journal of language contact 13 (2020) 96-140 A Study of DOM in Asturian (‘Dialectu Vaqueiru’) Avelino Corral Esteban Lecturer (Tenure-track Associate Professor) of Linguistics, Department of English Philology, Faculty of Arts, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
[email protected] Abstract The present paper explores Differential Object Marking in a variety of Asturian (West- ern Iberian Romance) spoken in western Asturias (northwestern Spain). This ancestral form of speech stands out from Central Asturian and especially from Standard Span- ish. For a number of reasons, ranging from profound changes in pronunciation, vo- cabulary, morphology and information structure to slight but very relevant effects on syntax. The main goal of this study is to examine the special marking of direct objects in order to find out what triggers the distribution of Differential Object Marking in this variety. To this aim, this paper will examine, from a variationist perspective, the influ- ence of a number of semantic and discourse-pragmatic parameters on the marking of direct objects in this Western Asturian language as well as in Standard Spanish1 and Central Asturian (which is generally considered the normative variety of Asturian). The results obtained from this comparison will allow us to outline the differences be- tween these three varieties in terms of object marking, shedding more light on the ori- gin and function of Differential Object Marking in Spanish. Keywords Asturian language – Vaqueiru dialect – Differential Object Marking – information structure – topicality – distinguishing function 1 Although Standard (European) Spanish originated in, and has come to be based on, the Cas- tilian dialect more than any other variety, I will use the term ‘Standard Spanish’ throughout the paper for the sake of neutrality.