© Lonely Planet 567 Index

A Andahuaylillas 288-9 Huacas del Sol y de la Luna 351-2 AbancayABBREVIATIONS 294-6 Andean condors 69, 187-8, 190-1, Huanca ruins 306 AbraACT la Raya Australian 198 Capital 366, 404 itineraries 28 Territory Abra Patricia conservation area 452 Andes, the 67 Jauja 306 NSW New South Wales accommodations 508-11, 552, see animal bites 546, 548-9 34, 275, 448, 274 NT Northern Territory also individual locations animals 68-71 La Congona 450 Qld Queensland Acobamba 304-5 books 68, 69, 71, 77 439 SA South Australia activities 21, 173-80, 511-12, see also butterflies 71, 503 Marcahuasi 300 Tas Tasmania individual activities crocodiles 386 Museum of the Royal Tombs of Vic Victoria Acurio, Gastón 58 spectacled bears 70, 366, 404 Sipán 365 WA Western Australia Arequipa restaurants 184 anthropological museums 93, 97 32, 142-4 Cuzco restaurants 248 ants 71 Oyu Oyu 190 Lima restaurants 110, 111, 113, apartments 509 Pachamama 209 114 Alianza Popular Revolution Ameri- Pachatata 209 addresses 524 cana (APRA) 39, 40, 41-2, 45-6, Paracas Necropolis 31-2, 131, 133 Cuzco 222 342 Paramonga 337 Lima 79-80 archaeological artifacts 56 Pardeones ruins 144-5 Afro-Peruvian culture 129 archaeological museums 270 331-2 Aguas Calientes 267-8, 277-8, 268 Arequipa 167 Sechín 339 Aguas Verdes 386 432-3 206 INDEX Aguilar, Fabrizio 52 351 Sipán 32, 364, 365, 273 air travel Cuzco 231-2 Sondor 296 tickets 531, 536 Ica 136 Susupillo 331 to/from Cuzco 253-4 Ilo 153 Tambo de Mora 128-9 within 535-6, 535-41, 533 Lambayeque 365-6 302 airlines 530-1, 535-6 Leimebamba 450 Temple of 329 Alarcón, Daniel 51 Lima 97 Túcume 366 Alca 193 Nazca 144 Tumshukaiko 417 Alegría, Ciro 51 Trujillo 345 Wari ruins 325 altitude sickness 392, 548 archaeological sites, see also cave architecture 53-4 aluviones 392 paintings, funerary sites, geo- colonial mansions 91-2, 166-7, Amantaní Island 209-10 glyphs, Inca archaeological sites 343-4 Amaru, Túpac 37 Antaymarca 193 Inca civilization 276 Amaru II, Túpac 38, 222 Batán Grande 366-7 Arequipa 160-87, 160, 162, 3, 9 Amazon Basin 459-507, 461 books 20, 22 accommodations 171-82 climate 67-8, 460, 477 145 activities 168-70 itineraries 27 Cantallo aqueducts 144-5 attractions 164-8 mining 46 270-1, 338, 270 Cayma 167 Amazon lodges Central Highlands 331 dangers 163-4 Cuzco to Manu 476, 477 Cerro Baúl 152 drinking 184 Iquitos area 503-7 Chan Chan 274, 349-51 entertainment 184-5 Lago Sandoval 470-1 Chavín de Huántar 31, 271-2, festivals 171 Manu area 479 422-3, 271 food 182-4 Parque Nacional Manu 478 Complejo Arqueológico la Huaca el history 160-1 Río de Madre de Dios 469-70 Brujo 352 internet access 161 Río Tambopata 471-4 Gran Pajatén 439 medical services 161 Amazon river cruises 497-8, 537 446-7 Paucarpata 167 Ampay 295 Huaca Arco Iris 351, 274 shopping 185 Andagua 192, 297, 175 351 tourist information 163 Andahuaylas 296-8 97 tours & guides 171 INDEX Ayacucho 317-25, Ayabaca 374-5 avalanches 392,549 Ausangate 234,294,295 ATMs 521-2 Atavillos culture 328 Atalaya 477,483 35,36,221-2,429-31,432 Atahualpa 38,40 conflict Atacama Desert Asia 126-7 people11,480,481,484 Asháninka birds 68-9 39,56,278 Bingham, Hiram Aymara language557 198 Ayaviri ayahuasca 51-6, arts museums art beaches, bathrooms 525 Batán Grande366-7 547 bartonellosis Barranca 337-9 bargaining 524 Baltimore 473 Balsas 441 Bagua Chica441 bag-snatching 514-15 B Arequipa 568 bicycling, Benjamin Constant(Brazil)506 Belén 496-7 bears 70,366,404 000 000 painting, pottery,textiles dance,literature, cinema, crafts, travel to/from317,324-5 shopping 324 food 323-4 festivals 321 320-1 attractions accommodations 321-3 Lima 92,93-4,99 Cuzco 231,233 Yanahuara 167 travel within187 travel to/from185-7 south coast126-7,148,149,150 coast340, 372,376,378-9 north Lima area 101,123

Map pages Map Photograph pages INDEX (A-C) INDEX see also continued see 455,463,504 see also cycling surfing architecture, architecture, 319 books, Bolivia Bolívar, Simón39-40,372 boleto turístico boleto religioso 477 Boca Manu boat travel536-7 bites bird-watching macaws 69,474, hummingbirds 70,450,451,452 hoatzin 470 books 68,69,71 Andean condors69,187-8,190-1, folk tales41 environmental issues73 Cuzco School38 cocaine 76 birds 68,69,71 archaeological sites20,22,29 animals 68,69,71,77 467 Riberalta Heath467 Puerto Acosta215 Puerto TiticacaLake 213-18 Copacabana 213-17 Cobija 467 border crossings214,467 to/from Peru 534 Pucallpa 488-9 Iquitos 501-2 Amazon Basin497-8,537 mosquito 544,545-6,549-50 547 insect animal 546,548-9 Tingo 333 María NacionalLagunasde Santuario NacionalTambopataReserva 473 NacionaldeParacas 131 Reserva EcológicaChaparrí366 Reserva Pizarro 386-7 Puerto area 476,478,479 Manu Luquina Chico213 Laguna deSalinas194 Lago Valencia 471 Lago Umayo206 Lago deJunín327 Islas Ballestas131 Iquitos area 505,506 Cuzco 236 Colpa deGuacamayos471 Ayabaca 375 area 452 Abra Patricia conservation 366, 404 Mejía 150 Mejía see also 188,229 literature 229 7 butterflies 71,503 butterflies business hours512 bus travel bullfighting 56,94,185 Bryce Echenique,Alfredo 51 bricheros breastfeeding 512 Brazil boxing 57 border crossings534 Cañón delColca187-92, 193-4, 170,489 canoeing &kayaking Cañete 127 Camaná 148-9 Callejón deConchucos409 Cajatambo 421-2 Cápac, Manco 34,217,220 Cápac, Manco Cápac, Huayna 35,221 canyon country187-94, Canta 328 Cajamarca 429-37, Cajabamba 438-9 Cachora 294 Cabo Blanco376 Cabanaconde 191-3 C within Peru 538-9,540 to/from Peru 533-4 dangers 516 Tabatinga 506 border crossings466,506 Benjamin Constant506 Ecuador 376,382,386,442 Colombia 506 Chile 158 Brazil 466,506 Bolivia 214,467 402 trekking travel 20,22 32 textiles LuminosoSendero 47 plants 72,73 176,420 mountaineering 43 Internal Conflict Inca civilization35,36,37 health 543 food 58,60,61,62,63 travel to/from437 shopping 436 history 429-31 food 436 436 drinking 431 attractions accommodations 434-6 252 430 160 176 INDEX 569

pottery, 224-5 see also , , Arequipa INDEX (C) 10 see shamans 221 see also inside front see , 513 432 textiles Ayacucho 324 Cajamarca 436 Celendín 439 Chavín de Huántar 423 Chinchero 263 Cuzco 252 gourds 313 Huancavelica 316 208-9 Isla Taquile La Merced 481 451 Leimebamba Lima 118-19 122 Lurín Monsefú 363 258 Pisac 371 Piura 313 Río Mantaro Valley De Cajas 305 San Pedro Santo Tomás 503 489 Yarinacocha accommodations 240-6 activities 233-7 attractions 228-33 dangers 227-8 drinking 250-2 cover cooking 514 dance 102, 514 languages 102, 170-1, 239, 394, border crossings 215 border crossings 44 administration Fujimori 61, 440 cultural museums 230-1, 232, 320, 47-57 culture curanderos Cuzco 220-56, customs 48-9, 63 514 customs regulations 207 cuy credit cards 522-3 credit crime 514-15 crocodiles 386 Cruz del Cóndor 190-1 Cuidad Blanca, Cotahuasi 193 counterfeiting 523 courses 513-14 crafts 11, 55-6, Corporaque 190 Corporaque Corrientillo 503 520, 539 corruption 515, costs 20, 512,

, 173 monasteries monasteries weather 497 see see also see architecture 54 166, 167 Arequipa Ayacucho 320 Cajamarca 433 Huancavelica 314 Ica 136 Cuzco 229-30, 231 Lampa 197 Lima 87-92 Puerto Etén 363 175 cocaine 76, 334 museums 199 border crossings 506 506 Leticia Puerto Asis 506 Huaraz 393-4, 395 218 Islas del Sol y de la Luna Cordillera Huayhuash 401-4, 410-12 Cordillera Negra 401-4, 412-13 Cordilleras, the 401-13 Chincha (town) 128-9 Chincha 33, 128-9 culture Chincha Chinchero 263 Chiquián 421 Chivay 188-9 cholera 544 Chosica 124 chuchuhuasi Chucuito 212 Chulucanas 373 Chupaca 313 churches, cinema 52, 499, 502 clay licks 471, 474, 479 climate, Copacabana (Bolivia) 213-17 Corahuasi 294 Cordillera Blanca 401-10, 416, climate change 532 Cobija (Bolivia) 467 coca 73, 77, 514 Cochas Chico 313 Cochas Grande 313 408 Cojup Valley 206, 207 Colla culture Collón 408 Colombia colonization 221-2 community tourism 207 Concepción 307 condors 69, 187-8, 190-1, 366, 404 consulates 517 Contamaná 490 convents,

443 301 537 see also 270 271 341 359 443 418 (corn beer) 60 (music) 53 61 sites 337, 349-51, 351 442, 448 sites 439, 447, 448-9, 450 sites 417, 422-3, geoglyphs 271 Chimú culture 33, 274-5, 355 Chimú culture chifas Chifrón 211 Chilca 126 travel with 62, 512, 550 children, Chile 158 Chimbote 340-2, Chazuta 454 chicha chicha Chiclayo 358-63, Chavín de Huántar 31, 271-2, 422-5, Chachas 441-5, Chagas’ disease 547 Chala 148 Ch’allapampa 217 Chan Chan 274, 349-51 33 Chancay culture Chancos 414 Chanka 296 culture Chaupo 193 31, 271-2, 354, 424 Chavín culture Chachapoyas culture 34, 274-5, Chachapoyas culture Cerro Azul 127 327 Cerro de Pasco ceviche 58, 61, 63 Chacas 409, 410, 426 Chachani 169 Chachapoyas (town) 441-5, Carhuaz 414-15 Carnaval 295, 433 Central 123-4 Carretera Casma 339-40 Castilla, Ramón 40 Catac 421 Catacaos 371-2 cave paintings 328, 329, Caral culture 338 Caral culture Caraz 417-20, caving 305 Ccotos 211 Celendín 439-41 cell phones 525 central highlands 299-335, Cápac, Mayta 34, 160 (town) 210 Capachica 210-12 Capachica Peninsula 556-7, car travel 539-40, 338, Caral (ruins) 270-1, INDEX cysticercosis 548 diving 101,180 disabilities, travelerswith526 digital photography523-4 548 diarrhea Desaguadero 214 taxes 531,535 departure dengue fever 544 deforestation 76 deep veinthrombosis543 dangers 514-16, dance 56-7 D cycling 101,179-80,536, Cuzco School38,55,166,229 Cuzco 570 000 000 also women travelers527-9 Trujillo 343 Tingo 333,488 María Puno 199 Pucallpa 488 money 523 Lima 86-7 Iquitos 496 internet resources 514 Huaraz 392 drugs 516,520 539-40 driving Cuzco 227-8 Chachapoyas 445 Arequipa 163-4 177,512 activities lessons 102,514 Chincha 128 Afro-Peruvian 129 weather 234 tours237-9 walking travel within256 travel to/from253-6 tours &guides239-40 information226-7 tourist shopping 252-3 223 medical services 228 itineraries internet access223 history 220-2 food 246-50 festivals 240 250-2 entertainment

Map pages Map Photograph pages continued mountain biking INDEX (C-G) INDEX see also corruption 179 , see drugs 73,334,516,520 539-40,556-7 driving licenses539 driver’s 59-60, drinks escuela cuzqueña Escallani 211 environmental issues46,73,76-7 emergencies 554-7, embassies 517 509 electricity El Valle Sagrado, El Valle delosVolcanes192-3 El Niño364,513 161,169, El Misti El Chaco131 El Bendito387 Eiffel, Gustave151,154,167,184,496 Ecuador economy 48 549 earthquakes E festivals 21,517-18 Ferreñafe 365-6 F exchange rates, events, Ese’eja people463,471 wine 136-8,152 vocabulary 553-4 pisco 60,152 front cover Zumba 442 Vilcabamba 442 376 Macará border crossings376,382,386, La Virgen de la Candelaria 201, La Virgende laCandelaria 240,518, Inti Raymi Ica 138 Huancayo 308,518 Fiesta deYahuar 296 Fiesta deSanDiego209 60-1,109 festive food&drink 305 deMuruhuay El Señor Cautivo375 El Señor El Festival Internacionaldela Cuzco 240 Carnaval 295,433,518 Ash Wednesday395 Arequipa 171 308,518 Año Nuevo 442 216, 518 345,518 Primavera see festivals see also see 38,55,166,229 see 9

inside frontcover see alsoinside Sacred wineries 5 , 11 food 58-66,519, 55 folk art floating islands208 Fitzcarraldo fishing 376,467 fish 71 film 52,499,502 Fierro, Pancho 55 galleries, galleries, G funerary sites 43-4,46 Fujimori, Alberto football 56 geoglyphs, gay travelers519 garúa Alan42,43,45,46,478 García, potatoes 58,62,265, 28 itineraries health issues544,545,546,547, endangered animals135, 487, cuy lessons514 cooking children’s meals512 58,61,63 ceviche books 58,60,61,62,63 Gastón, Verano Negro11,128 Santa321,372,395,518 Semana 295,518 Q’oyoriti Puno 201 Lima 102-3 fiesta425, La VirgendelRosario La VirgendelCarmen198,260, fiesta La VirgendelaMerced 438 Ventanillas deOtuzco Ventanillas deCombayo438 Sillustani 206 447 Luquina Chico213 Laguna delosCóndores 450 447 Karajía Cutimbo 207 vocabulary 63-6,553-4 regional dishes62,109 Islas Ballestas 131 438 Cumbe Mayo Caral 338 Ayabaca 375 95 440,601 548, 549 499 518 293, 518 414 see 499,502 see also individual locations art museums art see also cavepaintings Acurio, Acurio, 12 INDEX


279 see also 174 , 283 INDEX (G-I) 41-2 429-31, 432 alternative routes 287-8 284-5 & fees regulations tours 286-7 books 35, 36, 37 Cajamarca 429-31 Cápac, Huayna 35, 221 Cápac, Manco 34, 217, 220 Cápac, Mayta 34, 160 Cuzco 220-2 human sacrifice 165 Inca, Manco 264 37, 222, 234, 257, Mama Ocllo 34, 217, 220 museums 165, 232, 267 34-5, 220, 257 Pachacutec Túpac 35, 220, 233 Yupanqui, 264 ruins 264-5 122 Phuyupatamarka 284 Piquillacta 288 ruins 259-60 Pisac Puerto Inca 148 Pukapukara 257 123-4 Q’enqo 257 Qorikancha 232-3 288 Sacsaywamán 256-7 Saihuite 294 Colorado 133 Tambo 257-8 294 Tarawasi 288 Tipón Vilcabamba 234 Vilcashuamán 325-6 Wiñay Wayna 284 Spanish colonization Atahualpa 35, 36, 221-2, Aypate 375 124 Chinchero 263 Choquequirau 234 El Cuartodel Rescate 432 409 Huánuco Viejo 330-1, Intipunku 281-2, 284 217 Isla de la Luna Isla del Sol 217 56, 278-83, independence 38-40, 100 indigenismo Inca Trail 283-8, Inca civilization 34-5, 275-6, Inca, Manco234, 257, 264 37, 222, sites Inca archaeological 179 , 309 8 390-1 315 , 328 389 137 52 accommodations 395-8 activities 393-4 attractions 392 dangers 392 drinking 399-400 entertainment 400 food 398-9 medical services 391 shopping 400 tourist information 391 tours & guides 394-5 travel to/from 400-1 travel within 401 Huancavelica 314 Huancavelica del Inca 438 Los Baños Máncora 377 413 Monterrey Moyobamba 452 290 Santa Teresa María 333 Tingo I Iberia 466 Ica 136-9, ice climbing 175, 176, 393, 406, 407 Ichu 212 Iguíñiz, Natalia 55 Ilo 153-4 Huancayo 307-13, 317, 352-6 Huánuco 328-30, Huánuco Viejo 330-1, 409 Huaqueros 366 Huaquillas 386 Huarán 261 Huaraz 389-401, Huari 425 Huarípampa 406, 420 Huascar 35, 221 Huaura 337 huayno Hunt Oil 478 hypothermia 549 Hualca Hualca 169, 190 Hualhuas 313 439 306 Huanca culture Huancabamba 373-4 Huancacalle 293 Huancané 215 Huancavelica 314-17, hot water 510 hotels 510-11, 512 354 culture Huacachina 9, 139-41, 180 archaeological crafts 41-2 see also see trekking see 289 museums, archaeological sites, Inca archaeological sites, Inca civi- lization, Internal Conflict, Pizarro, Francisco, politics, pre-Columbian civilizations, Sendero Luminoso Atacama Desert conflict 38, 45 43-4, 46 presidency Fujimori independence 38-40, 100 indigenismo Spanish colonization 35-8, 221-2 Nazca 142-4 141 Palpa 192 Petroglyphs Cconoc 294 Celendín 440 Chancos 414 Chavín de Huántar 423 Chivay 188 Aguas Calientes 267 Aguas Calientes de Marangani Aguas Batán Grande 367 Chavín de Huántar 423 Cuzco 236 Obrajillo 328 hitchhiking 540 holidays 19, 519 horseback riding 180, history 29-46, H1N1 542 hairless dogs 69 handicrafts, health 542-50, 554 heat exhaustion 550 Hemingway, Ernest 376 hepatitis A 545 hepatitis B 545 Herzog, Werner 499, 502 hiking, H geography 67-8, 460 geography 67-8, geology 187 ghost towns 367 547 gnathostomiasis gold 432 golf 497 Granja Porcón 438 Gringo Trail 23, 140 Grippa, Francisco 507 guano 38, 40, 131 guinea pigs 61, 440 55 Fernando Gutiérrez, hostels 510 hot springs INDEX Isla delSol217-18 Isla delaLuna 217-18 Isla Amantaní209-10 Iquitos 494-503, 281-2,284 Intipunku 11,240, Inti Raymi Interoceanic Hwy46,76 internet resources 42-3,44, Internal Conflict insurance 515,520 Infierno 463 diseases544-8 infectious indigenous peoples 572 internet access520, 000 000 travel within502-3 travel to/from501-2 information496 tourist shopping 501 494,496 medical services internet access494 history 494 food 499-500 501 entertainment 501 drinking dangers 496 496-7 attractions 497-8 activities accommodations 498-9 volunteering 527 volunteering travel 22 media 22,509 health 542 gay &lesbiantravelers519 expats 22 dangers 514 Cuzco 223 airlines 530-1,535-6 locations Truth &Reconciliation museums 94 books 43 also Yine people477 Shipibo people487,490 photography 523 people474,479 Matsiguenka Ese’eja people463,471 Cañón delColca188 people11,480,481, Asháninka

Map pages Map Photograph pages Commission 45 484 Sendero Luminoso Sendero INDEX (I-L) INDEX 495 5 seealsoindividual , 11 see Islas Ballestas9,130-1,133-4, Isla Ticonata 211 Isla Taquile 208-9 Kuélap 34,275,448, Kotosh culture 329 377 kitesurfing Klaus502 Kinski, 515 kidnappings &canoeing170,489 kayaking K Junín 327 jungle travel472 Juliaca 196-7 Juli 213 Juancito 490 journalism 49-50 jet lag543 Jauja 305-7 Jalca Grande447 Jaén 441,442 J Izcuchaca 313-14 Ivochote 293 23-8 itineraries Islas Uros208 Laguna Rajucolta 408 Laguna Rajucolta Laguna Quistacocha 503 Laguna Purhuay409 Laguna Parón 408 313 Laguna Ñahuimpuquio Laguna Ishinca408 Laguna dePacucha 296 Laguna deChoclococha315 Laguna deChachas192 Laguna 69408 Lago Valencia 471 Lago Umayo206 Lago Sandoval470-1 Lago deJunín327 201,216 La VirgendelaCandelaria La Unión330-1 La Tina 376 La Oroya300 480-3, La Merced La Jalca447 La Balsa442 L northern highlands26 northern coast25 north Lima 80 Cuzco &theSacred Valley 228 Amazon Basin27 480 274 9 Lake TiticacaLake 7,195-218, Lagunillas 132 Lagunas Llanganuco417 Lagunas 492-3 Laguna Shallap408 Lima 78-124, 166,496 libraries Leymembamba 449-51 Levanto 447 Leticia (Colombia)506 lesbian travelers519 leptospirosis 547 leishmaniasis 547 Leimebamba 449-51 legal matters520-1 leaf-cutter ants71 520 laundry services Lares Valley 287-90 languages 551-7 landó landmines 516 Lampa 197-8 Lambayeque culture 352 Lambayeque (town)365 Lamas 454 TiticacaLake Islands207-10, Spanish 551-7 Quechua 557 courses 102,170-1,239,394, Aymara 557 211-12 south shore 212-13 Bolivian shore 213-18 Miraflores 97,105-7,112-15, Miraflores 84 medical services La Punta 116 80 itineraries internet access81 history 79 food 109-15 festivals 102-3 117-18 entertainment East Lima94 115-17 drinking dangers 86-7 Central Lima87-94,103-4,109-11, Callao 99-101 Barranco 97-9,107,115,116-17, 87-101 attractions 101-2 activities accommodations 103-8 53 513 116, 115-16, 100 98 82-3, 88-9 11 , 180 6 INDEX 7 573

142 132 INDEX (L-N) 53, 56 Chemillén 484 387 131-2, 337 492, 493-4 145 Blanca 187 471-2 Mejía 150 452 471 Arqueología e Historía del 97 Perú Reserva Noroeste del de Biosfera Reserva Ecológica Chaparrí 366 Reserva Nacional de Paracas Reserva Nacional Lomas de Lachay Reserva Nacional Pacaya-Samiria Reserva Galeras Nacional Pampas Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Reserva Nacional Tambopata Santuario Nacional Huayllay 327 Santuario Nacional Lagunas de Parque Nacional Tingo María 333 Nacional Tingo Parque Nacional Yanachaga- Parque accommodations 145-6 activities 145 attractions 142-5 food 146-7 travel to/from 147 museums 144 sites 32, 142-4, 145 Cordillera Huayhuash 410-12 Bahuaja-Sonene Nacional Parque Nacional Huascarán 404 Parque Nacional Manu 477-9, Parque 73-6 conservationAbra Patricia area Museo de Chavín 423 Nacional de Osma 98-9 Museo Pedro 433 museums 94, 232, religious Museo 94-5 de la Nación Museo Larco 95-7 Museo de Antropología, Nacional Nazca (town) 141-7, 32, 141, 272 Nazca culture Nazca Lines 32, 142-4 Negritos 375 Nevado Ampato 169 Nevado Coropuna 169, 192 N reservesnational parks & nature music 52-3, 54, 128, 129 music 52-3, 54, criolla música 176 , inside

, see 175 179 7 inside front see also inside front

see also see archaeological 151 see also see also 320, 432 individual locations cover cover museums 365 sites 351-2, 364 164-5, 166, Arequipa La Merced 481 Lima 119 258 Pisac also cycling 170 Arequipa Callejón de Conchucos 409 Cordillera Negra 412 Cuzco 235-6 Huraz 393 168-9 Arequipa books 176, 420 Cordilleras, the 393, 402-4, 415 equipment 403-4 tours & guides 395, 402-3 43, 44 Amaru (MRTA) museums, art museums anthropological museums 93, 97 cultural museums 230-1, 232, military museums 95, 321, 325 Concepción 307 Cuzco 230 front cover Mejía 150 metric conversions, medical services 543, military museums 95, 321, 325 mobile phones 525 32, 43, 273, 354 Moho 215 Mollendo 149-50 monasteries Matsiguenka people 474, 479 Mazamari 483 509, measures mountain lodges 398 mountaineering 175, 176-7, Moyobamba 452-3 Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac muggings 514-15 museums, money 20, 517, 521-3, Monsefú 363 413-14 Monterrey Montesinos, Vladimiro 44, 52 Moquegua 150-3, Moray 264 mosquitos 544, 545-6, 549-50 mountain biking 179-80, , 269 , 7 279 273 books, Vargas books, Vargas Inca Trail see also 96 56 see also , 116, Cordilleras, the 402 Lima 80 Catacaos 371 Chiclayo 358 Chinchero 263 Cuzco 253 Huancavelica 315 Huancayo 310, 312 activities 285 artifacts 56 environmental issues 77 275 Llosa, Mario Rímac 94 95-7, 105, 111-12, San Isidro shopping 118-19 tourist 85 information tours & guides 102 travel to/from 119-21 travel within 121-2 105 West Lima 99-101, Maras 264 Marcahuamachuco 439 culture Marcahuasi 300 Marcará 414 María Arguedas, José 51 marinera markets magazines 509 malaria 545-6 Mallu 193 Mama Ocllo 34, 217, 220 Máncora 376-80 mangroves 386, 387 Manu 474-9 area Manu Center 479 Wildlife maps 521 Macará (Ecuador) 376 Machala 386 39, 278-83, Machu Picchu M macaws 69, 471, 474, 479, luggage 539 Lunahuaná 127-8 Chico 213 Luquina 122-3 Lurín Llachón 210-11 Llamac 410, 412 Llosa, Claudia 52 Llulluchupampa 284 Lord of Sipán 364, 365, Limatambo 294 51-2, literature INDEX photography 523-4 phonecards 525 pharmacies 543-4 Pevas 507 petroglyphs, Pedro Ruíz451 293 Paucartambo Pataz 439 Parque NacionalYanachaga- Parque NacionalTingo 333 María Parque 477-9, NacionalManu Parque NacionalHuascarán 404 471 Parque NacionalBahuaja-Sonene paragliding 101,180,237, Paracas culture 31-2,131,133, 272, Paracas (town)129-36 Pampamarca 193 Palpa 141 Palcamayo 305 Paita 372-3 painting 55,seealso Pachacutec 34-5,220,257 Pachacamac 122 Pacasmayo 357 P Oxapampa 483-4 356 Otuzco Oroya fever 547 Orellana 490 opening hours512 Olleros 409 Ollantaytambo 264-7, oil industry375,478 302 Odría, Manuel 138 Ocucaje Desert Ocopa 307 Ocongate 294 Obrajillo 328 O novoandina highlands26,428-58, northern coast25,336-87, north newspapers 509 169 Mismi Nevado 574 000 000 Chemillén 484 travel to/from135-6 food 135 130-3 attractions accommodations 134-5

Map pages Map Photograph pages INDEX (N-P) INDEX cuisine58,59 see geoglyphs escuala cuzqueña 265 337 180 7 429 272 Pisac 258-61, Piquillacta 288 Pinchollo 190 Pimentel 363,364 Pilcopata 476 514-15 pickpocketing picanterías potatoes 58,62, 524 postal services population 49 293 Pongo deMainique Pomata 213 Pomacochas 451-2 Pomabamba 427 politics, plants 71-3 planning 19-22, plague 547 Pizarro, Francisco Piura 367-71,373, Pitec 407 Piscobamba 427 Pisco (town)129-36, Pisco (mountain)409 60,152 pisco (drink) pottery 31,55 protests 46,478,516 42 dictatorships control ofmedia49-50 Alianza PopularRevolution LuminosoSendero Puya raimondii Polylepis orchids 452 mangroves 386,387 botanical lodges504 books 72,73 234,285,402-4 trekking health 542-3 discount cards517 monuments 92-3 place87,90 burial colonization ofPeru 35-6,38,222, travel to/from135-6 food 135 135 drinking 130-3 attractions accommodations 134 Chimú 355 Chavín 271-2 Chancay 33 museums 265 45-6, 342 (APRA)39,40,41-2, Americana 342, 367,382,430-1 see also 61 trees 417 259 Internal Conflict, InternalConflict, see also 12 9,72,404,418,421 ,

368 276 130 itineraries pre-Columbian civilizations, pre-Columbian Pozuzo 483 Pukapukara 257 Pukapukara Ocopa 483 Puerto 460-7, Maldonado Puerto Inca148,484 Puerto Heath(Bolivia)467 Puerto SanMartín General Puerto Etén363 Puerto Chicama357 Puerto Callao489 Puerto Bermúdez484 Puerto Asis(Colombia)506 Puerto Acosta(Bolivia)215 Puerto Pucusana 126 Pucará 198 Pucallpa 484-9, protests 46,478,516 Paracas culture 31-2,131,133, coast354 north culture 439 Marcahuamachuco Lambayeque culture 352 Huanca culture 306 culture 354 Huaca Prieta Colla culture 206,207 Chincha culture 33,128-9 Chancay culture 33 Atavillos culture 328 53-4 architecture cultureculture, Wari civilization, Mocheculture, Nazca culture, Chimúculture, Inca Chachapoyas culture, Chavín Taricá 414 Shipibo 490 Santo Tomás503 Nazca 141 museums 95 Moche 32,273,354 Chulucanas 373 travel within467 travel to/from466-7 tours &guides463 information462 tourist 461 medical services internet access461 food 465 465 drinking 462-3 attractions accommodations 463-5 132 Tiwanaku culture 33 Tarama culture 302,305 Sicán culture 33,355,365-6 272, 272 485 462 see also

INDEX 575 179 ,

8 Internal Internal 126 273 see also individual 178 Sendero Luminoso see see also INDEX (P-S) , markets 250 Cabo Blanco 376 Cerro Azul 127 363 El Faro Huanchaco 353 454, 516, Conflict books 47 indoctrination by 484 locations 150 Siulá Grande 420 skiing 394 snakes 71, 548-9 soccer 56 solo travelers 524 Soporo 192 South American Club 86 Explorers south coast 125-58, Spanish colonization 35-8, 221-2 Spanish language 551-7 spectacled bears 70, 366, 404 sports 56-7, 250 sunburn 550 sunrise-watching 293 surfing 57, 178-9, Santa Clara 503 Santa María 289-90 Santa Rosa 363 290-1 Santa Teresa Santo Tomás 503 sapo Satipo 483 scams 515-16 Miguel 112 Schiaffino, Pedro scuba diving 101, 180 55 sculpture Sechín 339 42-3, 44, 322, Sendero Luminoso Shintuya 477 Shipibo people 487, 490 shopping 524, 555, shamans 237, 358, 374, 455, 463 Shining Path, Sicán culture 33, 355, 365-6 Sicán culture Sicuani 289 Sillustani 206 Sipán 32, 364, 365, San Martín, José de 39 305 de Cajas San Pedro de Casta 300 San Pedro San Ramón 480-3 127 San Vicente de Cañete Santuario Nacional Huayllay 327 Santuario Lagunas de Mejía Nacional 145, 179, sandboarding 140, 179 , 258 Sacred Sacred see 177 national parks & nature national parks & nature see Arequipa 170 Arequipa Cuzco 234-5 Lunahuaná 127 Máncora 377 455 Tarapoto Cordillera Blanca 393 Cordillera Negra 412, 421 417 de Parón Torre reserves Valley 132 337 145 Blanca 187 S Sabancaya 169 Sabogal, José 55 Sacaco 147-8 228, 258-67, Valley Sacred Sacsaywamán 256-7 Salinas 263 Salkantay 288 salt licks 471, 474, 479 Salvación 477 de Cajas 313 San Agustín San Ignacio 442 313 San Jerónimo de Tunán San Juan de Chuccho 191 426 San Luis road rules 539-40 rock climbing 175, 176-7 Rumicolca 288 restaurants 61 restaurants Riberalta (Bolivia) 467 Ribeyro, Ramón 51 Río Alto Madre de Dios 477 Río Apurímac 235-68 Río Heath 471-6 Río Huancabamba 373 Río Madre de Dios 467-70 Río Mantaro valley 313 235 Río Santa Teresa valley 150 Río Tambo 235, 471-4 Río Tambopata Río Urubamba 235 Río Urubamba valley, river running 177, Reserva Lomas de Lachay Nacional Reserva 493-4 Pacaya-Samiria Nacional Reserva Galeras Pampas Nacional Reserva y Aguada Nacional Salinas 471-2 Reserva Tambopata Nacional reservations 511, 552-7 reserves, 291 churches, 200 9, 72, 404, 418, 421 see also river running see festivals, monasteriesfestivals, Cerro Calvario 216 Don Bosco 415 El Señor de Muruhuay 304-5 La Virgen de la Candelaria 216 craftsreligious 55 saints 39, 90-2 Spanish Inquisition 92 387 accommodations 202-4 accommodations attractions 199-201 dangers 199 drinking 204-5 entertainment 205 201 festivals food 204 medical services 199 shopping 205 tours 201-2 tourist information 199 travel to/from 205-6 travel within 206 religious museums 94, 232, 433 religious 71 reptiles Requena 490 Reserva del Noroeste de Biosfera Reserva Ecológica Chaparrí 366 Reserva 131-2, Nacional de Paracas R rabies 546 radio 49 rafting, rainforest 72 rainforest Ramón Ribeyro, Julio 51 rape 528 Raqchi 289 Recuay 421 511 recycling 522 refunds 50, religion Quince Mil 294 Quinua 325 Q’enqo 257 Qorikancha 232-3 Q’oyoriti 295 Quechua language 557 Quilcayhuanca valley 409 Quillabamba 291-2, Q Puno 198-206, 198-206, Puno Sal 380-1 Punta Unión pass 406 Punta raimondii Puya INDEX Tomepampa 193 Toledo, Alejandro45,280 toilets 525 tipping 63,522 Tipón 288 Tinqui 294 Tingo 332-5,488, María Tingo 449 Timpía 293 time 525,556 Tilali 215 514-15 thefts 55 textiles tetanus 546 49,52,509 television 524-5 telephone services taxis 540 taxes 522,531,535 Tarma 300-4, Taricá 414 Tarapoto 453-8, Tarama culture 302,305 Taquile Island208-9 Tapay 191 Tantamayo 331-2 Tambomachay 257-8 Talara 375-6 taeniasis 548 Tacna 154-8, Tabatinga (Brazil)506 T Szyszlo, Fernando de55 swine flu542 swimming 101,180 sustainable travel77,394, surfing 576 000 000 33,274 Wari Shipibo people490 Paracas culture 32,133,272, Nazca culture 272 museums 96 Cuzco 253 books 31 volunteering GreenDex, community tourism, Chicama357 Puerto Pacasmayo 357 Coast381 North Máncora 377 Lima area 101,123

Map pages Map Photograph pages continued INDEX (S-W) INDEX 155 302 454 332 see also 272 tourist information525-6, tourist Touching theVoid 340 Tortugas trekking 174-5 trekking traveler’s checks523 travel withinPeru 516,535-41,556-7 travel to/fromPeru 530-5,556-7 train travel541 traditional medicine547 tours, Trujillo 342-9, Tres Cruces293 Cordillera Blanca402-10,415, Chavín deHuántar423 Chachapoyas 443 Chacas 426 Caraz 418 193 Cañón delCotahuasi Cabanaconde 191 books 402 Arequipa 169-70 Picchualternative routestoMachu Aguas Calientes267-8 within Peru 540-1 to Peru 534-5 individual locations Inca Trail283-8, 425 Huari Huaraz 393,395 guides 286-7,406 Gran Vilaya446-7 El Valle delosVolcanes192 Cuzco 233-4 Cordillera Negra402-4,413 Cordillera HuayhuashCircuit travel within 349 travel to/from 348-9 information343 tourist 342 medical services internet access342 food 347-8 348 entertainment 348 drinking dangers 343 343-5 attractions 345 activities accommodations 346-7 Santa Teresa 290 Santa CruzTrek 404-6, 286-7,394 responsible trekking planning 234,285,402-4 Obrajillo 328 Máncora 377 see alsoindividuallocations 287-8 402-4, 410-12,421, 344-5 176,420 283 , 174 see also 411 405 ,

173 173 Tumbes 382-5, Túcume 366 volunteering 393,527 volunteering volleyball 57 Vischongo 326 visas 526-7 Vilcashuamán 325-6 Vilcabamba (Incasite)234 Vilcabamba (Ecuador)442 video 509 Vicos 414 Velinga 193 Velasco Alvarado,Juan42 &vegantravelers62 vegetarian Vega, dela37,220 Garcilaso 40,44,51,95 Vargas Llosa, Mario Valverde, Vicentede431 Vallejo, César38,42,51,342 vaccinations 544 vacations 19,519 V Urubamba 261-3 Uros Islands208 Sites141-7, Unesco WorldHeritage Ubinas 169 U typhoid fever 546 Tupac, Illa331 weather 19-20,513 Wayna Picchu 282, Wayllabamba 283 446,481 waterfalls water culture 32-3,124,273,326 Wari walking, W weights 509, White City, white-water rafting, rafting, white-water Picchu 338, 422-3,477, garúa El Niño364,513 Cuzco 234 Cordilleras, the402 Amazon Basin67-8,460,477 health issues544,545,550 environmental issues77 sites 152,192,325,392 museums 321 Inca Trail285 running 95 see see trekking see also insidefront cover Arequipa 383 269 see also see river Machu Machu INDEX 577

INDEX (W-Z) Z Zaña 367 Zarumilla 386 ziplines 290 zoos 100 Zorritos 381-2 Zumba (Ecuador) 442 yellow fever 546-7 yellow fever 420 Yerupajá Yine people 477 261, 263 Yucay 217 Yumani 415-17 Yungay 214 Yunguyo Túpac 35, 220, 233 Yupanqui, 491-2 Yurimaguas Machu Picchu shamans see also see 422-3, 477, Y 56 University Yale 426-7 Yanama 189-90 Yanque 489-90 Yarinacocha 331 culture Yarowilca 202 Yavari Wiñay Wayna 284 Wiñay Wayna wine 136-8 wineries 136-8, 152 witch doctors, 39, 50-1 women in Peru 527-9, 550 women travelers work 529 World Heritage Sites 141-7, 338,

see also animals, birds, plants animals, see 471 Amotape 387 493 Parque Nacional Cerros de Nacional Parque Reserva Chaparrí 366 Ecológica Reserva Pacaya-Samiria Nacional 489 Yarinacocha Zona Reservada 387 de Tumbes bird-watching 504, 505 Iquitos area Islas Ballestas 130-1 Lago Sandoval 470 471 Lago Valencia Manu 478, 479 area Nacional Bahuaja-SoneneParque wildlife, wildlife, wildlife-watching 68, 178, GREENDEX food &activities attractions CANYON COUNTRY AREQUIPA & tours &guides &activities attractions accommodations BASIN AMAZON CONTENTS GreenDex 578 Café CasaVerde 182 Colca Trek 168 Pantiacolla Tours 475 Nature Tours Manu 475 Expeditions Manu 475 InkaNatura 471 Valera Medina Gerson 463 Estypel 493 FarmPilpintuwasi Butterfly 503 Laguna Quistacochafishhatchery 503 ITA AceerTambopata enInkaterra 469 Tambopata Center Research 474 Lodge Sandoval Lake 470 Posada Amazonas 471 AmazonLodge Muyuna 505 Wildlife Center Manu 479 EcoVillage Kapieivi 464 Amazonica Reserva Inkaterra 469 Explorer’s Inn 472 Explorama Lodges 505 Ceiba Tops 506 Amazonia Lodge 477 Amazon Yarapa Lodge River 505 Albergue Humboldt 484 Field Station ACTS 505 .lonelyplanet.com/responsibletravel. 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Forup-to-date informationon tours &guides shopping food accommodations CUZCO &THESACRED VALLEY &activities attractions accommodations CENTRAL HIGHLANDS accommodations HUARAZ & THECORDILLERAS Chaski Ventura Chaski 240 Shop oftheWeaversSouthernAndes 253 Centro deTextiles TradicionalesdelCuzco 253 Casa Ecológica 253 Aymi Wasi 253 Café Hearts 266 Green’s Organic 249 Café CulturalRitual 249 Aldea Yanapay 248 Qosqo Wasinchis 241 Piccola Locanda 242 Niños Hotel 242 Las Chullpas 262 Hotel ElRosal 243 Hostal SanJuanMasías 245 Hostal SanJuandeDios 246 Hospedaje Turismo Caith 246 Incas delPerú 308 Villa Jennifer 334 Via 322 Hacienda LaFlorida 303 Lazy DogInn 398 project Humacchuco community tourism 416 Cuyaquiwayi 414 GREENDEX 579 Ramos 119 119 Ramos Abra Patricia conservation area 452 conservationAbra Patricia area center 451 de Pomacochas interpretation San Lucas 453 Waqanki Orchid Center green market 113 marketgreen 528 Tristán Flora Centro de La Mujer Peruana 119 y Tierra Agua 122 Ichimay Wari La Casa de la Mujer Artesana Manuela Ecoaventura Vida 102 Ecoaventura Vida NORTHERN HIGHLANDS attractions & activities information shopping tours & guides GREENDEX AlmaZen 113 AlmaZen Incaroca Travel 395 Travel Incaroca 395 the Mountain Institute, 395 Respons Sustainable Tourism Center 216 Centro de Información 209 Restaurante Comunál 210 CEDESOS 218 Comunitario de Lago Titicaca Red de Turismo food LIMA LAKE TITICACA attractions & activities food tours & guides tours & guides tours & lonelyplanet.com 580 LONELY PLANET OFFICES MAP LEGEND ROUTES Australia (Head Office) Tollway One-Way Street Freeway Mall/Steps Locked Bag 1, Footscray, Victoria 3011 Primary Tunnel %03 8379 8000, fax 03 8379 8111 Secondary Pedestrian Overpass Tertiary Walking Tour [email protected] Lane Walking Trail Under Construction Walking Path USA Unsealed Road Track 150 Linden Street, Oakland, CA 94607 TRANSPORT %510 250 6400, toll free 800 275 8555, Ferry Rail fax 510 893 8572, [email protected] HYDROGRAPHY UK River, Creek Water Swamp Media Centre, 201 Wood Lane, London, W12 7TQ BOUNDARIES International Ancient Wall %020 8433 1333, fax 020 8702 0112, State, Provincial Cliff [email protected] AREA FEATURES Airport Forest Published by Lonely Planet Area of Interest Land ABN 36 005 607 983 Beach, Desert Mall Building Market © Lonely Planet 2010 Campus Park Cemetery, Christian Sports © photographers as indicated 2010 POPULATION Cover photograph: Inca ruins of Machu Picchu, Design Pics Inc/Photo CAPITAL (NATIONAL) CAPITAL (STATE) Large City Medium City library. 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