
Dear Parishioners and Supporters of Cyril of Parish:

As we bid farewell to a very challenging year, we find strength in our relationship with Jesus, his Blessed Mother, and his . As we ring in the new year with the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, we ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for us and our Church. May she help bring about a renewal of faith, hope, and love that draws us ever closer to her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

This year of crisis has tried our patience and tested our faith. Francis says that a crisis makes us either better or worse; it is impossible to remain the same. In a crisis, the pope writes, "you reveal your own heart: how solid it is, how merciful, how big or small."

As the pastor of Saint Cyril’s I am gratified by how our community has responded to this crisis which has revealed the strength and resilience of our parishioners. Despite the limitations imposed by the pandemic, we have continued celebrating Mass (outside and online), Confessions, and funerals. We have visited the sick, welcomed adults into the Church, and celebrated the of First Communion and with our young people. Many parishioners have reached out to ask how they can help those who are struggling, offering to deliver groceries and other assistance. Our community has helped those in need through food drives, blood drives, and providing direct assistance to struggling families. The dedicated teachers and staff of our school have worked harder than ever to continue providing a quality Catholic education to our students via distance learning.

I have been inspired by the faith of our people and by the generosity of so many who have supported our parish despite your own financial challenges. Your sacrifices have made it possible for our parish to continue our ministry during this difficult time. I am grateful to Fr. and our parish staff who have continued to so valiantly serve our parish this year. I am grateful to our dedicated ministers and volunteers who have worked so hard to ensure our Masses are celebrated as safely and as responsibly as possible. I also appreciate all of the personal calls, emails cards, and notes and other acts of kindness from so many of you expressing your care and concern for me. Your support has lifted my spirits!

While the pandemic continues to cause unimaginable suffering and loss of life, there is light ahead. Let us fervently pray that the vaccines will begin to slow the spread of the virus and bring about an end to the pandemic so that we can return to a more normal way of life and worship very soon. In the meantime, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I am deeply mindful that many of our parishioners have been sheltering at home to protect their own health and safety and have not returned to church since March. I hope you know you are not forgotten! You are valued members of our community and I lift you up in my prayers each and every day.

As your pastor, I offer my deepest thanks for your support and I extend my blessings for a happy, healthy, and hope-filled New Year. May 2021 may be a brighter year for us all!

Gratefully Yours in Christ, Father Mac