Volume 19 Number 32 Thursday. Ootober 13.1983 * Westland, Michigan Twenty-five cents Ji-v&'> :'-r- :::mm.mm§. io^gjafc^rj^-^fetr^i^.al^^Ti^.ik Ml: ^ii^ilMiilllS ••, v.- .:-i :-, i c-..-... -V • '». : ( • lyt:.-.-. v:| Ki,-1:. ki .• r. Candidates call for development at chamber lunch By 8andrs Armbru«tsr Asked If such Illegal transfers were editor made while he was finance director, Herbert said, "Absolutely not. Three Gearing remarks to the concerns of years ago the city had a $1 million sur­ their business audience, six of v eight plus, There wasn't the need. Why would candidates running for city council ad­ anyone do that with a surplus?" dressed Issues concerning Westland's economic development during speeches QUESTIONING Herbert about the before the chamber of commerce. surplus, Elizabeth Davis, Pickering's But it was Mayor Charles Pickering secretary, asked why there was a defi­ who fired the opening salvo during the cit when the mayor took office. • question and answer period by charg­ "There was $1.7 million In the banks ing that the "incumbents are running and on deposit when I walked out the their campaign based on my record, door," said Pickering. not theirs." . He admitted, however, that his de­ Pickering asked Councilman Kent partment had predicted a $300,000 def­ Herbert, whose appointment the mayor icit by June that year and had submit­ had vetoed, if he would accept blame ted a plan on how it should be handled. for "bad deals" made while Herbert "Unfortunately, nothing was done," was the city's finance director. hesald. ART EMANUELE/«laH photographer "Usually you give me all the blame Artley responded to a question about SPARKEY preschool teacher Terl Brackel and her aide,. Nancy material in a fire at the school. Cub Scouts who joined in the effort whether I take it or not," Herbert re­ why a fire station was closed. He ex­ Baker, were delighted with items bought with a donation from P.D. to collect 4,000 pop bottles were Rickey Morga (left), Jeff and Mi­ sponded. He added that an Industrial plained that the council had dropped chael Peterson, Joe Rork and Clayton Campbell. park development on Ford Road near two firefighters during budget deliber­ Graham Cub Scouts. Brackel estimates she lost $1,000 of teaching the airport was the "only "project ations because It didn't receive justlfl- you've ever balled the city out of." Pleaseturh.toPage2 PICKERING again issued a chal: lenge to the four Incumbent council- Help pops up for teacher in need men - Herbert, Robert Wagner, Thomas Artley and Ben DeHart — to a 25. By the next morning, the portable sen for the canvass and \iicrature was materials burned. This really perked debate before the election. The mayor By Sandra Armbruster editor module containing four classrooms was sent home with students. me up," said Brackel. added that although he supports the gutted. Once the horde of pop containers was four challengers — Harr^Connor, Hen­ Feeling like a "brand new teacher," collected, Pack members and parents THOMAS BLACKLOCK, deputy su-' ry Johnson, Richard Grajeck and Mar-, When four .classrooms went up In smoke recently at P.D. Graham Ele­ Brackel said it would take lime and sorted out the bottles according to perintendent for operations, said-that jorle Daniels, he denied "hand-picking" money to replace the burned goods. brand. while a firm figure Isn't available, the them. mentary School, an eight-year accumu­ lation of teaching materials valued at "It was a very smelly job," Likovlch district estimates replacement cost of Herbert rejected the proposed de­ RALLYING QUICKLY to fill the added. • the.structure at $160,000. Added to that bate, saying that the mayor wasn't run­ more than $1,000 went, with them. "Most of them are irreplaceable," void were Cub Scouts and Webelos "You can imagine how big (the pile) would be the cost of the foundation,, ning for. office. He was joined by Artley from Pack 765, sponsored by the was." equipment and furniture inside the and Wagner in stressing the need for said Teri Brackel, a- SPARKEY pre­ school teacher who lost materials from Graham PTA. structure. what they called a.council that oper­ "About 40 boys spent a rainy Saturday The, collection reaped a return of Blacklock and Brackel said no one ates, "Independehtfy" of the mayor. workshops, albums, projects for her students and small appliances. combing the neighborhood to collect $402 with the cooperation of three knows yet whether her teaching mate­ Under questioning from the audi­ "It really is everything I had," 4,000 pop bottles. stores including Meljer's Thirfty Acres, rials will be covered by the district's ence, Herbert explained his probe of DAN OEAN/staM photographer Brackel added. "Normally I keep my "Normally we have a service project which also made a $20 donation. It took . insurance. transfers between city funds that ended "It's hard to put a price on some of Kent Herbert traded barbs with stuff at home, but.there was extra for the boys to do later in the year, but a pickup, station wagon and a van to In a state reprimand. He said that when the fire happened, adults met cart the pop containers just to Meijcrs. those things," Blacklock said For now Mayor Charles Pickering during room for storage (In the classroom) so I $600,000 was transferred out of city went In Friday night and took every­ Wednesday night and someone men­ The money helped replace some of the district is in the process of demol­ funds collected from bonds sold to the questiofTand. answer por­ thing," tioned collecting bottles," explained the toys and teaching materials lost in ishing the ruins, Blacklock said, and the build Ford Road. He charged that the tion of a candidates debate School was to start the following Karen Likovlch, awards chair for. the the fire. • . Classes have been relocated within money was used to avoid a financial sponsored by the Westland week. Instead, firefighters believe that pack, ",. "I was so down in the dumps about Graham and a portable module left un­ crisis in the city. Chamber of Commerce. an arsonist struck late Sunday, Sept. Oct. 1, Scout Energy Day, was cho­ my personal things and the classroom touched by the fire. Common sense important what's inside Business . .'.':•. .'- 7-8C crime tips Classified... Sections D,E Creative Living . 1E By Mary Klsmlc time to think things out," he explained. and the Office of Services to the Aged Crossword •: . ... 6E. stall writer "It's common sense that it'sbetter to discuss the topics of crime prevention Editorials . .. 8A walk in pairs than alone. It's common and health care for the elderly. Entertatnment . 9-12C Much of crime prevention comes sense to have 'direct deposit' and to Home security and self defense were . •; . 7B ' from common sense. carry a whistle with you." among the concerns shared by many of Sports . ... .--.- . ". 1C That was (he message from Wayne Altogether, an estimated 204 people those in attendance. .... 1B , County Sheriff Robert Ficano when he attended two separate seminars at the Travel •_. ; . : , . 9B spoke before senior citizens in West- Whlttler Center last week. They were LAST WEEK'S presentations em­ land's Whlttler Center last Friday. on hand to hear speakers from the phasized "being aware," said Tony "It's just common sense, taking the Wayne County Sheriff's Department Shannon of the Wayne County Sheriff's Police .... 722-9600 Department. Shannon spoke at a dis­ Fire, rescue . 721-2000 cussion In the afternoon, while Ficano City Hall . 721-6000 spoke in the morning. Circulation , .. 591-0500 "They should be the eyes and ears of Want ads . .. .591-0900 the law, report things they see," Shan­ Editorial dept.. 591-2300 ~ non said. Seniors are advised to-walk with someone instead of alone. They should have their Social Security checks sent directly to the bank, using the "direct deposit" system. •Statistically, seniors are the focus Enrollment decline of many crimes," Ficano said "They are most vulnerable when they're out by themselves on the street — when if looks as though they don't have the ability to move about quickly and run slows in 2 districts after a thief—and Jn con games." • .•"»• AMONG THE most common con DAN DEAN/tlsft photograph* Student enrollment continues to drop count of students is taken annually on games used to bilk seniors of money in the Livonia 'and Wayne-Westtand the fourth Friday in September. That are those that involve a phony investi­ Tony Shannon of the Wayne school systems, but not as rapidly as- figure forms the basis for state aid in gator and the "pigeon drop" scam, ac­ County Sheriff's Department had been projected. districts like Wayne-Westland. In Livo­ ' According to the fourth Friday nia, however, high property values cording to Ficano. offers crime prevention tips to - "Someone will pose as atwnk investi­ senior citizens at the whlttler counts taken last week, the Livonia place the district outside the formula gator and tell the senior they can help Center in WeaNand last week. 'School District has 17,815 students, 125 calculating a\d granted per student. trap a dishonest bank employee by us­ more than projected, while the Wayno- As a result, the hlgher-than-antlci- ing money out of their account," the Westland School District has 16,256 pated enrollment will translate into sheriff said. .. to put in some money as a sign of good students, 97 more than forecasted. larger revenues for WayneWestland. After saying there must be absolute faith.
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