=5^, the Monitor —>
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• 1 .» .. L si =5^, The Monitor —> %. A NATIONAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF COLORED AMERICANS THE REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS. Editor $2.00 a Year. 5c a Copy '\ OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1923 Whole Number 427 Vol. IX—No. 11 HEAR BAGNALL SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT GROVE M. E. CHURCH ON “THE NEW EMANCIPATION” EMANCIPATION DAY PROMINENT AUTHOR UNITE! STATES CELEBRATION DRAWS AND CLERGYMAN COLORED MAH CAN- * Concrete LARGE ATTENDANCE Along the IS OMAHA VISITOR WILL PROTECT Q[ |[~j DIDATE FOR MAYOR Governor Bryan Makes Favorable Rohert W. Bagnall, Director of ITS EMPLOYES Impression By Excellent Branches National Advancement OF PHILADELPHIA Address. Association Speaks Postmaster General Warns Woman Sunday. Race Voters Dissatisfied With Candi- Who Threatened Colored Post- About 2,000 people attended the dates of Both Parties Because man With Bodily Harm If fifth annual emancipation celebration Omaha has as its guest this week They Forget Promises Not Removed. given by St. John’s A. M. E. Churcn Robert W. Bagnall, director of “After Election” at Krug Park Monday. The weather Branches of the National Association WRITES was ideal for such an outing. The for the Advancement of Colored Peo- IE8R0ES EMPHATIC LETTER observance began with a parade of ple, Fr. Bagnall is a priest of the LEUMIO TO HITE • ________ attractively decorated automobiles, im Episcopal church, who for ten years Face the Issues IWIares All Power at Command of headed by a band and a platoon of was rector of St. Matthew’s Church, They Without a Com- Government Will Be Employed colored police officers, through the Detroit, Mich., the home parish of promise and Name J. Hy. Duckery, For Protection of Public principal streets and thence to the *5 the editor. There he did a splendid a Progressive Leader, Servants. park, where the celebrants enjoyed work and everything was done by his as Candidate themselves with the various amuse- vestry to prevent his resignation to ments offered. Late in the afternoon take up his present work with the N. (Associated Negro Press.) (Associated Negro Press) there were brief addresses by the A. A. C. P. While rector of St. Mat- 14.—Con- Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 14.—That Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. Rev. W. C. Williams, pastor of the thew’s he became tremendously inter- siderable interest is manifested in the United States government is able the church, and Rev. John Adams, the ested in the much needed work for political situation in to protect all of its employees and Philadelphia. principal address being delivered by racial justice which the National As- Aside from lack of in the or- has the disposition to do so is the harmony Governor Charles W. Bryan, who sociation is carrying on. This event- forward burden of a letter received by Mrs. ganization, looking Negroes made a most favorable impression up- ually lead him to resign his parish have a Otto J. Leeds, white, of this city taken decided stand on certain on the large audience by his excellent and throw himself whole heartedly from Postmaster General Harry S. political issues. The day has passed plea for the fullest and highest edu- into his present work. He is author New. Mrs. Leeds objected to having for soft talk, and in communities cational opportunities for all citizens of a number of short stories, contrib- where the a Colored man deliver her mail anu population is large, like In and his clear cut and unequivocal ut- utor to the Nation, the Survey, the when the local postmaster refused to Philadelphia, these men and women on law terance and order and the Southern Workman, Opportunity, are real remove the carrier from his route,, facing issues, and are going equality of opportunity for all classes. The Crisis, The World Tomorrow and she wrote General New, threatening on record as making no compromise. The celebration culminated in a editor of The Messen- grand contributing There is one bodily injury to the carrier if a white thing certain, Negroes ball He a well-known in the pavillion for the benefit of ger Magazine. is are man was not on the district. learning to stick together as never placed the orator and lecturer and is Old Folks' Home. listed before, General New’s letter has won general and are striking out in un- among the speakers of the American satisfaction from both white and Col- tried fields. The latest pioneering Forum Bureau. He has under his ored not in this EX-WAITER SPENDS #100.000 movement in the political field is the people, only state,! charge 449 branches of the Associa- from which he hails, but from all announcement that a very progressive tion and the oversight of its field over the country. The letter follows: I Chicago, 111., Sept. 14.—George W. Negro, J. Henry Duckery, successful work. He is a member of the Kappa "My dear Madam:—Your letter of Hedge- ex-dining car waiter and his in business here, has filed his nomina- LEAVES FOR EXTENDED VISIT Women, and Vice President of the Alphi Psi, the American Society of July 23, complaining that a Colored wife Marie took title last week to a tion petition and formally entered the EMINENT WOMAN International Council of Women of Ph.vscical Research, the Civic Club of man is as mail carrier on the $100,000 twenty-four-flat apartment mayoralty race. He is backed by the serving New York and a fellow of Mrs. A. M. of 2720 Darker Races. Mrs. Hunton was the Amer- route on which to live in house at Forty-fourth an Indiana ave- Stephens Corby the United Civic which com- you happen SPENDS TWO DAYS ican He will Association, for an inde- in 1913 to the World’s Stu- Negro Academy. speak has to nue. street, left August 31st delegate prises the best element of the Indianapolis, been brought my at a city’s Frank dent in 1918 to the Allied mass meeting at Grove M. E. attention. I note and finite visit with her brothers, Federation; colored population, so it is said. Mr. your complaints WITH FNIENOS NENE Church afternoon at four in and Women’s Conference in Paris, and Sunday Minneapolis, ■ threats directed Peoples Minn., .- Duckery was asked to enter the race your implied against COL. HTAHLEY RESIGNS o’clock on “The New in her the first Pan-African conference, in Emancipation.” this man. I am further as Daniel Independence, Kans.; by a committee of which John W. informed, FROM VETS' HOSPITAL Mrs. Addie W. Hunton-Floyd, Who All are invited. sieter In Emi>oria, Kans., and friends. 1913 and 1921, she was delegate to I have been on previous occasions, Tuskege, Ala.. Sept. 14.— (Special.) Has Had a Useful and Distin- Sparks is chairman; Dr. Walter r. is the National Council of Women. that have Mrs. Crawford of thiq city who Career Omaha Brandon, C. J. Grant, C. A. Wil- you repeatedly complained —With the resignation of Col. R. H. guished Pays SEVERAL Judge, visiting relatives and friends in Cana- She was the pioneer worker to the STUDENTS liam of the fact that route was thus as Veterans’ Hos- Brief Visit. Bush, Harry Phillips, Isaac L. your ] Stanley head of the the W.- A. HAVE da will join her in Minneapolis. National Board of Y. C. ENROLLED AT served, employing most intemperate and the installation of Banks, Jesse C. Evans and Arthur T*. pital, Major In the World War she served with UNIVERSITY OF O.HAIIA language and threatening all sorts of Chas. T. Griffin of acting tem- Boykin. Dr. Duckery has been a res- Iowa, remarkable credit in the A. E. F. for _ the ALLEN CHAPEL, SOUTH SIDE COMMEHIS TWA LOCAL BITS ident of consequences to the carrier if ixjrary head, things are beginning to Philadelphia for ten years. Rev. O. J. Burkhardt, Pastor. a year and a half, and all over the Several of our students have en- matter was not arranged to your per- take a new turn. He has four sons and one daughter, “her remember rolled at the of Omaha Omaha had the honor on Wednes- country boys” fondly University sonal satisfaction. This change, however, does not quiet two of the children being graduates of of the Rev. her kindness and motherly care. She which opens Monday. This excellent there are In the absence pastor, day and Thursday of this week of be- the "I have to say that things nor are the colored people of University of Pensylvania. He a! S. will is the co-author of "Two Colored educational institution is in the E. Graves conduct the eleven ing visited by one of our distinguish- growing was bom number of Colored carriers the country near satisfied. They want in Delaware fifty-five years o'clock service and Rev. D. M. Har- W. Women of the American Expedition- apace in popularity, offering as it does service of the office ed women, Mrs. Addie Hunton, ago. He has been active Indianapolis post a colored personnel from top to bot- ac- politically are ary Forces,” a thrilling and frank such to the over ris at the 8 o’clock. You cordially Field of the N. A. A. C. P., exceptional advantages as there are in post offices all tom. The mere of one Secretary for a number of years, having during ‘'swapping" count of the story of the Colored Sol- of Nebraska. the stu- at-1 invited and welcome to our services. and the woman on the staff, youth Among the country. These men have white man for another does not suf- only his residence of fifteen years in Bos- dier in France.