Apache-Ivy Wordgrinder Nethogs Qtfm Fcgi Enblend-Enfuse

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Apache-Ivy Wordgrinder Nethogs Qtfm Fcgi Enblend-Enfuse eric Ted fsvs kegs ht tome wmii ttcp ess stgit nut heyu lshw 0th tiger ecl r+e vcp glfw trf sage p6f aris gq dstat vice glpk kvirc scite lyx yagf cim fdm atop slock fann G8$ fmit tkcvs pev bip vym fbida fyre yate yturl ogre owfs aide sdcv ncdu srm ack .eex ddd exim .wm ibam siege eagle xlt xclip gts .pilot atool xskat faust qucs gcal nrpe gavl tintin ruff wdfs spin wink vde+ ldns xpad qxkb kile ent gocr uae rssh gpac p0v qpdf pudb mew cc e afuse igal+ naim lurc xsel fcgi qtfm sphinx vmpk libsmi aterm lxsplit cgit librcd fuseiso squi gnugo spotify verilog kasumi pattern liboop latrace quassel gaupol firehol hydra emoc fi mo brlcad bashdb nginx d en+ xvnkb snappy gemrb bigloo sqlite+ shorten tcludp stardict rss-glx astyle yespl hatari loopy amrwb wally id3tool 3proxy d.ango cvsps cbmfs ledger beaver bsddb3 pptpd comgt x.obs abook gauche lxinput povray peg-e icecat toilet curtain gtypist hping3 clam wmdl splint fribid rope ssmtp grisbi crystal logpp ggobi ccrypt snes>x snack culmus libtirpc loemu herrie iripdb dosbox 8yro0 unhide tclvfs dtach varnish knock tracker kforth gbdfed tvtime netatop 8y,wt blake+ qmmp cgoban nexui kdesvn xrestop ifstatus xforms gtklife gmrun pwgen httrack prelink trrnt ip qlipper audiere ssdeep biew waon catdoc icecast uif+iso mirage epdfview tools meld subtle parcellite fusesmb gp+fasta alsa-tools pekwm viewnior mailman memuse hylafax= pydblite sloccount cdwrite uemacs hddtemp wxGT) adom .ulius qrencode usbmon openscap irssi!otr rss-guard psftools anacron mongodb nero-aac gem+tg gambas3 rsnapshot file-roller schedtool cellwriter ennode nvclock pdf+d.vu gammu xnetload Impacket briquolo umplayer -dialog qmidinet udpcast qua ip redis rkhunter gresistor eromq tgif-,8% lastfmlib harfbu eduke3+ krusader dosemu synergy bwm-ng gpicview pu les cadaver &7Tools cpan+tg kbdd sdltrs swfmill xsession hostapd dos+unix einstein nsudoku redshift pcc-libs exiftags mtvcgui numactl hexchat sudosh+ xcdroast opencvs wmmon cutecom pngcrush ufiformat html+ps surfraw opengtl xmpppy aespipe privoxy enigma fwknop parallel tanglet neutral hexalate mt-daapd md<deep dietlibc mini51n mp3val libvidcap macutils pngquant discount brickout ctorrent cmdiag xmlrpc-c xemacs statifier lbdb digger mtasc biosdisk gphotofs angband cmatrix ucsc-blat spacefm dina-font pycscope foremost mopac; w!scan afpfs-ng libcacard sleuthkit ccd+iso texworks clustalx evilwm lighttpd keepassx gprolog skulpture perl-Tidy cups-pdf ucspi-ssl nomarch ngrep kexec-tools lksctp-tools smstools3 quakeforge mod!ruid+ gxmessage scummvm niceshaper bmpanel+ libasyncns wireshark uudeview ruby-gtk+ micropolis bar arora mame exempi multitail webali er maelstrom glyptodon xbindkeys lxshortcut slack-utils compface pychecker convertall mbootpack (eny3osts terminator screengrab pengupop wavemon keepalived trayer-srg cx!9ree e ,uite&$$ realplayer netstat-nat unshield smem wmcliphist worldofgoo bogofilter dvbsnoop darkplaces vectoroids powernowd libmikmod openclipart :hat8ulse memtest1/ msn-pecan mbpurple ds-models driftnet shed an xxdiff colem flvtool+ likepython efibootmgr lxterminal wmmixer 2ari"'( flawfinder fwbuilder wgetpaste teamviewer torrentinfo focuswriter flvstreamer drbd-tools pidgin-mra spectrwm xmms-shn hex-a-hop irqbalance libsmbios libtxc!dxtn alex ntpclient lilyterm gpscorrelate python-pmw mhwaveedit gmapcatcher lib.peg-turbo pianobooster mo plugger xautomation streamripper bloodfrontier streamtuner gtk-gnutella amd-app-sdk xinetd sl afio nickle kbibtex wm$un singularity qemu-legacy wmakerconf par+cmdline fortune-'$& pdns-recursor qtg manager volumeicon kicad-library luckybackup xdebug man-pages-fr xbmbrowser bacula-client xwarppointer amavisd-new pasang-emas kdevelop-php gnump3d gtkglarea lemonpos tamsyn-font mod!evasive alsa-plugins artwi -cursor httptunnel end-opcache ucl upx mk-livestatus resynthesi er ita-convolver php-memcache moria beep iat udevil cddb-py gxemul searchmonkey python-simpy python-bigfloat m.pg-streamer python-blake+ cups-windows python-xrandr squashfs-tools soundkonverter typhoon!+665 kcm!touchpad smbldap-tools fltk+ flpsed gmidimonitor pidgin-libnotify xtables-addons xtrascreenhacks opendchub bleachbit icebreaker moon-buggy schismtracker perl-Net-Telnet happy lib'fterImage libflashsupport xlog hamlib bsdiff haskell-fgl bullet ksplice cln osmo acpitool nanum-fonts-ttf python-authres mysecureshell newt byobu asterixInspector glm gource perl-Text-Iconv pyfeed xe libedit vitunes-mplayer extremetuxracer isoelectric-point fortune!firefly gtk-engines-unico hatari!tos!roms xmms-crossfade GhostInTheMail simple-scan cacti-spine lxpolkit cdfs xonotic scantailor $imple$ysexxer artwi -alec apka remind haskell-data-default fotowall G%ee firestorm boncuk geshi squid iodine xinput!calibrator linuxconsoletools thunar-vcs-plugin lockdev libcec aimage afflib libmusicbrain 3 gimpfx-foundry perl-4nix-$yslog My$,%-$andbox libopensync avr1-gnu-toolchain ltm convertlit fbdump haskell-dlist gnome-colors mosquitto mdbtools rott retrovol gnomint cheser-icon-theme gimp-fourier-plugin tntnet cxxtools A$#N#b.ect haskell-haskell-src teighafileconverter perl-'uthen-8'M haskell-,uick"heck secpanel davfs+ lcal libixp xmp libxmp perl-"rypt-&i.ndael wiimms-wbfs-tool perl-Math-7ase1< ptbatterysystemtray xfce0-places-plugin perl-Text-"$2!-$ artha :ordNet haskell-digest keylaunch pidgin-privacy-please hdapsd tp!smapi thunar-thumbnailers haskell-regex-base apachetop cwp xl+tpd lib*M9 T3* regina-rexx notification-daemon libx1/emu hwinfo volti pyalsaaudio haskell-editline maildrop incron wyrd haskell- lib haskell-transformers haskell- ip-archive sdcc mtftar doomseeker freeradius-server doom!shareware!data squeak-vm scratch sonata python-mpd eventlog syslog-ng xfce0-mailwatch-plugin haskell-mmap numlockx hamachi ,uamachi+ gtkam libexif-gtk haskell-test-framework-quickcheck+ haskell-regex-posix tkpng nvi unace cppcms claws-mail libetpan geany-plugins geany hevea pmidi gnome-themes-standard haskell-lcs omake netsurf .ag libcsv youtube-dl bulk!extractor valgrind valkyrie virtualbox-extension-pack rootactions!servicemenu haskell-dataenc haskell-terminfo haskell-hashed-storage haskell-mtl haskell-regex-pcre-builtin whowatch xapian-omega 3amsiManager eye(3 buildbot-slave haskell-ghc-paths gerbv bas tkdvd git-cola notmuch tokyocabinet tokyotyrant murrine murrine-themes usbmuxd xfce0-cpufreq-plugin haskell-haskeline facile haskell-regex-compat haskell-pandoc-types haskell-base/0-bytestring pandoc gtmess rdiff-backup cvsd libsidplay+ python-cluster perl-Net-Netmask pidgin-authori ation-blocker mod!auth!kerb heimdal obmenu chroma kbgoffice full-pack ocaml-ounit ocaml haskell-(iff tarsnap dirac haskell-temporary haskell-.son pdfpc libpgf libcitadel citadel libsieve ocaml-findlib virtualenv virtualenvwrapper mathomatic rlwrap haskell-random haskell-syb dropbear nxclient patchutils wmswallow perl-(ata-44I( google-api-python-client thunar-archive-plugin xarchiver libimobiledevice duplicity xapian-core haskell-tagsoup dfu-util librsync perl-Template-Toolkit perl-'pp"onfig haskell-test-framework solunar *T% haskell-citeproc-hs si mlton xapian-bindings php-pdo!dblib freetds php-mssql camlp< haskell-#b.ectName hscolour haskell-hostname skype skype0pidgin coq ideviceinstaller ifuse ghc haskell-extensible-exceptions ipv/calc haskell-highlighting-kate opengrads wmweather opencore-amr xmms-skins-almond mu dulwich hg-git xmonad haskell-texmath afterstep gnustep-make gnustep-base haskell-bmp sylpheed polipo ile yawp burp mp3check lua<+ ocaml-batteries haskell-tar haskell-utf1-string lxappearance openbox obconf haskell-Tensor lxappearance-obconf lablgtk cyrus-imapd haskell-Monad"atchI#-mtl darcs haskell-xml mppenc perl-9"GI pidgin-gfire dfu-programmer haskell-gloss st preload nanum-coding-fonts-ttf recoll i.-plugins-%#"I haskell-html mlbrot haskell-$tate2ar haskell-bla e-html wput bmon herculesstudio hercules hebe lxsession-edit lxsession haskell-#penG% gg -base-libs i.-plugins-4"$( ocaml-camomile haskell-ansi-wl-pprint xmonad-contrib haskell-text mitter cuberok libiptcdata moneydance funny-manpages haskell-G%4T haskell-ansi-terminal haskell-parsec bacula haskell-parallel libbs+b wmdate libdockapp kphotoalbum kipi-plugins perl-$ort-Naturally p0 libreoffice-helppack php-ssh+ fIcy vrrpd isomaster pmount ngircd haskell-test-framework-hunit haskell--55 haskell-#penG%&aw libgdiplus nant unison haskell-xhtml haskell-3TT8 liborigin chkrootkit proxychains asr-manpages avrdude iscan-firmware iscan-proprietary-drivers haskell-bla e-builder libreoffice-langpack *M7'$$B haskell-bla e-markup cflow link-grammar openbox-themes %#I" haskell-cgi wmbackground gtklp fio )ee8ass smath-studio haskell-G%4&aw haskell-primitive haskell-hinotify ant-contrib pinta haskell-vector xalan couchdb haskell--55-xft plotutils .mri iksemel nvidia-legacy5;3-driver nvidia-legacy5;3-kernel casper.s phantom.s chrpath cmus ImageA mono-debugger python-musicbrain + google-go-lang debootstrap samhain blobwars xar libssh+ log0net xmobar svp nvidia-legacy360-kernel nvidia-kernel ganttpro.ect 4rbanTerror monodevelop-debugger-gdb skrooge haskell-stm libreoffice haskell-34nit curlftpfs 9reeImage yeahconsole perl-Text-,uoted perl-Text-'utoformat perl-Text-&eform haskell-network leveldb abbix!proxy monodevelop-database ndesk-dbus mono nini coolkey gpaint xerces nvidia-driver abbix!server xfce0-mpc-plugin libdbi libdbi-drivers thunar-dropbox flexbackup flashqard supertux pv vile nvidia-legacy360-driver openpro. usbview avr1-burn-o-mat separate= openstego ccid .avacomm screencloud cowbell mono-basic ranger vdpauinfo mono-addins libcryptui pyside-tools
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    Towards a Portable and Mobile Scheme Interpreter Adrien Pi´erard Marc Feeley Universit´eParis 6 Universit´ede Montr´eal [email protected] [email protected] Abstract guage. Because Mobit implements R4RS Scheme [6], we must also The transfer of program data between the nodes of a distributed address the serialization of continuations. Our main contribution is system is a fundamental operation. It usually requires some form the demonstration of how this can be done while preserving thein- of data serialization. For a functional language such as Scheme it is terpreter’s maintainability and with local changes to the original in- clearly desirable to also allow the unrestricted transfer offunctions terpreter’s structure, mainly through the use of unhygienicmacros. between nodes. With the goal of developing a portable implemen- We start by giving an overview of the pertinent features of the tation of the Termite system we have designed the Mobit Scheme Termite dialect of Scheme. In Section 3 we explain the structure interpreter which supports unrestricted serialization of Scheme ob- of the interpreter on which Mobit is based. Object serialization is jects, including procedures and continuations. Mobit is derived discussed in Section 4. Section 5 compares Mobit’s performance from an existing Scheme in Scheme fast interpreter. We demon- with other interpreters. We conclude with related and futurework. strate how macros were valuable in transforming the interpreter while preserving its structure and maintainability. Our performance 2. Termite evaluation shows that the run time speed of Mobit is comparable to Termite is a Scheme adaptation of the Erlang concurrency model.
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    ine) - ISSN 2415-1599 ISSN ine) - PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICA CONGRESS (onl THE ICA PROCEEDINGS OF Page intentionaly left blank 22nd International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2016 PROCEEDINGS Editors: Federico Miyara Ernesto Accolti Vivian Pasch Nilda Vechiatti X Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica XIV Congreso Argentino de Acústica XXVI Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Acústica 22nd International Congress on Acoustics ICA 2016 : Proceedings / Federico Miyara ... [et al.] ; compilado por Federico Miyara ; Ernesto Accolti. - 1a ed . - Gonnet : Asociación de Acústicos Argentinos, 2016. Libro digital, PDF Archivo Digital: descarga y online ISBN 978-987-24713-6-1 1. Acústica. 2. Acústica Arquitectónica. 3. Electroacústica. I. Miyara, Federico II. Miyara, Federico, comp. III. Accolti, Ernesto, comp. CDD 690.22 ISSN 2415-1599 ISBN 978-987-24713-6-1 © Asociación de Acústicos Argentinos Hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723 Disclaimer: The material, information, results, opinions, and/or views in this publication, as well as the claim for authorship and originality, are the sole responsibility of the respective author(s) of each paper, not the International Commission for Acoustics, the Federación Iberoamaricana de Acústica, the Asociación de Acústicos Argentinos or any of their employees, members, authorities, or editors. Except for the cases in which it is expressly stated, the papers have not been subject to peer review. The editors have attempted to accomplish a uniform presentation for all papers and the authors have been given the opportunity
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