Welcome to Holy Cross & St Patrick Parish Served by the Society of the Divine Saviour – The Salvatorians Parish Priest: Father Auson Kamugisha, SDS Assistant Priest: Father Fortunatus Banzi, SDS Deacons: Rev. Oluwole Alayo & Rev. Anthony Wentworth The Priests House & Chapel, 1a Conway Road, Plumstead, SE18 1AQ St Patrick’s Church, Hector Street, Plumstead, SE18 1QT Holy Cross, 27 The Slade, Plumstead Common, SE18 2NB Tel: 020 3722 7573,
[email protected] www.stpatricksholycross.org.uk St Patrick’s Primary School, Griffin Road, Plumstead, SE18 7QG Head Teacher: Miss Mary Murphy Tel: 0208 854 3881 www.stpatricksprimary.org.uk Salvatorian Trustees Registered Charity No 231410/ Archdiocese of Southwark is a Registered Charity: 1173050 Priest’s surgery – Wednesdays 5pm – 6pm Parish Office Hours: Monday- Wednesday: 9.30 – 2pm Thursday: 9.30 – 1.30pm Friday: 8.30 – 12.30 If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself to the Priests and other parishioners All Saints’ Day (Year A) Ps 3 1st November, 2020 “Surely everyone who entertains this hope must purify himself, must try to be as pure as Christ.” 1John 3:3 What makes a saint? Is it being ‘good’? Some of the saints did awful things: St Peter denied Jesus, St Paul persecuted Christians, St Augustine lived a pagan life, St Pelagia was a ‘loose woman’. BUT they saw the error of their ways and changed. With God’s help, we too can all be saints, as long as we try to be like Christ , then we can be part of the ‘huge number, impossible to count’, of those ‘who desire not worthless things’ and we will see God ‘as He really is’.