Volume 19 Number 32 Thursday. Ootober 13.1983 * Westland, Michigan Twenty-five cents Ji-v&'> :'-r- :::mm.mm§. io^gjafc^rj^-^fetr^i^.al^^Ti^.ik Ml: ^ii^ilMiilllS ••, v.- .:-i :-, i c-..-... -V • '». : ( • lyt:.-.-. v:| Ki,-1:. ki .• r. Candidates call for development at chamber lunch

By 8andrs Armbru«tsr Asked If such Illegal transfers were editor made while he was finance director, Herbert said, "Absolutely not. Three Gearing remarks to the concerns of years ago the city had a $1 million sur­ their business audience, six of v eight plus, There wasn't the need. Why would candidates running for city council ad­ anyone do that with a surplus?" dressed Issues concerning Westland's economic development during speeches QUESTIONING Herbert about the before the chamber of commerce. surplus, Elizabeth Davis, Pickering's But it was Mayor Charles Pickering secretary, asked why there was a defi­ who fired the opening salvo during the cit when the mayor took office. • question and answer period by charg­ "There was $1.7 million In the banks ing that the "incumbents are running and on deposit when I walked out the their campaign based on my record, door," said Pickering. not theirs." . He admitted, however, that his de­ Pickering asked Councilman Kent partment had predicted a $300,000 def­ Herbert, whose appointment the mayor icit by June that year and had submit­ had vetoed, if he would accept blame ted a plan on how it should be handled. for "bad deals" made while Herbert "Unfortunately, nothing was done," was the city's finance director. hesald. ART EMANUELE/«laH photographer "Usually you give me all the blame Artley responded to a question about SPARKEY preschool teacher Terl Brackel and her aide,. Nancy material in a fire at the school. Cub Scouts who joined in the effort whether I take it or not," Herbert re­ why a fire station was closed. He ex­ Baker, were delighted with items bought with a donation from P.D. to collect 4,000 pop bottles were Rickey Morga (left), Jeff and Mi­ sponded. He added that an Industrial plained that the council had dropped chael Peterson, Joe Rork and Clayton Campbell. park development on Ford Road near two firefighters during budget deliber­ Graham Cub Scouts. Brackel estimates she lost $1,000 of teaching the airport was the "only "project ations because It didn't receive justlfl- you've ever balled the city out of." Pleaseturh.toPage2 PICKERING again issued a chal: lenge to the four Incumbent council- Help pops up for teacher in need men - Herbert, Robert Wagner, Thomas Artley and Ben DeHart — to a 25. By the next morning, the portable sen for the canvass and \iicrature was materials burned. This really perked debate before the election. The mayor By Sandra Armbruster editor module containing four classrooms was sent home with students. me up," said Brackel. added that although he supports the gutted. Once the horde of pop containers was four challengers — Harr^Connor, Hen­ Feeling like a "brand new teacher," collected, Pack members and parents THOMAS BLACKLOCK, deputy su-' ry Johnson, Richard Grajeck and Mar-, When four .classrooms went up In smoke recently at P.D. Graham Ele­ Brackel said it would take lime and sorted out the bottles according to perintendent for operations, said-that jorle Daniels, he denied "hand-picking" money to replace the burned goods. brand. while a firm figure Isn't available, the them. mentary School, an eight-year accumu­ lation of teaching materials valued at "It was a very smelly job," Likovlch district estimates replacement cost of Herbert rejected the proposed de­ RALLYING QUICKLY to fill the added. • the.structure at $160,000. Added to that bate, saying that the mayor wasn't run­ more than $1,000 went, with them. "Most of them are irreplaceable," void were Cub Scouts and Webelos "You can imagine how big (the pile) would be the cost of the foundation,, ning for. office. He was joined by Artley from Pack 765, sponsored by the was." equipment and furniture inside the and Wagner in stressing the need for said Teri Brackel, a- SPARKEY pre­ school teacher who lost materials from Graham PTA. structure. what they called a.council that oper­ "About 40 boys spent a rainy Saturday The, collection reaped a return of Blacklock and Brackel said no one ates, "Independehtfy" of the mayor. workshops, albums, projects for her students and small appliances. combing the neighborhood to collect $402 with the cooperation of three knows yet whether her teaching ­ Under questioning from the audi­ "It really is everything I had," 4,000 pop bottles. stores including Meljer's Thirfty Acres, rials will be covered by the district's ence, Herbert explained his probe of DAN OEAN/staM photographer Brackel added. "Normally I keep my "Normally we have a service project which also made a $20 donation. It took . insurance. transfers between city funds that ended "It's hard to put a price on some of Kent Herbert traded barbs with stuff at home, but.there was extra for the boys to do later in the year, but a pickup, station wagon and a van to In a state reprimand. He said that when the fire happened, adults met cart the pop containers just to Meijcrs. those things," Blacklock said For now Mayor Charles Pickering during room for storage (In the classroom) so I $600,000 was transferred out of city went In Friday night and took every­ Wednesday night and someone men­ The money helped replace some of the district is in the process of demol­ funds collected from bonds sold to the questiofTand. answer por­ thing," tioned collecting bottles," explained the toys and teaching materials lost in ishing the ruins, Blacklock said, and the build Ford Road. He charged that the tion of a candidates debate School was to start the following Karen Likovlch, awards chair for. the the fire. • . Classes have been relocated within money was used to avoid a financial sponsored by the Westland week. Instead, firefighters believe that pack, ",. "I was so down in the dumps about Graham and a portable module left un­ crisis in the city. Chamber of Commerce. an arsonist struck late Sunday, Sept. Oct. 1, Scout Energy Day, was cho­ my personal things and the classroom touched by the fire.

Common sense important what's inside

Business . .'.':•. .'- 7-8C crime tips Classified... Sections D,E Creative Living . . . . . 1E By Mary Klsmlc time to think things out," he explained. and the Office of Services to the Aged Crossword •: ...... 6E. stall writer "It's common sense that it'sbetter to discuss the topics of crime prevention Editorials ...... 8A walk in pairs than alone. It's common and health care for the elderly. Entertatnment . . . 9-12C Much of crime prevention comes sense to have 'direct deposit' and to Home security and self defense were . . •; . 7B ' from common sense. . carry a whistle with you." among the concerns shared by many of Sports . ... .--.- . . ". . . 1C That was (he message from Wayne Altogether, an estimated 204 people those in attendance...... 1B , County Sheriff Robert Ficano when he attended two separate seminars at the Travel •_. ; . . : , . 9B spoke before senior citizens in West- Whlttler Center last week. They were LAST WEEK'S presentations em­ land's Whlttler Center last Friday. on hand to hear speakers from the phasized "being aware," said Tony "It's just common sense, taking the Wayne County Sheriff's Department Shannon of the Wayne County Sheriff's Police ...... 722-9600 Department. Shannon spoke at a dis­ Fire, rescue . . . . 721-2000 cussion In the afternoon, while Ficano City Hall . . 721-6000 spoke in the morning. Circulation , .. . 591-0500 "They should be the eyes and ears of Want ads . . .. .591-0900 the law, report things they see," Shan­ Editorial dept.. . 591-2300 ~ non said. Seniors are advised to-walk with someone instead of alone. They should have their Social Security checks sent directly to the bank, using the "direct deposit" system. •Statistically, seniors are the focus Enrollment decline of many crimes," Ficano said "They are most vulnerable when they're out by themselves on the street — when if looks as though they don't have the ability to move about quickly and run slows in 2 districts after a thief—and Jn con games." •

.•"»• AMONG THE most common con DAN DEAN/tlsft photograph* Student enrollment continues to drop count of students is taken annually on games used to bilk seniors of money in the Livonia 'and Wayne-Westtand the fourth Friday in September. That are those that involve a phony investi­ Tony Shannon of the Wayne school systems, but not as rapidly as- figure forms the basis for state aid in gator and the "pigeon drop" scam, ac­ County Sheriff's Department had been projected. districts like Wayne-Westland. In Livo­ ' According to the fourth Friday nia, however, high property values cording to Ficano. offers crime prevention tips to - "Someone will pose as atwnk investi­ senior citizens at the whlttler counts taken last week, the Livonia place the district outside the formula gator and tell the senior they can help Center in WeaNand last week. 'School District has 17,815 students, 125 calculating a\d granted per student. trap a dishonest bank employee by us­ more than projected, while the Wayno- As a result, the hlgher-than-antlci- ing money out of their account," the Westland School District has 16,256 pated enrollment will translate into sheriff said. .. to put in some money as a sign of good students, 97 more than forecasted. larger revenues for WayneWestland. After saying there must be absolute faith. , This year's enrollment figures com­ pare- with last gear's ttfiH students , "The enrollment decline has slowed secrecy about the matter, .the swindler v dramatically." said Dan Sice, Wayne- will have his elderly victim withdraw . Con artists in another scam will visit, recorded by the Livonia district a nd the homes of .bereaved families. The 16.817 students for the Wayne-Wcst- Weslland's executive director fo^ stu­ some money.. ' : dent relations. "Years ago we were los -^:::.-^:^ •They'll turn It over (to the con art­ con artist will tell the family that he Is land district. : delivering a Bible that had been or­ That means Waync-Westland lost 464 Ing 1,000 students a year, Now lis down '~sf$tiy%x>x*%*%&%:%<'$ ys. ist) and never see It again," Ficano to 400 a year, and that's a good sign." ', " OANO€AHm»r1photogr«phw said; '". ' " .' dered by the deceased, and that he has students, while Livonia lost jl.073. come to collect the payment foT the or-, • The figures are for enrollment In Three elementary schools were Jessie Potter asks a question at last Friday's seminar. Many of In the "pigeon drop" con game, the closed in the district last June duo lo con artist wjl.l pretend to find money der. In reality, the caller only found the kindergarten through 12th grade and those In the audience were concerned about home security and and offer to share'il with" the senior. don't reflect those attending alterna­ •elf-defense.. **' The swindler will convince the senior Please turn to Pago 2 tive and adult education programs. The'. PleaselurntoPage3 2AfW)- OAE Thursday, October 13,19t3~ Council campaign heats up

Continued from Page 1 cation of overtime and staffing needs. yVhen the mayor and fire chief decid­ ed to close a station, Artley said the council vetoed the Idea ubanlmously. A firefighter later was restored and over­ time allocations Increased once the chief "put .together information.*

Asked If'the city has an ordinance prohibiting the dumping of waste, Art- ley said the council would look Into it. OAN OEAN/staff phologf epher THE ONLY challenger to respond to' audience questions was Daniels who, Thomas Artley answers a question about Westland fire service at' like Incumbents, favors a mlllage to a candidates debate sponsored by the chamber of commerce. support Weatland's own library. She fa­ vors removing the library from city politics, but would like "the people to Connor, an •architect Snd builder, ed that he had worked "hand-in-hand" bring about* the mlllage. charged that the city Isn't being fairly with business and Industry in the \\ During her opening remarks, Daniels represented by the current council. He years he has been on the councii. said that she wants Jo bring about a said be was tired of hearing the city "government of reason and dignity. I being called "Wasteland," and waited Artley, now council president, called don't think we have that right now." to see industrial parks be developed. the chamber a "great resource," noting- Daniels said she would favor, devel­ Saying that he was a good listener, that It had acted as a'clearing house for ' opment of the city's Industrial parks, Connor added that city business owners the Ford, Road development and bad protection of residential areas and Im­ and residents need each other. operated a job-matching program. Like proving the "looks" of Wayne and Ford other candidates, Artley called for de­ roads. WAGNER CALLED business "the velopment of the city's industrial parks Grajeck, who recently retired as a salt of the earth — it's what makes the with a more aggressive administration. ART EMANUElE/»laff photograph* city firefighter, said he would be an In­ city go." He pledged to continue to help He also promised to "hold as many dependent councilman and wanted to businesses In the community and to try study, sessions as possible" to help the Comedy to open "return pride to the city." to develop the Industrial parks. He add­ business tommunity. Richard Kureth of Garden City (left), Betty Goddard of Westland and Jac Haynes portray som_e of the zany characters to be found in the Spotlight Players' upcoming production, "You Can't Take It With You." The Pulitzer Prize-winning comedy will be presented at 8 p.m. Oct. 14,15,21 and 22 at the John Glenn High School audito­ rium., 30105 Marquette, west of Wayne Road in Westland. Tickets FINAL 3 DAYS! are $4 for adults and $3 for students and senior citizens. Sheriff tells seniors about con artists Continued from Page 1., Furniture Sale name in the obituaries. save WOULD-BE thieves are discouraged by persons walking "confidently, in a self-assured manner," Ficano said. A whistle can be used to call for help, but It should be kept readily available In­ stead of at thebottorn of a purse or pocket. Seniors shouldn't carry Important papers with them. "Birth certificates or medical re­ cords are of no use to the thief, £nd are hard to replace," the sheriff said. Residents-always should lock the andwepaythe doors to their hortt&'wlth a key when they go out. Leaving the lights on help give the appearance that someone is still home. Residents should have their newspapers picked up and their grass - watered, among other Items, when they go away on long vacations. • DAN OEAN/»tatf ^tttOflraphsf Come join the excitement during Towne and Country's Fall Furniture Festival. You U find a festival of savings Seniors always should.Insist on see­ John Peterson of the Office of ing official Identification, and may Services to the Aged was on v with 10-50% off everything in our 3 stores. And, to add to the check any matter out with the police hand to discuss health care for festivities, well pay the sales tax on any and all purchases, * and Better - Business Bureau, Ficano the elderly at Weatland's Whlt- advised. tler Center. but for this week only! \ - "Insist upon identification before you he said. "You should take a couple ex­ Look for our very best values on Henredon, Drexel-Herltage, open your door to any delivery person,* tra minutes and think." Thomasville, Flair, Sellg and more. Hurry! Special "No Tax" bonus offer ends Saturday, October 15.

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JU ~*,->%w4 Thursday, October 13.1983 O&E (W)3A r

•'- M Birth rate to hike foA, . > CL* Rite .•&'•.••. - n i ) arteh "••• *••• y 4-4- /^- Contlmjed from Page 1 teners who enrolled.for school (his> declining ehrolllment. year* Tberfc were 93 kindergartener«A more than Anticipated when schools ! opened, Slee said. ' , . ;A DICKINSON i - i i DESPITE THEless-than-anticlpated J i 3 i' declltie in Ltvonia, Superintendent The biggest Increase was seen at -* ctNir P.D. Graham Elementary where' 30 •I j ^COCHfDCE George Carver t«ld the Llvonia'Board 1 ft _JW\ - of Education at a repent meeting that more turned up during fourth Friday m-Kt.—j >. i.ffiW ft"' ••• i ^ there Is no indication student enroll­ counts. Other significant increases in. STEVtNSC* ' • ? » I ' ment may be bottoming out, kindergarten enrollment were evident t&^H.Sv "There is riot one shred of evidence at Wildwood, Lincoln and Vandenburgh elementatles, according to Slee. •«*£, •wfaICO X that student decline is abating In Michi­ ClAY ' gan," Garver said he was: told by a Besides kindergarteners, the bulk of the added enrollment came from the mr i .- state official studying population trends. "The birth rate is rising outside district's high school seniors, Slee said; - Michigan, but not in the state. particularly at John Glenn High School. '• ••^s Another surprise came in the district's , ES "WW kHpOV£R \ ? "We may be able to change that, in 10th grade class. '\ . V "'"''•• J i \ • ~ I r Livonia if we get more than our share "Usually it's much bigger," said Slee. I : of customers, but that is unlikely if "We expected it to grow by 70 students, ^M i «^AN r ttw,ti i '- 1MADIS0M property values remain the same." he instead it dropped by six." said. To accomodate the changes in enroll­ ^II^IIHU-- l!^ iri i ^ * 1 In Wayne-Westland, however. SJee ment, some teachers have been re­ li -rr' •„, .,-, i •• • • I said that a higher birth rate may be called while others have been moved to toifto of i 5 |L. .-;;,l.».» , » HvlHi'- i f; reflected in the number of kindergar­ different schools, Slee said. eDlK'ATlON .i_«_ HAIKlSON „L h OFflCES* — ,.-••• •-<•: ' ' WffOOSEVJffOOSEVHlT a AbAMS_T *—- ' J7«MCICS0^, J—. ~" lt .-:- -it hr."? a^NEPY ?,r I i i ^,. }i — y\ A" A PCHA continues ('— r> , J 1 '. ***•** : '. -~ t *?.-+*. S i Sua; •v~ • ' U , - • "~ '• :-! .*-_ j"'j .!; ! _._ iHiJiiUMi TT'T^r-.'ris health screenings z^rr-^T- jsa *zzd. 1 ., i M- for senior adults >; \ i .J" Westland area senior citizens will and information and counseling on a again have a chance to "Discover Good variety of health'subjects. New. ser­ Health" this year as the Peoples Com­ vices, added this year include flu vac­ munity Hospital Authority begins .the cines, stress assessments, mouth exam­ third round of health screening under a ination and a cancer detection test that ^i^^hi: grant from the Out-Wayne County Area can be done at home. - ill -RO*6M< j f^r-J* x, • 1 h."-IH ' Agency on Aging. Health screening is done by a team t -— . \VHJTMAW• QENt' a ' •jfFFnrsoNf T_J-< 'BWIISON The next screening is scheduled for of hospital professionals from the four 1 m "• "| i atVElAM Wednesday, Nov. 9, at the Whittier participating PCHA units —Annapolis' 111 \yi$ V wli£iV*JL& ™ —,• ,-^ Community Center, 28550 Ann Arbor Hospital in Wayne, Heritage Hospital r Trail. Seniors age 60 or older should in Taylor, Outer Drive Hospital in Lin­ .lONIA1 coln Park and Seaway Hospital in ^JCHURCHU U-.-, > >^T\ i"'4 •l^fi'J'R'ii I ~ "-- -j J . call 722-3305 to make an appointment. i CENTER .— K.*M;V— ; •* A fcjJl^J^i ^H- LL1«^^^ n.i. { ti ti- *'•• HI ,.. More than 4,000 senior citizens from Trenton. i ****** .,..1..:, >.>-^-i-l.—i—J ^^—Z.JJL western and downriver areas of Wayne In addition to the cooperation of " "-^ ^^-rs;,^^ |wHIIIIEJi^T County have participated in the free community centers and sites, services IQWEU 1-- health screening program. During the are provided by the Optometric Insti­ ^6¾¾¾ -.' -' "v tute and Clinic of the Detroit Society • • -1 coming year, about 35 free screenings x'v: ii .--.5. *\\ for the Blind, Superior Courier Ser­ .. 555= 'coom will be offered at community sites in //^2iy.' the out-Wayne County area. vices, the hospital auxiliaries and the The full screening includes vision, American Cancer Society. Several hearing, glaucoma, blood pressure, health organizations donate literature, respiration and TB testing, breast and consulting services have been do­ nated by several area physicians. -- isJL UWl jaiiiili exam, blood chemistry or urinalysis, r • ~.,r < '\ • i • i A J. rr ••-••' ,i> TBYTUV, •hiiifl! Interim House helps women Crisis and supportive counseling and days a week. Boundaries after Ben tley financial assistance are a few of the Grcup counselisg service is offered services offered to battered women at six YWCA branches throughout the This map shows the boundary line plan for the Livonia School bounded by Schoolcraft, Middlebelt, Five Mile and Farmington and their children by Interim House, a tri-county area, one of them the North­ District after Bentley High School is closed in June 1985. The Llvo- roads plus the Coventry Gardens area north of Five Mile (between temporary shelter in Dctroitr west Branch'-YW'CA in Redford Town­ nia Board of Education,-which rejected a motion to postpone the Hubbard and Edgewood) to Churchill; the area bounded by* Any woman who has been physically ship, /. . . school's closing until June 1986, approved the plan that divides Schoolcraft, Inkster, Five Mile and Middlebelt to Franklin; and the abused by her husband or live-in boy­ Other services offered are perma­ the Bentley attendance area among the three remaining high remaining area north 6l Five Mile to Stevenson. , friend may call the organization for nent housing assisiance, health and schools. The plan breaks down the Bentley area by giving the area \ help at. 962-5077. Professional coun­ child care, le*gal and transportation as­ selors are on duty 24 hours a day, seven sistance and.referrals for counseling. Lworiia school heacl^tp seek SUPER SUNDAY ramous^ .. COUNT AY CWCKiN raises for adbninistrators You Make Us Famous! FAMILY By Dan Vecchionl staff writer 'Most districts pay their administrators Livonia Public Schools superintendent in a lock-step manner. Our board is SPECIAL George Garver ts expected to ask the Board of Education at its Oct. 17 meeting to ap­ seeking an equitable policy based on SUNDAY, prove raises for the district's 26 non-union supervisors and administrators. performance/ OCT. 16 & 23 The amount of the raises has not been an- — GeorgeGarver, . nounced, but Garver.said he will not be us­ i. superintendent, ALL FOR ONLY ing a recently completed management v study as a basis for his recommendations, Livonia Public Schools The study, conducted by Anderson- Roethle Inc. of Wisconsin at a cost of $5QQ 118,300 plus expenses, proposed a salary ^*i ••


capped brother, and this has great poy "' A ooe-tlroe kitchen hobby hifc result­ tentlal to show, what they can do." ed in an award, as small business of the As Independent distributors, the year from the National Rehabilitation Ghinnams' have placed the suckers la Council for some Medina, Ohio, candy' Big Boy restaurants, 7-Eleven stores in makers. '";•"• . ' marketplace six states and in doctors' offices. Gbaa- The company^ ML. McJack Corp., nam said that the Towne Club pop com­ began 1¼ years ago' as a hot*y In the Jobs for what they called (he "Ameri­ ' IMPRESSED with a 5¼-foot high pany plans to use them In coordination kitchens of the McCurdy and Ijonjack can dream.* > " ' display of the suckers at King's Island, with their many varieties of soda.. families, where hard-candy tuckers Chris Ghannarn of the Corkscrew Party ; Tbey opened a factory, employing JO - the, suckers, which retail for 39 were hand-made. ^ : handicapped persons to produce the Shoppe in Westland decided to bring the product to Michigan. centsiafe.sold by the case and avail­ The suckers, produced In 18 flavors brightly-colored, translucent suckers. v able tWund-ralslng groups. from plna colada to the more tradition­ No preservatives or additives are used al favorites,,proved so successful that In the manufacture of the suckers, "It was a humanitarian thing, too," Anyone interested In the product can Bob McCurdy and Bill Lonjakqult their whicnSfon't break when dropped. said Ghannarn. "We do have ahandi- contact the party store at 595-1033".

LIVONIA BUILDING Bowlers WHY DIVORCED MATERIALS CO. JBVNI 12770 FARMINGTON RD. strike ND REMARRIED CATHOLICS CAN LIVONIA. MICH. 48150 BE FULL MEMBERS OF THE PHONES 937-0478 421-1170 CATHOLIC.CHURCH HEADQUARTERS FOR BUILDING an update on against conscience. divorce DRYWALL cancer annulment remarriage IN STOCK . Town-N-Cbuntry Lanes Date: Monday, October 17 Time: 7*8:30 p.m. III *IK (xtt 4iM in Westland will conduct Place: St. Mel Church ./ %-. MO US a' bowlathon during the 7506inkster S.MIU. %" US ISO 740 BLACK ELASTIC week of Nov. 12-19 to Dearborn Hghts., Ml MO . For 8wlm Pool Covtr* raise funds for the "Strike For further information call 274-0684 *" 110 MO 7.65 M5 20x50 24x50 32x50 Out Cancer — Spare a BibysiiUnjj • 272-3977| " 28x50 40x50 Child* Campaign. Provided The program is dedi­ cated to Terry/an 8ryear- MON.-FRI. 8-5 SAT. 8-12 old girl who has been a patienLJor the past five ART EMANUELEMaff p*K>tO0f«#W /wnrfTat St. Jude Chil­ . Laurie Ghannarn, 8, of Redford Township shows theauckers being dren's Research Hospital. produced in 18 flavors by handicapped worker*. The Ghannarn Terry, of Mount Carmel, fll. developed acute lym- '. family Is marketing the sweet to area businesses and as fund* phocytlc leukemia, the raising projects out of the Corkscrew Party Store in Westland. most common form of childhood cancer, In March 1978. She has been in remission and off all Discount Drugs Ford proposes help medication since Novem­ V^, ber 1980. Package Liquor Dealer Sponsor forms are. available at Town-N- DIETAC REGUTOL MISS BRECK for ailing businesses Country Lanes, on Wayne STOOL SOETENER. Road between Cherry MAXIMUM STRENGTH AEROSOL Hill and Palmer. Joe DIET AID HAIR SPRAY : The House Subcommittee on Labor- • Loans, loan guarantees and tech­ Kaskolskl is - the local 30 TABS Management Relations has approved a nical assistance to ailing businesses. coordinator of the cam­ bill that would provide federal assist­ • Financial aid for distressed com­ paign. ance to businesses, communities and munities. St. Jude Children's Re­ $022 $166? workers to prevent business failures • Retraining and placement ser­ search Hospital, in T"— I 20 CAPS 60 TABS 9 0Z. and plant closings. • -" • vices for dislocated workers. Memphis, Tenn., was Introduced by U.S. Rep. William D. The subcommittee's vote was the founded -by entertainer Ford, D-Taylor, whose district Includes first time that a Congressional commit­ Danny Thomas. The insti­ Westland, the proposal also would pro­ tee has endorsed this legislation. tution opened Its doors to TELDRIN DURATION BRECK vide assistance to dislocated workers • We need policies to prevent disloca­ the public in 1982 to com­ 12 HOUR ALLERGY RELIEF NASAL8PRAY SHAMPOO when plant closings cannot be avoided. tion where it makes economic sense to bat catastrophic diseases .MAXIMUM STRENGTH Duration DECONGESTANT "I have worked on this legislation for do so," said Ford. "We need programs In children. St: Jude pro­ 8MG wmcuru nn> nui ECONOMY SIZE * ,-, ^iaiiil " 12 HOUR RELIEF many years," said Ford. 'Sen.* Walter of assistance to ensure that the re­ vides total medical care $ • REGULAR ^londale and I first introduced plant sources of productive workers arc not to all patients. 12 CAPS 1" ^ Duration^ • MENTHOL closing legislation in the mid-1970s wasted and that community.llfe and lo­ At St. Jude, scientists when our constituents were hard hit by cal governments are not unduly dis­ and physicians work side $C33 50 CAPS D : --yjjpam. $•177 Sudden shutdowns of major manufac­ rupted by economic events they cannot by side seeking not only '/>OZ. turing facilities without so much as a control." , " better means of treat­ day's notice. The measure how will be considered ment, l?uj also the cause, BEAUTIFUL HAIR . .'Workers lost their pensions,- their by the full House Education and Labor cure and prevention of. TELDRIN ASPERGUM homes and, most shockingly, many Committee,>here Ford serves as the diseases. All information 12 HOUR ALLERGY RELIEF FA8T TEMPORARY BRECK even took their lives." second ranking member. The bill also gained at St Jude Is IWK'K MAXIMUM STRENGTH RELIEF OF SHAMPOO-IN ' Key provisions of HR 2847 include:. Is being considered by the Committee ' shared freely with other 80RE THROAT PAIN 12MG. — HAIR COLOR • A requirement that businesses on Banking, Finance and Urban Af­ hospitals and institutions •ORANGE PLUS NATURAL PROTEIN provide advance notice of mass layoffs. fairs. - all over the world. :11.. o«n» $255 CONDITIONER . fetdrinl '16V, I €^-_ $666 sore U>roal pain\ $499 $477 Danny's Aspergum j< 40'S I KIT Maiina/'v OLD SPICE OLD SPICE LADY'S CHOICE 80LID ANTIPER8PIRANT Beer & Wine AFTERSHAVE STICK DEODORANT <^?y -¾^ LOTION DEODORANT ^¾^ m • ECONOMY SIZE •REGULARSCENT COUPON •UNSCEMTED K •FRESH SCENT $066 $033 CIGARETTES OFF 4.5 02. 3.75 OZ. $-499 ALL BRANDS ,,^ ANY 2 0Z. LARGE

Reg.'8. Carton 100't $8.09 Carton PIZZA SHOP THE FAMILY WAY EVE^DAY (3 items or more) Good thru 10/19/83 with this ad thru October 19, 1983 BAUSCH & LOMB BAUSCH & LOMB COUPON sCALL AHEAD VASELINE iENSITIVE EYES STERILE PETROLEUM JELLY SALINE SOLUTION DISINFECTING llRU' FREE PANTYHOSE PEPSI, COKE, 7-UP 721-4131 OFFER Carry out and | ^/£s FOR SOFT LEN8 SOLUTION FAYQO,VERNORS Delivery ' '^^ t£- ECONOMY $499 &fak $1.69 + o«p. Wwm Also Serving: $077 $099 '/»Liter Orrfy l FREEUH8 1on7 SIZE ..''••'. Limit 3 BROASTED CHICKEN 12 OZ. STOflAOECAftE '* uf- SUBS-PASTA Good thru 10/19/83 NATURE MADE NATURE MADE Q-TIPS 45144 Ford Rd. • Canton VITAMIN C VITAMIN* Just E. of Canton Center Rd. 500 MG. 400 I.U/ COTTON SWABS . (N«xttoTacoB«K) 1918 VENOY AT PALMER 25% MORE FREE Venoy-Paimer Shopping Center $-133 i55 25% MORE $459 100 TABS 100 CAPS 375 CT. ' , I BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC FOR PETS VIDAL SASSOON 9&e RAVE NOXZEMA / FEMALES -SPAY HAIR8PRAY MEDICATED 60Z.AERO9OL SOFT PERM DOGS'&«¥ »* • > \ MOW - /OZ.NOW-AEROaOX 8HAVE CREAM • REASONABLE FEES KWtor*! tfmtf for l*o»f dd^« ' HAIR8PRAY • REGULAR I • UCENSED VETERINARIANS -CATS, ,.. . . . $29.00 8 02, BLOW STYLING LOTION •EXTRA BODY 304OFF -:•'. TWO LOCATIONS tO $«VE YOU KTTW **W. HfcMUtt. 672N.TRWGAFH MALES - NEUTER ^74 »11 Mill «0. R*D «0. * WKMAfH YOUR - $-488 $436 (I MJ »C»*< C» KT**CX>< POGS $29.00 rafOtt SHOfHWO CBflW CHOICE 11 OZ. CATS: $15,00 ALL VACCINATIONS 1400 SHEL -AXSOO- i 1 YEAR RABIES. .$8.00 ''• PACK Jlfe °ON ROAD • CORNER ANN ARBOR ROAD • PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP Vnr*-; 71S ; IIAMAD DISCOUNT PRESCRIPTIONS , ; HEARTWORM TEST 4:> CALL NOW ...... $6-.00 'e LIUUUn HOUPS Opnn Monday-Salurday 0 n m-10pm Suiuiny 10 n m 6nm ' 546-8090 661-0017 I DEALER PHONE 453-5807 or 453-5820 | A MkC »fiVCt <* ANfcW KAUH S.CMCU tK BEER-WINE OR CHAMPAGNE PACKAGE MOUOR DEALER I


Thursday, October 13,1983 O&E, {L.aW.Q)5A blasts

9 x overpay rates As Wayne County commissioners' head toward votes week on a new budg­ 'Taxpayers are paying 10 et, the group's chairman delivered a , stinging indictment against County Ex­ members of Lucas' ecutive William Lucas and his spending personal $tatt over practices. $600,000 a year \ Chairman William Suzore,. D-Allen That 'a nearly as much, Park, said Lucas Is overspending his current budget and overpaying his staff per employee, as the 20% OFF — particularly Dennis Nystrom. governor of the state of Take an additional "Taxpayers are paying 10 members Michigan receives.' Save on men's of Lucas' personal staff over $800,000 a year. That's more than any otner group — William Buxor* famous-maker suits 10% OFF of deputy executives in the Midwest. Wayna Coun ty Board Fine-quolity wool and polyester/wool That's nearly as much, per employee, ofCommitalonara chairman from Daniel Hechter, Crickeiecr, Austin our already low ""as the governor of the state of Michi­ Hilf ond more. Take 20% off $160 to prices on outerwear gan receives," said an angry Suzore. County Commission from 15 members $245.'In Men's Clothing at Mocomb, to five or seven. "Lucas does not like Lakeside, livonio, Weslbarn, Universal. for the entire family "HIS CHIEF of staff, Dennis Nys­ commissioners questioning his free trom, has been receiving $1,250 per spending ways and is now trying to— We're offering an extra 10% week — paid by voucher to his law off­ ease the way by reducing the County sovings on our regular low ice, without the approval of the county Commission ranks." commissioners who were elected by 25% OFF prices, which in most coses, ore • Lucas' top 10 aides and their sala­ the same or lower than sale the taxpayers to protect their money." ries are: Corporation counsel (currently Nystrom was former Sheriff Lucas' Dover and Finesse prices at other stores vacant since John O'Hair was appoint? Select from our fine- attorney, as well as attorney for the ed prosecutor), $62,500; CarJ Stouter- shirts by Arrow8 deputies union, in their unsuccessful at­ mire, director of personnel, $58,739; quality, brand-name tempt to avoid laying off 250 persons in Fred Todd, chief financial officer, Dover oxford cloth, button-down collar, cools, jackets and the road patrol. Nystrom has billed the $82,500; Murdic Coleman, information reg. $21, sale 13.75. Finesse, regular snowsuils.- You'll find county some $260,000 for his work, but system director, $58,739. collar, reg. $19, sale 14.23; while, blue, outstanding, values for the commission has refused to pay. Also, Vernlce Davis-Anthony, direc­ ecru. Save 30-50% *on farnous-maker everyone in the family. The facts that (be lawyer Is a con­ tor of public service, $58,739; Lyle Self, lies, many styles. Men's Shin's and lies. servative Republican In his politics and risk'and management director, $39,744; an Oakland County resident have an­ Dennis Dllworth, deputy health direc­ gered Wayne County politicos and state tor, $55,000; JamUAkhtar and Frank Democratic leaders. Lucas* reply is Wllderson, deputy CEOs, $57,239. that he considered ability, not politics., "These figures do not reflect an av­ 25% OFF Nystrom's rate of pay and method of erage 42 percent In fringe benefits," collecting It have never been revealed said Suzore. .- Jordache grow bags by the Lucas administration, Suzore charged that Lucas overspent MEANWHILE, SAMUEL A. Turner, and blanket sleepers his $812,000 budget by $263,000 for a D-Detrolt, chairman of the County 7.87 to .9.38, reg. 1050 to 12.50. total of $1,075 million since taking off­ Commission's committee of the whole, Warm, comforloble sleepwear in a ice Jan. 1 as the first county "executive said the budget will be ready for tenta­ choice* of carefree Fortrel polyester tive adoption next week. ', under a home-rule charter in Michigan prints. Buy several for the cold nights history. When adopted, the budget will go to Lucas for approval or line-item veto. ohead. Infonts, Toddlers, Girls Depts. "ALL THE taxpayers got for their The commission has 30 days to over­ charter vote last year is another layer ride a veto. of government, 37 new county employ­ The board meets at 2 p.m. Thurs­ ees to help the CEO and unrestricted, days. Next week it will meet as a com­ 22.99 irresponsible spending," said Suzore. mittee of the whole in Committee His complaints are: Room'A on the seventh floor of the .Women's Gala no • Lucas hired Public Affairs Associ­ City-County Building on alternate. The ates to lobby In Lansing for an ap­ fpllowing week, It will meet as a full and Hush Puppres' proved fee of $^000. So far, he has paid County Commission in the 13th floor Reg. $32 lo $34. Pomps, sandols, slings the firm $20,000. .. auditorium/All sessions are open to the public. . and quorler-strop styles for alLnrcasions, • Lucas Is seeking to reduce the dressy to casual. Sizes 7'/i-1 ON, 5'/J-10M, 6'/i-9W. Sizes moy' vary by stofo. ,tn c,jit ^^™—«—•—^» /V/YJV/jfu/iltkffitjjtii, , ft» Jfir P.llrn* fjn-,1, \,r*f Ifi) Women's Shoes ol all stores. **v 61 # ^121 ¾ Wfce4, 20% OFF 13.99 50% OFF All regular-priced Women's classic Irregular Bates M*#/ %fi«;^/

Spectacular is the word for the Cordc Ranch and Autumn Ha*e lM: 20% OFF 4.99-22.99 49.99 Mink Jacket with coordinating Fox collar and luxcdo. - Every regular-price Women's leather Farberware' Unbelievably priced at only dress in bur stores accessories electric wok , Choose ony of the excitingjdresses in our l?eg- $8 to $39. Outstanding.sovings on Reg 69.98 Terrific jovings on this ver­ ' mi stores, and toke 20% off the regular fine leather wallets, dutches.on^ mere satile cooker that gives even heat (hiu SJ:UUII)Onl> • I imilrd-Qjintiiieii price. A perfect opportunity to update from Prince Gardner* ond Rolf's' . A throughout, Perfect for stir-frying meats your wardrobe, Sdvings in Misses', variely of styles and colors. Great gift and vege'obles for quick, delicious Women's and Junior Dresses. items. In our Handbag Department mqals. Stainless steel, in Housewares

DatealVl thud A»enuc • 87J-830O MoomrKkl llilh I5I5N WwvJ»3rx] A\cr.uf 642-3000 s» OI'l:S-Monda> - SaiotJi) 9.30 • 5 p.m. t^ F«Jf pl'i>)u (/,•''< ..^...^...^^ ° Misses' separates Beautiful rings with Fine quality- by famous makers genuine gemstones Fieldcrest towels A voriety of slyles from Koret, While Reg. $20 to $35. One attractive design Choose • soiids,- prints and vetours a' 95^9¾¾. Stag,. Personal, Tan Jay ond others in after another,.each set with a beautiful wonderful savings. Color coordinate wool, polyester and corduroy. Pants, gemstone. Come see the enlire collec­ with the both. sue,, now .just 3.99 hand WOfciL© lockets/skirts, blouses and sweaters; tion. You'll wanf several while they're '2.99. ond washcloth 1.49. Put 'oyetneY entire sets and save, in out Baih Shop WHOLKSALP. OUTLF.T 8-18, S-M-l'. In Moderate Sportswear. savings priced. In Fashion Jewelry.

Sec Our New Selection . 25% OFF 20-40%OFF "or Panf-her basic All our lamps Party Supplies styles for misses' at great savings for the Holidays v Beoutiful. blazers, skirls ond ponls in Our value collection includes styles to • Halloween •Christmas* New Years 4. DOOR eosy tore polyester. Coordinate the kind HATCHBACK brighten ony decor Choose everything * Thanksgiving • Weddings • Buda of versatile foshion oulfits you'll wear from brass to ceramic, iioditional to con • Haby' Showers A 1984 ugom ond again. New plum or black. m temporary fro^i Wostwood. Login, All YourPufiy'NtiJt at. Whtltsalt Print Updated Sportswear. . CHEVY CHEVETTE Haeger and more, lamp Department. • Centerpieces • Tabtccoveis • Napkins • Plates • Cups $100 GIFT CERTIFICATES • Walloons *Hc!ii>m« Hats 20% OFF Eoch Crowley's store will oword o $»00 gift 4.99-14.99 certificate. Cvie 1984 Chevrolet Cheveite will Denim, corduroy, be' o'w'ardccf as' grand pri/e Pick up cnf;y Burnes ojf Boston blanks ond complete contest details at any 10% OFF dress pants for Jrs, Crowley's store No purchase is necessary picture frames ON ALL ITEMS All regular priced denim, corduroys ond Only one enlry per person You must be o per Special purchase of beautijully styled Except Jn Store Specials dress slyles from lee,' Sosson," maneni resident ol the US oivl al Icost' 18 Ironies. Choose gold .aud silver tones, years o< oge to enter You i>oed not be present {*ithfhi>«xjp'* . 8x10 and collages m niddiote families are not eligible. 19^9¾¾ included. Jr. Coordinates. the rolloflibn Skitionery DefXiiimcnt" V ^IVO^RiLx) WHOLF.SA.Llv OUTLET Sale end* Sunday, Oct. 16. >-"- l2M5Schaefef (2 Biks.S. of the Jeffries Fw7.) ^^S w"T *.T A --. >V^ I^^M^MM^ J- D«ily9-5;Sat.9}0-l:JO " ,'491*2384 OE " I] WllttNl^^^H < tAtn%*rCam Shop tonight until 9 p.m. at Wottborn, Macomb Mall, llvonto Mall, Farmlngton,' Birmingham, -*— OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" 'ESBm lakeside and Unlv'ertak Grand ftlvor open ontlt 7 p.m. Now Center open until 6 p.m. *>'.«-. Thursday. October 13, 1983 OStE (W,G-6AXl,fl)7A Battles at Schoolcraft Gym vs. data lab vs. a tax vote your By Jim Richard McDowell. "BelieYe me, we've gone WHAT STARTED the debate was a totalspace need of lO.flOO square feet. on a family adventure. staff writer -'way beyond that.'v ,' * .- long-range planning1 .study, begun in BuHf the administration were serl-. 1980 under then-president C. Nelson THIRTEEN alternatives were exa­ Unless Schoolcraft College trustees ously hinting al going to the voters for G^ote: ', ' mined, Jeff re$s said.' . . •seek construction money from Voters, a construction bond Jssue, two of the According to Jeffress, it soon focused , Two involved the auxiliary gym; ~ a they could witness an Internal battle seven college trustees weren't buying on retraining for the aging faculty (av­ One-floor conversion (9,800 square feet, (or room space, and the grand prize "it, erage age 49, few earning advanced de- • J280.000) "or a, -two-floor conversion '< may be 20,000 square feet in.theduxjli- Said Paul tf. Kadish, veteran of 10 grees in the last decade), Updating the (i.9,600 square feeVfW*<}00), accord­ ary gymnasium. years on thcooard/'Only one (alterna­ •curriculum and curing tbe shortage of, ing to Kenneth Lindner, vice president' Tuesday, October 18, 1983 "U Is the desire of the administration tive) will I immediately (urn down — a space. for business. to have a new physical structure" for' millage campaign. . .I'm not willing to., "Data processing Is our most highly Other alternatives are converting the the growing data processing program, go the people and ask for millage on a ra.ted (by students), curriculum," said lower Waterman Center (10,100 square 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Conway Jeffress, vice president for in­ .bond-issue," said-Kadish, who chaired Jeffress. "It Is ah extremely Important feet, $440,000); using a dock area In the struction, told the board of,trustees three of the four unsuccessful money area because It will support so msny service building (8.140 square feet, Talk, Tour, Observe, Tuesday. issue campaigns during the-70s. . other curricula fn the^ future," as well $407,000 and potential fire marshal But to athletic director Marvin Cans, "No way do I see us going for a mil­ as for faculty upgrading. His written problems); taking space in the cul-de- student leaders Barbara Sergison and lage," said vice chairperson Roslna text noted a 30 percent decline iacred- sac of the applied sciences ,buildlrig Question, Share and Enjoy! Christine Karabatakis and 922 petition Raymond, citing Michigan's 13 percent it hours generated by the physical edu­ (3.325 square feet, $150,000); and filling signers, the Issue was to save the auxi­ unemployment rate. "1 personally lean cation department since the physical in two cul-de-sacs in the forum building The Adventure School gives a liary gym. to something on campus," said the 12- education building was opened in 1971. (9.000 square feet, $450,000. but fire student with learning difficulties "Our students, our programs, our year board veteran. "Data processing and word process­ exit and roof problems on the sloping new opportunities. Grades K-12. outreach would be severely impaired if But trustee Harry Greenleaf said, "I ing are two programs where we are ground). Individualized, goal-oriented certain facilities were used for other wouldn't reject construction out of currently rejecting half of all of the Other alternatives are to buy porta­ 'than their purpose." said Gans, In the hand. We're living with less millage •persons who wish to enroll In these ble, buildings, rent space off campus Instruction. front row center as 90 persons packed (property tax rate) than six years ago." courses because we do not have space and build a $600,000 addition onto the the "pit" lounge in the Waterman Cen­ And at another point, Greenleaf said, for our equipment." applied sciences building. * ter for a 2¼ hour special board meet­ "Computer literacy Is a key ingredient (That led trustee Kadish to remark: Although Gans: and physical educa­ ing. of future general education. No-space "The only thing we haven't done is ask tion students formed the largest and The Adventure School It was the largest audience any on the campus Is Inviolate. None what­ those who have been turned away most vocal bloc, the report showed that 1775 MELTON • BIRMINGHAM board meeting had drawn since.the soever."- -.*•'., which petition dolfiey want to sign?") If the gym were converted, the biggest 1 Blk. N. of.14; 5 Biles. E. of'Woodward* (313) 642-1150 '60s, trustees said. The audience warm­ Jeffress said the planning committee •* loser would be Ron Griffiths' continu­ Gary W. Pedersen, M.A„ Headmaster . ly applauded Gans and other pro-gym Kadish agreed with that point. Look­ recommends a data lab with 100 sta­ ing education and community services speakers. ing directly at athletic director Gans, tions and six classrooms. That means a programs. NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Kadish said, "What I hear from you, "I WAS somewhat surprised at the Mary, Is 'Look at afl alternatives ex­ focus — the -computer 'ab and the cept the auxiliary gym.' Well, I'm gym," said President Richard going to look at alHhe alternatives." KEROSENE HEATER SALE ALL NAME BRANbs T

PRICED FROM '97.00 CORONA FREE KEROSUN 5 GALLOWS H & R HARDWARE 27430 JOY RD. j..;.^'ftfrgp&ft;,, LIVONIA 421-5161 «*)H««ltrJ»rt3fwM MON.-PHI 10-8; SAT. 9-6. SUN. 10-3 IHARHAJVDWAK H & R WILL NOT 8E UNDERSOLDI • U-^cbuiM^-J SAVE! SAVE! H & R'S GREAT TRADE SALE! TORa WE REALLY NEED OLD LAWNMOWERS $ $ 50to 100 Your TRADE-IN ON PURCHASE OF NEW TORO MOWER PRICED 95 FROM $269 INCLUDING TRADE IN 'PLUS' "H & R'S EXCLUSIVE1' * FREE 2 Gal. Gas Can * FREE 20 Oz. Engine Oil * FREE 2 Yr. Warranty * FREE Assembly & Prep * FREE lifetime Blade Sharpening •10 Gal. Ga» FREE* It H&R can't meet your best advertised price. 4 in XVERSATILITY Rear Bag, Side Discharge, Mulch, or shread leaves "Any valid ad qualifies LARGE SELECTION OF DEMOS AT 25% OFF AMERICA'S LARGEST TORO DEALER I N I-96I H & R HARDWARE, 27430 JOY RD. 421-5161 ' Mon. thru Fri. 10-8. Sat. 9-6, Sun. 10-3 i JOYRD.


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BUY NOW! NO MONTHLY PAYMENT8 UNTIL JAN. '84 When you boy a SNAPPER In Sepl. (Finance charges accrue fromitoleolpurcbaee) MICHIGAN S I ARGFST SNAPPIfl Of At IP IflEl

H & R HARDWARE w ?7430 JOY RD. 421-5161 ihru»ri 10 ft «nt 1 f, Sun iO 3 r.Vi-M

. -Mf,i-'. • ... >±. Thursday, October 13. 1983 O&E (n-4A.W,Q-7AXL)9A provide spage-age window on the world *.

1957 I remember sitting in Mrs. White's cate, 6il and mineral deposits, monitor air and LANDSAT does not take photographs like a THERE IS A growing market for satellite class listening to her commentary on water pollution, and even keep track of mi­ camera.* The spacecraft uses an Instrument . Images among organizations Involved In earth ' -^ Russians, Sputnik and the Importance of high tech grating animals. . . called a Multi-Spectral Scanner. This instru­ resource monitoring and mapping. -'"'- :' ence education. ment scans the area that lies directly below OH and mineral companies are big pur­ •Though not the first to launch a satellite, In today, more than 20 years later, we are still the spacecraft as It moves along In its orbit- chasers of satellite Images. Lumber companies 1972 the United States pioneered the technolo­ Ulng U. S.-Soviet relations and the decline- Ronald R. sensing the brightness of sunlight reflected use LANDSAT data for" managing forest re­ gy, which brought us the LANDSAT system,, :lence education. However, little is heard, from the earth. _• sources.'Dead or diseased trees can be distin­ LANDSAT Is a relatively simple. satellite'. iy about satellites. America's latest love ai- Watcke guished from healthy ones, and forest fires can About one ton In weight," it travels around the The scanner senses the reflected sunlight in In the space program is wjth the shuttle, be detectedvso firefighters can plan their strat­ earth 570 miles above In a circular orbit every four different colors/and separate images are itellltes have become commonplace since. vation Satellites), maps the Earth's surf ace. converted to voltages and returned to earth as egies.. .^ • ; ' 10S minutes. • . ens have been launched, for a variety of LAGEOS.(Laser Reflecting Geodetic and electronic pulses. This data, once received-on The satellite Is sun-synchronous, so it sweeps : [•poses, beginning with Sputnik in 1957. Earth Observation ^.Satellite) specifically eartlv, is corrected for distortion, processed, Agrlcullpral interests also use LANDSAT across the earth at the same local time 6t day, watches ov^r California's San Andreas Fault, and stored on film, computer tape, or disks. data to record the gfowth of wheat on a nation­ IOS (Television Infrared Observation Sal­ monitoring movement in the Earth's crust iabout 9:30 a.m. The satellite passes around the al scale. Not surprisingly, the U.S. government world 14 times a day. « By monitoring the Intensity of each color, ute) is xised for weather watching. It records over a period of years. the satellite can .distinguish between water, routinely uses LANDSAT data In forecasting iperature and maps weather development SEASAT keeps watch over storms, ice fields AS the earth turns beneath the Orbiting land, concrete, and grass, or healthy and dis­ wheat production in the Soviet Union. . tr the entire globe twice eacn day. and ocean currents as an aid to ships. space craft, the instruments on board take pic­ eased vegetation. In southeastern Michigan, the Environmen­ loser to home, SMS (Synchronous Meteoro- tures of the successive swaths of ground di­ LANDSAT can see the difference in ground tal Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) Is a ical Satellites) monitors the weather in the LANDSAT, by far the most thrilling of all rectly below.-Similar to adhesive tape being cover between any two spots on earth as small leader in using LANDSAT Imagery. ited States every half-hour around the clock. satellites, has opened up whole new fields of wound onto a ball, these swaths oi coverage as the size of a suburban house lot- system assists our local weather report- Earth studies. gradually envelop the earth with a full layer of LANDSAT can detect in less than 13 seconds 2>r. Watcke is dean of liberal arts and i In getting their forecasts, LANDSAT can spot schools of fish in the tape being added to the ball every 18 days. what would take an earth-bound traveler years former dean of vocational education at lother, GEQS (Geodetic and Earth Obser- ocean, detect geological formations that indi­ Each strlp.isapproxlmatley 115 miles wide. to discover. Wayne County Community College, 'est fall color tours are afoot Afraid You're f Ltm M*s*« At 10 a.m. Sunday, naturalist Bob Hotal- tfu swaUetgijp Sdoors writer lng will lead a 1¼ hour walk along the na­ Going Deaf? ture trails to observe fall colors. He says to, Chicago, 111.—A free of­ St Strtetet j}k#. ere's one best way to see fall color, bring your camera and meet at the park fer of special interest to t's not hauling yourself to Brown Coun- outdoors office,, Register in advance by. calling the those who hear but \lo Indiana, or the UP, or poring over com- Kensington park number at 685-1561. (The . not understand words cially prepared-tour maps that guide Kensington folks run Hudson Mills, too.) has been announced by

past elder mills, antique shops and res- rest stops. But there was no compulsion to ••••••' Ikltone. A non-operat­ ants. set a record or make a big date. Our only KENSINGTON Metropark; JusO past ing model of one of the BERKLEY FARMJNGTON ItaLS Berkley Flower Shop SOUTHFIELD 's not studying the calendar to pick the obligation was to have a good time. New Hudson, has several family-oriented smallest Beltone aids of Maie Floures Steve Coden's Flowers ect time, although southern Michigan's nature center programs this weekend. Call its kind will be given »n it Milt Rd. B<1«MO CoolWx* 4 Gr*taIUiTCE„ Ituttt il FVxn 4 Amnowtu WeD«llv«rEv«r)T»b*ie. to the Algoma region of Ontario, study a single bush or. even a single leaf, How fruits, nuts and,weeds become food It's youts for the ask­ tuk koetort I HmtxCui ktctfiH e best way Is to pick a spot and walk. noting how color crosses from one end to for wildlife are explained by a naturalist ing, so send for it now. It FirAlOcttikM TO0Y another. during a 1¼ mile walk. is not a real hearing aid, BLOOMFTELD HILLS but it vvili show you how LIVONIA Meldrum's HIS HIKER'S first candidate for a fall You see the subtleties of color — the yel­ "October's Paintbrush" - 1:30 Saturday. Fairlane Florist Cardwell Florist \t tour is to start at Bishop Lake in the low-greens, the yellow-oranges, the red- Bring your camera for the fall color pro^ tiny hearing help can be. or Writ Bloomfkld 1^ Flowers & Gifts }JU9PlyawotbRd *\ 3913Roch«iterRoad ston State Recreation Area, just a few oranges. My own favorite is the giant leaf gram. The actual aid weighs $«8 Orckani Uk« W. (W Milt W. orMmlmin) 851-2004 •'/ - ' Troy west-southwest of the I-96/US-2S in- of the sassafras, but you can pick any tree "Autumn Is. . '." — 10 a.m. Sunday. Na­ less than a fourth of an 421-3567 Op«a Tatr*., Fri- Sat. to 9 Op«n 9-.J0 to 7 528-060O fehange in Livingston County. ounce, and it's all at car FTD iW Ttlrfkn you want to enjoy. turalist,Brian Creek will lead 3 1¼ hour FTOTtWWi ftiiaria{rrD*TdenonAmitfaeiti . level, in one unit._ HJ)«CWJICU*I Ifwo trails start at the- picnic grounds on On a trail, you get the:smells — the walk. JUI Ka)» CtttA CM* BmatH kj nan ; Btthop Lake Road - the two mile Kahchln earth, the remaining flowers, the fresh "Autumn Animals" — 2 p.m. Sunday. These models are free* BLOOMnELD HILLS UT1CA fni\ and the five mile Penosha Trail, breere. You can stop and pet the woolly Naturalist Bob (totaling will lead a 1¼ so we suggest you write LIVONIA . i fiNothlng unusual," says Bill Simon, park bear caterpillar. It sure beats the smell of hour look at wildlife. Bring binoculars. for vyojirs now. Again, Jacobseo's Flowers French's Flowers & Utica Florist i manager of the 5,000-acre Brighton Recre- a car interior or an ashtray. • we repeat, there is no i »-i w. Ut ta« w, BfcoirkM Ha U2M>V*aD)ke cost, and certainly no UMM4 Gifts, Inc. 731-1100 • *Uon Area - and that is Just the point. It's Bring along something liquid: Simon's OAKWOODS Metropark, down Flat W5i».lKW»iT,UJ/Orta Maiur Oirfe • Vlia • Dl**rt vintage Michigan: gravel based hills troops run a nice place, but they don't put Rock way, will hold a "Prairie Work Bee" obligation. All hearing Oi«W JS64I Fivt Mile Rd iDttnutlootl Caib C*rd at 10 am. Saturday to help relocate plants. problems arej not alike tWQtuk^UUM,P«tiK H\ Dbrool »tt tUi ntfat * formed by the glaciers, old ponds that have drinking fountains and pop stands along a i' 427-7820 Itidtfaj Mt*t»p i «VT Qtim) - become meadows, pines and other conifers,- hiking trail. And you'd be surprised, even Volunteers are needed to relocate many and sonic cannot be «1 iVA helped by a hearing aid UVONIA 'WESUAND ,«1) the basic hardwoods, deer, small ground • on a cool day, how you can work up a rare and unique plants such as conefiowers, DETROJT >animato and birds. sweat. - blue-stem grasses, sunflowers and others. btit many can. Thou­ Sardi's Plaia Florist Bloye Florists sands have already been Eddy's Florist Ul« M(rriou» fU At several places there are signs pointing Now, this isn't a sales pitch for one park Bring a shovel, work gloves and sturdy & Gift Shop 261-9080 s shoes. Call the nature center in advarlce at mailed, so write today to 15827 W.WirrtoAvt, J72»7«Mll«Ra. Sartttit 0»» RottSfKUI. toa "scenicpoint." Take the severa extra or one trail. It's just one outdoors lover's (3Blii. W. or Gr«afield) 697-9181 so they will know they can count Dept. 00000, Beltone (II N.»Wi» k »• MttJ K«Bl •> tll»f>04 *l> Stepe to see them. They open out on broad true story of a fine day. Your own favorite 581-5454 . 464-7272 0(Wt Anruff»nti ilM H i I) Electronics Corporation, Hi>*rXitr»r* vistas of greens, yellows, reds and browns. trail — maybe a neighborhood park — will on you. P»J) Dtiiirr; U Lhtaii. Drtrort. $+e\i 4201 W. Victoria >TO*T»HWit?PVi»< the longer Penosha Is the most challeng­ serve Just as well. At.2 p.m. Sunday, Oakwoods will feature St., Ffe'rn «Vr< A»)-tWrt a nature program on "hitchhiking seeds/', Chicago, J L 60646. FABMJNCTQN DOWJVTOW7M ROatESTER WESTLAND ing with, some steepcllmbs up and down • Blevin*s hills. It took my party — a middle-aged HUDSON MILLS Metropark, out Dexter weeds which stick to clothing and animal McFarland'a Florist Holland's Floral & Flower writer, a teen-ager and an old-timer — way, will have a program for those who furs in order to travel. Naturalist Glenn and Creenhous^s Gifts Dent will lead the 1¼ hour hike. Call to •nearly three hours to complete the five want a fall color tour that's a little more mMJtssr. Shop pre-register. 28915 Grand River D»:ly Dtt.vtrjf To miles, even though we took only three brief structured. . 474-0750 651-4512 Drttwt 6 Sviburbt rrOMi.^CtMiaC^ri'.i Dilly D«llvtriM to 67 011« PLA.VTS \3 Kijor 06 Cirfj A«tjergrt*o Pliu • M«Wl/tStc« \ Shwnpoo-SlMfli y & Gifts (12 Mll«-Evtrjr«t»Rd») ^ RINSE & < Carpet 559-5425 •«• 427-4110 • HAROLD 2»?l«OrchinSUkcRd. Large StWtloo MIS MIDDLEBEIT • ftlSTUND EXTRACTION Cleaning i INSURANCE I CANNELL Let 0u!f II help you! 851-0222 . f%cm Oritn a M O tu * In. Eiprm ri-ST NORTH OF A.VN AJ»KB WJSL BY GEM ••-• A .oheipW / 425-4100 FVit Room & Halt t/yAQR Stuffed Pork Chops, Baked Potato with Sour Cream, FrwAnU-SotW-Or* tlK"3 Room 26 Salad, Bread Basket..... 5 FALL SPECIALS AT TOWN 'N COUNTRY!! Located at 6356 Greenfield •AR Additional. Rooms *11V SUtt F»rm Mututl Automotlr* *Ji • H*vJ Scrut**?. IniurvK* Comp*ny Portable Heaters Cfltofl, IlliftoU SATISFACTION FAWLYOWNED ^ RADIANT 8 QUARANTgEO. LICENSED* INSURED,^, *^Ji- Qem Carpet «032-8080 . 4 Fumlturd Cltan»r<»Rtdtord LAS VEGAS RESTAURANT CHEFS WORK WITH THE BEST- NIGHTS KER05UN formerly Learn howto October 14-15-16 NOW, SO CAN YOU. %199*s Wriai do you VNJ tr* Clt/s fifxai chef* 22 Blackjack Tables, Craps . h»v« In common? 0 r«*t W«a» end w* can and Roulette h«tp~by outfittlog, your home wtih Ihe take better care highest quality commercial grade cook- ...SAVE 25% OFF REGULAR PRICE Drinks and Cash Prizes ^ /e and utenails available anywhere. Pota, pan*, bakewa/e, ptaa treys, wire Fri. 7 pm- 1 am ' wWps. graters, sc/ap«r». knlvos '. of your heart, Sal. 3 pm-12:00 Midnight Sun, 2 pm- 10 pm call Red Cross. Warren Valley Country Club company American Warren Rd. -1 Blk. West ot Beech Daly JeUtC+mti J* ~Je*J ~>t*Xi Cj>/««l Well Help. Dearborn Heights M-F 8:36 to 5 Sat. 8:30 to noon Proceeds to Si. Christine's School raag»M313) 341-6400' + Will You? »2.00 Admission New from our Party Supplies... PARTY I .PuCtS "iCSh «»CC/l '-u'} 3SSe3iC:CJ and 3 ^e'fnI & QfJSS Jni) Mj'lte RijcV-. "HEAT SAVER" DELUXE • The famous -Mala'Folk an. - created in Old Mexico, is used lor owiy festive occa$k>n GLASS FIREPLACE DOORS Theso Maias have boon SIZES UP TO 40 i 33" SIZES UP TO 52 x 33" specially dos'Qncd witfi a large tillable cavity soyou can $ 00 fill them with ytfui (avonlo treats > *i6B*> I93 Now you arc ready. The n+guttrly up to $225.00 Rfgufarty up to $256.00 m frnata >$ suspended m an opon area. So it can tx> raised t't U PICK'HM...WE DIG'EM und toweredat wiH Eacn ' *L NOW HARVESTINCT VOR FALL CUSTOM GLASS POORS , person is blindfolded- givot) ? stick, and takes a separate . . '\ ; 20 Acres of Trees ' -turn hitting at )ho Piftata un'M Residential * Commercial", Order Now 1 00 ,il is broken aif •] REDFORD, Ml 49239 \&** Zoi W*0 • Horn: Mon.-8«t. 6-6 . CMOJH Cirr. MICHIGAN »| ' \, I I )1.111011 v i>npnm\ fc(\Ut* ' - 495-1700«422-2022 USE* — Phone:422-2750 n^-rii, m\ti»\\Y (313)531-9200 Open 9 to 8 pm Mondsj thru Fiidjy • 9 to 6 pm SJIUKJIJ • 0<»ed Sundays -.s«a®»*kra««w«swTO'^ ^iiSSJ ~* *#•-*« ) Kr*u-*nr~#

Wt\t iHeatlanJi (©bserucr a division of Suburban Communications Corp. Philip Power chairman of the board ' Richard Aglnian president Dick Isham general /naiiager 36251 Schoolcraft / Livonia, Mf .48150 Dan. Chovanec advertising director • Nlcit 8harka'y managing editor 8andr« Armbfuattf editor/591-2300 Fred Weight- circulation director


T WONT happen to me." awareness and common sense. • Make EDITH — Exit Drills In The Home — a Jaycees hope that residents will select a hydrant Those famous last words.are what Joseph That's where Benyo comes in. The firefighter has parlof your household routine. to keep neat and clean year-around. Clearing away high weeds, and trash will help firefighters Benyo calls the biggest misconception he been taking his "learn not lo burn" message out to • Remember fire department rules: If your I hears. Benyo, a battalion chief with the West- the people, from kids in classrooms to senior citi­ reach hydrants quickly. clothes catch on fire, then "stop, drop and roll." land fire department, is in the business of fire pre­ zens in high rise apartments. Firefighters also teach people that once out of a Painting them will improve the appearance of vention. " burning structure, stay out. the neighborhoods and provide friehdly competition Think about these statistics: About 6,000 Ameri­ SINCE THIS is fire prevention week, it would be in a contest Jaycees are sponsoring. cans die in fires every year. Home heating-fires are a good idea to review some safety proceedures with • Memorize the fire department's number your­ the major cause of all residential fires in the U.S. your family and even your boss. . self and place it near the phone. Knowing where to To adopt a hydrant, write to the Jaycees at PO But other common fire causes include carelessness • Make sure there are properly installed and find it can prevent panic in ah emergency. , Box 191, Westland 48185. Entrants will receive a with gasoline, tossing out a cigarette instead of maintained smoke detectors where you live and "certificate of adoption," listing their names and the quashing it and, simply, a frayed appliance cord. work. • JOINING IN the fire fight this year are the West- hydrant's location. The saddest fact of alt is that many of those • Think about potential fire hazards and remove land Jaycees, who are urging Westland residents to deaths could have been prevented with a little or correct them. "adopt a fire hydrant." Remember, a fire can happen to anyone,. Newspaper has knack

'..'••;• '*•-. -^f/Vft •••.,> for serving, surviving •..; v;- -;r-Sr:

HARNESS MAKERS, lamplighters, bootblacks, in Florida, if you want the hard statistics behind the sandwich men, knife grinders, tinkers, axlesmiths, football scores and property taxes, if you want the hedgesmiths. alemongers, tinkers, newspaper writ­ names of the scholarship winners«and the folks who ers . got the business promotions — well, you can't clip it All but one of those occupations have virtually out of the TV screen. But it will be in the newspa­ disappeared since the days when America was per. founded. _ It's ironic, but there's a major retail chain that Sometimes radio broadcasters, television broad­ has shifted its promotional efforts to mail. Yet casters, billboard merchants, cable-TV hucksters when the chain wanted to fight a piece of legislation and direct mail mongers predict the demise of the in Congress which it considered harmful, what did it newspaper business, too. But you the readers choose do? It sent news releases to the newspapers. to keep us operating. When people want to emphasize a point to their And during National Newspaper Week, we all state legislators or congressmen, they often clip a may want to remind ourselves of why our institu­ : newspaper story or editorial. But.you'll never see a tion survives and even flourishes. TV or radio tape in the legislator's or congress­ man's mailbag. THE BILLBOARD, the handbill, the bumper sticker and the TV commercial all tell you a candi- „ WE ALL KNOW the jargon term "mass media," date's name — and you will be seeing many of them but how many mass media are there? as 1984 approaches. • There are publications for environmentalists and But only the newspaper reports the officeholder's manufacturers, bird watchers and hunters, femin­ -voting record, elicits the candidate's views on the ists and traditionalists, labor ,and management, tough issues of tomorrow and assembles the hard Democrats and Republicans, rock fans and classical facts of a biography for you to study. afficionados, those with fortunes .and those with The junk mail contains circulars for a particular pennies, those who consume and those who produce. . >tore and may even contain prices. • But what medium even tries to be a common But only the newspaper contains ads for a variety ground for all points of view and all the interests of competing stores and lets you compare prices in that make our nation so vital and interesting? What a single publication. And the news columns contain medium even attempts to explain one group to the information that makes some peddlers a little un- , others? You are reading it. . >.- comfortable: what products are being recalled, which are of questionable safety, which are bad Well, we've paltedourselves on the back pretty buys in this economy or at -this time of year. No lustily and have vowed to do even better work in the junk mail circular ever gave you that kind of infor­ future. But we also pause to. thank you the reader mation. for helping us to be good. You invite us into your home, you read us, you BROADCAST REPORTS are an easy way to pick _ praise us when we do well, you bawl us oul when up a bit of information, especially if you arc feeling-" you think we've missed something, you give us tips, a little orr the lazy side today. . you write us the kinds of letters no broadcasted, But if-yeu want more than 20 seconds of facts on billboard merchant, bumper sticker printer or junk a major happening in your community, if you want mail distributor ever gels. to know who in town died or got married, if you In short,, you have kept us going for 200 or more want to preserve a news item to send to Aunt Bess years. All of us should be thankful for that. . Old Diz psyched ): the stroller ft.- WW. em in IT'S FASHIONABLE to be against teachers. Edgar Once they were glamorized as belonging to one of the noblest'professions, Parents were proud to raise series of all children to become doctors/Clergymen or teachers. Ducky became the villian in the game because he But no more, This week parents in the Plymouth- THE NATION'S sports pages are filled these days raced to third base with spikes flying, and it with all sorts of stories and anecdotes of the World Canton school district picketed against striking appeared he was making an attempt to spike Mar­ teachers. These parents blame teachers for a strike Series, but in no place has it been mentioned that vin Owen, the Tiger third baseman. this is the 49th anniversary of the wildest of all that has been going on since Sept. 30. One of the wildest scenes in the history of World It's easy to fault teachers. Let's admit it, we think World Series — and it was played in Detroit on Series play, it.became one reason why Manager what was then called Navin Fi,eld - of teachers as persons who work from 8:30 a.m. to 3 bers or.with parents. In between, time must be Frahkie FrisC-h and. his Cardinals were labeled "the p.m. with three months off every summer. We're a found to correct tests and papers. ,- In 1934 Mickey Cochrane sent the Tigers against Gas House Gang." ' - :. the St Louis Cardinals, and to all intents and pur- little jealous about that. poses.it was decided the day before play began. WHILE THE Tigers tried to fight back with such - As teachers become more strident in their unions, A TEACHER faces many problems, including At the time, the Cardinals had the Dean brothers pitchers as Tommy Bridges and Schoolboy Rowe, they lose more public support. It's "unprofessional" relatively low pay and lack of security. But perhaps >- Dizzy and Daffy — and Dizzy actually beat the they failed to show the spirit they had displayed vfor them to wear ragged clothes and carry a sign the toughest is the apathy of parents. • Tigers before he ever threw one pitch. during the regular season. And at every opportuni­ saying, "No contract, no work." What can a teacher do when a child refuses to do He used a bit of psychology the moment he ar­ ty, Dizzy, was upsetting them. Recent studies critical of our educational system homework? The response used to be for the teacher rived at the field, and the Tigers never were the In the seventh and final contest, Dizzy pitched a — such as "A Nation at Risk" — confirm what we to tell the parent. But today too many parents don't same. It was the close of the Tiger final practice masterful game while his mates ran up a 130 all know. Teachers aren't doing their jobs. care if children do their assignments. That attitude when the word came that "the Cardinals are here." score, and the Cardinals walked off with the title. I.MUST ADMIT that I was among those most extends to any kind of discipline given out by a With that there was a roar from the right field Even before that finale, Dizzy had the baseball critical of teachers. I was particularly irked 0¾ teacher. • ^ . entrance, and leading the pack was a giant of a world in a dither. The day before he sneaklngly re­ bumper sticker popular about a year ago, "If you • Many parents'seem to regard teachers as educat­ fellow wjth a white cowboy hat. lieved a runner at first base (Frlsch didn't see ft). can read (his, thank a teacher," • ed baby-sitters. . Dizzy tried to steal second and was hit on the head How arrogant of teachers to think that everyone Being a teacher is not all doom and gloom. Many IT WAS DIZZY Dean showing the way. by the catcher's throw. who knows how to read, learned it from a teacher. children are enthusiastic and eager to learn. Some He leaped over the rail, walked up to home plate He was rushed to the hospital, and the baseball Many parents have taught their children to read. days a teacher reaches even the most difficult child.' dnd took a bat. "Throw me one," he called. And world was agog; Finally, word came from fhe'Sios- - But I have-changed my mind about teachers. . Most teachers I have met in the past few weeks' wften the pitch came in, he slammed it into the left pltal thai he had escaped injury. Since September my wife has been teaching full arededicatcdandcaring professionals - " > field seats. THE MORNING paper hit the street with a blaz­ time, I have new respect for their profession.* - Last wec)c< Peter Beidler, a teacher at Lehigh : With that he shouted, "You guys will be easy." ing headline that said: "Dizzy's Head Shows Noth- Work days begin closer to 5:30 a.m. than 8:30 a.m. University, was named "Professor of the Year" by: Jhe Council for the Advancement and Support of The Tigers were stunned. Next day Charlie Gehr. mg.\ Preparing for as many as six-or seven different : inger, the stone wall on defense at second base, "Old Diz," as he liked to be called, claimed it was classes in a day takes time. Also, teachers must be "Education. . ' " •• made two errors in the first Inning. the worst insult he ever received/ It was even .worse in the classroom 30 minutes to ah hour before the His advice to parents was: "Go up to a teacher Before the series ended,It became the wildest on than the insult on the final day when, with Diz first student arrives. .- " imd say, Thank you, you really made a'dlffercnce record. It was the series In which Judge Kenesaw pitching and holding a 13-0 lead, Frisch sent his Students may leave at 3 p.m., but that's not the with my child.'" •; Mountain Landis, the white-haired baseball com­ entire pitching staff to the bullpen to warm up, and. end of the work day. Discipline problems must be ..That's not a bad idea. missioner, ordered Ducky Medwlck, a Cardinal out­ the Cardinals didn't have another game scheduled handled after school. That's also the time for in- By the way, teachers, don't take summers off. fielder, out of the game to prevent him from being until the next spring. service training, meetings with other teachers or Most go to graduate school so .they cart retain ; their hit by the basket* of fruit that were being tossed No, there never will be another World Series like . the principal Evenings are often taken up by meet­ certification. .' from the bleachers. '. . that one 49 years ago. -f-^-^r ings of the PTO; sessions with school board mem- - Be nice to a teacher today.

—— >><——-»>• Thursday, October 13, 19&3 O&R {R.W.G-9AJ* 11A .S. House protects safeguards for national parks

. Here's how area members of Con- Supporter John Breaux, D-La., said William Ford, D-Taylor, and Sander benefits. costly administration plan.for renew­ Ipess were recorded on major roll call the existing National Environmental Levin, D-Southfleld. . The vote turned back a GOP attempt ing, the .program that provides an extra Ivoies Sept, 29 through Oct. 5. ' Policy Act Is. adequate to protect na­ to limit supplemental benefits to a series of unemployrrient checks. tional parks against Intrusions from BENEFITS - The House rejected, maximum of 1.2 w$ek& 2nd extend the Voting no: Panel], Hertel, Ford, HOUSE . roll call report nearby federal property. 141 for and 279 against, an administra­ program for IS" months; It left Intact IyevUt and Broomf feld. John Selberllng, D-Ohlo, opposed the tion-backed effort to make the federal Democratic language providing up to PARKS -r B^avvoteof 160 for and amendment, saying It would be "in ef­ unemployment compensation program lft weeks of additional federal checks RADIO TO CUBA - By a vote of |W5 against, the .House rejected an 'terest will not be harmed before ap­ fect, gutting the bill.". .-,."" le&.costly to all taxpayers bul less ben­ and. renewing the program for only 45 30¾ for and 109 against, the House Iamendment on the question of bow pro- proving a federal land use that might • Members' voting yes wanted to kill eficial to the long-term jobless. days. ""•"»•• passed and sent to the White House a Jlecled national parks should be against injure an adjacent unit of 'National the extra layer of protection for nation­ This occ.uTred during debate on a bill . Democrats wanted another extension bill (S 602) to establish Radio Marti s (development occurring on adjacent Park System. al parks. (HR 3929), later sent; to conference after 45 days.. Republicans said this within the Voice of America for broad- • Ifederal lands. It was offered to a bill (HR 2379) Voting yes: ,Carl Pureell, R-Plym- with the Senate, that extends the pro­ was a ploy to provide a vehicle for 1983 casting to Cuba., The amendment sought t,o remove a providing a variety of additional safe­ outh, and William Brooinfleld,, R-Blr- gram providing unemployment checks tax-increase legislation the president The station will counter the narrow Iproposed requirement that the Interior guards for national parks. The bill was mlngham.' * to the Jobless who have exhausted their opposes. ". Ijecretary determine that the public in- sent to the Senate. Voting no: Dennis Hertel, D-Detroit, normal allotment of state an'd federal Members votingyes favored the less- Ploase turn to next page OOQ»W»gkQQO:K}{»Qo»»o1] We Recommend a REAL ESTATE CAREER 8 PEAJLTZGRAFF FREE! f>RE-LiCENSED SCHOOL hm/ Aewe/eM™ FURNACE #1 SALES TRAINING 0 I CHECK-UP YoFeaiuro ' PfabutcM Pf*tBgr*rL.*tf If» on Mto until IN THE NATION I Scyeetett T^€Uf 10/31/» M Yi a.-yjPetto'fnj'xc AMOOftNtTOCKmCCS ' * LICENSED SALESPERSONS- 59.95 10 lnsc«t Beiis ' New Yankee Peddler: s (Enlarged to § ASK ABOUT THE 60-80% PLAN Regular 79.95 '(r» ponrrois JN AMERK-A sifXt i»u» Nov. 1st, Eastland Mali' * showdotallj 0 0 GARDEN CITY J ffll.lBrMim** {• oi »317 Foctf «

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12A(LXR.W,G-10A) O&E Thureday. October 13, 1983 Senate nixes jobless bill; Levin, Riegle approve

Continued from Pafle 11 our efforts to export the American idea i sured Unemployment Rate (IUR), employment benefits to states having sent to conference with the House. . to the rest of the world." •^ which counts only, those individuals the worstJunempldyment. Howard Baker, R-Tenn., who voted- No opponents spoke against the bill. still revelvlhg norma"! state ahd federal Michigan Democrats Carl Levin and 'to kill the amendment, said it was his world view Cubans now receive from Members voting yea wanted to estab­ jobless checks. Donald Rlegle voted yes. "responsibility and duly to try to sup­ their government's news rp.anagere. lish Radio Marti as part of the Voice of The-amendment, opposed by the JOBS - By a vote of 50 for and 44 port the committee system,'' a refer­ Since the V0A is largely objective, Ra­ America. Purtelt voted yes. roll call report Reagan Administration as too costly, a'galnst,.the Senate tabled (killed) an ence to the Appropriations' Commit­ dio Marti will be less pugnacious thaji , Voting ho: Heriel.T'ord and Uvin . sought to base the determination on a amendment to,add $364 million to the tee's opposition to. the amendment. Presdient Reagan had wanted it to be. . Not voting: Broomfield. state's actual unemploymenl rate, thus |6.4 billion earmarked for job training Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, who .To. get the-bill through1 Congress, he' entrenched. "SENATE • benefiting states having high encentra- in the fiscal 1984 appropriations bill favored the amendment, said that in agreed to tncorprate RadioMartiJn the The measure dealt with federal sup­ tlons of long-term jobless. for the departments of Labor, Educa­ light of President Reagan's opposition VOA rather than the less-restrained RATE - The Senate rejected, 34 for plemental benefits, those the jobless It was offered to S 1187, a compan­ tion, and Health and Human Services. {o the extra money "I must seriously US Board for International Broad: and 59 against, an amendment wnlch In receive after exhausting their normal to HR 3929 {above). The bill was Backers said most of the extra fund­ question the admihjsjration's commit­ casting. .-.•••'-.' effect was to provide more weeks of allotment of state and federal benefits. sent to conference with the House. ing would go to programs aimed at ment to effective job training pro­ Supporter Jack Kemp. R.N.Y.. said unemployment compensation eligibili­ Presently, whether a state gets sup­ • Senators voting yes wanted to pro­ youths who.are poor. The $91--billion grams." there is no question of the Tightness of ty In states where joblessness Is most plemental benefits is based on its In- vide more weeks of supplemental un­ spending bill (HR 3913) was passed and Levin and Rlegle voted no. • •••••••••• • • •••••••••••• Pets of Why fr^Pian :.Y]: v week Jour Funeral Note? Hotdog, a 5-year-old female mixed HeMWky— dachshund, i» look­ ing for a new home. FREEZE FUNERAL COSTS FOREVER She .has been ', Fun*a) chaso** «/• frown at TODAY'S PRICES. wormed and has • Protect »g'alnit.lomorrow'« hiflhv prk*». h$d her shots. Snowball, a 1-year- SAVE^-AS YOU SPECIFY old cat, strayed into Guard agalnit ovw-apondiog. Specify only what you the Michigan wtth to ap«ftd. ;.--.'' > Humane Society's Kindness Center GET PEACE-OF-M1ND ' "" and also needs a home. The cat has You don't have to pre-plan you/ furwai—but It'e a had its first shots good fwllrig knowing It's dona and your family won't -and has been hav* to worry, " wormed. Both-pets are available at the FUNERAL' Kindess Center, WILL •HOMES 37255 Marquette, Westland (tele­ REDFORD3H»PfyD«oU>««9. phone 721-7300). LIVONIA VOOOSuUfcRwJUl!) ART JEMANUELE/rtatt photographs % ; TRANSMISSION {TRANSMISSION JarrmH. Will fRE£ $ 037-3670 • INCLUDESiKtri i mcc-: TUNE-UTIIMF-IIPD i• LEAKING? Send for FREE Booklet 35 •Road test I. POINT • Change- Fluid , iWe will replace any external seal • Gasket i Ws want to DRIVELINEl 'Linkageadjustment 95* 1 know more ANALYSIS • Band Adjustment * [ about your cv*^.** . • CleaWherne Scree applicabln * e • 'some models excluded ' NRATIOH- v*. YMx^n W PftOTECTIO COtW \lai\rtef NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FREETOWIHQ OPEN SATURDAY i FUNIRAL Wtt-PLAN TRAN8MI88ION REBUILDER8 %? OOOOOOOO'OOOOOCK TW ONLY COW AMY WITH TO OWN FACTORY City FARMINQTON UVOKIA NOATHV1LL1 TJU. • • • • •••••• TRANSMISSrOH TfUNfMttWOM TnAMtUJMIOM TRAMIMIMION TJU • ••# H NOflPnflM Ad. K t* UMH. oonw Krntc Tfl •OUTHnflO )0400 Qr»v] tow »rwow »u»» •rtd HtQQtftf ' 474-1400! 522-2240 420-0444 669-2900 353-8180 «Ite@flM


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Marie McQee editor/591-2300 s^i-afta^attiiS'S;

Thursday, OctQb«r 13.19&3 . O&E (L,R.W.G)1B Katz is sense psychologist Volunteers mount By Diane Gale the first year the center Opened its staff writer doors oh a site across Haggerty from Schoolcraft College. It was the nation's When Dr. A. Edward Katz of Livonia first comprehensive psychiatric treat­ changed from the study of engineering ment center for children and adoles­ program to psychology, he was fascinated by the cents. possibility of finding oat what makes Hawthorn's 13 staff psychologists people do the things they do. and seven Interns do from 800 to 1,000 By Marie McGee "After 30 years I'm still looking for evaluations each year. The center, an staff writer- answers," said Katz, who Is director of agency of the Michigan State Depart­ psychology at Hawthorn Center. The ment of Mental Health, provides diag­ AGROUP OF self-proclaimed things we learned in other social sci­ nostic assessment and treatment for f\ "horse nuts" have met with ences turned out to be different from children up to 17 years old with emo­ /-"%• galloping success In a busi­ what we thought. • . . tional and learning problems. ness venture at nearby Ivory •But there Is always the challenge of Ithas. 140 beds..tojts. residential Farms that offers a full riding pro-, trying to understand." treatment center, which also has" a gram to area families. Katz was recently designated a Dis­ school. Its patients are ages 5 through It's called Canter and Post and is tinguished Psychologist by members of 17. Hawthorn offers an out-patient clin­ the outgrowth of a similar, program the Michigan Psychological Associa­ ic, In-patient facilities, day programs, conducted at the 153-acre farm near as well as group and family therapy. tion at a recent meeting In Bay City. Union Lake by the Girls Scout of Met­ A chalk board hangs in the barn "It feels good to have my colleagues The most dramatic cases are the ropolitan Detroit for nearl/20 years. so that the riders can alert oth­ view my contributions as worthy of children with Infantile autism and se­ In fact. Canter and Post's founders merit, and there are a'lot of people but vere schizophrenia, which many psy­ ers if special care for a horse is were all part 61 that popular program neede'd. It's all part of the pro­ there who are equally — note I didn't chologists believe Is biologically until the Metro Detroit G.S. Council say more — deserving," Ka,tz said with caused, Katz said. canceled it two years ago, citing the gram lo teach complete horse­ humility and.Jest In his voice. "Probably the most-tragic stories need to cut expenses. manship — not just riding. Humor happens to be an integral come'across when the children have AT ISSUE WERE insurance costs. Ivory Farms and year-round camping .part, of his personajlty. He also uses had a horrendous early life experi­ The Detroit G.S. council sought to light-hearted quips as a tool to make ence," he said. These children have an as well as horseback riding programs have Ivory Farms shoulder the liabil­ are offered. clients relax enough to objectively inability to relate, butblologlcally they ity costs. Ivory Farms board of direc­ view their behavior. are Intact." "We never close," Winisky said. tors, however, refused, stating it was Success wasn't immediate, howev­ "If my clients don't have a sense of already contributing heavily, to the humor when they come here, then I er. program through the donation of the There were a lot of problems. Most teach them how to have one," Katz HE EXPLAINED that a child is un­ use of the property and the horses" said. able to relate to'others when he has involved upgrading of the facilities. Caught in the crossfire were hun­ Almost immediately the group was The 56-year-old Livonia psychologist never had the experience of trusting or dreds of area youngsters — and their didn't think it was funny though, in receiving care. faced with putting up new fences and Betty Conned of Livonia — or Audrey Win!sky of Livonia is mothers, who by this time, were just erecting a new roof on the main barn. 1963, when a race riot almost broke out "They treat people as objects," said as addicted to horseback riding as- In Dearborn when residents mistakenly Katz. "AsXIng these kids to react like B.C. as she is known — is one Canter and Post's treasurer. Adding to the roof problem, Connell of the volunteers who helped She is also one of the founding thcir-daughters. Many of the moms pointed out, was. the fact that seven j, Ihoufkl A bl*£k OOOQIA w At moviiui ioio • rg^#ftm^^^felg^^ torrtrroinwrrafKr i»*»t. «n* i* rn*tnt>*t-«' or tt*« ;*r«*muft»o«v .fcjn» •dJUUK^JLV? U^(MrtCLM*f>.*«rx*0C:. layer* xrt rooting baa to t>» p«*l«4 olt W^^SSsm^mS^SmW- asking a blind perton to see. also an instructor as is her that numbers 50-RIUS Volun­ as Instructors In the program: before the new roof could be In­ "This accounts for a lot of criminal daughter Cheryl. teers and also Is an instructor. One of them was Margaret stalled. , sppnd, and state police were called in, "Peaches" Taylor, longtime Girl "But with all of us pitching in.-. KaUsaid. behavior. We can control some of the behavior, but we capje-create the In­ Scout leader, who is credited with ini­ plus fathers and grandfathers'- we Katz was so upset by the Incident tiating the Girl Scouts" "Horsey Set" got the job done," Winiskv said. , that he founded a group called Livonia fancy experience. It is kind of depress­ ing" program 20 years ago at Ivory ' ALL THE WORK on the farm's up­ Citizens for Better Human Relations, Farms. keep is done by the volunteer staff. In the purpose of which was to Improve To take a vacation from work Katz addition, riders in the program are has enough hobbies to make him a cer­ Thrown temporarily by the Detroit race relations. The first meeting was council's decision to scuttle (he pro­ asked to help out. tifiable Renaissance man. He once or­ held with sir friends in his basement. It gram, Taylor and some of the other Riders are responsible for taking grew to more than 300 members, but Is dered a harpslcord kit. He managed to .mothers-instructors banded together get all the strings and keyboard In the care of the horse's^ needs and also per­ no longer In existence. They tried to to form the non-profit Canter and form tasks that aid in keeping the fa­ make the,, group's concerns become right place. Post. "Lo, and behold! Surprise. It played," cilities in order. campaign issues. Taylor became president. Aiding "We cater to groups," Winisky KATZ IS NO newcomer to politics. laughed the psychologist. His daughter her is a board of directors that in­ Peggy played It. ^ noted. "But we're not restricted to From 1964-78, he served as trustee, cludes scout riding program girls "or to scouts. The boys are be­ secretary and president of the Livonia Katz can be found at various parks stalwarts Audrey Winisky of Livonia on occasion flying radio' controlled coming horse nuts, too." Board of Education. as treasurer and Betty Connell. All Canter and Post has a stable of 33 His tenure with the school board was model airplanes. the 50-plus women involved in the "Both the electronics and the flying horses and ?3 ponies. during a time when meetings were ani­ program volunteer their services. All Hobbled somewhat, by the Detroit mated with emotion-packed remarks appeal to me," he said. "It Is cheaper instructors are certified by the Camp than flying the real thing. And when • council's continued reluctance to per­ •about such issues as censoring books Horsemanship Association. mit off-site camping at the facility, and sex education. At one point, Katz you crash the results aren't as dramat­ "WE DECIDED AT the outstart not ic." Canterand Post organizers are heart­ was even accused of being a member to accept salaries in order to keep the ened by the support of other area G.S. of the Communist Party because of his He Is also a photographer.. . price of the lessons low,;" said Winis- councils who are approving camping stand on these and other Issues. He Is married to Jimmie Katz, who key. A $5 registration fee covers in- trips to the farm. Katz was instrumental in making is active in the League of Women Vot­ : surance for the rider and helps the ers, and they have four children, all Hopefully, the Detroit council will \Llvonla known for its special education fledgling organization with operating join the fold again someday, graduates of Bentley High School. expenses. Cost of the hourlpng lesson programs. Anyone interested in camping "In terms of my function here (at Their daughter Judy, 30, is an NBC js an additional $6. broadcast engineer at a TV station In Facilities are leased from John and/or riding at John F. Ivory Hawthorn), it gave me Insight Into the With the sun setting, two riders, Jeannie Grace (left) of Walled Farms can obtain further infor­ problems at the schools and the kinds Tampa. Peggy, 27, works as a child Lake and Jeanette Marchand of Redford, walk their horses into mation from Margaret Taylor, of kids we see here," Katz said. care worker at Hawthorn, and Davjd is Staff photos by President, Canter and Post Inc., In 1956, Katz began working as a . the practice ring after warming them up. The riding program goes on all year — including winter when pbnies are ridden. 9992 Cooley Lake Road, Union psychologist at Hawthorn, which was Please turn to Page 2 Dan Dean Lakc4H08S. - •

Inside the barn, each rider must take care ot the horse being ridden cleaning hooves - and dispensing plenty,of TLC -tender loving Dr. Edward Ka that day. That Includes cleaning stalls, brushing, caring for cuts, care. And it also Includes ^weeping the floor. •till looking for answer*

\- tttirt***iB*ii mmmnum m*mmmm*mmmmmmm*mmmmmmm**m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^'m

,r 1 28(L.R,W,0) O&E Trmrsday. October 13.1983 • -TV* r. 'j'.' I ;••• v.y.A i. >\K- J :lu; '';'.y.o; -. ? -.i'll l';\'^M


BPW salutes comnmnity activists

ByDliuwQil* wjth employees for, the Jerry Lewis- of treatment of fered them in substance staff writer Muscular Dystrophy Association. abuse. % . ' • • . She's also a 'charter member and "Now that women are entering" the Some women boast they've come a flrst chairperson of the Downtown De­ work fonie "in. large.number th«y face long way, and others say jt's-not.far velopment Authority. She is. 'also, a the same •tresses that men have expe­ erioagh. , . »member of the board of directors of the rienced for years,* she said. *My focus' But five locaf women have'made It Chamber, of Commerce and belongs to . li to make wom^n aware they have a to (he top In, the estimation of their lo­ the National Association of Women resource." ' ' •"__,• cal Business aod Professional Women's' Business Owners and American Hair­ , PUUCK, 45, trimmed ner volunteer clubs. dressers k Cosmetologists Association. schedule to work as a full-lime field di­ Sue Dlscher of Garden Gity was Honored recently with Distinguished Discher, who lives in Westland, finds rector for Huron Valley Girl Scouts named a Distinguished Woman Woman of the Year awards were Su­ time to teach a class in beauty salon Counsel. She began the Job In June. v for her fund-raising activities to zanne Discher, Garden pity, Teresa So­ management In the continuing educa­ Pullck is also the. president of the lak, Canton; Deborah Comstock, Red- tion program at Schoolcraft Comrauni- fight muscular dystrophy. x Historical Commission at Greenmead ford; Carole Chlamp, Detroit, and Mary tyCollege. • ^ in Livonia. She averages" about 10 hours Pullck In Livonia. "The most beneficial changes are a week at the city's historical site. 'Each organization selects a woman that women are being recognized In the Before starting the Girl Scout posi­ from their community who best exem­ business world, getting "credit, taking tion, she was a volunteer for the LOVE plifies the ideals of BPW through their financial risks and having banks back­ offices, Girl Scouts and the state dis­ professional work and enthusiasm," ing them,* Discher said. trict organizer of the Federated Gar­ said Deborah O'Connor, BPW director den Clubs. of District 9. - COMSTOCK battles a hefty social Pullck taught needlework and craft problem in her position as community. classes and a course that dealt with Mary Pullck (right) wat honored for her work as president of the The citations were awarded last relations manager for Henry Ford Hos­ setting priorities and using time effi­ Livonia Historical Commission. With her Is Jane Hopper, president Wednesday as a kick-off to National pital's department of chemical depend­ ciently. '..',. of the Livonia BPW, Business Women's Week, Oct. 16-22. . ency. -.--- ^ "My philosophy is that you must "I would like to see a time when "* She disseminates Information about determine priorities in life, set goals, there is no differentiating between men alcohol and drug dependency. Corn- and do what you have to do to; reach Staff photos by Art Emanuete and women in business," said Chlamp, stock was unable to attend the award those goals," Pullck said. 41, who Is the first woman president in ceremony, so co-worker Lorna She attributes her many hours in vol­ the 147-year existence of the Detroit McEwen explained why she thought unteer work as the probable" reason Bar Association and an attorney in pri­ Comstock achieved the recognition. why she was chosen for the BPW honor vate practice. "She's a very dynamic speaker, and The Distinguished Woman of the "But I think it will take another gen­ well versed in'her field,* Mcfcwensaid. Year Award was part of BPW's nation­ eration before that happens," she said. "She works In the community helping al Speak Up campaign. The program Is Take half the women working In set up sqmjpara and spreading Infor­ an effort to Increase the 150,000 nation­ Carole Chlamp, Detroit winner, business and promote them to ex ecu-, mation about drug dependency." , al membership and to promote the 98, is president of the Detroit Bar live positions, that's Chlamp's sugges­ In a phone Interview, Comstock said chapters throughout the coiinlry. The' *" Association and works in bank- tion for reaching that goal. that women are not taking advantage campaign "runs Ocri5-Si. .-• irig. Women are still earning 59/ cents on the dollar, and the situation will change only when women learn to assert them- .selves, she said. .'._'. CHIAMP HAS accumulated mdre Dr. Katz is honored than 26 distinguished appointments and awards. Continued from Page 1 the only difference Is we're trying to She's also a member of the Michigan get them (clierits) to distort the world State Bar, Women Lawyers Associa­ a system analylst for Michigan State the way we do and not the way they tion, ACLU, National Organization of University. David also founded a rock, do," Katz said in an explanation of a Women, Common Cause, .NAACP, band for which he plays bass guitar. psychologist's role. Michigan Women's Campaign Fund, Jonathan, 22, lives in Denver, and is a National Conference of Negro Women management trainee for Arby's restau­ Emotional stability Isn't one of the and the advisory committee of the In­ rant. He Is attending business college. criteria for psychologists, Katz terim House spouse abuse shelter. quipped. BUT HOBBIES and family life are In an explanation of why he may SOLAK, a Westland resident and the not all the resources Katz draws upon have been chosen for.the distinguished Canton honoree, said: "I feel women 9 to help him in a professional life so full psychologist award, Katz said that have a lot to offer in the business of problem solving. Hawthorn has been a training site for world, because they're more sympa­ Psychologists must develop a de­ more than 250 interns from universi­ thetic to certain problems." fense mechanism to buffer themselves ties. , "They're a real necessity in the busl- from becoming too attached to their "K lot of them have gone away with DM world, bccauM Uwy have more, dieoU, he t*ld. a good feeling about this place," he Jecause she makes a habit 61 compassion tor their, teuow workers," , "Everybody distorts the world, and said. serving as a mentor to young she added. career women, Westland resi­ ' Solak, 55, is assistant vice president dent Teresa Solak was honored and branch manager as well as mar­ by the BPW. She represented keting and public relations director of Wayne Bank. Oakland Psychological the Canton club. Solak attributes the recognition by BPW to her devotion in serving as a mentor and giving encouragement to Clinic, P.G. young women who are starling their careers. A Comprehensive Mental Health Clinic Organizations Solak' has been In­ volved with Include, Canton Chamber • Psychiatrists• Psychologists •Social Workers of Commerce, St Damlan Altar Soci­ ety, National Association of Bank Reasonable Fees Offices Near Yoy Women, Women's Economic Club, Treat menlOf: Wayne County Community College-arid Bank Speaker's Bureau. • Deo? e$sion/Anxiety • Alcohol and Substanc* Abuse Lake Orion 693-8400 "Join a networking organization such • Oild and Family PioWems • Stress Oswders Livonia 478-1166 as BPWr" Solak advised women inter­ 'Mafilal/OiYOfcePfobfems .• Habit Disorders Mllford 684-6400 We're Dining In for the Holidays*;' ested In advancing in their careers. Diagnosis: Southfield 559-5558 "Even at my late start with the club, It • Psychological Testing • Psychiatric Evaluation Sterling Hist helped tremendously." 978-0210 "Women need to take risks that In • VocaiiorulAsessment 'Educatoiu)Assessment West Bloomfleld 855-3404 EdjanAU^n the past only men were willing to take," Discher, 44, said. They need to Special Savings Redford resident Deborah work hard to be a success in whatever Comstock was singled out by standards they feel are a success." the BPW because of her activi­ I' ,1 ties as an educator on Sub­ DISCHER, owner of Hair Hut in Gar­ I I I •N stance abuse. den City, raised thousands of dollars j- I --. !*£ A. PRESENTS v.-*. a* * •> \ REPLACEMENT THE BESTORIENTAL RUG WINDOWS 20 Different Kinds of Vinyl & Wood Windows BUYS OF THE YEAR Azars Famous October Sale DOUBLE D /' WINDOW & CONSTRUCTION OCTOBER SPECIAL TRIPLE GLAZING Ho Charge! 33% OFF Our Entire Collection of Oriental Rugs BRADFORD WINDOWS ONLY - Now through October 22 Traditional Warmth for the Holidaya . at Fantastic Savings! Our classic American Traditional design makes dining nthomc a warm and festive occasion. Kthon Allen's Heirloom dining furniture in sunny Nutmeg makes an invitinjr room ... now fantastic savings! The delightfully large Spoonfool Extension Tabic and comfortable Governor Bradford Chnira arc the perfect selling for nny family gathering. The buffet and china cabinct(provide the idea! finishing touch. Ami it's just one'of s/i outstanding Kthon Allen dining rooms now on sale! rcg,". SA1.K 44" Buffet :...... ^99.7.4 $469.75 China Top. tfQO.Th «399.76 Spoonfoot Bxt«n»lort Table...... ;;...... l3.S9.7fj I20y.76 ^ank financing available Gov. Bradford Side Chair,, .'.. |t(Xl'.7r> S i89.75 Gov. Bradford Arm Chair ;-. $164.7.1¾ • CWTOH WIT SOW AMO SAY WWOCWI • ITOflM WINOOWS * DOORS $129.75 • 104W IYITW8 • IOWA MHMTiOrtl • ALIMWUM tJOING » CUTTERS H«lr mil Kun Duhrees •• K IMPftdVEMEHT LrvorHa • mkJdier>eft n *of 5 rrwlQ • 422-67 70 m. ( r Ullca'* van dyko/i ol 22 mile . 739-6100 W Wtfi 18 OUR i?:t 0030 M0N-9AT.: 10-8.FA): 1i>-«, SUN • »2-S(Sv

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7 '- •• ^V Thursday, October 13,1983 O&E . (L,fl,W.O)38 M J.J

clubs in action »•*' Clubs in Action is published on Star Palance. For further details, call Newburg Singles at. Newburg Vnlted la of Our Lady of Fatlrna will hold a • ENCORE • Woman'jrNational Farm and Garden; Thursdays, hemsfoY it should be in, Jacqueline Osborn at 7220244. Methodist Church, 3.650Q Ann Arbor dinner and card party at%6:30 p.m. • Sharon Thompson of Toy Chest Toys Association Oct? 20 and 21 in the West-;; bpthe previous Monday. . , Trail, Livonia. Tuesday, Oct. 18, In the Immaculate of Detroit will display toys and gadgets land Shopping Center. . j • REDFORD PIONEERS Conception Council, Knights of Colum­ -at the annual* toy party of Encore, the • DIVORCE SUPPORT . A card party, bazaar and bake sale • fcAMAZE ORIENTATION bus Hail, 30759 Ford, Garden City. YWCA Post-Mastectomy group from • LEAGUE OF CHILDREN'S ; Carolyn Daltch, a psychologist who will be presented by the Descendants of • Participants will be! Introduced to Tickets afe $3.50. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct.-19, at FRIENDS .;*.... works for Family Human Potential Redford Pioneers at noon Friday, Oct., the,Lamaze birth technique at an orien­ the YWCA of .Western Wayne County, Proceeds from a rummage sale Oct. Services Inc. in Livonia, will speak on 14, at the Northwest YWVA,-25940 tation- class at-7:30 p.m. Monday,-Oct. • BARBERSHOP HARMONV 26279. Michigan, one mile west of Tete^ 21 and 21 sponsored by the League o£ stress, at a meeting of the Divorce Sup­ Grand River, Redford. Luncheon will 17, at Newburgh . Uolted ^Methodist Women interested In singing barber­ graph. '••:•. .Childre.n'3 Friends will be donated to port Group for Wornen at 7 p.m. today be sewed. A politick luncheop will be Church, 36500 Ann Arbor Tral!v.Livo­ shop harmony are Invited.to a guest- • NATIONAL DEFENSE ' the Methodist Children's Home in Red­ . to.roo m 6S70 of the-tlbcral Arts Build­ at: noon oh Oct. 27 at Rediord Baptist nia. It is sponsored by, ^he "Plymouth night planned by the;Greater Detroit . Dr, Maurice Waters, professor of In­ ford Township.'To. be held in Rice Me­ ing at Schoolcraft College. The group Is Church, 25295 Grand River. ' Childbirth Education Association. Ad­ Chapter pf Sweet Adelines at 7:30 p.m. ternational affairs at Wayne State Uni­ morial United Methodist Church, 20601 sponsored by the.Women's Resource mission is $1 per person/ Tuesday, Oct. 18, in the GabrielRlch- versity, will speak on national defense Beech Daly, Redford, the sale will take Center at the college.' " .•'.•' • NUTRITION place from 9 am,to 4 p.m. oh Friday • BEREAVED PARENTS ard building at the University of Michi- at an 8*b.m. meeting Thursday, Oct. 20, ' Dr. R.E. Tent will speak on advanced gan-Deaborn, 5001-Evergreen. Dear­ of the Livonia League of Women Vot­ and from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday. • CRAFT AUCTION diagnostic techniques at 2 p.m. Satur­ , A meeting of Bereaved Parents will take place on Monday, Oct. 17. in New­ born. v ers. It will take place at the Woodlore The Lamaze Education Association day, Oct, 15, in-Henry Ford Centennial Condos clubhouse on FarmlngtonRpad, • MOTHERS'' CLUB of Livonia will sponsor a craft auction Library, 16301 Michigan, Dearborn man House on Haggerty. south of Schoolcraft College. • AAUW between Seven and Eight Mile. For A rummage and bake sale along with at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14. in St. Nor- The event is sponsored by Health and Political activist Laura Callow will more details, call Ida.Boudreau at 422- a paper drive will take place from 10 bert Hall, 27355 Woodsfield.lnkster. • Nutrition Awareness. -- • WORKERS FORTHE BLIND speak on "Women, Politics, and the 6396. a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, in the A conference on the. education and Legislative Process Behind the Scenes" cafeteria of Catholic Central' High • ^OTHERS LEARNING • BUSINESSMEN'S FELLOW­ rehabilitation of the visually impaired at an 8 p.m. meeting Tuesday, Oct. 18, • WIDOW-WIDOWER School, 14200. Breakfast Drive, Red- A toy party will be 9:30-11:30 a.m. at SHIP will be held Monday. Oct. 17. at Michi­ of the Livonia Chapter of the American Mike Best will discuss "All Vou ford. It is sponsored by„ the Catholic a meeting of the Mother's Learning and Ray Clayton of Ann Arbor will speak gan State University. It is sponsored by Association of University Women. It Wanted to Know about Cruises" at a Central Mothers' Club. Support Group of Canton Friday, Oct. at a dinner meeting Saturday, Oct. 15, the Michigan Chapter of the American will be held in Hoover School, 15900 meeeting of St. Edith's Widow/Widow­ 14, in Faith Moravian Community of the Northville-Plymouth-Llvonia Association of Workers for the, Blind Levan, Livonia. er social group at 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. • HOPE ALIVE Church, 46001 Warren. Carolyn Rokotz Chapter of the Full Gospel Business­ and the Association for Education of 20, in the church hall, 15089 Newburgh, Hope Alive, a club to provide support will discuss stress management Oct. men's Fellowship. He will speak at 8 the Visually Impaired. For more infor­ • XI ZETA CHAPTER Livonia. v for women dealing with stress, depres­ 28. The fee for both sessions Is $2.50, p.m. of his life as the leader of a street- mation, contact Susan Gormezano at Jane Luptbn will present a progra'm sion and self-esteem, meets each Tues­ gang. The event will take place in 352-1772. on friendship .at a meeting of XI Zeta • ROSEDALE GARDENERS day from 12:30-2:30 p.m. in Mt. Hope • WESTLAND CIV1TANS Sveden House restaurant in Farming- Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority at . Arts, craftSj drjsd flowers and plants, Congregational.Church, 30330 School­ The Westland Civitan Club will be ton Hills. Raised ID the.suburbs of De­ • COCHRANE DAR .8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19, In her Livo­ will be on sale at the bazaar display of craft, Livonia. For more'information,: selling Sweetest Day carnations Oct. 14 troit in a home broken by strife and Mrs. Robert Willoughby and Mrs. Pe­ nia home. the Rosedale Gardens Branch of the contact Wendy Frlske at 278-3458. and 15. for a donation of $1 per flower. hate, Clayton became an atheist and ter Simpson, who attended the 200th Members will be al Wayne Road and was heavily Into drugs and alcohol. anniversary of the ''Treaty of Paris" Marquette and.Ford and Warren roads. Dinner Is P per person. Make a reser-. will talk Monday, Oct, 17, about their Proceeds will be donated to the Reyes vation by calling Daniel Beetler at 349- trip to members of the Sarah Ann Co­ Syndrome Research Foundation at 0006 or Earl Flynn at 348-3352. chrane Chapter of the Daughters of the Children's Hospital, Detroit. Two mem­ American Revolution. The meeting will bazaars bers of the Detroit Historical Society • NEWBURG SINGLES be held in the home of Beverly Dobel. will speak to the organization on life In Robert ,Brown will make a light: • CRAFT CARNIVAL TOO! "inkster from 10 am. to 4 p.m. Satur­ academy was formerly located in the Detroit area during the Civil War at hearted probe into "Personalities" at a • DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA The fifth annual Holy Innocents day, Oct. 22. There is ample parking 7 p.m.:Tuesday^ Oct. 18, at the China_ 7p.m. meeting Sunday, Oct. 16. of the Academy fall art fair will be heldjn. Dearborn Heights, but moved recently, . Circle 764 of the Daughters of Isabel­ the Cherry Hi!) High School complex In for the event. Admission is $1. The to the Inkster location;


A NfcW Lanrc INEXPENSIVE WAY TO BUY QUALITY FURNITURE Now you can buy name brand, (op quality furniture Ihe direct way .at a tremendous savings, and have it delivered,- sot up and serviced by a company Organ that has 35 years imho . furniture* business. A dedicat­ company that's hore.in this area to. serve you personally.'Find out simple. ed about this new way to get the-hiRdo! furniture . Dana of Ann Ar­ and service you expect, New-town dilemmas fade after a bor Htles out the with greater savings WELCOME WAGON call. than you'd evor expect. 150-year-old Track- As your Hostess, It's my job to help you *;?'mm^s M$W:P* \^&^!X^^*Wjrw^^ at St. Thomas a' :(^11¾¾¾ Our shopping areas. Community opportu­ nities. Special attractions. Lots of facts to Becket Church in o^'im^ save you time and money. Plus a basket of Canton. Bryan gifts for your family. I'll be listening for Frank, doctoral stu­ JI^/M^ your call. ' . dent at the Universi­ OPEN 7 DAYS ty of Michigan, will Mon.-Snt: 10-9 Sun: 12-5 ' play the organ dur­ »BLOOMFIELD ing dedication cere-, JM monies at 8 p.rri! Kings*oodPU23 332-3770 Saturday^ Oct. 1S. • ROCHESTER jKrM The pubHc is Invit-* .v/inchesiefMa*! $52-6655 ed. The organ came •LIVONIA OPERATION: CALL from a Universalis! Wof^fiivJCefftf 652-6655 church in Old Town, FOOD BASKET Me. . •CLAWSON Kick in a cam week it any aar«-sooC«i:ef 288-4450 Automobile Club of Michtjiri 356-7720 SEE YELLOW office to feed lb: needy. PAGES COUPON j

CS/O The Canton Chamber of Commerce BILL BRESieR/ilsfi photographer CN/O will be publishing an attractive ~~

What do you have in common with Susan B. Anthony, Whitney Young, Clara Barton and Directory Thomas Jefferson? A lot — if you're the kind of the Week of rv.'V person who feels deeply for all people; who thinks that social justice and equality aren't just words, but November 28, 1983. This is.a terrific opportunity to .require action. A lot —if you think there are many reach potential customers and paths to truth to explore. A lot — if you believe that support the local community. what you think and feel, what you meditate and pray for, caii be acted on daily. For those who shai*e these Information beliefs, there is a faith that welcomes and supports To Be Included: •• Reference Maps free and indepciKient-thi'nking Township Government Data people who have hope for ihe Community Information • X'.hamhct Activities future. Unitarian Universalism -¾ j\ * Associations.Cbiiifiuinits it's the faith that helped sustain i&&\ • Clubs. Civic i.cJv*ocs •> s^i-s * And much more useful Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Henry. "information about the Canton David Thoreau and Dorothea Ctmiiminity. . ' . S|Hcia! rates available to Shopping Centers jnd Dix. It's the faith of people down non-profit. or£ani7ations. Discount is available .to Chambe? . ."ViWi f! A/uKx^. 5uffr*j^l, tthitf»-> \ rntyf, ^l0^l!^T IhrrcUy.l'ttwi Iri&r, TtyrftM • the street from you. Maybe we members. \ ' JtfTftvo. »Tiicf, tarrtr*. PiwfrM, • In advance, homeowners and other or^.uVi/ations can order their copy by. JtaMJJ'*!** h<»f>!uj ti'\ prrwifi it f«nwf have' something in common. fr. ,.'.;;" \ . . ; Amefkun « One Copy will be distributed Irve of Charge to each Canton -rcsi^eiu and ,.'"". -lUxiCrrxw ' Universalist congregation this week; welcome! Canton Chamber registered biisiuess f,ippro\im.itely m 20.000 cop'scs). Additionarcop:es will be available lor sale through the Canton Chamber ot Coinnurcc. .•''-*' • Troy Southfield Farmington z^jfK Emerson Unitarian Church Northwest Unitarian Universalist Unitarian Church /;""TP- /- 'Hccnusivthis is n directory, it will h^ kept in ninny homes for 4236 Liverndls Universalist Church , 25301 Halstcad - ihe.cnlire yonr, an opportunity for- you jo ndvi'rtise ihni you "The Barn" on Llvernols Rd. 23925 Northwestern Highway, between can't afford Vo miss! Cnil today, lo. reserve your advertising ' ¼ Mile E. of Evergreen Grand River and 12 Mile Together, /^tffi^ between space. Final deadline, is October 21st. Wattles and Long Lake Southfield 474-7272 \vecan CV^> 624-9339 354-4488 ,-i,~ change things. Contact: PR International • lOOi) Huckky Cou/t t\Mimt^'MV<»«* an 1 1 k* V^*«*r« I****- Canton.Wll -<8I87 » 45950H9 or.^9B710

m** + i iii m^—^m^j^mti^mmmtim I"'>ni MP \w\w\mmmm^mw*^^*^**m*w^^^^*mmmmm**mmmm9***+*mmvmm*mmm*^*i^*m*mmmmimm^mi^9**mmwww*f^* |I«P»I I »•»•!••• IP



Nigohosian-Burke Snyder-Ford A November' weeding la . being planned by Gail Elizabeth NigdhosUn OHson-Werth , and John Patrick Burke. She is the A November wedding Is. -being daughter of Mr. add Mrs. Robert tfl- • planned for Mlchele Angela Snyder of gohoalan of Grandon Street, LJvonla. Livonia and Steven Thomas'Ford of An Oct; 22 wedding is planned by He Is the son of Merilyn Burke and the Canton Township. She is the daughter Kimberly. Ollson of Garden City and late Francis Burke .of liosevlUe, Mlcb. . of Gloria and Arthur Snyder of Blue Dale Werth of Dearborn. She is the The ceremony will take place In St. . Skies Street, Livonia, His parents are daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ollson' Paul of the CrossMonastery, Detroit. John . and ' Anelma Ford, of Beacon of Brown, Garden City, and he is the sob of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Werth of The brlde-«lect is a 1978 graduate of Drive, Farmington. * Franklin High School She received a The bride-elect is a 1979 graduate of Dearborn. '" bachelor of science degree In fashion Ladywood High School. She graduated The bride attended the University of merchandising from Western Michigan with a bacehfor of science degree from Detroit,-and-is employed by Dr. Elroy University In 1983. Madonna College in 1983. She works Woolf, DDS, in Southfleld. Her fiance Her fiance graduated In 1977 from for Carrier Michigan Corp. Her fiance attended Henry Ford Community Col­ Brablec High School in Rosevllle. He Is a 1975 graduate of Farmington High lege, and works as* manager at Frank's received a bachelor of science degree School. He received a bachelor of sci­ Nursery and Crafts. In food distribution from Western ence degree from Lawrence Institute The event will takfe place in St. Paul Michigan University in 1982. He works of Technology in 197?: He Is a mechani­ American Lutheran Church. as a sales representative for Drackelt cal engineer, and works for the Hydro- Products Co. matic Division of General Motors.

Mitchell-Soltesz Kosek-Tetreau bridal register The engagement of Susan Marie Ko- An Oct. 29"weddlng Is being planned sek to Craig Richard Tetreau was Green-Pfeffer for Ann E. Mitchell of Walled Lake and nnounced recently by her parents, Leo Christopher J, Soltesz of Fainington and Lucille Kosek of Lyndon Avenue, Hills. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Redford Township. He Is the son of A. cross country drive to California Mrs. Ralph W. Mitchell of Walled Lake. Francis and Virginia Tetreau of Bad followed the wedding of Kathleen Ann He is the son Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Axe. Pfeffer and Kevin Carl Green, bolh Soltesz of Fredrick Street, Livonia. A May 1984 wedding in St. John Bos- Llvonlans. The event took place in St. The bride-elect is employed by Mil­ co Catholic Church is planned. Paul United Presbyterian Church. ler and Knoblock, certified public ac­ The bride-elect Is a 1976 graduate of The bride is the daughter of Wtflfam countants. Her fiance graduated from Thurston High School and Ferris State and May Pfeffer of Park Street, Livo­ Wayne State University in 1981, and College School .of Pharmacy. Her nia. The parents of the bridegroom are x works for Hammell Muslc.lnc. fiance, is a 1977 graduate of Bad Axe Norman and Lorene Green of Lady- High School and also of Ferris college wood Court, "Livonia. "'. ~' pharmacy program. Both are em­ The bride wore a no-sleeve, ruffled ployed by Perry Drugs. V-neck white grown and train. She car rled a bouquet of white gardenias, roses and Jight blue sweelheart rose­ buds. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Sha- cal Training School, employed by Tri­ Mr. and Mrs. George Semerjian of Maid of honor was Peggi Pfeffer, Semerj ian-Swanson pero School of Nursing, employed by angle Eleclric Co. Farmington Hills announce the engage­ and best man was Jim Wolfprd. Attend­ ment of their daughter Susan Marie to ants were Norma Wolford, Kim McWil- • Cambridge|^urslng Centre-West. Her An October wedding is planned in Michael George Swanson, son of Mr. Hams, Sandy Hamill and Julie Bradley. \ fiance Is a student at Local 58 Electri­ Mercy Chapel. and Mrs. George Swanson of Livonia. Ushers were Dan Pfeffer, Jim Pfeffer, graduated from Kalamazoo College Brett McWilliams and Jeff Robinson. and is a graduate student at University The bride graduated from Eastern of California, Los Angeles, where the Michigan University. The bridegroom couple is living. " Take these for your home... Eat southern style at dinner

Tickets have gone on sale for a din­ Bar-B-Q brisket of beef, baked West ner-dance at Schoolcraft College Satur­ Virginia ham and southern-style fresh day, Oct. 22, featuring southern Ameri­ catfish. can cuisine. Tickets are available from the presi­ The event is sponsored by the col­ dent's office, 18600 Haggerty, Livonia lege's board of trustees, and tickets are 48152. Checks should be made payable 114.50 per person. Proceeds go to stu­ to Schoolcraft College. dent scholarships. For more Information, call 591-6400, The menu features smoked Texas Ext. 213.

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• DEMOCRATIC CLUB Vision, and The Greater Detroit Soclty and treats for all Wear your favorite for an appointment now at 722-3308. Thursday, Oct. 13 - The 15th Dis­ For.the Blind will hold a low. vision costume. .''".. Hearing Impaired persons oall" 533- trict, Garden City Democratic Club aids and large print book sale from 10* 5413. TTY or vice. will meet.at 8 p.m. at the Maplewood am, to 6 p.m. at Eastland Mall, Eight community calendar • SPAGHETTI DINNER Community Center in the Lions Room. Mile and Kelly-Road In Harper Woods, Tuesday, Oct. 25 - Tr Classes begin Performing Arts Center, 6500 Mlddte- mae a .personal appearance to auto­ time and information with you. If you ing their annual Forget-Me-Not Drive. today for a Christmas craft workshop beji at 8 p.m. Tickets are $6 and |5 for graph his cook books. All proceeds will need to talk* to someone call the Wom­ Members will be accepting donations • LAMAZE ORIENTATION held at the Garden City Library from . students and senior citizens. Call 525- go to the chlirchs Christmas day dinner en's Resource Center, 591-6400, ext. for thru the 15th. Monday, Oct. 17 - The Plymouth 7-9 p.m. Register,early Call 421-5084 9258 for other dates and times of the for people who are alone. 430. Childbirth Education Association Is of­ for more Information musical. • ORGAN CONCERT fering a Lamaze Orientation class at • CHILDRENS MOVIE**""*" • DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP Thursday, Oct. 13 - The U.S. Navy 7:30 pm. at Newburgb Methodist • HALLOWEEN PARTY • BINGO Tuesday, Nov. 1 — The Garden City League will host a Organ concert by Church, 36500 Ann Arbor Trail. There Wednesday, Oct. 19 ,— the Wayne Friday, Oct. 21 - The Westland Jay- Library will present free movies for •Ji diabetic support group will meet Miles Lilly at the Bedford Theater, Is a $1 a person charge at the door. For Westland Community Schools Senior cee AuxHUary will sponsor a special children every Tuesday In the Library at 7 p.m. in the Melvln Bailey Center Grand River and Lahser at 7:30 p.m. more information, call 459-7477. Adult Center will host a Halloween bingo from 1*5 p.m. at the Senior at 4 p.m. "Thaddias J. Toad" and the fourth Monday of every month. Cost Is $2 A color ceremony, awards Party in the John Glenn cafeteria. Din­ Friendship Center, 37095 Marquette. "20.000 Leagues Under the Sea" will be There are no dues. For more informa­ tion, call 552-0480. adn film showing "Run Silent, Run • BLOOD PRESSURE SCREEN­ ner is at 3 p.m. There Is s $2 admission presented this week. Moviesnin about Deep" will also be Included in the pro­ fee. There will be prizes for the best • BOUTIQUE T hour. For more Information, call the ING • PARENT GROUP gram. Monday, Oct. 17' — The American costumes. Saturday, Oct. 22 - St. Theodore library Confraternity of Christian Mothers will The Wayne-Westland Chapter of Heart Association Is offering free blood Parents Without Partners will meet at • WISER serening from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at • CHILDBIRTH CLASSES hold the "Busy Bee Boutique" from 10 • CRAFT FAIR Thursday, Oct. 13 - Wiser will hold Thursday, Oct. 20 - The Profession­ a.m. to 6 p.m. There will be artists, Westwbrld, Warren at MeTriman. on the Whitman Center, 32235 W. Chicago. Sunday, Nov. 6 — Table space Is the first and third Tuesdays of every its monthly meeting at 8. p.m in Room al Associates in Childbirth Education is crafts refreshments, bake goods and a available for St. Raphael Catholic - B-200 Liveral Arts Building at School­ offering six week clases in childbirth raffle. St. Theodore is located at 8200 month. For more information, call 476-; • TABLE SPACE Church's craft fair. The church is locat­ 3298. craft College. A male prespective on Tuesday, Oct. 18 ~ Table space.Is education at Johnson Elementary Wayne Road In Westland. . ed In. Garden City on Merriman Road. grief will be the topic. For more Infor­ available for the holiday craft show at School, Livonia. Call 422-1200 for more To rent a table send $15 to Margaret. information. mation call 591-6400 Ext. 430. Maplewood Community Center, 31735 ' • CRAFT FAIR Gonzales, 31265 Balmoral, Garden •' SAVE OUR SHAPE Maplewood on Nov. 12 from 9-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22 - St. Richard's City, 48135. For more Information, call The SOS (Save Our Shapes) chapter v • EPILEPSY SUPPORT 425-2237. • CRAFTSHOW Table rental for handicrafted items is Women's Guild 12th Annual Craft Fair of Buxom Belles.meets at 7:30 p.m. . Thursday, Oct. 20 - Epilepsy sup-, every Wednesday in the Garden City Friday, Oct. 14 - Table space is $15 per table. For applications or more will be held form lQa.m. to 8 p.m. and port program, a self-help group, will Log Cabin building in the city park on available for crajfters at the St. Aldan Information call 397-1233. on Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There • CRIME PREVENTION meet at 7:30 p.m. In AH Saints Luther­ Cherry Hill, east of Merriman. There Church craft show from 10 a.m. to 7 will be crafts, baked goods, knit booths, Wednesday, Nov. 9 — The Garden an Church, 8850 Newburgh at Joy, are nominal monthly dues. The chapter p.m. St. Aidah Is located at 17500 • WISER and candles. A raffle of a handmade City Police Department will present Livonia^ Meetings usually are the first is reopening membership for men and Farmlnglon Road. Call 474-4912 for Tuesday, Oct. 18 - WISER A wid­ afghan. and pillows, latch hook wall Crime Prevention the second Wednes­ and third Thursdays of the month. For women. There is weekly participating more information. owed self help group will meet at St. hanging will also take place. St. Rich­ day of every month at Maplewood Information, call Joanne Melster at» and weigh-ins at meetings. For more David's Episcopal Church, 27500 Mar­ ard is located at 35851'Cherry Hill west Community Center at 7. p.m. A variety »22-1940. information, call 728-5290 • PIZZA DANCE quette. Call Pat Jacaruso for more in­ of Wayne Road In Westand. of crime prevention topics Is covered. Friday, Oct. 14 - there will be a formation at 427-3800. • HARVEST DINNER pizza dance at 2 p.m in the Dyer Cen­ • BAZAAR • HEALTH SCREENING • HEALTH SCREENING ter. There will be live music dancing • GARDEN-CLUB Thursday, Oct. 20 - St. John's Epis­ Saturday, Oct. 22 — A craft bazaar "Wednesday, Nov. 9 — Free health Free health screening for persons 60 and socializing. Sign up is requested. Tuesday, Oct. ll — The Garden City copal Church of Westland i's holding Is screening will be available at the Whlt- and older is being sponsored J>y Peo­ will be held by Nankin Milts PTA on ple's Community Hospital Authority. For more • Information,/Contact the Garden Club will meet from 7 -10 p.m. annual Harvest Dinner from 5-7 p.m. Oct. 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Nan­ tfer Center, 28550 Ann Arbor Trail, Wayne Westland Community Schools In the Log Cabin irt the Garden City Tickets arc $3.75 per adult and $20 per Westalnd. Interpreters will be there to Call Annapolis Hospital for an appoint­ kin Mills Elementary School. Call 427- ment at 722-3308. Senior Adult Club. Park, Cherry Hill and_Morrlman. A child 10 years and under. The dinner 8308 for more Information. assist hearing impaired persons. Call pressed flower workshop will be given will include turkey and all the trimm­ ings. For more information call 721- • VARDSALE by Barbara Tyler.: Friday, Oct. 14 - Lathers PTA will 5023. The church Is located at 555 • LAMAZE SERIES host a. yard sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. • LEGALSPEAKER South Wayne Road. Monday, Oct. 24 - The Plymouth Drama group at Lathers school. For more Informa­ Tuesday, Oct. 18 — The Wayne West- Childbirth Education Association Is of­ tion or clean usable donations"call 522- land Community Schools Senior Adult • CRAFT/FAIR fering a seven week Lamaze series at 4752. Club will host attorney Eric Colthurst Thursday, Oct. 20 ~ the Wayne- the Garden City Hospital, 6245 Inkster who will speak on "Things of Legal Westland Schools senior Adult Club Road. Call 459-7477 to register or for • GARAGE SALE Qogcmv/} »t* pj^.ifi lb* |&y*r C«ot*«v , will hold a craft bootlj at the Wetland more „ plans 3 productions ^ FtttAy, Oct: li *~ Lathers School ' Stepping'Ceofer thru the* IS near the ^ ^sv-TrJ.^rf^.r.V-vij^.wr<% -*^W*t*f.i?!X -^ t'-^: i-*:'- V.; '.& SJorW^T:: ^-v4?-'«!» avnv •-,* <^v>l • COSTUME PARTY PTA boy scout troop 740 will hold a • BURN PREVENTION J.O Penny Court. New Concepts.Theatre, Garden City Tuesday, Oct. 25 — A Halloween cos­ will be one of the flashiest and enter­ jrage sale at 540 Harrison, two blocks Tuesday, Oct. 1.8 -v Elliot School High School drama group, will open its • CRAFT/BAKE SALE tume party will be held at the Garden taining shows ever produded by NCT, a- jorth of Cherry Hill. The sale Will also PTA will host Chief Joseph Benyo who season next month with "Wake Up, Thursday, Oct. 20 - and Saturday City Library at 4 p.m. Ther will be a group spokesman said. >e held Oct. 15 and 16 hours for all will speak on "How not to burn" at 7:30 Darling," a romantic comedy sched­ Oct. 21, Lifespan will.hold their annual magic show, a movie, pumpkin lottery % hree days will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. p.m. uled for the Nov. 10-12 weekend. The.drama group, directed by How_- ' ' " -V- - It will be followed by a children's ard Palmer, plans to perform for the > BOOK FAIR • CARD PARTY show, "Hansel and Crete!," the Feb. 16- Michigan Thespian Conference in April Saturday, Oct 15 - The Friends of Tuesday, Oct. 18 - The Daughters of 18 weekend, and "Chicago," a musical and the International Thespian Soci­ vaudeville show May 17-19. ety's Festival in Muncie, Ind., next The spring show; set In the 1920s, year. Whotilmyrvowcaris 3 smash hi I on the fcby • * THANK YOU DIRECT DEPOSIT. xjf ol the showroom? TO All tilt CITY OF GARDEN CITY CUSTOMERS "..;• NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING From: NOTICK U ttnbj (h*o 1K1I • public titin^f by U* M»>or JBdCuyCocxilof lb* City <:•< 0«f4m Ctly will be t*W<*> MoodUy, tii 100 Jjeilant r M . let lh* purrMi* W prvflopr (.MivvJ.' 5Uiri'. »tlV loxfr led f\TfXf. - --.- OJt'.OWCO' ASYOUR Tt* Cny !«n••» lli< njM lo ictxpt M ,- isforcjlili« wbfn iWmnl NEW LOCATION lot uf'companies olfc-f intb«b«(ifi:fr«iD|thrCilr ' . . f'cragc irv'/cOmfv'cic |kii " R'OVAUI (> sno*Ai.n:a rinj'o Ownofsttiey In/to ! J ntyflrii-Trfiierw 'M o> evc<>lh:fv) S'cp by T^ GOVERNMENT >2© 1 oi SOOUS'Of fuiidofo.ts PLblu- ! 0 ol Olf J<-n Trt) it j«Lir{Ki>5 ffi^mti Irooi quiMwd ptrvx-j le MER HUNTERS pttlvfnt 1 Cuv wiJ<- MASACKHIAL Al'DIT l>rofWMlt'iriil t< nv»,\fj n Ifcf OlfiC* c-f lb* Cu> OVik tOOO OS Mi«tfbrh Raid CiruVn Oljf. Miffcl|«ft lllli .*-• t-i.5jj, Si\t/t\bti 1«. IH1 K 1 OOpni ' - a J'riT'jOMli mvitlb* tsbfr.iKfOifl » Milcd rtvfl<5f* fnd-: p/c»>l< MIRJ|«U1 Au-3;t ~ i Your Government check is something you Tfc< City rhtna tb* tijfct to «c«p» M r«)«-.( »ny rt ill prop"«t> in %ts)t or in pjrt. »r>d in *,nr jr.y" SPECIAL i.-rifmalili*»»l.fn3**fri<>i5lf>tb a deserve. Bui some ofrhe inconvenience that i}irfjli-\\s ffgird;cj tbcRf l'c»at»>iifr\ifil(olb* Tttj Mtnj|fr'»Of!ic*»Mh«»ta>f"«,Hr<-u" , < lAttii&g&YE can accompany it-like making a special K •.'•••'. K'^Atril) SIIOWALTKJI. O SNOWS Irip to deposit it-is something you don't - . . i'^l> Otk Trfiturrt RADIAL 4 PLY » need at all. I^Mnb (Xt,**r HUH X 13" 44.90 13"34.90 u i4" 49.90 14" 39.90 With Direct Deposit your Social Security-or 8 15" 54.90 15" 44.90 other Government payments-go straight to TRANK 0 your account, so you can go about your busi­ HAND I TWIN STEEL RADIALS ness with no inconvenience at all. Frank Hand 13" 39.90 Just ask.for Direct Deposit wherever you (0 44.90 isurance Agency 14" have a checking or savings account. It's 15" 49.90 2793FarmiDgtooRd, Ul free, and it's something you deserve just as ALL SEASONS 5.00 MORE much as the money you'll have waiting in Farmlnglon- a. I] • 478-1177 PROMT END DISC BRAKE MONROE .your account. O AU0HMENT8 SPECIAL SHOCKS 00 /' •15" •44 • *• WTALUO Learn G MOSTCAA8 MOST CARS M08T CARLIGHS T TRUCK HWY TRACTIONS 6O0-16S &4.90 600-154. . 5990 efs-iM »90 675-rti W90 2Z2I »50-1*5 6? 90 950-165 69.90 760-1« 63.90 10-15 H90 Amcrioan. IMS 7990 M-15 79.90 Red Cross 12-15 69 90- 5 AFTER ALL,YOU VE GOT IT COMING. -15 109.90 TlfiE C.ARVWOBBE'S CENTER 4 *rr 4 3544***• A 40 A FORcAnDn ROAn/\iDn M 'X'-liX'PT >)--1lrv AO.fi'-\ -NJ<0";«I Cr. 'f.j iv.'fi tiro-.^ V *r.• - '•'><• ;'T" w••••••?•• l ''• *>•••"• --ao L ra

^mttmgmmm ww*frpp«pi»p«ww,<-»*-•»• • -i pji-ajaaaawapaw^p^awajajajjajiaaBa^aajpaja^^

5B* 0<6E Thursday. October 1"3, 1903

-Mail Copy To: OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC NEWSPAPERS , 36251 Schoolcraft', Livonia 48150 Church Page: 691-2300 extension 269 . Mondays 9:00 am- 12:00 noon

;> BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN *•*- IN0JPEN0ENT e.'BLECeNlEOEC BETHEL BAPTIST TEMPLE 6APTIST BIBLE CHRIST OUR SAVIOR: LUTHERAN CHURCH. fUNOAMEHT.Al 29475 W. Six Mile, Livonia FELLOWSHIP HIRD PKfcSBYTFRIVV ( HI Hi 11 01 MVjt>\|\ . SOUl. WISHING CHURCH • MISSOURI SYNOD ". * ' Farminglon and Six rvWo Rd. CHUWCH Sunday School 10-00 a.cn Hi!SF»ffr>m8ton.R!} 6«30 6:00P.M. THE END TIME" "...AND IN THE HOLY GHOST" CAU ro« R£E TRAKSPORtAllON October 2 - November 6: Ha/vest Time Rev. Willard L. Davis St. Paul's Lutheran HOSANNA TABOR LUTHERAN CHURCH , Sermon Series on the apostles Creed "A Church Thnt is Concerned About People" Mlatourl Synod LUTHERAN CHURCH 20805 Middtebett at 8 Mile 9. a'BLE CLASSES 1.0 AM 0:00 4 11:00 A.M.,- 453-5252 453-1099 8500 N Morton Taylor; 1 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Sv,-dJ. Sfc-o z*t B t'eCMs<«» 35375ANN ARBOR TRAIL* LIVONIA Canton 9:30 A.M. EARLY SERVICE 8:30 AM, 425-5585 • between Wayne & Newburgh • 522-9386 H. Thwtalt Pastor 4S4-I7as Grades K-B M»vJ»r £v«r>.>>g 7 00. P M Sun Sen. A Bible Classes Wayne C. B«r kesch. Prmopa) K 8 • MORNING WOflSmP' 10 00 am Sunday School - 9:45 am Chriiiia^Scfooi G'ade.S- 9:4510 10:45 A.M. Morning Wof snip 11 am 474-2488 flobe't Sc*u»» -P"i"t'P3i LATE SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Qrut^eijjreL • flieif SCHOOL" lS am. EVENING SERVICE 6 00 pm 6»p(4l If tavg UVoo - 6 00 p»n 937-2233 ' • WrOfvESDAY SERVICE 7 00pm - - i*i*i^~-M a^A^aw^^M^^r* " Evening Worship - 7:30 pm • VISUAL iZED CHILOREN SCMUflCH ' 10 00 am Wednasday Service - 7:00 pm GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. MATTHEW • Holding Forth th» Word of Lift DEAF MINISTRY MIS80URI SYNOD LUTHERAN TvMhM MtoiM Ontm Boid* 25630 GRAND RIVER at BEECH DALY Church 4 8chool C^II^HBMB^M Isttfe You are cordially Invited LIVONIA 532-2266 REDFORO TWP. Sees Venoy rwniL^^r^W niW 16ft. H. o< Ford M, WMlUnd to worship with BAPTIST aviaAM fwttor ItiMoi I HbMffOfitin SUNDAY 8ERVICE8 SUNDAYSCHOOL 425-0260 FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURpH CHURCH 9:15 4 11.00 A.M. 9:15«, 11.00 A.M. Ralph Fischer, Paator AFflLtAfEDYViTM ^«liCI«ef»KJ OUR ROOTS" (A Ministry of the BapHst General Conference) Charles F. Buckhahn •- SOUTHERN BAPTIST' Rev. V. F. Helboth, Jr., Paator Asst. Pastor ^ sWv. DowglMt LM KWn • In the historic Plymouth Grange, 273 Union. CONVENTION 32940 SCHOOLCRAFT Rev. Victor F. Halboth, Sr.. Pastor Emeritus'. Ray. Pater A. Foreman, Th. M, Pastor Nursery Provided Mr. James Mol. Parish Ass't. Divine Worship 8 A 11 e.m ^etoCKSfAsror BiWa Class K SS 930 a.m. rARMIHGTOHftO Monty Ersnino. Sanrict 7X p-fli. f^OMllt L»«n, P«4w«Mt50 422-3763 IsV dawdMlltkkDktettrof UMIC PASTOR^LVIN L. ••i • ^V*a^ ^•^p»Pi 4»fWfVf^ ^sT^ wwn y** s^W^i^B^r^ CLARK Sunday School 9:30 a.m. SurvJri SchOfiJ 9«S»m Christ Thd Good Sunday Worship 10.30 a.m. Wowig Worsf»p 11.00 am B*?l'»l Tra/uno Urvcn 6 pm Shepherd ST. PAUL'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) Fellowship 11:30 a.m. Evervv; Wtxihf) Hour 7 pm FAITH HOLY 42699 Cherry Hill Vtelrwiif Stnxe • 7 pm 27475 Five MiloRd. {at Inksler) 422-1470 For more information call 455-1509 TRINITY Canton 981-0286 Sundty ScfvooTS 9:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. 300OO^cyp M.ieRoad 390?OF'>.e M-ieRoad ~ Adult Sibt* MS A.M. Worship and Church School GRAND River BAPTIST of LIVONIA CATHOLIC Easiti.onia Worihip 8»nrka 1OJ0 AM ?4S00 S'X MILE RD JuSI Wesi 0» Farm:noldn Rd West LivO'«3 421-7249 444-0211 /X j\~,CLnL \VU JO^t *)~) CHURCHES -j x Wed., 9:30 A.M. & 7:00,P.M. Bible Study 9:30 A.M. Bible School WORSHIP SERVICES 10:45 A.M. "GO TELL - WHAT?" 8 30 A M & II 00 AM ST. JOHN WorVJp 11$ and 1M3 a-m. "TRUE GRIT" ' 7:00 P.M. Tyndale College Singers Nursery Available NEUMANN BiblaCla !«•'»» 30« m Sunday School • All Ages LUTHERAN Rev. R.Armstrong Dr. Whltlddge Rev S Simons Wed. 7:00 P.M. Family Study & Prayer Nursery A.a.'afe 9 45AM 261-6950,1. NURSERY OPEN Parish Education Office 4J1-7JJ9 Woe Class-All Ages 6:45 PM U'l Adrl»n» Ointy, Min - _ 44W0 Warren Road ST. MICHAEL • --^1 | •,-, ol ChrlUi»A E(J 4Y«vJ«)r r^ 7.-00 P.M. 1 at & 3rd 8unday ot aach month How Jesus Builds Th* Kingdom Paris*. Sw4n School +M AJ*. t>*|A. - Jvt>« Dr. Wet Vey I.Evans mnu >T V>% ULLKY RO., CANTON Btbta CUM 7^45 pjn. To*». 8*el, - May CHRIST THE KING St. Mark's Paalm Sanrka* Lail Sorxlay ol aach month 8apt. • May. LUTHERAN CHURCH 10:45 A.M. Church School 981-1333 Presbyterian Fr. Ernest M Porcari 9300E.i'm riglc?-Rd l..on^, TRINITY 26701JOY FID. Or Wastay I Evant. fiJO U~t Vrj Ocor.i GVjvy- Pastor " LUTHERAN WISCONSIN 4214120 421-074? PRESBYTERIAN Dearborn Hgts. Pattor 1SK« PiV.V Mrtj-p (A WvV< . -HlSfagm f Pastor John Jeltrey NUss«s: ' WOftSHP. tlSI11«0Akt . CrMtCHiCHOOl tXktL Sat. 6:00 PM CHURCH 278-9340 J ' Btv ft44tQX S_J Morning Worshtp 11.00 am )4645 Cowan Rd Evening Service 7 00 pm Oust East ot Wayne Rd ) Wednesday Service 7.00 pm BriLjblrnoor Tabernacle HOLY SPIRIT Westland Open Every Oay 9.00 am 26555 Franklin Rd. • Southfield Ml SAINT ANOREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH LIVONIA 16360 Hubbard Road Livonia. MichiQan Mol^ Euchflu^ EveryServlce Chlkfr+n'i Mlniitryt »11 B*rrh*$ Celebration of Praia* -.6:30 P.M. 691-0211 "^522-0821. - S.itu'da, i 00p rn . Ho:>-£ocr».n>M - ?4 Hour Prayar Line 5M-M10 Wad. Adult Prayer A Praise . Youth Service 7:30 P.M.. SERVICES Sunday 7 4S a m - Holy Ewchanst 8:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist 9 00am - Christian Education Tor aH M-^ 9:30 A.M. Christian 10 00 am • Hofy Eucharist Sunday Morning-Nursery Caie Availab • Vrlul pciur^ comes to rr»nd v.tSen you rcif Nurttry proytdtd at aM Strvtot* Education 10:30 A.M. Hoty Eucharist Th* Atv. Kanntth 0. OavH, Th* Rav. Q*ry R- 64^0^. ine vvord ' larmry"? Oo you see a mxr«r. A Charismatic Church where people of many denominations worship together- **** - AssocUla Ra>/ _ •• ' Thomai E. Trade vanaiw - Michael A. Halieen LIVONIA u.y M.rirfi'-txHi. (M MEMORIAL CHUflCH OF CHAIJ Vow tarrufy - of one or more - «s • Ql FAITH Associate Pastor" 15431 Merriroan Rd. -SUNDAY WOHSHIP (Civiirv. 11:00 AM 4. 6:00 PM, 4M-67J2 - pctenhars, iw afl need Chrtst, Hs ^. and-. ^ ^ COVENANT Wt'(j'-7.30pm Wnrsh.o MARK McQILVREY. A^'Ster and human camg.Lai ue mt*t your Rob Robinson Minister f«fcion«c!OTHC^(or 'CHUCK EMMEri ftmlly this wt«4(t Youth Minister Robert Out ton MOHmNWOSMrM BIBLE SCHOOL • r| CHURCH- Youth Minister m Chu'r.n Buitrjinq (All a^as) 0 30 a r Ml. Hops) Congregational Church MM'H Or«j Smt^y* . 90330 Schookrart . .427-8743 Morning Worship 10:* A m 422 HMO . tvenir>gWorshi| Uvdnla, Ml 46150 WORSHIP & SCHOOL See Hera.d o* T

m jfei^^MMMMi|^i|iMMi mm mmmmmmmmmmmim •MMat saaatohaaaaa aMa* Thursday. October 13. 1983 O&E *7B I-. Parsh life, Catholic press Friends sponsor projects are'Legacy' series topics Lectute on the history of Catholi­ lic, will apeak about the Influence of cism IrjMfolt are continuing through. the Catholic press. ' "•Nov.-'y*1 Madonna College^Llvoola, • Catholic education will be addressed to mw the ISOtfa anniyersary year of on Oct. 21 and 28.! Sister Mary Sen*, LEANING and making the Acbdiocese of Detroit. The.tec- assistant' superintendent, of schools In tuneallghllght "a legacy of faith" and repairs at Redford Pioneer the archdiocese, %wiir speak about the Cemetery went off like are/Id each Friday at 7 p.m. In the elementary and high school systems on collie lecture hall. clockwork for members of Oct. 21, and Slater Mary Laurlana, vice Redfprd Baptist Church who president' of Madonna College, will faith In Action/' the topic for Oct. conducted "Project Ginn/'in speak about higher education on.Oct'. memory of a devoted church' ^Ill-be addressed by Louis E. Brohl .28- ' . ' • ' ,-:.•• • Bob Otto of West Madonna College administrator, member who died last year from There Is a' $5 fee for each lecture: BloomfielcT does cancer. will speak on parish We. Margaret The public Is Invited. For further Infor­ jnyn, editor of% the Michigan Catho­ mation, call 591-5188. some work on the cemetery entrance. Funds collected at the time of , - * * Virginia "Glnny"Crossleys death were used to carry out a series of oga Day '83 is approaching good works projects In her honor.

The Yoga Association of Greater De­ those curious but ignorant of Yoga; The cemetery cleanup was one troit is holding a full-day of yoga semk ^ those trying to reduce their stress lev­ project. Basic home repairs and /nare and sessions Saturday. Oct. 15, at els; athletes looking for a stretching other tasks requested by the elderly ,'the North Congregational Church at program; those Interested In natural and the needy in the Redford were ; 26275 Northwestern Highway in South- healing; experienced Yoga practition­ other projects. field. ers. The program features 30 classes and For Information on available ses­ Is geared to a variety of interests — sions and fees, call 557-0047.

ENERGY. We can't afford to waste \fcur Invitation

NEWBURO CLARENCEVILLE UNITED METHODI8T UNITED METHODIST SVilMii,-..! \ ,; * ' CHURCH P.UtOf Gt"»'df i4M*' 36S0O Anr. Arbor Wail 3 4S <.-nf"tt v<'0>sh(>St'>Cft ' 5 ibpnto^'h M.vl.r.y, 4JJ-0U9 1Q0O TreC" i-ith School 1 Mlnl*t»r« I I l^.jmSKC-O SfivKTeOf v:&<^ c Joe Perkett (left) o1 Livonia and Redford Baptist assistant pastor 'Project Ginny participants had to wire brush the rusted areas of JacK E. Glguere r 0") S..nd», f,rr..oa Scr.

/V/*(**»< PrrT • HOSANNA TABOR LUTHER­ • NEWBURG UNITED METH­ hundreds of Jews during World War n. 2,500 concerts In this country, and has OividT Strong Wirnsln "HANDICAPS UNLIMITED" AN ODIST j ' - • * recorded vCith orchestras In London 4??.6038 Rev. Donigan . Robert Schultz, principal and teach­ A series called "The Five Gospels — • CHRIST COMMUNITY and Los Angeles; * 10O0AU.WOf»h>p$«rrfc« CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. , er at Hosanna Tabor Lutheran Church, For the duration of the strike by MMIrdMvU Rw,tl H^^y T^r* • P" Ql t<3 B»'t>v«Ca:0«*i An Account of How the Good News 10 00 A M. Ct*xrir>fl Tim* F« Chlklrwi Junior. Church,...... 11:30 a.m. Schultz Is mission project director for a.m. and 7 p.m.Sunday in Fairlane As­ Wednesday, OcL 19, in Holy Cross Lu­ week-long series of "Happy Night" Praise and Worship....6:00 p.m. the Lutheran Schools of Michigan, sembly, 22575-Ann Arbor Trail, Dear-' theran Church, 30650 Six, Mile, Livonia. meetings Oct. 17-21 at Lake Point chairman of the Michigan District born Heights, He directs the ministry The course continues for five weeks Chapel, 42150 Schoolcraft/Plymouth. SALVATION ARMY Fellowship...... r,7:00 p.m. School Committee and treasurer of the of 300 missionaries who work with through Nov. 16. - Child evangelist Frank Klerdorf will 27500 Shiswass«o board of directors of the Lutheran High more than 3,500 national pastors in First hour classes are from 7:15-8:15 present a Bible story while Al „ryM at inksiw Road Wed Family Night...... 7:00 p.m. School Association. <>N^> SUNDAY SCHEDULE .evangelism and church establishment, pm; second hour from 8:30-9:30 p.m. A McDonald will present a Bible story.. ^- •< Surety SchOO 10 AM in Africa. \ $5 registration fee per person or couple Balloons, clowns, chalk talks and Con­ Wo HAM .:'• Oct. 16. Special treat! • NATIVITY UNITED CHURCH Soloist Willis Kilboum Tsukamolp, Accompanist OF<:HRIST - From 1946-61 he participated in the will cover attendance at one or both test prizes will be part of the festivi­ t**r*r*q Wcthp tPM sessions. --^ • Violinist, phylisStoetzel . Dr. Michael H. Carman will be in­ organization of the Assemblies of God ties- Ci[iar, J&s\ &«T<.;.>n stalled Sunday as pastor of Nativity church in Malawi, Central Africa. He To be discussed are major world re­ Meetings are at 6:45-8 p.m. Monday C. Harold Weiman, Pastor United Church of Christ, 9435 "Henry helped establish the Malawi Bible ligions with Richard Liebcrknccht and through Friday. Ruff, Livonia. The celebration will take School and served as its principal. the theology of.Martin Luther led by <•• Home Phone .....453-7366 place at 4 p.m. The choir will perform Sue Bergson in the first hour.'They will • ST. DAMIAN CATHOLIC rO^JSTI/VN Church Phone.,... 981-5350 and the women's fellowship is planning be followed by "Luther: The Kingdom The film series "His Stubborn Love- SCIENCC a reception. • HOLY RESURRECTION OR­ of God — Justice and Peace" conduct­ featuring Joyce Landorf will be held at L. The Rev. Eleanor Allen, who is in­ THODOX ed by Holy Trinity pastor the Rev. 7:30 p.m: today In St: Damlan Catholic FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH volved in Christian education In the A neighborhood tea will take place James Spilos, and Letter to the Church, 29891 Joy, Westland. The se­ Romans with the Rev. Robert Seltz, FOURTHCHURCH OF PLYMOUTH . area, will speak. from 1-4 p.m. Sunday in Holy Resur­ ries will continue through Nov. 10. OF CHRI8T SCIENTIST W» 4 Ouftfi ScMOl 915 • m ' rection Orthodox Church, 36075 Seven also pastor of Holy Trinity. , 24400 W. Seven Wile W MlnUltft training for effective parenting will be HOURS OF SERVICE John H. OraflWI. M. • 8Uph«n E. W»nt»t CHRIST ^ neighbors with the church. A card party and smorgasbord salad 1100AM Dr. Fr«d«f1ck Vo«burg Gary Hawes, executive director of presented from 7:15-9:30 p.m. luncheon will take place at noon Thurs­ SUNDAY SCHOOL 453-5280 Michigan Christian Campus Ministries, • MAIN.STREET BAPTIST day, Oct. 20, under the sponsorship by 10:00 A.M. will give a missions presentation at A showing of the film "Jesus is Vic­ • WARRENWOODS WESLEYAN the Woman's League al St. John Epis­ Nutsory Cato Piotided Ben Markley, a baritone singer, will . WEDNESDAY NABDIN PARK.UNITED 6:30 p.m. Sunday in Kenwood Church of tor* Is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Sunday copal Church, 574 Si Sheldon, Plym­ TESTIMONIAL METHODIST CHURCH Christ, 20200 Merriman, Livonia. Mich­ In Main Street Baptist Church, 8500 N. present a concert at 7 p.m. Wednesday outh. Tickets are $4 each or $15 for a MEETlNOSepm. . «88- Wt»l Elev«n Milt ftotd 476-8860 Morton-Taylor, Canton. It is the story in Warrenwcods Wesleyan Church, table of four. They are available at the Jutr W<|| otM.ddl»b«lt igan Christian Campus Ministries is ac­ f »-minjlon Hillt tive on fivcxmlversity campuses in the of Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch Christian. 6615 Venoy, Westland. During the past door or by calling 4640080 or 455-4980 •'THE DOCTRINE OF SECOND THINGS" 10 years he has performed more than Robert Schultz '.'SECOND BIRTH" state. •*'".' She and her family saved the lives of 9:15 &11=00 A.M. Worthlp Btrrict trxJ Chwch School (> WAim A fc' '" the next one following after.. connection between the scene on the • neighborhoods. Discipline problems In And I remember it as I watched the The bankruptcy of care in a lifestyle RBformed Church in America .street in my community and the rela­ Junior High and senior high. Parents di­ man, busy executive all to Infrequently filled with busyness, the crushing of tionship of the father to his children ex­ vorced. Dashed hopes of personal suc­ able to behomc, a father of two chil­ spirit and the erosion of hope arc as cept for two experiences of recent cess. - /' •*'..' dren, walking the dog In the fading serious an abandonment of responsibil­ CHURCH OF THE SAVIOR weeks. - An all too-common story. But these hours of a fall day. ity as the failure to.feed, clothe and Reformed Church In America Two young people came to talk. They two youh& people, In separate conver­ What does'it take to create a family shelter. were forlorn. They were lonely. Th6y sations, observed one plher.fact. "Ev­ life where all parties Involved arc nur­ Rodin's advice to would-be sculptors WOR8HIP lOt^A.M. • SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. were hungry.- They were desperate., eryone was hurt except the family tured and supported, encouraged and might well be applied toihe opportuni­ 3810O Flva Mite flotd. W.Wl Of N*wborfih Their stories were amazingly alike (but dog," • • .directed to the fulfillment of life's gifts ties of life given to us in children There Is more to be cut away from our fWv. OERALO DYKSTRA.PolQf 464-JQ62 then how unique has this pattern and purposes'? ...... • come?).. •* IT WAS a manner of speech. An ex­ When Rodin, the sculptor, was asked practice than to be added. - : J PWWU^«: 3 I't-.t, »'»: y • r.'iv . j '. ,, ... ^ -,/ iw lr. J .J,,, .yi iw'V'm -Zf -»» v7»'«."'»T.'J- >T'>~>~- » * • ti *<*'f'&•••*••&** ~}^f' »>^'J'»"i't ^'i,' 7^H»*^*lW#^^rv^V^^^^^^^^^^^W^^^^^TT

16C*»(Wb,T-14C,S.F,Ro-6C.L.P,C,R.W,Q-flB) 6&E Thurtday,Octotttr 13,1993 two. ? weeki A SCHEDULE OF MOVIES, SPORTS AND SPECIAL INTEREST PROGRAMING. a B a a • • PROGRAMS SUOJECT TO CHANGE lendance of todays young TV person Controversy rattles a small lowo OiAko b'Uw^'ds humorOiiS look at fno. cnaiiengp from on unseen presence 4:30PM-? ABC . (3.30Cent/Mount} alines. Michael J Fo* (family Ties). when a" gaf on ilspo'ijco forceposos. hifiv- .'KKiStiy vMth Ms .Andrews, as. in their beach hduse a paramour BASEBALL World Series Game 5 " movies Nascy Mckepn (7no /ads of £'.'ej. for a cenlorfoid in a national magi goc\Vo »wo vhocs acWss Salty MHOS from beyond the grave > ' (|f necer-sary), livo from eitber Los *ine. threatening 'rief job. •family .r>o >\is iven ca;\Kl upon to 9-11PM CBS .. <8 Central/Mountain) 9-11PM CBS e;>!ua'!ry ne' w/voJesome FIP..ST AFFAIR A contemporary 9PM-? ABC (BCenlral'Mountairi) andG.'Wag»*. >s shed d'vny'wiin costumes' drama with Mci11PM CBS itiCfntru>;McHinia:n}. •vy covered neighis oi a.top eastern Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers ••enexv Hired as 'r.' v GEORGE SEGAL ALI MAGGRAV^ ctnfdien more or Chicago, versus either Los SHELLEY HACK wh».>n slif' Angeles or Philadelphia A"" " ~"~taif . •<*• WED.. OCT. 19 HAWK Ovt- < vidimiw ':.\feSi 8PM-? ABC (7Central/Mountain) ,v;;r, ii'o D-'C'i BASEBALL World Senes Game 7k SYLVESTER Sllltl (it necessary), iivcf'pm the American ':u"-DdnU STALLONE HELEN HAYES League survivor ol the play oil senes1 MAURICE EVANS AT.. OCT. 22 12Noon-?"ABC (ilAMCent./Mt >'. LINDSAY BARNARD HUGHES NCAA FOOTBALL (teams TOA) WAGNER BROCK PETERS 4-5:30PM NBC (3Cent'raUMountam) JAMESON PARKER SPORTSVVORLD CART Las Vegas 200 auto race: .Men's World Wave BILLY DEE SWOOSIE KURTZ sports -Jumping Championshp from Maui. WILLIAMS CASSIE YATES FRI.. OCT. 14 Hawaii Taped A CARIBBEAN MYSTERY Two 8PM-? ABC (7CentraUMbuntain) f SUN., OCT. 23 CHINA ROSE Frmed entirely in Ma •(beata* g eats mun>te tor an Agatha BASEBALL World Series Game 3. cao and.Hong Kong Adventure and Christie whodunit .Ms Hayes is 10:30AM-1:30PM ABC (930Qt/Mt> TRACKDOWN: FINDING THE romance" with George C Scotland Ai< famed sfeuth Miss Jane Marple Mr SAT., OCT. 15 GOODBAR KILLER Orama based MacGraw Threading through a maze Evan's is a gal'ant niiliJary man 12:30PM-.?. ABC (U 30AMCent /Ml.) on a true sto'y previously liclional- ol intrrgue m search cl a son BASEBALL World Series Game 4... •zed as Looking lor Mr Gooobar It's SUN.. OCT. 23 NEW YORK WED., OCT. 19 live Irom Philadelphia or the 1972 holiday season Dete'chve 9-11PM NBC (SCentraUMountam) 4PM-? ABC (3Central/Mountain) John Gfa'ton (Geo'ge Segal) is dnv 911:30PM CBS (SCentra'JMountam) MARATHON WOMfiNOFSANQUENTIN Tale of livo from Los Angeles mg to work ia New York City when a. fouf women working as guards in Cat- SUN.. OCT. 16 Coverage of the massive (16.000 en rad'O can summons'him to a'homi- ifori-va's San Quqntm prison, conlm trants) 14th'Annual run through the ode beginning an investigation mio mg 3.100 of the state's most violent 12:30PM-? N8G (1l:30AMCt/Ml) five Big Apple boroughs. Starling on the sadistic murder ot a young school mmates . al! ol them male Stena NFL Begionalteiecastsslariingat. . Slatenlsiand and culminating m Man leacher WilhSheliey.Hack Stevens. Debtxe Allen. YaphetVCotto. 1PM NYT^ Cleveland at Pittsburgh haltan's Central Park . This is the Amy Steel and Heclor Elizondo. SUN.. OCT. 16 S.O.D. Houston at Minnesota world's largest loot race m terms ol 9-11PM NBC (eCenUai/Mountam) MON.. OCT. 24 Miami at Nev/ York participants and speclalors NIGHTHAWKS A lafe of intrigue and (STANDARD OPERATING BULL) 9-11PM NBC (eCentraVMountain) - San Diego at New England action as Sylvesier Stallone and Biiiy 2PMNYT Buffalo at Baltimore 4PMNYT'Cincinnati at.Denver Dee Williams are New .York City cops 12:30PM-? NBC (it 30AMCt /Mt > L pursuing an international terrorist' Los Angeles at Seattle A NFL neg.onaitetccastsstart'figal HIGH who boesn't hesitate to biowupch'l 12:30PM? CBS (11:30AMCt /Ml'.) 1PM NYT Cleveland al Cincinnati dren if the pnee is-righi • 3 terrorist NFL Regional telecasts starling at . whose next target just ovght be Stai HAUNTING Kansas City at Houston lone's wile (Lindsay Wagner) 1PM NYT Chicago at Detrod New England a'f Buffalo SCHOOL St Louis at Tampa Bay PASSION 2PMNYT M-ami at BaK.mor.e ' MON., OCT. 17 JANE SEYMOUR S F at New Orleans 4PM NYT Pittsburgh ai Seattle - 9-11PM NOC (OCentrai'Mountam) 4PMNYT: Atlanta at Anaheim San Diego al Denver U.S. Dallas at Philadelphia POLICE WOMANCENTERFOLD GERALD MC RAN EY New Jersey at KansasOty 12:30PM? CBS {tl 30AM Ct /Ml.) Jane Sey NFL Reg onaiteiecastssiarimgat. 2:30-4:30PM ABC (t 30Cem/Ml) mour in the 1PM NYT Atlanta at Ne.v York suspense GOLF. 25!h Annual Ryder Cup Match live from the Chicago al Ph'iadesphia drama Detroit at Washington , about a PGA.National Club in Minnesota al Green Bay JULIE ANDREWS- * Palm Beach 4 PMNYT. Now Orleans at Tampfl Bay WILLIAM HOLDEN Gardens. Florida Son Francscp at Anaheim 9PM»? ABC (8Centrat/Mountain) RICHARD MULLIGAN PRO FOOTBALL The Los Angeles MARISA BERENSON Raiders at the Dallas Cowboys ROBERT PRESTON MON., OCT. 24 HIOH SCHOOL U.S.A. A rollckmg -ROBERT VAUGHN '9PM-? ABC (SCentraVMountam) comedy about a midwest high school SHELLEY WINTERS PRO FOOTBALL Ne.vJersoyGants where teachers and studenis engage LORETTASWIT woman facing deadly seduction. Ger­ ai Si* LouiS.Card'nats m oflbeat class wars Video chid ald McRaney is the mate struggling to stars of the 50's and 60s ]on an a* CRAIG STEVENS keepa mamage mtacl in the face ol a . • . •'•rcvffO'vGvAN *tsr»::A!tS i**' S NEHFUJlTAOESlGNIfvC PDOGRAMS LISTED Afit CHOSt.N AT ti-L" SCCE t>ir<:<1.1 iOV M ii>$ OON'OVA',' AS^CX.'ATt'S INC

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i-Thwsday, October 13.1083 ' O&F. (Wb.F-ISC.T^B.S^B.Ro-yC.P.C-IO^.R.W.O-flBXOJIIC

CHATTANOOGA, Tenia - Chatta- i When the drill found an unexpected Depression, he opened his wlfe'3 garden lot of elves from his Tom Thumb Golf I nooga is a Creek Indian word that pocket of air on the 260-foot level, Leo to the public and called it Rock City. Courses, so it is not surprising that The 145-foot means "rock rising to a point." The 1-of-a-kind went In to explore. Seventeen hours lat­ Barn roofs all over the countryside sud­ many of them found thejr way here or rock that rises above this green bowl of ^ traveler er he came out with excited stories denly bloomed with a three-word sign: that Fairyland Caverns should have underground been added in 1947. trees is Lookout Mountain, site of the ^ h Iris about an unexplored cave and a glori­ "SEE ROCK CITY." Carter painted a waterfall and the "Battle Above the Clouds" during the ous 145-foot underground waterfall. farmer's barn free in exchange for the The Caverns are fairy tale exhibits Civil War, site now of Chattanooga's advertising space. visible from a tunnel that was built Tor mountainside rock | most popular tourist attraction. ^ $ Jones Today, you walk two-fifths of a mile / contribulmr.nntrihuhrvg from the elevator to Ruby Falls, Nowadays, after you've paid your another purpose. Garnet Carter was garden are worth. There are two points of view about travel editor through a tastefully lighted tunnel. The admission ($5.50 for adults, $2.75 for trying to build a miniature railway every curving mile up [the garish signs that clutter the high­ lights highlight draped rock formations children 6-12). you can walk the stone there when the roof fell in. The Fairy­ way approaches to Lookout Mountain with names like "Crystal Chandelier" pathways through mountain, tunnels, land ends with a huge Mother Goose the hill. — they are cither ."Americana" In an .. Lookout Mountain, that rock rising to< and "Totem Pole," plus a few that the across the rock bridges and between Village added In 1964. old medicine-show sense, or they of­ a point, is the best known mountain be­ guides have named "Bloody Nose Boul­ narrow clefts of rock to fully enjoy the fend people enough to make-lhem avoid cause of its distinctive shape and geog­ der" and "Headache Rock." cool, treed gar'don that the Carters ere- j the mountain altogether.:. raphy. An inclined railway pulls you .atedforyou, steeply uphill to the top. Point Park, its That would be a sbamfe, because the The only hokey touch is when you ap­ edges silhouetted by nineteenth century proach the falls. A dramatic burst of Only when you start to see elves 145-foot underground waterfall and the cannons, gives you a dramatic view of • music, a moment of total darkness and tucked in a niche of rock does the gar-" [mountainside rock garden are worth the city. It Is hard to imagine up here then the lights go on. A ribbon of water den begin to get "touristy/' but that's j every curving mile up the hill. that a waterfall Is cascading 1,120 feet cascades down through a chimney of. the best part for the kids. Carter had a Lookout Mountain is one of four under the ground on which you stand. rock. It's worth.the walk. [mountains looking down on thisclty be- Photos by Iris Jones jslde the Tennessee River. The others RUBY FALLS is named for Ruby Admission Is $4 for adults, $2 for" [are Signal, Elder and Raccoon moun- Lambert, the wife of the man who dis­ kids 6-12. italns. Decisive battles of the War Be- covered It falling in underground dark­ ness in 1928. Leo Lambert was one of hw£en the States were fought here and ROCK CITY. You've seen lots of Jon nearby Missionary Ridge (so flamed the private- Investors drilling through Lookout Mountain to build an elevator rocky mountainsides with sweeping ^because the Indians decreed that this landscapes of rock, and trees tucked ||was as far into.their territory as the to a deeper, known cave on the 460-foot level. - Into shady hollows, but you've probably ^missionaries could go). never seen one with rock-walled path­ ways and signs saying " :'"• 26M177 For information, contact Chattanoo­ BLOOMFIELD HILLS LIVONIA STATEWIDE ga Convention and Visitors Bureau, • The Chlckamauga-Chattanooga^ Na­ GLYNN Civic Forum, 1001 Markej Street, Chat­ BLOOMFIELD BUSINESS tional Military Park is the nation's TRAVEL SERVICE & PLEASURE TRAVEL oldes, largest and most-visited military tanooga, TN .37402 or telephone (615) 1520 N.Woodward TRAVEL SERVICE Novi 478-1311 park, found by following a seven-mile 756-2121. , Bloomfield Hills. Ml 48013 38018 Seven Mile . Livonia . 477-7205 644-8730 478-5525 Detroit $37-3100 PAY7-STAY11 DEARBORN LIVONIA WESTLAND EMBASSY FUNTASTIC TRAVEL AIR WORLD TRAVEL TRAVEL SERVICE .'"Pie Cnitsr Kxperi"- 16345 Middlebelt 6211 N. Wayne DAYS FREE 23500 Michigan Ave. 261-0070 325-4343 4313 Orchard UVc ltd 274-2720 855-4100 YOU CANHELP I DETROIT AREA LIVONIA WEST BLOOMFIELD HUDSON'S LIVONIA TRAVEL SERVICE INC. TRAVEL Corner of SERVICE 7"Mile & Mlddlelxlt (S DARY « NUTRITIONIST f/)l I Oakland ' 585-8020 #. SAGES MENS 4 WOMEN'S SPAS • s "••• FREE fc •X iRSOftt < OOtf (AYAH. \ • 1EH*S-. U. Wesjland ; \' 425-3386 Jf CllNlCFflttOS, • NTTEIY OANCINO * WTEniAlNMENT * NoVthlawf . .-'iw-Vl%5 4½ CAU TOIL FREE FOR A BROCHURE * OPERATION! Hrlarwood . 994-0085 ** J.-y0-^-751CAS LOW AS $ V 4¾ FOOD BASKET VSF. YOUR IWDSOXS Ojitf MAIMI Kkk in t cm i wtek at *ny CHARGE Avtomob* Club of MfcNgin offlc* u Hti ite rxedy. Larry PaskoVtJ.°ssa eu^ Robert REED PORT TO PORT TRAVEL & Tours 238 S Main St. Drakcshiro Plaia Plymouth, Ml 48170 On Bl*c*yr* Bay Florid* 35107 Grand Hivcf 453-4100 476-5800 •• witmf gfiffi - "• MZL VfiPPPV^fP ^•^"^ ii|*ia inr^v**p^

ecgxaw-ioB) O&E Thursday. October 13,1983 — i-


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Thursday, October 13. 1&83 0&E iL.R,W,0)11B ^ Evwi Witches *nd Spookscanuse our help. We're w.el stocked with ^e-vs-Ttchrig suppSes, OPEN A. Jolayne masks, V.TSJS. greit costumes, makeup, BOWLING w, Farrell poverties, party : decorations, paper :' $oods and evefythVig . ebeyoulneedto eojoyHawwen. So rf' SALE • your broom needs a -retleacSogor f s OTI feplacement . we're your kind of place' .Professional DearJtf:. ." morning, has anyone fold yoo so?.". -. ";•*», •„ Make-Up A, few days ago I read In oor local paper that you', , Artist - Belonging to-a volunteer group in the community . ^ByAppt. OPEN were looking for material about older people and ' nas bad Its rewards, with'new friends,, fellowship; bow they were coping. T wrote some thoughts on responsibility and worthwhile work. It enables one BOWLERS being older a couple of years ago that may be of to have the Joy of giving of oneself not to oneself. . COSTUME GALLERY interest to your readers: l09l0farmingtonRd., Livonia »427-4430 Last but jot least, when yoo are older you feel ' in'Shelden Center Hours: Daily Mon -Sat 10-?/ Yoo have time to do tbbgs you never dreamed of the freedom'*) write things like this and share your; MERRIi doing at any other time In yoqr life. thoughts with others, and that Is something pretty •Save 20-35% You discover qualities within that have lain dor­ special. BOWLI mant until DOW. Exciting? Yes. Bertha Holt, age 75 October and more Looking, really looking at the beauty all around 30950 Now through Nov. 24, 19H3 you, the flowering trees, roses, holly, even the stark "."Dear MfsTHolt: Special Five Mile outline of a leafless tree against the sky. I find the theme of freedom, to write, or do what­ *3®M & Selected Times and Days My heaFt sings "How Great Thou Art." ever in letters such as yours one of the most fasci­ East of MerrimaN One day I passed an Injured Monarch butterfly nating aspects associating with growing older. Call for details. on the sidewalk. I "turned back, lifted it gently and Thank you. 427-2900 placed it on a low bush. 1 had never done anything like this before. It felt good. Dear Jo: . White out walking, I saw a gardener trimming Could yoo. please print the address and cost of the ARK WEST his trees. 1 told blm bow much pleasure bis garden magazine SO Pius? I plan to give my parents a sub­ 28435 Northwestern, So. of 12 Mile 352-3333 has given me. He smiled and his face 111 op with scription for the anniversary. 9 Holes for Twol Joy. -Peter Jebens wilh Power Carl) Is there anything wrong 'with saying bl to the Dear Peter: , Monday & Friday after 3 pm school children on the street? They need our ap- The address is: SO Plus, Subscriber Service Dept., Gtenhurat Golf Course / ' proval and friendliness. Or> try tapping a stranger 99 Garden Street. Marion,.Ohio 43306 and It costs on thp shoulder, and say, "You look lovely this $19 for one year, $36 for two years. 25345 W. 6 Mife 7 ^msaQG3gKS Bedford, Mi. ii.-. 592-8758 * ftV = -^ DO IT YOURSELF SUMMER SPECIALS '^ S" WHITE (horz)$n0.95 SC has variety of classes WE'LL DO IT FOR YOU! ,S FIR8T GUALfTY VINYL Coll Stock #1 LOWEST PRICES White $4995 Double S *tfc sq 24^50...: 38 x Schoolcraft College's Community Services of­ namics of depression. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat­ • SIDIHQ 8IC0H03 fers a variety of classes this month. Topics range urday, Oct. 22. $25. IN TOWN!! DISCONTINUED from stress to job changes. -- . Solar Design'ttTsran advanced course providing STORM DOORS White hort. $42,95 8«. SIDING COLORS Color&horz. $38.95 Sq. Scheduled are: . an in-depth look, at the passive solar energy retro- j Kitchen and Bath Remodeling • COLONIAL HEAVY DUTY Stress Management Workshop helps students fits and construction for residential and commer­ Is Our Only Business Cross Bock. $02.85* • GUTTER 8EC0NO8 Identify stresses and trains to use stres as a cial building. The 8-10 p.m. class will be held four 29.95 vert 5" "K" White. ...460 Pt motivator for positive change. The one-day "work­ Tuesdays starting Oct. 18. $28. FREE STORM WINDOWS Downspouts white...... $3.50 shop will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Satorday. $20. Divorce Mediation for Counselors is offered for 3TRACK $33.70 • OUTTER FIRST QUALITY ESTIMATES horz. • Educators' Job Change Workshop is designed to attorneys and counselors who have master's de­ 38.95 • PRIME REPLACEMENTS White heavy gaufle...630 PL help teachers honestly face the realities of today's grees or five years counseling experience. The ROOFING WOOD W/VINYL CLAD Colors heavy gauge ..560 PL job market. The class meets 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat­ five-day program begins Thursday, Oct. 20. it SHINGLES CUSTOM LENGTHS AVAHA81E runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day through Mon- OR SOLID VINYL ' urday. $30 includes a 12-page Instructional packet Soil Seal Specials and a light lunch. . .day, Oct. 24. Conducting the 40-hour training pro­ • FOAM INSULATION Public Forum: Help for the Families of Al­ gram will be John Hayne, author of "Divorce 8" Drop In .$7.76 tq. Mediation: A.Guide for Therapists and Coun­ %"w/foil(4x8) ...... 5.95 U. coholics will be presented by the Women's Re­ ^-pJa5n(4x8) 2.95 Ii. selors" and president of the National Academy ol source Center and Community Services at £30 • Dosign Sorvlco WHITE & COLORS • ATW INSULATION p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18. $5 payable at the door. Family Mediators. • Free Estimates 30*bag .$4.69 Women and Depression is*a one-day workshop For more information on the courses call 591- • Wood & Formica Cabinets SOFFIT SECONDS machine available 6400, ext. 409. . COMPLETE REFACINQ designed to help women belter understand the dy­ OF KITCHEII CABINETS Brown.. '30.00 Sq. • CCHL8T0CK (InWood*. Formica) $ tl Seconds;.... 900 lb. Black .. 24.95 Sq. BATHS "•* CUSTOM MADE 8WTTIR8 • PLYWOOD-ttOrViCDX • Kbhter Flxluros • Ceramic Tllo Work SPECIAL TRIM BENT Your Choico ol 20 Colors FrteNiInf Apron w/Puchm . • Vanities (Wood & Form[ca) to order or • 7 FT. ALUMINUM Hour»:Dairy8-5Sat.8-12 CORNER COLUMNS GIANT INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE RENT-A-BRAKE Whilo-Black $24.09 • Closed Sun. Save""* t.-^um .V-- v s^CJkSccf J s • VIKING ALUMINUM CORP. to 27854 FORD RD. - Garden City 30175 F0BD R0A0 R EM CITY 4000 Visit Our Showroom io'i5M -"c* D - 421-5743 2 on 525-0050 (Between Mfddltbelt and Merriman) I KAWAI Once In A Lifetime Savings! Weeks Grand Pianos Only Save ..-^,^ 50% f™°™ Easy s $ Financing up to 1800 OFF 10,000 Kawai Conn on Conn rP it*, ~A* Upright **;/<•> Consoles Organs rm •!&' Pianos Complete manufacturers mv V warranties on all new piano and organs We're making room (or fall shipments of new merchandise. Every floor sample, studio used and discontinued piano or organ will be soldi USED ORGANS $OAJS00 1¾¾¾¾¾¾ USED PIANOS $CQCOO starling as low as tl9v ^jj^^^^^ from as low as 099 HAMMELL MUSIC, INC. 15()3() MicldlchcltKcl. 331 N. Main Si. (Two Klocks North of f> Mile Rd.) Plymouth. MI • 455)-7141 Livonia. MI • 427-()()4() CLEARANCE HOBBY HOUSE YOUR CHRISTMAS CRAFT CENTER 15%-40% OFF A T SAVE 20% su^ Gals Tops (Reg. 17.00-25.00) $9.99-16.99 Gals Bottoms (Reg. 24.00-32.00) $14.99-26.99 CLEAR PLASTIC CANVAS ARUENE'S TACKY GLUE 11*13 $ 4 oz. Squeeze Bottle Guys Tops (Reg. 17.00-25.00) 9.99-15.^ QQC 10 for $1.99 »1.09. LIST •1.49 with OV or $q Cfl purchase EACH ViJU Limit? Exp. 1021-83» Guys Bottoms^VoT U2.99-16.99 "Exp 10-21-55 -HGSBY, HOU9E Sweats (Reg. 12.00-21.00)$8.99-14.9914 RED HEART WINTUK FREE YARD OF RIBBON 3½ oz. SKEIN OF YARD WITH PURCHASE OF Hurry In For Best Selection and Save --. TWO YARDS. $ LIMIT TWO FREE YARDS 1.29 "Exp. 1Q-2~8 3 " GXP 10 21-83 , " Wonderland Mall - Livonia Plymouth and Middlobcll CRAFT CLASS SOME QUANTITIES DISCOUNT OOES~NOT SCHEDULE ARE LIMITED APPLY TO MARKED AVAILABLE SALE ENDS 10-21-83 DOWN ITEMS Livonia Mall - Livonia 7 Mile and Middloheit MO.N. 10-8 IIOMtV HOI M IV( ANN AMOft THAR. 't;TUE . 10-8 . Westland Mall - Westland THE CREATIVE FAMILY'S HOBBY STORE WA.HMH WEO. 12:30-8 Wriyno <\m\ W.in'on 8208 Merriman Rd. Westland, Mi. THUR. 10-8 425-9720 FRI. 10-8 Op«n; Morv, Tu»i., Thud. A Fr). 10-8 2E flA SAT. 10-6 • ••••-- W«d.1J:W-» 8*1,10-6 , • TT. IHH'illi f^^^^^(*pf*wpiH If l^pp

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! 3




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L. t. i; ~-.= f j_: >? ' W£ i - ^^^^ . ^ . 1¾ Livonians hit ^L , C.J. Risak S'craft sports: tourney trail

By Paul King cost too high? special writer

ET'SPUTApricetagonsports. John Gelmisi pumped In three goals, That's what this Schoolcraft College two in the first half, as Livonia Steven­ soccer j controversy is all about, after all. son powered "past Birmingham Groves, I Money. 5-1, in a state pre-regional contest Creek Park. The CC-Borgess winner , • And importance/Are local sports programs, Monday at Stevenson. will play at Bentley at 4 p.m. Oct. 21. Schoolcraft College's for example, important In another pre-regional contest Mon­ enough to cough up extra cash for? day, Livonia Bentley grabbed a 2-1 CHURCHILL 1, FRANKLIN 0: Dave It's a question with as many answers as an lead at the half and made it stand up to Gluth punched in a short-range shot hourglass has grains 91 sand. If only you have time beat Dearborn at Dearborn. from out of a scramble in front of the to listen to them. Gelmisi's first half »Cores helped Ste­ Livonia Franklin net to lift Livonia Whatever the reasons for or against; don't be venson take a 4-1 rnrifUme advantage. Churchill to victory at home Tuesday. surprised if what is happening at Schoolcraft Rob Costanza and Hric Pence also tal­ It was a defensive game, with the doesn't somehow make it to a vote of the people. lied for the Spartans, with each earning Chargers' Sam Matovski splendid in' Not right away, perhaps. But the fertilizer's spread an assist during the game. Doug Solo­ goal and fullbacks Mike Duckworth, and the crop it yields may turn up on a ballot. mon got Groves' only goal. Gelmisi's John Spaccarotella and Mike Nordelli IN REVIEW of what has" happened at'our local second-half score gave him 22 goals for frustrating Franklin's of fense. community college, it seems the college the season. Stevenson's next state tournament GARDEN CITY 3* OAK PARK 0: administration is searching for a place to put Paul Pummill pounded in his 23rd and business offices and a computer center. contest is Oct: 21 against an opponent x to be determined. 24th"goals of the season and added an One place they are examining closely Is the assist as Garden City won for the 11th auxiliary gym. It Isn't the only option, as school time in 12 games this season Tuesday trustees were quick to point out to a crowd of 150 BENTLEY FELL BEHIND early at home. *•= . Tuesday night during a study session In Waterman against Dearborn but quickly regained the momentum for. victory. The Jeff Felts notched the.Cougars sec­ Center. .- ond goal of the game. Brian Deal, Ron But as Dr. Conway Jeff ress, vice president in Pioneers scored in the first four min­ utes of the contest, but the Bulldogs.1 Kasperek and Bill Hyde added assists. ' charge of instruction, said, the more the problem is Jeff Guido and Brian Hall combined examined, the more attractive the auxiliary gym Dennis Patchctt knotted it on a penally for the shutout in the nets. - becomes as a possible location. kick 19 minutes Into the game. Jim Raderdack got the game winner THE REASON is lack of space. Jeff ress said SALEM 3, HARRISON I: Randy ' "half the people that want to get Into word five minutes before.halftime on a 35- yard direct free kick. Johnson and Matt Crook each scored " processing can't" because the school lacks an area " DAN OEAN/stafl photographer one.goal and assisted on another in big enough to accommodate the computer center. Bentley advances to play the winner Garden City's Andy Muglia, a midfielder, Ihelr overall season record to 11-1 with of the Redford CalhoHc Cenlral-Red- Plymouth Salem's win at Farmlnglon Space has been an ongoing problem at Harrlsorr Tuesday. Schoolcraft over the past Jew years, and not just heads the ball during Tuesday's soccer the victory. ford Bishop Borgcss contest, which will for a computer center. The school's enrollment Is match with Oak Park. The Cougars raised be played at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Bell Please turn to Page 2 near its peak, more than $,000, which only adds to t the problem. Four times Jn the last dozen years, voters have turned down Schoolcraft requests for money to be. Marathoners earmarked for hew construction. • ..-. . . ,, -.V •, NOW, LIKE A NAME from the>ast that dodges your searching memory, the unfolding scenerio seems reminiscent. Somewhere/somehow, all this look is familiar. And you know you'll recall why, sooner or later. ByBradEmont What's happenlng-ai Schoolcraft is what often .staff writer happens when school districts are faced with loss of revenue. .. Livonia's Dennis Kurtls achieved his best finish The first thing to go is sports. ever In Sunday's Detroit Free Press Marathon, but Why? Because it's visible. People turn down tax he failed to meet his personal goals. increases, so district officials cancel high school The 1972 Churchill High School graduate was sports. It doesn't really save much money, but sixth overall with a time of 2:24:31. Dave Olds, a officials can hide behind the "extracurricular" teacher at Cranbrook in Bloomfleld Hills, finished label tagged onto sports when they cut it. Like, first with a time of 2:16.10: .- "Anything extra must go." "My time wasn't good enough to make the Olym­ f HE PLOY at Schoolcraft fits that modus pic trials and I didn't win," Kurtis said. operandi. There's no loss of revenue at stake here. To make next year's trials, marathoners must B,ut with enrollment rising and classroom space run 2:19:0 or less. shrinking, what better way to jolt the public than to Kurtis has been close this year, running a 2:20 in threaten to curtail the sports program? Duluth, Minn., a 2:21 in Boston and a 2:24 in (he Why the auxiliary gym? Three reasons, Jef fress British-American Marathon in London, England said: (which he won). • • First, the space needed for the new center is . "I ran in the Montreal Marathon two weeks ago about )0,000 square feet. The gym is about 9,000 and halfway through I got very sick," Kurtis said. 1 square feet in size and could possibly be divided had to coast on in and-J ran a 2:30. into two floors. "I thought I was recovering very well, but I guess • Second, if an area must be converted, it should I wasn't recovered V- - . be handled with the least amount of disruption to "Everything was-going well through 16 miles, but the existing program. The auxiliary gym is not used " at 21 miles I slowed down. My legs just seemed to that much for classes. give out and I had no energy." .. • Third, it must be cost-efficient: The administrators are studying whether converting the KURTIS, a warm "weather runner, plans to give auxiliary gym would be cost-efficient. They are it another shot next month in a m'arathon.in Tampa, comparing converting the gym with renting empty Fla. ","v ;-'.-.-' - •'•••".-• public.schools or converting other buildings on Within the next two weeks, Kurtis "and his wife campus, ' .-."'., - could be relocating to San Francisco. Kurtis. is in BE ASSURED cost is the issue here. Jef fress the stage of taking a job wilhFord Aerospace. admitted money for new construction would solve ,-'• "t hate to move because I've been in Michigan all many problems, including the current uproar my; life," he said. "It will affect me as far as run­ involving conversion of the auxiliary gym. ning. . . "We have many needs here," he said. "There are "It will make roc a better runner. The wintors many programs that need new, adequate facilities. are not as cold and I'll be able to train year-round." . Performing arts, a women's resource center, a day. Former Schoolcraft College runner George Hu- care comer — there are many needs we Just have dock of Wcstland was 22nd overall with a time of We're celebrating our new Plymouth Store no space ior." • "" -.-.--- 2:29:57. • , Add a computer center to the list. He'is a member of the Racquets Unlimited Rac­ with gigantic selections of first quality carpeting by LEES. "We have to look at the resources we have now ing Team of Livonia, which also included women's before we can consider asking the public for champ Cindy Barber of Lincoln Park, "I have a huge blister on my left foot and 'quads' A beaulilut saxony plusV carpet thai brings a' Thick, lush and kuurlous. a solid color sa«ony Handsome appesranco. soil-rvd nj eb:My and construction funds," Jeffress said. "We would be multi-color styling com­ "fkh, quality look" to your plush you'll bo proud 10 -•':' doing them an Injustice if we didn't." are sore," said Hudock, a sorter at United Parcel bined In a truty outstand­ home at ap allofdabie price. . own lor many, many AND THAT MAKES the athletic department the Service. "I'm not really satisfied. ing carpel. •••..,' "Going in 1 was not feeling well. I had caught a sacrificial lamb, Consider what Would happen if no reg.u6.95/sq. yd. reg. M2.95/sq.-yd. $Q95 reg.M4.95/sq. yd. $ ,95 more money becomes available and the auxiliary cold, but the day of the race I felt belter. $095 NOW W/^yd NOW Vjq yd gym is converted. NOW Q/s« yo\ 10 "COMING OUT of the tunnel my right calf tight­ A tone-on-tono carpet tailored.for today's Me- Those local residents who enjoy certain activities A deep-carved mutlf -color cut and loop, (n 6 v.'de ened. 1 was shooting for 226 and then I readjusted An exciting multi-color carpel designed to en­ stylo. Subtle" colorations at Schoojcraft, such? as the Sunday Health Club or hance the look ol any /enhanco the merbicired 'choice ol e6 p.m. '•- • -••-.-- MONDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY TjL 9 p.m. Pleas* turn to Pago 2 : —• • * ' '• • Phone:522-5300 Phone: 4^-3393 PloasoturntoPage2

^^MiAiiiiiiiiii wmmmmm •^•^^m

2C • Knoerl was called oh to make just . *We played-pretty well," said Cook. sacks on the day. "He's our best player by fa/," said of beating thero, but we can't make soccer mistakes. We should have beaten Rich­ . three saves. • "I was worried about a letdown; buV the •Coraerback Gorde Pacheco also had Agatha coach John Goddard. N kids-came out and played well." ' an excellent day, limiting ND's out-. Frank Hill threw two TD passes to ard. We Inside the 10 three^imes and . On Monday, Salem bombed Livo­ Andy R^ma fired in all four CC didn't score. nia Franklin 100 behind Johnson^ goals in' a 4-0 triumph at' Dearborn Borgess got on-Uie scoreboard in the standing receiver Brian Graham to two Robertson,.while John Orzech had the "We're starting seven sophomore* four goals and three by Crook at Sa­ EdselFord. first quarter on a 15-yard touchdown matches. other on a 41 -yard pitch pass. and we're getting a little belter each lem. CC outshot the Thunderbiids, 30- run by fullback Tim Walton. Borgess" returns to'action Friday Agatha gained 361 total yards. week." . * , Sultana, Evan Nash and Mark 8, with goalie Bob Sinnaeve earning That was followed by TD runs of 73 night to meet Harper Woods Bishop Kevin Bell was the leading rusher,; Goddard.sald that Lakes runner Bob Flowers accounted for the other his first shutout of the season. yards by Fred Owens, and 56 yards by Gallagher at Old West. ' • - getting 77 yards In nine carries. He Schuster "Is a great back" and coach Rock scores. John Geddes, Jeff Nes- Rama's goal spree ran his scoring Chuck Gregory, giving the Spartans a scored one TD on a 21-yard run and in­ ' Mike Boyd "Is one of the best. In the chlch and John Kolb had two assists total to 25 for the season, with 11 18-0 half time lead. STT AGATHA 32, HAMTRAMCK ST. tercepted one pass. Onech had the Catholic League. apiece, while Knoerl and Curt assists. In the third quarter, Gregory fired a FLORIAN 6: Senior light-end/llne- other TD, going 24 yards for the score. Clarke split the goa(keeping duties. STEVENSON 10, FARM1NGTON v81-yard TD pass to Fred Portlllo. That backer Andy Robertson Is becoming John Schesperkin and Robertson led Last Saturday, the Rocks weren't was followed by a 21-yard field goal by the Aggies' "Chief, Cook and Bottle the defense, which held Florian to 137 - "They're not big and not that fculck." 0: John Droulliard and Joe Novak said Goddard of his next opponent as fortunate, dropping a 3-1 decision each collected a bat trick and Chris Joe Burns In the final quarter. Washer." total yards. to undefeated Toledo St. John's at Owens, a Junior tailback finished He caught TD pass of 22, 23 and 41 "Our whole defense played well 1 "But they just don't beat themselves. Wiegelpopped In two goals in Livo­ That's why they're rated No. 5 in Class Salem. nia Stevenson's romp at home Tues­ with 123 yards In 15 carries. He has 666 yards Saturday in Agatha's 32-6 tri­ thought," said Goddard, whose team Is The Titans' Pat Mannlon scored day. -~* yards on the season for a 9.0 rushing umph over Hamtramck St. Florian. 1-1 In.C Bracket play and 2-3 overall. D" the game's only goal of the first Stevenson led 0-0 at the half. Rob half, but Crook tied it 21 minutes Costanra and John Gelmisi also into the second half. It didn't stay scored for the Spartans and Droull­ that way long, however, as Doug iard had two assists. Whise Mitchell put St. John's back on' top with a 15-yard poke off a crossing NORTHVILLE 2, CANTON 1: Redford Bishop Borgess edged Livo­ 15-50. • GARDEN CITY held off Westland Tuesday In the Redford Union Invita­ pass five minutes later. t Brian Dragon broke a 1-1 deadlock nia Ladywood Tuesday In a girls' cross Rice put the first 17 runners across John Glenn last week in a Northwest tional at Cass. with a blast from 20 yards out 16 country meet at Cass Benton Park, 26- the finish line, led by David Thornber- Suburban League dualat Hines Park, He was clocked in 15:57. Mike Mason added an insurance minutes Into the second half to boost score for St. John's (13-0-1). Shots 30, behind Kris Whise's first place ry's clocking of 16:58. 26-30. were even in the game at 13-all. No.rthville past Plymouth Canton clocking of 21:09. Chris Snabes was the best Borgess The Cougars are now 4-3 overall. Dearborn Fordson and Dearborn fin­ Tuesday at Northville. Borgess, now 4-3, also got outstand­ runner, posting a time of 19:07.' Dave Homann ran 16:12.to lead GC, ished one-two in the team standings •*• Steve Morell scored the Chiefs' CATH, CENTRAL 0, NOTRE ing performances from Sherry Wil­ REDFORD CATHOLIC CENTRAL while Glenn's Jay Hunt was second In with 74 and 100 points, respectively. goal on an assist from Tom Wright. : DAME 0: Goalkeepers Pat Stocker liams, third place, 22:11; Sue Panek, clinched the Central Division with a 15 16:45. Farmlngton was third with 131 fol­ NorthvHIe's Steve Starcevlch tied it. sixth, 23:20, Kelley Dooley, seventh, of CC and Glno Soave of Harper 50 triumph Monday over Warren De­ Other GC runners Included Jim lowed by Walled Lake Western, 138. on a 35-yard direct free kick. Canton 23:23; and Sherl Crank, ninth. 24:00. Woods Notre Dame were unbeatable LaSalle at Cass Benton. Flnetti, third, L7:19; Brian Pritchard, Livonia Churchill. 181; RU, 206; North- goalie Dave Hawkins made 12 saves Slier! Cordero led Ladywood with a in this Catholic League scoreless tie The Shamrocks finished their league fourth, 17:21; and Tom Anthony, sev­ vilfe and Livonia.Bentley, 252; Plym­ in the contest. ., second-place time of 21:46. She was fol­ Tuesday at Notre Dame. dual sea^n at 50. enth, 17:59. outh Salem, 254; Belleville, 255; Tren­ lowed by teammates Sue Willey, Stocker made 10 saves to nine for BENTLEY 1, N. FARMJNGTON CC swept the first seven spots led by Glenn's Tod Lllla was fifth in 17:26 ton, 301; North Farmlngton, 308; John fourth. 22:37; Carolyn Hesctij fifth, Soave. CC must now beat Warren .1: Jeff Keller's goal gave North Steve Shaver's 15:54.-He was followed and teammate Jim Kolodziej was sixth Glenn, 313; Plymouth Canton, 314; Ste­ 23:04; Kathy Denbard, eighth, 23:29; DeLaSalle today to earn a berth Into Farmlngton Its second tie of the sea­ by teammates Marty Hegarty, 16:19; In 17:51. venson, 319; Walled Lake Central, 335; the league playoffs. son against no wins and 10 losses Colleen McGillis, 10th, 25:24. . Pat Isom. Mark Anderson, Jim Cauzil- Garden City, 409; Farmlngton Harri­ On Saturday, the Shamrocks' Tuesday at Bentley. The Borgess boys, meanwhile, fell to lo, Chris Rlto and Jim Ransweller, all LIVONIA STEVENSON'S Ken Du-' son, 424; Allen Park, 461; Redford Birmingham Brother Rice on Monday, in 16:57. . bols was the overall Individual winner Thurston, 50i G.J. Risak :H;>\i: SNAPPER 30650 plyrTi^th road sports column Hvohja Continued from Page 1 FALL SPECTACULAR _„w _: ^-^,:-¾ He's brought Russian basketball teams and Dutch wrestlers to Livonia. Schoolcraft hosts an FREE Attachments Worth Up To 438.95 aaaaaataM AAU All-Star basketball game with the best i^f^^^^ Purchase a 21" sell-propelled Hi-Vac* TFeeasy way to cover up" graduating high school seniors in the state mower at tho regular retail price and back into the lawn lo become lawn fevi decorative vinyl clad competing. Soccer tournaments, like the Wolverine, receive your choice ol a FREE lood. The Snappertzer can savo you unsightly ceilings - attract the nation's top teams. Thalchorizer, Mulcherirer 1 ttme this FALL as an eNiCienl V-: £1 paneling Would National Sports Festival officials still - Snapporizor. 8ag-N-8lado or *r leal shredder. Finally there's Rear Grass Catchor Kit. The the convenience of the W 4^8^3/16-SHEET consider Schoolcraft as the site of the volleyball, thajcherizer easily romov09 extra Bag NBIade Kit Visit SUSPENDED soccer, field hockey and archery competitions if lhalch and vacuums i.t away your SNAPPER deate.UP w^//K?tt«# JOT*'**•f^^lQ'&S!!**'. K&V&r WHU ««• •tlort. Th0 , -rxx, d»y. f)uy.*nacto<> . There's no doubt Schoolcraft athletic facilities B attract people to the campus (example: the more Hide pipes, joists, wiring than 1,800 who turned out for the Livonia m and unsightly beams with a Ladywood-Farmington Mercy girls high school THATCHERIZER r'SM new Ae/nslfong.Suspended basketball game 10 days ago). Cutting-back could Retail Value te^* Ceiling. only hurt enrollment. S54.9S # $-188 Mf Which leaves us to ponder another type of •i^V- "publicity." Idle thought or real possibility? Can m chaperone #275 ...lea; the auxiliary gym be genuinely considered for ... 2'x4' reg.»2.19 something other than athletfcs? choice of: I think not. I certainly hope'not. tile for 10'x t2." room looma, fanfare, american / only$2820 colonial calico, textured floral SNAPPERIZER we stock 22 flavors of m matching moulding in stock Retail Value MULCHERIZER BAQHBLADH KIT Rotatl Value Armstrong Suspended Celling. Top marathpners «46.95 ; : Retail Valuo .... —s» $46.95 t^.f^^^mmfimmm^rmmmm^mmm^nm^mrmmm I I •• l||»^. i'Alt^n - i • '. -QJ /¾ I -:.+--- i V:.^ '>'^-^^ >'- *.•,-''- $43.95 T I - ^^^i^l^^-.^i^^^^^^^ lead area pack in the bath shop^hot bargains Continued from Page 1 . B^otfty Croft vanity marble tops gional championship squads. He attends the Univer­ M V vanity 15 ;•:•. ,, 8 sity of Michigan. choice of: i9'*x 17 @*39 * stainless, ,, a Stcrj and Kurtls have both competed In. the Ha­ Purchase a Snapper R:ding Mower at regularjetai! price during our FALL • special pecan 19 x25"@M9* waii Triathlon, while Young, a dentisf., was compet­ SPECTACULAR and receive a Rear Grass Catcher Kit FREE. : ' ' steel . ! antique white ^^, ing in only his second marathon. Bawulski, a salesman, Is a Bentley High School bar h : white & gotdcj«^^Vj^"V^j graduate. -.- Step's wife, Karen, finished 33rd.among women with a lime of 3:17:03. -.- . - .- includes top Two Westlanders, J. Schomer and M. Bayne, took tir: complete wiih ... r . pop-up faucet 26th and 37th, respectively. -faucet and strainer ^ $ 88 A anljquo brassy *34fi^ 1 -4& 49 .34.™ , regl M4M '• • ^ G*EGC*Y; ORSOORV J. fTEMPOm. Attar- M7.1 ttU N**to(h M, UrmU '5§86 I in chrome @ -$2188 »»7,114)1 f*rr>«rf»* STATEOPMiaUOAN I M (TATKOrafl&lj IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ^\^ .^-^ reg.»24 wnaaRcuTT on THE COUNTY Of WAYNK ^¢0^^0^1^ RHONDA A. RAZLSTT. InfirVte- DONALD C HWfl 1*1 BEA *Qj u* M H*H Tiieoi er RAN DA1X A. RA2LETT. • Waor, O II. l^r-f 4' v pt> ^^ Twc*mwa PUiBtl/ll. PbbUfft. - T» - Qratt JOHN XMTH NAVWUXO »«1 JOHN JOSEPH NAVARRO t*J sheet stock sale CONSUnO lASXl DC NAVAR­ CONSUKLO SAJNZ D8 NAVAR Catcher Kit 3 M $ 6a RO, WMJ; tad SrrwtUj. RO. JdaUr M4 B*r«ritt7. Relai) Value /4 parficle board @ 9 tXttxUM* rMmSuto. $198.95 3 $ 88 Ctm N&IMlOW-m Omtio ntwntn /4" structowood @ 10 HoMrtUt RVW4 tUafmaa Hooenbi* TVntM J. ftiry RIDER THATCHERIZER (exterior glue) OKMRTOANfWta , ORDa TO ANSWER $ 69 On tat tFii 4*t <4 Uty. IMJ. 0« Ito »m «tj «< Mi;, 1H1, Optional aa actioa ra AM br DONALD «a Kik* VM AM fcr RHONDA V2" sheet rock @ 3 C KDOfl at MATTOCK NINNL A. HAnerr, la&rtouaj u>4 *> fOdaUfla. tptort JOHN JOOPH N«t Trift «f RANDALL A. RA- NAVARRO •<< COMUf.LO tLKrt. « uisor. puutm», «A«X DC NAVARRO. M«4- i(iM JOHN JOSCPH NAVAR­ Price* may vary from dealer to dealer, RO ai OONSUELO SAtNI DK Mtt; b tato Co#t 1« r*»r«r mob- •ome may 6e higher or tower. ay Itwif lor ptrtooal lajwy NAVARRO. D*f«aU*U, la tali Cevt 1« r*cor«r taaoty i*m*fm iaw|U»| fnxn bitflfoi acU «4 OfTACHT HOWILL % tfcaDafaaoaaU lor p*rmtl U]S7 rawUlai ttva ROCHtSTEft AAA l»««TTiov»f» S»'«* 84BEi'e'p»i*M • • ftx'ei'ev n*n Eo,« IT B HERXBY ORDOUX) MR-.». n B KXREBY ORDCUX) ISW?S<'>*«'«' 15MV/ A.jt/Urnr»d U« Ifc M«*M JOHN JO ««7000 strsw-MM 852 4m ttPK rtAVAjWO a\*fl itratr « taal ta* Dtfaoda* JOHN JO tSPH NAVARRO ataQ nmrtr Jo*'t l«*r«nc«>»' S«05 flOVAlOAX ItUMlkMMMUUMfW «»4E-atrM Str««! . \*i*j<4 Hf.r*.-n-Tifti>, HiPl" MACHSON'MIKJHTS ««Md MARUKNK O BAT- 4^ iv-ntt (fit MAftUNN* O. RAT- 2MMOcKi'i*H*V Ortfvy J. »—|aPi() » lWMNo»ihv>p« WMrtxdfu.laSi^V a*p for PtaiMUb, IHU Hr*- 4tii7to . »43A»pO4>tt2 aiRPkDMJlll)*>HW« -- HMHLAMO PtYMOWTM NflWHT C%WTrtf A VCOOV WAYNE : oiaamr A Eecaabfc HoM*Ad OuMoC S*'WM Ov<>*X C»v>w$^tf\a- l«*» IMt •-. - "- M7-J4M v . 4W«JJO 7U $JW -

,,!-.„:. ..^--^-^-.— ^ ,' t

-+i*m* immm BtEtStfrtl. mmm^mmmm *•

Thursday, October, 13.1983^ O&E (L,R.W,0)3C la boxers impressive ' * LV Thurston keeps T*^i^^^^_ Redford Thurston keeps rolling along featherweight Mike Dardlnl, both of y«r4 the greens and fairways of high school the Livonia Bojlng Club, went into DARNELL and Jewell, started THE FINALS, held on the same" golf. -.".'- - - the 1983 Michigan Amateur Boxing slowlyin their matcD;1)ut by the sec­ night, pitted Darnell against Otsego's •P The Eagles had the eye again Moo-, Federation (ARF) state champion­ ond round Darnell began to land some Slmoo Johnson, who had reached the •be day.at Western Golf and Country Club, ships with high hopes of gaining a bid punches. state title match by winning a contro­ beating Westland. John Glenn for their to the nationals in Colorado Springs, In the third round, Darnell used his versial decision over Orrlce McGee of B^R3£S?$.'J 13th consecutive dual trntch win of the superior hand speed and punching Detroit PAL. season, 208-232! al tournament, hosted by -Livonia COlo. > Steve Darnell Churchill- , power to gain control of the fight. Darnell lost on a split decision, Mike Maurin fired an even-par 36 to Dardlnl, however, was sidetracked The NSL meet is scheduled for Mon­ Darnell followed- by winning bis much to the dismay of Soucy. attempt to overturn the verdict. gain medalist honors for Thurston. He tn* hLs first bout, losing a close decL- day at Kensington. slon to an old nemesis, Tim McCalvin semifinal bout last Saturday at "They switched the Judges around "They can't take the title from was followed* by teammates Gary of Detroit Johnson. Muskegon's Catholic Central High before the bout even though the state him," said .the Livonia coach, "but Garrls, 41; Jeff Carnahan, 42. and John REDFORD CATHOLIC CENTRAL Darnell, meanwhile, was more suc­ • School, outsmarting Doug Anderson, a commission told them not to," said they could make the two finalists co- Pearson, 43. • \ placed third out of 16 teams in the cessful, defeating Tussand Jewell, a rugged boxer from Lansing Commu­ Livonia coach. "And the deciding vote champlons." . Eric McDougall was Glenn's top Catholic League championships Mon­ teammate of McCalvin, on a unani­ nity College. was cast by the wife of Johnson's shooter with a 41. day at Hilltop in Plymouth. mous decision Saturday, Oct. 1 at the 'Steve fought a very good technical trainer. DARNELL, however, still has a Last week, Thurston turned back Birmingham Brother Rice, led by Holland Civic Center. He won another fight against AndersoD," said Livonia "She gave him all three rounds, crack at the nationals and a spot in Livonia Franklin in another Northwest Bill O'Corinor's 73, won the team title bout en route to the finals. coach Dick Qulton. "He didn't let the even though Steve had won." the Olympic trials when Michigan Suburban League (NSL) match at with 312 strokes. Central Division dual "Mike just happened to draw one of crowd get to him, and he was in con­ The Ltvonlans are protesting the team members take on Ohio In the Whispering Willows, 201-233. champ Harper Woods N^tre Dame was the division's best boxers for his first trol from start to finish." ^ decision, filing a written grievance ABF Region VI championships Oct. Maurin led the way with a one-over second with 323 follow)-d by CC with opponent," said Livonia coach Paul "When we saw this guy (Anderson) with the state Boxing Commission to. 29 In Detroit. 37. Pearson and Carnahan each shot 39, 328. while Garris and Dan Rokas each card: Redford S,t. Agatha shot 373. finish­ ed43. ing 13th overall. Henry Miller shot a 44 to pace Rob Medonis shot a 78 on the par-70 Franklin. . ~ • layout to lead the Shamrocks. Team­ Bulldogs hold off late billed - Lake bid Thurston returns to dual meet action mate Scott Alexander tied Brother today against Garden City, then plays Rice's Chuck Christie and Steve Lynch Friday at Hilltop In the Class A region­ for 10th with an 81. Lakes Division leader Livonia Bent- Pattl Fitzgerald pa.ced Central with points Tuesday to give the Westland ley posted an Important basketball vic­ 16 points, while Pam Fitzgerald and cagera a non-league win over the visit­ tory on the road Tuesday night, down­ Sherry Strohs added 14 and 12, respec­ ing Thunderbirds. ing Walled Lake Central, 54-51. tively. Darla Bergman, coming of/ a basketball The Bulldogs, now 10-1 overall and Central led 26-19 at half, but Bentley sprained ankle, added nine points, nine Central captures 8-Hn Western Lakes Conference play, "charged back with a 19-11 scoring out­ rebounds and four steals. Point guard held off a Viking rally In the final quar­ burst In the third period. Julie Puccl contri6uted nine points, six man, whose team is 7-4 overall. "They ter thanks to six points from Bridget "The difference In the first half was rebounds and seven assists. played four quarters and we played that'we were called for travelling five Nlcol (off the bench) and two crucial Coach George Sommerman also sin­ one. free throws by Sheri Wolfe wjth a min­ or six times on shots we made," said "Thai was the lowest amount of Western Lakes title gled out the defensive effort off the ute to play, sealing the victory. Bentley coach Tom Lang, ''and we bench by Julie Hysko. points we've scored In two years.. Wolfe led Bentley with 15 points. were only two of 14 from the free No surprises here. Glenn {8-2) led all the way after "It's our third loss in a row and we're Lonnle Payne and Laurie Day added 11 throw line In the first half, but seven of Walled Lake Central and Walled jumping out to a 13-8 first quarter lead. not playing good basketball. We have to and 10, respectively. nine In the second half." Lake Western, the two Western Lakes . "In the second half we missed some • regroup." Payne fouled out in the fourth quar­ Athletic Association Division champs, easy shots-," said Sommerman. "To­ ' \" " .- ter, but Day made a key basket on a JOHN GLENN 54, EDSEL FORD 46: placed one and two respectively in the night we did some good things and STEVENSON 57, FARMINGTON 46: follow-up shot after an Amy Weber league meet last Monday. golf Michele McCullen busted loose for 21 some bad things. Mary Kay Hussey scored 24 points, steal and miss. Central, the Lakes Division champ, "We played a good zone defense and grabbed 11 rebounds and had «ight had a. team score of 390 which won the League team were, Dave Smith, Walled they didn't getInside. But we not finish­ steals Tuesday to lead the host Spar­ match by 10 strokes -Western, the Lake Western, 73; Chris LaFave, ing the good, plays. We made some tans past Farmington in a Western Western Division champs, scored 400. Walled Lake Central, 76; Craig Szewc, GC, RU struggle, but win turnovers and a few fast breaks were Lakes battle. Western's Brent Kish was the meet's Stevenson, 77; and Greg Davies, Walled not completed." Amy Rozman chipped In with, 11 medalist, shooting a 72. Lake Central, 77. Garden City, thanks to 10 points each 18-5 surge in the final period, Tuesday In an Northwest Suburban League points and 11 rebounds for the winners All-Western Division honors went to from Sue Tankersley and Tammy Nar- at home. (NSL) played last week, Glenn drilled and Lisa Bokovoy added 10 points and LIVONIA CHURCHILL placed third Bob Pegrum, Northville, 79; John ramore, evened its record at 5-5 Tues­ "We played horrendous for three Redford Thurston, 46-23, behind 13 seven steals. (410) and Livonia Stevenson (417> was Fournier and Todd Volltck, both shot 79 day with a non-league girls' basketball quarters," said RU coach Terri Antho­ points from Diana Sommerman and 12 fourth. . and both are from Churchill; Chris win over visiting Dearborn Heights An­ ny. "Wcjust had too many turnovers. from Cheryl Dozler. They offset the 32-poinl performance Farmington was next with a 418, Semik, Churchill, 81; and Pete Mer­ napolis. "But It was a non-league game, and Julie Engle led Thurston (1-9) with by Fafmington's Alyse Fortune. Rhon­ da Lancaster, meanwhile, added 10 in a then Northville followed^ with 419. man, Canton, 82. The Cougars won It by outscoring when you play an 0-10 team you don't nine points. Annapolis 10-2 in the second period. get as fired up." losing cause. Plymouth. Canton (422), Livonia Bent­ The All-Lakes Division team consist­ ley (430), Plymouth Salem (447), and ed ol Harry Youmans from Stevenson, "Wc played good defense the first v Sophomore center Julie Marchand^ SALEM 44, FRANKLIN 15: The Stevenson put the Falcons awaj with Farmington Harrison (472), rounded 78; Mark Baily of Farmington, 78; Dan three quarters," said GC coach Jan poured in 21 point* and added 21 re­ Rocks oulscorcd visiting Franklin 14-2 an 18-9 outburst in the third quarter.af- out the field. Wood, Walled Lake Central, 79; and Moore. "Defensively, we do a good job, bounds for the w'nrrrs. Kcllie Szabo in the opening quarter and 18-4 In the ter trailing by one at the half. Besides Kish, others to make the Ail- Bob Allenr Bentley, 80. but we can't gel the ball ia the ruuket. added six points ami f. 3 assists, whJlo /In*! period (o post the lopsided non- *Wo changed rones in tbo second half Wemissjayups." sophomore Marie Becker chipped in leaguewln. and we were able .to hold them to seven with six points, all from the free throw Pam McBrlde and Mary Beth Weast field goals," said Stevenson coach REDFORD UNION 41, HARRISON line. led Salem (8-3) with 10 points each. Wayne Henry. 25: The Panthers (6-4) struggled before "They came ready to play and wc Milk Run is Oct. 23 Karen Sklar scored 11 in a losing "' Stevenson,.now 7-4, came up with 22 putting wlnless Harrison away with an cause. . x didn't," said .Franklin coach Tim Newr steals as a team. • RU TIGER SHARKS and runs through Feb. 10. A competitive swim club for young­ For more information, call 722-7620, sters ages 5-18 is beginning Monday {through each Thursday), at Redford Alt Makes GoodOntyal Union. • COLLEGE NOTES and this location SAVM2.00 Despite a minor shoulder injury.ex- Modets (0"JCOUC*V> The program begins at 4:30 p.m. Auto-Truck I Extra cushioning where it counts. The cost is |20 per month for one Livonia Stevenson and Schoolcraft Col­ , Rustprooflng AST person or ?40 per month (two or more lege standout Karen Kelley le^s tr^e get a new 90,000 BT.U energy ; Abort - Cushioned Padded top saving, spark Ignition, Our Double-deep family members). . University of Georgia volleyball team Borg-Warner* furnace loronty Qtiing cushioned insole For more information, call RU swim in kill shots. OUR ALREADY Guaranteed coach JimMillen at 535-2000, Ext. 257. Another Stevenson grad. Rob Lang, «375.°° LOW, LOW PRICES Shu-Life Soles is tied for third place in total points 10 OFF • COACH WANTED v this season for the Western Michigan Rlus lax and Installation. With TMs Coticxw thru Oct 21, im I Buy a Borg-Warner-(urnaco THI8 LOCATION ONLYl Redford Union High School is seek­ University mea's soccer team. He now and we'll give you ing a girls' volleyball coach for the scored a goal and assisted on two oth­ valuable gilts and rebates, 27530 Warren — Westland , 1983-84 season. ers in a 14-1 WML' romp of St. Francis Select a Hamilton Beach food (1½ MM. W.ollnksWfld.) Those interested can contact Bob At­ College on Sept. 28. processor, a Panasonic dig.tal For p*ck-00 W«sman visit you. CaT 363 -5-135-(^-^ S'lC 12. Team entries are limited to 12 The 24 hour emergency service ; add S2 00.- registration fee is $320 per team, official Joe Kavulich.''-•-.' •'- Licensed and Insured >&? The 12-gams schedule begins Nov. 11 For more" informalion, call 927-U55. Visa and Mastercard accepted _• ——^- Ca''- us toe delays. TMFFY'S FALL SUPER SAVERS! NORTHFIELD HEATING AND COOLING BUY 3 SHOCKS 524-0088 YOU CAN HELP! §VAMY.\\V( .VALUABLE 3 COUPON /.¾¾¾ GET I FREE The best shock absorbers at the I Tawwin % best pr^ee for all cars nnd trucks. I Come in now and get set for the ^ne^Up I s winter chuck holes. Good thru Oct. 3t, 1983 I cFali^Special f ^ • OPERATION: _ TUNE UP YOUR I 4-WHEEL BRAKE SPECIAL FOOD BASKET hjew pads, shoes, turn rotors and daims. TAPPBil APPLIANCES! Kkk in > can i wtek it aoy Metallic pads extra American made cars and AutomoWeCJub ol MkWqari many imports. $89*95 Give this ad to the tech­ SPACKXJARDARCUANtt office to-ieed ths ««dy. nician and you will be M Will) charged just •15 for j) FREE rUvOWEOfKATPWP PLUS THE BEST EXHAUST WORK IN TOWH Home Cells, Inspection PEST PRICE •BEST WARRANTY * BEST INSTALL AflOM & Diagnosis & Receive. CALL TODAY Wt ON ANY PARTS 25% Ping Qui UVONIA tX$TAHM>ON i HEPWAV OOf> hOftxr *yi*v*J II yev i It xv o**d P*1* yOuMotnow lOdtfrS* n fortor you r 3SS Off tlr°


^^*h ^j^taj^AMtaf^BBlBlflBlBUBlB^^ Thursday, October 13.1983 O&E liiPif^ 2g Noh school r*tmmlr>c statistics Ginnie Johnson (Canton) ...... 1.02/3 a/S CKxnpWed w«okry by Plymouth Siern «*tm Robin UlrU (Bentley)...... 1:03.6 By Chrii McCotky a similar drubbing by Plymouth Saleni PREP FOOTBALL eosch Choc* Otaon. Coache* should c*N Otson Laura Shatter (Saiem). . .,. . . . 1061 •mJBr»dEmon« weekday frtolnga arte/ 6 pm. at 455*7695 to, Picks — It's unanimous, Stevenson re. ~ Friday, Oct. H •Sandy Schwedt (Harrison).'. . . .1:06.6 staff wrli©f8 Lly. Bentley at Ply. S*koi,7:M p.m. update ttolr »la!». Sha*n Abraham (Beotiey) . 1:07.9 bounds. C1»r«)c«vllle»tH«inlr«jnc*,7pjD. , Robin Nelson (Ha/rtson)...... 1:082 . -GARDEN CITY 'at -REDPORh " NorUiv11I« »t Uv. OiurcWlJ, 7:» p m. ChfbWesiha'js (Bentley) . . . . . 1:08.8 200-YARD MEOtEY RELAY THURSTON (1 p.m. Saturday), Tbe Liv. Franklin »t RMford Unloo. 7:W p.m. B J. Bog (Salem) ...',.* . . . 1:08.7 This Is a pivotal week of prep foot- Ply Cantoo at Walled Lk. Weal,. TM pj». Ste*«n$ofl. .:. ":.... 164.7 KeBy KiK (Canton) . . ., . 1102 Cougars' backf leld Is hurting. BUhoo BorReas w. HarpeY Wgan (Canton) 5:46.0 lin was pushed out of the NSL race last get. their tests during the next three been getting stronger with every weet Liv. Churcblll at Farm HarrUoo, 7:4J pjn. 200-INDIVlDUAi. MEOLEY Helen Tucker (Harrrson) 6:49.2- week by North Farrnlngton. Retford Union at Uv. Franklin, 7:} J pm AnnSchieftei (Bentley) 5622 weeks. Goss needs to have a big day tooff«t Gmrve Johnson (Canion) . . .2:20.6 RU has tight end Ken Atwood back, Birm Martin at Liv. Ladyhood. 7:3$ pm RotxnUuti (Oenil^y) 2 24 2 LynnMassey (Canton) . 554.0 Another big game pits Boys Bowl the potent Glenn backfield of Too? Liv.Steveosooat Pty.Salem,73Spro Krista) Taykx (Salem) . 556.6 while Franklin's Jekyll and Hyde de-^ Laura Shaffer (Salem) ^.26 3 foes Redford Catholic Central (3-2) and Boles and Craig Thornton Picks - Red Thuratoo at Garden City, 7:1} pm RobinaGow (John Glenn) 2 26 8 Laura Shalter (Satem). 6 05.0 fense could be a key. PJcka — The coin li. Farmlngtoo at Wild. Job Gletm, 7J5 pm ChicsCabra (JohnGienn) 607.4 Birmingham Brother Rfce (5*0) And Emons -stands by GJenn, while Melissa Joy (Harrison) 2-29.2 please. McCosky takes Franklin, while Walled Lk.Cent-at Farralfiftoo, 7;JJpm yet another Is Westland John Glenn (i- McCosky likes the Raiders. Kety'Kirk (Canton) 2.29 3 Emons goes with an RU homecoming Bisi Gallagher at Biih Borgess, 7:35 p ro • B J Ding (Satem) 2.31 0 10O-BACKSTROKE 1) vs. North Farrnlngton (3-2) for the WALLED LAKE CENTRAL n Harper Wds Regtna at Farm Mercy. 735 p m Rob-na Go-* (John G>enn) . . 107.9 win. Rob* Nelson (Harrison) 2:310 Northwest Suburban League crown. FARMINGTON HARRISON (2 pm. Friday, Oct. H GinnJe Johnson (Canton) 1:08.3 Oena Drake (Jonn Glenn) • 2-31.5 Last week, Emons went 10-2 to raise Saturday). Both teams are flne-funed Stteld Christian at Ply. Christian, 7:M pm Helen Tucker (Harrison) ' 2.32.2 KeffyKik (Canton) . . . 109 1 PLYMOUTH CANTON at WALLED Inter-City at Temple Christian, 6 JO p m Amy Dunn (Salem) 1:09 9 his season-long record to 42-20. LAKE WESTERN (7:30 p.m. Friday at for this one. Roberta Kramer (Benlley) . . 1:10.0 McCosky, meanwhile, wenl 9-3 and Is Walled Lake Central). This Is a battle Harrison .has been championship 50-FREESTYl.E Sha*n Abraham (Bentley) 1:11 2 now 39-23. tested, while Central is new to some­ \_v Lynn Massey (Canton) . . 26 3 Mtcheiie Stackpooie (Cahton) , 1:11.4 of cellar dwellers. BO VS' SOCCER Oanna Radiair (Harrison) 26 5 Catherine Tucker (Harrison) 1:12..0 Here are this week's picks. Canton was annihilated by No. 1 thing like this . . -, probably the. game Tairtday.Oci.U Ginnie Johnson (Canton) . 26 9 Lindsay O(son (Saiem) . 1:14.0 ranked Farrnlngton Harrison 55-7 last of the week and maybe the season. N. Farmlngtoo at Farmlogtoo. 4 pja Theresa Shatter (Salem)..... Liv. Churchill at Farm. Harrtaoo, 4 p.m. Sr*tleyP&atskl (John Glenn) . . . 26.9 1 149 LIVONIA BENTLEY at PLYM- week, but the Chiefs did manage to Get your seat early. Picks L Uv. Steveruoo at Ply. Salem, 4 pm Laura SnaHer (Salem). . . 27.0 OUTH«$ALEM (7:30 p.m. Friday). The McCosky says Harrison makes it 29 in Kim Elbolt (Canton) - . (.27.2 tOO-BREASTSTHOXE -"freak Harrison's consecutive scoreless Nov! at Garden City, 4 p fn. Bulldogs surprised Northville last a row, while Emons goes with an upset Ply. Christian at CreerihlllJ, 4pm Afce Scfilaeffer (Benlley) . 27.2 KlmEu^otl (Canton). 1.13.6 quarter streak at 15./- Catholic Central w Warren DeLaSalle Catherine Tucker (Harrison) . ..-. 27.3 Elena Drake (John Glenn) . . . . 1.152 week, while Salem blasted Farrnlngton. Western, meanwhile, took care of and takes Walled Lake. at Redford » Bell Creek Park. 4 pm OebbyRuhie \ John Glenn)...... 27.4 Cindy Eiriott (Salem) 1:47.6 .Tbe unbeaten Rocks should be leery Churchill.. Picks — Emons goes with CATHOLIC CENTRAL vs. BIR. Friday, Oct. 14 distal Taylor (Satem) .27 5 Margaret GHiiflan (Canton) ... 117.7 1:17.8 if It goes down to the'wire because M1NGHAM BROTHER RICE (I pm. Edsel Ford at Lrv. Benlley,7 pro. Joann Brennan (Canton) ... the hot team — Western. McCosky Ply. Christianat Del. Bethesda, 4 pm Chris Westhaus (Bentley)- .... 1:17.8 Bentley kicker Chad Darke may come sticks with the Chiefs. .. _ Sunday at EMU's Rynearson Stadium). Inter-Clly at Temple Chrijtian, 450 p m. DIVING SueBonnett (Salem) '.• 1:18.1 to the rescue. How long can Rice keep making the big Catholic Central v*. Hamtramck OrxJ/Sherwood (Canton) . . .. 193 25 Catherir.0 Tucker (Harrison) , . 1:18.7 Salem had its first "easy" game of Lindsay 0!son (Salem) . . 1.19 4 BISHOP BORGESS vs. HARPER play? at Redforda Bell Creek Part, 4pm Sha*nNeviiie (Canton) ...... 1653 the year last week, but coach Tom Bishop Borgcss vs. Bl'rm. Brother Rice BarbM.nney (Bentley) 174.05 Kim Hart (Harrison) . . 1.20.0 WOODS BISHOP GALLAGHER (7:30 The team with more imagination at Record's Mason Field. 4pm Sheila Hennessey (Hai'rson). . 17225 Moshimer said afterwards, "There are p.m. Friday at GC Junior High), The should win, but both teams like to slug PalllKftnek (JohnGienn) ... . 170 1 400-FREESTYLE RELAY no easy ones in this league." Spartans continue to roll and should It out in the trenches. CC doesn't tike Chris Kociela (John Glenn) .159 3 Benl^y . 3 58.7 This certainly won't be easy, either. make It No. 6 against Gallagher, the COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL CorySirver (Salem) .... . 158.95 Harrison . 4.00.7 backing down a bit. Smell an upset? SatanJay.Oct. 15 Charteen Vr'Json (Harrison) 144 44 JohnCft'in ". 4076 Picks — Salem gains two votes weakest team in the Catholic League's Picks — McCosky and Emons like CC Schoolcraft Tournament, 10 am Sue BlaT (Bentley) •...." 141.5 Saievn . 4.088 CLARENCEVILLE at HAM­ strong Central Division. — barely. (OCC, KIM Valley, Windsor and Lansing) Chris Naccasrvon (Harrison) . 133 98 Canton .4-14,1. .The only thing stopping Bbrgess this TRAMCK (7:30 p.m. Friday). The Tro- ST. AGATHA vs. OUR LADY OF week Is looking ahead to Rice and War­ jan^got their offense moving last week THE LAKES (2:30 p.m. Saturday at ren DeLaSalle. Picks — Both like Bor- against Lutheran West, but without Waterford Kelterlng). the young Ag­ gesslna walk. quarterback Matt Pyle, who was In­ gies got a break last week in their jured after he led Clarencevllle to its schedule, beating St. Florian for their football standings first score. LIVONIA STEVENSON at FABM- second win. Hamtramck, meanwhile, was INGTON (2 p.m. Saturday). Stevenson Lakes is leading C Bracket of tk FOOTBALL STANDINGS WESTERN LAKES NORTHWEST SUBURBAN LEAGUE clobbered by second place Lutheran ran into a powerhouse last week In its Catholic League's C-D Division with a CATHOLIC LEAGITE ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION Uip«' Ove/all A B Division Weitrni Divbloo W L W L West. Picks — McCosky goes with 30-0 loss to Walled Lake Central. 30 record and is unbeaten overall. Obtral Bracket Leagee Overall Wsld. John Glenn S 0 4 Hamtramck, while Emons likes C'vllle. Farrnlngton, meanwhile, was taking Picks — Lakes takes the cake Uagve Overall' W L W L. N. Farrnlngton 3 0 W L W 1, Farm.Harrison .- JO 5 0 Uv. Franklin I 2 BLjhop Borgfis 2 5 0 W.L. Western - t .1^ 2 3 Garden City 12 Brother Rice - I Northville 1 i ' 3 2 Ree' Overall DeL Country Day 4 0 .4 1 Farrnlngton'basketbajl coach Greg OurUJyoiUk* i « » L WL ErrMty Wagner Lady 9 151 167 Char Govan Lady .9 106 11.7 l»lbv*aK4»i, -. 1 I Qrodztcki. Coach** mhould call Qrod- Amy Atiltio 121 15.1 AmyAustai Poo-CatAoOe 1 1 Ply.Ukm -• --9 0: « • . CUmtcvtlrJ*'. - ' » J u NF e HF a 1¾ SV 147 A A Gab Richard 1 1 W.L. Centra! JO 5 0 Hamtramck 1 2 2 2 zlckl Sunday and Monday evenings Lisa Bokovsy.. •'- LS 10 147 Ke:r« Srabo RU C*. 61 ' 96 Mt 3 2 Jvio Marcriand RU 116 128 Amy Rodman OL. St. Mary's I 1 Uv. Stevenson 12 Lulheran West 12 1 4 between 7 end 10 to report your 9 LS 10 63 68 2 J Rhorvda Lancaster Farm 103 11.4 Afyio Fortune St. Agatha 1 1 Uv. Benlley I 2 Xulheran North ' I 3 1 4 9 Farm 9 7-3 at team's slaterflls phone number Is /1U 89 99 Lisa Bcjiovcy St norlan 0 2 14 • Farmlnglon 0 S 1 4 Harper Woods 0 3 1 4 Keifey Kennedy 9 LS 10 -?5 J5 464-8I 78 98 Wary Kay HuSsey LannaShaw *• NF -8 LS 8 59 7 3

soccer standings BERGSTROM'S SERVICE k THE SPARTAN INVITATIONAL WESTERN LAKES Lrv. Benttoy 14 SatardayafCaitBealop BOYS' SOCCER STANDINGS P^y. Sa'op Borgesa, M; 4. YpsiUnll.fS, i. Livonia Western DMs loo Alr'Conditlonlno : -Showroom and Sales Plumbing A Hasting Franklm, 108; «. Belleville. 11«, 7. Dearborn Fordion. DNF. Team W Pia. BergstrorrVs Since-1957 CATHOLIC LEAGUE 25429 W. Five Mile — Where service is coupled STORE HOURS INDIVIDUAL RESULTS - I. Sue Taligiao (LS). 20.1». 2 Shexry Norlhyitle -5 1 12 Central Division . Redford Twp. a-e Mon.-Frl. William* (BB), 20 3f; J. fv^belle BaUhloo (SL), JO W, 4. LU* Wil­ Uv. Churchill 4 2 11 Team' W T ;Pts, with unsurpassed technical expetUse. »•5 Saturday liams ~{DF). 20$*, J, Lorl Gilleran (SL), 21:11,«. Micbele Ecooo- Ply. Canton 4 e 8 427^6092 12-4 Sunday mou(LS), 21 16;7. Bea Herring (B). 21 23; J.Sumera Aihker (DF). Uv. Franklin 2 6. 4 DeLeSane - 7 O 1 15 Prices Listed Good thru October 23,1983 .11-24;» KrUWhbe(BB), 2124; 10 K. Holmart(LF), »»». Farm. Harrison r 5 4 Ca'ACer.trat 6 1 2 14 Notre Dame 6 2 1 13 Lakes DMsJon Brother Rice I 5 1 3 OWENS CORNING Team W L Pt». Bishop Borgess 0- 6 \? 2 Inishiiifl '.rv. Stevenson 8 1 17 Dish. Gaitagher 0 6 1 1 SHOWER BOYS' TEAM STANDINGS -r-' 1. Dearborn Div|r>e CTiild. 47; 2 Tub& Sooth Lyon. 51; 3. Belleville, 53; 4. Vpallantl. 102,5 Uvonla SUs DOOR venson, 135^. ^ivoola FVanklm, H0;7.BisbopBorge», 18«. Shower trx3Ividgal r««lu — 1. Ken Dubofj (LS), |{:11; 2 Dave Gaderel- la (B). 16M, 3. Qvrin Jobraon (Y), 16:41«; 4. Randy FUber (SL). - ' - : • '- 5 Ft. 16 J3r 5 Brian Diiadtlo (DC). 165«, «. Pat ScneboeJi (DC). 16 J», 7. [Cerlalnteed Shingles 0095 ((M u Wh'tf 5>di'ng mm 95 He* Smith (SL), 17.01; 8 Paul Pryatep (B), 17:1»; 9. Mike CasielU ^pcoai t•' SM (¢191 • Mslrjcooly *1~. -••<> S4Q95 (B), 17 16; 10. Malt Abbott (DC). 17:18. fuSq iiM»i '*"!_-" - Auorled S.d.nq SOftQI $29995 I.K.O'»No.2 $84 s 95 II ^. Shingles Reg.'138.90 19 T^^^^^S SS^v'^V.^'- v Soil.I WAttr.aiNO -SOCQS V— ' ••• ===u f>»»Syl ; ! Reg. »399.95 1 •• '/-^ i ««i» u* 4tr ,\., e.o-fob'r Sot'.'*'- Delta Antique Brass -. 3* *»*r^9 ^-^»«'p^ M». -. 63'., iVaJPVC Pipe Elk Prestige SQQ95 »v'"t-c»" •>'• - Hunt*r Doualas Faucet Delta Premium Shingles p.,s<, f..s .-fl-'189.50 V~*V rUm 6$i «$, $312«. . $399«| . This service helps • Change transmission M 14x12 Roomys? 3 s^ vos.r' $336 . . . .$429**! proveni iransmiss'on fluid . . •;.. •- problems. Should you $P95 • M\\rA bands, if nooded 15x12 RoomvDso >cvi $359« . $460-1 already have a prob­ ,• Clean screon. il needed HERE'S WHAT YOU QETI I lem, we'll diagnow ii fc + fluid • Repiace.pan gaskel -JL _-=JTylR|«8TP0Na 80LMJAM COMfIf TEyf -^J . f4y you and recom- , SHOT? ^i^^iBmt Wo*txv4«nrwmrsom#m^\ ^ymmm-lk^s^ , • Complete. I log.»172 • I (W» will rimen tnd r»ln»l»l| j#jt IIOY* and r*frlg4r*to<) Z ne^dod *. • ..'''-• road lest #etW8 with HumWI»t«l • HERE'S THE QUALITY •aWMOT •••• HHHIflBi i^ f^B '"'^MBflB WflaV MBI BV*I^BM 1f ..--. M r**» An entf0__: ' _ Coupon Good REPLACEMENT CHOICE! 5°^Off Li^ta-iipiii- wllh Ihl* oovpoo v r"HS»ir"-» 75,000 BTU $ Reg. ONE COUPON FfR (Wto-em&t 1M043 261-M00 533-2411 I 1 Chronotherm Fuel t #58GS.076~101 «604-00 . Co>^)onmvti6«pre»en|a<)|t()mao4purchs»« 34WJ* Prymowtti Rd 2435? GRAND RIVER 1 f 37$ 7 •tWtyrai UrrtqFltlPitqHAWh, Saver Thermostat " *Ut9 tnUvonsi 100,000 BTU 7 FMIMAI »6808-100.101 »654.00 ^•MCI>OPVtMOV 1. ?405 «5 4ay^4M WE AR* LICENSED TO INSTALL FLOOR 1 coupon per service JvSioo COVERING PDIIMTIMArtt Must be preeenled at time of service Carrier Financing Available. uJfSRBtM I I _ «, ^ «.'_ ^EfSJiJiCSfl^SISKSJi'2ft. «.•—«.-_ - J V^ot^on^o^ October 23J Let us dive you a free estimate Call NlQht or Day 427.6092 r.

aaaa^kate^d J • Wi\i WmttMtx Ntwzpaptts

Barry Jenien -editor/591-2300

Thursday, October 1Q, 1983 OitK (P.C-€C.R,W,G-5C)* 7G * Is buying mortgage life insurance your wisest move?

If you are like most homeowners, ed to the monthly mortgage payments. an insurance company of your choice. you are much better off acquiring life you probably have yielded to market Medical examinations usually are not The cost could be lower, and you would insurance as part of an overall plan; pressures and have bought mortgage required Policies that cover both choose the terms and be able to choose rather than buying mortgage life insur­ Insurance. This article may help you spouses are sold. finances and you who you want to be the beneficiary. ance merely to take care of your mort- \ re-examine your decision. "A These are some of the advantages of Most mortgage life sold throuogh gage loan. - Mortgage life insurance is simply lenders is group insurance. A group- mortgage life insurance. However, Put differently, you should look at decreasing term insurance, the most there are several disadvantages as Sid policy may be cheaper than some indi­ Inexpensive type there Is. With vidual policies, but people who are low youj entire financial requirements and well, as detailed below: Mittra figure total life insurance needs. That decreasing term, the face-value — or • Your family might have no con­ risks because of good health or living benefit that would be paid at death — habits are lumped together with every­ is by far a much better alternative than trol over the proceeds. Under the typi­ discretionary money and keep paying deduction for interest. merely to take care of your mortgage diminishes over tho years but premium« cal policy, the money would go directly body else. payments stay the same. on the loan — especially if the Interest • The insurance would not pay for loan. to the mortgage lender for retiring the With an Individual.policy, by con­ This decreasing face-value feature is rate is low. taxes, upkeep and other costs of main­ debt. A loan that is assumable could in­ taining the home. trast, you may get a substantial dis­ Sid Mittra is president of Coordi­ appropriate because the balance owed count if you are a non-smoker and are on the loan steadily drops. • Paying off the mortgage might crease the property's value and make it IF YOU WANT additional insurance, nated Financial Planning Inc., x in good health. not be in your survivors' best Interest. easier to sell. Also, paying the balance you could probably get a better deal by v Troy, and a professor of economics THE PREMIUMS are, as a rule, add­ It could be advantageous to lnvestany would wipe out the federal income tax buying decreasing term directly from So the moral Is clear: On balance, at Oakland University, Rochester. usiS n Card Directory

531-2167 20547 FENKEtL AVE. COR. PATTON -A roRNEY- ITtt PROFESSIONAL COMPUTE* CEOTIR FOR BOSOTESS AXD HOME Lee B. Steinberg JohnF.VoslH IUrt**nr* 4 $ofcv4« • Piogf«m< • Ptnftxmli • Suptixi Attorney and Counselor at Law C.J. LEGGERT • No Fe« For Initial Consultation Free Consultation • AutQ Accident (No Fault* Job Injury r**mmPROGRAMS • Medical Malpractice • Auto & Motorcycle Plumbing & Heating, Inc. '• Hospital Negligence • Medical Malpractice 5 • Slip and FaH Accidents • • Injury from Defective Products - ^ ^ UNLIMITED • No Fault Benefits COMPUTER CENTERS • Detective Products- • Divorce PLUMBING AND HEATING REPAIRS • Social Security •Federal Injury • Railroad Injuries • Social Security AUTOMATIC WATER HEATERS-DISPOSALS • GeneralPractice* Criminal • Job Injuries .-- • Drunk Driving FIXTURES-PLUMBING SUPPLIES •14473 Ann Arbor Road (and Sheldon Road - next lo Croat SrJott) Evening & Saturday Appointments Ovor 40 Lawyer* Atioc)*1«d with Firm 39040 West Seven Mile 455-4250 7478. Main Plymouth PLYMOUTH. MICHIGAN 455-BYTE DETROIT, MICH. 48223 Livonia 48152 591-0022 DEVELOPMENT CENTERS To place your business card FREE IHIJIAL CONSULTATION THERAPISTS FOR HEARING IMPAIREO in this directory call HOUSE CAUS - isD.v-Ou.il. f AM ir i CROUP rsiCi-on.roJc:f*l» «0*0 L.,oo,» ULctvgtn 40ISO . r3U) 591 tMO

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Ttiuilt lilli-U 82.88 821.88 (life!* putter 72.58 725.88

coot Y •*« R •*

l «lMt linf UM


EnkT ilieworld of business c()in|)u

i'in.l..,.! |,uu UMKMI-S^' lHi...aii.InV«.iu>> willi tli.M»n;i«-«-s>sl.:mllK.i;s n«lil furyoii:; . 11' rlie thought.ol'a^king lor a t ofAiiierk.i •. ' . . . • • ...... •J^IIH-'IHM IMsph.vuHl.r.'iiMf.'H lx-.ll*M jMM,,)l,Mmlia.».l>|M-«-i.allvh:imc«lMti|^in.-lynl ^AVillwittirytlvM^iS^ Im-aiicssrs. They will >;IU»U.MIUJMJ>V ITfi-;.-lir(i j.iK-;ifr^. . .-jf V i ; $u if vou'ri' rcu'lv to take oil (or a ^ar loan, Jivpinto youri'tr/M ol AnWnM kink. !or -^ll.isis.rts.M^.nW^i.^im 1 ami tlic- full m& <-f tl.M r.)nipiit.-rs. rij:l'f tip to ll«- lai^r inullU, rmina! -svsU-.nK thf liKntto.uoKoiir ollkc lu-arvM. \\Mi;>a!l t'oll-faHv I^.V-L!.' .-!'^ v . "'• -".A^ ii.K»ii*'t!ii'sjH^i'-iiiJ |»ne-.-> iin"-svl.-« !•••! IKM |»nKlnt-»s tin- fiiir. ,-. . •AVorkjhK>oj>tMlKMvo.luViMh^^^ , '"'".'.. .- • '. " S. visit tin- IBM (ilmipt.lrt r'airamUaM sVving IIK-IJ.-V llic m.imlry.u < "ihc in. J-gaf'


O FIRSroFAMRIC\ WniiK'Mlii): On,1<>—I'riiluv. (hi. 21. '>n.m.-?|>.m. Salimlay. <>»•<. 22. «> a.m.-12 iimm. \\<)Hk.lS(. WK.IUIIS lo BlllkM iWllvali Hrjr»,n«'V.i,nirlnncr.'lowH(filler in |)iarin>m "/ •"" ' for mort- mforiniitiohcnni (3¾) .W2-4M0. ' Mofv;.H\<

kfly^^^fl. ^tt ^^^^^^M^g^M^^^MMMMMMMMMl HIMIMa^lg^MMMMgMlMMMaMMM^M^M^MM^Ml *-•* "-r •-*--».*•-. MP Mi "ifi

ec»(p.c-7c;R.vy.Gr6C) O&E Thursday. October 13. 19S3 I, business people business briefs Dooglas O. Vincent of Garden City Mlhclgan Chapter of the American So- receive the award. Only 117 Sells certi­ • ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION Child's Education." a brief session re-, both days and includes lunch. For fur-t joined the Harold E.Hahn agency as an celty of Interior Designers. McCUntock ficates were given out of 69,000 candi­ The Western Wayne Chapter.of the viewing several Investment concepts ther information, call 591-8400 Ext.' agent •representing General. American . Is director of design for Library Design dates nationally'who sat for the'exami­ National Association of Accountants that will help you privlde for your 409.. life Insurance Co. Vincent attends Associates iof Plymouth. nation. ': •"...•" •' ' ' " meets at ¢:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct.l I, at •child's education, will be offered 8-10 Henry Ford Community College. Vladmlr's, 28125 Grand Rjver at Eight p.m. Tuesday, Oct; 18, by Schoolcraft • CAREER CHANGE. Michael A. Valerlo CPA of. Livonia R. Russell Stratton joined the metal Mile. Program: White Collar Crime College Community Services In Livo­ Teachers considering a career 5 • products' division In' Plymouth of Jon E. Evenson of Livonia has been has been named executive vice presi­ 1 and, later, "The.Future of the Aulomo-' nia. Fee la $5. For further information, change will have 'the opportunity to appointed assistant administrative off I- dent at Holland Consulting Inc, man­ Howmet Turbine Components Corp. as bite'.and.. Auto Supplier Industries In call 591-6400 Ext. 409. learn what the field of Insurance sales cer In the National Bank of Detroit's. agement and financial consultants, general manager. Strattqn Is response Southeastern Mlchingan. For more In­ has to offer. Free seminar will be con­ information & operations services dlvi- with offices Iri Detroit and Chicago. • ble for marketing and sales fo the divi­ formation, call Russ Mayotte at J37- • SALES TRAINING ducted beginning at .9 a.m. ,Saturday, ' slon. . • . ...'•• Valeria Jafhed the'-CQm.pany in 1980 as' sion's standard product lines of air and 7828. "Advanced Creative Sales Training" Oct. 22, at insurance Training Systems a financial consultant. • yacuummelte^ alloys for he .Invest­ and "Creative Sales Traloning for In Livonia. Reservations required. For Thomas J. Lucas of Westland attend- ment casting industry and cast weld • DECISION WORKSHOP Women" are,seminars to be offered more information, call 471-4790. . ed a twc-day seminar on underground Mark- D; Rottennond CPA has Joined rod> • . "If You Don't Know Where You're 8:30 am. to 4 p.m. Tuesday-Wednes­ construction equipment In Perry, Okla: the firm of R.J. Dlckshott & Co. of Going. It's Harder to Get There,", a day, Oct. 18-19, at Schoolcraft College • WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS He is a supervisor for Michigan Consol­ Llvonia-as a manager and account e» Dr. Michael J. Schneider of Canton workshop designed to sharpen decision­ In Livonia. Fee for each seminar Is $40. "Strategies for Successful Women idated Gas Co. ecutive. Rottermond Is a member of was appointed chair fo the department making skills and assist you in setting For further Information, call 591-6400 Business Owners" will be the topic of the American Institute of Certified of natural sciences at the University of goals, will be offered from 9 a.m. to 3 Ext. 409. the Livonia Chamber Foundation Mon­ Paul R. Thompson of Livonia has Public Accountants and the Michigan Michigan-Dearborn for a three-year p.m. Saturday, Oct 15, in Livonia by day Quarterback series breakfast 8-9 been recognized as certified In produc­ Association of Certified Public Accoun­ term that began Sept. 1. Schneider Schoolcraft College. Fee is $25V For • BUSINESS COMPUTING a.m. Oct. 24. Attorney Sharon tion Inventory management by the tants, Joined the U#f M-D faculty as an asso­ further Information, call community "Basic"Microcomputing for Small Snodgrass will be the guest speaker. American Production and Inventory ciated professor of biology In 1973 and services at 591-8400 Eit. 409. Business," a one-day session designed Everyone welcome. Fee is $5 per per­ Control Society. Thompson Is staff as- Gerald N. Ddcharme of Livonia was promoted to professor in 1977. for the small business manager, will be son. For more Information, call Carol slstnat for production contfol at Gener­ joined the mechanical engineering • DEMYSTIFYING COMPUTER offered 9am to 4 pm. Friday,Oct.21, Wiles at 427-2122. al Motors. deaprtment of Ablert Kahn Associates James Reynolds of Canton has been "Demystifying Computer Applica­ by Schoolcraft College In Livonia. No Inc., architects and engineers, as chief appointed sales manager of New York tions, or Is There a Microcomputer in prior computer knowledge required. Dr. A. Craig Cattell has opened Asso­ of the firm's Industrial ventilation divi­ Life Insurance Co.'s Michigan general -iYour Future?" will be the topic of the Fee Is $30. For further Information, • ACT CAREER PLANNING ciates In. Dermatology of Plymouth- sion. office. Reynolds Joined New York Life jLlvonia Chamber of Commerce Foun­ call 591-6400 Ext. 409. The American College Testing Ca­ Canton, a new dermatology practice. as an agent in 1981, and he is a mem­ dation Quarterback Series breakfast 8- reer Planning program will be given 6- Associates in Dermatology is at 851 S. John Kuhn has been named the new ber of the company's Executive Coun­ 9 a.m. Monday, Oct. 17, at the Founda­ • NURSING DEVELOPMENT 9 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24, on the School­ Main In Plymouth and is open 9 a.m. to general manager of the Plymouth Hil- cil of outstanding agents. tion office on Farmlngton Road. Contl- "Professional' Development for craft College campus In Livonia. The 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, with extended .ton Inn. * nental breakfast. Everyone welcome. Nurses," a course for RNs LPNs and program is a series of questions and hours on Wednesday. Telephone num­ Virginia Fitzpalrlck was presented Fee: $5. For more information, call senior nursing students who want to be short tests that summarize and Inter­ ber Is 420-2808. Mary X. LTSsperance of Livonia the "Numero Uho" award for being the Carol Wiles aH27-1211. . Introduced to skllLs of physical assess­ pret a person's responses In a report. received, an Elijah Watt Sells Award top selling salesperson for the Earl ment, will be offered 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fee is $20. For more information, call Janet McCUntock ASID was named for top grades earned nationally on the Kelm Organization In 1982. Filzpatrick • PAYING FOR EDUCATION Fridays, Oct. 21 and Nov. 4» at School­ the Schoolcraft Counseling Office at 1983 Contract Designer of Distinction Spring CPA Examination/ L'Esperance has been selling real estate In the Red- "Investment Planning for Your - craft College in Livonia. Fee. is $80 for 591-6400 Ext. 312. ' at the annual awards program "of the' to one of four Michigan candidates to ford area for 13 years. Pi • n usin r

ST ART AT THE TOP WITH IMPROVEMENT CHIMNEYS • Cleaned • Screened •Real Estate• Repaired Limited Partnership Built New ...to stop your from springing a leak $ Fiberglass 8" H0UR8:Mon.-Fri:7:30'6 [WtXjftdl* 8at.7:30-2 SUBSTANDARD SHINGLES • 19 9Sp*r Sq Roofing Wholesale 65 S3 An investment In Income producing real estate designed to... .JP&W'-*."''4-*'^Wffr.-.<: > 192SO W. 6 Mile • 353-6343 —Preserve and protect the Investors capital. - L — Provlcte quarterly cash distributions to investors which may be partially or totally sheltered from current taxation. —Build up equity in\partnership properties by reducing their A Family Dedicated Ta mortgages. —Generate tax deductions for investors during the early years Funeral Service of operation. Dtvid —Provide capital gains through potential appreciation of Partnership properties.' —Minimum Investments: '5,000 — KARNEY DERDERIAN — Expected partnership life: 5-10 years — CONTRACTORS 427-3981 i LICENSED • INSURED • GUARANTEED fot nWtc complete ihfcymitiou jbout )oln> UaiicixV IUJI f^uic i LirnitoJTj'incuhip, iAiIoiJ.ngjhacgo J!i.I)H(.\\ -~ .-. . i I i (IIY. . '.. MAtf I i Donald Moffat 'cnn^/fatuccf^- Frederick Rockwobd I i l.tn-IcO PatUX'i* f> I i 18S05 W. 12 Mile >• • • SoutMield, Ml 48076 I i Larry Gerry Larry . 559-0600 I- LARRY, DAVID, GERRY & LARRY GRIFFIN Licensed Funeral Directors L-X Griffin Funeral Home 7707 Middlebelt (Just South of Ann Arbor Trail) 522-9400 DEDUCT-A-SKI Have your affair in Ski Educational Foundation Program CANADA OCTOBER 1,1983 - OCTOBER 31,1983 DINNER/DANCE...BANQUET This is your chance toclear RECEPTION...MEETINGS...EXHIB1TS out all your used sk* equip­ ment & clothing'& trade it the in for a tax deduction Wc'redonating it tqtheSlA 4, Ski Educational Foundation. : CLEARY - a chadtablejprqanizntion. which will distribute it to ^ : ^milORIUM- ^ other charitable programs such as the Speciaf.Olypro'CS Windsor, Ont, Canada You get a tax break &some Windsor's waterfront convention centre welcomes any special athletes get a whole and .ill groups, Beautiful building witk excellent food new start on the slopes I. and services at extremely competitive prices. And Participating are all remember, your US dollar is worth more in Canada. .too! Superb view oj Detroit skyline. Peaceful •..atmosphere in facilities" designed to make you fed. ~ proud yoiMC'vhore. .., • '•'•'.•.. i :; :^ /^ . Coiiie! !en)oy a special brand of Canadian hospitality, Carrier -— -,-,1,11. ft SKI SHOPS J on pwcivQ 6Mf tttM coitt tntt tffteti W*. hem* •BLOOMFIELD HILLS ..,,. 3380803 MW «1* * h*«< to**x atoo rrCr* p« how SMMVM •fMgmrrCr*) 2540 WOODWARD at Square Lake fload Call today for your FREE •BIRMINGHAM ... 844-5950( Home 8urvey 101 TOWNSEND ST. corhor of Pierce •FARMINGTON HILLS ;. . 553-8585 TRU TEMP 27847 ORCHARD LAKE RD. at 12 Mile Rd. H»»llng ft. Cootlnfl, Inc. •MVONIA/REDFORD .... 534-8200 •iii'ii«r '*i CtnvwcL* fWtMVMMl 30469 FORD RD., GARDEN CITY 427-6612 142ntECEGRAPHftDattheJeffriesFwv .VI8A.MA«T«BCARO«OINER8'AMER CXPftEif IK* FWII-flk I I OR INFARMINQTON 7 477-6600 OPEN eVtNiNQt'TII. it/SAT. 10 B:30,'8UN 12-5 CALL 1 519-252-8311 THI<; CLEARY t-

'miV \ it ^^^^M^^^^M^^ •Mill M\\t #bseruer HcmspaperG

Eth»l8lmmon* editor/644-1100

Thursday, October.13,1983 0£E (R;W,G.-7C)*9C ,.

lasmessage of love [By Ethel 8lmmom Amos talked freely about his work­ Amos said, "I'm talking about the [staff writer ing relationship with his co-stare. "It's whole world. It's bigger than a race a real relationship between three ac­ thing. Willie talks about how people are *CTOR JOHN AMOS, starring in tors," he explained. "Paul Butler has a bumping into each other. It's beyond a >% ""Master Harold'. . . and the son in Yahrfciw School. I have a 13- color thing." /"%_ boys" at (he Birmingham The- year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl. We Amos had done some run-throughs of atre, described the play's can see him (young Brian Backer) as the play in a rehearsal hall but found It essage as he sees its: parents, being older actors." especially challenging to fill in for "It's about love between three indl- James Earl Jones, who has been star­ iduals when the relationship is Jeop- HE RECALLED an earlier perform­ ring in the Toronto company of "'Mas­ rdlzed without outside pressures," he ance of the play before an audience of ter Harold.'" Id, during an Interview backstage In some $5 casting directors. "Brian was. "It was Interesting to feel the chem­ is dressing room Tuesday morning. so terrified. He thought he was going to istry from the two other actors." Here, The show opened in Birmingham the electric.chair! He showed his sensi­ the chemistry. Is "a very unique compa­ ,..,^1 o benefit performance hosted by bilities." ny," he said. V&he Oakland County ACLU and civil In the play, Sam and Willie talk AMOS HOPES>ls production will ^Wrights leaders. Its run will continue about a dance competition they are continue beyond.the Birmingham The­ ip$xroughNov.6. ' looking forward to. "The two guys have atre engagement. "I would like to do .¾ Wearing a plaid shirt and Jeans and a found something to attach- Joy to," this more. It's a fine play.". •K^asual hat, Amos strode to the dressing r Amos said. Willie uses the analogy of Born In New Jersey, the actor re­ ^ '9oom window on arrival,' opening it to dancers later In the play when he says cently moved back there after living 15 :¾¾^ sounds of construction .work going everybody In the whole world is bump­ years in California. "New Jersey may — GARY CASKEY/«taH pholograptw 4|bn In what formerly was a parking lot ing into each other and causing prob­ not be Mallbu but I know It's not going •';pehlnd the theater. " lems. to slide Into He ocean this weekend," Amiable John Amos reflects during interview at substitute father to Hally (Harold), In'"'Master >/>'! The fresh air outweighed the minor Of the theme In- "'Master Harold,'" .he said. Birmingham Theatre, where he stars as Sam, a Harold'.. .and the boys." :vifcols€ disturbance. :;'4 fTHE POWERFULLY built actor,- ho was at one time a professional 3-map cast matches up to strong drama tball player, has also been a social rker, a stand-up comedian and TV medy writer before becsmingiau ac- Performances of the' Birming­ Is the more worldly and assertive of tion at Sam, transfering to the black Backer's Hally Is riveting and mer­ Hls many performances Include ham Theatre production of Athol the two blacks. ,-. man his love-hate relationship with his curial, ebullient with good nature one memorable role of Kunte Klnte in Fugard's '"Master Harold' . . . and Aware of Hally's pain, he becomes father. minute, vicious and racist the next. TV mlnl-s«ries "Roots." -the boys" continue through Nov.-6 at his friend, confidante and substitute fa­ Once the delicate links with Sam'are Amos said "Master Harold,'" the the theater, 211 S. Woodward, Bir­ review ther figure. He Is well aware of the un­ In his anguish, Hally slides naturally severed, Backer's body English says he p^ay by Athol Fugard, is "beautifully mingham. For ticket information iqueness of their relationship and its Into the racial slurs that have been cul­ Is a little boy_who knows he has done Written. These are the best words I've call the box office at 644-3533. er) and the two black men (John Amos limitations..- - turally engrained. It Is a shattering something dreadful and cannot deal ever had to say. I'd read and heard and Paul Butler) employed at his After a disturbing phone call from moment for both Sam and Hally, for with the consequences. - . about his work. But It's different whey By Barbara Mlchali mother's restaurant. his mother, Hally's mood starts to va­ each has lost something irretrievable. you're acting..You try to give it a Utile special writer Though performed without intermis­ cillate. His high-spirited clowning with He sits like a crumpled rag doll, face bjt extra." sion to heighten the dramatic Intensity, Sam and Willie is interrupted by com­ AMOS IMBUES Sam with great etched with pain, wringing his hands.: y He Is pleased with the ensemble act- "Master Harold' . . . and the boys" this skillfully constructed play divides pulsive urges to assert his dominance warmth, wisdom and emotional clarity. As Willie, Butler's expressive face ' ing he shares with Paul Butler as Willie is a powerful drama, flawlessly acted naturally into three well-balanced seg­ and _ superiority. Hally reminds his Like the ballroom dancing contests conveys his fondness for Hally and his aid Brian Backer as Hally. Amos is by an outstanding cast at the Birming­ ments. black friends to "act your age" and that attract Sam and Willie, Sam sees hurt and grief at the ugly turn events ham Theatre. quarrelsomely orders them back to his relationship with Hally as a brief - have taken. Willie is a pimple man, re- S|jn, who works with Willie In the THE FIRST Miction find* the trio South African tearoom run by the teen­ South African playwright Atho! Fu­ tbeJr worit. dnMoa of "a world, without collision.' tlgoed to bit poverty mod the Inequities gard hones his messages to sharp warmly reminiscing. An unhappy child, A second phone call confirms that Amos* relaxed, low-key approach In the of his society. Butler must spend a good age schoolboy's mother. young Hally would oflen seek refuge In beginning works wonderfully to en­ •We're fortunate to have Suzanne barbs, not to prick at conscience but to Hally's drunken, crippled father has re-' deal of the play on his knees scrubbing drive themhome like stakes aimed at a the servants' quarters with Sam and turned home from the hospital. Hally hance the impact of his.explosive con­ the floor, but that submissive position . Shepherd "as director," he said. "She Willie. Sam/superbly played by Amos, frontations with Hally later on. , never diminishes his dignity. knows the play so well. Shepherd,has vampire's heart. • * • . unleashes his pent-p anger and frustra­ directed the South' African company Set In a dreary South African tea­ room In 1950, "Master Harold" exam­ • fif>nnf>M- i production of "Master Harold." "She Flsfi^CflW •™ uuvrun and Athol are very good friends," he ines the fragile relationship between a All You Can Eel BARBECUE RIBS PRIME RIB for 2 said. troubled white adolescent (Brian Back- Fran ep 's ItallMt Res tauran t on Fridays »9.50 for 2 . fu» COOIM W/WW • • *3.95 f iplrtt 10-1O-M '13.95 tjpbtt 19-20-U Family Dining and Pizzeria BOOK YOURHOUDA YEip RESTAURANT Op*n Dtlly Mt 3 p.m. 421S380 Thmifh October, (utvrifif' ANY DINNER WITH AD LARRY NOZERO '1.00OFF ItxCtPT SffCiMSl thuri.Pri.S*! 9pm- 1 *u> Covff Chjrte'JOO FRESH ALABAMA CATFISH! W* >«rv« Bar-be-que Pork, fllbi A CMcktn btr-t»-qutd ' Also Jazz Pianist on op*n pit with fetlblckory wood. Bob Tsltxrl i»y» - Sonya Marie - "D*v« CtiblfM mikei the bail tf-B-Qt'vt ever e«1»n." Moo. TAXI , W«

50 HOUPOME |vc? room iNooon ftccHtAriOKCENTen W&/tM'fwweu 39• |HT IIKllH

Fackage Includes: • Que dcUi.\o fur Kids 1G .nut under Sal. !)' 10.pin • I roc inovic:«> iiru(.popc«irn in the tlolidomc Fri..Hid.S.it. ••Aflcrmu.m (hccK-out on 5>in'(l.>j- 3 pin •' Snpccvis'ci the kid$ v.hile nioin .met dad enjoy the pool nnd hnvc your lunch wliirlpool.-dintny, aild d.inciny at >1.i\\«cll s .Our rendy when you nrrivc! Molidonie j>ro\ ides just the. ri^ht atmosphere.loi . rest'and recreation. CaHA??...- -»00() today to 2 for 1 on selected liquor drinks Reduced IJccr Prices UA ppV HOI IP 3:00-6:00 pm, MOD. Ibru Fri. reserve a fimlastic'v^eekentf lor \om f.in^itvt 9:00 lo Close-Mon. thru Thurs. Miike your rcservjuionvnou- jor Swoofcsl'P.iy n/il* I il\J\Ji+ 0.nA ,. ri Spcciat Fiimliu Dinner Wciut '•.,-.•:'.• ;u Steak ^ Ale*.' : -' • Available Snt. S-7 pin MMMW »«# . Adults STvJ.»b '•' •'.". COUPON T COUPON -::-. j | l •.'vnitdron 10,ami iwuKt $5**b I S<»00 /tyVM-affoiis (rijttircd. oflrr 0 I ri .S.K .irn/Suii v I i;(V». *«', -Acu'l.ihtf (ot Imlii tihuls (ntlti (/iH'\ D(i( ,tt>i'Tli lu j$f 00 OFF. I \-}>tr.itU»ltr ^^> l\)H} ' _ >- OFF!; 2 . 32/50.Concord Drive, MiKliwh'Heights 5&S-1150'-' LUNCH ONLY \ J ANY LARGE PIZZA i . (Al 14 mile'—Muist of 1-75)"-' • f'ai'iniii()l6n Mills.' Any Small Pizza or JI •27590 Orchard Like Road, Farihingtoi) IlitK.476-5-110 or LARGE SALAD • (At )2 mile aikl 696 Expieswiy) Medium Salad I l ono coupon p*r J 21666 NonhwcMcm-Highw.^, SouihfkM- 35V7118 IxxSxxy SV\A; 11 plna/**l«d I oo« coupon p*f {Autium < (South of!0 r»i !c Koad) coupon •xptrrt I0-1*-W -•i rW- • coupon expire* 10- 1&-M . ^Hli.'SW ten .Nile ltd. I' .uniituitoii IIHK 'Ml \(W11 coupon expire iw io-w — •— - ^-- •J0>»? Ann AIIWP Kosd, l'l)i»oiit!r J5VW80 i iw/MJIA 33605 PLYMOUTH ROAD ".... (AtJ'275)' LIVONIA (w?OF FARMINGTON ROAD) n. C-V.fM SS-A RriUiiiil C'^V : ' (313)477-4000 « % «^J A".;

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14C? W THICK :: ' ixts ,*** Roitaurant N.Y. SIRLOIN "PRIDE" featuring Chinese Lunches troni S? 75 Compfctt. tAM Japanese Lunches Irom 5 00 opener a success Dlnrmat 9 GLORIA'A'WALKER CMNM * Anwrtoe* Peed l—MON. thru-Thurt. DINNER 8p£tflAL$—^ CAfiRT-OVIS OH CMWSt WOO - UlCf Chine** lunch 11-) Jtpeneee Lunch U-t • Cocktatt* • Qafty-Ouhi By AvigderZtrofTip budget and relies heavily on Individual "UCf Prime Rib Veal Marqella or ChMee* 9-940 . Jipeneee DiwHf >-M0 special writer cootribuUoo, White a low budget Inevi­ 42M627 to 2/'14.95 80I0 ala Florentine 2/M2.95 rw. a«AT. iu tftso tably poses *xne problems, Chajes and . >>»•> KY^OUTV HO l**** OlHf m rmftx Mcot ran r a mt n* no » 35780 FIVE MilE (Idyl Wyld doil Course) f« t>vt Ujtrc C>>>jr **(* pi»d '? at the Jewish Community Center in dard ol most events ts w>comprom,U r West Bioomfield: Last Sunday,marked Inglyhiih- ••:• ..'••' AhLV-W s the opening"ol the 44th season of the Sanday> procram otfttteted of * CAT SPECIALS. CLOCK, Jr. j . series, featuring ther Center Symphony harpsichord coi»certo by Back, a cot*-; f T AWAY IN YOUR OWI Orchestra and, talented local solists. certo for three v+oitro hy VrvaWi and BACKDOOR Dinger Special The persoa behind this series is Ju­ the celebrated Kreatrer Sonata by Bee- |MM «m«QoabMAtalbr*aktMt Breakfast Special Everyday [ lius Chajes, whose outstanding qualifl- thoyea. **4 H* > Hto*u to toe ratUwanU Shrimp & Tenderloin THE-SQLOKST tn the feaca c<#>oerto catioos include composing, conducting •>»»lJjW •- ttiiwtSdeyiUy) SATURDAY SPECIAL Brochette A^ . was p*vW Wltson, a harpsk^ordist attA FRIOAY Q .• and playing the piano. This event fea­ ^J&Jg* UMtaduitaparmm FISHDIKNE ^SPAGHETTI DINNER Served on a bed of egg noodles vfSS'O tured the last (wo categories, but his organist *fco regoUrb) appears it\ inelw4*« r*Ut«, lo*tl Cholt« e( »OWIK UUd 6r • chok* ot »«»|>, ,^ *? wUh roll & butter & full salad bar *W ability as a composer, judging by previ­ many chamber ev«tt in the areia HMMMKIUW/' - • Good Oiru Wed., Oct. 19 ous exposure to some of his composi­ -The soktfsts ft> tfce V4 fttv«r»Redtord ; •3" • Full Salad Bar *»* a «* ? Mitt 5W-4020 This series operates bo a very low famlly. Homtmtdi Br$*d A Bsktd Pofto*$ • Homemade.Soups with ccmpl0t» dinntrt • Daily Breakfast, Lunch \, •••-.'•* • & Dinner Specials 33480 W. 7 Mile at Farmlrtgton Rd. • Family Dining , Livonia (K-Msrt Shopping Center) • 476-8215 27694 Grand River at 8 Mile Open 7 - 10 pm 7 Days a Week ^t4iUL4ua9 INTRODUCING For Party .Reservations 478-9229 FAMILY DINING NEW AMERICAN MENU LI WITH COUPON - EXPIRES OCT 31 >,vs<» \or.fy WE Good thai ?rrWPt>(Txxrth JUsl$oolho* Friday, Oct. 14A' i UsBMWor G/aodRn-et Sft« DINNER SPECIAL i **S**fi»i RtwOflO ,«l««» i^v. IftWA 537-0740 rrmlcin cuUlrv* • 244M Ortnd Rlvtr • IHtroH I STEAK & SHRIMP ^fc^ 427-1000 ir& M4-O200 i $ 795 ^M^r^^ly^iri^i v' l»- PUBLIC WELCOME TO DINE DINNERS i^'&\U3SiaS8K@W3e m- Complete S I • Dinner I THE KNIGHTS DEN Same Great Price Us For • VVl^^^S ~ ""•"" • Open for Lunch I \&»*&|*»2|OT For ,7-95 You get an | Mon.-Sat. 8 oz Nothing I ^^^-^^g' ' - Sirloin steak and | Dinner Wed.-Sun. Sweetest Day! Over I ^====^^ 3 shrimp stuffed with | person bar Private Rooms & Banquet I crabmeat, soup, salad, potato, roll and butter. | Dinner & Sandwiches H- Facilities 10-350 GOTSIS I (This ad must be presentedto take I Available 5-8 pm and NOW, food 5J spirits I advantage of offer. 2 people per ad!) I Monaghan K of C Building M I ' Offer Good Thru Oct .31st I 478-1919 or 476-8M Great New Old Family Recipes 19801 FARMINGTON RD. BETWEEN 7 & 8 MILE • LIVONIA Made From Scratch!" Entertainment! 15800 MIDDLEBELT jOOOOOOOOOOOOeOOOOOOOOMOOOOC/' (Between 5 & 6 Mile)Livonia { every Tuesday thru Saturday, 522-6600 dance to Ihe music of Sncoliy P«»«ttM 11»* Salad. Re!i$riiray. Soup. L^^e'ie MSVx/i jNj« 5

2 am. Fr««Ovrth Bread and Builc, 6ief/TMs dij'i-^tr^h . roll and butter. Cramer Basket, and Kr^-wetotVUH (mneh^onq) ^£«kuv [LIVONIA 1523LFARMINGTON RD. at Five Mile 261-555 BaVedPoiaio1 Ma|or Crodit Cnrds Coed thru Oct. 31, )983 v MON. thru SAT. 10 AM.- 2 AM, SUN. 12-12 . V-_^ BAR y Sw*\. t.KWeRJ. A I17S timh*xmmmm¥tmz-™ that* 461-1100 UVONIAWFST

All Our Beef is U.S.D.A. Choice --coupon --- ~i BY POPULAR DEMAND... 27331 Five Mile ^53 BUY4 0R^0RE^ Ideal Convenience I Rediord . Food for People t GET 1 on the Go! Tailgate I $urf*aiid FREEH Parties!, I Friday r rnday 1 Ooodoflry I only Dinner For Two only T«rf Includes salad, bread basket, choice of po­ with thii »d tato, rice or vegetable HOLLAND _ threOcttJ FISH 2 LOCATIONS Rutabaga & carrot? Thurs . Fn , Sat Only I.AKI: 6755 MtODLEBELT A hearty added on r*qu«»t Charhroiled l 3S , GAROENCITY Top Sirloin Steak 14 PERCH 42t-85e0 - at no extra charge CHIPS N.Y.STRIP 27831 W. 7 MILE. Family 8li« and three Golden All YOt" I AX Brown Shrimp I AT ! b«t«««n M.*J<«t«ll * MkHf U-BAKE-IT Beef . ft• J AU.Y<»CAS\ FILET !VII(;NO% M6"' VA LIVONIA M $ 59 wrved vyilh your K,IT 538-7738 PIZZA 4 Pasties 1 J < choice of potato, Happy llnur .?-6 /'. I/. Mon.-hn j our bountiful wlad bar, rolls pi r pt-rMtn & butter. J Complimcntarv I i:STW{T.il\\IK\T& I)\\(l\(. TIES. TllHl ,uSAT.r pt $7.95 DAILY HotDRIN &K Cold SPECIAL Hor d S'ocurvrcs II .i.m . *• p.m\ ". Try our new DAILY SPECIALS! ^oftuAtx^^n*^ LIVONIA WEST 6 Mil* R

m n€wmj*oi*L*tA CANTONESE AMERICAN CUISINE • COCKTAIL LOUNGE \ * BUSINESSMEN'S -ftiNCHEONS •-•'• FAMILY blSNCft^ CARRY-OUT SERVICE Experience a Feast of fresh pastries and fruits, hand BANQUET FACILITIES carved roast beef and hdm, traditional breakfast disHcs NtiW you cm -catch your fill at our Allyou c.iirc4t \:Wh,& r.hipv and hot entrees,garden fresh^lads and luscious desserts! Oinncr. Kcci in n'ur icmlcr foil scr\c«f wuh Icnwin .mil urtAr'satitc. - OPEN EVERY DAY ^mpllmentaryCharnpaghesfrved from noon to 2p.m; golden tirown fries, t^n^y cole slaw and rollv Servo) Wednesdays Monday-ThuV»day If «.m.-1i p,m: (bA^C ($8.25 Senior Citizens. f< l-'ridayj from 5 • \(f p m. • • . . •'"."_• rrlday-Saturday.t 1 a.m.-12 p.m. yfy*£D Adults S3.95 Childrdn under 12) Sunday* A HdWaya 12-10 p.rri1, $.4.95 & '9B mrv v.ns , VUA: 591-1901 UVON1A WEfT Six Mile Rd. & I-275 Ph. 464-1300 __^_J 37007 8IXMILE AT NEVVBUROHVLiVONlA""'.. UVONIA WFST • 0 Mllf Ro»d k 1-275- Ph. 4641J00

y* \i s. i, . *• _« J . • -. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm v «•

Thursday. October 13. 1983 O&E (R,W.Q-9C)*11C

Second runs Tom Panzenhagen

"Tfce Drowning Pool" (1975), 8 p.m. Hutton, Dorothy Larnour and Gloria Oscar for his portrayal of Charly, a re­ today on Ch. 50. Originally 108 min­ WHAT'S IT WORTH? Grahame. But despite" all that — or be­ tarded man who U turned into a genius utes. .A ratings guide to the movies cause of it — the film is worth seeing. by BclenUst Claire Bloorri. The film is Paul Newman .can play just about .Baling:.$2.80. thought-prpvoklng as well as entertain­ anything, from a con man to a lawyer,. Bad. .:. $1 ing as Bloom, and viewers, must reas­ sess the treatment of the retarded In to Buffalo-Bill, but he leaves something' Fair. . \ $2 "Charly" (1968), noon Wednesday x to be desired as private, eye. Lou .Good. . $3 society. But thlslsn't a message picture; on Ch. 9. OriginoUy 103 minutes. primarily — just one fine film. Harper In "The Drowning Pool," from Excellent $,4 the novel by Ross McDonald. Private Cliff Robertson won a well^JeserVed Rating: $3.40. eyes have rough edges, but Newman lost his unhewn image some time after '^Cool Hand Luke." And you can't make her next-to-last, film; a spirited come­ a sow's ear out of a silk purse, try as dy that also features a sizzling song Series marks 50th anniversary Newman might. Even so, mystery and dance by M.M. Yves Montand co- buffs ought to get a charge out of this stare as an aristocratic sort whose life­ otherwise engaging film. Joanne Wood­ style 1s parodied in a play within the The World Adventure Series will be­ DIA ticket office at 832-2730, 9:30 a.m. ward co-stars. film. Monroe and Montand are marvel­ gin its 50th season at'2:30 p.m. Sunday, to 5:1.5 p.m. seven days a week. Oct. 18, in the Auditorium/Theatre of Ratine; $2.90. ous together. Tony Randall and Wilfrid » ^ Hyde-White co-star in the film by di­ the Detroit Institute of Arts. World Adventures Series was begun The opening program will feature "The Night of the Hunter" (1955), 2 rector George Cukor. in 1933 by the late George Pierrot. The Ray Green presenting "The New Swit­ tonight on Ch. 50. Originally 93 min­ Rating: $3.15 series was on television for 25 years as zerland." Green appeared on the last "The George Pierrot Show" and recent-v utes. George Pierrot TV show. Charles Laughton directed one film, "The Greatest Show on Earth" ly returned to television on Channel 56 Both season and single tickets are "Night of the Hunter," and it's a gem. (1952), in two parts at I p.m. Mon­ and Wayne Cablevisioh as "The World available at the door or by calling the Adventure Series," The Plymouth Symphony Orchestra will open Its fall season Robert Mltchum steals the show as a day and Tuesday on Ch. SO. Origi- wiih a concert featuring Cameron Grant and James Winn, duo- psychopathic killer, but Lillian Glsb, nally minutes. pianists, on Sunday. Shelley Winters and a fine supporting Cecil B. DeMille's "Greatest Show" cast all have moments to shine in this Is far from being the greatest movie on brooding thriller of a film. earth, but It's fun to revel In C.B.'s gar­ Rating: }320. ish concepts of (overacting, scene set­ ting and direction. This Is a gaudy pic­ upcoming "Let's Make Love" (I960), 9 a.m. ture made laughable at limes by the Sunday onCh. 4. Ort'pinolly 118 min­ melodramatic performances DeMllle things to do utes. ' ""*-""; wrangles out of Charleton Heston, Marilyn Monroe Is wonderful In this, James Stewart, Cornel Wilde, Betty 'HOLIDAY CABAHET' 26000 Evergreen, Southfleld. The Chi­ The Spotlight Players will hold au-.' cago aclors will begin the 1983-84 VISIT ONE OF THE AREAS FINEST RESTAURANTS Itlons for "Holiday Cabaret" at 7 season of "Lively Arts for Little *»» m »" ^ .A Btnqwl r»cMtU*t ».m. Monday-Tuesday, Oct. 17-18, at Ones," a professional performance se­ HOUSC ef WOO ~*M*m* JkW AtHUbH Jhe First United Methodist Church, ries for children 3-10 and their fami­ SPECIALIZING IN CANTONESE AND AMERICAN FOOD «739 Newberry, off Michigan Avenue lies. Future series features include ..¾¾¾ BUSINESSMEN fln Wayne. For further information, Scolt McCue's "ABZ Mime Show," LUNCHES tf^AW C«« JaU 595-6117. The Living Folk's "Sing-Along" and JBOMttU COCKTAILS thV Actors Alliance's Story Theatre. •LUNCHEONS " ^¾^ 421-6990 IN CONCERT Series tickets at $12 per person may • DINNERS • CARRY-OUTS Ben Markley will perform in cou­ be purchasd^at the door, pi 4%<- U*t JKw» H»m-t1(»i • in rt at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19V at 44011 Ford Rd.. Canton fi>4«j 1l**.l}»m One block east of Sheldon til llr«U*"" anenwoods Wesleyan Church, 6615 • DUO-PIANISTS Sun »Kol^,|l1ltn»P" Wed.uThur8,; Sat, &Sun. enoy, south of Warren and north of Cameron Grant and James Winn, «5>x^ 981-0501 • ©*-^x^x^>.-Q>x^>-<&J! s 50 jford, In Wcslland. Markey has pre- duo-pianists, will be guest artists with PRIME RIB 8 nted more than 2,500 concerts coast the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra 7300 N. Merrlman 422-3440 £to coast during the last 10 years. His conducted by Johan van der Merwe at Hurmci\ in C't\ unJG'ttn .tfrli Cut!) AltianJtt (Jy).M Whistler Tht Txtttalltry. l.onJon . DINNERS 1/t PRICE *r*coroncerts presented by Eclipse Jazz at Domlnico'8 will be at 12:30 p.m. •]nclude the World Saxophone Quartet Saturday, Oct. 22, at the restaurant at •at 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12, at the 2859 Coolldge, just south of 12 Mile, Rackham Auditorium in Ann Arbor Berkley.. Kids Cabaret will feature a Hors D'oeuvres 3aa05_Plymputb and the Heath Brothers at 8 and 10:30 magic show wjth Mark Kandel; plus INVIGORATING cor;Eckles ^ p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, in Ann Arbor. audience participation. Admission in­ Happy Hour 4«7pm For ticket information, call 763-5924. cludes lunch and show. For reserva­ Mon.-Ffi., Sat. 2-5 "464-2272 tions, call 541-7670. COCIOAILHOUR • AT FOLKTOWN , Monday througti- Friday 4:30-7:00 p.m. All Welch for Rick Ruskln stars, at Folktown at 8 • SPOTLIGHT PLAYERS drinks using house brands— $1.00. Khjoyuitr GRAND OPENING OF NEW ADDITION p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at the South- amy of delicious HorsiPocuvrcs. At the pi.nio; field Civic Center, Parks and Recre­ The Hart-Kaufman comedy "You wiih dancing and live entertainment Can't Take It With You" will be pre­ Pierre Fracalanza"-4:30:7;00 p.m. ation Building on the north side of the sented at 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, (iilda UProtti-7'.OO pm to Midnight. center, on Civic Center Drive. Ruskln, SWEETEST DAY This Week's Specials Oct. 14-15 and 21-22, at John Glenn a guitar player and vocalist, is a na­ SPECIAL Steak Teriyaki, High School Auditorm, 36105 Mar­ Filet Mignpn, tive Detroltcr who has Jived In Los quette, west of Wayne Road, Tickets Prime Rib, Angeles for the last 14 years. Admis­ are $4 for adults, $3 for students un­ FREE sion is $4.50. yh iiler of Western Style Shrimp, & der 18 and senior citizens over 62. For )em information, call 595-8117. house wino ol -Veal Parmesan, • BENEFIT PERFORMANCE >fy your choice - • Spaghetti, The Oakland County Branch of the with full dinner Lasagna i American Civil Liberties Union will • PALMSSTATE present a benefit performance of the . Liza Minnetli opens the Palms- The ncwoW inn place to be. film "Danier. at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, State Theater's season with an en­ Across from Cn'• ' Mon.-ThufS. . 44 PER ROOM Oct. 23. Among cast members are Pa­ ' PERNI(jHT. ,.. : ...... ;_., Arts, March*47and th« Balalaika Or-, tricia Klhh or Bloomfielcl Huts arid Complete QinnCf includes salari, cnoico of chealra with'vocallst,Aprils.Tickets Michael Victor Mendclson of Farm­ ' potato, bread , • • luxurious ^ueu room • .•'heoted .indoQr.toutdoor _ — •* are V for nonmembcrs (series $24), lngton Hills. .• l.vdijA some rooro.fAEE'! ppo!. ^, • • • •- $6 (or members (series $20), and $5 /5 • oourm^t dining oi tHe • .• live entoftoinrnent. Q\ . for students and seniors. For reserva­ V BIG BAND ^ uorxhmork Dewey's tions call Beverly Fogelson at 543- • sounos G'exercise room • video gome room .4052 or Joan Rose at 543-5912. Music Irt the big-band style will be nN [^ . ;JSTEW(6SEAfOO0>6PlflfT6 heard at "Puttin' on the Ritz," a dance Mlmlt#d number ot roomt i»»U»bt« • with, Al Townsend and the Ambassa­ 4* tlVELY ARTS .' ' . ." '/r///#<7//. ^s//s/ The Child's Play Touring Theatre dors featuring Doug Kerr on vocals 9 44401 Ford Road at Sheldon will.present 'Everything Under the p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Oct 28', at the Canton Township Livonia Holidome West, Sli Mile and 16400 J L ^^adso^ Df.vc X>viM,o'd wi A&On • OU bb<) 6500 Rainbow" at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 981-1048 CAtL TOLL FREE 1-6O0 4620440 29, at the Andover High School Audi­ * 1-275. Admission Is $10 per person. torium, 4200 Andover, Bloomfleld There will be a cash bar. For reserva­ tions, call 425-5252. The event Is spon­ sa$ki) Hills, and'2 p.m. that day at. the ,,.1 r, ',,).-! MonogfmtiM Co«p>'> \Southfleld Civic Center Auditorium, sored by the Livonia Cultural League. ^pw»^|^l^w*qr!T" !.^*f-r9jmj9,* 3,1.^.1^111 *,jrrrj*j^rr.T~Ti*-KF*mxrwfvmmimw^^w^^**r^*mvwF*pwm Hipiipi aivi «i M^ai^flJl^V«fWJ«/f-Unf*nVJVJJPJB*vpjPAV3JI^

12C*(R,W.G-10C) 0*£ Thursday. OctObOf 13.19S3 Dialogue needs to be

The Theofre Guild of Livonia- Director Lois Tobln neglects to Redford production 6f ''Star Spah- stress the Importance of line delivery, gled Girt" continues

>**••*• J iV*'"V ' y .• "•'• i f- "!'">•:< >.,i ''ir1'*, vi ••••• '-.- 't'-'i 'M'."1-' "••-• • u . ,Lu,nck, * Dimur' • f.» n i A AMP ItnTOTAWMgHT 0U1P€ Specials JSk

MA North of I •MASTERS OF THE ,. iSie^k.- Seafood Spirits Ch.rry Hilt I new.burgti rd- nisi land 722-7788 UNIVERSE ^ • CARE BEARS


*v o &W { v-v He Man, Skelelor & Man-E Facos fl vO^vO^^ e

$• .^ rN> OkOSl ftCC .«,.-*«.. or TIN IMIViaM Ttll vC// *> s , V~ .0^ >< ft JUNIOR 1 V.t\°Ar^9 if -.^ - ;i * -y t& «» 'pt ^v .^ .# -- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14th. ^- ^ aO «5^ o^ Roseville, Madison Hgts. & Dearborn 7:30 PM»9:00 PM & e SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th. Livonia & Southgate 2:00 PM-3:30 PM

A/ncrkan SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16th, Bod Crow Southfield 12 nooh-1:30 PM

MONDAV-SATUROAY 9:30 AM-9:30 PM; SUNDAY 11:00 AW-6:00 PM MAOISON HEIGHTS SOUTHGATE ROSEVILLE • t TOLEDO - J70T0 C'»t 91 Art M!5«w(i!i (»i»3i )HWM*n-M '•• l413Uut|t|Ad YOUR MASTERCARD] ' 111« M* J|MJI«I< . WH'«'T»lmMaj$t ^.HI »•« wk**« *t* -.an *<-viur,\*+ AND VISA Together, t»:iutnmlil • . HONORED AT LIVONIA SOUFHFIELO OfARBORN • FLIKT we can J9I50W IHHHt XHW M<^¾^M.• • GRAND RAP10S "^vsjatt*--- m 144 STORIS COAST TO COAST • SAGINAW . r M

.J .A -* -* -< ^--S^» Jfc. * i* ^^"^^W^WI1!!*"!!!!^ •J; j* ZM <.- r-5 wm*m&m*M.u-);- -i -,- ^UPP^HIiPPP

Stye #bseruer £tfeiuspapm

classified reaf estate and homes

CorlnneAbatt editor/644-1100'

J. Thursday, Octobers. 1983 OStE (P.CW.G)tE over a new

ByMaryKlsmlc ments aren't going to look like mine," staff writer -she said. "But I tell them. This isn't a production line.: This cheery wreath, fashioned Those who think wreaths are'for "You cannot make a mistake with Christmastime, and then'only on doors these. Everything can be moved or ad­ from baby's breath and red and and over fireplaces, may be surprised justed slightly,"' Moilanen continued. plaid ribbon, goes well with the by a visit to Kay Mollanen's home. "About 19 out of 20 people who were red walls and country touches Wreaths are in "evidence at Mol­ worried about taking the class end up in Kay Mollanen's kitchen. At lanen's Livonia horne year 'round, not happy with what they make." Christmastime she adds an only on the door and over the'fireplace, The popularity of wreaths around the but Just about anywhere you could im­ home was rejuvenated with the Ameri­ angel ornament to the wreath. agine as well. They're not just green can Bicentennial, according to Moi­ and red, but every color of the spec­ lanen" She said wreaths were often dis­ trum. ' played in homes in colonial times. "You can-use any color combina­ In. the center of the wreath to give it a to her wreaths. Glycerine added to tions, for Christmas or all year,"" Moi­ A VISITOR to the Moilanen home at Christmasy aly. baby's breath preserves It and keeps it lanen said. "Your Imagination can real­ any season Is greeted with a colorful Wreathsjrfade of grapevine are pop­ soft. : "» ly play an Important part of it." wreath at the front door. ular, according to Moilanen. These Moilanen obtains her supplies from "I keep a wreath on the front door all wreaths can be dressed up with pine local wholesalers.. She provides all the FROM HER home, Moilanen teach­ year," Moilanen said. "Silk flowers last cones; plastic ornaments or flowers. materials for her classes. Each session es classes onjiow to make jw^eaths, a long time. Sodo plastic flowers. The features one item and runs between centerpieces and other arrangements, sun doesn't bother them, and If they get MOILANEN LIKES io give a "coun­ two and three hourvStudents pay a fee She also prepares arrangements for wet, that doesn't bother them." try touch" to some wreaths by adding for each class, ranging from $9 t'o $30. custom orders, weddlngs.and bazaars. ribbons or such ornaments as cookie "People know thatxthey can come Moilanen calls her business "Country One wreath, with red and plaid rib­ cutters. She has made a "kitchen here and make an entire arrangement Corners." bons circling a ring of baby's breath, wreath,", one that bears little wooden at one session/" Moilanen said. v "Some people who -take the classes hangs In Mollanen's red kitchen. At hol­ utensils, raspberries and strawberries Moilanen became interested in mak­ say they're worried.that their arrange­ iday time, she adds an angel ornament Wreaths can complement an\ type of ing wreaths and other arrangments furniture, Moilanen believes. She sug­ some eight years ago, when she took a gested that the color of the drapes and class in dried flower arrangements. walls of a room be considered when de­ "There was a six-month waiting list ciding on the color of a wreath for that for one class," she recalled. "I attempt­ room. ed to. teach my. neighbors what I had learned. I started making my own ide­ •Moilanen removes dust from her in­ as up and it grew from that." door wreaths by brushing them with a soft paint brush or shaking them. She NOW MOILANEN keeps busy with keeps some wreaths out of direct sun­ her classes, held both in the morning. light so their ribbons and flowers won't and,cvening\ and filllng'custom orders. fade. "It's all through word of mouth," she Besides grapevines, Moilanen' makes said. "I don't ever advertise." the bases for her wreaths out of wire, Moilanen holds an open house in the straw and Styrofoam-. Her largest fall and spring, at which she displays ittHphOtos/ART EMANUELE wreaths measure between 2½ and 3 and sells samples of her work through1 feet across. out her Home. Kay Moilanen, who teaches how to make wreaths, centerpieces "It.depends on the overall look," she "The idea is to show them in the set­ -another arrangements^ heHhomeraddsTTTOTe^lbbirnto another" said. "If the base Is going to be covered, ting you would make them for,".she beautiful wreath (above). And with a final snip (right), she-com­ I might use Styrofoam or wire." said. pletes another wreath that can hang almost anywhere, almost anytime of the year. This one features ribbons, (lowers and Span­ BABY'S BREATH and Spanish moss For information on Country Corners, ish moss. are two of the materials Moilanen adds call 425-8103.

• x- '•,•-• i< !",&!• r'/U- .M^***!''; .-

•j v 4E* O&E Thursday, Octobw 13,1983


312UvonU 312 Uvonta 312LWonla 8 A BIO OPPORTUNITY •>• • AUCTION • Fall $peciacular Reach -•VU'chla®*'*' UVONIA * AREA; . ., , FORYOU SAT, OCT. lit*, 1PM (Open at HAM) EnorUr* cotWal wjib' { bedroom*. WOW! *•%% LAND CONTRACT -.Re­ Irroei* J«st lasted thrftorreous brick J«« MVNQEa LIVONU 3H bttha. lormtl dlatotroom. I wily , Finest ;.-•;• tired teOer morla| south tat) afferiaf 1 bedroom ranch wiUi cor/ family room wltk atrsrtl (lropace. a*d falhr. Suburioeih Tv/learket ItetasUc lerms oa thii sharp 1 bedroom room. PUbbed rec room la pasement 'ibkwcdMWkfcfcJt) _ nabbed A carpeted btMoeol - lU lii raach with 1¾ UU* FAMILY ROOM with W*1 bar, p*L>»> AOtod'T »> VAXAt/ tr*tar* 4(4* - 'OPEN HOUSE" SUN. OCT •, HPM eta more. Located oa "«*rt coarf with sttirt) iVeplaoi baaeroeot, cen­ Extra d**dewe ftot " "pru t n>aay titra* AsV Apcroi. ! Krt.wllk ( brtroomJt, JH JettlM tad rarln* let Make oflff REALE8TATE tral tlr, I car tar»« Pride of owwr- lailMJW. bitka, ) car ttrak, beaaUral oooatrV •'/. shipthrm.»e^KO. *' aetUaa with tboppttl dote by. Excel- mottSeU. •«>» A*k for. • FOR SALE . Ureale: "First tfferin*r- Breathtakltf, BOB GRAVER ON »W ACRES, RAVINE 4 STREAM U the word (or-Uii totlcrtjTf < be£ For lolormiUoo. caO •»«.•)« i 30} Bt-rr4ngham- with lewertat trees aad topi* orchard room brick cetonUl oo (itrtjtrat Jot, 422-6030 la (root rites thb rarab&Aj raach a 70it»3. la WlldwoOd Poreet Se*drrl- Beil Asiumpttoo for Fslt etcomnaad real special trtUaf- I Itrp bedrooms, aloa. Seller be* pel lots o* leader torlAt RE/MAX FOREMOST, INC. 3W VftMisteomfleid 1J fL U rial room wt,th nrepUce, dtaiaa cart tow thb well mtlnlaieed bom* Ownw ••Florida BourKl". FIRSTOFFDUW ' :. l»7J0» id* rarmmotori » . room, kitchee, Irt baths, 1 car attached with formal dlala* room, family room Mu*t$e(l. ScbootcrtfuMerrliraaRd. trta-lptd- FarrrJnaton H»» ttrtte. A riew out of erery window. wllh fireplace tad first floor fssodry room brick rtoc* (eatam Itmlly room Easy ajsttroptioe. »7»>«." room. Better Hon** tod Cardeos de­ Popula/ Rosedato area, wltk nrtpltce. fall fi&Ubed btiemeat, ya IJricsStorVHartlanda.lvon scribes Uadscapint;. Owner trans­ $6,000 ASSUMES Iti batbt. tppUaocea BeeoUtbte. tt- )06 SoA>6«k)-L«tlvi* BARGAIN PLUS • A fantastic aewer ferred, wool last AsLn* »31,500. All brick 1 bedroom raoca. (Inlabed tacbed 1 car (arue. Seper bojl Will Dot »7 lAtford-Harttend kltcbea wllh built-in* hl*kHrhU this baaeoMst attaral TlrroUc*. remodeled UtC'CaUANfJYeowl 308 ftochaaiar.Troy beaaUral i bedroom tri-lertl la a prim* Uteeb, -1st OUtrtaaT Ntwtywed Spe- kllcbeo. Very nice-C»llCorj£il«K»f>er. RE/MAX WEST HMW 309 p«yai oak -Oak Park location. Hat* family room, 1 car tt- clal! All applbace* UKluded la OH ) Honttigton Woods . • rat*.F1ntoTreria*»4J»O0. . bedroom brick (lack. basement |u MAYFAIR 522-8000 JW C*mrr>are«-Ur*5riLaka beat A central tlr. Oeardiaa Home roRCXOSURE SALE la Beaatifsl Warranty. Motivated Miter wUI consid­ BEST BUYS! FUSSY??? 311 Orchard Lake Woodbrook Sab. Striate- Lota off ertaj LOVTXY » Bedroom, IW Htlb CotoeJ- tbea cbeck cat this dellihtiat old Ecf- WtMd Lak* er VA/FHA or Baydown. Askiai tl. nVo-wtt Vlayl/TOtcbfo, rtmllr Usb, itjk boroe - fair brick erterjor. tow Interest 30 year fUed rtU toort- 155,000.. A . RDom/Flrepltc*. MJd |t»'i -oetw- bote (eoc«*la rear yard, 4 sptctoas 312 Uvonl* lite. 1 bedroom brick Raach with IH Ible! • .-- bedroom*. I-fall btlhs, kltcbeo and tep- 313 Dearborn baths. 1st Door teaedry, Family Room llvoeU. AlicraavneoHotetheeJ Merrill arite dtalaf tooai tisoilj room aad llv- Dear bom H*>gM* ' with fireplace, baaemeat, > car tt- Lynch-ewned ban* with quirk uk AFFOaDABLE * Bedroom Brick' Ua room with 1H- car (a/a{e. CWy St« Psymooth-Caritoil lached tarsfe Qualty built by Curtis. needed 4 lertiy - bedrooms, family •».»«0.A»kfor; Mttoo. ; room with fireplace, finishedbasemen t Raocfc. FlrepUce/Llvla| Room. New 31S NortrMtw-Novt 1st floor Utedry room 4 tot* c< ertrax Oak Ctblaeti/Kncoeo, Floiabrd Baje- - JOE SHERIDAN 31« Weatiand-OardenCtty KIMBERLY OAKS • Ejecjllrr IrnsnedUte 0crwp4acyi Ota beet 4 meot. I Car Ctrt|e. Low tJO'r »17 OroaaePolnia . iTtatferriat lo Ctliforala, must Sell this central air. Aiklat I7»,*O0. Prime art*. "kalhy rockefeller" "_OENTURY21 »1« Aedford sharp 4 bedroom colonial with JW Gold House Realtors 3<»>lornaafor8hl*- REAL ESTATE -413 Tlma Share baths, formal dlfilnt room, family room RE/MAX 422^030 Oekland County 414 Florida Rental* with fireplace tad W* of extrassoch as 464-8881 420-2100 FOR RENT 4 IS Vacation Rent ait ceotrtJ al/, Uldsea appliaace*. elec­ . 320- Homes for Sale- trode tarajt* door opeoer, aatocutke Earl Keim GET SET to mote Into beaatlial 1 bed­ '- -; yVayna Covnty' 416 Heta for Rani Builder's Closeout 41» Mobae Home Space laws" sarialllni srstem aad more SUBURBAN, INC. 261-1600 Oilertailab eWtat i bedroom colool- room brick rtacn. Family room, fire­ 321 (l«ma<)*or8aM tOO Apenvnenta M Rant tl |iTbilb». lit floor Uaodrr, formal place, fmlsbed basetneot, (traie. pallo. IMngatonCoynry 401 fumfture Renlel 420 RoornttofWif Great location la Unmlt lit.feg Ooeo A Bit of Country dtrJnf room. op» Ulcbea witb laree di-. 322 Hornet for Saks 402 Fvrrlahed 421 LMng Quarters lo 8hare PLEASrNQ TO THE EYE - Sharp 3 & Land Contract Too! oetu, rtmlly room wltk fUldttooe rire- bocte Sao or makt tppt 4.M-l\lt AperimeMt. 422 Wanted to Ram bedroom raach with family room, tlrw- pttcc. lUi X) ft ol luary Urla« tt Its Macomb County 403 Rental 473 Wanted to Rant- pUce, Onlshed bajemeat, altmlnum Newer kitchen tad bath ecceatasu thb bett Etterior elevtUoo U toperb. 373 Homes for 8*H sided ftrate all bactlnt to park-like aluminum > bedroom ruck with Urt* LARGE BRICK RANCH Apency Reaorl Pr eperty atiflty roam tad 1H car {arefe. Th* CENTURY 21. Ml.tO0.CONV.FHA.ORVA . Wa*r«nawCtjurrty 404 Houeaaioftarit 424 HoueaSfttlngServke setUntHUM. almost ball acre tot provides tnaay Ezcelleat locattoa. Laree Urlnf room 324 Other Subwbar) Homea aod kltcbeo, rta|e aad refrigerator. 1H 406 Fumtthed Houaea 42« Cornekteoent hk/sing W1NDR1DGE VILLAGE - Thb 4 bed­ (ret* tad room to roam. AtUaj only Gold House Realtors 32$ Real CsUle Sarvteea 407 Uobee Home* Homes : 153.700 Call batbt first floor, finished baaeroeot, (as 32« Condos for Saks room cokels! b rttdy lo move lata. 478-4660 261-4700 forced air but, «4 i IJT lot, 14 car 40» OupiexaelolWrl 429 Oareoea/MW Storaga Beautiful kltcbea with bay wiadow, •• KAREN REEBER (artee 327 Oupluror6a»a 410 Fltls to Rent 432 Conwnerctsi/Retaa family room' with natural fireplace. Call Ray Prince 32« To*rhou«e» for Saks 412 Townhouse*/ AMni room, 1st floor laundry, 1H 313 DwtrbofTi 314 Rymouth-Canton Re/Max Boardwalk459-36O0 - ERA 330 Apartments for Stva 434 tnoXMlrtal/Wasehoute baths, basemeet, 1 car ttUrbed tataje Gontornankimt 43« Omoa Botkteta Spece 05,100 ASSUMABLEIW%MORTOACE ^ AKOtUTELY PERFECT CHALET 477-1800 332 Mobta Homes for Sake Pw4rtwmH»tflhtt LIVONIA & AREA 333 Northern Property HARRYS Low Plymouth Twp laiea. Spacious i Ranch (or The CROWINO FAMILY. OPEN^UN - UVON1A. IU41 SJeepJ LIVONIA & AREA MAGNIFICENT MEDITERRANEAN bedrooms i 1st floor library DM nl Home features • bedroom*. J fire­ Hollow. So. ol Plymouth Rd, W. el FAMILY ROOM • FIREPLACE. Its a I 334 Out of Town Property ityb lots* la Dearbora Hlllt fl plus a (all flalsbed btsemesL Lert*^, places. 1 kitchens, newer root tod for- Farmlaftoa Rd. A borne lor the dU- bedroom brick ranch with a hue coun­ 333 Tkne Share Place your Classified Real Estate . 13400 Elm wood a teclsded yard borders t stream *„ ate*, centra] air, actual nabbed hut- ceralai that bis so nuj leataret, we try kltcbeo with bulltlas. family room. 33« Ftorji* Property for woodlaad. Walk to Smith school «<, meat. J car carue, UrftwUo, ttnch ra&aot U»t here. Stop b; Sen. tad (re« lUndlajt fireplace, larte lirina; . Saks . Advertisement in more than 150,000 WOLFE Classic center eatrtace, 4 bedroom eo- dowstowa. 1114.000. 435-713». more. Uoderprtced at W*f». locUL »1 RJrer Laae. Art (sr_ - CAUJIMDUGOAN brooae. room with dlalni 'V. 1½ batbt oo 337 Farmator6aie mala floor, fall finished baaemeat tad 1 33« Country Homes affluent Suburban Detroit Homes ' 421-5660 ASSUME IS % MORTOAGBBeaiUfsl REDUCED FOR QUrCK SALE i bed­ car pftr,e !SI,t00. Caroline Hebb » bedroom Cosoaisl fireplace la f imfly„ CENTURY 21 room W LtreL Itmllr room wit*, (all 33t lou A Acreage OPEN SUN. 2-5 REAL ESTATE ONE room, baaemeat, l car attached ts^ Today 261-2000 waDed IVtpUce. coostrji kllcbea. J car LOW DOWN ASSUMPTION, t bedroom 340 Lake R7v«r fUaort net.. 7*.% Plied Rataf Ml.tOO. aje. Call lor Open Rowe acbeoale brick rtacs with m hatha, family Property for 6al« Distress Sale - brin| offer oo Ihb ele- 665-3200 562-43747 ERA MASTER ASSOCIATES rofeaakonaJ clean, » fill baths, rate on mortal* room Brick rtaeh. I (all Ulha. Dtalaa too* decor. Reduced to 141,000 room Brick Raach, Flnbbed Batemetii, Ur«iolAUippUaaceslO>04. ,w 11H* for II Ttars. $(» total drataa room. Ptmllj room. A lot ol extras tad BWs for Sale N. o<7, W. of Farmlaitoo- ICarCutt^tttiOO • nHMI7JaMH5-irf|" costs, p*rmeeb include til Uuea at LAND CONTRACT • Sharp J bedroom Alr&t*t*t»*t*rtmyhlHtr*wipiptflitut>itcitoihir#)*rt/r»* l»3JJ POLLYANNA. pride ol ownership makea thb a freat tri leTtl with 1 baths In Col/riew 332 Convwdal/astal KM mo. nqtitt* total dowa »»,»00 • bar. Call todtt lor Opea House tcbed- 353 Irx^trlaiVWarahouae HouttngAdot fftWwrsbnmtkmamigtlloeoVertbe 'fry f**l*tnc*. "kathy rockefeller" -cometWteeOoeWay U»400» •k A tpedal fuuada< detaHa. t«M0O. Meadows. HIM family room with fire­ *n*a«m orotacrtrsnerkM beaeo* on race, oc&. retjtoa »«r oe evenffan Be Smart & Assume • place, betitl/al kllcbea, Florida room. . 334 Incoma Property fomeke any aucopntksrance. ^*tk*ero1$crtT)h»tKio.'fM*r+*if*fXf Thb ti% simple aasampUoe with lea* - ASSUMPTION with OM0. 11% VA t car attached. (trat*. central air. torSeks ; **r&kr&*to&*cc^tttvicto:kri TRANSFERRED! RE7MAX 422-6030 thaa 117,000 down. Thb sptctoas Cs*--' morUtrc WtJ mootalT parmesta. |!>,t» 334 Imeatmenl Property ottl*k* <\rrmto$f*torttyfrkitrT*afalUd»»»v$*0"r''*+°'t> Must sell sptetoui 3 bedroom colonial loo Coaoobl (eaturea » bedrooms, 1W' (rasnew^oeperayearaJliMi on aneoxie' opportunity tvtaat. In prime area, family room, fireplace, NtcehT^decortled ) bedroom brick tor 8a* .314 Plymouth-Canton baUttS-tamliy room aod Areolae** B4te- rtocb, nalabed batemeat, (art|«. »erjr PRICED TO SELL • A-saptr horse la a doorwtll to 1-Uvel deck, Ure* yard meet tad more. Askie, »M>00.CaU ^ coerealeot tocaUos. 8»rren oarr. ERA saper tocaUoa. Beaatlfil I bedroom 354 Mortoagea/ .Soper sharp decor. New tt plush carpet- «MHJor »HHt brick ranch with 1-H bath*, family Land Contracts lot Atkins; »»»,»00. Lillian Verkerke • . FIRST FEDERAL room With fireplace, DEN with fire­ »40 Suatneaa OpcortunWea v Al edvenierig puteehed si The Obeerver & Eccentric la subject lo the A REAL GEM- 476-3400 place, peas a (ail basement. 1 car at­ »41 Money to loan wndWon* stated In the eposthbie rata card, copies of which veayaUbla Call Rachel Rion Plymouth Special • t bedroom 3 fall Re/Max 8oa/dwaik458-3600. ATTRACTIVE tached taraft- Gorrecai wood deck bath tlumlaum tided tad trimmed 343 Heel EststaWanted from the Advartiaing (>certment. Obearver 4 eccentric rkrwspepera. RE/MAX 422-6030 raach, betsUftl oew Urine aad diaiaf I bedroom bom* la Urania. Flrepttca E.T.'S HOMES. OTtrioohlat t prirtu wooded setbn*. 344 Lkstlnga Wanted 36751 800.Call 4 sped HiTTpatio LotflilMlTlKO IMMACULATE - Laod Cootract lerma new»pe^ei^cr*yr^<>a<4iic^c4ene bedroom raoci, fl*- dtolai room, center foyer, family room bedroom tri-terel with betoUfal kllch- v REPOSSESSED . ftr%. RE/MAX"FOREMOSTJNC. • ltbed baaeroeot. 14 car pri«e. ceeUa) wllk ItrepUce. (all btsemeat, attached ea. larre family room, carafe, central LIVONIA BUYS UVONIA & AREA 3 year old 141,000 3 bedroom brick A REAL STEAL t car (arttt, treed tot Atklei 1111>00 tlr. A dramatic floor plaa with opea MANY FINE FEATURES fa be found Where «!s* can you fet I bedrooms, JW BUYD0WN MORTGAGE AVAILABLE * tlr, with maay other estrtt Asajme CHARMER la this bettUf »14 bedroom brick coloni­ raach. btsemeat, 1 car tarsfe. Vacant Good tootlat 4 bedroom coloaUl wlfh ' m%latertat. *'*-»" W ol Merrlaiaa. & of « MJ«, btlcooy First of (erini IM.tfsJ. 11,500 down. Aak lor Jackie, Ceotsry CHALET 477-1800 baths, formal dlalaf room,' family 1U1I YORKSHIRE. Nicety decorated 3 bedroom 1H bath al-1 V» baths, kltcbeo with btlltlns, roonvflrepltos. basemeet, tad I car 1W balhs,-kltcbea applbocea, natosl " It YEAR LAND CONTRACT. Sharp t brick ranch, 30 ft country kllcbea wlU dlnlaa room, dea. family room with II. ABC 4X5-3154 U1MJ0Y attached (arat* for only »47.0007 Call flrepUce, family room doorwstl ooto, WtEAMY SETTlNC . AaktorEDTREMBATH bedroom brick Tri-Level with aluml- doorwtll to patio, fall basement, 3 car fireplace, tiled batemeat, Ut floor Tim* hooorrd architecture enhances terrace tad nicely taodscaped yard,, Brtck ranch ItaUriaa, flreaiac* la RE/MAX 422-6030 nom trim oa bouse A 1½ ctr itrtaa. ttraee. |».*0O laundry, wood deck with fas barbeqee tali lovely three bedroom $2,500 DOWN JIM COURTNEY basement tad tttacbed J car urate. , - nttoa room, tbedroomaptaatea.lear Larte IMAJ room A Urge faVnltT room, COUNTRY LOT aad attached I car (srtee. Terms. brick Cclccial that was built Seller Uaatferred. moUisted. »M.0O*^ attached ttrtfa oa a btsatM Urfa r»- OREAT SaMPUE ASSUMPTION. HW lotrof ttora|e. 14 balhs (U.tOO. Estate Sale - esatom baiH brick raach ISI.aae wltt gulltylei. S320 MONTH Century 21 LPJ. • Ttaa tot Taa ptat trta of Urjft.bomea. down shwmet 1»H* fixed morutte. HARRY S. oe b<|« treed tot, formal dlaU< rodeo, a ArapUead urlatj raosn, termal . B.F. CHAMBERLAIN',*: 141.004. iftdtmt I bedroom. 1H Uth brick aalaral tlrepteces. (aU batemeat, 2 ctr CTTY RANOIER.' This J bedroom Br sod oew 1 bedroom stl brick ranch, Gold House Realtors home sits oa 1-H ecrta ce a prlrate dtatot sod a rpectaralar fami­ full basetDecu carpeted, roerfysarer . 476-9100 721-6400. rtach la prime trta. Immacalata coodl- attached farafe. Sll.tot. ly room wllh fireplace Mial tNTECRJTY HM100 boa.f7»>00 WS-»U5«U? 1JI1 street- Fetttriaf tart* kltcbea with Earn part ol dowa payment by pabua| ,459-6000 A8SUME10'/iy. bullt-lns, spacious UiiA| room with ccodltxa ttroothout Land tnd/or floor U1U|. WOLFE Simple eaavmpUon. Staaelaf 3 bedroom fireplace, rimity room, I car tuttt, Contract Terms, ttttltble. 3 fail bath brick home, formal diamf plaa Ceeat house 4 bars on property. |7».»0 ^TFTTTTTTTTTtTTtiTTiinnnnnnnnf room, lamDy room with aatartl fire­ »7k,50«. " " Call Hl-5440 R. GOODMAN BUILDING FARMINGTON HILLS • PRICE REDUCED * 421-5660 place, basemeel, 3 ctr tttacbed (i tsje, Thompson-Brown 544-4075 OP£HSIM)AY2-5 C7,»00. brick raoch with 2 car g«- large.- weli-nianicured lot. + rooms, 1H baths, formal dlntnj room, V«g«. Family room with rVe- * dea area • this 4 bedroom I Vi bath ram- Finished rec room with drtam country kitchen, foil wall flre- bllni ranch featarea a Urte country PARK UJtE SETTINO Owner mayliis; pot tached breezewey. Asking mock more 1127.(00. Feahuiaa t spackm Uvtaa room with * llo and privacy fanc«. $51,900. * da room, 3 tar attached juaje. ELEGANT EVERYWHERE IJJ.tot natural fireplace, dinlaf elThot*kltcb­ $56,900. ExcepUootl t bedroom brick ranch oa ea, 1-Vt bttht, mod room, tod tttafebed OPEN SUNDAY 2-$ ESTATE 8ALE cul-deaae, fantasise rec room, family Jctrgart»e.M7.»«0. rocra/nreptsce, larfe saftoy kitchea, CENTURY'21 ¥ 39893 JOHN OR. S. ol Joy. Lovery 3 bedroom brick { 1H baths, lafrouod heated pooL ctrr- Hartfofd South Inc. EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN! Call oow E. of 1-275. Lovoly 3 bed­ bungatow locetod in Oear- * ered patio, Urre treed lot, tttacbed 7 281-4200 464-6400 to see this wdl ratio tt bed 1 bedroom room brick ranch In Holiday born. dose to ahopping. * car tarage, land contract terms borne freshly painted la tad oet ;..« ..1..-1 «i 4 bedroom, 2¼ bath home, built 1980. located on Park.-Family room with fir*-" ,'schooia. end transportation J1U.J0O. .. Fr-atBrlnj oewer kitchen coualers, new­ quiet cul-de-sac in family helghboihood of new THEHOMEOOMPLETE LIVONIA MALL er carpet, newer larte froot pock, add­ p(ac«, rec room, carpoiing with 2 car garage on fenced ed Insolation, beautiful larfe lot aod homes. Huge lot. ravine selling, plush landscaping, and patio with gas grill. lot. Owner anxious. Onry Beat describes this ImmaculaU 3 bed­ AREA room brick ranch, 3 fall baths, cooreo-, Brick front raach, 3 bedrooms, carpet shed. 113.500, with terms. % OPEN OCT. 16 BY OWNER ^ cedar decks with Jacuzzi spa, automatic sprinklers, * Mortgage is aasumabl*. $35.000. . * lent 1st noor laundry. ko<« family Int. tiled beaemett, with tN optiootl carefree 6telned cedar trim, earth tones, tile foyer, »58.500;' room with fireplace, aabeiierabk fta- wood burolai fomtce. Asklaa II7>0O GREAT LAND CONTRACT TERMS! 6 yr. old custom-built Tudor on beautifully wood­ wood doors, stained Interior trim, gourmet kitchen, YACANTLANO SUBURBAN BEAUTY Lsbed baaemeat with extra bedroom tad As low ai^TloO dowa with 1«** fl Pride ol ownership prtraila throotbout t wet-bar, tprtakllaf rrstem, castrsl air, aaactaa. Will accept your pretest prop­ this lorrty ) bedroom bee plow. ed 1 aero lot in Fafmington Hills. 7 rooms, 2½ designer master bath with roman tub, open door plan 40 ACRES In aoutrrwea'iem . Stunning 3 bedroom brick latrooad healed pool, maay attra fea­ erty u trtde. Featorlat a brtotlfst remodeled klteh­ with cathedral ceilings. Total Investment: $240,000. Wayno County. 30 acre* are ranch with 2 car garage. * tures, sttachedIcarpriM UI.K0 ee, fell basetneot. Urn lot, early occw- baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 decks, 2W car garage, oak Was listed for $2N19,000 at which time owner rejected finable. 8 acres In mature Finished basement with bar, * 0 -TL\T^rTAIX- ptacy tad more? »41.00» LocaUoe. price tad terms b thb peace- NEW WOBL'D door, full basement, circular staircase, energy $200,000 offer. On Nov. 1 listing at $219,000 witl bo hardwood trees. City waler central air, carpeling. no- lol brick ranch oa t treed lot - J bed- MUST BE SOLDO Maay fine featarea and electricity available for wajt ftoor in kitchen, sprin­ M efficient, electronic security, $370,000, phone renowed. During October only, buy direct from owner rooma, flatthed baaemeat, I fall baths, SUMMIT. 427-3200 an offered la this sharp t dean brick for $206,000. For appointment or broctture: b*ritdlr>g your country home. kler system, gas barbecue aalaral flrepUce, stooe patko, family New roortjat* oah conTeoUoaal VA If raach style duplet cloea M schools, 477-6233 + Lend Contract lerrm. and 2 car garage. $53,900. room, ceetrtl air, 1 car farafe. ISl.tOO. thopptaf, tad eipreatway. Featarea la­ 477-2M9, * TOO pay points. 4 bedroom larje ranch clode larre bedroom, sstcfoos -brtat CENTURY 21 I or dea. ltoo so Jt:, ceetrsl tlr. oew room wllh nstaral flreelac*. fall baae- roof, oew boUt-lot. huee baaemeat. i mesl, and tvate" M«^O0. DETAILS ON V.A. REPOSSESSED * NADA.INC -477-9800 driTtwayi, 340.»« firm 437-OMl MUST BE SOLW Lortly 1 bedroom OR H.U.D.HOME8 AVAILABLE. home backlai np lo Wooded sret Fea­ tarea Lnclod* formal dlola| room, 1-H baths, family roomwit h ledfe roc* aal­ Plymouth aral fireplace, fell basement, aad at­ Weir, Manuel, Snyder & Ran ike Redlord/J BUY tached J car fsrsfe. »'1,30*. 41020 Livonia £ EXCELLENT FINANCING OFFERED 4«»N Smith MUM Sln-rl PiVNloilltl • Pimm I v< j i ;n siu PQR _^ on this I bedroom colonial located In "^ «.Of»'C*i V~*KJ*> * Ann Arbor 25105 + brasllfal Blat Oraii Estates RENT ^_-J|—^ A}[^—,' Hlfhllfhta loctade formal dlola| room.. l Rd. W. 6 Mile* Urt^famlly.room with fireplace, baae- HUNDREDS DISPLAYED IN OUR OrTICE mear. first floor laundry 4. stucked fa- i "We Make House Coifs" * rs<« »H>«0 (U.OOS*fltU> HSU* . Spanish tnwUSKI HCIOHT* • Brick t --a- «„0* 255-5330 • ranch. 7200 p*jt sq n Boeder's ranch Central ek.'flraptace 2 HARRYS ^••f^inrN. home. »112.500 W-2641. S 455-8430 537-5313: tar garage. «7.000 H-2443. •roc+ei»n» • Otttxoofc w*et rAfttaWaTON HUI • Ranch. WOLFE Condo. Invtalor's dreem Oa- .Ortgtnel model home Fkepiace rsge,2decks »40,000 P-2440. In great room. 112».000. 8-7445. 474-5700 HOOmniD HtUS • Charing I^Y»aOUTM - 2 story Tudor Croat Estates Brick ranch. Re­ LIVONIA -•• • , /chiueftzer ^fi^Sries. FVaptaoe. tam»y reom, bay win­ cants; redecorated. Estraa. OPEN SUN. 2-5 9tc*idole.Inc. I •• dow. eiVas. ti23.0OO H-74M 1110.000. F-2M2 »0«4 Weyter (S. of I Mile, E ol PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP - LAKEPOINTE VIL­ GREAT PRICE AND GREAT TERMS AVAIL­ MkJdlebeti) Lar« 4 bedroom brick LAGE. Tastefully decorated Tiffany Quad on ABLE on Ihls three bedroom Colonial on large IN TOWN PLVUOOIHI Laod Con- PWCCOTOttUl v ranch with attached tarst*. finished Iracl larms oflereO; II0.0O0- Brica raich. sttached oarage. >VQ* 5 "CO <•>. 642-1620 recrtaUoa room wlU bar. »H baths, oversized corner lot, 11% financing avallable.- lot In Plymouth Township. Excellent table 112.000 down. Newer roof, furnace . famify room w*th Mrepiace, 1H &&AS r\d,irr^ Brrr^r>g^orr) 45011 ftrally room, ceotrsl tlr. |lt,tO0, $74,900 459-2430 space in kitchen. 8yaV* Assumption. Owner and hot water neater era the bests bathe mam fteor, 'A In basemeni l»rl«'l »0 ,»C B. F. CHAMBERLAIN - of tret 3 becsfoom. 2 bttri home k>- H5900 (L-70J) 572-5333 , 7557-43700 . anxious (or offer. eated in po^Uar downtown Pt/m- UY0*«A FAM4 HOUU $67,900 459-2430 ovih. Finished basement, biy wW 3 bedrooo. 2 story farm nevse U\'OSU 3 bedroom brick reach, fsaj- d«w m kHchen. htrcheood Hoort 0] room, attack f'*t*. lj> baULloti 7 44 acres of prime land, large of utras. Opea erery Sat i ten. First araeomeoftriaaii'at l(U«O0(P- novae ' huge tun. wVque gather- offer erer 140,000 444-7141 040453-4400 ini rooni wttii rveptace, pegged .^.CKEH, REALTORS hardwood fioora. hxry and as­ tsceptkyvae/ charming and unkjue UYONlX ItltllNXSTERRD custom bvtfmorti-level home on '.1 sume eioaten! mortgag* 2 baths ^jrldW/^4l R7n toe wooded lot t-t rVW*' (***• »59.«0O.a-732| 5275333 670 $2300 DOWN ttgkova Woocflora Sub FJ''S Lt/pe KAfaOYMAN tTl CtAk " roome, waA out fam»y room wflh TNs nice 2-3 bedroom alumUTum S. Main St. $270 PER MONTH, peroral noort^ and numerous ranch wtlh flreplaoa In targe avtng. Brsad a*w 1 bedroom rsoch All brick, amenitiea mas* tn«s nor* a 10cm. needs an updated Mtchen. Rymouth fall basemeet, carpeted. • lasteM decor and undsctpVig 'MUST TO &tt~ 112(.500 (P- GOODMAN 8UILOER 533)453 4400 ! Newer a»jn-Jnum skSng and win. OVJWS Furnace, hot wste/ heater, 455-8400 399-6034 •**" WELL LOCATED THREE BEDROOM NOVI CU9TOM BUILT - BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED central air and ded> are H ready NtAT. CltAH ANO (XCOAATxO LOW J2RO ENEROY, paaslT* soUr. I HOME within walking distance from Swim Club FOUR bedroom Colonial on over an acre hill­ TO PtftFfCTONl 3'becVoorn trt- lor you Basement and garage Aa- bedrooms, I baths, ftmfjy room. ltrt»» levei Brand new Trocai'wvxkms. tume »45.000 (L«H)S77-5333 r«m All poblkc trades wlthla I mile; and elementary school. Extensive landscaping top setting. Large rooms, den, first floor laun­ i.OAO*tJ WTTH IXTTUi H tall* w an baate sbopc^'143.000 to large tented storage area Cethe- lllSW.eetOtbbU 4441HI and large family room with fireplace. dry. Assumable Mortgage - 12y»V*. drel ceOnga In King rooo. cwe/nic Wet cared »or home >o f>y« CrW pop-yerN WeJH«ndtocat)onofnJe.S<>i<>o'» .3 betfrocfii. ONLY 4 LEFT ^ traklebW wl^' 20S down -110.500 t»euriW kymfce iKche", *\ir->t- Dullder-t Cloeeout- Allrtciit* home* U (P-4M4) 4534400 num trim. 23' FkytJl room. TA W a eery orelrtN* tobdirison b*ta| of- "i^. ga/ige and many recert upgr*4** fts^with 11% mor^mastyaTaU- ablt /or ».y»a^^iT^^oe FHA-VA poeafbie en tnit 4 bed 577-5333 room, JV4 bath cotomei in new •utiocr* Hcota CENTURY 21 Center) Sv6 large 27a 17 matter A uNque cotonUI wtth great room. Gold House Realtors ev4le so erwah tor AAre npacsiori den. t"i batM. I*. room lor the stow smsMr 3 beckoom tidt. ceramic foyer, central rtcu- 478-4660 261-4700 Maubkor quVk aeks end gm. Intercom, ptuth carpeting kft OPEN SUNDAY, 1405» WADSWORTB, veto, • rnuat 10 *** mediate occpuancy. 3170.000 BEACH HOLLOW C0N00 PLYMOUTH » bedroom slumbero sided raach bosa* t*^fP-4«t| 453 4403 oa a l»»|»^. 'lD7 carpeted, I ear^ja. 572-5333 Throe bedroom ddjuxo lownhoose close to town. f*^TTN, KrrXHUM * MAJWIN BEAUTIFUL COMPLETELY r REDECORATED 8POTLE8S "KINO RICHARD" MODEL wetl lo­ Very tasteful, neutral decor. Man/tpeclsJ isatures: three bedroom trl-level. Livonia schools. $1500 cated In popular Windsor Park, This four bod- M upgraded carpeting, light fixtures,jtalne d . 522-0200 available for closing costs. Family room opens room home has ma»ter bath, oentral air and 453-6800 522-5333 woodwork;, first floor laundry, 21'x;)2' deck. OPaWfUXN COY7flfr»Y0AW*NI to patio. Two car garage. i • ntjwroof. M . -:¾n Asking $109,000. Make otter. Lart*R*rin«Lot eseawas^s^asiaA trrHsmnnn. WM. DECKER REALTORS 455-8400 I Bedroom Trt Ural , $48,900 459-2430 $78,900 V 459-2430 W^'MB^V"™ 1, LhrtMhit sttiet ttlTttt

&*•• 4«' wmk ^ mmMM mm 1HHM5HMU- W *• ;M- j i«j ..f* »>.* T 5>T1«rt

Thuf8day, October 13,1963 04E • 5E



'314 Plymouth-Canton 314 Ptymouth«Cinton 314 PfymouthrCanton 314 Plynrouth-Cifiton 314 PiynvbutivCanton 314 Wjrnwrth-Cwfltoft 314 PtyrtKHith-Ctnton 314 PtyriV>uth-Cahton 314 PiyiTrOUth-Cintoo CANTON - K of Rord Rd, beaaUfal I JUST REDUCEDO * badroom ra»ck * PLYMOVTH, kwer/ i bedroom, 1H PLYHOUra eiaratlTt borne, B*aco» brfroom colonial, IH wiki, IK <•& »l- Ur>(k Tador, dlntM room, dea, taUad HWa-Watool Creek area. 4 bedroom <» Meltfd !»•««. I«r floor littadiry. ceo- Mart »lorid* ikH ibedroom raaek, t a iVfoUoa, attaeted t^,a|t,Ur« tot la tkla UUtwat Ulckea, ealkednl eetUaa la'IamDr koUL Oalaked baaemaot, waderarowd tr«l «lr., formal il&kn, (imllj roora Ml belke wllfc maaUr bedroom Htm. pra ai a nptf prlc* radecUoa. t Urn Ckarmla* brick ham* la PlrmoSt* ot­ BeaattraUj malatalaad brk* raaek, 1¼ »eiWal eati tkoaa keat UU Wrooo* i 4b brick Qvd, bdK ters and* baat ol cocatrvruoo t~*A ^p> *, Mtaril flrrpUca to Hrtat room, dowa ikii Wtoterl Tkla 4 bedroom, I* room allk ftrtptaee.-beiaUiallT aprUkkra, wooden dee*, ctrcalar flritw- altk (IrtpUcr, m^unsmtk mort- TUi kooae kae tou of topdiet • central aatanl oai woodwork. r\AM| Real Ertit* tV>T»t> tall fUlied baaeraeaL * ear akacked batk eotoaUl Wu 1JVJ M h. aod lota of l»ad»upao\l)tM«».Owtier, iit-Ui* war, electroBk'alarm ayitaci. eeeew |U*. By o#t*r, »*«,»». 4»-*Wi Mr, eject/ie ib cleaner, aod a kill IMS. rimU; room UiU wfik fJra- poUitrnecte place Cvtered patio, I ear attacked ta­ urdwood floon. decoratlra wood win­ |ara«a. f »>*». ttUu. laii* alarma btows taaalatloa. tffWeot, UaUfallj decorata^ls aartk, pvop. Tbe window* art doabkt pened. LAND CONTRACT TERMS • ifca as, PtYMOOTH:0PENSyN.I-»pm « tooea, ewoer traaaferred rsi* + beaatlfal decor tkrw-cat H. o< dows, aew UtcWo wUa »11 >«Mltftcaa( I t tier wood detk. famUx room wttk TVJ en dta oa akaost a to KT«.B*TT ft. brkk raaekwttk laQ ba»eawDt.iliD- ballt-b tbtlrUi, aad bookeaar*. NW TrUtrri, I badroom. air, eiccUeat eoo- beat offer, fl«,»*t. -. ^SS CANTON'S. Ford 1¾ Call fee Djcrt detail* lod»y. bedrooioa plat daa,/batka. aod LaoU; QUALITY OUAD v • only Set-,*** Call UT room * (arafa. » x lii ft W. frooHrtarjiraantXiO CaB ditloa. MrBarwooaVfr. of oVIdoe, S. p(oa paxmeot rlti watW, U rot Lor»r> I bedroom 1½ UU brkt DOOK, ; of Ana Arbor R4 .-.•'..'.. BEST BUY JOE SHERIDAN •tat to b* wltkla waJUu dbusoa ot IWM coesAty kJtcbcti, {u&Uj rooco •iU $5000 Price Reduction fWljl Real EtUU ((«»! baaetacot, central .. aad Simple ABVtmptloo, too! Icwa, acfaool aod ckarck • iklJ ooa b for ftrtclace, PLYMOCmi - LAKD CONTRACT Uve la "Saanower Sab" aow« Tto I tttJroorti TriLerel Seven jeart old, CENTURY 21 = EarlKeim ro«.lM>»«. Call air,» ca/r »&acked firafa.'kealad la- KENW. Ckarmlai otder 1 ftory kocoa. Coorea- rtttx bene fuiarea 4 bedroom*, 1H l»mll/ room, 1¾ batka, fenced jxrd Gold House Realtors BETTY 8CHARPF (Toood pool, maar uUtx ViJM leet toca Oca.') kedrooma,) batka, eosa- jtiabitk , dea, famUt room, fireplac-.e aa. d Ml »« Aillor BEVERLY WAY SUBURBAN, INC. 26M6O0 PICTURE PERFECT Re/Max Qoafdwaik 4 59-3600 trr iltckeo. baaemeel, extxaa ia% firatfir^flooeUaadrjr. All wlltrawcradea B T CHAMBERUIN 420-2100 464-8881 GANTON 1435ELMHURST . CENTURY 21 CENTURY 2-1 (SoVt1.eu7UrmalU.too 'U)-koox Ikat TOO woold eipect are torieied at 474S100 1J14I0O laii* aad oat' Caatom bollt Urf« I Hartfofd 8outrr Inc. oialj W.W Call J«S MARLOWE . .$2500 DOWN Gold House Realtors bedroom ruck • taper roe room wttk VERY SPACIOUS NEW ENO LAND COLONIAL flrtpUe* aad bar. Florida room. 1¾ 261-4200 ^ 464-6400 H dvplei - i'bedroomt, 2 batka, Iimllr $10,195 ASSUMES .*a"iu>l bedroom*, top pad« urtk looe 420-2100 464-8881 room, attacked (araaa, apUt krtl«««, Sandy Petrovich Cirprt Ikrouibogt, beartlfil speeded $2,500 DOWN $319 PER MONTH ear taraia plaa 19> car lulti lad car­ % bedroom raaek at;la borne witk fall port. Patlo.Tka MwtWtaIaaUatlc. tortljr decor tkrootkoL Sc« It to be- Re/Max Boardwalk 459-3600 fcitcVti and ainlaj room, uteri) flre- 320 MONTH Hurry Hurry Hurry! Unt all ike room.1 Rl.SOO. Cal .' baaeeseat, I car attacked tartf*. (trrj- place In family room wllk doorwtU Brand saw 1 bedroom ranck. All brick, TUa It wbat roa kara beta looklat for • PLYMOUTH BARGAIN \j room, fireplace. I ft batka. Simple Brand era I bedroom at] brick ruck, rail baaemeeL Ears partol roar dowa /art rtdoorf to !»}>«. ExotUtet Uad LILLIAN OYORKE nwmatloo means ao quiWrto* for til» otto wood deck (view ti beaoUfaT), fall beaemeaL carpeted, eeertyearer. m.H« 'Jaat redocedL Oat of Stila ovaer au- 315 KorthviUw-NoYi baatrjxci aad ituebed } car {x/iie. parnxtrt by palatial and door tlllajt rootract Urtoa. UUia dowa will pat roa hut to Kfl Walk to ckarck, acbooL aabtilable borne priced at .oelr Eara part of dowa penaeet by palatial- latoUla > bedroom rail baatexot raack . CENTURY 21 Century 21 IM.MJ.CaU ' «II.«».LC1. . lod/cTflOO/UllBi. " V arltk 1W ear caraMi Owwo ara aai- abopptaf from tkla I bedroom aiaml- NOrtTHYILLK Cpmmooj/Cotooy. Coa- toa*. Can XHSraEJUDAN, • Gold House Realtors a«m witk batemeet. CULM oeedt r»- tom } bedroom brkk raaek, lkoO &t- PL : B.F. CHAMBERLAIN R. GOOftMAN BUILDING GOODMAN - BUILDER Mlr.kaUoKef. Gold House Realtors Sandy Petrovich opeo floor plaa, eartk tooea tkraKiot 399-9034 CBflUHY >1 • Gold Hoiaa eitraa, IM.tOoTOwoer. Evea, 41ft-ttM *76-9100 721-8400 644-4075 U0-1100 U44U1 420-2100 484-8881 Caotarr)1 CommaaltjWert. »H-MI» 459-6000 Re/Max Boardwalk 459-3600

B B B I I L L R R O H M M 01 0 I I &&.?-* M I OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 - 699 Woodfea

'•^'.* 0 0 L c A A f'-i 1 ' ' i4_r A A N aitt !o at $53,999 THOMPSON BROWN COMPANY CENTURY 21 COUNTRY HILLS P CENTURY 2t GOtO HOUSE REALTORS CENTUMY 21 HOME CENTER Host RU88 F'OQQ ' 349-2363 -Hostess: OEBRA BLACK --540-3050 Hostess- CINDY WILLIAMS 478-4660/261-47O0 D Hostess.' MILDRED BURNS - 476-7000 8 u O N U I T T T O H R R N OPEN SUNOAY 1-4 • 28458 Tavljtock. TraM (In 0 O OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 -8675 Cooley Beach Otv^ (N. F. Twycklnghsm, S: of 12 Mi.. W. ol Lahser) 4 bed­ OPEN SUNOAY 2-5- 5715 AndOver'S. oft Square OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 • 2565 Red Fox Trail (S. Ol ol Cooloy Lake. W. Oft Union Lake Rd ) JUST RE- rooms, 2H baths.'ldvety famity room with fireplace. Y Lake. E- ol Adams). Bloomlieid H'tis schools, beau­ Y Long lake. £. ot Adams) Translated? Move right L DUCEO TO $119,900* Conlemporary lakelront Wv. I Large Owning room with bay. Huge kitchen and tifully (reed lot and an In-ground pool highlight this In to this newly decorated 4 bedroom Quad level. tng can be yours in this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. b/eakfast room with bay. 1st floor laundry, neutral newty flsted'5 bedroom, 2',» bath Colonial Family Features circular drive, elarrn. system, family room A Enjoy the finished walk-out lower level with nre- E. decor, recessed lighting, circular drive Auto sprln- room, Nbrsry, 3 car garage and 2900 square leet. wllh fireplace and Troy schools Priced fight at piacg.and a]rium. great tor entertaining this com- L kterr A WINNER1 $128,900. * Immediate possession $162,900. $172,500 to sen fast , K ind>iolidaysees'of>- -. CRANBROOK REALTORS RE/MAX ASSOCIATES CENTURY 21 COUNTRY HILLS ^ENIURY 21 COUNTRY HILLS Host: LI8A4 60BJA8KY 855 2200 Holt: JtM LEAHY . 540-9700 Hostess JEANLeORAND 540-3050 E Hostess- SALLY <%.L8 • 540-3050 D B L w *w O O E E WO WO 8 8 E EM Hostess: DCLORE8HECK 698-2111 T a T . OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 - 3232 Pine lake Rd. (E. oft 8F 8F Orchard Lake Rd ). Stunning hew Contemporary, L OPEN SUNDAY ir-» - 34207 Algonquin (S. ot War­ L. OPEN SUNOAY 1-4-5625 Berry (Not Ford Rd.,E. OPEN SUNDAY M - 2469 Weathervanw (N ol vt«w» ol Pine Lake^great room with fireplace..4 ren, E of Wayne. Tonqulsh) Price reduced five ot Newburgh) Beautiful 3 bedroom, alt ©rick T I f I A A - Ranch Dishwasher In large kitchen, fenced 170 ft Commerce Road. W. of HBief Road 0« W»ow bedrooms, 1 '.s bathsr lamify rom with fireplace ptus thousand $49,900 3 bedroom brick ranch, famity ' Road In WWow Farma SubdMalon). 8tatery 4 bad- den, gourmet kitchen, ceramic floor, lormlca cabi­ room with fVepiace, (uH finished basement, large N deep yard. 10V.% Interest rate avettabte. Owner - B E N Irensferred Quick occupancy, $34,900. Super room colonial In move-In condttion. FeaMea rVe- nets, ownn;alre. 3 car garage. Many extra*. Onty country kitchen, maibie sin>. wet planter. 2 car ga­ - L plac*. bay window, oement patio and court off L $274,000. . D rage. Nice patio with gas blibecue. '"* D Priced! - ' (errdtyroom.PrO'ea4lone«yla/>daM<>ed. , RE/MAX ASSOCIATES RfAL ESTATE ONE RE/MAX VyE8TW«J D CENTURY 21 AT THE LAKES D Host: OANMeCOUBREY 540-9700 HOSteM: OAILHOOOE . .326-2000 Host, OICK80YD 2«l-1400

—-1 •w mm

8E* 04.E Thur»day, OctobtK 13.1983 Sllffedfofd 302 Birmingham 303 WHtBJoomfMd 103 WMtB4oomfWd 304 Favmington M6 SouitiltoltKathnip BY OWNER veU belli (bedroom brick MoomfMd TOTALLY UNDERPRICED Fawrningioniiint BIRMINOHAM SCHOOLS - rerr apt vitk lot* of extra*. CWi aever rar- Cootemporary toFraaait a VaUri jreat boot brkk * aMmtoom Qaad Lerel ARE YOU... ' . • - FARktT74XrfONJHILLS B*|t if faodrr room vttk rabed tace, vater better, ceramk Uk, cow BIRMINGHAM. Brick bvafak bed­ BkcmXfcid. CertmlTfoytr, bliaiSd kvartk nrepUce, bobby room or otflo*. Ur too* aad mot*, t car (*r*t*. ao room*. I batk. apptUoca*. far aft. U» A PROFESSIONAL oak noor*, peatb carpettec I* DOWN 0»«, aev carpel 4 bltod*. Q«kl treed Worklna from Yoor Home? TH batka, Ua> I bedroom brkk raack, aew b*rp«ila|. fill atdaa room, 4 Ian* bedroom* tt --^- •»>••. MHIM Hoed ttrtet la coereBieat loctlloa. ceatral air. ( IH balk*. Extra Urf* leeemtot area, D« YOU HH»t 100TMO8 lotatrjiT 0y room, fireplace, all oa a betvUraDy 0rt^ta,WS3ca '-••:•- attacked dovbk faraf* 4 dtaaled oa JU8TREDUCED HM0O Priced loeeii (5(,(00. wnn Htrt't t*« pttfcc« W. BkxxafWM toa- treed lot IMM . nttet atraet aeer 11 MU* * Ererfreea, Uca. Um 4 b«4r«om Cdaaiil Uri* 1 bedroom, baaemeot aad I ear H ACHE . ' > BIRMINGHAM. Cedar ruck vttk I faxaatOaiytU,** fnjm. Tree* arfoaad tkit broadfroat trick bodrooj^ Ufctvee vttk oook. f*fl beae- O^tlilf AW ': raock vHh 1or I Wdroome, IH bttkay steal vkk rec. room tad vorkroom, Ajk r«- ROMwm COOCEH SMITH-GUARDIAN recrtttke tcom, decorated: afccly. 4 Craribrdok Opes Sao. Oct 1« front 1 to ( Pit IM4 Aaeoc, loc. Realtor* ;;- 478^440 ^, 'cerfartf*. ' ' gXRtKEIM iiVim Gran brook ACROSS - 57Ehcoiinter CHALET 477-1800 8OU0NOUAM • t Bedroom raack FIR6T QFt=ERING 1 tkarmer oc Urf* treed lot ABUOM oak WwtBloomlWd 856-9100 . WEST BLOOMFIELD •dAnswe r to Previous Puzzle MAINTENANCE FREE IHatory ) • CANYOUO*ACtN?T * . SUabed for oekk aak AMOO., Inc.;R4»a»Of» 11mitated ' DOWN r fireplace- acotaU aewlrtl toned Urtef ( bedroom brick raock b City of Verro- bedroom*; I balk*, totally tOOvtndMQ A I bftlnoca bocne oo t (Micca trted No Reatooable Offer Refaaed IJlcbav,. flaUked baaemeet, nrwm room 4 dleta* mm. Family two, at­ lot, U>|* Ulcfcca *ltt movtblt ttUod. bJttoo. Fall baaemeot; IH car tarue 5Headgea.r -1 Centuryplant M A i EHP tacked cw|* H*.** Vtv . PU ^ Nev coatom 4 bedroom, ( batk raock aod ertra IranUUoa, Aak]o| V>>**\ EB< 8 I E w tuted&i ud rorooc f eaiafl**, oev pr»t* cbetrfd Uatty t^»*tki, Im- oo IH acre*. Ooonoetkiekea, vatt-la , 557-3500 2 Flags tko. W. Btooo- BRlftQ ALL OFFERS . 8 Distance 8 A v T A R|E n 1 cvictUU own la paatry, M baaemeot, 1«L floor Uaa- . OWNER MUST SEJJL • ,»• • s DunNuElSHiaTMl^io O .. BtOOMTIKtC Bl-lm) nock, emt- 5eM ackoob, all tkla * a prime (amty dry, ill aev OX. apptlaace*. vaaker k measure. . 3 Greek letter 6 T E R 8 CENTURYII - Hartford S . lookja| Ue^ioa Ult I k«Sroora*,.tlr oHAbortood (or ooM»7,J*< ' dryer too. WolmaeLad deck. Alarm 4 CJzNTURY-21 ••'•• OPEN SUN. 2-5PM e *«• 9 RYMALSYME8 BaitfordBovtk-.Weat 12 Mother of .."-• 4 Note of scale R R[O iF I 8 E •_•-• WCBLYDBOOIUTED = turn* apriaUer ryiietr* BloceaJkU KiUa 1(154 Coral Oabeai 1 R18 CJeaa 1 bedroom raack witk dtatat; BjcwStT&JT ni-wn DESPARATION SALE ^ Dot of dtte adwob. Watovt Lak* privUeeea. , 348-8500 471-3555 fS.ofllMl,EofETtrtreeo :--'•' ApOJlO 5 Proofread­ m± room, fill baaemeot, (eoced yard tea > BIOOUJTELD HOLS SCHOOLS . ovoer tiD be (a um for * vteki oohr, HTIlCOYEROADl COROBOUS RANCH oa (/1( acre! ) 1 b*£oom./dea; brick rkack. IrrlaA 13 Devoured > er's mark! BBSQB BE QBED q»kk occvpaary. Drat tUrter or re- V^\tv\ OaUaAd QIU cot! coorxv 4 Oct t-ti Opeo Houae daflj aad veek-. (1 of Loo* Pto» off MJddkbeK Road) bedroom*, S balk*. (Waked baaemeot, I rocmyiV*pl*c*, lamUj rooaa, ramod- o R Qm fcicoeTTrj MSHDA. IM.M0 LW1 badrposM (Wn miitarU batka, fam»- eoda, 1-« Pil BtomfkM rtli fckioli. . . OPEN.SAT.*SVN.l-» •• « car attacked faraje. faeUatk kard­ eJedkltck^lHUla*,De»r^rpet,IH -14 JBpm'en tyrant-' 6 The JE Jt wxa. (leo, pUTrocao, w»4 bar. i flr»- Appralaed ttW.W Will aeU to Ufkeat i54-TI»l •• »U44M vood floor*, Utcbea appUtoc**. aever car «*«**, prtraU tread let ((Ufc ! * * B.F. CHAMBERLAIN jlaoea. tXrocca lorct< oj«lck aala, t*k< UI f7»,ee« ajavmaUe.moTttaie, al fenace Lead Cootract Urto*. (*5>00 DNCWAYREALTY (41-4(00 . ISTierradel . sweetsop 476-9100 721-8400 4HX, 4111 FelrviT Ridfe oovtk. I ERA MASTER ASSOCIATES. 474-T1K "TJ| E A T biocki E. of Orchard Laie Rd. HaU 304 FwtTilngton BY OWNER. Craabrook WUf*. N.of Fuefian 7 Edible seed sB OPEN SUNDAY, tU*i ORAK- mile 8. of Loo* Plot Rd. . MMIIHM It Mil*. W. of Soatkflela. Weeft main- L A O 8 OELAWN: » U*«xn brick nock BLOOtaTtOD BUL8, Ukatr ^SJtt. f jfmltxjfon HJIIi Green Hill Commons UlaedS bedroom Brick Raack, aev Indian 8 Preposition koow, c*rp«U>|. ccotnJ tlr, rtcrt*Uao Rafo; CWootaJ o* aafa cosrt locatioa, roof, oev maiot*oaace-fro» ulerlor, I drfV ««. UMMt bnmedlatdj - It Kile *Praka, Walled {4M)V Loerfy J bedrooco, *Q brick eM(b«ioom*,IH>*tk*.deo.de»lr. 18 Marry^ 10 Being CUTLETS Lake Sckoola. appralaed at IHO.000. raock. Fill baaemeot, IH batk*. lara* able print* covrt »etiiof Larte deck BY OWNER - U Mll*/5o*tkfl*ld ui*. NIL O E L S E A R 522-0£00 • BLOOMFIELD HILLS via aeD to tbe Uifcet btd. U aot aeid la kltckea vltk eatUf area, akelikeijy c^trlookloi commoo*. Lara* family 4 bedroom*. IH batk cotoaUL Urf* 19 Printer's 11 Brick-carry- , otrt coople of veeki, vtll Uai Opeo laadacaped lot eitk tree*. S car l*r**e room vltk I vay fireplace aad t vay kltckea. Formal dlalaf room- PaaeBed measure Ing devices E T E N|P|8 E R 8 E Quality Ravine Lot S«ada7iC«Ilmoreup 4411144 Seim cl*2> arailaMe la aabdl bar. Ceetral air, acrlailer*. aad aaperb famUy room vlik fireplace. 1 tu at­ B«Udcr'a Wootl Jar aala at W.W ceOeat lead cootract tens*. (5(,(0( decora Ua|. Sebdfrlxloa common*, tea- tacked (artf*. Treed coroer lot Low 20 War god 16 Three: Sp. Ueasul oaUb boiH brick qud bedroom roaoalal IH balk, aooal tour, call COUNTRY f4VD40 la SoatklWd. J roots, 4 bedroomf wlti baU et( D4«Ur tamTOpto Sea. ! J Hunt From f amllr room vltk fireplace. llrtM room Century 21 acre*. ( bedroom coloeial. la eace&eat 23 Conjunction 20 Snakes priest MSU, cooDtry Ulcbeo. nrtt noor Um- Woodvard, to I ktDa, & eo Loci Uie vltk hrepUc*. Nevlr redooe Utcbea, VD4CENTN.LEE CENTURY 21 \ 36 Jury list VleceatN. Lee coodJtloa. Florid* room. 1 ea/ betted iij i t*Mtj,i balka, vaOovf (uni>T Ri, ie Eaatvan M, HD~ H Hi* U> aever (aroace vltk central air. cor- EXECVTTVE TRANSFER SALES (ante. Fireplace, Feoced yard. Baae­ 24 Property 22 Near 37 Stage extra: 45 Escape roco wtta ultrH UnfUe*. attacked Ortat Oaka Or, I block W. U Uodd at ceooJ kit vltk tree*, freaiila VaUex ExecvtfT* Traaaf er Sale* meot Ovaer aaikna. Term*. (45.(00. IVi car far***, Urf* p«Uo, (ana koiw* Mil Wood Creek Wa;. Sab. Call for prlrate abovlM IMJ00 851-4100 X4-7JT4 . 26 Sacred song 25 Glossy fabric coiloq. 46 For fear that abed, r*«voo4 prlT»<7 Itoc*. oo pnrfe*- ANOTHER AFFORDABLE 851-4100 28 Breaks' 26Cut 48 Girl's name riooallT Uadacaped *era, 0»« tea. 14. BLOOMF1ELO 8GHOOL8I I itorTi aevty decorated, aaakea UmUy BOIXY HEX FARMS - J bedroom coo- COOOMORTOAOE ASSUMPTION \ 39 Babylonian I4M04. - »*4^n Urn 4 badroeo raack «Uk andatcd Century 21 room, flrepuce, rabed deck, back* lo lemporary raock, pond riev. Urea tod a reoeoc price adjavtmeat suddenly • 27 HabitCiale deity 50 Piece of liickeo, )½ bttkf. BttiattbLhmt VINCENT N.LE8 vooda, baeetpeot, (ara|*. ImmedUU vooded coroer lot, eictlkol coadiUoo. add appeal to tkl* tkree bed­ REDFORO-OPEN SUN2-5 deck oil bMatlftl fansUr room Ftaac- EXECimVK TRANSFER SALES Occipaacy, price itaxbeo; Laod cootract (tf.OOO Call (5+1470 room SSL Raack m Ike Blr. 29 Deity 28 Weaken 46 Partners v wood ; % bedracco ruck. H»U ROM Dr, oear ta| atailabk. Prioad at |UUM. mla|b*m (raooi dlatrkL Fire- 29 Precious St VakoUsc* aad Catkotlc OrotraL Aak far ScoU Rkkla< • Mt-Ut* 851-4100 . GREAT FAMIlV placed family room, fill fte- 30 Hard-shelled 41 White Rhine 51 Southwest­ VuA ccotract trrmt. H»'» , FANTASTTC rTNANONCt kome lo cooatry arttia| vttk ban for Kimberly Sub '•'. bbed baaemeat, central air. fruit stone wine ern Indian Simple AamnpOoo at 11* or otker all bobble*. ( bedrooma, 1 balk*, famllr 10¼% Assumption Leaae vltk eetioo poaribk. Aakfor JOE CRAN6R00K Belov Market lotereat Rate aXeroa- room vltk atoae firepuce, tern* (4 all (7-pfi Hi** aanmea |(H% mort- Wt^OO.Call Hi5m 32 Units of 31 Number 42 Cry of 53 Proceed CEmVRYJI-Baltoark Ore. More-la coodnica 4 bedroom 0> aorta, yoa aam* HI tit* vltk U year* raaalniot Beaoti- AMOC. Inc., ReattofB WxUl la pnatUkaa Ploe Lake EaUtea raT( or i bedroom. ( balk joed-kral oo Thompson-BroWn Siamese 33 Posed • Bacchanals " 54 Part of RatFOftO TOWNSHIP BRJCK 645-^600 vltk Pine Laie prlrUeeea. Flovloc SUPERSPECIAL Urea alb vltk atream aad rarloe. Poa- opts floor ptaa. oeetral decor, rec etdtlaf Tri-Lerel vltk 1 (uU balk*. I sOA IN LAW SUTTE vttk aeceod kltck­ currency.. 34 Fruit seeds 44 Tibetan "to be" I btdroocD Cac( Ced Extra cleaa rood- BLOOMFIELD room, ceetral air (V more. Priced for bedrooou vltk orleotal room for eater- ea 1104X0. Mock more to aeeaocaU Great Value, $61,900 tin LKcbcn.«' Seraeoed Porck. WINO LAKE ROAD. Lake prtrlkfee raatSale at !>«.»». MA talalaf. vood deck vltk (A* BBQ. air (7-»*> la SocUfkld** pritaU Secbaded 33 Stitch ; Call Rar Taylor aad rkv. Cattom bsilt brkk raack, coodlLjociDf, drniUr drfre, tvlm cltb : CENTURY 21 Valley SebdirUko. Come tad *e* tkla 1 7^ 3 4 yr- 7 9 •nr a btattlfeO? remodeled caMom kltckea. b Sob, ICTermtf VlaceelN.Lee beatuftl } bedroom brick raack vitk 34 Faultless CHALET 477-1800 lerfe 11 rloj room witk "Malted, beamed EjecvQre Trtaafer Sak* reO tiled baaemeot aad cory famUy 35 Greek letter eetllax aad Vabed fireplace, library EARL KEIM AFFORDABLE room. Maay extra* Print* cvttom pa­ 1.«; REDFORO, I Beiroom Brick vttk fireplace, dlaUu room. Uaodrr 861-4100 tio. QrtpUce, aprloUert, t«rbec«e,ceo- IT - 14 IH batk*. Qsi>a«i baaemeot, ecot/ all oo 1 floor, brick raack, IH Utka. I 36 Knave at room, i bedrooma. 1 batka, attacked l West BloomfWd 855-9100 bedroom*, d'nlne, room, lamUr room traj air, tad mack, mac* more. Borne air, bca(«l Jirajt, aad ritru calora. car firefe, Urf* lot vltk ma tare tree*. GOODLOOKING Land Contract Terms reflect* pride of ovserakip. Are* of Brick raock oa beasti/alty laadacaped vltk fireplace, eorered eatle, BflQ. tar­ cards If 18 Nk*.B7 fs»oo ma*; titraa. Eicelleot coodlUoo. dea (eoced yard. ((1,(00 (4(v4 15% dovs. Sn*rt al 11%. Aa propertT tpprecUtke. For year, ova IW 11HJH6. Skova bi aopoutmnrt only. Urge lot vltk t bedrooma. IH balka. opporlaalty to bay at today* km price* perioaaltoar.eall REDUCED TO SEJX • Roeoaa Brick 1 37 Enticing oateral fireplace la famll; room vltk vltk exretkat term*, pis* tbe beat CENTURY 21 1 bedroom raick. alvnlasm trim, baae- doorvaD ooto lovely terrace aad at­ RAMBLEWOOO IT Citebotoe price la lovely Sceiaibrook f or ikb 1 Vlaceot N. Lee woman b~ mest, J car tuttt. orw tsratet k «»• BLOOMFIELD Simple ammptioa tacked I tu urate. Anrtoua-aeller bedroom raock oa treed H acre lot ttrkeaKr. MH4J» Iraaaferred. (M.OOOljDS cy la tkl; Execvllrt Traoafer Sake 38 Tidy .• 11H%, 14 jeerx 1 bedrooma, beeck lot, room, IH . Feal*rlB( fireplace, formal dlaia| einlket coaditko, antral decor. >M0 room; baaemeot, deck aod attacked f 851-4100 • SALEMoea/ikULE aqlUprlrM arte. 117».»«. HM717 B.F. CHAMBERLAfN fireplace, lo-poeod betted boot vltk 40 Speechless I .• I bedroom brick raock. IH Utka, rec lacuzzi, ceotril air, boriUr alarm rjv ra«e. Only (4J>6». UWDOONTRACT r room, fireplace. 1 car (araje. CITY OP BLOOMFIELD mLLS^ Cra- 478-9100 ••" 721-8400 lem oa priTite rarloe loU CENTURY 21 TERMS AVAILABLE. • - 30 41 Pronoun 1 ^H • ciooa famllr bome It aituted oa a beaa- VtoceotN Lee I ( MILE • NEAR TELEGRAPH 43 Article SEMINOLE oear 7 MILE lirtl lot vltk lafronad pooll 1 bed­ JUST$105,900 EtecrUr* Traaaf er Sale* 4 bedrooma, ceoter eetraace, IH batk*. 3T ' Ajaoma I bedroom atamlottm. 1 car a> room*. 4H batka, Ubrarr. | room lat door lioadry, rec room, family 44 Turns around * rtf, Urta treed lot fill mootklr ptj- for tkit lmmanlite brick cekaial vltk Century 21 851-4100 room; flrepUce, patlo. farif*. roeeL ' ,- aad recrealloo room vltk fireplace aad treed c«l-de-*kc aettlat, 4 bedroom*, mere. faataaOc location! tllt.OOC: IH balk*, froet library, family room HOME CENTER track 3T HANK TERMS • (R-4MMX vttk vet bar. Laree foyer vltk rtmred 476-7000 ' LOW TAXES »ARlEY«ar PLYMOUTH atalrcaae. Carpetiaf tkroofkoet Va- (MILE-TELEGRAPH 45 Symbol for I bedroom brick rec. room. IH car (a- *800/YEAn 4 bedroom brick, IH batk*. flrepUce. J n|e, PHA • VA terma. HANNETT, INC. caotMistbeaold! A SUPER COLONIAL 1 bedroom oa Ireed H acre, coaalr> fluorine v Stooe f root, ftooe flrepUce, aide eotry kitrbeo, IH car tint*. (44JO0 car (arafe, Urf* lot" •• REALTORS faraae vltk atoraje area. 4 bedroom*. 47 Eggs MAC ARTHUR near » MILE >H batka, louae* ef( maater anile. 1(00 ROCKINGHAM •» MILE 46 t bedroom brick, I batka, famll; room, 646-6200 SUPER SHARPI 42 HM w Treed etl-de-tec *etUo| oo acrt aile. aq It BeikkriapedarTl 14.(00. KEADOWBROOK WOODS Brick coJo- i bedroom*, IH batk*, rec. room, fami­ 49 Make happy fireplace, |iraf«. Unrelj ctstom beln ETERRinC LOCATION! tmmedlata occaoaacy. olal, 4 bedroom*. }H batka, formal dla- ly room. flrepUce. pttio, t car farite. "4T 1 borne. . SpedoBa (amllr borne U lorelr coodl- Leeely atalaed vooda, crovo moMlfli*. ntralaivUlko- Beaitlfal yard. Priced 51 Rubber tree w ^ paneled door* keynote* tkl* 4 bedroom FAR*4^NOTON SQUARE IhM room, vet platter. PeOa vtodov*, !f tto Orcvlar drlrt, beaatlf at lot, 4 bed­ colonial. Gorfeou maater bedroom Sale* office 47(-114( mbt coodltko. . - 41(-7(50 loatU. 52 Accumula­ rooma, IH batka, large famUy room ndta vltk fireplace, larfe family room, KaUteadNo.of(ktile "5T W• EARL KEIM vltk {(replace. Aaaeznable MorUate> carpetlai, Urt* deck. ([li.WO. Opeo Dally Ipm ,"• WtU Priced at IH^M. MA tions 538-8300 • Cioaed Tboraday NEW ON MARKET 'EARL KEIM 55 Numbers "BT 66 J w. ( bedroom brick raack • WARNER REDFORDINC. EABLKEIM CENTURY21 FARMS, vlila/ dlataace to dovntova 538-8300 game • Best Buy In Area Farmlaftoa, Flalaked rec room. Excel­ Secontlne Assoc. West BloomfWd 855-9100 {47 M). Attract!rt M bedroom raack. I lent naaaciai. (44.(00. REDFORDINC. 56 Aeriform fluid J SHARP OPEN HOUSE FRANSL1N 626-8800 (ell batki. More (raterea tkaa aay otker ) bedrooco raack. Nice!/ decorated borne la tke u*t CENTRAL AIR. Sat 4 Sua. 15PM vltk Urre kJlcbeo. Term* are peat! Drastically Reduced SUPER SHARP REC ROOM. AND 1 "IDEAL Loaded 4 bedroom brkk coloolal Simple uasmpUoB OR lAad cootract Ovoer kaa I komee. Mart atlU Cvatom OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 CAR OARA0E WITH AUTOMATIC 1 bedroom coodo offer* LMaf room, U711 Merrill, 8o*tkfkM 315 NorthviiMtovi 316 WwtUnd S16 WMtttwd vltk U4M dovs. Immedlale ocrepas- Freock Colonial la eiceUeat ccctftko 4 bedroom pillared coloeial, fal palot DOOR OPENER BeaaUftl deck eitk aenrtaf bar b Utcbea, eartk toae* By Ovoer ' After 4PM. 5(7-(747 oa Urea treed lot 41 via bedrooma. IH ed aod carpeted- Family room vltk pa barbecue DO YOURSELF A FA­ tkrootW. 141^00. QardonCHy (UrdtnCity batk*. Ertra room for be**?, bedroom fireplace^Irfcke. Itld e vltk ceramk door k VOR AND SEE THIS! (5(.(00. RENNOVATED Urf* farmkooae b BETTYHELLEN bay vtodov, acfeeoed-ta rear porck. roDlat kltb of Sootkfkld. Up-daled Back On The Market WESTLAND. Warae l> Tord Rd. area. I or office oo flrat floor. W. i IV famlrr HOME MASTER b oM klttdrical aacUoo ot NonartBt CENTURY 21 room vltk bar. Matter bedroom vltk 5H1 Trotter, St . of Walaet Lak* Rd. W. kltckea 4 Utk. More la ccodiUoa. COLONIAL bedroom, I batk, air coodlUcoed, alttlfif room. Gourmet Utcbea. Walk- PfOrckardLakaRd. . < SUNRISE 471-2800 Tree*, city valer. bajemeet, flrepUce, Urft rotntrr boma. loaded »1taUr w dova LC Brkk ) bedroom, 1½ (eaced yard. Immediate occepaarv. ASK FOR DALE RICHMOND Century 21 bars. Morlaf aovlk. Redeced to ckarra. A Uttla TLC • but vkat a prtca! Hi.OW t<004 down ajaamea l»li Gold House Realtors oet recrealioe room vltk patio. Stereo Harrr-Calb . batk*. aeeer LJtcbe* witk appUaocea • tkra-oot Birmla(kam acboota. Masy Yloceat N.Lee NEW TRI'a with finished (7(,000. AdloUiat lot traUabk. la- ballt Is dlakwaaber, dtalaj room, beae- tncrt0» Ovaer.HlllMor 115-170« Roalty/Chamberlaln carga/aoe. CENTURY 21 Moat tell Quad. 4 bedroom*. kOal ccb- '851-8 100 BY OWNER - aa attractive } bedroom $54,995 SHERWOOD VILLAOE - roatom 4 bed­ "$3000 DOWN dllioa. Eitrai Opes SOD. Ipm^ Spm FRANKLIN VILLAOE raack. valk lo dotrslovn Farmlaetoa, room brick raack, 1 fell 4 ( Ulf Utka, Gold House Realtors •014 RaKltott, oear ioj mi CHARACTER* CHARM completely remodeled batk 4 Utcbea, MSHDA 7.35V* stilt available. family room, aitarel flrepUce. library. 420-2100 464-8881 $319 PER MONTH THREE BEDROOM brick raock. Fla- oreaooe brick colooiil vltk 4 bed­ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ceetral air. ((MOO. 47(-(411 flsiabed oaarmeat, atUcbed farafe. Brasdeee 1 bedroom rasck. All brkk. rooma, IH batk*. keje cooetr7 kltcseo clrtaUr drive, Jual reduced Castelli fall baaemeot Carpeted. Eara part oj laked baaemeM. remodeled kltckea, PRICED TO SELU 1 bedroom brick BY OWNER - Fermlnitcc Attractive ( Builders of Michigan COUNTRY ESTATE • oev roof. Low fevo 11700 Aamnabk vlt• 114k1 taIHtbV trr*CTVo rtfriferaloIC4J IfT/ISl r A brick vaD raack, oeslral carpetlAC. lake prirl Uort aiqaa, otdar kecoa U faxt^Oa rar dove parmeot br palstloc aod mort«a(a,IIH%fUad. - M1-U74 op« *Wrta "\ fimUcc~ , I [amilrroom, 11- 5,(00.1144. _ALE--, bedroom brick, IH batki, Uric lot, lie- 363-8325 SHARP • 4 bedroom brkk cdoaUl vltk artua* oa II acraa, icroaa «UU part, t OAROCN 625-790CITY. ImmaceU0 U 1 bed­ floor mint W try. voodtd W- - LAXKmAVONb;. N. «4 Orchard Lax* laaf fOOCtTt, »vi»vfv*J • UlC^t*X |aXf (OOdr' IH batka, family room, aatoral flre- «* a car iaraea attacbeo. rtll bae*. pUce.ceJy H**M unsn ASK FORNATAIJE WILSON roeot^rcaGprice! Day*. »111*1* rovea* tala 4 bedroom boo* Poaalbfe bvU* »«IU. ritarti* kar*- Oabbed beaemaet. I batka, ceee 399-9034 vltk vood deck, (a* pill. MCGLAUN 559-0990 wood (loon. MOM flrcptacai. waakltckea) , alcmloia trim. Lane eodoi 802 BlrmlrvgrMm BY OWNER Farmlaftoo RUU. Attrac- lire* lot Caret*. Solar Seat. tUpad dUa| room catuof. Sunrooca. patio, 1½ car ix/«jt, IUX4. in-nti WESTUND 111 NORMA "Land Contract" MERRILL LYNCH UT* ( bedroom brief raack vltk IH "^ FUrplaoe.b family room 4 eOUTRTQXDNEWONMAKKET !«dl ouatar nlt« with baj vtodo*. Be»«tifal;J bedroom trl WrtL Eartk- ^ Bkwnfrvfd Dutcb Colooiil offen maar feetio-ea la- balk*, famlrr room vltk fireplace, (all mock mora. Of (en taper Lead" By Ovaer. 1 bedroom brkk raack, (or- Ui 11 IUDDJ room kai brkk »aB. alata tooea. fatal/ room wttk nrrplace. Realty/Chamberlaln ma) dteiaf. Fit. room. 5arf* treed ABSOLUTELY CHARMINO 1 bedroom clodla| 1 bedrooma, forma) dlalai baaemeot, } car attacked carat*, Cootract term*. 451.(00 Call floor, klrt beamed nilioc arti bar. Garden City Is Great MMM.OpeoSoodaf.M. T»M744 room, family room irltk (Ireptace, 851-8100 851-9382 17(,(00.- tiUfU (5(-(7(4 (eaced lot, attacked ( car carat*, drra- Opcoa to larta porck vltk vrosfktirao coloeial, real piiater k Oak floora, doorvili to deck, aad alcelr laadacaoed tar drlvt, eitraa. (tl>00, term*oefotl- rima< kadi* to bnpogod pooL Oa- WES7LAND U(4I BARRD40TON mulltt, atrie k locatioo rare!/ arill- abk. 557(551, U 00 aaavtr, 55(-(00) OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 »bk«tMl.«0 (1(-4)11 rird. Laod cootract terma at tit.M. . OPEN SUN. 1-4 PM BY OWNER -1( Mile, MloVDebell area. Thompson-Brown ra«. I Uroa. Hl«b Wt Otker btDdlap U411 ALVtN, N t4 Cberrr Kill, E ot M7I FanrJoftoo Rd. W. Btoomfkld 1 bedroom raack, 1004 ao.lt. nabbed «(romik.l4j«>M MMlTl $3000 DOWN baaemeet, (eoced yard, I SOUTHFIELD - OPEN SUN, 11 to ( Mlddkbelt. J bedroom brkk raock. rail 255-0037 -Old* World Cturm". Correom 4 bed­ (7((0 Pierce. No of 11. Bea*Uf«lly baaemeet, m car tM»t* Great ber at ALL THIS & MORE FOR room, oakja* raack 1 prlrate roomo o 47(-1751: (14457( ONLY $64,500 $319 PER MONTH Truly beat boy. Freakly decorated alt laadacaped. veil kept 1 bedroom brtct Gigantic Kitchen |M>0» ....$198,900 RITE ------WAY •peer lertl Formal dialaj room, mat,• cekeief, IH batka. attacked 1 car fa­ Breed or> I bedroom raack. All brkk, Poor bedroom roatom bellt raock. 1 eifkeol coaatry Utckeo vltk oodie* of COUNTRY-UKEWACRE brick ( bedroom raock oo lovtry U> tkU ajoiwoua ) bedroom korot oo a fall baaemeeL Carpeted. Witk fire­ fireplace*, ceotril air, appUaocea, la»o- laadacaped lot. IH batka, flea* ea- raf*, Urfe family room vltk fireplace lar|» W, i taU batia, JamDy room arltk "Land Contract" crpbotrda, flalaked lover lertl remlal- SHARP ) Bedroom Brick Alamiawn ckeed terrace, («11 baaemeot. (a* but. aad attached patlo, baaemeot, ceetral Areolae*, i car attacked tuttt aod BILL BELCHER place. Eara part of roar dotro permed Uted aba porck, date rojrr. IH batka k aceot of Greecfkld YUlaa-e. Aak for Raack, Family Room /Fireplace, Baae- air, 4Urm,-lotercom. Recertlt decorat­ by palotlof and floorUllat - bajemeet If joo caa alford Ue beat, Spc ««Unf brkk raock oo oearl/ I acre Mary Svu-(51-4000. meat,atUcbedlCarCara|«.' ' carpeta,) car attacked ferafe- Vacant rail Uaenol (partUIlr flabked\SOi - call oov. treed lot offera. formal dlalaf room, Nev List!**- Mtst ae*. ed cootemporary. Aaram* i% mon- PtE ASSUMPTION or L*J LAST CHANCE! PRICED TO SELU 307 Mlrfofd-tHlghl*rrd lertl t btdroomt * dlma| room Nev pk Valley. UMlfl Transferred Owners Hut* 4 bedroom brick raack, J fall aod NORTHYtLLE TWP. Ulaa o( HortV GARDEN CITY. Seper bouaf, aaper carprtlaf.»4MM. Century 21 Located la preatlfloBS Jedaoo Bradvay ttrmat I»o0» don oo It year Uod nb. Ceramic floored foyer * Utcbea. Are la a kerry. Extraa talore. I y*ar I half batka, 1 kltcbeoa, beaotlf*! valk- ASSUMPTION of kv lotereat r*U. rtD« Sob. -Voder coeatnarUoo*. Octal ^OWELREALTY HOME CENTER OPEN SUN. 2-5PM old. 4 bedroom, IH balk mad. Pali *rall ottlover level vltk vet bar, attacked i W(y renlT Dock LaW vlev aad erirl room, cotoolal roatom aVrraUoa, 4 bed­ Ooecreci I bedroom brick raock, fan Step deva family room vltk catkredral ftaaeWd baaemeot. IH car tanrt CaQ ceillai k fireplace. Cooreakst la-tova 444J RoHia* Rldee brick Itrepbc* aad Urtk bookabelre* la car be* led (irate, oo 1 acre* of treed, left*. Nke, oeat ( bedroom raock. fai room, 1½ batk, nrttlaoa, mack mora. m-tm 476-7000 (S. oil Looe Ptne,^w! ofMloVflebelt) family room. Wall la cloact la maater rarloeproperty.'A meat ate at only beat (1W0O Camper* Dr. Not jet tompktt. Maat aee. Call (or Gary Jooea. Earl Kelm Rtahj Sll 111» '•ocatioa. 4 bedroom*. Aaklaj 111(.(00 BEVERLY HOLS Ovoer >uli to aril Dramatk Ojoad, belli to KM. ( bed­ bedroom 1* a real treat; Workakop GARDEN CITY • i bedroom brkk, ale- 114« W. 1J Mik - E of Ukaer rooma, IH batka. deo & ko|* family areaa b felly flalaked jurat* aad baae­ ASK FOR BARBARA DUTTON LAND CONTRACT TERMS. Wklte sErwaxtHotoeaCcrp m-Htl tniowa trim, dlslac roam, (amllr room 7.35% Rariot lot • < bedroom*, dee. IH batba, 626-,8700 room. BkomfkM HJOII ackock Priced meet Reaaosable at (tUOO. Lake prtraefe*. Almoit oev, oakoe NORTBYILLE TWP. CUa» to I-t7» witk eataral (VtpUce, corered deck, belov ospUcaik*' 1111.1«. ASK FOR KAREN FREEMAN cedar aided 1 bedroom trilrrtl, extra H acr* coroer lot, tIM aa. (I brkk attacked 1W carpratt, rtuaked baae­ Wrlr. MaaoeL Seyder k Raoke MERRILL LYNCH etc* Utcbea aod paaeted family room raoek, larp ptat room >tCa ceotral- meot, m batka. LC. Ml Mt. HllM (51-5V09- Only 154,(00 MSHDA car attacked' Cran brook MERRILL LYNCH EafUed Real EaUU 4U7U1 nrtpUoa. lob ot cxtraa, I bedtoucna, I HANDYMAN SPECIAL alarm rya- PRIME Loo* Plae-MlddBebtll area. Realty/Chamberlaln Utkt, offWe, 1½ car caran. 4IU* FULL BASEMENT Aaeoc. loc Realton 10H% flaaoctof aTallabte. BloomneM W«nl±»mO04 Dowa oo Land Coe- N.W. BtRMINCKAM - Oo Gleoiarat 4 Realty/Chamberlaln 62 6-9 100 SlonaWtA.llHOoO Brtaianurma. tract »lta a lint* P * I parroeot J 1 BEDROOMS lt»^»14 HiUl acboola, valxlci diataoc* te Loot M4-MU,4J7-41U bedrooma, I till muter bed/oom or WALL-TO WALL CARPETING HH«I bedroom. IH batk, Mocterer Coloeial Plaa Qemeotary, cootemporary i bed­ 6 2 6-9100 ORCHARD LAKE/( MUe area Nevly 306 RochtHttf-Troy could be (imUj room. Urn Utckeo. BEVERLY HILLS • 1 bedrooco raock. Ptrrplace Florida room vltk ckarcoal room. > atory kome. Lar(* Utcbee, for­ remodelled tlroczkoot 1 bedrooma, FOUR BEDROOM, 1(00 aq feel eoerry NOYL UKEFROrm {<) Bedroaca BV Baaed oo Selee Prke *4 pin. eolld paoelkd deo, (all baaemeet mal dlAtu room, ireat room, library, carport aod 1 atoraft Needa a carpeted UrtM room, fireplace, ctlllty vttk rec. room. By Ovaer. Laod coo­ ORAMATIC QUAO LEVEL dlolot room, aev Utcbea, Urf* brief efficient cotooial bouae oa 14 acre* So­ Uv«t, lamtlj room/rirtpUea, attacked bmr aatad aomeon e ~Teodc e Lorla( Cari. MSRDA mu of 140.704. 71J* lat rr. room, tu beaL Redoced to IS1.000 By dramlk I atory foyer, ceramk Ule, SPACIOUS 5000 SQ FT. BRJCK room. (14,(00. 471-475J lar xla porck, atUcbed IH car farafe. 1 car prar«, reotrtl air, Ckabkoaaa «4^0» parmeot |Me 7( plea Uia/la, • 14% oer. MHIlJ tract poatlble. Call (am lorn. (4(-(11(. kardvood (loon, air, deck, vooded lot SURROUNDS URGE INDOOR POOL beat pomp, ceetral air. 1 fill balka. 1 wltk pool Immacdate! IrranedUtt or- iad jr. parmeot HUM prai taxea/ after 5T ,(4t(i57 Ovoer, aarlooa te aell (1((,000. Erea MANY QOAUTY FEATURES ROIXINC OAKS BY OWNER nrepUcea. dream Utcbea vltk Jeoo Air rtpa«C7M MM1M IOL; t»i\ M JT panneot ml II BINGHAM FARMS A veckeads ISVtKI. Day* Ml:»011 Poolalde fcile plaa 4 bedroom*, 1 flre­ 4 bedroom, IH beta tador ityk cotoolal raaie, oolh-lo Tbermadore ojkro vave Orer 1.100 aqft. • 4 bedroom Raock la WOVi plasUxaa/loa; II UK 4lktkra Mlk jr. pUce*. bakooy Uriaj room, family vltk family room. Urlat/dtclaf room, viu ores, dlakeaaker. Qaaker pecaa parmeoU |M* N proa taua/kaa. Aaoo- pttetlbooa area, oo kof« lot vita col de OAKLAND HILLS room, tint floor laaadry. acre kiOaida library, lit (loor laoodn, central air, cabloeu, CorUn coonter top*, fall deep TRIKP WANTED JEANPR0CH al percesU|a rate 11.7 % aae, IH batka, family room, 1 fire­ Tata aaper abarp I bedroom brkk boma REDUCED $24,000 lot Appralaed vth* (1(1,00(. larfe airofeaalooally laadacaped coroer baaemeot,, 4-«Ull 1 atory bora* bare, B.F. CHAMBERLAIN place*. 1 car attacked in if vltk COUNTRY CLUB Wert Bkomfkld Scboob Tbe bouae yot SACRinCEI4f(0( lot vltk attomatk oadertrooad apria­ Urf* (tllity bulldifif Beaotlf al cooatry oflen a modera Utckea. torfom (am-. 476-9100 721-8400 OAK PARK • REDPORD - WESTLAND opeoera.lllt.MO 8580 Oakhllls Or. dr*4med aboet Tbe place yog vteted BYOWNER Uer. Ovoer moTlaf out of Mate. Meat localise, N of Rocbealer. (IM.iOO. for U» room »Hk Oreplaca, kaM deck aod to be.Tbe price you caa allord, 1(00 n RETIRED k FLORIDA BOUND tell! (147,500. (41111( ImmedUU ule doe to relocalioa. For ptat locaUce la a lerrtnc UmflT >*•. UVONU SCHOOLS EARL KEIM REALTY S. of Mapte, E. of Telegraph. Traaef erred svDert kara priced to aeQ JEUO MAN A ASSOCIATES Spadom ( bedroom raack, vtll maia- (l raack,4 bedrooma, JH batka,IH car TRADE-IN CONSIDERED apptcaU after tprg 447-44(1 H4I LOUISE CT. - traaaf er (orcea aaW Ut-ltM 7»*-14M North, Inc. 559-1300 Ulaed oo *. acre, located la eery prea- laraet, atoo* fireplace, family room, MOST SELL 47(-0454 ROUJNO OAKS - 4 bedroom Colotlal, featerdnatoaljniX* of tila all brkk I bedroom raock borne, frtafroom. Come k ae* all tke ettrai air. vood deck, aevlr decorated larlod- Eqmal Hogala« OpportaBltj BIRMINGHAM - brkk borne vltk ele- tlrioot area, ovoer karla| ttete. L C PARMINGTON - Brkk raack. (-4 bed­ URGE FAMILY NEEDED... IH batka. orelj remodeled oak kJtikes aralUMe. Priced rlakl 1114.000 Co UU borne! (1((,000 laf aev formica Ulcben. Axnmabl* etlk dlakeaaktr. eartk toot pcaak car- eaat profeatknaUy deal(T>ed Interior. I Tabackoa Belloer. 441-1544 room*, (loitked valaogt baaemeet, cea­ Mortfif (|IU.(00 (4HI4( for tkla' 4 bedroom brtct lrt-kv«l EARLKEIM petla| tkra out, i - paocy $(1.000 477-0411 11% Land Contract tool iked 4 above pound pool Law) Uied baacroeot, (iraee. Laod Coetract OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 CUSTOM RANCH cootract aralUNe ifl.OOO REOUCEDI REDUCEOI or ka*f villi ootloo I10C4 dova. |7M Aabdra H(ta - 1115 Lhcroool. E of - SPACE Farmlattoo/FarmtKftoo RUh Ui* W oa Ued root/act terma oa tkb Opdyie. N of So«tk Bird off Protfoce- •reprice-1 bedroom aUrtar oa Urn LC.-10YRS. BY OWNER per mo. vltk 107« applied tovard pv- Low, k» don, apadooa bedtooma, IH 0« (41-544( tovn. 6kirp brick k alomlacm raock. 1 PRICE REDUCED a\»\ Spectacelar brkk J bedroom. I tonekta lot «ilk or* deooralmc TVx ckaae price 0((71.( bedrooma. IH betki, fall baaemeot, 1 BEAUTY O'RILLEY REALTY Ida evser vastio((er. Price MO©* batka. ka«a 11 ft roostr? Utckeo. ap- 656 LOCHMOOR Waa |1(>00. oov (14.(00 Eicelleot balk raock vitk viliout bajemeol Fal ptlaocea, partUIlj flelabed baarmmt. BIRMINGHAM ciarmlBX 1 bedroom car attacked farae*. (ireplaced (imll; ttarter boro* vltk 1 tart* bedroom* ty flalabed lover lertl vita Fraaaile ceotril ak. |ar«j«. W,m OPEN HOUSE, 8UN, 2 TO 5 brkk Raock flreplace . vet pUrter. IH room. Moat aee? (5M00 lio-rt Deck vUk lactaatic rkv. Rtod 689-8844 NICHOLS REALTY Prertlflon locatioa. stir Croae* covetry kitrbeo aod nev carpetict Will car pr«c. (»11 btaemenC nice lot ASK FOR MARY CONNELLY cooalder VA 4 FHA. Italoed voodvork. ceramk (07«, PotaU Yackt dab aad Lockmoor Coea- tXilitt ftauro lkrvo«l By Ovoer ELEGANCE cro«* moldlan. dealfnrr vallpaprr, OPEN SUN. 1-4 348-3044 iao. Ovser faaedaav rambUa« FVul ft<*xtiooi (44.(00 - MERRILL LYNCH central air, iprukkra aod meek, mock Acre lot la Ckelaea VUUt*. OsUlaadia* -aha. (Mvd Sq. nYlaOTe U coe- imHamptrty. (44-KK TkU boma (tatora a apaclout, opea ie- BRICK RANCH more. Yoa most ae* lib borne? Erpert- cootemporary 4 bedroom colooUl, IH i ptaa bedrooma, 4 fin, 1 keif Realty/Chamberlain terior vilk vlodovi all alonf tke aoetk- Cbarmtai ( bedroom borne oo Urn 1» maalcorrd Uaderiplat Competi- balka, family room, library, (ratariaf Castelli i apece, for- BIRMINGHAM. Coloelali k B»a- er* aide Yoer aocUxra vK» t> oo lo a treel lot vlia cbala tiak (eace (or tbe yoor "dream kilcbeo'. FANTASTIC sie y r 646-600 0 tlrrly priced al (1((.(00. For mor* pro TERMS-aaauro* »111% (0ytar(lied OkWdwCfty 525-7900 larae Urbtj filovi. (4).0(4 aad sp. Raarkea from II ampark. Uda Vo (t. rec room vita bar, covered (etakoal aaalrta ace. pleaae call s- aptral «Ulr- }*tm Laret kTrotonr aralUble Caa OPEN SUN 1 i atio vitk |u trill Moat be acre CENTURY 21 raUor I1H% filed rat* nev mortaafe ftreoatkebUrtrl la Vmr trrt) [amlj; room vttk arreeara *p to fSO.Ood loaa oo Tbe City of Blrmlsa^am Toocbea of «]<-jaot* caa be (ogod la tke f54,(00. (0year*(15l5O0 5100 Cherokee. N of ^ ARAiusrmo Saicleai lirta bedroam •etbar, Breplace aed rtrv o( ' preaeet koine Dart Beatty. Real Ea- no«*B(Urloe.So of 14. R. of maater ralte, povder room aod kltckea VtoceotN Lee Loof UU. V. o(l Beecb Call Raack vNk tomUj ataa kltck­ aaraaa. Laraa acreeaed • • • • EiecvUTi Trtailrr Silea Jaaeealjrim 4» deecrtke tkk ebarp I ea aad lara*. anerata dWoa ICTWMd f4t1(Vl f- UteOoe SW^IM or (4(-1(00 Speeloa coottmporary, la Bejerly . SCRUMPTOUS. Miry deBoom 524-1600 eedreaai reeci w14k /aflalh reem aad ckaa aeclveedI rriri "i ~BaOder-»^eSe , KUi, ortr »400 •) ft. oa eicepOoaallf Earopeea ft j led cablaetry. tooed 11» Brick-ceWUl (or eel; 444*00 - Uk roam, fell tied beermnn aod laeda of aitraa. ap BDUQNCHAM - Dedtabie Rorper. 851-4100 OWTURYll TovotCoeotry IH ear earat* ea lersa leC *be lrrt*| tro car aaraae Priced rt«M L 0fartaaUa*r fJ^tO\ M(«>. laraa lot 4 bedroom*, (amlly room," \ lot )-( bedroom^ 1 (oil aad tvo H faelaitie ( bedroom kome atta oa a tatMre5tr7»»«»t»»«.oar;.l»»4e» metfe faraae door, etc. Adam* arkool arte Ckarmla| ceoter flreoUcet, laarovAd pool Blrmbckam ROCHESTER By Ovoer. BeaaUfel atM4Jt«C»il Hl+JM eetraace coloolal, 4 bedrooma. IH beta*, I car prat*. lorety coroer M vttk matore (rail 15 Year Land Contract townr PRJCID ootoKiAL C«« NOW For App't ScbooU NWefy priced a 1111(,(0( Call 659-,7430 tree*. Jl ft family room, IH batka. aad Spanlak brick rtiictL 1 bedroom*. C*H Thompson-Brown batka. Family room vtlb v*4 bar PkooeCarlNkbeo, fall baaemeot. Aaramabk 7H* fail (7 rrt Oa tkia kbtorie type orixlaal cka fonda floor H**. lirepUc*. eicelknt hi aek. ekM eea ei ike ekarint. Doe t 666-5135 Hirdvood rtoora. Bad* itetrviy or Susan Tedesco let oealrned carriar* koa»e la FAMOUS S*b Meat aell (44.(00. (51451) mk» flaVl badrowv bmrniH. (amat; Screeaed porck 114(,000 BFChimberUla • (47 1000 term mcettite &AI4MIENTO VIOLA MANSION, la rcee*. ftfka>.a, eed I ear attacked aa- OPEN 8UNDAY 2-5 $229,900 Byovaer. (4(447( RE/MAX 540-9700 •««al fc>a» 4U T*a* OPEN SUN 1 to ( (471(71 (4(7004 MERRILL LYNCH CENTURY 21 l(%mort(>t* ((1.(00 RXTOWeVWlOBYBAWX al rleea beeee, I bedroomoeorooni, ooeeaeoekeet 17( WeeklOftoa. 1 of IJecoto aod W. HARDTOFJND Vlacext N. Ie« 'W.OWMJ*. ttflM faexWliT let Vararat aaoaaod Dekabkorbood- Try tkbH 1 PRESnOlOUSBLMFLD VTLLAOK Realty/Chamberlaln. Oeatom'built 4 bedroom raock vltk Ope*Sgp.l(.5PM • Call 11» HH Maet etU - %*>* \ bedroom krkk to Lead Coebect- Aaklaf |lTJ*t Of Pierce. SIMP1E ASSUMPTION AUractlT* 4 bedroom Cokedil. obrary, EtecetlT* Traaafrr Sale* laanlaaen, I tar prafe. Il,*t» Available oa tkd IH rtory kome vMk » aualer bilk, 1( ft. eooatry kitrbeo vita TROY COIX>>(UL by oveer Kicelleot '» Special le« Waraat. M rear BOtBaTEAEaTEADD llimi bedroom*, 1 beak, reerealko roomaa d ramO/room. air rooditkoed. f 141.((4). 851-8100 681-4026 laUM covMer. 1( ft. UmllT room vltk 851-4100 d. or tut* to EjervUretyp* • II,IM/ fireplace, fall ruxWxd be/awiet. dea. ccAfitioo 4 bedroom, firmly rooet vll* (\ni tarW^ae; TOW MADCLO& Pteaeecallimmilea)! d d* yar d Ow~ e to tcbool aad afcop- mO,ByOimer-B«y«r*OoJy. (417411 vtt bar, lit floor Uoodry Oceo S14( __CHARIVTER HirBtBUKP iwm^reeaaa , Il'Hl batka.vwteai ' 1 car attacked aa PRIME BLOOMFIELD VILLAOE room*, 1 Fall plea 1 Ulf batk*. krtty prtte,' metart treat. HANNETT, INC. BOMB Teader VrrlA| tare kai bees TROY " 0W Ink M| earl tea* 4bkJ I Oaatem baflt arM raack ea atrefr (amity room v4 Ik fireplace, (oarmet "• CENTURY 21. • . Sowtlyon- Flrtt oderlat of UU eto/iiaiU 4 bed kl^M^aMM, rTen^li ^- • innii REALTORS ltea lo ikt* (radttlccMl 4 5 bedroom, Utcbee, botler'i p*»Uy Urf* IMe* room cotooial fralurlm eoormooa 1» rH balk kerne vltk maay q**U "S* tikrary. frm( roeat, lat krtl Lay** k Robert Oolmaa FARMINOTON HILLS, 14 Wile B.F. CHAMBERLAIN -lkrT» la coaaWaa. Aakaaj aalr %Vjm leer bearvMo avHe. Meal -effney NEW HOME -FOrt SALE TROY • Urf* oved, ( bedrooma. (H : OoM Houtt R#»rtore OWaXWtAXTY HANNETT, INC. MkVflebelt are*. ( bedroom eteevtira 4 Bedroom, t batk Cape Cod. batka, (a*4h room, ceetral air, aprtn 476-9100 721-6400 W. 1( mkaa te Btrmtaaktm abee*. raock. t betk*. rec room, belli In*, fanl- -lu-im lUO^IOoaatrartieaCo, (47¾¾ REALTOR8 FAIRWAY TRAILS Bebdlrialoa. kkfl. By tfaotatmeet ()(-70(1 WWrtArlD IDVAL HUUdllM B0*N4)« or (5(,144( •codad MiVaaaajaabl* or blended mort aapar new. faf beaaaaaat Neat aad mu*. By Ovser. IK) bvUt cokolai, 4 M».(00 (4(-(((7 (*t* By ovraar, (*(>0( . 514 »7M daak ffVeri laaead Tard. ¢47,644). t7v«fti»^'^v«» - • • ' •" ratkedral oatt- W. BLOOMRELO 1 LYON AREA LWl •LpOMFIILO RHXS famiryrpoev 4 bedroom coteee*!. IH batka, flalaked FARMWrTON BULB ; trl CrtTl New I bedroom raack, Art* I rooea, flre­ TROY- ( vavroam ***rp eflkteat •TOWSSaT aad vaiJpa- baaemeet, air, alarm, aarlekkra, a* aaa bedtooma. I Mlk. Oa* vafled flrepUc*. pUc*. catkredalrem**.I(44*q (tool raack. ftfl lafciit-dack, Tebred yard, t kejk,I oar r^tfsgis&ct. B.F. CHAMBERLAIN ^¾¾¾¾ apHakkriR. at awatar bedroom, Farmteftoa arkoM Srver Tkree oatrter* *f u acre Call ectt priced we»tl»l|T>,(O0. |SkMHt ff a irTTSft^MM** B>

47M1P0 n\-w> (^rk^llll^^l^W*.. (41:l^». »• mttSl ZT^^i^y^Mim vHI MT< fllerS afcWk% f I tt\ MIX* if* •*** TT.+ - JHMW Call Baisau CJoaatractaaa - atltfU Thursday, October 13,1983 OAE *7£ Win 2 Red tickets TO WIN: Send your name and address.on a postcard, to RED WING TICKETS, The Then watch the classified section every Mondayand Thursday. When your name Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft Road. Livonia, Ml 48160; v appears, you're a winner! Enter soon and as often as ybo like. ' ' -

306 RochMttf-Troy 326 Cotx(o«For8«)* 326 Condo. For S«t« 528 Coo«Fo< Stk 332 ^kHotirtt 333 Northern Property 338 Country Homo* 339 Lott ind Acft4»fle 339 Lot* and AcroAfle TROY^M** in ft itfiutaa. ASSUME HICK 1IH% BMrtxace wttk PlYMOimi D1 TWCTTY. Impect*- For8irt For** ' For84iTt For8**«} V '" * r*Uy d*COfet*a *0d **JWJpp*il. tow dowt parmecL Twelrt Oakj Mall ••Foc'Mt •:•••'•• CONDOMINIUM REALTY bl* 1 bedroom wltk appliance* recttla- HAMBVROPINCKNBYart*,l4 ' WHITE LAKE TWP,.U tcrtt. 1 par- Ms*tb*mcrT*d-(11.400 area, I bedroom*, direct entrant* from latOc4«to*IlD>npela^iM>00. VAOAfiOND IH4, thll mobU* kom* , •' SKI AREA •LENDER OWNED ceU.ll acre* arttk a amall aprW fed fvtf*. cestral alrjirof earteoally deco­ - <•-'".PRESENTS • . Kxc*D*ntcoodltloo.«l.«*»: Boy»* Wakiand* • NaV« Nob. 4 bedr SHARP oaably .bom*; «1«4 Sbeatatoa teaetlfal acre* wllk Ireea. pond »11». lake - ttocied. 1« acre* wllk 1 Urt* TrASfflJfGTON. U Mile/Moand. Com- rated eerlklooea. Traarierred, anrJewi , OPEN8AT1to5 . PLYMOUTH Cwi>NY FARMS! 1 bod- Amey** MobUO rJome,Park. Dearbor* room*. 1 Hba tba, den, many extra*. Part HarUand acboob. 4 bedroom*. pa red Kjad; fa*. »oUr HB. Good term* roanectlaf 41amjnam dded beiMiap, umt , to adl. tmcoedUU OCCM>*SCT. (41^0*. HI*. . : ' . rlMlNOrtlMW H0-1 14 balk*, carpeted, 1¼ car (xriet, 1 rtooerUtam.Spnv 41M1M Ir7 IMat L44* M>-4 bedroco*, rwnl- «4-T711or M«I71 room, 1 fall -1 kail batk*. formal dla- flrepUce*, 14.« acre*. Complete prl»* 114 X 44 ft, wltk foociatloa, well laa*- ry torn, rtrtcUw, t car carat*, tx lim Clenbrook^ oWkfleada moat 4e- Ut. la* floor lamdry.fladabed baae- .•?,-* Uted. 14 box italU,witk Income. 1 cor TRAVERSE CTTY AREA or. Aa low a* i% down. 11* Interest HUNTER« PARADISE! 14 Acre*! Id«- aa(. NwHrt. tmdu. (M.oos AUBITRN HEtflrTTS • Bj owner. I bed­ alrabt* complex (OreenbrooU) located mecrl « attacked (araa* «41 »0 A I 333 North.rn Property Pncaeaer to oaall/y.(147.000. ally wooded; DeerTjaQi tomeaadertaf ral*. kalf cilk trtck. road frooUrt Op­ Bayer* oejy. Eve* * weekend* 74 1-1744 room condo, aaaame 14%. AppUaacea. * Mil* ITcTTfieirapk, Horikald* ot bedroom, IH balk - at ^1,000 PREMIER WEST BAY LOCATION itreama, on blacktop road. 4 mile* to tion to bwy aeparate or istaUaei Rea- Dripea. Balcoej. Air. «0,000. ill-111$ II Mil*. 1 bedrccc^den; 1H balk for tali eidaalr* borne oa 144 «- of •OREN NELSON BJ^Rapid*. 11,400/acre. 11M1M aonabk.U00. 11« ft froou** wltk UdJ Uatefally dec­ laformaOon. . «s«tti««-1 Vi Konr brtck. » b*drocci», coodo. caftom bgtit, OCJT edt to belM- orated 1 bedroom. I balk bom* wltk Lot In Canton Towoaklp. 44 x 11«, all dlalaf room. be*»Ufal kJtoben, ballt to 1(11 Briatol CL L*il0(to*i Common*. PLYMOVTH -BEACON BOLLOr-. A Weekday*, 144-1111. atnitlea. nioo. , (M Uki IL AmenUie* too frtet to tot LocaledonlMiKW.clTaitlnNorlk- i bedroom and • S bedroom, botk wltk Ereclnp. «4» «07 tortly kllcbro and 1 car cereje. Call B.F. CHAMBERLAIN mlcrowm. rtort, cUafcwuker, but* 1000 ft o( etqiltlu ruin ia » mil Featlf RtalErtat* «11-7444 meet pri**- New r«c*\ .Insolation, T1D«: Prld* of ownertkin akow* her*, t 1¼ batk*. fireplace*, 1 ear tint*, etc Crer^-Schmidt tl CoidweU fianler/ 339 UUartdAor«MO« 476-9100 . 721-S4O0 complt*. lower Irrel healed carat* bedroom, I r*JQ and IkaU batk towv BURT LAKE. I bedroom kome oa lake Sckmidt Realtor*. «14»14-1«40 tkenno *riodow». Oak Park. Oner elmtor. Secwred baUdlaiL Barili Illl.OOOaadtTlMM. transferred- 417440. H5-1I1T, 144-4414 boaw*. Beatliftl Undecaned prlrat* pe- near ttl are*. JH batka, teUo f extra*. ere.414-4471171 For S.r* Luxury Property" . 340 Laka-Rivff-AMOrt alarm 4 endoaed Ulcrliioa 1$ MU tlo wltk (a* UrbeW laC boor lam- PLYMOUTH -BRADBURY". End tall 414-110-4141 near LaVm. Owner trtaifrtred WALLOON LAKE BETTER HURRY1 Gotot faati Secloded CONTEMPORARY DREXMHOUSK ia dry, flrepUc*. (all Oniakwd baaement oritfna) owner raack. Oreted location BIRMINGHAM Prop«rty For Sale 1111,000 Finn. Land Oootract araD- andfara|*,ttl.i0*. 3 bedroom*. 1H batk*. extraratant fl» CHARLKVODC Uraj I bedroom. 1 Cattom bail! 1 bedroom. IH batk eiecallre alle* wltk tree*, walkout or H Royal Oak, Matt see. I bedroom, aMe. ImoxdtaU occopanrr. «44-1747 batk condo crerlooklni Lake Mkaiaun. borne. 1 flrepUce*, lure deck. 1 ear ja- aoUr altea. Plrmoolk SckooU. Call for Formica kltckeo, til* talk, kaxdwood tabed baaement, appliance* remain Ideal tocatloa. beartWlly fomlabed. r*fe wllk tpartmect under eocxtrac-' MAGN1FJCENT TKEED LOT on Oak- ACROSS FROM PINE LAKE noon, Levoior*, JH car tartae. peiio, W.BLOOMFTELD Corered parUaf. «U,M0. Land Con detail* land Kill* CoU.Ccnm. Laat M lefI oo Boaltot 4 (wimmtot. Beastlfal lot 104 11H% tanmabU mortaut*. prtc«d be­ tko. IU'iroat*|e. FeklJf Real Eatate 411-7(00 x 140 orerlooki&f 17tk peea of eoU feocwd yard. PricedItoaeinwjocVA* t - in. nOOR RANCH CONDO tract. low market, 444.004. Plctir** arall- . Larry ReOiter, Col* ell tV Co. eleeant OakUnd Dr. Prim* Blrmlaf- samabU blend. OPENSUN.ltol B1RM1N0KAM • Ur(e wooded rwWeo- kamloulloo near Maple 4 Tekfrapk. court*- La*t ooe available. «14-77(1 HMIlt abk. Call collect 1IH4I1U1 11(-1474111 «14-1474117 (114.400, land contract a v alUbk. T4I4 Raddlrf a la Brrnmawr NORTH CANTON. Dealper aelertlon* Ual lot 40ilW. dowatown, oalet ple- WOLVERINE LAKE riVNTTNOTON WOODS N. o( 1« Mile and W. of Orckard Lake. fiahleaa. I bedroom endwrJL 1H Utka TRAVERSE CTTY tnr*»Q»« ilreet, cltrMllltl**- By owner. Sopef raj**. Prlc* tlulied IlV Leav- BINGHAM lat floor latndry. deairabl* Vocatkx Near Poetlac Trail 140* Canal front Sroaiklni, lare* cootaiaporary coodo. 1 CHOICE LAKE MJCfflQAN Property Exceptional U-level bom* to Bkom- Matt *ell Term*. IM.000 iiyOiU Arbor 553-8128 wllk 1 acres of land Term*. (14.000 or lot tow*. ImmwtiiU pciaeaaioa. Wortk bedroom*, 1 batka^pl«* Ubrarr fireplace wlik t rtatfil llrtot room rtew fVM Kilii Mb. Ideal for tbe larte farnl- tsrettltiUA(! • MS-mi 114^00 o* wide, priraU bay. Expaottr*. taady BLOOMFtELD HILLS NORTH ROCHESTER OataUndlat make Caxb Offer. Mr. FrtU. Harbor aad rUlirt room. Prlial* baaement, al- beack, tkki wood*, complete wltk rkw IT wllk 4 bedroom*, i balk*. « do** to borne ilte*. very Urte, Uke*. atream*. Hia*. Copper Harbor (401444101 Ucbed ur*t« pi ** carport. of dWanl hritkocae. Owner-accea* Ha Ike colleee 4 olker *ckoob. (IU.000 Lakeer and Rlctory Grove. - ROYAL OAK. OpeeS«t-&a,li-ho. WOODS OWNERS MUST SELL ROBERT BAKE (14.(00 Caak - Term* • Trade. kUU and wood*. Land Coolract Term*. (VifmlM alandnaea-4 bedroom boa- newly cochpleted rood. 114 acre* wood-' wltk rood term* Call Mike Street, LAND REALTY CO. 111-1704 7114144 tatowTT* batk. apdatedkitchen. Ertate. P.O. Tkree larte treed tltea. Prime location perked Low dowa wtlk LC term*. Br P1NECREST model before OotaUndlni Nortk rtO* townbeoae.Se a Box Uf-OE, TVxnpaoo. ML 4M41it- 336 FlorWa Property pear Gilbert Lake. Bloomfleld Hill* Owner 4114444 LAKEFRONT - Upper Loot I*** in Ikat Ume. Maaj titr u Incfnd* rtooa. rjean I. bedroom, family room, condo- ImsedUU occapancy. I bed 404-1414400) prerUttoe* Nortk wabeek. 0>rrl acrea 1 bilk*, aanmabl* Vk% roort Scnooli Cul d* aec.vPrioed to aelL iarroended by Wibeek'a mod exdoive 310 Union Uk« muiet bedroom talte witk fireplace, (ar*<*> poo).. tend* pie* For8a»«J PleaaeraU . NOVl • Twelve 0*1» Mall b oolr 14 flrepUce aad bafcoe/, flnt mock more, immediate occapancr. ondect. flalaked baaement. ceo HARRISON • trade or *ell for bom* to mtoote* E of Ikeae restricted roUlfiZ borne*. Directly acroa* from Ike Comm*fo« floor . tatndrr, combtoiUoo Mak* Yoar Offer, W>0» tSiair . Corered parkin*. I44>M Bl/Tni&fkxm area, 1 bedroom I ½ -batk CAPE CORAL . waterfrooL 447,000 Max SoQ. From 1 to » acre* tt*t M Mile 4 1141'DetroU STtupbooy Sbcwboaae". Utcfcea/family . room, lar|* By Owner. til-Utt Tear arocod borne, exceUent coodllion. and aa»«me contract Abo 1 acre ea- Marllndale. I-4»4411( Bortfi* and enfioeeririi lasted and an- MAPLE HAGCERTY area. > bedroom forer witk Cr•t<',^ omred BUYERWANTED raH batk. 1 car (arafe. caa beat, 1 fire­ Ute, Urre brkk'ranck. bam, fbh pood. prov eJ Term*. (110.000. rinck, fall basement t*rtf, (** c* ttalrcaae to aecood floor, a(- For iltl Potomac Ran a PLYMOUTH - RELOCATING place*. Florida room, 1 Mock* from near Ancbor Bay. Ereclnp. - 711-OUi BR00CK NOVl • I bedroom borne oo I acre*, Brlnt often on tkti aoper jkarp 1 bed commercial. Next to *»to dealer. wood beat, redwood kot tab. rally Ro­ tacned 1 car (araae. W.BloomfkM taU. 141.000. Maat *e« »41-471* FLORIDA' bbed »00 *q ft eslb«Odio« wltk beat * Corteooa t bedroom lVt batk, flnlabed room condo, 1H batna, baaement, car 644-6700 411-1014 AETNA water. (71400-.4 acre. «774000 rec room wltk bar, attacked 1 car (*- port, forgeoui Tlew from doorwall U LAKECHARLEkOLX GOLF- & COUNTRY BLOOMFIELD TWP. NOVl - (1) Acre* • by Owner. Perked.1 Weekends, It4-lt7l rat*. Beat location In Complex, (ace* Urtaa room, coarecleot toeaUoo. Re Hearllr. Wooded Lot la preatltSooi $169,900. docedtolll.tOO. Newly completed I bedroom rattle con­ CLUB OF STUART pood,. 4 In. well beavtlv wooded. 626-4800 pood Esdoaed tare* patio, rwta clab temporary, featnrlaf' - 1 («11 batna, Laiwtoua new I bedroom, maater bed­ Ecbo Park Sob (41.400 caik Term* Sccloded balldla| tile! Moat .aril! COTTAGE ON LAKEYILLE LAKE. II UNION LAKE - area, »1 Daafortk, 1 membentlp Inctoded. Call RackelRion for deUUt room *alle, 14 balk*, welnar, flre­ arallaM*. Owner, alter 1pm 47141H bedroom*, baaement fara**, lart« Ui- Urfe kltcbea wltk all bellt In*, utaa (11.710 or beat offer. lll-14>->07« miles N. of Rocbester. 1 bedrooms, Jean VaJka-YValry 0*Lonfl REy MAX FOREMOST 47140K off maaler bedroom, IH car attacked pUce. bottab. pool family room. Klfk Ur|« lleeptnf loft partially foralibed. In* room, water prlrOejre*, aaklaf MAXEVOUROFTER. I««^00 ceUlnn, orerlooalnf a small lake and BRIGHTON AREA - Cbole* kU wltk ORCHARDLAKE ' (11.400. new mortpt* eel/. Meadow 645-6240 POTOMAC TOWNE condo, Unrlooa |*x«|«. 1174,000 E. J. DombrowaU. treea. bin*, (liklar lake, cultural *a>. atone fireplace and dock. »41.400. FARMINOTONHlLLa profeaaJooallT decorated. 1 bedroom* K. 111411-117« (*> Tiirwirx.. qtulity cooctroctloo. Lot* ivaiUUe Orcrard La. Woodland* 17«~4MI1 UflbcBrvccUord (114074 WBEECHWCOD KILLS tnasr otker feataraa. Now «140.000 • re- Ooe ka* center? old barn. L C. avail­ Ceak - Term* • Trad* den. necii, flnianed baaement, alarm doced from 1144,004 By Owner. able. Byowoer.lll-m 7417, U74K1 LANDREALTYCO, 111-1700 UNION LAKE AREA - 1» Daafortk, 1 SALES OFRCE- Spaciou* 1 bedroom.. lH\bitk (Jtra many txtraa, priced toaeU . «1104! LOO CABIN on Lake Hot*, aecladed DRASTICALLY REDUCED " bedroom*, larr* kitofceo. attacked re modern, lad. floor rinck. Prl?*la baae­ aad wooded oo lOOitll ft tot Flre­ After 4 PM. call:(101) 141-1111 BRIGHTON AREA. Beat Boj toUv - PLYMOUTH SCHOOLS BeaaUfil 4 bedroom borne oo Caioo Lake, 1 car ra|«, basement, witerpmtle*** ooOx South oH 13 Mile Rd. meet, |1»,»00 _ t '• toftloa County. 1 acres. Saneyed, It nit Over 1400 l^aare feet ROCHESTER. Hint* Cor* lanry 1 pUce, boat boUt compleOey foralabed. HUTCHINSON ISLAND- FU. Laxarl- wooded acre lot Perk OK (»1.000 1111.000 4414740 boi Uke, asltoi (11.400. Low down Between Lahser & Telegraph bedroom. 1H bilk, cowlry aitckeo. al- 6o Tawu Bay. 144J00- NeeoUable OB* Ocean VUUte Reaort Comntei. perked, Cood road frwUte. (I«io0. Term* 411-M14 payment co LC Meadow MA Inc. Birmingham ' WE HAVE THE LAROE8T tacked (arate. end nnlL Aaklnt »7I>00 term*. OooUctCenterTll 1 bedroom coodo, ronpleteli liraUbed 114-4111. Alter ipcn. «4141*1 IsractUoyd «14070 Mot tee • mail offer. Tawu Realty. 117147-1141 LAKE ANCELUS - splendor and *ed«- INVENTORY IN ALL AREAS Irt-OIH 411-1104 «114.400. Call Ere* 4411144 CTTY OF BLOOMFIELD HILLS PLYMOUTH TWP. ikc of Northern MtrkUxa. Only 14 ROBERTSON BROS. ONE OF THE FINEST derttoproeat Lut ckanc* to purcbaae beastlftl 11 mlmtea from Blrmlukam, W. Bloom­ CONDOBUYERSI ROYAL OAK • Corentry Pari parcel* to Nortners Mlcilxxa. 414 acre reaideoUal alle before it b luted Low Lateral rate, 1 Iota. 14 acres to fleld or Troy. Breatk Ukla| ctstom 319 HonvM For 8aJ« t bedroom*. 11,700 axausea csraot acre* wooded except for 44 acre* of JONATHON'S wltk broker it a kltker price. PrlrtU. IS acrea- Pared road From (14.400. belli 1 bedroom Ulefroot. contempo­ 8TOP IN ANYTIME 11% Land Contract Br owner. 117^00 paatar*. rarrounded by inooaaadi of LANDINGS . wooded cal-de-iac. All sUUtlc* ' Make offer, 417-0417 or . 474-0711 rary. Belli wJik all qaibty futares and Oakland County 29556 Southfleld Rd. Suite Call ETOL, or weekend* 144-4014 acre* of Sute Land and Jojt 41 minute* MI.4O0 »15-111« Prlrre MalUple 4 Clatter Si to* low maintenance to free yoa to enjoy from dowBtowa TraTtrae Oty. Amenl- JUPITER. FLORIDA FanrJaitoo Hill*. West Bloomfleld, Uke livtoa: Ml-OIr* 8. LYON • S**rtflc«,Teavlnt SUte. 1 204. Just N. of 1? Mile Rd. SNEAK A PEAK lie* Include a 4000 *} ft. newer • bed­ WUiaard \111ue. i bedrooma, 1 bilk*. FARMINOTON HILLS Beadlfel. BloomTield HJU and Waterford. Term*. bedroom ranck, dec. flrepUce, base­ C0ND0-MART A new Ooodomlnram room. «H balk bom* crertooklat oo* of 1111.000 farilabed. For detail*, call LANDREALTYCO, 111-1700 ment 1 car jara*e. Rrdaced to 441.100. ASPE ItkKe oeac*beack,. keated pool.'teenU court*. tax, (}] 000 to (10.000 Land coolract tke door totk U 1 year oM cedar 4 brick nanciiu U ariilaMe. At II 14.000. U TOT 1 bedroom, IH balk*. flrepUce, central - »r*ie, 1 bedroom. 1 batk*. FARMLNGTON HILLS Call liter ipm ' • 411-lUi' Ute*. Uld.OOOT parklnf |» Treed lot 104 1117', all otlllUe*. area cceletnporary. 1 bedroom*. 14 batka. appreciate ~)oceUoo" and petit* (kit air. ttodio ceillnt*. prlfiU will oatlo. fanilaiedCOwner . «14-11»« wet bar" balh Into towrrlnt etrralar wooderfg] UlaljW - CALL I1MI00 Condominium abeJteredparklnirW^O 1444114 Call CoUw*D 8*nier/SckmMt Heal- of alee borne*. (14.100 After ( PM or WKkeodi.caU. 4714071 itooe 1 sided flrepUce. Lou of fUss of- REDWING CONYENTENT SOUTKFtELD location, too, 41(-147-1119 or write: 111 E PT. CHARLOTTE, FLA. SALEM TWP. 1 acres on prlvite road. fen brealkUklef Uketlde vtewi SECURJTY AND VIEW j bedroom condo to craiet compel, flrtt. Front SuTraf em City. MI 4K44 off N. Territorial Uoder(foand electri­ Uokrae eilraa. 114 ft sandy beack accent tkla nr«u»U; decorated. Ilia Realty Co -, Hoor. apoUaocea, central alr.xarport. i Broc*er*ATalUbk $38,900 - Waterfront cal La Driveway to. Pcrc 4 ready to (114,000 TICKET boildoo (14.100. ut-fm floor "eondo In li*"aly". TWO bt| bed­ crebkooa* wllk pool, q«Vk ocewpancr. PELSTON II) bedroom*. (I) batk*. Laxrfroot Con­ Foreclosure room* and batka, P«1T»U laandrr, Ire- |1»>00, By Owner. 1144041 do* from a remarkabte 111.400 Laat TAKE OVER PAYMENTS SOUTH LYON • 14 Acre parcel on pri­ Drive ogt and Uke lie color toer WINNER mtodow baVooj. dlrectacceat (araee. 559-3800 I Mile* N. of Prtoakey. 100 acre*, to pkaae ooa beto| offered. arowtdbeastlfelLakeSkjeooo . SOUTHFTELD - By owner. H<* Bert MipUTwp.co-MaplefU'er, 4174K1 14 acres. Lyon IK area. vate road Perked 10% Ued coctrict F'TOridenc* arta. O/uBtj la ererr re- DraaUcaltT reoVed to tm.000. SttUak PovU BalUillne Corp. Call Tolllree (I71tncetklyatl0% loterea'.. Of fen rcenidered 119.400 aptct Pric* M1.M0 set IT (1M100 Wibeek arta dialer condo orerfookl Rd. ^«*t rtdwewd to 111.400 Stare 1 urtlrnelnclodtotSan. )400-117.)111 4174344 CaQ for free pictorial brochure* for Cameo Lata Slmpl* aaavroptlon at bedroom rpper Rancb end salt Central borne* 4 Mi avalUUe oo livtotstoo - Betty Lou Tucker air. All appliance* * c«*tom decor In­ TEN ACRES. Weal of HarrUoo - Wood­ WEST PALM BEACH Corner enlt 1 MILTORD-IACRES REMARKABLE DLTAILiNO 11H % for It mor* Tear*. ed - li.Hl • 1100 dnrn - «100 mootk • bedroom, 1 batk coodo. 1100 aq feet UuliUea, ketiie view, perked, mm eyed VS. 114 N T>3UtrT0RtAL AREA Coanty* larfest pri'ite iQ sport* lake • 418Merrimac — coupled arllk mtanlarii] ep-daUn*, RralEatateOoe.AnHlK cluded Matt aee. Crear term*. Tot *> TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET " 11 Afro - beautiful kardwood*. 1.000' poUtmeat, call alter Ipcn 1171444 14% LC. Lot* of Sute Land nearby Bult 11» Vpfrtded IVcUbedUde- SYLVIA L COLE. Real EsUle Broker Canton malt ikia TraaUla VuU|« condo an «411700, MI4H1 Call Foreat Land Co rlffd CTobbooM 4 pool 14 mtoote* frooUfe Good Coet/act temu taa; JDOT*. Townboo** «jk wltk I Protreulre Propertie* Roberta, limlpm. -. 4114114 414-(141 -• Bedroom*. 1H batk*. ttierom rec PAIRWCOO VILLAS- Rocbeeter. Lu- DayorEve, «l«-ll«114J [rom beack Pktarea, <««>00 714-7111 Willi Please call the promo­ room, allacbed Carat*. rirtpUe*. ml- vtooa, I bedrooma, 1 batka, fireplace, SOUTHFIELD CT«7i»ck w/pttt At m.»00. tl* AD 1 bekociee, 1 car f arare. pool Extra For aal* or leaa* wltk optloa to bay. tion department of the Tofttker. «1*410« low. («1.000 «11-147« or «»4171 Sharp, cooteavporarr townbOB**. 1 bed­ Observer 4 Eccentric room*. 1½ batka, prmta entry, laraf* between 9 a.m. and 5 YOtTD NEVER KNOW FARMJ.NCTON CTTY • RIVER CLEN wltk direct accea*. Brand new kJtckea IU * bkckator'a. br Ike ImmacvlaU Downtoro: 1 bedrooma, admit, cjmkt wllk top of tk* line appliance*. Creat p.m., Friday, October kooMtaeptnc Uatriil neatra! decor. aectailoa Second floor aecvltT. baae­ accea* to major freeway*. RURRYI 14, 1983 to claim your PrlnU aetranc*, epper krtL 1 bed­ meet. tmmedlata oenpancr. 144,(00. «71>00. two FREE BED WING room condo wltk *ts asll* laendrr. Car­ Before fpm, 4IM171 ASK FOR KAREN FREEMAN port, pool Baeerb I4M 4 Telecrank *c- FARMINQTON TICKETS. SM.XlJiljM feeYo*T*1M 1H Wrat, a .. W1-»00,wxt. 244 >m®&M WEtT SIDE ATTRACnOfO BaaetMct iattoat to paOo. Priced for Cantos or Wcftland wltk creat kltkwa; (ut uU at »114.00«. Immediate occ*- 626-9100 I toUHr dUftrentcondo* arall- pancr. Eveniajt 41M107. *^ ^^ Weekdan, 477-(410 W. BLOOMFTELD • N 14 Mile. Brn The Home Store able la tk* mid- to kitk-Ml.kOr*. Mawr. 1 bedroom, library. 1 Utka, «tD- Cbooa* a Townkonae, Cental* Root* or FARMINOTONCONTXJ lly. 1 floor. Over 1 «00 Sa, Ft OartM 4> CONGRATULATIONS! Apartment atria. Eack kaa f bedrooms, ImroedUU ocewpancx. Clean and apa- carport Aaaame mortt*ce «J4-77« 1 every Thursday in your hometown newspaper... taraf* or carport, and finandnc. See doa main floor. 1 bedroom* and 1 Oo* or All - CALL «144100 balk*. Not a lart* compter All apoll- W. BLOOMFTELD • Potomac Towse. ance*. Central air. Doorwill oetoUfco- Immaculate I bedroom I balk coodo, ar. Clab boot*, pool Adult* AaUnf opper raack unit wltk attacked Prtx*. ttl.000. flrepUce, lerrlora. Aaatunabl* Bloomfleld Orchards CON DO-MART «411011 Good family viloe In 4 bedroom MarrCapelU bl level lo popaUr arta. Watt to KSOOL B.F. CHAMBERLAIN New Uldiea cabinet*, batcberblock . 626-8100 roantertc^ newer carpetlnc. 1 car , 476-9100 721-8400 3» AptixForSwk tirat*- »».400. PARMINCTON mLLS. I bedroom, 1 • "FIRST OFFERING. BL00M7IELD • Urj* 1 bedroom con­ batk, pooli teneli court, carport, balco- MERRILL LYNCH do. all appliance*, aeadooa tronndt, BJ, micro-wire. Air coedlUoolBf. Discount for fait saJel carport, nrlmmlnf pool, wltMn walk- llW%aar«m*bl*roortt*t* I11-MI4 Realty/Chamberlain Infdbtanc* tottorea, aaavmabl* 7H% LINCOLN PARK, 4 aal't. brict, *epa- . 647-5100 morttat*,br owner «47-H4i FARMINOTON HJIH. Orer 1.100 aqft rata gtllilk*, raaxea. refrltcretor*. »»p- CANTON, 1 ttorr. 1 bedroom, 1H balk, Prlrale ectry, appliaoce*. carport. arata baaemeeU. WOW? 10 year term. ROCHESTER ROAD, rancn, 14 acre*, central air, foil baaeroeot. 1,100 eo, ft 10S* aaawmable mtte "Qwici" Sal* II %; below market, 111,400 per *niL on Mi* settlaf. Urte. coaatnr UtcteOL} Mlat coodttks. Immediate ocrspancr. Price! Dart, 411-0140. Ere* «14-17« bedroom*, wlUi lii or dee In eartUDy "Yog will make year money wken yoa floUbed »ijl«( baaeraeat, I backa, in.teo tiVwft SUPER VALUE AND LOCATION - rint floor lassdry. c«otn> air • atac 1 bedroom*, t foil talk*, cloaet* |«lor* cloee . (ID, rkldatooa flrtrJac* 4 oalorH taa, Microwire. pool, teonl* IH* anom- PERRY REALTY 47cV7cMO IOIM pole bars, pood, aom* inner? able LC «»,»00. Call Owner after i M CHANTICLEER orwNteooelt 111-1141 A SECLUDED l-*cre lot In refiinf kOb stock, wood*. LaodCootract araUable. of SoslkfleM OTcrtooilat acre* of JII7,M0 711-71»Of 7» PARM1NGTONRTLLS wood* * rtrer. Perked, wilar. fia. 4 AWARD La.r{ett Ueit arajlable In per- MU*. WorBeeck.il 1^00 114-4144 WINNING CONDOMINIUMS kapa tke caciceet kcatioa 1 ItllModcU bedroom Coodo wltk * baloo- WAYNE • 4 UNTT BRICK kOnlmwm 320 Homo* For 8»k NOW OPEN - PHASE 1 nr. Well-decorated, •»traded MaMenance. All LeaaecE Incom* • Information Center Open •ppolnlmeBta, low aUUtf bUla' «11.00« Aaktot «110.000. Prtnripabt Wiynt County Located la Ike acorllj center Onlyl Day*, 117441»; err*., ilt-1444 DKTROrT. brick 1 famUr Hal, »1« aod Noon to6PM Dally of Faimlaatoo Hill*. 1 mile ail, »*w (voa« aad roc/, torlsdea car­ Closed Thu red ays- from JC-W*T entrance, jll.000. pet, dnpea, and appUaocea. Good area. Call-«H700 ; - 332 MoWrw Honvot Oreea Acrtt. Owser. 1U 1101 Located On The Thompson-Brown FOfSwrW North Side of 12 Mile Rd. FARMINCTON • I bedroom, complete- BARON. 14(4. 14t74 1 bedroom, cen­ 321 Hoir*tFor&*r« Between Lahser 4 Tetegraph 1» fumlabed. all appUaoce*. wuker, tra] air. stove, refnteritor," waaner- dryer, Indoor pool t, clob booae. faalaa- dryer, abed, cart*La* Can Bay oo lot UvTngiton County ticvkw.oolym.OOO MH1W (11.100 Excellent Canton. 14741H RAMBURaTWP. 354-4330 BEAUTtFVL 1 bedroom wltk Expendo BETWEEN BRIGHTON* pmCKNEY . Greenbrook ParkHomea 4 all ippUancea, oo featart lot Owner EXCUTSTVE RAKCH HOME Monetary Realty Co. Open Sun. 1-5PM boaikt borne, must lelL1 AU Offers coo- AD lice brick oo 1« rollla| acrea wUi Rachel Ryan Sale* A$soc. tldered " (14-4(71 pood. 1 car (ante, Ur« acreesed pa- 25050 Glenbrooke Lo, > bedroom*, fH balka, 1 ftreeUcea, W-OfTtleirapk. N.off 10 Mile BUDOY Ui40. exceUent coodltlon, t Ptetral air; lascdn room oo Am floor, SOUTHFIELD tmmacslate 1 bedroom. 1½ batka, fam­ bedroom*. boUt In*, aklrllnt, bla trees; tut baaemeet; ttcvt. rtTrlcerator. ily room, orer 1400 to A. fireplace, air Mobile Home Pari. Joy Rd. WesUand lIMILE-INK-TrER roodltJoeiai, patfe, cl*bnoa*e k pool. (4,400/beat After (pen. . tlMOM diikwaiber, waaber 4 drnr tecladed A*«m* 7* mortt»|e. m.OOO.CaU- _ lill.OOO Call Dee McoetK. Mint Conditloo' 1 bedrooma. 1H CAMBRIDGE mobile borne, 14 x «i, t EarlKrtm Realty. HowtU. batka, centra) air. carpet tk/ooabost TomMaloney bedroom*, all carpeted. Plymogtk Hlfli 14*441» rec. room. *lUcbed iar*(e. Mat See . 352-7568 mobli* cowt Canbe lef t oo lot Big family homes, beginning HOWEIJ. LOT* IT rtroodeJed aolar aa- 11 MILE • SOUTKriELO (114174 klated rinnetta »!U < bedroomj oo 114 "Prime Localloo" 1 bedroonia, 1 batka, REAL ESTATE ONE homes, retirement homes, UAdacaped acrea miOt frill treea, wtllnaper featart* and carpet tkroo|V CONCORD 1474. 14«41, Plymofltk ()1.000,11100 down UM11-W04 owt.Cekrtlalr, ill appliance*. HIDDEN HTIXS- Rocbeater J be* Hill* 1 bedroom*, (tore, rvfrlferatoc. country homes, city homes, room*, m balk*, »polUnce*, (irate Micro-wttr. can rur oo comer lot flrepUce, witk-ou"' itt baaemeet. pauo. M.404 Most KU' 411-4047 pool»*4.»0 «11 «1»O"' f »11^017« tbwnriouses, apartments, con­ 322 HonvwFof 8«k FARMINCTON -RILLS TRAILER dominiums...there's a place that Itocomb County EARLKEIM PARK> tirtroltei, (iM trailer for »*le. NEAT-AS-A-PIN 11.100 ExceUcot coodiHon, knotty ptoe was designed and built just for WARREN • cwtom 1 bedrocco raoA 538-8300 Tklt rpailUnt coodo offerl Urtt-Urtsj Uroc|>o«t CantUyootof 47H141 Dtalna room, brtrn room, (trail/ room. room. 1 bedroom*, tpactoal kltcbee and you. 1 rtreptacae, 1V> b«tk». «Ua<*ed ta REDFORD INC. dinette, 1¾ bilk*, all appliance* to- FARMINOTON, 10 X 41. (1100. *ppli • rate.Owper.|7».>00 711-114« SOUTH LYON - One bedroom, poaalbtf thtdtnt vtiberi dryer New carpetlat. ances. oew dripea, iwalnt. *ned, ftoirro two" m balk*, recreaboe room Adult Luttfol eartk tone decor, aarate. com- window*, ilr coodiOooer, talrted. car- f>op. |tt.t«w Term* 7*, $ ytare. monlty butldint wltk pool amTtrrull pet 474-4111 XrTdvve have it. Every Thursday 324 Othor 8uburb#n ll'^TOOCaak WUlnetollal*. lake witkla walklnf diatance. Ooly $47>0« Terma Call HOMETTE, 11(1, 14 X 70. flrepUce i Horn— For &*k CARMEN REAL ESTATE 11V4471 bedroom*, bay window. 10% dowa as­ in our Creative Living Real JIM PRESTON sumes be U or* of 114.000 414-0(17 Estate Section. You're sure to -GROSSE POINTE SUPER BUY CENTURY 21 LIBERTY 1(77, Hi7«.-1 bedrooma, IH Clean and wtU decoriled 1 bedroom I Gold House Realtors batka, (root kitcbra 4 i ppUaocea, term* find what you're looking for SHORES batk Wenland coodo, lndede* appll- oetotuMe. mo*l »*H. rtJoc*llft«. aak Caatom raacfc, (orer. UTW room, dlo- aoct* C1k*l I*""* - v*^ ^owa par- 478-4660 261-4700 forTerTy«711IJl After «pnv 144-1414 advertised by private homeown­ loa room. lamllT room, lardee. room, 1 meet, lost»ndccetract 111400 Calf bedroom*. 1M batka. ceoUil air, (at JOAN ANDERSEN NORTHVILLE ers and qualified Realtors. floor laaadrr room, walk to part aad NEW FOR 1984 acboola 4*4 U4I HIGHLAND LAKES DUKE PARKWOOD Century 21 Skarp townkoaae - beagtlial Uie front 4SKY1JNKHOME5 WAYNE 1 bedroom bog**- FVeplace, locatJoe, 1 lare* bedroom*, fimUy Lire* »e lecOon of waed borne* too. Make your Creative Living eantlllAi. fenced Tard, ImmeeXaU «- Gold Houso Realtors room. flrepUce. baaement, brtc* patio, eapascT. Low dowa paymeaL Uod 459-6000 ." Iitoffertel Mt.000 Openaan I 1 PM Real Estate section zx Coetracl CooT«nl»t locaUoa 711-MU l«U7ALTHEACTC*ll WONDERLAND WEStBUX>Mnni).OpenSondaj MOBILE HOME SALES 147 11*4 11 till Potomac Ren Nortk Uiart- MEL JONES 41171 MJckltaa Ave it BeUevUl* Rd. an enjoyable reading habit: *^ 325 rWwrEiUt«i84>nrkce*, (ill M level CA8HF0R 141,000, wVl cooalder. leaaV/purckaa* deck. I«114 abed Most aee to »ppr*d UND CONTRACTS PRICK ftrfWRl) • l-oatUTtl/ Beat atfeemeat After7 PM. call 4JT11M IU Mart Jell Best offer Eve* 144-1144 ' <\ REAL E8TATE LOANS B.y' FibuVM dtUcked coodo wftb OPEN SUN 11PM NOV! 147« ARLI7+OTON Any type property ftnyvvtwe nortbern MkaJian Ult aetUnt Ulr WESTIAND. 1714« S Colonial Dr (1 fBedroorna AppUaacwa . CALL TODAY FOR HOME;DEL|VERY. nrt?ll«{«. Ibedroorn*, 1H batka. k*M o( Joi, we*< $LttM Ntwbwtk) Ckann- Mart Sell 'in Mlchtawi. 24 hr*. •> Cftll flo-Ulj room. lirt«|dlAliit room wllk Ul t bedroom Condo wltk baaeroeot A llMMIorltUm Free 1 ¢00-292-1550. Rmt Tttlted beamed ccilta**, 1 fireplace*. rtf* la Cblonjal EaUU* t ralVIt I IQ Wayne County Calf591.-0500 In Oakland County Call 644-1100; NttipnatAcooptanooCo. Laret ktuken/VftaUaat room, 6**. K1/ balk* OutaUndlna term* f 14.00«. PLYMOUTH HILLS Mobil* Cowrta, l*nrlosicarpeUfi| Mattaee* Earl It elm Realty ilt(4 AtUajtoa, newly decor*ted. ( Seburbas, Irsc. MI-l«O0 bedroom*, dtalai room, family room, ^ m balk*, new c*rpetiot. *tr, (tl4 car­ 32» Cotxfc»Fof8** peted porrb wltk •«*><<- Beaatlfa) tot ADAMS WOODS ' ' CENTURY 21'". JUCDFORDCONDOS • 1 a, 1 bedroom* to wooded (etUnt |«4,l 41M417 NEWLY decorated I bw*J«o>f. >**• cable, pool, UndecapU*. carport* THE Wlka. I rtrepiacwa, wtfa«*tf»l *Jf*..r»f; Secontlne Assoc. 117,00« and tp Ba/tal*' /ame* L Wtl SHANNON Hrtl. 1 bedroom. 1 batk. Uamaon, Broker. Call FJe* nor 114 7111pit * ipptlenc** (11.404 or beat offer aoeaOa AppTlM+Hl »M-1H« 626-8800 • Meoday tkrv Friday beforrtlpm* . WESTDEARBORN ROCHESTER CONDO • 1 bedroom*. lll-MJt. week eodi, 144 4041 <&bm\)tv &Xtttntxit 1H batka, riaiaked beaemeat. I car at PreatHJooi klik ria*. Panoramic Vie*. TWO MOBILE HOMES for a*M. corri- UXJOMTTELO • OBOROBT0WN- I I bedrooma, 1 batk* Cent/al air, boated tacked farat*. UnoVap*4 prl»acy NEWSPAPERS (area bedroom*, 1* balk*, nrtpUo*, yard. Oabbona* wllk rtkr roood rwtn> pltUly temodtled (1004 *nd 1(404 On pool, tppUenr**, aecarllj EiceOart et> GaCaPOiryal 1114741 fa»UT room, «atH nea, *>**J>; TerOoeot Owner. M1-IW4 mint Owner. I'l-HOO r*f*fe*>mftkco4«R««tt* ..MI-MI I 04E TrturKtoy. October EX 1K> in 2 Red iWvwaitehthe ctesified section every Monday, and Thursday: When ydurnarrle TO WIN; Send'your name and address, en a postcard to RSZWNCi^CKSr^.Tn* Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. 36251 Scrctfcrqrft recant liNwrntt VH 4ttt®QL atfpaa/s, yWm * winner* Ehtersopn and asoften agi'youllke. ,

100 AptrtmorrtttFor Bon. 400 Ap«rtm*>nt» For .R*»nl *w unwM rTopwfjr 400 ApmtemtoHt*** For rajMf ' For** .. _, ... ,,,,, • (tEDfORD AREA - Small faranbed Bayberry P{ace Apta. 6LENVtLLA CA/nonovnxxn TOWNHOMES PIERRE APTS. Plymouth Hills mzsrxss ^^ ^PLYMOUTH »*••'• ' »TTT7I Trll>re*aS HEA? INCtUOED taattaKDROqkl' '' «M(. »!.«•• 1Ard02BEOrV30MS ^ n—left, n Ope aad » Bedrqam Aoaraneam »rao Sbtar. a..at Tbataraob. W. at-tTS _ at. Water. AlrC " ,. laiwix SOMEflSET MALL AREA. do^ ****** Lap* Baildar. iae 140« ItatoYMtra Carprtlaj, CartwrOk Caffa^BayQB^L EaWaaMMaT"/ wSOO- Modem 14 2 Bedroom Air CaodUloalat Swtamiat; P«L CaV • Ratttfanttcr. •« rang* -itoalBUWAflEE- Maplewood Manor . AlrCoodiOooad r aooaa.^^»i>et»; AitkatNGTON rHLLS • Waitta aaU oaraadac laaaary Batw. Lahaar 4 Takanpk U«4 Crooka Rd- M umr APARTMENT rURaUTauHAM: ' •a'-arsi pam ftr cakwraa IbltN aTJafia lUyCarprtad ouwrnown aa» a -dag-ad. Laraa t Dtak*e N. ofMapM(ISMile) . McXe*>»*My*jr».-iM I Ha» paw aKacrt?> a«a •> Cataa TV aatta. »oaa*a«n Sdoa ONE &EWIOOM rBOM fMi fat-fist Brvfear (deal for roadato, Orion T»p~ Oat- CVaa \a Skapoaa, 1 BVrt .ihttk-j* -538-02*1- b-eniit LiaadrLa aod y A, mora .tw^ntCHUat. OUnaa'aat coaoiaa aaacasM. HEAT INCLLTJED n-ferw •Oafr U ion «et ktapte. rBfari 4 af Caatldpc aaar •**SST ms ntaatOkTLtaaaaaaliry CABLE TVAVAfV AVAILABLT —E ataadiaaj. madttjoa »M,»• 0 M - Lead Cm. jBcaeaat ktaU. Trof ' LAKE ORION ntOrVTACC lafll ^ABJUincrrcn mus - Ttar r roan ALL tmuToa PAID CompWlafy carpeted, »U auiua ti cedar eoBeajporary. Groat/tax abetter im< CHAfliatNGCVHHlMaHOinaT i MI maal. vary arrraia. aata. nirt* Stars kbm 4 Tban. U-7 Oakland Valley capt eiectrtesry Pool, ur coaAtious* tract-J»>4>*l«t»rei KA A^POOmCBNTCALL. Taa»,Wa<.frt,MP*t room, amort lars. aftaaadvat ifiOt t*«» jar aaatk. (aa- raior Vb* pjat attkUaa. »m *paal From $305 ud party room. No prU. •eft 0« baaaanarx. II(*.«•*. •3-BM R at SatTTH ASSOC «43-4109 jtad vaad Sac.U-4 No. 2 APTS. CaaNooateSPM . . Aiao N«ar Oakland MJU 41-Ti 466-4721 276-6319 RESIDENT MANAGER U1-47T4 CARDK1 OCT. Oajias. Sear OaUaad Vfr*nitjr K m Saalr- LAtt SRANreTV*. Bedford Square Apte: Moa.Taoj.TkaM Wad 4 fri CLARKSTON AREA brtck aa*> balroan. IBar roar own 2S5-2120 ralaaat Waltos Rtv4. L oa ttrtiflaid Sat 4 Sao. ^MAYTLOWER HOTEL fvU* CANTON • ban. Apjdiaacsa. carpado*. aaaadr? 4a Pkrtck SanrHenry Dr. R n office Apt Mootkly rocani I»»I(able. Maid KT», lerfHL prreate ifl h. t baanxaa laxaniaa aat laaa- lalrpbooa arrrlce, color. TV. prmt* . apwdfity ' NO" TAJUNC ApPUOTTQHS ?0R arta. Pnrata lrrt*. jant patlajBajl* CRA.1D UVER A lARSEX. I bed­ StadV>/I S bedroom i»arV apart* late* w LrrifleaCo* FARMINGTON HILLS iftfjom 1 and J bedroan Aptt. xaaa. ana mak baaaaaats. Vaaar pjdatat PM. Mapata. Satarttj^J» room apartaaeat. Carpet, air eoedV Drlo* room, doonrafi. batb. iod mora' StuUvj at 4400 per peal. < ax»dban«H rlrapleW kef P»k, ftnall. ^Ort. jafc ocoparx. h Jrrcr baaa>a> Ararrtarra .UrcraoV dagad, ioriudat (aa 4 water balcoaaa. mil chtaaaif aatoa. Mil de- ROCHESTER SQUARE asonta CoaUrt Craeo Souti. tit Mil db4od roe INVEST! INVESTI '' ' Cabana*. V baaatUaUr Ut-1411 froatlat r*riifmtor, diakvaaaart DOB Ttaetk 0*7 JM. Aaoroav 4 torn on HVtflaki* Roal FordRd.^*aBf^.27S OARDEN CITY, larat X ~ • »T« par Baetk. U yon * FaoaJcai ^ft^n*v^ aaar acrkaala. iaaa* &HFMZZW Jl*i 4 »1« Ow*r Or SrboolcT»rt ^flra l-lPM. An. Ai, te. k MI 4*41 Ipackxa 1 bedroom apartaxata Car CaU Taea. Wad. Prt »1» 4 M 1 & 2 BEDROOMS LAKE SHERWOOD oaatf aat f JVI ani a i^ a BOniA oa&- 98T-C033 par. ^apet, appUaoces, air slum jVabr UAROE1 CITY, itayarannd AparV Tiara **)-* M Sat PS4-1M Prtweta all aborts baa. Dacx attUnd- iartaBM 1 badroam CDkaial auk rURS*r*GRAM • I badram xpartnaat »*r Tnaihii HZATrNCLUDCD IttKft paat roaa »tt» flrepiaca aad aaatx. I bedjoaii wtta baat aatar * from $305 ROYAX OA«. A'idtbla Oct ISti watarfrae* coJoaUl Weft-oat beaa- •Ilk faraac beat rarttekad. W SfMaSl BaaailraL apariooa I 4 1 bedroco matt. Opai S-etary balcony fcjar ruk tatpriaimm CONCORD TOWERS joraa Senior CWaaa neat a CM 373-2196 Beatrtrful Park area ittmblr. 1 jtmr Jaaaa. oo patt CaU *^ " «»-»4» aparttnaoUn . 1149 to Jltt per aoaX marble floor*, deeoratdd traoltkioapy aaaafrr. Glass (haa HHW» » 1-75 4 14 MILE aft wttWn walking ditMnot to vUkoDaWU uu All ye* fnUo- AVTbbeae t carport lacloded AMM per- CmtarTll.PlKylEU MUIN 1 aEDROOM APT. AVAILABLE SEMI FURNISHED carpeted apt U downtown Rochester farradCi• - a- Ji4-im pert art marc Sac* a ) areolae* AETNA INCLUDES THESE nUTURBS 4-apea. fraced •rWte-aoma IWcaeo. taaodry pri*t- (astral air. drcalar ettaa. H».*M. GLENCOVE &w - Oakanka LeaVa aewafa taM*. Worttad coapie or proTaaioaai 652-0543 ROMULUS - ltr\ Union CAacoaot 1 Commerce )W E»t«t« 626-4600 BONNIE BROOK lion . .:. Rar>t»rater fra» tr* SEAT tSOXXXb C*o«. LAKSER Near 7 MUe area. Modan as* aula, aoa pnoaen. Cooiidd* 4 W MUa 'trpttlaa. P'ja Alarm oedrooaia. 1 nodrEi lo ckooac from Carol EaleySJu (b-ipe*. air. appaaona. Adatta NopKa Mraoov appttaawa. earpatlec air tret 1«4a» pba aacarur S4S-4IM „» ApplUaca, ««». APARTMENTS ' SuRITYorHJCHRlSE ^. SesETcttbea rtu* a traaaportattoa xad&iaoad. parklaf. Mo prta '. t LAITT CRANCX de* jwr Pti CABLE TV s7Ti% TREE-TOP No road Wwa bone 4 Saka. Uooav 1 BEDROOM 5295 jratlabta HI 1171 leaaa Mau« 4M-4IH Ljnd Contracts 589-3365 W Bila S of Sraootcraft as Ttfacrtpk fleal silk acaeol*. Pricaa bfcjkar ant 2 BEDROOM $340 LARSERySTX MTLE • SpacMal 1 bed- SOUTHFIELD •yr. Dw. m».»wv m-w« A»ARGAD« .. rooer* »lr cooatiooed, j ppluocaa SIM MEADOWS C-ua for roar olatlaf Uod cootrartj INCLUDESHEAT Diplomat & Embassy 538-2497 Plymouth HIpOEN OAKS APTS Itifo* tAJDt 0» WATErVORD Ran per oootk. Adah* »4-1 *e kavi-sc* 1 4 1 bedroom lattry Call flrat o» laa, bat call Now leasing 1.4 2 bedrooms opportaalty to eajo? lake Brlog. altkoat Carofltlng, AlrCondlllonlng Apartments HAWTHORNE CLUB LARSERvS. ct laflla Premlar fpart- jpartjncsU aitk over snd roorm. Ukafroot prieea. J bedroom. 1 berk SNrryRaaKj • 4Ta-r«« GE ipptuocaa. crrier.lc batka. castral tank t£C4 «*5ct. pn^at 4 balc«CKa, Swimming Poot maata Wr« ooa badrooov SIM p*t ilr, aka| cirpttlfld, rarporU. laUr- qsed Se-rol. Ideally *eUed Tor eolM-Cats- cacrtaL 11% S0UTHF1ELO . Pngtaoaai apardwat WIS dwtl«b«ta rter la brk* 4* ateruaam ladLac «tta \U aepfiaarca. orprtlnd, aod tddoor UVONU - PIrmoaU Rd /?»r»bar|» CfTY OF PLYMOUTH PRICES BEGIN AS LOW AS »1?» taetefol laodaraptatY ettedaed J ear >oo4 Ooaa to abopptat asd Z-*tr>- t&ZBEDROOM Located oo I) MJ> tod UtadcatrocA aniBwirMM 19800 Tetegraph. n«xt to area. 1 bedroom fonlikad apartmest. Btaotl/al I 41 Bodrootn ApU 557-4520 orpa MoMHa coodltlo*. llltJM. Bonnra Brook Golf-Club Opn M vrokdayt. Sat. a Sao. 1M from $315 fratknuo. US* lactaSea aUUUaa Sa- Roads Lead coatncf. poaelble. Call today to 0pportuntt*»t ror-.tj drpotlt raqoirad. 444- ISM r*0R A LIMITED TIME ONLY *a appotaonart . (7S-MM $100 off i«t Month'* Rent Offlcatloarr 559-2680 From $315 & Up Imw^duta occupt-icy 1 bedroom (rom C0NC2SSI0M TRAIIJERS, IMS Mod- tdttadet rfeat • Carprtlo* 1 MONTH FREE RENT IXi, 1 bedroom frwa HUcooeta. EHO IBAU-4P54 WEEKDAYS rARMLNGTOH HILLS • Watna* Ctnk ORCHARD LAKE LOT - rta. fulJr «q«lpe«d, irm«. iwayiyw. ™- AJrCoadWoaaad • fttio a Poof I b*Jrt»m aatta oo)y 10AVMP«SAT. UAal-SPMSUN. Vpta Rrstals from P4d SparVoai 1 Sr. Citizens Welcome 1.1 i. r!e*l ant door u St kfaryt fr)B*r»ior, f»MY Hfb«»d" ftp*. Sooad CoodlUoiMd Wilbl A floor OPEN SAT tM CoUefal Mtdraon ipu Btlcooiaa rrutabla No Pets Pontrail Apts HfOaOrart. O-fctt 538-2530 rfuata«.MoB^r*rtP.»l.M flUSM CaUftiimr** * 522-3364 N0RTHVILLE ifl SooU Lyoa oo PooUac Trail BCTA8USnEDflUSLVEa?0n!ULZ brlaera 1*411 Mile 642-8686 Sat. 348-9590 ORCHARD LAKE UUDETROfl«tj-114T LOT1. Womrm d«(kia< boaUtfoa. RrasoaaUa BOTSF0RD PLACE Huntington HEAT INCLUDED Cable TV iraiUbh beeotlfolly traed. print*. «aady beark, prtr*. ?»rmla|too F&ila ar*a. R*tt f/oro 127« mo HEAT INCLUDED exceptional rtrw Ptaaaaliaqolri a 4UV41U ORANO RIVER -8 MILE . FARMINGTON On The Hill Nitaril braaty nrroooda TROY - STUDIO APAftTMtNT Oaw,A«*eU- 4SI-T44* 453-6050 Spadoa f 4 1 brdroMn aaiu nuiabk Coantry aeuist fireplace, e.ar»te Btttlad Sotafon) Kocpltal clow arwrr ipertnvsta. Tata tka fdot- •lU crelril lir. cirprUar. ,:] electric ESTABLiSHEI) floor oorrrtaj bad- On Ann Arbor Trail brtdfi acroa) tka rortia( brook ta tka |17> aot(tadodiaa lochjdiOt iatjLu o RUSH LAKE FHOrTTACe Ramaarc. ntm. food opportaBlly for rlfW pman. RENTi SAVE SPEOAL • ."LIVONIA JartW offnkjUrRd klubro. c lobbotaa iad pocT 444-4417 J«M» e*y reel brtei atamlaam. Wilk oai Oau«rr«tlrli«..Mll7l0 opaa park iraa or bat ra)»y tka truv FREEH TURKEY OR HAMI1 MXMTf .f^rtjIVcUal tOaaVUlMV. J-STW- aaiUty of tka ad>cVK »«• • pre UiUaf «U. Baa r&cula a^olled. Sao* rnnoril Mad- ; 2 Bedroom for U19 tnuTPicurtjeD Pool 4 Crabbooat Manor Apts. do«Bto*a Bri|ktoe, Can tccen to M 14 2 Bedroom Apartments Uka, Plarksar. 1 rjedrooma. air roaA- bllJlf U ud«raat*i Will orala. «Vjrt» ktarjrua Rd (OrtUrd Lata fU> B*taUf(lParkMHtla| and 11 EifictMry I 4 1 bedroom truu ficnlnt. m*» Oars S*L * S»a «7t- &B«droomfb<:$499 /aat oo* ktock 1 of I kCM Rd Stop by or till 642-8666 8at. 346-9590 Short Term Leases Available aitk tpacioooi roorra. priiata baico- ScacVxa, oealy decc/ated Located J»«ofUltT77 GOOD CASH B)»INES3 > rarnlHra PET3 PERMITTE0 • IflDtROaXS PARK APTS USUI* Oty Ot Plymootk Ta* Moat Baaatlfal slet. (ally carpeifll ippiiiorra.-pool, cciCvecierAlj ottr OiiLaad t'aivtrcty *rt&pU| a rrrUUklaa. Mala it Vr*- Smot* rx«rton laaUIW. IMMrJ»IATe OCCUPANCY far ooa amok* detector r*0 aK>bT*tJL baU4lH W* »««*- Ooa b PlrnvoU ffilk or wltkoat reaT - Cardra ApartxoaeU la Mkaipa' Por.fLao ilrerdoo-rf. 1-7$ & PceUKf Sittrte* arlroma Mdrooro ipirtmrtil Air roodlUoMd. Crairai Doa-otowa Area STARTVfG AT »51 PER MONTH iy or MU/ont 1. aaUrfrcet, I. Uka tam<3uu Orrapaary W«Ovr «at»UL T«rwJ orfod»btt rARMrNOTON MANOR APT* Wil aad kol »»Uf LrKl*d>4 S'lntmlaf ; Northwood *#» M»»U road Lweljr oMiktor- «nm WaLonCaildna Saolor dlliani wtlroma 0» " iiont. 0*o*r aajloa> to jaiL Uvt771 LADCES'Sav feu tka aorld of faaa- ocatad la rtrrointtos Hilb. Ui otalr pool tVaoUft! I 41 Bedroom ApU HEAT a WATER r>4CU.T«D la.W ofTtWfripa. IIIHII 229-2727 373-1400 10«' oWa fMf a«9 mooUj booUoa* <)«l« [K^atif* addraa, nimmlad, pool. lereriUd oo« badroom »partm*et wVla UNION UU ARJtA.Cadar taUad Oullir OM for VQaaa * /anion «Uk •ir roadiuoaiad. carptUad. Mort k ra- tatXJ »11VX QtiWI «ad tW( Apartments From $320 »•utfrosi. BaaaUM I ardroota. trpaaafoa aotaodal (o larorporaU Olt frffrritor. ill atibtiai axrapl tlwtrtct- ^Rbtfortapm 41« till Klngtbrldge Apartments 11 Mile-Wood ward 400 Apartmenti For Rent J>> txtk caionUl. jw. 1 (\rrfitem. Irta'A kUwralty. rr» AaUqaaa L'ai It iixloo>d Wirm *pu U000V7 farlU- >r. Citizens Welcome jremtm xaraf*. nuffj rttraa H*Soe*i roar tsufUiOoa uytklao poaatbat ura latrrrom ryrtrro Good tm/Hf 1 and 1 btdroomi rUH it |1t I 14 2 Bedrooms lo 111J ¢¢0 far immaiBjtt «1«. o»o»r mvftt.ITVOVjlJ . awaHM*tt aamfrfVrV a MX* Ktrpoaad ot» prrrnlara 5UPKR LOW RENTS Carpeting . No Pels MS-iraartkMUl morxrai 47H4U for mort MormaUoa. ptona « RED WING CooMrr »rtUA| Air Conditioning VAOTION AT BOaH >«f 0"7< Y0CR *»» iaaa-Sportiwaar. av ^77-8464 A ppl ti acta CI ibbonw . Range C.ynp»*WT rwyrr»ja4 I bwiroom faai prr(»a; ladM «p*a>H. atora Of- 27683 lod»>pT)nd*f)Cf> . Opra oood 4era dally cm »t! ajoru Raarta Uka for anlf farlaa ill utloutly taova Wiadt TICKET mt* Klr^>brld(« Dr. • Refrigerator 455-3880 |T*X>« Fa/mlngton Hill* Br*.tuaia: iordarka. Calc. L*e Lrrt. taCtbrilur ' Swimming Pool PLYMOUTH ;A»fESC CUTLKR REALr/ M^«« V.oorrWt LiM. Gaaaa Sat. Ooraa Pt- WINNER • Heat included Dot bedroom iparumot Heit ftr- flftr. aad >M atkrt ariada »»>«• to BR0ORV1EW VILLAGE 675-4233 Hiked. ExcaDeot locatloo No pm IM**) lorlwfea Udlaalaf torratorj. AITS AriUlbUNor.lt till 4JI»t« 34f CfftwteryLot* iirf»r«'for oo* to tka Apfartl Doo>«. Ln-ONUf WESTLAND 541-3332 PilmnRd • W of l!>ADa> Tony Nelson ACACIA CEMSTKRY. . trtlftiAL ftrtarra aad ptoi opralaa • PJrmoeU School Duirtct WESTWOOO !< p»«M Wk wr«( W alt) •"*• Catlaarfma Mliitim ii 1 tt<oa* ) 4 I brdroam ipu Ska( compWulf akr ««odttketd. carprud. OAKLAJTO mUA KXHORUi. PARJL 0«N YOtT« OWH Jta»4oorU**ar, la- carpet GE artf-daaatax m«. etfut Uat-Prataaa. Ladtaa ApparaL CasM- all •epniacaa WESTINOHOUSE dakauaer. patio, cratral air. aeranty U IfUa • l*m Ra. 4 caotea apacaa * WASHER, DRYER, la aack todlTVHU •Oart«a <« V\rtanr. »U1 aaO » or aO. udoa. Aacaaortai m Up BJtaa tiara, Picas© call the promo­ aaarcoai tyabaa«taaikaaBi vvk aaaaa Mia) tarrUlra H«o pw a>««. PlTrati ^yooaal araadr Jordarka. Ckle. Laa. adL Lar(« aillla cioaKa terra aalta tion, department ol the 4 betted aeat Trm ran at UPGRADE CaU 04-«M3 Lavt Vaedarlatt, bod. Oaaaa iax. aad tonfcoaat "Itk prlula paiVa A DiaZDUTE OCCUPANCY ~ CaarK BrKaala, CaMa KaKa, Sarfla dooraaOt. Aanplt parUaf VUU{» park Observer & Eccentric JOY RD. AT NEWBVRCH RD PARXVIKW UXMOrUAL • Lrraata. Valaata. Eraa fVaoa. CUlboraa. atlkaUjiraa. No/Ma between.9 a.m. and-5 MatU|«d by ParafM Propertiei YOUR LIFESTYLE < ploUk la TU Lot Sappar" MM aack fUDtaui. M0 atkan. mm 1« HO**, p.m., Fflday, October TO Vbretofffr W-IJ4J irmurr airfare, trairdad. flrtart*. From $245 to $295 14, 1983 to claim your iad'—-»•« opealad.. rtc pARmrW UKMORUL. Lrraala. I \H moeikaamrltydrpoitt. r*Loaplla "•-r (llttlaMUi two FREE RED WING WESTLAND PARK nn at« kta»w Jwtioa. Mar* M* E TICKETS. . Rraavuhte prVa Call .'or aw* la/or- RETAIL-WHOLESALE Coial • Air CoiiiTitionin^ » C.jrjxrtin^ BMgs. For a** . AAlfld prva itf Jod cai Yoa c«a po- CENTURY complete aitk batroay, aaU-la rloart tretUII; tara foar bsrotSMaX by Dae Sccuriiy .Sys(trn*.l'obl fc Cluliliouic AiTBJrnoN- TAX LO« Pkrr cfetSarSooa otltarrVoue H ooflptlooa CaU betveca We a/a Vxaitd la tb* cory nlU« of -Trxto-ia KY«V<<4 Vae(Ut« Ua-C« Uro-Som (U-4411 NorUfUla aod kart i K*ok ailara) Cherry Hill ant! Henry Ruff TOWNHOMES (Hciwccn Mnlillelxli A Mrr/jmin) SNOW PLCWERS rrrt MiVyMiMJfbtlt arta. Oot btd MtU&f compute rltA ttrtara iod park. • OFFICE BUIUHNQ ResdccUal root*. :( MiU ft Woedaird 2-3BE0R0OMS oom AlAlliUUkl atibOcaa 1US o per rooelk prat Laaaa reqalrtd EHO IMS ptr morJb 5.200 SQUARE FEET «r«a Call rtta 44WOH CCBTUT. Afur Sp" m 411 SIM 729-6636 With Private EntranoM OPEN SAT 114 Hourt: Men Pri V 5. fl.nej ROCHESTER; MICHK^N WES7LA.Ht> FRANKLIN PALMER Say as oftV* uB » o>aaural. aootr4 •) Swimming pool \jfrd ; Sat. V 1 p m , »TM ylbteur Tw> • l«»tl »«*l PET SHOP ON PALMER RD. W. OP ULLEY' 642-8686 Sat. 348-9590 .Sun I 4 p m. ,WV-TT<« and |Jaai )«4lalB^ bmiil !»T5 r^« -->«f«r«* BraoUfal arvrt Ki-zf •> Fully carpet Ad ;b flaf»t tumJarrlf Orirapj «dr» tor *oan*l and toft?**, loratad ta • Laundry facilities IN CANTON TWP. SoiUSlttj or -\ aod rsjo? .TBUJ araw Bi/ek Rill fUa 9iopptn( Ccaur. (Ion T& 2 BEDROOMS rroo» •>» xlxr »»U otoi «wapOoaal to rv*T7tiua«. WJ1 aoc last at aaJj • Central air yttaruUI aha car aWur J15KW allk Krma aval Labia Rsnr' •) Kitcnen appliances from $295 Call PM #«**» »Hl»» Aod «aD ANDY an Ala one) • Cable TV available. Includes Heat GROSVENOR SOUTH • CARL RQSMAN.i CO. RE/MAX WEST 14114*1 Central Air Conditioning OWWYOUROWN 363 fU»jlE4Ut.W»nt»d 22459 Century Drive Carpeting -' ' TOWNH0USES Offers you the convenience of OfFiCE3 ?A Mile N. of Southland Mafl) Pod & Sauna ELM ST.. TAYLOR apartment living in a residential .SouthfWd Sound Conditioned . (l.M of TtUtnfk, Sowk of Go44ird) setting. .•-"•'.'. ABSOLUTELY CaWe TV Available > J*r>v ft {M-nvT Vmvt raraMJf 287-3620 Open Deity 2pm - 6pm SPACIOUS 2-BEDROOM UNITS' Natural beauty and quality accom­ e«i»»rt«i ?»a»!«4 ricp*t* (1 «a» modations set The Laurels On Lone . >arKa«.(>5*tr»JAC ViJ*»b*a . Eqaa! Rou4a< OponrtKBlrr 397-0200 1} ICU< R4 rroeucr Cul TOP Pine apart from the average or or­ ftwl )Ua*Kmaa. >S1-1;M CASH FOR PROPERTY 400 Apwa-tmwflt* For R«nf *272 month dinary. ' Rrfanflea of Coedltloa CARL ROSMAN & CO. - PfiTttc Eotrancr .HAoH Wtttlat-N Sidarbaso Araa(Mara i W.THTirlO STOVE, REFRIGERATOR, CARPETING • Intercom Security Systems • 2 Bedrooms wilh jrr* corwrwxTK^ Asx POR/AOC r Heit lnclvxird • Beautiful landscaping Walk-In Closets. MJH Craaa/taVt J V* n ft airi f«* 255r0037 0M % aiarmaat, It iu «*»tiac tU-Mto* OFFICE'OPEN DAILY, SAT. AND S^UN • Attached enclosed garages • 2 Full Baths Ufi. be ; ttnt* I-1»T<. WI-WTt RITE—WAY •Quality appliances • Laundry and storage. 382 ComrrmcW / R*>t»iJ -CASHTOOAY LUXURY APARTMENTS CALL 287-8305 • Spacious patio in each apartment CTTY O*' M.VT4WTB - Jl*» n'f» OR • Individual heating and Mork M4 » Kala 1( R»yn la m*e4 GCARA.VTOrXi 1A1X it/ parklafV T«rr» aaaodaata AhwUtaforrloaart NOW RKNTING BKAITIFI'I. cooling in each apartment. ftSt" OrSeadOfRroatr ONK & TUT) BEDROOM Af'TS. NOW RENTING FROM 9495 363 Murtrlil/War^MMm » ' MXRTIM. XI ^1. »Hm*04u; LAW- iJ** n ft ***** Castelli Call 626-6.19$ I »*k >» »rr» ia* Ua LIVONIA . GRANT & HARRY REALTY .MUST APPLY IN PERSON 1 SWIMMING PfX>L- Adventufes In KaHMt u*«att*t n ft-1 ««>«•^'ir* far . ""hatrtal 548-3900 a^Tir• —i ana ^twrnua »(4.M * (c» caak liKSICNKR INTKRIOR^ 400 Apwrtmorrtt For Rorrl A amarl trraatwdot «»»>•• INDIVIUIMLHOTWATF.K .CANTON COMMONS APARTMENTS Fine Living Abaadoa Year Haal TEPEE TENANTS a LA/fDLORT« IJALCONIKSOR f'ATjOS Haggerty Road (North of P«aImor) -2»200 7 MfH W3-727J TUa< 9y MmtT Oaar asuad Smrka CANTON TWP. Start at $370 ftValOVTH - tM THE CTTY aaartLaUita Hfltl* CARI'ORTS lM4atelca<)0L*'al(MaM>L WrrBrrflWOOkO: wttk4rauak ABVJrDANT NATIIKKAKKAS, »4( ~ (Ml *m. (I APARTMENT 0P»X«TUNmES Bar tb* arraat cdlUoa AH our Ime apafimenl communitfes are located conveniently to stepping ma'ls, c«- Hrastaca ^CONVKNIKNT SHOI'PING APARTMENT WDEX -At pressways, fanspoitation and recreation. Features inctudo spacious floor plans, air Baareoa Vtt a* Rnj 14* ApartroraU • trKoaalT arta FHEK CAIJI.E TV. conditioning, carpeting, dishwashers, pools, and pallos: With some, your renl o>cn Sara TVn* aod CM »14111 INCLUDES-HEATI u^rw iNSTALUTION FOR rtYHOVTH 1 badrocm beoM a«k ai NEW KKSIDKSTS • aUaotraarai) tOg APARTMEMT8 FOR RENT Move into any ol deso aparimeni nomes and on|oy the line iife noiv.' rrool iW»ia6cj»» VxaOoa. Ml 1A2SEOROOM3 ' OPEN WEEKDAYS 8 »S •JM1T1 SATURDAYiaj .. * GARDEN CITY, VMrKitotWoooa ????????????????? WESTLAND 74>T1 Wir»lv< W--« J» IM« PINEBIOOE , PINtAIRE . fjAm. M»l«>yr) 4*1*7 Wr^o yoy RETIRE & PLYMOUTH * - * 1.2 iid 3lyd(ffi ii^d2tiih» «pj<;:out VVW your only f*rv*rdt b« a I arj 2 tx». C^c•oJ4 rVom 4 .lK>©' &i|"» C!ubN5yJ* Meal i.«CI J«fd |PM$ft 1» OOtO WATCH »VKJ 90C1AI $245 and up ipatioui iioc'p-111 riO'iri s-04 ot 10 W> afio^d. Npilr |.J« ©I 12 M:>* (*2H. £j>p<«3 "««Sl4lri K\ Miniijar 35M7«r'-'.'-~- . 8eCURlTY ihKkl iorfodta* atanva aa POSM feciJUOO J SV*lt« J trrtfn rV ;i/!.n« MU atvl Ceft'e>. n«s-j*i jv j$» FltOMimJ': DMMaan terrj.iwpru. Jllfjflivr tinrM^-Mrtj bi\ir,n< Norlhvilk-, - rnoMow* ROYAL 0«C {1 raaukft UK* rut aad Aquiinl ViHay/ itrr-^phrfe nlftcSc.»fnbirv> OAKBlffOI THEPINES " MitfS* aao». l»4a*M lt-14 Ula. Car- Call Moa. tkra Sat, 1AM «PM *UPurt>irwi*v.rr irr^r wi(li itiwn»«>»*n avjiiabililr. l «-.l»»| Inc'tucJcd 425-0930 iM<*0rlr» rVlQkM Pold, Wc'lth o( N0(ay , Nwlri el 10Vi Pa»-<)antMi"io«r>5704)r FflOMttH* n^^^rsr-sv?; , for Sanda; arfotaooaet l*f^*M pmv, /i Mil* £*«! 0' Il'*fl'*pr>. R«»l4«i| Wart«9«r JseiMi . fftowJUee* COUNTRYCOURT • Bfrmingham Area Abvitdanl Merit1*«"r j»d CUytrl iparr tlit*ttfj>lttniUCovrU MAPttTRIt I IftdJtxdVoom, | ind2t>»|hV8«".«'r4piCiOw4 CRAN6R0OK PLACE Savaa • tUtt \*Ui*df06rti» I locj 2 Daihi 1 »p«ctowi l^d Bold b*l*ii.n 10 ma ifjvi Mil* >V)idi Eatala. Ewar Ian arroagM ma utaa llOCXpUn* ClufiOol* Oil rVinVliUfloM, Sol ; - -. baattlfa coaida 4 brilaW R*tiil«nlMiMg*rSj?-JoJ2 fH!4 ftoidi..R«|ld*nl r« Ulciala • Patio* • OaMni ak. PHONE 459-1310 VM|U,OtlK4-4r4im» IV, Milr* Wr.1 (4 T275on 7 MKVJ PIfVW fteALTV47»-7«40 Opaali,OaaT.»44-i«4«M4n U9'M\0 -

f '

iaJI 7 • - .>" "'.' SjM V-r* ^ < if--J- •^•S^ ^W -f <^h/<;J: •./•- i*i:;-"'-*.«JAK>i»i/.i»Tui»"

Thuraday. October 13,1983 OAE *9E WO Apsrtnvtnts For FWnt 440 Aptrtm#ntt For Ron! 400 Apfftmorite For Ront 402Fumbh«4ApU. 402 FumbhodApto. 404 HoumForFtat 404 Hou»«>* For Ront 404 HOWM For Rwtit 404Hou*MForR4Ntt IKIWVIfftYMOVTHl . »# b*drooI^UIMKmU ted. floor. WESTLAND AREA For Rent ForRortl PtTOWN BDUilNOHAM. 1 bedrooua, BLOOMTIELDTWP. • S bedroom, IV, f ARMWOTON HILLS, older borne oa ORAND RtVER-T MILE AREA. Ckaa. ftawh radon*, Kithie* oaieoale*t wUN , MM per Sperioa•ex™* 1 UanNd 12 oooroobedroom janannxojanarttneetuj t beta*, dea, OrcfLtca. air, apptUocea, beta trUerel Sum, refriteralor, car- S acra, boraee allowed, medere co«a- t bedroom. Urate, feoced yard. No ap­ ^ "-"- itoriodKow ABANDON YOUR HUNT • petia*. ceotral air, attacked t bar (*- Ulcaea, 4 bedrooas. MM month pliance*. Rrtemece* needed Uta'pn* nood ria CM. HefrUenU cm MM moot*]/. Carpeted, dearat- Select ReaUb • All Arcai carMUuL deck, caraie. Ckara) PrV TWELVE >fchdeaTAlg>«H.Tm Mlim t™^^till favervr,c*„*nZZt trw. Heal lactate * lataJSTTi/morBTea. . "U14TH* "" race wttk opeoer, Birpiiafham Scfcoola ^ aecwrtly. U1-4M1 aacvtty. After tpn> U«-M4y »tryVffla**Xpartmeote. tU-UM *• Batp Ucdkrdi aod Taoasta S0UTHFIELD 4 rnaflla* ATalUWa aow at tilt. PLYMOUTH COOBUT SkaraLMtocs Ml li» BQULEY - »trj cJeaa I bedroom, PARMINOTON BILLS CotonUL I bed­ HANDYMAN SPECIAL • H bedroocm, I bedroom, dteeu. Stov*. rttriienlor, :. Furnished apotlaocte, UaerwoL refereocea. No rooma. dlalaf room, faoltj room, flra- baaemeot, fenced yard, Dear I 4 Tele- CONSVLT US ABOUT OUR RDfTAL franktrank. NieedNeeda* workw . UaacaBt aooed OAKS tMjetla*. IM) per month. y»S keaaal WESTLAND AREA ABSOLUTE LUXURY HK3H RISE APARTMENTS M$. MM ser BMCU fJaa aecvrtl; AND/OR PROPKRTY ktAHAOE- pUce, baecrornt. apptlanirtw, urafa. rzT 4M-WI Sepaalt. MMJM HErTf SERVKE. OVER IV YEARS Verr dealnbkarea. »7)». »4Hnt IIMpe^ r month..OoaWa < y »«-•»»• 2 & 3 BEDROOM SpaciOM 1 bedroom anartment, MOO Monthly Leases land 2 BEDROOMS EXPERIENCE IN MANAGEMENT FARMINOTON. ) bedrooma, Hrine IWaTERrtCaOOfXRAFT RANCH .WATERVIEW FARMS moothr/. AUrnetlr* 1 bedroom apart- SHORT TERM LEA8E BEfULLKY • im Barrard. 1 bed- »TEU>.COMPSTmVK RATES, TOWNHOUSES meot, {W Carpeted, decorated 4b* COMPLETELY FURNISHED roocoa, all JwUaeree. 1 ear |araSrtS OK. Hit a moiU. Open Set. are*. • "477-mV welcome. No peta ArallabU Oci 24th, Birmingham Are* CANTON -• Beeettf «1 S Yr. oM a bed­ «IH BATHS . Country Court TEMPORARY axecaUr* reoUl • de- yyuu, \n\t» PTVE aOLE/Ttk(raph area, cWn 1 •41 ?»M • OBAPPUANCtS ' 1 & 2 Bedrooms 1 Maid Service Available . laaa 1 badroom apartment la doarstovo room colooUL iti batka, rtrepUcc. ATE-PATW Btrmlfi^aam. OjaleL CompteUlr (ar- tunUt room, bueroeot. (axa|a, |ali bedroom bome, fenced donbla Vst. car- UVOrOA - newty palUad I bedroom. from $305 Apartments BXVERLY HILLS- 1 bedroom. Ranca, pc{ed.aDpUancca, IJ7> per Mo. piaa ae-' I Vi bath, carat*, feoced yard, do** to 4DRAWS • edabeATtlM meet* Aa* for Bob Cle*- perMo.Nopeta.Calt • 111 1JU achoob 4 Jeffrie* X-Way. No PetatCaO aoaMtnUor «U-T»o» mrmlfiAam arboota, Urn lotr , tW>/ cvit/. m-TIlSor 444-M1I AIR . CENTRAL AIR 'CARPETED 721-0500 THE MANORS • mo. + tH naa.aacirttr. • lPM bedroom aaita from |t>«. Air. pool' aWeNor. I.Woo. ' tsUoM Ity. Vacant After I pro r*^, 4-4114 patio. lar« treed lot. do** to achoob 4 ' • 624-0004 carport, carpetiaj. appliance*. T2*-\M< EaecvUn Ap «rvV»Uca larfe W, ««JUUe for eovple OOJT. No lac, > bedroom, 2 bath, (amll/ room. I WESTLAND pWe!/ hsrnUbed. aralUbt* f car (arace, VILLAGE SQUIRE tral air. rally eoalpped 4 color coordi- I BEDROOM APARTMENTS traoafereea. Mtrict k caa't aell joar t*rije, ftalabed baaement. ftreptace. folly laaalated, new taa (vaac*. for AVAILABLE FOR carrta|<' booae apartmeeL About M hautl Leailni mar* be t*« bot<»lft- n> ippUaacea, ceetraf air, fireplace ON FORD RD. uW kitchen. Air earptt* 4 /*rj mluatea Jrom PoMiac or Soothfleld. with us loe, leoccd yard. tmmedUU newkltcbea.«}l»/mo. 5»i^<44 co*pVM»mo.pr**depo*iL 4iMI» , JiWtEofI17J eiallable.oew cable boot-np avalla" IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Ooo. (TaUnt application! for 2 bedroom) Hap decL en pfli. prtraU treed BIRMINGHAM oenpaacy. I year loaae. 15». .Call GARDEN CITY. Clean » bedroom brick PLYMOUTH CANTON AREA. 4 bed- Prom MM, Pbooe Beth today. BTOaoda, prime auaet Vfn. Available MEADOW MOT. LNC. Areat, Art Aedereoo odr Re/Maa • SPACIOUS . CALL FC* APPOINTMENT Sort l*nn,»JM per moot*. WJ-«JS SoecUiidM n teaal*| 4 maoa yr. old OoknUl placed oo Cable TV Available Carpet PetinAlr.Pobi. Heal lacloded alahed or nnfarolabed la ranch Lome. • LABORSELECTION Select Reolala- All Area* 642-8686 Sroirttj. JM-06M OARDEN CITY - mil Leona Cl a a wooded aettiac la coveted Walnst 1 BEDROOM-me Comer tot. lovely landacape 4 riew. • SHORTORLONO TERM LEASE We Help Landlord* 4 Teeo*U DEARBORN HEIGHTS area, for ale bedroom brick, fall bajemeot, 1 ear at­ Creek. 4 bedroom. 2Vt bataa. 2 fire­ 981-3891 IBEDROOM-im • MM or I1M per moot* pha sUltk*. »OPTION TO PURCHASE aartUrtap Ht 1»10 B1HMIN0HAM. NICE 1 bedroom or reot. ) bedroocn with amall den. Ills tached tart|e. MOO mo. Bednk Broa. place*. 2½ car (ara«e. etc. %¥KI WESTLAND AREA tnmi GLOBE RENTALS bouae, wlii rtslabed baaeoeet. (U tlre- per mccta or Land Coot/ ace Realty M1-UM month. Nopet*,pleia«. PLYMOUTH. 1 bedroom. Plymooth Rd WESTJT4IT Craad Rim at Habtead. A BIRMINGHAM 1 bedroom brk* pUce, bolll-t appUaocea, MM mootb, Alter 4 Mppv?U-l7ll Aak for Robert Bake, Only. I BoBrook, iter*. rtfrUeratar. carpet- « MILE k TELEGRAPH race*, ceolral air, JH car (arpt». OARDEN CITY: J bedroom bomea. Ca- BLUE GARDEN APTS. J roccD upper. J bedroocna, baaeoeot FARMOWTON,4H«M pla aecsrltr. Call Crea before (AM. or ratea, ftmtly rooma. MM 4 MM mo. ROBERT BAKE lot. drape*, air ccodWootr, adolt*. EAST1I04 Eatt MapWl* MlleRd) (ebced yard, so pcia, MM mooU) pta after SPM. Ui-VM DETROIT, aloe maletalaed. well laro- Cherry Hill Near Merrlman tlliptatMcarttr.Adaiia. aecortty, refereecea. M4m-.-«« . lated, farift.Bori4 Jetferieaeipreaa- Se<«jltr/reiereocea. Mr. Emrtcb. Day*: Available Immediately. MM month. •IIW1 Betwees RocbeaterRd 4 MJ i re. Bui M»-4M4 Evea. 4 weekenda: t»-»«44 Realtors ^atiUtie* Call after 4 PU. 4VJ-MM TROY.itt^HoO BIHMINOBAU. 1 bedroom, baaeraeot. wirarea AMp) lot aeourttj. «11 For Details 729-2242 AnENTION leoccd j art, appllaarea. }4it «*a etilJ- 453-8200 Soborbaa tnreatmeot Propertlea Uee, nnt. laat. Mcnrltr. **) Bird. DETROrr- 4 block* from Dearborn, UVONIA. Small 1 bedroom, alamlaun WAYNE • efiWeocj apartmeoU • W Sbarp i bedroom brick boaxalow, fire­ PLYMOUTH - Small 1 bedroom, top 400 Apartment! For Rent «eeUf loctodea all eUliuea * waated > MIMIl aided, refriierator 4 atove. M?S per yard, carat*- beated workaaop. Waft- AdvHaNoprta. ' Commercial 4 RealdeotU] place, i car fjr*C<. HH. pfai aUUtlea- month. M7J7M TO BUY aod/or MAN ACE BWMLNOHAU, 1 bedroom, appUaacea, worllai cwple preferred, no peta. taa distance to downtown. Caa heat CaUNoootolpm. 7U-MW waiaer, drjtr. air eoedltJooer, -baae- til4«Jiofi4li»07 UVONIA, ) bedroom brick ranch, m MM mooth plaa aewtty. 4SJ-7MJ WAYNE • I bedroom rarelabed apart- nxot, tirire, leoce, clean. Mi* pl«a bttha, new kitchen, appliance*, finished metita DM • im moot*, loclodea all WARD L. HARRIMAN lecurtty.OpLoalobBT. lil/tlt DETROIT • 7 Kile 4 SootifltU I bed­ baaetneot. 14 car uraae. MM moalh. PLYMOUTH Don't sign that lease unless you have aUUUea Adalta. NoptU. REAL ESTATE SERVICES room, alsmbun with |ara(e, rec room 4J1-7HI I bedrooma. dlaiaf room, baaement, no CaUipm-Spm i»Vtl« BLOOIOTELD KIUS - (1) bedroom • 4 baaemeoL »111 per mo. lrt, laat 4 peta. reference*, eccarity depodl. MM 477-4464 Hill-top oo Oolf Ooorae, api pool Ubte. •ecvrltrdepoalt repaired. UI41SJ LTV'ONIA - I bedrooma. 1* bath*, per month 4M-1H1 major appUaoeea. < BX«_OCJ^ Leaae feoced jird. S mootai or more. MM An 18 Hole Golf Course PLUS rent Vita OpUoo. Uatart PrVeaaloaali wlta EXECtmVE brick ranch, mootal; per moetk pit) aecorlty depoall, lat 4 PLYMOUTH • t bedroom*. 1H Ulha. $ «W Apartment* For Rent uceUeet rtftrtocea OoJr. |l.«0«./»3. restat (1 tncetai), » bedroocn. 1 foil laat month* rent Day*. Ml-alll appliance*, 2 car tarare. Plrmooth ioclortch ThoosanTDolUr Nelthborbood. N of S • B O largewilklnclosets 50 D tennis courts Colonial la eke older aecUoe cd tows. MOe 4 E of parmlnftoo Rd. toUvooia . "B D spacious, well lit parking B O Semta buses to property Formal dlalai room. deck, faraae, MMpermoota. O beautiful view 8 O social actMtias and celebrations 400 Apartment* For Rent baaemeat, 1 year leaae with poaaible Call Pal Marphy at 4J1M44 • SUMMER SPECIAL • opOoa to bey. No peta. Avallabk Nov I. HARRYS. immooth.4744oMor 4» »171 , I-and 2-txdfw>m —^ **r..J.L f. — „.. Ti»'atnrfi J-btdroom FREEHEAT N. CANTON. J bedroom brick raack. Immediate occepaocy, MM a mo. Pint opanmiM, frjynCn&UUlfBP (Q/F&™ ToKnSouia /O) 7VeMe*e*y 4 UJt mootai rent aecurlty. I year WOLFE FREE COOKING GAS kaae.nrriopUoetob»«• to go Very Far TOWNHOUSES Trom $315 FROM to Get Away » « » • » 484 Miller Rd. from It all. Unrv«f»tty Dr.. '•» Mil« E. pl Rochester ftoad FREE HEAT ; GRAND OPENING • 8p*c4oua 1 4 7 bedroom »p*rtm«rita, *»cn with • Close to Moadowbf ook and OaViaod UnrVeriity rVaptaca and bticcnj or park. • •IMrata athlalle cM> raaturlng r**r-rourKl by5oof-eut- 656-0567 FREECOOKINGGAS door pool aavn*. ataam b*tt>. whirlpool and aiarcla* r~ room •"...• 14 2 B4»drooma 1¼ Batha • 8rvnnJrg clwWxx^*. with rV*ai4« kxjooa and o*m« room Covered Parking , Livonia Schools • 8^kxi»d aartlng amkltl wood a and ituck pooda Model Open 9-5 Daily. 12-5 Weekends •CabaaTaMateo • HEAT ANO HOT WAT!R PAID FOR BY LANOLORO • SEWOfi CmZXN OtSCOOKTS Of* MOBT UNri8 In The Hills of prestigious West Bloomfleld tSj^r 455-4300

• 8 i*voyo it^$'e lesprt and club iDooJjcrat Villa pUnj-1000 lo ?dCO sq ll. acfyjrMagcj. jiicalcd oACr>e/ Oil THE LAKE aparlment* A athletic ctob • lOOc^J^alicaUy toiiinj aceJ HUNTERS SI Oe"i. greit roorni ar^J o! IrMS »r*i (X>rd» «300 WOODCRE8T DRIVE aliachedfli'J'je* i^aiiatsj 14 2 Badrooni Apartmenti From $345 • Igtury'luir.iJhcd apjrlnre.'.ls WESTLAND, MICHIGAN 48185 • All *ilh p/lvjle eciuics. P-O-l-N-T-E Phone 261-8028 atjriat'* Coov»n*eruv totaled ofl Wayne Road. b»f*»en Wa/iao and Joy. r*a/ U-sntirf, 4 >lc-f'Qt facilil-ej lh«WaaiiartdS{)opp(rtoMaA. fW.ieiorfteaandMo,(>•>• ^ «i,-<' 1/,..-, tKi''.lliliro:il can 661-0770 *•!-,^s*ip I'trxrvrAO rv^;*>jH« I.CX P"->C "t(nu-". T'lu tounbt>im", arc to the Zoo. (Wet — —C^AaTMtNJS>~—' nestled ii) gcotly rolluiK c» our uuUloor ^wmuninti pwl. play.vlevv vyt\ on our tennis Great Kanspoftatori! "ABk about OMirt, \yaik or jot! in "one "(rho.s\-yo;.iht?>>l nn'.K %0ew.1p.uj'.: . pycRentSpecial" . nients feamre: fireplug, patios for v- otitdixvr living and entert.nninu, wash­ n'Uii'i'o^iv; 3 matmH B»00£8T Ap«Uw«rt VaM from »50 s me. rf i and 2 Bedroom^ . ers and iltyer:-.. free cubic installation ^^^"^^^t^Pi |W ! \r. i Prestigious OAK PARK Schools iHi for new (osidentsantf finished lower to lAt ^1- %& Includes heat, water, alrconditloner^ I ^(%^ Huntington Garden levels.. See your next borne anl-ty. > I carpeting, laundry and storage 1 A v»/\XONS " ~"~ facllittesrancrpoor^—=—: ' } Btdroom * 2 Btdroom w/Loft a u-. t« %m% Toivnhouse Apts, - To*ohome^Ji9pi $510 Mootbfy 1 *J ^ •• Visi ouf tirnished mod*) it TitybMt: 3X-HS0»r ))6-2t}» s>) WW 10H1 W. TM MI«M 7 Mile - Telegraph Area ^^ Open to*/ 9 S. Sat 10.30 to 4. _ '•'••" ,1,^^^^^- MI.WI Opin IXnN S> • \S- t0- !>. 24(>!l \V. To. MtlcM HOPP $jv Moon to 4. Call 538-2158 CO-'^Sr ^B4-8073 ' & '/Vwrifetl f's ^KXJR^UpAHEGi^up 6^ L iMaes

*-» BfB55BS5RRR! WP wnmvwm Mil

10E* 04E. Thursday, October 13,1083



404 HoumFoffWnt 406 FurnWffdHouMt 412 Townhouw«-Condo* 414 ROfW«R4>OUH 416 rLalliFofRenl 421 Living QuartiKt 42SO«rag«s<\ 43« Officii / Bualntit 43« Ofrlc, /. Butlriaif OAK PARK. ) bedroom, t ear tittm, ForFUflt ForR«nt MARCO ISLAND, Florida. Oceanfroot To8r>irt MinlStortvg* 8p*K4V 8P4C4) ill* basement, jicrt. frl*. washer, • FARMINOtON^ MTHIMVM rent propoaiUoo (or Uhins; Coodo- SemmU Kogaer for rest AdwKa dryer 1411 per mooth plot IcDontk te­ ROCHESTER - la-town,) bedroom, IH Only. Call IAM)PM.'Moe, tkr» Ftl K ott HALL FEMALE ta (bar* Bedford bom*, prl- LAROE STORAOE SPACE . aOTCVnYX OFFICES nuity Call alter 14am )1)-144) car*, tad wtlcklai property Ml) oo. balk rtocb ityle All appliance*, cretrel . )l)oYMiddlebell vtu room,-11)0 a mooti plat H gbU- lododet'VtlTJtle*. Creeo/tdi) Mile • 44)-74)4 444,1400 4 )000 *q ft, defode* aerreUrial k lelepbooe aa- ONLY 3 LEFT! air. No"peta: Security depoalt $M1.4 Air CpodJUoood. Pared Parkin* tie*. C3o*« to bu* Une* 4 aoopciax Call » Mile 4 Farminitoe Ri iwerU| terrlc*. )})q-})04 per rao PLYMOUTH AREA. Older 1 bedroom are*. Alter (PM.. , (7)-)144 nil-carport Areht' 451-1114 MARCO . ISLAND, maonable, com- WETX«NG*BANqUETS Etemn4> T-»pm- . ))7^ borne, occupancy-^,.-j f M) ptu *e- ,4744144- Pleaal. Bloomfleld Jocatloo 1))-44)) FARMINGTON HILLS- ORCHARD LAXEFTVONT borne, coro- pMaly Yumlabed coodo, aiwp* :*, SHOWERS-PARTiES UronU 4744400 evrliy deposit 4))-001( ROYAL OAK. I bedroom Mu 1½ acreeoed porck, pps). teooia, waaber, Packate Deal Our Specialty FEMALE will akar* booke la Redford ROCHESTER WEST BLOOMFIELD plrtely fwrnlshed, 4 bedroom, larre batka, central air, full baaemeot, pool, wltk **m*. 11M per mootk pin* H rtlb- UtAit ttorar* availabl* for boat, auto- dryer, tmkly rtuANov Dec. Moetkl; Kali Capacity, $« r REDFORD TWp. B**«tlf*i 1 bedroom tilcbec. Urla| room with fireplace, (conIt. dlikwaaaer, waaber, dryer, beat ralealnaeaaoo. 44V4441 0e». ..-. »174044 mobU*,et«rCaU alter )PM 4M-1144 EXECUTIVE OFFICES MAPLe-ORCHARD lovely riew, oo-water. I mootk mini- locloded. |400Vmo Mesaare. 144-)111 MOD-FT) 10-), Moo evea 44)0 reaeb. (UJH, riois&ed basement. )H Call 474-1100 car l«rar*. *tovi/refri«er*tor. 44 M mo of year least, 44I-TD* MAROOrsLAND FEMALE, 1)-)) yeah, to akar* 1 bed-, -Southfleld- .-- STANFORD TOWNHOUSES "So* Wladt- ralifront on beack. ] bed- room boo** witk tame. )140 Includes 432 Gommtfckl/RwUII Chotc* 1 kvel buildinx witk tkvttor. Beautlfulry finished new of- piu&pctlUDUiHk*- irwui 8. REDfORO. be*Bti/ll y piloted UrosfVXH. newly »T»JIiM« ocr» ssta JBSC. Ruxxvibk. Full Baaeneot, AppUaace*. Carpetiaj K. Of C.HALL 44.44)7) StocefrooL Will divMe.i It Mile/ 1 room • 1 room tuitt* - Akvo 1)04 4 vSoee Included. Secretarial, remode led4 hitchea wlt.,_k „co-wa _ ^s. „Solarl_ - JM^Mll and Drtpea. Central Air and bdiridaal MARCO ISLAND. Larary beackJroot Twom Halls Available! Nortkweatero, Eicdleot locaUoa to ).004 ft apace for 1 to )1 people r FEMALE. M year* old, »eello| to balld clientele. 474-)411 or »7-1)74 answering service, carports an floors, new oak cabinets, basraeot, THRES aEDROOU Ruck, t Mite/ Terrace*. 8wlmmln| Pool, Tenaia coodo, 1 bedroom*. 1 balk*, poo), teaoae. • «, 154 PEOPLE Coorta and Carporla. Bike Palka for boat dock. CabU TV. low weekly/ Prime Dale* Still Available! akar* 1 bedroom apartment, 1 foil Cranbfook Centre Plaza & »hort term teases avall- lb ctr juiie. Miopia* tecurlty Call Mental* (ret- H»- moat* pto otiB- BUILDING (04 or »00 to ft witk "•• " — •' 744(00 U4T7444* Cklldrea aod a Dcalfxd-HaijTouod. _ r^Hr^if. aJM*" -Special Weekday Rate*- batk* 4 cipeoae:ipeoae* witk fcmaiev-lM) MlMSootklkldRd. abr». All thla 4 more for a uet * o*M«l~N«f embenit occspu- year) old. TarmtFirmiaiU' a Uuu Hilit, Mulrwood room lx rrpinalon la wicrier s tub*. ey. C»ll «h«r »pm «JT«4T IMMEDUTEOCCUPANCY REDFORD. 1 bedrooco brie* bunxilcw. MARCO ISLAND, 1 bedroom. Ibatk, 30769 FORD RO i parlmeota, Completely fumiabed Owoerj «y tell, term* OK. Suite in • ' 642-2500 price that's le« than youd basement fenced yard. 1 car taraj-e. 11 MILE &INKSTER ROAD tuiia cobdo, fumiabed, Oaif beack, GARDEN CITY, MICHIGAN ticept your bedroom. 474-7)1* OoaWay 1))4000 think 4 Includes your 1st JUS per mootk wiik possible option. pool ATallabk now and teajoa RM- FAJUflNOTON HILLS, detirtbU loca­ 407 MobtfeHonxH 356-6633 •ooable-Call after 4 40pm. 444-)441 425-6360 525-0610 GRAD STUDENT aetklai roommate to DOWNTOWN BIRMTNOHAM Uoo. Northwestern Hwy. it II Mile. 4 month FREE. SOUTHFIELD • Prorldeoce Tower* ihire boo* la Soutkfleld. )144 pet Prime commercial locaUoo la Ortat office* to rent Ample parila| 4 other REDFORD J bedroom ranch, newly ForRonl Coodo, Ilk floor. Weal erooture. larf* ) MIAMI BEACH runry coodo, oc**a- moolk. Immedlala occupancy. Call American Mall al )40 N. Woodward. amefJtksCaUMri Secai 4)1-44)4 Tisdale & Co. rie* balcony. I7tk Moor, tecurlty, pri- )))-)4)4 Approximately 1400 aq ft rtaaooable deewtted. )140 per r/*ictMWi«c*rf- OXE BEDROOM. r«ntbbed, FarmLsf- bedroom. 1 balk, complete kltcoen. oew V. F. W. HALL FARMTNOTON HTLLS • 11 mlk 4 ty depotitW. c« Beech 4 N. o( ) Mlk. evrrytklDX Immediate occupancy, aak- vala parlln* 4 rwlmmlA| pool, coco- rent Immediate occupancy. M7-717I 626-8220 too loo Uocrtf wtoce* aad tecwltr re- patteTy fanltked-lloea, dlabe*, etc Mlddiebeit, )40 *q a, Ml) Mo Lower Call after 4PM. )4*4M> bedroom*. ) bttk*, aO ameattle*. Tower for Sub-kite. 1,100 tqlt Term* cant, move la. JJJ-1W4 Pool tennia, clabbooae. Montk/Seajoa. Larre KJtcbea Cbooae Tbe Mo« Compatible Pertoo. available. We»t tub Small 1 4 2 room offices. (taper I bedroots, dlnlni room, flre- baaemeot, fenced in yard, carporta. One Way )U4000 oerotlaWe Cooled Kareo, )))-))01 pbce. bo peO. iralUbkNoT. I. HI J From )444 montk Call, . 1)4471) CaU; 4))-7)41 AH Are*. Taale*. I^ckxround*. Llfe- Reasonable rent 4 immedi­ ROCHESTER Urre » bedroom coodo, 474-6733 tlyle* 4 Occupttioo*. CaU. today- phavUltUe*. ttt-IMI N mJTCHrNSON ISLAND • New ocean PLYMOUTH, 1.000 »q ft latulated OARDENCITY ate occupancy. riniibed baaemeot, (ara|e, deck. UH TROY-f arniabed lowaboae.) bedroom, buililni-llO-buiadocU. Newly decorated office apace. Immedi­ mooth pluidepoait 4)1-4)7) CANTON- Ford Rd- MOtj Rd. ire*. IH balk, Urlni room wltk fireplace, front coodo, beautiful ) bedroom, cor- ear wall, 1)04 aaft 4)44* mootk Dec . 644-6845 1 office*, attractive 4 clean. ate occupancy. 1.000 toft Reaaonabie Tisdale & Co. Modem 1 bedroom, iajM«MMt>*>awi 626-8220 SotitkSt 411-ltM abVNor.l. . S4«l« brockaraortnformauoo. HMH 1044 Select Rectal* • AH Area* HOLLIDAY PARK CANTON - New I bedroom dspUr. 1H We Help Landlord* 4 Tenanta 436 Olfict I Builnait MOSqPT SCHOOLCRAFT - BiVRT RD are*. 4 Utla, ladodea ippUaarea. Atallable TROY • NORTHFTELD HtLLS NJTUTCHINSON ISLE - 1/1 eod tdt Snare Referral* 441 1110 OFFICE PLASA OFFICE SPACE bedroom,) rtory borne, dean 4 carpet- lanrioa* 4 tk floor coodo oa beack lac- REDWING 8P4KW Downtown Plymouth, oear corner of NOT7lrtUMeJu» tlMlll DEARBORN - lorely ( room tower, ap- available (or (be Winter Seaaoa aitcaea ete, rood ptriinr. {arare op­ CONGRATULATIONS! COMPLETE BUSINESS CENTERS PLYMOUTH Pl«aa«caiiS4»-7ll4 RETIRED LADY to akart ) bedroom tional 411-14» Yoor own private offlc* wiibout coutly 855-0611 SOUTHFTELD. t 4 Beedk. No baM- pUaaoea, carpet, prluu port*, baae- meot, aeparaU tkermotUl, «.l7i-Un Ere, Ut fill rale* Dairy, weekly or moclkly. ))0 mootk Inclode* uUUlie*. CaU 444-1144 353-9767 Featurlai brand new cooatructioa td)a- 104) tqlt. prime office ipice I bedroom raBci, carport, caroatad, *p- bedroom latury townkouae overiooUnj tennia. boa line, beack MiO-IUOO ceM parklnr. private batkroom. Ideal for lrf.il Insurance. |eoeral off- pUaaoea. KM moetk. Daf>o*tt 4 rafar- pool, ytrkt baiin, lemil court 4 taunt week. I1W44TM) 111-M4H11 per week, ao aecurlty depoall required PreMolly Serria| Over 44 Companies f' E. DEARBORN Upper Flat, I Bed­ Color TV. pkooes, maid tervice. Roytl- MALE PROFESSIONAL will ikare FREE RENTAL Ice 41)111) toct*. tomedlau ocCTpancy. MMJH room, Ulcbeo, Unit room, dlolaf BelaUfgily famlaked wltk print* pa­ real 4 erpeeae* at your .Rocbetter BIRMINGHAM tio, private ocean t>tack- Minimum SANTBEL • GoU front oVIue 1 bed- Motor Inn. )77)1 PTyrooutk Rd, BROWN STREET CENTER FOR THE BALANCE OF 63 PRIME FARMINGTON HILLS oVIme SOUTHFIELD. II Ulle/Creea/Vald room, carpeted. walk-In cioaeU Heat 4 Livonia. 411-1)11 Hampton Sbuart apartmect Com pin apptlaacea locloded. Available Nor. 1. rental) mootk*. Ma.iirasm 4 moolk* at roora 1 balk .coodo, amail compki. or comparable loci lloa (44-71.74 CoBtt/t • RQLAND PHILIPP office, year old. 1)00 aq ft, UOO II area, Immaralate I bedroom, carpet- 11)00 per moolk For lull brock ur* llikted teccla, pool, walk to rolf courte^ Reomi4 pla aecurlly. »«4711 LIVONIA • Sieeptnr room, larre pri- Scblea** beautiful Individual office Mile Rd. ystl W. of Orchard Lair Rd laa. apptlaacea, carport, 1471 plat de- witk picture* 4 etact detail*, call Paul. micro wivtovea After 4pm SI0-0I4) MALE 1)-1) will tkar* apartmect la with lota of wiadowt, ortriooklnf Farlimafv/Steln 4 Co. Private around floor eotraoce. fieri- poalLAuJUbleNor.l. • W1MU OARDEN CITY- CWn. atlractiT* 1 of (ice. 414-7701: Or borne. Ml 4174 Ttta entrance, patio, off ttreet partial, Ttlexripk-) mile trea wltk tame. )100 SANTBEL ISLANT) - lanry ocean/root coeveoieet locatioa Pefer man. aeaior landtcaprd courtyard. Pacta** la- 362-3333 lent locatioo Dayall) 11(4 bedroom lower, bclodea larire, (Ire- moolk, kali[utlUUe*. )1)0 aecurlly de­ clsde* tecreUriii aerrice* and ruml- SOUTH LYON. 4 bedroom*, I UUta, BOCA WEST. Boca Raton. 1 bedroom) coodo, furoiibed, t bedroomi, 1 balk. dUaeo. 144 week plot depoall. 4114477 Intercallonal Buiiaesa Ceotera nreplaee, rec room, I cu (aran. air, place, baaemect, prlrtte yard, carpet, poalt 117471) eve. »14444 tar*. U desired. drape*, appliance*. Adaita, 00 6t*t, batk furnlabed coodo. waiber, drver. SE all ameeJUe*. AvaiUUe. Sept Urn Dec The OFFICE of tke FUTURE, Today 11900 don oo rest vltk opUoa » brr. 1(4) 47(477) NEAR WESTLAND MALL • aleepin| PROFESSIONAL tooainr for tame to Lease I or more offices, furnubed or ROCHESTER . »J» per mcetk. After a. 10-7414 tipoaur* overlook* foif courte 4 pool room for worlini map Onl)'. )10 week­ 440-nn VaaReten. I4M7W Amiable Jta. 4 Marco. 414-TIII akar* Quad bow, Pinnlartoo HilUtlO BIRMINCHAM Hafarrlined, and aktre Ike latest cfbc* SARASOTA • Sieata Key, ) bedroom, t ly -f depoalt LTlkl cookin| available. autocnaUoo proioctivltf looti Pay ooly Excellent 925 sq. It. rotalflo- 1 LYON • I bedroom raack, den. flrt- OARDEN CTTY, 1 room ttadtt Ipart- Mile 4 MMdlebelii Refereoce* 4 De­ Downtown, 110 tq ft paneled, carpet­ meet 1144 moo Ik loci adlnr tulitiea. No BON1TA BEACH CLUB • 1 bedroom. 1 batk coodo, Gull aide, lennia pool, . 414-11)1 poalt Can alter 4pm, 4747111 for lUJf 4 aervice* uaed^From MOO catlonjp active office build­ pUce. baaemeet, ) car (ara(*. Lorttj JacurrJ. Available Nov .-Feb. 1 week ed, air eccdJtlooed. al] »tllKe*, 4)44 mo, pet* For [nformiUcc call Moo. tkrn balk, on Calf. Fitnloua view. Bea'otifol NEAR 4 Mile 4 Farmlnrtoo Rd. Larre MHOM moolk Loctliooa In FtnWxftoo Hilh. area. 14)4 mooU. KcarltT dcporiL furniiMnp. A»»liable Dec. •)oat minimum Picture* available. ()4-704) PROFESSIONAL FEMALE require, Uvooia. Delroll, Troy 4 FWlda Call ing. Good parking 4 signage. ATallibh immedUtely . 4174111 lat.tAM4PM. U5-MJ0 room, private batk, private entrance. )47441) responxibl* roommate. Cbarmlna, apt- IVTtMTNOHAM Gary Cobb 44)4)11 N. ROYAL OAX, I bedroom upper Oal, SARASOTA Executive coodo, 1 bed­ off-tlreet SMilSt. uae of all faciliUe*. dog* Bloomfleld Kill* born farm. )14) Tisdale & Co. TBMPORARY HOUdNO • Btrml**- Ill week lacrodes utilities Noo amok- prim* area, immediate occspaacy, ttote. re/rirerttar, prlfHe eotranc*. BOYNTON 8EACH/W. Palm, 1 bed­ room, Dewly decorated, oo rolf courte. moolk Plcaae call aula. Unavoidably elaah office*, 711 aq. fv aO, vUUtiea, LIVONIA • Office Space - 100 to 1.000 aao. I bedroom, cal-daaae. aaUai room liuury Coodo. ftrblabed. coU, folly equipped, beach nearby. Moolkly Lai. noo drinklAT worklnf male over 11. dlausca to aW»piac. M*» c»D MOB. $444 monU laciadea beat and electrici­ unable loarawer prevvnacall 11)4744 44(-7444 After }pm »141104 Sq Ft Call MARY BUSH 626-8220' ty. After (pra. MM IH abopptnl 1 Mo. mtn. or Yr. For bro- minimum. 41 )4444 or m-**xi Call Richard after 4pov 141-MM tfomneo»Bron )))4704 Ihm m, betwoao »aa • torn. 4444111. cbortorplctarea.lM-inOor M4-14II PROFESSIONAL MALE wlike* lo AJtar4pa4»*ei*od», PLYMOUTH. SIESTA KEY • New > bedrooovcoro- PLYMOUTl I - room for employed reo- akar* kit lurury ) bedroom borne wltk BIRMINGHAM UvorJa efrVe tulle. 404 ta 404 tq ft , ROCHESTER OD* bedroom vpper. Aeallabie II - I, BRADENTON • lovely 1 bedroom, 2 pktely famlabed townkouae coodo wltk tleman, near dowDlown Plrrnoolk. male or ferrule. Family room wltk fire­ top location, free lUodioi build^|. TROY batk, fin! floor ccodo. minvte* from farite. Beach tide Pool Available 45)47)7 13MILE-LAHSER HTDOENVALLSY tKi plot aecsrity loclwJe* beat and bot place. 1 car carare, MM per mootk Good alp viiabUjly. Call ))VM10 Four 1 4 2 room suites avail­ water, lit Blanche 114-1711 roll, beacbe*. M)0 per mootk. 1 mootk Dec. tkra Feb. 774-1))4, M4 1») plo* ulilitlea Call Rick 4140071 1750, sq. ft. suites available Adama 4 L004 Laka. 17« Croekbeod. 4 mlnlmBm-After 4pm, Ul-1101 REDFORD - Scaoolcrafl/Teleirtou. able now: with 1 month's bedroom. JH balk tzervtirt koto*. PLYMOUTH • I room lower flat, for­ STUART.FLORIDA Room for worilar lady, borne prfvi- REDFORD AREA - bouae lo ikare. (n executive office building. SPACE AVAILABLE FREErent »04 aajft. wltk aU ameailM*. mal dlaloi room, fireplace,.) bed­ BRADENTON. SARASOTA irta. lovelv New ) bedroom. ) balk coodo. eod salt III weeklyioclode* verytkla*; )1)1 moetk, no Btllltle*. waiber 4 dryer All amenities. Available now. Livonia Pavilion East Aaklaf }11M Ueado* Mrt [oc roorna, fall baaemeot, 417» prat BtlU- 1 bedroom. 7 balk, coodo, pool, roU oear water, rolf, aboppiai; Furniabed aC 1PM. call Ml4411 Included, oo peta. 1)71(1» BruceUord. ' U 14*7 4 Ue*. 11J-J0C4 courte* in area: Mootkly or fall aeaaca corcolele. AduJta. No pet*. ) mootk Utilities and lanltorUI Incloded. Tisdale & Co. mlaJmam.)7»0per moolk.' 141-114) ROOM for worlini reolleman' or tto- Tisdale. & Co. Support Services Available TROY. » bedroom, den. IH balk tri- ooly.Calldayt.il) 144-1140 RESPONSIBLE FEMALE to abate bedroomi, ncroom, IIM STUART • RIVER PINES privlltrea UCadry. »00 mootk plua Lake, lot* of privacy Ml). cUtitle* In­ 626-8220' |ara|e Complete)/ decorated, beacU- ) bedroom IH batk Townkouae com­ aecurlly 4)l-fl») REAL ESTATE ONE" ROCHESTER/OFFICE BUILPLNG plua depoalt •'••'•••* ttt-44S4 BRADENTON/SARA50TA cluded, tecurlty depot;I 4HIOI BIRMINGHAM - 700 E Maple (orar 1000 M ft piss Free parkini t.td U| r*] area. Secant^ 4 4444 per mcetk. Lomrtouj 1 bedroom^ 1 batk. dowo- pletely forniibed No pett. 11400 per COMMERCIAL, INC. - 47444U WATERFORD • j bedroom upper In * Mo After )40 4 weekend!. 7114)14 SLEEPfriO ROOM For employed lady. Hunter), tuite* available from 171 to n>|e.•.W.Ush unite y lUln coodo. Avtllable Dec 4 /an. RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE lo ikare ION ao.fl Free parkini. aecreUria! 4 (11-llU year eld booae near Caaa Lake Stale ill week wiik Hit I booMteeplnt plui 4 bedroom Caatoo Towniooie. Indoor 353-4400 TROY I BEDROOM RANCH . ., V 474 4M7 STUART. Loiury ) bedroom. 1 bttk W of oUlitlei Gtrdeo City. tatwrrto| tervice oo premise* (41-7)14 Park. Fallr carpeted- |US per mooth pool, cable TV, waaber 4 dryer * LIVONIA. 11471 Plj-moutk Rd Medl- RCCIIESTER OFFICE SPACE Ccutrj aetUaf, (arate plot aecurity depoait 44141V4 CLEARWATER area. Tarpon Wood* coodo, nicely fumlibedi waaker-dryer. 411-0704 41)-1014 HIS oot iDrtodli atlllllea near beacbe* Availabl* tkn Dec M-U ctl. proi'.-silooal off«^e. 1400 tq ft with tOOloUOOtq I;. preitl|ious builditlr Country Clob. coodo. 1 bedroom*, t letaed X-ray. room- Eicellent rear otiljliei ind J.MMlorltl tervV e loclodrd. 444-U47 WXSTLAND • Newly decorated, bay batka. oo roU nmnt. Pool and teonia. 1 tnoctka miairrmm leaae- -44447)7 SOUTHFIELD Frtrktin RA oear I) ROCHESTER •) mile* wltk new 1 bed BIRMINGHAM window, } bedroom, oflice. oew carpet, Mile. Attractive room for reaporoible parkini Ctnaei M|mt iif 4001 Kjoel!cnl ptikiAt Metdowb-ook AvalUble Nov. lo April »7S week or room bocte to akare witk Ird 1110 per 750 sq. ft. completely reno­ Prcfeukrjll'Uta 411-1*71 WARREN/SOVTHFTEU) area, 1 bed- oalet area, coontry aetliBi. beasUful 11.000 mooti 1)14474 or )04 141-741* STUART, 1/1, flrat floor, furoiibed, worklai female,private balk, refereoc­ mocli loclodiai utiblie* rooma,»J J4 per mootk p!«t rtliltlea view, refereocea |JW 114-7444 pool, trail*, clsbbouae. No peta. Adult*. ea. Call after 7 PM 1141«» Dave )41411(. 4)404)7 vated 2nd floor office. 3 pri­ llM/mo yearly. MU-MM/mo eea- MAPLE-ORCHARD 4 Mcsrtlj depoalt CaD bet««e CLEARWATER BEACH 440 Weat SOUTHFTELD Noo amoker. male. Ho vate • offices. Reception A 4PM4PM. M4-4W Gulf froot lorcry ) bedroom, ) batk aonalry. D»yt, )1 )-7114)10. • ROOMATE FOR fcrriibed apartroenl- i SOUTHFIELD 412 Townhouiet-Condo* coodo. Pool, brack. wtli!a| dutaace to Eve*)174)l))l). rTa,)0)-t4M47l dent preferred. Separate eotri&ce, coodo Waiber 4 drjrr, pool, heal io- storage room. New every­ 3,000 sq. ft. available. Excel­ WAYNE-1 bedroom. I batka. 1 car Ji abop* 4 reUaruU 11J-41M kite ben. bttk. laundry aeces UUliliea (luded. 1) Mile 4 Teletrapn area IM) thing. Available now. From 2 room to 2.000 sq. ft. rare. No peU IttO moetk. Open . FofRenl VENICE. Oo the Cui/. Uniry |-ttory Incloded. Ill)mootk Evea ))4-41)1 mooth Office 44)4107 Home. )14-1141 lent signage, great parking 4 CLEARWATER, forrJibed. ) bedroom, coodo. t bedroocn*. ) balka, larre' heat­ In great buildings with Imme­ Hooae, October IS. irUSPU. «UI SUITE LIKE room, furoiibed. with pri­ good Identity location. Dm Street, Or CaU 7J444IT ABANDON YOUR HUNT 1 balk coodo, Calf view, oa Sand Key. ed pool, pgttlnx rreeo, more Availabl* STRAICHT FEMALE, will akare her Tisdale & Co. diate occupancy. ; • Select ReotaU-All Areai Available Nov, D«, Jan , April I ill to 1-1444M00 moolk. M44004 vate eotrtoce uae of kltckeo, lale priv- Romuiu* tpartment-wilk tame. Ill) Tisdale & Co. .WEST BLOOMFTELD Scboota. Caaa We Help LaodUvda and Teoacta V )44-lU« 11« re*, la lovrly boroe in Sylvan Villaae, per mootk pita h uulitie* C*IL,be- 626-8220 Tisdale & Co. Lala catuil trooUre. Spjckxa raock. 4 SJure Uatlap, 4U-1410 VERO BEACH. FLORTDA Larre com­ Orchard Lake-Teletrtpk trea lllilo- (weenlpmtnd llpm 71)40() - BLOOMFIELDXILLS 626-8220 bedroorna, IH balka. motker la-Uw CLEARWATER Flrat floor. ) bed­ fortable cotlare, 1 matter bedtooma, 1 dadetuUlitie* Alter7pm. Ml-7(04 Woodward/I-71 corridor.. Lett tuite room, ) balk, fareiiked, pool, dob- attacked pnlta. ocean froolare, Jan. I) TROY • female wiiaea to ikare brr lui • 626-8220 tulle, rarprud, fa/ire, foil baaemeat, BrRMlNCHAM TELECRAPH-7 Mile, privtle|e*, MO available, (04 tqft Etcellect ioctuoo 1 ilrepUcea Immediate orcipaacr. Colonial Court Terrace. Ltrre i and J booae, *auna, adaita. )-mootk* mlnl­ thru Feb 1M1000. 144)4M) sry apt. wltk lame-Call tfler ).)0 (or ler.il or medical inert 1171491 MAPLE-ORCHARD I7J0, flat uUUUea. C1U17. Ill ?010 mBm - ))V4)7t week, partlni: aik for Scott. Dart, _. 44)-7)74 SOUTHFIELD : bedroom lownbogaea. Walllni dutance 64I44M Large 2 private office suite to downtown Prom i)7> loclodlni rtr- CLEARWATER -1 bedroom coodo, fel­ GREENFIELD/9MILE WEST BL0OMF1EL0 BiecatlTe porta and carpetlni 441-1144 WESTLAND • Nlcley fumlibed room TROY - ) bedroom »W to ikare at BLOOMFIELD with private lav. waiting Retreat 00 oetrlj 1 acrea of North ly furtiibed, ilar lire bed, qoeec atae Somertet Profeauooaf woman leekj Commercial Suites aofa, for aale or reot. 4 mot rtilnlmwo. 41S V»C4trWlR4>flUU for mature, workini peraon •: female room mate. Work 11)-11)0 TELEGRAPH-MAPLE room and reception-work Wood! . leltlof »11« BlrmlD|ktm BTRMrNGHAMrTROY area. 1 bed­ Security required )14-11)7 Scbooli tad coeteoKDl Ixtllos. Cal)tfur*pm M4-044) Ample Parking room, 1 balk opper, HSO mo Inclode* ABANDON YOUR HUNT Woman, aoo trooker to ikare lovrlj air 800 4 1200 8q. h. suites wilh 8rea. Could be 2nd medical BrtatkuUni vkara' New forucc 4 bot beat 4 carport Walklnr dutaace to Vacatioo ReeUli • All Area* FullMalnjenance wiler beater. All applUocea bcroded. ibopplni. Belweeo»im-lpm. 1411410 DEL RAY Beack. deairner't peraona] 1 coc>4tlo<5ed lowtAboae apt Larje bed groat location. location. bedroom ccodo oo liner Cotitat, tmali Tenanta 4 Landlord* 421 Ltylog Quarters Heat Included 1¾ moelki tecurltj depoalt 4 ftnt Shar* UatiaiJ MM410 room Prtvtte bath II Milr-.Telerjiph (poelk rent |IM » moetk BLOOMnELD HILLS. Adama Woodi eidoilve 7 unit balldint; .Exqvlitlely Mllloclodeaiiulur*. lll-OM) Tisdale & Co. From $5.88 Per Sq. Ft. rancb ccodo, wooded location Newly furnltned. patio, dock, complete priva­ To Share Tisdale & Co. Call HILDEOARD SPENCER. ACAPULCO. near PUia International WOMAN to ikare borne with tame. For Information, 559-2111 redecorated, 4 room*, t batki, t car cy...Adsjla. No peU )04-)71-1 M4 Hotel, kij» rlae larury 1 bedroom, ) ABANDON YOUR HUNT 626^8220 tartfe, ctrpcUof.4 drtpia I11S0 balk apt ) pool*, fall jlm* maid, at, Rochester trea |110 mootk includes 626-8220 ... SOUTHHrXD • - MERRILL LYNCH -SAVE 50V. utilities CaU for detail* . 45J-K7) MAPLE/TELEGRAPH area Individ*- mootk. I»4»ll FOR RENT foe teajoo, fumiabed ) bed­ ftbulou* bay rlew Weekly 414-4471 BLOOMFIELD TWP . tl oil see. wilhin professional tuite. Per­ NEW CONSTRUCnO.N ".- Realty/Chamberlain room, 40II, mobile boroe wltk a tare* SHARE -A-HOME 1(1)1 Cteeofield, 1)00 to ft with lull CANTON J bedroom coodo IH bati, acteeoed porck oo larfe akedy lot, wltk WOMAN WISHES to ikare ber coodo in Office ipace.tobleue. Loo| lake Rd 4 fect (or ilojle profeaalooil Raceptioo A LOVELY 1 4 ) bedroom, year round OURltkYEAROF Plymouth tnik ume. 1140. per moetk Trltrraph trea All utilities paid. tret Pbone u»erta| 4 copier avail­ basement, I) car wrklr.| Mtadcw 851-8100 * 681-9367 carpetlni Ikrooibout, ceoUtl tlr, lale prlrileie*. Central Florida, be­ W. Otaero Lakefroot borne, available 8 MJlpermoeih 617 MW M|t loc, Brvoe Uoyo, -))1-)470- waabcr-oryer-dlikwaiber. Immediate tween A too Part 4 Scoriae. 7) mile* Immediately, Color*, ikiaa, tDowmobU- "GUARANTEED SERVICE" CallalterlMpm 454-01) able : 441-10)1 WEStlAND - abarp ) bedroom brick occupancy, »411 mootk. 1114411 from DUoeyworid MM per mootk pha Inr, taotiai. KM »14471. PM ))11))7 TO THOUSANDS IN ALL AREAS BUSINESS OFFICF, ricelleot loctlko. souniFiiabhD rtocb, foil flftianed baaemect, t far f«- g Ull tie* -Ideal for retired couple, flrat FREE BROCHURE 422 Wanted To Rent Dearborn Hd|ku trea. IM aq ft. tuite NEAR B1RM1NCAM Get twiy frc-n rile, ttii per mootk moetk real free, 11 taken by November. BAROAIN HUNTERS! Bey direct from or tpUt, complete jHlitiea uxloded. MEDICAL •; crowded tirh rues .Joui otr piikhlc fJwWtj •. »14000 , 447-771) owner. Save 110.OOO. For aak coodo oo ALL AREA • APTS- HOUSES- FLATS I1M41W per mooth Ml-1100 dcvrlopmcru with Individual buildup Bear Rlrer at Marina, downtownPetoa- SHARE New medical space In South- WESTLAND, Small J bedroom bopie, torbxeefrom 100-).W»»}li Vrry't- CLOISTERS FT. LAUNDERDALE, Oceanfronl, pat­ kty. ) bedroom, 1 balk*. RrepUce, car- REFERRAL SERVICES Held 4 Farmlngtoo Hills, up vocable rite* -.- 1)1 14(1 1100 moolk plua 4100.depoalt Refer­ tern atodio coodo. fsliy equipped. Pod. petcd; appliance*. |ar are. I44447M • LANDLORDS ence required 7«l CartwtU. S 00 14 Mile "4 CrooU area 1 bedroom cloae to ikopptne. realaura&U, toli. 642-1620 . SINCERE "v CHEAP! lo 4300 sq: ft. aval (able "now. SOUTHFIEID- II X lift window ofl­ Mlddlebelt. to Irft 00 Warren, tboot 1 townkCHue Lfrlni room, dinlnr el. de- 777 4(-)0 COLORADO, . M4S Adam*. R:rrmfi|bJm. M»cb WESTLAND ice la profwiortil tuite Secrrurii). ml!e« Irfl 00 Cardwell Beaver Creek 4 Vail ai area. AVA1IABLE NOV. I or toooer. ikare I TENANTS LOOKING Tisdale & Co. luie Wlcbea, m batkj' Full baaemeot, bedroom tpartrrrfot witk mature tdult 3400 sq. ft. of lower level off­ cocJrreoce rocnvlibury. cop;bedroom.) batkcoedonUalsm No Obiiirtioo itortre avulibte 117 407! WESTLAND floor. One block from beack ) bed­ )40-7114 coovenleot U) I (4, 171. *aopplri|. ice apace-. $7 per sq. ft- in­ beiUncloded.imEHO. etc 1100 mo wltk beat Bev. 4)l-li05 . SHARE LISTINGS 626-8220 Veooj • Ptlmer area 1 bedroorna room, 1 balk, Uuadry, enormoa balco­ cludes utilities 4 |anfloflal. TROY - John R/Mapt*. newly deewjt- 1141 mo $»J aecurlty • M4-J100 ny. Completely (amiiked Uoderpound Office. Irave me*aa|e. Ui-MlO M>U)ICAL SPACE lor tale or lease. rd office. It ill'tivj lil\ panelled, car­ FAIX COLOR TOUR 642-1620 CVee lo Betuinoct A Provideoce bc*pl- 642-6686 • parklnf Root pool, atona. bcellk club BAND UyyJX SPACE for Weekly peted Include* all ulihtin. Ill) prr WESTLAND Fort Nrwlorgk Rd area ATalUble Dec 4 Jan. $1400 per mootk Eo)oy 1 Bl|kta compUmeetary iodrlni AVAILABLE NOW. 1 tepartte borne* Tisdale & Co. tali Renovated lo-your tpedftotioo* at a Fairfield Community lo tke Bloe oeeJ one female, ooe male, to ibire Practice • Mitimum i Timet per mootk A Iter* )0pm. call 444 1))1 1 bedroom brici raack. carpet, baae­ Ereoinra 4)1-)1)) M7» )414710 mest IH batka, Jc»l decorated. No FARM1NCTON HIIJ^ 1 bedroom Rldre. Curoberlaad. Ourt, or Rocky wltk aame Private bedroom and balk. mer.th ))7-(1(1 or 4(4 1 626-8220 TROY - Mtple 4 Siepbenjon Oppoclo peU ErceHeettre* Hit Stl-1141 Coodo. carport, balcooy, »* condi­ FT MYERS BEACH Etlero lalaod. ) Mu or oo tke Atlantic Coajt Gotf. teo- )100 nw', half utll.tlca Write PO Bot DOWNTOWN BIRMINGHAM OFFICE ally for MO or 1.000 aqlt .Eicelleni tioned. CaU 4 aik for Bob. at 1((0700 ni*. witrr tporta 4 rtdioj available 404. BloomfifWIWli.MlO! HOMES On ltrre let* needed la Writ MEDICAL SPACE bedroom coodo, 4ik floor, aleepa 4, ckll- rro Wayne Cou-ily with 111100 tq ll ipace Flnl indtccood floor, lodividaal layout, reasonable fairs 'AinliMe WTSTIJINT) Veooy/Craad Traeerae ) dreo welcome Completely /arniibed Call for brockurt for poop borr* projrim (or 4 adoiti ) stf;«* Oo lite free parlln|. ttori|«. BIRMINGHAM . Nov. I. . 117-)4)1 t*droccn deplei. 1H batka. freakly FARMINOTONHHXS Ijqisrtoua. dec­ Su-xoatt laveatmeol PropertJea, loc BIRMINGHAM - Reiporoible pecfea- orated kore 1 bedroom. 1W batk, car­ 111-141-1041 ikmtl pertoo. 1)-1), •toted to tbare bedroom hoc* requires 140 tq It per telrct your oeedi before remoo>Ua| For lease • 700 to 7000 *q (t Brand oew raided, ticelleat coodlUoo $I7J. *e- 4)14110 1400)744474 bedroorr:, 4 bedroom borne rtculred ) ' I4M1I1 medical buildtsj Grett locaUoo tdte- csrily l»W. 1M->T74. 144 TW port, wet bar, balcony' overlooklnr vrry larre tome, mail hive ricelleot Work As You = woodi 1171 414-7474 .....411-1141 HUTCHINSON INLAND, - . GAYLORD refereocea. Mil piu* auliuei. 1114104 bedroomi wlia 140 »9 ft eich 1 re-- DOWNTOWN BIRMINCHAM cect to middle xbool and in heart of WESTiJtND Wayne 4 Warren. I bed­ - N of Palm Beach- 1 bedroom ccodo (or tcaieca) reotai malnlni bedrooTM. rrSv.rr.um 40 tq 1} Prime office tpace DOO to ft; All Iro- the Bk»rni>ld/Btrmlr.|ham resiOeo- : Lik§ To Live!_. room. iVaarire, l!T» per moclk ptu Farmlnrtoo HUU-lt Mile - Wddletelt II100 for 4 mootha. plut stjUUea BIRMINGHAM. ltrti|kt ' wotklo| each Separitr <5n;n|a»3 (amiiy ror«i* Klt avltket Flnt year reotai cooces- area t bedroom. I batk, laundry area Oceanrfont-41h floor pre-ircrsec-Ulo place IK-rt.Woodward. otititlea 4 aecurlif Call day or BUM. DtyiMDIOO. Nl|>UMl-07)7 yoofl| man looklni for laird to akire required For nfc-nratloo ciTl W«y« ^ 4(7 7171 jloo jlveo-^•.... _.. 444 *\H Ini oalt. btkxny 4 car port. 00 peta. SAND DOLLAR VILLAS booae. 11)1 modify pica utilitrei 4 ae­ Commuailv Lit int: Service* at 111 Cootacl-ROIAfVDPHIUPP ."" Uhlq¥«f space'in Farmington" |IIO/mootkCalll4PM 1711110 HARBOR SPRINGS - 1 mil* from Nab* curlty. EverJ^ prefened 447(147 1000. Kit »1 DOWNTO*"N BIRMINGHAM Farbman/Steln 4 Co, Hills with Individual en- WrSTLAND *tyne 4 Ford Rd trea. 4 Martka AVen, Aaaodatea. lac 1 bedroom. 1 bttk, beaatifailr far- NC*/BOTB* HIihLaad*. ) bedroomi, 7 Eiceplkxul oppcetuaity lo kaie up to bedroom. 1 balk, air coodlUooed, alibed. I10O0 mootk Lea* for loegyer bed*. 1 balka, aitcbeo, fireplace Week- BLO0MF1EI/) HILLS HOME RETIRED EXECUTIVE wife, movlni 10 000 aq (t of trim* office ipace tt 362-3333' - I ranee, balcony, fireplace, feoced yard, refrlrerttor. rtov* 4W0 FARM1NGTON HILLS - Kaalett eodtyWeek/HoUdayt 41V4471 Male lo tkate nicely furoiibed ) bed to FVorldi. 'rtqulre lurnlibed ipart- FLtdje, A Cttebooae CotnmtaWj. tarrt leaae below marlrt rite May be divided for NOR.THWESTF.RN HWAY oflice about 850 »q. ft. mo »J» aecorlli depoalt Immedule room borne. ))74 per mootk lododtaa mecl/cocdo. rummer*. 14 moctht, ur.iUer usert. 110 N Woodward ipace avtllable A fall service flat ad 11 occofKftcy.Call after aom, 414-71« ) bedroom. 1 complete batki, laraf* 540-2163 HARBOR SPRINGS, Harbor Cove Lax stilitie* 111-1117 OtkUad County Scburbi.l lit l»4» (17-7171 . $595 MONTH with remote, ItVre itortre area, tod ary coodo (By owner) Tttea. Avtlltble ceoter it teektai qualtf led profeaaiooali to ikar* larury office auite • 1)1)771 WtSTLAND » bedroomi. baaemenl. floor, MM loclodea beat vrry nice, HUTCHINSON ISLAND for fall color. Cbrtttma* and Ski v»<* CHRISTIAN MALE Deatrr* to ikare WANTED FLAT or ilodw a«. Uftfar- DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH fenced jard Freaklt palated. carpet- ceildrea 4 peta welcome. Mtadow Mxt laland Dune* Coodo 4 Cooatrydob tion*.d(y*Ml-(tl>4eveeiiip Ml 1M1 fsrnlibed Noctk»1!!e borne wltk tam< uliaed Rockeiter area, dooe-to SEMTA You Must See It! loc Broce lioyd 111 4O70 included Call NORTHWESTERN; 11 MILE iBi No peta. aecvrUr, refereocea and N of Palm Beack )100 per montk CeU - bus Uoder 1114 atiljtiei OFna:spAf>: - Prim* apace, aeD or lease, eicelieot lo­ ielae ,- . 47M1U HOMESTEAD RESORT Fill Colon )114404. ett 4)1 after 4PM (()114) Ooe 1400 tq ft. ooe 1 room tuite, oot FARMNOTON HILLS 1 bedroorna. Larury oceanf root coodo Combine natare't traoqutlity 4 beauty caUoo to bulk) clientele Slocefroct. will wtik IMdefrea view of ocean 4 river. tloik office Eicelkot parlln|. t 626-8842 WESTLAND 1 bedroorna. fenced yard, adulla, tloae- to Urooia Mall Apoil wltk our larury |.( bedroom accommo- DEARBORN HEIGHTS Joy, Beech WAREHOUSE SPAO: NEED13) blocka ItotJi Miyflow rr Hotel djvld* llt-)4l)ce 117 1770 aocea. pod. conrre-lenl trtuportalKio. 1 bedroorna,) batka, I poota, diUont Eatoy lourir^L teoall. biiiai. AporoilmiUly 10.000 M ft lo (tore W BLOOMFIKLO - deluie office rtfrirerilof, ttote, dukwuber tochid- Saana. RaoqoetbelL T«nl*. area employed male, I1V5 plot aecurl­ 41V7171 OFFICE SPACE ivtlUbl* Include* ed. I1M per mootk plso aecwtly depoa­ Heat, water. 4410. Ml4011 Maea* 4 aalert UtlU Owner )110444 ty, loctode* vtilltlf* and tome privl- pllletlaed mrrctiMiae Service needed ipace. 11 t 1). plush cirpruri "wia PrlTiterolf coort*. ETON OFFICE PLATA • Crook* 4 beatia|4alrccvyliUonln| S Mala St la fcws. MM '•- " 11» lt diylJll »711 area • . 14144*4 leraa Prlvtle room wltk batk Call al • Mail be .ble to'receive mmti.idiae. Mtplr 1 room •tuite. carpeted, drtpea. ) 10 t (, cirprti FUUY FURNISHED CONDO ' ^ Baaall/iiry faniiabed SCHUSS MOUNTAIN MANCELONA check merxkiodite U ir>d itoee MMI Plymouth . IMM71 Complete '%1144( 1 > bedroomi. rec room, abort or too( M»0 mootk Lea* for looeer kaae. t*f4)0 . 111114* day latitortll lerttce. Immediate occo WESTLAND -1 bedroom bricl, flnlibed Reaervt your ftvorit* akl week/week- have aeml for pick tp tad o>U%ery ter- pancy, til uul'-tlea 4)41149 11(0 baaemecl/bar. coootry kltcbes wltk faa term leaae, IloOO per moolk MK)44) eod Secluded Chalet tleec* up ta II. DECREED female over » wtibe* to tlc*. Art* rr.utfbe torlaUed Pleate Suy 1 MrtU, ltd nlikt free Reaaon- akar* apartmeot In Soutkfield wiik note 4 doorwall. carpeted. 1 car »a- HUTCHTNSON ISLAND- Smart. Fla reply to Wtretouae Mi narer, FARMINGTON 436 Office / Bu.ines. ,,|e. f«nced. No peU fill JloO aecur* CENTUFJY21 India* Rivet PlaoUUoa re*ort Lorary tUertlea Call 1I1444-17M tame ) bedroocn. ) batk, very private. POboi )041.Soolifkld. Ml 4(04» (ty. rmmediafe ccyupaocy »17414 NoaamoKr preferred Ml 411) Drlgi* office ipace witk beautiful view Piety Hill, Inc. 642-8100 ccodo. ) bedroorna, ) batka. fully • SCOTTSDAI J!, ARIZONA la prime tin on Grind River. Avail- WESTLAHD,- ».. badroorn, |»ra|e, •quipped. OoU. teonla. Ocean b»*<* LunuVou* ) bedroom coodo, for reel EMPLOYED FEMAIE to tbire booae. ibl«liwr>ediatefy-Reaao«abl* (14)11) ^HF =*J* UVONIA" knmedUle occupancy llaoYmo Leaa of I teaaott 474-1)11 424 House Sitting Service WayoaiFtudRd. irra Wooda CoodomlDrom - larre 1 bedroom weekly or moolkly. All ameftiik* ke- are )044, »00 moolk. I) 4 SeuOfldd VtoRrien 144-47 4» ¢10^ «• 41)147) Before 4pm. M)4411 BLOOMFIFJi> TROY AREA Mature 1¾ balk, wltk balcony tad carport HUTCTTINSONTSUND ocean/root t*i fealneat man eon smoker, will bouseiit FARMINGTON ALL BUSINESS INDICATORS UP WHITE LAKK. UUfroat bomt: Mar H**J ladaded, .|U« pha aeoerlty. wry ccodo 1 badroorrw, t balk*, far- SKI COLORADO EMPLOYED rKUAlJg. wtibe* to akart wty pay (tililla* CtlDim )ptrt F GRANDRIVERORAKE . rled preferred La/re bedroom «p Aa^eol M14M1 niabed Pool, tauna, teonta Copper Ml Larury ) bedroom coodo, wuk aame, 1 bedioom, IH balk town •^' 41111)1 THE TURNAROUND 18 HERi% (14-1171 144)4011 From 500 .- 18,000 aq. fl. Deck,'H(t fi'ife Refereocea. 1400V NORTHVHXP. Townkooae. Hi|>land baa* of Ul UK JXorl 447-7104 bouae. FirmlarUn H.m. Ill) ladode* mo + 11,00? Secrrlly. 441 174»- Lakee. t bedroom. IH batk, fireplace, Rvrrilnp/wrekerula 444-4441 Btltltie* Available Nov. I. 474 1)44 . MATUTUVRJSPONSIBIE New construction.' imrrrodl- THIS IS THE GROUND FLOOR HUTCHINSON BUND, Saad Dollar ' Profeaaiooal House Sttter baaemest, pallo CarpeUaa. drtpea. tp- Villa* Furnlabed ) bedroom, I balk FARMINGTON HILLS - Retired or ate occups'ney. pUance* Pool 4 (labbouae llUlfl Refcreoces Please ccoUd Mn Sber 406 Fumlihod Houtft flm floor corner unit oo ika Ocean profeetiooal woman to akare tlefaet-). ry.OAMlPM • '• ())1)7(. Establishr/eipand officesl Professional or busi­ Available Net lira Merck M** per 418 Halts For Rwtit bedroom raack, fail y fart liked All aul- Tisdale & Co. NOV! - 1 bedroorna. attacked »mre­ montk After 4pm. --- 4lUW TWO PROFEASiaVALyoufti woman ness* *»w*ree. One roofn suites to 3300 sq lecBporary t^tdroom. Ibatk. I tto- DOOLEY rARMlNOTON HILLS - Sta*>* profes- Call tfter 4pm M4JM! 1 r» coodo Very Urp acreeoed la patio FARMINGTON HILLS City^Westland, Llvdnla 4 Wayne. ACT NOWJ ' !T borne N4 peu AeaUabla Nov. IK Ull KOFCHALL Oonal will akare beautiful I bedroom r PALM SPRINGS, Calif 1 bedroorna, t Pool 4 ocaan (7 mtM of beack) Avail bom* I batka, } kltcheoa. aavma, rec 'ORCHARDLAKE-12 MILE Maylrl 11I44M batka, den. aWe* all. larj* paOo (PU a& • May. 11444/reootk CaD RENTALS for all ocetattoo* Cap to 4 104. Of ta Hra MooFrl 4-). .Sat *- room, rnmmin* pool, toedeck. partial- 42» Oarage *\ Up to 10,000 sq. ft. ol space FRANKLIN Twrnlaoed m' bedroom Pool Wttk to rwcea 4 donton -1 • Barry.daya, )444444, rre* 4t> MM Nooa. W It rtwrdabed IllVweet, ahar* tUlitie* : CALLSANDYAT- <* rtnek kom* AvalUbU Nor. IK tkrt 444)111 Mill*) Cail Earl. Ktm-Icxn wtekdaya. In new office building. Spsoe LXAAE * or I) mootk*. new. ftrUaked Mini 8torsg4 April IK. 1100 per week pi** wtlflU*. A PLYMCIUTH/CANTON AREA 56945 JOYRD M4-I7H, weekeed*. 114, 474 MM design, signage 4 finishing aewltydepoairCaU 114-111» apartmeot. PlaaUUoo OoU 4 Covetry BmKiNCHAM AREA 422-7800 1 bedroom, tall baaemeot, IH bilk cob- Ctafc. Jotrlk Va*l<». 1 badroom*. 1 batka WESTLAND, MICH FARMINGTON, larr* t bedroom. I Irtrprie* for rent costs INCLUDED. FREE UTHRUP VTLUOt fairy ^arBia4«I. do. MM per moolk Call erenlAp only. ovt*tc**io«Kk*o4*- • ))1-1147 421-9500 Ev*» 625-0585 batk tpartoeot to akar*. ar* ))-)). Neat, dean 4 tecur* basement storage. tarw I bedroom. IH batk ranc*. Com- ))40p4M H aleetrk 4 pbon*. 474)44) MO per mootk Ml (Ul "ON TMt PlAiNS Of HESITATION. BltACH THE 60MS O* pleTawttklloeoa,»teoaU*,coWTY, • MANAJOTA WY • DWIXWOOO UVONIA Daniel A. LordX of C, tkaUa. COUHTltSS MltOONS, WHO AT.THE OAWN Of VICTORY REDTORD, Joy Rd 4 Inkater. OM (V*etoa) New tawy ecodo. t bt* 144-)7) capacity. Aropk narklaf, air rXMALK ROOMMATE Wanted la 0ARA0B ft far) FOR WINTER (tor Tisdale & Co. RfSTEOANOWHtlS RESTING DtEO" mkrowiT* or*m waak#e^rr«r. Avail- badroom, awwiy decorated, e«* appO- room*. ) balk* o* Calf Week, tbeetk, coedltlooiAl Reetal for ail oceaikm* tbla montk to mootk KrceOetK for akar* »om« U Ualoo Laka. lit) mootk if*. 7 MiM - Telerrtph area Secure ancei 4 carpeUa* Carport, pool aaaaon. Wo/Brociar* ' )7141)4 AlZlA|*e 4444404 Of 417 IMl Call M)4r)l P&* '. - ))414)0 Uantfere*., 144444* • - ^ ^ ^)7-1414 626-B220 ^4= I /'

^ litm^^a^itmmmtattmmtidamm^t^mimmmmmmmmm mmmmt tmam kdBH