July 1, 1977 " Average Income from Bpnd, Com Mon -Anfpreferred Stock Portfolios
/ ' . 'I . ··~.-clii'cag_o Jews Brqce For ~azi 4th O.f July March · SKOKIE, ILL: Skokie is a quiet Rabbi Kahane's arri'lal here and suburb of _Chicago which brags -of his threats added fuel to the con- bciQ_g the "world's Iarg~t vill!lge." troversy. Recently the Illinois Of its overall 70,000 1>9pulation, · Supreme Court ordered tbe state's 40,000 are Jews; of those 40,000, 7,- Apella.te Court to speedily review 000 were confined in.Nazi concen-· the ban on the march or cancel the VOLUME LX, NUMBER. 11 FRIDAY, Jl:JLY 1, ·1977 tration cal]lps in Europe. After ban in light of the Supreme Court's·. t j World War l'I, thousands. of Jews ruling. · . · J c· ,who survived lhc death camps of Feeling among Chicago-area ~ ·,s· rael'1;·s ·-.~-.-vo,·ce•· ..·, .. -~ o•-.- n·-_. ,-·e·-. ·,n-•: .· ... Nazi Germany flocked to this small Jews were already high because of [.I towri-to,.- settle. · the activity .9f the Nazis ' and · , ~ -· .- ..But today the peace and quiet because of an alleged plot by a man !F, .1,·c· ,which these settler~ sought-is being identified as a Nazi to kill Jews. The ·/1 C).. ve·_ ,-': -_ fl~_- ~,·ae·_ ·a·s t _·Po ' ·y _ disturbed. The village is finding police said the man, Raymond I -•.itself _the · focal· poi Qt of. , Schultz, killed, Sydney Cohen, a JI • _ _ , ,.. _ , _ "' . • .demonstrations by the Chicago Jew, by forcing Mr. Cohen to inhale /I JERUSALEM: According to the· any shift in Israeli policy of' op- / .Mt.
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