Extra-Parochial and Other Places Aforesaid, Or Some Pf
4740 extra-parochial and other places aforesaid, or some of the traffic passing, or which may pass on the pf them, as it may be necessary to cross, divert, said Chard Canal Navigation and works, and the alter, or stop up, for the purposes of the said branch said authorised railway, and the said proposed or extension railway and works. branch or extension railway and works, or any And notice is hereby further given, that a plan part thereof respectively; and to authorise the of the said branch or extension railway and works, said Bridgewater, and Taunton Canal and Stolford and also a duplicate of such plan, and a section and Railway and Harbour Company, out of their cor- duplicate thereof, together with books of reference porate or other funds, to take shares in, and sub- thereto, and also a published map, with the line oi scribe for or towards the maintaining, working, proposed branch or extension railway delineated and using the said canal and works connected thereon, will be deposited for public inspection therewith, and the making, maintaining, working, with the Clerk of the Peace for the county oJ and using the said authorised railway and pro- Somerset, at his office at Taunton, in the said posed branch or extension railway and works, or .county, on or before the thirtieth day of November, any part thereof, and to purchase, take on lease, 1846; and on or before the said thirtieth day of rent, or work the said canal and works connected November, 1846, a copy of so much of the plan therewith, and to purchase, take on lease, rent, and section as relates to each parish in or through work, and construct, the said authorised railway which the said work is intended to be made, toge- and proposed .branch or extension railway and ther with a book of reference thereto, will be de- works, or any part of the same respectively, and posited with the parish clerk of each such parish, to take tolls and duties upon, or in respect of the at his place of abode.
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