THE GREAT KARGYÜTPA GURUS Described on pages xv-xviii TIBET’S GREAT YOGI MILAREPA By W.Y. Evans-Wentz PILGRIMS PILGRIMS PUBLISHING Varanasi* Kathmandu TIBET’S GREAT Y O G I M ILAREPA W. Y. Evans-Wentz Published by: PILGRIMS PUBLISHING An imprint of PILGRIMS BOOK HOUSE B 27/98 A-8, Nawabganj Road Durga Kund, Varanasi-221010, India Tel: 91 -542-314060, 312496 Fax: 91-542-314059 E-mail:
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[email protected] Cover design by Sasya ISBN: 81-7769-065-5 Rs. 195.00 The contents of this book may not be reproduced, stored or copied in any form or printed, electronic, photocopied, or otherwise-except for excerpts used in review, without the written permission o f the publisher. Printed in India I DEDICATE THIS BIOGRAPHY OF MILAREPA TO THOSE WHO CLING NOT TO BELIEF BASED UPON BOOKS AND TRADITION BUT WHO SEEK KNOWLEDGE BY REALIZATION THE YOGI ’S CAR OF VICTORY ‘ Whoso the Faith and Wisdom hath attained— H is state of mind, well-harnessed, leads him on ; Conscience the pole, and Mind the yoke thereof, And Heedfulness the watchful charioteer: The furnishments of Righteousness, the C a r; Rapture the axle, Energy the wheels; And Calm, yoke-fellow of the Balanced M ind; Desirelessneas the drapery thereof.