PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Official Report of the Crops. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. MERCHANDISE. Tlie National ihe follow- CLOTHING, JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor. Intelligencer gives MISCELLANEOUS. r ing summary ou the of MOULTON A ROGERS lorlhcoming reports UN IO PAPER BOX JUNE FACTORY. URADLKV, Hackmetack Ship Timber. published ut No. 82* EXCHANGE STREET,bj the of 2sr~ CUSTOM Department Agriculture on the condi- Wholesale Dealers in Haekmetaok. and Hard Wood Plank, Tree CLOTHING! OAK.bad. from 12 NEW MILLINERY N. A. FOSTER A CO. tion of the crops in Juue: *T. !P. to 28 iucbes,'I reenail Wedge., ko STOrE Mutual Life Insurance Libby, L. Co, __ TAVLOU, aud MAM'FAl'TUKlK OF *“.,hy N. S. Apples. A good crop in the Eastern Flour, Grain and Provisions, Juue28d3m Galt’s Wharf, Portlaud New Goods! Middle the GARDINER, States, hut uot good ill Western, INCORPORATED Paper B oa: o s, 88 Commercial street, Thomas Block, Thu Pobtlamd Daily Panaris published at 68.0« by the STATE OF MAINE 62 Middle much of the bloom fallen off without Of every description, such a* Trapani Salt Afloat. St., Post A K0BKKT80N has taken the New Btor#, it iu advance, a discount ol having Charter ROBKKf BR ALKY,) Opp. Office, per year; paid strictly Perpetual. Organized, 1849 Miy.No. 31 A1ree Street, corner Center, and bm • l.iW will be made. setting the fruit. Shoe Boxes, Jewelry Boxes, Druggist Boxes, « m moulTon, PORTLAND, MR, k HilHS. Trapani Sat cargo of shit ! Ii reelvlug weekly the J m/3 r ••leoted a Superior Assortment of Single copies three cents. Peaches. In the Eastern Slat s the crop Collar Boxes, 8 hell Boxes, ConchologicalBoxes, A.G.ItOGKUS. ) a/k/ki Kochambeuu” for tile bv DIRECTOR’S June 18d8w /. A TKS r amt MOS T El. EGA XT S T rue R a mu Statu Pause Is published every Thors promises well; in the Western it is almost OFFICE, Fowder Boxes, Card Cases, Cigar Boxes, &c. maytttf DANA \ CO. YLE8 in advance; #2.25 day morning.at *2.00per annum, with many of the trees. 08 Stale Mass. 144 Middle StM (Up Stairs) FortUud, Me. MILLINERY, It within six mouth*; and *2.60,if payment bt totally destroyed, Street.Boston, < lurilit «i paid were killed to the snow- elder, r reach, English and American delayed beyond the year. Grapes. Many juueld3in W. Donkins *' * wUI «>• pleated to offbr to President— HRSR Y CROCKED W. CARR & CO., K sale by »ud.'TS1?!' the line ou the first day of January, others had taken t’flMimeips And public, on and after the 6tb ln.t 1 ice-President— D AX 1 EL S HARP. Having the Fruit Store formerly occupied by 130 MOSES Coaling *• less MOHKILL. Agent, ® A good assortment of the fruit buds more or injured in the Secretary— W. H. HOLLISTER. junelOJlm* 204 Pore Kates of Advertising: Dana & Co. <*. j sireei, Porllaud Which wo are prepared to manufaeture into Gar- West, but Mill a fair crop Is anticipated. HAWYIiH, ment* not in One inch of spaoo in length of ooluinn, constitute! HVieaf ( ICInfer.) The growing condition II. U. WILSON, No. 5 Treenails. surpassed Style r/ Cut, aud MOURNING a 4**