Prananda Luffiansyah Malasan Feeding a Crowd: Hybridity and the Social Infrastructure behind Street Food Creation in Bandung, Indonesia Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 3, December 2017, pp. 505-529. How to Cite: Malasan, Prananda Luffiansyah. Feeding a Crowd: Hybridity and the Social Infrastructure behind Street Food Creation in Bandung, Indonesia. Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 6, No. 3, December 2017, pp. 505-529. Link to this article: View the table of contents for this issue: Subscriptions: For permissions, please send an e-mail to:
[email protected] Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Feeding a Crowd: Hybridity and the Social Infrastructure behind Street Food Creation in Bandung, Indonesia Prananda Luffiansyah Malasan* Based on ethnographic research on street vendors’ activities in Bandung city, this article attempts to uncover the production process of street food. Drawing on Simone’s (2004) idea of people as infrastructure, the research focuses on street vending activities as a conjunction of heterogeneous activities and modes of produc- tion that becomes a platform to support the vendors’ livelihood: for example, the ways in which vendors achieve efficiency in street food production. We need to consider, however, the roles of various actors surrounding the street vending activ- ities that directly or indirectly contribute to the production process of street food, as well as the large network that is created as social infrastructure.