Fr ; Rievte Ilm Erican Enc Icounters N * . Ip -Vd )F

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Fr ; Rievte Ilm Erican Enc Icounters N * . Ip -Vd )F f . ^ ' IP..-:■'ly/p.coo ■ RA.ZQr. ■ I . www.magiclicvalley.eom ■ J A S a io i d I Tin 368:: u ?r7o s c . ' • WES.T VmLLHY ur e-u.?o ' n * . E 9 Twin Falls,I, ldaho/94thI year, No __________ Sacurdivly, D cccm bcr4. }999J 9 ■ .50) centscc . < j O Q D M1 C 0 R N IN G A I ’^^^ ’W e a t h E r * r i e v t e i p - v d 8 . ^ M ^ Todayday: Sunny I t e y j ij o b l e s3S m K — — i m otions s ^ d kidsr flocHfTg':bf fast-Fcf663^restaurancs, h hiking dem and fofor french fries a.ii,«.i»M ,ii« '!- ;• andd cold6 tonight, jh# tin,*,nM ^flwi ......................—thnnjapeaed.ti _________ m a ' 'f-iSr—----- ------------im rW A — ----- ------ :S2i^sii^-H>-r>rcer « » « e L'is seyuej— ytar-agi j-A«5clgtiaPniM ^ . - . The result? Fewer asd sbcrttrsi: tp the 15^ Toy : •aBDTOTtrr^or'boiir'Cassla . jy Sta->-" aaim ni- and Minvlinidoka counties. *'------- Miglo .Vsdoy imsmpWjrmantat ratHn . PageA2 ------- • laj-offsIj ar 2Hiai-Cass£a 120 pro- ed blocxbuccr. a tLEY - Don’t say HoUy. • ag*«rir>£pT.TfiK fhart nr , a campaign that "So0 I guess Hollywood cun .oui^ Mw.'sa .aafnI Nr*bh»-: a c s rd - k-.rVcd cff la:er lathcraonih.ia i hove ai ■Bl#lne- . 3.6JI ,3 . 8 * : : .' .-MAOicVAL;tLLEY_ lever did anything for the ingir to Gre* Rosar*,k -th* - ! nn effect on the Masic • 3.8%- Vaiiey:------------ ^ -----------D f hn-.r ;± id of------VaUaji,-'iS-' ho sftkl.—— ----------------------_ .gff-naa ,-.,i.fl., „?,fl...,___2 A ^ .— , Dcpartmeot ot Labor’a iE^c3J juisped throag! •Caisj# , 8,8 A.e'-' 7 ■ ■ ■ Roadwork: A yarielietyofTWin ' “Pokeocemon: The First Movie" V J«h the roof." , “Also,Iso, retail is showing some - Valley labor market analyst.K. Ras^ssid. ■■0mo«“ ‘‘a.i as "a , FUIs-area road projirojecta are in and “Toy'oy Story 2" promotions at • Burger Kine ia e strong,g signss in the Mini-Cassia S.3 • ■ • «*r'?r____ T^*;?)e=a=ieaDiannsbou-ed up ia ..... -ar»a.'* . h‘ Gooding - 2 .8 3 .5 ' •'3 3.1 .- 1,- .- ,........... --• Jurgetir K ing^nri McDonald^*---- X l^ tlp in g to H fthilirr fmdi»—-'- . iJSemo'-— 5g~? -' 4 ,?—— ■ 3 ---------- yavem6er-fe»4a=^?dBxassss— sprtf^epcstfcar;irSEnl^siirs tionnfw1 seasonal layoffs, Rogers Page B l restaunn-ants have children dam- toyto and cradtog^ard gin«wtway u . seaieaifiy adjiisti Uncotn 4.2 4.8 - • 4.04 - r n g o o * o fln g forfoi fast food, and.the is tsted uhemploy. saii ThtThe two counties saw some is speii9ing $22 p«nTT/w» toco;wo. saea faas fe XmVoranber. i»«cb . MlnUoka 5.8 S.7 6.76 demand{<iforfVench^riMiihigfaer mote.mi MrDnnaltfa b Twin Falls '4,3 4,9 4.14 ■ _ - M o \ e y : ., a g o « » ere subsT»nri«nally lower than. ^Pleass8eaJ08lES>, PageA2 .- (nSeatife: ChinaI nudem a • '/• gooB-feiUi gesture•eaVtrade. ai ^ -- negotiations this week,we and T a s t e o)f ‘BreaiJCFAST\- 1 the move will beneflefit Idaho ^^■■1 State fineleS* — - ...... wheat growers.-, ■ Bliss dairi r y : : - : -............Sparing; The stock'nkmarket - y .......... ne^ly^t a rccordd FFriday. ^ Page C6 overwastt 5te " RliLkJION -Ag'Departmentnt, ‘ Bbsma reach pa(3 3 0 : . : ByNANokkentvKl BLISS 7 Tbe owners andd opoperas tors o f 8 Bliss dairy hove'c beenb fined more thaii S21.000)00 fo r I dumping dairy waste at tiie[le heddh | of a neighbor’s spring. Iri SM tcm ber state Injpectpectors,- ' - j I _ re ^ n o jn R to a complaint.c. /qifound 11 coristr^ction wnstc, rhllkk b-sfiv::—b. ] I trash and several dead f^nlmnltmals a t I the liead of a spring, andid thtl ey I found a stillborn calf in thecw w« 4ter ' I ■ v‘-Nie[wchwc'h;AnAssessembly of ‘ thatt arises from that spring,e. ti: t h ^ I (^cldohgr^don ininRupertls 1 inspection repon said. t a k ^ a stisp of faithth -in• to a They found several freshsh carrc I - - - new4niildin^-i-^-— .... _COSSeS nnrf <nm«» d c d y.•cd c ^ car. --------I casses, evidence tJiat calves'CS hadI1 P ^ e C l beendumpj^.' there over a- . Knowyour holidays:irHoty- E - ! ^ . 5tp lS in < i_____ Law suila u l t i _ j l ~ ^ u t the inspection 'm;. report ■ said. ~B1 ^ ------Te»ts-*ofT s ih g -r,. ■ •• water showed .•___________ bacteriab levels high enou^u ^ ip’ ’ S p o r t s ■■■■■■I-. V'pose a public health threat. The state - Department'JIt' of ' |l oVIng- ■ itfleM dMn’('M teW boiw lf«I.tte tbi U c s e t ^ M ber c a r ^ i -Agricultiu-e and daiiy operate rato r -'M Jakef, Bosma of Bliss this we< 5und:inie -r^k ■ w eek . ^ { 1 • - ■■ '. - / ' ' ■ ■ si.signed a settlement agreemecm ent iH '• • ■ '. OIorder. The settlement doesioesn'r •",1 _____ --------flj^ ^ M ^ V -Id a h a accuse Bosnia of dumpingIg thtJ e I S ' / f r ; m m n k ; ~But Bdsma BgreeoifUiat th -' M ahdvvd womens. ■•; I. he had "caused an unauthoriziorized . H JRsiLftKifc baskesketbaU .-■■i l m e t s i m l i x e d release of livestock waSw aste ■ im sare^’ • , v , : I r e v i (e w s ' ibeyond" the dairy property. Hmv. / ■^.. ■ _____________ That release was a violodonion of I o u ^ w h at rHat§H9tnwtwritof • J® -the openinQing m a tin e e F rid a y state dalty waste rules, accordbjrdlng • 'H coaxes both squadladsharc ^ ^ •■. " tangei^Cromom indignadon over'thff ■ - to the sottloment. Bosmaa .hhi e s -- H y X S - Never mind . strange ancand tw iste d s a tire to cleaned up the dumped waslivBste B . called a crtidal roadItrip. tij c-T W ^ V - e x d te m e nnt t over spotting local “m d m p-nrci»c - ; ; • •' p }viega|rs had more to . - Sb BI - sites and facefaces. '. ■ JBosma was penalized the vainvalue H : diinhgthe fli^t 3f his milk production on Sept 2 -iFolUshowlnt aSSSa^^' .“I thoughtght it portrayed Twin “ P t2 1 . , ■ tag of-"BreaWait o f,; • Falls reailsi md 22 - 143,525 pounds - s ^ A Y • . Champions," ^ ijsu^ij,,-,ida Fr«d COMLXOSliNX Sweatfield;?.dtSrtft came with his ' “®'ietermlned by-WestParra Food ted past Jite nar«ud-' fwM rhe company will wlthhol , Coldcomfbrtj'lfthepov of ^ Pe«g;!«gy, to see if she J?. M I power diidMst Bruce WUIis, Albert' C ® appeared mmtoemevie. t >21,098.^852 from Bosma's flri conks out when Y2KIh hii its, F ln h ^ , Nickk ]Nolte and Barbara :, Peggy Sw«wearfield spent two 12- P®December milk payment an>and H ^ ;^what kind of emergentticyihel- Hershey toa the-extrast in the - Idaho*bo’s yelloyr-tinted landscape» stteeu alceg liith Ana ’S In her cor - with nstead doruite that amount: to t o a. ■ r^ e s * ' background.-j.- For■ split seconds ^ i a r ^ harity of his choodng, approvei ters are ready? Hie Tim Winter aad its sometimes!s Sugar factorv. Blu«lu e L akes 3 plenty of food provid- ^ x>ved . News takes a look. • - - they 8«V.frierlends, children..and ' .snow<w^owBd deaert The Soakece Doo in ard. azid the neaeon f»vti'»nn ®° h y th ee ccrew - during the ly^ state Agrietdnife Depiirimenment - H .even their carsirsonsoeen. ,. River'er Canyon, Ferrine Bridge;e giassatbpdaeTurfChih m p\ie s fibnirming neariy two y ears' >irector Pat Takasual/ ' Edsilyreco^o^uxed was southern . and SI But the violation ^ may Jeop I Shoshone Falls fiUed thele Reaction to tbft morio rie during .;■ Plesseseti» » B R E A ST , Paw A2 ^ Jeop- < H rdi*e Bosmn’s wnt&right. BosmaB manages Bliss .Acrei ./S e c t i o n BY s EICTION g , ^ LL(LC, a Washington'companj 'I wned by his brother, Henrjm ry . „ 5 ■; -.A ctionA W ithI ]probe’s failu:ureto phoneehome,NA'^A beginsi tovs^orr^t osma of Zilioh, Wash. The BlisiBliss . ■ ■■ ■W8atlMr',...J MSBSjB>gBfeek.6 TheAs^ntadl»dPrm' - • radioio home1 Friday to confina airy has beeh'the subje^nf;*of:B ' a astrophic failure dujduring the . Earth duringng thet first opportunity cornuitroVtt^ over a con:aii£&ied *, - whetlietthet it had talify landed onn - descent'through the : &tef. ' H :"r;/Na;ii)h -3.5,9' SporB-.- .I'.PASAjbENA,IA» C alif..-W ith.tha-'. thasurl le M artian ^ fof conta g: latelat Friday.^e next spri^ n g and a contested watoi surfB^Qftfae^FIanec- ' opportunityw d hours ticking by. Thehe tproblem with the $ i e mD>1- Two tiay probes tiiat fwrorrohoorslater. .rft* '1^1 Soctiat I o n C JratinrTOUilynwS;. .Uonipi iat were to Losing thele spacecrafts would be Bosma'sB< n ei^b o i^ to the west,wst, ' ^ 1 spacecraft could be ss'simplee s k a imo Mars at 400mphtoba^ a ; devastating-f ■ ■ ■ .........!■ Religion,)n .. .1*3 ed yrord fren)m the Mars Polar. ' as a1 mispointedm: antenna or as ig’fo r NASA. J u s t 10 Artirt and Stacy BuHer, had prtJtesi-test* unity ..,4 Lander.uftnrlt:it failed to promptly serious s i m beaeadt the surface Communll 3US as a c r ^ landing or a cat-{• far tiater failed t o ^ ^S£^“g 't - leasflsoe MARS, Page A2 PiMSfl see DAtBY. PegsaA A2 2___ ^ H j --Sectlbrr:T-M eney-V V . Magic Wley .1 4 Clssained , ObttuarlM . .,'.2 . • • erican enc icounters5 Humeanneonrov^ c r o ^ Atlantic j ■|Sr^r“^*'^*eB-^owed-'l" w M rirp m ", ,' ‘ and a vride grizin.
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