Portland Daily Press: July 07,1864
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. _•____ VOLUME IV. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1864. PORTLAND, 7, WHOLE NO PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Official Report of the Crops. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. MERCHANDISE. Tlie National ihe follow- CLOTHING, JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor. Intelligencer gives MISCELLANEOUS. r ing summary ou the of MOULTON A ROGERS lorlhcoming reports UN IO PAPER BOX JUNE FACTORY. URADLKV, Hackmetack Ship Timber. published ut No. 82* EXCHANGE STREET,bj the of 2sr~ CUSTOM Department Agriculture on the condi- Wholesale Dealers in Haekmetaok. and Hard Wood Plank, Tree CLOTHING! OAK.bad. from 12 NEW MILLINERY N. A. FOSTER A CO. tion of the crops in Juue: *T. !P. to 28 iucbes,'I reenail Wedge., ko STOrE Mutual Life Insurance Libby, L. Co, __ TAVLOU, aud MAM'FAl'TUKlK OF *“.,hy N. S. Apples. A good crop in the Eastern Flour, Grain and Provisions, Juue28d3m Galt’s Wharf, Portlaud New Goods! Middle the GARDINER, States, hut uot good ill Western, INCORPORATED Paper B oa: o s, 88 Commercial street, Thomas Block, Thu Pobtlamd Daily Panaris published at 68.0« by the STATE OF MAINE 62 Middle much of the bloom fallen off without Of every description, such a* Trapani Salt Afloat. St., Post A K0BKKT80N has taken the New Btor#, it iu advance, a discount ol having Charter ROBKKf BR ALKY,) Opp. Office, per year; paid strictly Perpetual. Organized, 1849 Miy.No. 31 A1ree Street, corner Center, and bm • l.iW will be made. setting the fruit. Shoe Boxes, Jewelry Boxes, Druggist Boxes, « m moulTon, PORTLAND, MR, k HilHS. Trapani Sat cargo of shit ! Ii reelvlug weekly the J m/3 r ••leoted a Superior Assortment of Single copies three cents.
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