Settlement P,Itterns in the Huamachiico Anea
CHAPTER I3 SETTLEMENTP,ITTERNS IN THE HUAMACHIICOANEA JOHN R TCPIC T TITIES \ITIEN I u'rite about Fluamachuco, The major lake in the area,Lagun:r Sausagocha,is I am referring to the Incaic province that locateclin the northeastern part of the area,between stretched from the Chaupiyungas to the the Rfo Shiracmacaand the tributaries of the Marafl6n N{arafl6n and frotn the Rio Crisnejas in the north (Figure1.1.1). to the Thblachacain the south (..9., Topic 1992, Our work in Huamachuco spannedeight seasons, 1998).Our survey of fortifications in the late I970s 1981-1984and 1986-1989.The projectwasintended to coveredthe north\\resternpart of the province (Topic combine intensivesite sun'ey with lirnited excavations. and Topic 1978, I9B7). Currently we are studying Unfornrnately,in the secondseason it becameclear that Catequil, an oracle and the principal huncttof the countryside \.{'asnot safe,and the focus ch:rngedto Huamachuco,whose shrine u"ls locatedin the center excavationsat selectedsites. Much of the areaaround of the province (Topic et al. 2002).In this chapter,I Fluamachuco still has not receivedintensive survey,and am concernedwith a much srnaller area around the the datirrgof sitesis largely basedon surfacecollections modern town of Huamachttco. of sherdsthat are rarely decorated. The zrreaunder consideration is at the southern Nevertheless, building on the work of McCown end of the Rio Condebamba basin, extending fron-r (1945) and Thatcher (1972),we were able to extend the Continental Divide in the west to the divide tlre list of known sitesfrom 79 to 177 . Of these,only 90 separatingthe Rfo Condebamba from the A{arafr6n have been dated, and excavationshave been conducted drainage(Figure 13.1).The major rivers are the at only 13.This study is basedon the 90 datablesites, Rio Yarnobambain the west, the Rio Grande de u,hich together have 122 datableoccupations.
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