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WbSKicfe d y."F© "j-Kftim® * b a=$ ft^o (1) CMC (Global Motion Compensation) 7] it SbS^ b?b©t6titoiti::$ft'T. g#A#©#@. BP*>. /?> (pan) *i<7$-^£6titilb

rsbicas-^. x -a (mm&x. »j\) ■«. sews. ^©e^to^ms^v- ;i7^-^-eilbt. b;HS$ffl«S^±if-5iy-;t (2) DRC(Dyna*ic Resolution Conversion)^?3; ##tb©*mkf6*m#e(b©#m@cA b-t mftmim©#mR&m#i-6Aa (3) NewPred 7? S Back Channel (_h D US) &®JS! b"CJ-MiuIcGSISftfc VOP (Video Object Plane ) 0# &6ismo ©%!##&## bx kbx?#jcwmi-6Aa

2#B msii^m a. t##ib@*©^x. 3>y>v/K#ct;*%3*©##ca*©m A&Ro. «fiw. sitoMsis (mm^mw) ©gat®»;ml. #$©i//<;pam@&M * • u wm&jEt rmmmmmj ztmtzmt b&. AMj&amsi: bm [Hook Base] ©l@iEi5©6ak rgftl36S*j &{Sf6^#16©#a&kf©m@C@m©mA& Bt'feo %A1:. IPMP ®#a#©$l:&6®J###©#&l4. f ©t#$ System SB Version-1 f 14 r7.y^|gj ©^*3)lS$fttio C© f7y7j ^a?14#J@iea^—7b©%#©7 b b X8^gfc9-©<5W)i6i*ft. i—»fl4. ma. ^CCfe^URLtS»fre.©Xt7>D-b*-C. i6«* ipmp c©^m©^m^h bT«5i?«sra©sfttt-?>ffls MPEG dRliffltiU 2000 ff 4 E ffl MPEG TSa-SS# fiP*>s Problem Statements CffljkStiU #&©## (DIS) CS3S WG11 © 11C© ProblemStatements lOWt-LTS ®@jSS rgsgj CFP PCall For Proposals j e e* 6PtE@fllS©Btti * 7"nyx 7 unless urffEi^irtiiuko 2oooff 9 B, * t-d2/ x 7 t-tii. m&tt©8 to#tetg$iitti&S:®U aSrtSeStilkXSffJSctfcb Vte= f©iB#, timtii IPMP tlSmetekSIECo^As-orffote.,

3^e (tbe 12ffs) im*iPMPAa©#%##ieMf6# ca^^evt^TSto^ffoico 5fc1\ ®*S$©ZgH4& £01 o tc$«S1-.E. McM UT ©, *l'T\ 3>-r>'71t—ztfl|x StP RA +P—/#?©-!' >7— 7x-x$$i^rn o-< >ty-»-K7^©##K*cMf t<, ^©Hli§fiWbrS»%:8 g V, UX**©fffiP¥©S#ffiS4ff o feo *Wt)»S$**©*S*S (WGll) ^.©iSttiti 2000 ff 9 U*©*«tt 2000 ff 10E20 B2pe>©5#-;b (7^77) iart-ffton. #teE$Xi?JM5lim (WorkingDraft) version 1.0 4fMUfeo W©T\ 2001 WtitK'f 7 VTHulBWD1.0-t*OT+»» ©#^&e7^m&kz7-7x-7©S$kk*Ch5>Xr^'>3>©Slff8 |g (Walkthrough) 4*K C0® WD2.0&fMU£= *%L^ 7-;h©#m ro >^77«fmmff-K7j ©«fcfc©i8 Sffi»-t*B® i:*o fc, HlESH&t;: i6mm©^HK@Bf6#%©^A&#*!i- £Sx ;®i9 S§|7,n y x 7 h 4SSB Lfc» Cffl, * 7’Di/x7 hS-y-til —hf 3)teto©SIESIE7‘D'7x 7 hTiix 3 7^77#—/t 4tffh£: St!Tt-LA4§6n&UtoffS@^»ff74' ;• 77‘1;:M emm# (m#^#ff#io) ©msza;tciii"-i. 7; x v—> a y^e^v &«su w©wsiti&tssESHitiBig u **m#ca@©R@^, e#^a©%#@g» efflUftssitiauco 2001 ff 3 M© IS0/IEC JTC-l/SC29 /WGll(MPEG)i/>if41-;v^a-eiis MIC Walkthrough 4% Sl£-t}\ WD3.0 6fffiL C2th^MPEG#&©±# PMPEG-nj Cimf^#4##gL6. IPMP © WD3.0 -ai, b** 6©StiBtfsssfca-tcsoa$n. *707x7 h©±@»mmk»ct.

WSMf^-fbAst IfSEPI IS0/IEC JTC-1 SC29/WG1U IPMP WfOSWiSS'Jfflh ^hu-^>ty»-K7, e^xh e^s»u, )$MW3o lOItts fiST'D hntK $1317(77 —7 x —7

SUMMARY This project has started as a three-year-project aiming at further activation of global standardization in the area of home digital appliances. This is a part of NEDO global standardization activity support for new industry, which is fully supported by Japanese government. This project intends to enhance international competitiveness in this new and revolutionary industry field, and at the same time, to contribute to establish the global standard of this area, thus contributing directly to ISO/IEC, JTC-1 activity through proposing elementary technologies and extensions! technologies to existing function of MPEG standard. Last but not least, having more of a voice and power in discussions in the international standard body is also the purpose of this project. Therefore, beforehand of this project kick-off, the potential participants in the related industry group are invited and sought for membership, with explanation of the overview and the purpose of this project. Fortunately, professional and experienced engineers from the industry have joined in and the project started actual activities.

We drew out three-year-plan (1998,1999 and 2000), and get the project under way according to the plan. Below is the summary of our activity each fiscal year. For fiscal year 1998, we focused on coding technology proposals form Japan Industry Group and supported them in standardization activities. Standardization of coding tools need proper evidence and presentation. Finally, the activity led to the good results and the tools were included in MPEG standard. The tools are as follows. (1) GMC (Global Motion Compensation) Tool GMC is a tool related to the motion vector detection. Obtained image from camera pan, zoom, or rotation needs large size motion vector information to get correct motion vector. This proposed tool realizes such motion vector information with less parameter of vector information to get the same level of motion vector information. (2) DRC (Dynamic Resolution Conversion) DRC is the method to adjust the resolution of the coding picture and then transport this stream in proportion to the coding complexity to the low level of acceptable picture resolution (3) NewPred NewPred rectifies a damaged picture by referring a picture without any damage extracted from VOP, that has been transmitted through back channel line (up link) in advance.

For Fiscal Year 1999, we focused on the area of contents distribution business, especially on IPMP (Intellectual Property Management and Protection) technology that is closely related to patents and copyrights. Our activity was to investigate and analyze the current specification of its completion level and its contents, and promote “new extension proposals ” that suffice and correct current specifications. Specifically, our activity put emphasis on sorting out the problems in [Hook Base] specification, and establishing and managing the ad-hoc group that promotes call for new proposals. The management and colntrol information of IPMP management signal set was adopted to the draft standard of IPMP version- 1, which was so-called [hook base approach]. This hook base approach does not have sufficient function of IPMP because it only defines the space to display the place to obtain IPMP tool, and a user is, for example, to go to indicated URL to obtain required IPMP tool by download. We pointed out this method had problems in terminal compatibility and system interoperability. At MPEG Geneva meeting in May 2000, we reached to issue the problem statement of this subject. This statement showed publicly that IPMP version- 1 included in Systems DIS had problems. After that, WGll issued the official CfP (Call for Proposal) in response to the problem statement, and this was the restart of solution of the problems. With the issue of the CfP, we suggested the project member to submit the proposal for this IPMP extension standard category in September 2000, and the project supported checking the contents of the proposals and their documentations. As a result, Japanese proposals for CfP are decided and brought to international stage.

For Fiscal Year 2000, we focused on supporting proposals for IPMP extension, that is submitted from domestic companies. In the first place, we started to examine proposals on how to keep compatibility between terminals, and then examined those on supplement functions to realize interface conversion, protocol conversion, and roaming service at contents server side and RA server side. Our project supported the international standardization activities of those proposals, discussed with international keypersons of IPMP breakout groups, and helped documentations concerning those activities. The proposals were submitted to the international committee (WGl 1) by the end of September 2000 and considered at La Baule (France) meeting from October 20,2000. After the discussion there, the working draft version 1.0 (WD1.0) was issued. In Pisa (Italy) meeting held in December, WD1.0 should be amended and good proposals from our project members should be consolidated into the standard, but oppositions from abroad hampered the standardization of IPMP system itself and the process has retreated to great extent. With that situation in mind, we re-examined the WD1.0, and proposed interface definition and transaction walkthrough. WD2.0 in Pisa meeting was realized in this way. Tools proposed from our project members, for example “contents electronic distribution service” lacked the verification evidence from actual tests. In order to make up for such lack, and beef up the proposal, we drafted the plan of verification test project. The verification test project is made to support our project. The test system, with contents server centered in the whole system, aims to obtain information that can never be available without testing. For example, obtaining basic data on motion delay and motion timing, establishing a simulation model on how to include management signals (i.e. cryptography and copyright ID), and checking the liability of behavior of the system. With this information, we included solutions for timing delay issue and IPMP management scheme into our proposals. In Singapore meeting held in March 2001, we beefed up the walkthrough to make WD3.0, and made sure that this draft is applicable for whole MPEG standard so-called ‘MPEG-n’. Our proposals are included in the IPMP WD3.0 in its main part, and this means our project activity contributed greatly to international ' standardization. KEYWORDS Aaudio visual coding method, information coding and decoding, ISO/IEC JTC-1 SC29/WG11, Intellectual Property Management and Protection, public key, streaming service, video streaming, watermark, ciphered information, coding error control system, error resilience, transportation protocol, control interface g &

1. 1 1.1 1 1.1.1 ffm...... 1 1.1.2 ...... 1 1.1.3 ?ai2#g 70yx^l©K ...... 2 1.1.4 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 /WG 11 2 3 3. mmmmm...... 5 3.1 ...... 5 3.2 setottemsBB...... 5 3.3 ...... 7 3.4 ...... 7 3.5 EtoU-aae...... 7 4. ws##j...... 4.1 fflSSM...... 4.2 ...... 4.2.1 ...... 4.2.2 BBS# AS...... 4.3 Easa#...... 9 4.4 s$ms#...... 9 5...... 10 5.1 g*S ...... 10 5.2 *7 — ^ y ty 7 lyOl/ —7°...... 11 6...... 12 6.1 BEtPPfbrSib ...... 12 6.1.1 ...... 12 6.1.2 tz. 14 6.1.3 mmmmmfecDmi...... 19 6.1.4 imm&mtzvi&m...... 25 6.2 MPEG-4IPMP Working Draft (DfflM 34 6.2.1 W±fo(DMM...... 34 6.2.2 ...... 38 6.2.3 BEtlS...... 61 6.3 IPMP&^x.6MPEG^#...... 63 6.3.1 MPEG-4 Video (D^U...... 63 6.3.2 MPEG-4 Audio ...... • 92 7.3 mmmmt^cDTy'u-?-...... 93 7.3.1 mmmmtmm...... • 93 7.3.2 m&


b%. 3EMk©9^g©9%£. tt0W*#*-$-y b©S&*t44S5 3 HBMT* 23.7%tC$-eilU^As, 3^lu©|Bim Ctti5%C# t> l-BM/'p-o £14b©t*S@. f LT mpeg-4 -emwEett-ro^b-estok^-pfcm^ecii, 4-s«x b v-A®a i: a * » 9 #<$#©«#k@mcM$s«#A% t, c T&-cmb fuTu6»$n%mpeg -4 A^%bti%©#rt»im@$&3. S >*-$■> b±©W50-S--EX&V^t«au #S6 ro<-*\ mt#m©#-e^i4k'©49»B$m*b$vx^£»©*\ E-n&#;t3k£. » 69itSW8S'(SSSS : IPMP (Intellectual Property Management and Protection. KTIPMP hBSt-)Kget-^HBisip©$fci-®i!iii*$v^ ipmp < ur. *#%. $-;/ bt;'>•$;* 14Kb ITw b*7nyi » bfflj*-3S*l±, B*0SE#tci:oT. ESSSTrzfc -5 9 * -y h tfi/GM Hi^XEySV© «$>®tctoK>Tg&m. «#3lfb tST-ifcE>9 = ^T-Di^i^btfS ofrttc&oT, toAfliSSFF©. c©a-#©Al#%iat\$lf ©$£% b^i"/?4—x(:»& #A##^KSs

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1 1.1.3 VfiEia^s hrofltfifc Mmi4*l:9l@%& toWBieSkSWtieirSIteffdtzth, 7ny X j? MS© Working Group ©1§J5V >7t-ll Hll *Fg k 1911* k Uc= Ml:. /Dyi? hTrffl 7? y h*-A©16lfm. *yby —P%Mtrcov—/tfr(>#y'fT> hcWTEaKii: (M$ : AfS/7%*-) k^XyA©M###-C&6 rwaijf -r ‘V—juj ///t—y ($.$: #±a/Mt-/ >) 6asit#ffl!lH6a

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3.2 2 mzifflftoxtmtx'rzsi.-ji, (DiPMP ISO/IEC, 14496-1 (MPEG-4)MPEG Xbi^AijliJp^i^E^LTV ^6o W^J^-U'Ch^ IPMP ##ll, Version-1 y- —M(±, MxKf , m m m g H10 ¥S Key item Hll ¥S Key item H12 ¥S Key item URL iww^y^^o-R-c, (DMPEG-4 VI,2 (DmmtiMlti (DMPEG-4 y^yb#—A(D © 0 ©ipmp (^^wiHfasf) Exd"iC5>7i^nTSS^EemLT^^0 ^rfu'y^Y MPEGMitSti, 2000 ¥ 4 ft CO MPEG &" g If Ltz. MPEG-4 7-/KT) -X^S^Tr^E-'SjtSXSj BP^, The Problem Statements ^t-/\ RA ¥—'MMX(nmW$L%\zm LT/^-73:—^XDh=z/lx^#, n—2001 ¥ 2^ %, %:#y%yA|± l^ny^ Mm g mm (to 10 ¥$, 11 ¥StiSE) !cgy&2;K 0%^(Db7^X7^i/a^M^(Walkthrough)^fTt\ WD2.0 $r¥-3^

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r¥^ii¥Sj (D^IPMP, CEP (#^##K*i-6l^#)20i^(D7-^>yeT/H&M--M\ %##r##&#WD2.o (1) Version-2-(D#^%m (Di^KMW^fc0 * GMC (Global Motion Compensation) * DRC (Dynamic Resolution Conversion) ^i^COStlSfiE’Sf^SL^M'l'-5$"C, #i@¥¥6o *New Pred $r# mc^#^ ic, mmmijb©6^ Version-20##lbi-^&^tL, MWIE^ilfCo 4 semmik^omga (2) * Pp1S-^<7)f6uti?$Sb (1) ISO/IEC, 14496-1 (MPEG-4)MPEG ->Xr J*W$t~Q(D IPMP##1E%# version-KDm&fkii, 7y^-^-c$)K), zmtt, ^12¥5^ 1-X/fX, S^-7"TfM£nfdg52@ MPEG 'T, #&(D MPEG '§ IPMP ^^(D^mA$r m$&(DX%^^^iC^l:A6^rProblem Statements] advanced IPMP system (CFP) Call For Proposal AK MPEG Renew ability Z(D CFP MPEG-PF 2000 ^ 10 ^ La Baule CiD^(7)#^i±, ^ 12 ^g(D MPEG ^lcg|##dS;WL ^^lC±#Em#(D#^e^V\ CFP Big Picture &##UL 2001 ^ 1 ^ (D Pisa ^T(±MlC#A/^b7^XT^y 3^(D^ \ WD2.0

5F^13¥l^m6, WD2.0 \zMMZii, MJfcWlIPMPte5S'>x-rAOi|eSl-r 6]tj"Tib#titiLrcD 2001 ¥3 8 ©v #'/tf~/I/^(Vt, #m IPMP CD(Committee Draft)7)^>^4^^0

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(DMPEG-4 Version2 MPEG - 4 Version-2 ©y-;Vb b*m. #(: r^/H;Vj tlfiUts

^©^n. T:a©±^^^m&±tf^o ip*>.

*GMC (Global Motion Compensation) *DRC (Dynamic Resolution Conversion) *New Pred #©ai###fb (ISO/IEC14496) ©m^^^bU fflfeXm'G'Zfttzo MWJ&fSitibbT 1. Interoperability #{^©7c^)©#^ m4972=advanced IPMP_Descriptor 2. Renewability Wt£©fcti>©llS m5658= Roaming Service model t upstream protocol 3. IPMP System Decoder model ©$dhf LTV ''-2>o

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® (tt) T100-0005 ItEEArnm 3-2-2 $BiSxSMI0rt;;v5F TEL: (03)3213-1075, FAX: (03)5252-7671 %%% 12 ^ 11 ft l BBMttBlcJ: b (tt) B 6 3#

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# m # # (#) eisb; : 03-3213-1075

9 5.


E9eS6B©BM-fb 1E^SIESII®jfee3agSO-' ,7-*>iy^>-7-(WG)cDig'B-IIS$fTdo

ttSiJ && Af • siBg 1 SB ffi ms 2 'J# ffiffi Sibils ## 3 5« # NTTW-XV-Xffi^sm yTV7il{S7°Dy"x^ 4 5# 1ES ## 5 =rl BR2S ## 6 /J# ES &■$ • sis# 7 Ss^f* 7*6X^613 7MXT'V7^{be^sw$ H>v-r- 8 f|wj Mn°-iri7w^m mMwmwmmf fm 9 Has ry##y7#mt ni^sro ## 10 ® iEC ^mmx S45^ ## 11 *B $ff mm&ffim&M'?) i/f-y 7^-tfy^em^m 12 Bit ®- &**a mm ## 13 Sf9 E V7htf^r^gp# 14 ## # =. V-— ^f/77DtSy>yBf%m A&V7DtS/>f7#7 h V- ## 15 Effl @# S&i&iWFFr tMtiSMSE® S-E%S ss ## 16 #± 7°7#7Hm*^ S3H%MS ## 17 A? K % ^r— AFTrMilE^^® 18 mmmm# ####### 19 bs tm d-y-tf-vt- 20 smmmmmm. 21 B# SB MHSAB*«B®S *717-a *- 22 J&n %a@AB$#mw%#6 23 SM; bs^x ttfflSA B **?x*Jgpet&gr e#m*AG mh • •sis 24 wzrvviL? hi *s aaasft mmm 25 /J\5 ^ ##•a«® ®* mmm 26 b« sm mmm 27 mm mu mm • a^ASAgpsutssyvi-T-

*22 s©$n&^*yy-v'i-ttTti, 13^ l H l Bt:#%#&-#&##6 L/iio

10 5.2 7—) 1/—

iS©Tl: v-*'s yy;i/-7(WG)&am u i£iX-fflM\jgtLf:ffl9i7—v tsij D ^ fSto&frVX tic

WG #An# SrAE-SS s teS^fyy^- W#ft® m BE *6* SBE55S #Llj # B*E5£fiff v;i/Ay W-f T'>AWA9f5S$

it am es B C&C^W-fTESEFJf WeW5EM -'hill ...A B Mftfw imfm^it

V ttSSttJta: rV^M-fUimm WSXS y-yt/bv/vfyrVTIHSIty*- ## /N^A-yrVTMm jfu£ff$ftiif§W35BFf X «# )t*6|5 Fg*#*A6& ti$g&«i®-&©fi©T ?>wr<(7ft^tismi$ffiB f-w-r- M/# ## T frm BAWfEgff S49W S6S 11 K i FIR ## Mi> # $-A$yK#%Br *-^yh7°Dtyy^ 7^7HJ ix # tf»s«w9ssf Biwes B .bh lH— KffiASlS ^/xAyWATjeSAS ->xAAM3$-lz>W- #* WG1 /J^ IEBIJ t*s;£tts±aw?E@T nytW-yxTAWfEjfr t^aTayfa-fiy^'eSESlS WftWJEM WE IE# y7ht>iT#*A^ Bryyh^rsaig! ms%5 ito #- # ggggg W* ## /vf/^fvrw^f •mE i j E IE D-^<-^-<-xw%9f ywvr^ggp wttwJSM $»« 777h7*-Affl^*g3 B«i$«f%iFr AttWE*

WG2 's'iW ~q% tWSSEft-S-WSEBf tW#-fe^yW-f!$«Sli

i*<«iFfb'>y WA WG (WGi) cDSB|i6-$*tt¥fiK 124: lOfl 12 BC* WG SSWWfiWG (WGi) ©'Wl|-A$*tt¥Ji8 12 ^ 11 1 B Ufeo

11 6.1 aieesibSM

6.1.1 wme 1995 y-r ymtcae-f^ ^ mpeg -4 a. xwfivMS©S©3i5-il14^-;v, 3>^>Xt«6i©B ©»wsii©ea#jfflitt^ 3>^>yr^-bx©s©3 >±>'v:am#si:T9±x-f -7x-^. iD«#BakgE#M, m& -«**& mtzcstMb#** 5^^ nfc t, ©x$> 3» TtvXO^x^ b©^%##X&6 1998 #± MPEG-4 #& ISCMEC-14496 '>V-X©$W> Version ! kn¥«nxt'3*5 1 titiil&OfflSmllSfllrfefc #Xni?x9 KXfciU iSMSB© ®tt>#M%3SfbLfc= *7"Dyi7 hXti, 3Slb'V—;vi: A89#m#©@m$ijmK*l:#(b LX, &x t:H^«¥-(brS»©^b&fl'*> tti Lttt.

(1) IS0 PE|g*©^-fb'V-;v©#tiikH^ip-fbrStt *GMC (Global Motion Compensation) AS HV©$ltti AS±$$i/'X. N#A*©#gx BP*h 7i> (pan) BVTwucii®^ x -a (SGSi6*> #1') he > 0fcaK^ #©mimm@#*&^» vvi^y-i'XSSILX, h;Ht#©#66±(f-6x-;v= * DRC(Dynamic Resolution Conversion) AX ##ib©*# a x *m##ib©#msi:& ex m*a«©iw«s%iisx £ *x *NewPred AX Back Channel (±0 0# &EE LXl±#:GmA±A VOP (Video Object Plane ) ©*E 66mm o ©A^mm&mm ex r#nesj a Lx?#p:$iMX6 Ax© 3 AX& a#!U BPS9i1&(til*ai&©xn i> x »t- SSSfixi A„ UPTOCtic iESSSi: LX, m#mmBs©#x a-e4i&mutmmmm#m©iKm&±#B©e c tT,e.ffla$cHLx, ro©±#ffffl&$$LA=

(2) IPMP ©BlStlWbaib 1C1 IPMP (Intellectual Property Management and Protection) dHUXtiC UX&SlfcSSAnA Hook Base IPMP ©Fg@t5£S# Vs AHG (ad-hoc) x;v-x66£i2*btzo ahg 66ti± *@#6ki±siii:, #c#4'$m©i5a%ma& a^ ux#^^#mr©mR&#©, m'Kass WcmR6^©gmx& 0, c© AHG 6m©# ©#ftkag*E6*Xn Vx-t l®y>A-illU Hii34fflIPMP (Version !) ©®@t&£ saU*$*6Cf86V A= t-v3 >©IPMP#*##©*$ C-oA^oX^oAo *xn->-x77 bx©s*6?5ttx-i± ±ia©ffltti:5i6ff vx ipmp ©@@ts©sab«gsi©

12 ft*rSiM> sfTfc>tis r6B*j ®(M£EU *S1 e *®*0@#®A$6£** tfeo *vve, a%#68*##:it#ur6©le^eawjffluxgrkcBau b*68* k®#A#£7-o*x7 b?##6L, 8rfc& 668*®%# kasms, *$*irC-®%8;, £ ®#®##®me, £ L*#**l»##*m*(@M6* Working DraW®%*C#@#ltt. M*to&68*i:$i*?5i&k UIMT©*t)t-fe5.

® ipmp (tomEWsae®) ®##66)EKM*6 m^##ib@m®6em ISO/IEC JTC l/SC 29/WG 11 ftt, ® ®fl-B®#^b®ttSSSfflfSEH Lt # teo ISO/IEC 14496-1 (MPEG-4) MPEG 777®#tA7W:, 7 b V —*rWOT£$* L-t®6<, C ®$#M#® * A4: & & IPMP tsttii, BBS Version- 1 TIL r 7 y7##j c® r? aa-ct±ej#@av-;p®m#®y p vx*s@^®«9* ss$sn. j.—im, WJltf.ZZlz&Z URL tilfi* 16> ffl7>> > O - b*T\IPMP 7—/l/£M§*6*C&6„ G®A$®BE@i±ikL-C5S*a$FS®SK14^ffi5iili'l4*««'r-Z.H*ttAsffi#Sn^o *70 yii' bffl MPEG EilQtt, *6$ 12 ^ 4 H® MPEG ya^-^aCt rP4S*,ffi}i 7Hj SP*>, The Problem Statements C®*#ljl, #%®#1# (DIS) (C WG11 "^I^C.® Problem Statements lOlfptLLT, P9 r#$j 6SS*6 CfP rcall for Proposalj 7S658GU Z®#6P8#R *®#m%mk626T%, *707x7 b^^ncMjBLtWJSircitBfeo ¥J5Sl2^9Bs *707x7 hT-t* UA#%® M## C W*68 ID £ *6#U mftgoMt k*#ffs£icto* tfeo

© 665*ipmp aa®68*#*i:M*6mme%®68*@*£&@*6 IPMP ®##665:l±, **, ig*#^®s#tt6 k'® * 7 6 McM UT®6$«68*£ #W, ®:, o >® >7+f-®vffl, W ra 7—y '—(MT-®#igiigc®M LT®7—iv® T > i’-7x-Xi*-f>7D 63*$$, D—» >7-th-U7#®##66%68*-?'l$m68*£*# L, 6836*38 £M«i#'Nfflffi0U 68*®Mro*«®fftiS®f1Ml£fi* £o *ftto»iS*7S®*S*^®68ttitt¥fi8 12 #9 6836®##*%% 12 ^ 10 M 20 B*^®7*-;V (77>7)£fa8T-frfc>n, «1S*gM^S*WD1.0(WorkingDraft Version-D&ftoLfco «®T\ *bS 13 If® U*(-f £ V y^ETIi, tol3 WD1.0 »®m®#%£e7 #&fbf®t®i:MM*6^m#*i:M*cmmi/, m& fwmmbtmcgBmuz:. <®&, * 707x7 h$*irei;t, m*#a£###6u, y >7- 7 x-7®SISk k S C h 5 >777 7 a >®*6rSl* (Walkthrough) £68*, ®®68*C?& oT, WD2.0 £#{£Lfeo ¥bK 13 ^ 3 B®'>>7f*-*SE"ei* gC Walkthrough £%56 WD3.0

© 68**67-11/®##, Mxli, ro>7>7**E«*-e7j ®S8E*E£ffo 68*®68*?S ihx-msmm t & o fc*B*@6C J;61$E*K®kSCiea*6a*®SiS£

13 ■Mf*E JMb#5''f 5 $#m# (@^###m) ©Water Mark m%aciwf&^;^iz-'>3u *mm scisi*9t SE©iae-?\ $i#*a©%#gK&m*K@ o

@ $kto 2001 ^ 3 M © ISO/IEC JTC l/SC29/WGll(MPEG)'> Vtftf-lk&jS-m, WD3.0 Srftot CftAs MPEG $&©£<$ MPEG- n Itilllt"3 »&BB Lfco C © IPMP © WD3.0 ti±^ B**6©$$SESi»trSDa$^*$*S©fi®kVtHmt:i6.&S;»3^>h*sto'r, fg®e>ti£o -S, CfflIPMP WD3.0 JWTO* OPMPffli'XxA mmj tcS5,$-C©Hfflg|ig^x©iie®-eii*#tS*6^-XC ■e©jgtt-etiu c©dSfflB^sp'fbffittii^ k cnipe>iE%®tmxzcor-itm^o

6.1.2 BI@SS©a*$IS £ -t©li.Utt;K (D f$3ES*$rrom MPEG-PF zBlffl© WG11 I^X-0rSttOtSm, ¥M% 12 ^ 3 H © MPEG * 51 06fr( ^ - P >7W 'TIP P^)t:i3U-C IPMP ©iS56©ycto©TSl)A s|gtU MPEG&A * —AA.-y s SC29 y-esgesn^o £fc ISO zh-A-^.-'>-t** Call (DTi-^yx tffffclflfco

(2) f*SSS^©l£SE$ #%##!:* U 16 wmsssfi^/co IfcmtiStt MPEG J; 0 MPEG/N3727 “Overview of responses to ‘IPMP Solutions CfP” k LT^Scic^tlTl '-So KTCf ©#@&^f o

14 (a) Canon Source Name of Proposal Tbpic N°

Canon DMIF secure channel 2 proposals including DMIF M6572, support request for IPMP extensions, IPMP extensions and M6573 solution upstream syntax addressing Advanced IPMP descriptor interoperability, renewability for IPMP solution and persistent security.

DMIF CD-tr^r^. U ~r 4 upstream £S:j/IScFtl/fco

(b) OP IMA Source Name of Proposal ilk N°

CRL OPIMA OPIMA architecture and tools M6452


(c) Matsuh i ta Source Name of Proposal N*

Matsuhita Proposal on the Renewability in three levels : M6473 Renewability of IPMP key, encryption algorithms and System IPMP System

(d) NetEx Source Name of Proposal NQ

NetEx Presentation of fully NetEx SDK including software M6520 developed MPEG IV IPMP for encryption/decryption with 3 Solution kind of consumption model : demo., limited play, unlimited play.

X.509 V7^E1E£ MPEG-4 MfflTS^&vmS^nfco

15 (e) e-Vue Source Name of Proposal Tbpic N°

EVue e-Vue MPEG-4 IPMP Interface between IPMP M6422 Proposal Systems and the application, content description syntax, P&L, error residency issues.

e-Vue c££k ^ V

1PRSystems Name of Proposal

IPRSystems Open Digital Rights Proposal of “Open Digital Rights M6527 Management for MPEG Language ” (ODRL) which standardizes XML based Rights expressions.

xml iz&z,m\&s&*mmbtz>tz&®

Fuji-xerox Source Name of Proposal Tbpic N°

Fuji-xerox Ticket Authentication Protocol to realize a Pubhc Key M6523 Protocols Cryptography based authorization and authentication framework.

F-rstiiB-c, w&r-f's eie®®s s6ffl«i--E,s$6si6$$nfco

16 (h) University of Tokyo Source Name of Proposal Tbpic N°

University of A New IPMP System Proposal of a new IPMP Systems M6518 Tokyo combined with Digital offering simplification of the Watermarking architecture of IPMP decoders, interoperability and renewability.

(i) ASCII Corporation Source Name of Proposal Tbpic N°

ASCII Open B to B architecture of Set of IPMP tools to enable B2B M6519 Corporation MPEG-4/TPMP exchange of IPMP protected MPEG-4 contents.

(j) Matsushita Source Name of Proposal N*

Matsushita Extended IPMP system Proposal of an automatic unique M6517 implementation for contents ID registration facility creator or owner ID registration on information gathering equipment

mmizzL--? id

17 (k) University of Merry I and Source Name of Proposal Tbpic N°

University of A Dynamic Multicast Key Protocol to update keying M6520 Maryland Management Scheme for information for dynamic and and Groups of Mobile mobile group of users. Washington Multimedia Users

(I) KPMG KPMG&pre registration ^ilbSfribft&^Pofco

(m) Telstra

(n) FMCAVL Source Name of Proposal Topic N°

For more Introducing a domain for use Sub framework of IPMP for M6525 convenient control protecting both content rights AVlife and user privacy.


(o) NDS Source Name of Proposal Topic N°

NDS MPEG-4 Intellectual Personal Entitlement Control M6520* Property Management & Message Protection Solution — Proposal

MPEG-2 ECMCEntitlement Control Message) D 7 b A-v vOMC b tz^ PE CM(Per sonal ECM)^£g^£ft£0

18 (p) Intertrust

Name of Proposal lIK N° InterTrust Flexible and Robust IPMP Proposal for keeping with the M6443 Technologies Solutions Using the MPEG-4 IPMP hooks Corporation IPMP Hooks

m&CD IPMP 7 Z(Dm&tfMW£tifz0

55 m mpeg tf-;v^)r»M;:ss£n, ipmp vmu tlfco %(D'&ML IPMP MSI (Dm #b^m#/v-ev^o mmmmvwmz-ix \m 6.1.3 m rsimpite0tmj> xxr 6.2# rMPEG-4 %m IPMP Working Draft (DMMj &#^o

6.1.3 m&mmmnomn MPEG-4/IPMP ver.l Giffc” hook ” interoperability (#3###) ftbmz renewability (M0ff4) %>tz&>\^ S 50 0 Maui^cT#^” AUG on Study on Standard IPMP Systems ” (IEE: fcBl^E (&T)) tmSL^tltzo C 0 AEG li MPEG MPMP ver.2 (IPMPExtension) hook U> ver.2 AHG (4:2 6 C# 510 Amsterdam Cl” AHG on Content Access Problem Statement” (0# : Frank Bossen (Sony)) (C^f S£§ 53 04 Content Access Problem Statement” 0

0 3IIBT$)^)o

Pre Resistration 2000 9 B 15 B Final Proposal 2000 ^ 10 H 15 B WD 2001 ^ 3 ft CD 2001 ^ 10 B FDIS 2002 ¥3B N3543 (D$&frlZ j; o T” AHG on Content Access Problem Statement” 0rSi&(i^-T Lfc C k

19 6 ^ 0f fz C" AHG on Evaluation of responses to the Call for Proposals for IPMP Solutions ” (US:: Mike McGinty (reddotnet) ) C. ver.2 0 SWb^xfn]itT^ES* sH$n^tofco rH^Pfb bb'9 ^/c0b, r4>&< b&d'y#—7oi—x/rJtiiJppfb 20^^##^b^)^:o &¥kWkbhf jy&O£ot>£o&0 1 0 OPIMAVy i&gfc-f >

—^ 0 1 0^ET->^0^S0V'ytf>^^!9bT(^ • secure domain b insecure domain • T 7°V $: secure domain 0M^dj'#~0( V ?

MPEG-4specific&^£^&3^^fe30 • ipmp 0#amw: xml -efio^-e&Zo • itE0 t°d 7 w o


20 IPMP Plug-Ins Application Control i Crypt. Water. Aerth. Sign. Smart Card 4. (C) IPMP Service API ----- (B) App (Some plug-ins standardized '!'!?) ■Scrvia's API

Ru|es Keys Wateniai&I Qmtrpf User IPMP ------4------+------info IPMP Systems «i ► i (A) IPMP ! Rules h dbi 4-pj: <6—►jn-MP O Data extraction Crypt.

(F) IPMP Systems .APIs I e 8IFS B3RSDH O * T«* Content


Render Secure Domain

Aujio | Secure Storage | & M&" Device drivers i Video Possible External -► Encrypted Content Clear Content IPMP o Control Points interfaces

® 1 MPEG-4/IPMP ver.2 (D7—3^7^

Z(Dt£m» ^HTWr^WDl.O (N3729) WDl.OTii, 0 107 —^77-71307 *>"TBB0 5 -00^ >7—7 oi —

(A) IPMP Data (B) Application Services API (C) IPMP Service API (D) DMIF API (E) BIFS Decode (F) IPMP System API E< S 55 tH PisaC0WD1.O (N3729) walkthrough &ffl\ • IPMP h, 3

:tlll S 54 [E LaBaule>7-7 LtzZtlzftU D A#AO#0^A^% ry y-t? —V7D—0$,

C0|gK walkthrough £ £&7D—D> WD1.0 D^ WD2.0 D^: (N387l)o

21 tilTIC WD2.0 Ca3i£cFtLTV'>5 walkthrough ffl86ttv67T'"t"= $"f\ H 2 C walkthrough tot: a&mf. y."F©saa(4c©ia 2Citt^T»itttzi>®b-rz<,

See Definition of IPMP Tools

IPMP IT-3 IT-n Specific Info Route URL ■ Routes for Normative Messages

IPMP Tool Info Terminal * 1 IPMP Information Content


Missing Tool Location IT = IPMP Tool —* Nonnative Messages ------Interface

181 2 walkthrough flfc&Bl

(1) IPMP Tools description access

1. fisvfr^'sT-'s'yzmmtztzib (-*$s rmau ©**) «@&ipmp y—;v©|$S!l u x 2. 5g*ttiPMPy-;v©E9JUXh*^e., IPMP

(2) IPMP Tools Retrieval 1. IPMP W3)®IMW5. 2. ipmp ^-iwx#-c %*i±KT©*ft-c ipmp "j-

1. ipmp v—yujuyon^r —'>3 > GiSti:WWW»-yt)

2. Seisin JUPy —Vli.” mutually acceptable trust level” &®ATi)e

3. iiiM—y—lVXD/v--f mutually acceptable ” ^te 4. ipmp y-;v&x^T?>, 5. xf tfc ipmp y-iwimretitoqTiBK&So

(3) Instantiation of IPMP Tools fol lowed by Mutual Val idation and Identity Validation 1. i8*ttiPMP 16e 2. iS^k IPMP "J—Mi” mutual validation” SSitTt" 3. i$*k IPMP -y-;Vtt42>yi>3>tp # D lg L" Identity

22 validation ” ^rffdo 4. SrifcC Lit IPMP "J—lUic? i> tit© 7 —IV1: ffl RH"!? mutual validation, Identity validation 6Gd

(4) IPMP Initialization and Update - In parallel with Content Consumption 1. s$*i£ ipmp y-Mz ipmp tMg&emfa. -IPMP y-M£ FSB4 offlV-7©l't*n*7)-6Af f a. a. H'y IX I U —A b. S*l*l

d. (58*1*3©) #© IPMP 7-11/ 2. i8*ttlPMP y-AfrihfflmvStftiitziba'sT-yyzm^tZo s. cn$-e®tSn6i®f:iigLGd (cat&a).

Et 'T^p 3 M tirfcftfeSB 56 @ Singapore # 55 06^6# 56 0^-&*-C® ffltr V7P77r*ff1"Cx WD2.0SVtri-U 6 d-SPOT* walkthrough &frd C #IC I"fc"©®5)-5: normative part C’J’Sfflinj ^#©##<1#B ^®MPEG-n &©* (n=2,4,7,2l) %©*CoVvC**lm$nfco I/O '£ rtSttfe <$-C- MPEG-4 l:#Ib UzSmtAlix, Sfflg Olivier '> 7-f-Aflfctt PMPEG-4 ^#6^*©#|qlk l/ZKx MPEG-n tfSHt T-$>tK MPEG-n(MPEG-4 C«tfbUfegBdfi Annex©ffST Sira), ft*HT*lix #c> • IPMP 7—1 1/ ID © 7 X—V -v h • Mutual Validation ©7°D-tz7 • IPMP tf*©ll/-7ti 77"©7°D-fe7 • X.509 k©M* •mm©R@

-*xRequirement T’lV-T'lr'T IPMP H*(MPEG-4/IPMP, MPEG-7ZIPMP, MPEG-7/MDS, MPEG-21)® Joint *2t '©#Wem^-i1/ 7 7 L»t' dl 7%* LT*© %z.ttmmn-ztitZ',

* i 4*©mima

23 Tool Process Contents Message - 7129,7150 IPMP Tbol List IPMP Tool Identifier -7149,7119 IPMP Location Identifier IPMP Tool Yes Location Identifiers Request Tool, Provide Access/Acquisition Basic Information - 7154 Location, Verification Info.,- 7150 Authenticate (Establish Credential, - 7150 Trust) Representation format of tool Tool Instantiation IDL definitions Validation, Authentication, Instantiation notification, snapshot notification Tool Validation Validation Information Validation Validation IPMP Information Yes Protection Topology WriteData Routing establishment, 7149 Topology Validation IPMP Tool Addressing, context, - 7149 Time Stamps, MessagePurposes Permission Query Yes Query types and definitions, QueryPermission, context —7149 RevokePermission, Terminatelntent User Request Yes Various interfaces and Yes transparent and opaque data-7154 Association between Yes, through Open Tool ID and download registration location authority Establishment of Trust Yes Credentials of Tool and Validation Terminal Content Consumption Control Points, Message purpose identifier Hierarchy establishment -7149

24 Parametric Aggregation info, representation configuration info, code container Architecture Message Event Diagrams router, IPMP Manager, bitstream, tool, terminal interaction.

1/TU5 MPEG-4/IPMP ver.2 0 T*£> & *, 4>&t4 CDlb&BSU $ 6< c kam&fi&o cmjidft-sn®*, ^-#®*±®m jSI47"D 7 7'!' lWcMf&##n3iK)57o 386® walkthrough &M.SI5R 5, #6##44'®^347- ai 4a ^DE se^masst-?.ztctzzk^sisn, f/c* u-cmm -t-fcs he®*->x7 A#a*ft3-t-*3 7 u StSSC VT4.386®vXT-AAsvtv^jr+X h • yn-K*77 Hc3@L6*7^Akl4m^ EV'o $£, *H Digital Cinema Cttti IPMP 14386® MPEG-4/IPMP ver.2 tttSflOSn T'MfrtiiibX&ris 4-#c4t6#^4=®#ft-& IPMP &!-<*(=(:$ k®, S@ft7-n7W;v -fb&fioTfi < *14, IPMP OfiStt*#x3±-t*ffi®T«5-efc3o

6.1.4 IPNPWmBt?®#* (1) s* ISO/IEC 14496-1 (MPEG-4 Systems Version DSK^® IPMPtti*l4, >^-7 x-7®^6Sto*, UtH5)-5 "Hookbased"k #4* 6 IPMP#& A# DIA $ f< 6 . L*t&AsP>, 7T-$. 9, IPMP ->77AffiS®B86tt*}g)S ^tlTV'&o C ®R9mt#%f3^ <,#63 0 MPEG Beijing ^ (2000 Ip 7 B) C*t 'T, MPEG-4 IPMP Extension tcS84" CfP(Call for Proposal) As%fr £tlfzo SMPEG-PFg*S"C-i4, #M6-e®#W##&tt4I- h L, B*A^®#*%&#I^ACf ztztb, ^i/7xA±Tfflsaffltti:E»tt®^iESff7^<, ipa ®% 12 37]:7 h r =r% Mcjza IPMP#K%#j CAI46ME v77=ASfflt't, *#E#»&f77Ckl:L*. ft*, *«8EH@l®®$ica6fc t>TI4, NEDO (Sfx4.;i/4r- - SI8SBSm$818) ®7" ni^7 I-?#C4DM#l,63>7>7i)--;i&#*®#iE^#y7^A®#kL-C#mL6o

25 (2) #»0f* Kwam (rx^^m) m2 #mA#•

A# • mm 3.—-y$* 1 / ##3>7^>VK# / m#ea / #@@©w#

&jb\ tSAAi ;tu, MT©0#^#AOLt. f< 3 tifcbAi

ah • mm

yti- V--y »iy >#*-;VE%fifr (->>2W-;i/)

Flavor Software Inc. (3fc[H) 3L—i m* NTT 7Y)Xy7,=rt J U ^#^6% ytgra

(3) 3 >T>V»-,#A • SKIS(li£H NEDO©^#C*^T^ ttT©i5to>f>V#-nSiAlfc. (»«*«&) • DELL »-r;'>X7LA-5t • Pentiumlll XEON 700MHz • WindowsNT Ver.4.0 Service pack 5 • 4%^ RAID 340Gbyte • a>t ->ysmy —A is =k IPX £ 5 > 7> y —;v 6 T >% Y—h&fo

ts-ii, ^T-trV^-O—>\ 3.--3.—ifS*2CML-tt^ tSWLfco OS Windows98SE X‘$>%>c

■ ^-ywmz, t ^x, jus * f-m, sssE^sosimx^-xcisgsnm^fffcn^o

26 (4) nmmtf tTxtfli GIF X/MPEG-4 V>7°;vrn 7 W ;W15frs/384kbps, MPEG-1 Iayer3/X^l/:47128kbps %m^fz0 thA^-Ol/M^CD JPEG 7 fZo

(5) —JU (x^5>y;v) ikft'fsfc>tU>fztb, fflbfco CAMELLIA, SC2000 Ztl^tUD 128 xzFzL-vmMzms Ltzo ipmp wm^m^^'no tz&>, nessie 4 'y —7 x.—7 (New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity, and Encryption) ## CD API tlX DLL (Dynamic Link Library) 7 idymh L/zo

(6) ^^#CD±#:|g & LIT tr^xfo

^-tr>7-9 —a • n>^>y-y —a *• ^—tf^*i —1f%^2CD4ok%o-CV^o lOObased'—th^'7

27 bo 00


iUMip^s/a —juatt =_ b 7>r-tz>xaf» T> V A' 60 # ^ ik $tlk:OD. BIFS&jzUlPMPf—ft a>x>'V ID DB H—+fDB :l 5XDB kL.______IPMPf—6%0## flS^1k5F*LfcX677>^;u#0#E ■ 3.-+P##/ a—9=10%# a 07> ?) U fdfc a £ fcli £ Fx-6* 0T X 677 > ?) u S-^-IkdtLfcoD. bifs, ipmp. Wtifcfc.fctfWFT—6»0#-5 teftfc«t:t/eF7i-6»0iii@fc«t:t;7.tf-*-'x0tti0

■ u>T->'^iD«a

m 3 IPMP WSHK/X^A^ti® IPMPS_Type-'C" -» CAMELLIA IPMPS_Type="S" SC2000 (XML pm IPMPS_Type="X" -> IPMP * 0 XML 7s—*

|g 6 IPMPS_Type 01*!^

XML HT0j:9C, ^ U X L\ # :7 >XVl/^r—b [yfz0


M 7 XML IPMP / yt —(SC2000 PB#0#J)

(9) f0l:h7>X7^yg>HM m&\mm.(D0kftm£izm^tz> OELi^kmm ^#0—r$tj L3 >X >^ If-/s>^mE0r7 >7">y-}10

31 zl—1 r* li—


3.-*fj%mx*rT*<7 =7yJ)is#m=EZ' m&O fitl&J (SC2000&/ U±'))


zl—+fa*^i -erxML^E— kipmp^—L'tz=i>T>'y

3_—r=C (sc2ooo&/<^rd-u)

Wt&o $tigj (SC2000&/ <-ry-v)


m 8

£ H^x^-X6D0S

32 m 9 ipmp mwmmm) sheshi do) ituitof® r^oi : b5>XT^'>3>H^j ZL—#& M#LT> n>X>^it-yn>^mE©n>7">y£ies^XOHMES^fTi\ (^Kt) &w%uco ipmp a 6#m#&IPMPttCD&MMm, Ck& SEU '>ZT-&tLT0h—$Jl'Wjft&tMEgtl?Zo

(11) LTFcd ckoC ISO S^Ib^cDtSSrSib^ ^t!T 1^0 (##%)

(S 54 [U La Baule iha) M6473 Proposal on the Renewability of IPMP System mrmm M6517: Extended IPMP system with ID registration procedure ®“F«» M6518: A New IPMP System combined with Digital Watermarking M6519: Open B to B architecture of MPEG-4 / IPMP M6572: DMIF secure channel support request for IPMP solution M6573: Advanced IPMP descriptor for IPMP solution M6595: Regarding interoperabihty security and standardization of IPMP T7,5r —

(m 55 HI Pisa ^) M6732: Proposal on a Message for Renewabihty of IPMP System M689L Further step forward for finalization of MPEG-4 IPMP extension on Big Picture M6905: An interoperabihty provided by IPMP/XML 7X=3r-

(S 56 [U Singapore ixn-) M7026: Generic Messaging Framework and XML based description for the flexible IPMP standard

33 M7119 : Proposal on IPMP Idols Information and IPMP Tools Management

M7130: New time stamp for IPMP processing J > M7131: Usage of IPMP descriptor and IPMP elementary stream J > (Categorization of interfaces)

(12) $ 6.1.4iKiDC/iifrt

6. 2 MPEG-4 t£ig I PUP Work i ng Draft ®<838 6658 IPMP ©SV-fbttx 1998^B*6tf-C,'C5#6stK$nTV'72* s1 1999 MPEG-4 ?7 7 h7*-Ag*S&ail"t©tol9^ittS#©lE$, 2000 If 7 U ©3153 0 MPEG 66? rMPEG-4ifi5SIPMP©l*36S*(N3543)j A^efr^ftx -$8951 Ufc= cni:t£iSLTB*S ££St? 14ff©il$M 2000If 10H©m540MPEG6558 IPMP©>7-4r yVh‘y’7 h l.OAHf)$£tlfco f ©#. 2001 4P 1M©# 66 im MPEG Working Draft (wd ) 2.oi«nfc„ uTi^ wd 2.o ©ESks ^©a®k*o^ettte$©®ssffis T&o

6.2.1 WD ±#©m* MPEG-4 6651 IPMP © Working Draft (WD) 2.0 it, 2001 If 1 M ©3155 ® MPEG 66? WD2.0 T-ldf 665* ipmp -CM6#16IbUJ;d k m E®$B SttBffix mekm#*K 6651 IPMP i;iptoU£'>Xtf A©jg,6#v\ ^#S#© E5x

(1) ffl!5©$« kn*s,(MSn5665SIPMPS6S©-*ttS«-7)fctoi:U.T©fflSg6S#Ufc= m# a# Mutually 3 5 3 4 ? 4 IStiSl'Ts Acceptable Trust —V3>05S*BS, %% 3U3)r-^3yfflfiiti|:lil'Ts %&### Level ti: 353.~>r-'>3>k«, ©-eii* <, ^ap74,ykpc 6:im &*&ir&?m©uk3«a@ 1\ Trust Level ©B v.litDf" 4ffll?i4*t'o IPMP Information ipmp \y-M5ffiS£ft&3 ^yy&iM-TSligM'Sk&.StSB,

34 IPMP Tool IPMP (HJE ipmp ipmp 'y-yWSmSIS&ffd ck&StoET-B IPMP y-yi/CSS&Mto ft: f/EE IPMP system, IPMP module, IPMP plug-in ti as6©$a©5aEss»i/tv-^o Terminal t-emn (consume)

Basic Identification Terminal 7^ ■y|-7j-E ®frg\ /t-ygX -H-df-P LTV^3>T>V7d—v y h©($zb\ t"d 7 r ^ M> V tSf86Sts° Credentials ipmp y-;v<7WJtiircfcD > =LD © ioj l ^ Tr fif/£ c? ix -2> o Mutual Validation j'-^ElVkIPMP7->fS, * U < kE IPMP'7-;V®(Cd3V'T. W.T©## ©*&< fcfc— a&iEU— btZ3-Jr*n'%HiLt?>£bo - ('£>*) - ««*«©)** (7j-7'>g^;v) - 8tHto±©»AE tf7'>ai-)V) Identity Validation St IPMP \y —% L < &JPMP Trust Level ^ 'y-te —^©£ft0 ii : Mutual Validation fi:ntV f^0^> F'>x—^EpfcflfTSfta ©£#U Identity Vabdation Trust Level li : Mutual Vabdation ^id^SP^lh Identity Vabdation C h —X ^-;Pb.toTl!)ffinIfi6*W®(:*t ’>i to Obtaining *££© IPMP Missing EIPMP y — (^V7>D-P) m IPMP V "E- b z to Binary IPMP -7—;PfflSIS7* —Vy ho 7y y h 7d~-A-I&#fflta—71 Representation -f gpn — K. hn-K i&WE 1:^-5 Representation IPMP '7-yp©;W± V mmiftZtZ Normative &iE5!S@o Format Interoperability mpeg nyv->ym\m%bK w^v-^hntzum^ntz'n & in—©:/ wtzzt, &t>\ in-©v— 3 >f- 7 W & C

35 MPEG-n MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21 Content Consumption fttfLcftl&tr—AT Content Consumption Renewability y — 7 XJlftMissing©ttffitfe-S IPMP y —&&## L/z D, #& T3 IPMP >y —lU^ffUvi-'yaVtBSff ZZto Content Stream MPEG-n®a©A*3y^-yy 0 ny^yyroaSiSttlgtt, MPEG-nffittS c«c#u *«is-ci±y 5y^tf-yyxkUT&do 3>fyyit #»© S&-E>IS$7d P3H/?%*lc)&f,ttT^&##©$aibX h V—ASSA/ T-fcAix,

(2) Situs IPMP Extensions (i, ikX CO MPEG 7SS (MPEG Mutimedia Representation) Cigffl =t d -f 'sgftZZttU t$56© MPEG-ntgig^© v try^ttAmendment0®SCT?j£S£ft-S*0fct‘-So cn^ortgirf*EtS"ei4> • ipmp • #&©n y ctt 6©^#©%#m £I3J&f -So Extension ©i9§t£ fc/2 T ©WjStiU 1. ipmp >y-;vki85k±-c% ffiE^n^aEny^yy tm^mz&zzto 2. s&S'xyytc .ko-aiy&sns ipmp y-iw a b3 >y &«e airt-ssc to K&&C

(3) E$2:Sl8$fr IPMP 'y-;v/Effl«©*Wb8S 1. c k : iPMPmg&x#u, 777^i/-Eti5*„ 2. t v yy*a : -y t ?*-A-e©ny^ yy ©tissue

(4) yXTA©#&#t\ mpeg -4 toil ipmp '>x^Atrj;ot:isasnfc3>7"y'y%s* (#m) c©ias©B69l;t ipmp -y-;v©ffi53MttkBSrf4lwiEi@» (iStot, .^5%•y-ji£fn-DZtjt>N tfflSItSr- itl.o)

36 See Definition of IPMP Tools

IPMP Specific URL teq for Normative Messages


Missing Tool Location IT = IPMP Tool * Normative Messages Interface

0 10

1. ipmp f-li-Mt IPMP 'V-;i/g)8«»laaf »jgsif.b' Bit 'sT's'Vmm^mts. ipmp 2. IPMP IPMP V—)\/1fMissing ?&%%AC0^&@L»6e ^-5^-;u±v i&Ett ipmp mutually acceptable trust, level &8fe \T.~t'?:>« f 0#, t&igj& IPMP IV—fife Ui- IPMP 3. IPMP "J—11/0$E# ^Instantiation) i" Mutual Validation P Identity Validation omn 4. wwHktmm IPMP Information 0 IPMP „ EIPMP 3>^>y0?ft» (Consumption) Al:v fflaSHG-t-Be

(5) ±IB0E5.#V'IBiEJ;tiv LVFOSS^ISip-fbfflS t 1. IPMP 12—11/0#^ 2. IPMP iy-!i/t6#t#©»te;S 3. y-;v$l#tig-i:Sa#IS0l6BtcSSTE»«*v^;i'0i§S 4. raiPMP >y-;v^0T^4zx 5. IPMP y-A/0@«J

37 6. ipmp y-;vflS^y-;vkiS5m©;a®l6ifci 7. ipmp tv—Ai:i$5fclMI®ffl5|gE 8. iPMPy—;vfcJS*R8©*« 9. ipmp "J—h V s-z>mm

(6) *

6.2.2 B $«•*!»*

±#a&miPMPi/x^A®9-*>yp7 7 h«@f®s®i:»ofcB*ti3g®Essy.Ti:ii6 Xx 6. 2. 2. 2»-C(i. f®(#TtS%t®CcV'-C#iiAi"6o

(1) B*&tt«$#@ (a) 4-vv >©a* (m6572: DM IF secure channel support request for IPMP solution, m6573: Advanced IPMP descriptor for IPMP solution, T. Ando, et al)

DMIF-b*n.T^-V >*A©I8$i: IPMPtv^ V 7"* Cupstream ®IM^6Sfjnf ?,»&$

(b) «TF®St®»$ 1. (m6473: Proposal on the Renewability of IPMP System, T. Senoh, et al)

IPMP vXxAfflMfffi*- *-/IPMP 7)V3 V XA/IPMP vX^Affl 3 V'XIVfflHStSBl

2. (m6517: Extended IPMP system with ID registration procedure, T. Kogure)

r7 u 3L-f>i>mm ID S»E6Btt51j ® 18$ H/’>3 —"C MPEG-4 TXU k UrSi6*to-CU5,B^ 7 V tn-^ IDSS aietfiFMP i:6i6@= 3>^>7®i5i$ei^ iammk#tcx ibswid taas®* id & |B]l#ICaB# U\ Registration Authority C3 >7^ > 7 ID ®—"SB it 6o

(0 S±tfn-y7x®f$$ (m6523: Rights Authentication for MPEG-4 content(Ticket Authentication Protocols), K. Shin, et al)

38 MgE7°D hn;i/j ©JUg (=?>^>^Ev7h/h-^>^«rAP ^ v-tr-v (h- ^>S97°n bn;v) F)

(d) (m6518: A New IPMP System combined with Digital Watermarking, T. Aoki, et al)

r^vcDim^j omm IPMP-PF WUc^©©^o Oo

(e) TX4r-(7)tES 1. (m6519: Open B to B architecture of MPEG-4/IPMP, I. Kaneko)

^--y> BtoB m IPMP XML t IPMP C L ££ISo V vho 3JavaV:M§r®l5L

2. (m6595: Regarding interoperabi I ity, security and standardization of IPMP, I. Kaneko)

EB©^—: • XV- h jj- FOtJea 'J • DVD kL -fe^TO. u r- 4 • Java CD-L^tzl U :r r^Pjl^Mv^^TV^o • ISO/IEC15408 •fe^riLUxJ©U^,7^-V^>b0^ai^/7 • mpeg -eipmp-£'&.&%>cji-if/yn/wycf-a^<%^cko

(f) For More Convenient AV Life(DfikM (m6525: Introducing a domain for use control, M. Kitamura)

(2) mmmm (a) 4rW (m6572: DM IF secure channel support request for IPMP solution, m6573: Advanced IPMP descriptor for IPMP solution, T. Ando, et al)

39 © DMIFAPI SS*V"tV--BA sx ATT A / -fec/ya^-fey IT'yTIffltJfaPf T*A6-tbtf-h UTO&U (B,IIBG6#U'-O'&V'0o API fflA7^-?C Secure 7 A7618lf\ -bAyTATTll/O-fe y h7-y 76explicit.tcf^o

(afcfi API m) DA_GwmelAdd (IN: serviceSessionld, loop(qosDescriptor, direction, Secure, uuDatalnBuffer, uuDatalnLen); OUT: loop(respcmse, chartnelHandle, uuDataOutBufier, uuDataOutLen))

(b) (b) —1 teTroae 1 (m6473: Proposal on the RenewabiIity of IPMP System (T. Senoh, et al)

A. mmo&zz > a > "jommm i±s => > a > Bg»$EAH!ecfflu6nTV'.3„ >A> vEmA%AA©m**i»M6WTi: zSi"„

v-/< a—tf«*

111 11 >A>'yE@'>7AA©S*6

a.—if^.E«1"3>ECBS^-fbd:n-E.o aSS-Ssto, n> 7">7E«'>x7LAicSE$ntebL—9 ’^©fltAA5BtS'6«E-e$*v'eirEST-5;itn«» e.*Oo >A>A&ie^ fb-r^fetociafflT-s-So bA S*sav>kV'd#^f*5*5=

40 stoStib-uT, imms^m^nzts '> #Kf6. nx^yxESAX^Att, k'Ay&CEBXfeS k@vbnr6, Ln&iv iot, 3>f>^SIi'Xri»li *StoCiy.TtcSt"M

b. HSfttnasffi©#* l) StEEAXirA (SB l l/^;i/©EE### #msa & ti-c t, %#mAx^Aos^tstt, sb 3#«x KT-S^vx, Bg^SIfflEEl^ 3>^>X*Eyx^A©EE##©m@(=Mf6#tm#

£>&<, Efe&fSilSttt, SB 3 9 GMSfifc 9 x.—!«B *ce^c^«$n^ttna«:6*v'o c©#f4=&#^f6©Cs 3.— ssiffi-es-5©6s—o©«r*$.5„ i>u #m#&f©m$^--vi:a&©-e, SB3#t; $$$il£:9ffifli£il,fc9 L-^'fV'o

a) &^#(:Z6#EE^x^A *#EE^x^A©#**i±, *iu±B&^ii6 s»] fenr *k mwmzmm vt;£to3 ©»$#$« u--i:i>dftE6sj; n-tv'^=


0 12 &M£ECxfA

41 »©Hff¥JHIt, LTF©k&%-e&&


3. mm, #-/%=#%w#*k »m»±, (wsattuti—tf

4. »-/%%%*###?=] >^>v&%#ibu, a.--tw-y —yt*e.n >5">ys yt>D-M-ai»c, a.--

8©H»oiSlt, aL—yw-

-y-yika.--y%*^©t y ^a >tt,±IB©HS«8© 2$^&ton«iv\,$fc, $A@lt, mwm&lgizmtt%©T\ kT*jES-t-*^,o 3 >T>v©e#A*ztt#m©mmmg##mmm#Aa ttt^TSUitr-fe-So it, »—y-vtckoT, a.—Wn>7L>l>’&5#'t-E.BC 3>^>v&%#Ibf%©lt, ev'A®k*-6o b) #a@l=ia#M#yx^A ±iB©&sacj;^iiE»f'>x7LA©a@sis9ii"-Btto. #ta»«^*s*s«a fyXfACiSltS?. #a#e#AAIt, a>T->^©gt^4h*ittSFSCHW@ OSit, ^©#i: LTSAt:#a#&mmf c C© awfflfea, *3-o©bbm ^c , 6#am&e#4bf3t©ic#am&mv'3ck&m$»v^ muiamt, ng^-fbut #a@©#mm&amt-6^t:t*&T % = #im©B##ibt ' ±:B©B@&**f6c k#ama. Sf= W.~F©0T\ x X a > XA#©Bg#Ib h E9Jf 61 ©, 3>^>v©a#9"fb&% X 5 >y>itv?&tb t>tc, 0ft-fb$nta >t:>'yffliSST^Xv x x a > xy v* t u-a-'x x a > xyi/it, #taiief-*sx*fTt>n^o #a# (xxa> Xyv@kaXXa>yyvse) it, SiESee^£S-ei@i|Ib£n, a.--

#-yii:SAicma»ti6. #a*%#Aa©##it,des, feal, misty, idea, MULTI 2, RC5 &t'T-&2>o

42 T

si is vmmziizmgMi'T.T-k


7>7«sggMs. #%%#& &ie-e^bsiu 3.—9%*cmm^ n-5o

^) o 3. i—lfSg*(i, 8BmB&m'TE£&m«k@$i»©ffle%£j$1"5o 4. L'cmm^fL #m#k u-c^.—y i$*Cia#S4l5 = 5. -9 —/Wgr/r^BS^set!^ »5>7%»6Bti^bVs 3.—9W- nfrtt'ST-'s yfetytiyo —K4"-6^C\ 3-—%>o

75 ^>7>miz, 3>x>yc#»bi*ft* ipmp 7--5-kUT3.—tfcjaass tizfr, -9 —e^'>^^A©#BwstT, gij^3. —9 ,trj$«sn5= at^»*sjs*n xi>, L-c$©6©l±x «*U'. #til®l;ck5,EME'>x

43 tzs a—y#3>7>v&S$f aaca—y#©8&##-exy ? >7yi# &8g%fatlf-cat^ ££(::, y-ytia, ##{b$fttxf5>7yi#©##@^ 3_-y@i:#%^©-c. ^-c©^-—9 ’C@bx»7>yyvSI6fflV'^ckA saj*-l.<, a. —tftis #©a.-vt:mm^ ^^##<1:% y? >%/yi#&#mf a c t A%^k»t ^ c ©#c#im©% £5> yyvasrfflv ' fyvsntn >? >y l o t (fc ai^ t ©, y-yttcS- < ©ftSSSHb^cV'-C^tSo y>yyi/@©##-(b©mamgtfx^A

±|3©u-rnA^©$IHEi>X71Ai:J;ti, $At#©S#r^77AA#m$fta© #©##*aia, 6^, f g«aci:* sm*ait!;K*T-s>a^sto c©aM=&#tf t©, «»a, a4i5it>'ifiv'^©¥-#<*»i^^yHa®cT, at, fimuya### &©#m#©m%t#aa*i:*mf a t ©, m^atiaao 5©—Dia, 7^%yy >7yt#A#3#(:%!6f,aa, nVxV'y©*® »m$^«E$3;faci:-e$.a= c©**©#ft&miaa t ©c, —yt 43 t/ a.—yKa, t % 1C ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit, # Sfflj6i6i»©*#ises©c to) ©a9»#%foi#»y\- KyiTyiyf-iyicyxsn a^st© >K^-^©#a-, xyy>7ytm©*m*-^3>7>y© f x y y > fyvfirf x y y > fyvsma 6toa £ 16to <* ttoc, 3>Ka-^->^fA c&a##e#^st&a© c ft & ©gfMc#m© Aaa, se. orange, f^yyyfyv ■ti/n.—yV, —ytfiaitt. —y%^& PCM CIA (Personal Computer Memory • Card International Association© PCffl©7iy) ft— K©t to) © Z 9 11 ~7©t 17 /r— vtru.t$ttoc UTSB^-e-actT-fca© c©#&-c&, i-fs*©««*fcttg^ m±A^©7b-Dyyit>y&±©^ctiaK*tt\o toBitia, Hiffi©^ eA^-otti a© 3>v©m##&#Eu, 3>7>y©ma#B&#mfat©i=#m$ftayd- -j'-7-yft«Asc©tts$#6¥toitfatad©

2) yyzL-yvHE'>77A(S2 V^yv®MEtt#l0 y >7yp@* tia*m#©%gi%M-@Ma^#mbf afp^ >7 >y«Si>x7ACflaA>©x«AsMoA>£S-e, $.ass©*9msEi"a= la>u t ©#t%#tatmmeiamKfatay© c©mme*mfat©, %#Aa©m*## A^#t»a© c©tto, »syiyn.-yvsti±77yy>7yvy:iyi-yv&y —yy>5>y y>n —p L/tldfLiatfett'©

44 a) Java C iHlfyXTA ^m#±,Java?&&. i—yig*T* Java 77V 'V V yp f, iV3.-lVV##t ^^.-1V&#R ~f~Java vl—^tJl' VyV^ —Z/% I—Jl ^^Ct v S:IBSlrJ:3,aHSf'>X7LA6SICVfc Java C£S^S?a-;vBIJr>:*r AOffiB&fb tfcv 7 v 7 3LT«fi66iy.Tt:S1"=


tt0>77'JV~>3> Java/ (— TV VI/7 '>2.

ESI 14 Java ^/JSJfS'^xA

^i^-;v©B»r?4itts ttTffli:i5!)T5*So

1. v-/4jWt£it;£B*rt£P&^ Java tfMU£$te$^'Jn.-)Vtwm * '>' nvsa-tfSg*t:jS6fflt-So 2. J.-VJSW4, y -7>D-h- V7c^ya.-;V6'f >X V-IVU Bgi mts&vfm

—IVy -2-—IVA^zL—y%j^(z 77 VP— V $tl/vESf(Ix $>& e^AST-fiE^n-tV'-BO^JLiv LfrU c©#^x ^5za.-;v©flg^-AS;6P2-- vi$*csyiT z ^ismsc* -6 o seaakur. 6 *, &M$eeg-AS;©*B©d3*lf-C\ e^Sitftoe.n-t e> n-cv^&w#* e>tt# t-c#»-5 c tas* u x-dx, mtmx:y*-)\'tffimvi--Mt, m^b-yf 6 c k»stii*-E.o mS&AkL «S©$.-E.»3#CJ;oTHea654fiEd:n»V'«i^ mg -& t&c. i—vm-na^SKm^m^^izb^ c a? & a o f Mbv^—yaweas/^ —7 > ^ -wv# <7 > *&

4oT x t$7^.-Mbl/6e#^a©B#ri/7yAI4, JavaCJl-S^iVi-lVMSf

45 Java frWSri'XT'&O'Kfi.Us jM$$AsjEV>d kT-fcSo Java /s-ft;i/Y'»a, d" >^yv >^T-&B©T\ Sgfrmit:: Java 771/ v h &#* L 6fm^A^-Bo 5lff$6£±l:fB£tot^ ittgtoC Java T7-W h& Java ^-vyoaiRE^feBo UpU dtlA Java CD gift «S@lffi) t± tTi—i'-eg&- 3o®±g&OS id*®Lfc^Evn. —;i/$®jB1"B#±%&©3.— CPU iVt VCSt"Btti*Si@0-BdkA stti5fcBo fflgttiSl::J;B"Eyn.-;VB SfvX^AOV^ hi>jiT#^6iy.Tt:S1-o Java M-^-WV V'>>M.$&U0 .tots XtV©3%bi'CPU ©##&#< dkA%®B. >D-K^7-f77'Jlt Java 77V >7 h J: D liB A^C®$$SW < s V4 X


$E£fiE^vjL— (^-r^'j) V3>



0 15 fflStoSC±Beyn.-;v®E'>X 71-A

711/7—5S©8S®i8IS"^ ,®(B8!ii!s(if S ® PDA (Personal Digital Assistant 81® t»f848*©d k=) ®#»t/Wil/%*©#6s ttiKiis g&Bo %«5c©-y— 6»u. #m^©mma, n>f>^sa-ymsowec stD-sBActox 3 >^>v&m#TB. oso, ai4«tt, u^mfffB. d©t§£\ 2gpg*SfflIPMP^^7 iAAsj0SJ;*Bo 2®mSa:©IPMP i>77A& KTCS-To

46 0 16 2 Wfc&S© IPMP '>X7A

m i mm® ipmp %«7c0-9—ytkfta-y--^i©ng-e$8£ sb 2 mm® ipmp ipmp iy._hca^fc*ffiTjes$n-So ipmp '>x7A-e©& ©a ^ss 2 mm®$$6AiS*s$i"-6n-h*^Ei/zL-;vAs$2 mm-eaua si-ve ^sa ^? 3@6, C®^iFT'±SAcOSttSAc*Uo WindowsCE, V-f ITRON^PieOS ®#%#B'J® OS A^Do-fb^nTt'-So V7 h i>oiyyiA>D — b«E$:#1"-E,-bA5 —,Java/iST'to$oAco LA>U Java li, ffi^tr*V'>ft®SA 5ltfco 71—v-A;v3>t:a.—^fflttStfibvfe® kiwatc, 1 \ < OAP® OS A^t / W OS t:% & A: 5 A. -6©B5$"C\ fe 6i9)-E>aS® :E7<'OVOSffl®9>>>D — P^Ei/a—;H±N SLAcOtl HAcfe Aci'o


Acit-C* < =r7, V =7'y-/)V^: /1#®#0I:(S 0

3) y%^AA#m$fS/^^A(#3 P^l/®M»f@a#) 4-$XT s IPMP'>X7"A®®|lrtt^S»tttC-=>UT£tca^-C*Aco IPMP ©mk*CM f (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11N3543 : Call for Proposals for IPMP Solutions #bb) t6 itA:m®#i4=w:, ot ®

1. 7\—Pt7:r7®*/Jvfb *5W;L e®gf'>X7A. #1:, J; A &&mi©B8r>x7 atES-c

47 2. mm (2>x-9 ltzx va■-;n*f '>xf- A-enat- s 4 „

3. 3 > y#ss6ij®as 3 's=r's"JG>9t>'sV— IPMP ') 7# t LT3 > t- > y c^a-fbT^ c kTUSt-1

4. 3.— *gm±x -9--VW&SiMa-.©B|gBe&kl:3. —y-ISE (mtK h*-

fiifS#©|gffittx JSt* —P'©fiWK±fflfc«> Cfift>n^)^Sf£o SWifSail CC-C»«T$6. 3—W^V^-y h*-p P'>*-7 h*-h*sttic3.-y©fiiwssiium tCx 3—tftt, K##7rl@?fb Lfc^ Vv-z h* — If—a " ttx Bt^-fbbfc^V'>->y h*-b'S^6^ 3-— -cafentfx »1/i» h *- PrSttfctx 3.—if© -evTx if-Attx 3.—Ift;5#bfe3>

5. 3—tf©E£tt*S *5#tiu 4)-eiiEz4yc*S"ei8S"e$^o

6. 3—!f©##«# *smix tiLhiE^fc J; 3 & k‘©#5:#S©^JfflS6!l*S«T*$S IPMP «fAt Se$t$3„

7. Sift* 1 ?> ©3 >X > V-9-3 —y©##*# « HDD ^?3vi/3^eu©#»##$fi»WtVl:3>^>Vx v =? yy'Amzidmtz c t-ejis-e * 3o

8. %*©#*# *$i4=iix ipmp '>zrAx-mmr-&2>o zzx, v-sm, 3>y>v ©^■>>n-p*i#c3—mzm^iL^muti>rnfxx^ 3>^>^©#f##&*#f6%*©#m#&mmf613-offlsaii, ^yt_ bl-Tfe4s zWA—— ©MllJCctb, 3—Ifli, 3>7L>^6S6CiEE-e$ e#x 3>'yL»mf^.7 17-7 K#RL^3—*f%lix IC #- K^U—1p —©

48 9. 3>r>y®Z>7-^yt'(>l?-^'y'7T0Vmn£'l:mmrgZ>o ZZT\ 3>T yy 0###c, JL-if6DS h (;: fo £ p y 5" y y ti: 1 ofctttfe^o ft

10. p.—t^ko/v-K^r^v? b ^aiyoSSf^ilD^n y^yy-^p- —ifoS *Uf£E 7)^9)T^^c^TH3lT'^^o cce, it—^yyp —Kite #?E"Evj.-;v ©§6^WJffl^fFRlfM ##^&^&^D0Pyf-yy0^yy P- K£ 1 py^yy®#m(± loL&#%U&Wo p-itm#^ b3£y p.-it(±, IWi:eyi->'V§gftW>n-Ft^l.o

11. p.—M^^T^M^mD^py^yy-^pL —it6DWJf%# ^fTO> 10)©£&T'^3|-££3o

12. py^yycD##% 9)^ 10)06 o

13. p. —ifoWMft 4)^12)0^'t##'T^6o

14. W)(D15&X%MT: £ 3 o

15. H y % % t f V wmiJ0##% 1)-^ ^)Ol5^X%MX §• 6 o

16. tfy%%tfVwc#M $^ll 15)0^^#t#6o

17. *]Efto> i)0^&T^#-e#6o is. 17)0^^#-C^/5o

49 19.

20. *e$esE ^BgT?M^fe«fS!l«y'-K^xr*V7 K7x7<6'i*tb*V'IPMP '>7.7-AxnmxiZo

21. *sm±, *a*r-x£^fcisflito6s©®v 'ipmp

y.±tc5xi-5i^k-e©mfeS®i@*6abT, Az©@f$a. 2 @m* a©iPMpy%^At:pcm©ytu^©@*&A##Azu%^mL##&#*f^f r -y ^ >/^-^>y »Tt7 i-wg&ttini-ac kT-assn-ao *Eiga. a-v%$© os 3>^>V©y»>D—PRC, tg^a.—twg*© os tzya-h*sn®^i&$n^o 3 A^E^aiSnfc Oto©®SrCI^Snfc 0 -y^ xfi'^rd p«ig*5iffl«fg^*u S 3 V^oi/©ESr14B!E (^ftto&BSrvX^A) lix va.-;i/Mfr->^xiiztoX X, ^z-y^'i'>/^ai>y^T'>hSlg©^>n-pSStt=±M)»ESf'>X7 LA&OT cwf. A*%»E#y%^A©m#r$max m±i:xM%a&0T6a.


JL SI±^vzl -;u «Bt=EvzL-;u 5<^5V) (7^7U)

^iV^^>/^x*y>77''t7h OS


HI 17 IPMP *s%t U

C. InS 3@PgffllgSrtt«|g6#t'5 IPMP iyx^ASilSL^o SBSf wfA (m 1 i/^ip©#*###), cm 2 i/^;i/©@m##) a cfcVSAto^ESvX^A (SB3 v^n/©BSrtiHSg) bhfe© 3 ^^/©Efr^XT AT\ A-C©g{4=t#&f 3.

50 (b) —2 t£T©fll* 2 (m6595: Regarding interoperability, security, and Standardization of IPMP) mpeg -4, < #tefti6S4©se4toCbn>-t©$eaix& •So MPEG7^-;v*-6-T-li, eyXtf^b-koFiito^kX^AI^lwrovYTOIllrWto ft, >5--7j2-xcsevc©ss*k®8iji^©-hl3'f>*-7x- X^fflftlttCoUT, H3fr#©i3I£iffl©T, ±IB«^H±C!B*-r-!>#5££iS-?£o gx>--t—©ASSVSC&dStt-eii, -A, c ©«t^:iatt«tg*sai*u x, t- 7 >xr7 v a >-^77 e»©xxs ;x 7 h^to 7 k—->>7 -y77BiMffl-ffiic, E#WM##®E& #m t> , iPMP#w#*&m# txcx p u -a©^ x s. v ^ma«Aa©:a*#mAA e. & W f ©##XkXXA&igbM^a, 0PIMA'X-XfflX3-n-h"1-^©-C, m#fflS6#$IU£IPMPEl§rkXXA£»!81-.|,ic tt, ?dt-ll/#A©Big Picture (8660) fiifr*tt^+^T-fei3, -b3rxT3 kXkXtiKIkX ^A©ma&tB%k-M-, tiUP©to;S*e>6, Walk Through (JD8$@) &W&WU Wk l:%<#»kXXA&^-X(A AMJiSg&filx I#©#K##&#R4##kf ^s, iPMPvx^A©&{m%&m#f^*x&a,. fct, XXX'f >V7 b X^T’©'!' >^—7x—xiSttsatoJ;? ki"^^&l±#$fb## C&iS^-L&VX

(c) S±-tfa-y<7X©as (m6523: Rights Authenticat ion for MPEG-4 content (Ticket Authent ication ProtocoIs) , K. Shin, et al) a . mm C©X#±, MPEG IPMPS^rtSCr^HzXS^SffiSIg (Rights Authentication) &# Xf 3 C i: 4 B to i: LT3„ 77tzXSK@Eii, 3>Xk7©#(f# @#(Ctg#©##©-7rC&b, X—>X>7t;*t 1/tiEU'>X7-bXMS4#LTV3 ibiESICIi, 77tzX*BSE!i, OT©aj *E® #E4Bto^f 6.

• ##JaBi£ (rights description) ©%^4 (integrity) ©#E SfiliaiBktix X—9=6S3y^>7lcy^4zxr-E>®r$67^$;v-;v6iet£V&7:-j'-, ra&T.—ybtmss&a uxsrssnxv ^ ixtorx-bx 6sto

51 • mmam b^-if ©#j&©#m n-(D'3>7'yyxtb-DX^ &aQ w*>s tsfuiBxEii^ojL —1mznmbxmm\^)&zft%b^z.z>^x'foz> 0 c (Dmmt, ^FiE^^-iflt, & fzfr&&fr(Dmmmr-*x&zfr(Dj:5tm\ ^iEiz=i>^>yizT^±xt^Mf^ 7bs$>zzt%Mf%t&o ztut, m# uj t£i£ti&&&z0 ##j#a mt^-y-'cDftj&cDmE^ wjbb^-*Lxi^jL-mziEl< ttfoLXi'ZZt%$iiiEt%Zt%BffJtt%o

Z © AST (4u Hitr-tf D y ty'X b tz Ticket Authentication Protocols!!] a^ 7 ISO/IEC 14496-5 IPMPMessage iZM&biMsZ bX\ MPEG IPMP CjSU xT?±xMfemmm%mmtz>j5&zmmLx^z> 0 ott ^ zcDxmtmmbtb^ ISO/IE C 14496-5 Z>o

B. %3m#? 1) RightsDescriptor ©SA BaseDescriptor © a £ H £ & 31 b > # C OpaqueRightsDescriptor A £>' ReferenceRightsDescriptor ©—"O©^^^©SA^iSSbTV^-^o RightsDescriptor (iN lu -2) 3 >A—% > b T$> 0 > fBLUIMSSa (rights description language) £oTl3^£to£r^-bX;b-;V£iSjg • f^ir^fao iiU WJldj^©HE©[*lS{ 2 mil© IPMP vX7"A(rJ;oTMS^n^Gb§rlutlbbr43D> ##ib©M#T(±^^o OpaqueRightsDescriptor liN ^A©T^-feA,H/—Jl/&faszL£tl% RightsDescriptor X$> D> ;i/£gjgRjag$jtfUffl£na0 ReferenceRightsDescriptor {iUdU AA©T^-hyUV —JWx©;^^ ># (#^Uf bti URL) ^ ^ ^ ft a o ReferenceRightsDescriptor 7 > A > > -^ ^2- — lb* © fal T RightsDescriptor b^c3>7^>>©#fb#^ «L^)T#^%gT^fta (L7^7t7-h

2) IPMP Descriptor Atb IPMP Message ©M31 IPMP Descriptor IPMP y7fA©E 7 b T 7 XOtz&OZi >74 ^ >—> a > 7 AT& D, IPMP Message l±^b#C^fbAa####^ iPMPvA^A^Bfagto^^na^-^^^x-e^ao A AST (4: IPMP Descriptor &T7 IPMP Message ©^li£i&31bT> RightsDescriptor TAP Message &#^T ^ajigCAacbbTVa<,

52 3) TAP Message fflSA rA-feAjM&EEOfe&CIPMP -> At A k 'A—A- flbken) TAP Message A D, IPMP Message TAP Message Mb f|±-irD y A AtfllB^Lfc Ticket Authentication Protocols -ACS#$nrt>^o feTFIA TAP Message ICS'S <7AtA i£^t-6o

• tiMae»7;p=ruXAicsdv'fcgE¥8Et TAP Message ICS'S < A A-bAS^lSEtib Tll/d V AA&'t-A H^tclix ftgfflTiWu XAtCtt# LT TAP Message fcitt-tt* <, Hi£ t ;v=f V A A t-T- # 3 J; 5 !Sff-$ft-a > 3 o vxAickL rsa , dsa , $%#E#ic Sts < msETjp=f v XA»^s$n-6=

■ IPMP ->AtA®EE TA-bAXfelSElCinx-C IPMP i/ATA&EEfa,##&»^-h L-CU6. cm S8Btcj;Dx^?S»:lPMP'>ATAAsn>T>A6ffliai"5ckSte<-ck*iRjEk7dt?i 0

#mamA%m$azv^o. ^--y m v < *k ut t v&vev

SSsM'-SPB t>, IPMP '> At AMbFIE£1&»-r £Ct&Z-g6o

• EElCiBStC-r—5 3E#t

mJt*«JM$;E06K5&k\ EEfiK@m^lc A@»T-A&, IPMP vAtA • Taken ■3>tAa p@ro$$ T A -b AXtelgEAWA L;fe»6\ IPMP v AtAC Token ©Ht3>f^A h SI til? «n^>BSS-0®7tis$£S$*tCiE86Sh,^o 3>tAA hStob IPMP AAtA • Token R5A giSiEvamffSnST —A$#tC|$l/?A T-A®BgI|(t • A y-b —tyggEd — P (MAC) mmm • #ElC#B2fl&.

(d) **roa* (m6518: A New IPMP System combined with Digital Watermarking, T. Aoki, et al)

a . mms *#*T*tt. IPMP*ss

©Btotib j:Stffro mpeg -4/tpmp itib^UTJ; D-bArn.UT'fM4&6®3CHKlceFIS*-b«li®-9ft*A s2%%m#m-b*

53 ^ v 5^im®tzmzmmznztiK 1 u i&m

miW5m&&&tir fc =j >x > y *$mtZ> c a i: & * o

B. v YV—ZtabTIlZ IPMP x>n—y • 7=3—y®#5%

♦sweat gi is n^vr-jro&iPMP

0 18 0'>^7^A^ 5^-t?>Xth—A 3 7^-tr >%if—; t&:x—if^3i& >x > y if—; x> 6 (D^CjCB L&#A

Content Server User Terminal

License Server

0 18 ®e*yl-'7-»

0 18 © IPMP '>*7^1:431 1-ts 1-^03 >f >9S*i>?)3 >f >9§f stffli *to*toa©$nttTiBcDab -e$> £. &*, TK©iwt-tt, ny^yyy —/my^-by* yw\*C =fc^-ta9 5>frC©l?.liE£ft-CV'.5&©i:{©£t'&o

54 >x-y —ytcy u i—trnx ipmp 73-^;

%7772: 5'(*>*■$■ —svtj-—tWB*®]HSttSigilEUfc«i:JL —tflD, IPMP 7 3-^ ISEo

X7-yl/3 : 7'f -fe >X-y —>7>'7#-/K:3 >t- >y ^SsR-T-So

Xfy74 : 3>7>'7-9 —tfS5fc*e>©S#SrS«^ y1CMLCC03 —tf^JE

{#3—$fcx *si:e.bt ltA»AUro#A6ti<4*P-£o

%7V7R: 7'f-b>x A-Ati:3—-yogglBS* (A 6TOc;8*Ulf86#ALA3 >7 >'P) §3 >7 >y-9 —yllceSf?.,

Xf»76 : X773"5 ICAt\-C3--y@JEtlAWAx 3 >7 > V»-X|l3.--tl%kl=#L 3>7>'PSiH«-r-5o

-Ax IPMP AAAAtt IPMP :r>3-^ IPMP 73-y^6#g&^K IPMP 7>3—Ali -4Bl:3>7>v»—/^@lcgA*x##fb3>7>v&%^7>y/iHbf -Ax -#l: IPMP 73-ytia. —y%*mit:mA^x ’smimntzWiito >7>y£JHEf 4AtotcfiM$n-6= ipmp^>3—y, ipmpT3-«n?n®M7a-m i9x h 20 ICSto

Scramble Key

(Watermarked) Video/Audio Encoded IPMP Scrambled Bitstream Scrambled Content Content File Encoder Content Encoder Content Multiplexer Bitstream File

0 19 IPMP y

f X f X f X Scrambled Bitstream Scrambled IPMP Encoded Video/Audio Content -» -* Content -> -► Content -> Bitstream File Demultiplexer Decoder Decoder J J V_____ J V V______* __ Decoded Content

r X Watermark Watermark Information <- Extractor >■ Output Devices V V

a 20 ipmp7*3 —ymtoS^o —

=rd ¥f>)va>:r>y®WFlS&Mkti& Eu (D © a* vtmzmm v £ % © (3) ^©tt©#$W

©?B#m 2 TZ t, (2)tt2ftmeK* -etitt* < JEftfflWJ©v^;v-c-$.ot^iEflfllE6±ai*o-ct' &t<'o ssiidxa^m v-mii-soxa oMmuz.'ommmzmmtz s«©#f L^tm^ma^m^tZo *li$Ti4x TlB©S;(l)CIt^'C)iUTa*itli«*$«-r-5o

Watermark = {(decryption key, user ID) (1)

56 Ex 1: "When regarding security as important (the size of waterm arh^ inform ation : large)

Ex2 •' When regarding quality of the content as important (the size of watermark info rm atio n : sm all)

T(x,y) denotes divisio n (xjy) * =101101 y =0010 01 f(%y)= 10 1

Ex.3: When this m ethod is not used (the size of waterm arfinfo rm atio n : None) y) is zero fo r any x_,y. x= 101101 y = 001001

h 22 fo©sesw

ziDiioc k c * tx 2 -lomm mmm®.

-f at®#* U < US % Z t £& £ 6(X f043BR1--S i tCUtS **z tt> nimr-&z<, 2 o©tky h?u om & jL-viD) vti«&{M-rnii, tr-y t?ij©m6cIX A*Ctk6>rtitt/t> s0t;y hk»3f0 ±<©|B|-yXf F0©U < o &©#!]&El 22 CSto

D. Sk© kS^a* LSE6#WCE^'at>'ti-fcE U' IPMP SStcovxttH# LfcAK e^a A1 btit®li$> < ST* * 7"-> a > k LTfigfl $tlZ'<:gZ‘$>6o -3S?x I'frtj: zm&iz&wst'* mm k v -> ? tott-ma <, t u s -r #ic u>>fe&<” a*- L##m©a@% »*#$-?« m©#&ö ckcs tx c©zou?v< %.

58 wgii -eia. ztiz-emTMfru#$*©SAt::si c© $l/aksck -dt&mmx lx.

(i-tfU'fc&i&ST-fe-So 4-0©IPMPExtension"Ctt. C© 9—7x-X*s®«$n-2>Ci;%SS

(e) 7X4r-©*S* (e)-1 7X*-©%% 1 (m6519: Open B to B architecture of MPEG-4/IPMP (I. Kaneko)

Call for Proposal($e*SS)C*ft-5BSk LX. MPEG-4/IPMP ©BR$ B to B T-^rX£ ^"7—V/co |g®@BtoB 7—*=r0=5-\ —t 14. IPMP X y-b —XML T*!B4 Uif—^t—flK IPMP XML ©jfcWEBCS'dV^. tfi IPMP ^ -y-tr-yii©^CkCZO. cm©##© IPMP *S©ffi5jgfflCe^-E, IPMP |BGE»s0Sgk*D. IPMP ISt^g

(e) -2 7X*-©«*2 (m6595: Regarding interoperability, security and standardization of IPMP, I. Kaneko)

IPMP extension ®S*Wg©^-e. tg®iiit4. 6£ti. V C ne»ffiSgffltt. 1gIpfb©H«Cou-C^Lfco f©jtO&M#©-0lkL%. DVD i4@,2plb4tiri>/cC LA/ -fe4rn.'174 *-IV^.©^C mzsijMi'Xt^zzfLZo $fc. ic*- p©*4-i:aa$fba»ftxt ©*S&IB@ti:$ DTt '/rl 'oJava ©tgliliifc ’ >J 7 4 ±©A S&m#* bfcW$> 3= c ©z 9 (:##b k2%# k -b * n. v 7 4 ©M*l±. #c##fb= -b*a IJ 7 4 ©ffiT&Stt* 3©"C-ti:& <. ffiipfbCJ: 0 -b*n. VA-f AWSfflfe

(f) For More Convenient AV Life ©jg$ (m6525: Introducing a domain for use control, M. Kitamura) **•

**•14:. LX4 >©#Aj i-oi>Tl£0I}bfc&©T*fc-5o

59 A. Bto

L/M" <, #C$-y hg#l±f -5-fflfe to ic Wffitt © [S|± t; ttiB® W H * *> ^> o

IPMP (: MV < >®^x.A&lR0 AnN 3>^>V##©$###&ro<3,, $W#©$UM ®§6Ss y^^fy-iizseffiu ^33a^totc, • cmrj;f)x 3>ir>v©**#a%m#©A#l:* h- j^©®B-e mmzimu 'vv?mnz®o<,

Private domain

content & use condition Tools for |i| Tools for illllllll providers ;# payment info,

(gw? gateway) *4* Public domain

El 23 An example of applying private domain to content delivery and use

60 Digital MPEG-4 system AV input / output stream

IPMP system

Application IPMP interpreter

® 24 An MPEG-4 user system with proposed scheme

6.2.3 mmmm 2000 53 tu MPEG ^X^ff^tlfz rMPEG-4 IPMP ClB# b Xs mmxMWLLtzR^m&^ts 2000^ 10^©s53 0mpegw-y- 6^0 bmc,

(1) OCCAM (m6452 : OP IMA: A response to call for Proposals for IPMP Solutions, P. Kudumakis, eta I) Open Platform Initiative for Multimedia Access(OPIMA) 'tfilzLtibfz'ft—17° > U — V; V IPMP v X A £ MPEG-4 IPMP t bT^#b^D— ^ C b b> Secure Authenticated Cannel(SAC)©5i'^©fi^i b\ IPMP y7rA b^2-—— 7a:—OPIMA OCCAMM Registration Authority Certification Authority CD Ili cf tlX l 0 C ©tEslltiU MPEG-7 ^ MPEG-21 b LXbMtZ t^Mo

(2) NetEx tSS (m6520: MPEG-1 Layer-3 Inte11ectua : I Property Management & Protection (IPMP) Solution Overview, P. Hastings, eta I) NetEx#AW>f-:7"y h±X MP3^^7 y ^ ;V^CDEW-bfLtz Electronic Package Delivery(EPD) vy^A£j£31 IPMP b bTtlSo 2048 tby

61 Ribn—dc -r ^©ias^*3 ^©(Bst.fF-fo x.509 icipto bfctisigffisff a=

(3) e-Vue $|3R (m6422: IPNP Interfaces for the MPEG-4 Terminal, Avni Rambhia, Jean LeFeuvre) HSH4/ffl5jgffltt/@ipTb©ws* 6x ^-^esktimesmswtoScotN-tiiSo y- -yttciix XT^7tf-/T#mf-/w uy v >y/\yximKD y —^/dum (.rvmimm ©4-y —y^-ti-So t'v —api ©uxt , xl —ao —xcyxx u y^x ^'fv^’x >yuxFu — a )x 7D 77-f;i/@i/-^;i/%-5. DMIF =f-\>4-;V©®fl3Sffi/J.—y-f f Kf-f t%©6(2>a^&6##&x

(4) I PR Systems (m6527: Rights Language for IPNP using ODRL, R. lannella) tiSEIPMP y%^Am(:##J##§*a©*%. 3 >y>y©Wie@&f?7%© Open Digital Rights LanguageCODRLWx CFP ODRL W:#f*©&#M k L oDRLttxMLaaa^c-c-x MPEG-7 ktm@^mt'

(5) Maryland A& WashingtonA©$ti6 (mG520 lz##: Dynamic M4: A Dynamic Multicast Key Management Scheme for Groups of Multimedia Users, Wade Trappe, etal) y;w;wB7ii/:pipyx F#ga^&©*%. m>)yuv'>^ x >r>-iiiPx K^-e«*B9f-fS*a) kx DynamicM4 k«2ft-S3>^>yt*toiM/elt 6E@1"-5> *iS©IS^-o

(6) NDS ©#% (m6520 ItiSft: Intellectual Property Management & Protection Solution Proposal, David White, Yossi Tsuria/NDS) MPEG-2 © CA yVx A^\® Entitlement Control Message®CM)"C. ##A ©3>?>7*jffltSH&®J|iSt--6»kx a*vr-3TOSete itx m&©3>y%m$sim©#max EMc®ntitiement Control Message) kx -b^n. U x-f *- p-eSBSU IS* Lk$&V'|B«6T*3 >7">'y©®£® ®6Hai--60

(7) InterTrust ©$IS (m6443: Flexible and Robust IPNP Solutions Using the MPEG-4 IPNP Hooks, D. Almati, etal) mR© MPEG-4 Hook #i£© IPMP h k©$#« IPMP yX ^Afflftg&JKHffx f©i>X^A&@af 6 URL©»=*& 3>7->"JCSftTS Sit,

62 6.3 IPNP££;L£NPEGftft

6.3.1 MPEG-4 Video (1) ®$ MPEG-4 fffcft-Cic-SiA 4—$itB£S4b"tu3l6ffl:9W2001 4p 5 imt-2ooo -<:-&£<, cw± MPEG-4 tmmsmmm-e&b. *###%-&%;*%J:? -nm» © mpeg -4 ©#aA^c%# -eS5 6ffl"C-8)5 = *d —30 MPEG-4 ©Sg&tBll^SAH >4'-* -y ti£*0/1V3>^6,0T^ -bXtdjnx.. i t— P & ©7 t A & AO A D. -4 >£— *y b An *»4g«tiiAT^-5o h_k-emmi&m%&c k©#^mm? 11 \ 6. «xtf 4 > j'-* -y h TV ns, 4'V^-^.y t'ftS&if-Cfe-So liit> h'HAWx QoS©eEA s&u&b:\ #!#&#-) 6©©R0mA6$u. MPEG-4 l±A#$ ##ib. x 7- yy;i/##4b%^0#mc4: b. c©R9mi:*%f%. M: MPEG-4X b 'J-ASit?.fe»07D h

(2) MPEG-4CtSO/IEC14496)«: 1993 CtlitWkO MPEG-1/2 ©ctotm o, ®e-y pv-v^ommm^omm-'autzntz', mmt ©i#tp?vAf-X74 T##4bk UT0#6t%b Atrcv^ < c ht:»6o f LT 1999 $%© irx^asa-T-s. e mpeg -4 a > i kur^u^o^©! ^an© 2000 tociix ^4bm*%#^mmbmn0v-;p&mnf6/i-i;a >2 C© MPEG-4 ©es^ll-h©--DkLT MPEG-1/2 h (W^RMITb) MPEG-4 -5. • A####ib

• 711/7X7-/7*tl6 m i ©#ai±mb*##fb-c6%» mpeg -4 ©sv-fb^n^s cm* tv *stote>iiss*bfc*©-c- $,•$.= #ic«#„ c©#^"(b#*%#0/c©c 8x8XnyXlb$)#i. AC/DC 78toif©'P-imD/L 6n/c„ ifeXT’y-f P fcPf «n-E>S: 2 "Cii DRCCDynamic Resolution Conversion). GMC(Global Motion Compensation). ®yySlBS DCTtiA-DCT). 1/4 ■HMMfti&t 1SE& iT® "J—iv^iiAil^ ixfco m 2 ©#ai±:c7-e@#*©&fbt&.5o ±syx v 7-y a 7 -f eisiwaecx&ztiztt o . ^ MPEG-4 T-Effl^nfc^ffi±. CRC ^U-PVDt>##©4:9%n:7-;]-]E##©77D-

63 tby b7 b V-AC:n5-»WXl/CtN HfeitCtt f ©R#&AA^» < f c©:n5-Bti!g*©3IHbfctot:Mt;y bft&Sigk Ufc-^7"y '^-f-(-> -(>^-;U b©StS&k'Asfftoiifco $ & ir;x—v a > 2 -ett newpred bWiti£±b UliiSSffli 7-77—<3§pj57y —ji/* 5®/® £ft&o # 3 ©bsaiiv/v^y w T'x©Mtt.'C$)%o cnttffiip-lb©^*LTt'fc 4>7—*y b^TD^teT-StA ll#ft©v;v^yT-'-f Tfb^©S*©*ffST-66-5o t^xliHfiS vmirzftmkmiz.-a ia nm^h0mm* sT&M^nr^o QoS©-REffl^cvw>7-$y bT-oeaitrfttirvtsfctoi^ • SIS77-7ev74©# tb^biffton-cu^o sfe^ffl mpeg -1/2 ©=k9i:@m*iimimi#^it&m?©-ca%<, MPEG-4"C-ttSUhe. 3>Ki-?-?77^ y77(CGX y-vay&ifSSgtkfSo cn&«7&7747 (v/if^T-zr) 6 mpeg -4 kud- -3©##©;#-eis|^c&o ck»snJEk»o-ax?>0

(3) 7P77 4'lH*JiS MPEG-4 7-73>l©e>^71l/#»©7O7 7 4'/b#^&0 25 CSf» BSC/1—>-3 > 2 ©7D7 7'l'/Vto5K£0 26 kH 27 Cwf. «rffltp7ebj|$nn-fb7K*77l'£©A;>>7 ;v • 7D7 7 4'/t/T$>bs IMT-2000 -W >7—4-7 h^fflSfflASffl^SiTCVx^o >7 /b-7D7 7'l'/K;tf7'v f©%©7D77> 71/li $ £ $ £iSrafb%Stil!>6lx>Ab -E-©rp't-*3 7 • 7-07 W/W£;KK^©l$fflAsBfIStoTSD. ©TtfLSI *ffl%tWiMZtlT^ io ££74 >•70774'/l/fcSSU— i/3> 3 k VTjSf^bcfT-fc^^j'i/** • 70774’ /Wiiti$@-C©6*fflj®(:Eft#nTi,'5= $6C/i->3>4 kl/7i'>7-^y bfBffli-W ft^n-67 h V —5 >7 • 70 7 7l'/P%#Mb*-e&3o

(4) IPMP 1-S-O^^fifHS MPEG-4 Visual fflx> 7 >7 'J • 7 b 'J-A*fiE7\ jt«##4b%k© i4^«RE6ff7o jeftcjxe.©»tt±eii@aT-fc-5>77A*-cfft)n2.^S7r*?,o %: >7 >7 D -7 b V - A ICSfNttSIS&ato&tr C k * W|g-C$. 3 7 b D-A©'>>7 y 77 _t7ttCft5> ©7tf— b*s*V'©T% o.—77—7 ©’EtifciBiEft6Ck%&. Sfe MPEG-4 Bm##-(b7a^7>j:7 b##-fbi»77-77/l/##fb^7zM- b ^ ft% V \ 3 ©7% IPMP KML7#f©Km#^#7&^. -o*b —7©0>7»&#l&f6©^-7) ©ai>7>7lJ - 7bU-AJ:l±|5If,*Vx 0 ^7>o:7 b##-fb©#6CK#^7i7^7 b©# #63. */c77-y7ib##4b©#^ftlft -7>-7©^©B3io ^$Hfrktc@mtot:aH- 7>-A>-h&$to;E>kV'|o&ti!6 * sais*sc*^o

64 Core Simple Face

i*f" 4-7-l-Va'J Simple Scalable Texture Simple FBA

Wavelet Tiling

Advanced Scalable Texture

Advanced Core 0 27 MPEG-4 Version 2 Y.Vi-T74)Vm&

6.3.2 MPEG-4 Audio OtRiR mpeg -4 -eta. (v>?-% "j p bv-be UttD, S6-

66 MPEG-4/Audio © Vo 7 7 4" $ 5CS1"J:dl:> Version 1 Version 2 "C'tty V V 7—->a >T'S!SSfU S Version ? 4 offlT ’D 7 74 AAiipl/re^tlTl' •So M4IF (MPEG-4 Industry Forum)&i:''7:ii, Version 1 CD Speech Profiles Version 2 © High Quality Audio Profile k Mobile Audio Internetworking (MAUI) Profile §1 StVCtiSo tfiW-lbk ipmp ©IM-S-to-ti-M-Sk Lx wa^yvu 3 >|*R b &iiL£@si6EeT-$>s ks^^nsoMPEG-4/Audio a 8 es©g»ss ti^MESSSfiSTlvrfUXA6VSUTV 'S £ti>, @$S«T®d<tc+»trj@fflpr|g-c-fcSo

67 4 MPEG/Audio

hf y h V — '>a> Tll/3 UXA©#% h MPEG-1 1993 64~128 kbps/ch Video CD-ROM 32 —77. MPEG-2/B 1996 ^ 5 n 64~128 kbps/ch DVD MPEG-1 ©TOkO1 V >70W\©i£3Io C

MPEG-2/A 1997 ¥ 12 H 32~128 kbps/ch 128/1024 A MDCT X AC MPEG-4 1999 ^ 12 H MPEG-2/AAC, Version 1 • Parametric HVXC 2~4 kbps/ch EiStfv H/—b# 4 kHz

• CELP 4~24 kbps/ch 4/8 kHz 4 OCdr— K • TF 16~128 kbps/ch MPEG-2/AAC, TwinVQ

• Structured Audio - saol • Text to Speech 0.2~1.2 kbps/ch MPEG-4 2000 ¥7H Version 1 ©tfeljS Version 2 • Parametric HILN 2~64 kbps/ch EfSHy h v-«

• CELP 2~24 kbps/ch MWR#fSlV-bti:i O b/1 7V-Ao CELP ©ISO h V (1 71/—A(i 20~40 ms) -bm • fSilE TF (LD AAC) 16~128 kbps/ch (SM&AAC 3oms

- BSAC |5]± V 7°©P§@ AAc AAC^lb • EP Tool - o —Wtiy —/v Version2

68 m 5 MPEG-4/Audio 07077^

Tool Version 1 Version 2 TTSI HVXC CELP AAC TwinVQ SA HILN MWEE AAC EP Profile CELP LD Version 1

Speech O o O Scalable O o O O O Synthetic O O Main O o O O o O Version 2

High Quality Audio O o O Low Delay Audio O o O O O O Natural O o O o o O O o o Mobile Audio Internet A o A O o o Working (MAUI) (EPE) (EPJ®

CELP: Code Excited Linear Prediction, TF: Time/Frequency Mapping Coding, HVXC: Harmonic Vector excitation Coding, HILN: Harmonic and Individual Line plus Noise, TwinVQ: Transform Domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization, LD: Low Delay, BSAC: Bit Sliced Arithmetic Coding, TTSI: Text to Speech Interface, SA: Structured Audio

6.3. 3 MPEG-7 (DWMblblFl mpeg -7

MPEG-7 (A IE^;(r(d: Multimedia Content Description Interface(ISO/IEC 15938) MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11)© MPEG-1,-2,-4 £&« 4#B0

tr-s/ags^io^tmisccFPx )mmk mm (99#2H) tmtDtis m& (2001 ^3 E) (A Final Committee Draft (FCDWM£ nSS(National 1

(1) SefbBM£X=i-Tf

69 MPEG-7 tiu TW$©F*)SSIBieEt" 0escriptor)®##%%#A&#@f-5. k©IBtiifDescription)*^ >7 > ^Ctt-5£ h,3 k k C * 0, v;u^-y 77 7f%#©i*i#l:*3 k©kkc**), 3>7>7©®1- kkA##fb©BKre&6. kk-egamfEui, Hihik y^yivyy, 3

D775K tP—77:*, *tr —7, K7*, 7"v-tz>^-'>3>©#WSEs &37li#tS-9>fB 14&k*©75V7777 TtSI8-®6#S;t--6= fit© MPEG #KkW@C, MPEG-7 l*75P7:><77 TfSffi®# SWepresentation)Tfc fzfzU ^©ESttn>?>yg#;©BS.ffff;SgtokT-E l©Tito<, 3>7>7ffljS

mi*, MPEG-7 oy©#@i-^%i:EPWJk k#-c * &o $Xk MPEG-4 i:*t-3 Ck*"C-g-E>o

MPEG-7 0X3—J

E 28 MPEG-7 (D7.Z1 —7°

H 28 I: MPEG-7 ©7,3-7^711^0 |Eli v>©@7>A;^$nTu5 #, 8Wb©yE k % 5 ©fct**© rtiWMi*iSIB5z6j ©@fl-e$.5= >ii, 7:r8">*4';p37'y5u, 7^7774 7t*&ES, syas©SiESK 75^7/7^ ym#%k ©7 7 U 7—7 a > Ik k -o T MS&7 ■(- P -Cliafe-S #, tiWbli* >9 -*-^7 ©#M frG#;LGtrt:fc‘*5, «spi;MiJofe|BacX7iAfc-5VMitt«©'f >7 -^7ev^-f&m@f6ck#g%k^^Tv^. -3**5, t#$fbc*3-c#@mai^#m :n> v >©&E©imsSttfb£ft, 3>7>yffl*iJfS^MA^£n3kk;bya£>V'k&7 TG5o MPEG-7 #77- P 1-^STT1 V fr—> 3 >tkkl, ##g%OT% < ^ p V-AS©6©&# mf &.*t,3>^>v©tmaiBi#i::a*f#$RM#D^j%%u75P^'f A@©t©t#©6. fc£U 3 >7 >7gftk MPEG-77-4-kkt, *7L*t)W5(k|Blt7-7-;* P U-M>g *7;*7AikS3;nT®3-i@li&Vo$&,toB£ft-B!l$itikttu<3#©i/^;p#@££h, ffip ^;p©#2Stt gitKjCWttl#n? 6 ©Ik* u @,i"35P©#&©MfP,l:l*Af & k k #$®. LfrU MPEG-7a*a©^&*Ek1-3kkl*L/»u.

70 • Parti: Systems (ISO/LEC 15938-1) • Part2: Description Definition Language (ISO/IEC 15938-2) • Part3: Visual (ISO/IEC 15938-3) — D, DS • Part4: Audio (ISO/IEC 15938-4) — a D,DS co#&, • Part5: Multimedia Description Schemes (ISO/IEC 15938-5) — a D,DS • Part6: Reference Software (ISO/IEC 15938-6) — ##cov 7 h^aiT^^ii'rais^o • Part?: Conformance (ISO/IEC 15938-7)

00^0 Part? (±#0/V- 1 — U uao 2001 4^3 -LIBPartl-6 CD PCD ftT U a o

Part2 CD DDL £ LTiL, W3C T^^MA/TUa XML Schema II ([l][2][3]) L, Cfttr/L^&j£E£BL£SCDL&oTUao tzlt L, XML Schema CCDCLCLO, MPEG-7CDlBmS*£fim XML ^ LTWia c Lt:%ao


2001 ^ 3 PCD 2001 ^ 7 BC(±##^^C#T&a Final Draft International Standard (FDIS)/b5fPh£cf tl> 2001 9 B ^ (4: C L o T International Standard L bT^f^^tiaL'/tTC'cfeao FDIS #0CD3 A > b & L OUT, MPEG-1,-2,-4 CDfJWb^LoT, f>^7D7H^"b^747> bF^T0|*]^Bj$b:||1“a7^MMt‘a*i $ L LT CO MPEG-7 & COT& 0, ^#CD#IqI^B ^F fta o

6. 3.4 MPEG-21 (DtjgSftitiA MPEG-21 izi) IPMP #f|BL LT_bb^TUa o CCT(±, IPMPCRB6T, MPEG-21 CD

MPEG-21 (i, IEj^Multimedia Framework(ISO/IEC 18034) LDf (^Fia MPEG(Moving

72 Picture Experts Group: ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11)© MPEG-1,-2,-4,-7 1C* <• 5 $B Olflt T-TxAT-S-S,, C©##H, MPEGWfflMS rBig Picturej £«<±T\ itx v^tgifHbi*E * tfcoas* bmmtttzCk>okf-So 99 f 106. ft. 2000 ^7HtCPDTR proposed Draft Technical Report) Aifgzttcf tU h iltzo —95011 S trH LT 2000 # 10 C*fl©tl$S*(CFP)A sfitinx f6S#$0MAsff btlT^-niCS-d S86 Working Draft A4M2 5o%@©6AE Committee Draft2OO2fl:gl0m#k»-5. 7^rl73>f>'ySl <0SiF-fb6$*#0iz»i:te-D-CBSat"4®kCJ;ix &wf^"Big Picture"&#tlX\^tztiWP^i''( b\zm^tz^ FAr-yE^iStefctU MPEG-21 Tii. High-level %©& h 7 EE1? LT® So

(1) «2jMb©aWtX=i-^ 73 >ir > 'ysificsj-r-sf- < ©SWbS$*#0it@c7coTRSat--5 c t CSA-£$7pTS"Big Picture"*to < C to ES® MPEG ®l7t)tlT A(C#-3®fc#hA7yE^ai;:*fU MPEG-21 ERA $fifi*#©ittBtC fcoT High-level h Ul'5. 1. ®fx* T*©flfc©ff ipE-ififcUgibS£BJ5 s c t 2. e-Content Commerce C£5t'''tN 3 >ir > -y©5"f 7tt Y 71H3 n-fy-ftEitaET: cl S

=fc O %(±#©A& 3. mmmm&mDEx w#imaa$&i^ p ? >-yo ® 3 >©#m 4. 3>E>'yii —^0754 A’->-BElt 6seaf-5ci:icj:bx 7.717-? fr67=-vHxict)te^iEiAV'v;vEy!7=7 r v v-xomBmmftZaimttzz t& mpeg -21 ©3-E-C&6.

(2) mpeg-21 7(i©xu>>h • MPEG-21Digital Item Declaration (DID) (MPEG-21 E&? Digital Item kliMA1 • Content Management and Usage (n>E>,yliai:ti:MA s1ia£itS^-S&0Aa) • Digital Item Identification and Description (Dllffl) (E@#©3 >‘y© ”ID t gBxFVM-) • ipmp (aa*i%*##e#K%©mm##ka?) • Terminals and Networks (MPEG-21 63EX.S4. -y 1 '7 —f kSSSffikli ? ) • Event Reporting (##@Cc,-Cl\S©fP&ASA&) • Content Representation (MPEG-7 fc©HfcH4tt?)

JiTE «-IlgCov^-r®SBJf 5o

73 (3) MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration (DID) mpeg-21 j'.ivn777711*3774 7 4 fttt ut, o> % -&at*7 777X)l/%tt#;ftkffl5®ifflX*--v£;£#-r30-k’A,%X34 7 U 7-X74 7^ -^:B*X7-Aft7>v©;m&-7#&Z7%mmR*iK#&##x A-^d-Ax'-es.Bkk

• ry^JlTf 7 A k^©®®© ID ft k A* —7 a 7@#

(4) Content Management and Usage 3—tf ©%&© A-v774 di-7 3 7 k 3 77 77#aftmA&B@, 3>7>7158• 58 #mm*«&mD-c, 37777©®]#, s#, m mm, m) >i>-y 3—X-^XD E31t&E#f ^.-f##-e@E,3 7777©3—7—E##©f±@^kf©##X D h3;i/©tl#i • 3 7777 id kX7X—7k©V77 (3 7777A"E)X^7—7©%U*ft - X7 =r—$1? 63777 7©% U %ft) • W#ft, 7*X hy.^©4r —AftSffSf • tf7"D7W;i/ft;!cfic;,Lfc, 3 7777©X7-7t7)74 • 3—3 7777 * R8AT- g E> ttto^ • «AS5CS*b/;3>7>'7©fiJffl*)*ea (TV-Anytime &SE) • @%%4f4 E*54 7ftS'Xt,7cXi’3-£'\©7X-feXl'''7l4«J • EISA7 E7-7ft*5tt5x-yx>Iffl|il • 3—ft|±@a-©#c,Xt'<^377 7 7©3 t;—# k* ft ft $> E> A^AItilSJKft #"C identify $7: $>E>o (5) Digital Item Identification and Description (Dll&D) tTF* stlttnIs&fes ffiSISfinligT-iK^^nfcID klB*©%to©7 lx-AX-X&Elf-f E>o -IE#-A#-33-7% ID, ^©f$K # iFeCft6%V7-AVX%ID • 7jdEtoft-@)*©VU''A r'>*7;V7A7Ak ID k©B9*fJttffl*ffi, • k%%«l©S#^3Stiift* k%e, id klB* -#ME7 7tf77 3 7k3 7777©%M, ##, @(#©8 MOT

(##*)#*#§) • 3 7777 ID kje©W*377474-'N©4 7 7 *^.7 Ik 1) 7 4 ©Eft • IP %R#A77X k V V V 3—7 a 77X7A • 3 77 7789* ID k!Bi£7x©sro%T7-bxAiSfflte#t • K#© ID X A—A kTXV 7—7 3 7^©4 77—7 x —XEft • 7 7 A V 7 Xtf V -7—©Eft (#9*3 7777 ID V)V7 ID.A—73 7)

74 • -k*3.y —% ID 2:155$ t ID 2:iajzE1tS©fcto©E« • W#8% ID klBi$©7*—Vy h starra© j: -5 n * t to 6 ft-a' &=

eg. Codec, Generic DII&D Model Bit rate, content type IPMP System Digital Item Atti ibuie Attribute J idenliiier

Attribute 2 Attribute 2

Digital Item Attribute ft Attribute a


® 30 Digital Item, Digital Item Identifier, Descriptor

(6) ipif izmmcD^'y

(iSD Societal Platform (Dfztf)(D Norm t Rules (D Codification 1. {£%;v-;vcDEizEM 2. zcDMm&i'rv \z$m (^@2) Trusted Framework of IPMP system 1. mXibZftfzm&K-MZM&LtzB&'T:, MPEG-21 Digital Item \ZM LTfEX awiis-e^s ipmp ^ ^= 2. MPEG-4/7 *>£i±fc#>N S© MPEG-21 (7) Terminals and Networks

75 vtz-v--ht ^etoha ©7ay^m'mmvv-x #@vXfrA%#m, &£XF, m^tz^y Y7* —J>M*'*'^ :7\Z') t 4 -iffcfcQOS W&DtzJtoto NPI t^v bn;v • Ay h?—7 QOS HM3 >7°P hn;i/(8) Event Reporting MPEG-21 71/—A7—7pWAT#l/#—hW^A^HcolvC, ^--if/b^IE^y^

-55 A# 3 ^ >f-ya >^7^y 3 > ^z-—7 > X > 7 H8/; 1 - V A 5 7 Hf- '> 3 >/7°y 7 A v- • h7>it’7i/3 >

• IBM • 3 > A > 77AV ' (9) Content Representat i on ATOllt^r-^^^7, AfiKV-7, 7 A-y 77l/T:n7-ftf|jiJ ft) (10) MPEG-21 mm (ISO/IEC 18034) #8M mtfr&t, 7oCDSg07t)x 2mg(DIDvDII&D)^(j"##m)##a^cTV^oISO/IEC JTCl/SC29/WGllInformation technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) —

Part V- Vision, Technologies and Strategy (7 H DTK ^\) Part 2- Digital Item Declaration (##; WD) Part 3-‘ Digital Item Identification and Description (M$l WD) Part 4: xxxx (^^)

(11) AEfldES MPEG-21 izmLX, D\DtD\\&DlzmLX{±£o^< \NDifi&t&*)ffltoX\,'ZfflfrC&l!b tltlhmi'X^Ztmx&Zo -Jfo i^SlDEM 2002 WEEtFPh LT^h^)6fl^7^T$)^^Ctti±±#B0DIDaDII&DCmLT^OTf0#±#m^^o


76 38 4 8 58 68 7 8 88 98 1 08 Singapore London Sydney Washington MPEG-21PDTR PDTRStudyV2 Vote Editing DTR MPEG-4/7/21 Revised.....-> Deadline /Review CEP WD ttfJDB&SE CfR MPEG-21 DID WD2.0 WD2.1 CD1.0 MPEG-21 ID&D WD1.0 WD1.1 CD 1.0 MPEG-21 CE

6.3.5 M4IF MPEG-4 SteOrtStt, V7 h ^7xT«VT-$. *&*>*£ ns@pgi:x5 k^rs±f^©tt, m tS©a^tt (Conformance) l:oUTIi #&©*(: r#^V7l''>x7j t r#EBtf-y hX h v -aj UpUMi5^ m#i@A@©&#k#%©*#l:c^i:a, ISOm©S$T-!i. fe$D«Sto upuc #^ #te©#a±t:ttsnTiiv vi g-e *k n^-r-sfflici^ #&©$j^R©m MPEGaasE#is©3 y-feywssti^s^fi'o Tm4ifj TttUfflgpgSffl^., ®6MbQH1-3,ft®±x ustt, ey*%±©em»mA* cmu Lzm^A#©^?7«m-c&o. wzx 6-aKX H©#&H6#©B^&%0\ 6#©A@I±. Press Release "T?S$cFil-5o rm4ifj 1. #*Hm©***o 2. #&mA@R:m©m#k#**&mmf 3. MPEG-4 H$ft«©l£«hlll#Sll$8 lc*gij£n3, c©e#mi:ML?l±. rm4lfj £ vrtt, aSto»#6nttHE mx«. #* ##©%0&f##) -efcb, Z(Di§£

6.4 Hit I POP ©#I|6J

6.4.1 ARIBtottiK *sr-(i, arib ottMii&mtZo

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(2) 3>f>-y m©wa 3 >T>y I Dlf T7-te7 l$!;i--7tt©ffiSE©fc»C, 1. 3.3—73— b" 2. D CD (Distributed Content Descriptor) 3. 3 >ir>'y ID (JStttflgx-f^-X^tf) ©3®pg-e ‘sastva'ao ^0^3.3—^3—b*i±, 3y^yy 1 D©#&»ucyr> "j s #ttcijgwotta*s*a &©, mcgamfa 2 reaa*- ufst; 3 > yc a©c$na« ku 3>7i>y££oTtter@*u*5to sf>yiDfflitif rj7^ b;pj rg^ftEig-j ©£5t;y f ©3 -ett»s$IbL&i'RttilgttD CD t u XML|B)4"C-3 yf-yyic/w y h* ucmm^-&a. ittfot, vt3t,civ6.©(ilttD—*;v"e#S"C$a<,

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(7) ttsrotosa >7->ymxy >y I Dimi:3>y >y©mg'J?©«mi±#K#&f-5. ^iyi^x I SAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)* UP ID (Unique Program Identifier)x UMID (Unique Material Identifier) k V13 "t"■5>#iplSSlJ:PA52fe 5 = I S AN(DIS15706)tt I S 0Tmmt&'Mlg>i>ilZ^ZAVitF a iZttt6m&T‘&Z&, ft smsa * r#@j -e&at©x im-ffa&*%3&am-m#!bus#&©U'3 p^jk u%©3 >y>y&gS'Jf&#A%*»U.f k7rxSMPTECj:3-C#%A#*6^,yi^©A:UPID ■cfe^.0 upinai sANicj:a##&'e©m*#BUx cy vestaiuE^i-ya > S^-61t*Df-E,»T-3>y>y©EgimrL=fc 3k1-2.*ffl-r*$.-6o SAx AV##m©mil? k utisj t < s amp TEy-UMi DAsafe-So zttii, ;✓->«£© Ut3|-^7 U-AS(fi©*

82 UMIDIil SAN, UP ID mg

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4. IDO-fc^ro. Vt^ U^A;bW>

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&B. tfT**stow-##Asmf«tet3S-d

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84 ^ckcM*L/%, ^n-enottEtt^gstisem^covx-ts-issty®lytftfltosctc ;d

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(2) ssffbnrv^stisteii, 7±D

n ^s±sti$, T^-D^Bsstistes@ nxa &?\ssc vhs #®#mm§tciR»f &k kA^#t&6. fiU NHK BS teootii, HH±te BSl, BS2 ®Dif%#XV, $fc, WOWOW t:3V\-CK#@®^3-y&# fflL»ttntiSfa-c-$»v>®esES5$&$OTi/csd , mnnsmat*mv-tni s ft, -A9am?=mc&&. l* u psssfls^s®ufct§^, ^-^e-tu^ft-sa

7Vi>)V cs tmxa, SflSttStSS*# U*iVt-:7a:^ TV) tottSeikS-dvr®

85 asntuso zcDwmts <##©gm#% ttntiegtFFwtrcifcs . c©g#mci±T±nya*t =rv*> >mtio2$d* s#*$ntv> -So k#gS U£#EfflOT&g«$A>€> titirT S E c, n tii? a >*SkDflitiS31; —E6±*S;©iM :&fT%o"CV'So c©*Al±^ tij*£ nsm«-t©|Bim^«®Sr$a$-8'So TV t*SfSl^aiB3®*U^ VTRClRSfS ^CttiES&iKB;tFFWf6& L <^-C*So 5r'>• ;vtito£ov'TttSf@©Sf&ft#Mt6S* #m#6 (arib) ©#$#& ca$ uw±sx res ^pstagess ###&, css $nx^So c©aem*ttiEEEi394tttti:iiF«nssS"c-feSo ieeei394 cwfs#ff# aaCoV'Tti, $ktoT$izE1"So bs atistiT^j^v cs s^mic, ga#ca7i-Dym*\ ^i^twfcbea *9* s#lS;^nTUSo Tthn^atoCoVvttt. «ipTVIiCS tHiCV^DtyaVSS A#m$jvtv^So upu □ try 3 >tt vhs-vtr %*tStk vfcntr-Bitostt-zk0, y^DSo

(3) IEEE13941%d3l+S###«« znfrb(Dy :iJt)iim-&Zs g@w:%@ps-A-w-/r-&@mL##Ka&m\ Rcmmfs, acN sm©s-A»-/t-&*-A$y b?-f czomsu &%m-zmz l#CM,7c^#*:&S-A»-;';-^r,S#fS#t#^r)^So %cm^^«C, =rV9)\/B cs m.mcDgmMaiTitf’Kiiitit vr 1EEE1394 *«s$m:uSo IEEE 1394 Cii 5C*DTCP(Digital Transmission Content Protection) AWt'r.nrt''So dtcp cfflt^ftTV'SBt^bti«tt#ttc3to-e, so #scs§r£fts yt-y*>^6HE ’fc6©CUTVxSo A8ti$"efS$£ftS 7x b U—ACfcly-'v^A- 3 tr-wwifg (2bit) #s$nrvNSo c©m#g&#mctm*m#©33» 3 £-Hit(nX 1 m©.&3 td-qj(ioX 6 6 c 3 tr-nj(oo)© 3 aSA5 We $ S«

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86 2. fit*§{KS©§e#tr =t b 3 > a > a b j;? k©?*,, 3 lrw*b-m, a60ftStt*z6tcJ; bSE©i«mt t $>B »b ;A3 Hr J; B 3 >A > 7B«;bsi£S; B kgrA ASSA^fe b B k k ASM! £ iiB= zMcom&^mztztz&s rnfm^b**^, i.bs-rnntr-$j»-^#fij®atm ■ K#a#A^#% Zi AbStM^tiT I'Bo ***##«, Sti$6%et--6k kk4.tr, 3>A77©*##k mm©mm#kb-c S, 3>^>y*;vy-kUT*. Tk bt*, iti£k*7 H7-7 AWrtsmtrsp Sfij®a©;v--'VAs^nj^-cfcb = as, $<©%*### #$v t7—7±t©#ff*@a©&b A&A^-ot, cIDF^©73— 7B-BAT toSS&ab-c, A 7 7 /iwmttr%(G b A###*#Mm©#M(r *#rn LTv \B.


*s-ei±, ciDt arib, B.

(1) t/Wlb t;w ;vms©7###-Kxtti~e(rss-fbAsjlA-e* b, #4& AiWA7 r 7 Ma^SiJgbTiS-a-UTl'Bo HRW&W-fbfflttk bttt, WAP(Wireless Application Protocol) 73—7 A, Bluetooth jp%>< ©+7 U7, #$7-*-tr$m$nTV'B„ Brttli i-mode ASA^EStr A$&rpt87 x7$jf otrS b,2001 # 3 HRAt7tlr$< ©A77A3 7A77B##—b7A##lb$tttbB. tf7©^ij&feifbk, #t,@idimMEm-D--K7©#^m 100 ress©#- K7##t 50 ®H86©ft*>$ttliB© rP> e>«Sgtr T't? > n- FSftAk k^TSBak© W£l"B ASMrtt, #*©73—7v h, #*©m#77AA 66-d AaA©W&A#gt&b, i-Mode©@A500 ASA5^<©♦*A sS#tbt'Bfcto©M« T-SofekMfcnrt'Bo ««*fStr jsltB 3 >a |b)«© mxb ©;i/4*IS b&tSW IbASjttfM&^tifcb, 7D—XF&T77 t-73—A&SutgkbT, ®ffiT-<®/'-?>'fVv>7A A6nJtbk"fBA3 7 t7 3—A©7;v—Aff b* s^i*ir)SA-et'Bo -At, aK©tr7^7tA;ttid:SAB#;t-A©*Aird3ltB3>A>'7«a^>, -AT" 7>n-KbA77AA©(#m^$&#AbAtt$T-e©)S*Jffl-^, to©«$t-®*J)itt#S sn-tH&tx, ^t/w;w$©tfy t- b-h*steAfBkk*tr, m©Ava^k©m#jm A$tixT7- ^7 b ') =r -tAs

87 (2) BBSS#* (a) SDN I SDMI litttice-jv'TV'

(b) OP IMA OPIMA 6jtXVTV'>-$i^",-y*A7 -Dv3:^ Hi MPEG-4/IPMP extension ®8E$SSi-/4 LX 0PIMAIcS-j<'>X7LA*^VrV'.^„

(c)I SO/1 EC 15408 Common Criteria ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 tin > Ci-^J&lii/XirAOlfSftWC-fcJra U x -f “ISO/IEC 15408 Evaluation criteria for IT security ” , SHip-lb L&o CC:Common Criteria knyiitVCt'^o

” Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC)” tifzo IWHT i> Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria (ITSEC) version 1.2” #199 WCEC#6>tii®#nfc0 %omMb%m

4 i/xf A®eAK&#mf

7. ISIS 7.1 MPEG-PF SflSfit* 1. *S*^®3>-b>-9-XX\ H*lfe*®tgS®^^E 0 E14SSSEa$S$# U MPEG-4#&t LXlEjStrSEffl £ttfeStt^® B*lfcS§®MPEG-4/<-XM&®WSHIII

2. MPEG-4 /<—X®X h V-ASEfl6$*k 7##®##fbli3 >7^>X

ipmp i£«®, atitos o . 4^®3>ir>xBSc

Hkabns#. ®x win-i\ ut--r

88 As;Sfi££tlickaX.-E>o

7.2 CfflfSte, MPEG IPMP iSItdSg vr4-m 6 Sti£®»S&, #$lb#tflE*#©#SA^ 6#^.%ck&B%kT6o (li) 3«, MPEG-4 IPMP kUTto%UfcaWPlbSlb-C-$>-DA:Ai, Pisa^litCiSVvt^fflX 3-riiMPEG-21 6S$tMPEG-n WiCMPEG IPMP k*SBT-5o LaBaule itiB • Pisa itfli • Singapore @#lb©#b^A» 6 ffltotiflyillt, STktfi B© IPMP AXTA|S9©ffi5igffl4 (interoperability) ©miCJKSi VTStv^= miStcH ±#kItiftffllW&ofetluJ. ttT-ett, m2mmei:#AA%-C6tt6t:@!|cX:##©#mtP6#&@CU ISO/IEC t=& |j-^SSE@^©EDto^ f LT,

7.2.1 WR ISO/IEC 14496-5 Tti;, Hook Modelj kT«tt% IPMP ©Ac©©? b—Ay —Z?;W!S£tVt t\6o Cffl^T^Hi, OD • Audio • Video • BIFS ©X h V-A(tiMxT IPMP AX^A©#### ©€iiS6BtokUi IPMP X h gbyhXh U-A A* IPMP yXrA £> b (hooks) ^SSUTt'-Bo Hook Model Tii, hooks (CiblASX b 'J-Affl»J«±S8*©#ffiT-(fton3*^ f©^©@$ ©##IA IPMP AXTAIC ToTMS^ftSo EEC, Hook Model ©R#LAA%&<, SHE., ## tb©x3-x^-es-E> ipmp *s;«c58H4©»vc k #-e ST, MPEG AS*#T6amk#&T^#ttAs&6. X b V-U^^lsbxmmt^octr- rem©n@*ktt-Ak©mA.frt)-s-c@atE3>T>v©B«&R9Ck&nimkT6j mw. ©#m&mmL%ASE, IPMP&#AWk%%, flSiJ©S(l:«W*#IET&3--VkEtltN h©

c©pae©g* seea ,, #&© ipmp mpeg ipmp aLT##fb t5Ett-fc5As, Cttl:«%uM*As&6o SBtotctt, #K©TVT4##\©?a& istoku #-©t4p^. v^-rAaiEm6mRt:#*&»&Tmm (dvd ©smeesAxTA Asxv-xsn/i, ;t3 VXA©##Asm/b-CS6, »if) A^A/mfeSo UA>U&As e, *sni, mx&mmttsizz L-3c##b&m©3ckAsa#-c&^kt''3mm±©mAi:#T3 tmt&o&s^-z&zoo CfflTAC, MPEGtEdst'.'ttt, IPMPA3©##tbld#kl±%bx»t\. #W©S*&#MI/CC Hook Model ©Rg@&**T6t©l:K, %*k IPMP AXtr A©F@©#@£Sip-(bU #$©% *As##©#@-e#E© IPMP '>X^AktoHLT3>7">^©«# (U>V>) >if) zmmtz t o sapc *$as »va „

7.2.2 fiSHffltt©$# miBB©W»©^6e6T5 k, ffiSSiti (interoperability) kii, **k IPMP AX^A

89 ©rao'f >?-7 x-zzmmtumtiz ipmp iSfetrr**# (rendering) TS&J;-5fcfl/**L&7) 5e>x Pisa irtKirjswcti:. mc-ernmm&Ant-c, W.T0HW6&MPEG©ffiEgffltti: VtaiFfbir 3 c kWsESnfc,, 1. ipmp '>x ^a ktsaivm s##i-^>sig 2. 3 >7">iy©«#C-£-5» IPMP yXrASS*«it5«e 3. ns© ipmp'>xt -a (v-;i/) cne.©ei* s, mpeg ©ffizgfflttmxn-rKassn^wacovATii^^o ipmp c tt\ ns® ipmp iyx^AK*f6%*®s» 66«E-T5 C mwf&T-iit.-E.o UrU Ch-fcltT-tt, r^.-\3"C 13 >7^ > 7 L6 c jMPEG-n©3- h KT©#@i:id:$6. #»63>T>7^m»^ IPMP 7XxAC£oT£M£iUl3g«-t\ 3.-VK i6@»1"^T® IPMP vr

V'>-E>ci:6Stt^.< ife^V'^fe-eafe^o C©M#©#*©6©X 3—tfA^Ag^RC^g^ IPMP A&m#-e#^a#©a%A%@aK©6^A:©-e&'5. (si) B**66t6$©$)-3)c Renewability ©##l±C©##©-@Ek -5h$fl-5. ns® ipmp '>x^AF^©ffls»iffic-3V'-mx ipmp ^x ^a *5. #&© ipmp 7- ;i/ (^xyu&b) 'cnn$fia#a©#m&*fBf&c k©%@#©mmcm a, l©#«©t;v 3"u xa &-9 -#- h3---H/ (ipmp 7-» 6. ns © IPMP 7x^A|g-e##f&ck©7 V x MiBM»>t&3oZ©^y3-;v;t>si85fc© —g&k V TUSSiirv'^-y —x-eii. ^©XUxHiStcWiSC^-So c©j:7»##&%#gaf ©ckLns© ipmp ux 3 >7©m#tmrf 6 ^©©f@$##-fbf-& c k, =t bHft«i:ii ipmp 7xirAm©j?BidM;t-t ipmp ^x^AKa^m&amibf a c

7.2.3 nzaffitti-gai-^ntBRffl ±K5##©nsmma&#mT6l#©n##ak UTX OT©H^»sg|$$tlx La Baule • Pisa • Singapore ^HsC^'TnW&I&nfiAiljnx. ?>ilfco 1. IPMP 7—7V©|$SiJ 2. IPMP X-IL^aEO-'CS* • IPMP 7-7V|S0©!gB 3. IPMP 7-71/2:38*0015 Iffi (B) IPMP "J-Mt IPMP '>X7LA6nBS'T^|gSlz^;V©^'>-a.-;VSfg1-fflS"C$>-lio -enen©EScov.-c x #f©%M&A*6nam7. • IPMP 7-7V©t$giJ IPMP 7-7i/£Snb£Os Sfes IPMP 7-7i/tfgiJ© IPMP 7-7i/WimfeA:©CK IPMP X-;i/*|$3iJt--67cto®¥®AWIi:»-5o ;nil nc IPMP y—Mzm'&Z ffiftiiito 2:u 3ttK©* ©T-ti:& x • Ur-f 1/^71/ • SSMfMi- =t5S8%^©ISSA^'Sk*-E>o

90 • IPMP "J—;V©fg|E mm© ipmp y-;v vxrn/w tmmmx&z 3 >tr > ;y£®a-r s tz tockt, cn^-y-^Rgr-mgE^nl^k^^o s-giosiyB x-i'ismci;it-5 Bg-t-fb-'?>6fcato±0fcto®®fflSi6*fi :tin-E.= • IPMP >y-;i/ t%*©tmE Hook Model TB)l«-(b£ n**>o L T, IPMP i/X^AtefcftSffliSki&fcC.fcSX h V-A©%mt©|atE#&S.M^«, 3>x>y©8B##l#©7c®©@&SE%cm6Wx-E.®^, ®©til613 >x > -yx b u-A£iEL©x -yd 2-'>-^HE©ssitiiaursx*im:-Bj§m&#S6%fon£o 4m©p»Ett©fcto ©s** s«®^nfe c iitft-t-So

7.2.4 4-E©tiaeSH inst-cMPEG ipmpommtrnmmt. «%, dzio Bo. -f-Ctc, SAS^ ###©WBA%&mL/C-3& b, 4#ttflSmp3g©m8&EiKt imtm'ntz, o C0«tl£!g©fc±-C\ 4&, #%m#: - ##t LT%Dm&^@#mimT©5A-f&& t#x.S» 1. pc b-£®t§f*is©!¥Wb 2. 3.—-y tc k o r ©*j Ett © i6i± 3. PC ±CslS£ft.E>i8*©$£E©|8j±

(D pc tii*©$s0s®r-©s^$ss L7=a*m#©*mik #&©####1#l±x $f\ **66®©*g& PC ^%-C©%*©##&#*k LX#& Ag©E#t&frV\ f ©#©#i*©$i .i«J6T-©*1$i*tt#f6£$1®L/zXn xy-i'ivSrfMt" SCfeMAf StU3A#-C)#©6fxTX^So CffllSnKfc&^ttSCtt, HfixM^S^tt© pc t«ji&sE##s!S£tisiMic*f lt, xdxto ' v >x"T-amtemg&i8#!h set^wm^tv^An&So MPEG-n©*m -#%©/c©ca, s®®Sib*k&3.*5-T xv-x-iza>©#$Mi;.$-c-S5o $i\ 4r7-7xu-x-i/3>k»&i@*©%#&pcm# CPISu&v^m©S#T-®6Us onx N f©##C* Lxa0*##B&**T6 c t#"C@ SA\ USe&BS Loo^fiSroFaib^iltoTV. < e ttfJFFg-r-iibSo

(2) 3.—tflcj:-3r©fi|@1t©|6i± m&$T-©is3pibis»tts t-s ur*%*©mm###©#iqi@m-c&-set&ssf set«-es»vv ##c d: b s mm© ipmp #:£©# 3.—yii3>^>>ycip«!!t-s ipmp vxirAS@zmi"SSiS£&ivf9&v\, $

91 tz, IPMP '>Zr£,&m®z-SZ blifrg zl —mzt^xu, m^rjpjvxa »ir&Stor ipmp fiaz??*> tiz'tgz’fczt^zzo 1. iw-©3 ipmp <»#- h $tizmrn®Mtt (SB cfflU^6©^©iBSttii0**^6 ©ffi*© 1=nrv■> 2. ipmp 'sx^h(^mommt= * -e, ipmp y%7A^©5##©(sm 3. gt#© DRM (Digital Rights Management) K#k©&#@©EA ±:B©mA)?%©#w^##©#m-eet)tt'5^.@^ ##©%3-7^-7##©«g*a uz fisbto&^STPttx 6#©##&*=)kC57*E,o

(3) PC ±l=*g£;h£S*ffl$£te©|6|± MPEG-n%©%^#k L7x PC CBSti-ftSl- M5J|gf4659E>d it #*5-7 7 V 7—>a >fflfSitffl;fc®C'i@T*&3£i;ttg;tffi:&i«i&t'o f tl7tx 3S4fflTftt8t&|n)&jlE>iu PC c iPMP ©#&#& pc k, •e©*-7 -> 7-=tfI'ftWti:> SA±©!0#:#&E,. 3*#i: Utli, PCSEeSStiicMto^Pas &, 'J>& < k 6 n >7 > -y 7cv W 7©#hlA4#£,ftE>V-'tit$6o &4% §^^©Tt,'-5iEti5,>>,t—V7 h 73L7££^E(i~H5)'1i&!ift=iiS'*Ei75 Lx *fcx 77— hTj - XkmWffl^aiREmU-ko-c-fe^o ^ La Baule 60 h Pisa 6 *©S87l;tx B7 >yt-V 7 h 7 ji7ftS4 MPEG IPMP ©-@Bk L7#f tbf E,-<@7K»t^ k ©0#A% o 7c„ c ©esttx M? y> i-v 71 7 x7%#©##-^ mpeg -h ©gto&^^k, aiSttrn-c-tt$,-$.asx #m*7#©6#aA^##a u-motoA,-ei > E>t)©"t*$>E><,

7.2.5 *£to La Baule6W»^S0©»S$7 7c IPMPSip-fbtix Lx Pisa 6011 ltiiB*)8©«SA sfl,9 6 » k & -o7c»OT(b©W;5imfcti 77Aia©ffi§jSfflffl= &fx Singapore 60*71= +#l=m##&mKA#*-3%Ck&G,x 6«(i)SI&*l8©§¥»b l=A6si$*sh,-5o 816© IPMP Sip(b©AliDto*8ti2@£7$ l3 itMT-S-aAL m -i=x %©##mm©0^a L7 pc @m©#D mpeg 7 v 7-i> a > 7c -6«*©ies&x pc cpm& u» t' * D i&t i/Tmt Ux #&mg© *mtb&m^ck^6#©*@©U'k-37&^. *fcx =r-y©%@#i=Mf L7 A^fx «m-fb#vt=*#©iiiq77©»aA7(,6##wL7 n x5iSgt= MPEG%*&#&^#7t ^IZ&tz-oZ

92 7.3 mmmvc.^o>7zfu-=f-

7.3.1 Bl&SSIfcSei*

*2000 # 3 B ISO/IEC, JTC- 1/SC29/WG 11 J — Ytx y #/'- hi?S8 • IPMP C #J#% T'SliT K* y % tl£° • mpeg -21 -7-»'>3 yrA sse$n^o ipmp coi nt < ©ESkEii^fft>n fco *2000 # 5 B ISO/IEC, JTC-1/SC29/WG11

• iPMP $ o fco • ipmp a***mBsm ksa#s®«e6!^$ n/co *2000 # 7 B ISO/IEC, JTC- 1/SC29/WG11 JtsCSE • ipmp ©tesirH-tasssxtfifceuTMrsn&o • 3H0CDib&B###mBek»c6. *2000# 10 B ISO/IEC,JTC- 1/SC29/WG11 • iPMP#$S*c^f 5 leffmSIXSiiSkStt^^sn^ wm.ofi^tfsnfc, • *$*6* 0 6ftCDWe&StiiLx IPMP WD 1.0 ©T-##%#T A-F (=#%&&#,

feo *2001 # 1 B ISO/IEC,JTC-1/SC29/WG11 hf#SE • *@M6A^©$*A^#M^lTZ#rL^IPMP W.D 2.0

• WD2.0 ~SMSS IPMP ©#g§x BK Htfcftfk ZtffcmZtifco

*@#6^&©*ma© wgii s?»-t-©ti o av2000 # 3 b m ipmp &tea f 3 /rto©$*s*6tM4f-6 c k^##nx x-m*s u ?©»» a k*$*^ 6©a$6-tt©«®69Asffilb Lx 2000 # 7 B Cov 't;*$*^©?BlbA sSI b x $6$s*as%fTsn^igy tk5:^/cc, entry lts-< ©teimimsn-cssB • ffci^nx * aiPMP w.d l.o&fmznzztttz*), ^ 6tcgi#m^T@@M6^f)©tea%#A#w $nTt£5iIPMPW.D 2.0 6s%ffSn^lC$ofc„

7.3.2 Stt©Sfg5«|tjMta» tea ipmp ipmp ©*LL'7-*#%##^#w$ n-c wd2.o AyBesn-tv-^AL SttessmpttiiaesEtt11-$>^=, $/z, wd2.o -etiu tea IPMP -cmt&Ibf c k 6 /c©(:x #g®5E*x Ktf-BSx Sutfcfttix i/%# A0te-E.#vx -i;-5i$*©«@x ^nen©Sf&fMBCov>r o , m^#m%©*#a Lt+a-t:m& • ib«s

93 GO i > n * ■B #w rx # % ,Q> O (IL V^- m rv K: 8 8 8# o rtr # F7 s C"0 cv a H > 2ffl y nn s 4 d y O' r n ^ ^ SS » JH y 8 y ^ n rv # m y s n w H )|nn rv > 8fr d Ok 8 w e>t rt4 8 ~r ~r ^ &* M y m % 3 3 r> <-0 r< r 8 ? m re ^ m $ V. 8 O' ntt- # ^ ^ # >7d a 3 d s rv XJ 8 N 0> s ^ r< Si # 8 8 m R5 d 0 w ffi 8 HD null H 1 1 A eft- d 1® m * r^J y- l -W Zv II > % {=$> H ^ if 8 8 # Xl % ^ rv N] W M # 9^ ^ 8 ^ 8 8 4m rv 3 r nn> # 94 - S) d a* rv iW il d m n n (ft- 8 » & y eV W d in d m !# m Ok W 8 cf$ y O' f^f eX & % m f ^ *4 y I 94- 9^ I a S* # ng ££ CD nt n O' 8 # 9 «■ ? g 7I H # 94- O' I n Vr &• ~r ' ^ <3- <7- * ^ $ <* s F r 9^

    d O' eX 8* r M" 5 r < O' n 8 W s M- y n ft ^ # (V n 9r 0 rr n 94- d 8 & H & d mf rv ^ ^ ^ □ 8 M- # & r W d V, m d to H y, y n 94- V3- n o yyWH m 8 9. R

    1 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N3543 Call for Proposals for IPMP Solutions 2 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N3727 Overview of responses to ‘IPMP Solutions CfP’ 3 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 N3729 Work ing Draft 1.0 of I SO/1 EC 14496-1: 2000/AMD3 4 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N3871 Working Draft 2.0 of ISO/1 EC 14496-1 :2000/AMD3 5 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N4095 Working Draft 3.0 of I SO/1 EC 14496-1 :2000/AMD3 6 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6422 IPMP interfaces for the MPEG-4 Terminal 7 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6443 Report of the AHG for the Call 8 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6452 OP IMA : A response to Cal I for Proposals for IPMP So Iutions 9 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6473 Proposal on the RenewabiIity of IPMP System 10 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6517 Extended IPMP system with ID registration procedure 11 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6518 A New IPMP System combined with Digital Watermarking 12 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6519 Open B to B architecture of MPEG-4/IPMP (Response to CfP N3543) 13 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6520 Report of AHG on Evaluation of responses to the Ca11 for Proposa1s for 1PMP So 1utions 14 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6520 Presentation of fully developed MPEG IV IPMP So 1ution 15 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6520 A Dynamic Multicast Key Management Scheme for Groups of Mobile Multimedia Users 16 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6520 Personal Entitlement Control Message 17 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6523 Rights authentication for MPEG-4 content, Ticket Authentication Protocols 18 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6525 Introducing a domain for use control 19 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6527 Rights Language for IPMP using ODRL 20 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6572 DM IF secure channel support request for IPMP so 1ution 21 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG1 1 M6573 Advanced IPMP descriptor for IPMP solution 22 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6595 Regarding interoperability, security and standardization of IPMP 23 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6732 Proposal on a Message for Renewabi1ity of IPMP System 24 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6891 Further step forward for finalization of MPEG-4 IPMP extension on Big Picture

    95 25 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M6905 An interoperability provided by IPMP/XML 26 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7026 Generic Messaging Framework and XML ba description for the flexible IPMP standard 27 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7119 Proposal on IPMP Tools Information and IPMPToi Management 28 ISO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7130 29 I SO/1 EC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M7131 Usage of IPMP descriptor and IPMP elementary stream (Categorization of interfaces) 30 Ticket Authentication Protocols Version 1.0, http://www.accessticket.com

    96 10. #g

    10.1 tibsess-# 10.1.1 S51 @ MPEG Noordwi jkerhout

    B 1 HI MPEG-21 y—?'>av7"

    J -\-t) 4 y 7 >^*(2000^ 3 M 20 B~21 B)


    2000 # 3 B 28 B A? ts

    1. misuse S§ 51 0 MPEG AAkWlg ZtltzW, 1 El MPEG-21 U-i’i'a y 7t;#iP Lfe© r-^E-ffllBSSSdo AEirn^-i'^a ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 Cfclt* MPEG-21 V, MPEG-21 ©Alrnl@#&#%mf3kEI#C. BA>E>©#A0*(Ef IWt-Sfi^ftfc. MPEG-21 73>f> PE* ^HlOT-^'>3'>7t-4. 3>^>bE$©

    #AP#I4% 150«-200SgSt*fe 0xB2BBIi 100£ggC»j> L£„MPEG-21 14 MPEG AIBkteSiJfflKL MPEG © delegates < TtAifl-ftWOnl E»®r-|gtisnfc» 7-^y3^»7itt, 3>ed—«T"7-Jy3y7# SP#tt^©*S MPEG (C#iPT-*-5C LfeoHISC MPEGAACS6P U "CSiPlbffXiCilOfc-y /z © 14 1/4 @6© 25 &8gfcS£>tl-5o 2. iESAS 2.1 Session 1 (2000 4f 3 20 0 14:30) *-by;> 3 >14 MPEG-21 ffllgSitte. $1* WGllGIS MPEG)3 > Id A —ffl Leonardo Chiariglione RA-yKlS^-fb© QETjt-OV 'Tk E^TIo V> fr ^ TE flSBtok L-Cl-Cl;^2lfe^ -5-n6>LXttZtlfzt) ©T*afe^o MPEG-2114$fStt©ICfi*6.5S© 5 c k l: 4 DEfcWP&ifrtc kA^T-S, $AcR@14^f L&WIMI4%i>kkt&<&. n>^> hEffAtt. i/t-4U4K A16, MPEG-21 -5##BA%/<64tX:. ###©WJkl/T:,

    97 2.2 Session 2 Techno I ogy (2000 #3 8 20 B 16*30#) *-fe >y '> 3 >fl 4, MPEG-21 &HS1"-E>5SSECHf $ fcfefco $f\ MPEGHJi-etts MPEG-4/IPMP, MPEG-7/IPMP, MPEG-4/OCI ©to56 sS^Sn tzo £tz OPIMA, SDMI EBU ffl Watermark Sip-fbtCoWT % (SSJ ZtXfzo 2.3 Session 3 -b y -> 3 > 3 -ettHie«tSAsi6a#^n^o dvb © mhp , iec © tcioo , mpeg © DMIF, IEEE 1394*J;'* sM*®T&i;U-C5l0±tf 5>nfeo 2.4 Session 4 (2000 # 3 8 21 B 8*38#) m 2 b i *®®-b >y -> a >-e$. -b -tr ^ a > 4 r-tiu KiewsEiaSiS* 5®# index, DOI, cIDf, archive, SMPTE h 0(7#,

    2.5 Session 5 :®b'>y3>x-tt, SacvjIf^r-fTT'vy I7t- FIFA, TV-AnyTime & k'tfiE# £tlfz<, 2.6 Session 6 ^©-fe'Vizs ynyT-y'y^-S-fbicsei-^EEA^frtDh-^o MPEG-4 ©##IbaG#, Web3D ©?£»&£**$#£ ft 3. $

    ^EhS-erktrft^ >*Efa#S< s $fcO<-T > tSott'fc)b 4***& f 200 b, srstsfcvx-y-cjiV'kstin-ao yv-i^xr;*- ^©J;at:U"te->**x^E5 ::;v%*8SVTJ:v>MisyF

    Bimr-&bs MPEG-21 ©j;d&OT-fbt;ii#inlc

    DUG: 9 - f 3 y ^ http://www.cseit.it/mpeg/events/mpeg- 21/index.htm

    98 51 III MPEG J— YtU


    2000 # 3 B 20 B~24 B Af #

    1. igs#id:, eiajmpeg-pfad> m^m^xwMLx MPEG-4/IPMP Bft t LTAA^#jjn bfco 40 MPEG AATIA MPEG-21 7 —£ '> 3 V 7°, MPEG-7 flWb, MPEG-4 IPMP ®Ii Iht^Acf&:r—X k.'fe.’DfZo MPEG-21 7-Xv3 6 -t? y '>3 X ti 30 CDEE/bsfTt>n^o 100 A-200 A#j^o SCitt^0-L v '> 3 >X\Z $ < MPEG-4/IPMP v J-A-7AAT' Call for ProposaK^SESSS)^^^)^!^ d t mZlZ&fe L Tzo Call for Proposal (Dfz&>(D Problem list(#% 0 0 RE#1A V X Ztlfzo Tmm® tz&(D MPEG-7 0t!WbiAS^$0 MPEG-4 L It# tzt^frm&tzZoo m/vx^^o D, ns o , m& system (DmmwzM&tim MPEG-7/IPMP 0*lWb SEE* 5f5%lZfit>tlTUZ>&

    2. 2.1 A# NB ^e>. MPEG-4*pp0-g|5 £ LT2J!£tl£ Reference Software (A non-normative iZ.'t'-^^fzhl^^O NB ^v v 3 7^—^IlIRlcfilfcoC tl(AV7 b £to£S0L:t> £>&Srp0llAhA££\ WAiW* '£M®L^KJizX\ z0 A0SM£SIEft MfoA DSt^&t^o MPEG-4/IM1 £ 3D tX^yx.^7 b x=3— ^il^ftfcoMPEG-4BIFS('> ->Eiz£) t SMIL £ h iZtn-Dfzo BIFS0* X t$hA,£0 SMIL 13^3 >^>7/b 5 MPEG-4/BIFS ££& CtVlAD XML->MPEG4 ^#0M^

    99 MP3, AAC CD Q and A ^ AES 0/p —A^—MPEG/Audio zh —■ A^—■ 7 A* £> 0 U 77 ^^k^txTzo yny —v a >?vHiHb© call for proposal £sli}c? tl fz0 C. ra-c*v hy-AoEff^eu-c^&cak#m-e(±

    2.2 MPEG-21 3 B 20 B-21 UlZfrtfX, MPEG-21 07 — 7 7 3 y Xtsfft)tlfz0 X& 6-feryaA If 30 ©ft^fribftfco tt$tt 100 A^200 A#J^o Ei$B^0-h 7 v a < ©Mms&£tlfco ##o#o 2.3 MPEG-4/IPMP MPEG-4/IPMP (± MPEG-4 >x> ©EA^ Qb^ofco BCD ad-hoc B##^commie^ mpeg 6 & Requirement 771/—7°"^ 2.3.1 MPEG-4/IPMP ad-hoc ^m^9ctL%, 3 B 19 B(BE) 18:00-22=00 C7 P^7 ^^EWtin^o c###kL 2 M%£tisb%;b(D-T:&z>0

    T> ^iTN^"n©$St=J

    2.3.2 IPMP ad-hoc #T&M.R&^#o Watermark-ad-hoc (COViTti^f >7^1/ Chen IPMP fz Watermark 0 7 l/—A 7 —7£M^-f ^>1oiW^M^tltzo 2.3.3 3 B 21 B Requirement/IPMP titles Requiremnet ^lz-T^it £ IPMP 0##^(4:, WGll &##c, SEUE^ LTSii^tifco ##(d:cfi&T0 %a-InterTrust % ^)k##Mm(MPEG PF 7 7^-%A'^CB *^-)0SM^f a £bte^>fzo UTicEH0E^^lBfo *7 V ^-3&(WGll 3>k:±-)osi ^77 &mum^ >7-7 J1-7

    100 jk*©#inAs$>-ixz.< VTf?s-6o #±a(4-vv »renewability 6 kSB 6> A1 (:#&©#$ V SS^SIg* 5 $ -6 © "t% CfP SrtiiT^So D y ft (Requirement $ fmg©##!:## £0&UA\ kt'5ilj&T-©dX K "Problem list"6ff CfP 61tEfUTUo-Ci$W'= cn$"C-2#®Cfcfc5R1tl#zlR©c:n$T-©SI6»sSIDx WG11 ©A*k &!x ^IB*'fc®S£»fb£'tf^£&;L&V'tt«!k&tK "3 to 2.3.4 3 fl 22 B Requirement/IPMP *»© WG11 Requirement ^11/—F/T-ft# MPEG-4/IPMP CoViTIgLtrbiafco CfflsiitTiio ##W©/:©© problem list(###J# BV^ h)©fMAsfi::bnZzo k©EI6®Si6BeiS-ettfflS©#l,jlfAETyfebo AflJ, lilT 3 jSi^MA^irt-iS^^Sak U m 0 ©isaii S HttitSSCflS'J CSS-t^ $ £ ktBS Ltc=

    (1) #»© IPMP A#x6 (2) t'-f > Hc-e*T^4zX'x?S5 (3) 3 >tr > b tf-tP-fciV' < Ofr© IPMP aa#&6©#a (a) 3>T> btf-d—© U? (b) ipmp (c) mm#m#©m# jy.±06ilt;^»-C6: <. £ £ C»IEEAS® UfcE*© IPMP *;£# attT-v>Tn©#s««^*s^* si@u 6ck&@mi/6. SV'^xnii c:n*-t*©4Sipfb* 5-BBMIl]$nfc©tffit'f!ff*»6Bax^-b-r2>ck Cteofco (fc£U cn$t?©SipAsS^.^kktt»V'lo )knicofcD IPMP

    ad-hoc SE6$EVz;sn^> c kA^S^ii/i. Frank Jan Bossen(Sony, [email protected]. sony.co.jp ) R> iFJftftRobKoenenSilfeo cF 6>Ik IPMP breakout tt. f#U©60? Requirement Sift Jl t) SSIcFft. problem list %&##{( problem list kf & A:#)©ft,&43 Lk@3Wfrt)

    101 tlfZo Requirement/IPMP problem list 0BMft^7t>tl, MM ZtlfZo 2.3.6 MM 2000 ^ 3 M 24 B 4P#ud#u B 0^#^ Requirement Group XMM^ ft> *P

    m^mm^ntz won ±^mx wgh d&^fg£ti£0 2.4 Watermark Watermark ad-hoc 3 B 19 B(B)d^#^0&^@ L> d& %LM(D^m^'€’Dfzo ^M^MXlt&Mft'&bft'&ft^fz&ft D ft, 8 #%# Lk9 tfa\stzo M^^aXlt IPMP id Requirement ^Vl/ — XX Watermark LI

    IPMP IPMP Call for Proposal &1&M u e> nz>o ipmp ztmmft^frx&t), mmLx^m (Dfrffi tWMik(D&tt%$iWitZ> z b b'te-Dfzo Watermark (i ad-hoc 5rl§ al V> v.xi— ®BU B d ad-hoc l/Tl''^)o 2.5 MPEG-7 TV AnyTime ft MPEG-7 k ^@^Ad(± 4 -CKD^mZiHLXl^o M5696 - Liaison M5680-TVA Metadata & MPEG-7 dS&S^S M5751 - TVA Metadata K i -x ^ > h M5752 - TVA Call for Contribution

    3. Reference IPMP *##? v'MF ## *? A b 5658 MPEG-4 Hiroshi Inoue IPMP System Roaming Service 5667 All Takanori Senoh, Niels Rump, IPMP Requirements for Different Hiroshi Inoue Application Domain 5846 MPEG-21 Hiroshi Yasuda, Takuyo Kogure, Recommendation of keeping study on Hiroshi Inoue, Wataru Kaneko common IPMP Systems and Takanori Senoh 5882 MPEG-4 Niels Rump et al Why the IPMP Framework is the right granularity for MPEG to standardise MPEG21

    102 ## 5707 MPEG-21 Keith Hill Report from the AHG on Multimedia Framework http://www . MPEG-21 workshop presentations cselt.it/mpe S/

    103 MPEG 2 1 —•D'yT-yy i cIDf

    MPEG BB.2B1IC. MPEG-21 l-IBSt" 6Ee#1-SSfll*1b1Sia$ifctoT0 MPEG-21 1 — 2 B g 3>VIt. r3>-f Identification M&J®#$lb@*A<* Ab tt. Indecs, DOI, EBUCP/META), SMPTE ®, >5 7—$i@4WIC. CIDF$j»xfc50(Diiaa6ICcboT5l$$ttfco (MPEG-CI*. 7>y®>$7—d'6$7lDttlt$fTT>Tl'-$>llS66IS. C®5-DUb'ti:L'j:U'5E®)

    ClDFlcBflLTtt. 50tti6t'X;5d'K'$fiE-Dr©^U-tf>T—>a>$frl.'. IMSl-fcfffo t#l~. Metadata Dynamics IcBB'F'SSF^^fc'Dfci#, ®SA'S>ti. flPR-DB/ DCD/ Unique-ID 7>'yiD7bA >97 —9 0E@lcB8UTtt. jiA&Sfcy. t7ll/lc@^L -frfcy, 7^v&m%L-#-#kyuTL'66c6A<&y. ata^At. >97-9xi'77< 7;u$#nuru'-$>tttt2:Urtt.ciDF6<##T-#iS^L'68tti6„

    JilT, >5t—5-3>T>'yiDMil®-tz iy'>3>ro*TffktLfc./\AJU7-fX*-;r>3:/

    ib%%^6 Commercial environment r<(D|£?7l£ ^X"Cl'-SAx? □ SMPTE: '07y®3>V>7A$-a;*,±lf.5Cj:T7fc%5o fcjrxli. MPEG4 d'VdfXh U7;U74—5A„ -07U3>Vv7AT'®tt®*WI*. flWbEEAtFrttTt&l't,® t? $>•$>. =z>--'yf, EZEE. c®zi>y->7 Alcl*. i'5

    □ DOI: D0I®77U7—>3>7Dh5'f^'$O*'T)T$ffl1bl2ig-e'5j:UrL'’$i„D0I$®5. RA. 3>4r7F££tg®fc'v7XlcEl,'$&ATl'-5„ □ EBU: Information $ Document ICWirA, ttiilcyLT. ■€"tL$,t£xl£CtL$T?SE5tfSy V

    V o □INDECS: 77V>3A® A5%. WEB Jb(—SfcWffi^T'Ti.'&l'ifflT'VF'VAft &y)*oT$®lCd'>7Uf5ib'ib3>*

    104 •aV^V'VroiD-ftlcBILT. lD£Sijy J.--yhliL'*' ? 6<1 fc*-yhT?t,"71U©A\ *©#6t?I.'7f>V©Ba#l*? □ DOI:l,'$l4Sf£7b<. #$*$©*©& Table IC#a#et&&T!&;:5. fTradable T?$> fc^y/hsu'seiczS^j:. iDes3Xh©Rg@i*$iA' lc&6. DOI -CI*/<-=i-H6|B|C«k5lc. ftte^mLfcteicaXh&B JRf CIDF I*. DOI jrliS*ffiS6Wd:y.,1StEattlcaLT%ID^T t56UTL'6©T. %l|©E#^&6ltf. CIDFiDOIli, ')'J')3.-isaXJ)&oti."J—lb© ^iSlbiiSSttUTl'S, □ CIDF: £7UX—^AhttipIfilTWSTb^ rc*UbT>'yjj:#to*U#. fcfc'L. CtUifetT?IEx'5ci:ji

    •>5t7:-5'©5f'l'y-5-y£7X($E)l--Dl,'r. cttlcj# UTIt. □ DOI: DOI l*UVUa.->a>8ltB-^<@^t"-$)= DOI@ #I±#%6ID%©1!. >5^—5©$ E©tiNRI*, X-f;i/A©J:5». B$ftl2

    □ Indecs:#A\|=y^f—Ex-5)'f>»-7x-XI*$|6'l-i^ #. ZOtiVlt. (ClDFX,<*lg^#-3tj:5l=X"Jx-^^*#m##AV9f-9&#A' bSeU^fc'-S^OCyi*. IELl'A'tL^%L\ □ SMPTE: S*§f^fi£©^'P-bX-lp-l'rOhi'i:|Cj6ftI^ri'<'<#o SMPTET?$fflLT t'i, klv mmi*. >tm*iLTi,'it6. □ CIDF:ID -lz>5—($HpJfil)/DCD/XX—/7ID©3@®ICblt. EZI"-5 *,©(*. IPR- DBT?ffOo CIDF-ett^T—»«$*©%©»<. 5"-fd-5->£7X$86)Axb#l$LTL'-?)o □ebu: a*'ic, db laW:»#©pisfl*

    □ m##:CIDF

    #3>T>'y©IDtbte. E-contents A<37/\—E-Conntent fvT'Xi: ID £p>/< -f>t§£, ELL' Requirements *6S'^ E-Commerce A'6#"C L'^/UK. /£Axb. T''yh7 —X±© DRM

    105 MPEG-21 IS. Wflt»'bL'fcfc*L'fcffi«£ti:l-. *ft£**5rr •ss-j&jiiii.kufci'o (iHia-DTt. *5»CtlSL%L'6(5C6)

    106 2000 35 3 H 28 B

    ® 51 HI MPEG e3#S (0 -vx y H MDC G 'T/m BBS : 3 R 20 B (H) 9 : 00~3 £ 24 B (A) 21 : 00 @fi/f : S 7 > XH Noordwijkerhout rp Leeuwnhorst 60# titi®# : L.Chiariglione % 250 SX h : KPN, MindPoint, NOB, Philips, Telematica Institute

    1. "9-V V (0X94"VX>b A. IPMP * V 0 0 #Sai: h-jUl/'>XtrA$sg sssR^n^o u xvy-vxx i-x/v-x-e AHG©cn$r-©i6§i«i4#6u -e© ^&afi££tltX'b — 9Tt> h XA —'T'TOSiS&BflffiK L t Content Access Problem Statement iicW(N3348)$f^h£ Lto C tt$tEECSf5icF-tfl»llEIIf£fe'^;£:5|<© 5 Call for Solution fffiit AHGtAHG on Content Access Problem Definition : N3351)As$f V < SlfiJtcFit,, Frank Bossen/V ——A5®#, Rob Koenen/KPN ^SlaUl cfte^nto cFsii, 6 a y a * - ^66-e%ff £ n, 7B*< t * 10H$tC#©64l%?So B. MPEG-7 IPMP 14, -fe^n. 0X4 *at>&t'*|n|CjtA,-et'3(N3350, N3354)„ C. jgfrbtt, 3 t LZ0M&*m 1 t U MPEG-4 X3 —Xk© API ©M9lto"t, jS*L0TA3"VXAtt7 -Dyt^ytC$ o @C#ffb©&5#&#Wfa#C%oto (N3352) D. MPEG-21 V-X -> a y7tfgii$A, 3—yg#, %"J bV-Xk #«,sa©s©3 > x > x ns kla®, 3>^>v©@am, 3>x>x©*a © 6 o©-fe v -> a >"C, 6It 21 ff©7‘H:>^fi;t>nfco $-<©%#?, ###@ «vX7iA©fflaaiie©-i;'SttA5iifx.fenTt'>feAs, #-xxxA-e*-f6#i± £? $ L 4 %ti k©#%#%t & -3 to Xb-ti www.cselt.it/mpeg tSSBcFtl&o E. MPEG-21 XX 3* ip b#- b © WD Astti t« (N3300) ytCX^yi-A : 2000 35 7 H DTR, 2001 35 1 M FTR, 2001 3= 3 M CD, 2001 3512 H DIS. F. X b 0 — 5 >?Et^7D7 74 A (SVP) © PDAM4 »Wc<> (N3315) 200135 3 B IS ?So 14496-2/AMD3(Streaming Video Profile ©iMDo SSVP(Simple Streaming Video Profile : BVOP & a"ti' Simple Profile)) 6 —X b—VIIIIIl \ # &b~VC FGS (##?!%##) +FGST (FGS+©P^PgBtt) £ill)DLto AC ? aik35-Ett& b < $6$ *36, ^ t *$, Essnto So G. XXX/b%iBi#$r5%AA#W AHG (AHG on digital cinema requirements) mZtlfz o (N3353) DXbX, D y v-ffilffb, FGS ©iSIBSI&W'f 3» 0#Don

    107 Mead, Frank Bosseno SMPTE k V H. ** MV OM MV1.0 (N3324) kHTiegbi:# (N3323), CD X # (N3325) AWc= I. MPEG-7 DDL li XML Schema L, MPEG-7 fflMKIfifCftofe. (N3293) J. MPEG-7 ©T 7" V -7—v 3 'stiktafs o s MPEG-7 Application & Promotion to Industry AEG (Neil Day/ V 3 -WtiDfex 77"V©@;R$M4#L 77110?^ 7 * —5A/7 —7'> 3 y 7"& 10 g 1C Ml't Hffi-fbSJijif 3 C k te&o &(N3356)o K. MPEG-7 IBiS'7-;V7 4' X5 V AL 3 >5"> MSfif^T^K iza>kT7-fex, 3>^>t-ea, 3>t>hbi , >h©eagics

    L. MPEG-7 tt TV Anytime Forum &M&r7"V L, V nv/ > AHG SlSttfco (N3370) X, MPEG-7 i: SMPTE t EBU/Pmeta ©X79"-7©iRA#W AHG A5 (N3286) M. MPEG-4 Overview (N3342), MPEG-7 Overview (N3349) A-cife/ScFtltzo N. X^izsTT'DVy-l'A/ (V——iSSSi) © PDAM3 (N3345) Astti£:„ 2001 3 g ISo

    108 2. mmrui-') a > N3222> A. V > h ( 1) MPEG-21 (N3300) AHG ISfiE (N3357): 9-7 v a y 7lpfSU (JTC1 T© NP tSSBtotO Cl 4 M 20 B) (2) MPEG-7 • TV Anytime ft MPEG-7

    ©ee&yrv-e&So mpeg -7ipmp a, AsjilA/'CV'^)(N3350, N3354)o #-AEa- (N3348, N3355) • MPEG-7 Industry Focus Activity (Neil Day/ V 3—) : 77U Ort, 7 ^ 7W 9 —7 '> a y 7‘6llU'TSII§(b£iiXt"3 (N3356)o AHG "ST7" V ©$*Sitt 7-7va7 7-0ip(SSff7o • MPEG-7 Industry Forum Voluntary Committee ©ISVt#S$> 0 o 1'-5o • SMPTE, EBU Pmeta Metadata t MPEG-7 AHG iKfiL (N3286) •TV Anytime Forum k © V :n V > AHG Slfiito (N3370) (3) ipmp tmfrL • L/c(N3349)A^ «»#©:£»*> feCg*#*?/ AHG(N3351)-C-, ML, CFS(Call for Solutions) & y n. * -tiit<, ChiariglioneMWffliii'C CFP • iS^LtiA IPMP MPEG &o #@A&©#wa#f (N3352) (4) ET‘D774'/1/ • t7yiii M3izE7,D7 7'OV •y>7/lXJi/^7D774/l (I-VOP©^) »siSia£ft£ (AMD) •Xll)-;>ytir4-7D774/l (SVP, B-VO P. T >7-ly-7£-at?) © Kfffio ACS$nfc$$kA5o • 2D t 3D • fy^/Vi'^77D77i'/l : D71/X/D7-T\ 7Xli-f-7I„ AHG : (N3353) (5) M4IF (MPEG-4 T >^7 h V-7*-5A) • sill 3 H 25 B 9 Wf-17 ISf • MPEG-21.com, MPEG-21.org, MPEG-7.com ©th—A-^x—v/PlB/Atlfco (6) 'J7X>t->3> • IPMP AHG »ft©ff$to#6>7„ B. 'f>7'JX>T->a>

    109 ( 1) AC ?#j® VCV I-MB So (N3270), AHG: (N3249) FGS lit 2 "3® (2) MPEG-7 XMfMX-rv^-A'6Jl&*L:fco CE 7 h -4 it BIFS, OD 7D7r^X) (4) 14496-1 DCOR2#fi£*ff4I= (N3288) (5) V.l, V.2, COR1 (ETRI) ( 6 ) V3 : FlexTime, K TfflSP/Xx-f 7-fe V+X ExternProto 5 H FPDAM, 10 H FDAM. (N3289, N3290) (7 ) 74^7 h 7 2—7 v h : XMTCExtensible MPEG-4 Textual Format), X3D+ k SMIL-C-IBa-r-So XMTA>6 MP4 (2tt7-h\ BIFS, OD, ESD) ^x®-S $$£aJiEo 7 H PDAM, 10 H FPDAM. (N3291, N3297) ( 8 ) enhanced BIFS Animation ®i#An&#Wf 6 o (9) MPEG-7 : WD0.3(N3292). 7 77r— h/'J 7l/-7®37> h" D 41 A. (N3302) (10) DDL it, WD2.0 #fi$(N3293, 4/27 $T-(’)„ XML Schema MPEG-7 t6$6ff7= D,DS . (N3303) (1 1) MPEG-J : MPEGlet-?->-> ©)®o -f 7 7ft 7 EPG, #S%71P7y MPEG-JTgamL^y-A®7=t & 0 (IBM). 77 1 5KB. 7 h P1--5®tiS®o (N3304) D. MDS (1) IBiB'7—11/7 4' 75- V : J-—tfg^\ 3>7> h*-A s7-4'-tr-'>3> (##t7ll/) V 7-H'7*-'>3>k77-fe7 (+170, 7t0x—'>a»— ^Uai-S/a>, 3>7> HBiB («£, #&) S*i77'/i (r-^^4 7J;i®, 0>7k7T4 7@a, DS) (2) XM (N3246) ,WD (N3247) : 5 0 %fflx>x4 74 CE ^T-f 774” WV DS,eif4'7 DS, DS, H tT'tI > HSi^77 DS, +1

    110 V >J DS,Sm$SiE^ DS, (N3248, N3249) (30 *f CE : ZJk, DS, #&Ib77^-i/3>DS, #1/4W>r>ni:7 v> b\ DS. DS, tr#r^>DS, ## DS, UUa-DS, ■i 7f j&fc> b DSo y-V V DS, =L-y$}fr DSo D.DS 0I> h D tf-Tg* ffSBo (4) MDS/DDL : MDSWD2.0 DDL1.0'PIBiE'J'-So ( 5 ) SMPTE (P.Mulder), TVA( I.Sezan), EBU P/Meta(O.Morgan) t MPEG-7 ©* # (AVID) : 6 -9-yx ^ 5 7- 7'14, [email protected] tC subscribe mpeg7-integration “my email address”SSs-S. TVAnytime 77'J AHG : (I.Sezan/ Sharp USA), Philips, EBU, Thomson ## TVA©U7 7 4'-P^> bCMPEG'7&A4)#%. (N3370) E. UvTt (1) MPEG-2 :rlz7>d?V7bV-A#JEtt«(4, 5 H6A? FPDAM (N3327) ( 2 ) MPEG-4 V.l : DCOR 1 fflny > b*S (N3306) i: COR1 (N3307) **7? tZo ( 3 ) MPEG-4 V.2 : • #«SV7 b© FPDAM tH)iSUfe (N3309) o 3 >7* —V>7 FPDAM £ 7 HKffi f. AHG : (N3327) • DC0R2 * 7HCtti1"o f © WD (N3308) S4>@tflU/fc= • DC0R3 LLXV54' h 9 = • mm ME OMCOptimization ModeDl.OUt- b 7)© CD(*SkV7 b)&^$* %a MVFAST t PMVFAST A5# Stl •£¥;£» (4) MPEG-4 V.4(Studio Profde) : (3 DMC A5 V. 3). PDAM3 (N3313) Ufc. '>>7>75''>":47'n7 7'f/W4I 71-AtMr-^. 3rX4,y#7‘D7 7"OVIi;I,P 7 V-AkH5ttT::-j',77,5'f b(N3313).7M FPDAM, 1 n DAM. 814 t y b, 420-444, 4 l"'t/Kmaxl.2Gbps), max2048X2048 ■*o 7 4'y*->>7 ,;vyD7 7 4,h/:I-V0P©^, lOUy Ht„ (5) ri-y 3 >©®SI4^ie*©T-, ( 6 ) MPEG-4 V.5(Fine Granularity Scalability) : Streaming Video Profde SfK. 7 H FPDAM, 1 U FPDAM ttit". (Ajay Luthra/Motorola)


    111 ( 7 ) Call for Evidence *®ffi L&„ MPEG-4 kit® UcV'E^'fbSSmltS'^X b #*„ 30 B@ti>tUt> = l/*-H;Tttt7S^tn;a-„ ( 8 ) MPEG-7 irX^'ir^tfWD Ik Ao fc0 XM5.0 ttifo F. ( 1) MPEG-4 #mV7 1 : 3M FPDAM, 1 »ft9*#,®V7 bltfo V.1/V.2 7 V — 6 9-7 (74— F 5 ) (N3231, N3243) (2) V.l, V.2Sa#lfc^-l 3£#&o ( 3 ) MPEG-4Audio over FTP © N3233 *®tti Lfco (4) MPEG-7XM : 7 U—f-|g!$&An£<, (N3241) ( 5 ) MPEG-7 WD : Timbre WfiieiEttSAtofco (N3234) ( 6 ) MPEG-7 CE : E# (N3235K AHG (N3245) (7) MPEG-7 LED (Low Level Discrip tor) ©5C®6titi L/co ( 8) www.tnt.uni hannover.de/project/mpeg/audio/ MP3 k AAC ©a%#o G. SNHC (1) V.2 : FBA#BV7 bjE (3>7t—7>7 AHG : N3337)o 3DMC7H*® (AHG: N3339)o x7 b ©WITx7—> 3 CFP fflfc (N334i)o 7a i Bseetotao, 9 m 150 „ H. VxV> (1) ISO DIS15707 7 - h- ©Ik 0 x V > V 7 -til U £= (2) ITU-R Ik-f >777^4 7,x-;i/^-^Tr-fy-t-U3iV>@l-3fco (N3365) (3) DOKN3364X ITU-T SG16/Q,11, 13,14(N3363), SMPTE kx:7 7 lb'>* V T-VxV>(N3362)„ (4) TV Anytime k MPEG-7 77" 0 U 0 x7>o (N3359) ( 5 ) DVB k DSM-CC © FDAM f 0x7 >0 (N3358) I. DDL • XML Schema 6 DDL IkiEffi! o J. NB 37 > b • 31 > IPMP #Wlt## $ ^16 . K. HoD •FTP -0-7 ISO Web-0-7 L. 7717x—11/ •MPEG-4 V.2:-l,-2,-3,-6 ft 2000H?-2 H5tfiL-4 It 7fl FPDAMvS It 7 M FDAM, • V.3 -1 It 5 H FPDAM, • MPEG-7 It 12 H WDo

    9 : 15PM *S7.

    112 3. A. 4iX h©:t—7"—XXXt:—f- vomit* B. NB3^>Hg (tf>H) Mf-f- (am ME) 6 ADZSER, MVFAST "CSS* £-5^-8 <, e^^G-e#Wf6. (») xh')-K>v\i.v^vuyTi (&) V7h0f#*7'ft>xifsrg. (0) • MPEG-4 tii7a.T;VV.l©DC0Rl k V.2FDAM1 ©fi-&SMo • mpeg -2 © x n x v x ffl iimstiu Ax©#*%©#g#m&e -3-c^e.ftfeto^^go (#) • MPEG-4 KiV.l © DC0R1 ©*?ft®*^S)!i*o • (b) FDAM © 3 DMC ©BiESEo (*) • M4IFx\ y >y-VT"y • i/^.7’7"n77,4’1V©$6$0 DECI, AVIDx Sorensom fljjo •FGSit^-Fo 3 0t:PDAMtti-r^So • FBA (jEftr-X) ©DC0R&UJ!E&£1''<8= c. mpeg -2 (1) MPEG-2 Kird-XD XX -> a >®a©fa@ttx PDAMl ^S^Vg^tltz* d . mpeg -4 (1) 0mm&0 V 7 h & TR k L-CttiEf-5(t tttgs#6y — v^-r xkH^iy.±ti-^.So nM’-Wlz-r 4 7 V—©4i©©7#sa®1"^.s= (2) V.l DCOR 1JSS : *|g£ft£o (3) V.2 PDAMl ea : (4) V.l 3>7* —7>X-rX h : • '>X7"A : jtjftt'AXx-r >X(po JpmjiSkifii'il'So • trt: V.l l±^J®o V.2(i65%x h ') -UVz-"J D%T* ■ t-V't it : V.l %To V.2 ©H-e%66to-B^So • MPEG-J : AMD1 VM11 V7 h & IM1 Hz’ 4.1 C*E ty hX h V-ASKlffofco A##w©m^. • SNHC : 3DMC©V7 h/iX»jE6$i*A^o • PDAMl : ^IgSflfco (5) V.3 • IM1 : Sf37\ FBA k7 *M&A Jfz*;tV%ik^

    113 7-71/iIttlo DMIF$|gAftfc= 7 F7l>7|5|%t77P : 2 t6X©5l8„ 1tffitt*= *=r-1 7©J® : PDAM»*ffl&^o • BIFS : •7U'y?Z-P'—>7t 7 7 L y #7.9 4 A, ES 7 1x77X74'A) afe-Bo - 7 b7l>X BIFS Gt&BIFSX 774 7#J#l±Mi:#W^B. y^fA : • PDAM2 &g : Sfgo • MPEG-4 on MPEG-2, Internet: E$t4S6iifiV£o MPEG-2/AMD7 t ©B-att&BCffcllfxtSo • 771,7-3.—4777" V : V 7'74'-\7y< > h© V 7741 >* 5 ■5o ®*t£«© V 7 7 4* >x Web3D -C#Wf Bo 7 H(; CFP B. •f^ft7t-7yl : WD1.0 £4" Ufa 1-0 X3D Bo 71--y-e SMIL TV—PT-HGI-BAx 3 >71-7S MP4 Lx MPEG-4 7>—VC^RTBo VRML-elltfai5feB.*?SMIL7V —V* 5€©#|g&Sto«WIBo Er1 : • 7-7P##e#W : tftffijg*©!/*- Ftfajfco • FGS : PDAMlb£##o SSOPSJitti:©n-f7'J 7 Mbx -f >7->- 7k©m^-&. ffi*»tttr©7felC|t^*fT7^So 3>7 4—7>X ^©Bm-fbSfB^So • X7'>1"7,D7 7 4'7V : #I77l7y7D-Hl&« 7 h V—A?S}&£ NHK hV-—4"® PDAM £ffBo • 3D7=X##fb : #Mm©^o (6) MPEG-7 • 77" V AHG : NHK, Telematica, V 3-, f >'7-ffl37tSiAf:. TVAnytimex NIST ©WSifc V o IPCT, Astronomy k©U3:V>8lBo • 77 V*# : IBito-tHXx 7E-b\ 3 dtn,1rb © V 7 7 4' 7 X > F SIB* Lfco • IPMP : 71V AHGSfSH-C-x 3>f>VMAsi* DKTSftftfc. D,DStt3 >7>7©tt#iJIB*£fF;*&l,'>o AelBizESfffe&Uo $M3>7>7©figli A^*%t\*7ci-^@o d ,ds »©« a777ASSI4An6nBfi6(Cl-^So 3 >7>'7©®®i MPEG-7 "ettiS BSiTt^So • V >7 : Xpath/Xpointer £{$-3/1 V >77 *3XA©ffffl6fr3 y <$oDDL IBxE±"e©7 b*

    114 • DDL T-©IBx£ : *-zr-f * (gSftfcn Krt (LX b ?7 U D,DS) SIBizELfco D^©ti£*H«©IBa(;jitf^S= • iy-Xy-b : 7—*=rV=77, 7 b <) — 5 >^©1tltSfT<-\ WD1.0 O o •DDL: JAVA T* DDL ^ *-vy\* —-if 6# o fc0*iE*E@&tfcS4 LfcoWDl.l L^Zo XML 7 * —V —Z7°©5§AtA;i£l©"CV''&o *tb* — blEB^ ©fcfj&K-wtjliJBfetio 4"S-n-T\ k't 6&HUB* C++/1

    m?fba©#6a^#&o. • ®tt/toS- D 3 7S1 : 3D U„ T-^-fe'V h®@ii^)S»sSBo • D 37ia : 1 3 9n>-b7"h6UX bTs'T’Lfco HUS*, 4S3>-b7b V% bo •*-7-*J*DnTSI@6: #*36* CE, *S#fi CE, PM*CE, ttSUffo WD, XMfflgffSfTVo • DS VE/CE : gf=> Web ifj b L7c« DS © CE A&©#M iS„ • Med/Met DS : XM C DS SSto-5^$o • SttSIBDS : ill/^l/3>#-^>P0Sa, DS©SE&4ff? = • ZL—tfW©- DS : DS $e&MBL CE Stfflfc. ■ t'7a7*XM077 : (7) MPEG-21 (7Wr-f77l/-A7-7) : • 7-7->3 7 74i<„ 2 : 00~o 22 AAs%So • XM gg% AEG : Web th-AC XM 6*-S7zo MV#ttiV7 bftL AD©# w>p ds #*ma ^, xml /i—9w*a<^x m/v-cu-s. ^ I/F (8) f©#, •fyDyb^ • 7D77-DVkb^;i: ^:l$„ IJLA^/L. • 8* V : 8fifet)„ WMffll/FSMt^* • tgiF IPMP ->77h. :

    115 4. V (3 M 2 2 B*«B)

    A. IJ»T74'-VX>1' (l00A+60*7-9 —/V • IPMP, )S;tPL : #S"t"z<$B3@0S36pl$6o problem statement 5o M4IF£±B1B, B. i>Xf A V.in'J^x'/ysnii-lfe, V.2, V3 (Flex Time, @Eb—V, ODffiEtflV) V.4 (7h : WD$@t<, MPEG-7 ®Slg&($mi"5o) MPEG-7 (rPWf 5 7X1334, XX4"lb7-b, WD#W, DDL#W) ft (BIFSt>WENST, MPEG-4ZRTP S) E@ (MPEG-2 DSM-CC #JE, MPEG-4 V.2, MPEG-7) C. MDS 77li8 (%m DS © I/F StiSSXML-^DDL m&SrSSC) l7>77-T7>^t>lffl37iiSlS. XMAVDbti- (TimeDS, tW>H

    D. tif* • MPEG-2 (7*0 f VXBiKE@tt, Extra__Information Picture f 7 X X X SrfiE fit" 5*[6l) MPEG-4 V2 (#mv 7 hTMKieuSSo 63 ME Sr OptimizationModeKOM) £Aft5o DCOR2/3 MPEG-4 V.3, V.4 (XXrAtXnXWlk FGS ttPDAM t33St?0 7 M FPDAM, 10 M/1 M FDAM) MPEG-7 (CE PE a— XM, WD SSt) E. :f-f 4# lSGkf34'>b^$lt) (Xt-fSf$©37S8B, XM03T5li6Em®3 X > IfffiE) MPEG-4 V.2 3 77* —7>X(#!8V7 MPEG-4 V.lSIEtt, V.2 SStoT 7 HiXB, ERS&Hlf. mpeg -7 3 7## (x t-tmm ce & xm CE#%.) F. SNHC MPEG-4 v.2 3>74—7>X (FBA:*SOK, BS $#**1X^5 = 3DMC 7MA*ilV7 bffi1-0 3D7-*-'>3>nmt : CFP#«m.) G. ISG MPEG-7 XM©#3SSr#WL*o H. HOD

    116 MPEG FTP b (ISO 71/^ V Ot^o WS/V7 b/MMMits

    ^#B# (5 B 31-2 B Genevas 7 B 17-21 B^tl^ 10 B 23-27LaBaules 1 B 1519 B Eilat, 3B5-9Bv>^-;K 7B913B, 10 B 15-19 B) v 3 ^ > b : I. U3iV> TVA, DVDs SMPTEs IEC TClOOs ITU SG16s W3Cs Sc24s W3D> U7—

    117 5 . MPEG-21 V — j'J'a » 7 (Chiariglione, Koenen, K.Hill, J.Pavlik, O.Torvund) www.cselt.it/mpeg "C&HScFil-S » <-{ >t-D> A.V/l/^-Xx'f 77 V—A*7 —X®#0l (L.Chiariglione) ## : • (MP3*iTC)o • M7— • #3 CT 7-fex WlgM ti • aw^-4'SKf®ASB*lc»i9-oo*5 <1

    SB: • SBIito® (#8"(b, n >^>‘71366, ffiftxn hn/k #)

    ffi : 2000 # 7 8 xX-*/!/b#-1 HxX 1 (DTR) 2001 # 1 8 mUf-Z-tlKl'tf-V (FTR) 2001 #38 CD 2001 #12 8 DIS

    <-fey'>a>l. V»t7'f17y<>l'> A.is-Y—7" V XA7 p6>® V 7 bY X7 >1 (John V. Pavlik/Columbia 70 • XDxOi.—9"®V7'77X7> h :©*. EK-Wlx-T (#$#). ■fedrxUx'f (#«ffs#e.®«a) • v7-#UXh®V7x^#X>h : titfg®aMtiu Sti§6 (±*gJiK $s®66: (w& a###, wi'ift, mmmMs »mss)

    • xv^/ltfeSR®#1!: www.digitalearth.gov t^7117 ytitl# 0 tl/z3 >r77

    • Xny7'>3>A>6®V7 ,7-f"7y<>l' : fgnxk &J0, • ev#X^Bx> : S?37-7 • ES7I7H-. • # 7 h tM/*X®$ : Stephan King #S#Bi : 2 BT*4 O/JSB^fco 2.5 p;wn tr-0 • : iz7-#VXA, -i-7tM®i«A©7>/t7 h*<,

    B.3>x > 1 Ha#e,®V7X'f"77> h (Keith Hill/Rightdcom) • -f >^-*7 hT'Srtfv^xma (®p=iv-x) LfcAb 3>f7HS ASttH-fbL/ctoX, 6«$#£-$ic&ofco

    118 •$3IS**'.y h*7 —^CD-r >75 : ey^^tr;K gl&S&U, 3>T>VID. ia«, pjta • : id , ##@m, wjfiifflwt,

    C. '77'f !^y—OWUSfr £>(£>') &V-i ~V^ > h (Olav Torvund/Oslo ;A)

    • mmagft -. wim&© wg ±* • 7"MM:>-©;£#: *xmiBi#$>-5k#®^jfflnj|go EE, Mi. @*. tt

    • jSifltt : (*i8©-M!Ktt, iES$n%(tn«»66;u„

    D. QA. 1. 3>7L>y0j^iEttC'Di'.-ctt? : 2. rMTMyefflAtstot^Vtti:? : S5&ffii@= 3. : 4. ¥ffWSa©ffiWbttMSt'il'BA1 ? : MusicOD, MovieOD ©X-ri-iBfiM' 50 j.—9*tc MTOTttIBW&tiifSUo 5. ?8 *#Va ;;v ©^ VT5>^li? : 6. #####©3% H±#A%9 ^?###*%,cTA#? :x >Kjx

    7. $ v h0^#K##o

    <-fe-y^a>2. t4ra.V^4WR> A. MPEG 4 OCI & IPMP (Niels Rump/InterTrust) • v yT-mTT -'; ic##tm*5»=, -ID h (ISAN, ISWC'T/L, ISRC.ooo) ©S#o • MPEG-4 7=-'3-^5=-> (IPMP fc© I/F : *f«6¥V'As, (§2W!'t4& Lo • : IPMP v ^AT-SSI bJ®, •MPEG-7 IPMP:MPEG-4IPMP kR DT7D-f-oBP^##@a(:K^ -y^- U&Vx, • MPEG-4 OCI : AV^i/M bfflrtSCHt* 1?-^

    B. OPIMA: Open Platform for Interactive Multimedia Access (Win Mooji/Mindporl) •*020a#*Po IEC-ITAm^Ao • ####!#. (Bjaer-t). Mmtt, t n v mi#B(:o

    119 • OPIMAfifflV'>>u ^-m±-e16SgfflttSS6Ho OPIMAVn hn;p„ • 7.^'V^73«3^> h®fif«

    C.SDML Secure Digital Music Initiative (Niels RumpflnterTrust) -*150##lm. • U-r4©S©t'&SK (99*F6 H) • e.», 4#©3>7L>^ffiassssis= • 7i-X2 0CFPtUfeo 4H#&%0 :«H?0fflSSffl14t;ot'.-Co

    D. EBU ©iS^Vttof (Louis Cheveau/EBU) • DCTSS : yDy»0^-TtCl HIfB£4to&tr= •Sr##. • *7i5-c\ yny^ '> 3 >-b>37-x% j-—y«st*a»iitfo

    • MPEG, ITU'\0jg*-f&o • xn5«|g0$e : I SAN, Eurovision : ###W (RA) 445.

    E. QA

    qi. Mm9&? a : isaffltti®. i -oomm-xnt*^- lwl&v>. Q2. S^e©^D^rp*§#&^ < A: H$s«5feLT*fco @akmma*©m@. Q3. 3i>Lffl#-f>Hi^-ii. OPIMAT-i±f5 L-CU^iP? A : MPEG-4 ©tl-nli, IPMP '>Xir A &« LT t> 6 d » Q4. mpeg-21 -e^-wa&tPFfkt^*? A : $>-6£'$#$>?.» ci. «jstaa?.'>^7iAtt*-So dess rsa, aes&j?.

    C-feyi/a >3. j7—5^‘lVk^’j' PC'— A.DVB MHP (Multimedia Home Platform) (Jean-Pierra Evain/EBU) • #- API OSIo 250 ttW#- h .

    • ^-'y)\'y7 , h$SIN a.—+ff||6]s v—try hig|6L -<'y 9 y 9 =? 1 tfxjffi. • 99 Ip 4 M WDl.Oo JAVA X API. HAVL DAVIC © -M. •99^6M WDl.l. DVB ’’HTML”. CA^LOXV- F*- •8H IFA’99 T* V1.0 ©t^E

    120 • TXVti:, ASUSS, XX-'yH65S, #. Sfn>-fe7>©tm= • KStt 2000 • MPEG, TV Anytime iil#0

    B. IEC TC-100 ©Sib (Goran Wahlberg/)

    DAB, DVB, ACTS, MUSE, Internet, ITU, ETSI, ATM 7* —7 A, IEC, lSO^h'©#K#&o • TYVTR,MM«gsAVmi**t#U • m : IMT-2000 ( 3 GPP, ETSI, ITU, ERO, GSM, GSA, UWC, CWTStifc) • (WtB* v6 3DB*E$T) • BSWSX -* -*©-&,

    C. QoS fi5fiE©3IS©^ "J F V—X API (Aurel Lazar/Xbind) • dmif ©SSTi-. )*ftfbt-3P«aS£x'PX52v(bX'y Yv-Z-zm&tZ* • PIN (Programming Interfaces for Networks) • IEEE P1520: />— Httv. IP. • XT -y -y h l7-X±-eiEISc9 —PX%S= • DMIF I/F (DAI) SffijBLT QoS XL-AX-X&fM ( b 5 X-f-y XX XX flk£/£*)o • OPENSIG, I WAN, OPENARCH^P*.

    D. QA Qi. StSttMKf^'y

    <-fe-y'>3>4. e$J@a©%©3> X ID klS6E> A.INDECS (Interoperability of Data in E-Commerce System) (Golfirey Rust/Data Definitions) xxx-x ut v t s^o X XX—X©SEsRsfeWi, #PJkaEi#© iNDEcsti, &Kg©3>x>x&#mAicmt#^.

    B.DOI (Digital Object Identifier) (Norman Paskin/Intemational DOI Foundation) MPEG-7, W3C, NISO, ISO TC46, WIPO . micatz-xiD&t^i&o @i>fr (url) a* (urn?), (nt-)

    121 ■to m mi Kahn/Cerf, www.internetpolicy.org ©IS : XI-X%> www.doi.org, www.handle.org

    C.CIDF (Contents Identification Forum) (Hiroshi Yasuda/U. Tokyo) 54 0&#iDo MXKom&mMWMSs SSTri/4';VT-*Y 716©3ID Sott-So *7 htfV A S©l6)ii:6Ex%«i:. ID iDga-irv^-^aSo ID : ID t JB&ooo id tt 2 ea* v (xxa^u+*a^w k ut 3 >r > -y c xn-6 <, y XS^Lffl^iFfb U"C, i&1y> L£$®!$S'JS-i|'£Aft5o Bg : 4 1.0, 5H#IE^X h, 6Htt«*l.lo

    D.EBU P/Meta '7V¥x.& h (Carol Owens/EBU/BBC) t’o 3 >71>'yktl$©Sti$oyT :'f 7M6oGIGCXgarbage in & out)„

    ###, E«#x «*#flE-t-3 y=f'yv ktiflg* $860 UID$rEBU#*lCSfo M>=r-9omtbiifos ^ h"e©y —7£Bi©&© ©#Wo : The Missing Link -§\ BBC X. 99.11.29 (Ifjo fc0

    E. SMPTE ©y (Oliver Morgan/SMPTE, Avid) SMPTE li, EBUOXXXy*- X„ 0t : SMPTE305M SDTI (Df 1/3 I/F) ,7 yY/UX-V>X;W8ISo SMPTE330M UMID (Unique Material Identifier, 2000.3) SMPTE 33GM KLV (Key Length Value), ID ©#% =?vrt (3>X>pyVy X—y) ©$*o SMPTE326M SDTI 3 Xt1 > 7Tl 7 7-vflk ®Jj£(p0 SMPTE \/V7s h VSVl(1998):MPEG-2 7*-V-y h ID.ATSC UPID,SMPTE ##. SrPj:*rS¥*, D i/’X HJ ffl*3Ilb. SSglMbo X 7ir—7+1Y Xll/tT^il/o n & ©sftttttffliio

    F. QA

    122 Ql. SBTOmtem? : (CIDF) Q2. 3>7L>F©Witt? (1 tfty h©tm, #$#):IDtttt6*>?): CIDF fttx 9 ijx-^* sWiSft©?>0 Q3. jf'i':F5 Hcyj'x —i'fttt'iil-BitP? : -£>5"C*Bj|go Sttfb i2® (INDECS)o IDWS-t:>fZ-M%rtZ (CIDF). Q4. XMLfffllB: l*lS6 sIB)4ai*fittC«t)?>6:V'o Q5. :Yes=

    <-byi/a >5. 3>x>'i'©Sffi> A. MPEG-7 (Multimedia Contents Presentation Interface) (Philips Salembier/Catalonia XA) 3 >7 > -VIBSE kx —tFSBi-B. (K V V r<;lgE)i£)o IBiEkSS.

    ^7yi -A : 2000^ 10)3 CD, 2001 %IS iBii-p (Descriptor) ; HttSBiE® fi! jt k Stt4/til. SBiMyK (D Scheme) : lBxE^I@©«iS6**. aBiEEala (D Definition Language) : / 9 Hun 7 4-^5 0 :#& -S$S, **, XtA x —!f©i3iE^o : n >t" > • iSMH

    B. FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) (Fabio Bellifemine/CSELT) mm ■. tisaiitto «')?<> am®. x-yx> (Pattie Maes/MIT) ©M : ID, Tu—ij^ StS, flSXkEiS, T75'—9--tBX6x-iz*x> hrUSo ft 60 a(t#iDo tttiS : FIPA’97. FIPA’98. x—i?x> 177 7 h V 4—AR&Xx)!/. x-ifx^lWb : 7+BBN+9-4 ll/f X*#. @#R#0aX©#B\ jf T 7 7 j7 fflfitoo

    C. TV Anytime Forum (F Jean Pierre Evain/EBU) HDD V3-y*s$SCA^ k, x-y x > h#«tl»3 >7 >9 &I3B LT7-’v>h\ 3 Rim. y^7-^X3>7>93K CIDF h®'Jxy> 0 2000 ^ 5 13 29-30 B : New York 60.

    123 D. QA Q1 b&SIfflC&^vtP? : MPEG-7

    Co MPEG-7 CDjl—tf t°d 7 y >f ifCDSE^^iJWtbo Q2. :

    <-fey'>3>6. 3>y>'7##> A. MPEG-4 (Fernando Pereira/Lisbon #%: {5L- b-iEV-b

    B. Web3D 3 > V—'>7A (Rick Rafey /Sony, Web 3D) :f-7°> 3D VRML CD(£ tF> X3D Web3D SDK CD#&# (www.web3d.org/sdk ) X3D CDKlg^ : GeoVRML (%#CD VRML ## , Human T-7-v 3 X ^CD^-ibU >7*7-;k JAVA^-ibV >7*I/F SrMLfcrT’Vo Hbx flfeo XML DTD T077D SIGGRAPH2000 -e^Si^o r^ft7t-7y b m5685 £ MPEG 7T7°D 7 y 7 ;VCA;b bfco ^@7 — b'(m537lX NURBS (blaxxunX Multitexturing(NVIDIA) ©?§/)□ 0 yt : 3DT-7CD#A^Mo GeoVRML txy^b©^^flllfto

    124 4. SlijAHG [3 n 20 B(B)1 a^UT a . ill®# : YK.Chen, N.Rump, F.Bossen, P.Kudamaki, iStlx flfc 1 7 ^ Application Domain 1 (/ k06#» MPEG

    (m5763) (iWW/NTT) (adi ) tm#«asis!i (ad 3) X*fflfl»«8 bfy p-eti^3Ed?= a* V©SS0KSiJid4+»o

    x *aa> u* s«$n-c 4,^'f >a*>

    : fiatt$B(8bit?X ■*I?8 ,J>4:US,

    (m5657) MPEG4 ^©a* USflUfl’Sttl' (P.Kudumakis/CRL) ffi5gfflttkBEeoSI:y^>D-Ptt0S-6 OPIMA (Open Platform for Multimedia Access) ^^©d* 'y%7 %-—X-Sr MPEG

    IPMPTRsR-yX S»=-6-0$6kx %r p7h-yX0VVV n—'>a >£ffrj£ • SttSLfeo PaSttx ttPKSS->7xx6&C m5667 © V X'V'f-PX > h Itra®, #5gffltt0S©VX^i'-RXyt-©SMItM, IPMP^Ei/n.-;V0H» ^tftWSfi-xWo InterTrusttt/Niels 4Ai»7Dfi —9"®® Andre U 3 >T>V7D7Wym#60^K&R-3^.

    125 5.

    A. IPMP hh © o v V't ^y > t- 7V1- u •cs*us»®!e$6«s *aa$k*e^c hy;v-y6iag, HSBiSSISBCU CFP StitifS© Problem Statement Ufco HIM : Tiy-f ^ : Nielso WM ^A— YK.Chen MSMAs#iPo 3 >y >y7"D/W y#|±, Problem Statement MS©*±rfb (fflssmttksure ©mi) LTcjcS&fMLfco /pB! H © U P /' -l' "p y > t- PVV—76#"C\ Problem Statement jfcHI&SEM/fco Mlczt—VN -2> S®^$SSS"I'-5 Call for Solution IPMP AHGOiM : Frank Bossen, Slttft : Rob Koenen)SfFo 6 AEG ^nf CFP 6%ffU 7 EdbljtXtt 10 BS^T-CtSSS:

    (3 M 22 b u P y p py > b ^;v-ye© ipmp eh ) • Andre (:##«#< »t\C • n—5>^-r-fr<®fr? • yb7>n —Fxrff <©*? • CFP : ntl--yi vs mPPPry HgOtgBUfllti, ES6& <1/3—: 1. &7D/Wyi±a&#^IPMPM%yA&#T,-CnTGmi/ClA&t\, 2. OPIMA V V V n-—>> 3 >„

    B .«*u mm»m 1 (y^y-^am) &Ei:mwf6o t«wts„ P ^a/tPL&ttohTSo PVP-B0S|g< (ilclSB)o

    y j'iSA^L (iWH) : y j'S* L/ffl5^6®lpfbt'^. V= ESroJIB&aitPL (YK.Chen) : SA^UcESftiii^It^V'o


    C. MPEG-7 IPMP 2 Hffl ParisAHG-efffSbfe 0 ^17/f-py > F*«©M,iIl/&ff ofeo l. mpeg -7 ©IBxEttx 3 >7=->y©WPJtcWuriSto&Stt£S/Vt-ti:& e>&©=

    126 2. D, 3 . MPEG-7 tt#MK6^©r 7-tzX/AfV&ffl©f@£-¥;iTti:& S&Uo 4. D,DS,IBM© *©»&«, 6 e 6 ft& Ij-n«& S & V 5. MPEG-7 & >mmw^m,y7,=rb^»xix, (SSUliS&to'o

    D. MPEG-21 7—7'>3'V7‘6jf-D;feo-6CA>li®7'f —bV'>7ti:,fl6tii|i-fb'f"^$A1? x 7-*)VDtf —I- (TR) ffll*lS (tvij> -f>bD, ISiBIBzE, 7V—A7—7® I[7-—S'®#, S*k4.7b7-7]) 6k-d1" 5 *> ? eg« ? 4-EHS®, Geneva 6#?# 1 7 x-X©IW8*iS„

    E. $i:to (1) i/XfA : Layer2D 7D7 7-f MZ MFEffectNode 0 = *bHT-7fflo (CA.Duford) -ofZo (2) SNHC:MPEG-4/VRML’97 Ci661"^'6'fi8*7 ,i7x7 b©i!Ufi7-7—'>3> 77L—A7-7© CFP StUfo W7-fW>Ht UmiSffl oJSg&W, iEttfb&<= (3) V77-f-py>b^**g: • 14496-2/AMD3(Streaming Video Profile © iid/JU, max 10Mbps) —XV— "PC SSVP (Simple Streaming Video Profile : B VOP, Interlace, 2type Simple Profile, max6Mbps)£<£V\ ffl&V—Y\Z FGS (SMS?IDW4) Xli, POST (FGS+BSMI1JH4) *iiSDUAco • 14496'2/PDAM2(Studio Profile)©#!!^ 8-16 hf X h, 420-444, max2048 x 2048pel, 1.2Gbpso 2001 M 3 ft AMD • AHG on Problem Definition for open access control ©ei-t/So Eft Frank Bossen, RobKoenen • AHG for WM ©BE : 77') iBStttfcW, Eft YK.Chen, H.Sakamoto • AHG on digital cinema requirements ©SfiSt : ir"'>'7)l^EilflSrEE$E7jit (UXV X, UX'>—) #W, FGS ffliSfflttofo Eft Don Mead, Frank Bosseno SMPTE t >)x.'J>mZo

    (4) MPEG-7M# • MPEG-7 Overview MM AHG ©%Eo Eft J.Martinez

    127 • MPEG-7 IPMPAHG ©BEo MBI K.Hill, N.Rump . MPEG-7 T7') kmKt##AHG ©*flfto 2000 10 ft\Z.V~-Z'>3 y # N.Day


    128 10.1.2 S52@ MPEG Geneva £e6S8S

    5 2 tu MPEG i/1-*-

    (MPEG-4IPMP 7F^9^I)

    30-Jun-00 *-vy > (#) $®

    1. are • : 2000 ^ 5 H 3 IB ~2000 # 6 H 2 B Noga Hilton Hotel Geneva, Switzerland

    2. #%#: «J1 0£

    3. «5 MPEG USESk&^TU3 MPEG-4 IPMP i'^'a WWimZtltzo MPEG-7 STP*-yyiiTy X>-?%.-£&z>fz„ S£o-C. SI6$6Sfftt. ftHrud-UT-tt Requirements T®S»Eia©iiiiflAs»S#t^©^'t- Resolution £fctl3i££;h,f\ ###&«, ftEUt $ ft 3 "RtT- fe -5 o

    4. Eli mi HI© Noordwi jkerhout it rtTfl L6, "Contents Access Problem Statement"(N3348) 3-—tf©#AA^pending ItfooTL'fti:©, ft %i (C Requirements0#RobKoenen Ktosasstoxn-C, C©@;»&#^U b”4rn.y > b t Lt77it7-fXLt. dfcw LTm'ttgtiZ fcSftft-So f ©#x 41 ft y > 1* J; D ("Representative of MPEG-PF project in Japan”) #%$ft6\ IPMP8P6&ST©fcto© Call for Proposal (M6028 : Sift ttT CfP itUSf) &7tCU t, cfPo^ir-fTM /v’ttWitfi'Mibbntz* yndi —ifiv©#?k vrtt,

    ® Systems Ver.l k. oJD Ver.l ##©^@Pk© F-f >

    129 £ — 7x- ZftfaXMtf) % Z. bfiK Strong Preference b. ly~Cj>micf ftao


    (3) MPEG-21 "Multimedia Framework" hIE©ft##^ ■£>•#xm&z>o tzlt u a , $> < £x mpeg -4 (Dfflfeb LT©£iJ/££ B*l U MPEG-21 ©jiflSji^ >) fctf £)Itf>a fclASfcBfc-C '□"Tllcf ft/fco

    @ m trMSf ag t & < t s, >7^^-oux, a«

    Cfp \Z\ts MPEG-4 IPMP ©hX b V # Niels Rump ftCcfcafBftfc:£ &ilin£fta b b&lZ, PXViDXmifi refer £ ft a (Zip 77^;i/kLT|5|#^fta)?^&ao

    • Content Access Problem Statement • MPEG-4 IPMP overview and applications • MPEG-4 architecture and reference model Working draft of the MPEG-21 Technical Report • Pre-registration form

    5. 4#©B# CfP&BOBUfcJu W^iWi;rF©MD b&^-ruao Pre registration: 9/15 Final Proposal: 10/15 Working Draft: 04/01 Committee Draft: 10/01 FDIS: 05/02

    3 B fM]©%S#Q##|# k 3 C CfP 4d C a (Interoperability, Renewability etc.) ©##iCol ^T& ^ :t—7° >$Jl”Cfca0 (IPMP U 7V^^C^ftfeF77f^IM : L) CfP Ut^ fcglfca V7 b^xT©^ (ISO ^© donation # U '>—£

    130 V7yV>7V7 bbLTtDfob*) &0S 5 3 ID MPEG jtM2xn-fuH©001B (713 16 0) W7F^'^^iiU MMmmtZZt izfc^tz o


    131 52 HI MPEG 2000 # 6 H 30 B

    ®9f y»b;vp> BBS 2000 iF 5 H 31 B~6fl 2 B

    1. wtm m 52 ® MPEG SrB-tiU ±C MPEG-7 ©ISWbffSSCfctot'W'f ±tc mpeg -7 m&®nmcm^x 3 BB©^st-pi«$nfeo #*n Sli 200 SfiSx B**fe ©#ip#tt MPEG-7 ^k*$,0x«S® MPEG

    MPEG-4/IPMP Ad hoc group on Content Access Problem Statement

    vmBsam-e 3 ame^nx mpeg £r-&©-® k LZ%M&Mst>(>tlfco £C MPEG-4/IPMP © 2nd Call for Proposal ©ipfilffStfffttn/co MPEG-4/IPMP © 2nd call for Proposal ttf tx£r&Z-%frt & k k A## k»0x «*WffiA5 10 M 15 Bk$n-E,»k-e©*#*efcSUAc= Sfe MPEG-21 WD AifftiStlx ^tS^T© TR © CD 1bA5®SffltSsk&0x Sfc MEPG-21 © 2001 ^isc cDfb, 200l4=7MCFCD fbSH^o IPMPtt MPEG-21 ©tpffiStok&STffl^n-E.o 2. 2.1 MPEG-2 MPEG-2 HStlix -f >7 D-xtcH@Lfc$t6iS;bn©&V'>Ai81a8 :iiX2o 2.2 MPEG-4 MPEG-4 DMIF © FPDAM2 AsfffiK$h.fc= 2.3 MPEG-7 MPEG-7 (ColN-mS- < ©ff*A sfitinx DS © WD(v.3.0)AsfM -r > >;/ 4 7 4 ;v * -T 2> y--iv^a): b1' k 11 a HI,* 4 c k A!St $ fix bWconttt CfP As£"$Tia&u;tPkt')SllAstti£to&o 2.4 MPEG-21 MPEG-21 tt TR © CD fb6SV'T'V'5o SrU' WD(N3449)A5#/t££ft. ^b»6 irC-tt CD IfiWf&ZftZ web t—«&H$n-5Mk^-ea>-5o fztz D4-0© K5 7 h (AottTtt —fg&IBtifTfc&t'o

    132 2.5 Content Access Problem Statement ad-hoc Content Access Problem Statement ad-hoc(ttT CAPS)ttb*£;tt: MPEG-4/IPMP k W5nrv>fcT h**y»-c-jPMPftEffl2@E®c£PS:iis«T^fctoi;i95;snfco 4-11, MPEG*S-6-kj6frl/Tr LtPSiLfe. CAPS tty b*5h "J ^T-ttfc&Att *6Ak$ < MPEG ttfSBTVEU —©& Requirement k ET\ 4>04;-&© 3 BfS© B*!6tt Problem Statement ® 55$^ CfP ffl b'7 7 k k U tt ©«litt^»S4rr*ffdc k k tfe0 PC j'-4fto$g6Sll£*iJfflU-c Af#OHP-et*n. vy-f i:M f •5##*to®$a4~kMS6fi:ofco t Uy-f l:Mf-5 ACM Computing Survey ©IB*©F l38&il@4-U a U f -f ±®Hlffl# < ttlSttSt ^®3- y-f >^®©Pgtr4C?>Ck^*g$nfe» 6©#Attt4rn. Vy 4 ^@©- an? ua ^V'C k »ssi$snx +#&-fe * n. >j y -r *mut & tz ® c tt$#*fr®pg A> k^HEd-h-fco Problem Statement tt 3 HHi]tJti. 0 Mrp&ilI-iMsnItkitt/bo ST Requirement MUItt t), #U06#T? User's point of view ti.^-fflSSS'ttttl™* 5-SX $ L^cttf %®T?\ Ctltt"40ti LtEc- tt I- User's point of view % ili''Oj3$;1fi7F<5tltzo User's point of view ©jCStt^fiSS^ffif'fc®- $#tt ttCtt.#*) Ut'tgldkt"-5&®*#ttSEA sfi1t)h.*:o C©##T User's point of view ttl$l$4>@S-6-©*E®ttiav'®k*:oyc= %tn?Efttt#©@A-©#E»e 5mfiK6/t>sil5$ ofc User's point of view ©jfc$kl§l Utt 3 ttSsRtttilk LTiStil rtSto cttaa8B6 sife -d tz a 5* s & $Btt& <, *$*)*#! k Ay k'-e 6 . iktt CfP ©#M As38i» $ tlx CfP jcS k Problem Statement zip T?$k«\ E®UT*?Sfl?t"-5S6 stl*#n*:= CfPffl^kyi-iifl^iiii CftttoV'-tttalEB© Requirement k©8H6#T?#Wf 6Ck k Ufeo Problem Statement tt-3f^7tt#E$#©^#4"0A"% 0 nuWti&A^O \ ad-hoc u^;vt*ttcns^fS®k-r-sckS#®ufco CfPttovttttgfit % y^n.-;p#(:-3t\Ttt#A*@U6o 6E«*g$©fffflS$> -C0V-X3—p©#n#&41:M6Att-ett#0#0tt3ckk U^. 8EB Requirement k®-&H^«T\ X>Ti>n.-;Vtt4t»^-a-CT CfP %fi\ 10 E 15 BtftlSffilSkt-SCk^k-tfad-hoc kb-CftJgb/ho 3. 4-066-C©*@##ttttT®m 0 T-fe-So • Content Access Problem Statement tt4'@]is'a'T?7LJ5Ek"tt-5 C k# ad-hoc k L

    133 "tliSIgStofco V 7 j?—"CElK$Mt3RS^©A*ji:8k6;-l> 0 • IPMP © CfP Content Access Problem Statement As CfP © C & o • CfP l:*f 10 8 15 BCffiSifetU&o • v-%3- T*i; ad hoc t'tilif-5 £ 11 & o fz„ • '(>$— P5A b #« CfP t;*t U && 0 *&AfrC*Af • MPEG-21 TR © WD ;Wfi££ft;tbo (N3449) • tilT MPEG-21 A'ryn.-MSEifctLfco CD PCD FDIS IS MPEG-21 TR 00/07 00/10 01/03 01/05 MPEG-21 ?? 01/01 01/07 01/12 02/02

    134 2000.6.30

    52 @ ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11 ££



    o -eas %„ am ffitt am % (TX*-) (*-w >) *¥» (SfiC*¥)

    2. xs'nfl&lE

    2.1 PgffiWM 2000 if 5 M 31 B-6B 2 B

    2.2 mm.mm 7,4 7. V3-4—7

    2.3 £

    2.4 muAM m 250 Ao MPEG-7

    135 3.4 Terminals and Networks ffl High level goal


    &t'o • Sttfi 6:6 tHc Httfgft © /z toi:S6t5£©T 7" V -r- v a > irM Lr Ii APL 7d h 3;tS©l@#86sfi;bftTV'-BAs> L&t'o ■T7')>T—i>a>liJ-—y©Sj<6 r^,y hi7-^ QoSj lcE86-e$^,ck»5a$n^0

    (B)High Level Goal

    3.5 Content Identification and Description ©8t$

    (AlSttfflfi • ^74 7©a#czc-c%*— • 7©%* — • msuf, iBiS^ttttto ctz^-£'5*-er < •5*>*»n»;v'lo

    • 3>7>7©7't—'>*3 yESiJAs+A-tCTSTU&Uo

    •fJfXh, 1®& t'ffl-®® ^ r ^ 7CS lttt> HHOTto»IDl!lS'>X^A»!+» icnat-t rt'tct'o • E8'i ^ ft ttffla© x 2 - ^ t 'jf-fW+aT-fc?,,

    (B)High Level Goal

    •SH> li. y-Al/%%#»I?A3old6ft6ck. • V'A^5.®fifrT'4.l$giJ^©7D-6sigEi!S5Ck 0

    3.6 Content Management and Usage ©|$$

    (Aiattfflg • ±@pe©3>7>7ia3ii?&6t\K^f

    139 • 3>7L>'y^©7£-feXli®^&«ggC,t£A5o'TV'>£ (t V h h x XXx MfSW, e> pc#) • 14i-;tf©jEaci43>71>'y* sfcAn-Ci'>4o ^ttcn6ffl3>7^>-y6d$ < @m, fl-S. 7-r;v^ u >^1-3'>xtrA;m5-e$>3o • ^e/H;i/)i«©:g :®* sSatcilA-e* D, ztilzttfctZ%rM-V--vz&&m-z&Zo • 3>f>'ysm BiffT'S^oS-SftStt-s — ey7D/H«wct-ex®«

    • 3>^>7©jr77'>>T,1 v^vXXMiHeKSfcAiffflaSytrefrjL-f, ECff*

    - ##tcmt^ckA^$^®l±#A©kc6^*x h©£rC\ EOXX-f Tttv^X h a*( c j; %mm uip-e s &cv0 • ^©l$kAk'ttS$©kc7,7 h-yn>-e$i-E)<, • 3>7L>7lise®kcT,3--ifCJ;or«#6FnTV'4^ 4-E. #WS#i:*vr 3 >7^ > 7 S'! a u-b 4r a T Cftft £ 5 ^ 7 T- A £ ft& T'fc 5 5 „

    (B)High Level Goal • ny^yyffllMx #fK Eflx fJfflx R«ffl©n?S»ES6Siat-5cko • @A0Br#^3 pj. —b’ffl'f >?-7^3>tf

    3.7 Content Representation ©WS

    (Aiatyea • fta®yr-f7'j v-x 6$gatoij'^as#86s#4 v»v'= • y?-f r') v—x kSBizE^-j’L»t\. • $>v’1$v^ti®»V'#fflj3j;uciisiJ»s-i;'5-c$l^= • *Xi>3> (8Ex »S#) ti*l:#d*X'>3>tt^-6-ti-8'©Sa»liACJ:DX^ -5 e0 T- -f ©EEASHE"C $> 5 o

    (B)High Level Goal • 3>r>'yi:SU &Zf Cl" T&*m&#afack.

    140 3.8 Mam***

    mpeg-21 war-ttTie 2 N3440 WD2.0 of Technical Report : MPEG-21 (not available) (N3449 A N3552 AHG on MPEG-21 (*evf mpeg-2i na*Wo N3300 WD1.0 of Technical Report ' MPEG-21 N3162 First Ideas on defining a Multimedia Framework (ver.0.2) N3002 First Ideas on defining a Multimedia Framework (ver.0.1) )

    3.9 IP

    MPEG-21 Parti (x^-AlPl/tf— I) CD 00/07 PCD 00/10 FDIS 01/03 IS 01/05 MPEG-21 Part2 CD 01/01 FCD 01/07 FDIS 01/12 IS 02/02

    3.10 -ecDflb

    • tmpeg-21 t:r—r^.—9 *©a±u - *B]7F*'/^6Alddba6Ami©B* (7H 16 B) ©?&. • MPEG-21 ©&mAs”MultimediaFramework' ’lcEg£ft3C: fc#ISO iCTifcEL/io A-et\^mpeg ®DTV’i5At)iCl,Sn&» Cdtf,©AA^Id. M^.ldx rf t MPEG-21 ^"CtiS:©*? j i"User Requirement tdx Simple )l Cheapo ft 7: (7 7: id l '©7/oJ * k'©%BAs%* 6 ilTf'fco • i&f *7c x 51 -Tup l/tf-Hf/SS sail

    fif-5 UT Requirement TOP—7*7: fArchitecturej rContent Owner kld#&? CD i/a 11 %> Content Owner & © /tP ? J t" if y t- — v © U- i; o "Content Management and Usage ” il HI L T

    Id. "Management fctvSgtf IPMP Saa^-ti^ ©7?SiJ©BXC$M LTid L V'J &i77?$.3o

    141 IB 52 Jh] ISO/IEC JTC-1/SC29AVG11,

    MPEG Geneva Meeting Report

    June. 30thx 2000 T. Kogure i; BBS ; 2000 5 ft 31 E(7jc)-6 ft 2 B (A) 2 ; iHfiJr ; Noga Hilton Hotel Geneva Switzerland 3 ; h ; EPFL(X -f Xig*iX'f XASSA 4 ; #SDS ; WG11(MPEG) 220 g(fg), (m4if 100 £ ) hfflEj£B.X h‘—7\ Touraji EbrahinVEPFL ft 5 ;

    1999 ^ 12 J3©g§ 50 [a] MPEG o Stolfx f Video,Audio *f!9AnT-9iti)3^§E$SlI©ifc3 MPEG-7 Requirements System f ad-hoc #l:x % RequirementsA-n6s3IS^tlfco X, FrameWork £: VTfilUcFtl Multimedia Frame Work MPEG-21 k@tE£ilfc = MPEG-2 System Stream tttil (Start code) iC|$M©yXr A System AM-IAx %%##### IPMP ©##(:%^#@©% 6 IPMP-AdoHoc #x ^cl^IJ)iE© %> o l%x 5 ft 29 B© rm4ifj workshop , 5 30 B© rm4ifj AA©SSttS'JEES SCSBStLfco

    6 : h

    ( 1 ) MPEG-21 fflSfPjLx^- h(TR)WD2.0

    (2) MPEG-7©7 —h(WD)3.0x ^71/(XM)6.0 (3) -^bEL IPMP © rf^S^BfSXSj * s^ftx #mB@CML-CA ftStASSgWd: (4) MPEG-2 T-BoTVtfcXX—h 3— r#*Wlj * rm4ifj iiXX XSASEx %###*%& 2000 4=7^##©?^:

    *ISCAS t MPEG - 4 AST"$I tLT%\Rlgtltz

    142 7 : ###&(%#%

    7- 1 IPMP Ad-Hoc 10 £luE)

    MPEG System H ^,####©^#1 ({BT^tti^TMA5 &fn\ i: lr$ htofc = (%####&D 2.©fF0S(,#tlfc rContents Access Problem Statementj fllSSSW^S®

    2©3C# rContents Access Problem Statement j !is Ji^sk L LT# Ll\ ##%)% CFP (Call for Proposal ) ifc#!* d £ ^©©IMM ttHitzo *t£3E IPMP iE^SXifc# (CFP Draft ) fflf^fig flux!!© fContents Access Problem Statement j jCiSS©—X t2 -V V ©tt©jS$ LA: CFPjg^SfMLfco f ©#A)bl±, (DH^tii/XftAV U a-—’>3 >Tfc3^t7x ®:9ifT$>-2Tt>'>XftA #h©@#Al±&%#(2T%Ag& d» ©MPEG-21 L©#AK&%^$o (DfrfcSigf £>&©y\ #&©IPMP (X X) XCTSo f ©$g#a^-KMLX, MPEG SS©S©+fl- Actf 5>tlv R© MPEG WvRft# (Requirement) kffi8Att#io?>o

    E$dtLAc4-m©SWb#S©B@l+Htt«T©iid ; 2000 ^ 7 f) Working Draft ; 2001 4 B Committee Draft ; 2001 ^ 10 ES Final International Standard ; 2002 4P 5 ^

    7-2 MPEG - 21(¥%3 5 0 £g8)

    %^k©^i#i Multimedia Framework A16 x JEftLjft' MPEG - 21 h X>—7"C* MPEG21 2 ©Geneva A AT #1: Requirement 7>— XA A#3i(£L & o T MPEG21 ©#@#### tlfeo Requirement X;k—XT© MPEG21 MjEOitt Sii UK © Keith Hill ft #91## #SS Lfco tB^fe#oA: MPEG-21 ##*#©#SI±WT©a d

    143 TMPEG-21 (1) "j h- V—Cfc re-contentsj (2) (DUS©?. "J h 9 —^M@©##{bl5#"C. component T^-ytsz-t b

    © ValueChain(3 >9 >9 #@#)CMf %%69MS1S©1S r©@tgiffl.a;v-h©te$ @3>51>'VfiJfflW©(lA7‘7-f7^-SeLfe'>^^ASfi8ht"5 (3) z.—W'f Kmft#

    ©'>JX9A®fflS*fflf!tt£*!5£ (4) IPMP (DfTCVJl/f-yr^rt^x^ h CW#f &3 >9©WU#. ffl>b^>vmm©#$j©#a^{§#(z oV>T. &8#©##-fb ©§?ft. mm. m#j. ^#uT#w±#%cm%^^6V7v h^-A (%A# g) 6fflv>rv;v^^7:^7t7i>x^ h H%U (5) v h1? —9

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    144 4-Bx www >'>j-—v©®Aia{i©S3 ti\ VD — AVI/U^Vl/©JgHT"x £©:9-g©3 >51>'ygE{I©'i' —7 i—7, T'DhruK ^^gaiiccic&^o C©R3@&#<#(±2o&% ®3>:>/:L—V#^© j:9(CLT3>^>V&#^f &&------MPEG-7 ©ifffliacu, T2>fr rMPEG21j ©ftHItH #&me*©ei;$At^7i/h©#Ax sut, #me^A^#m©###A^ &£*s, 3 >^©mm^Ki;A^m#©### 5 ©t?#88C? *1 ft bo

    MPEG21 ©#### gt^otsswa® MPEG-21 inJ; t>

    ^71/ t LT^PIf e> *tfcffll£JJlT©#Jl g trfe S ®3>^>7gs@a%m##a©#ggt^ ©•b^ri V5^—©IM^Et^V ®i—i7x>

    ctiswRe&m'a'^ctbwmf amc,7g;M©##aR#©^>7i/-h S&fMLfco * ##fbff#B@ WD CD FCD FDIS IS -TR 2000/3 2000/7 2000/10 2001/03 2001/05 - Ver.2 2001/1 2001/7 2001/12 2002/03

    145 7-3 MPEG-7 ©#g ( 1) h(WD)3.0, 7P(XM)6.0 (2) MDS CULT, WDSffl 8DS, XM jlffl 14DS, CE ISal 14DSo (3) KMsfg DDL ©XML Schema W3C-*■ 4 j@LU*)C

    * t£5B[*lSrti http://archive.dstc.edu.au/mpeg7-ddl/issues.html C$> ?> ( 4 )MPEG-7 ##©#UECM IT, TO 7 T-l’ IP i:7Vy T—'7©MISi£^®o * 7”D7W/P : TV Anytime T—7bt"3 * 7 Vy ©—y : IBM 6s Visual Annotation Tool &TT ( 5 ) XMT: MPEG-4 Textual Format 8156 * WD2.0 => 2000 1 n Cbit»^-&T* CD -fb * MPEG-4 ©BIFS 7%—7"^x, ODStlS^^ hT## ( 6 ) TV Anytime Forum tffl'Jx'/ >## * EE© U 7 1-777 - MPEG-7 gBx&7 h v—AS, ISlflgxL- >y h ^,E©^T MPEG2/4 ±TEj8I - MPEG-7 :B%G©/W T U EIB - mpeg -7 T ($ET 6 E8lt$ - TV AnytimefSfflCtSSt"5fcto©7"D 77-f ;Wb # Sharp Labs of America ifi MDS 7)]/—7“TfllS‘l4,ffl User Preference DS & TV Anytime Forum 81 IB "I" T 0 (7) SMPTE, EBUP/META, MPEG-7 fe5T©M*6tl7 TT—TEaffl/51) ##, ±Lil7HT V/5^4r7 h7t-7 7 - W3C XML/XSLT t SMPTE KLV ^©ESltrigO ( 8 ) MPEG-7 Workshop ©IKSESWifcS Life (2000/10/20 71 U )

    8 $i:to

    4-HI© Geneva ^(i, Visual, Audio Ma-^%*©^ 7 ^ A ^ A#I±T, MPEG-7 #*'LT $>x.o T©#, rm4ifj 4> PisCASj ^©#Sat)$i^T, 200 £&j6gx SSIST&o ^M6Stt, MPEG-7 Rob/KPN ## 0 t, D LTP^. ^®©^b»^-&{±, VISA©M#T#AH#©#^#^^fP%.

    146 3 m MPEG-4 y —*7 A rm4ifj za n

    T. Kogure/MDC

    1 ; BRf 2000^5^ 29 0 . 30 0 2 0H0

    2 ; @0f Noga Hilton Hotel Geneva Switzerland

    3 ; BWM 5 n 29 0 (£) 4phu #E±SBFjf^cD^AEE 4F% m4if workshop (S/ ^ ATBj^) 5 M 30 0 (A) m## rm4ifj CBGffifrCTSMIM >£»)

    4 ; #*D# too

    5; ( 1 ) MPEG-4 >f >7 % F U— 7^—7 M4IF;tS:0SIWM/b s. M4IF#s±i^ M4IF Zol:. M4IF ii-tirT M4IF *!/£©SM#:£WttTS

    r/t#Ll T*&. rm4ifj OSPli. S4@ M4IF ^SH^reEi^tiaS^ft a#. ^n^-ccDEfm. ^m#^A-cmo#m#T&a Rob Koenen ,/j\# #5m, Leonardo Chariglione 0 3 ^ v^li ^ "I*a o

    (SB. f&B) 2000^ 7 H i B$T\ [m4if]0®MMM©JtB^^(tf4-(tao #####(4: Rob. [email protected] ao

    • Jit^rlirlltflfizEcj (The Membership and Nominating Committee) kf _L Ed "C BBSc 0 3 ^ ^ Ajay Luthra tl. * #MA0fa^&ff 9 o

    %a#mmT0mOo C0^a« Marcelo Halpem of Gordon and Glickson LLC, USA Rob Koenen of KPN Research, the Netherlands Takuyo Kogure of Matsushita, Japan Weiping Li of WebCast Technologies, Inc., USA Ajay Luthra of General Instrument, USA Sangil Park of Samsung Electronics Company (SEC), Korea

    147 ©SrlXOTtie ®*SttSrS*®IK30XiFSS:S1"5.o M4iFS*gE®en6*tty.T®ai9 *$£Ar>;6S;®2pV& rm4ifj

    *Sr!2© M4iF 2000 * FiF&%Af &. iBfl PHlSii CBG(Compagnie Bancaire Geneve)® 143.863 c © rm4ifj & 06 ^. »S9®HSPI3S6S:S Lx ##6#®##

    ##M®##A@«KT®m *3 o *E®©1SS ** yn —ozFffllS **?/<—if vx F©@S *^"□©"9"^ — F iqk Rob.r\‘— 99.

    ( 2 ) MPEG-4 P Y.*(T>i$. ') ->— H >XX F V — • -7* —*X • XlF—X^#%A&&#WL6o ab © rm4ifj 6At? B *) m x c f m » & m xn- x f ^. orfft-^C-iF —iHiti.TO&JlBAb WMZtifco a) O 3 tt MPEG-4 ^toSrotr ©1"/< 8 Xfc 3 „ b) rm4ifj isgftjfR FtH F ktX-v Fx F V-A*6Effl Vfc#6 g&f K@© 2 *f7XX, 3 >* —vyAHS^iKS k"l"-E>o c) nrFttyi^y F7'f-fe>Xktt»3£-e$.-E>o d) ¥SCEffi^®Dd-jSffl©e*J6Fe?,n^o e) 7,D77’-f;i/i:i"'<.;F©ii®£-tF©#5!;&)£&$i;tb&tttUi&G&V'>o c©*$8 As o 3 ©-S t * -2. A> if 5 S £>5*sfc -S „

    (3) b?)l-7’r?iWi # WG rSKttiSfcmT©* 9 ®WGl(Visual Simple & Core) Stt©fif#Flg$ff*6lg^ ffllllES©KtiJDI4 7fl 1 Bo ©WG2 (Audio) tiFT®^$tj$i!)3)S6»:So (a) **#fF(K#%f@l: t B*#* FH-bXXyXyiA-XA&iiiiU Mineitss i?oM-r?fi5 o (b) Aa (a) 9 ±iffc®-6-. ®#I±WG1 B#©f##(Ken#gA) -ew*fif¥F£ifet-r-2>o (c) rm4ifj 0 a: Xth-f F b±i& 371/77 i:t WG2 M#©**##©##&

    (d) HiUgFIXo 7 y^ ;i/ttti.T®$ D Xt-F, -tyWll/X —74 Xx -f >$—%*'? FO—4r>X\ 77-77;W-rFt> o-^F Ix-C (e) *X;v-Xtt. tfco sstiu MPEG-4 x-74 x#a©@Ki:mmf TZ fctoC©X;v—XT-8^SUc*®=

    148 tz tz U 7 -b -fe 7 '> 7711#^##*© 74’-fe7'7 77£*i@

    (£) HEBeESii2000 C 7 4- -b 7 7 77roS# B#o (a)7b^(b)»i©atRAs*y;u-7-ei*$i-^ e, * u (b) &e>«, f©#©

    ©WG3 '775^ 7>—7" MPEG-4 777 AS®©X*#3t5 41 -fe 7 7 7 T-* 5 BUT'& 3 o ©f±, tiT©gSft®"C$>^S6sBlid'iifco (a) b5'>7^—Hl#j MP4 77-01/7t-'V 7 K 7 7 7 77-7777 7—;K MPEG-2 h 7 77^—1'7 h V—A±© MPEG-4 7 HJ —AfSii) (b) BIFS t MPEG-J (7 —>#Bx&'7—JK 7" 7 7 -f 7 7 7—IVh MPEG-J) 7 -< -fe 7 7 7 7*7 * - X A (i 7 B ©[m4if]^-&s T* C -f 5 o Ken Rubenstein *2000 17 4 -fe 77 7 7‘HinSBSh LTrSEHteo @WG4 7 D —¥7)VV 7 hi>l77;v-7 *7';v —Rob. ##©@#x mpeg-4RfFlB#tr W.T £ ft $8f" 3 * &itELo (a) MPEG-4#$#j©*"Cx M&ofcA— h (l, 2, 3,,) tfi, $>3|Blh ma^ v^*##© 74-^7777 ^7^ Wt5©MiUv (b) MPEG-4 K#©#:f##A^ WG4 #####©##& #B f % C ho (C)WG4 As$ hti)fc7 -Y -te 77 77^{4= *77 b ->i7-7'7>n—b* 1 [H;9-©mi&i7 6 L < ttV7 b7a:7©#m@K7'i't 77#&$&7o *77 b i)x7ffl^>D- KgL M% *^-77-f 777 Hi? 4" t77#% L-C%#x 7'f-b77*4©H5l




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    (2001 • •7i7"iHhffl©n3"T'r • t ±{P)7W9T' @genxnet.com I Peter Weiping M4EFpublicity WG4 1/^7^


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    • £li§ro Schuyler [email protected] @mpegla.com Quackenbush M4IFPatentWG2

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    • 7 7 1? @mpegla.com @Toshiba.co.jp Rubenstein [email protected] Masayuki Miyanaga miyanaga M4IFPatentWG if 4 m © mm ma V7I/^

    150 6. rn^—$/3>?Blb

    ( 1 ) 5/28-5/3 lGeneve CD ISCAS2000 MPEG-4 \Zfflt b V T/l/^ MPEG-4 EnoC>M^* sfTt>n/ro ( 2 ) M4IF ti IEEE tfflitl U 2001 M4IF -f b o 5M22BH V 7©l©OTf£iEEE£ WG © WeipingLift/b^/Ml&^TrSSbi^o (3) MPEG-4 Peter Haighton [[email protected] ] ^ CD -5o

    7. 4-E© M4IF (UfftS 2000 50

    BS mm mm Ifixb MM mm

    7/29(sa) 09004780 *$ ###<%

    S$B 10/28(sa) 09004780 77>Xn°UftiB *& 7^^ £*<»*

    8. M4IF

    X 31 X* if b URL : http://www.m4if.org/ name : m4if password : 3agoN (case sensitive) (D M4iF^i: (77>xi §jk -digits) (D M4iF^S^E^E ® nxl::;fcNf 3:7n x W/vh V^/vcDE'niiMito& (3) ;^>b7^ —'>3 > (S^XX — b) © #30 M4IF%&### © 7UXVV-X ® #to± V X b

    151 10.1.3 *53 0 MPEG

    #53 0 MPEG ###

    2000.7.23. /J\# IB 1 ;#B 2000^7/3 16 H (B) -21 B (&) 2 ; urn ^fc«stsatoto('>^^^fcfiCrpA^tgE 3 ; Chinese National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee (HIM, 7? D V 7 h 4,IH) 4 ; #AD# 250 (|*l, *8*6 35 £) 5 1 *v"[E!]^;'n ‘©7\/f 7 f h (1) 2 ^LT-SIlwAsEvfc IPMP©i£5S-f±$©$XE$ (cfp) (2) MPEG- 21 f-A^fiSLfeo CFP©##h»-5ti©o (3) MPEG-21 @(@*(±#©##*###3%% (4) MPEG~ 7 © Working Draft A^fig Lfco (###©#*#$k%-5t©o (5) 9r7, D7Td';v '>*-?, x h V —5. ftfc

    6 ; £&:§• Part ©BB

    5.1 Visual g|Sffl£&SS TMPEG-21J Technical Report (S$) N3548 A^tSUfco . Vte MPEG-21 Use Case Scenario N3549 A^f&Lfco r MPEG - 2 J Progressive ftlSx 3— DVD y * — V y h MPEG - 2 TS (Ditto?—9 t lt*7r- £ £ffi-5 tl^A5#) o fc SMPTE k Philips A5 6*#*#$, c fc N3534 TMPEG-4J Version 2As^TLfeo Version 3 : Digital Cinema Profile (Sony £!sfl) Streaming Video ©###)#» 2000 ^7^1: PDAM tSSfS. Version 4 : Fine Granularity Scalability PDAM 3 ACPrediction l/4pel CftW© MPEG-4 ©%###-(b##(±@ IB, $AcSSii mpeg-7 ?‘fr£>hfzo 5.2 Audio $ * Audio Call for Evidence Justifying Testing of Audio Coding Technology 15 —32Kbps MSAudio(##fb#5%#^#)

    152 MPEG-4 N3483 * Formal Test V1&2 N3485 Single-up-to-date Doc * 5§S * Audio Text Version- 1 §r§t*5fifl& & < TufiKt" %>o * Audio Stream (D RTP (X ? 4 fU^D b ZUV) U'MWEZ AAC k CELP -emK CELP (±8$^ 6 Kd' VNSmmBL * Audio Web. Page ©MfL MP3 ^ AAC 5.3 System SB

    FPDAM-3 Transport buffer model user to network protocol Bit stream content on Website * MPEG-4 over MPEG-2 stream IETF ot l '> £ MPEG-4 over IP Network RTP Payload Format (i JNB Proposal Xkfa tK GI (DRMX^Hbfto ^COMs

    Multi users Technology Profile IPMP sharing tool (protocol — Jl/X&V0 o 5.4 Requirements )]/—7° * Software Policy N3535 VMF&m#API * MPEG-4 IPMP N3545 One set of requirements for all stakeholders Watermarking Generic NB j &0© *>¥ *New Studio Profile IVOPS PVOPS SPRITE 1.2 GBIT Intra Frame (DfoX$iJgJc'f*^ Simple Studio Profile Core Profile &&&&&, I & P Frame Digital Cinema Lossless N3539 40,41,42 MPEG-7 Promotion Conceptual Modeling N3544 informative Annex of System call for Evaluation Contents * New Streaming Video Profile * Digital Cinema Profile Lossless & Lossy Coding CDPto/b 5,

    153 S53 0 MPEG 66 2000 ^ 7 fl 16 B~21 E IbwOfH) 2000 7 M 25 B rx*- A? %

    1. «ES S8 53 0 MPEG 6614 2000 4 7 17 B~21 BlC^lfC*Wb»C-tH«Sn&o S *#14*9 300 «SS= 4-0 MPEG 6a(ti.T*6a)7!l4, MPEG-4 Version 3. MPEG-7 ©KtS6{*, MPEG-21TR, MPEG-4/TPMP % k* sig *St@k & o fz0 2. A# AV ##© MPEG-7 1440667!$ < ©3 7%#*#t, «tit (face) «>*, #* (humming)tt*&k, $ < ©ri- P ©f±@*% * o /z .MPEG-21 14 PDTR*48151/6#, ttts$<©•ii-csfl.©tBa6s$ib, dtr o©$e* s$i5#a-e$i5, MPEG-4/IPMP 14 CfP *4815 D60 C£P lroV'T14m0^zL*-7667!;M$#»3: z>71 430, V 77 77-7!©aS*mA,6i: k#640667!l46»»ms@6< CfP #5MU fzo 3. MPEG-4/1 PMP MPEG-4/IPMP 14 CfP *%6L6» CfP lr 71\7! I4#50 7 zi4- X667!±##*$ c 7:430, v 7 v 7 * -t:- ©as* x A4z n k # e>40667!i4* #< cfp Cfeo X4i/i-/Hilu0yi^-X66^©6S 4 0 ^ 6>CJ±i»$4l, 3 M CD fb*S tit rktr&^feo rtStcour 1440, S*®IBil>*S*k*s*^0»x?646(4(4kA/ k8ii s4if'zifz0 150 ad-hoc chair © Bossen 514:40 chair gfc6*0iS U, Sr ad-hoc chair 17(4 red doc.com © McGinty 5k KPN © KoenenE6(V 7 74 7X > paft)#itt:£ Wz„ 4. MPEG-21 MPEG-2114 PDTR *48151/6#, tt®$ < ©»Il7!Sil,®ffl;S#$> 0, DTRlb$7!lr #&0©EH#$>3t$t*-C-$>:E> <,40667!* TR © P‘ 7 7 P tr #& 0 $ < ®SiE#15bh t. 3 7 tz©-4 0 40667! PDTR *4815 U £ fetr 10 M lr PDTR © study document **154eck#**$66. ¥X8tr5Sfifc8©,6v TR ZimtZZ k6s§697!$,So MPEG-21 (44066T* TR {Mf53l*-@i$ 1/6, 4Ei4r® TR ©MftrX-dg MPEG-21-C*fS8pfb*6*7^tX;4*ttSD, eip$s*ffd. 4014 4 o© ad-hoc # IxifSh, %0$6I4*70666 MPEG-21 0 Call for Proposal #%6^63Maa,

    154 2000 ^ 7 ft 24 B 53® MPEG zx cr my

    1 . MPEG-21 IIS A. IPMP CD CFP L%fi:£ftfc(N3543)o ^SiHiSE&x 9 £ 15 B£"?x

    2001 $ 12 M FDIS Bmf o CCDrSifrlift MPEG-21 k mSft*ttTfrfc>ft£(N355l)o B. MPEG-21 CD IPMP-AHG (ix InterTrust/NielsLamp H j^j^x ## WCiS»£ LT&Dx ^#CD IPMP#^CD#^C^mf C. MPEG-21 (Dny^yyiBSn^ta^ULTx cft&##f^ahg #m*fc 0 (N3556, ES : HP/McFarland, NTT/E*) D. MPEG-21 y-VCD-ilk UTx IP US kC^c^o# IP IMSvtPL&fTd (Duty h^iNBC^^hli&ofeo

    2 . MPEG-4 US A. MPEG-4 over IP fcft D- K 7 'V y h*t- IETF k^T^T#^ tx ey;i/-y^m%#-c^^ftx 10 (N3566, N3586) B. AC^SiJ&SSW^fcytf-h^fta^i&ofco V^3SZ/4t"^x LVOP © (50%/L3, 25%/L4)x r3-y0tfi&<8*t5$W hfltZo c. 1/4 Me k GMC MA>y hs/>y;i/yD7 74VW:##a;:k#vy9 4hy;i/ —y^6##^ft^o D. - y0 7 7^M^(T)^CD CFP &#®^&(10 H 23 28 B, La Baule)-CtiKftS^&ofc 0 2001 ^ 1 M (N3550)o E. MPEG-4 k®$ Lm^ 3 x kry>y#m (HR!, Nokia, RealNetworks )o Cft&^kCx MPEG-4 3&HES0 liCFPWbfeo *&###% # 12/11= Ify M/-Mi32K~32Mbps 0 E (N3519, N3532)o 2) SNHC - yx/-i/ 3>. 7i/-A9-y Web3Dk^3^>hft^)o F MPEG-4 Audio V. 1, V.2 3C#& Id HSltiX MPEG-4 Audio 2^ Edition &# % S

    155 G. MPEG-4 ME^t4©EB^SS1‘^)S^^ofc(N3483)o H. MPEG-4 Audio t & 0„ 2Kbps HVXC AAC T* 20Kbps m±7rM < £±lx3o

    3 . MPEG- 7 HI& A. EIBMiDtiltE^^VXM (N3521) CA^fco b. ;i/##ahg t/W kC^c^(N3553)o C. MDSTx -r^rX^^VlBSL ;i/- b btfrJ *SJ$£^fS£ tl, b, b V7'1"<)ICDM\\L?ZS7 U 7# (N3465)0 D. MPEG-7 3 >-t?7°f-^;V^x;i/ DS£ WD C@U8f &## ^*;v —6 ## £ ti fc o E. MPEG-21

    F. #17 7 V-f/( 7V7 b k#7 —T-f ^ 7*7 7 — b 6 CgBMif G. DDL;i-1f(± C++XML7^-1f Java XML Schema^ —TT'M&t

    Z> o

    4. 4#01%E A 54 0 : La Baule, 10M 23 B —27 B 55 0 : Eilat, 1M 15B-19B 56 0 : Soingapore, 3M 5 B-9 B 57 0 : 5&S, m 9 B-13 B 58 0 : Washington, 10 FI 15 B -19 B

    b. mmft&um 7ai—X CD PCD FDIS IS PDAM FPDAM FDAM AMD PDTR FPDTR DTR TR MPEG-4 V2 7 ft 12 ft 2001 ¥ ID 1ft 9 D MPEG-4 V 3 1/7.7-A (1656BIFS) 10 ft 12 D MPEG-4 V.4 M1?* {.7#V*7 U7 7 1ft 2001 ¥ 2001 ^ -i )l) ID 3D MPEG-4 V 5 Kf ^ (7 h v-s. 1ft 2001 ^ 2001 ^ ^rt^uyr-i jv) ID 3D MPEG-7 1.System, 2.DDL, 10 D 2001 # 2001 ^ 2001 ¥ 3.Visual, 4.Audio, 5.MDS, 3D 7 D 9 D 6.#^V7 h 7.3 2001 2002 ^ 2002 # 2002 ^ io d 3D 7 D 9 D MPEG-21 TR 1ft 2001 *£ 2001 ¥ 2001 ^ ID 7 D 9 D IS 2001 ^ 2001 ^ 2001 ^ 2002 ^ 3ft 7 D 12 D 2D

    157 53 HI MPEG

    2000 ^ 7 H 25 B

    siSI • SOB : 2000^7H 17 B (H) - 21 B (&) (AEG 7J3l6B(B)) • SF/r : Shangri-La Hotel • i # : Chinese National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee • tSSf : Intel China Pld, Microsoft Research China • #A0# : 250&H (*Kp£> 36£)

    MPEG PF IPMPffiihfcoivC («»**») • 7H 16 B (B) HfrfcftfcAHG IPMP CD CFP (IPMP 08^0# ££&) ©FxX YifimzZtl, 7H 17 B 03) 0 V X TX > b^EtCT^TITlE 0±, XcSS#N3543 IZZ7 R 21 B (&) 0##Xl/± 0 CCD CFP CD#^(^LITCD tin D o • Sift : W&V-%&6CD^,iyee& MPEG-4 3 f • If- tfX P^T'Sim: £ 3 £ d £1*3 fc#)(7)jIS£l-i|o • BE : 2000.9.15 2000.10.15 SmiSEtiti 2001.01 PDAM 2001.03 DAM 2001.12 FDAM

    MPEG-PF X>X-^6(j:##M6 2 2 8, 6 2 2 9 (TX^r-^f M6 175 (^r-VX>^#a) M 6 2 2 8 Possible table structure to evaluate for IPMP proposal M 6 2 2 9 Economy of renewability M 6 1 7 5 DMIF support for advanced IPMP systems

    158 (4-EcDSM) • IPMPi± CFP -> X ? A ?>—yr-tiWlMsmififfti ft,5« tikiyX^A^V-y^fflaSAsWVfcfctox V^T'd’TdO by ;v-7"CSff L-tv±;%©„ • #*& Parts m#:$&6K)CkL &&©## V 7 IM1 » £> &UAL €hHJl.0ift*t)|l;a. • “ AHG on Evaluation of responses to the Call for Proposals for IPMP Solutions ” (IPMPA¥ftXS*C*|'U-TS$5$l3l£ff«f 5r F*-y:7) ifiKi&Ztitzo f-xTIi Rob Koenen fi0 4l3k69S:i5:®6s 3S#l5SSJ"r'$3 C k* 6z*S« S 54 0 La Baule is -□fflil3ffl±B8B, BEBCDWHI0 AHG 5-x-f >^* sM#Sh,-S =

    MPEG-21 IZ-OllT (fiutm • TR(?^-*;VV4<-h) 6s-fMSilfc= C®*T\ 7-o®-9-y^;i/-7 ’AiS*Snx k»s«®$nfeo »yy;p-7imT ©5. *Digital Item declaration ‘Multimedia Contents Representation ‘Digital item identification and description ‘Content management and usage ‘IPMP ‘Terminals and networks ‘Event reporting • ±13 7 0 (*e$r-ii6o) ®f7M-7CT #y;V-7" 3-4 AkUdtfiiSo IPMP (E* Intertrust tt Neils Rump S) -e 10 AS«„ cne,®-9-y^±-7 -*s*$ 9, MPEG-21 kUTS8ii±3 IPMP##t@*. IntertrustttCfiti^-y-St'kVdSBS^^iDx PF$* NeilsKIBX®>> F#A3<£ d #(C\ 3-—If ©ft± 9 C Domain Govenance Organization ( F / d- ^SEISBHt) 6s3 SilV'dSIXCttx f © II*A ! l a • l k-t\ 3-y k±|Ba*k®Mt; Rights Infrastructure Services (##Jd' > 7 7+f— If 7) b. lt> IPR x—7 z<—X • fr-@E%ff mpeg -4 -C-fT±±tt'fe i O (CxIntertrust acflsfffl^r-iifc?. C Ofc i i;liffi it-fes.

    • Fdtd >$fflavfc v^v>*seso • 7o®-9-y»oi/-7 ,T-iie.«6ceco-a^5EaE$±n«idd $

    159 f ©m • tJ $——V—0 IPMP MPEG-4, 21 © IPMP ^###^0 3>7^> MPEG ^HS©Wf^afeDo • PDAM4 ©Iff hf i/jl 7;V7°D 7 7>f Jl/0 Slu : Advanced Simple and Fine Granularity Scalable. AC (GMCl/4pel)tL 1/^1/

    P-VOP^xX^d'^. S/->i*l©v;i/f7;i/ xx^xxb N3539. ##3>^>^©3-;i/ N3541. CFP # N3542. IF^ay>h©h*77f, N3540. • S/ X X A © 4 over IP $ v YV~?Z\ IETF ^©0#

    • MPEG-4 * —7*4 tCr^tffrbflSo FHG©^ t3-^ tz0 MP4 7 1/'^7V'^7, RTP. 7XV#^7X-"7v b. LATM. ADTS (AAC xx^x// x©^) • HVXC2kbps T\ ^l§©^ t> £ It h'&A £1?Mlfc1fit>'fr2>»

    • CELP6kbps^ht±ot bffl^^nSo • CELPlG^h^m^Lo W^i* 6 h*A,fc£frfc>6*l'o < MPEG-4 bX-X^X>

    • aac (d skbit t, 96kbits^a^^Dmw#.

    160 MPEG m 53 AUG.

    12 ^ 7 fl 25 B »* ##

    (0MPEG-4IPMP • CfP (Call for Proposal) ;¥%6$L.fc„ #066 (91 52 UV 3-Z--7£€;) hZXtSlzmi^Uifi

    CfP ^^#©%<7-^n.-;i/©TE©m!] Pre Registration 2000 ^ 9 n 15 B Final Proposal 2000 if 10 £1 15 B (23:59 (GMT)) Proposed Draft Amendment 2001 ^ 1 n Draft Amendment 2001 ^ 3 M Final Draft Amendment 2001 # 12M - CfP (La Beanie, FR, 10/23 27)

    • §tLV AHGCDSSU^ RobCohnenSi, M.McGinty ZZtlZfr^tzo

    m6305 F.Bossen, ” Draft Call for Proposals for an advanced IPMP system ” m6304 F.Bossen, ” Content Access Problem Statement” m6248 F.Bossen, ” Report of AEG on Content Access Problem Statement” m6228 I.Kaneko, ” Possible table structure to evaluate for IPMP proposal ” m6229 I.Kaneko, ” Economy of renewability ” m6175 T.Ando, “DMIF support for advanced IPMP systems ” m6130 P.Kudumakis, “Liaison to MPEG concerning version 1.1 of the OPIMA Specification ” N3543, “Call for Proposal for an advanced IPMP system ” (2)MPEG*4WM Watermarking ©§f 3>t LT IPMP # IPMP §M©U< X — '>3 tlfzo IPMP Itor 7°V X-i/ 3>t VTidU MetaWaterMark ©tES >b5& £ tltz (m6363)o tztzZs rn 1/3-1/4 < rm% humx mpeg -21 xmzmzmmtzx'tiztiL'Dtzo # IPMP m&77])/r-z/3>tLXlts 3:7-#% (m6339), b 5 3-x -T (m6363) ^(D^m^t^ntzo ztubiz-Dux&s f©m#^ Watermarking SitlltlL rIPMP (D^X Watermark Zt\Ztj:2>tz65fr L

    # ipmp Watermark IZ LXmi£&m%tlXJ: D £ CRC^©MS©^-W£ff-3fct$5

    161 Watermark j rff.^b t^ t F*I§T? tt & 1A j & < mifrftfco • cIDf h MPEG ^CD V • MJs«F#ttTia©a o o m6302 Y.K.Chen, “AHG Report on Study on Standard Digital Watermarking Technology ” m6363 Y.Takashima, “The possibility of the meta-watermark” m6339 C.W.Tang, “A Proposal for Some Non-Security Watermarking Applications ” m6303 S.Macy, “Non-IP-Protection Digital Watermarking Applications ”

    (3)MPEG-21 • PDTR (Proposed Draft Technical Report) (IE#tZ(j: 4 MfM]#)o • &© 7^g©7 1-V*s|S!^iTfco • Terminals and Networks • Content Management and Usage • MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration • Content Related Identification and Description • IPMP • Content Representation • Event Reporting • 4 O© AHG o • AHG on Study PDTR Study • AHG on MPEG-21 PDTR Editing • AHG on Use Case Scenarios • AHG on MPEG-21 Call for Proposal • (La Beaule ££*) CfP

    v?'7'f7*>b tni'-THtA AHG VZh

    Requirement AHG on Digital Cinema D.Mead, F.Bossen 3350 Pre-mpeg AHG on Call for Proposals for IPMP R.Koenen, M.McGinty 3551 Pre-mpeg Solutions AHG on MPEG-7 Applications & N.Day, C.Saraceno, 3552 No Promotion to Industry W.Reichhart, J.Martinez AHG on Study of MPEG-7 Mobile M.Sasaki 3553 No Applications AHG on MPEG-21 PDTR Study K.Hill 3554 Telconf’s AHG on MPEG-21 PDTR Editing J.Bormans, N.Rump 3555 No AHG on MPEG-21 Use Case Scenarios T.McFarland, H.Sakamoto 3556 Telconf’s AHG on MPEG-21 Calls for Proposals K.Hill 3557 Telconf’s

    ±IB'JX hcD5%x MPEG-PF #0 SWTtEt.

    162 N3551 AHG on Evaluation of responses to the Call for Proposals for IPMP Solutions Mandate: CfP

    Chairman: Rob Koenen ([email protected] ) Co-Chairman: Mike McGinty ([email protected] ) Duration: $5 Meeting: • BBi®W5r-ffd = Reflector: mpeg4ipmp@ iis.fhg.de Subscribe: [email protected] ME & ti: & U > “subscribe mpeg4ipmp ”

    N3554 AHG on MPEG-21 PDTE Study (PDTR=Proposed Draft Technical Report) Mandate: 4#^© PDTR . 7D-A7-7© ( ) o Content Representation (Fernando Pereira) Digital Item Declaration (Vaughn Iverson) Content Identification and Description (Touradj Ebrahimi) IPMP Related Technologies (Niels Rump) Content Management and Use (Rik Van de Walle) Terminals and Networks (Jan Bormans) Event Reporting (Zack Coffin) f 77 : ±l3©7;i/77 5V77D-A7-7#^li£4t3i©f?UM£fiif£o

    MPEGT*-e£?3IMftT% ±IBSS©E^JIil6^-oit 3o

    Chair Keith Hill C-Chairs ±!37iii SXT-f)' Duration: S5 Meetings: l@tt±®S|g6a6 sS$Sn5=Itg6$>Do Reflector: [email protected] ([MPEG-21 STUDY]—;V©7^ h2l/©#(Z#A C? t'l'So) (#Dl~F© 3o© AHG © V 71/77AHG DIr] Do) Subscribe: lz “subscribe” AUfiTDlT/' F 1/7^7—;V Bill [email protected]

    N3555 AHG on MPEG-21 PDTR Editing Mandate: MPEG-21PDTR £\ 2000 £ 8 M 28 B$T-CS*1"5 = PDTR $ SC29 MPEG-21 U7|y^f Chair, Jan Bormans Co- Chair Niels Rump Duration: *5 Meetings: D

    163 N3556 AHG on MPEG-21 Use Case Scenarios and User Requirements Mandate: MPEG-21 TVZfy'rJ V • MttZitzfo CD-H&tfJ7s )]/ £ ffrsJct Z o

    17-hx , v^-(± $ n 3 mpeg -2 i # cf p n mm &# *.

    ^,o Chair, Tom McFarland ([email protected] ) Co- Chairs Hideki Sakamoto Duration: $5 4@7#-;i^*t- Meetings: i 0ti.±©msd8** sis;££ft3wi£tt$l 5 o

    N3557 AHG on MPEG-21 Calls for Proposals Mandate: #^#m%#cfp &. MPEG-21 77l/-A7-^0 Vision Goal, use case scenario, % 4 At^—tOV, %tz&) CfP

    & CfP CfP {±#ftCD MPEG-21 7 # CfP IS

    Chair Keith Hill Duration: $5 4 07#-;i/££*-e Meetings: i Bti.±ffleisda* sis$sn^ qjigtts 6 =

    8*3;rtfc AHG l> X h System AHG on MPEG-7 Systems Olivier Morgan and al. 3579 AHG on MPEG-7 DDL Claude Seyrat and al. 3580 AHG on binary and dynamic MPEG’7 Michael Wollbom and al. 3581 data representation AHG on MPEG’4 Conformance Yuval Fisher and al. 3582 AHG on MPEG-4 BIFS Jean Claude Dufourd and al. 3583 AHG on MPEG-4 Textual Format Michelle Kim and al. 3584 AHG on IM1 Zvi Lifshitz and al. 3585 AHG on MPEG-4 Content on MPEG-2 Guido Granceschini and al 3586 Systems and IP Network AHG on multi-user applications Olivier Avaro and al. 3587 AHG on MPEG-7 Intellectual Property Neils Rump and al. 3588 Management & Protection (IPMP) Multimedia Description Scheme Group AHG on Editing the Multimedia D.Salembier, P.van Beek, A.Benitez, 3477 N Description Schemes XM and WD J.Heuer, J.Martinez, J. Smith, T.Walker AHG on MPEG-7 MDS Core Experiments A. Benitez, T.Walker, P.Mudler 3478 Y

    AHG on Audio, Video, and MDS Y.Shibata, P.Gamer, L.Cieplinski, 3479 Y

    164 AHG on Audio, Video, and MDS Y.Shibata, P. Gamer, L.Cieplinski, 3479 Y harmonization C.Saraceno AHG on Conceptual Modeling J.Smith, U.Srinivasan 3480 Y AHG on TV Anytime application I.Sezan, J. PE vain 3481 N AHG on Metadata Integration E.Oltmans, 0.Morgan, P.Mulder, 3482 N J.Martinez, J.P.Evain Video AHG on the study of MPEG-2 Video J. McVeigh, M.Buxton N3525 Y elementary stream supplemental information AHG on software integration and Yagasaki, W.Li N3526 N verification in MPEG-4 video AHG on conformance in MPEG-4 video S.Bauer N3527 Y AHG on fine granularity scalability in Ohm N3528 Y MPEG-4 video AHG on the Studio Profile in MPEG 4 Yagasaki N3529 Y video AHG on core experiments for visual Bober, Jeannin N3530 Y descriptors in MPEG-7 AHG on editing the document of the Jeannin, Ohm, Cieplinski, M.Kim N3531 N MPEG-7 visual part of XM and WD AHG on Audio, Video and MDS Shibata, Saraceno, Cieplinski, N3479 Y Harmonization Garner AHG on Call for Proposals for new tools to A.Luthra N3532 Y further improve video coding efficiency Audio AHG on MPEG-4 Audio Reference H.Pumhagen, Co chair B. N3495 No Software Teichmann AHG on Audio part of MPEG-4 R.Sperschneider N3496 Sunday Conformance before 54th mtg AHG on MPEG-4 Audio second edition T.Moriya N3497 No AHG on Audio call for Evidence S.Quackenbush N3498 No AHG on MPEG-7 Audio Core A. Lind say, Co-chair:, J.Mantegna, N3499 Sunday Experiments T.Plamann, H.Herre, Y M Kim before 54 th mtg

    165 4«

    No. Yy mm dd City Country 54 00 10 23-27 La Baule FR 55 01 01 15-19 Eilat IL 56 01 03 04-09 Singapore SG 57 01 07 09-13 58 01 10 15-19 (Washington DC) US 59 01 12 03-07 60 02 03 18-22

    166 10.1.4 S 54 0 MPEG La Baule

    2000 % 11 n 22 B 85 54 H MPEG 6-a- IPMP

    BBS : 2000 ^ 10 n 21 B(±)9 : 00~27 B(A)23 : 00 mm ■. Atlantia Centre Culturel & de Congres (7 ^ 's'?* La Baule)

    I . -9-v V

    1 . IPMP CD CfP 14 ftvmmttfstiix, 'AXirAZn-yeTLWre® 6 o© API MPEG-4PF g*6g**e>©S$ttx IPMP —Z^tZlF® WD SSBCfciDWASttfco CRL rOPIMAj, NetExT 3 V "-)UDV&m'C7') XAj, e-Vue l"IPMP AX t-A©!!^^*)^ Maryland & Washington Z 14= AT ll/iH Vllz-T 4^ -y X MSIIIf S+7 > rDMIF-fe + iT^-p^ll/tr PVIXX F IPMP J, TXdr - riPMP =r—9 CD XML IBiij, rX 0 x-* ID B®«|gj rHE143l3iA8Ux r@A^LI: S± Xerox FigEXn Fxivj, nds *" MPEG-2 CD CA yt/#% IPMP AX t^Aj

    2. MPEG-21 tt, PDTR A©3X>FSDUn.-LT Study of PDTR &fl# Wc. x, cfpttZvj'ii/Td'^Afit (did ) icmoamttAo ft&cz S'J iciaiKDII&D)® CFP ASRWcAL DID ® CFP T-tiL 3 > 7 ®ftS/IBxE/l$giJ 6ff -5 S®#S*-e zfc -5 Z'7 X1FT DII&D ® CFP T*ii, 3 >^>741$ S'J/gBizEimtoJZ k IBiEZ®a*S»#f--5o

    3. MPEG-4 on IP tiu ES»S IETF T-tfetoT V 5 7 ;t-7 y/ F©3df£ MPEG 1:14 fffcf, MPEG-4 vX^AD—F 7 d—7-y FS 2001^ 1 ITU-T C^-tlS-C H.323 ®{±##S&#?-Ct6o# Slt5*l:«:7fe„ ltC'>7TAF-Fttt, 2Kbps ©UZrtX F U-A®12 %): 2Kbps ©'AX^Arx-yrT'As-ZSTZ-yl^.x F;bs;kS5M30

    4. Web, FTP "OZ F# 11 H 15 B*5> IBM ip 6 NIST IZ&fitZZ fcC*ofe 0

    167 II. 4^0"izBi7l/7 U (n3616 : No. 54 Resolution)

    1. V7W77>h#^ A. ^b : 77V k V79^77 > B. MPEG-21 : Digita Item Declaration © CFP£titiLfco DID ©Mto&x BII

    • DI IDentification & Description 3 >7 >7 ID 2000/10/27 DID, DII&D CEP 2001/1/15 PDTR &SML DIDtl^rm DII&D CEP MM "To 2001/3/6 DID WG WL DTR77tV#^ DII&D iESWEo 2001/12 DID FDIS - PDTR 777V kb 7/Wr>f77I/-A7-^ IPMP. PDTR777^r©mB^^V&/u^o 774^7-. #o M 7 >T Annex G CSi»flfe. • MPEG-21 outreach(^ £ i) ©) AHG c. M4iFtix 60%m±c^c^o iooMx±mn^fc 0 D. n3750 : ^b©77V kV79^77>B n3755 : MPEG-21 PDTR 7 77V n3756 : DID CFP n3757 : DII&D CFP E. ±&AHG n3763 : MPEG-21 DID Wm# n3764 : Digital Media Standard Summit n3765 : MPEG-21 Outreach n3766 : MPEG-21 777>f ;V>~ n3767 : MPEG-21 PDTR 7 77V

    A. IPMP (A) IPMP Data, (B) Applic Service API, (C) IPMP Service API, (D) DMIF API, (E) BIFS Decode, (F) IPMP System API API ©#####&##) &o B. MPEG-2 '>77A MPEG-7 Meta 7-7 on MPEG-2/TS

    168 14496-1:2000, 14496-6 2000, 14496-i:2000/DCOR D. MPEG-4 on IP (Lim Kyon Yon/MP4) ±X(DJi>ry SLAtry b h LT I/F 5 ©;#&;$;©#£ So ^ D— Y7* — b : DMIF ©fr AMD 2000/12/1 7I/-A17-^, D — K 7 $ V V b 2001/1 t—^rJ D-F7t-V'j/ b, Flex/Mux ^ D — F7*~-7y Mt^Ibo E. FlexTime : 14496 1 2000/Amdl © NB 7 * > b £ Wf i — U Mo ^m^-cnafe^-rso F. MPEG-7 '>7fA : y bb'>;f MPEG-7 ;V-b^vy>b £St?o BiM(Binary format of MPEG-7) : 7^7 b##k Canonical 0 o ^$0

    DDL : XMLSchema G. 7€ : MPEG-4 5. D S(Michael/Ifelstra)o #77 4 7#^ X n7b, WlWtt-TJtODfc&o 200Kbps(OK), 40Kbps##/#mtf), ioKbp(#m©^, ©yyv &m^o h . n3712 : 14496 12000 n3713 : 14496 6 2000 n3724 : 14496 1 2000/FDAM1 n3725 : 14496 1 2000/PDAM2 n3726 : 14496 1 2000//AMD2 VM1.0 n3727 : IPMPHl&t-^-tfa- n3728 : 14496 1 2000/Amd3(IPMP)#^ n3729 : 14496 1 2000/Amd3([PMP)WD1.0 n3701 : 15938- 1CD(MPEG 7 System) n3702 : 15938*2CD(MPEG-7 DDL) I. AEG n3742 : MPEG-7 IPMP n3743 : MPEG-4 IPMP

    3. f©# A. 55 0 MPEG : l/15Pisa

    169 B. Web, FTP 1M bifi 11 M 15 IBM *>6 NIST 3 C hlr&o C. MPEG-7 D. MPEG-21 TR : 2001/01 FPDTR, 2001/07 DTR, 2001/09 TR MPEG-21 DID : 2001/03 CD, 2001/07 FCD, 2001/12 FDIS, 2002/02 IS

    170 in. IPMP7

    EJBvf : 10 J3 20 B(±)9 : 00-21 B(B)18 : 00 titiS# : m 40 So Olivier, WIWS±B> «*, #$#/FMCLx SS/^r-W X Af/7 X A—x si, ^WNECx #, Greg/S ± Xreroxx Pete/IBM,x Niels Lamp, Douglas Armarty/Intertrust x Michel McGinty/ReDotNe x YKChen/Intel x GinnyTurley, GregHampton, R.Coleman/NetEx, Wade Trappe/Maryland ;k, Radha Poovendrad/Washington X Avni Rambhia, Jean LeFeuvre/e Vuex KHilL MichaeL ffe)

    Mtbftiti.JB(ix 2BICIit^o (Olivier)

    1. WSl/h’;z- (14^/SMSflr* 1 A. .e Vue hUlil (m6422: Avni Rambhia, Jean LeFeuvie) xxx 7imw* v-vv >xv \xx (see)/drm (f 'XXME^JOTI) 71/-API©UX hx 7 1/- A9 —XCfXX V XX x tf-'fXXx ^l/X >X V X h V—AX 7D7 7GV@l/ DMIF ^ >X-tX t"

    B. 17^^ 71/ V)]/ ^ A- V X h (m6520: Wade Trappe/Meryland & Washington J\) (#V7l/'yS/3.x X>7i-mA0x # EEa&x (DBfro Q1 : IPMP & MPEG (Niels Rump) Q2 : L&### (Panos)

    C. BtoB IPMP M (m6519: ^/7X^-) XML-e IPMP V y ho 3SEE #m^am%#mx java Q1 : BtoB vtP ? (Neils)

    D. fgamm^x m^x (m6595: Af/TX^r-) % XT— h* — 1J7>f f5J/bsSV^^? DVD (±x

    171 Java fflt + a'jT'f ISOZIEC15408 •b4raUTl'f©U^,7'f1’^>h (fi^tfSS). MPEG r- IPMP &*©eck©RMI±, i-1f/7'n;Hyi:f3'fxii6

    E. 9 V /*«# ID SiSHfgffi® ('BS/&T) xD->3-T-MPEG-4 k LTi£B$S©TV'.E>©T% ^ 0 ID a»1#fgtf IPMP I:t*S. Q1 : X50 9 @,££8 £ #;W V £ A> ? A: tfco x V V-A© id SfitoiSmBME, X509 fctStomBESifctc&a. Q2 : OPIMA DS^tiDfcSo A : STB r-iilalSo t/W ;Vf©BE^< A-XAE«Hg£-$»

    F. 'J-i-7K'Jf-f (»M/®T) ipmp ©siftt* 3 mmr-mm* C : HMTIl/d V XA $ Java r-5eSnJ|g= 6 #-e*f^-«inJtgo

    G. 3* 1 OfflfiiiA (#*/$A) iPMP PF BAi-y a*D-t-=i>?>y© ssmesifd, C : X509 Cfes Q2 : ft© IPMP '>XxASiI5MAto3fr?

    H. 7->T"j hiSET'D hn;V (#/S± Xerox) (3>t>7/BIV7 Wh-^kSHSI/TAP X -v -b-y ( h-^>§3l7'n hn;iz) /efiJIBiB/r^-tzA^-by h) ftatS. Ql : X509 -»Yseo

    I. NDS © IPMP #36 (m6520: David White, Yossi Tsuria/NDS) MPEG-2 © CA ^rEglStolL IfcfeStfc ffE^tolhSIgS 0. EMC(Entitlement Control Message) k, k Asl ijf t * — KT?SSSo u k £&v i iBgs-e m Ql : fsj£ffiWb A: 7?-)*-P©I/F. OPIMAtt-?-©I/F &#k(Panos). Q2 : A: ###(:% 0*4.

    172 J. f ©#, InterTrust © I"Hook CRL © ^OPIMAjx NetEx © CMP3 IE fE is t " A _k For More Convenient AV Life © r.rL—-tf K ^ > ©#A_k Canon © rDMIF >^;V2: IPMP^X^ V :/£ j ©%S* s&ofc 0

    2 . FFfffi • • ## (Olivier) AHG © V n y a (||®fY'J^of;)o IPMP (Olivier)

    % API IPMP ^—►


    (mPMF 71*7^ API BIFS "J V

    SACIBecure Authentication Channel)

    • IPMP 777-( >©*#W:%#L»t\?aci (DogArmarty) • ipmp re* ©[£#&. nggya* L^iE/#«=cn6© api $s*1"-s= (Olivier) • HSrttM'S&©-T‘. 77 70© API (Olivier) • ©%)Slbl:|q|lf7 IPMP fflttttS ARIB t UTt'2, (SH/S±a) • #@©**?%##&a*4Eai"-57-*^7f--Vk7 1-2.0

    3. 777;v—7'x©STIi®

    173 • ilScDBSto : ^lttJJlT©5o 0 (A) IPMP Data : • mmamma (NDS. e-Vue, IPRISM). • (NDS) - (Maryland*. S±-tfDyyx. >). • IPMP-r-^CDg^lBj® (e-Vue) (4r^y». • IDB^ (#TF. NTT). • (W±-tfn^^X). •IPMPJMSMB& (e-Vue). (jr^/» • IPMP V 7 h^xTy^7>D-K7°n bn;v (OCCAMM)o (B) 77Vtr-'>3>y--lfZ API : • ^^ra7M^>B^©I/F (OCCAMM : h'JJ >##. ipmp • ^2-—IfBIE (m± Xerox. Sealtronic Tech) • H y 4" >^I”E (l!± Xerox) (C) IPMP 17-If 7s API : • >I/F (S± Xerox. jE*£>*ES£m) • IMfgfiE I/F (Si: Xerox. Sealtronic Tech • I/F (#± Xerox. Sealtronic Tech, OCCAMM ©jlS£m). • V I/F(HE*. cIDf, Sealtronic Tech, OCCAMM 0^^%#). • I/F(S± Xerox. OCCAM #^8#). • > I/F (MIIJ) (OCCAMM). • IPMP I/Fo (D) DMIFAPI : • DMIF Can (^r^y >) • dmif (E) BIFS y-K : • iPMP'>x*Attig^is^v. (iPMPf-^cyy V*4r>17dt^>) BIFS y — K (F) IPMP'>y*A API • I/F (e-Vue) • SEMI (e-Vue) • umm\ (e-Vue) • h^>+fy'>3 >7°D-fey (e-Vue)

    174 • m\mm (e-vue) . (e-Vue) • I/F (e-Vue), • I/F (e-Vue),

    (G) th-tfXtliJl/F

    IPMP th-A’B IPMPtf-M A

    A. IPMP ##(DTD)© XML

    4. MPEG-21 ^ IPMP, A. MPEG-2 PDTR IPMP '> X x A £ 1* 3 £ 5

    MPEG-21 /<#„ (Chiariglione) 2R#fr*>-£30 (Keith) B. MPEG-4 IPMP ±&nwffi%To 'tmmmmtJAVA (%M) ^Msyos* (») ©2 Ql. {BJSfc Renewablity £©&> (Pete) A: 7D^1/A^f- M CFP &©T*o c. iPMP-e(±^c&-2#$fkf(/PS, SS) • IPMP : (1) ISO IPMPS.Type T» & 3 & U mt> % "f >&E, : I4W^Wo (2) ISO IPMPS.Type C® 0 : fF§nTSEo (3) (Pete)

    ' IPMP ©3>7^-— (1) Ji£ : OD3 77D77^ : IPMP Hook IPMP_S Type &{££>&l^o (2) 2001 ^ 11 M : IPMP IfiggClit £ % © : IPMP_S Type © ISO ?#]##& Eof F£Edo (3) $M+A : IPMP&E5&© :Hook&E^CISACH#^e»

    175 1*3 =

    5. IPMP ®$S# A. MPEG-4 '>XxA AMDS-fMSSjbWffllM MPEG-4 ->Xf A AMDS t UT IPMP##&^ba/v% IPMP Extension dtl-^T^n-ycSfigiak. API S$f*iS®STli«)= Q1 : ttBS88?&£-51-3®»>? A: C.ni4IPMPAHG(*n!-&it^nfcrtSo C®*^f)#$lb1-3IMB&%®T

    y>< =

    176 IV. MPEG-21 SG M

    1 . MPEG-21 71/TV A. 7-7 : PDTR ATMPEG-21 CfP A h77i/-©##o ffe©§9j$@f£ 2001 ¥S© MPEG-21 Q1 : IPMP © MPEG-4, MPEG-7 T'^bTl^ ? A : MPEG-4, MPEG-7 T'AttTUS &©£ MPEG-21 TTMo

    A : good idea! B. PDTRA(7)3^>M/lfa- n >a *-7>A;5TI* x IPMP © 3>7> MBMiiT^o

    2. CFP#f&77TVl/-7 (Keith# 12^) A. PDTR (Dy]y-^U-^7tmo^CD (M^©^#) • MPEG-21 (7^T7l/##, Ir]^ AT5~—T) 7r$> V \ MPEG-21 7 1/—A*7 — T©^^Xr7@E ' Ho ($J : Web ^-7£ISf$t3 HTML f3^V>7£ft-tl^7-T^ 77 AV3>7>7# • MPEG-21 © IPMP : ~sJ&%^BZJU-Jl(Dm§/:g%/£ Wf5&IMT»m£/7A7A©iMT£B^T3 KA^ >MiE

    To PDTR © IPMP a# ( >E^M©^m©!3^) V©*7: Annex idAT^Se&oTo • # id Content Representation, Digital Item IDentification, Content Description, Multimedia Initiatives As$>-E>0 77>To B. DID © CfP mm (V h tVz'O h) cID £ DID ^W#X.T CfP £m ToffeC DIlCDigital Item Identification © CfP &#&o CFP©B%(± : (1) 79^71/7^ 7A@#©m#^^A^o (2) &WMM (3) ES©*MiB#>£©iES (4) #©77i/7AT^7@#©m#kfa^k©^^m CFP ^cSSEfro^o

    177 3. MPEG-21 (MPEG-21 Digital Item Definition / Intel) A. fit# AT 4 5-A : E«$60»iR*tl= A? • E«Mb • tiBUSSSS

    B. ^7)1 : a—trEV'SlWy^r-ynl/^yy, c. EiM^-fHK #*#-#, urm, »£, 7-?-f^h> y-v> ;k bb#, l?ffl7-ffAiiS2 ■o©*(* (128Kbps t 192Kbps ©X MJ-A&ir) StS-d Ttifil'o D. Elfe : MPEG-21 ©BMI±f9^A/T-f 7:A©%#©6©(:#-##:%gmkEa

    4 . DID(Digital Item Definition)© CFP A. MPEG-21 ©ttSf/ti, CFP S2o (Digital Item Declaration iu Digital Item Identification) ¥61UT4-Bli 1 o£ 1 offl-T, @| 0 lift Bo (Keith) ss(Rob)o *e*c cip©^tit$4i6©x Ams n a# IZ tattle B. DI Declaration CFP : 4>0 CFP $tfiU *B(2001.1.15)**&#?mf C. DI IDentification & Description CFP : 4-0 CFP Srtti L, ?K 11(2001.1.15)Bfl[ L 6(ft-', f©*(2001.3)l:#%&##fs. D. Digital Media Standard Summit i 2001 ^ 4 fl New York "C M < 0

    178 VI. SGWat

    d. • B69 : fijSttffiKtg, 7 4-^7';##, ttSlBJEo • s*ttfg : M-sLittt, es§». m#$. • 5*#|g : HSrttx fflagffltto • ISiF-fbu-^vv : a

    179 f§5 4151 MPEG La Baule^lBfe J

    27-NOV-2000 3r-W> (#)


    M6572 : DMIF secure channel support request for IPMP solution M6573 : Advanced IPMP descriptor for IPMP solution

    2.mmmm ±iB2®dDWS^ DMIF YlZ'OWXit, Opima iSS SAC (Secure Authentication Channel) C. Opima Mfr S£#T:& D > WD1.0 >^-7ac-X D (TE

    #m) iihtfiDasnfeo api 9

    User 11 ffe»

    {B} App ieeiiat (C) IPMP Plug An API Serna iAPI {Sane plug-ins sOMter&&& ???)

    " 1

    ------3------...... * ______Audio |l||i(ap|S|il||e|ll|l Derice dAecs OS&HW Video Bxiapted. Content Clear Content O Possible IPMP External Control Points irttetjkees

    180 54 0 MPEG-4 La Baule


    : 2000 ^ 10 H 22 0 (H) -10H27B (&) (2L 22 BC AHG&O) %aPlf : y ^ > 7 La Baule Atlantia z?### h : France Telecom,Thomson Multimedia, CanonFrance, Philips &

    1 . MPEG-4 • Simple® LO 7D 7 W ;i/#s 3GPP *fc©U Ftlio 7 bV\'>7'> >7;i/ @ LO tfy MAXES E©ejE> DCAc yy-nv0 • MPEG-4 on IP : MPEG kL MPEG-4 i/%^A&#&%:RTP/'W D-F7^-- iTu-T-\v Lx H.323 .fcSx mntZZttLtzo (N3693) • 7 7U1/It (N3758) 0 ^bx E 60Mbps

    • MPEG-4 >r H;-7 *-7Ai±x ^#^60%^^c^o • IEEE7^>th-l:Tx MPEG-4 b/bs!M£ft3o 6/18-6/20 th> V-tf-efT ##(±x Http7/m4if.orgo MPEG-7 • CD(Committee Drafit>tfftJ££ft&0 ^MbmfaVMWZ & 3 &Hfi&V'o 15938 1~6„ • MPEG-7 ■$/ 3 XD^Mo ^'b'A^J&x Jose Martinez Htx 7>nhU-7t-*X^l/-7^ fttotltzo 7Dt—S/ 3 >CD HP tiL http://www.mpeg-7.com MPEG-21 • 4>@ CfP »5 2E%fT$tl^o n-;V©Mfti±x ” MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration ” (N3756) mt!(mAA, Intel#) tffcHnLx MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration ###%## WM# 1/5 £ & Dx (1 H) tl^E)Asx MPEG-21 Digital Item Identification f±&[!]££* (U3) C CfP ©afelTJKtfSSfTDx 2/26 tn&^snfco

    182 • Watermark IPMP VtzM^X (MPEG-4t%(Dh\ & MPEG

    ipmp r5ib IPMP (D CfP xm (N3543) HfcfU MPEG-PF M6519 (77*-)x M6572 • M6573 M6517 • M6473 (t&TX M6518 (M±) £>6W#

    10 £1 21 B (±) 22 B (B) t AHG K—T'OPftfflfttls W yft'frfc>titz0 *AHG ^ —:r A > '>XfA^V-7lI© Olivier Avaro Rft£b&, -?"© # IPMP Breakout ©Iftjyi Mike McGinty E (Red Dot Net) ft'O hlsbfzo CfP Response izmtZffiMfc. ^C* N3727 h LX^i-^tltzo 16 $± 17 f ® o t Telestra WDCD{M *^\S] WD(Working Draft)l.O ft N3729 b^X&frZtltzo WD 1.0 ISO/IEC 14496- 1 2000/Amd.3o *26 B (D'fXs-ZT^ h©BMt\ MPEG WD Iz^t^ft WAZtlXUZZtlZ. Pete (IBM) Z WD CD ^(D^lft

    *WDC(±, (TW#^)

    Q ^^46 0 © Hook ^-Xo (2) OPIMA^d^f-^^HV^o © plugin CDMiff4 (f*^ £f) © 0 7">r © IPMP'>7^A^'.y h*7-£ W^—©58I& © IPMP ^X^ACDitu© IPMP f-f 7 ^ C n £> ©vvX 0 1 (D API mftX t o fco API&^G%2#&0 AHG AHG 7b (N3743)&, J^T©h^0o Q WD1.0 %#o © 7-E7^f--\^cDafE!M£$#o

    183 ® if mmit, u, @ IPHPSSSSSdffiUCDfetofflT-^rx^^ + SftSg-rSo © S 55® MPEG die-#, IPMP ISS® JSSiS# 6 fci b $ 3 =fc 3 C, IPMP &g@3# ©WD1. 1 •£„ © £-$lC#6DT3 75l!IS$toT*fi ;1-3o s hto IPMP © C£P lcM1"5i|gi6SS 16 CMU MPEG-PF8*d#6ti, 6*#&# tub, }g«&aii*ffofco MPEG-PF #6 ffl&SSli, WD1.0 A F ©li1*ft#©g*C ffl*a$nn>$©T-. »®ddr-ti, SMcilSSrUttfbLT, d#©f±#t:

    184 SC29-OICI-16-

    S54@ MPEG -mpeg-4/ipmp 2000 f 10 M 28 B (8(7 X*-)

    ■ B#: MPEG-4/IPMP ad-hoc(7 l-fr) 2000 *M0 fl 21 B~22 B MPEG 7 7 >*7 Zf—>l4l£ 2000 * 10 fl 23 B ~27 B

    IPMP ad-hoc day 1(2000

    1. Agenda ikSB*iDiSS®j8S Agenda

    LT#@U, iMT&SISI-SkkkUfco (1) {6J£ffiWbf-£A> (2) y-AfiM* 1 (3) f t#CS$6im. i6tt®7-*T^7-V--eS-$.» *fet'5JS^-*$.0f#5o f®#> 17 F&##fbf 3,. t\<3^©7-lP& fflWb 1-0. Big Picture £«Wb Dfcl'o 4-aii Olivier 3 kkDfeo 2. a*i7=s#©aiysi' KPMGmSSlito-r»61*> %0#Dk6:-36. IPRSystems© >5-7 4 V^UHTa-t^k k^Htofe. 3. MPEG-21 2:0)68® btX>-)bZ.&fi* MPEG-21 kili^fco t'J tfxKii, *6-6-Cj3V'Tlj: MPEG-4/IPMP 4. ttiAjtS *^T-lijy.T©5cS*(M1"5i: h k U&, (1) ISOZIEC 14496 1 AMD 3 © Working draft (2) 3 7##%#

    185 5. 5-«3sroseE tz 5.1 Intertrust Source Name of Proposal Ibpie N°

    InterTrust Flexible and Robust IPMP Proposal for keeping with the M6443 Technologies Solutions Using the IPMP hooks Corporation MPEG-4 IPMP Hooks (16) KiWaW vs ufcttoHFar-s ^tztK rfflyv-e>T-ii$t3iy.T©MPaA s$c fee (ttTISfflDo -f yj>- h5X Hi. 7 1/^H'Jf-f i&tWSfflWfcCBIKH ^-77'J7->a>PV'f>tt) y yj'-v^ H'jvy livsfr? f-77'j >r—\y a > k^ -f yrm## ipmp SJufA&fr? y’vP'f y®1ssp&flJ3S-r£ffiliFr3B£ —>fy h j- li&lA©**? 5.2 OPIMA Source Name of Proposal Topic N°

    chi . (02) OPIMA OPIMA architecture and tools M6452 c©ry-t?y-eiiJ-nv®@ReA 5$D7co opimaopima vm li \^\zru=r>p h£h. SESh-5*? 5.3 NetEx Source Name of Proposal Topic N°

    NetEx (04) Presentation of fully NetEx SDK including software M6520 developed MPEG IV IPMP for encryption/decryption with Solution 3 kind of consumption model : demo., limited play unlimited Play. ______X.509 VV-f BE* MPEG-4 CSffl1-58S<, ^EtfliWT® e>n.;fc„ ipmp tgipcaw. pyry^;u®-bVa'Jx-f. *-7y«f > 7'r>a#J». EEtofigft^© Pkfy^6:^Si0^Sn*:= 5.4 FMCAVL Source Name of Proposal Topic NQ

    For more Introducing a domain for Sub framework of IPMP for M6525 use control convenient protecting both content AV life (14) rights and user privacy. flAf'Js® bv^yoissaMtsg*.

    186 5.5 Canon Source Name of Proposal Tbpic N+

    Canon (01) DMIF secure channel 2 proposals including DMIF M6572, support request for IPMP extensions, IPMP extensions M6573 solution and upstream syntax Advanced IPMP descriptor addressing interoperability, for IPMP solution renewability and persistent security. DMIF CD-tr Ur^f upstream 5.6 e Vue Source Name of Proposal Topic N°

    E-Vue (05) e-Vue MPEG-4 IPMP Interface between IPMP M6422 Proposal Systems and the application, content description syntax, P&L, error resiliency issues. eVue Y — 7 x.—XtHSio e-Vue (D^^p^^t^Tsd^DM D

    JMP2Y7-44PMP ^ 7=/, f Z7 > A ^ -V/^Y Y A d8aE#^n#zT##Uo Ty°v^ —

    3>i"> 5&&%#9Y h#vf X(±5m fcn?&&iA0 ^7YT>A/^—/f—#—/f—Conr^x

    Y tV 77°P~7tIPMPsystem (DMMZtlfz-f >7 —7 31—7 %ft~D7°ls—V—7 >* —*^7 IZVr *&'&#—kt&o LfrU IPMP 7> ha ­ ir t. CPM k.04 >y — 7 3: —7 & normative frt£M!fp§T& £ oj MPEG-4/IPMP © tfc&T $tlfzo e-Vue ©##©M##T:a©m D

    C#g^© IPMP T-*r77-y-(DM(D&tt^±fdo mffiX'g £MmcDfcd&£tt, Z0SU 7°$£mt£Zt&£MT&£o OPIMAtt7—3r777-^-T&!), Z(D c#yz;

    187 IPMP ad-hoc Day 2(2000 10 22 B 9:00-19:00) 1. ASCII Corporation (09.M6519) Source Name of Proposal Topic ; N*

    ASCII Open B to B architecture of Set of IPMP tools to enable M6519 Corporation MPEG-4/IPMP B2B exchange of IPMP (09) protected MPEG-4 contents.

    2. University of Merryland(11,M6520) Source Name of Proposal N+

    University A Dynamic Multicast Key Protocol to update keying M6520 of Maryland Management Scheme for information for dynamic and and Groups of Mobile mobile group of users. Washington Multimedia Users (11) heamem^-KAtcHTsaSo viv^^x mesa, txya ^ y '> a >ettSE#*si6ia$n^ 7.- 'y ©njj&ttttiov-x-fe>^--cea-e*-5o e-ts^ttSip-fb-sf

    3. Matsushita (10.M6517) Source Name of Proposal N°

    Matsushita Extended IPMP system Proposal of an automatic M6517 (10) implementation for unique ID registration facility contents creator or owner ID registration on information gathering equipment CRLPanos: OPIMA $ft? t ^ . 6#: C© Wfl^cok -© ? fc-5 = 4.Matsuhita (03.M6473) Source Name of Proposal N»

    Matsuhita Proposal on the Renewability in three levels : M6473 (03) Renewability of IPMP System key, encryption algorithms and IPMP System -b*zL h 7 *-A©f6$o sa*6©=ix>h: e$B8®astft* s-i;>s-e$>-5o S.University of Tokyo (08.M6518)

    188 Source Name of Proposal Topic ;N»

    University A New IPMP System Proposal of a new IPMP M6518 of Tokyo (08) combined with Digital Systems offering simplification Watermarking of the architecture of IPMP decoders, interoperability and renewability. v ^ e-uf b z mire m&t s $iSo 6.Fuji-xerox(M6523) Source Name of Proposal N*

    Fuji-xerox Ticket Authentication Protocol to realize a Public Key M6523 Protocols Cryptography based authorization and authentication framework. b tzmmz z&mtzmmo Authenticator, Token, TAP messages, Ticket public key, rights description, access tickets, bs rights authentication X.509 HIE (3; E^:X.509 Zb&nSIfefr? £ tifi^tzo

    Plenary 2000 ^ 10 ^ 23 B(9:00-13:30)

    71/±V B$A##A0#(± 200-250 A#J^o 2. NB comment 2.1. TJKNB requirement jtyktib'flZ Watermark ©FFiffi^T 3. Ad hoc reports 3.1 IPMP io n 21 B~22 Bey znzom

    System plenary(2000 # 10 M 23 B 15:00-16:20)______IPMP klllllt* >£7pcH[o Requirements Overviews WIX Core experiment %>o zk@04^#uC IPMP (D > b©b U x—A ^l^iil^IPMP C 40 ASJ^X^SM^rfflSr^o

    IPMP/Requirement ^H^j|(2000 ^ 10 M 23 B 16:20)______10 H 22 BWbf:i-^7^7A^l/lf2-bf;o Panes: 4*0%#&### MPEG4,7,21 01ivier(v7f hM e-vu^>^-^7tfjf

    189 4 ©$*«? Olivier: CfP Tfcm/t UTt'&VV SiESA^ttM^©^ >^-^7 t 0x4 AW tT ijf-f fc«Rob: #W#©ica*6-mii'l' ^5K'J

    Olivier 6# 10 H 22 Bffliffi-4W U vex-Lfco Rob: £ft|i MPEG-4 &E5SL-TV'So -ISW-CttftUo K»: MPEGttti'V hX h V-A&S* f St©"C, ^3 —^©tt43/tPbV'o Olivier: Ztll±=l>7 * —V> XtlWVh^o Rob: bitstream ©5$l'HI:&5:-x -y X^Sfc©©^ V#—7x—X"C$> tUt, MPEG VMfe-tZZb&T'g&o Olivier: IPMPbitstream ©#!####&flZ l'-2>©ll'looT , C. tilj; API ©/!©© bitstream syntax -^©4j©0 zx^B:IPMP -Y > 4'7x-XC^<©y'>>D-l'*nrtgfl; it'>‘x-;b^liabTV'>-5o Olivier: -E©A tt»liC6oT05o C©yi"7^7AC«#l,OBIFS 6*:

    Olivier: £ © iW 7 7^ A7W TT^ A"eti:&V'„IPMPiM&itSI"67= -7 tf-iigfdo -fcffl£5bfeoS»: 4 >#-7x-^l:liMW IPMP Wf 1 771-tOY >^-7x-^MSg 0 $*totcli 2 -DfflS^^SS^afe •So Pete: IPMP ft*": Stt©7 •yJ'liY >7 —71-XSiK—totd££l/&V'U r-^7D-ii!8| Sh-S LtOoIPMP i/X7AA$'$e£ns hy- 7 7 □ — Si>ffeSo cniiHS^nJE^o Olivier: ££,(;, 7P-4”—©nTHtt© fc©C#r IA'4 >7 — 7 x—XifiW S.t'lfco @##: IPMP © upstream As&l'0e-vu: XrML 'Trfr&"5^ S^oKaneko: ASCII a*tt, IPMP_Data ©#@###%&#/u-COSo

    IPMP (2000 ^ 10 R 24 B 9:00-13:30) 1. ASCII © contribution c*,6>©%$lij:

    i Source Name of Proposal Topic N°

    NDS (15) MPEG-4 Intellectual Entitlement Control and M6520 Property Management & Watermarking Protection Solution - Proposal X.509 & MPEG-4 ©t*x V 74 |gffit:

    190 diagram IZMU Wm(Dl&£&lE*MjLtzo F £ IPMP CD interface CM LT> WD (DfX T

    5.B to B (Dmm XML COlM:,Olivier S:E=L D AtllAA^&SSiffl L£m£ £:£s$lS£tlfco MW A® interface Oll^t^o

    IPMP(2000 ^ 10 M 24 R 14:30-19:00) ______1 .Workthrough of interface e*Veu, y U—7 > Fuji Xerox CD^ >*? — ~7 x—%(D^7 ^

    # — 7oi —Lfco 2.Workthrough of IPMP System Service i/f OPIMA VM & MPEG-4 t-*3 -^CD & CD~e$> 3 o OPIMA VM % cL V^o S.Profile #%CD IPMP hook & Profile 1 £tZ>o Profile 1It IPMP #&&&CD&&W&(Z)&^ t?o (A?^ Profile 1 (± IPMP ^^t^CD4b#tPCD^? Olivier &

    Plenary(2000 ^ 10 f§ 25 0 9:00-11:30) 1. MPEG-7 Intra operability £ Inter operability (DMm&MAjXI/^ & o Intra operability £ (i application specific % form £ MPEG-7 ##CD^CD5#%^$>^)o Interoperability appliation specific & MPEG-7 D,DS fSOS.^j^X$>&o MPEG-7 Awareness Event {t Singapore Awareness Event: Saturday 10, March 2001 HE3 £r!t@ Itl^o 2. MPEG-4/IPMP IPMP Extensions It Renewability> Interoperability IPMP systems and applications^ Interoperability between the diferent IPP systems^ IPMP Data filter between the IPMP systems CD 5 'OCDWlf&X'ft £> tl%>0 3.System Plenary AUL Olivier CDfS#^ IPMP \ZM^ LX IA* Z £lZft U System yCDf&CDff

    191 IPMP/Req joint (2000 ^ 10 M 25 B 13:00)______1.IPMP report U—:£<7H U£l\ V U i—'>a D^: 77tg&UniL—T U If 'Jr^f 2.IPMP versioning IPMP 0^-y3>i:ol^> ^r-\7y >£SE0OTW^;<*ft£:o IPMPS_Type ^3> 2 l'< IPMPS_Type = ISO reserved 60W&&IW, a > 2 Lfzo

    IPMP (2000 *E 10 26 B 9:00-15:00) ______1.10 £ 26 B

    2.7s >r x^y'>3> usage scenario^Uffl^ tOV)CD £tlfcCtl(d:nr||^©^“eff&fc>tl£ Ztfct£-Dfzo S±-tfD y U-f ^ ^ y$— V ^—7,OW&'&%M.\;tzo >li ad-hoc mandate

    Requirement(2000 10 ^ 26 B 16:00-17:00)______Requirement H”C WD (bMW»j£'fftiLfotltza WD (Dy X—V y h \Z"DW~t U— SJELfc±T» WD ackk%c,&o

    System plenary(2000 ^ 10 M 27 B 9:00-13:00) H.323 k RTPyl^y ^ -ts iTu-T c ^%frMM>&frfrntz0 oimer (±m#0 U3iv>c0#-c(±u%.v>

    DoC for Japan {ifn!ii& < ^M^tifzo IPMP Ad-hoc ^t ^Mo jklrifi, >^-7 D WD >^—7oi —h#x.T j; V''^? ("Some interfaces could not be addressed this meeting because of time

    192 constraints. They are not in WD. Let me clarify that they will be developed during the meeting".) Olivieri otto WD &&/£[£ ft &.(" Yes it is written in the mandate. WD will be developped.")

    71/ft V —(2000 ^ 10 £ 27 B 14:00-)______##71/ft V -0#%]##, 15:30 120

    1. WG11

    2. Sub group report 2.1 .Requirement sub group Non-IPMP Watermark 0##^fr^ftft\ requirement b application 0 > h /W$£ftfco MPEG-7 mobile application ##mf2ft7c(N3754)o profile 0#^### Ito MPEG-7 over MPEG-2 T: £Sli£ ft3 (N3745)0 Digital Cinema 0 Requirement A5iE$f£ ftfc(N3758) 0 2.1.1 MPEG-21 Keith Hill Content ID i:ol7 2o® CfP (N3756, N3757) cfp £ 2 can ^ & a c a

    Privacy AHG tff££ftfc0 (N3766) Study of MPEG-21 PDTRo PDTR 50%#J^^M^ft^##o (N3754) 2.1.2 MPEG-4 IF IEEE CAS t#m?2001 18 B-20 BHil^^ftSo 2.2. Imprementation sub group Video XMliSl^o (N3672) #0 XM 0m#&#W?&a«, Portable VHDL MPEG-4 tools -o fz0 2.3 MDS XM Reference Software CD web 'TT'^H^ft^o (N3706) 2.4 Audio sub group(16:00-) FhG OPIMAft^y h 7* —AfcfcftJSbfctf-X'f *7&frLVkt& a, 2.5 Test Subgroup 2.5.1 Digital Cinema Call for Proposal &fr%5(N366l)o WT0M^^^it^ftTV^^(N3662)o DSCQS Double Stimulus Continous Quality Scale.

    193 DSIS , Binary impariment scale. Split screen with mirroring used for very long(~30s)stimulus. 2.6 Systems sub group 2.6.1 MPEG-7 on MPEG-2 PDAM IfiftfiZtltzo ISO/IEC 13818- P2000PD AMI "Carriage of Metadata on MPEG-2 Systems" 2.6.2 IPMP

    3. Approval of resolution 3.1. IBM site MPEG ftp 1M IBM ^6 NIST 6ollB 15 Bfr £iS»IJB£ll*6U 12 H 15 RfrhimmtZ>o (N3623) 3.2 -f x 5 57 in $ xmm Ltz>0 m 55 m 15 b ztz (± 1 B 22 Biz nxr 3.3 MPEG-7 CD t^X(D CD tfftftZtlfzo Text of CD & N3701-3706 4. Approval of resolution from plenary n-;v^n^n^o (N3764) IPMPWD^Ig^ftfc (N3729) 0 Overview of IPMP solutions £ tlfz(N3727)0 CISAC (D RAEndosement IZfttZ DOC tfMMZhtzo (N3722)

    194 55 El MPEG-4 Pisa

    2001 1 H 25 0 EBX6;

    *8® : 2001 ^ 1 M 15 B (A) ~1 fl 19 B (A) @5fr: 4 * 0 T *X h : t£ bo -<$') h #»# :83 5 0S (*17 1, &7 1, B71, »25, %2 5, #)

    iPMi^a w.d ©m Working Draft 2.0 (ISO/IEC 14496-1 AMD3)^^0 IPMP (#1 : Mutually accecpable trust level, IPMP information & if) IPMP ©BS : MPEG

    : i) #m©iPMP#mw:, w#&7©^ >£ — B 'Jf>f ^njfbo - 7 7 7;i/-:MPEG-4IPMP Sr SS^©;*^ 7° SrSdSio 7—y “SiJ^.T©M 0 o See Definition of IPMP Tools

    Missing Tod Location IT IPMP Tool Normative Messages Interface ■>* —©IRS • IPMP 'V—lUBiiCTi'-feX-r-S • IPMP • iPMP ^n^siPMpy —-So • IPMPIPMP '.y-ii/k&wmmf&o (iPMPtl^v-xtt, n> 7-y "J try P * P U-A, •)■€— I, 3!) IPMP V-1P® 4#%##%.

    / ipmp 6©if WiE>7">'V&EI8-C-^®ffli:*s ± IBffl t> * —£ X )l—ffl 7 n -fe x £ fit 1' £ qltgtt & & -v-v^-t » k c %) • ipmp'y-;vi®3'J • IPMP '1/-1P®708171' y®ig58®#&. • fflZh^Xh V^lVOiBiE

    • Mo^oTl'^VMPMP 195 • ipmp ■ ipmp y-;H@©fflBSgE • KfifgiE • ipmp y-;K iSMmomm • IPMP h V y7E5l es : ipmp

    Video MPEG-4 Version2 (Thomas • V 7 7 L >7 V 7 b ^ Pisa Sicora R) • > 7—VMMit : Fast global motion estimation and fast sprite estimation i)s§f'7—^1/ ^ LT£ tltzo -Versions 7^ 7^*7°D 7 7^ ;V • FPDAM 1 fGfzo (N3897) • #MV 7 Ytfi PDAM 2 to part 5 (CT Pisa 2 ff^o .. -Version4 FGS • 1/26 IZ ISO/IEC 14496- 5/PD AM3 CFP %fr(N3909) • MPEG-4 T>*-'>-7*>7^©/ctoCDSr CFP %'n* 3U

    • MMfcZntz MPEG-4

    • 77'7^.-;V : 3/1 JE^Mo 7/1 77 b 7^ V 7Jim& 7/9-13 ^#77 bo 7/23-27 iiSx7 b©fH0 •f*'>^/l/y^70f7h^ 1920X 1080@24fps60 120Mbps CT Center Hollywood Pacific Theatre 6D University of Southern California Entertainment Technology (LA,USA) MPEG-7 •nrn^mvtirL-k, V7 hi>iTXM9.0©*fr o n>7;t-v >X WD©%ff« CDXXx'f©*^ Requirement MPEG-4 -T t'Vl>X'>>7VK FGSx X4'y*7 -D77"OVAsipa7'n7T'(';DAMD#SP#*5l'>*Vifc©dr+>-tr;U„|| R) MiinJ, -MPEG A*© IPMP (N3943) -$r7-D7 7'f IV • X? 7 -f y 7 X • >^777D7r-f ID

    196 MPEG-7 Uf-f, 3>7* —VXXx 7077'f D >?■ ico^tEEo (Fernando S*s«S=) 8»:tt«-v3>i:

    -jl—yt —-g-yi/vyVf-XT'f T7X-feXffl©MPGE-7„

    ■ ^77 7^-x%^gB©tt#a#i:#m-eg^^. • AHGT-$6l:Sll1"-l> = —?©(&© MPGE— 7 © ■ IPMP ti:% if '> X ;r A /%Sfr=

    mpeg #(§6ttfco MPEG-21 MPEG-21 ©E# -PDTR©v2*siSff*o -f y ^ JPT-f r A7-f f >r-f 7 -f 3 > (DIID) ©CFPSt Uo -#*j7=-4'@»©8$ttS(7-7^yi!'>-S$ti:«*^$r)©CFP fgffo (N3950) -MPEG-21PDTE 7 * x -f ©rSSSfHMtflS6 i:ft o fe„ -DIDD MPEG T>g h V -^ffl CFP H$©$Fffi «t©v;vf-7 5^-f T mma#*-6©*@©^©i:#@f-s„ T^x^yi/xvi/f-x^-i-r ^ 7 h©$#©nJ|gt$£S3o) MPEG-7 iz>*f#-;v^a© 3/10. 9:00-16:30 J; Do

    T4* 7= 7 ypffli trr>7liffl#S*©M. (Schuyler >^SES*$%fro Quackenbush • yi7X h V 24kb/s/channeh (HILN tf E) 11/ h* ) ■ 24kb/s/channeK Xtf-ihflto 24kb/s/channel<> #m©&#i:M#©R#^aw:7 >ysf- 7>„ ) MPEG-2 AAC 3 DOOR 58ffo MPEG-4 -MPEG-4 C0R1 : DC0R1 © DOC i; CORltext 3 @FSE%fr= MPEG-4 audio 2001 edition : 7 -V1,V2 3>7*-7>X FOAM : £•&©3HHSE^To • £y b X h U -Aid: VI ifi±X, V2 # 35%X#W#. $61: $< ©eyhxh 0—A&^#f • VI 3>7J-T'zXtiiES*. (RMS xX hSipttSfflS IEn AKy hx h V—A©XD 7x^11/i:V^yt/&^f&© fhfi£) -#i77 h : SE* —r-f *7 V-AV-j'OeS^jSL* 5 10 tt©S8SS»TilfT*- yty&gi/T7^^e?^. MPEG-7 -MPEG-7 *-■ X'ftfOXj'x-f l:5ufi£=

    197 ■fi —f-f ^";B%Ef ■ (Matlabttffi, Matlab##) • sto: c k ■ XMffl©Mffi;m$t-nJB,

    - XM k®SE-£ • X»>h*TD—>tttiti(Matlab 3—K)„ • XM #mit# (”dummy.class ”Stfi5*^fflffl$Rr|gCr^$M) -MPEG-7 3 >7 t—V>7 ■ i1i : X b U-iffl'f >i?2M.7 t'lfl. ■ 3>7^—7>X^4'> b (DDL'>>£77, DDL-bx’Vx 4 77 (f 3—TWiO) ■ 3>7* —x-yxSJSXip : @E#r7"V (f 3—TWbil®* ip4>7!7-|Ig«©tS«#t^»V'),tt-3 bfe77'J (3L5-®Si*$*SR5@), f 7 bSlSHit, 7 —7f 4 X D,DS-C4l#&&©&6 ->7'V >f-f 60 -ft by FhG : MPEG-7 *-f 4 tftoRf 6EI1 ■ tf—f 4 tfStt© 8lbB»J= 0&©f—7^-7&&, 4>>* -7T^-Stt©n«*tfe*1-5o

    X 7" A 13818-1:2000 0 CORA ISO/IEC13818- 1:2000 ©f^ K tMo OlivierAvaro &) MPEG-2 '>X Van Der Mere 07° V-tf >t*—ya > 7" A 0 ^ ^ 7^ £&ft;£ii5o0 — 9 5r *? V %. "J 'J O AMD1 A^^f >0x£H tMo -y ^7~—

    Msa iPMPOrStt#, MPEG-4, 7 MPEG-21 5.ft utcraLfc«wAsfft>nT*d , €ntt#64EEv-cv^o WA®SnTVN^3S6, IPMPtt, kt>&B£n-6fi:«k&o-CV^,, MPEGiie^Ei®»?>, 7;yj';vE®©fcto©isjzt :r, iaaHS-cfe-5 mpeg -7 c&ff bTu-f.ctiifSiiu&v^, 4-hi , MPEG-7 t MPEG-21 t©U MPEG-PF SM^J:t3fflTX^-#?ffi©tl*(m6905 : IPMP/XML (C IPMP ->xf a ©sftetaiot, ipmp a#####©##&m&, ansatt-fb u&= m@i±, cn sr-©ft©jiigs^i0-r%t)ffl-c-fe^fe* s, cct:g-c, c©%^cMT-&#An#©a#^*T3Z I'JblWc. **&©%% (m6732 : IPMP Mfrttffl©^'y-b-yft*) tt, 4"#© CD LT, *&, 'bSK©#X(ni6891 : IPMP6651^® fz&b ffii):®Xf’y7lH:, *4© WD2.0 IffiEfflT'n-b^tc, +#£!!*£ nrufcfcto, 7ix€>©& mpeg -pf ##6©#K^sk»o, ^ nr $ £#, ipmp kV'd^-vti^&SStrffSk&S

    198 55 m MPEG n-(Pisa)

    2001 ^ 2 n 1 B TTs jp — Af #

    IPMP 2001-01-14 16:00-______

    MPEG ad-hoc :£S©ES6vbs2P^ £fco Mike U 16:00-21:00 LT Ad-hoc report £fFj$ L o #AD#(d:\ Mike, Craig, Avni, Af ,#© 5 £0 ad-hoc utf-v%imhtzmr&xrvi- v-&%##&##

    Plenary 2001-01-15 9:00 —13:00 1 Agenda

    1.1 MPEG-21 PDTR : US, UK, JP, NORWAYF tt>S*KN3767) Digital Item Declaration CfP 1C (d: 2 M3763 2 Report of AHG

    2.1 M4IPMP ap-p V V 3-$&^6##©V-%^3A^©(±^^L^k©#m^&-3^o TRC 3& /%o 2.2 BIFS

    Bitstream exchange ###UTV^o U v F X F U — A©$UE©tFzP >:r T #1: BIFS 1^ fzo 2.3 MPEG-7/IPMP 5 IMS© requirement ^fFl&cFtlTco Authenticate MPEG-7 (using W3C signature) A-^P V V MPEG-7 IPMP l± MPEG-4 IPMP -e$>^>o--;FXS: f 9 f -5 a MPEG-7#© IPMP©^#^T #%l^Olivie &: ^ O 'mft Vo MPEG-7 System \Z MPEG-7 $ § © ^ ^ (ammr&ao 2.4 MPEG-7 Mobile Req User, Location t£ ¥(D# & Z. lzt)s&Wo Mobile M©proGle&m&f&o 2.5 TV-Anytime TV-Anytime(TV-A) ip6 MPEG-7 CD a ©3^ > Fo& 0TV A ^ ^

    199 User Pref, Usage History DS ■$> EPG 0tz&>0 Program Information 2.6 MPEG-21 CfP PDTR User Privacy b W3C workgroup on DRM, ITU-T SG15 workshop, DVBCPT fco IPMP breakup 1/15/2001 15:00—19:00 1 System CfPTiih LaBaule-Pisa-m# h tmWmhlto biP V interoperability &TuA# Uv 3 mm- Avni ft: MPEG 7 CD IPMP & MPEG-4 IPMP T? j^CD#? Olivier ft: MPEG-7 & MPEG-4 MPEG-4/IPMP #*©& ^^X.^oMPEG-2 CDm< MPEG-4/System ^l^©t IPMP 2 Multiple IPMP CD^7* —^X;V— ______Miltiole IPMP fhU~V3>______1 Mpeg4player.com

    MPEG-4 Video CD t^^LUo 128kbps T» VHS 3 tfz0 24kbps(?)T C CDM^mm £ £ 5 fio 2 Face Animation & Audio

    IPMP breakup 1/16/2001 9:00 —12:00______1 mm 4P#pNaO d—f B &3&E L&o 2 '‘Pt—'tXJi,— UTCD 4 ocD±#ga,

    1. IPMP tools description access 0 “identification of IPMP tools ” 2. IPMP tools retrieval 0^0 “location of IPMP tools ”, “establish mutually acceptable trust level” h” obtains of missing IPMP Tools ” 3. Instantiation of IPMP Tools and Mutual Validation 0 tp 0”Instantiation ” b “Mutual Validation ” 4. IPMP Initialization and Update 0^0 “route IPMP Information to the IPMP tools ”

    200 £ ft ifiWSMtim&£LX')ZY7y mtifzo zztibIt4-®K^0 WD of; fl 3. ^ L/%#^ Lfco 1. Identification of IPMP toolsCAvni, Gene) 2. Location Identifier of IPMP tools (Kosrure. Aoki) 3. Establish Mutually Acceptable Trust Level 4. Obtaining of Missing IPMP Tools 5. Instantiation of IPMP Tools 6. Mutual Validation 7. Routing of IPMP Information, (Itaru.Avni) 8. IPMP System - Terminal Communications(Avni)

    Af: XML ###& L% ______Craig: Identification of IPMP tools ______IPMP-breakout 2001-01-16 14:00^21:00______

    Wednesday Plenary 2001-01-17 9:00^12:00 1. Requirement MPEG-7 IPMP X Rights description language 3c ttl^o 2. System IPMPextensionAdhoc group report L> Unified *7 ^—*7 7^)]/— h£o Tools

    201 System Plenary 2001-01-18 11:00^12:00______IPMP b $tltz0

    IPMP breakout 2001-01-17 14:00~ 1 mrn&fr '

    xml e> ntz CSELT(?)©|iJTO^^^tlfeo ^tU&XA-X t^fljWcf tL 6 t~>tlfzo IPMP break out group (D l/^l/#3—$kh fqi±Lych#x^n^>o Walkthrough b^r^ > b & WD irv-v Lfco fj®© WD Walkthrough WD C^#^#IE$:ADX.^2o Ad-hoc £01/— 7°(D madate Lfco 2 ^ ^^ /UU—(DSUffllb


    IPMP breakout 2001-01-18 9:Q0~ ______1 WD (DfM Working Draft CDfMfbU^ff o tz0 WD ______m______Systems Plenary 2001-01-19 9:00^12:00 1 isX^rlx'f )\,— Z?[Z&&WD (J)ifrU System Plenary e-¥vz-bA#$m

    2 IPMP lz||®r>5±^tti*5:S WD 2.0 ISO/IEC 14496-i:2001/Amd.3 (IPMP Extension) N3871 AHG on MPEG-4 IPMP Extensions N3890 AHG on MPEG-7 IPMP N3889 MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration WD(vl.0) N3825 MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration Core Experiments N3826 Workplan for CE on Digital Item Declaration in a streaming environment

    202 N3827 Workplan for CE on the use of Digital Item Declaration for representing digital photo albums N3828 AHG on MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration Core Experiments N3834

    203 %% 13 $ 1 M 31 B IPMP Pisa ©16$ i. ms 4-^-6-Cli, 5

    M6891 $ 4 h JU : Further step forward for finalization of MPEG 4 IPMP extension on Big Picture ## : 'bmmr rtS : flu [1| La Baule E'atffffiS Lfz WD1.0 © Big Picture (#$#J5£EI) ffl$3S JBNtiU IPMP-PF 7D^xi? t'©~FT-JltTO

    c ipmp ©HESieisutott'-do 4-#©M@a, 'y-;u©H«/fflS*J§e©t&W-e&tK cnctiy -yir-i^n-os?

    16$ : £©$l$>i"C> IPMP Extension %Ag(IPMP ^-it©*#/ Wg)* 5. wD2.ocsa$n^=

    M6732 ^ -f 1 tV : Proposal on a Message for renewability of IPMP System ## : 'J'S. #/#T AS : La Baule WD1.0 © Big Picture USAS© email -y-b —X7D—t:j;3 ipmp y-;vkf ©##%#©

    x, tiipfbttStiu v? hAJ:7t$;n.-tp©mamma-ca»<, try hxh v -a ■en$)s


    204 M6905 4” Y)Y : An interoperability provided by IPMP/XML ## : : ipmp m xml z SotESo «g^ : WD2.0TI1,

    M6813 d7 WV : Problems and proposed solution for the current IPMP System Architecture ## : A. Romeo, C. Alberti, M.Mattervelli/EPFL m# : La Baule WD1.0 CD Big Picture ^ IPMP k MPEG-4 ^) ilr-^r&J&^fCD-fe^riL U 7^ 4 (-* foVCi^tltz Secure Decoding Block CDilSo ISM : ^CDtlStiU WD2.0£li£lft£ft£fro;ko

    M6863 #4* b y'V : Overview of IPMP in MPEG(W2C workshop papaer ## : R.Koenen/Intertrust : MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21 CD IPMP WilfY : ##


    205 10.1.6 m56@ MPEG Singapore#a#^

    S 56 IS ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29AVG11 Singapore Meeting Report M P E G */ > MPEG-21 ssa 3 B 15 B MPEG-PF NTT

    m m B# : 3/3-4 Evaluation on Proposals for Digital Item Identification and Declaration AHG 3/5*9 AdxiB" 3/10 MPEG*7 Awareness event

    ■Digital Item Identification and Description (ID&D) (N3872 1st WD) • Digital Item Identification CIllvTtiUR I (Universal Resource Identifier)M URN (Universal Resource Name) 3; /cttUR L (Universal Resource Locator) k'T'ho • URN§ffll''^^|'pN MPEG-21 © Name Space ©TCA-So (#) URN: mpeg mpeg-21=cidf 1702.10.A/323.45 © 1702 LUF#cIDf im I •Resolution CMUTtiU 6 Zkk^fzo tztz U 4#©$Et±> V V V 3-—v 3 > vX'T 6 C. (^: I D yXfAi) 5 U V U ^-—7 3 >5:

    • Digital Item Description CMUTtiU -f 77—A^<7 UU A'f fc©CN "7#^ < —7Aizy h©Description CPhL )lljR3£2p&-?> Requirements CMUTWDTDO I ^D I d e l •WDtt 3/23 (A) ^TrCMPE G©We btf 7 bCUPf^o

    Digital Item Declaration (DID) • Sub-item A5AcF <( &DA c* -& k#AReference CIPhL SAftC&FA^7>H;iA©£i;WD2. OkkXimZfttzo • DI&D k©4* 77—7 a:—7 Resource reference k Resource type identification CfcL, UR I kk Un Description Statement C(iN XML"C'^tl(^ khJ&W$&@> D S ZkktZo m MPEG-21 DS, MPEG-7, cIDf © DCD, DOI, Indecs

    206 •DID-? Resource bLZMQWi.o Digital Item DID £ tzltb y b MztV $ )1/3>7Abstract work # ## g&) C O T (± # f) % l ^ o tztzbs Description © ^ZltWLO o

    ■ MPEG 21 Core Experiment- (MD S) MDS^;i/-7t\ MPEG-21 © DID #j;#DIID&D##&#Ef &&&&:. WT©5o© mm* Approve £ftfc0 # 1 h# 2iiD ID, #3, #4, # 5 & I D & D H^i:V 7 b ©(±, # 1 > # 2 , #3 ©f 7 V b V — AEB (7/ V 7 7*7) #3 I D©^ (lUf ^Ult (cIDf) #4 (I FP I) #5 7>7>77-*^ y©^M'>7U^1^l4 (INA)

    MPEG-21 PDTR b^rJ-X > b • ^ ^ V 7 fP S © 3 7 > b Mx #%(: MPEG-21 ±fo

    7 hlBxUSlB (Rights Database and Rights Expression Language) • lu® tij bfz C F R (IM bT 14 M© Requirements SI$f)siiD o fco -^ftf)5 7 5 fEUSE^c^ ft fco f ft^^^#e^ LT, SICFRSm 6RlU*m®Wt)ttZ >0 6U7, 8 B nt±n>y>zummm

    Modeling and Principle to support RDD DEL(28), Digital Item Requirement (7), Usage Rights Element Semantics (9), Conditions (9), Obligations (5), Usage and Business Models (18) • 4>®£SSUfcffl{*&x IDF, Artspages, SMPTE , NTAO, Dentsu, TVAF, c I D f & b0

    ■ TVAFh©m • TVAFT&x 10th TVAF, Washington, TVAF Metadata Sepc. 1.0 C©C(±, MPEG 7 user Preference DS, Usage History DS, Media Review DSx MPEG-7 low level meta-media types A5llr£fVt I't £0 4*f^ b & s Harmonization AHG^ittip?:^ IsbZl^tz^ o • 4*®x TVAF ftfc W# (TVA Rights Management and Protection/ M7007 \ts

    207 ziy^fyvm. fUum^Ht-^^CDt»$)^CDT», MPEG IPMP group \Zfeto

    mm 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H 1 Singapore London Sydney Washington MPEG-21PDTR PDTRStudyV2 Vote Editing DTR MPEG 4/7/21 Revised..... -> Deadline /Review CFP WD WfijDB&Sig CfR MPEG-21 DID WD2.0 WD2.1 CD1.0 MPEG-21 ID&D WD1.0 WD1.1 CD 1.0 MPEG-21 CE

    ■ 7^'^ • AHG on requirements for the Persistent Association of Digital Item identifiers to content/ chaired by Paul Jessop / Panos / Youichi Takas him a (3 > ir > V h I D ^ ^ < ^tF’O If &@h> b*---ecFP^%e£n3j^) • AHG on RDD and REL June 7 and 8 in London. Please contact [email protected] before may 25th to confirm perticipation. • AHG on MPEG-21 Outreach Keith Hill, Douglas Armati, Kate Grant (Unformal meeting) • AHG on PDTR Edintg • AHG on MPEG 21 Core Experiment (Andrew: S/ K ——Ttii0lu0 B BE B \Z^Wi^> D) • AHG on Editing the MPEG-21 WD (Todd Schwartz, Niels)

    [$ Ml • MPEG-21 Digital Item Identification and Description Ml LTn ~$"7:\Z%? < ^P0 I D tlfzfz #)> Reconciliation Selection 0 tC jH L> U RI+xml •Dtzo \5\mmmmz&$hz> (ntte *)o

    208 ## 1 : Digital Item, Digital Item Identifier, Descriptor (MDS MPEG-21 DII&D Approve WDl.OL##?^)

    e.g. Codec, Generic DII&D Model content type IPMP System


    209 MPEG-21 H® MBS Core Experiment (N3974 X D)

    HBniBBeee #1 CE on Digital Item NTNU Streaming MPEG-7 Description Declaration in a University of environment with Schema streaming environment. Wollongong varying network and tl & ^ Lx (Digital Item Ericsson terminal resources MPEG-21 DID Declaration) IMEC "choice” # & MM Philip s LT^

    210 itus MPEG-21 Identification

    nn Rl m R4 R5 ■■mpfl R 111 R «m R 111 III 1 : 11 1 1 1 1 13 1 111 6 1. RIAA + + + Ml 10 0 + | + III ill 111 2. INA + ||1 + + III!100ill IM 0 + + 111!! 1111 3. Mitsubishi 0 0 0 0 NN Nl INI 0 NK + 0

    4. DOI + III!! 111 + + in + III! + + #10 5. (6-Ids) + III!;: III + + 0 0 MK + 0 TC46/SC9 1111 6. CIDF I!!! |l||! 1111 III 111 iiiii III! 111!

    7. LG + min + + + + III! 0

    10.JPEGID + ill 4- + - 0 INN +

    +: Yes, 0: Nutal (can be combined), No (Negative) wmmg tfmmr'foztz®,

    Rl; MPEG-21 Ineroperable R2: Persistent

    R3; Scalable and extendsible, efficiency

    R4: Module arity R5 existing standard R6 indintify the indentification system R8 Identify content Type R9 efficient resolurion -different identification of same work? RIO Identification of Action (mainly Usage rules) Rll Identification of Transactions R12 Identification of Users (composers, ..) R13 Conditional access to ID and description

    211 R14 Integrity of identifier R15 Uniqueness,

    R16 Distributed registration and assignment

    212 56 E MPEG Singapore

    > (#) am

    3H 4 B© MPEG-4 IPMP Extension AHG meeting k 3 H 5~9 E©*b£CLfco (3 M 3 E©AHGI4kS)

    <##> AHG meeting CiSV'Tx Stt*5>©tl$ (C©#A-C-aa*#-CI±»f') AU tco znb0y)yt:>7 —'>3>smii AHG * ktbX&tilZtlZ Z kk ttntzo ztz, SEi"^.sti$ttW*©®cf%^tv&foe.ftx wd iSia-t-w»©ve^-6$ fffcftfco Stffls CD 5fctfc£©JHi;(«S!K SEKlizti: WD3.0 tzo *6. 7 H© Sydney ^Clqllttv 6 H 4~5 H tztf RE AHG i?ig£ Paris T-fiAt o zk kttzitzo

    <*-vv >#$>

    (1) M7130 New time stamp for IPMP processing IPMPL Ac ir X ^ A T\ AVO fzSEUifrL-£4f if UAcffSCx Betas < Time Stamp k LX ITS (IPMP Time Stamp) (SIR) Baa^ttigfi^nfco mzmt LTttftjR© Syntax ttfxfc, IPMP Version 2 tC is It* Time Stamp 0^#& U*f *%Ai#6ttA:. !P%s AVO T-ti: DTS $l@if®Hl©£:©©/\- (?)o IPMP Message "CK DTS &*#%@06©©R^ CTS & IPMP Message tfi Ac»©l$fg};;£IS£ft* Z k kt£z> fz* Z0\ WD3.0 IZ Timing issues k LTIBiRc? tltzo

    ( 2 ) M7131 Usage of IPMP descriptor and IPMP elementary stream ipmp ©ffiSEfzyuT, saosffiSfflfflufcSXASffbnrefco mmmzftmtzk. Descriptor TSBiE LA: A? A^if"elementary stream X&Xfzti6iS'f'6Ai& 5= Lx MPEG-4 k MPEG-n IZ#eg#»Ak&Wmi:EM!l k©$g$0 (S*) MHtgs^ftAAL wd cttieiBSft-at&Vo u^u*^5x mpeg -o %a»A,6


    213 2001.3.15

    56 m ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29 WG11

    W*@B (***»)


    M $B To E'JIM m mm % (7XA-) «E m- >) is# (NTT) EE Still (1m^) w*


    2.1 mmmm 2000 ¥ 3 H 5 B-3H 9 B (IPMP Ad-hoc 3^30-3^40, MPEG-7 Awareness Event & 3 H 10 B£§H #)

    2.2 mmmm Singapore / Pan Pacific Hotel

    2.3 : Singapore National Body, Singapore Productivity & Standards Board (PSB) : IME, CSP, PSL

    214 3. MPEG-4/IPMP Oijfpj

    3.1 mm

    WD2.0 £1/Hjl-LT WD3.0 CD £T») ME^eIt WD3.0 ^'d—S Walkthrough lx If normative part ilt* % Cl )l~(:1sb^>tz.o

    3.2 MPEG-4/IPMP IM^WS

    Ad-hoc ^tCA ~FlB<7)£ISfBE/b5&£;h,fco lu[Hix'n‘T#ti:{$£:Av£f Contribution 4>@&#ft e ^ < ® & A ft fc 0

    (l)Mike McGinty, “m7152: Trust Concept for multiple Ringed Topology IPMP Systems" v;vf-y;v ipmp '>X7"Ai34bXj-^^-;vvx

    (2) Spencer Cheng “m7174: Tutorial-Technologies/Methods to Defend Against Software Tampering ” 77 b^y-feA-j- ©nx b^-ouT'>xyA(D^MA^SSo

    (3) Ming Ji, “m7153: Proposal on IPMP Tools Information and IPMP Tools Management ” ipmp

    (4) Junichi Takeda, "m713Q: New Time Stamp for IPMP Processing ” ipmp b\ h%$yr (IPMP processing Time Stamp : ITS)©tSSo

    (5) Junichi Takeda, “m713V Usage of IPMP descriptor and IPMP elementary stream (Categorization of interfaces)” ipmp 6

    (6) Itaru Kaneko, “m7026: Generic Messaging Framework and XML based description for the flexible IPMP standard” ipmp y-;vcD XML game

    215 (7)Bruce Chaplin, “m715l: Lessons from Pay TV DVB Forum (Digital Video Broadcasting Forum) ©SftifcSD'o MPEG-2 IPMP

    (8) Avni Rambhia, “m7149: IPMP Information Routing ” ipmp 'V-;i/®k IPMP##®;t/—f /

    (9) Craig Shultz, “m7150- Mutual & Identity Validation of IPMP tools ” Mutual & Identity Validation Xz®©^ V -b—y7 —A A 7 A I"- AlUSo

    (10) Knox Carey, “m7155: Extending MPEG-4/IPMP Beyond the Hooks ” IPMP Extension-ekL 7-AA7 SfP^A6AAAA&mi*k L6 *U' CfP & ffl6 *»ic1-^*-C-&Skk££3Io

    (11) Jonathan Munson “m7128: Proposal for MPEG-4 Standard IPMP Framework" JAVA®-fe4fi U7i4;E7!;HC#^t>fe»fLVMPMPT-4r7;<7f-v4a*o

    (12) Craig Shultz “m7154: ipmp y-;vvx F®ttig, tt^mz iPMPffla®rawcotvc®ji*o

    3.3 Walkthrough HIS

    3.1 -CilVtfciKK -T-md-o-r-ti;. WD2.0 6 V t;jl- LT WD3.0 CbXfo-o iio Walkthrough SrilDTA •€■©7 t>©±*3SjgttTIB©SI 0 7! fc-5. (1) V 7 lx<7 <>?©##© WD3.0^-®SB* (2) 4-# A 9 P«B C EM txt g *IB©5Sig (3) IPMP Extension I4 MPEG-4 #(b%©fP MPEG-n &©#> ?

    (2)lCHUT I4EMSII© V X F $E 1 C5x1-0 *fc, (3)l4&S#*#tm@»m#T& So MAkUTti: Oliver '> AAASftkRMi TMPEG-4 C^lb1"xtgj MPEG-4 iciRHbl-SkkCArDT, IPMP M©RlM©m@#*^®, AtHf D4>t"1-l'SiP*§}it'x(U MPEG-n SISt;l;k4ofe,

    216 • IPMP h • Mutual Validation ©yn-trX • iPMP##0;i/-^^r >? • X.509 J:©11

    — J3 N Requirement ^ il/ — V0 {I X. IPMP II 31 (MPEG-4/IPMP, MPEG7/IPMP, MPEG-7/MDS, MPEG-21)© Joint Meeting

    Tool Process Contents Message — 7129,7150 IPMP Tool List IPMP Tool Identifier-7129,7119 IPMP Location Identifier IPMP Tool Yes Location Identifiers Request Tool, Provide Access/Acquisition Basic Information - 7154 Location, Verification Info.,- 7150 Authenticate (Establish Credential, - 7150 Trust) Representation format of tool Tool Instantiation IDL Validation, definitions Authentication, Instantiation notification, snapshot notification Tool Validation Validation Information Validation Validation IPMP Information Yes Protection Topology WriteData Routing establishment, 7149 Topology Validation IPMP Tbol Addressing, context, - 7149 Time Stamps, MessagePurposes Permission Query Yes Query types and QueiyPermission, definitions, context - 7149 RevokePermission,

    217 Terminatelntent User Request Yes Various interfaces and Yes transparent and opaque data - 7154 Association between Yes, through Open Tool ID and download registration location authority Establishment of Yes Credentials of Tool and Validation Trust Terminal Content Consumption Control Message purpose identifier Points, Hierarchy establishment - 7149 Parametric Aggregation info, representation configuration info, code container Architecture Message Event Diagrams router, IPMP Manager, bitstream, tool, terminal interaction.

    i 4#©#mm

    3.4 ;i/

    4, 5 • A V (rT Ad-hocS-6-&E«^S» *&. MPEG (7 16 B-20 B : h 5 V T • -> I'--) ml©±Bt76 Ad-hoc

    3.5 IPMP M*©#^

    MPEG-4 tiW© IPMP M*©ttIq)liTi3©a

    218 MPEG-4/IPMP ver.l © RA ifi CISAC * t C X al % -d tz (##l± http://www.ipmp-ra.org &#M)o Digital Cinema © requirement ;£ (N3972)o tztz Lx Digital Item Description Ull LT(is $I/KT £ftT££>t\ fW{h£T-^BBft;E>/tPSftIft&l>>o MPEG-7/MDS Lt, TIB© IPMP TT ^ V 7$ 1$'M\\£htz0 -Encryption -Signature MPEG-7/IPMP lif¥££ System MDSC^lfeo CtllzMU V MPEG-7/IPMP (± MDS TIBMM^ System System lZ\±Wmtm£ % iZ^mVtfr MDS £ T MW)!#) % ft £ & © h ® ft ft £ o

    219 MPEG :©fl 10.2.1 *21 08

    SS-A03-21 ¥fijt 12 t£ 4 M 17 0

    *21 E] MPEG -?=7 "J F 7 ESE

    B B# 2000 ^ 4 M 4 B (*) 14 00-16 00 m ffi op 902 ses SB ($*) 'J'* (8TF) w* (m±), (Hi), #±(*w », (rx=t—x #%k (5#), (5#), ## (5#), (t&T)x m# (ntt), itm (jvc), mm (^ut-7), ±1 (jvc), mm (#±), mm (B£), #m (nhk), Bit (^-7), (5#), (m±m) <50 sje> ms (%%^) mm, i&m (eiaj) ('Wt^7)

    [tiE-A03-21-01] #21 0 MPEG 7°^ y h 7^-A##^#$%# BU0ESM [^#A03-21 02] N3074 MPEG Press Release [f£H A03-21 03] Workshop on MPEG 21 [##-A03-21-04] # 1 0 MPEG-21 V — y-b^y y >7 J\— Y/t^y? WD## [SS-A03-21-05] # 51 0 MPEG^ y-b^y yd7A-b/:*7>^ [^#-A03-21-06] MPEG21 7-^a -3>x>'y ID^m^tH- [SS-A03-21-07] #51 0 MPEG (IPMP IIS) [^#A03-21 08] N3222 Resolutions of 51st. WG11 meeting [J£f§ A03-21 09] N3348 Content Access Problem Statement^ l) [J£H A03-2110] ISCAS 2000 MPEG-4 Workshop and Exhibition [^# A03-211l] Notice on Invitation Letter for Visas

    220 i. Bums :©i ■M (^#A03-2101) 'M

    tK 3/18 IE^StMx 3/21 • i^ftpim vizu&Jtmft&Zo ^ mm© ^ ^« • d ^-e©7^^^-;i/(mT©m d 0 4/20 m#:, M*§1$:£fr6©3/> Y*^tztz< 0 4/* ^t'Cx 6©3/ > b^fto 5/25 iHWMDo • m-f^vn&^o Lft&i^ c ft 6 &SSMOT* 2%1™30 $tX**$:*\zmMtZ> z MT- §-&v©T*. r^t^iRb^'Nj / 3feSc tiftEj / r:£:££ftBj £ft3©^Tftfr©*W£5ift^0 (4\#m'j#M#) E! (£ £>^f§ £ o ^ T & o

    3.m si in wgii >y^©^m##

    3.1 A#:## m#^#-A03-2i-02izm^ux wgii ^^^©a&w&tu -EPMtLX, I PMPCo^tiill^oi^tto # D bfeo —MPEG-4 Animation Framework 'Tr'fB/b1'^ D ZiV'' dll'* £ A5B^^H©#iP^)sMV''o &%V"<;V©PSS/b\ ^©3/ >

    — Face Animation l/ — b (j: 2kbpS\ ##©##$; l -tffd-ftL 7^'^7D77Gm b V-< >^#C©^@©{±$(±^^&^o k©3/ > b tt^-Dtzo

    3.2 T;i/f/^vr%21 7^-7A## #±iIJ;^ T;i/f/f/7 2i 7^-7A©#^^&-3to ' ^0^<^/u©7l/^>^&0##^ft^ft, HgmkL'C^-^-b^ 12^6 6 t:# mzntzo • LfrL£tzs

    ck D%#^# A03-21-06 CIDF -CIDFCMLT. ^m^^50%&<©774' fzo

    221 • CIDF LX, 50 YXXVJe>'£fi\\ ^fZo i±mt lx it cidf

    MPEG21 ^fqj(fr> £32 b^cdt-v^^'^'>3y^^n^n^-eo > b ^ MPEG-21 y-^ya y XO^^ o G\ MMilzlXVCD 6

    # User Requirements # IPMP Related Technologies # Terminals and Networks # Content Identification and Description # Interaction with Content # Content Representation

    X h iCM^n/zo MPEG-21 Technical Report (P^n.^ > P## N3300)

    3.3 IPMP rSat;^ j; D > ##^#-A03-21-05 cmo § IPMP • cpp • MPEG-4 (DM^ftfcUCDXXtfr?,

    ^*##-A03-21-07V^^d'^yOPtP vVicol btlfco • N3222 (*#%#-A03-21-08) # 3.1.9 ^ Nielfic, #±By^(D^£X(D IPMP AHG i ^ • %#%#-A03-21-09 (i CFP tteZbOo AdHoc Itt-Jl^-XfzfiK B b<2z'tt &T'/Iio

    3.4 [m4if] 3 B 25 B (B) izmMZtlfz m4if £ir

    222 5 H 30 B

    12 • 12 ^gfflteMKcovx-cSiiBiShfco c^o-csfeo ttST- LoA- 0 bfe CFP il'fUlfcnii&l >o VT, InterOperabilitys Renewability tfitbio

    • IPMP (iMPEG21 ©7 V—A7—7&®A>MPEG4 &©frj;fflgf^fe 0, SB6!Sh EBtokE —cfc D Rob KoenenKx Bosson J5:Gf»H11=ll3l4©7— -$£<**$*,*. D Chiariglione KK, IPMP K MPEG-4,7,21 6©^, -

    • e%©y >n-#M.*sfe *)s he : a*a&6a#&i=2ft, Bit, H#: *%©&&#*,'# b#B%m. SONY,ES,NEC *@S

    5.%ia?& B# : 5 B 11 B (*) 15:00~17:00 mm-. Es AS : 12 ^giStotHlttSsi *y7^7 7^-f >7"


    223 MPEG :75 "J h 7 3—A I6©ti

    10.2.1 $21 @S*S«

    SS-A03-21 17 B

    21® MPEG TT-7 h 7 *- A; 16

    B 0 2000 if 4 M 4 B (*) 14:00-^16 00 » % 9F 902 6## tmn SI# : SB ($6) : 'j'g (1ST) mm w* ($*). m# (hd . #_t(Tw». st (ttt-x a* (HE). (H#). (H#). tt* (1ST). Sul (ntt ). vsm (jvc ). mm (iut ^t). j$ (jvc ). BB ($6). B@ (B*). #B (NHK). Bit (5+-T). (HE). SB (S±il) <50#m> TT'+f-A- BB (xtSIS) AB. #M (EIAJ) #T (^-^t17)

    [SS-A03-21-01] 85 21 ® MPEG 77y h7 3—AS*6ES&S5 BU®m«S [S8-A03-21-02] N3074 MPEG Press Release [S$'A03"21-03] Workshop on MPEG-21 [#£$-A03-21-04] B 1 ® MPEG-21 7—7'> a y T- 7 — h >>4 >7"

    [SS-A03-21-05] $51® MPEG66 y7ix- [ft$-A03-21-06] MPEG21 7-7 5a y 7"## -3>T>7ID&B*iC- [SS-A03-21-07] B 51® MPEG 66186 (IPMP Mil) [158A03-21-08] N3222 Resolutions of 51st. WG11 meeting [S8A03-21-09] N3348 Content Access Problem Statement(vl) [-KS-A03-21-10] ISCAS 2000 MPEG-4 Workshop and Exhibition [US A03-2111] Notice on Invitation Letter for Visas

    224 l.lutSOTBOBSI. (^#-A03-21 01) oo , m^cm o y^n^o

    2.ES#f## *B##7 0, 3/18 ipf^ 3/21 • m^FTP it7 a„ • ^©X^-yi-Mm±©M0o 4/20bl#± 4/±7TC, 5/25 • A#:BC^ B6m-e, Ui&l\> vCD^MS&SM Ln&U/bb C ± ^o z. bi±e£&i ^(DX\ r±TlilRU£±yxi / 3£fcti f7#j / c ± ^ o bf (/J#m'J#M^)

    3M 51 HI WGn #7

    3.lA##S 0, m#^#-A03-21-02 iZg&^X WGll *7 's0 > -EPSthl/T, I PMPto^TliWo^tto^!) Ufeo -MPEG-4 Animation Framework 0 fcl "> ^K±#(D#AD^#1 V tbtffo-Dfzo 7^/J#@iJ###7 0, —FaceAnimation (D^^Et^-ofztK #®± 1/— h (7 2kbps, #f#6Dt#E^^-o±l ^o -±±*±Ti± 7^7*7°n777;K>7 h 'J-^

    3.2^±±7f^T21 7*-7 AES *±##7 0, 7;i/±7±V±21 7 A#ES#&^ &o *^0/r< ^±myi/±7#&0m#A%^K VT*-7- F# 12 6 M mzntzo • bfrb7£:, ##:8g^7—^77±A#M±±W%:^o

    ####70 m###-A03-21-06 CIDF il0ig^feofe o

    225 • CIDF Cimi/C SE5to/b s p-£:7V-t?>£fTl\ f#^2o f±#a urn cidf m/vT ^ ^

    MPEG21 irrqJtfTs $3 2 V3 y*5frt)ncn$T© F^zz-^ > b £ MPEG-21 '> 3 v g G\ mWteVXTCD 6

    # User Requirements # IPMP Related Technologies # Terminals and Networks # Content Identification and Description # Interaction with Content # Content Representation

    6wmmLTA^wi/t-Vx*^'>3y^htix ccc# UT© pa^ > b CM^nfco MPEG-21 Technical Report ( > b #U N3300)

    3.3 IPMP rSifr^ #?#a cfc D > Sm^-A03-21-05 g- IPMP ^ibCDmWbn^Co • T, CFP^Ef • MPEG-4

    0### ck D > %*##-A03-21-07 CS"dl tb"7 V Cot

    • N3222 (^*## A03-21 08) © 3.1.9 C, NielE, BMEk #_hE^0^T!0 IPMP AHG mm%0E^0m$^ETt ^ o (/!#§###) • %#^#-A03-21-09 ii CFP tteZhVo AdHoc tet-^-XtzbK ya^-7^ir^C, ^£&00 4fcijNi7'n'B|J B ■£) zBrlB" & -?a Elo

    3.4 [m4if] 3U25B (b) cii^n^m4if^0^^o ^o • bIESCmii0^ < UT $<©/^> 3^obft30-ef® , $£®T$m?:%Z>£dlZLfc^oWGl Video. WG2Audio. WG3:System. WG4Downloadable Software 09^ MPEG2 —X —% C UT 5fetl LTV''-2>o

    226 • &®^n 5B30B

    4.¥Wi2^gr£»ttti • SBS*ftJ;0s TfiK 12 ^SSttSfKrouTSifSSftfco 11Wb£ fait £ JMfc&SrSttA5-?' ItMXr l^Dlfc CFP tftMfittAvv fnllSib L/T, InterOperability^ Renewability A-cfc&o

    • IPMPIIMPEG21 ©7 V-A7-7&©;tPMPEG40. #M*sSfc StlfcA5, ##%(:. —ttfilliJI ct (3 Rob Koenen Si Bossen JSCISHr' rn‘tat4©7 —„ -SfeWlSMiO Chiarigboneftt, IPMP & MPEG 4,7,21 g'J4IC#M-6©A\ -

    • e%©^ ws-iBig»s$> o x *©%&l#g^ yv't-SEAWlisnfco hs : Bit, =# : $*©6©#t#0%B*%. SONY$$,NEC : *B:kg©fc4Y SSJiJ; 0 • @#R©*R EIAJA^#@#l:#»K&mfo

    5.*®% Bto : 5 M 11 B (*) 15:00-^17:00 »3r : 12 4=g@*#im##m 4r-y7^7 5—7-4 >?


    227 10.2.2 S22@mStt

    f£§-A03-22 fa 12 f 5 H 25 B

    *22 ED MPEG 7"5 7 h 7 * —A§*A Si*@

    B # 2000 * 5fl 11 B (*) 1500^17:00 ® Sr Effl®S66 12F 5t>y# ttiS# #*# : SB Oft*) @16*#: '1# (1ST) 8 *: S* Oft*), #_t(*7X», MBji), AiMNHK), AT (TX*-), sSSOIISX (5#), *&T (E#), sm (ntt ), *(1ST), m. (jvc ), #gi(v--), #h oe*), #f(/W#-y), «IE(Bi£), SB(8±®> < 50 if IS > : fSBCJSA) ### : ##, FXJBB (EIAJ) ■. sf ox -xt -tt)

    <$(»*«> [ttS - A03-22-01] avftn&y-'Ess [f£6 - A03-22-02] [f£6 - A03-22-03] [tt#-A03-22-04] EMtiBX [#6 - A03-22-05] MPEG-PF fa 11 *#E6*T5iE@Sf [t£6 - A03-22-06] MPEG-21 V 7 lv X 7—fflfitSIg* (TX* —AT 6*X&) [S6-A03-22-07] SA# (A3 ESS) [ttS - A03-22-08] S* OX h

    1. fa 12 fSEffffl kSrX Wi'-iErfKteBESm) [S6 - A03-22-03 RV 08] - 3 * i, *E*g© X >y f-im.1$& O fc0 SrJa^fflgMWEfe D o 2. fa 12 *g7D5*i7 m-ac7.v-cs*#ffls#nftB#$B6*#) ■ 2*19® Sin?*7"Dy 3:7 hffl#44Ttr—IVCSfeo ■ Mttto&axctiSo-riA&vv 3*g*ie$o

    228 •IPMP, • y^rii®') U

    -3TE, S#6a#iiSrH*ti:^©)5K*6*to6ti-B« 555©=

    3. 12 ^arn y i ^ [&S-A03-22-03] ■ ^@881800 75 R= W*4©eH"< —v(: D o - Sia^t77>x B»*5a^* slslD^8-eAV'>ffl*>? (iStlS*) -> iftfi:£tt©JH*S OA# (AfflESm)

    4. Tail h ©8*S86('J'S@JS*») [SS-A03-22H32 * =ktf 07] • Ta 10T® : I'<-otP®y—)Hy'y'>3-o MPEG-4HOT©Si:too - va 11TS : IPMP ©H9B&® 9 ±tf £= Stttt7$

    5. va 12 TSffiBbti-H(d'S@JS*fi) - 43#4b^xxAWG ammwEWG - EU'lPMPSS*o 7—;v&0FuyiT;feto©li^©7 '?$-&$?£<,

    - MPEG-7 MPEG-21 fcitJlU #IPMP&#$'fb. - i/X^A'J 77lz>XV7 h^xTIM-l CftU lflTB©S*$7ci:. #&©AiA & c 5 0 6%#.

    e. ¥a n TSIBSSmttJE^Sirov'TCTES*) [t$$-A03-22-04 mi os] - #JEK*l:7)l,\-ca Web f—XCB < . * >MT-$gB= - #1E#L E* • »SffiSn-5)o

    7.5 E~6 EiStofflSi*

    (1)5 E 29 B~31 B IPMP ad-hoc SttilOUT - E-mail 0#©#@(Af #M) [&S-A03-22-06] - MPEG-PF $j$©7 (STS*) tttUt&tAo SvdiAfcAtfSBl/mU'»

    • ad-hoc - CFP tCS^fctASIBlSKi&ifo&o V T—& ? ad-hoc -C^6y

    229 #±#m^^aAT@kuv^o (/j\#m##m - itcfp &A4tT%/#± lO^CDy^Vo 10 H^-r#^#©^—o, ioH^-eA##o

    - yzL^-y-ecpp B$H9&v?Mi-^[onc&oTv <0 #f#m) - IPMP(D37##&t,^/vk^%L^Ck^b'o (#±#m - Rob Koenen - 3T##, b0@ewM,^n^©T»$)n(to^?nay H^j K verification - MPEG-4/MPEG-7/MPEG-21 ©l^tl/?FC&& & £> tiE> ^7 bit MPEG-4 bvNBb

    (2)7Dyx^7 h b b%©^#©#0

    - Frank Bossen ad-hoc ©UliEo - S/^-%—7© ad-hoc A?##^:##o =M?y >^m#m^cFP H'57 h#m©^^m%AD%o - ^b^Trid: MPEG-PF^b CFP#^&o #*□© Rff £B©$> 3 Mt tf 7* £ WIT £ c bo

    - b^c CFP &f#j^b^fr< c Af# #±mm, 'mmmmm'*> ns#m <* nsi^£o iicfib^iuato

    - ad-hoc ©wm^ss T d d 0 -CFP©F5 7 b^WSbbtmT?

    7. -e©# • m4if -2 Bfim^t^i bmotvso ##, ^Ammb-cmb^a

    7° - MPEG-4 > h 1 # 8,500 K;V0

    230 -6M^o IhJiWDWB v:L%—CFPDf 9o (#, 6 B 30 B 14:00^16:00 £$&£)


    231 10.2.3 #23 0I1SSI

    K#-A03-23 « 12^7^6 B

    #23 HI MPEG 77'yh7A##^ ###

    B 2000 ^ 6 H 30 B (A) 14 : 00-16 : 30 t§ m eiaj mm (#sm#sse;v ?f) ?03&m^ am# mmm: se (#±) m###: a# (#T) # #: (m±), ss (*^y », a# (ntt )> Af (rx*-x ws (jh £), b#x mm (#T), m# (NTT), Em (;W^-T), j@ (JVC), *E (#±), mm (nhk ), Bib (v^-y), ^ (H#mm), #E (B£), pi (s±s), SE (m±m) : #m, mE (EIAJ) (y-^T^7)

    [j^#-A03-23-0l] ES^#43 itFlutUESE [^#-A03-23-02] # 52® MPEG ^^^^(MPEG-4 IPMP 7^'^@ [## - A03-23-03] # 52 HI MPEG - A03-23-04] # 52 HI ISO/ICE JTC1 SC29 WG11 MPEG-21 ### [j^# - A03-23-05] #52 HI ISO/ICE JTC-1/SC29/WG11, MPEG Geneva Meeting Report K#-A03-23-06] #3 HI MPEG-4 ##7^—7A Wifj [££§| - A03-23-07 ] xxxx(Call for Proposals for an advanced IPMP system) [•fcfcil - A03-23-08] m6028(Conceputual draft of Call for Proposals for an advanced IPMP system) ~ A03-23-09] xxxx(Call for Proposals for an advanced IPMP system (red by LC)) [££§1 - A03-23-10] RE Geneva documents.txt

    1. HU HI iD [^#-A03-23-0l]

    2. #52 HI WG11 Geneva

    232 2-1 Hpmp ad-hoc j • [%#-A03-23-02] [%#-A03-23-08]

    -CP 5 xmifi Zip 7 ^0di"Contents Access Problem Statement" liSl^ED 7 1/77 _hT' Ah, A^0EE^& (#bJb##)o

    •EWC [^#-A03-23-03] T b*7 7^0|gS;b 5&£ft tZo Q.MtiL® V 7 1/ 7 7 JhCDEjmTrti:, Geneva Contents Access Problem Statement bT> Chiariglione ^ l ^ B vb5> Zd'fr-DXUZCD-tP? (#±##) -U71/77±6Dh#6D7^mmLT/tP6 -6B 16 B6D7^;ve$)^> ##2: l/TC0#-eE^f 6(^##M)o -C0#&##C#lsZMMZ&& Bossen ^0trfzZofr ? (#±

    -Bossen £>$ELTE:E&-5>oT]SyTIaS 0fc*P^ t? U5 U 71/7 7±-C0E#^fS^c U%/t7 7 y 7 7"<&#fbf ##)o

    ^C©HElCOl 0##0E$% 2 j^^ELTEfE^n, #%#:#$ 2-5 0#"C

    css 2-3 £*$rtx'ff’Dtzmm [ti^-A03-23-10] Bossen F^'y F ^ 7 7^0 tftf} AS 2: LT V 7 V77tdSBL £: &0idltf l/T, Chiariglione 7 b bfeC 2: 2:0

    — [^# - A03-23-10] 0 2 y <—8 fff§T\ Chiariglione "scrap" t.B~^X ctutrby 77£r£re0Am&#*f^a#dSRfc£6da*?#±#m)o —Chiariglione MPEG Consumer 0 requirement &#<0&6, tma^mi^hy i a^d c a-e;\ fro - [##-A03-23-io] y%(j-y(±E#0»i^m<#^ smn> #±mmfru*m Z&tkbZ PF 01) 71/77±ybyg(^ 6 d2P(/J##J###o

    (ES 2-5 0#7r0EfE)

    233 • D - A03-23-07] it Bossen b # y b bT V 7 b7££^bfc&OT!$>bs [^#-A03-23-09] it Chiariglione fctfZtllZttLXMM

    — - A03-23-07] (CHB£tVTlA£ users point of views (is && !&£>©£ ISO ^c##)o —contents owners industry views ;6©I>C57!J;E‘0) & © MlllPEftnrktfcl \ bM^>

    —Chiariglione ^&WdV|SB,.liiii:il)o —Requirement t)% ^~Z:itt£."( 7^1/-f\l'{d'^)sl ^\d DS^ Requirement JCfpJjli &$%■'$' b"f"tU4!iS- Requirement iZ^Mft&'b <( ##)o -»SW& b'57 bftZota-DfzCDfrtfXB-CZn* V 7 b7*«bT$Uo(#±^M)o

    Chiariglione .ftb Bossen SARD'SU/z Requirement (TDiHII b^7 b IPMP 0V71/7^(:%#f^)#s

    2-2 MPEG-7, IPMP ## •2-1 0##b^bAT, [%#-A03-23-03] iCS'dV^Ts MPEG-7s MPEG-21 A zxlB" 6D p? t)^ %£. cF ixfzo

    2-3 MPEG-21 • #A##4:D [#t#-A03-23-04] tCS'dVMTs MPEG-21 -A#:a b~mIPMP

    Q. $fctT-^7A7©0 4 -0 W3 b^fc>tlfcf*J^s 0 4 & Keith E/b5Ailfc&

    2-4 MPEG Geneva ' /J#a##^cb D - A03-23-05] iCS-dWts IPMP MPEG-21 TR (D#^s MPEG-7

    Q. [##-A03-23-05] 7-3 (7)03 cIDf Cli(|^


    234 Q [## - A03-23-05] 7-2 Multimedia Framework ^6, IE MPEG-21 0J ?(#±##) —Audio Visual Framework ©lEi^^Ei^FT:' $) tK MPEG-21 (itm$Fo Multimedia Framework kb Chiariglione C —Resolution 'SrfiElS VTlB'n't"

    2-5 m4if workshop J&ZF m4if h'p^o • j: D [^#-A03-23-06] MPEG-4 Industry Forum ©$g#£5& £tlfco -s^aw>bn£0 6 Chiariglione m^A^TW^Uo ££#£01^ Chiariglione J3:k2S| LfcAb ^(DtU^/zo/zo


    Q.y^T->h^> —y WGl C2:#&(A(Z)&? mmmmm 0 - c:ti(ic:D N ^Ab&^ofcbtiaAb&ibhzti^tA (/j##j#mmo

    3. A^0tfli 3-1 £Mf005WEX Stott-0 • D iu® PF ly^M^-ov ^£^M#E£tvtia&v ^ b,


    —IPMP KMLXs NEDO (D?#-eS##@&m^TS#f 6 Dx cN:o u-msiEE^-w

    3-3 S07°Diza:^ f b0N# • 'hBglJStoJ; D MPEG-PF hf £W)7°nva:7 tltZo b 9^< W*« -mm# ipa (D^wx'ffo^fcxfot), M&&6tt(DfrxmfTtpx$)Zo

    235 4. 4-1 IPMP ad-hoc zxn* • IPMP ad-hoc oTl hOSIE,* 5

    -Geneva U 7 -Bossen Ec£#;te£ ci b:tl>(^ISJiM).

    4-2 CIP(advanced IPMP)

    4-3 MPEG-21 • MPEG-21 ad-hoc ^lt'irt>tl 3 MB L t o tz.

    4-4 MPEG-7 IPMP • Af## , MPEG-7 IPMP O ad-hoc

    4-5 MPEG-PF #1 mssuOTCD® d im : im: 'mwm 2cm $##:

    5. ^-©ftfe

    - L-c i ^ i o 4ji'xmmfmtz z to

    7 n 25 bow 17 ^—19 b$ ±§m :vmxmg&s ©tw&s ztctezcxm && mm: m

    236 10.2.4

    #6g-A03-24 12^8 M 21 B

    24® MPEG 4-AsIs

    B R 2000 ¥7B 25 B (ik) 17 :00~ 19:00 » sf eT«^sa®® ni iof 10.3 sas am# sms : $e ($*) 'J'8 (#T) 1* (S*k S»SGE>, #± (*-py », EECrxE-X A? (TXE-), WS (ESk #$ G#k WS (#T), itttl (NTT), # (JVC), EE (XEk EfiWE-TX *E (NHKk aw (m±m), (m±m) <6o#m> 7^ tf—/^— #B(NEDO), #E(JSA) mm (eiaj ) #4^ (^-7^/T)

    mm A03-24-01] A03-24-02] 53 HI MPEG m mm A03-24-03] // (Afg mm A03-24-04] // (#£Mg mm A03-24-05] // (^E§ mm A03-24-06] // (W*§ mm A03-24-07] M6175 (DMIF support for advanced IPMP systems) mm A03-24-08] 6228 (Possible table structure to evaluate for IPMP proposal) m# A03-24-09] 6229 (Economy of renewability) [%# A03-24-10] Nxxxx (Call for Proposals for IPMP Solutions) A03-24-11] N3374 mm A03-24 12] 3>T">'7ID 7*-7A$S^ mm A03-24-13] MPEG-4 IPMP 7°7 y b 7 * —A 7°U '7 x 7 h mm A03-24-14] ipmp-pf

    237 1. gij®©liVflcfl6i& [&# A03 24-oi] \

    2. MPEG4bM6-&#@

    2.1 sesoaftBJi d'SBJSWJI, Sm$*x BB$*s W*$Hs ™FIB©ESSd"j$ 8M«

    [&8-A03-24-02] toS-A03-24-03] [ft$'A03'24'04] [SS-A03-24-05] [ftg-A03-24-06] [SS-A03-24-12]

    &$*© MPEG ['Mte'JSPfil • AKSffltblstT, Call for Evidence AsMSft® MPEG4K to©SS$.-BV'ttx #g0 Codec A#ftTC<6Ck&^fl±R0^#a$l4 tl'5. fctifi, MS-Audio *tT 0 4f-V VTftldtfUT MPEG4 A#flTt^Ch&MPEGer ttg SiB91-5J:oir#iSUfc« -haBBlEtiT> Call for Evidence ©Z31> ^7 v 3 ViSKjA-iif© btlTl '-So

    • MPEG21 tt, PDTR*T-V'ofe*s, tillu^ < fflWSt-Sfl,©#]®^ D^ DTR $Ttt»-

    • MPEG4/IPMP ttx $J@ : ad-hoc 2 H)g : Requirement TI$I$6§To Proposal(CEP) ©WS„ • reddot.com © McGinty fB. KPN 0 Koenen Bc^WSCStfEo

    •MPEG4overIP (i, 'Vf n-FT IETF k-gigTSTjb^T^ mtoSSrtoff^^V C0#CH ITfrft D bTt'feo MPEG4 C#0LTt^6%l±IETF IETF ©S^WRSA5#

    238 • MPEG4Audio ©irdrA^lfcofc 0 2kbps HVXC 20kbpsACC gf$&WAsttiTt'fco Z.Tl'tZ'te, 43kbps y.-b.&5A>o

    - 2kbpstt, 'J>Lk*3MAs U;feo (EES*) - ififtiSttatSo (#E#M) ■ Head Phone Hffl < kHES^fflTli ? GUIS*) ■MPEG4 Audio (is ±ZZZZZ(DU'g:tfzo ('J-SfflSSIfi)

    [EES*] • 4-E©^6iftB9o • IPMP 0MB'x0#6mS%t:& t>, Intertrast %X:ld0#M?#m&)#*)& C kA^E* & \ tf.Z>tza • MPEG21 ©mmic&^ttiPMP

    ■ MPEG4,7,21 IPMP ©;5fati&-6-t>-ti-3 kV'7 =fc 5 &3*liti:$>ofcA>o

    (#±S*) ■ ^©iPMPCo^tkV'^airtt^frofeo (EES*) ■ MPEG7 li, IPMP 0$E[6ft£>&t'k kCftoTV-So ('J'SSJSMft) [»*s*] • Watermarking, MPEG21 0 AHG ©#%%» • #IPMP H'M77') >T—*s skklZtti:, Y 7 >X3-7=4 >^&k'ICOU tSBe*s*$nfc. • SirMPSearyv-y —>3>t:-ov^liNB03y >h&6e>dckirS:ofco

    X3-r-( y^CoViTtSSIKB^ (®tt$*) ■ 6%0 Watermarking Hfl© h 7 >XD —ir-f >>f (iK~F©0 • -enic a- 5 „ • IS$, k0 A 7 % Watermarking A^ 6 T $i ##A% 0 E"&6 »

    M*l$*] •Metai8*Ui, ad-hoc C 30 A@S#AQ= CCT, egE&fflllgLfcAk ad-hoc OigIS

    239 • TkaBmwrv^-vrx m#mAMA$7tAA&0*f&9-7va yxmsomm

    i$tb~yfz o

    2.2 WS, to*jfc*^®8iBfl

    TB©%@. tti**S0iiB9S#±8*, ^?SM, 'J'SBJSMftMfofco

    ■ M6175/[t48 ■ A03-24• 07] ffl IfiHfJ (#±#M) • C tlti Canon MX^XXl' 6##© IPMP ©#$"?$> 0 \ Requirement Group Xfjy> feo -#B, **to»a$6$ktot, CFP VCtitit-C

    -M6228/[tt$-A03-24-08] ©IKB9 (6f#M) • ^©asaib©^-^ (mo ki/t$exuA= • c k K A c A.

    ■M6228/[tt#-A03-24-09]©SJBjj (#?-$*) • ipmp © eut - a cwaim o ss n& v £ ? tig$o • 4-#©0#©V77l/>%t:A6k#*a.

    -N3374/B$$-A03-24-11] ©IftBfl ('J'SBJS*#) - *»©##*$k©A*©-Cx ItSSSfflFlSAtiA^o

    2.3 $kto ($ES*ft) me cFP*fT*-c***tAo 4-aa. ^©

    3. Alai La Baule i? S (France) IC|n|l4"C©S'#©X©A

    ^#©#©Alcot\-c, TBBOWM^AcftiAo

    -Intertrasttt. V*U flBgCfli'-Sffig&S

    240 •CFP itsfe^ts, fi£$kUTigto-Bo $61:, 4-®m$$6SSt6^o ($BS*S)

    CFP t:^T-SH*l±, BSkfflfflS^^iBSo ('J'SSIS**) SR$As*$oT*6)*to-6$i:i:»'E loSEto ’5:MB©^iix #mi:#Anf6ck#nT#. (A?@M) -fftt©£to0ttW)&'y —iv&ifttfea©* 1,, ($B6*A)

    *0©K-a"Cti:, MtoSt:-oivT©#F$»5&$h.-E>= (A7#M)

    • *00 La Baule^li, mg%6#k%&07, MPEGPF t:#%LTV6 ffi-A#iDi" -5 (03W& -S o (SBSJUI)

    -» &#!£, *00S*=$-et:, #MK/cfp i:ft£3JS*t:ouT]tWt-3$fce& Ofco

    4. Jirn^x^ FM*

    #±#M#6, [}$S-A03-24-14]S7Byi? F7&% QPMP-PF UliEiBi Grj \Zr>^XWmifi?st>iXtzo $ fe, ±IB© «*4C*/MTO ' ?> £ 5 l:,##Qg%©$& 3 c0#A-e £ 10-5 0, MPEGPF i:0ittW*%$nfeo

    •Secured ES ©AitSS-fe^STtio ('J'S@JS*S) -CiltiU ®.DSxt", t LTOMtt^T-fe^o (4F_t$fl) -7*o ('J'SBJS**) ■mmm wg tmami or tit. m^t^x^xt^ (#±@M) -<&%3Aa ZOtti'VX&Z* (SBS*#) C0#6&$JBLT, fcSV'Sfo C0&66, IWAIi^aATittoTVSAV'®T\ CIS* 73 IX-fflEVU feLSfo (A7#M)

    $61:, [SS-A03-24-14]CX-3Vv£, ###/###%# 7 D, ±IB®JliESI@&®£0® rMPEG 77y F7*- AT^ni/17 F&#B$Kj fflWiffibte.

    241 5.

    9/11 14 : 00-17 : 00 10/12 14 : 00-17 : 00


    242 10.2.5 s 25 BUS®

    8S-A03-25 ¥/$ 12 9 E 11 B

    25 0 MPEG 77 "J V 7 * —2v 16

    B R 2000 9 ft 11 B (E) 14 : 05~ 16:00 m m EIAJ iH6ES tTlP 5F) aw# SB (Jfcfc) /J'S OBTF) 1* ($6), SSO^/X). #tii(S±-l?n-yXX). 6»»(=: #_t (*-py ». gacNEcx sms*). Af (TX*-). W$ (5fC£). (E#). to! (#T). KtS (NTT), a (JVC). FSKV--X BB OKS). ?RB (NEK). *B(B*X SH (8±)1). SB (S±ii) <50 SI#> : fr@(NEDO). #B(JSA). $#(JSA) mmm ■. pro (eiaj ) WSJBS® : *¥ (E-XfdT)

    [ft$-A03-25-oi] [ttS - A03-25-02] gas® MPEG-4 3 >'.238&£ BfBt" IPMP/XML S*®E5 (6?

    [SS-A03-25-03] NX# [SS-A03-25-04] IPMPWE##

    1. mi0«»@®BE SJfS*®Sire®*k. lu0E»il$(ft$-AO3-25-Ol)S. KTF®3A&#lEL. Tpfgbfcc - rreddoc.comj -> 0reddot.com j (2 ®—y) - rH8e^6tt® Watermarking IS® h 5 >X 3—ir-f >X"?$>-5oJ (2 —S) 5#8:66%® Watermarking 19® h S >X3—t 4'sXlitilT®

    243 -» csie

    2. MPEG E-y-;vi*B

    MPEG-4/IPMP ')7V!>9 — aMW&'Pbfr-itzo S?S*

    Watermark Ad-hoc © 1 7 V>79~C S 3D>K7±%(p6 Watermark ICMT-5#B©$g

    MPEG-21 WaV71/f f T-li Technical Report MPEG-21 -eiil*lS6 7 JliKP&bto v&M #1:IPMP CMf*66 -em^na cfp cult mpeg4ipmp © cfp k©#&m#Ltt^.

    t> RTF M®®aiift*s$n-a'>5o SfeN m4if©#af74' MPEG-4/Systems © Call for Patents if tticFtlfco

    3. CFP r$Sj MPEG-4/IPMP © Call for Proposal 14 GMT9 H 15 B 23 Bt 59 dtfftffiWIS’CfeSo

    • *w> sms - Descriptor IBiiEfflfifSlHb - DMIF © secure fb I=»fb LWESHJ-f^o ) - interoperablity ©/z©© back channnel ©D F 3lV(syntax)B5itE

    • ASCII #?##©%%% IPMP I: XML (KS-A03-25-02) Q : S&3IPMP, F 5 >X3- Fttitllg*©*? A: Hgfltrft IPMP ##g©^&#-3 MPEG-4 3 >6 > 'rc&ftli, if© IPMP ^&F5 >X3-fei. IPMP^a©aA#©##K/:

    • H*M:©fll$4C6 ttS-A03-25-04 © 3 ©- v SC|3»; £ FIT © 3 jifr Lt: 4 3.4 V y F&^

    244 • &T*fs nmemcDiam :p£ RenewablityflPMP ©gSrf#*)l=M LT#

    • NTT iWS*©il*V$ MPEG-21 UTx y 7i8A 1L®$g$$:A*t";E>^

    4. kam#timcci \? 5. IPMP HaEJ»t|-jI K-OV IT

    5i@4 t 5 A5*i:K>Tx ttS-A03-25-04 • IPMP7?y by*- ASSS(NTTx ®T\ *T/X S±$x 77*-)k©#RI##C fe-So • 6.1##B#©3>^>'7-ti—yi —l±PF##6#m#L6t©&#Bf 6.

    • i*n«s*A sE$k#iBiig%©3-p&m-ea%#K&mM'T&&. *y< U 7" (Camellia) ii-HX 7 □ -y 7 j$6s 128 t' y 1 ffl AESIAdvanced Encryption Standard)#g®Bg#Tx AES i:$IS Lfc NTT ©B&#E2 1C, HE® Misty(64bit Bg^)6S%Ufcyi >ysk#HT-HXU7cl8^T$>3o • HmiS$6sBSrot: clear 3 D fcl'. *-V7 >T-fct3 >t">-y#i$©iEE»s$Vy®T\ ASCII ©rtfcb&jsEV-Lfe®.

    6. $54 Ex MPEG La Baule SreiElffl©tfc£

    ♦ @-%©A* i D 6-a*A(K#-A03-25-03)A^sKM $ ixfeo MPEG-4ZIPMP reer-Sx NTTx gfR 77*- 3KAA%t#? 2LT A0x $B8EEtiS5iLTX¥kltit*6> l^foffl 8tti&9t;tLA:V\,

    ♦ La Baule zf-n M® HOD ®a#K*e>ffl®l§i:J;niix9B is B *T©*7A/1#&m#f e k©c kT&^,. -taBttifS^ H'iL, fSifirTxA* Hermitagex Royal ThalasaOx Majestic ©IRTWMf -5 o 7 5 >XT-(tig|$A5HA»'®T\ L >7* —tiSStHL'@A5$>6„ IPMP Ad-hoc 6IrTl^A^ iNEfe$;@;QEn£nTV\&! ^ Call for Proposal ^x®tS$(T8Si:S:®T HS6HT -5 LJStJtlHo Sr Ad-hoc S#(McGinty IS)A16©®#ti%l 'o Ml IPMP AHG AS±B 2 B^f^lTT®6K Rob BBtcRIS UT6 £> 5 ® k6S6L

    245 t\ 4-@©^6-mgiB£iffBt"6. 4#© IPMP ©Sf V —¥6 iBBASfe -2) o 'J vSSJSPSA5 Koenen & h. Chiariglione U #?$*AsAlexftCy:^K#6n1--6*BEV^b-8'2 lo

    7. f©#

    S±"t?D MPEG-4APMP • 77-feXSijffl©^-^ P%fi»-exCJ;5E:F3>7L>-PI65T6tfy*X-fbVtV2>= *-A^-i?-e®;f|-l/Ot2>o (@ffl+J--ex : -4 hWE(*ttffi#$SX »■ 05) Q : {8l%:MmbVfc^®fr? A : hSr®E1"2>ycto©XD P mv-efc-Bo Q : MPEG-4/TPMP ^E7:;V©k'©V'f-p —ICgf-B©* 1? MPEG/Systems t©M** sfe 2>©A>? S_type© —Ck#T^6©M A : IPMP i/X-rArpICSIgto-SSrAn^o S_type kttS^C-E. = Q : input (K4XX7 >Xll/A^A-A^oTV'2)A\ output ©Pt^Mii^Pl-S^A-? A : Wi* Q : «4t8A> V k ©iE^lB-b-ti-ttBSE* ? A: nJEt*2>o C : ntf-toihic-d^^dSV'^AV'o C : OPIMA(-te*a VT^grokOItllt&l/mU'o C : B *Sg©EBfl>C®6: 8k U 'o

    ♦ MPEG-21 ©*attCM VT Q:cmf2000T?9H 5 BtC Hm6AS|StoUA:©£As> AA5*!; £>&A>oA:0ti:i:-5 lyCA>? MPEG-21 Cimsn-tV '»V '©T-tt&V tA> ?#r U 'HtSCT-E) &VtA\, (SH8*® A: MPEG-21 tb ®^AP9-A>€>&V^Aft*Vvip?>, Editing m> < fflS <&lvSAs&2> b-5-e*2.o $Ac. wiASil^o

    10 n 12 B(*) 14:00~17:00


    246 10.2.6 9S26 0S*Si$

    t$$-A03-26 Vf® 12 # 10 n 16 B

    S526 0 MPEG 77VF7 * —ASMS: E##

    B # 2000# 10 H 12 B (T) 13 :00~ 16:00 * m eiaj *® OKwiaiAEmtoiTF) to®# 81# : £E (*£*) S'lSKfi: 'J# (1ST) S * : «* (®±), gS(BT«SQ, #± (TT/», AT (TXT-), *» (%%), #* B#), tt* (1ST), iW (NTT), Etia VBT- T), % (JVC), EE (**), *E (NHK), BJt (i/T-T-), #E (Ba T), SB (S±i®) <50#«> TTiP-yt- : SB(NEDO), * - #to (I±-fny77), mmm = #m, mm (eiaj ) : #T, # A (v—7 r-( 7)

    [SS-A03-26-01] [1£S - A03-26-02] MPEG-4/IPMP Call for Proposal Pre-registration form [ftS - A03-2603] MPEG La Baule AA TW (T®) IM [BiS - A03-26-04] Open B to B architecture of MPEG-4/IPMP [1$S - A03-26 05] Proposal on the Renewability of IPMP System [SS-A03-26-06] Overview of responses to ‘IPMP Solutions CfP’ (N3543) [BIS - A03-26 07] Agenda for the Systems IPMP activity in La Baule [1118 - A03-26-08] A New IPMP System combined with Digital Watermarking [SS-A03-26 09] 01 IPMP 8ffi'>XTAl§fiK@~ [tiS-A03-26-10] 1.1 +t—/iHtft [H1S-A03-26-11] C [1118 - A03-26 12] Flavor Software in IPMP-PF [US - A03-26-13] IPMP/XML Specification Preliminary ver. 4 [BIS - A03-26-14] SB5B1 IPMP-PF XDI7:r» h ipSAESS [bis - A03-26-15] om it-5 T'>* 5- ;va®aa0#ip-fbji SKi*

    247 m#-A03-26-i6] [ft#-A03-26-17] S±-t?D 7 £ XtE$l*lS#? [ft# - A03 26 18] m4if Paris meeting attendance


    1. lu®ESii©ttS,

    (1) IPMP fctMH]© MPEG La Baule g&W-t ’X&Zo L» < Tat 44»t« ABASM/tefe 2 A# 1 Zttio £tz$M7r(IPMP-PF) «s A# i &m*. (imo ti) S±-t?D 'y-PMt MPEG-4 /Jx#*A©y WN’-Ttt&t'©-^ OICI ©^ yn—t UT#iPo «'#) (3) IPMP ©Sf IPMP © V —A—(i Alexandres Eleftheriadis (Columbia University) iHHalt Ufeo (A?) Alex £ AAt-A-efctiSAHmdx, ii©-A^-b%fi Ar$.i,o (d'8)

    2. SI 52 6k MPEG La Baule AA^© HPMP-CFPj (CMS UfdBXKot vto 5*4 2 # IPMP B AtE^© Pre Registration © V 7 h

    2.1 CFP rtSiBIg

    Af#M 5*4 4 (Open B to B architecture if MPEG-4/IPMP) Stott XML T* IPMP x XML SfiSlfBOtt, 44*74 —77 k tiSEtt, #0m$^74—7 7 k$#©£®-e$>5o 5*4l3ttl@l$l$"t:-$.Bo MPEGT-tt»V>3751 >'7 tAiBStk 3>A>70m(%^qI

    7 k Q : $miim*?('JNS) A: liU-fott (A?) Q : 5*413 ? ('!'#) A: cfp izMtzm^xmxmn 4 cwt^. (A?) Q : A AT* 2 oiCfl-ttB© ? (4 >8) A : 5*413 tt#A*Pg©(±##& Ltffiffl A-5 C k6#Arg!lt; L£„ (Af)

    248 Q : MPEG©k'£®@:»tCie$r5Crt*1-6>? (#_t) A: Descriptor ^©jSSKo ISO Reserved IPMPSJtype ©—IPMP System XH> ■dX, (A?)

    %#3 (CmBtiVC-fctS^B*®) DMIFT-SSL©$&-b=Sf n-Tteif-y >* A* 5 ^©fcto©^ —MUX -E>-ii®;t>s&V>= %4JVt- AdvancedIPMPDescriptor ICIPMP =t -9©JEStiSIBB • 8t@to ihfflfettfflrvi'iiyWfi'rX? U Renewability 3|ffl ifaffliitotC-' V 7^©#gS#%. Q.Viy 2#§©IPMP =rXZ U ^©tSSb-iigT-it&l 'fflfr? ('J'

    A:^**?c©#0 (®t) emtdi IETF S^-©i^C»orv> < <, (# -t) Q : iW*|6|-e|Him < r % JiV'©*' (Bit)

    —->3>-ett»< mpeg -4©i/XxAt-fligFr^i5:toc-e$>^. (#±) %S : d©tfc$ DSSSi^o&^titifc&l v M'S) % a : A©ES©^- V eaLtiS'i-y * A©SWSId"ott*v i kv ^tv 'AM LfrUSBMT-fctIPMPmotMzn-yUfcV(#±) Q:2$B k#?^/o©#B©Mmi± (Bit) A: (&©ii) -n'sT-yviM>7-^7 trv 5^4SiBSLicU, ttSttAwmiiXML st)*ui:c5i4«or*tt-r-2>o (A?) Q : Zft ttMPEG-4 '>7^A6S88IU&v-i:lt:i&©;t>\ Z-tltittX »<©*« (@m) A :$#?#<, d©«^rl±TAG^*')a-* si«S'J-t*tnHcfci'o (#_t) Q: (MPEG©) -f > £-tf-'Otf U 5^ 4 &S8S1T3 ©a1., (SS) a : mmi:i±7D 7 w mz LT-ensstsr-Bac w±) %a : MPEG-4'>7?AfcbTt-tt*<#a-CiS-S©* sVH^ ('(#)

    WM 5 (Proposal on Renewability of IPMP System) &JBSW"&» Renewability t LT 3 V ^©iSDS&tisrf-So E6Ev ->7tla (lstwa cw=ia&mm&#L-#£«<, ±T4frL<-r-5 (3rdD^A) N3 5 4 3©U^74,-py<>

    249 ii-y ’-asE^-r^.t (ss) A:;»7>tessku-c !t-§stt Sf •6kV'o#xSCX'dV'TV>5= G**) %e: $Sli3 >%- > 7 Itfclt3 It & S8li$>lt&t 'T-fo (**) Q: bftlt MPEG-4 vXt" A"el> MPEG-4 IPMP ©'>7t"Ai6srt-t"6>o W±) A : MPEG-21 0'>X7"A-e6fiV>k®oTU-6o M'S)

    *#8 (A New IPMP System combined with Digital Watermarking) SflSiSo Mb* l/ltH *sjs*nt&afrU**i:©j#£r#:i£Ct.jsfrUSfBtetwa > T-fe^o Q: (ga) A : #Wl@ii'Ui!|nTi&lf>tttfl:Aft?>n21o (W*) %m: 3>^>^* s*»Gti$fcotcBe^n* sk-©si:tii$tooTv^^ii^6n-6o cee) %H : C©a©t©ltl'5U54-*-C#16trCl''6A^. h V ti-y (ife-p)

    S±-t?n-y7X *#17 (B*Sg#7$) &S86ir5<, e-Vue (NJUS) 8:*».6l9b7V-AV-^T-iBB-r •E>= OPMA©#@&^-71C LT A 0, OPMA©t ttU7^-f $^©$$3 hCLtl)®o SlibJf D iy 7 XPtlt Right Authentication t. Tbken (-3-—"ft—iE01|^ v a.—11/3c tS*U e-Vue Q : Normative It ISO b©@-n© normative ©Sfittto (/Ml) A : ISO kRIbtolC^KL-Ct^ (*) Q : Ctltt STB X\ Tbken l±7 V- h*- Kffifl-f 3 (/JO A : ltU-£-57:t"= (#) Q : MPEG ©StSIttf'V h7 h U— >#—7x—7©S #©t?l:Mt$fK v>7-v77(tb®#11:T-5©»„ (#±) A: bnitito©tcto®71/ —A7—^TI^CtBBItT1—'V77©#*l=%0$ fo (#) 9m : MPEG-4 ©tK-©fi£Bttlt£IMT^*T!fc-5= W±) #68 : -VA^aiCftoT*77-h*-K£SLiA©H*70l/©STB SSfl-fflSTB ©SicfiEffl-e^-B kvtd c br-fto (/j\S)

    250 Q : X #£ MPEG-PF © V 71z^^—icSUTSi: U'o (B8) A : 15 BS'eCliEtifcV' (#) Q : **&B^V3>;efci:'o-£>-3'T&;i©«© i&fflttXWX£ft£o (SH) A : -AStoicttT: $&u i: t ^ totIT- J; D 6v£ffi£#x 3-il-S* 5* -5o (SB)

    2.2 IPMP-CFP ©*#Ri%

    6 &7cl:mm©#mM. e-Vue tttt7crtL.y h-9 —V XWfflX 'l'#SlJSfl#SS®*©id:$Z2tll*Ti- >&i 'o

    2.3 La Baule i?lB"e©imSSe*&

    i#47$7ct;/L8ffl; lo 10 H 21 B (±) CFP Asf’l'ffl-C—BB7-H:>-e LSt*o c©0l:ll# MPEG-PF 7 L"tV'"t!$VV'o &tSS£v—Lttftt'o 10 M 23 B (m IPMP Ad-Hocg X>—V td:n (yXfAH) T%< Rob (VXV'f-pXXHEE) 10 B 24 B (.Ik) 4% IPMP X"e-lVX>—X* 7 -> a > UBt52>;£tt7>—X

    10 H 26 B (A) Bm©*B#©B$ Ctt \©t, B*tP 6 ffl Lfc t\>

    Q:±@BMPEG-21-cmom P^Xir-f (#?) A : ##I@#©B AL MPEG-4tC[pH'>-tU^fflf^nttP ISffi*l'>T-LJ;7o (#±)

    3. m ipmp

    ##io v»-;i-©m^ /\-po^7©sif©mm. -es VX p^xTiiOS WindowsNTtf— /s- ver4.0tiHx #®'>X tLLMUX #asipn>x.'y-3—y &t>" IPMP MUX, 3 >7" XXX-v V^'f-fe VX#-A-TOttFE vx-Ik 3>x>X+t-n/ 3-—-ifiSAPSSfleyx-A, 3>-T>7DBvA-y^ X77>XASJ$PE'Xx—;i/t£giJXD i?xX PTBSo ^EttH^C5S5k®y tSth-y^-^© h5>ifX'>a>S/PLT Interoperability b Renewability CoV'T-^-So

    251 ##11 (nv-ryyfflfMKouT) ©Biflflo TCSWkTlT—i7^-— MCoUTIW.

    4. i*7Ciii^h (IPA)©)##K*


    ##9 (iPMPtoE->x^A*fi$H) sum, j.—y,-^*icic^v>rii asoiEkiST$fct>s feSo n>7L>-y IDM»(NTTX #-i i- k#»f ? -f 7 > F ©#Sl#t (m ±il), gtoS IPMP K(i'»7A (ASCII), IPMP yXTABWrti (1ST) -C$>-E>= ##14 (#50IPMP-PF T’ny^i' F#m#MA###) 7Ty:i-lM*Tg5tn:-$>3A 5, S^Ctt2g*T-, T#&*6 lc©CI±2« MCfrWTo X»5>T;V$lJ SFEya-lVkLT, SC2000 k Camellia

    *#12 (Flavar Software) ©#9. 9/28~9/30 I’fiTAtto IffiTyi? FT#HT6% fipr3 —^kl/C, Flavor Software tt©‘fe©£'f >X 1—II/UJl-5 kl/CV To i/T^rb 2D 7"n7y4 11 WSTn—VSib3<, ©©Tnvx7 hliffl^MCot'tliSIiATgTC^t'o (M U MPEG-PF l*]Tffl Flavor Software %©eg#lt&M#l: UTj3 < C k**ft=o

    5. MPEG La Baule EitQ, Tfflfft atssu i *# 15 rt^m7--v*ii/*Tms«3 *S©«Wfcj #9*) ©SiBfl6'jN«iJS*SAs 10 fl 11 BBT#mAC#9L&. T©#© m##W##16T&6. BTj®** 5 7~8, 3>y>'7tl-ll-tt(± SWUM ISO ©il/-iW:#7#o

    MPEG La Baule Eilffl MPEG-PF 7D >* x 7 F AT 3 £, W* (**), #S (T7> », AT (ASCII) SSTn vx7 1 (IPMP-PF) AT 2 g

    M4IF (MPEG Industry Forum) 10H30Bi:iiV • P3—!V?Si©TTlV"Cv\7> FSi*A !$)-Z>o y >H—>7 5-T4>^t*fe^o mpeg-4 ^ yn-tiWcttfiOT^e&vv -e-n11—AtiC Advantage A^V'o $ ^#AnSSAs"t! $ & o

    SSAAT® : 11 H 27 B(M) Thu


    252 10.2.7 S27 0f**®

    ft#-A03—27 Vft 12 ^ 12 M 8 B

    m270 mpeg A$*i? ass

    B # 2000 11 M 27 B (H) 10 : 00~12 : 30 t§ ffi jeita *® m-SES (EsaxsMSfeiv of ) tiWS #** : SB ($*) @J6*»: 'J'# (IST) $ * : 4«B (HES1S), g* (B*«90, (BA), AT (rxjf-), ;j'@ (m±mm), n» (m%), fe* (=#), E« (1ST), SKI (NTT), Jg (JVC), SB ($*), B# 0-WT-r), #B (NHK), BJt (-Tt-A), fitlJU (BA), sh (s±a) <5o#m> 7f y T7—/ m* (JSA), #B • Craig Schultz (S±-b*D yt-X), #m, AB (JEITA) ('>-^TjT)

    [ft#-A03-27-01]mmkm [S8-A03-27-02] wmmwm [ft# - A03-27-03] m 54 0 MPEG AAIPMP (»«#«) [ft# - A03-27-04] SB 54 E MPEG La Baule AAW6 (SS#*) [ft# - A03-27 05] Ticket Authentication Protocols (S±t"to27) [ft# - A03 27-06] * 54 E MPEG-4AA#@@ (BBS*) [ft# - A03-27-07] * 54 E MPEG AA-MPEG-4/IPMP Hi8SS (AT#*)

    ...... m

    1. h 5E»SS©«K

    2. *54 0, WG11/MPEG La Baule AA$86

    (1) WGll ©Aft«i=R

    253 ♦SMr&ibffliBSi 7ft (S±-t?D77X»St?). I^XrAr^-y TrbW:*UTSIiAPI &®£U Sil5g©7 -73 HS'>^-;vd^T-*S5 ^SbSSft-BfflT, ^Hlffl^iS^—XIC, *|n|6A (4707- tr+J-; 1M 15 B~) T\ #$ iS©

    (2) System/IPMP ©A##% •IPMP IPMP © CfP t:ft44,E* 17 ft (rt*i)iiii*14ft) ©SfflASfrbft, 6 o© API  11-71:4m. •MPEG-21 Study of PDTR£ftf&. C£P it DIDN'T 7 47 4 7 Ag* ; N3756){:®b dii &d (^j'li/T'i'^AEgiJkSBzE) ©cfp ik®ast$^a= •MPEG-4 on IP »IE9$4L^6S Chiariglione fict«SieiSBT\ MPEG-4 Kffl 'J>&v >|$i i rtp 'vfn—Ft t—7 -y h6 2001 ft l H mi®:, rrn-T t: H.323 ©I±##@&#oTti £>-5 ViS&7&= (ft®)

    • MPEG-4 on IP tiltigt: =fc 0 b (ftS). • ft—7*4 ftWRti^ CfEvidence. %lal6a*TlA 744’OV7K 7 4 V'777%iSA# sgtSy i7 i V-Ai;7n-7'£iS#U MPEG-4 kCibRMSHI&iTT. (g*) • 46B IETF i: ITU © U b , MPEG-4 SttT-ttS6®**V 'i: ©*t*®te>nfe. IETF k rru©%mmA#mb$4i^ami/. fiu 7*-?7 m HS©»-e»5«iS;u, 4-E]©*S;ttB*B^ld©ffi#%:*©= ckba&teSOttftE ©«@t*«. eu #fefbft#lt: 2 ftl$iSA*.E>= (g») •ITU(±47HS®. IETF AU,2ftA^ft6 (Bit) • MPEG-4 t Ut©SStt 2 * b fc-S. ES 618 RTP b * iA MPEG-4 yXf AT* SL Airy HbWc±T RTP !:«-&-& Aft. ^ElStSIbSnfcfflttE#. Ctltt MPEG-4 T**S17 c AS. (@$) • isn< - MPEG-4 TmiUTtA&ft-A-'xy F#md:7-7$e6A# < ft6Aft (R 2#)o % hfz1-e-SktiBEAftS®k A -6. (Bib) • MPEG-4 AT71AT*fMSnfc3>7 L>7©VT;V4'd'A^n-h-iiollg*? (A?) • 0 7474 AC7P77 7a Xftiigft (d-SSJSHft) •SSt«B:7''7>n-KA\ or;l74A-fcfc-?>©ft? (SB#**) - U7ft7T74I:j:bMA*6 (SB) • MPEG-4 y7ri @*A* V 7717 4 ASB6i&|fi LTV 'Afto £0 A# V 7117 4 ACT'D 777a >;!«#*>is7ism#UTVX!0$#fc6. (SB#**)

    254 (3) &«*©*»««

    *vy>#±> sm • sa^missii

    •S±"b"D y iS'Xil* (8#05, H±-fe'D v :?X#(±J, Craig A. Schultz) g±tf D y^©$6$CoV m:x Craig Shultz ffi4 0 fZo 4-lllil*!*, *e-Vuettk©71/-A?-^&*#Liei^-t&0. ©> Itl 6 k 46 . -tffl-5 %, TAPCTicketAuthentication ProtocoBtSiFfbSil* Lfc.

    Q: l** —!'©4 "5&&©*>?( ('J'S@J$*fi) A: et—y© m &#S46t©t&6, tztz L...AfflAPa1£l$/E46©T-(4& <, ?ffl&© B6©h-4;i k* nJtre&s WtK)

    Q: Opaq ©Stt*"•SBriiM*'? (SH) A: Opaq (4, WAcT*t W^fflfig* sIE3f;:l3i£im''6kkt4 ISIECTi'-So 4fc, t - > k4—L> A -i A-4AySV'©lEiitt&toffiL6r 5 7" D h Z3;v%,a EtvCVi-So (Craig J£)

    Q: fit!*, DSM-CC-ett&U*? W'Si'JS*#) A: #S®4|b] KfitiK 4 >7-ij^>^-v3>A%TOT*fe^o (Craig 6)

    * 0 4@*!ccv 14, k-€-©ffl-e4>D9t6 £it64 y-fe —i/fflffig icovlEWCS*Lfct' 1©SS,* S60, £ESEE©j®Bl:40, SB 68540, *tt *©*m#T&6m±-KD y7X©*fi;6iM L^y#6&^@46 Ckk Lie.

    #K*©m-A^'#. TK-T-k4fr? (A?) Di; &##, Ei; ®W» i ; key EiDi=DiEi=l R;#$J Di(R); Bf-t-fbSft

    •xabb (##o 6) mm

    M4if!46*#6 Otto IEEE A4>y —T?MPEG-4 ■i'O h (yw-t? ; 6/18~20) ASS AlcFtl6o I¥ffl!4http://m4if.orgo

    255 #7%*-A? (*#07) SOT L. • ARIB "C-y AT© W ■fr-T- XML (SW) • AtoWTttXrML, "FffiWTfcWJtlo (A?) • c©#T©##Ti±%u

    3. #g%»©m», 4. msefwmmmrnm *@t:74ry7o (d«@JS*ft)

    5. -e©# (jeita ) a ^h (##m#m).

    6. $kto ipmp cruumti^msmtvr, ss*A6Eibc^&^©Tfi«*# o sem: v> < „ V7;i'^4'Am:c'UZtA#m#Wc^ (SES*S)

    12 H 11 8(H) 15 : 00~ #T#S#A.


    256 10.2.8

    SS-A03-28 12 ^ 12 H 14 B

    #5 28 0 MPEG 77^17 *- A$*A EWg

    B # 2000^12 4! 11 B (M) 15 : 00~17 : 00 i» flfr JEITASrt® 704 AUS (#§8S##»HT7F) ttiS# S*ft : $B (**) SIS*ft : >m (1ST) S * : #_t (*-77 », /JVII (NHK), g$ (B*«m), AT (77H ts (m±mm), T# (77+-), *« ($%:), (h$), »« (1ST), SHI (NTT), # tiSTSS), « (JVC), TEE ($*), B# OUX-T)' tRB (NHK), Bit (->*-:/), Will (BA), sh (S±«), g« (*w» <5o@m> : SB (NEDO), 1ST (JSA), * • Craig Schultz (S±4z*n-y^X), SMShen, JiMing, Yam Hai Lin (PSL) mmm ■. ms (jeita ) ♦$$)93dSI : #7? ('>-^T-f 7)

    [ttS-A03-28-01] aS*S/*u@a*® (ftS - A03-28-02] MPEGAA 6tt® IPMP tgXmtiBttlt [## - A03-28-03] MPEG 4/IPMP Watermark Interface

    1. HU0ESg$IB. (1SS-A03-28-01) - pp.2 (3) Tfrfe 10~9ffB : r#S05©-©SIliKiWtoj - pp.2 (3) T&6 8ffS : riSifflSt-* 5-,j & r» !34©iK-As-,j IcSIEU, »SL

    - pp.2 (3) T*»?> 7 'nS : rDi: MB, Ei: 2#Bj l±, % Ml Di: tdEEo ti±©«E©E, *u0E»gti:*g$n7c= *fe, StB'IT7 -IV([.JEITA-MPEG: 199])T\ KTtoSE^HSlSnfco - BS# TTif-yi©ffl86^, r#g (ned O)j

    257 2. wEmmom# (1) IPMP kSttHSgdtogttt* (ftS-A03-28-02) •La Baule^T-liJPMP vXx PictoreMM£tl~ api ©#!M6S£l^o jwtoFWr/EBf-asiRi k»tix 9iat--6^ttES6 25vyt;>ysn*;= * * •## rs$-A03-28-02j ■i>f'7^-7.E OSMIPMP®WBIFS V — HX ^>^7x-XF (IPMP it— tlX APDCI3X E-Vuett©jg$* !X-y t > X £ ftT t'3o (2) ('hSUS*#) #y\-F->ir, V7 h'>jiT©i9jlt:ii&y'ov* 0 4^ECtt9WAW!nt*§3Jl2»fr T*$>-5>o 2001 ^ 3 m

    3. $55 El MPEG Pisa k ’q •$ 55 li mpeg ^-tr-DU-tx jy.T©«®* slitt^nfeo - -X X 5 :nlV©BtFF$;6C J; D , Eilat ©ft#tbT Pisa-CPatf-f^CilCftSo - BStt 2001 ip 1 B 15 B~18 Bo 12 B 15 Bo - LTV '-6AX z^a8§fifr(Convention CenterltiStWtffl fc®. ^ t ©i±#$ f 9 o •MPEG Pisa #ATkL 4-©t:5, IPMP Hit© AdHoc


    a#tt47BE(~i2/i5)Cd'8@J$**$r** L&ZZbo et)U 4ia]#S^© 6 ©#0#A#t vXtttf-ii^T-fflWS&fbfc: i'8&EI'^C. k&lfo&o

    (2) Pisa B-QvtflSSi •MPEG Pisa #S'C©#AI:7)t''-C, KT©###I?»t)tl6o - iJttfflii©^T\ 3 btt>0i?o Pisa t##l%FSSI±# #L^t''Cktc%oXt\^o (#±S#) - >XX h V MARIB, TV Anytime Forum & k)-C©(19tt>3H^ MPEG ffl«6to k Ckt* $ & -v x xm i> o (SMS*) - V7i/X^©m#rca. api iM@*/j®&6©m6;£eu APi&tif^xvt- '>"&/£#LJ:7 kLTV'^o IPMP lr—X©-»£xXX&^AI:t#feck^mS T\ API ©&#«?Sk©#tAt,&6o 1^71-X jSA, D s e

    i&EteHK, Bn Cs f!iIPMP7-*- ^(Schultz*ytr-/t) - kn$T*©2ip^ ipmp

    258 T%rzffl6w$>z<, 9t±s*) - V'T—,ya >-e$>-6tt1\ €®£tvO'>&V\, 4-mteStts OPIMA V7 h fiTT-©^ >rVC14ffl* tC^V—7$n-50"r*tto (SI9S*) . V7 h7zy^.-xo-f >7<)-e&tux> = * WiP'77 hHESk'CDjLdtrESt"^.A«SiJ©RgB= (Af#M) - ARIB %^©###» AA4*t:, m».-ibtizbiz^xma?K & Jt7&77"D—^fit'ffltrlio (SHS*) - ipmp 77x^A^.mg*^f4 16B$lLT%x.?)fctolcx *#k^677"V 7-Pa > SWitCf ■5!i®* s*5o (#±$*)

    (3) Pisa^r^©#tt*l*«® it, #a*> e> © mpeg Pisa s^^©te$©s@m”F©a t> e w^n&o #_tg* : ISO T- IPMP 7-7©p >7 777 -577774##(: LtdV : 8uli6^-e$l$ L& XML ISzE© J; 7 C PX tM, CttS L&u 6 © £ttofc vx, mgu©y77AKAW6cia, >yt*gniiAUo Hies* : R#©77 V 7-P a $6^7!:, IPMP K >7 7 ^-7A B)

    : Renewability ®3H©iztit>© Encryption/Decryption API 4SHHo »*SI : #?a& LfflfcfeC'f >7 7 x-7^ C, F © API ttSStiSo $BS*« : 3 >7>7 ID 4 IPMP ©77-b7M®CffidiPk-7/M;t5fc6o

    4. S±4z‘D 7 77, m^#6©#8@ •s±-sn777©^ffii0, •S±"t2D'y77iP?)©|BSP3Si, (RightsAuthentication), IPMP 7 7-b-'>-6®,ISE#iS$(X.509, SSL), IPMP P77ASKH >#7x —7gE»k'CMf 6t©tr*^o ®tS##®©cko

    5. #@###=-31,1? •$©7-y'>-^-iv, SSfl-enp$&4fMLT«BS8*^- 7—ii/T-JSSf-So #*^k»6©?, cn$T-egmtiWtWDSit t^M®)4EiStoc

    : 2001 %■ 2 Ml BC*0 16:00-18:00 ti.±

    259 10.2.9 £29|31K*f*

    8# - A03-29 spgg 13 ^ 2 n i e

    £ 29 ® MPEG 75 -4 F 7 7-Ag*:s

    E Bt 2001 if 2 3 1 0 (E) 14 : 00-16 : 00 9 ft JEITAE® £2 ASS (*®tA5F) itiSt $*#: SB (**) 9JSMS: ES CKT) S *: W* OK*), m (*7 7», S« (NTT), #± (*77», EJII (NEK), g$ (B**S0, A? (77* —), 'J\# (g±ilE), ($£), B* (NTT), #E (H#), *« (1ST), Ktl (NTT), J® (JVC), PHI (V——), EE OK*), E# (/WE-7), #E (B50, SM (S±«) <50@«> E7V-8- : #B (NEDO), #E (JSA), * (S±-fc?n-y77) mmm = #m, ab (jeita ) : #E (5-7*4 7)

    [ftg-A03-29-0l] I**«£/ij®ii*« [8$ - A03-29-02] £55® MPEG-4 Pisa i?irfg£» (EES*) [8S - A03-29-03] £55® MPEG i?A(Pisa) «S (AES*) [&g - A03-29-04] IPMPPisa (*%#*) [8S-A03-29 05] IPMP-PF £SE£®&fFBi (£) [8S-A03-29-06] «£»§** [SS-A03-29-07] VfiK 12 ESIRSWUiEitilC-OUT [8S - A03-29-08]

    ...... m * ......

    1. M®l**®©Jt® (8S - A03-29-01) BttS*@-ftb D UE©#E&f?oC k-e*!S£nfco - 2.(2) * rgBap^j -3. r*^;wiE*R©mac-j & rE*Kffl)9ja8 * -j IzmiEo -3.(1) CWIEo

    260 ■ 3.(3) wm rn ID £ IPMP-sfcfc (SESHft)j & r$ES*S: => y ID kSIE ■4. #@& rg±-tfn>y^^, ®B4ms?©«6j kSIF.o ■ 4. *e© rwmmM (x.509, ssl) -j ©ww± rx.509i'SSL©m©to»t©j ku-S S.ttr-afe £ Sligo ■ 5. r&g&gpvxy-A- • • • j ©StfiGeSIJIE (” T-flStff) =

    2. ffij[ll=tt©5feSMIWiS®SM6 (1) WS©B® i/ >»^-;v6-n-©W»©B^.tt»:lilce5 ckk L£=, (2) IPMP Walk through (Col \X. SuBVtia.—"C if TiaTC:o)ck)\ M$jB(cZ t) ftt-L Lfeo

    3. IPMP (1) ^ott-xt^iiCO l '~C V (cou-c«Sjti^nfeo ')©*«, Call For Evidence^ T>*-S*^ B6c A,-C&o)c ? ('J'SiJSlft) • ipmp Cov ixiiHEtc-ffsa 5® § y-rsBmic» o -t $ (A?@m - CE ©00^0 MPEG7IPMP (COl\-Cta#A%o6o (iSIIS*)

    (2) ipmp e#6a*(coiM: - AfgMZd IPMP^^(couT©ttT©

    261 • MPEG21 N3775CPDTR Ver.2X N3938(DoCX N3941, N3940, N3942(CFP), N3943. N3950(CFR)tcfCfe-So

    (3) - IPMP [SS - A03-29-04] (DmRfttt.ZtlTzc

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    Sfc, iPMPmy F*y^*5J:U tm4if©^6fi;tin^>ci:AsSiB9Snfc=

    4. (tt$ - A03-29-05) -SSHtiESJ: 9 W©%?am $ AWvt v' 5 -SSS*JIBSIKC W UT*** [tSS - A03-29-05]

    5. asao^icour • EH$*

    ®S - A03-29-07, as - A03-29-08) • %# [SS-A03-29-07] © 2aiatoW4F6©*©%Sff LTV'^toT'Bfl&^S (D&cDizmfrWz&i>f&Zo -aicaaea^iu'o • 3H 23 B£74-77 FCjgo fcjMT-EBSWiJVfcS©SHitif-B = • 3B 16 B E-eesaSSMtttitT© U 7 VZ to [email protected] • [as - A03-29-08] C%1 X Word2000 XM~t6 Z t U >/bx E HSM fcfflKPf -5 „

    262 6. ^©ffe 'mmmmm: '> > tmm immt % Q $## : *7"Uyi^ h(&##%#&0-f&#©2#&f &LZV ^©^T

    : 2001 ^ 3 n 15 B 14 : 00-17 : 00

    263 13 # 3 M 16 0

    30 HI MPEG -fyyhyJr—M &

    0 # 2001 # 3 M 15 0 (*) 14:00^17:00 # Br s m sr±^ra ms# #mm=

    # M: ^SC^r-T/^) > SB (JVC) N . ( 0,/hJII (NHK), Af-(r^—), /Jv£(S±iMF) x ##(m^)x#^:(Hmxm#(NTT), f ^#(/^-T)x 0 It(^-y) , WK 0 £) x SI®I (Sdbii) <50%m>

    Wx mm(jEiTA)

    <@%%#> [M-A03-30-01 [i5$-A03-30-02 56 © WG11/MPEG m ■ (/hiFillSiiil:) [%#-A03-30-03 56 © MPEG Singapore #i=f# B##) [ ~ A03-30-04 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG00/XXXXX [^#-A03-30-05 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m7026 [SS-A03-30-06 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m7130 [^#-A03-30-07 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m7131 [M-A03-30-08 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m7150 [##-A03-30-09 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m7153 [ES-A03-30-10 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m7154 [SS-A03-30-11 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m7119 [^#-A03-30-12 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 w4095 [ES-A03-30-13 # 56 © MPEG ##) [K#-A03-30-14 #56© ISO/ITC JTC1 SC29 Wll (#7^##) [M-A03-30-15 #56© ISO/ITC JTC1 SC29 Wll (NTT) [ES-A03-30-16 % 12 @#m) [&S-A03-30-17 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 m6918

    264 [##-A03-30-18] ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 n3954

    l. (k #-ao 3-3o -od

    - 3.(2) 5 nn : r " j o"-r emm - 3.(2) 17-18 ft B : N3942(CP)->CFP, N3950(CfR)->CFR (C#1E - 3.(4) 4frg,5S8frg: MP4IF->M4IF (C#IE •#&



    - Wo : 4 %, ^ WO: 1 ft, : 7 % - m^wo-e^v^%w^(7)Wo#m(i ft) - SU^PSilCTB*. NEC, •MS - MPEG

    - 4-5 M t^ftS^SF^k 6 n (- Kick-offo - ^##3-5^M<7)%

    - MPEG - MPEG-4 (Drny^ —ryx - IPMP (MPEG-21, tolJEsB-M^^f)

    3. yy##— (1) /JN^S,J$MS/):>^i<7)^6Jn:(i5$-A03-30-02) •M4IF - Patent + Visual (D Simple/Core ^ny^y/PlC-OV + Advanced Simple (Clol^TiiJfE#^®^ck9l^fil/£Lo + WG2 Audio - 6/18-20 \Z USA (DD-yy-teT Workshop

    265 • MPEG-7 Awareness Event - nodosa. 14

    (2) Af#ma'6(C#e(K$-A03-30-13) • IPMP Extension - CD g wos.o

    •IPMP t SNHC b(nm% - SNHC specific •^#CO#^ (iS$~A03-30-05) - XML XT IPMP (3) ^^#M/)^6<7)$R^(^#-A03-30-13)

    •ES-A03-30-06 - PTS, DTS % IPMP T1t£U<7)S9£tttt£Lfc^5/>^V ^USo •M-A03-30-07

    - ipmp y —;i/(7):/u:77>f/Ht:$So MPEG-4/7/21 ?) (4) "o • IPMP Extension ^(0## - 2X7—i7{tIEU^fn]lXfR]/)^oTV^^^o

    - ;p(Dy;p — - XML TeE^o (5) i%##m/)^<7)#^(^#-A03-30-14/15)

    •Digital Item and Description(DI&D) (XI'd: URI

    •ID o(X^(7)-C1t/e<> MPEG-21 (D'bbXi&feXX&.ffi$iV50

    •6/4-5 \Z.7y77-/ zKy(XT RDD&REL(Right Data Description & Right Expression Language)

    (6) •J^T(D 3 '^#-A03-30-17

    - IPMP Extension (D Requirement (D^gJElZ.'nfc’&X^ Pisa - Mutual & Identity validation - Rights Authentication •i$$-A03-30-08

    266 - Mutual & Identity validation Pisa •!5$-A03-30-10 - Rights Authentication

    MPEG-PF 3 \

    5. (^#-A03-30-16,

    - f 3/16, g 3/23



    267 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3: 2000(E) 10.3 10.3.1 Working Draft 1.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 / AMD3


    ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG11 N3729 October 2000

    Source: MPEG-4 Systems Title: Working Draft 1.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 / AMDS Editor: Mike McGinty Status: Approved

    Table of Content

    1 INTRODUCTION...... 270

    1.1 Relation between this WD and the current IPMP specification...... 270

    1.2 Organization of this document...... 270


    2.1 Introduction...... 271

    2.2 Architecture...... 271 2.2.1 Data Structure A - IPMP Data...... 272 2.2.2 Interface B - Application Service API...... 272 2.2.3 Interface C - IPMP Service API...... 273 2.2.4 Interface D - DMIF API...... 273 2.2.5 Interface E - BIFS Nodes (Routed through the F interface)...... 273 2.2.6 Interface F - IPMP Systems API...... 273

    2.3 Proposal Compliance to the Architecture (Walkthroughs') ...... 273 2.3.1 Walkthrough 1:...... 274 2.3.2 Walkthrough 2:...... 274 2.3.3 Walkthrough 3:...... 274 2.3.4 Walkthrough 4:...... 274 2.3.5 Walkthrough 5:...... 274 2.3.6 Walkthrough 6:...... 274

    2.4 Description of the Functionalities Provided by the Architecture...... 275

    2.5 Decisions Made on the Form of the Extention ...... 275

    3 SPECIFICATIONS...... 275

    268 ISO/IEC 14496-1 :1999/Amd.3:2000(E) 4 REFERENCES ...... 275

    269 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E)

    1 Introduction

    This document is a working draft of the ISO/IEC 14496-1 AMD 3.

    This working draft contains WGH’s current understanding of the technologies for managing and protecting intellectual property within MPEG-4. It has been developed after WG11 received and evaluated 16 submissions to WG11’s second call for proposals in the area of Intellectual Property Management and protection for MPEG-4 (N3543).

    1.1 Relation between this WD and the current IPMP specification

    This document specifies extensions to the currently specified IPMP specification (the “hooks”), documented in ISO/IEC 14496-1 :2000, these extensions are not intended to replace these hooks. Instead, it will augment them with additional technologies. Therefore, implementations that conform to ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 with respect to IPMP (i.e., to the OD Core Profile), will still be conformant to the MPEG-4 standards when amended by the specifications contained in this document. Likewise, implementations claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 standards amended by the specifications contained in this document will also be required to implement and conform to the existing “hooks” specification as set out in ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000.

    1.2 Organization of this document

    This document is organized as follow:

    270 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E) Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 1: Systems

    AMENDMENT 3: IPMP Extensions

    2 Overview of IPMP Extensions

    2.1 Introduction

    This specification is comprised mainly of

    1. Five functional interfaces (referenced to as APIs “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F” in Figure 1) and their anticipated behavior; 2. Syntax and semantics of one data structure (“A”).

    These interfaces and data structures are used to exchange information between non-normative elements (the various rectangles in Figure 1) that would collectively comprise an entire IPMP system and combine to fulfill the requirements set forth in the aforementioned CfP.

    Note, that this document only specifies those elements in Figure 1, which are depicted in red. Moreover, it is important to note, that this document contains WG11 s current understanding of how the various technologies described herein relate. This document is not a commitment that any or all elements depicted herein will be finally implemented.

    2.2 Architecture

    The architecture developed from the review is a combination of the concepts presented by the proposals and is not meant to be the final architecture of the extension. From the review of the proposals, six areas where new API interfaces or data enhancements could be applied were identified. These areas are shown in red on architecture diagram below.

    271 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd .3:2000(E)

    IPMP Plug-ins Application Control Crypt. Water. Auth. Sign. Smart Card (O m ■IP Servia ­API ------?------(B) App 'icution (S


    Video -► Encrypted Content Clear Content o Possible IPMP External Control Points interfaces

    Figure 1. Architectural Diagram.

    A letter designates each interface. 2.2.1 Data Structure A - IPMP Data

    The proposed changes for IPMP data are described in the proposals from the various companies contributing. This section lists the major points made by each contributor.

    1. Rights descri ptor format 2. Key message format 3. Description of destination of IPMP Data 4. Vendor information format 5. Content ID format 6. Signature data format 7. Description of IPMP processing stages 8. Capabilities information 9. IPMP Software Download protocol 10. Structure of IPMP Data

    Note : Data can be upstream or Downstream.

    2.2.2 Interface B - Application Service API

    The Application Service API has several proposed uses. These uses are discussed in detail in the in the contributions and are summarized here.

    1. Interface between the secure domain and the outside world a. Content selection interface with usage description (location, destination, purpose, IPMP plug-in ID). b. Query source domain (list desireable/available IPMP plug-ins). 272 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1999/Amd. 3:2000(E)

    c. Query IPMP MPEG 4 Presentation information (ex : usage rights on content) d. Install IPMP plug-ins. 2. User authentication. 3. Inter-domain authentication. 4. Interface to obtain content ID.

    2.2.3 Interface C - IPMP Service API

    The contributions did not explicitly propose this API. The architecture of several of the proposals required this API to be present. The features requested for this interface are described here.

    1. Generic plug-in interfaces. 2. Rights authentication interfaces. 3. Decryption/Encryption interfaces. 4. Signature interfaces. 5. Control plug-in interface (ex : rules interpretation, enforcement). 6. IPMP Systems - IPMP Plug-in inter authentication. 7. Watermark Interface.

    2.2.4 Interface D - DMIF API

    Several of the proposal require a secure channel be set up through the network and propose an API to do this.

    1. DMIF calls to setup secure channel. 2. Secure domain - DMIF application inter authentication.

    2.2.5 Interface E - BIFS Nodes (Routed through the F interface)

    In this interface, the BIFS nodes are to route information from the Scene Graph to the IPMP System and receive permission to utilize the content.

    2.2.6 Interface F - IPMP Systems API

    The IPMP System API is the proposed interface between the Terminal System and IPMP System. It is proposed to handle the following functions.

    1. Instantiation and control. 2. Query of intent (ex: access elementary stream from the scene). 3. Protection enforcement. a. Watermark request. 4. Transaction processing. 5. Rights authentication. 6. Data Transfer. 7. Network services. 8. Encryption/Decryption service. 9. Interface to obtain content ID.

    2.3 Proposal Compliance to the Architecture (Walkthroughs)

    The following walkthroughs were presented by the companies to illustrate how there proposals fit into the architecture and it identify and correct any missing elements in the architecture.

    273 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3: 2000(E) 2.3.1 Walkthrough 1:

    Multicast keys are not within scope of MPEG-4. However, a key messaging structure is necessary. Good architecture is required to deliver keys to decryption unit. What they propose: Channel to transmit key information. Std MPEG-4 via ES or content IPMP-ES needs some specification to explicate keying messages: multicast key distribution, header and payload with some additional indicative information. Encryption/decryption modules should be changeable.

    Several different IPMP System-types would most likely use this. They were originally envisioning objects from different sources so diff IPMP Systems should be used. Question about where keys are generated. Server may do it in one model in an all-powerful way. Otherwise, there may be agreement protocols where a key is created under a specific exchange process. There were some questions raised about the most efficient way to generate keys, but this was outside the purview of our discussion. Brief review of their presentation occurred.

    2.3.2 Walkthrough 2:

    Interfaces A, F, D and the red BIFS arrow are used. Note that red arrow from BIFS points into interface F. Authentication is assumed to be in the F interface. Proposed modifications were justified. Some concerns were raised that this might break the version 2 player. Using extension descriptors does not cause breakage, and adding enhancements to behavior did not break anything was the explanation.

    A refined architecture was presented in this walkthrough for this proposal with some structural refinements including addition of the OD decoder and refinement of Control box view.

    2.3.3 Walkthrough 3:

    Hard copies and soft copies of the proposed amendments were made available.

    A security hole identified in standard plug-in architectures: A plug-in interface can be interrupted or proxied by an adversary. Note that there should not be any restriction on whether or not the plug-ins are actually ‘loaded’ or whether they are ‘plug-ins’ in the strict sense at all. Function blocks should be defined in terms of behavior, input and effective output.

    Fuji Xerox presented a second walkthrough further explaining their proposed authentication algorithm based on standard PKC and X509 certificates and how they propose to use it in the architecture.

    2.3.4 Walkthrough 4:

    Channel, session ID, QoS and direction are present in the DMIF channel API. The security flag is proposed by an addition. These channels may be defined separately. Note that authentication mechanism is not defined.

    2.3.5 Walkthrough 5:

    Presented the walkthrough for data using the original OPIMA flow diagram. This proposes that MPEG keeps the current IPMP hooks as a normative interface of the MPEG-4 terminal and that MPEG adopts the OPIMA framework specification as an alternative interface.

    It was agreed that B, C and the OPIMA SAC Protocol together fully defined the OPIMA based proposal.

    2.3.6 Walkthrough 6:

    The contributor presented a description of exactly how the clDf concept could be included in the architecture. They referenced the needed data elements for A and the API functions for B, C and F needed to support it.

    274 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E) 2.4 Description of the Functionalities Provided by the Architecture

    Architecture was developed to highlight the normative interfaces addressed by all contributions, to document the high level functionality addressed by these interfaces and to exercise these interfaces in application walkthrough. The following functionality were identified:

    1. Renewability of IPMP plug-ins (Interfaces: A, C) for control plug-ins and other Plug-ins

    2. Interoperability between IPMP Systems and Applications (Interfaces: A, F-B, E)

    3. Interoperability between IPMP Systems and Network Layers (Interface D)

    4. IPMP Data filter before the IPMP Systems (Interface A)

    These are the points that are worth investigating (from a technical and business perspective).

    2.5 Decisions Made on the Form of the Extention

    The following decisions were made:

    1. APIs (Inputs, outputs and behavior) definition, if they were to be defined, would be defined in IDL. This will give the possibility to download OS dependent plug-ins. (Additional information like OS, and bytecode format may be needed).

    2. APIs, if they were to be defined will be defined in Java as well, and java byte code format will be identified as a standardized byte code format. This will give a full interoperable framework, although not suitable for some devices.

    3. The esthetic of the API will be inspired from the DMIF APIs.

    3 Specifications

    Left empty.

    4 References

    1. , , Date, http://... 2.

    275 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E) 10.3.2 Working Draft 2.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 / AMD3


    ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG11 N3871 January 2001

    Source: MPEG-4 Systems Title: Working Draft 2.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 / AMD3 Editor: Mike McGinty Status: Approved

    Table of Content

    1 INTRODUCTION...... 278

    1.1 Relation between this WD and the current IPMP specification...... 278

    1.2 Organization of this document...... 278


    2.1 Definitions...... 279

    2.2 Design Goals...... 280

    2.3 Assumptions and Pre-Conditions...... 280

    2.4 Walkthrough ...... 280 2.4.1 IPMP Tools description access...... 281 2.4.2 IPMP Tools retrieval...... 281 2.4.3 Instantiation of IPMP Tools followed by Mutual Validation and Identity Validation ...... 281 2.4.4 IPMP Initialization and Update - In parallel with Content Consumption ...... 281

    2.5 Overview of the Normative Elements...... 282 2.5.1 Identification of IPMP Tools ...... 282 2.5.2 Location Identifier of providers of IPMP Tools...... 282 2.5.3 Establish Mutually Acceptable Trust Level...... 282 2.5.4 Accessing/Acquiring missing IPMP Tools ...... 282 2.5.5 Instantiation of IPMP Tools ...... 282 2.5.6 Mutual Validation ...... 283 2.5.7 Identity Validation ...... 283 2.5.8 IPMP Tools - Terminal Communications...... 283 2.5.9 Parametric Representation of IPMP Tool Configuration ...... 284

    2.6 Open issues...... 284

    276 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd. 3:2000(E) 3 SPECIFICATIONS...... 284

    4 REFERENCES...... 284

    277 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E)

    1 Introduction

    This document is a working draft of the ISO/IEC 14496-1 AMD 3. This working draft contains WGH’s current understanding of the technologies for managing and protecting intellectual property within MPEG-4. It has been developed after WG11 received and evaluated 16 submissions to WG11’s second call for proposals in the area of Intellectual Property Management and protection for MPEG-4 (N3543).

    1.1 Relation between this WD and the current IPMP specification

    This document specifies extensions to the currently specified IPMP specification (the “hooks”), documented in ISO/IEC 14496-1 :2000, these extensions are not intended to replace these hooks. Instead, it will augment them with additional IPMP technologies. Therefore, implementations that conform to ISO/IEC 14496-1 :2000 with respect to IPMP (i.e., to the OD Core Profile), will still be conformant to the MPEG-4 standards when amended by the specifications contained in this document.

    1.20rganization of this document

    This document is organized as follow:

    278 ISO/IEC 14496-1: 1999/Amd. 3:2000(E) Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 1: Systems

    AMENDMENT 3: IPMP Extensions

    2 Overview of IPMP Extensions

    2.1 Definitions

    Term Definition Mutually Acceptable During establishment of communication, or communication itself, a Trust Level mutually acceptable trust level indicates that the communication is sufficiently secure to satisfy the concerned entities, and that the two entities trust each other to a mutually acceptable extent. IPMP Information Information that a given IPMP Tool requires to correctly process the given protected content. IPMP Tool IPMP tools are modules that perform IPMP functions such as authentication, encryption, watermarking, etc. in a pre-defined way. An IPMP Tool could perform one or more IPMP functions. There may be an IPMP Tool that coordinates other IPMP Tools. Terminal A Terminal is an environment that consumes possibly protected content in compliance with the usage rules. Basic Identification Basic Identification unambiguously identifies the given implementation of the Terminal, and may include the platform, manufacturer, version, supported content format(s), and/or supported profiles and levels. It is used in the context of a Terminal identifying itself to another entity. Credentials Credentials are used for a more detailed and possibly more secure or more credible identification of a Terminal or an IPMP Tool. Mutual Validation Establishment of channels between a Terminal and an IPMP tool or between IPMP tools supporting (a part of) the following functionality. Authentication of the involved entities in the handshake protocols (M). Establishment of confidential communication channels (O). Messages encrypted using secret keys shared between only the entities. Establishment of communication channels supporting message integrity (0). Messages signed or attached with MAC (message authentication codes). Identity Validation Identity Validation is the exchange of messages between IPMP Tools via the Terminal (or between the IPMP Tools and the terminal) that identify each IPMP Tool to a Mutually Acceptable Trust Level. Missing If a given IPMP Tool is not available to a Terminal for use, the given Terminal is Missing the given IPMP Tool. Obtaining In the context of a Terminal rectifying the situation that it is Missing an IPMP Tool, Obtaining implies acquisition (downloading) of the IPMP Tool if required locally, or establishing an access mechanism (remote execution) if the IPMP Tool must be used from a remote location. Binary In the context of an IPMP Tool, this is the format of the implementation Representation of that IPMP Tool. Examples: Platform Dependent Native Code, ByteCode based Java Code, or Parametric Representation Representation In the context of an IPMP Tool, this is a normative identification of the Format Binary Representation of that IPMP Tool. Interoperability A consumer of MPEG content can expect to play such content protected from different sources in the same player, as well as to play content protected by one source on different players. MPEG-n MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21 279 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E)

    Content Any experience of the given content (and not just rendering of it) is Consumption consumption of that content. For instance, being denied access to given content or creating an authorized copy of the given content is also content consumption. Renewability Renewability implies that a Terminal may acquire Missing IPMP Tools, or update an existing IPMP Tool with newer version. Content Stream This is the incoming content, of MPEG-n format. The internal structure of the Content Stream depends on n and is opaque to this discussion- it may include several multiplexed streams that arrive at the Terminal over one or several different transport protocols.

    2.2 Design Goals

    The MPEG IPMP Extensions should be designed so that they can be applied to any MPEG multimedia representation. Specific mappings of the MPEG IPMP Extensions are defined as amendments to the MPEG-n standard. Other specific mappings may be defined by entitled bodies. This is achieved by: Describing the functions that the IPMP Systems performs. Providing specific implementation of these functions on a particular distribution environment.

    The focus of the work is twofold: 1. To allow protected content to be played on terminals and IPMP tools supplied by different vendors. 2. To allow IPMP tools supplied by different vendors to protect the same piece of content.

    2.3 Assumptions and Pre-Conditions

    Granularity of IPMP Tool / Usage cases 1. Executable: initial acquiring or upgrade of the IPMP functionality of the terminal. HHHHHHHHHHK The way a terminal is upgraded can be done in many ways. 2. Parametric representation: content interoperability over various platforms.

    2.4 Walkthrough

    This section describes the sequence of steps needed to consume content protected by the MPEG-4 IPMP Extension. This walkthrough is expected to identify the technologies required for interoperability and renewability of IPMP Tools (the terminal knows exactly the tools it needs and may retrieve the ones it doesn’t have).

    280 ISO/IEC 14496-1 :1999/Amd.3:2000(E) 2.5.9 Parametric Representation of IPMP Tool Configuration

    This is a very light instruction set designed to configure existing IPMP Tools into new combinations, enabling different types of protection schemes. It would normally be carried within a content stream, and is normatively interpreted within the terminal before being used to set up the appropriate IPMP Tools for content consumption.

    2.6 Open issues

    IPMP Tools have performances that are not known by the terminal (because it has been downloaded). This may introduce delays that should be predictable for the terminal.

    3 Specifications

    Left empty.

    4 References

    , Date, http://...

    284 ISO/IEC 14496-1 :2000/Amd.3:2000(E)

    10.3.3 Working Draft 3.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 / AMDS


    ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG11 W4095 March 2001

    Source: MPEG-4 Systems Title: Working Draft 3.0 of ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 / AMD3 Editor: Avni Rambhia Status: Draft

    Table of Contents

    1 INTRODUCTION...... 287

    1.1 Relation between this WD and the current IPMP specification...... 287

    1.2 Organization of this document...... 287


    2.1 Definitions...... 288

    2.2 Design Goals...... 289

    2.3 Walkthrough ...... 290 2.3.1 User requests specific content ...... 291 2.3.2 IPMP Tools description access...... 291 2.3.3 IPMP Tools retrieval...... 291 2.3.4 Instantiation of IPMP Tools followed by Mutual Validation and Identity Validation ...... 291 2.3.5 IPMP Initialization and Update - In parallel with Content Consumption ...... 291

    2.4 Overview of the Normative Elements...... 291 2.4.1 Verification of IPMP Tools ...... 292 2.4.2 Verification and Validation of IPMP Tool List...... 292 2.4.3 Location Identifier of providers of IPMP Tools ...... 292 2.4.4 Establish Mutually Acceptable Trust Level...... 292 2.4.5 Accessing/Acquiring missing IPMP Tools ...... 292 2.4.6 Representation Format ...... 293 2.4.7 Instantiation of IPMP Tools ...... 293 2.4.8 Mutual and Identity Validation ...... 293 2.4.9 Content Consumption Tools and Procedures ...... 293 2.4.10 Parametric Representation of IPMP Tool Configuration ...... 294

    3 SPECIFICATIONS...... 295

    285 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E) 3.1 Architecture...... 295

    3.2 Standardized Processes...... 296 3.2.1 Tool List Specification ...... 296 3.2.2 Tool List Verification ...... 296 3.2.3 IPMP Tool Identifier...... 296 3.2.4 IPMP Tool Location ...... 296 3.2.5 IPMP Tool Identifier-Tool Location Association ...... 297 3.2.6 Basic Information ...... 297 3.2.7 Credentials of the Terminal...... 297 3.2.8 Credentials of IPMP Tool ...... 297 3.2.9 IPMP Tool Instantiation ...... 297 3.2.10 IPMP Information Routing ...... 297 3.2.11 Permission for Consumption ...... 298 3.2.12 Verification of Basic Information ...... 298 3.2.13 Tool Retrieval...... 299 3.2.14 Remote or Local Tool Access...... 299 3.2.15 Representation Format of Tool ...... 299 3.2.16 Parametric Representation of IPMP Tool - Instruction Set...... 299 1217 Oatx&caW: ...... 299


    5 REFERENCES...... 301



    286 ISO/IEC 14496-1 :1999/Amd.3:2000(E) Information technology - Coding of audio-visual objects - Part 1: Systems

    AMENDMENT 3: IPMP Extensions

    2 Overview of IPMP Extensions

    2.1 Definitions

    Term Definition Authorized User A user on whom Rights Authentication has successfully been performed, within the scope of such Authentication.

    Basic Information IPMP Tool identifier + Platform Information Binary In the context of an IPMP Tool, this is the format of the implementation Representation of that IPMP Tool. Examples: Platform Dependent Native Code, ByteCode based Java Code, or Parametric Representation Consumption Rules Rules or conditions required to be met before permission to consume content in a specific way can be granted.

    Content Any experience of the given content (and not just rendering of it) is Consumption consumption of that content. For instance, being denied access to given content or creating an authorized copy of the given content is also content consumption. Content Provider In the context of the event diagrams, the content provider represents any or all of a media server, rights server, distribution server, local repository or any other, direct or indirect, source of presentation media, protection and similar data. Content Stream This is the incoming content, of MPEG-n format. The internal structure of the Content Stream depends on n and is opaque to this discussion- it may include several multiplexed streams that arrive at the Terminal over one or several different transport protocols.

    Credentials Credentials are used for validation, verification and/or authentication of a Terminal or an IPMP Tool. Identity Validation Validation during Contenet Consumption Integrity Checking, Establishing, to an acceptable level of certainty, that data received is validation untampered and authentic.

    Interoperability Two kinds of interoperability are distinguished: 1. From the manufacturer's point of view: ensuring that modules from different suppliers can be integrated in a product through clear interface agreements (M-interoperability); 2. From the consumer's point of view: ensuring that content from multiple sources will play on players from different make (C- Interoperability).

    IPMP Information Information that a given IPMP Tool requires to correctly process the given protected content. IPMP Tool IPMP tools are modules that perform IPMP functions such as authentication, encryption, watermarking, etc. in a pre-defined way. An IPMP Tool could perform one or more IPMP functions. There may be an IPMP Tool that coordinates other IPMP Tools. IPMP Tool This is an indication of (one of) the functionality(ies) supported by a given (Functionality) Type IPMP Tool.

    288 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd. 3:2000(E)

    IPMP Tool Identifier This refers to the IPMP Tool ID. It identifies the Tool in an unambiguous way, at the presentation level or at a universal level. The exception is the case of IPMP Tool List related discussions, where reference to the Identifier includes the Location Identifier of the Tool and its paramtric representation as well. IPMP Tool Manager It is an entity inside the Terminal whose role is to process IPMP Tool List(s) and retrieve the Tools that are specified as required to process the given Presentation. IPMP Tool Includes Tool Identifier, and other information that allows validation and Verification verification between the Tool and another entity. Information Missing If a given IPMP Tool is not available to a Terminal for use, the given Terminal is Missing the given IPMP Tool. MPEG-n MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21 Mutual Validation Validation to be executed prior to Content Consumption Mutually Acceptable During establishment of communication, or communication itself, a Trust Level mutually acceptable trust level indicates that the communication is sufficiently secure to satisfy the concerned entities, and that the two entities trust each other to a mutually acceptable extent. Obtaining In the context of a Terminal rectifying the situation that it is Missing an IPMP Tool, Obtaining implies acquisition (downloading) of the IPMP Tool if required locally, or establishing an access mechanism (remote execution) if the IPMP Tool must be used from a remote location. Renewability Renewability implies that a Terminal may acquire Missing IPMP Tools, or update an existing IPMP Tool with newer version. Representation In the context of an IPMP Tool, this is a normative identification of the Format Binary Representation of that IPMP Tool. Rights The process of verifying, to an acceptable trust level, the authentication Authentication of the stated Consumption Rules, and the validity of their assignment to and fullfilment by a given user. Terminal A Terminal is an environment that consumes possibly protected content in compliance with the usage rules. Unauthorized User A user who is not an authorized user. User An entity that is the initiator and/or target of content consumption. This Consumer may be a human, or a hardware of software entity. Validation The process of exchanging messages between two entities until they are able to establish a Mutually Acceptable Trust Level Verification Establishing, to an acceptable level of certainty, that a certain condition that was claimed to be true is true. IPMP Tool List This is a list of IPMP Tool Identifiers and associated information that identifies IPMP Tools required to process a given presentaion and information to procure such tools if they are not already present at the Terminal.

    2.2 Design Goals

    The MPEG IPMP Extensions should be designed so that they can be applied to any MPEG multimedia representation. Specific mappings of the MPEG IPMP Extensions are defined as amendments to the MPEG-n standard. Other specific mappings may be defined by entitled bodies. This is achieved by: Describing the functions that the IPMP Tools may perform. Providing specific implementation of these functions on a particular distribution environment.

    Two types of interoperability have been defined. Both will be supported. C-interoperability is the major focus of MPEG in general. This is a consumer centric approach, and guarantees that content protected by one IPMP vendor will play on any given Terminal. This type of interoperability does not require that IPMP Tools from different vendors will be able to integrate into the same Terminal implementation concurrently. This type of interoperability i.e. M-interoperability is however, also important for IPMP Extensions. This is because 289 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1999/ Amd.3:2000(E) under the new extensions, an IPMP System may comprise of IPMP Tools made by one or more vendors, and there must be a standard way to enable these to work together. While C-Interoperability describes different content protected by different IPMP tools and played on different terminals, it does not provide for different IPMP tools

    IPMP Tool 1 IPMP Tool 2 IPMP Tool n Location Location Location

    Missing IPMP Tool Retrieval

    Content IPMP Tool Manager

    IPMP Tool List

    IPMP Tool ID(s) Terminal

    IPMP Tool Location(s) IPMP Tool 3 (Embedded) IPMP Information

    IPMP System 2 Content Streams

    Terminal-IPMP Messaging Interface

    Terminal-IPMP Tool Communications

    IPMP Tool 1 IPMP Tool 2 IPMP Tool n Normative Messages

    Boundary of Terminal Location IPMP System 1 IPMP System n

    IPMP Tool 4 (Remote)

    IPMP System 3 protecting the SAME content, which M-Interoperability does.

    In summary, the proposed solution must achieve both of the follow! ng- 1. Allow the same protected content to be consumed on different vendors ’ Terminals. This will be fully enabled. 2. Allow the same content to be protected by different vendors ’ IPMP Tools. This will be assisted to as large an extent as possible.

    2.3 Walkthrough

    This section describes the sequence of steps needed to consume content protected by the MPEGn IPMP Extension. This walkthrough is expected to identify the technologies required for interoperability and renewability of IPMP Tools (the terminal knows exactly the tools it needs and may retrieve the ones it doesn’t have).

    Architecture Diagram for Walkthrough Concepts 290 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd. 3:2000(E)

    3 Specifications

    3.1 Architecture

    Tool 1 Tool 2 Tool 3 Location Location Location

    IPMP Tools Manager Parse IPMP Tools List Info $jjijj Retrieve IPMP Tools

    Audio CttttfvttC Stream -►] Audio DB -fr»j Audio CB Decode IPMP Tools List Video -►I Video DB A Video CB IPMP Tool ID Decode

    Location OD OD DB Identifier Decode

    IPMP Content BIFS Decoded BIFS DB Information Delivery Decode BIFS

    Mpeg4 Content Streams IPMP DB " jj lPMP-ES ##P * *+¥&*:

    Embedded IPMP Tool A

    IPMP IPMP IPMP Tool 2 Tool 3

    Remote MPEG4 IPMP Extension Architecture IPMP Tool B

    295 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E)

    3.2 Standardized Processes

    3.2.1 Tool List Specification

    For each tool, this includes IPMP Tool Identifier ID for the tool (we have proposal for this) Possible parametric representation of the tool (we have part of this) Relationship of tools (alternative, independent, ringed) (we have proposal in 7154) Signature for the Tool (we have syntax but no semantics) Signature for the Tool List, provided by the first person who composed the content This must be attached scurely to the content

    The tool list may be included by reference, inclusion, or pre-definition in the bitstream.

    3.2.2 Tool List Verification

    In order for an IPMP Tool list to be amenable to validation:

    The following data fields wil be supported in the IPMP Tool List: Credentials of the IPMP Tool Reference mechanisms to whole or parts of the same or related, IPMP Tool Lists. Scoping mechanisms

    The specified credentials may then be used to validate the Tool list using validation methods.

    3.2.3 IPMP Tool Identifier

    The IPMP Tool Identifier is platform independent, arrives in the bitstream, and must contain a unique identification number for the IPMP Tool (IPMP Toolld). This will be a 16 or 128 bit identifier assigned by an appropriate registration authority. The IPMP ToolID identifies a specific IPMP Tool implementation, unless in the reserved range for parametrically defined tools.

    For the latter case, a specification of required function of the Tool is additionally provided. This identifies specifications of the Tool rather than the Tool itself. Such specifications will include at least Function type (e g. decryption).Based on the function, further algorithm specifications may be required.

    Note that the IPMP Tool Identifiers may be carried completely within the bistream or may be indicated by remote reference.

    3.2.4 IPMP Tool Location

    IPMP Tool Location is a source for (one or more) implementations for a given IPMP Toolld. This is indicated as a URL. The prefix of the URL implies the connection protocol.

    A preliminary solution is described in appendix 7

    296 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E) 3.2.5 IPMP Tool Identifier-Tool Location Association

    This provides a mapping between IPMP Toolld and its Tool Location. A registration authority will be designated to hold a repository of such information. The information to be entered and format of retrieval is an open issue.

    3.2.6 Basic Information

    Terminal Manufacturer - reg. Authority Terminal Model - upto Terminal Manufacturer Terminal serial number - upto Terminal Manufacturer Platform Details Processor, O/S, Memory, etc. Language (human) - ISO list available

    This may be done through an XML description, binary description, or a combination of both as applicable.

    3.2.7 Credentials of the Terminal

    The syntax for credentials of the Terminal shall contain the following information fields, any or all with boolean flags that indicate the presence or absence of the field.: Basic Information A means of identifying the integrity and validity of the supplied information

    Opaque information

    3.2.8 Credentials of IPMP Tool

    IPMP Tool Identifier may be a subset of this data. The credentials of the IPMP Tool shall contain the following information : Basic Information A means of identifying the integrit^an^validity of the supplied information (read public key) Highest/Lowest supported HflBHH- see appendix 8 for security level information Lowest required security level Opaque information We agree on composition. Discuss details on reflector. Except : Security Level will be discussed over the reflection

    3.2.9 IPMP Tool Instantiation

    The following IDL functionality is provided, and must be called in the order below: Load I nitializeMessagel nterface Provides URL to Message Router in Terminal Identify InitializeTool

    3.2.10 IPMP Information Routing

    IPMP Information is routed using normative addressing methods. The addressee of a specific message is implicit either by bitstream context or by process context. In the MPEG-4 bitstream context, the addressee is the IPMP Tool whose identity is indicated in the IPMP message or IPMP descriptor header.

    297 ISO/IEC 14496-1 :1999/Amd. 3:2000(E)

    Information is delivered at a specific time, specified in the bitstream or iplicit by process. Information is retreived in a similar manner. Time may be specified in terms of time stamps, with the significance of time stamps to be defined. In the MPEG-4 context, Media Time v/s Clock Time issues need to be resolved.

    Since several IPMP Tools require routing of information at the same instance of time or at the same point in a process, A routing sequence should be defined. Information is routed through encapsulation in the appropriate message type.

    Timing Issues

    IPMP Stream Time Stamps : For IPMP Information, there must be a way to distinguish between IPMP Data Delivery Time and IPMP Data Activation Time. Delivery time is indicated by the DTS. Activation time will be indicated by sending an activation message at the desired time, by timestamping it with the appropriate DTS.

    Media Stream Time Stamps : No change is required.

    3.2.11 Permission for Consumption

    Consumption permissions are queried at the same level of granularity that protection is specified, to all Tools specified. In the MPEG-4 context, for an elementary-stream, permissions are queried to all IPMP Tools protecting that specific ES, the Object that the ES belongs to, and the entire presentation. The following fields of consumption are defined :

    Consumption Types:

    Access : Access permission must be queried before elementary stream data can be loaded for further processing. Edit the Scene Graph (command): Edit Time Line (current time, (float) (sign) proposed scale, proposed start): User-induced change media time scale or random access media data. Pause is a specific case of this. Play: Decode media data and send to composition buffer without externally modifying the time line. Permission for data to leave composition buffer is implicit. Scene-defined intent: Provides a BIFS-scene-specific context for a request arising out of a BIFS Query! ntent node. User-defined intent

    Permission is granted in true-false form by each IPMP Tool. Any pre-conditions or Consumption Rules that the user is required to satisfy are checked, ensured and obtained by the specific IPMP Tool in a non-normative manner.

    The Terminal shall not proceed with content consumption unlesss all concerned IPMP Tools have explicitly allowed the consumption.

    Parallel to Querylntent are Terminatelntent (I’m not doing this anymore) and RevokePermission (don ’t do this anymore).

    3.2.12 Verification of Basic Information

    This process m earned oaf through an IPMP message* which contains the corticate of the given Terminal and/or tod in addition to the Base informatics This certificate wWd be issued by a Ocritficatien Authority, ft wifi be needle verity the contents of the T#mrna#Teoi identification message, as well as credential carrying messages. The verification Is done vie a verification of the signature attached to the message. This signature would have been generated usihg phmle hey associated tee assigned aerfifioate* aao&tdihg to the spa

    298 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd. 3:2000(E)

    3.2.13 Tool Retrieval Owing Tods mbWW, W imam Tods Manager performs foer s*#a: rnp1: Pm® Wwdng mm Data for IPMP Tada Ud.#PAe Ud # stes«S!*l$ st# 4 eW P#ae FMP Tods Iddmdtoa if? the IPMP Tods lid* eoeddmg to eemWve sydex* $t#^: if oil IPtoF Tods we evoWoWe^ TdWW* # ISW4* ^, ^*#3: Retoeve moesawy imp Teok#d are spw#W is IPMP Tads WWWm, if a (WWvd is adessoomW* tali gsase&dy* else isroeeed Iealep4< ^ ^ ^ Stop**Aiw d$ m# Tads we weoas## wm& ov#(#a dmo ^aWW^dWWW w#e0m##ew* it access pasWsdaa satids.

    3.2.14 Remote or Local Tool Access open

    3.2.15 Representation Format of Tool open

    3.2.16 Parametric Representation of IPMP Tool - Instruction Set open mm —m ■jl» contain the following information

    Identifier of type of certification IPMP Tool Credentials, OR Terminal Credentials Integrity Verification Information Information to help establish a Mutually Acceptable Level of Trust.

    Whether we want to establish normative methods here is an open issue for the reflector.

    4 Messaging Interface, Syntax and Semantics

    Messages are exchanged through a Message Syntax Version and Message Syntax Profile are communciated by (negotiated between ?) the Terminal to the IPMP Tool using defined instantiation messages, before any other messages are exchanged. All Messages contain the following syntactical components :

    Message Size 0 indicates unknown message length Message Purpose Identifier Purpose-Specific Syntax Session/Context Code An expandable base class with fields for this information will be defined. All other message syntaxes will be built on top of this.

    The following message purpose identifiers are defined : Symbolic Name Purpose IPMP Information Delivery Validation Permission Query Intent Terminate Permission Revoke Authentication 299 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3: 2000(E)

    ■HH am mm# *** Reserved Tool Wiito _ ____ .______*■* iiilKI^BH


    WM Wl WmemdW^eW#* teswdfetSOwiiiBiB 0x40 Toc^^fei^a^ ii£ii SV50P t^r'^hvSe loswEEm.me %WR##e ns# FortAJden

    « 0x03 XFMP^ooiMesssageTagSrtdKan.^e *» OxOF l^SttesczOiart&ange « 0x10 X^£^eac^fa^$%

    Nete-^#WmooW# We me#age#o deemed# WWW, ResjgpnseCode miW4e$sege( tnjrfessage* enL&lessage) The Injtiessage Sndudes the W##gTWonm#in#

    Re#rosTWne Boord Re#eme Flog TiroeFeimat

    Redeem Time AowtdHi ReW^%nd%m^» Response Flag

    CWMess^ oonWns tie response to the InJMtessage regsesK lithe Synch Respm%& F&qohed Flag %m. s#ln the m«mes$age>end the ml w eeeceWhl, h is expected to contain the requested ooW*#>mW

    300 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1999/ Amd.3:2000(E)

    *WpmW%e#mlpfTeq<3*pedy forgive #o # * i csml do# dial quid# liwaldbspuEfci# -data WS$ mtf understood,. or Invalid IWafeWpemGon - * #h m an eu

    Establishment of agreement on the sync/async messaging infrastructure, we need to break-out and reach agreement by the end of Singapore.

    5 References

    , , Date, http://...

    301 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3: 2000(E)

    6 Appendix 1: Event Diagrams for IPMP Tool Acquisition

    The following Legend Applies to all diagrams below

    Text Legend: Syntax Standardization Out of Scope Message Legend: Compulsory ------►

    Standardized Optional ------►

    Note that these event diagrams provide one use case for the sequence of messaging to enable the walkthrough pf section2.3 Walkthrough. These are not normative, other sequences may still work.

    302 ISO/IEC 14496-1: 1999/Amd.3:2000(E)

    IPMP Tool Acquisition

    User Terminal Content IPMP Tool IPMP IPMP Tool Provider Provider Framework

    Play Content

    Anthentir.a to

    ^ Tool List

    Establish mutual trust

    Request tool location

    Tool location

    Acquires TPM ELTooi

    Tool him ling. Instantiate

    ___Mutual Valrdatb; :l. ___a a..

    TPMP Informal ioi i

    Get Content


    303 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3:2000(E)

    Case of failed validation with Tool Provider

    User Terminal Content IPMP Tool IPMP IPMP Tool Provider Provider Framework

    ^ Authenticate

    Establish mutu il trust


    304 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd. 3:2000(E)

    Case of Failed IPMP Tool Validation

    User Terminal Content IPMP Tool IPMP IPMP Tool Provider Provider Framework

    Authenticate Get IPMP Data ^

    Establish mutii il trust

    Request tool location

    Get IPMP'Cool

    ^ Acquires FPMP l oot

    Toni him ling.

    . -Mutual yalidatkiL JdsuW-Widalit a. failed Vaiid./Idenl

    305 ISO/IEC 14496-1:1 999/Amd.3: 2000(E)

    Case of Denied User Permission

    User Terminal Content IPMP Tool IPMP IPMP Tool Provider Provider Framework

    Plav Gnntent

    ^ Tool List

    Request tool location Tooi local ;on Get IPMP F ool ^AeqiiiresTRM 21ml

    Tool binding

    Instantiate Notify Existence^.

    . -Muilll L y^iidatu; el JtieaW-ValiriauL a. IPMP Inform atioi i


    306 ISO/IEC 14496-1 :1999/Amd.3:2000(E)

    7 Appendix 2: IPMP Tools Information

    As defined in the IPMP Tools Information, it should be placed as the first packet of the entire content stream. The detailed structure of this packet is best shown in the following diagram:

    The IPMP Tools Information Packet should contain information of all the IPMP Tools that are needed to consume the protected content. If the content contains more than one type of content, for example, first part of the content is from Content provider A, and the second part comes from content provider B. The information associated with different IPMP tools should be grouped according to the respective content ID.

    The Location Identifier implies the delivery mechanism, there can be more than one Location Identifiers for one IPMP Tool. The IPMP Tools Management will try to retrieve the tool using each of them. If the first of Location Identifier of IPMP Tool A succeed, the following Location Identifier will be skipped, otherwise, it will continue on the second Location Identifier.

    A IPMP Tool Location Identifier consists of two parts: Location Type ID and Location Details. Location Type ID should be one of the following. Correspondence between Location Type ID, Location Type and Location Details is shown below:

    Table 2: IPMP Tools Location Identifier List Location Type Location Type Location Details ID 0000 Local N/A 0001 Peripherals N/A 0010 Remote - downloadable Website(http, ftp ...) 0011 Remote - non-downloadable Remote location of Java servelet, etc ... 0100 Inside Content Stream This part should contain the IPMP Tool itself

    307 ISO/IEC 14496-1 :1999/Amd. 3:2000(E)

    Syntax for IPMP Tools Information is defined as follows:

    Class IPMP ToolInformationQ { bit(64) IPMPToolFlag(); blt(4) IPMPToolTypelD(); bit(12) IPMPToollDO; bit(4) IPMPToolLocationTypelD(); const bit(4) reserved = 0b1111. if(IPMPToolLocationTypelD( ) != “0000” | IPMPToolLocationTypelD( ) != “0001”) bit(Length) IPMPToolLocation( );


    308 10.4 3PHH 10.4.1 Noordwi jkerhout

    10.4.2 Geneva

    309 10.4.3 Beijing

    10.4.4 La Baule #□"

    310 10.4.6 Singapore#^

    311 Tel : 03-3987-9801 Fax : 03-5952-0082