TEAM CHOIR for Holy Week and Easter Could all Team Choir members please email
[email protected] so that we can build Clarendon TEAM news up a distribution list for the Team Choir. We can then let you know about any singing opportunities Clarendon Team Notices for Sunday 20th April 2014 that may come up in the Team. Thank you! Winterslow Christian Aid Lunches Services in Team Churches over the next two weeks Lunches at Truffles coffee shop on Thursday 1st May from 12 - 2pm in aid of Christian Aid. Readings: 20th April - Jeremiah 31.1-6 Acts 10.34-43 John 20.1-18 or Matthew 28.1-10 Whiteparish Music Festival (in aid of Church running costs) 27th April - Exodus 14.10-31; 15.20-21 Acts 2.14a,22-32 John 20.19-31 Tickets now on sale from Whiteparish Village Shop or The Music Room, Salisbury. Saturday 3rd May - “Jazz in the Church”, Wednesday 7th May - “Music for a Summer’s Night”, CHURCH 20th April - 27th April - Sunday 11th May - “Debussy to Disney”. To be held in All Saints Church, Whiteparish. Easter Day Second Sunday of Easter Please see the link for more info: ALDERBURY 9.30am All Age Easter Eucharist 9.30am Healing Eucharist 6pm Evening Prayer (Alt Utd Svc) Open Garden at Kings Farm - Proceeds to C of E, Methodist Church and Parkinsons Society WHADDON Sunday 4th May at Kings Farm, Livery Rd, West Winterslow from 2 - 4pm. There will be bring and at St Mary’s Hall with RC Preacher buy, raffles (Carol Hampton), Tombola (Janet Fry), books, bric-a-brac, tea and cakes.