Panforte Pro is distribuited with a free for Both the personal and small studio licenses personal / non commercial use license provided apply to web/app use of your design, as long with the download. It allows unlimited use of the as it stays in rasterized form; if you plan to use font(s) on all personal CPUs for non-commercial include the font in a website or in an app for uses (i.e. no-profit projects, student work, pro- dynamic text generation (e.g. font-face) you bono assignements). need the Software/Internet License. All the above licenses don’t apply to broad- If you want to use our fonts in a commercial cast use (designing logos or dynamic text for project, you must buy the rights to do so by broadcast/tv/cinema). paying a fee. Payment is done through paypal - either with an account or with credit card, on If you plan to use include the font as part of our website: dynamic or static typesetting for broadcast use, you need the Broadcast License. If you’re designing a Logo or artwork for print or digital advertising, and are the sole au- All the above licenses don’t allow for re- thor of the design you need to buy a Personal distribution of the font to your client or his License from employees (eg. corporate font usage). If you want your client to be able to use personally The basic personal license cannot be purchased the font to adapt/modify your design, he must by agencies of corporations. For non-personal buy a Personal or Small Business License. uses, from software embedding to font-kit integration, to corporate use, we have a set of If your client is a corporate entity that wants alternate licenses: the small studio license, the to freely distribute the font to employees and software license, the broadcast license, the and agencies for brand/product developement, a the worldwide license. Worldwide License is necessary.

If you’re designing a Logo or artwork for Feel free to contact us for further enquiries. print or digital advertising, and are part of a two-five people studio you need the Small mailto: [email protected] Studio License. THIS IS NOT A FREE FONT ABOUT PANFORTE PRO FONT

WHO DID IT? OPEN TYPE FEATURES Panforte Pro was designed by Debora Manetti Panforte has been created with a set of (typeface design) with Cosimo Lorenzo Pancini proper small case characters and alternate (additional Open Type features and character oldstyle numerals that are accessible through the sets) and Francesco Canovaro (supervision). OpenType menu of your design software

HOW WAS IT BORN? SMALL CASE --> Small Case Panforte was developed by Debora Manetti as 123456789 --> 123456789 part of her personal research work in hand drawn characters with a vernacular look and feel that REALLY HANDMADE LOOK can work properly as text fonts at small point To keep the hand drawn quality of the font, sizes and on the web. Open Type ligatures are employed so that dou- As in her previous Sala de Fiestas, the aim ble letters are replaced by an appropriate variant was to create an informal sans-serif that allows form: typesetting of text in a space saving but highly readable way. Its grungy, handmade characteristics are vis- SS VV --> SS VV ible at medium and high point sizes but do not impact the effect of the font when set in text. This feature applies to both uppercase and lowercase pairs and can be switched off by un- WHERE DOES THE NAME COME FROM? checking the “standard ligatures” option in your design software. Panforte is a traditional Italian con- taining fruits and nuts, and resembles --> or Lebkuchen. It may date back to 13th century oo ss ff ee oo ss ff ee , in ’s Tuscany region. Documents from 1205 show that panforte was paid to the monks and nuns of a local monastery as a tax or tithe LIGATURE DINGBATS which was due on the seventh of February that All versions of Panforte include some ligature year. Literally, panforte means “strong bread” dingbats, accessible by typing the corresponding which refers to the spicy flavour. seuqence of characters. The original name of panforte was “panpepa- to” (peppered bread), due to the strong pepper --- line - - - used in the . -x- crossed line - o - There are references to the Crusaders carry- -o- dotted line - x - ing panforte, a durable confection, with them --> right arrow - - > on their quests, and to the use of panforte in >--> right feathered arrow > - - > surviving sieges. <-- left arrow < - - The process of making panforte is fairly <--< left feathered arrow < - - < simple. Sugar is dissolved in honey and various oOo hipster fleuron o O o nuts, fruits and spices are mixed together with >< hipster crossed arrows > < flour. The entire mixture is baked in a shallow pan. The finished cake is dusted with icing sugar. Unwanted ligature dingbats can be switched Commercially produced panforte often have a off by unchecking the “standard ligatures” option band of rice-paper around the edge. in your design software. SOME HIPSTER WEIGHTS

Light abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ;.,?!$%&/{[(=^°*#@)]}

Light Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ;.,?!$%&/{[(=^°*#@)]}

Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ;.,?!$%&/{[(=^°*#@)]}

Italic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ;.,?!$%&/{[(=^°*#@)]}

Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ;.,?!$%&/{[(=^°*#@)]}

BOLD ITALIC abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ;.,?!$%&/{[(=^°*#@)]}

Hipster Titling abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ;.,?!$%&/{[(=^°*#@)]} SOME HIPSTER WEIGHTS SOME LOVINGLY HANDCRAFTED CHARACTERS

Full character LATIN UPPERCASE LOWERCASE sets apply to Light, REGULAR & ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ BOLD in Roman abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz & Italic - all other weights SMALL CASE contain sub sets. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz NUMERALS & OLDSTYLE NUMERALS All contain the same 1234567890 1234567890 language range. LIGATURES ß & fi fl ff ffi ffl ij æœ ÆŒ BB CC DD EE FF GG LL MMNNOOPPRR SS TT VV ZZ bb cc dd ee ff gg ll mm nnssttvvzz PUNCTUATION & SYMBOLS .,:;’‘”“‚„... !?¡¿•·«»‹›-−—_\/|¦@©®™^~◊¶§†‡* MATH & CURRENCY +<=>×÷−±μπ∆Ω∑∏∫√{[()]}%‰ €$£¥¢ƒ ACCENTED & LANGUAGE LATIN ÁÀÂÄÃĀÅĂĄǼĆĈČĊÇÐĎĐÉÈÊËĒĚĔĖĘĜĞĠĢĤĦÍÌÎÏĨĪĬİĮĴĶĹĽL·ĻŁŃÑ ŇŅŊÓÒÔÖÕŌŎŐØǾŔŘŖŚŜŠŞȘŤŢŦÚÙÛÜŨŪŮŬŰŲẂẀŴẄ ÝỲŶŸŹŽŻÞááàâäãāåăąǽćĉčċçďðđéèêëēěĕėęĝğġģĥħíìîïĩīĭįĵķĸĺľl·ļ łńñňņnŋóòôöõōŏőøǿŕřŗśŝšşșßťţŧúùûüũūůŭűųẃẁŵẅýỳŷÿźžżþ GREEK ΑΒΓΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨ αβγδεζηθικλνξοπρστυφχψως ΆΈΉΊΪΌΎΫΏάέήίϊόύϋώΐΰ CYRILLIC АБВГҐДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪ ЫЬЭЮЯЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЎЏ абвгґдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщ ъыьэюяёђѓєѕіїјљњћќўџ DECORATIVE SYMBOLS -o- >--> -->><<-- <--<-x-oOo SO MANY WORLD LANGUAGES

Panforte covers over 40 languages that use the Latin alphabet

ÀÁÂÃÄÅĀĂĄÆÇĆĈĊČĎĐÈÉÊËĒĔĖĘĚĜĞĠĢĤĦÌÍÎÏĨĪĬĮİIJĴĶĹĽŁŃŅÑŇŊ ÒÓÔÕÖŌŎŐŒØŔŖŘŚŜŞŠŢŤŦÙÚÛÜŨŪŬŮŰŲŴÝŶŸŹŻŽÞàá âãäåāăąÆçćĉċčďđèéêëēĕėęěĝğġģĥħìíîïĩīĭįıijĵķĸĺļľłńņňnñŋòóôõöō ŏőœøŕŗřśŝşšșţťŧùúûüũūŭůűųŵÿýŷźżžþ

FRENCH GERMAN La préparation était demandée aux pharmaciens Panforte ist ein süßes Gebäck aus Italien. de l’époque, les speziali, et était uniquement Es ist eine Spezialität der toskanischen Stadt destinée aux nobles, aux riches et au clergé, Siena und deren näherer Umgebung. Schon die parce qu’elle contenait des fruits confits (orange, Römer kannten einen einfachen Honigkuchen, cédrat et melon), des amandes et des épices den sie panus mellitus nannten. Aus dem Italien extrêmement coûteuses en ce temps-là. des Mittelalters sind ähnliche als mela- Au cours de l’Histoire, la recette ne subit pas tello, panmielato oder panmelato überliefert. Es de modifications substantielles et ses ingrédients handelte sich um eine nahrhafte Speise für den restèrent plus ou moins les mêmes, jusqu’en Winter; eine Art Früchtebrot aus Mehl, Äpfeln 1879. vund Nüssen.

Czech Polish Perník je sladké pečivo tmavě hnědé barvy, Piernik – twarde ciemnobrązowe ciasto jehož původní receptura se skládala z medu, robione z mieszaniny mąki pszennej i żytniej, mouky a pepře. Právě pepř dal vzniknout názvu mleka, jajek, karmelizowanego cukru, miodu, perník, původně peprník. Postupně se recepty mocno przyprawione cynamonem, imbirem, a začaly upravovat, nyní je těsto často tvořeno czasem także goździkami, kardamonem, gałką směsí pšeničné a žitné mouky, mléka, vajec, kara- muszkatołową, anyżem i lawendą. melizovaného cukru a medu. Těsto je kořeněno Nazwa piernik wywodzi się od staropolsk- skořicí a zázvorem, občas také hřebíčkem, iego słowa “pierny”, czyli pieprzny. Pierwszy kardamomem, muškátovým oříškem, anýzem a cech piernikarzy (kichlarzy) w Polsce powstał w levandulí. Krakowie.

Greek Russian Ο Δίας υπήρξε ανέκαθεν μετεωρολογικός Панфорте (Panforte) - это традиционное θεός, ελεγκτής της αστραπής, του итальянское лакомство, которое обычно κεραυνού και της βροχής και επίσης ήταν ο готовят на Рождество. δυνατότερος και σπουδαιότερος θεός όλων Представляет собой плотный пряник, των μυθολογικών όντων και θεών. коврижку или пирог с миндалем, орехами, Ο Θεόκριτος περίπου το 265 Π.Κ.Ε. сухофруктами и ягодами. Название этого έγραψε: «Στο ομηρικό έπος της Ιλιάδας лакомства происходит от итальянских слов έστελνε τους κεραυνούς στους εχθρούς». «pane» - «хлеб» и «forte» - «сильный». SO MANY WORLD LANGUAGES

German Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den großen Sylter Deich

French Ça: voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwis.

Spanish El veloz murciélago hindú comía feliz cardillo y kiwi: la cigüeña tocaba el saxofón detrás del palenque de paja.

Swedish Flygande bäckasiner söka strax hwila på mjuka tuvor.

Polish Pójdźże, kiń tę chmurność w głąb flaszy!

Turkish Pijamalı hasta yağız şoföre çabucak güvendi.

Lithuaanian Įlinkusi fechtuotojo špaga blykčiodama gręžė apvalų arbūzą.

Czech Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozzvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu.

Greek Τάχιστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός

Russian Разъяренный чтец эгоистично бьёт пятью жердями шустрого фехтовальщика. TEXT SAMPLES

PANFORTE LIGHT PANFORTE regular 13/17 pts 13/17 pts Panforte is a traditional Italian dessert Panforte is a traditional Italian dessert containing fruits and nuts, and resembles containing fruits and nuts, and resembles fruitcake or Lebkuchen. It may date back to fruitcake or Lebkuchen. It may date back to 13th century Siena, in Italy’s Tuscany region. 13th century Siena, in Italy’s Tuscany region. Documents from 1205 show that panforte Documents from 1205 show that panforte was paid to the monks and nuns of a local was paid to the monks and nuns of a local monastery as a tax or tithe which was due on monastery as a tax or tithe which was due on the seventh of February that year. Literally, the seventh of February that year. Literally, panforte means “strong bread” which refers to panforte means “strong bread” which refers the spicy flavour. to the spicy flavour. The original name of panforte was “pan- The original name of panforte was “pan- pepato” (peppered bread), due to the strong pepato” (peppered bread), due to the strong pepper used in the cake. There are references pepper used in the cake. There are references to the Crusaders carrying panforte, a durable to the Crusaders carrying panforte, a durable confection, with them on their quests, and to confection, with them on their quests, and the use of panforte in surviving sieges. The to the use of panforte in surviving sieges.The process of making panforte is fairly simple. process of making panforte is fairly simple. Sugar is dissolved in and various nuts, Sugar is dissolved in honey and various nuts, fruits and spices are mixed together with fruits and spices are mixed together with . The entire mixture is baked in a shallow flour. The entire mixture is baked in a shallow pan. The finished cake is dusted with icing pan. The finished cake is dusted with icing sugar. Commercially produced panforte often sugar. Commercially produced panforte often have a band of rice-paper around the edge. have a band of rice-paper around the edge. Currently there are many shops in Italy Currently there are many shops in Italy producing panforte, each recipe being their producing panforte, each recipe being their jealously guarded interpretation of the origi- jealously guarded interpretation of the nal confection and packaged in distinctive original confection and packaged in distinc- wrapping. Usually a small wedge is served with tive wrapping. Usually a small wedge is served or a dessert wine after a meal, though with coffee or a dessert wine after a meal, some enjoy it with their coffee at breakfast. though some enjoy it with their coffee at In Siena—which is regarded by many, if breakfast. not most inhabitants of that city, as the In Siena—which is regarded by many, if panforte capital of Italy—it is sometimes said not most inhabitants of that city, as the that panforte should properly contain seven- panforte capital of Italy—it is sometimes teen different ingredients, seventeen being the said that panforte should properly contain number of Contrade within the city walls. seventeen different ingredients, seventeen being the number of Contrade within the city walls. TEXT SAMPLES

PANFORTE BOLD SMALL CASE & OLDSTYLE NUMERALS 13/17 pts 13/17 pts Panforte is a traditional Italian dessert containing fruits and nuts, and resembles Panforte is a traditional Italian dessert fruitcake or Lebkuchen. It may date back containing fruits and nuts, and resembles to 13th century Siena, in Italy’s Tuscany fruitcake or Lebkuchen. It may date back region. Documents from 1205 show that to 13th century Siena, in Italy’s Tuscany re- panforte was paid to the monks and nuns gion. Documents from 1205 show that pan- of a local monastery as a tax or tithe forte was paid to the monks and nuns of a which was due on the seventh of February local monastery as a tax or tithe which was that year. Literally, panforte means“strong due on the seventh of February that year. bread” which refers to the spicy flavour. Literally, panforte means “strong bread” The original name of panforte was which refers to the spicy flavour. “” (peppered bread), due to the strong pepper used in the cake. There are ---><--- references to the Crusaders carrying pan- forte, a durable confection, with them on Panforte is a traditional Italian dessert their quests, and to the use of panforte containing fruits and nuts, and resembles in surviving sieges. The process of making fruitcake or Lebkuchen. It may date back panforte is fairly simple. Sugar is dissolved to 13th century Siena, in Italy’s Tuscany in honey and various nuts, fruits and region. Documents from 1205 show that spices are mixed together with flour. The panforte was paid to the monks and nuns entire mixture is baked in a shallow pan. of a local monastery as a tax or tithe The finished cake is dusted with icing sugar. which was due on the seventh of Febru- Commercially produced panforte often ary that year. Literally, panforte means have a band of rice-paper around the edge. “strong bread” which refers to the spicy Currently there are many shops in Italy flavour. producing panforte, each recipe being their jealously guarded interpretation of the ---><--- original confection and packaged in dis- tinctive wrapping. Usually a small wedge is Panforte is a traditional Italian des- served with coffee or a dessert wine after sert containing fruits and nuts, and a meal, though some enjoy it with their resembles fruitcake or Lebkuchen. It coffee at breakfast. may date back to 13th century Siena, in In Siena—which is regarded by many, if Italy’s Tuscany region. Documents from not most inhabitants of that city, as the 1205 show that panforte was paid to the panforte capital of Italy—it is sometimes monks and nuns of a local monastery said that panforte should properly contain as a tax or tithe which was due on the seventeen different ingredients, seventeen seventh of February that year. Literally, being the number of Contrade within the panforte means “strong bread” which city walls. refers to the spicy flavour. TITLING SAMPLES YEAH! NOW YOU CAN TITLE PROPERLY ALL THOSE HIPSTER VIDEOS YOU MADE


MAKE ---oOo---EVERY DAY SO GOOD Alternates Avoid Character Repetition Buffo Assetto e Palleggio Meet mr. Eiffel, a tall passenger ---oOo--- VAISSELE BLANCHE Ornée de Mots colorés j’le aservicedore à th éce et lestt peô tsmar herméqutiquese ---oOo--- 87.654+ Good Reasons to call ZETAFONTS™ TITLING SAMPLES электрификация ψυχοφθόρα βδελυγμία ---oOo P>

пПанфортеекут в небольших формах, технология приготовления различных видов схожа, -o- обычно отличается набором

типографскихсухофруктов, орехов, универсаль изюма,ных -x- Спи спокойно, маленькая Настя ---oOo--- VERY HIPSTER SAMPLES oOo A DAY WITHOUT






Char Name Macintosh Windows Weights

Ä Adieresis option-u, + A alt + 0196 Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Á Aacute option-e, + A alt + 0193 Á Á Á Á Á Á À Agrave option-`, + A alt + 0192 À À À À À À Ã Atilde option-n, + A alt + 0195 Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Â Acircumflex option-i, + A alt + 0194 Â Â Â Â Â Â Å Aring option-`, + A alt + 0197 Å Å Å Å Å Å ä adiersis option-u, + a alt + 0228 ä ä ä ä ä ä á aacute option-e, + a alt + 0225 á á á á á á à agrave option-`, + a alt + 0224 à à à à à à ã atilde option-n, + a alt + 0227 ã ã ã ã ã ã â acircumflex option-i, + a alt + 0226 â â â â â â å aring option-`, + a alt + 0229 å å å å å å Ë Ediersis option-u, + shift-E alt + 0203 Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë É Eacute option-e, + shift-E alt + 0201 É É É É É É È Egrave option-`, + shift-E alt + 0200 È È È È È È Ê Ecircumflex option-i, + shift-E alt + 0202 Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ë ediersis option-u, + e alt + 0235 ë ë ë ë ë ë é eacute option-e, + e alt + 0233 é é é é é é è egrave option-`, + e alt + 0232 è è è è è è ê ecircumflex option-i, + e alt + 0234 ê ê ê ê ê ê Ï Idiersis option-u, + shift-I alt + 0207 Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Í Iacute option-e, + shift-I alt + 0205 Í Í Í Í Í Í Ì Igrave option-`, + shift-I alt + 0204 Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Î Icircumflex option-i, + shift-I alt + 0202 Î Î Î Î Î Î ï idiersis option-u, + i alt + 0239 ï ï ï ï ï ï í iacute option-e, + i alt + 0237 í í í í í í ì igrave option-`, + i alt + 0236 ì ì ì ì ì ì î icircumflex option-i, + i alt + 0238 î î î î î î Ö Odiersis option-u, + shift-O alt + 0214 Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö Ó Oacute option-e, + shift-O alt + 0211 Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó Ó Ò Ograve option-`, + shift-O alt + 0210 Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Õ Otilde option-n, + shift-O alt + 0213 Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Ô Ocircumflex option-i, + shift-O alt + 0212 Ô Ô Ô Ô Ô Ô ö odiersis option-u, + o alt + 0246 ö ö ö ö ö ö ó oacute option-e, + o alt + 0243 ó ó ó ó ó ó ò ograve option-`, + o alt + 0242 ò ò ò ò ò ò õ otilde option-n, + o alt + 0245 õ õ õ õ õ õ ô ocircumflex option-i, + o alt + 0244 ô ô ô ô ô ô Ü Udiersis option-u, + shift-I alt + 0220 Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Ú Uacute option-e, + shift-I alt + 0218 Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú Ù Ugrave option-`, + shift-I alt + 0217 Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Ù Û Ucircumflex option-i, + shift-I alt + 0219 Û Û Û Û Û Û ü udiersis option-u, + i alt + 0252 ü ü ü ü ü ü ú uacute option-e, + i alt + 0250 ú ú ú ú ú ú ù ugrave option-`, + i alt + 0249 ù ù ù ù ù ù û ucircumflex option-i, + i alt + 0251 û û û û û û Ÿ Ydieresis option-u + Y alt + 0159 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ÿ ydieresis option-u + y alt + 0255 ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ THE PEPPERY KEYSTROKES THE PEPPERYKEY STROKES

Char Name Macintosh Windows Weights

Ç Cedillia shift + opt + C alt + 0199 Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç cedillia opt + c alt + 0231 Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç Ç ı dotlessi shift + option + b alt + 0245 ı ı ı ı ı ı † dagger opt + t alt + 0134 † † † † † † ‡ dagger double shift + option + 7 alt + 0189 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ fi fi ligature shift + option + 5 fi fi fi fi fi fi fl fl ligature shift + option + 6 fl fl fl fl fl fl a ordfeminine option + 9 alt + 0170 a a a a a a o ordmasculine option + 0 alt + 0186 o o o o o o « guillemotleft option + \ alt + 0171 « « « « « « » guillemotright shift + option + \ alt + 0187 » » » » » » ‹ guilsinglleft shift + option + 3 alt + 0139 ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ › guilsinglright shift + option + 4 alt + 0155 › › › › › › • bullet opt + 8 alt + 0149 • • • • • • · period-centered shift + option + 9 alt + 0183 · · · · · · ß sharp s opt+s alt + 0223 ß ß ß ß ß ß § z section option +6 alt + 0167 § § § § § § ¶ paragraph option +7 alt + 0182 ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¢ cent opt + 4 alt + 0162 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ƒ florin option + f alt + 0131 ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ‰ perthousand shift + option + r alt + 0137 ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ £ sterling opt + 3 alt + 0163 £ £ £ £ £ £ ¥ yen option + y alt + 0165 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ° degree shift + option + 8 alt + 0186 ° ° ° ° ° ° € euro shift + option + 2 alt + 0164 € € € € € € ® registered opt + r alt + 0174 ® ® ® ® ® ® © copyright opt + g alt + 0169 © © © © © © ™ trademark opt + 2 alt + 0153 ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Æ AE shift + opt + ‘ alt + 0198 Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ æ ae opt + ‘ alt + 0230 æ æ æ æ æ æ Ø O slash shift + option + o alt + 0216 Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø ø o slash option + o alt + 0248 ø ø ø ø ø ø Œ OE option + shift + q alt + 0140 Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ œ oe option + q alt + 0156 œ œ œ œ œ œ ¿ question down shift + option + / alt + 0191 ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¡ exclam down option + 1 alt + 0161 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ... ellipsis option + ; alt + 0133 ...... – en dash opt + - alt + 0150 – – – – – – — em dash shift + opt + - alt + 0151 — — — — — — “ quote dbl left opt + [ alt + 0147 “ “ “ “ “ “ ” quote dbl right shift + opt + [ alt + 0148 ” ” ” ” ” ” ‘ quote sgl left opt + ] alt + 0145 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ quote sgl right shift + opt + ] alt + 0146 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ‚ quote sgl base shift + opt + zero alt + 0130 ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ „ quote dbl base shift + opt + w alt + 0132 „ „ „ „ „ „ THE PANFORTE INSTALLATION

MACINTOSH OSX INSTRUCTIONS WINDOWS INSTRUCTIONS Download the font file archive (.zip) from the Download the font file archive (.zip) from the site, saving it in a folder, site, saving it in a folder, then extract the file from the archive with the then extract the file from the archive with the shell (right clic) or with software (e.g. Winzip). shell (right clic) or with software (e.g. Winzip). To install, simply click on the font file to Open Control Panel and double-click the install using System Font Book, or copy the Fonts folder, then go to the “file” menu and fonts to the “Fonts” folder inside your “Library” select “Install new font” folder. Browse to the location where you extracted If you want your fonts to be available to ap- the .zip file, select and click OK. plications running in “Classic” mode, copy your fonts in the OS 9.1 System folder in the “Fonts” OPENTYPE COMMENTS folder. OpenType fonts (Pro versions) will work Fonts installed in the OS 9.1 System folder with Macintosh OS 8.1 and above with Adobe will also be available in OSX in classic applica- Type Manager 4.6 or higher. They will work with tions. Microsoft Windows 95 or higher with Adobe Type Manager 4.1 or higher. The OpenType font THIRD PARTY FONT MANAGEMENT files are cross-platform compaztible—you can SOFTWARE use them on a Macintosh or PC. If you’re using ATM Deluxe, Suitcase, Master Juggler, Font Reserve or some other third party NEED HELP? utility, please refer to their instructions. Contact us: [email protected]