![Omaha Monitor June 3 1916](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
.~,;. ~ .. .".-1t .1-:,.,'·:' HE ONITO I, ..-~ A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Eight Thpusand Colored People in Omaha 'and Vicinity, and to the Good of the Community The Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor $1.50 a Year. 5c a Copy. Omaha, Nebraska, June 3, 1916 Volume I. Number 49 '~': . Claim HilS Solved From Fair r"""lska f ~J1'''''' .,~ r:~\ . ...:,:J Gasoline Problem to •. , . ') .... c r _ ....Il.essee f"'_,~:~c :.... - r Colored Grocer of Churchville, Tenn., II· .•" Trip and Impre8sions Expects to Smash Rockefeller's ..cd by Editor on First Visit Vast Monopoly•. to Southland. HIS SECRET~tREVOLUTIONARY THE SOLVENT SAVINGS BANK Substitute Cheaper and has Greater I Propelling Power than Gasoline A Race Institution Which Has Stead- Invent.or British Subject. I ,. ily Grown in the Confidence and \!: Esteem of the People. Ch,;,,:~~:ofJ~es~e';;;;io~~n:a~ w~: I ~... We promised to tell you something hopes to rival Henry Ford in cheap- \. about the banks which our people ening transportation and by his own successfully operate in Memphis. In invention divert much of the flow of this issue we attempt to redeem that gasoline profits from Rockefeller"s I promise. Our limited space, however, hoard of gold. Mythical as it may will permit us to tell you something sound, he would replace gasoline with I about only one of these banks. From green-tinted water. And in the green what we have planned to tell you, tmt ;;; a powerful propelling force- and we are very sure that it will all unpatented and unknown, 'tis said, interest you, it looks as though we save to the one Churchville man. shall have to write at least two arti- A British Subject. des on the Solvent Savings Bank and W. B. Tara'ndo, 309 Sharp avenue, Trust Company alone. And th€l1 Churchville, is a British subject; says there's the Fraternal Savings anu he came to Chattanooga seven years Trust Company, equally interesting ago from Kingston, Jalpaica, and op- rind worthy of commendation as a sig- erates a small grocery store. The only nificant and potent factor in Race evo- history of what he claims as his in- ution. vention is his asertion that he worked Banks Proclaim Progress up f he, promised substitute for gaso- For it must be apparent to all that l~ne in his little crude laboratory. in our mode.rn commercial life banks . Three cents' wortn of his strange ··C significant signs of progress. The niixtureis put· into each gallon of "~mand for churches and schools ap- water, the basic ingredient of the pro- pears early in the evolutionary pro- pelling liquid. Rubert R. Church, Jr., Elected Delega te-l\t-Large to National Convention. cess and prQgress of a people. Man'~ f. " G. W. Nixon, president of the Nixon religious needs and his educational .Mining Drill company, found the needs must be supplied. In these two Churchville inventor, and has started particulars the Colored American has to help him develop what may be Somethleng To Make' YoP! Tb.-ok abundantly demonstrated his common great possibilities in the trade. aspirations with a progressive human- Recently Mr. Nixori told the story O' r ity. His entrance into the bUSIne8& to a newspaper man. He admitted SH W IN PUBLIC SQUARE. and commercial world has, of neces- that it sounded incredible, so offered The Pittsburgh Courier. !sity, been longer delayed. But even a .demonst~ation. 'I here he is rapidly developing. Busi- Ke¢P~ I~vention Secret. We h31ve the report that after a Colored man was ,convicted of murder ness demands banks~ And the race 18 Tarando: was called and mixed a in the .proper courts, the so~thern by-standel'!;, evidentli impatient. wUh the conducting; and that successfully, 8~a~I.~uantity ,of thegreen-tin~ed, slow process of their own I~w, took the defendant froni the custody of the banks. liqUId'1O a gallon of water. The mIx··f Courts and burned him in thi! public /?quare. The Full Significance of This ture was poured hiti:> the gasoline This kind of lynching has become common in tbis co~ntry. It bas grow-'ll We want you to fully weigh the sig- tank of a sik-cylinderGrint automo- . nificanceo:f this fact. It has heen ." '., strong on just such sentiment as gave expression to this dasta.~ly..b.urning bil~al1.· traces .of ··gasoJine having said that the Race 'has no confidence .. beenrefuovE!d.<Hug:lt 'l"fixon, took·the in the south; but as common as it has become,andas~r.equentlyas· thcse;in itself or in one another. There is ~,~. whee(:and' tif1ying t~ipwag made to horrible crimes may occur; 'We have nO hcsitancyinl'egi!Jtering ourprote8l i good deal of truth in thisind~ctment. i .. ,' '".", :-~Or<:hardKnobaJid';:baek-tothetitY"against the burning of "8 h.unian being in.t:he public squarcofany civilized Arid. Yet is there nota can.se for tb • Fift~en;and six-tenths miies " were towll of these UnitedSt'atesof America. It may.besaid' thatprotcst is use-., mistrust and distl'1lst, which, .thank covered,a.nd' the:gl1ug~shQ:wed' '. .... God,.israpidly disappeaI:ing? '" ..... .....,..... stiil:..' . ,.' . ,less. We say it is Iicv:er l1lseIe~s to r~ise anhonest,Pl'oiest against any un• . that the gallon of .pf<>pelling liquid ..... ., . '.. ' It took foul.' 'hundred y'~ars t6.·. erad- " .... ····"t.. ·· h' t d .. ' '. lawful. act. It was' prote,gt.that won the'iridependenceOr: this co~ntry 'and'jt was no ,ex aus.e~· .'. '. .. .' '. ',' '" . .... ica,tethe dep~sing influence of Egyp- t •. :th~j,~ut.~pi~~ile •a::pparent.1Yspe~~~d . will ~eprote~t,thafwn.~h.dpJ~rgeIYin~~fecting acllange of the conditions. tian. bonds.g.e·fro~·one .• of.the most '. fory.,afd',aS::tllQugh ,~he::: bes~ grad~'ot noW' so prevtdent in Jhis con;.ntI'Y. Virile and brilliant races the ",,:6ridhas ':,ga~oli~e:,~as~oWin(~lltoit~ ~ultiple .. · .. 'We need n~tspend ~o m'~chenergy in desel'ibiitg~1!~. criit\elJ.Thtw'.reeverseen. A race, tdo;that:wa''S~nein . ,.;cyhnders"bntp'l.'oduced:a' .dIfferent.. ····:···':··b·"'.; './ . '::.: .' '.' .... d·'· ..·• ... .'" ....' :. :: . ;1' " '. '1" '.: .. ' )". '''''bl d.' ., .; '~'J:,;' ;:.":;<; ". Th sUffl~~ently..horrl lewlth()ut.d.~ta.ded:. eacnphon~Whatwe. ,neecl to do~a . l~Io~"one.lll ~.~geJ:?JI:e ¥J:.o() .' :" ·:.··~t:ri:;H;~~:lia,~;~~~~~:~~:~~,:ntirel;;'d~,vo~e:,~:ur:~~,eri,ie~.:t".th~.,~reat,i'o~.~ofa·'¥~1:'!~'y.;,~~t~~~~~'~~,~i~~~J~~~' .. 'o~n:~:b~:~~;~P!;:"!!t~:~~' . '. different' fr6m'that of. gas9line~· .. ~. ~crlmes':~lld.we;:n~~4 no~ ~elel;t.th~; s~teof theC;rlm~'a:s,a;plac~"of:~g~,lli(l~g. :slbiEiior th ..'ni"xt,ireb't·;'t:C· .tlC' .•... r ·.A~~~:!.;;:£~!Ifj1l~~~~~lfJ~~~~z~:~li:=ltr~~~i~,r:f11~~t::{'i::=c::ti;~:' ·:~~'"r~:Y.l~~:~~::~: .. ., :'ney-William ~. HawJcins, fol'l'rierly.pi to. the' lynchers; but hr~Ufe:ij8"()n~J~~sto be 8acrificed.~bel(t~:Jhe e~cl ~~.etJ. 'an that of.Egypti~bOndage. Amer~ .' . , . ')tilwaukee;"W~s:, hill.' been elected the This'''coun'try mU8t atop .l~n~h.ing.~·t beeOnie. ~rrupt· 8Dd faiL 'nil C01lIltf,y ican alilvery taught espionage. ,The '.' ,:-." :. g.~~er8l· .counsel lor ~h<i~tematTon:al ·.~U8t ~i~p ·h~~~hi~g/.iri.the ru~l di~f:n~t8 or' it~ will:.iiP~.. to ~h~elti~,,"'e~ ho~ slave was taugh~ to spy ~pOn . 'H,od Carriers' A8S~latJ(~n, ~cal No. ..;. .:... ..' .' . .' '.. ,.' ..,. :. the field hand and the fle~d hand ,pon .. ~... This ~iJjtionhas:~ larg~nn.em- m~b8 a~e m~~ ea,s~IY as8~mb~ed· .:T~~:~I,~?unt~y ~~Bt B~t a~~.~ the ~ent. the .house servant•. The..,SPY s.y bensbip alld~' .is. ~fjliated~ "vith . the lleeded. to 'Bt9P.·,· thl8 u~C1Vil:ized pract!~e. or. be ti1'an~ as..~drifized, ..&1 'nywhere breeds distrust. This has ~t~:~.F~d~.~tio~;.~~.. ~bO~: . _. .carry'the acc,",at.~n t~~~ th~,un;i.~e~.·.S!atelt)'not.ca".~le o.f ~If lonmment. (Continued on.Page 3l ."'1 , .. ' 'f",.~~.r:,;s~""""~·~"""~~ " • • ••'"0' ~". f· 2 .. THE MONITOR :i • r--~-·_··-·--·-·-·-·-·~-ij"i~~~~~~!!~hii'l •+ ;t !T 1614 Harney Street T ! f t Te'lcphonc Ty·ler 2060 ~ !~ :. ow f ! •.........- ae_.··.··.. AFRICAN METHODISTS I COLORED A UTO RACER ! i ,..•--•..•-•..•..•..•- - -'! . ELECT BISHOPS i IS KILLED IN CUBA ! ~- ! IRs. A.oUST I. Philadelphia, June 3.-There were Fourteenth Anniveniary of Island's t r ~ i t MILLINERY thirty aspirants for the bishopric, the Independence Ends With a (~~\e~OI~~~}16t~I~~:) generalconference of A. M. E. church Tragedy. t '. /ttJ !.; IL"'J t having decided upon the election of I · F1 F< M " • l Douglas 2l()O Omaha 1 ! iXi!'G\y ·01'" . en t.~ ••: _ . two men to that high office The elec­ Havana, J .. ne, 2.-The fuurtcentI1 -~ tion OCCUlTed on Thursday, the fif­ anniversary of the inderwndcllcc of 1 1421 DOUGLAS ST. + ! - - - _, ; .... ,~ ,"- ", teenth day of the twenty-fifth quad­ Cuba \I'clii enthu::;iastically cclebrateo :.~ OMAHA f tOmaha Reed &Rattan Co.! rennial conference, the balloting con­ ~atunlay, May ~O, by the ullveil.. • I . I t 16th and Jones Streets ! suming the entire day. ing of a monument to General Maceo. t ~ ! (Castle Hotel) + On the third ballot the Rev. William A.. milltar~' parade in which 4,()()O sol- ! ., i I f PORCH FURNITURE I Wesley Beckett of South Carolina re­ "PI'S and sailorfi Ilwl'l'hcc! tool( pla<:p ~ ALL STYLES " T ceived 377 votes, the Rev. Isaac Nel­ Therc was als'o firc works. t STRAWS. f ~._ o _ _.~~~.:..~.~.~~.? o -o ! son Ross of B,altimore, :312, the num­ Auto races took placc on the race- ~ T ber necessary to elec~ being :306.
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