![Race Printing Establishment It! Slale](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
\ ..... , ., .r " ? :: . '~~'.- .~ ~ ~ ·H:·'········E··· .:;:0 • J,. • • • ' .' , . ·I'·T,'"0'" , ... ~lo • .~.. • ''-',;J." :.. '. 'f • .' ~ ..' " .. , • • , ~ I ,r', o ~ '.--J~ , oJ --';j'" ," , A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Inter~sts of the 'Eight Th6u$a~d C<?loredPe'ople~ ~ in Omaha and Vicinity, and to the Good of the COlQ,t,llunjty; ,. The Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor '$1.50 a Year." '5c a C!JPY. Omaha, Nebraska, J.anuary 15, 1916 Volume 'I: ',.Number 2~ AbYssinia 3~d the . National Ass()chition Think On These Things; '. ...... - , .Annu~l European Conflict "No one could look upon t'1at life, or on that face. and not be . Holds Meeting absolutely certain that here before him was one who had gaine,J , , This Little Nation With Her :Fighting firm and serious hQld-, on spiritual things. one who could '<!'nlW on Organization ~flOWS' f)~ci<fed Incrf'a,,(~ . ~la~l\ Troops' May Yet Decide some deep wells of plet)' and t'1ankfulness and peace."" in Membf:rs~ip,...a.I:td .Work A.ccom· 'Issue of War. 'pT.~she<l: ' 'STRATEGIC SUEZ CANAC PRIZE .HAS TE)" THfH'SA);D :\IE~BEf{:- 'Its Retention .by Englaild or Capture A . Larg-l' ,\mounj... of Legal Work by. Germany Rests Entirely Wins Oklah<Wla CGSf~. Agent" With Aby*>inia. Watch HOrltil;" .L~'gislation. ..l' \ •• ". f .~. '. "", ( . ...• i' (~ontlnued on eighth' page) rCo~t1nucd on seventh page.). (Continued on seventh , . "" .' . ..... Green-What is a sense of humor? STATION. Brown-A sense of humor is that '!' '\.vhich makes you laugh at something Chirago., III., Jan. 7.-Roberl Craw­ that-happened to somebody else which General Race News would make you angry if it hap;J8ned ford, 382U Vincennes avenue, a seven­ teen ye~~r old youth is showing knowl­ to ,you.-Tit-Bits.. ~~~-~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i2dge of wireless telegraphy. While a - •..0..•.·.··0....-..·.-..........-.··.··.··.··.··.··············................-! MAiNAGER PITTSBURG COURIER ship and allow her to enter any I student at the Wendell Philips high VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA. school which would receive her. The :-;chool he built for himselE the entire i $5.0 t h~s ~ Urban league 'was adive in her be- I wireless station which 'he at hill fTin: BE:--;T COAL FOR THE pittsbm:gh, Pa., Jan. 15.-William half. : home. All the wiring, eoil work, ~, I'[{ICE-TRY IT ? Nelson Page" aged 4(j years, manager transmitter, receiver, telegraph keys • II \R\lO\ & WEETH of ;the Pittsburgh Courier, died at 3 .NEGRO FINANCIERS AND .In<l all uthe)' pmis of this wonderful i'I\'1. Wl'h. ij.Jlt LiO:~:\. Ifjth i 1.•• 0 __ _ _ ••••_ ••.•••••••0 ••••••••••••••••••- o'clock on Tuesday morning, January MERClL~N'rS NEEDr~D. \\orking apparatus was ih{' work of _.--.-..-oi. •..•..•-.-•..e.-•..•- -.- -..-.-.......-..-! 4, 1916., In. W'. ·as·hlng.. t on, D. .C'J after his o\-\'n hanus. +Y"lIr .of"" eh fur Good Shoe Repalrinlf! an illness of a fe'Y days, being due to Baltimore, Md., Jan. '.-That Uw He formerly controlled six Wires, t lia- f'nd"1j v. h"11 ~(JlJ tr~. ~ bronchial pneumonia. Mr. Page died Negroes of this country need a large but the government restriction, owing t H. LAZARUS t at the home of his mother-in-law, class of 'eminently successful finan- to thl' \\'al', has reduccd them to I _ • I \\ (If I,: .I, ,1. 1' ", j ••• \(jIJ wall (.Ir "'. II CiLl. "'·r ~ ~rs. Malissa Taylor, where he and ciers and heads of mercantik estab- three. Young Crawford has talked to 1 ;~rjll'4 J ',I'r '.',lrll"ljlI'Xlra (.'}Iar~e ~ I . • family had g~Jne to spend the holidays. lishments in order to SUppOi·t th;"ir I\roy Vhst, FIa" and )!lost' of the' Al- iRed 2395 2019 cumme;s,~ For the past twenty-six years Mr. educatil'mal and other interests, was [antic ('uast towns. H(, is a 111('l11lwr •••Q ..-.._••-.--e._.-.·.4-.•·.•·.• ·.Q..·•••••.•••••.•••-0.•• 11I.-., .• ) Page has been eU1ployed as private asserted by Dr. D.. S. S. GOOd]00, pr0~i- d' tJ1f' Wire·less ('Jub, which 'are' all ~H()ES secretary t<;l one of the officials of the ident of the Maryland State Teach- .\hite 0X('('pt himsel f. He is a student .\L\DE LII\E :'\EW Carnegie Steel Gompany. He rose ers' AssQciation, at the opening- of of' tlw \\'(·n<1e·]I Phillips Hig-h schou] with uur rapid shop n'pair mdh· ods, onr.·-flfth the cost. Sold un­ from clerkship to this position by dint the annual session of that body, nc- alld has madp a ]"(>('0]"(1 that ('very of hard work .and perseverance. It cember 28th. ' .. })())' should 1)(' rroud 01'. calle·C)-for shor·s, \\'e have a se­ has been said that during the many He said the theory was erroneous kstion; a] I si zes, all pnc(~s. " FRIED,\L\::\' BROS., years of his service with this big cor- that an industrial labor class \\'as tllP WAS TE:\ YEARS OLD . ;.: : ~l J South l:2th St., Omaha, <, poration he was never tardy and was primary need for the adequate sup­ \VHE\T NAI'OLEO"i mED. the embodiment of the term "ten- port of cotoped men and wom0n ('n­ acity." At the time of his death he gouged in the professional ,walks of Atlanta, Ca., .Jan. 14.~Un('1(' Isham was secretary to W. G. Clyde, gen- life. The lare Booker T. Washinglon, (;riffin, who \\'11] bf' onp hundred and ,,", eral manager of sales. he said, evidently had in mind the rive' ~'cars o]d next March, was born The present success of the Courier need of the race being engaged in ncar Au~u"ta. (;e(}r~la, of,Negro par­ is due to the energetic efforts and ef- the higher lines of business and fi­ "nts. H(· II ves no\\ in 'Chattanoog-a, ficient management of Mr. Page. He nance when he organized the Na­ fenn. Hi' \\'as ten yea:rs old when was also instrumental in establishing tional Negro Business League. NapoJpon dlcd, He was born bcfor(' the colored men's branch of the Y. M. the telegraph, the telephone, the C. A. For a number of years he wa;; MME. HAC!{ LEY CELE- phonograph or the mo~ion "pidu're. secr('tary of the Loendi Club and was BRATES ANl'.:IVERSARY. The aeroplane and the :fireless' ~ook­ -one of its founders. .01." are ninet~· ~:ears younger Ulan Mr. Page is survived by a widow, , \' Chicago, W., Jan. 14.-At the Nor­ )Id Isham. ' Mrs. Bessie Taylor-Page; a son, Wil­ ,::.... mal Vocal Institute, 301U Calumet u\'('­ ...:J .... liam Clyde; a daughter, MISS Mabel, nue, of which she is dIrector, 1111H', CA::\'DJDATE FOR PLACE and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Azalia Hackley celebrated her fi i'­ O\T REVISiOK BOARD. H. Pag-e. .....-. -.......-.- - -..-.-.-... , '" teenth anniversary as a singer wjth Ll tTHE LODGE SUPPLY CO.! Christmas tree party for the students Pittsburgh, Pall Jan. 14.-Nath,an­ ! : COLORED MANUFACTURERS tIll1 Farnam St. I of that institute, on Wednesday night, el T. Velar is II candidate for Ii pl~ce T : MAKE AUTOMOBILES th~ ! • December 29. - :m the Board for Revision, of t Badg-es. Banners. Regalia, Mme. Hackley wore her fir::;t con­ faxes, a county position. .He has .long ~ Cniforrns and !'ennanl'- Greenfield,- Ohio., Jan. 14.-C. R. cert gown, a .pink brocaded satin, been active in politics' here, serving i Phone Doug. -! 160. Patterson and' Sons' announce their which has been remodeled three years ;'or twenty years as chairman of the .....-..-.-. ...........-....-..........-...-.....~-- 1916 model of the Patterson Green­ ago by the senior sewing cla::;s of the Health Board of East Pittsburgh, and field automobile.. Patterson and Sons Manassas (Va.) Industrial School. 'or a number of years as school di­ J. A. Edllolm E. W. slte<m,; have since 1865 manufactured wagons, Among the telegrams of ocngratula­ rector. carriages and buggi~s and are the tion was one from Mme. Annie Skil­ most reliable firm in the state. Re­ lern of Denver, who originally de· ,\PPOIl'.:TED ASSISTA NT Standard Laundry 24th, Near Lake Street cently they decided to go into the aU­ 3igned the costume. DISCTRICT ATTORNEY. tomobile industry and now they are A purse of gold pieces was given by Phone Webster 130 t --'-AO having great Success. They are build­ the class. A representative from each ,Ne\v Yor~, Jan. a.-Counselor i l1g two styles (If cars, both five pas- ~lass presented aglod piece with a Frederick Q.. orton, recently selected EHinger cars, one model "4-25," cost-, >peech. by Charles F Murphy as the leader of YES-ICE CREA ,ing $685, an,d the .othera model "4-35" The matron, Mrs. Clara M. Lewis, che New Yo, k Neg-ro Democracy to any style, for any occasioll co~ting $7715. They are also turning ,vas also remembered with a purse of 'Jucceed the lflte Robert N. Wood, has out two· fine iittle roadsters at a 'l10ney. Each student received a pho­ :>een appointed as an assistant district J. A. DALZELL Qualily First sn)a.ller price.. Those who have bought tograph calendar from their teacher. <ittorney of ij-'ew York County by Dis­ .. i' the machines claim that they are the ~rict Attorne~ S\vann, who was sworn 1824 CUfflrinu St. Tel. Doug. 616 "b~stoi1. i . the mark.et. One purchaser DOCTOR CANNOT FIND in office Ja~uary 1, 1916. 'I~' drove three thousand mile,s last year. • ••••••••••- ••.~-+- ~ HOM'B- IN TRENTON. ~ jwithout a mishap'to themoto:r; or the .. '" \10THER OF VOLNEY CARTER t Try 11··m.~ ~ar. .. £hani?a.lworki.ng.s <;lithe Fifty Trenton, N. J., Jan. 14.---lDr.
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