlTed on Thursday, the fif­ anniversary of the inderwndcllcc of 1 1421 DOUGLAS ST. + ! - - - _,

; .... ,~ ,"- ", teenth day of the twenty-fifth quad­ Cuba \I'clii enthu::;iastically cclebrateo :.~ OMAHA f tOmaha Reed &Rattan Co.! rennial conference, the balloting con­ ~atunlay, May ~O, by the ullveil.. • I . . I t 16th and Jones Streets ! suming the entire day. ing of a monument to General Maceo. t ~ ! (Castle Hotel) + On the third ballot the Rev. William A.. milltar~' parade in which 4,()()O sol- ! ., i I f PORCH FURNITURE I Wesley Beckett of South Carolina re­ "PI'S and sailorfi Ilwl'l'hcc! tool( pla<:p ~ ALL STYLES " T ceived 377 votes, the Rev. Isaac Nel­ Therc was als'o firc works. t STRAWS. f ~._ o _ _.~~~.:..~.~.~~.? o -o ! son Ross of B,altimore, :312, the num­ Auto races took placc on the race- ~ T ber necessary to elec~ being :306. Dr. tracks. Maxill10 Herrera, a Colorer! ! I I I Beckett and Dl'. Ross were declared· citizen, the lI'inncr of til(' )"f.'ccnt! .50 Genuine $ 50 + elected. The Rev. W. D. Johnson of l;uamlja~! auto racC', wa::; killed in one t Panamas· i Georgia, a'H' unendorsed candidate, re­ race whik driving- a Stutz br a col· + t ! , ceived 260 votes, while the I{ev W. A. Iision with a National driv('11 by an i>.....o..o ...... - ...o...... -..-...o...... _._._...... o..o...... ~o..o..;, .\LHERT EDHOLM, Jeweler Fountain, also of Georgia, and en- American, Albert Guillot, who Ol\'ing­ 0-.-.-0-0··.··0··0-.-.-.-.-.-.··0··.-.··.·..··.-.··0..•·..-..... 1;JI Omaha. Nebraska. I • .dorsed by the conferences of that to the collision calJle in second. The ~ r ~ .-.-.-.-..-.....-.- --o- -...... -... -.-v state, received' 173. Colored citizC'n;; II'ho rC'g'ard f-]errc'ra .;~ Bishop';Beckett was, born in South as a racial hero, sought to 1.I·nch Cuil· I t 9 CaroUful,.;.and except for four years ott. The rurales and police f('sc'rves ~ f t j}~![,. su~,~ !~~!l in New-York as missionary secretary, \l'ere called out to protect him. 9 f !!,r,. has. lived practically all his life in t and Blouses 1 + that state. He is president of Allen E.'IERSON SEEI\S TO ? ICE CI~EAM yt +Suit, Values to $80.00 now $12.50 t .: " University' at Columbia, S. C., the BAR PICTURE FIL:\I y t ! and $15.00 1 +For Sale at IA'adin~ Dl'Ug Stores t school from which he graduated. ! and Confediol1\'n;. " Bishop Ross is a native of Tennes­ Washing-ton, June 3.-Congress.. f ~;:~;:;:~IN$:·~. h~ + Made by I see and has pastored some of the larg­ nlan Emerson uf Clcvcbnd in­ · i I est churches in the den6i11ination. He troduced in the House a J'esolution di­ I THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY t SAMPLE STORE + • t I ca1p.e to the conference from Ebe­ recting the District of Columbia com­ + COMPANY. l !Omaha's Original Sample Store I' nezer A. M. E. Church of Baltimore. missioner to forbid the further dis­ O··o-•.·o·••·.o-o··.··.·••-o-.....-.-.•- •..~•••.••.;,o..o.• 0 ..._ ...... + 206 North 16th Street. ~··.··.··.- , The bishops-elect were ordained on play of the motion picture film, .....••...•..•••••••o •••••g •••••••••••••••- •••••-0-0-••-....., 0-0- ...... -.-0 -. I •••••• i Sunday with impressive ceremonies, "Birth of a Nation," whi·ch for more which lasted more than three hours. lhan three weeks has been drawing­ HOTEL CUMING . Taking part in the services were Bis­ eapacity audiences at one of Wash­ iBase Ball'!l ({ooms with Bath, $1.00 and Up rap R T. Tanner (retired), Bishop 'ng-ton's leading theatres. Emerson Per Week Barber Shop and Pool Room in Evans Tyree, Bishop Charles S. Smitn, recently attended an exhibition of the Connection I• Brandeis Stores i• Bishop L. J. Coppin,. Bishop C. T. film, which has been barred from D. G. Russell, Proprietor + VS. ; Shaffer, Senior Bishop B. F. Lee, Ohio by Governor Willis ancl Attor­ • • Mrs. Bryant. Manager Bishop H. B. Parks and Bishop J. 0. ney General Turner. His resolution 1916 Cuming St. Doug. 24166 ~harges t Flipper. that its effect is to engender ~ Brown's ti , ...-..-..-.-._...... _..-..-.-.-.....-.....-. •I•• , • , rrejudke against the Race. fStart Saving Now i' t COLORED YOUTH . !~ Tennessee Rats t~ ; One Dollar will open an o.ceount in tb~ i IS PRIZE ORATOR, COLORED STUDENTS f (The first team composed en- + • Sal'inllS Deparlmcnl ~, ARE COMMENDED ! tirely of Colored players to visit! + or the ..... Rourke's Park this sea.son,) I Mt. Vernon, N. Y.-Charles S. MOl­ ! ! /. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 3.-The i • + United St3.tes Nat'l Ban ris,' the young 16-year-old boy orator i 16th and Farnam Street8 members of the Cincinnati Minister­ -.-. and son of the famous Dr. Charles S...... ial Alliance late Mpnday, May 22, in­ t Rourke Park t .1 i Morris of Norfolk, Va., who was sent reeted the buiiding of the Colored In­ by the faeulty of the Wilson Academy, ; May 30, June 3 and 4 ; dustrial school on West S;xth street. riiENR~~?3f:~oRN'llt Nyack, ;N. J., where he is the onlY Students at wO'rk during the inspec­ T ;b~ T Color.~d' student, to Mt. Vernon high tion were .commened. !~~~~ ~~t.:.~·~~·~~·~::·~:~J s~hool r~cently to enter the .prelim­ .. .i Justice of the Peace I' inary oratorical contest~ndertne aus­ 1Tel Red ;401 .~M--A..N..i··~·;itR·~i ..~N·G'f igell. DOUl-f· 61E.~ 512-13 Paxton BID k pites of :the Hamilton College.' Nine· . • •••• • ••• •...... ·-·...... -foM ~liite studentsrepr.:;senting as many . • .-, .<.1,h.'e Right Kin.d) .' t' ! - .-..__ ....,~ high schools sought to win the nr::lc ,'. MRS·lHATTIE M. DAVIS I T. Moving Vans and Pian .prize, which wa,,s:.$20 in g9l~~'~~1:lJecf · .1313 Dollg)as St Red 3"357 + T :. ~. Ans~v~l: ()ut-of~the~ShopCalls ~ .:'\ for the'contest; "A Plea for (fuba;~' Will 'f Moving, Packing, Shippi '. Ea,ch speak~r Was allotted fiVe~itl,.. '.' f,?r Women Customers. t GORDO'N VAN co ...... 8'•• 'j utes.. 13y theun~nimous. ciecisio~ ·ot·· .+- - _...... the jti~ges young ~.Jorris· ,~as given. '. .:,'~ ~•....4.•--, , _ ,-~ 11th and D~venport. Douglas 3 "JlAR~~R.NG ,the··first prize.:..Judges were.""ReV; , ••- 1· •. ,. tl II I ._...... _-,...... ,...... ,...... R6ber(G; .McGregor, Hoil;. II. Dorsey; Sp~ncerariciCbriklihM:arin(jf,NeW!:.~ l'HAT'S·i\tX.BUSINESSf Wercco.mmendthe '. 'Yor;k~ .' , '. t·STATE FURNITURE /'[... _.~_Corner 14th and D~~ SJs. + slh6-1ribstreHablci accommcda. '.' ,.. \~gb~;tlf;;;:~n1~C~l;~,ri(turesl~ e

i' ..r-~",;",~"""""".. ~,".", ~~-";"""";"-~4~ t EHERS,Ot4; L~Y~DR;Y';::, . If: S. ?>fOREX'. P.rovri~tQr. " ...' 'ar~men~Qn the J?'arl 'of the ~ttqr­ strf:~t 24tll " " :t303;U5Iortl.,'. .. ..'iteys..The.·.suit·,. sought. to r~ver. :.. - -. . . '$2,646.57, as <,lifference between' the'. . Phone Webster 820. ::.wageS of .po~r,·aJ'id:.brakeman, wl)lch' . he' use.1ts that· he·should.receive•. The : j,t Up-to-Date Methods, <;ourt~u8 At. jury: ~a8,~~t ju;st: a~.hoiu- '~d . r.~- .. ': • . ~ntion,', Clean, Sanitary Sur- ORRJE S. HULSE C. B' T. RI~PEN .~urned,'.' ~.,...ardiP$ 'a,' v'erdi~t to; Mar-' •. r~unding8.. Five: Barbers Who Ramey 0261 Hamer ~ . 'jl'ble; ·(iving .. him' .$2,600. There are' '. Know Their BU8lness.. . . HULSt tl RIEPEN 'live.pOrters wh'o are·...8ueing: the roacf -.' . SAVE OO..PPo.t'!lS' A·ND. GET .': This i. What My Shop Offers. You naI~1 ..~.d Marab~~8·. case,' w.'a.·s· ~t.lj.e. 'f,ira(.one· .': . "' , .. .P.RE~IUMS . '. . >, P -13183 eDoJdEN' KIN~ . ;: .f .Doug...... l226 .. 701~.. 6th St. _• -j ,.... .',' ge s.treet., come up. _ .., .' Sendlor ·Free 'Catalog . < .•••••• IIIIIIIIII•IIIIIII I - :... ",.' .:.,' .' ~ ~ .- I . ' .1 I ."l . I : •... ,'>. ".' -, .~, . '.'''', . ,. TH E' MON.. ITO· ;It. ~ '.~ ._··~,·~2i;.;;~:'O:';"~~-.-~...:._--"""7'-----:...... :... 7:~~··;· ".:',;, .... ,. .. 2~~~~~~~~\!.l~------~-=:1======...... j ... ~Jl.iiAift~.i&JmASItA 1·i!;JECT WIFE·.oF TUSREGEE" • f<'• ....,.--_ ,- - ~ 9II~=.o¢'.-~: ~d:'iIJ'Im'!y "-iIIil:ll : ... TENtir1'SSEE . CHIEF FROM SLEEPING CAR IThe Greatest, Store I .More Sickness and Accident .~~~<&~t0~~~fi"i w;:o~~g~':~~;' R~b~rl ~:"'':ot;;:-~~: Busin'ess~ Insur.ance; for Less Mllney pat.,' land the-Greatest . " Old line protection. No assess­ ~c.,o;.' : c", ".:. b'een one of the,.bittei·, legacies of our Negro educator who succeeded Book- HAVE BEEN BUfLDED HEKI:: ments. No med,ical examination. .,' rilce' in, .thiswe~recountry. er T. Washington as head of Tilske- Ion the foundation of PUBLIC Everything guaranteed. n'io.n~y· That 'Wllling to e:p.trust our gee institute, and Blantoneje~tedMoton, the ISATISFACTION. GET ACQUAINTED WITH _to; ba,nks and, bankers of our major's brother, were from a LURE A. HUGHES. own rac'e is a- mpst signific:;l.nt fact Pullman cal' at Troy, Ala., May 29, We are here to serve a.nd and sh~wsg~i)',Vihg rilce confidence. on complaints from white passengers, I SERVICE to u~ means glv- The fact, too, that weare using bank::; ~md required to ride in the coach £ ing the most tor the least Continental Casualty Co. 334 Brandeis Theater Bldg; disproves the clutrge that weare an provided for Negroes under the Ala-' money. Exercisiig OUI' pres- Douglas 3726. 'ifuprovident peopi~. bama law. They attempted to travel' T tige and great buying power , Th~ Solvent Savings Bank in the sleeping car, Major Moton said i ((IT vn\ll' benefit. Our fore- t I!..··.._·..··..·..·····SMOKE· ...... ~l The Solvent 'Savings' Bank and here, against his advice. i sight we use for your ad'van- ; Trust Company occupies' a neat two-I + tage-we go info t.Iw open, TB f I stqrybricki~building at 390 Beale ave- I AM USEMENTS I mal'l

vice president;;}. W. Sanford, second in a recital at the Mount Moriah Bap- : I :.;, THE CREAM OF ALL ICE t, vice president;·o,W. E. Mollison, third tist Church, 26th and Seward Streets. ! Brandeis Stores'EAMS vice president. Madame Wilkinson wilt be assisted I._ _._ _ _...... • i CR. !,

Mr. Church served as president un- by some of our best local talent. i _ _- y __._. til his death, which o,ccurred about . Watch this paper for further an­ ~5c, two 'C years ago. He was succeeded nouncements. Admission, Adults YES-ICE CREAM by his son,'Robert R: Church, Jr., who I Children 15c. any st,yle, for any occasion ha~ t~ceritly scored. ,s~ch)1. signal vic- '. _ t~~r iii'" hisel~ctioh .as .delegate-at- CAI~NIV AL PROGRAM J. A. DALZELL large to the national republican co~- Monday, June !lth. Qualify Flrsl - vention and whose cut appears In thIs,I Solo Miss Ethel Terry 1824 CurniliO St. hI. Doug: 61 G issue. The handling of his father's Specialty Mr. J. K Jeltz , " large estate compelled him to resign Sketch , Morton and Brown ••• - -0-•••0 0- -..., the presidency a few months ago and Tuesday, June 6th. + Visit the . ! :. ~ h~ was succeeded by J. W. Sanford. Devereaux Orchestra ", 1Hamilton Paint & Glass co.·l The present officers besides Mr. San- One Act Comedy Drama, featuring­ + 1!l17 Howard St. Tel. Doug. 2642 i ford, are T. H. Hayes, fIrst vice pres- Andrew Reed, Beatrice Majors and ! For Information On i identj E. W. Irving, second vice-pres- Cecil Alexander + Wood Finishes of All Rind,s +. ! Paints, Glass, Painters' Sup~l~es.;; 'dent; Bert M. Roddy, cashier; A. P. W<,dnesday, June 7th. + Allan B. Hamilton, Gen. Mgr. ~! Bentley, assistant cashier. Solo -- --Mr. Nathaniel P~I'ry ...... - , , The deposits of ~his .bank have Specialty Mrs. Jessie Moss ~ '. .n._...._....-•. ···· _....~...... ·· ..'!t grown from $13,374.71, whIch was the Solo Miss Irene Cochran. PLEATING amount December 31st, 1906, to $168,- Address: "OUf D.efender" BUTTONS 519.25, the amount 0 11 ~~p.d April 15, Will N. Johnson HEMSTITCHING !HUG--The Taito~l 1916. Thursday, June 8th. EMBROIDERING . , ·t 204 NEVILLE BLOCK .+ , How is this for the growth of 3 Sketch, Featuring the Harrold Bros. BRAIDING and ! ~ Negro bank? Fifty years ago slaves. Friday, June 9th. BEADING ; 16TH AND HARNEY ! + Today ba.nkers! And. this withou:, the I Cornet Solo Mr. Leroy Robinette BUTTONHOLES '1 -- ,~ opportUnIty o~ le.arnmg the bu~mess I Reading Mrs. A. Jones sl,ich as others have. Haven t we Specialty Miss Beatrice Majors Ideal Button &Pleating CO.! . J. A.Edholm E. W. SherQl8 eyery reason to he proud of the race Solo Miss Hazel Hall whi~h I we belong,? Ought we ever Satul'day, June lOth. 107-109-111 S. 16th St. Standard Laundry ( despair, despite opposition, of r~sing Cornet Solo Mr. Lawrence Parker Tel. Doug-las ~936 Omaha, Neb. i 24th, Near Lake Slreet to the heights of honorab~e. achIeve· Specialty Mr. Andrew Reed ment in all spheres of legItnnate en· r...... SHO-ES·t"ADE..illiitNEW··.....' I Phone W~bster130 ·deavor? Modern furnished rooms for rent, Next week we shall tell you' some­ t with our----ripid shoe repair meth- !I , ,, --I-t. ,a.50 and up. Miss Hayes, 1826 No. 'hing·· (;£ th~ Christmas SaVings C~ub f ods, one-fifth the cost.. Sold un- t ,t Pl:lOne Webster 850 t 23rd St. Webster 5639. 1called-for sihoes. We have a se- 1.1, Departm~nt arid other interestIng lection; all bizes, a.llprices. ;"1 We sellnotbing. but tbe ve!y bes facts about'this bank. . FRIEDMAN ·BROS., i t Meats and Groceries l.__ .:~~ .._~~~r.....:~.t.h. -1-..,t'.'-?...l~:~...... t .1 J. BERKOWITZ c'OLOffEDPYTHIAN KNIGHTS ...... " r ~ ~- ., 24 th and Ch.ar1es. Sts. 'IlOLDMEMO~iAt·SERVi:CES. ,+. YOU~.· SHOES. NEE'r) 'T £_.•••••••• '.~' •••• .£ ! .~:EPAIRIN,G : , __ ' -...-_ >t-t . . . ., ,. . •. T ' Can Red. 2395 I; ;Tel. Red 1424 , . JTheFirstRegiment, tJn,iform R~~;:'H''.' '. , t -e'd' -It·? i H !EAZAR'US'~'! Will L. Hetherington C~l~red l{~igh~s·.df Pythias,. aCCOrii"; . a've ·you ,rl '.' ."i ':~~i~":(§llmi~g Strt!e(.:,·,·' ""lJ ; VlOllnl81' pamed by theIr band aS~~IJ.I?l~d?"t:, '. " l'WorJc'¢an~d-~l"or'~nd ~tJeliyer~d "',,f Instructor at'BeUevue Colle~e 'l\vertty....sixth and Lake stree~s Tue~- \. Manufacture«J by .. e-;....~-•.;.o.o+e.....,...... ~...... ~...... ~, , Asst.o!.,He"DrY.cox . J~ug•.38 t '. . .". "R W'lr" ' '...... " CO···,(:..ec~~:I~,~~8,~~,,.~~', 'Home'Rendere,dLafd~',:We S111 e ·;··.at;:,~~~~;~r.~~~d,.~~,;J'h~~fl;~g~ 3=~o.:,:::~~. £~e~ts' l.Iam~,and. 0 ...·... ". .'. . ..' ,..... ,.' "0" . ,:':, •• ' ... [.alid .Cure our' own Bac() < ~:... ~ ~,,~,~ ,~...... , ·c··.,."Jodge;··. The graves'd'were then ec-.. ••' •.•" •• --_.:-. '.•• • ,~·.··.,e~·.. ·s~.·.·:.·,JO.,JlNS9,....N,.:.'.,:...... ,: '.:.....' .. C..'HA,~. FLORIST~~:..~RtRt~.· O-:'\, ' ·o:t~t~.~." :~'.~ -:',. '. '--:" '.' '~, . ,.:,,'" ", . ·····:H~Y.~YOU;~RIE~,:" , i8thand:'fza:rd:'::'~ TeL])htiglair'l'102.. i·: .•.. · . ',_,_ '-4.;" .: r.~RJ.~ITH:.Qii'Aq;.Ei;f~En. ,~o ,.::.:.". ~.: :,n:~A:"N:' •0 .M:A,,'S· ...:~t~·~~~~~1;3¢~i~~~~dK~;.. PI"'", Cli::~!.:': D~~iw',( RACE BINGA:. DISMOND . 10M "\;} e\ ' . ·'>$5~~·o;:'i~hnson Sp~dal Luin1J""1s.5~ .i'~ Green,ho~e.~ 30th and, BriBto~ Sts: ...... '.' '. ,·'\:'::~6a:~1/St~>;.g,·::f·'lj:·"";·:.::.,:.,','h)/;{/;· .. S';C··U·· I~S~:' .' >/;';;:::!,;":Best'for t~~~M9n~y , ..Ii '~h~ne W~b~ 1'r96•. ... '. ,ChIcago, Ill.. , Ju~e ~: ..JJ., "". ;'-'O:i'~:"!'<\ ..~.~' .:::7.'::(:;1;1:;;·, .' ',.,/'-,, ..".," ....'.. ;.. >.: ';':;:;';:':,"" . IHJ'I-----...;-.----~-~~ .. ' : . of the Uni'veraity· of (JlflcagQI~h3#·~.j:!~t.·". ",/,.';::--; .... :,LJ .~ . "., "':' :::"'::, i' ,. ,> '.'" •. .- _.- .....~~~.....~_.:~...... -~ an~)1}~ ~~o~ ~ 'i'e~ Mere~ith.,~~ ,r~~?~!,' ThemDe)iciO~8·::;f ~:(. ~"JJ" ~:'. ··~A~~~.i."<,i-' '~. ~ :.... '.. "Y6u'n:"Pind < i;:.•, t" ";" i'· 'iiM:J!R. ··n -j th~ ~reat':Bi-nga. Dlsmond ~nth,is CIty" .~ B" ·t·· . D; t' y' G' )~ssine ",: > " . .•.", .: .'. ..' '. : in thauk.l~ .' 1J.':;;"r.' ~~..,. .,. J-une .. l0..DismoJro'has one victory· to h.Iscm. l:' III a am ..', .' .' ':, ...: . I.' '. .: ' I I want your ,18)7 UpOD ute menu hI'S c~edit over the Un,iy'er,8-1.·ty· of. Penn- Wrapper, 10 Cents', - " . Fresh ana Smoked MelLtB ,.: of my gOOde.' '.' .' & " • , •.•• We dre88 our own Poultry , You will pr<,Jllt b, U'a41nglilen. . sylvania .rurin..er,· and h,e ... J~ c.onfident At All Grocers .. .~ \ ',I R. E. YO.~ m~a8u!B. , '. ,. '.' '.. -Doug..16O'J· 2215 Oumlng St. We-b.~ "..v. , ., he can take his4~5 again Both . JAY' BURNS BAKING CO. . ~ ,< PhOne ~~ 516 1114018 If '-CUI St. men.... ',,,","made.. _"'6"47" . ~, seeo,nds;.... " .'.. .' '.' •••••: '.' • '.' . __ -_ ....

I. THE MONITOR , -- -.- -.-.-.- -.- - -- , . .:. .' '.' 1512 Farnam Street McQUILLIN Heart of Omaha JOHN B. STETSON HATS N{'ckwear 50c to $3.00. -Lewis Undenvear, Imperial Underwear and Vassar Underwear. Interwoven Hose. A Weekly Newspaper devote.d to the civic, social and religious interests of the Colored People of Omaha and vicinity, with the desire The House That Jacl, Built. to contribute Bomething to the general good and upbuilding of the ...... -.-o_ e •••.•o o _ ••••••-.··.··.-..-. - ~ - ..-...... -..~--- ... community. • ••••••_o_ ~ __G.oo..o ••e o •••••••••- ••••••6 e o-o ·._~ ··.··o-o ~•..., Publiahed Every Saturday. I ood Plumbine Necessary 0 Goo Health I Enter.ed as Second~lass Mail Matter July 2, 1915, at the Post­ .' I YOU WANT BOTH-THEN SEE + office at Omaha, Neb., under the act of March 3, 1879. I . C. BRADY , THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WI LLIAMS, Editor and Publisher. f PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR I Lucill-e Skaggs Edwards, William Garnett Haynes and Ellsworth W. Phones : __ Shop-Webster 2526. Residence-Florence 527. + Pryor, Associate Editors. + 1916 • Joseph LaCour, Jr., Advertising and Circulation M.anager. t We Carry a Full Line of Plumbing Repairs. __ Prompt Attention. t I Pleased to Serve You. f; SUBSCRIPTION RATES, $1.50 PER YEAR ··~ ~e-o-o~.·o -6'o·.-.~ i-o o-o..& ••o-o..e (t•••••O-O•••-4i o•••-e·•• ··o· .e••O•••••O••G-t;t.•• ..o ooQ ··•

Advertising rates, 59 cents an inch per issue. • ..6....-e-O...- •..O.....-.-.-6..0-•.e--..-O...... ~-.-lit-.O-$••& ••O. '0' .o•••••o...... _c.··o-._.-o...... ~ ...~o ..o...... ··.··o-o-.-'-O-.-, Address, The Monitor, 1119 North Twenty·first street, Omaha. Telephone Webster 4243. t i t 0 m.m.e e t THE MOTUN EJECTMENT We are for temperance, not prohi­ I t bition. We do not believe you can t Can be filled here at a t The ejectment of the wife of Major legislate righteousness, which in­ Moton and~his brother from a Pull­ cludes temperance in food and drink moderate cost I man in Alabama this week again rais­ into anybody. es an issue that must be met. The Supreme Court of the United Do everything in your power to It SO 0 States has too long side-stepped the prove and demontsrate your worth to 1f e I the community in which you live. question of the rights 0'£ inter-state I HOWARD AN: 'SIXTEENTH STREETS ! passengers. o...o...-:r-O••G...O •• Q ••o-o-&<••••e••e ....·••- ..··O•••-.-O-G-O-6-/Ilo-.....·0' ·._...._ ....0-0...... _ ....-0··0·....-0_0-0 a 0 0 i) Ii • G .... The pernicious separate coach law RETURNS FROM O-o-o-&-e-o•.o ••o••o...e-.-OnO-o.-o...... -o:...... -e-•••o-o-e-Oo ...... -o-~~eO-o-o... Q ~ • 0Itl can by no fair interpretation. of law EXCELSIOR SPRINGS apply to interstate pasengers and ag­ i ; itation against the application of it W. D. Sandifor, president of the IT e Toe t to interstate passengers should never Fontenelle Investment Co., returned ~ t cease until the Supreme Court IS from Excelsior Springs Wednesday t I compelled to pass upon it. morning, where he went in qu~t of Of course, the whole principle is health. His trip was most beneficial. wrong and agitation must not cease He was most favorably impressed until all such laws are wiped off the with the progressiveness of our peo­ II . Ii o AK • statute books. Clearly defining the ple in Excelsior Springs, where Mr. + , status of interstate ,passengers will W. H. Harris has opened up first • I be the first step in accomplishing class new apartments, well equipped this. with modern ocnveniences, and is One deplorable feature of the eject­ well prepared to accommodate the ".c public. I I ment of these cultured people is the i ANAWA t alleged anouncement by Major Mo­ In Kansas City Mr. Sandifor visited o the Colored Y. M. C. A. and is most + 1 ton that they had taken Pullman res­ t THE MOST BEA UTIFUL AMUSEMENT PARK i enthusiastic in his praise of that , i ervations against his advice. We hope + + there is a lll:istake about this. If ;plendid' institution and its efficient t IN TH1<: MIDDLE WEST T from motives of prudence he had secretary, Mr. W. M. De France. lie i ! given' this advice privately and it haa hopes that some day Omaha will have been disregarded, there was no need a similar institution for the benefit I Many Attractions··· Some New One$ 1 for giving that fact publicity. He of our young men. was~nder no obligation to apologize litR~duced ~treet fro~ O~aha a~ for his wife and brother. The apolo- NEW PASTOR AT MT. i rate round-trip car tickets on sale i , down-town drug stores and cigar stores, adults 2oc, chIldren 15c. • gy-is due from the other side. They MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH t i i "\\!ere exercising their rights as free- --- i •••••• 1•••__ ~ born law-abiding. American citizens. The Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, the new A lawless, low-'browed obligarchy vio- pastor of Mt. Moriah Baptist church, lated and vioiates those rights. and his wife are now settIed in their rI1PRSERACiNG~ ,.:Major'Moton, please don;tassume new home at 2308 North Twenty­ .th¢. att~ttide oian' apologist. We are, ninth street. They are favorably im­ hopirlg for,big things from you. \,,'.pre's~ed with Omaha and with the !• AT THE DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS i ·'.know ~nd appreciate the difficulties 'prospects.of the chufch. The Rev. -o~ Ypurpos~tl0n.. St;:md-~quareJ:Y and .' M~•.Wilkinsoll is a. native of Jamaica, Ben~onJ .June 8.;9-10 fIrmly for JustIce to'your ract No Bl'ltlshWest .IndIes, and has cOme· .~pology is due -from'·'either Mr~" Mo- .to -Omaha.from animporlimt charge ;FOUR BIG RACES EACH 'DAy 'tori ory.ourself because as.a cultured in l;lalt Lake CitY,Utah, where he had Nkarly 200 crack horses' from n:ine states have been entered fo -andtefined' womansM preferiet} to a successful pa$torate. these i'aces, which will furnish the best racing sport seen in Omah . .rlde)~ a Pullman rathel' ,than: in a for many years.' . "Jim, Crow" .car >in :which' Ueq~al ac-" VOTES REPORTED BY . ADMISSION, SOc -.... ~c9mriiOdl1tionfl";-ar~ n..6t.'pt.oVjded, and 7CONTESTA.NTS·l:N' THE- which'the 'condltions are seMom; . . '.' 'F4EE TR1PCQNTEST Automobiles Parked Free .. :in: ... -. . '. _. sailltf1rY~r.,pleasant;...... '. . J. F. M'ARDLE~ Sec'y F. D. V,AN.:PELT, ..' . of'Omaha, Starting Judge. I '••., •.', •• i •• _ ~.•.••••• i: '.1 ' ' '." .i i' •• i··~··~ -.

.:., ~ • "~'. ~~ :-.~ ~••~ ~.'•••.••• II•I ~ •• I" .~.,~ • ". ~ • ····4dvi~e't).R~~t;payers,· ·1 '.. '. ·P~Yingl'entkeep~O:th~ma~s~sof people:poor,<;lestrQ}':!l :ind~p~n .'. 1 .. denceand;,rtiilis ~l1e .incentive tp.'irnproYi:!\property.; 1'}~g:pre .this' u :tWelye.'_m()l:ltns:r~nt. a~ $20 per ,w:pnt4;§~go;-10 '¥ears,':$?;OnO,OO',:\Th iL '~ ~e?~:~:hi~i~~~Q~i:;r;\~:!~:~~iC:;_~ ~~~~t~=;~~i~::~;':~:~~E~7~;~:~~?:;:'~~~'~:·~i:~,i, .Ti~,~I~j1~Y::~~~~rt~,~he land~~raKand,t~e.;~ re~ter4()Ii'~'O\Vli"a na. ·o_ -- . -' , ' , . .,.. '.. -- .' -- '-:-··.:'lJut-:'~(hou~eS():li-.;eiil.· Don't ,merely rent ~ne' to sta;'ii1~ -- Jti~t ~ . _~ ~·:~~~.t~eJi;t~ j~-d~~~n' .·F;'!ori~_. ~~.l ,- .~:: ,~., ..~~.gl?toil ·~fl~ .. :~Ddel'~(i,.th.~ I.. : li~tt1e effort on your part will sec re you a home. .- ~~~~~:w1l() was,:~g~u8 ~~I ~81tlon·ot.~81~~t 8erg~p.tTat-ann,8:. ' ... :·C:'. Just en.o;ilg~. ~d~I!lr~:.~~9~t~~tJ?~~,~~~ the ~tlonal Re~nlbli~~__ conv~~-' -. ,- 'W'- ~l ~ ~~.w~~ !.~;'thtdeachmg: ~lon "hi~ .m~t8 J~,:,.-~cago ne~! " . :. -.. ~of ColoreCt ~ple. ~fi~~te;,~pl.e .o,r: jW,eek -.~rt ~~ii9"~ : 99mmIt.~man ~.: ,·:.See me. : I will put'you on th~ homeward highway.. -. 'fwhite,.people. by ,QJlo~l:1people. Ig-, B.Howel1. _ IJr; S.lJ~gleton. regref:~: : J~.e p'b; :Vic~~'~~,ilOJ;i'~' ~~~. '~bai_h~wu unable .. ~:-BccePt_~.fhODO;. --~Dgla8 2.(66' 'ing St. ~~~,~~~.-~'-. _~;.:~~~~~ .. ~~_:,r.:., ! ~~~._~~~~~~~~_.~~~~~~~~-~M··_'·_·~ '. THE MONITOR 5 T •. ~-,...... ;.;.~,..,...... ,....------,------;IThe recital given by the pupils of Mr. William Newman, 2211 North Mrs. J. Alice Stewart last Thursday 28th Street, is confined to his home ve.nts and- Persons night at Zion Baptist Churcl~ was a I sickness.• rare musical' treat and was appre­ "-- ,.,-c. In Which 'You Will Be 'More or Lesslntereated. ciated by the large audience which A "shirt waist hop" will be given News for This Department Must Be Received by Wednesday Night. was fully repaid for its attendance. Thursday evening at Peterson's Hall The juvenile pupils acquitted them­ In honol' of Mr. Roy Pettiford's birth­ '. Over 600 people were present at; Quarterly meeting services which .:lelves with great credit, and the lay. the annual sermon of the U. B. F. were held at St. John's Church Sun­ numbers by the Mozart Mandolin club and S. M. T. Lodges held Sunday day were the most largely attended of were most enthusiastically received. Mr. H. W. Williams, newly appoint­ May 21st a.t the Zion Baptist Church. any during the pastorate of the ReV'. Teacher and pupils are to be eompli­ 'r! d(~puty of' the True neformers, is The Rev. W. T.Osborne preached the W. T. Osborne. The church was filled mented. "arid1y inncasing- the membership of sermon. to its capacity and 230 persons re­ that Jodrse. ceiV'ed the Holy Communion at, the See that your favorite g-ets t.ri p.~ 'Mr. Thomas Ada~ns is in a very morning service. Adv. The Woman's Auxiliary of th~ serious condition at the St. Joseph's Church of' St Philir the Deacon will Hospital. List your furnished rooms and real Mrs. W. P. Wade returned Monday ~ive a social in the Cluld Rooms June estate f.or sale or rent with Fontenelle from Spokane, where she went to visit :~lst. Keep this date in mini] and be Get your bedding plants, bulbs, Investment Co., Phone Douglas 7150. her father who is quite ill. ';ure to attend,-Adv. vines, hanging baskets at Swanson­ the Florist, 1410 North 18th St., Web­ . Mrs. J. D. Winfield left last Satur­ ... ster 482.-Adv. day for a two weeks' visit in Iowa. IOC~;~v::~:e:':ve:t:e~~:e:t~~o~;,nonio~l:~I· fPATTO-··OOTELANO-CAFE; ,--- your words and you will then know! N. A. Patton, Proprietor ! Miss Iris Bell of ¥uskogee, Okla., Mrs. C. J. Bolden left Wednesday just how much" vour advertisement! f 1014-]016-1018 South 11th St. + I who visited her sister Mrs. George for Atlanta, Georgia. will cost you bei"ore you put it in. ~ Telephone Doug-las 4445 ~ , ..\. Johnson of 3912 North twenty-ninth Display advertisements ('os-t 50 cents ! 62 MODERN AND NEATLY ! street, lastc~ummer, has been electeu Will N. Johnson, Lawyer, Southwest an inch if inserted only once. If al- + FURNISHED ROOMS .' • 0..••_* _0••••••• _._._ _.·....-.- _. president of th~ senior graduating Corner of Fourteenth and Douglas lowed to stand for several issues, class of the Muskogee High School. 3ts. Douglas 4956. then the rate is 25 cents an inch. riOE··i·EW······ ..·:::fuil Classified advertisements cost one. Ridin~ Mr. Geo. W. McKain of St. Louis, The Rev. Mr. Van Lew, of Wichita, i ]\'"ew Easy Seven-Passengerz cent and a haIr a word raj" the first l Car ~ Mo., Imperial Potentate of the Kansas, who has been the g-uest of insertion and onp cent for sub"pquent i 3 P. M. to 1155 Peoples Drug Store, t Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, spent Mrs. P. Poynter, left Saturday morn­ insertions. 1 Doug. 1446 ! i ~2;05 A. M. to 5 A. M. I Saturday and Sunday May 27 and 28, ing for Lincoln, Neb. ! Midway, Doug. 1491 or 3459 + in Omaha as the honored guest of ,,; A M. to 3 P. M. Residence, Web. 7661 f The following- ladies have consented ...... 0 - 0 . the Nobles of Zaha Temple. Mrs. Fanny Bond left Thursday for to present some g-ift, as yet undesig-­ ~ •••••O-.-9•••u G•••-O .-o- ! Saturday was given to the busi­ Portland, Oregon, to visit her daugh­ nated, to the winner of Free Trip ter, Mrs. Irene Moore. ness of the Temple. Sunday, after Contest: Mrs. Philip Letcher, Mrs. an auto ride over the city, he wa~ Robert Walker, Mrs. Win.· NC\\'>iOl11 driven to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Fay Robinson was married and Mrs. C. H Hicks. AN UP!!l leL! + Nathaniel flunter, whe,re the hostess Saturday, May 27th, to Mr. dayton , + • prepared an elaborate feast in his Annon, of Valley, Nebr. '+ ; The N. W. C. A. will have a'Penny t Let us put your summer clothing t honor. Those present were:- . Mrs. Bertha Stephens, who has been booth at the Pythian carnival which ·f into shape. Cleaning-, pressing and t Messrs. Chas H. Warden, W. O. opens June 5th at the Mecca. 'the ~ : Dunn, Jack Wilson,· Dr. W. W. quite ill for some time, left Sunday . t repairing is our specialty. We! booth wil1 be in charge of M,:'s. N. 'I : Pe·ebles, Geo: W. McKoin, Nathaniel night for the home of her parents 'in HUlltei', Mrs. L. A. Smith and Miss ! guarantee our WIlr},· ~ Hunter, Walter L. Seals, Tubius Mul­ Minneapolis, Minn., as her physician : "'l • Ruth Seay. ! W(' buy and sell second hand! drew, Chas. W. Dickerson and Geo. recommended a change of climate.' ~ . ! W.Obee. • clothmg. • Industrial Fair and Carnival will Mrs. Anna Lee gave a patrildtic. t Work called for and delivered. t Mrs. A. Hicks, 2716 Miami street, drill Tuesday evening for th€' benefit. ! ! be given under the auspices of the ~ gives scalp treatments and hair cul­ St. Douglas Co. U. R. of K. of P. at of the Zion Baptist Church.. I; HI Th T ..' ture. Individual instruction given the Mecca Hall, 24th and Grant Sts., 10mes·· e alor f along this li~e, as no two scalps are Our furnished rooms-homey, com­ beginning Monday, June 5, and clos­ •+ (Gents Suits to Order) ! fy and desirable. Fontenelle Invest­ ~ alike. Webster 6426.--Adv. ing Saturday, June 10. Music, com- + . ment Co., 220 South 13th" Phone ! 2022 ~o, 24th St. Tel. Webster 320 ~ , - .,.--- edy and drama featured by the best Douglas 7150. i ! The Willing Worke.:rs' Club of St. home tale"nt under the direction of . .. -.. -. . - I John's A. M. E. Church has present-. Mr. Andrew Reed. Change of pro- , -.- - - . ed the church a full individual com· gram each night. Opemng addreSs i !• munion set, consisting of two trays by Mayor James C. Dahlman, assisted t i, ! and eighty-four glasses. by Hon. John L. Kennedy. There will ! i , ! be other prominent speakers. 1·lor I ; 1\ daughter was born to Mr. and Yqur opportunity has com ; concessions see Commanding Captain t ! Mrs. George Kellogg, 4125 Saratoga Webster~448~ Frank Golden, General i t, street, Friday, May' 19. admission, ten cents. W atch~for pro- • t ·! gram ·later.~Adv. i ; Mrs. J. R. Harrison, accompanied __._ t ! , ~PECIAL'·ciEiRiNtCEt i by her father,Daniel 'Banks, left for Mrs. Volney Carter is on the sick I °SALE ·f Fort Scott, l{ans;, Monday night, to list.'+ ! OF ONE THOUSAND HIG,H.GRADE SPRING SUITS ! be p:~e$ent Memorial day to decorate f I i, I . ! the grave of~other and wi±t. .' Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Wade have both I i "__"._..-.. ";..:..:.~': i Eved broken line hdml' big lines nfSpring Suits \\'o1"th from $15. 0 ~ Pat~ t.wo.l~.isat~·o J been quite ilL at their home, 2501 i to $2$.00, divided into special price.s. ;• Mrs. Henry .. Buf~r.d. ~!I.as openeda. avenue. f rick ... 1 ·s:tudio 01 dancingiit her resIster ~ The Fontenelle Investment C()m- t i .;2623••. ·'ChildreJl's,·~lAs~es Saiurday..p~ny .buys, sells and ex~hanges any~ t .$ll!.50 ; i ~ afte~~on, :'AdY. - ...... t~ing.· PhoJ).·e, Douglas'7150. • ~ ". -_.,-' T' ~ 'Suits that:solcl at $20.00, 22.5:0 andli\25,OO, are now- ," ...... " , , Reuben Moorei who underWen:t an' I I. ..' i >.'1'h·e Rev. H. M.',Mickens, ofSeattle~ .'. .I'· , wi11preacb, a.f,·::;,t. John's·A. M. E.operati<:m at St. Josep4'shosital; is i $1.6.50. ! '...... '" d S d ··steadily improving and hopes to 'be' .,• Chu.rch.Sliridaymorri~ng'an .'. un ,ay ..able to be: atJioInein.~ few' days•. , I ...•, . '~fl*!~i~~!:!~lf!1~~;· ",,~'lun~~'lof'~i~ia: 'P;ii~w,y,! .l;Je snre a'nd'get, yoursha~;e;';' .,! . . '., .;,' ..- ...... :: ,.... .i~.: ..... '1;as held"fromcB,wa ~nd WIlkes un., ,?:... fi~~··~;tt.t~~~~~~~;,~i~il}~~~tt~: ~:~f~~~:ltJt~~~J~~~~~: ~7:ti,~;; \ .' Deacon ~et at tbe··resi.denc.e of Sergt., 'l?~'819f:

" . ~., .",. .. ,- , ',,; .6 THE MONITOR ~\~;""""" and- Children The Novelty CO.'s Conducted by Luci lie Skaggs Edwards.

'i'EIHPER AND CHILDREN. WIDOW OF PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR MARRIED By Samuel G. Dixon, M.D., LL.D. Col'nmissioner of Realth of Penn. I Mrs. Paul Laurence Dunbar, 'widow JUNE ~'Our bodies are our gardens, to I of the illustrious poet, anl,i Mr. Rob- :: '~,4'>~'-'i~ ....q'C"~,.; . which our wills are gardeners." crt J. Nelson, of Harrisburg, Pa., .-!; , , ~1', . Physical, mental and moral health \\'ere recently united in marriage ,at depend upon self control and culti- Wilmington, Del. They enjoyed their' vation of this in children is of great- "honeymoon" at Atlantic City. The CLEARA CE er IJllj)Ul'tance than ani lJ~her single 11atch is regarded as a particularly virtu.e. fitting one and the entire country Sale is absolutely the greatest, biggest event f Who has not obs·erved the disci- joins in mutual congratulations to of its kind ever held in this city. Not one plinary effol1s of parents with a lhe happy pair. Mrs. Nelson is an dollar's worth of this high-grade stock of men's feeling that they could improve upon ~ducat()r, "niter and lecturer of na­ the methods employed mid the reo. tion-wide note. As Miss Alice Ruth women's and children's wearing apparel will suits obtained? The casual observ~ Moore she wrote many poems of rare be carried over. We're bound to sell quick. er usually decides' that parents are quality and was an inspiration to Mr. Need floor space for faU stock. Sale is now more often to blame for' the faults Dunbar in his day of struggle and of their Offspl'Jng than the children final triumph. Not long ago she on in full blast. themselves. LilH~ begets like, and gave to the world a populnr volume the loss of s~U-control by t~e father entitled" "Mastf'rp~e~es of Negro ~1~- i and mother IS almost 'certam to be I quence, a standald on th.e subJet t , reflected in the child. treated and an encyclopedia for an I "tl h'ld fl' 1 t d oartor, Mr, Nelson is a state Offi-I e ovety W1 1 c 1 ren 0 a llg 1 S rung an . ... T .. t t th \. I f clal of rennsylvama and IS promment nervous empermen, e (ISP ay 0 . '. . ., . . d tl I f If t l' m the fraternal, political, commercial 214-216 No. 16th St. paSSIOn an le oss 0 se -con 1'0 IS .. .. 'ld and SOCial ltfe of Harl'lsburg. It IS ex- toebexpec te"d T0 t eac11 a ch I to .. 't 1£ I. t' 1 tl t ]H'cted that 1\1rs. Nelson \\'111 contInue !-•..•..•- - ~..•- :' - - _-! govern 1 se anC con 1'0 lese gus s .• T . th f th t to be heard on the plat rOl'ln, \\'111<'h, i t of t emper IS wor y 0 e mos : We Darn S k S . ttl k' d f she honors and aeloms. ~ our oc,! carefu1 st uc.1 y, persls en ane -m e - T I fO~~ MU~JC permit a child to give way to WRITING CONTE:-iT ! eplace Lost Buttons i passion during the early years of it's + I life js apt ,when the strain of the Woman's Clubs Offer Two Prizl's f;;~ + A:\D (;IVE YOI' THE BEST WORI( AND ~ERVICE IN THE CITY t real burdens of life are added in Best Folk Music Composition. ; FOR YOI'R ;\IONEY T later years, to end in a nervous t ft. breakdown. The National Association of Col- + • b 11 d C < offe~'ed, All students of nervous diseases ored Women's Clubs through t' 1 a aun ry 0·0 its music department, at the Wilber- • . • are aware of the possiblity of the + -. f inhe:t;itance of mental d.efects pres- force meeting two prizes of $25 each ~ PHONE TYLER 280 1507-09·11 .JACKSON STREET ! 1'0"- the best instrumental composition . T ep.t in' the parents. No one factor i : ,.. ' • ~ ••••• ;, is of ::,~l'e:1.tel' ~li.} in equlprtng a child based upon Negro" folk music nnd the r · -··..·..·..·-·..·..·-····..·..·..·..·..·..·..·· ·---_ - ··.· !. ' ..... Lest vocal composition. Of c.!Urse, . , to battle with hereditary tendencies .! ! the prizes will be given only to wo- S· h Sh ! of this character than it's education ; t I ! ~ y SOW 0 eS ~ in ·s'elf-control. It is of the greatest men. Three CoIJlored musiclUns will . aid in. tRe estalflisment of mental serve as judges. The 'contest will ! t 'l'b . d h . t f close on July 1. All compositions : ! eqUl1 l'lum an t e mam eance 0 a h Id h M 'tr T R W'll' ! • ·r . une pose, r\"nov; e ge, mora 1 y H t I t't t V' ., b J] FOR BOTH MEN AND nro~,'lEN· • . '. amp on ns 1 u e, IrgLnla, y u y I!;, ., 1 and a healthy, t'emperate phYSIcal 1 t . + • e'·{:.s'[~rlce ,:re the fruit derIved from s. . I ! At Prices You Can Afford to Pay. TI ' .. t" f thO . ... The pnzes were offered by the Na- i T the ellItIva IOn 0 1S Vlhue. . 1 .. f C 1 d W I NIFT'l.' S{l"Ii\IER FOOTWEAR • tIOna Assopatlon 0' 0 ore omen'sIT'J.. ll •. " T Clubs because of the favorable im- ! ' INTERRUPTING 'pression which was made by R. Na- i ' rtf .By BURGES JOHNSON thFJ-niel Dett, director of the Hampton ••: We cal~ please you from our big st.oek, including aU styles and t leathers. i. xfords, Pumps. Strap Pumps, ,Party Slippers, or Work . Choral union and of vocal music at + Shoes. We have them all. -'! 'They say-it's wrong to interrupt Hampton institute, who was sent to t Q I When someone talks to you, the Wilberforce meeting by the Treble t SEE THE DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWS t. 1 ~hoe .. \ Rut 1,dontdoit near so much Clef Club of Hampton, Va. + And You ill Know We Have the Best Bargains in the City. , ..as 'gl'~wn~uppeople do j , t -;:;~ '!t':or,>yhile lim telling mother som'e PINKARD'S ORCHESTR:A Only"Two Price,_S I .' important piece of news DR1-_WS BIG CROWD ..: ~ .:-- i$counti~g She up IllY buttons or $2' 0' $3 ':examining . my shoes. 'Maceo Pinkard's orchestra attract- ';It . .;"5 . a,n.d. 00..' ,.ind,·s~;eought to ,.pay att.~ntj(),n t,2 ed:; a.bi.g~i'owd :a1onday e.Y~nJng in .'. n1yw-oi-ds:withallJter heart;-front:~ftheBrandeis·Theatre at the ! ! sh~ I .•.1 0' 'A,U it,: onc.e sa..ys., ,. "Come'-here! opeml}~'o'.. f' thO", Ed' d L h St k I e war .ync·.. oC'I . WE SAVE' ydU MONEY ON EVERY PAIR 'Iv~l'Y greatly feat Company.-They will,play thereevery.+ Ab'Q,tton;s"corningoff~ 'your clothes'cV'-ertiri,g between 7:30'and pl~yed8:30 Fri- f L'OY'A'LSH'OE ST"ORE t ,.;I'-','----•.',-- .. :--' .... _aild.T:must fix it,·dear/'.:.. : (fay' evening) May,;19, they att ...... " . '. '. '. . . .'. .·..·I. .the AuiUtorlumf()i',the ball given bY •. •i It1s·Jq$t,ihe.sani~,withFather~he's the~tatqde-n~' convention held here. t. 16th and Capl.tolAv'enue. . . .. ',' Loyal. HoteIBuildin~. t ,;}jp:',~~t~~r,: r~a~ai.d;" " . r. :LOOKl.':O~:rHEELECTR1C SHOE. .. .' '.' '. i ·/.:{·,·a1Fi:ly~'·.w.ant him·:to··lidmlr'e im,. :~ENNESS~:ERA~SLOSE M_...... _~•••.••• ...... ".~.._ ...... :O- ...... •••••••••••••••••••~ ·'·~TI:~~~l~\Sf;~:.·~~jf~i~~i~~~~1~i7·····~·.lh~·fQ~~!!i~!~~:I~~t;~·ht~c~g:

H~'H ,n!>d .his head.. and:say, "in~ee4;!~:.tQ.J)Iljl1g.:nirie;;.-'ErQi's.:.~ere,1l~artlyre~ ";',~'0'owjng.,With Growing Omah~."·" " )n an: att,entive". w~~'." ." . '.3';', :~piiri~ibl~~r. ~s 4m~at. .' ofii~si~.~':: .. _.' :~ ~~~ ~ .--: . ~Promot~rs of-· . "':-I~' ..' ... ' 'And ac~t~b·ifnh.e.saw,lt,·b~~then.~?:>·~ay~md.Sunda:Y,)he,¥::w.iIlpl~¥.·;,~\r~:~I::? " . B~a__UI.•ful.. ·E,ddew.GOd, ·P,.~·· .,' as no e· say, tum engagement .With the. -l.3.ra)ldef!iC '.',.. .. ~,.•~ Just: ~heft I've"got a:.going, . Stores·~t 'Rourke Park. ~.. Lots· .ii;t .~h.!s -addition ' are going fast.. The lots are ~ithin your "My bciy,,:your ·nose. n~di~bIpwjng,'-'. ~. '. r~ach. The .pnc,es range from $56. $158.00. The' terms 'are as :Whicn. proves 'he doesn't ,heat. nor "A~ ~xce.. llent literary p'rog'ram was . low as $1 ~own and $1 a week. Buy . _". ,. .., Offi~e Hours .from 9 5 even look,-at what- 'I'm sho~!,g.:, given Tuesday .evening at .the resi- . ~. 0 p. m. dence of Mrs. Mason for, the benefit; 220 S'Out.h 13th Str~t' . . Telephone Dougl~s 7-1.5-0 B008t .your f8v~rite in yree.-!rip of..the· Florence 'P: .Leavitt Ciub of' "- Offi~e aours from-9 A. 1\1. to 5 P. M. I

Contest.-:A·dv. the"Grove• M. E.' Church.'..,. ••••.'_ ".. 601 W.~~,~~D. Sandiford, Pres. ''":"'R. •W. Towles, Treu. J. R. Lernme,-..__+;....cr...... ~ .. , l ".

. ~, ~. '.:. .. ~; .. TH'E MONITon KILLED BY STREET CAR. William Dukes, an employe of CLASSIF.IED ~~~_ \0~_~~~e~ci'Notes J ames Bell Cafe, was killed Wednes­ Whatever your ... dflY by a west bound Dod~e car at .... '.. 'I3V:WILLiAM G.HAY!'IES. 12th and Dodge. The body will be ADVERTISING habit may have shipped by Jones and Chiles to his RATES-Ph cents a word for single ....~:' home in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. insertions, 1 cent .a word for two or been in the F.ee~jng a Pumpkin with a Sugar more insertions. No advertisement S!Jlution Only five weeks more before Free for less than ~15c. Cash should ac­ Trip Contest ends.-Vote for your fa­ company advertisement. past ._--,-_._.-..' By S. Leonard Bastin vorite.-Adv. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Som'~ interestfng' experiments Nice furnished roon~s. 2715 Doug­ You Cannot Afford Now to Trade .have 'been recently carried out to DIED OF HEART FAILURE las street. Harney 215p. in Other Than ~. prove that the growth of gourds and Harry Coffee, living ot 21st and ------~'.' Clean, modern Iurnished rooms on . -?r- p,umpkh1:s may be accelerated by arti­ Charles, the engineer at Univeroity Dodge and Twenty-fourth street rar f,icial means'. It has for some time Club, di.ed of heart failure Sunday lines. Mrs. Annie Banks" Douglas A Reliable Store ~~en known ;that m~ny plants gl'eedily evening at his home.e e ...... ~sorb 4379. f' sugar solutions, but it is ------_.,-_...- ·.·only recently that the idea of feed­ AMERICAN PROVINCE HAS Mrs. L. M, Bentley-Webster, first We Guarantee Everything We Sell ~ga growing pump}cin has been 71 NATIVE PREACHERS class modern furnished rooms, 1702 N, d~veloped. 26th 81. Phone Webster 4769. 'The plan is carried out in the· POl'tug e:,;e East Africa l\1aldng Great Strides Along Educational and HOUSES-FOR RENT fOllowing manner: A healthy young Thomas Religious Lines. Nine room modern house, with or f;rult is selected for the ,experiment without garage. Walking ·distanl.:e. a few days .after it has definitely Southern News Bureau, June 3.- neasonable rent to right party. Call ,,l~e:t~. Next,·.;;every strong sugar An editorial in the "GuardIan," a see-I Harney 6808. . Kilpatrick &Co. solution ':is prepared in the follow­ Re~t-i";;;~J:;;--h~~~"~-~d-b~th iifg way: One or more jars are taken ular paper published in Portugese For ~ast :~G10 a~d each of these is:filled with water. Africa, pays the following hign room. N. 33rd St., phone Harney l~ent ~~w . sugar' is' theh stirred into the tribute to Methodist missions in that 4002. $12.00. .,,*ter .until the .liquid has absorbed section: "The Methodist Episcopal Mission Yo L' H.ent-Two five room houses, ::@. that it can take up. The sugar ~>,Wate; ;~should epitomizes its work as the training of no and 934 North Twenty-seventh sKiNNETrs ... not be boiled, as heart, head ancI lland. The districts street $12.00 omnth. Call Webster THE HIGHEST QUALITY this will 'produce a thick mixture under consideration have eleven mis- 1;)55. that will not be freely imbibed by sionaries, seventy out-stations, s even- the plant. On the other hand there WANTED. EGG NOODLES ty-one native pastor-preachers, 7,895 is no ha1'ln in order to assist in the WANTED-Girls or women for 36 PAGE RECIPE BOOK FREE members and adherents, three train­ dissolving of the sugar if the water SKINNER MFG. CO., OMAHA, U.S.A. ing and thirty-nine elem entary day sorting paper. Call at Omaha Paper is slightly wann·ed. Stock company, Eighteenth and LARG.EST MACARONI FACTORY IN AME.RICA, schools with 1,883 pupils, sixty-eight ...... - ...... -...... - - . 'The next thing- is to secure some Marcy streets. fBUY YOUR HAY AND FEED1 Sunday schools wi.th 2,270 scho1)trs. ---_.. _------. . --- .. pieces of cotton through which the __ f Coal and Kindling t In addition, the mission has $30,000 W ANTED-Position by first class • . I , From '1 sugar solution will pass. Actually worth of property, which includes u prac:tical nurse. Good in all confine­ answer~ round !Jotton 'lamp wick printing press, a saw mill with hy­ ment cases. Call Harney 4682. Mrs. ! I. ABRAHAMSO~; the pui-pose very well. It is a good draulic turbine, ancI a fal'm of a thou- Mamie Jasper, 2813 Cumingstreet. ! 1316 North 24th Street· ;! plan to use not less than a couple ~ Delive~y! sand acres worked with oxen and FOR"-SALE-MISCE!j~ANEOU& Webster 46 . Prompt of jars of solution for ev'ery pumpkin. .- -.-.-. - ~. modern machinery, Fields of waving ,...... _-- ~.•--.•• ••"•• i' , These aTe stood one on either side corn appear to the natives far super­ Watch this space for Real· E.l'itate of the fruit; sunk- a" little into tM. Bargains, Houses, Acreage ~.nd Fann 1 ASK YOUR G,ROCER i t ior to the weeds that fornlerly passed ~ ground., so that there,will not be a as harvests. These farms are often Land, for sale. W. G. Morgan, 1916 FOR ! danger of overturning. A connection' calleUarden of the Gods.' Cuming street, Omaha, Neb. li~ must':now mad,e betweeen the "But the work does not stop here. pumpkin and the sugar solution. For Sale-Fresh. milch cow and pig. There is.a printing record of a mil­ 3ee J olm G. Pegg, "the cow man." Two pieces qf'the wick are cut, these lion pamphlets a year in from four to l~~~~~~~ Call at 4308 Patrick avenue, Sunday' being measured so that they reach t .' t seven languages. The girls are taugm morning at 8:30, from the stalk. of the pumpkin laundering, sewing, needlework, well i!own into the mixture in housekeeping and siJ!lple rules of by­ lRUG CLEANING:l the jars. It is now Ileerlful to: giene. '. t· . ~. . ·I. p),epare the openings in the stllik so "Thi~ m.ission work is bound to T i f 22·21 North 20th St. + that the free ends of the wicks can mak~ \ its mark on the native of to­ f t be insl:!rted into· th,e tissue. The, morrow. It seems remarkable that , Telephone Webster 1659" holes 11:J,ay suitably be worke.d out 'so much could be accomplished in ,.+i with a Penknife,. care being taken .what was untouched territory twenty­ "t A.Chri~tiansoi . to' avoid penetrlitfng the stalk right f.ive years ago." N. through at any point. When the ·:~:t 'holes 'hayebeen opened.upthe ends'" TESTIMONIAL DINNER &'Son 1 i '. of.;the.JV;ickl>.are f,itte.q.. in such a way . TQBERTWILLIA'MS ,.l" ,~uto.. DeI"Ivery.,. , . that the)/. ~re .pushed., well "home;'· .,;.,.~.' .. ~ ~ ... ~..~~~ ...... ~,...~. .... ,. op~~h~gs,: te~ Gity;June;;S,~The diIl~ . ·• •.••..1...... ·into the. Noihlng now ." Ne'iN York : FPhone Douglas' 1652 '. . . '." I. Jmairi.s· .save ·jp:·'see.·th.at. '·the,·:·...J0m".. s ani'·. ·nerteilfle'l'ed. . to,r.Bel;t.AM"" ..-W'·l:,lams·'11'" . .w~li s~p·.p·i.i~d ~·::w...ith.·::sug1lr.·.. :·sQl.';tion.. ·. '," . ; .,;...... b" th' . . .~ :oriSaturdaynight, M'ay20,y. ~',. ,:,:. w..J. CATTIN. C ' •.j" :'.rr'~;' c~nt~p;4;' J;J.f·th~-,,;2~~ .. ' ~'~~ei1.· 'Citizens·.'Chlb of Brooklin;'WRsquite;': :" . ':.' PLUMBIJll'G .·AND· .' . .>- stlrre,d· two oJ;'tllree; bmes'a~'day 'ri' notable. affair, as it brought out " ;" ". STEAl\lFITTING . . . ";'1" .,topreyenta:lari~ 9ieate~Ne\v ~.. ' ...,. .hi "order amotint.'many of . Yol'1t;smo'st '; , . ; .. 910Ni;>.24th St. ." . Om,a"a,' is' b; . i~ugar:fr(jmsettlihg' thebottorii~ .. , ..•.••.••••• ·s ri' ... ·, ...... of to' " . ...'. 't' . .,' " .. '. .' .. ..., pi'omirient.lneh. 'rhe'dH1:n~r was no. '. ~ .. :'.¥';:~..: .• ??h~r· ;~ate·,:·oi·"~g~4~t~:~:evrd~ric ..ed.· ~s ireli' attended ~s 'exp:ect6:~, as'ma,ny' :(tYOURPki'RONAG}1: IS SOLI -t ITED By'THE ,. . .~ ,. ,I' , -. 4 :; jBEt,MQ'NT LA~~NDRY t. ,I· QUALITY AND S~RV:I~E I ! '{.,., .' :J: , • Call Webster 6900"" : ... 'A, ...: ...' . I. M. Gershater, Pro~rietor . t . 2314 Charles Street. l ••••••I" ,', • ~ i ,. ;...... ;1"\, ~.. <#,;~;} 'time' ·to·~ iir~e·. :·.··Ca~e .'ni~st be' take~. COLOR~~:'.::~~06~~';AID>' .>'., .. :,.,,

..,. . 8. THE MONITOR

:.:~ .5:Z! •...:":.: :;:i~J:::":s~?./ -,::~ ·;ews/6f the Lodges I_F_R_A_~_~u..-~~_raD_:~_DI~_UL_._L__ The Business World ~~i}~ ".}<;;'" ~ .. ;:;'":~ ':imdiFraternities Business Enterprises Conducted by Colored People-Help Them to .~." _.. - Grow by Your Patronage.

Masonic. TERRELL'S DRUG STORE Rough AshIer Lodge No; 74, A. F. Grad.ate Pharmacist DR. A. G. EDWARDS & A. ¥., Omaha Neb. Meetings, first Prompt Delivery Excellent Service I Physician lind Sureeon and thi,rd Tu;sdays in. each month. Web. 4443 24th and Grant J. H. 'WakefieJd, W. M., E. C. under-I !{esldence and Office, Ull Erskine t;1 wood, Secretary. Keoeh Ing an. starInc Order. Promptly Filled . Excelsior Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Auction Every Saturday Phone Web. 71 Omaha, Neb. Me.etings first and third Norlh Side Thursdays in each month. Second-Hand Siore The People's Drug Slore Zaha '1'emple No. 52, A. E. A. 0, U, R"OD~S R. B. 109 South 141h Street ~1. S.. Om.:I,)lH. Nph. l\1ppting-!'\ thp Dealer In DruK6, Ci~llr6 nnd ,",ada fou~th New and Second Hand Furniture 'rollet and Ituhher UOOtlH Wednesday in each month. N, and Stoves . Special Attentiou 10 Prescriptions Hunter, . Ill. Potentate; Walter L. Length, fifteen inches. During its Housebold Goods Bought and Sold We apprecln.lt: your patronage SeiiL1s,' Recorder. residence in the United States Frank· Rentals and Red Estate 2522 lake St. Omaha. leb. Phone Douf!las 1446 Shaffer Chapter No. 42, v. E. S" li::'3 gull is practically confined to the ,------'1'------' Omaha, Neb. M~etings first and third interior and is the only inland guU ,...... 0-.-...... •.•••••....-.... •.••.•., Friday in each month. Maggie Han- WiRth black hBead dand red bill. • ange: ree s in the Dakotas, Annie Banks Cecil H, Wilkes som, R M. Elnora Obee. Secretary. l Iowa, Minnesota, and the neighboring + . O. GREGORY ICE CO. t :;"., r parts of southern Canada; winters BANKS-WILKES Rescue Loage No. 25, A. F. & A. M., from the Gulf coast to South America. FunDral Director. and Embalmera IT IS AT YOUR SERVICE lady Anl.hnl SllIaflcllon GUllulled ! Omaha, Neb. Meetings first and third Habits and economic status: Near­ PhoneH, Res, Doug. 4379, Olnce DOUI;. a718 i Phone Webster 6421 t Monday in each month, Lodge rooms, Iy all of our gulls are coast-loving spe· 1914 Cuming Street Twenty.fourth and Charles streets. cies and spend comparatively little of ___..0•..-.. 0••••••••••••••••••• i William Burrell, W. M.; H. 'Varner, t~~ir time in f:esh water, but Frank· ! ..•..•-.- -. ••• -.-....-.....-.....-...... -, Secretary lID s IS a true IDlalld gull. Extensive o h' L d . marshes bordering sballow lakes are I Thompson '& Settles 'Co. ma a 0 ge No. 146, A, F, and its chosen bre.eding grounds, and as MORROW \ • Manufacturers and Jobbers A. M., Omaha, Neb. l\Ieetings frrst many such areas are being reclaimed ,I General Repairing, Paper HangiJllg and third Fridays of every month, for agricultural purposes it behooves Boot Black and Porter's [. and Painting. Lodge room 1018 Douglas street. Will the tillers of the soil to protect this N. Johnson. W. M.; Wynn McCulloch, valuable species. \Vhen undisturbed Supplies Webster 5322 2607 Lake St. Secretary. this gull becomes quite fearless and fol- Wholesale and Retail KeYstone Lodge No.4. K. of P., lows the plowman to gather the grubs ,- - -.-.- -..-.-.- '! 103 So, 14th St. Omaha, Neb. Omaha, Neb. Meetings first .and third and worms f~om the newly turned._fur- t Reg. PllOne Colrax 3831 Office Dou~. 1150' . , rows. It lIves almost exclusi~IY Phone Douglas 5611 t T AMOS P. S(:RUGGS t Thursday of; each menth. C. H. LeWiS, upon insects, of which it consumes t...... ·o-..·.-o· - o e-o-e- -- •.• Attorney-at-Law I 220 South 13th S,reet ' C. C.; J. H. Glover, K. of R. S. great quantities, Its hearty appetite l··o-· •• O O-o -.- O•..-.•••-O··..• 't S. CIubmetat t.he home. of t .(,.. '. '. '. . 1 ace·.Wllynot beautifyyburIC ureSiT , .".'l'h~m~hlj~ .,hJ$t?(laJiol)_.ciftll~{'Sit ,Mr.$,,:Lo1Jj~fIJ:JhlH:!sThurSday., A blln-J,home with. pi,ctuies of .i I~~tghts; Jln;d'Dallghters, h~ld 1't1onday. ,bar'prograrn Was" .-rendered by the ' t your own race? Did that i '~M'~y'29th;>at A. 0,.t,L W>:Temple,n.ieihBers after which . the hostess t ever occur tb .you? • 2$:tlj,3:nd:M:.,,;.' ' is complete' without a..,.set. ,.',. Mrs. Lenl,\ Gray. 'spent the gl:,eateI' t(·The:.O. E. S~· ga:ve' 'an entertajn,ment of . the8e~' pictures.' :'Tlie . . " .' I . prices ,are extremely lowr ' ',. part'()f, last.' we.e~ '~n tSanton. Neb. '~t' ~a!i-9lUc Hall,.Friday ev~ning, June :. placing the pictures with- . Th~ Aid of·l\lJ~n Chapel will meet 2nd. .. .,~" ('" ,+. in the reach of all.· ''They at the church everyt¥riday-:at 2 p. m., 'Mrs. ,Erma Ford is visiting ".Mrs., . range from SOC to $3.50.' ..whjle th~special work'-the.:-Iad~e§.,are' E: S; 'Ship~an of 851' Vfpe avenue.', : Call or write us..We shall . ,... e glad to show ·you our . doing is in .progress., "...' ." Mr,', J ame's;rilc,kson of this' city is. I'me.'' . : _ _Th, Omaha ~ie~':-'General· .Club' visiting in O,maha. C. L. THOMAS win: meet Tuesday~ ,June· .6th, with . M'arguerite' Willia~s, Web. ,1312 3313 BIondo M'1"3~ .BOJlti~,. on"2~nd,-stre,et.· '. . Co~pond(!Dt and Agent. •, The ~adonna Mail o~er8 filled. I " .~ ~:. ~ : : .. ::~ Thorn~._;. -,·:-,··::-~r~orth~~d~r:~•••~.~.~'~~! .....-~------__~_-~~ -~A~-.~~e~n~h-~~n~t~~_.~ '. "

'~"-...':.' . ,'- . "

.. ~ ,I