February 06,1863
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS.# mm———^——— ^^ MHMHiM^M^_ VOL. 1. FRIDAY PORTLAND, ME., MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1863. NO. 194. ~~ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS _STEAMBOATS. INSURANCE. PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. Is published at No. 82} EXCHANGE STREET, | medical! Portlnnd York in FOX BLOCK, by and \cw Kiramrn. JOHN E. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRE88 DOW, Removal ! JOHN T. ROGERS Ac H N. A. A CO. SEMIWEMLY LINE. CO., H. H A Y, FOSTER Marine, Fire & Life Insurance Agency. The splendid and fast Steamships The undoreigned hue removed hie Office to General %* Term s : “CHESAPEAKE,” ('apt. Willett, STEAM POWER ^ and “PARKERSBURG,” Captain Liverpool and London Fire and Life In- Ho. 166 Fore head of Tr* Portland Daily Press is published every Huffman, will, until farther notice, St., Long Wharf, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. at run as follows: surance Co. morning, (Sundays excepted), 96,00 per year is ad- Where ho ie to write AND Leave Browns Wharf, Portland, WEDNES- prepared any amount of WHOLESALE DEALERS IN to which will be added oents for every CAPITAL AND SURPLUS vance, twenty-five DAY, and SATURDAY, at 4 P. M., and leave Pier OVER »10,000,000. each three months’ delay, and If not paid at the end 9 North River. New York, WEDNESDAY Book and Job marine. Fire and Life Insurance, Flour, Provisions and Produce every Tori 11 ovd Viva Tnanvnn am /1a nf ik. fl I of the year the paper will be discontinued. and SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock. P. M. Printing Office, These vessels are fitted with fine accommodations that may be wanted. Single copies three cents.
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