Illinois General Assembly

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Illinois General Assembly Speaker Redmond : ''The House will come to order and Members please be in their seats. Be lead in prayer by the Reverend Krueger, the House chaplainz' Reverend Krueger: HIn the Name 'of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen. 0 LORD, bless thfs Rouse to Thy servic this day . Let us say a prayer for the Covernor this day y who's having his birthday. Watcb over Thy servant, James. 0 LORD, as his days increase. Bless and guide hfm wherever he may be. Keeping him unspotted fram the world. Strengthen him when he stands, comfort him vhen discouraged or sorrowful, raise him up if he fall. and in :is heart, may Thy peacè, vhich pass with understanding, abide a11 the days of his life. Through Jesus Chrfst, our tord. Amen. Benjamin Franklin sàid, 'If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take ft acay frcm him .' tet us pray. ALMIGHTY GOD, our heavenly Father and the source of al1 knocledge and visdom, we call upon Thee this day to iispire our minds and to make keen our wflls that we may be relentless in the pursuit of the science of learning; that thus enhanced wfth abundant information we may enjoy deeper and more meaningful in- sight into the complexlties whfch come before us as Memu bers of this House of Representatives. May our.diligence fn this pursuft bring to the people of this State such 1aw that ls b0th equitable and just to b0th rfch and poor alike and pleasing to Thee, 0 Lord; through Jesus Christ thy Son. Amen.l' Speaker Redmond: HPledge of àllegiance to the Flag, Represent-. ative Collfns. Representative Roppî Representative Walshî Representative Matije/ichbf Matf.qevidh (eP.'a1) f'I'pledge Allegianee tosthè; Flag ofcthe Pni ted S t at es o f Amer ica and t o the Rep ub 1ic f o r wh f ch k t stands , one Nation under God , indivisible . with Liberty and Jus t f ce f or A1l . '' speaker Redmond : ''Committee repo rts . You ' re late . Repzes ent- z;.s 'iQ o . h,,x*. ,6 '.. G E N E R A E A S S E M B L Y 5 - 8 - 7 9 g'-Ypi? y s'rl're oe' fut-lNols ., -z e u l/->v' . uouse oF 2 f ' x . 2. atfve Gollins, youbre late. Representatfve Flatilevich substituted for you. Good morning: Representative Ryan. I It's nfce to see you. You goe anyr ' Clerk O'Brien ) HCommittee reports. Represeatative Farleya chairman of the Committee on tabor and Commetce to whieh the following Bflls were referred. action taken May 197 : reported the same back wlth the following recommendation: Interim Study House Bills 156: 333: 428, 431. 768: 773. 1369y 1395: 1940 , 2252, 2253. 2254. 2255, 2256, 2262. 2435. 2543. and 2765. Alsos Kouse Bills 19 s 148, 175. 221, 537, 668. 717, 769* 770, 771: 772, 833 , 894. 949. 977, 1399: 1441, 1626, 1671, 2033, 2251: 2258, 2259. 2260, 2261, 2263, 7312: 2437, 2705, and 2768. Representatfve Katz, Chairman of the Committee on Judiûiary 11 to which the fallowing Bikts were referreds action taken Nay 1, 197 y reported the same back with the follovfng recommendatfons: Interim Study Rouse Bflls 539: 919, 1245. 1337, 1366. 1367, 1368. 1506: 1842: 1989, and 2235. 'Do not pass as amended ' House Bil1 1582. Tabled in Committee House Bills 214, 264, 1429: and 2319. Representative Jaffe. Chairman of the Committee on Judiclary I to which the ; followïng Bills were referred, actton taken May 2. 1979, reported the same back with the followfng recommeadatfon: 'Do passf Short Debate Calendar House B111 2375. Interfm study House Bill 2525.0, Speaker Redmond : HSenate Bfllsf Ffrst Readfugo'' Clerk o'Brien: ''Senate Bill 849. Excuse me. That's Senate Bill for an lct to amend Sections of an Aet making appropriations forkthe ordfnary and contingent expense for the Departmenthof Insurance aéd Departmeht'6f F f. n an c i a 1 In s t i t: u t i o n s . F i r s t Re a G t n g o f th e B :L l 1 . Sponsor was McBroom . S enate Bf 11 589 . Bianco . à. Bf 11 f or an Act to amend S ections o f an Ac t to provide f or the ordfnary and cont ingent expens e f ot the Departnent of Administrative S ervices and th e Iltino is llistorical ' ..,c î-. z . ' , )-k +'tx.& j>. <e G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y 5 - 8 - 7 9 f2 .,f/ 1. smswe oe 'uu,no.s àt* . , - .p' -. Bousl oF ae:epf:ea'rAq'lxlts . ' f c. k;rj t - .' . ..;:y,c'. , .-..-. û-L o:Lz-. .f . z . .y .u. .u. ... ... ... .. .. .. .i.r,.%Aj/t . r . ., . .:,jk;. y. .r 3. Library. Flrst Reading of the Bt11.H speaker Redmond: ''House Bills' Second Reading. Short Debate calendar. Page 7. Seven. Representatfve Piel, for what ! purpose do you eise? It's too early to move t:e previous ' . I questf on . Hous e B1l1 11. '' I clerk 0 ' Brten : ''Hous e Bill 11 . A Bill f or an Act creating j I the Real Property Tax Procedures Study Commiskion. Second 1 I Reading o f the B i11 . ' l I Speaker Redmond: ,- Any Amendment from the rvoorz , I ! Clerk O'Brien: ''No 'Commfttee Amendments.'' I I Speaker Redmond: ''Any Amendment fron the floor?'' ! I clerk o'Brien: HFloor Amendment /t.'' ' l . I - speaker Redmendt ''We'11 have to take that out of the record. I I 568. You dfdn 't mark the Short Debatep huh? How about 1 . 1 568? Wait a minute. I thfnk that's the one there's a I I Floor àmendment. okay . ' 692. 568 is a1l right. Isn 4 t I I that the one that Steczo wanted held for a motion for a I ! e F1oor';'..? Seems wegd better take that out of the record. ! 1 i . My memory fs that he wanted further action on that. 692. er I I clerk O'Brien: llouse Bill 692. A :f11 for an Act to amend I I the Illinois Insurance Code. Second Readlng of the Bill. l I Amendmenr /1 was adopted in Committee.e, I1 speaker Redmond: ''Any moelon..-any motton with respect to jI Amendment 1?'' Ij j clerk O'Brien: HNo motions ffled.'' 1 speaker R:dmond: ''Any Amendment from the floor?'' 1 clerk o'Brfen: ''No Floor Amendments.n speaker Redmond: ''Thfrd Reading. Nho's that? Represeatattve l 1 R Y an .1' Ryan: HWe11y thank.v.thank you, Mr. Speaker. I object to I movfng Bills here this morning with the attendance as slia 1 as ft 1s, and I thlnk that it's certainly not in the best I1 order to be moving Bflls te Third Reading in spite of the 1 1 facty.and if the attendance fsnft here, maybe we ought to 1 ' wa it unt il i t ge ts here , or go to ano ther Order o f Busines '.'' ! J ' ,.ri. -.'% vc.o A ,. G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y 5 - 8 - I 9 '. '?'r. svaa.s ov Iuulso's ' ''zkp a.;..' '* -...f;.:z- . - - ------- . ' . .L' . u . i u . - ., :.'.:., . i . .i-4W%rkd Li.k. .?z -. 'ri. Speaker Redmond: HRo11 Call.for attend...Roll Call for attenc dance. only depress your own swit'ch. Letls dump this Roll Call and...Ro11 Call for attendance. Only your own. Have a11 voted who wish?'.'Take the record, Mr. Clerk . Representative Collinszf Collins : ''Mr. Speaker, I would question the quorum o'' Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Collins questioned the presence of a quorum. I thlnk your mocfon 's vell ta... Mr. Doorkeeper. will you contact the State Office Building and the offices of a11 of the Members and make sure that they get here on the floor. Mr. Ryan , w11l you produce your Members? Mr. Lechowicz, will you produce your Mem- bers? We#ll stand...welll stand at ease for ten minutes untfl you get your Members on the floor. That's the next thing. Is Walsh here? Representative Walsh bere? Rep- resentative Schlickman here? Representative Farley.'' Farley: ''Yeah, would you note'that I'm here. My.;.H Speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Farley is hereo'' Farley: 'Q ..switch was stuckzf speaker Redmond: HRepresentative Ralph Dunn is here with a monarch butterfl#f. Hello? Would you put on the public... Represeatacive Telcser here? Re fs. Represeucaefve Braun is here. Representative Braun. Well, .vwRepresent- ative Macdonald is entering the chambers. Representative Donovan. Representatlve Leon. Representative Klosak . Ryan won 1 t 1et me do anything , so . Schneider is here . Repres entatfve Catania is h ere . Yes , you weren ' t on t ime , so you won ' t get paid today . S tart ed at 10 o ' clock . Rep- res ent ative Jane Barnes was here in att endance at 10 o ' c1o ck . How about Huskey and Yourell? Huskey vas here . Marovi tz is here . Borchers is here . Think we got 80? Goo d mo rning , Rep res ent at ive Mcèias t er . Wh o? Rep res en t a- tive Mccourt , welcome aboard . Tuerk , welcome . Peorf a Journal S tar here? llow about tlle Leyden Herald , is that here? Repres entative Nef f coming down the middle ais le . - 4 ' - c'7./tT . ,.j. <+-,. , J * .< G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y 5- 8 - 7 9 ' f k' , . wlt , y j . %. yka .
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